Chemical Olympiads. Chemical Olympiad Olympiad Sarkisov Tasks of past years

Kitchen 22.09.2020

The main objectives and objectives of the School Olympiad of Schoolchildren are to identify gifted schoolboys focused on engineering and technical specialties capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking and planning their professional activities in the gas industry.

Olympiad is conducted by educational organizations higher education from among leading universities Russian Federation Together with PJSC Gazprom. Chemistry Olympiad is held by the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin and Kazan National Research Technology University. Full-time Stages of the Olympics are held at many regional venues.

This Olympiad is not the status in admission to universities. Nevertheless, she provides a unique opportunity to test their strength before surveying ege, receive necessary information On conditions of learning in the university, its winners are awarded valuable prizes. Winners and winners of the Olympiad will receive additional points to the results of the USE, as part of the accounting of individual achievements of applicant (up to 10 points).

The Olympiad is held in two stages:
- Registration and first (remote) stage - from 05.11.2019 to 12.01.2020;
- The second (final) stage is carried out in full-time in the period from February 1 to March 31, 2020. Winners and winners of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympics are allowed to participate in it.
To familiarize yourself with examples of tasks and preparations for the qualifying round of the Olympiad, participants are invited to pass the preparatory tour. Participation in it is not mandatory and the results are not taken into account later.

Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleeva conducts an interregional chemical Olympiad named after Academician P. D. Sarkisov for schoolchildren 9-11 classes ...

Competition passes in two stages. The qualifying stage is remotely carried out. Completed tasks are checked by computer Program And the appeals are not subject to.

The final stage takes place in part at the university sites in Moscow and the regions of Russia. Winners and winners of the first stage are invited to him. When performing olympics, the organizers are allowed to use the periodic system chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev and the solubility table and a number of metals voltage.

What's new

How to participate

  1. Sign up to the Olympics on the organizers website.
  2. Perform the qualifying step tasks. Results will be published on the site.
  3. Select a convenient full-time playground, register.
  4. Perform the tasks of the final stage. The preliminary results will be published on the Olympiad website.
  5. If you do not agree with the tutorials of the jury, apply.
  6. Final results are looking for the organizers website.

What special

How to prepare

Decide the tasks of past years Disassemble complex places with a teacher. Specify questions. The school is interested in your success - it increases its prestige. Tasks and solutions →

Interregional Chemical Olympus

Registration form A.

ATTENTION! Questionnaire filled letter letters. Unpractors should be completely filled!

Participant information

Surname, name, participant's patronymic - fully



Passport details (series, number, who and when issued)

(It is necessary to attach a photocopy of 2nd 3 pages of passport)


Address of the actual place of residence (index, region, region, district, city (village, village), street, house, square.)




Place of study - the full name of the educational institution



Accurate mailing address of the educational institution


Evaluation of Berezza last half of the year (trimester)

middle score in all subjects

according to the following subjects:


computer science

russian language



social science


Availability limited

health opportunities

I agree to the processing of my personal data in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law

from 27.07.2006. No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation

, 2006, №31, Art. 3451)

I guess participate

In the Olympiad

It is necessary to note the direction of preparation of IPROFIL in order

Objects for which the Olympiad is held

Specify the number of preparations in

Profile No.

Table replacement profile

accordance with Appendix A (see Turnover)

olympiads and directions


having provided the Annex

(see Turnover)



About teacher / mentor,

Surname, first name, patronymic teacher / mentor


vivnishkolnikov participants

Position, academic degree, scientist title, place of work


Signature of the participant of the Olympiad

Date of completion

Appendix A to Registration Form

Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P.D. Sarkisov Russian Chemical Technology University. DI. Mendeleev (chemistry) on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Education

higher vocational education "Moscow state University Design Technology "





Directional directions

Title Profile Preparations


for which



Design and technology policon film materials, artificial

leather and membranes

Technology Recovering plastic masses and elastomers

Chemical technologies biotechnology

Chemical TechnologyCommetics, biologically active

substances and dyes

Pharmacological and cosmetology materials and coatings

Chemical Technology

Nanotechnology of polymeric materials

Coloring textile materials

Chemical technologiesAducation, the restoration of the imoding

polymer and Textile Products

Digital Technologies Application Polymer Mate

TechnologyPolymer fibers and composites based on them

Engineering technosphere and ecological expensive

Engineering Protection ambient in emergency situations

Engineering Proceeds of the Environment


Safety of technological processes and industries in the industry

Natural environment and resource saving

Information technologies in energy and resource-saving techno-

logical processes

Technology Pilific

Technology Packaging Production Design

and packaging


XXXI Mendeleevskaya Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry passed from May 3 to 10, 1997 in Yerevan.rendeleevskaya Olympiad in accordance with the decision of the Federation Council Chemical societies CIS countries has international status. The Direct Organizers of the 1997 Olympics were the Chemical Education Association (Russia) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia. The Olympiad received considerable sponsorship support from the National Fund "Ayastan", the city hall of the city of Yerevan, Airlines "Armenian Airlines", Bank "Menatep" and other organizations.

The work of the organizing committee of the Olympics passed under the guidance
A.R.Petrosyan, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia,
P.D. Sarkisova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of PCTU named after D.I. Imendeeva
Yu.A. Ussnyka, Professor of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow University
V.V. Lunina ChL-Corr. RAS, Dean Chemical faculty Moscow University

As part of the jury from 19 people included representatives of the Moscow, Yerevan and Belarusian state universities, as well as a number of other organizations of the chemical profile of Moscow and Yerevan.

Jury Olympiad headed

  • L.A. Sahakyan, Professor, head of the Chemistry of Yerevan State Medical University, Chairman of the Jury
  • A.I. Fat, Associate Professor of the Chemistry Faculty of Moscow University M.V. Lomonosov, deputy. Chairman of the jury

All organizational concerns lay on the shoulders of the Public Organization "Olympic Movement of Schoolchildren of Armenia" and the Association for Chemical Education.
48 schoolchildren from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Estonia took part in the Olympiad.
The first theoretical tourpassed in Tsakhkadzor in the House of Creativity of Writers of Armenia. In this tour, students were offered to solve eight tasks on inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.

You can experience your strength, trying to solve them yourself:

Task 1. Task 5.
Task 2. Task 6.
Task 3. Task 7.
Task 4. Task 8.

Second, experimental, tour He held in the laboratories of the Department of Chemistry of the Yerevan State Medical University named after Moshitar Geracy, in Yerevan was all warm and sunny and in direct and figurative sense.
XXXII Mendeleevskaya Olympiad is planned in May 1998 in Kyrgyzstan.
The winners of the Olympics were marked by diplomas I, II and III degrees

Diplomas I received:

Diplomas II degree received:
1. Druzhinin Sergey, Korolev Moscow Region, Russia
2. Bogatyrev Anton, Yekaterinburg, Russia
3. Verbitsky Dmitry, Banovichi, Belarus
4. Zaitsev Alexander, Moscow, Russia
5. Piskunov Matvey, Vitebsk, Belorussia
6. Agafonts Alexander, Comm, Russia
7. Romanenkov Alexander , Tula, Russia
8. Sizemskaya Valeria, narva, Estonia
9. Oleg Otters, Minsk, Belorussia
10. Rodionov Valentin, moscow, Russia


A victory or a prize at the schoolchildren's Olympics is an excellent chance to pass a general competition and enroll with the benefits of the university dreams. We used to tell.

In this article we will help you to navigate with the requirements of universities: what benefits they provide the winners and prize and under what conditions are taken to undergraduate and specialized programs.

Brief certificate of benefits

What are the benefits. Each university itself determines the conditions on which the winners and medals take. It may be:

  • enrollment without entrance testing;
  • 100 score points for a profile subject;
  • maximum score in motion (additional introductory tests).

Victory is taken into account for grade 11, for 10-11 or immediately for 9-11. Also, the university itself establishes the compliance of the profile of the Olympiad to the direction of preparation - that is, by what subjects the Olympiads on which educational programs university accepts beneficiaries.

In most universities, only the reception commission finally decides, under what conditions to take the winners. Therefore, our table information about benefits may be incomplete. Be sure to specify information about special rights in the reception commission. Her phone is on the website of each university.

Which Olympics give benefits

  • The All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren is, it is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. A victory or a prize at the final stage of the Vseross allows without exams to do on the profile of the Olympiad in any university of Russia. Not by profile - get the maximum scores on the USE or DV.
  • The same privileges receive winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of all-Ukrainian students and international olympics.
  • University Olympiads from the List of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. They are carried out directly universities of Russia. Winners and prize-winners of these Olympics can also get privileges when admission. But here you need to take into account the rules of the university itself.

And what about the exam. The diploma of the winner or the prize of the Olympiad of schoolchildren must be confirmed at least 75 points receive EGE. Some universities install b aboutlodine threshold. Vseros's diploma must be confirmed only minimal scores In Russian language and mathematics.

List of universities and lists Olympiad

This is a list of all profiles of the list of Olympiad. Choose a profile, look for your university dreams and see the winners and winners of which Olympics is he is ready to take with privileges.

👇🏻 Tables for other subjects:

Chemistry listing Olympics 2018-2019

Level 1

  • Moscow Olympiad of schoolchildren;
  • olympiad schoolchildren "Lomonosov";
  • All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad;
  • Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents".

2 level

  • St. Petersburg Olympiad of schoolchildren in chemistry;
  • M. V. Lomonosov tournament;
  • Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science";
  • Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous educational institution Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University";
  • olympiad schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University.

3 level

  • Open chemical Olympiad.

Universities that take winners and medalists of chemistry olympics

Universities Level of Olympiad Privileges Olympiad
Altai State University I, II, III
Astrakhan State Technical University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams In the directions of "Chemical Technology", "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemicals of Ibiotechnology", "Technology of products and the organization of catering", "Naturalobolement and water use" Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Bashkir State University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions of "Chemistry", "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry", "Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials", "Biotechnology", "Chemical Technology". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhov I, II, III Winners and prize-winning - enrollment without entrance exams on the direction of "Chemical Technology". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Vologda State Technical University I, II, III Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Voronezh State University I, II, III Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Far Eastern Federal University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions of "Chemistry" and "Medical Freshimia". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Izhevsk State Medical Academy I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (decides selection committeeSpecify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Irkutsk State University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams on the direction of "Chemistry". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Irkutsk National Research Technical University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kabardino-Balkarian State University. HM BERBEKOVA I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kazan (Volga) Federal University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III Winners and prize-winning - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry when entering the sending "Nursing case". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kemerovo State University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky I, II, III Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kuban State Technological University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Kuban State University I.
II. Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry.
III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry.
Kuzbass State Technical University. T.F. Gorbachev (Kuzgtu) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions "Chemical Technology", "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and
Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU. M.V. Lomonosova) I, II, III Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Moscow Technological University (MITHT, Miera, MGUPE) I. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
I. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
II. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Open chemical Olympiad
National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogarev I, II, III Winners - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions "Chemistry, physics and mechanics
materials "," Fundamental and Applied Chemistry "," Chemical Technology "," Therapeutic Business "," Pediatrics "," Dentistry "," Pharmacy ".
Take all the list of chemistry olympics
National Research Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
National Research Tomsk State University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
National Research University "MIET" I. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams upon admission to the direction "Technosphere security". Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Winners - enrollment without entrance exams upon admission to the direction "Technosphere Safety". Prize-winners - 100 points on the exam in chemistry upon admission to the direction "Technosphere Safety". Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
National Research Nuclear University "MIII" (branches) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
National Mineral Rain University "Mountain" (Mining University) III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy I. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (National Research University) (NNU) I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Novosibirsk State Technical University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Novosibirsk National Research State University (NSU) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Omsk State Medical University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams upon admission to the "medical case", "Pediatrics". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry when entering "Dentistry", "Medical and Preventive Case", "Pharmacy".
Omsk State Technical University (OMGTU) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions "Chemical Technology", "Technosphere Safety", "Oil and Gas Business". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Omsk State University named after M.F. Dostoevsky I, II, III The winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams when entering the "Chemistry", "Chemical Technology", "Ecology and Environmental". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Penza State University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - 100 points on the exam in chemistry (decides the adoptive commission, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the educational program, specify by reference and at the receiving commission). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Perm State National Research University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams for all directions of the chemical faculty. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Petrozavodsk State University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin I. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Winners - enrollment without entrance exams. Prize-winners - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance examinations in the "medical case", "Pediatrics", "Stomatology", "Pharmacy", "Medical Biochemistry". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Russian University of Chemical Technology. D. I. Mendeleev (PCTU) I, II, III Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (National Research University) (SGAU) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are 100 points on the exam in chemistry when entering the "medical case", "Pediatrics", "Medicoprofilact business", "Stomatology", "Pharmacy", "Surst". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Samara State Technical University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
I. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
St. Petersburg State University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance examinations in the directions "Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials". Take all the list of chemistry olympics
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design I. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations in the direction of "Chemical Technology", "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology", "Technosphere security". Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. MA Bonch-Broevich III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" them. IN AND. Ulyanova I, II, III The winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry upon admission to the direction "Technosphere security" (decides the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky I, II, III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Saratov State Technical University. Yu.A. Gagarin I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry Olympics except the School of School Olympiad Gazprom
Northwest State Medical University. I.I. Mechnikov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I. Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Moscow Olympiad Schoolchildren
Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
All Schoolchildren Open Olympiad
Multi-reported Olympiad "Young Talents"
II. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Open Interuniversity Siberian Olympiad Siberian Federal District "Future of Siberia"
St. Petersburg Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry
Tournament named after M. V. Lomonosov
Interregional Schoolchildren Olympiad "Future Researchers - Future of Science"
Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Olympiad of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University
Northeast Schoolchildren Olympiad
III Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Interregional Chemical Olympiad Schoolchildren named after academician P. D. Sarkisov
All-Russian chemical schoolchildren tournament
Open chemical Olympiad
Sectoral Olympiad of Schoolchildren Gazprom
North Caucasian Federal University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician MF Reshetnyova I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams (specify the reference directions by reference). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Siberian Federal University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Togliatti State University I. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Olympiad of schoolchildren "Lomonosov"
II. Winners and prize - 100 points on the exam in chemistry. Interregional Sub-Olympics of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University"
Tomsk Polytechnic University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Tula State University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance examinations or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (depending on the direction of preparation, specify the link). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Udmurt State University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Ural State Medical University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Ural Federal University. First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University I, II, III Winners and prize - enrollment without entrance exams. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Chelyabinsk State University I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance examinations for the Chemistry Faculty. Take all the list of chemistry olympics
South West State University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
South Ural State University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Yaroslavl State Technical University I, II, III The winners and prize-winners are enrollment without entrance exams or 100 points on the exam in chemistry (solves the recovery committee, specify the information). Take all the list of chemistry olympics
Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov I, II, III Winners and prize-winners - enrollment without entrance exams on the direction of "Chemistry". Take all the list of chemistry olympics

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