Active forms of methodical work. Innovative forms of methodological work as a factor in improving the professional skills of teachers of preschool education. In an educational institution

Wood boards and products 27.07.2020

State budgetary educational institution

vocational education of the city of Sevastopol

"Sevastopol Pedagogical College named after P.K. Menkov "

(GBOU PO "SPK named after P.K. Menkov")




Shvets Natalia Sergeevna

"___" _____________ 2018

Student of group DO-14-1z

Nikolaychik Ekaterina


Sevastopol 2018

Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff

The form is defined as the internal structure, structure, connection and way of interaction between parts and elements of phenomena; it is always in unity with the content, depends on it, but it also has relative independence and can therefore influence the content - its ability to progressively develop or provide it.

The variety of forms of methodological work is determined by the complexity of the goals it faces, the variety of specific conditions in which preschool educational institutions are located.

Within the framework of various forms, various methods and techniques of working with personnel, which were described above, are used. By combining the forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational-pedagogical and moral-psychological conditions in the team, specific for this institution.

All forms can be represented as two interconnected groups:

Pedagogical councils,



- participation of teachers in the methodological associations of the district, MDOU;

Organization of theoretical and scientific - practical conferences;


Creative micro-groups,

Open views,

Work on common methodological topics,

Business games,

- master classes,

Brain attacks etc.

The purpose of individual forms of methodical work is to help a specific educator in solving those problems that only cause difficulties for him or which are the subject of his interests.


Individual consultations,



- mutual visits,

- internship,

- work on a personal creative theme,

- mentoring, etc.

Most effective forms of methodological work at the present stage of school development are:

    theoretical seminar,


    scientific and practical conference,

    methodical decade,

    days of science,

    methodical festival,

    methodological bridge,

    methodical mosaic,


    methodical ring,

    business game,

    pedagogical KVN,



    video training,

    pedagogical readings,

    lecture hall,

    professional exhibition,

    project protection,

    thematic pedagogical council,

    public lesson

Forms of organizing and holding meetings of the Ministry of Defense may be as follows:


    Theoretical seminar




    Creative discussion

    Creative dialogue

    Living room

    An hour of collective creativity

    Methodical festival (based on the results of methodical work for the year)

    Business game

    Methodical KVN

    Fair of methodological ideas

    Methodical training

    Round table meeting

Group forms of methodical work

Pedagogical Council

Pedagogical Councilis one of the forms of methodical work in a preschool educational institution,permanent collegialself-government body of teachers... With its help, the development of the preschool educational institution is managed.

Pedagogical Council as the supreme body management of the entire educational process solves the specific tasks of the preschool institution. Its activities are determined by the Regulation onpedagogical council of preschool educational institution... It is created in all preschool institutions where there are more than threeeducators... It includes allpedagogical workers and part-time workers. Alsopedagogical council - the central link inorganization all methodical work, "schoolteaching excellence".

According to the method of conducting, we dividepedagogical councils on:



    alternative (unconventional)

Traditional pedagogical advice are distinguished by the predominant use of verbal(verbal) methods, the traditional nature of the content. By form andorganization participants' activities traditionalteachers' councils are divided into:

    teachers' council(classical) based on discussion report(performances);

    report with co-reports;

    meeting with the invitation of a speaker - a specialist.

Forms of activation educators

Simulation of a specific situation. This method helps you choose the right option from a variety of options. There are four types of specific situations. By selecting them taking into account the gradual complication, you can achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators. In situations - illustrations, simple cases from practice are described, and a solution is immediately provided. Situations - Exercise encouragestake some action(make a plan of the synopsis, fill in the table, etc.) In situations - estimates, the problem has already been solved, but fromeducators it is required to give its analysis and substantiate your answer, evaluate it. Situations - problems consider a specific case study as an existing problem that needs to be solved;

Discussion of two opposing points of view. The leader offers for discussion two points of view on the same problem.Teachers must express their attitude towards them and justify it;

Practical skills training. This method is very effective, but it must be thought over in advance, it must be decided which ofteachers can advise him... Better to offer a learning element from work experience;

Imitation of the teacher's working day.For teachers the characteristics of the age group of children are given, the goal and tasks to be solved are formed, and the task is set: to simulate your working day within a certain time. In conclusion, the leaderorganizes discussion of all proposed models;

Unraveling pedagogical crosswords helps to clarify the knowledge of educators on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore affects the quality of work with children;

Analysis of the statements of children, their behavior, creativity. The leader prepares tape recordings, a selection of children's drawings or handicrafts, etc. Educators introduce the material, analyze it, evaluate the skills, development, good breeding of children, form several specific proposals to helpteacherworking with them;

Intellectual, business and creative educational games that alloweducators exchange views with your colleagues in a relaxed manner. Game simulation increases interest, arouses high activity,improves skills in resolving realpedagogical problems.

On teachers' council educators are offered various questions, during the discussion of which a dialogue-discussion may arise, which has become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone is skilled in the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or dispute.

Unconventional pedagogical advice

Pedagogical council - business game - an educational form in which participants are assigned certain roles. The business game teaches you to analyze and solve complex problems of human relationships, in the study of which not only the correct decision is essential, but also the behavior of the participants themselves, the structure of relations, tone, facial expressions, intonation.

One of the forms of the business game is"brain attack"... It can be used to summarize the work of the team, on a problem or for a certain period.For organizers you need to think over the scenario to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, calculate the schedule. Participants analyze the questions posed, develop goals and objectives, draw up programs that will form the basis of the solutionteachers' council.

Business games are a type of activity in conditions of artificially created situations, aimed at solving an educational problem.

Pedagogical council - the round table requires serious preparation and interest of each participant. To conduct it, managers need to select important, interesting issues for discussion, think overorganization... For example, some topics can be given to a group of educators in advance and relevant literature can be offered to them. Then they will be able to familiarize themselves with different theories, approaches, opinions and think over their point of view.

Situational teachers' council consists in considering one or more situations that can be played by previously prepared participants. You can discuss the situation on the basis of the scene recorded on the video camera.

Creating a working mood forteachers' council thoughtful placement of its participants also contributes. For example, depending on the purposecouncil of educators their workplaces can be arranged as follows:

frontal arrangement(chairman versus present)necessary whenmeeting is informative;

"round table" useful for equitable collective discussion of pressing issues;

"triangle" allows you to highlight the leading role of the leader and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;

work in "small groups" , i.e. 3-4 people at separate tables(decision pedagogical situations) ;

to conduct a discussion, one can envisage a frontal arrangement of groups - participants defending their positions.

In whatever form it is carried outteachers' council, decisions are made without fail. They are recorded in the protocols. Their number depends on the agenda, therefore, if it has five items, then there should be at least five decisions. But on one of the questions, several decisions can be made. Together, they will help to cope with the problem that has arisen.

The wording of decisions should be specific, indicating the responsible persons and the deadline for implementation. In other words, such that they can be verified.

Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution should not be a formal event with a traditional agenda and a traditional solution.Pedagogical council should be a source of innovation, it should take place in a comfortable environment of cooperation and co-creation. However, it requires painstaking and very serious preparation. It is very important to find the correct and most effective technology for preparing and conductingteachers' council... It is necessary to think over specific tasks forteachers and creative teams, prepare a questionnaire for the questionnaire in advance, exclude situations whenteacher can sit out and keep silent. The problem fororganizing a teacher's council - to organize this event asto make it interestingteacherso that at the meetingteacher learned something new, and not only in the form of theoretical knowledge, but also in the form of practicaltips and advice.

"Evenings of questions and answers"

Each problem, to which the group of questions asked by teachers belongs, is revealed as fully as possible. Teachers must clearly understand the theoretical foundations of the problem, ways to solve it, forms of organization, methods and techniques of work, and more.


From various forms of methodical work to kindergarten especially firmly entered into practice such a form as counseling teachers. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on topical problems of pedagogy, at the request of educators.At the same time, the modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultation.

Any consultation requires preparation and professional competence from the senior educator. The competence, so necessary for a senior educator to work with teachers, is not only the availability of knowledge that he constantly updates and replenishes, but also experience, skills that he can use if necessary. Useful advice or a timely consultation will correct the teacher's work.

Major consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but separate ones are held as needed. Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also seeks to form their creative attitude to activities.

So, forproblematic presentation of material a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.

Whenusing a partial search method educators are actively involved in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up action plans, and independently solving the problem. The most common method of consultation is the explanation method. This method has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc.

To stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of the presentation, it is useful to formulate questions at the beginning of the consultation. Questions addressed to teachers during the consultation process help them to comprehend their experience from the point of view of scientific conclusions, express their thoughts, guesses, and formulate a conclusion. Depending on the level of qualifications of teachers, the senior educator determines to what extent it is possible to draw on knowledge from their experience or limit himself to his own explanation.

When exchanging experience between educators, identifying knowledge, analyzing specific situations, it can be usedheuristic conversation method ... During the conversation, individual provisions of the methodological literature read are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on those issues that are of greater interest to teachers, the erroneousness of their opinions and shortcomings of professional experience are revealed, the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge is revealed, an orientation towards further self-education is carried out.

However, the effectiveness of the heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met. It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of the conversation. It is essential that educators have a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional experience. The person preparing the consultation should draw up a well-grounded plan of the conversation, allowing him to clearly imagine what new knowledge the educators will receive and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. A heuristic conversation conducted with the aim of transferring new knowledge requires serious preparation and thinking through the entire course of the lesson.

The consultation usesmethod of discussion.

In form and content, the discussion is close tomethod of conversation ... It also involves the choice of an important topic that requires comprehensive discussion, preparation of questions for educators, an introductory and closing speech. However, unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions, raising controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires a senior educator to have high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, tact. The leader of the discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate in the environment, to catch the train of thought and the mood of the participants, to create an atmosphere of trust. The participants in the discussion should have knowledge of theory and a desire to improve their activities. The concluding remarks briefly analyze the speeches of the participants and clarify the solution of fundamental issues.

It is possible to distinguish such a form of methodical work asconsultation-dialogue ... This consultation is carried out by two teachers with different points of view on the issue under discussion. Considering the topics, they can present their arguments for each thesis, and listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation is a paradox , or consultation with planned mistakes, has as its purpose to draw the attention of teachers to the most difficult aspects of the problem being presented, to increase their activity. The senior educator names the number of mistakes (at least ten) that he will make in the consultation process. Students are invited to distribute the material on a sheet of paper in two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.


The goal is to practice certain professional skills and abilities.

Training (English) - a special, training regime, training, can be an independent form of methodical work or used as a methodological technique during a seminar.

During the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical teaching aids are widely used. It is advisable to conduct training in training groups of 6 to 12 people.

The basic principles in the work of the training group: confidential and frank communication, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of training.

Seminars and workshops

Seminars as a separate form of methodological work play an important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level of educators in improving their professional competence. You can prepare and conduct seminars in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Before the seminar, teachers are offered special assignments, the fulfillment of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that the preparation for the seminar is associated with reading additional literature, studying primary sources, taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read, choose the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practice. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization are used as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, the analysis of the results of children's activities and products of children's creativity, etc.

At seminars-workshops, consisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (practical) parts, educators summarize and systematize best practices, show the necessary techniques and methods of work in action, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also involves the development of certain methods of work without the participation of children. The choice of the topic of the seminar is not accidental and is explained by the increased requirements for the quality of preschool education, the technological effectiveness of the upbringing and educational process, the urgent need for the mandatory foresight of results and development prospects. The implementation of the modern goals of the pedagogical process determines the use of innovative technologies in the activities of the educator, which are guaranteed to lead to the achievement of the expected result.

The seminar - briefing differs in that it allows to maximize the activation of the participants both in the process of preparing for the seminar and in the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of proposed discussion questions. Moreover, the number of participants in the subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the whole subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in such a situation that it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, discussion begins; in this case, additions, clarifications, questions to each other are possible.

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten. In the annual plan of the preschool institution, the topic of the seminar is determined and at the beginning of the school year, the head makes a detailed plan of its work. Expansion of the plan with a clear indication of the time of work, thoughtfulness of tasks will attract the attention of more people who want to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can propose to supplement this plan with specific questions to which the educators would like to receive an answer.

The head of the seminar can be the head or senior educator, invited specialists. It is possible to involve educators, specialists, medical workers in conducting individual classes. The main task of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience in this issue. For example, at a workshop on ikebana, teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of bouquet composition. These skills are subsequently used both in decorating a group room and in working with children. And in the classroom of the workshop on making Christmas tree decorations, teachers not only master the techniques of working with paper and other materials, but also develop a system for organizing various exciting activities with children in a group room for the period of the New Year holidays, where the main thing is a Christmas tree decorated with crafts by children, parents, teachers ... Teachers come up with surprising moments, select literary material to create a fabulous atmosphere in the group these days.

For the seminar "Features of the organization and conduct of observations in nature in the summer" educators are offered in advance questions to discuss the problem. For example: How often do you observe natural objects in the classroom (excursions), walks, in everyday life? What do you think is the main thing in the method of organizing and conducting observation? What difficulties do you face? What techniques do you use to develop children's interest in nature and education of observation? What observations in nature have arisen at the initiative of children? How do you support, awaken, develop children's inquisitiveness, curiosity? What influence does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior? Do you use elements of environmental education in your work with children? During the course of the workshop, it is possible to discuss different points of view, launch discussions, create problem situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop common positions in solving the problem. It is important that the results of the seminars are formalized in the form of concrete and really implementable recommendations, and their implementation is under control.

Increasingly, the question of the need to teach parents, especially young mothers, methods of personality-oriented communication with a preschooler is being raised. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists can be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; they will teach you how to organize the game. You can arrange an evening of games for children and adults, in which the workshop leader will be an attentive advisor and observer. He will tell his parents about his observations and notes in the next lesson and give specific recommendations on methods of individual communication with the child.

It seems that such work will be useful for parents, children, and a preschool institution, whose authority in the eyes of parents will only grow. The seminar as a form of methodological work differs from the seminar practiced in higher educational institutions.

The first distinguishing feature is its duration. It can include one or several activities. Sometimes a permanent seminar is planned for a long period, for example, several months or even an academic year. The second important feature is the location of the event. This can be a methodological office of a kindergarten, a group room or other places (museum, exhibition hall, square, etc.) depending on the goals and tasks that the leader of the seminar should solve. The third feature is the nature of the didactic tasks that are solved in the workshop. This is both educational activity to systematize and improve knowledge, and work on the formation of skills. In addition, during the seminar, the tasks of disseminating pedagogical experience are solved.

The fourth sign is the source of information. This is the word (reports and co-reports of the participants), and actions (performing various practical tasks at the seminar), and a visual demonstration on the topic of the seminar, and pedagogical analysis.

Therefore, the seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent venue.

Properly organized preparation and preliminary information play an important role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant for a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, in which to indicate the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, a mandatory list of literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think over the methods and forms of including all participants of the seminar in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks, work with punched cards, discussion of two opposing points of view, work with normative documents, methods of game modeling, etc. are used. The leader of the seminar must clearly think over the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of teachers.

Relay of pedagogical skills.

Competition between several groups of teachers, where one teacher begins to cover the problem, and the next continue and together reveal it. The last participant sums up the results, draws conclusions.

Artistic piggy bank.

The piggy bank, depending on the pedagogical tasks, may include reproductions of works of fine art, photographs, drawings of objects, animals, natural phenomena, diagrams, signs (any necessary information). Good way attracting the attention of children. Piggy bank materials can form the basis of the exhibition.

Open show

Each educator has his own pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills. The work of the educator who achieves the best results is singled out, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is "equal".

"Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the educational process that meets the urgent needs of the practice of teaching and upbringing!" (Ya.S. Turbovskaya).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps the educator to explore new approaches to working with children, to distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practices arise in mass practice and are, to some extent, the result of it.

For any teacher studying advanced experience, not only the result is important, but also the methods, techniques, with the help of which this result is achieved. This allows you to measure your capabilities and decide on the implementation of experience in your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most operational form for resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, for quickly responding to public requests, to the changing situation of education. Born in the thick of life, advanced experience is very instrumental and, subject to a number of conditions, successfully takes root in new conditions, it is the most convincing, attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to such a special role of advanced experience, open screenings are held annually within the framework of methodological work in kindergartens, at which the best experience in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy is presented.

An open show makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, to get answers to questions of interest. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to witness the process of pedagogical creativity. A manager organizing an open show can set several goals:

- promotion of experience;

- teaching teachers methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

The forms of organizing an open display can be different. For example, before the start of the review, the head can himself tell about the system of the teacher's work, suggest questions that should be paid special attention to. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute questions, for one teacher - to calculate the activity of children, for another - a combination of different methods and techniques used by the teacher, rational use benefits, assess whether children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader to organize interesting discussion of what he saw, to develop a common opinion of the team. It should be remembered that in the discussion, the first word is given to the educator, demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of open viewing, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into your work, submit the abstracts to the methodological office, or continue generalizing the teacher's work experience in order to present it to the district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of dissemination of experience: open screening, work in pairs, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical skills, open day, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The value of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate, it teaches, educates, develops teachers. Being essentially intimately connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological office of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to have addresses of pedagogical experience.

"Round table"

This is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, it allows to put all participants in an equal position, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think over and prepare questions for discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

"Round table" - is held with the aim of developing a common opinion, the position of the participants on the issue under discussion. Usually 1-3 questions of the discussed problem are thought over.

When holding a Round Table, it is important to pay attention to the decoration of the premises. For example, it is advisable to arrange tables around the perimeter of the room. The moderator of the “Round table” determines his place so that he can see all the participants. Invited specialists, administration, etc. may also be here. In the course of work, each issue of the problem is discussed separately. The floor is given to teachers who have experience in working on the problem. The moderator summarizes the results of the discussion of each issue. At the end, he proposes a version of a common position, taking into account comments, additions, amendments.

Business games

At present, business games have found wide application in methodological work, in the course system for advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, familiar ways. It has been repeatedly noted that the use of business games has a positive value. It is positive that the business game is a strong tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

But more and more often the business game is used in methodical work as an external spectacular form. In other words: the one who conducts it does not rely on psychological-pedagogical or scientific-methodological foundations, and the game "does not go". Consequently, the very idea of \u200b\u200busing a business game is discredited. So what is a business game?

A business game is a method of imitation (imitation, image, reflection) of making managerial decisions in various situations, by playing according to rules set or developed by the participants in the game. Business games are often called management imitation games. The very term "play" in various languages \u200b\u200bcorresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. It seems that this explains the emergence of business games in the system of methodological work.

The business game increases interest, arouses high activity, improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems. In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, make it possible to link theory with practical experience. The essence of business games is that they have the features of both teaching and work. At the same time, training and work acquire a joint, collective character and contribute to the formation of professional creative thinking.

Most often, business games are used for educational purposes - educational games. Among them stand out:

Imitation business games are a type of games related to such abstract concepts and topics that cannot be played up in other ways, for example, teachers are required to play with the concept of “development” with the help of micro-studies. "Play", "education" and "training".

Positional business games are a type of games in which the interaction between the participants in the game is built as a clarification of positions according to well-known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions.

Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined regarding a particular issue or problem.

Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined, but the leading component is the situation, that is, intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing around situations - illustrations, situations-exercises, situations-assessments and problem pedagogical situations.

Narrative business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction in a certain plot are determined.

Organizational and activity-based business games are the most difficult type of business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts of practical recommendations within the framework of the problem, the collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments.

Functional business games are a type of business games that is associated with the work of initiative creative groups in preschool educational institutions that have been operating for a long time.

Practitioners ask the question: "How often can you plan and conduct a business game with the whole team?" It would be wrong to answer it unequivocally. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact how the business game fits into integral system methodical activities for this academic year. And then it can be used 1-2 times a year. If you have never conducted business games, then it is better to try using one of the methods of game modeling to activate teachers during a methodological event. It is good if you yourself take part in a business game and feel it "from the inside". And only then start preparing and conducting a business game in your team.

Preparing and conducting a business game is a creative process. Therefore, the design of a business game bears the imprint of the author's personality. Often, taking a model of an already developed business game, one can change its individual elements or completely replace the content without changing the model. However, observations allow us to conclude that often those games in which the game model of the participants' activity is poorly worked out.

There are theoretically grounded methods of designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary in order to avoid mistakes that can negate work. If the business game is used for the purpose of training, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars and special courses, practical exercises. It should take place at the end of the training.

The direct development of materials for a business game includes the following stages:

- creation of a business game project;
- a description of the sequence of actions;
- description of the organization of the game;
- drawing up tasks for participants;
- preparation of equipment.

Business game

The goal is to develop certain professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Play as a form of learning is characterized by great flexibility. During it, you can solve problems of varying complexity. It activates the creative initiative of teachers, ensures a high level of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional skills.

Carrying out form - collective or group work.

Organization and conduct methodology:

The process of organizing and conducting the game can be divided into 4 stages.

1. Construction of the game:

    clearly articulate the overall goal of the game and private goals for the participants;

    to develop general rules games.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a specific didactic goal:

    the leader explains to the participants the meaning of the game, introduces them to the general program and rules, assigns roles and sets specific tasks for their performers that must be solved by them;

    experts are appointed who observe the course of the game, analyze simulated situations, and give an assessment;

    the time, conditions and duration of the game are determined.

3. The course of the game.

4. Summing up, its detailed analysis:

    general assessment of the game, detailed analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, good and weak points, their reasons;

    self-assessment by players of the performance of assigned tasks, the degree of personal satisfaction;

    characteristics of professional knowledge and skills revealed during the game;

    analysis and evaluation of the game by experts.

Approximate procedure for conducting a business game:

The leader informs the listeners of the purpose, content, and procedure for the business game. Recommends to carefully study the literature, introduces questions to be discussed.

The participants of the game are divided into subgroups of 3 - 5 people. In each subgroup, a leader is elected, whose duties include organizing the work of the subgroup. An expert group consisting of 3-5 people is elected from among the participants in the game.

The leader distributes questions between the game subgroups, gives the floor on each issue to representatives of the game groups, organizes discussions on the problem under discussion. Each participant in the game is given up to 5 minutes to speak, during which it is necessary to laconically but reasonably highlight the main thing, substantiate the idea, argue, "defend" it.

The expert group, based on the speeches of the participants and their opinions, can prepare a draft recommendations (practical advice) on the problem under consideration, discuss and determine the common positions of the members of the pedagogical team in practical activities.

The expert commission also informs about the decisions made by it on the assessment of the content of speeches, the activity of the participants, the effectiveness of subgroups in the business game. The criterion for such an assessment can be the number and content of the ideas (proposals) put forward, the degree of independence of judgments, and their practical significance.

In conclusion, the leader sums up the results of the game.

Laboratory "Information Technologies"

    work of creative groups on problems;

    the use of information technology in the educational process;

    the formation of the civic position of younger students.

Fair of pedagogical ideas

    activates the methodological work of teachers, since every teacher wants his idea to be recognized as the best. Thus, the spirit of competition emerges. Teachers, mostly young, learn to lead a discussion, defend their point of view, listen critically to themselves and their colleagues.

Development of a methodological portfolio

    allows the teacher to systematize his methodical work for the year, choose the most successful methodological techniques and generalize them in the form of methodological developments.

Pedagogical KVN

A great opportunity to show in the competition your creative abilities, theoretical and practical knowledge, quickly resolve the pedagogical situation, be able to objectively assess the knowledge of your colleagues. Stimulates the activity of participants in the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills.

This form of methodological work helps to activate the existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, to create a favorable psychological climate in the group of teachers. Two teams, a jury are formed from the audience, the rest are fans. Teams get acquainted with the theme of KVN in advance, receive homework. In addition, they prepare mutual humorous greetings on the topic of this KVN. The leader offers entertaining tasks requiring non-standard solutions (including the "Competition of Captains"), directly related to the topic under study.

Game progress:

1. Greeting teams, which takes into account:

    correspondence of the speech to a given topic;


    presentation form.

    Performance time - 10 minutes.

2. Warm-up (teams prepare three questions each for knowledge of the psychology of the student's personality and interpersonal relationships). Time to think over a question - 1 minute.

3. Homework: checking the preparation of a business game on a given topic.

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of sages. Two participants from the team are selected. They are asked to choose the best method for solving this issue.

6. Competition for fans: solving pedagogical problems from the practice of the school.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (situations from the life of the school). Resourcefulness, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are taken into account.

Methodological bridge

Methodological bridge is a kind of discussion. To carry out this form of methodological work, teachers from different schools of the region, city, heads of the Moscow region, parents are involved.

The purpose of the methodological bridge is the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, the dissemination of innovative technologies of teaching and upbringing.


This is one of the methodological techniques that contribute to the development of practical skills, creativity, the development of the correct point of view on certain issues of pedagogical theory and practice. This technique is convenient to use when discussing the methodology for passing a topic, for making decisions on a specific problem.

It is a rational way of collectively producing new ideas to solve practical problems that cannot be solved in traditional ways. In essence, brainstorming is a collective thought process: solving a problem through logical analysis, hypothesis, its justification and proof. Teachers are divided into two groups. The first group is "idea generators", the second is "analysts". The former should, within a short time, offer as many options as possible for solving the problem under discussion. In this case, the proposals are not discussed and all are necessarily recorded in the protocol. "Analysts" carefully consider each idea, choosing the most reasonable. Any criticism of ideas is strictly prohibited. Selected proposals are grouped and announced to the team. Then the participants change their roles.

The leader should think over the questions well so that the answers are short, concise. Preference is given to answers-fantasies, answers-insights. Criticism of ideas, their assessment is prohibited. The duration of the brainstorming session is 15-30 minutes. This is followed by a discussion of the ideas expressed.

Methodical festival

This form of methodological work, used by the methodologists of the city, district, school leaders, assumes a large audience, aims to exchange work experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings.

At the festival, there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard lessons that go beyond traditions and generally accepted stereotypes.

During the festival, a panorama of methodological findings and ideas works.

Participants of the festival submit an application for a lesson, methodological ideas, techniques in advance.

Solving pedagogical problems

The goal is to get acquainted with the features of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activities of the teacher and students, the system of their relationships. Completing such tasks will help you learn to distinguish the essential, the main thing from the variety of phenomena.

The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the way he analyzes, explores the pedagogical situation, how he formulates the goal and objectives of his own activity on the basis of a multilateral analysis.

It is advisable to take pedagogical tasks from school practice. They should familiarize the best teachers with certain methodological methods of work, warn against the most common mistakes.

When starting to solve a problem, it is necessary to carefully understand its condition, evaluate the position of each actor, and imagine the possible consequences of each intended step.

The proposed tasks should reflect effective forms and methods of organizing and conducting educational work.

Work on a single methodological topic

With the right choice of a single methodological topic for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is really capable of captivating and capturing all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in rallying a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements to consider when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and really important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity achieved by it, interests and requests of teachers. There should be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience, accumulated practice of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to implement and develop everything that is advanced in your team. The foregoing does not exclude such an approach, when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, with a breakdown of a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of educators' self-education.

Literary or pedagogical newspaper

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that unites employees. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Creative microgroups

An important form of methodological work with preschool teachers. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows teachers to be involved in experimental and research activities.

They arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work. Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis, when it is necessary to master some new best practice, a new methodology or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship or psychological compatibility. There may be one or two leaders in a group who, as it were, lead, take on organizational issues.

The work of the creative group is based on the following algorithm:

Identification of problems and justification of the relevance of their solution to identify the practice of an educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;

Development of a detailed program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;

Organizational stage, creating conditions for the implementation of the program;

Implementation of the program, practical stage, correction of the used methods and technologies, control "cuts";

Registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, summarizing the stage;

Dissemination of pedagogical experience, implementation of innovations in the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and the result of the work of the creative group are the creative reports of teachers who talk about the results of the program of experimental, research and scientific and methodological work, share their experience, talk about the problems that arise in the practice of an educational institution, and propose to introduce innovations.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience, development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, proposes their own options. It is important that all this is realized in the practice of everyone's work. Group members visit each other's classes, discuss them, and highlight the best methods and techniques. If there is a gap in the understanding of the teacher's knowledge or skills, then there is a joint study of additional literature. Joint creative mastering of new things is 3-4 times faster. As soon as the set goal is achieved, the group breaks up.

In the creative microgroup, informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search, research activities, with the results of which the entire staff of the institution gets acquainted with the results.

Collective review of the educational process

The task of collective viewing is to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and techniques for working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of the factors of education and training (the formation of motivation in children, change of types of activity, dynamic perception, development of higher mental functions, productive information processing, repetition of educational material, ensuring the transfer of methods of activity, game form of conduct, etc. .). At the same time, the collective show concerns not only conducting classes with children, but also the organization of free types of children's activities and regime moments.

Collective shows are organized once every 3 months, in the first and in the second half of the day, so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire for observation with a set of statement phrases and question phrases in a constructive form. (These phrases do not make it possible to use the discussion situation to exacerbate the conflict and clarify the relationship. For example, a senior educator may recommend teachers to use the following formulations : "I liked the fact that ...", "It's good that you", "It would be nice if you ...", "It would probably be more effective if ...", "Where else do you use ..?") In the process of conducting a collective review, teachers make notes in these questionnaires.

After the viewing, its discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience is asked questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing a particular behavior in the course of organizing a collective viewing, to give a reflection of his own activities and the activities of children. The senior educator continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (and not disadvantages), highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Creative living room

The form of organizing the interaction of teachers in accordance with their interests and preferences. An atmosphere of free, relaxed communication is created.

Review - competition.

A way to test professional knowledge, abilities, skills, pedagogical erudition. Demonstration and evaluation of the creative achievements of teachers. It involves the ability to evaluate results by comparing your abilities with others.

Bank of ideas.

A type of brainstorming is"Bank of ideas". Educators are introduced to the formulation of the problem and are offered to give their solution in writing. The deadline for opening the "bank" is set (at the next teachers' council, final meeting). The "bank" is opened in the presence of the collective, ideas are read out and discussed, the most rational ones are taken as decisions of the teachers' council.


It should not be forgotten that the competence of the pedagogical council includes the discussion of development problems of individual children. At the meeting, they often talk about the group as a whole, forgetting about the individual characteristics of certain children. In practice, situations arise when it is necessary to draw the attention of the administration, psychologist, speech therapist, parents to the problems of the upbringing and development of a particular child (for example, a gifted child, a child lagging behind in his development, etc.). For this purpose, you can hold a small pedagogical council in the formcouncil.This form of work will contribute to the development of strategies and tactics for working with a specific child based on in-depth study and collective analysis of his development. Bearing in mind that the pedagogical council is a tribune of excellence, it is periodically possible to conduct it in the formauction, presentation... At such a meeting, it is appropriate to present new educational programs, technologies, methodological and didactic manuals, game materials, etc.

Music salon .

One of the forms of aesthetic communication between teachers, children and parents, the preservation of the best folk traditions and customs. Reception of forming a favorable microclimate in the team.

Thematic exhibitions.

Presentation of visual materials: drawings, products, literature. They contribute to the enrichment of knowledge, are a meaningful form of exchange of experience among teachers.

Single methodical day

It is carried out for all teaching staff and serves to a certain extent as an intermediate summing up of the results of methodological work. The topics of uniform methodological days are brought to the attention of educators in advance. On the eve of a single methodological day, a special thematic pedagogical bulletin is issued, if necessary, exhibitions of methodological developments, creative works of educators and children, new psychological and pedagogical literature are arranged.

The content of the work of a single methodological day includes: conducting open classes, their detailed analysis and discussion, a review of new methodological literature, summing up the results of the methodological day in the form of a round table or a press conference with speeches by individual educators on the results of work on methodological topics, speeches by the head, senior educator with a general assessment and analysis of a single methodological day.

Methodical association of educators.

The content of the work of methodological associations is diverse. They consider issues of improving the level of educational work and the quality of children's knowledge, organizing the exchange of experience, introducing advanced pedagogical experience and achievements in pedagogical science, discussing innovative directions in working with preschool children, planning ways to improve the quality of the main directions of children's development. In the methodological associations, they discuss experimental versions of working educational programs, consider the results of work on them. Members of method associations develop and test training and monitoring computer programs, evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. The content of the associations' work includes the design of monitoring, discussion of the results.

The work of the methodological association is carried out according to a special plan, which gives a general characteristic of the pedagogical activity of educators in this direction, the quality of the pupils. The plan formulates goals and objectives for the new academic year, defines the main organizational and pedagogical activities (group design, examination of didactic material, approval of forms and timing of monitoring, etc.), determines the topic and time of scientific and methodological reports, open events.

Individual forms of methodical work

Observation of the educational process with children, the largest place in the work plan of the senior educator is assigned. His presence in the group should not be an event, but a normal working atmosphere of a preschool institution. An indicator of the consistency of this aspect of the leader's activity is the invitation of educators to attend this or that lesson, this or that regime moment. Each observation should end with a conversation with the teacher, which is held at the end of the teacher's working day.


The system of continuous professional development of each teacher of a preschool educational institution involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out in refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in previous coursework; promotes comprehension of advanced experience at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In a kindergarten, a senior educator must create conditions for teachers to educate themselves.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher. As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered it part of... In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge is increasing every year. Scientists claim that the knowledge that humanity has at its disposal doubles every ten years. This obliges each specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is strong and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge should be a discovery that you made yourself. "

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes the work in such a way that the self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step towards improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, the experience of teachers.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized over the years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a particular system.

A special card is entered for each book, in which the author's surname, his initials, book title, year and place of publication are recorded. On the reverse side, you can make a brief annotation or list the main issues covered in the book. The thematic filing cabinets include books, magazine articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator compiles catalogs, recommendations to help those engaged in self-education, studies the influence of self-education on changes in the educational process. However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and term of the report, are recorded. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at the pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This can be a show of work with children, in which the teacher uses the knowledge gained in the course of self-education.

Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

- work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;
- participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
- receiving advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
- work with the bank of diagnostic and correctional and developmental programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.


Conversation - aboutthe bottom of the most frequently used individual forms of methodological work in working with teachers. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the positions, views of the teacher on the process of upbringing and education of children, to identify the level of the teacher's self-esteem, develop pedagogical reflection, express wishes, recommendations aimed at improving the observed aspects of pedagogical activity.


With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the education system, the requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a teacher are increasing. It is in front of him, a modern teacher, a bearer of modern social changes, that the primary task is to educate a competent, creative person capable of productive life in new social conditions. It is good if young specialists appear next to experienced educators-innovators who wish to devote themselves entirely to pedagogy. It is important to support young teachers, since successful pedagogical activity depends not only on his professional training and personal qualities, but also on what kind of team he will get into, what working conditions will be created for him, what kind methodological assistance will have.

Mentoring is the creation of an appropriate support system for a young specialist, which contributes to the process of his formation, his adaptation to professional activities. It is about mentoring as a form of methodological work with young teachers. It is the mentor who is responsible for the implementation of information, organizational, teaching and other functions, provides conditions for adaptation and continuous professional education of a novice teacher.

However, the issue of providing pedagogical staff not only for new preschool institutions, but also for existing ones, is only becoming more acute. Graduates of pedagogical universities are less likely to work in their specialty. And therefore, their appearance in the team is a joy for both the leader and the teachers. Often specialists come to kindergartens with a pedagogical education, but not a special one, without work experience.

Young teachers who come to educational institutions face the problems of adaptation in a new team, the problem of “ignorance” of normative documents: which documents are mandatory and which are recommendatory, etc. Experiencing difficulties in organizing educational activities, writing various types of plans, lectures, reflection on children's and their own activities, there are difficulties in the competent application of knowledge in practical activities.

A feature of the work of young novice teachers is that from the first day of work they have the same responsibilities and bear the same responsibility as educators with many years of work experience, and parents, administration and work colleagues expect from them the same impeccable professionalism.

Many young educators are afraid of their own inconsistency in interaction with pupils, their parents; they are afraid of criticism of the administration and experienced colleagues, they are constantly worried that they will not have time, they will forget, they will miss something. Such an educator is incapable of either creativity, or, moreover, innovation. To prevent this from happening, young educators need to purposefully help, create the necessary organizational, scientific, methodological and motivational conditions for their professional growth and easier adaptation in the team.

The relevance of the problem of methodological support for young teachers, the provision of direct assistance in organizing educational activities in our preschool educational institution in accordance with modern requirements, is currently of paramount importance.

There are two categories of young teachers in preschool education:

    Young specialists are graduates of universities and colleges.

    Novice teachers are specialists with pedagogical education, but no work experience, with less than 3 years of experience. This group also includes teachers who have left parental leave, as well as those who have a pedagogical education, but school.

A special role in the organization of methodological work in a preschool educational institution is played by purposeful activities to support young teachers. Working with them is significantly different from organizing work with teachers, for a long time successfully working in kindergarten.

The purpose mentoring is to assist a young specialist in mastering the profession and quickly mastering the full scope of labor duties through familiarization with the existing methods and techniques of work in the institution, transfer by mentors personal experience, principles of corporate culture and professional ethics.

Main goals:

    Adaptation of young specialists to working conditions;

    Creation of conditions for the formation of a qualified and competent employee;

    Providing moral and psychological support to young professionals in overcoming professional difficulties arising in the performance of work duties.

    Expected Result from mentoring:

    Easy adaptation of a young teacher in a preschool environment;

    Increasing the level of knowledge of novice educators in the development, education and training of preschool children, interaction between parents and preschool teachers;

    Creation of an individual style in work;

    Development of creative abilities in independent pedagogical activity;

    Formation of professional skills, accumulation of experience, search for the best methods and techniques for working with children;

    The need for continuous self-education;

    Mastering modern pedagogical techniques and technologies, communicative culture;

    Reducing the percentage of staff turnover and motivation to establish long-term labor relations with the employer.

Professional adaptation of a novice educator in the process of entering the educational environment will be successful if:

Professional adaptation of the educator is carried out in continuous connection with the process of his personal and professional development, and is determined by the methodological work of the institution;

In the organization of pedagogical work, there is a maximum consideration of personal characteristics and the level of professional training, active support for the personal and professional growth of the educator;
- the material and technical support of the educational process meets modern requirements and helps the teacher to implement innovative approaches.

According to the tradition existing in the institution, educators in groups are selected according to the principle of competent professional support, which makes it possible to create tandems of experienced and novice educators. Various forms of work with a young specialist contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, the development of techniques for working with children and their parents, and have a positive effect on the growth of his professional significance.

Those forms and methods are chosen that will ultimately contribute to the further professional development of a young specialist.

On-the-job training;

- participation in the work of methodological associations (preschool educational institution, district, city);

- self-education, including independent study of the educational program;

- training in refresher courses;

- open classes of colleagues;

- solution and analysis of pedagogical situations;

- training in drawing up detailed plans - lecture notes, etc.

Over the course of many years of work in a preschool institution, a certain system has developed to form the traditions of mentoring, with the support of which the young teacher gradually begins to introduce the existing theoretical knowledge and skills into the practice of working with children and their parents. She masters the art of communication, can find an approach to any parent, and through him learn more about the child, and generally establish trusting relationships with children, and in the future win the love of children and the respect of their parents.

At the heart of this system of work, there are three stages:

1st stage- adaptive.

Determination of the duties and powers of a young specialist; identifying gaps in his skills and abilities; development of an adaptation program.

2nd stage- main (design).

Development and implementation of an adaptation program; adjustment of the professional skills of a young teacher; building his own self-improvement program.

3rd stage- control and evaluation.

Checking the level of professional competence of a young teacher; determining the degree of his readiness to perform his functional duties.

A mentor is assigned to each trainee.

Candidates for mentors are considered and approved by the order of the manager indicating the period of mentoring and are regulated by the following local documents:

Mentoring Regulation;

Work plan with a young specialist;

An individual plan for passing the educational route of a young teacher.

A mentor can be an experienced teacher with high professional and moral qualities, knowledge in the field of teaching and education methods. The psychological compatibility of the mentor and the trainee is also very important.

The entire system of methodological work with young specialists is divided into three stages: diagnostic, implementation, and analytical.

At the first stage, the personality of a young teacher is studied, familiarity with his personal and professional qualities, which include: pedagogical education, theoretical training (knowledge of the basics of general and developmental psychology, pedagogy, methods of education and training of preschoolers), experience practical work with children, the expected result of pedagogical activity, the identification of positive and negative traits character. Diagnostics is carried out in the form of questioning, testing, interviews and observation of the organization of the educational process in the group.

Author's techniques are used:

    to determine the pedagogical resistance to stress and the effectiveness of the work of the teacher trainee;

    to determine the compatibility of teachers for recruiting for a group;

    to identify personality typology.

The results of diagnostics are entered into the individual plan of the young teacher's educational route. Thus, the diagnostic stage allows us to determine the strategy and tactics of activity in relation to the work of a young specialist. For each young specialist, the mentor develops an individual plan, which displays the content of the activity, the timing and the reporting form according to the annual objectives.

The second stage is implementation, which includes assistance in professional development and correction of difficulties, which also affects knowledge, skills and personal components.

Based on the results of the diagnostic stage, we select and apply various forms and methods of working with young specialists, which contribute to their professional competence increase.

- study of normative and legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, local acts of educational institutions;

- preparation of calendar-thematic planning;

- diagnostics of skills and abilities of a young specialist.

Development of an individual plan for professional development

- pedagogical self-education;

- participation in events of various levels;

- classes of a young teacher.

during a year

Emotional stress resistance of a young educator. Communication function in class

- workshop on solving and analyzing pedagogical situations;

- analysis of various styles of pedagogical communication

during a year

How to conduct an effective lesson. Craftsmanship secrets

- demonstration of the experience of the mentor and other colleagues;

- preparation of plans - lecture notes;

- conducting and analyzing classes by a young teacher

during a year

The image of the teacher.

- consideration of issues of pedagogical ethics, rhetoric, culture, etc.

Certification. Qualification requirements

- study of normative documents for the certification of teaching staff;

- drawing up a portfolio of achievements of a young teacher

Self-education of the educator

- selection of a methodological topic;

- planning work on a thematic topic for a year

Diagnostics of pupils

- studying the methodology of monitoring, diagnostics, examination

Pedagogical situation.

- tips and advice from a mentor

during a year

Piggy bank of interesting activities.

- development of classes by the efforts of the youngest specialist

during a year

Generalization of teaching experience

- experience description technology

Methodical exhibition of the achievements of a young educator.

- systematization of the best practices of professional activity

Organization of the work of the "School of a young teacher"

It stands out as an independent link or as a kind of kindergarten structure of excellence. Novice educators unite under the guidance of one experienced educator or senior educator. The work is carried out according to a special plan, which includes a discussion of such issues as the technique and methodology for setting the goals of the lesson, the features of planning the work of the teacher, taking into account the level of education of the team and much more. Classes in the "School of a young educator" provide for the implementation of practical tasks related to the development of options technological maps activities with children and parents of pupils, using information and communication technologies. Communication of young educators under the guidance of experienced teachers contributes to the development of professional stability, creative self-realization of the personality of a novice teacher.

The study of the work experience of educators indicates that one of the reasons for the insufficient manifestation of pedagogical creativity and initiative is a sharp transition from the active theoretical activity of future educators during the training period to purely practical activity in the first years of work at MADOU.

During this period, it is important not only to preserve the theoretical special and psychological-pedagogical training of the teacher, but to develop and deepen it through direct application in practice. The School for Young Educators is capable of solving this important problem.


An internship is a specially organized mutualactivities for the transfer of knowledge, experience to the trainee in order to improve qualifications in a specific profile.

The internships were conducted on the basis of the order of the OBR,educational program "Professional developmentskills of preschool groups of rural general educationinstitutions ", Regulations on the internship and plans for jointactivities of educational institutions. Headinternships in each educational institution were appointedsenior educator, whose duties included:

organization of theoretical and practical events;

control over the results of the activities of mentors.

The novelty in organizing the work of internships ispreparation of an individual educational route by a teacher- mentor and supervisor of an internship based onprofessional needs and requests of each trainee.

The content of the individual educational routeincluded:

observation and analysis of classes;

study of the organization of the educational process;

study of plans, programs for the organization of educationaleducational process;

participation of teachers in meetings of pedagogical councils,methodical activities;

organization of workshops - seminars;

study of methodological literature on internship topics, etc.

The internships were held in the following areas:

fitness and health;

intellectual and cognitive;

social and personal;

artistic and aesthetic.

Throughout the internship, mentors andtrainees actively collaborated using direct and remotecontacts. This communication grew into business and friendly relationswhich continue to this day.

The internship demanded from the mentors in-depth knowledge, skills in transferring their professional experience and skills,additional responsibility. The workload has increasedmentors. Tutors pre-school educational institutions of the city have shown professional competence, pedagogicalskill, great culture of communication, tact, createdatmosphere of trust. In turn, the trainees showed patience,diligence, gladly adopted the knowledge and experience of mentors, which are now used in their work. Internship as a formprofessional development provides a personal approach andmeeting the needs of teachers to improve knowledge,theory, practice of organization and management of educationaleducational process.

Upon completion of the internship, each trainee providedthe following documents:

- journal of internships;

- analysis of attendance at classes and other open events;

- five own developments on the internship topic;

- creative work presented at methodological eventskindergarten, in which the village teachers were trained.

Based on the results of the work, the leaders and mentors of the internshipprepared analytical reports. All documents provided by the trainees were analyzed and evaluated.

To track the results of the work, the mentors went totrainees and analyzed their teaching activities, as well asattracted to display the results of work in the form of openactivities for the children of this institution. The effectiveness of the work was also monitored with the help of incoming and control diagnostics, where the level of knowledge and professional skills revealed before and after the internship.

Such a form of individual methodical work asinternship, helped to cause high activity of teachers -trainees, to improve their skills in solving pedagogical problems, to connect theory with practical experience. An important role inflexible visit schedulevarious methodological activities during the internship.

Thus, as a result of the internship in 2008, 2009, the pedagogical experience of 22 village teachers was studied and generalized. Internship as one of the forms of methodical work to improvequalifications contributed to the improvementprofessional skills development in the creative initiative of the teachers, proved to be effective practice of providing suchassistance to educators proved to be viable. Internship asa new form of improving professional skillsteachers meet modern requirements and have a positive effect on the quality of education in preschool groups at schools.

Tokareva Galina Alexandrovna
Position: Physics teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 15"
Locality: Kursk city, Kursk region
Material name: article
Theme: "New forms of methodological work with teaching staff as the basis for their professional development"
Date of publication: 17.02.2018
Section: complete education

“The teacher must in education

to be on a par with the century. "

A. Pushkin

New forms of methodological work with pedagogical staff as

the basis for their professional development.

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the urgent problems

domestic pedagogy. Lead in efficiency

the educational process is played by the teacher, his professionalism.

Improving the skill level of teachers is a priority

direction of activity of methodical work, which takes a special

place in the management system of an educational institution and represents

an important link in the integral system of professional development of pedagogical

personnel, since, first of all, it helps to improve professional

competence of the teacher, the development of his creative initiative.

For the growth and improvement of the professional skills of teachers

various forms of work are used.

By way of organization

(collective, individual), as well as by the degree of activity

participants (passive, active).

Collective forms: seminars, workshops, scientific and practical

conferences, schools of excellence, methodological associations,

creative groups, open lessons, workshops, methodological

decades, methodical festivals, master classes, methodological bridges,

discussions, methodological rings, trainings, video trainings, pedagogical

readings, professional exhibitions, project defense, educational,

organizational-activity, business, role-playing and other games,

creative reports, extracurricular activities, excursions, meetings with

educators and innovators.

Individual forms: self-education, internship, development

creative topics, mutual attendance of classes, introspection, mentoring,

interview, consultations, attending classes with subsequent analysis,

Traditional forms, in which the main place is still given

reports, communications and direct transfer of knowledge are losing their meaning

due to low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today

it is necessary to involve teachers in active educational and cognitive

activities using the forms and methods that are called

"Active teaching methods". They are mainly based on dialogue,

presupposing a free exchange of views on ways to solve one or another

problems on the independent mastery of knowledge in the process of active

cognitive activity.

Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which

the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving

free exchange.

The value of using active methods in an educational institution:

1. Improving the quality of the educational process at school.

2. Stimulating the interest and motivation of teachers for self-education.

3. Increasing the level of activity and independence.

4. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of their activities.

5. Development of the desire for cooperation.

In addition, active learning ensures the creation of an atmosphere,

relieving tension and anxiety in adults due to the inclusion

in educational activities, reveals new opportunities, is

a necessary condition for the development of competencies.

Active forms of work with teaching staff:

Training: assumes preliminary and final diagnostics

(questioning, assessment of professional skills, selection of practical tasks and

game exercises), which are performed in situations of programmed

success, and then transferred to a situation of real practical

activities of teachers.

can be short-term - we are talking about the formation of highly specialized

skills and long-term - we are talking about the formation of a complex

professional skills of teachers.

Briefing:meeting that summarizes the position on one of the

burning questions. It can be led by a supervisor or

a specialist who prepares in advance to answer questions about

a certain topic and allows you to maximize the activation of educators.

Two teams are created: one asks questions, the other answers; organizer

asks questions, teachers answer.

Business game: contribute to increasing interest in the considered

the problem, help the formation of creative thinking of teachers,

finding new ways to solve complex problems, form and train them

practical skills and abilities. A business game is to a certain extent

rehearsal of the teacher's activities. It makes it possible to lose any

the pedagogical situation in the faces, which allows you to understand psychology

a person, standing in the place of a child, his parents, director or colleague.

Methodical ring: It is supposed to attack the opponent with questions,

which must be answered promptly. Questions may be asked and

host of the game. The content of the questions may relate to one or different

problems, depending on the purpose of its conduct: to clarify and

systematize classes on one problem or conduct a mini -

diagnostics of teachers' knowledge on a whole range of issues. For instance,

pedagogical ring: "Ways to improve the educational process in

Round table: the topic and problem are highlighted in advance. maybe

prepared speakers. You can divide the participants into groups when

discussing different types on the same issue. Be sure to host

form conclusions and proposals. Roundtable topics can be

different, but they must necessarily contain in their wording

alternative elements. For example, - “Problems of interaction

social and family education at the present stage ",

“An educational institution - what should it be? "

When holding a Round Table, it is important to pay attention to the design

premises. For example, it is advisable to arrange tables around the perimeter

rooms. The host of the Round Table determines his place so that

see all participants. Guests may also be here

specialists, administration, etc. In the course of work, each question of the problem

discussed separately. The floor is given to teachers with experience

work on the problem. The moderator summarizes the results of the discussion of each issue.

At the end, he offers a variant of the general position, taking into account the comments,

additions, amendments.

Symposium - a discussion during which participants speak with

messages representing their points of view, and then responding to

audience questions.

Debate - discussion based on pre-agreed

speeches of representatives of two opposing groups.

Discussion is one of the ways that will help teach teachers to lead

professional, constructive dispute that can lead to a solution

problems, reaching a common opinion. Discussion (translated from Latin -

research, analysis) is a collective discussion of any

a question, problem or in juxtaposing ideas, opinions, suggestions. It

can be used as an independent type of work with teachers, and

as well as a business game staging a discussion. Taking part in

discussion, the teacher first of all formulates a thesis - a thought or position,

the truth of which must be proved. Before starting a discussion,

to formulate the problem and the goals of the discussion before the teachers, that is

explain what is being discussed, why the discussion is being held and what should

give a discussion. In this case, it is necessary to interest teachers by indicating to them

unresolved or ambiguously solved pedagogical problems or

questions. It should also establish a timetable for the discussion and each


The discussion leader should create a welcoming environment,

positive emotional background, and also make sure that all teachers

understand the essence of the discussed problem and are familiar with the corresponding

terminology common to all participants.

The goal of a leader is to collect more, fewer opinions, so he

activates teachers and supports their activity, offers

formulate proposals, speaks out himself, trying to identify different

approaches, different opinions to arrive at the desired result.

Discussion swing (discussion): the audience is divided into groups (2 and

more). Each group defends opposing opinions one at a time


Brainstorm: a group of several people actively discussing decides

any problem. The group leader announces the general decision.

Lecture using feedback techniques: The teacher after each

complete thought appeals to the audience. Based on the answer given

regulates the content of further lectures.

Lecture for two: teacher with teacher or parent in pair illuminates

topical issues. Material for this type of lecture is pre-distributed. By

at the end, listeners are allowed to ask questions to both lecturers.

Lecture "question - answer": throughout the lecture, questions are asked,

the lecturer answers.

Method "Quadro" (form of discussion after the teacher's lecture). The presenter asks

agree, but; 3 - disagree; 4 - I agree if. Then the presenter unites in

a group of teachers with the same cards and a discussion is organized.

Conclusions are made by the moderator.

Creative hour: work in small teams where

works, non-traditional drawing techniques are being introduced.

Master - class (workshop). Its main goal is to get acquainted with

which helped the teacher achieve the best results.

Pedagogical workshop or pedagogical "studio": teacher -

the master introduces the members of the teaching staff to the main ideas

its educational system and practical recommendations

for its implementation. For example: "Development of creative imagination

schoolchildren by means of fiction, art,

experimentation ”.

Ideas bank: it is a rational way of collectively solving problems, not

amenable to traditional solutions at this stage.

Exhibitions - fairs of pedagogical ideas, auction: public

presentation of the best examples of professional activity. Competently

prepared and conducted, it stimulates teachers to be creative and

self-education. Leads to new ideas

Coaching - session: interactive communication. Developmental consulting,

discussion (question - answer). The teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but

only answers the questions that the consultant asks him, and finds himself

ways to solve problems.

Quick - setting: this is the teacher's attitude to successful work.

1. If you want to please people - smile!

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the models of the world envy you.

3. There are people like a gold coin: the longer they work, the more expensive

Case - method: a non-play method of analyzing and solving situations. Where are the teachers

participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks,

taken from real practice.

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation

skills are the result of active independent activity of teachers in

resolving contradictions, as a result of which creative

mastering professional knowledge, skills, abilities and development


Open space technology: involves active participation

each teacher, creating a democratic atmosphere, equality

opportunities, openness and cooperation, interaction, communication,

development and exchange of ideas.

Use of TOP at the pedagogical council (no need for a detailed

agenda and work plan).

Presentation: a visual version of the lecture and practical material.

Creative Group

is created to test new learning technologies and to develop

Creative group tasks:

Studying new technology, innovations, organizing an experiment on


Development of an experiment program and its implementation;

Formulation of experimental conclusions, generalization of results and development

Problem groups

temporary groups of teachers created to address one or another

problems relevant for individual teachers or for pedagogical

collective as a whole

Tasks of the problem group: -analysis of individual pedagogical

the difficulties that led to the problem; -study

condition of the problem; -examination of ways to solve the problem, based on

the individual experience of the group members, as well as ways of solving,

presented in the pedagogical or methodological literature.

Trainee couple

structural unit of methodological service aimed at mastering

innovation in the context of different levels of development of motivation and

professional competence of teachers.

What methodological tools are typical for the work of trainee couples?

Working in a trainee pair implies joint actions for:

Designing training sessions taking into account the mastered technology,


Mutual education on innovative techniques and technologies that meet

requirements of the standard

Analysis of mutually attended classes

- development of teaching aids, didactic handouts


Summing up, we can say that a well-built system of forms

methodical work with teaching staff will lead to the disclosure

the creative potential of the teacher, will unite the team of teachers and is

a way to improve the skills of employees.

Forms of methodical work with teachers

Passive formsthe work of the methodological service is focused to a large extent on reproductive thought activity and provides support for the area of \u200b\u200bactual development of teachers.

Active formsstimulate the search, creative research activities of teachers and are focused on the zone of proximal development of teachers.

The most effective forms of methodological workat the present stage of school development, in our opinion, are:

theoretical seminar,


scientific and practical conference,

methodical decade,

days of science,

methodical festival,

methodological bridge,

methodical mosaic,


methodical ring,

business game,

pedagogical KVN,


video training,

pedagogical readings,

lecture hall,

professional exhibition,

project protection,

thematic pedagogical council,

public lesson

Forms of organizing and holding meetings of the Ministry of Defense may be as follows:

Theoretical seminar




Creative discussion

Creative dialogue

Living room

An hour of collective creativity

Methodical festival (based on the results of methodological work for the year)

Business game

Methodical KVN

Fair of methodological ideas

Methodical training

Types of homework teachers in the framework of planning methodological work can be as follows:

Modeling a lesson (in whole or in fragments)

Development of a system of lessons for a topic or course

Development of a special course, research program on a specific topic

Selection of literature on a specific topic, course, problem

Annotation on the topic, course, problem, work experience of a colleague

Compilation of control materials, tests

Compilation and protection of reference schemes, memos, didactic material

Development of plans for circles, scenarios of extracurricular activities in the subject, courses of choice

Attendance at lessons, extracurricular activities, special courses, extra classes followed by analysis

Presenting your own experience on a topic, problem

Self-education topic defense.

Interactive techniques and games

"Interactive"means interaction-based. But interactivity is not just the interaction of subjects with each other, but a specially organized cognitive activity with a pronounced social orientation.

The purpose of using interactive methods and games is to change the behavior patterns of participants. By analyzing his reactions and the reactions of a partner, the participant changes his model of behavior and consciously assimilates new norms of activity, which makes it possible to speak of interactive methods as a process of interactive education.

Guiding principlesthe organization of the interactive process are:

Thought activity;


Freedom of choice;


The organization of thought activity is:

In the performance of various mental operations by the participants (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, abstraction, etc.);

In the exchange of the results of mental activity between the participants in the pedagogical process;










{!LANG-c299485d559c260f0abb6749b84b34cd!} {!LANG-e86d1cfddc6f1c96f6a652f73730c901!}






{!LANG-ce804c4c6a1cf0e617aa71db5f74a33f!} {!LANG-9d9eebd97d7e48c488bf63569ea005c4!}


1. Construction of the game:

§ {!LANG-0c634e8c1347370becf12c3f5f84e273!}

§ {!LANG-0e1910ef1f09b129e4d081a3590f7a63!}


§ {!LANG-2a44131a1f8b78cba039365da0885793!}

§ {!LANG-c18c754aea33f8d76724aa64deddf7e1!}

§ the time, conditions and duration of the game are determined.


4. Summing up, its detailed analysis:

§ {!LANG-684d563fed61a172c43c0349a1a495ba!}

§ {!LANG-ff019d3417d9e325e389da95556e1103!}

§ {!LANG-2f3bfd090aa60d6f5d13a1fbd26663f1!}

§ analysis and evaluation of the game by experts.

Approximate procedure for conducting a business game:






In conclusion, the leader sums up the results of the game.






Pedagogical KVN


Game progress:

1. Greeting teams, which takes into account:

§ correspondence of the speech to a given topic;


§ presentation form.

§ Performance time - 10 minutes.



4. Competition of captains.




Methodological bridge






Solving pedagogical problems






Methodical festival









Fair of pedagogical ideas

· {!LANG-5efd0fe263573640c69b0bdb74d1af98!}

Development of a methodological portfolio





{!LANG-ebd522f3ffcded18dab9e75539ffc55b!} {!LANG-6d8175dfdd2f9370f0bca6c6bb11a5bd!}{!LANG-721e120917b415645a3b52756eb36295!}

{!LANG-2478024bc3b72e99cb9d4590c5923ffc!} {!LANG-a1593d25a426d177dc1b31eb6c9e047b!} {!LANG-fd2c0682f8a0c955a6eb1dc1bdcb5591!}


{!LANG-d2b56901b01ef7e0205373417d940dfd!} {!LANG-2d763c87273e4041610e97c610da400a!}{!LANG-f2f89afa335d08bf7902484497b3cfc6!}








{!LANG-15193c9a995d6e68d3db3b7a4d7833b5!} {!LANG-02123ddd3d22eeb7e0e2ae08f870ece4!}{!LANG-a8097124e43a003a6958513d0745a058!}

{!LANG-71af0b91e9c6e7a6df42df8980cbf379!} {!LANG-79231e9a8ef9012b569f7a29d6611fa1!}


{!LANG-da3c2857cf53d461b65d106d6ce8b7bb!} {!LANG-6407529b62e1ceaa1de250a0af392665!}


"Round table"{!LANG-34a3c69a36526590f29842f54d1cc289!}





{!LANG-5c5468b7321f66beee5f58118803abfb!} {!LANG-d191160c7682a62e2764df443227cd78!}{!LANG-caa27712162a9ed35571f707d4b1599b!}








{!LANG-b09c8a414d6333ab9a32afa00f062985!} {!LANG-afa77820e4679b40d50c695fea0b6480!}{!LANG-538991e2b69d53950d98a1b64a2ac847!}



Organization and conduct methodology:



















{!LANG-9063ca1a309e3b0c3887b2e4009a8e5a!} {!LANG-4129db48f0673919ecedbde5050fc53e!}{!LANG-e83d4dc1da597294aca0f351c8d6ddea!}



Business game{!LANG-4b4215e3b4d00350404edd4c1f1dd12e!}


{!LANG-72857298618a7f36e399bcc4dcaa426c!} {!LANG-1c3dcf9dd677e54656d475c81fbcc233!}


























{!LANG-a570177cadffb65e3500f382a2ebd6a0!} {!LANG-3be21981e775ed7d1109856dfe959ec7!}


Organization and conduct methodology:














{!LANG-cd93f525c08e96a6d545749afdb59530!} {!LANG-f433c5d2480aa1467a0f6db813bf2435!}



















{!LANG-a570177cadffb65e3500f382a2ebd6a0!} {!LANG-a060349d1d7e4c59f15e38fa99146f9d!}






{!LANG-d3423958229504281ba2fbf3f334d60d!} {!LANG-de0e94bb5aab13b3aca5bb41b6d2e424!} {!LANG-f067ece6a8c2ea9a95ee688a8e968876!}





{!LANG-a570177cadffb65e3500f382a2ebd6a0!} {!LANG-ede849a67c233a878b9e307d5d4c33a0!}





{!LANG-4077cc47dbdff700a7901ab00a10bd69!} {!LANG-2a080b85f37e5e1636cc7171f4bc9a2d!}


Organization and conduct methodology:













· {!LANG-f7a36b3d7442f749dda5a5908215ce58!} {!LANG-65450cc3db5f3e6813adc63d3a996c08!}

· {!LANG-6952037678b7edfeaa82169940f89d52!}


· {!LANG-f94e117c8dd0a14b0d93c35b7e43eb49!}

· {!LANG-ab3409e29a8d31f63c9387e8efe10e95!}


· {!LANG-721febdc711213a7f39576e00f97aff9!}

« {!LANG-ca027d99c88eaddd4c101062dd701cc2!}

· {!LANG-cd01995053387e25ff01b484132a9f80!}























{!LANG-802793858f06e75bc1c649dedede34b4!} {!LANG-260f8c02e48555d79eab7fc21df05cea!}{!LANG-6ebe0aec09c8b3b0ac2eaf3f22e18d0b!}





{!LANG-75d7d1425a310cb529439afc467c01ba!} {!LANG-895e17b97530ba007612c6f219a34e59!}

{!LANG-833231ad18d3ced131e0f6a393a88569!} {!LANG-d09dcbde64726f74328e5d8241e76bf3!}{!LANG-e85d147ab5808e5e71bfe33fccd5b2d4!} {!LANG-288604413926dbdf8d6b11b3646dde00!}









{!LANG-f4caf413aaa6311733febb34b723a2e2!} {!LANG-179d820ca4582008f8fe76b61a381595!}{!LANG-daa7ef1c0c0729622f53af7f594dbb07!}















{!LANG-814ae15ee4ed952f57961ac5eb35fe5b!} {!LANG-676e2a81620c84cba1257a358887437d!}{!LANG-09644d608897c729c78365e65d6312b4!} {!LANG-babd07a23549d28a0b4e41a2e4af60fe!}



























Individual forms:{!LANG-2516005a610212b68d2743177b7d3040!}

{!LANG-6170abc6a3b1f0c48e0a8dc113ae6526!} {!LANG-b304b3aab947bbd491c291975a5b1822!} {!LANG-f656ffc9218cb53fd84e054cafdc55df!}{!LANG-a8fd46b8d5abe225eed2dd857febd302!}

{!LANG-87614acb1f7980974577c76a953fe008!} {!LANG-52ffc37313668a193c8fbd81da4ab968!} . {!LANG-674af42aa3be73da00222b75941178af!}




Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff




Pedagogical Council{!LANG-1b02b80f48131e1bf28d1598cf120712!}














However, the effectiveness of the heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met. It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of the conversation. It is essential that educators have a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional experience. The person preparing the consultation should draw up a well-grounded plan of the conversation, allowing him to clearly imagine what new knowledge the educators will receive and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. A heuristic conversation conducted with the aim of transferring new knowledge requires serious preparation and thinking through the entire course of the lesson.




Seminars and workshops




The head of the seminar can be the head or senior educator, invited specialists. It is possible to involve educators, specialists, medical workers in conducting individual classes.The main task of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience in this issue. For example, at a workshop on ikebana, teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of bouquet composition. These skills are subsequently used both in decorating a group room and in working with children. And in the classroom of the workshop on making Christmas tree decorations, teachers not only master the techniques of working with paper and other materials, but also develop a system for organizing various exciting activities with children in a group room for the period of the New Year holidays, where the main thing is a Christmas tree decorated with crafts by children, parents, teachers ... Teachers come up with surprising moments, select literary material to create a fabulous atmosphere in the group these days.

For the seminar "Features of the organization and conduct of observations in nature in the summer" educators are offered in advance questions to discuss the problem. For example: How often do you observe natural objects in the classroom (excursions), walks, in everyday life? What do you think is the main thing in the method of organizing and conducting observation? What difficulties do you face? What techniques do you use to develop children's interest in nature and education of observation? What observations in nature have arisen at the initiative of children? How do you support, awaken, develop children's inquisitiveness, curiosity? What influence does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior? Do you use elements of environmental education in your work with children? During the course of the workshop, it is possible to discuss different points of view, launch discussions, create problem situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop common positions in solving the problem. It is important that the results of the seminars are formalized in the form of concrete and really implementable recommendations, and their implementation is under control.

Increasingly, the question of the need to teach parents, especially young mothers, methods of personality-oriented communication with a preschooler is being raised. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists can be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; they will teach you how to organize the game. You can arrange an evening of games for children and adults, in which the workshop leader will be an attentive advisor and observer. He will tell his parents about his observations and notes in the next lesson and give specific recommendations on methods of individual communication with the child.

It seems that such work will be useful for parents, children, and a preschool institution, whose authority in the eyes of parents will only grow. The seminar as a form of methodological work differs from the seminar practiced in higher educational institutions.

The first distinguishing feature is its duration. It can include one or several activities. Sometimes a permanent seminar is planned for a long period, for example, several months or even an academic year. The second important feature is the location of the event. This can be a methodological office of a kindergarten, a group room or other places (museum, exhibition hall, square, etc.) depending on the goals and tasks that the leader of the seminar should solve. The third feature is the nature of the didactic tasks that are solved in the workshop. This is both educational activity to systematize and improve knowledge, and work on the formation of skills. In addition, during the seminar, the tasks of disseminating pedagogical experience are solved.

The fourth sign is the source of information. This is the word (reports and co-reports of the participants), and actions (performing various practical tasks at the seminar), and a visual demonstration on the topic of the seminar, and pedagogical analysis.

Therefore, the seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with a permanent venue.

Properly organized preparation and preliminary information play an important role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant for a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, in which to indicate the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, a mandatory list of literature, which is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think over the methods and forms of including all participants of the seminar in an active discussion of the topic. For this, situational tasks, work with punched cards, discussion of two opposing points of view, work with normative documents, methods of game modeling, etc. are used. The leader of the seminar must clearly think over the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of teachers.

Open show

Each educator has his own pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills. The work of the educator who achieves the best results is singled out, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is "equal".

"Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the educational process that meets the urgent needs of the practice of teaching and upbringing!" (Ya.S. Turbovskaya).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps the educator to explore new approaches to working with children, to distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practices arise in mass practice and are, to some extent, the result of it.

For any teacher studying advanced experience, not only the result is important, but also the methods, techniques, with the help of which this result is achieved. This allows you to measure your capabilities and decide on the implementation of experience in your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most operational form for resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, for quickly responding to public requests, to the changing situation of education. Born in the thick of life, advanced experience is very instrumental and, subject to a number of conditions, successfully takes root in new conditions, it is the most convincing, attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to such a special role of advanced experience, open screenings are held annually within the framework of methodological work in kindergartens, at which the best experience in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy is presented.

An open show makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, to get answers to questions of interest. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to witness the process of pedagogical creativity. A manager organizing an open show can set several goals:



Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader to organize interesting discussion of what he saw, to develop a common opinion of the team. It should be remembered that in the discussion, the first word is given to the educator, demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of open viewing, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into your work, submit the abstracts to the methodological office, or continue generalizing the teacher's work experience in order to present it to the district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of dissemination of experience: open screening, work in pairs, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical skills, open day, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The value of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate, it teaches, educates, develops teachers. Being essentially intimately connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological office of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to have addresses of pedagogical experience.

Business games

At present, business games have found wide application in methodological work, in the course system for advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, familiar ways. It has been repeatedly noted that the use of business games has a positive value. It is positive that the business game is a strong tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

But more and more often the business game is used in methodical work as an external spectacular form. In other words: the one who conducts it does not rely on psychological-pedagogical or scientific-methodological foundations, and the game "does not go". Consequently, the very idea of \u200b\u200busing a business game is discredited. So what is a business game?

A business game is a method of imitation (imitation, image, reflection) of making managerial decisions in various situations, by playing according to rules set or developed by the participants in the game. Business games are often called management imitation games. The very term "play" in various languages \u200b\u200bcorresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. It seems that this explains the emergence of business games in the system of methodological work.









The direct development of materials for a business game includes the following stages:

- a description of the sequence of actions;
- description of the organization of the game;
- drawing up tasks for participants;
- preparation of equipment.

"Round table"

This is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and teaching preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, it allows to put all participants in an equal position, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think over and prepare questions for discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Literary or pedagogical newspaper

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that unites employees. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.




Work on a single methodological topic

With the right choice of a single methodological topic for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is really capable of captivating and capturing all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in rallying a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements to consider when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and really important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity achieved by it, interests and requests of teachers. There should be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience, accumulated practice of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to implement and develop everything that is advanced in your team. The foregoing does not exclude such an approach, when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, with a breakdown of a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodical work and be combined with the themes of educators' self-education.


The system of continuous professional development of each teacher of a preschool educational institution involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out in refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in previous coursework; promotes comprehension of advanced experience at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In a kindergarten, a senior educator must create conditions for teachers to educate themselves.






Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is strong and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge should be a discovery that you made yourself. "

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes the work in such a way that the self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step towards improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, the experience of teachers.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized over the years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a particular system.




Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

- participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
- receiving advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
- work with the bank of diagnostic and correctional and developmental programs in regional methodological centers, etc.


