Cooking navy pasta: basic rules, flow chart naval pasta with minced meat. Boiled pasta: flow chart of the original and variations Pasta with minced meat flow chart

Hand tools 23.07.2020
Hand tools

Naval pasta with minced meat can be made in different ways. I offer several step-by-step recipes on how to cook pasta in a navy way - in a pan, in a slow cooker and naval pasta with minced meat and tomato paste.

Home-style naval pasta

Naval pasta with minced meat in a frying pan

Naval pasta with minced meat in a pan can be considered one of the most simple ways... The dish turns out to be juicy, tender, satisfying. It is impossible to resist such an appetizing yummy.

Naval pasta recipe with minced meat in a pan

Dish: Main dish

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes


  • 200 g pasta pasta or spaghetti
  • 150 g minced meat
  • 1 PC. a tomato
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 2 tbsp. l. sauce
  • salt

How to cook navy pasta with minced meat in a pan

1. Boil spaghetti in salted water. The cooking process is quick, it takes a few minutes, about 5 - 7.

2. Prepare the minced meat. It is best if it is prepared with your own hands. For aroma and tenderness, add onions and a couple of garlic cloves to it.

3. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom. Pour in a little oil, place the minced meat there. Lightly brown.

4. Cut ripe tomato into small pieces.

5. Send the tomato to the minced meat. Mix well.

6. Put the finished spaghetti into the pan. You do not need to drain the liquid from them. Add grated carrots and sauce. Mix all food thoroughly. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

7. Naval pasta with minced meat is ready.

Navy-style pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker

For the preparation of naval pasta with minced meat, a multicooker will be very useful. One hour and juicy pasta with minced meat are ready.

Naval pasta recipe with minced meat in a slow cooker

Dish: Main dish

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 400 g minced meat pork + beef
  • 300 g pasta
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 350 ml water
  • 150 ml tomato paste
  • 20 g spices
  • greens
  • salt

How to cook naval pasta with minced meat in a slow cooker

1. The whole process of cooking this dish should be done in the "Baking" mode for exactly one hour. Worries that something may burn is not worth it, because the multicooker provides partial evaporation of the liquid, that is, moisture will definitely remain. In addition, the bowl has a non-stick coating. Put the prepared minced meat on the bottom of the container. The bowl must be greased with oil in advance. Cook the meat until golden brown.

2. Then add water.

3. Add salt.

4. Pour in the pasta.

5. Grate the carrots. Spread out in the total mass. Stir the ingredients well.

7. Add your favorite spices and herbs. Mix everything again. Close the lid, continue cooking.

8. Juicy navy-style pasta with minced meat is ready.

Navy-style macaroni with stew

Let's prepare naval pasta with stew. In the old days, setting off on a long voyage, sailors took provisions that could withstand long-term storage. From meat products, corned beef was available - strong salted meat that was stored in barrels. Since that time, the tradition arose to diversify the naval menu with pasta and meat. Naval macaroni is prepared with both boiled and canned meat.

Naval pasta: a recipe with beef stew

Dish: Main dish

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes

Servings: 5 servings

How to cook navy pasta with stewed meat and tomato paste

1. In a large saucepan, heat water and salt it. Cook the pasta as usual.

The cooking time for pasta is indicated on the package. Drain all the water from the finished pasta.

2. Slice an onion. Fry it in oil and add a spoonful of tomato paste to it.

3. Open the can of stew.

Place the contents in a skillet with the onion and tomato paste. Heat everything together for 6 to 7 minutes.

4. Place the meat in the pasta.

A simple, but very tasty and nutritious navy-style pasta dish with stewed meat and tomato paste is ready.

Enjoy your meal.

Navy-style pasta is prepared quickly and simply, but it turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. A great dish for a family lunch or dinner! My dad loves this dish very much.


To prepare delicious navy pasta you will need:

400-500 g pasta;
400-500 g minced meat;
2 carrots;
3 onions;
parsley to taste;
salt, black pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Put pasta in boiling salted water and boil it almost until tender, put it in a colander, rinse cold water and leave the excess liquid in the glass.

Finely chop the peeled onions and carrots.

In a deep frying pan with preheated vegetable oil spread the minced meat.

Fry, constantly stirring the minced meat, until light state.

Then add the onion and fry until the onion is soft.

Add the carrots and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until the carrots are golden brown.

Salt minced meat with vegetables, pepper and add pasta.

Mix pasta with minced meat and fry for 5-7 minutes under the lid, stirring occasionally.

Decorate the prepared navy-style pasta with chopped herbs and serve hot to the table. Simple, satisfying and delicious!

Enjoy your meal!

Oddly enough it sounds, but even for such a simple dish as boiled pasta, you need clear instructions for cooking, in other words - routing... This is a mandatory document for those who work in the food industry, in particular in catering establishments, institutions or stores that have their own culinary department.

The technological map of this culinary dish provides for the indication of proportions necessary products for its preparation, as well as a description of the sequential actions of the work itself.

If you are guided by the basic standards, then you can take as a sample the flow chart below.

Cooking process

Bring salted water to a boil, lay and cook until tender. The cooking time can range from 4 to 20 minutes, depending on the total number of servings, the type and size of pasta. During the cooking process, the pasta increases in size by about 3 times, and to avoid sticking it requires constant stirring. After being cooked, they are thrown into a colander and filled with half the norm of melted butter, stirring thoroughly. The rest of the oil is added just before serving.

The shelf life of the dish is 2 hours from the moment of its preparation.

If it is customary in an institution to cook a certain type or variety of pasta, then in the technological chart, boiled pasta indicate a more accurate cooking time.

Added a product - changed the dish

Even if you make minor changes to the dish, you get a new masterpiece. This feature is very important to take into account when drawing up a menu, developing new technological maps, since this affects not only taste (for the consumer's side), but also on the material side - costs (for the seller or the contractor).

In particular, the technological card for boiled pasta with butter and boiled pasta in terms of the composition of the ingredients is one and the same. But depending on the purpose of their use, the cooking process itself will differ in the future.

So, there are drain and non-drain methods. The first is used when pasta is prepared as an independent side dish. The second is used for cooking pasta for pasta and casseroles.

Technological card of boiled pasta with vegetables

If you add vegetables to the dish, then it turns out to be more satisfying, fresh and has a pronounced aroma.

How to cook

All vegetables, except peas, are peeled, washed and cut into strips. Saute in a preheated frying pan until golden brown. Then add the tomato puree and sauté for another five minutes. Warm up in parallel green pea... Sauteed vegetables, warm peas are added to fresh ready-made pasta (the technological card of boiled pasta is presented above) and mixed. The dish is ready to serve.

It should be borne in mind that any changes to the components of the dish must be made in the technological maps.

Naval macaroni is a fairly simple and satisfying dish. Cooking it hassle-free. There are also many cooking options. You can take pasta or pasta. The meat component can also be different - any minced meat, boiled meat, stew. You can also diversify the taste of the finished dish by adding cream, sour cream, tomato paste or tomatoes.

Each option is good in its own way. We have prepared for you a basic navy-style pasta recipe that you can adjust for yourself. You can also reduce the amount of calories by replacing minced pork with beef or chicken, or take pasta from durum wheat.


Pasta - 400 g;

Minced pork - 300 g;

Onions - 1 piece;

Salt and pepper to taste;

Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


First of all, finely chop the onion. You can also add carrots to the minced meat, it is best to grate it on fine graters. We put the onion aside and do the minced meat.

Put the minced meat in a large frying pan with vegetable oil. We make a small fire and wait for the mince code to grab a little. Now you need to arm yourself with a spatula or spoon and break it into small pieces. Then mix the minced meat and break it again. We do this until all the minced meat is fried, but the pieces should not be large.

Add onion and spices to the minced meat. Fry the minced meat over medium heat for about 10 minutes. At this stage, you can add tomato paste or tomatoes without the skin.

While the minced meat is being prepared, boil the pasta as indicated on the package. Then drain the water from them by tipping the pasta into a colander. Place the pasta with the minced meat and mix well. If you are cooking large portions, stir directly in the saucepan. M

Preschool recipe flow sheets - part 11



I. V. Korelskaya ______________________

Technological map number 10

Product name: Boiled pasta with butter

Recipe number 204.

Weight, g







150 g.

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

Cooking technology

Pasta (pasta, noodles, noodles, etc.) is boiled in a large amount of boiling salted water (on 1 kg pasta take 6 l water, 30 g salt). Pasta is boiled for 20-30 minutes, noodles - 20-25 minutes, vermicelli - 10-10 minutes. During the cooking process, pasta swells, absorbs water, as a result of which their mass increases by about 3 times (depending on the variety).

The cooked pasta is thrown back and mixed with the melted butter (1/3 -1/2 part of the amount indicated in the recipe) so that they do not stick together and do not form lumps. The rest of the pasta oil is seasoned just before the release. Pasta dishes are served hot.

To prepare baked dishes, pasta can be cooked without throwing it back in a small amount of water (on 1 kg pasta 2,2- 3.0 l water, 15 g ... salt).

recommended food yield for the first age group - 150 g , for the second- 200 g .

Quality requirements

Appearance: pasta keep its shape, easily separate from each other


Colour: white with a cream shade

Taste: typical for boiled pasta, moderately salty

Smell: boiled pasta

Technological map no.

Product name: Boiled macaroni with cheese

Recipe number 206.

The name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products, semi-finished products

1-3 years

3 -7 years old

Weight, g





Mass of boiled pasta No. 204



The chemical composition of this dish on 150 g

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

The chemical composition of this dish on 200 g

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

Cooking technology

Boil pasta (recipe No. 204), season with boiled butter, sprinkle with grated cheese just before serving.

Quality requirements

Appearance: pasta stacked in a slide, retain its shape, easily separate from each other, sprinkled with grated cheese

Consistency: soft, elastic, moderately dense

Colour: white with a cream shade

Taste: typical for boiled pasta, salty from cheese

Smell: boiled macaroni with cheese flavor

Technological map no.

Product name: Pasta baked with cheese

Recipe number 207.

The name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products, semi-finished products

1-3 years

3 -7 years old

Weight, g





Mass of boiled pasta No. 204


Semi-finished product weight

Mass of baked pasta



The chemical composition of this dish on 150 g

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

The chemical composition of this dish on 200 g

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

Cooking technology

Boiled pasta is seasoned with oil, mixed. The mass is spread on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and bake until a crispy crust forms on the surface of the pasta. When serving, cut into portions.

Quality requirements


Consistency: loose, juicy

Colour: crusts - blush-golden, on the cut - white, with a cream shade

Taste: typical for baked pasta, salty with cheese

Smell: baked macaroni with cheese flavor


Head of MBDOU Kindergarten № 172

I. V. Korelskaya _______________________

Order No. ____ dated ______________________

Technological map number 3

Product name: Baked pasta with egg

Recipe number 208

The name of the collection of recipes: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool organizations

Name of products, semi-finished products

1 -3 of the year

3-7 years old

Weight, g










1/2 pcs.

3/5 pcs.


Vegetable oil (for greasing the baking sheet)

A mass of boiled pasta



Semi-finished product weight



Baked pasta oil









The chemical composition of this dish on 150 g

Nutrients (g)

tical value (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

Minerals (mg)

incl. animals

Cooking technology

The processed eggs are mixed with cold milk, salted and mixed. The mixture is combined with boiled pasta filled with butter, mixed, spread on a greased baking sheet and baked until a crispy crust forms on the surface of the pasta. When serving, cut into portions.

On vacation, pour over boiled butter.Quality requirements

Appearance: neatly cut pieces in the form of rhombuses or squares, covered with butter

Consistency: loose, juicy, soft

Colour: crusts - ruddy-golden, on the cut - from light cream to cream

Taste: moderately salty, typical of pasta and eggs

Smell: baked pasta and eggs

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