Who created Russian Chemical Society? Russian Chemical Society in Menndeleev

Glass and glass products 22.09.2020

D. I. Mendeleev is one of the greatest scientists in the field of natural science, whose name will forever be in the history of science along with the names of Archimedes, M. V. Lomonosov, Ch. Darwin, and others.

Truda D. I. Mendeleev Multifungal: Chemistry, physics, meteorology, metrology, industry, agriculture, shipbuilding, aeronautics.

"Brilliant chemist, a first-class physicist, a fruitful researcher in the field of hydrodynamics, meteorology, geology, in various departments of chemical technology, a deep connoisseur of the chemical industry, the state mind, which, unfortunately, was not destined to become a state person, but who saw and understood the tasks and The future of Russia is better than representatives of official power. That was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. "- So wrote in 1922 L. A. Chuhan, Professor of Chemistry of Petrograd University, author of the first detailed study of the vital and creative path of D. I. Mendeleev.

The bright page of the life of Mendeleev is his work on the organization of the Russian Chemical Society (RO), which is still a center for the scientific thought of the leading chemists of our country. In 2008 marks 140 years from the day of Education.

The object of research is Russian and All-Union chemical Society them. D. I. Mendeleev.

The subject of our study is to study the activities of D. I. Mendeleev on the creation and work of ROP, the work of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev, studying the activities of the Vologda branch of the ROP.

Our goal is to find out the role of the personality of a scientist in Ro PHO - its organization, the formation, the collection of local lore material on the organization and work of a chemical society.

1. To study the history of the creation of a chemical society, his goals.

2. To explore the activities of D. I. Mendeleev in the period from 1860 to 1907 and to determine the contribution of D. I. Mendeleev to the establishment and organization of the Russian Chemical Society.

3. Collect material about the presidents of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev, the work of Mendeleev Congresses.

4. Examine the work of the Vologda branch of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev.

5. Collect local history material for members of the Russian Chemical Society.

Research methods:

1. Study of literature and archival documents.

2. Analysis of literature and work with it.

3. Collecting local lore material about members of the Russian and All-Union Society.

Analysis of literature

Work on this topic began with the study of literature on the life and activities of Mendeleev, published in different years. Analysis of literary and archival sources was based on the following issues:

What period did the need to unite scientists in Chemical Society?

Who stood at the origins of the creation of PHO?

What is the basis of the activities of RO?

Did political events affect the work of the ROH in that period and this time?

We managed to detect and read the unique edition - the book of A. Arkhangelsky 1907 - "Mendeleev, his scientific and social activities." This book was released in Bryansk and devoted to the memory of D. I. Mendeleev, was compiled by his speech at a meeting of the Warsaw mug of teachers of physics and mathematics. The income from the sale of this publication entered the construction of the monument to the Great Chemist. The author shows the multi-mindedness of the activities of a great scientist who has achieved global recognition during life.

In 1951, the younger daughter Dmitry Mendeleev Maria Dmitrievna was published "Archive D. I. Mendeleev", which presents bibliographic notes, compiled by the scientists themselves at the end of their lives. In them, Mendeleev allocated work, trips; I remembered where his articles were published, right up to the pages. The fact that he considered the most important thing is emphasized \u003d or ≡. T. about. Mendeleev left behind a whole archive (55 volumes), the results of life, in which a brief and clear assessment of each of their works is given. Mendeleev himself said about this: "The one who will write my biography will tell me thank you."

The next book, which helped us in studying the topic - "The chronicle of the life and activity of D. I. Mendeleev". It reproduced the main events of the life and activities of D. I. Mendeleev. These archival documents helped us restore the chronology of the works of D. I. Mendeleev and his personal attitude towards one or another issues.

Since the creation of a Russian chemical society refers to those years of a scientist when he worked at the University of St. Petersburg (and this is 40 years of his life), where he received his education, went away from Privat-Docent to a well-deserved professor, where his laboratory and apartment was placed, where the first organizational assembly of the Russian chemical society was held, then when A. A. Makareni and I. N. Filimonova "D. I. Mendeleev and University of St. Petersburg, "we simply were obliged to learn it. She helped to assess the political situation of that time, the attitude of officials to science. Here is the period of formation of the PHO.

To the 75th anniversary of the Periodic Law and the Russian Chemical Society in 1947 in the Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a book illuminating this event was published. The collection included the main materials of the ceremonial meetings, the reports of leading scientists A. A. Baikov, A. E. Fesman, A. F. Ioffe, A. I. Lazareva, V. V. Kozlov. Books of Professor V. V. Kozlova "Essays History of Chemical Societies of the USSR", in 1958 Edition

The Academy of Sciences of the USSR - "All-Union Chemical Societies named after D. I. Mendeleev" are a huge study on the study of chemical societies, including the Russian chemical society created by Mendeleev. It is covered in it such sections as "Organization of the Russian Chemical Society", "Public and Scientific and Technical Activities of the Russian Physics and Chemical Society", "Work of the All-Union Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev", "Scientific and Technical Conferences, Meetings, Symposia " and etc.

In these literary sources, we learned information about the prominent figures of the ROP, the history of the Company's magazine.

To study the activities of the Vologda branch of the All-Union Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev, we analyzed the materials of the local archive, which helped our study on the fact of the importance of chemical society in modern worldThey had the opportunity to personally talk with the chairman of the Vologda branch of the Chemical Society I. A. Podolic.

When collecting material about the vice-president of the Russian Chemical Society, L. Chuhana, we appealed to the archive of the Gyroval Museum of Local Lore and the Savior-Obnora Monastery.

To study the work of Mendeleev Congresses, we have been a selection of magazines, a conversation with the participants of the XI and XII congresses, the photographic material is assembled.

To collect data on the presidents of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleeva enjoyed the Internet search engine.

3. The emergence and formation of a chemical society in Russia

3. 1 Organization and development of Russian Chemical Society

"Chemical scientific societies and unions - voluntary associations of persons engaged in scientific research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology teaching these sciences working at the enterprises of the chemical industry and in factory laboratories, as well as persons who, regardless of their profession, promote chemistry progress and are interested in it Success "- this is how the determination of chemical societies in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia.

Chemical scientific societies and unions began to occur only in the 1st half of the 19th century. Under the influence of the industrial revolution. Prior to that, the mutual communication of chemists was carried out by personal contacts, correspondence, reading reports at the Academy of Sciences and Scientific Societies of Natural Sciences. There were also informal collections of chemists (for example, A. Lavauzier in 1770-90). The first was the physico-chemical society based in 1807 (by other data in 1805) K. L. Bertoll and P. S. Laplas in the Paris Mascier Arkay. It has about 20 members, among which were J. B. Bio, J. L. Gay-Loussak, A. Gumboldt, O. P. Decadol, P. L. Dulg, E, L. Malyus, S. D, Poisson , L. J. Tenor and others. After the restoration of Bourbon, the society was closed as "the hearth of Bonapartism." The basic principles of the activities of this society are a comprehensive discussion of scientific work to their publication, complete freedom of expression, the responsibility of the authors for the facts reported by them and conclusions - remained guidelines for chemical societies that have arisen later. The oldest chemical societies: London (1841), Parisian (1857, with 1907 - French Chemical Society), German (1867), Russian (1868) and American (1876).

In 1857, D. I. Mendeleev prepared a press on the press, in favor of "sociability" in science, on the role of scientific societies in strengthening this trend; Developing sciences. "Publicity and mutual post is needed in science, where nothing is solved by the arbitrariness of a person, where only one truth is reigning," the scientist wrote.

On January 4, 1868, a group of members of the Congress of the Congress issued a decree on the need to unite Chemotics of Russia to Chemical Society. Among them were D. I. Mendeleev, N. Menshutkin, V. V. Markovnikov, A. A. Voskresensky, A. P. Borodin, A. N. Engelgardt, F. R. harmful. These scientists read the following statement: "The Chemical Section stated a unanimous desire to connect to the Chemical Society to communicate the forces of Russian chemists. The section believes that this society will have members in all cities of Russia, and that his edition will include the works of Russian chemists printed in Russian. The section asks to apply for the establishment of Russian Chemical Society. "

The charter of RHO was compiled by the meeting of chemists on the apartment of Mendeleev.

On February 1, 1868, D. I. Mendeleev read the draft charter of the Russian Chemical Society (RHO) at a meeting of the Commission on the Company's Company. On February 15, 1868, the Charter was approved at the meeting of members of the founders, and on February 17, he was discussed at a meeting of the Physical and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University.

On September 19, 1868 D. I. Mendeleev at the final organizational meeting of RHO issued the opinion of the Ministry of National Education on the Company's Charter.

On November 6 (November 18), 1868 held the first organizational meeting of the Russian Chemical Society. In the old chemical audience of the St. Petersburg University gathered RO "In order to promote the successes of all parts of chemistry and distribute chemical knowledge."

The chairman of the first meeting was D. I. Mendeleev. Starting its activities, RTO expressed his appreciation to D. I. Mendeleev and N. A. Menshutkin for their works on the organization of the association of Russian chemists. At the first meeting of RHO D. I. Mendeleev elected to the Commission to prepare the publication of the Company's magazine. N. N. Zinin became the President of the Company.

By December 4, 1869, 60 members of the Russian Chemical Society were in the first annual list, of which 42 people from St. Petersburg, 7- from Kazan, 3- from Moscow, 2- from Kiev, for one person from Kharkov, Warsaw, Vilna, Dankova Ryazan province (see applications).

In accordance with § 2 of the Company's Charter, the reception to the members was limited, since he provided for the attraction of only persons engaged in the teaching of chemistry, or persons having handwritten or printed work on chemistry.

On December 5, 1868, the second meeting of RPO was held, where D. I. Mendeleev made a message about the estimate of the publication of the magazine RO.

In May 1869, the first issue of the "magazine of the Russian Chemical Society" was published with the article by D. I. Mendeleev "The ratio of properties with the atomic weight of the elements."

On May 3, 1876, D. I. Mendeleev, together with a number of scientists, signed the charter of the new Joint Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFO).

On April 19, 1878, the first meeting of the Joint Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFO) took place. F. F. Petrushevsky became the chairman. D. I. Mendeleev made a report "On the device of the scales appointed for the production of experiments on the gases."

In the period 1868-1917, the Company was mainly from professors and teachers of higher educational institutions and very few workers in industry (10-12%). The number of members of the Company in 1869 was 60 people. (129 in 1879, 237 in 1889, 293 in 1899, 364 in 1909, 565 in 1917).

So, the period of organization of the Chemical Society is over for more than 10 years. By the mid-19th century, St. Petersburg was the scientific center. The bulk of scientists who made up the nucleus of RHO worked in this city. Among them are N. N. Zinin, D. I. Mendeleev, A. M. Butlerov, A. A. Voskresensky, A. P. Borodin, N. A. Messutkin. All these scientists have made huge contribution In the development of domestic science. It should be noted that to combine scientists together, withstand the pressure of the royal regime, only those people who have even organizers and diplomatic abilities could legitimize their activities. By that time, D. I. Mendeleev was a little more than thirty years. Probably his youth, vital activity, organizational abilities helped overcome all the difficulties, and the education of society took place.

3. 2 Outstanding Chemical Society Footwritings

The organization of activities is unthinkable without leadership, which is responsible for the work of society, directs it, engaged in the selection of speeches and reports, determines the subjects of the meetings. The leadership depended on the scientific activities and organization of the Company. Therefore, first of all, their authority was evaluated in scientific circles and organizational abilities. Presidents of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society alternately chose the chairmen of chemistry and physics offices. The assistant of the president was the chosen recorder of society, and since 1901 - the selected vice president. In the application chronological procedure, the presidents of the Company and the years of their activities are indicated.

After examining the composition and guideling link of Russian Chemical Society, we concluded that these scientists raised their science at a high level, increased the glory of our country in the scientific world.

3. 3 performances by D. I. Mendeleev at meetings of RO

A prominent place in the activities of D. I. Mendeleev was occupied by the organization of science. The period of his life from 1868 to 1890 was saturated with research activities. He himself experiments with a lot, works with students, young scientists, is an example for them. It was during this period that the rise of chemical science was noted. The center of scientific thought was RO. It should be noted that D. I. Mendeleev raised the authority of a chemical society. It was he who mostly introduced the members of the ROC with the works of foreign scientists, reported the results of his experiments, conducted their discussion. Speeches D. I. Mendeleev are very multifaceted, they refer not only to different sections of chemistry, but also include work in physics, mineralogy. At the meetings of the Society D. I. Mendeleev pays a lot of attention to the development of agriculture and industry issues. It is he who activates the scientific work of society, is an example for young scientists, for whom it was an honor to defend themselves at meetings of RO.

All their work, experiments of Mendeleev expressed at the meetings of ROH. Having studied the archive and the chronicle of the life of a scientist, we chose the most vivid speeches by D. I. Mendeleev at the meetings of the ROP (see application).

Having worked out a selection of speeches, we allocated themes to which D. I. Mendeleev paid focus:

1. Natural chemical element system.

2. Aquatic and alcohol-containing solutions.

3. Crystal hydrates.

4. Nature peroxide.

5. Oil, its origin and distillation methods.

6. Elasticity, compressibility, expansion of gases.

7. Measurement system. Hydrogen and oil metric thermometers.

8. Production of individual substances in industry.

Many sessions of the Company were dedicated to the analysis of research of different fossils, especially the various pursuit of Baku oil, gases and deposits.

The greatest rise in scientific thought is accounted for by the period of its work at the St. Petersburg University and work by the President of the ROS, that is, the 70s and the 80s of the 19th century. D. I. Mendeleev in his speeches paid great attention to the two sciences: chemistry and physics. Before the unification of his speeches was duplicated at the chemistry department and the physics department. Probably, this was the association of a chemical and physical society in one - Russian physico-chemical society.

We see that D. I. Mendeleev at meetings of RHO has always informed about various discoveries in the field of chemistry, promoted young scientists, helped industrial workers in the development of substances.

3. 4 Public and Scientific Activities RFO

The first official scientific meeting of the Russian Chemical Society was held on November 6, 1868, chaired by D. I. Mendeleev. From this day, the RHO meeting was held regularly on the first Thursdays of each month (except for three summer vacation months) and always began at 7 o'clock. 30 minutes. Evenings.

Canceled meetings only on very important reasons. So, for example, a meeting was not held on February 7, 1880 in connection with the death of N. N. Zinin and A. A. Voskresensky. In January 1905, a few days after the mass execution of the workers on January 9, the meetings of physics and chemistry departments were canceled in protest.

In the first year of the Company (1869), 9 meetings were held. They presented 84 scientific communications and statements about interesting, new research, discoveries that were reflected on the pages of the Company's magazine. Members of the Company participated in the work of the congresses, acquainted with the writings of foreign scientists.

A serious achievement of a chemical society was the creation of a library of society, which was founded in 1877. The library organized a wide exchange of publications with foreign societies, institutions and publishers. Starting a chemical society, Russian chemists assumed that the creation of an independent chemical magazine should be the first priority task. From the very first days of its official activity, it opened a petition for the publication of the journal in accordance with §8 of the Company's Charter. At a meeting on March 6, 1869, the Delivery of Society N. A. Menshutkin reported that on February 10, permission was received from the Main Directorate for Print Affairs. On April 3, 1869, the 1st issue of LRCHO was presented. In 1869, 9 issues came out. From 1872, at the suggestion of Mendeleev, the journal began to be published protocols of meetings and scientific works of members of the physical society, in 1878. Transformed into the "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society". The President of the English Chemical Society William Palmery Winnie March 27, 1924 said: "Try to familiarize yourself with the Russian language so much to gain access to the treasury of values, which is called the" magazine of the Russian Chemical Society ". A similar statement speaks of enormous popularity and respect for the magazine RO.

4. All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev

4. 1. The main objectives and objectives of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev

All-Union Chemical Scientific Society named after D. I. Mendeleev was under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies (ENTO) with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (VDSPS). Organized in 1932 by the Resolution of the VI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists, scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers, workers - innovatives of production, regardless of their departmental affiliation. All-Union Chemical Society is the successor to Russian chemical society.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the number of members of society has increased dramatically, the content, form and amount of its work changed. The main thing in his activity was: attracting chemists and other specialists, students of young people and advanced workers to scientific and technical creativity, improving socialist production; Enterprise advanced training of science and industry workers: propaganda of the success of chemistry among the broad masses of the working people. To unite and develop the creative initiative and social activities of members of the Chemical Society, to develop current comprehensive scientific and technical issues, preparation of conferences, meetings, etc. Activities in the central and local government of the Company work scientific and technical and specialized sections, committees, commissions and brigades. Public universities of technical progress have acquired great popularity, increasing scientific and technical knowledge of members. Together with the USSR Academy of Sciences and others. Organizations society holds Mendeleev's congresses in general and applied chemistry. Such congresses from 1907 (in St. Petersburg) in 1981 (in Baku) took place 12. The congresses at the congresses were the leading scientists of the country's chemists and overseas scientists. The Ximical Society organizes competitions of scientific and production and technical works of their members. Since 1965, the Presidium of the Chemical Society, together with the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, awarded the competitions of the Gold Medal named after D. I. Mendeleev for work in the field of chemical sciences and technologies that have an important theoretical or practical significance. The Presidium of Chemical Society Together with industry ministries and trade unions, annually holds reviews of the implementation of the implementation of the achievements of science and technology in national economy and measures to improve the technical level, quality and reliability of chemical products. In the period of 70-80. Chemical society included 86 local branches (boards) in the republics and major cities of the USSR, which were about 320,000 members and over 140,000 young chemists - secondary school students.

2. Presidents of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev

After studying the literature, we noticed that the Soviet period of the country's leading chemists is not fully presented. In the publication "Russian professors. Chemical sciences. »Presented the period 18 - In the first 20B. In the directory "Who is who in Russian chemistry" issued by the Russian chemical society. D. I. Mendeleev, presents the current period. The most difficult period of the work of RO them. Mendeleeva - 90s is not submitted anywhere. Information regarding the work of the Vologda branch, we learned their archival materials. Below is a briefly collected material about the presidents of the Soviet period in EMP.

Bach Aleksey Nikolaevich (5 (17). 3. 1857, Zolotonosha Poltava region, - 13. 5. 1946, Moscow), Soviet scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945). Founder of school of Soviet biochemists. From 1875 he studied at the University of Kiev, from which in 1878. For participation in political speeches, students were excluded and expelled for 3 years in Belozersk. Upon returning to Kiev joined the organization of "People's Will". From 1883 there lived illegally, led the revolutionary work in Yaroslavl, Kazan. From 1885 he lived in emigration in France, USA (1891-92), Switzerland and engaged in scientific activities. In 1917 returned to Russia. In 1918, he organized a central chemical laboratory at the Volnss RSFSR, which was then transformed into the Physico-Chemical Institute. L. Ya. Karpova, whose director was until the end of life. From 1928 he headed the All-Union Association of Science and Technology Workers. In 1935, he organized together with A. I. Oparin Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, was his director (in 1944 the institute was assigned the name Bach). Since 1935, President of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. In 1939-45. Academician Secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Favorskiy Alexey Evgrafovich (20. 2 (3. 3). 1860, Pavlovo Gorky region, - 8. 8. 1945, Leningrad), Soviet chemist-organizing, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929; Corresponding Member 1922), Hero of Socialist Labor ( 1945). In 1882 he graduated from St. Petersburg University, where Dr. I. Mendeleeva worked as A. M. Butlerova. From 1896 Professor of St. Petersburg University, also worked in the Leningrad Chemical Technology Institute and in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where he was the first director (1934-38) created on his initiative of the Institute organic chemistry. The main works in the field of chemistry of unsaturated organic compounds. In 1900-05, studying the condensation of acetylene hydrocarbons with ketones under the influence of caustic potassium, the Favorsky opened a new method for the synthesis of tertiary acetylene alcohols. A. E. Favorsky created one of the schools of Soviet chemists-organic. The works of the Favorsky and his students in the field of unsaturated compounds were theoretical basis Industrial rubber synthesis in the USSR. In 1941, A. E. Favorus was awarded the USSR State Prize (1941). Awarded with 4 Lenin orders, the Order of the Labor Red Banner and Medals. In 1919, Vice-President of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleeva, from 1935 P1937. - President of the Leningrad Research Chemical Society.

Dubinin Mikhail Mikhailovich is the president in them. D. I. Mendeleev since 1946-1950 developed the theory of diffusion of electrolytes, its works are of great importance for cleaning gases and division them.

Rodionov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1878-1954) - President in 1950 to 1954. , Professor of Chemical - Technological Institute. D. I. Mendeleev.

Knunyantz Ivan Ludwigovich - President in 1954 to 1956. And the chief editor of the "magazine in Ech. D. I. Mendeleev, "the chief editor of the chemical encyclopedia.

Losev Ivan Platonovich (1878-1963) - President in 1956 to 1963. , MKTI was headed by the Department of High Molecular Technologies.

Wolfkovich Semen Isaakovich (11 (23). 10. 1896 - 12. 11. 1980) Born G. Ananyev, Kherson province, now Odessa region, Soviet chemist, and technologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946). In 1920 He graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Professor of the Moscow Institute of National Economy and the Moscow Higher Technical School (since 1929), the Military Academy of Chemical Protection (from 1932), Moscow University (since 1946). The author of the processing of the chiban apatitis, Karatau phosphorites and other types of raw materials, on the technology of obtaining concentrated and complex fertilizers, animal feeding facilities. Wolfkovich participated in the creation of the industry of mineral fertilizers in the USSR, in the chemicalization of agriculture. From 1937 S. I. Wolfkovich Member of the Presidium, and from 1963. Until 1980, President of the BECOCO-Union of the Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev. He was awarded 3 Lenin orders, the Order of the Labor Red Banner and Medals, the USSR State Prize in 1941. , in 1967. - Gold medal. D. I. Mendeleev per cycle of works in the chemistry of phosphates and the development of obtaining concentrated fertilizers, a gold medal. M. V. Lomonosov for developing the scientific foundations of the chemicalization of agriculture in 1976. "Hold your finger on the pulse of life!" - That was the requirement of S. I. Wolfkovich to everyone who worked with him.

Fokin Alexander Vasilyevich was born 13 (26). 8. 1912. In Kizyl-Arvat, Turkmen SSR, Soviet chemist-organizing, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974; Corresponding Member 1968). After graduating from the Military Academy of Chemical Protection (1935), he worked as an engineer-technologist in the chemical industry; In 1941-47 in owls. Army. From 1947 he worked at the Military Academy of Chemical Protection (in 1959-1970 Head of the Department). Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1974). He is one of the authors modern method Concentration and storage of fragmentation radioactive isotopes. Author of more than 250 published works and 150 inventions, many of which are implemented in industry. Awarded the Order of the October Revolution, 4 Dr. orders, as well as medals. Since 1980, for ten years, he was president of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev.

The 90s are difficult not only for EMP, but also for the whole country. The period of restructuring, when ideals are crumbling, when science leaves not what to the background, but much further, to resist such time scientific societies are very difficult. Many regional chemical companies cease their work in connection with the termination of financing. This happened to the Vologda Chemical Society. The resumption period was very difficult, but still, chemical society exists and it pleases.

4. 3 Mendeleev Congresses.

Mendeleev's congresses that pass in our country since 1907 play an important role in the unification of domestic chemists, in mobilizing scientists to solve problems of chemistry. In this chapter, we will submit information about 4 congresses - the first and three more: X, XI, whose XII-delegate was I. A. Folodol, head of the Vologda branch in them. D. I. Mendeleev, who kindly shared information and impressions with us.

I Mendeleev Congress took place from 19 to 30 December, with the exception of 25, 27, 28 December. In the regional library them. Babushkina preserved the diary of the I Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, released in 1907, whose pages we had the opportunity to overflow. 1008 people took part in the work. On December 20, in memory of D. I. Mendeleev, the following reports were presented:

1. V. E. Tishchenko "A brief bibliographic essay D. I. Mendeleev."

2. D. P. Konovalov "General Review of scientists by D. I. Mendeleev".

3. N. N. Beketov "The meaning of the Periodic Law".

4. B. F. Browner "On periodic system In connection with the question of rare lands. "

In the lists of delegates of the I Mendeleev Congress, we found a teacher of the natural science of the male gymnasium of the Vologda province of Yeltsov Vladimir Konstantinovich.

X Mendeleev Congress (Jubilee) passed in 1969 in Leningrad and was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the opening of the periodic law. At the congress, reports on the periodic system and the synthesis of new elements, quantum mechanics, the meaning of the periodic law for modern chemistry were heard. An interesting detail describes the delegate of this congress I. A. Farm in his book of memories: "Gathered outstanding chemists in the world. According to the traditions at Mendeleev's congresses for the best scientific work a Gold Medal and Menndeleev's Diploma are awarded. That year she was awarded to Academician Nikolay Mikhailovich Zhavoronkov. Award-denunity is given to the twenty-minute report. Having finished speaking, Nikolai Mikhailovich asked the delegates to the Mendeleev Congress permission to invite one of the guests to the scene. From the audience, an old man was raised. Nikolai Mikhailovich presented his hall: "This is my school teacher who forced me to love chemistry. I want a sign of appreciation Gold medal To transfer to him together with the best wishes of health and long-life life! "The hall stood up and arranged the ovation to the school teacher. Applauded academicians and memberships, professors and associate professors, engineers and researchers, all foreign guests. Everyone at that time remembered his teachers. Dried The old man said only one phrase: "For the sake of this it was worth living."

The XI Mendeleev Congress passed to Alma -The in 1975 from September 22 to September 27. About 3,000 representatives of the chemical science and industry, workers of academies of sciences, universities took part in the congress. At this congress, reports of the leaders of a number of industries were presented: chemical, oil refining, non-ferrous metallurgy. At this congress, the main directions of the development of the national economy were proposed for 1976-1980, which were approved at the XXV CPSU Congress. President in him. D. I. Mendeleev Academician A. V. Fokin handed the gold medal to them. D. I. Mendeleev Academician G. G. Ninth for outstanding progress in the field of chemistry and technologies of particularly clean substances.

As part of the congress, 19 sections worked, 4,900 people were made with reports. Foreign scientists participated in the congress. Professor P. Savich (SFRY) said: "I urge all scientists to program only the peaceful results of my scientific research such meetings as the current forum at the hospitable Azerbaijani land, fasten our efforts in the interests of the security of peoples and progress."

5. ROD on the Vologda Earth

5. 1 Vologda branch of the All-Union Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev

The work of the Vologda branch in the name D. I. Mendeleev was organized from 1969 to 1992. In March 1969, the United Scientific Conference of the Department of Pedagogical Institute (VGPI), the North-West Polytechnic Institute (SPI), the Milk Institute (VSI), dedicated to the memory of DI Mendeleev, took place in Vologda. In June 1969, a constituent conference was held on the establishment of a department of all-union chemical society in the Vologda region (EMP). The Chairman was elected associate professor in the Department of Chemistry VGPI I. A. Podolic. Members of the Board were chosen by representatives of all universities of the Vologda region:

L. A. Korobeynikova, Yu. G. Sazhinov, Yu. D. Shevkoplyas, R. A. Paramonov,

Z. V. Kireeva.

The Vologda Office has entered the engineering and technical staff of the factories, representatives of the Department of Pedagogical, Polytechnic, Milk Institutions of Vologda and Cherepovets. As of January 1, 1971, in the Vologda branch in the Volga region. D. I. Mendeleev consisted of 286 people.

The main activities in the EMP. D. I. Mendeleeva:

1. Participation in the discussion of all chemical industries in Vologda.

2. Environmental, economic discussion of projects. Examination of a number of chemical projects.

Prohibition of the construction of a plant for the destruction of combat poisoning substances in Sune.

Construction in Cherepovets shop to dispose of mercury lamps.

3. Research.

Protection of metals from corrosion.

Testing new types of inhibitors, their effect on the strength properties of steels under conditions of low-cycle loads.

Cleaning wastewater in the production of ammonia sodium hypochloride.

Installation and testing of the biochemical installation on wastewater disqualification.

4. Conduct regional seminars, conferences, work with periodic seal.

During 1969-1970, a number of conferences dedicated to the memory of DI Mendeleev were organized, exhibitions and stands were organized. In the regional newspaper "Red North" printed materials about D. I. Mendeleev.

On June 10-11, 1977, a regional scientific-practical conference was held on the memory of L. A. Chuhan.

Conducting regional reviews by themes:

"Development of new and improving existing technical control methods in chemical production."

"Chemical technologies and protection ambient».

5. Work with personnel - assistance in studies, preparing dissertations.

6. Holding chemical Olympiads - from school to republican; Preparation of students to the Olympiads.

The authority of the Vologda Chemical Society was high. By 1981, the organization numbered 950 members. And this is all thanks to the organizational abilities, the initiative, the inexhaustible activity of the permanent Chairman of the Professor Society of the Department of Chemistry - Isaac Abramovich Podolic.

Isaac Abramovich Podolic. Chairman of the Vologda branch of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev from 1969 to 1991.

Per active work He was repeatedly awarded honorary certificates, twice - Medal D. I. Mendeleev, Medal L. A. Chuhana; He was a delegate of five Mendeleev Congresses.

The work of chemical society has always been depending on the political situation in the country. So it was during the work of D. I. Mendeleev, so there is now. With collapse Soviet Union Many structures collapsed. Failed to survive and the Vologda branch of the Embassion to D. I. Mendeleev. On January 10, 1992, a meeting of the Presidium was gathered in the behalf of D. I. Mendeleev, who issued a decree on termination of work in connection with the termination of financing and the release of primary organizations from the Company. It was not necessary, apparently, and another such bright person, which was I. A. Folodol, who by that time he retired. "Are there again a chemical society on the Vologda Earth regenerate?" - With such a question we turned to Isaac Abramovich. "Let's hope. Rather, it is obliged to be revived, since in the Vologda region there are some of the largest chemical industries - Cherepovetsky plants: "Ammophos", "nitrogen factory", "Metallurgical Combine" - expressed hope I. A. Podolic.

Isaac Abramovich kindly presented us with his awards, which he was noted, being the chairman of the Vologda branch in Easter. (See applications). In the Vologda Art Gallery, two unique works of Artists of Rundaltsov and MEE - Portraits of DI Mendeleev, who were found by I. A. Podolnoye.

5. 2 Life and activity of L. A. Chuhana (1873-1922), Vice President of the ROGO, in the Vologda Earth

In this chapter, I would like to note the activities of the representative of the Steering Room of the RHO - L. A. Chuhan, who was the vice-president of the Chemical Society after the death of D. I. Mendeleev, in 1913. , 1918-1920.

Vice-President of the Company (1913, 1918-1920.), Secretary of the first Mendeleev Congress. Professor of the Chemistry of Petrograd University. L. A. Chuhany was developed by the theory of complex compounds. Subsequently, at the Academy of Sciences, the Platinum Institute was formed to study Chuhan.

With the name of this scientist, research work is related to the study of local lore material. Last years of L. A. Chuhani's life was held at the Vologda Earth, and he was buried in the territory of the Gryazovetsky district. We are assembled by local history material, the grave L. A. Chuhani was found and visited, which is located in the territory of the Savazo-Troitsky Pavlo-Obnodsky Monastery.

In 1918, L. A. Chuhana brings his wife with children to the Vologda region, which, as a result of a hard life in St. Petersburg and Son's disease, came to relatives in p. Youth of Gryazovetsky district. In addition, Chugaev wanted to organize soap production here, since there was a high assistance. For the period from 1918 to 1922, L. A. Chuhana came three times to the Vologda region. During these years, he lectured in the Vologda Pedagogical Institute. In 1922, L. A. Chuhan got a typhus and died at the station Wild in the Vologda district. He was buried in the territory of the Savior-Trinity Pavlo-Obnodsky Monastery in the village. Junior Gryazovetsky district. In the early 50s, Kareline Pavel Nikolaevich, the dean of the natural geographical faculty, then Vice-Rector of the Vologda Pedagogical Institute, organized the search for the Mogile L. A. Chuhan. P. A. Karelin wrote a letter to the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences with a request to allocate money for a monument. A memorial medal was cast in Leningrad. Cherepovetsky sculptors Husband and the wife of Kontarere erected a monument. While the school existed in p. Junior, students were cared for the grave, and then servants of the monastery. Every year we are there too. (photo See applications)


November 6, 1868 (November 18) In the old chemical audience of St. Petersburg University, chaired by D. I. Mendeleev, held the first general meeting of just established Russian chemical society.

So began the glorious activity of Russian chemical society. The merits of society in the development of chemistry and the chemical industry in our country for all the time of its existence are invaluable. It has become the world's largest organization of chemists, the center of chemical personnel in our country. At the meetings of numerous local branches of the Company, the results of a huge number of experimental and theoretical studies, issues related to the development of the chemical industry and the organization of new chemical industries were discussed. In the Company's magazines, starting from 1869, the largest studies of Russian and Soviet chemists who glorify the domestic science were published.

Society and its local branches have done great work, during the Patriotic War. Many of his members engaged in the defense studies. Local branches of RO facilitated the organization of studies of temporarily evacuated research institutes and universities. An important studies include the search for new types of industrial raw materials, cheap and nutritional feeds for livestock, etc.

In our research work on the basis of literary sources, we reviewed the history of the creation of a chemical society, the contribution of D. I. Mendeleev to the organization and work of the ROP, the materials and memories of Metereevian congresses were presented, on the basis of archival documents, the work of the Vologda department was played. We collected local history material about the member of RHO L. A. Chuhan, so we believe that we fulfilled the tasks. D. I. Mendeleev realized his responsibility of the largest scholar of his time - and for the fate of Russian science as a whole, in all areas, and for the development of the productive forces of the native country whose path he saw with extreme prisons.

Both in the creation and in the development of the activities of the Chemical Society throughout its life, D. I. Mendeleev played a leading role. No outstanding event in the field of chemical sciences passed by the Company. The RFHO turned out to be the strongest influence on the development of all branches of chemical science not only in Russia, but also abroad. By law, the name of D. I. Mendeleev, his inspirer and the organizer. The middle of the 19th century in politically was also not calm, but why in such a difficult time scientists have found strength and desire to unite, and in our democratic time, on the contrary, is the decay? Maybe there are no such great scientists, what was D. I. Mendeleev? I really want to hope that the work of a chemical society and in the Vologda Earth will be in demand, and there are organizers of this case.

In our school, the scientific society of students "Illumination" is working, the school scientific conference is held annually, on which the works dedicated to D. I. Mendeleev are present. This year, a week of chemistry dedicated to the life and activities of DI Mendeleev, a booklet was decorated. It will be our small contribution to the development of a school chemical society.

Russian Chemical Society

Academician A.I.Rusanov

St. Petersburg

Chemical society is one of the most favorite childrens D.I. Mendeleev. These lines are a story about how and why it was created that it was later and what happened. This is what the Russian Disabled newspaper writes on August 17, 1861: "Chemical society, in our opinion, is quite possible in St. Petersburg. Here are the most famous our chemists. Voskresensky, Zinin, Mendeleev, Sokolov, Shishkov, Hodnev and En-Helgardt, - and in general in St. Petersburg, many young people are engaged in studying chemistry. " This quote is notable in two respects. First, the fact that the 27-year-old Mendeleev already falls into the category of "the most famous chemists", and not "young people" (among which were, for example, 19-year-old N.A. Meschutkin, the future famous chemist and " right hand»Mendeleev). Secondly, the fact that the publicly accessible military printed body discusses, it would seem that the narrow problem of creating a professional scientific society indicates that the problem has gained wide public sound. What is it connected with? By that time, the chemists acutely felt the need for such an organization that would have given the possibility of closer professional communication. But the main reason, and it concerned not only chemists was the need for a printed publication to publish the scientific papers of Russian scientists in Russian. Need to say that authority

© Rusanov A.I., 2009

russian chemists in the world was then very high. It is enough to mention that in 1864 the famous German chemist E. Her-Lenmeyer offered A.M. Butlerov to turn his magazine Zeitschrift Fur Chemie Und Pharmacie to the Russian chemist organ (published, however, in German). But our compatriots dreamed of a Russian-speaking edition.

All Russian chemists constructed that chemical society should be created in St. Petersburg, where there was the most significant community of chemists (the second largest in Kazan, the third in Moscow). It can be noted that the "grandfather of Russian chemistry" A.A. Voskreshensky was at that time the rector of the University of St. Petersburg, and the Physics and Mathematics (Chemical did not exist) and the University's Council treated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe education of a chemical society at the university very benevolently. With their support, it was already possible to storm the bureaucratic "Everest" of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment. At this stage, the mass of energy, Mendeleev (he actively helps Menshutykin) gradually becomes the main acting person of the process and regularly informs others about step-by-step promotions. Therefore, it can be said that the official institution of the Company was his personal success.

"With St. Petersburg University, a Russian chemical society is established to promote the successes of all hours

toy chemistry and to distribute chemical knowledge, "such words begins" the charter of Rus-SKARA ChemicalsCago society ", approved by the Journalist Committee of the Ministry of October 26, 1868. From this day, the official activities of the Company began. His first president was N.N.zinin, the second - A.M. Butlerov, the Third - D.I. Indelaeev. In the first year of existence, a chemical society has grown from 35 to 60 members and continued to grow smoothly in the subsequent. It was interesting to combine the features of the club (membership fees, acceptance only on the recommendation of the three members, restrictions to bring out an extraneous), permanently operating chemical seminar (Mendeleev alone made a total of 90 reports) and a scientific publishing house. The emergence of Russian chemical society was met with the enthusiasm of the world scientific public. Many foreign societies and scientific organizations shared their books and magazines, and as a result, in two years, Russian Chemical Society has possessed the chemical library better in Russia. She still remains unique to this day (where else can you take in your hands, for example, the works of Robert Boyle?).

How and what society lived? From his initial charter, we learn that, firstly, members of the Company paid considerable membership fees (10 rubles per year), and secondly, donations are accepted for the development of a society from members, unauthorized persons and institutions,

A group of the chemical section of the first congress of Russian naturalists (Mendeleev stands the second right), who decided to create a Russian chemical society. 1868

about which is printed in protocols. " Now we know our own experience that the first sponsors of any organization are its founders. The founders of the Chemical Society in 1868 were individuals with a rather high income, because it was a professor. According to 1913, Professor of the University received 4500 rubles. (one of the most stable currencies of the world) per year: 300 rubles. more than deputy State Duma, and 5 times more than the most qualified worker (what then there were trainers of trains). Given the small number of the first composition of the chemical society and the high level of all sacrifice from its members (up to the formation of premium funds), as well as the lack of full-time workers who made funds were quite enough to function at first.

As already noted, one of the priorities of society was to create its own magazine. Already at the first, organizational, meeting, the Commission was established (F. F. Beil-Stein, D.I. Indeleev, N.A. Ven-Sundekin) to prepare issues relating to the publication of the magazine. At the second meeting (where Zinin was elected by the President of the Company) Mendeleev presented to the edition of the publication, and on the third editor of Menshut-Kene's magazine introduced the gathered with his first release. So the "Journal of the Russian Chemical Society" arose, in 1878 renamed the "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society".

From the first years of existence, the magazine has gained a high rating, easily fit into existing chemical literature (setting exchange with other chemical journals) and became an important factor in progress

world chemical science. According to the historian of Chemistry, V. Kozlov, already in the first volume of the "magazine of the Russian Chemical Society", more than 220 new compounds were described. The same author cites the words of the President of the English Chemical Society of U.P. Yinnie, said in 1924: "Will not be correct, so that those of us who are still pretty young in order to start learning a foreign language, have tried to familiarize themselves with Russian is so much to gain access to the treasury of values, which is called the "magazine of the Russian Chemical Society". " However, the Company's publishing activities were the most difficult matter and demanded an increasing financial assistance that the universities of St. Petersburg - University, Institute of Technology, Mountain Institute, Artillery Academy and others began to provide.

D.I. Iveleev and D.P.Konovalov on the bookmark of the Chemical Laboratory of St. Petersburg University.

Further development of chemical society is also associated with the name of Mendeleev. As a scientist, he was, above all, a physician, and his dream was to unite chemists and physicists. And here he achieved success. After 10 years after the establishment of a chemical society, it was transformed into Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFO) with two autonomous departments - physics and chemistry - and acquired more

more important to Russian science. The premium fund formed the premium fund to donate their members and other organizations of the RFHO, which became a one-row with the largest and most authoritative scientific publications of the world, one can be called the forerunner of all domestic physical and chemical magazines.

It is impossible not to mention one more important achievement of Mendeleev, which created the

viya for the work of the Russian Federation. There were problems with the room, but he also approached "globally" and with his characteristic energy achieved in the Ministry to decide on the construction of a separate building of the Chemical Laboratory of St. Petersburg University. The construction of an ultra-modern (with an imperceptible separate ventilation of different premises, the possibility of demonstrating diapositives, etc.) of the building was completed in 1894. The Board and Library of the FCO were found. By that time, Dmitry Ivanovich had no longer worked at the university, but attended the meetings of society. Essentially, the whole building is a big monument to Mendeleev and is rightly called the Mendeleev Center.

In 2007, it was a hundred years ago, as Mendeleev left this world, but his name is still inextricably linked with a chemical society. After the death of Mendeleev, St. Petersburg University redeems his personal archive from the family and creates a memorial office of Mendeleev in 1911 (now the Archive Museum, which still exists in the main building of the University), and the RFO establishes Mendeleev Congresses in general and applied chemistry. The first three congresses (in 1907, 1911 and 1922) were held in St. Petersburg (Petrograd). The revolution and post-war devastation did not change the nature of the Company's activities, although there were many difficulties. The government tried to rely on scientific and technical societies in economic recovery. In 1918, a new charter of the Company was adopted, in which the Floa was established again under the University of Petrograd and had jurisdiction throughout the RSFSR, becoming a widely open organization. In July of the same year, the RFO received 70 thousand rubles from the state. For the resumption of activities and publication of works. In the future, one-

named after D. I. Mendeleev All-Union, Scientific Society. He is under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies (VNTO) at the All-Union Central Council of Professional Unions (WCSPS). It was organized in 1932 by the resolution of the VI Mendeleev Congress in general and applied chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists - scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers, workers - innovators of production, regardless of their departmental affiliation. H. Oh. - The successor of the Russian Chemical Society (R. x. about.), founded at the St. Petersburg University in 1868 to address the meeting of the Chemical Department of the 1st Congress of Russian Naturalists and Doctors and Transformed in 1878 to Russian Physico-Chemical Society (R. F.-X . about.). Charter R. x. about. It was compiled with the active participation of D. I. Mendeleev and N. A. Menshutkina. The first president of R. x. about. N. N. Zinin was elected; The editor of the "magazine of the Russian Chemical Society" (renamed in 1879 in the "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society") from 1869 to 1900 was N. A. Menshutkin. In the period 1868-1917, the Company was mainly from professors and teachers of higher educational institutions and very few workers in industry (10-12%). The number of members of the Company in 1869 was 60 people. (129 in 1879, 237 in 1889, 293 in 1899, 364 in 1909, 565 in 1917). The presidents of the Company were A. M. Butlers (1878-82), D. I. Mendeleev (1883-84, 1891-92, 1894) and others. The largest chemical scientists. Dmitry I. Mendeleev, N. A. Menshutytkin, D. P. Konovalov, M. G. Kucherov, and others were academic reports.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the number of members of society has increased dramatically, the content, form and amount of its work changed. The main thing in his activity was: attracting chemists and other specialists, students of young people and advanced workers to scientific and technical creativity, improving socialist production; Enterprise advanced training of science and industry workers: propaganda of the success of chemistry among the broad masses of the working people. For the unification and development of the creative initiative and social activities of members of H. about., To develop current comprehensive scientific and technical issues, preparing conferences, meetings, etc. Activities in the central and local government of society work scientific and technical and specialized sections, committees, commission and Brigades. Public universities of technical progress, increasing scientific and technical knowledge of members of H. about. Together with the USSR Academy of Sciences and others. Organizations society holds Mendeleev's congresses in general and applied chemistry. Such congresses from 1907 (in St. Petersburg) in 1975 (in Almaty) was held. The congresses on the congresses were: A. E. Arbuzov, A. N. Bach. N. D. Zelinsky (see Zelinsky), N. S. Kurnakov, L. D. Landau, N. N. Semenov (see Semyonov), A. E. Fersman, V. G. Krestman and other owls. Scientists, as well as foreign scientists F. Jolio-Curi, Cyborg, R. Robinson, S. Khinshelwood, A. Todd and others. Proceedings of Mendeleev Congresses are published in the form of collections. H. Oh. Thematic conferences, symposia, meetings are also convened, organizes discussions, many of which are arranged with the participation of other interested scientific and economic institutions.

H. Oh. Organizes competitions of scientific and production and technical works of their members. Since 1965 Presidium H. Oh. Together with the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the gold medal is awarded the competitions. D. I. Mendeleev for works in the field of chemical sciences and technologies that have an important theoretical or practical significance. Presidium H. Oh. Together with industry ministries and trade unions, annually reviews the implementation of plans to implement the achievements of science and technology in national economy and activities to improve the technical level, quality and reliability of chemical products.

In 1976, H. Oh. There were 86 local branches (boards) in the republics and major cities of the USSR. H. Oh. There are (1976) about 320,000 members and over 140,000 young chemists - secondary school students.

H. Oh. has its own printed bodies: "Journal of All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev "(6 rooms per year) and the magazine" Rubber and Rubber "(published jointly with the Ministry of Petrochemical and Oil Recycling Industry of the USSR).

LIT: Kozlov V. V., Essays of the history of the USSR chemical societies, M., 1958; His All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. 1868-1968, M., 1971; All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. Information and exchange of experience, M., 1972.

V. V. Kozlov.

  • - them. D. I. Mendeleeva, as part of the Union of Scientific. and Ing. OB-in Russia. Rererencer All Chem. Oba created in 1932 and the leading story from Rus. Chem. Oba, Osn. In 1868 ...
  • - See chemical infection ...

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  • - an increase in the number of chemical components of a certain environment leading to a change in its natural chemical properties ...

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  • - bringing polluting chemicals into the environment, alien or in concentrations exceeding backgrounds, creating a threat to people, farm animals and plants during ...
  • - the spread of hazardous chemicals in the environment in concentrations or quantities that create a threat to people, farm animals and plants for a certain time ...

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  • - view of weapons of mass lesion, the action of which is based on the use of combat o, toxins and phytotoxicants. Includes chemical ammunition of one-time and multiple ...

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  • - Created. In 1878, the association Rus. Phys. and rus. Chem. societies. Congresses and publications of OBA were an important form of the organization of scientific. Activities in Russia until 1917 ...

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  • - See weathered ...

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  • - One of the main oppositions of history and philosophy of history ...

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  • - "...6.15...

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  • - Pai - the word introduced into Russian chemical literature by Academician Hesse; It should have replaced the "equivalent", as can be seen from the following statement from its "base chemistry": ".....

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  • - Essential oil P. is obtained by distillation with water of leaves and branches of a plant POGOSTEMON PATCHOULI. Of the 100 kg they are driven by an average of about 1750 grams. Oils ...

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  • - Russian F.-Chemical Society under the Imperial St. Petersburg University was formed on the initiative of D. I. Mendeleev in 1878 from the merger of two separate societies, physical and chemical ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - them. D. I. Mendeleeva - as part of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of Russia. The successor of the All-Union Chemical Society, established in 1932 and the leading story from the Russian chemical society based in 1868 ...
  • - Russian physico-chemical society - created in 1878 by the association of Russian physical and Russian chemical societies. Congresses and publications of society were an important form of the organization of scientific activities in Russia until 1917 ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

"Chemical Society" in books

Chemical weapon


Chemical weapon

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Chemical weapons among dazzling white salt marshs along the lake canopy shore - an unexpected island of bright green grass. And on the grass is crawling large black and purple insects. From under the little, nothing covered Nacrylov is huge,

Chemical weapon

From the book of drugs and poisons [psychedelic and toxic substances, poisonous animals and plants] Author Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Chemical weapon

Chemical action

From the book Temple Teaching. Tom I. Author author unknown

The chemical action of the state of matter, usually referred to as the occult science by an aquatic, essential, aqueous and fiery, contains the basics of gases known to exoteric science as a dioxidar, paroxilic, oxygen-hydrogen and nitrogen. Connections,

1.2.7. The fifth meaning of the word "society" - society in general of a certain type (type of society, or a special society)

From the book Philosophy of History Author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

1.2.7. The fifth meaning of the word "society" - society in general of a certain type (the type of society, or a special society) of sociocystic organisms existed and there is a huge amount. It is impossible to understand this set without the classification of socioistoric

6. The fifth meaning of the word "society" - society in general of a certain type (type of society, or a special society)

From the book a course of lectures on social philosophy Author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

6. The fifth meaning of the word "society" - society in general of a certain type (the type of society, or a special society) of sociocystic organisms existed and there is a huge amount. It is impossible to understand this set without the classification of socioistoric

Chemical weapon

From the book a big encyclopedia of technology Author Collective authors

Chemical weapons Chemical weapons - poisoning substances and various means of their combat use (artillery chemical shells, aviation bombs, mines, chemicals, handmade chemical grenades, poisonous smoky checkers, rockets).


Chemical affinity

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (hee) by the author BSE.

11.2.2. Chemical damage

From the book therapeutic dentistry. Textbook Author Borovsky Evgeny Vlasovich

11.2.2. Chemical damage Chemical damage (Trauma Chymicum) can be both acute and chronic. Acute damage arise as a result of chemicals in the mucous membrane in a strongly damaging concentration. Most often it happens when

Material from uncyclopedia

Russian Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev (Mendeleev Society) is a scientific society that unites scientists - chemists, engineers, technicians, teachers, workers-nov-tori chemical industry. Mendeleev Society is the successor of the Russian Chemical Society, founded in 1868, transformed into Russian Physico-Chemical Society in 1878. The founders of the Company were outstanding Russian chemists D. I. Mendeleev, A. M. Butlers, N. N. Zinin, . A. Menshutytkin, A. N. Engelgardt, N. N. Sokolov, A. A. Voskresensky, V. V. Markovnikov. N. N. Zinin was elected his first president. A. P. Borodin, M. G. Kucherov, A. E. Favorsky, D. P. Konovalov, I. A. Kelukov, A. N. Bach, A. E. Arbuzov, N. D . Zelinsky, N. S. Kursnakov, V. I. Vernadsky, L. A. Chugaev, N. A. Shilov, D. N. Sanidichnikov and many other famous scientists - the pride of Russian and soviet science. At meetings of the Russian Chemical Society, reports were made on the development of the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds and on the opening of the periodic law of chemical elements.

Nowadays, society has more than 400 thousand members. It is divided into sections on the most important sectors of chemical science: inorganic, organic, analytical, polymer chemistry, chemical technology. In addition, there is a section on environmental protection, chemical education, student section, Section "Young Chemist". The society has branches in all union republics and in many parts, regions and autonomous republics of our country.

Mendeleev Society is the initiator of many important events organized to develop chemical science and technology. Mendeleev's congresses are held in general and applied chemistry, meetings, conferences, symposia, reviews and contests, scientific schools and seminars. The Company publishes "Journal of All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleeva, "supports business contacts with foreign scientific and technical societies.

All-Union Chemical Society is working great work on promoting chemical knowledge, especially among young students. This is done, in particular, the "Young Chemist" section, which unites more than 140 thousand secondary school students, vocational schools and technical schools. The section takes part in the organization of chemical students of students, conducts all-union reviews of teams of young chemists and competitions of students - members of chemical circles. According to the results of the reviews and competitions, the summer kits of young chemists are organized, in which, for a whole month, young chemists meet with the well-known Soviet scientists, listen to lectures and speak with their messages, participate in competitions.

All-Union Chemical Society

named after D. I. Mendeleev (EF), Scientific ON, is under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Council of Tekhn. OB-B with the All-Union Center. Council of trade unions. Organized in 1932 by resolution of the 6th Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists. Each is the successor to Russian Chem. OB-VA, based on St. Petersburg University in 1868 (first President-He. N. Zinin) and transformed in 1878 to Russian physical people. about. In conjunction with the USSR Academy of Sciences, and others. Organizations holds Mendeleev's congresses in general and applied chemistry, organizes scientific and industrial contests. works of their members. Since 1965, the Presidium End with the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR awards the winners of the competition Gold Medal. D. I. Mendeleev. It turns out OK. 520 thousand members (1986). It has its own printed organs - "Journal of the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev" (6 rooms per year) and the magazine "Kauchuk and" (12 numbers per year), published jointly with the Ministry of Oils. and the oil refinery of the USSR.

LIT: Kozlov V. V., All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. 1868-1968, M., 1971.

Chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. I. L. Knunyantsa. 1988 .

Watch what is "All-Union Chemical Society" in other dictionaries:

    Named after D. I. Mendeleev All-Union, Scientific Society. He is under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Council of Scientific Technical Societies (VNTO) at the All-Union Central Council of Professional Unions (WCSPS). Organized in 1932 by the resolution of VI ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Russian Physico Chemical Society (RFO) Russian scientific organization existing in from 1878 to 1930 and uniting naturalists Russian Empireand then the RSFSR. The organization was posted in St. Petersburg, and included ... ... Wikipedia

    - (RFO) The Russian scientific organization existed from 1878 to 1930 and uniting the naturalists of the Russian Empire, and then the RSFSR. The organization was posted in St. Petersburg, and included two compartments: chemical ... ... Wikipedia

    Created in 1878 by the association of Russian physical (1872) and Russian chemical (1868) societies. Congresses and publications of society were an important form of organization of scientific activities in Russia until 1917. Among members N. N. Zinin, A. M. Butlers, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Created in 1878 by the association of Russian physical (1872) and Russian chemical (1868) societies. The congresses and publications of the Company were an important form of the organization of scientific activities in Russia to 1917. Among the members of N. N. Zinin, A. M. Butlers, D. I. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (PTO) Scientific Society, founded in 1866 in St. Petersburg, who had the task of promoting the development of equipment and industry in Russia. Closed in 1929. Contents 1 Historical Help 2 Goals and Tasks ... Wikipedia

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