Food for a 2 year old. What to feed a 2 year old. What products are banned

Sheet glass 12.09.2020
Sheet glass

Here is the sample menu for a week for a child 2.5 -3 years old. We are just 2 and 8. This is a set of foods and dishes that we usually eat.

Of course, this is a slightly idealized version. In the sense that such a variety every day is a plus and great. But in life, of course, it doesn’t work out that way, to eat different dishes every day))). Usually the soup, if cooked, is for the whole family (the baby has already grown up and eats with us) and for several days, so as not to mess up. So both the soup and the second are eaten for 2-2.5 days.

However, from the point of view - “what would you cook today”, when, for example, there is not much time for fantasy or something else ..., then it is very convenient to have such a menu in front of your eyes as a basis. Any mom, of course, has a bunch of her delicious recipes. I bring mine. It can also be changed and modified by me))



Millet porridge with apple

Sandwich with curd cheese

Tea with milk


. chicken noodle soup

Cod with puree and fresh tomato

Apple juice

afternoon tea

Barney with a glass of milk

after 30 minutes - an apple


Oatmeal porridge with persimmon

Curd Agusha classic

Kefir Agusha



Semolina porridge with pear

A cheese sandwich



Pickle with sour cream

Meatball with stewed zucchini

Apple pear juice

afternoon tea

Bun with apple

Mint tea

."flower" of fruits

(I make the core and wheel of a banana, the petals are tangerine slices, the stem is from an apple)


Oatmeal with banana

Curd Agusha




Omelet with tomatoes

Sandwich with caviar

Tea with milk


Egg soup

Naval pasta with fresh salad


afternoon tea

Pancakes with honey

herbal tea



Semolina porridge with milk

Curd Agusha




Milk rice porridge

Tea with milk


fish soup

stuffed pepper

Kissel Frutonyanya

afternoon tea

Carrot salad with apple

Chamomile tea




with milk

Curd Agusha




Oatmeal with banana

Sandwich with curd cheese



Mushroom soup with sour cream (give without mushrooms!)

Braised cabbage with sausage

cherry juice

afternoon tea

Beet salad with sour cream

Tea with milk



Oatmeal porridge with prunes

with milk

Curd Agusha




Oatmeal with berries

Doctor sausage sandwich

Tea with milk


Borsch with sour cream

Trout with cauliflower and broccoli


afternoon tea

The vinaigrette


Half a banana



with milk

Curd Agusha




Rice porridge with raisins

A cheese sandwich



Bean/pea soup

Boiled chicken with mashed potatoes and cucumber

Rosehip juice

afternoon tea

Chocolate balls with milk

Apple + kiwi + orange (beat)


Millet porridge

with milk

Curd Agusha


In addition, you can

Just stew any meat with carrots and onions

As a side dish, rice can be mixed with a green pot

I didn’t include the liver here (we don’t like it, but nevertheless it’s useful to eat it, you can make liver pancakes or just chicken, for example, stew with onions and carrots)

You can also make chicken breast cutlets (there is a very tasty recipe ;-))

Again, as a side dish, you can stew carrots with sour cream

I also make green salad - cucumbers, boiled egg, green onions and sour cream

All health and bon appetit!)

More and more adult foods appear in the diet of a two-year-old baby. However, his digestive system too sensitive, which excludes a complete transition to a common table. How many times should a child eat at 2 years old? At this age, meals are usually 4 times a day, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. It is important to offer the baby food at a strictly allotted time, at intervals of about 4 hours.

The child grows and develops all the time, so it is important for parents to properly organize his diet.

Foods in the diet of a two-year-old child

The basis of the menu in two years is cereals, light cream soups, lean meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits grown in the area where the family lives. Porridges are made liquid or viscous, vegetables for stewing are finely chopped, meat is scrolled in a meat grinder. The child should learn to bite and chew solid foods, which make up a significant part of the adult diet.

The basis of the diet

In the diet of two-year-old children, there must be:

Juices, fruits, vegetables and sweets

Vegetables are very healthy for a child, but not all children like to eat them. Therefore, unloved foods can be masked in mashed potatoes or cutlets.
  1. Berries and fruits in season are required in the baby's diet. You can eat them on your own, make compotes, jelly, jelly. The daily norm of fruits is 200 grams, berries - 20 grams. It is important to be careful with citrus fruits, to observe the reaction (allergy is possible). It is permissible to add a slice of lemon to tea.
  2. Vegetables and greens saturate the body with valuable trace elements and improve digestion. The daily norm of vegetables is 300 grams, of which potatoes are 100 grams. They can be stewed, baked, mashed, chopped for salads. The kid can try peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, garlic, onions. Greens - spinach, parsley, dill serve as a decoration and a useful addition to dishes.
  3. Natural sweets are needed in a limited amount. A couple of times a week you can offer marshmallow, jelly, jam. In rare cases, ½ teaspoon of honey is allowed (you can sweeten the cottage cheese or casserole). For an afternoon snack, you can offer home-made oatmeal or shortbread cookies. It is better to wait a little with chocolate, cakes, sweets.
  4. The daily norm of juice is 150 ml. Drinks made from fruits grown in the region where the baby lives are allowed. You can give juices from tetrapacks intended for baby food. Drinks from exotic fruits should be postponed.

It is better not to buy sweets in the store, but to cook them yourself, for example, cookies. It will be much better for the baby.

One day menu

Dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, soups or broths should be present in the daily diet of children. Meat should be alternated with fish and given every other day. The approximate amount of food is distributed as follows: 25% / 35% / 15% / 25% (breakfast / lunch / afternoon tea / dinner). The daily calorie content is 1200-1400 calories, of which about 360 should come from fats.

A sample menu for one day in 2 years looks like this:

Menu for the week

It is difficult for the mother of a 2-year-old baby to find time for kitchen chores. Classes with a child and adherence to the regime require a lot of effort, so kitchen assistants (combine, blender, slow cooker) will help organize the day.

Two-year-old babies love to watch their mother cook dinner in the kitchen, so they can already be attached to this process.

A well-designed menu for the week will allow you not to think about what to cook for tomorrow and stock up in advance necessary products. When compiling it, it is advisable to rely on the table:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
MondayRice cutlets with prunes, drinking yogurt (1.5%).Cabbage and carrot salad, borscht beef broth, lazy cabbage rolls, bread, dried fruit compote, marshmallows.Fresh berries, cheesecakes, kefir (more in the article:).Cauliflower stewed with sour cream, bread with marmalade, unsweetened tea.
TuesdayOatmeal with fruit, bread with cheese, cocoa in milk.Salad with grated carrots and apples, navy vermicelli, soup with meatballs, unsweetened tea.Milk, shortbread, fruit.Banana, chicken casserole, compote.
WednesdayBread with butter, cottage cheese casserole, cocoa in milk.Shchi in meat broth, vegetable salad according to the season, fish meatballs with mashed potatoes or peas, rosehip drink, marshmallows.Pear pudding, compote.Pasta with milk sausage, kefir, fruit.
ThursdaySemolina porridge, apple, carrot juice.Combined vegetable salad, fish soup with meatballs, syrniki with sour cream, compote, bread.Cottage cheese cake, fruits. cranberry jelly.Milk, low-fat pilaf with chicken.
FridayRice porridge with dried apricots, which is in milk.Vegetable salad with greens, beetroot, cherry juice, bread, turkey roll and broccoli.Corn flakes with milk, berry juice.Zucchini stuffed with ground beef, milk, banana or peach.
SaturdayCottage cheese casserole, milk, bread with butter and cheese (see also:).Salad with beets and prunes, vegetable soup, rabbit cutlet, berry jelly, bread, pasta.Kefir, banana pudding (we recommend reading:).Potato dumplings, unsweetened tea.
SundayBuckwheat porridge casserole with liver, peach juice, vanilla croutons.Cabbage salad with carrots and cucumber, pea soup with croutons, fish meatballs, stewed vegetables with green peas, bread, compote.Cheesecake, milk, fruit.Liver pancakes, mashed potatoes, tea.

Popular Breakfast Recipes

A proper breakfast energizes and stimulates activity in the morning. It should be light and at the same time satisfying, contain proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.

Semolina dumplings for breakfast

Pour 100 ml into a saucepan. milk and 50 ml. water, boil, salt. Pour semolina (70 gr) in a thin stream and cook thick porridge for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool (the temperature of the dish should be 70 degrees), add a teaspoon of melted butter, fresh quail egg, mix. From the resulting mass, form balls with a diameter of about 3 cm. Boil and salt water separately, dip the finished balls into it and cook for 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool and serve warm with butter, herbs and grated cheese.

Light drachen

Dracena is a dish that simultaneously resembles an omelet and a casserole. To prepare it, beat 1 egg and 20 ml. milk, salt. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. flour and sour cream, mix. Place on a greased baking sheet or dish. Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs when serving.

Meals for a hearty lunch

Lunch for a two-year-old should be balanced and contain the required amount nutrients but not lead to overeating.

It is easy to find a compromise between healthy and tasty lunch. Dishes prepared for the baby can be successfully served on a common table. However, not vice versa, since dietary products are used in baby food according to the season. Lunch consists of three courses that harmoniously complement each other and allow you to introduce new tastes. The child does not like zucchini, cauliflower and other vegetables? They can be disguised in stews, cream soups, or mashed vegetables.

Vegetable soup with nuts

Soak in cold water for 2 hours a handful of white beans. Rinse and pour beans with water (300 ml), cook until tender. Add finely chopped small potatoes. In vegetable oil, separately fry half the onion, carrot, bell pepper, add to soup. Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat. Serve in a plate, sprinkled with herbs and crushed, oven-dried walnuts.

In salted boiling water or broth (150 ml), add 50 grams of finely chopped potatoes, boil until half cooked. Add sautéed vegetables (peppers, onions and carrots), cook until tender. To prepare meatballs, grind a piece of boiled beef. Add pepper, salt, half a beaten egg and mix. Boil separately and put in soup before serving. Offer warm (35-40 degrees), decorated with greenery.

Meatballs can be purchased ready-made, but for the children's menu it is better to cook them yourself

Fish in a pot

Take hake fillet (200 grams), black pepper, salt, onion, hard cheese, ceramic pot. Put in a pot half a teaspoon of fresh butter, half a finely chopped onion and carrot. Lay the washed fillet slices, smeared with sour cream, on the vegetable pillow. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, pour in 3 tbsp. warm water. Simmer in the oven covered for 25 minutes.

Meatballs "whiskered"

Pass through a meat grinder 100 grams of lean beef. Add 15 grams white bread soaked in milk, and scroll again in a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, beat lightly. From a thin mass, form meatballs and insert dry pasta into them so that the “mustache” sticks out on both sides. Place carefully in a shallow saucepan. Pour in water and simmer covered for 20-25 minutes.

Menu for afternoon tea

An afternoon snack is the smallest meal in terms of volume, but its importance for a growing organism is great. In order for children to get the full range of nutrients, it is important to create a menu that will include healthy dishes.

It is better to serve fresh fruits, compotes, vitamin smoothies, oatmeal cookies and other carbohydrate-rich foods. Simple and quick recipes with photos that are easy to please the crumbs for an afternoon snack, a lot.

Banana pancakes are very tasty, your kids will definitely like them.

Knead the dough for fritters (whey, sour cream, milk, kefir). Separately, prepare fruit puree by chopping the pulp of 1-2 ripe bananas in a blender. Mix well and bake in vegetable oil. Prepare the sauce by taking 1 chopped banana, a tablespoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of honey. Stir ingredients and pour over pancakes before serving.

apple pudding

Peel 2 green apples, cut, sprinkle with sugar and pour water. Simmer for 6 minutes, cool, chop with a blender. Separately grind the yolk with sugar (1 tsp), combine with applesauce, add a handful of chopped nuts and 1 tsp. ground vanilla crackers. Add beaten egg white separately. Put the mass in a prepared baking sheet, place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Serve in portions, watering with honey or syrup.

Dishes for dinner

Dinner should be light and satisfying at the same time, so the child should be offered protein meals and, if possible, exclude fast carbohydrates (juices, sweets). It is advisable to have dinner no later than 19-00, take a walk after eating in the air. Before going to bed, it is better to feed children 2 years old with yogurt or fruit, which will saturate and improve digestion.

Fish is good for the child's body, and the casserole is one of better ways cook this product

Cut new potatoes into slices, boil. Add fresh butter and milk, salt and beat until smooth. Separately stew in 100 ml. milk 150 grams of low-fat fish fillet. Transfer the fish to a fireproof dish, put a quarter of a boiled egg on top, pour over the milk left over from the stew and spread the mashed potatoes. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Each parent cares about the health of his child, so questions about his proper diet never go unnoticed. The menu of a child at 2 years old becomes more varied and satisfying. The nutrition of a two-year-old baby has its own characteristics, which you should be aware of. Children at this age are gradually getting acquainted with adult food, but it is still too early to completely go over it. Much of what you eat is still harmful to the digestive system of a small organism.

When compiling the menu of a 2-year-old child, it is necessary to take into account the needs of a growing body for nutrients. The baby has teeth, and he is already able to chew food. You need to gradually accustom him to solid food: thick cereals, boiled meat, fruits and vegetables.

The most high-calorie food should be taken at lunch. Due to the rapid development and growth of a small organism, its nutrition at 2 years old is fundamentally different from what it was at 1 year old.


At the age of 2, a child's nutrition becomes four times a day and consists of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Pediatricians say that children should eat 4-5 times a day. It should be remembered that frequent feeding will lead to poor appetite, and rarer ones will affect the digestive system and, accordingly, the well-being of your child.

Breaks between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours. By the age of two, the baby develops his own food preferences, favorite and unloved dishes appear. New products and ways of processing them are gradually introduced into its menu. In a toddler at 2 years old, the usual routine changes slightly. A desire for independence is manifested, which parents should only support, and not suppress.

The value of food as fuel for the body is measured in heat units called calories. Every day a child receives an average of 1400-1500 kcal. By caloric content, meals are distributed as follows: 25% of calories for breakfast, 30% of calories for lunch, 15% for afternoon tea and the remaining 30% for dinner. The most important thing is to ensure sufficient supply essential minerals, macro- and microelements, vitamins.

Needs of a 2 year old

Mothers all over the world have to think daily about what to feed their child. Food should be steamed, baked or boiled. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the baby's diet should be 1:1:4.

Proteins are the main building material for the growth of the body, so dairy products, meat, fish and eggs should be included in the diet of a 2-year-old child. Carbohydrates are needed as a source of energy for children. These are mainly cereals, fruits, sugar, flour products and vegetables. Fats act as a guarantor of the energy needs of a growing organism.

The menu for a child cannot include such products as:

  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • pickled foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • mushrooms;
  • margarine.

Allergy in modern world occurs frequently. If a 2-year-old peanut has an allergy, then its diet is adjusted, and all food that can cause discomfort is excluded. With such hypersensitivity to certain foods, a hypoallergenic diet for children is suggested. consists of safe products that do not cause a negative reaction in the baby. For allergy sufferers only proper diet eliminate the risk of contact with potentially hazardous products.

As for the liquid for a 2-year-old baby, about 100 ml of water is required for each kilogram of weight. per day. The amount of water includes any liquids that the child drinks: soups, compotes, milk, kefir, tea and others. Of course, in hot weather, the volume of liquid increases.

How best to make a menu

It is recommended to cook food for a child at 2 years old only once, since when the food is heated, its components lose their beneficial features. significantly different from the diet of a two-year-old baby. As for the weekly menu for two-year-old children, it must be compiled taking into account all the needs of your little one's body. What does it include:

  • In the morning, the main course is given in the amount of 200 g, bread with butter or cheese. The drink should be 100-150 ml.
  • For lunch - the first course, for example, soup in a volume of 150 ml. For the second - a meat or fish dish - somewhere around 50-80 g and a side dish - about 100 g, compote or juice - 100 ml.
  • An afternoon snack consists of kefir in a volume of 150 ml, cookies or pastries in a volume of 40 g, fruits and berries.
  • Dinner in the amount of the main course 200 g and a drink 150 ml.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that feeding a child with high-quality and varied food is a prerequisite for the moral well-being of parents.

A tasty and healthy menu, enriched with vitamins and minerals, will contribute to the healthy growth and development of a growing baby. A 2-year-old child is already familiar with many foods from the adult table, and his tastes grow with him.

New gastronomic discoveries give the baby the opportunity to learn the world. For these acquaintances with adult cuisine to be successful, mothers should follow some rules for compiling a diet for their children:

  • Acquaintance of the baby with a new product should be started in the first half of the day in order to trace the body's reaction to it and avoid adverse consequences in case of allergic and other manifestations.
  • Portions offered to a child at 2 years old should not be large - a new dish always starts with a couple of teaspoons.
  • Feeding is a special ritual for both: for mother and baby. Therefore, the preparations for the meal and the process itself should be pleasant and useful at the same time. Diet for children 2 years of age - important rule forming healthy habits.
  • Snacks may be on the children's menu, but they should not be frequent, but used in rare situations when a full meal is not available. But even snacking should be in a calm environment (not “on the go”) for favorable digestion and child safety.
  • The diet of two-year-old babies must necessarily include meat, fish, cottage cheese (processed with heat), sour-milk products, cereals, and always fruits and vegetables (daily). Full feeding will be the key to good immunity during the period of acquaintance of the child with kindergarten. It is worth being careful with bakery products, rich, store-bought sweets with a long list of ingredients and all sorts of chemical additives.
  • At the age of 2, a child should be taught the rules of behavior at the table. Most of this process will fall on the shoulders of the kindergarten teacher, however, as you know, all the habits of a child come from his family, so we instill the rules of etiquette by our own example!
  • For little "not wanting" you can come up with different stories of products and dishes. Let the process of eating the "unloved" dish become full of adventure for the baby. Let him come up with interesting names for the products - this will stimulate a new interest in food in him.
  • Options for serving dishes from the menu can be standard, without frills, but such meals quickly get bored by small gourmets. The solution in such matters will be an interesting design of the dish, let it be funny faces or magical animals - this is the perfect way to get the baby to eat raw vegetables.
  • A two-year-old baby is already quite an adult, and you can safely put him at a common table. Do not forget that Small child takes an example from an adult brother or sister, from parents - let your joint meal be constant. Then the obligation of mothers to feed the baby with their own hands will soon disappear.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you will instill in your child the necessary skills for independent nutrition. This will make life easier for both mothers and, in the future, his caregivers in kindergarten. And besides, it is such a happiness to see the healthy appetite of your child, which will undoubtedly be the foundation for strong immunity in the future.

Balanced menu for the week

At 2 years old, the diet of children is more diverse, so it becomes necessary to create a seven-day menu consisting of various first and second courses.

Here are sample menu options for the week.


  • Semolina porridge, tea, bread and butter.
  • Cheesecakes, milk.
  • Omelette, cocoa, bread with cheese.
  • Milk oatmeal, tea.
  • Cottage cheese casserole, bread and butter, tea.
  • Rice milk porridge with dried apricots, cocoa, bread with cheese.
  • Milk vermicelli, tea, bread and butter.


  • Borscht, boiled rice with fish steam cutlet, cabbage salad, compote, bread.
  • Soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrot salad, dried fruit compote.
  • Borscht, vegetable puree, beef meatballs, rosehip infusion.
  • Pumpkin puree soup, chicken meatball, carrot and apple salad, pasta, jelly.
  • Soup with fish meatballs, buckwheat, green pea, compote of berries.
  • Corn porridge, stewed rabbit, vegetable puree soup, juice.
  • Soup with beef meatballs, coleslaw, wheat porridge, compote.

afternoon tea

  • Kefir, cookies, apple.
  • Yogurt, homemade pastries.
  • Kefir, baked apples, cookies.
  • Kissel, homemade crackers, cottage cheese.
  • Milk, cookies, baked pumpkin.
  • Kefir, bread, banana.
  • Cottage cheese, cookies, fruit puree.


  • Potato meatballs with egg, rosehip infusion, bread.
  • Buckwheat porridge, steamed cutlet, jelly.
  • Rice casserole, milk tea, bread.
  • Stewed vegetables, stewed veal, juice, bread.
  • Mashed potatoes with boiled turkey, kefir.
  • Wheat porridge and omelet, jelly.
  • Rice casserole, stewed vegetables, tea with milk.

At 2.5 years old, the baby can already be given 50 g of cheese and about 20 g of 10% sour cream.

In winter and spring, there are usually few fresh vegetables and fruits on store shelves. In a child's life, this can lead to hypovitaminosis due to the lack of vitamin "C". In order to prevent this, it is necessary to add rosehip infusion to the menu.

Thus, a compromise has been found between tasty and healthy food for every day. A well-designed weekly menu will save parents from thinking what to cook for the baby tomorrow, and will allow you to buy in advance desired products. You can experiment with recipes, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

Holiday menu

What menu to choose for a child's birthday? Of course, you want your 2-year-old child to have a bright, interesting, and memorable holiday. Parents themselves carefully think over and organize everything so that it is interesting and tasty, especially for children. Mothers have a difficult task ahead of them. It is necessary to prepare such food that would be both tasty and healthy. Dishes should be served on the table in a special way to attract the attention of children.

From the children's birthday menu, products such as smoked meats, pickles, fresh fruits that cause an allergic reaction in two-year-olds, mayonnaise, chocolate, fish with bones, cake with fatty cream should be excluded.

Popular dishes on the festive table

  • Today, sandwiches in the form of canapes are very popular. To attract the attention of little ones, they are made in the form of boats, stars, bugs. Cooking recipes are different, mainly made from bread, boiled or baked meat, cheese and vegetables. You can turn on your imagination and prepare canapes from your child's favorite products.
  • Particular attention in the festive children's menu is given to healthy salads. They can be laid out on plates in the form of a flower or an animal, such a serving attracts the attention of kids. The salad should be hearty and light. With great pleasure, children eat salads from fruits and vegetables.
  • As for the second courses, you can prepare a side dish and a meat dish in addition to it. The latter is preferably prepared from minced meat. It will turn out, firstly, tender and soft, and secondly, kids will be able to chew it easily. It can be: chicken zrazy, meatballs, cutlets.
  • From drinks, juices, milkshakes with the addition of berries and fruits are well suited.
  • As for the birthday cake, children can be served "Carrot cake", "Bird's milk", "Biscuit" or any other without fatty cream.

Two year old toddler needs healthy eating. His food should be fresh and of high quality, balanced with useful substances. Such food does not require special culinary techniques and gourmet delights. Parents should establish clear rules for compiling a children's menu at 2 years old and try to follow the daily routine. It is necessary to encourage the baby to eat a variety of foods that contribute to its harmonious development. As for the taste whims of the child, they can be corrected in time by resorting to small pedagogical tricks.

The menu of a child at 2 years old is becoming more and more similar to the diet of an adult, but should differ in the choice of products and the way they are prepared. To create conditions for the full development of the growing body, provide the baby with a balanced, varied and healthy diet with enough carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

At 2 years old, the child needs to create conditions for a growing organism


For most 2-year-old children, four meals a day is sufficient. Pediatricians recommend feeding the baby according to the schedule, taking a break between feedings of 3.5-4 hours.

If the child eats for the first time at 8-00 in the morning, feed him lunch at 12-00. After a daytime sleep, prepare a light but satisfying afternoon snack - at 15-30 - 16-00. And call for dinner - at 19-00.

  1. For breakfast, the basis of nutrition should be porridge with the addition of a small amount of butter or fruit. Complement it with tea with a sandwich or biscuits.
  2. For lunch, cook the first course for the baby, add a vegetable side dish, meat or fish - cutlets, cabbage rolls, meatballs, stewed or baked.
  3. Curd dishes, fruit salads, milk, cookies, cocoa, yoghurts, juices are options for an afternoon snack.
  4. For dinner, cook porridge or pasta, stewed or boiled vegetables, meat casserole.

This schedule is for healthy child. Weakened, often ill babies need enhanced nutrition. In addition to the main meals, add a second breakfast and a snack before bed after dinner.

Allowable number of products per day for proper nutrition:

Do not arrange hearty snacks, the baby will not have time to get hungry before the next meal. Get him personal cutlery - a plate with the image of a fairy-tale character, a fork and a spoon with a colored handle, colorful napkins.

It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby, otherwise he will be capricious and refuse to eat at all.

Study the preferences and tastes of a small person, do not try to feed him against his will - next time he may refuse to eat at all.

Features of the diet of a two-year-old child

The list of products that must be present in the diet of a 2-year-old child, and what should be excluded at this age, are presented in the table.

Natural yogurt, hard cheese, kefir, butter, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, milk.Milk-containing, sour cream-containing, cheese products, spread, margarine.
Sea fish: perch, pollock, cod, flounder, salmon, pink salmon, hake.

Freshwater fish: pike, zander, perch.

Canned food, smoked, dried, dried fish, semi-finished products, herring.
Dietary meats: chicken, veal, turkey, beef, rabbit, lean pork (rare).

Sometimes: sausages, high quality boiled sausage, made specifically for baby food.

Lamb, fatty pork, duck, goose, lard.

Smoked sausages, sausages of dubious quality, marinated, dried meat, hamburgers, hot dogs, other fast foods.

Sweets: marmalade, curd or fruit dessert, marshmallow, marshmallow, soufflé.

Dry biscuits, biscuit, shortbread, homemade non-buffet pastries.

Chocolates, cream cakes, muffins, puff pastry products.

Chips, crackers, dried potatoes, corn sticks with spices.

Natural fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, kissels, cocoa with milk.Carbonated sweet drinks, or prepared from dry powder, purchased juice.

Hypoallergenic fruits and vegetables should be on the table every day in any form.

Dishes for children 2 years of age cannot contain artificial colors, flavors, flavor enhancers. It is better to refuse a variety of sauces and mayonnaises sold in stores.

A two-year-old child should not eat fast food and other foods with flavors and food additives

Don't get carried away fried foods, try to bake foods in the oven, stew, boil or cook in a slow cooker.

By this time, the child has already grown about 20 teeth, so replace the mashed and chopped food with a denser one, cut meat, fish, and vegetables into small pieces.

Diets, vegetarianism and other principles of refusing certain foods are unacceptable for a healthy child. The body needs to receive all the vitamins and nutrients in the proper amount.

Some parents face a problem while feeding the baby - whims, food refusal, crying. To cope with this situation, set an exact feeding schedule and try not to deviate from it by more than 10 to 15 minutes. The child will develop a routine and habit of eating at the same time.

Sample menu for the week

Stick to 4 meals a day, observe the intervals between feedings. 1 meal - breakfast, 2 - lunch, 3 - afternoon tea, 4 - dinner. In between meals, you can offer your child fresh fruits, vegetables or juices from them, 2-3 pcs. biscuit cookies.

You can give your child fruits and vegetables as snacks.

Choose and rotate children's meals so that the food is not monotonous, use an interesting presentation to arouse the child's interest and desire to try food.

Take an interest in what children are fed in kindergarten, add a few dishes to the home diet.


  1. Oatmeal with caramelized fruit, tea, butter and cheese sandwich.
  2. Borscht with veal, lazy cabbage rolls, buckwheat porridge, compote.
  3. Cheesecakes, cocoa in milk.
  4. Vermicelli with baby sausages, fruit, kefir.

Oatmeal with fruits is a great start to the day


  1. Cottage cheese casserole with strawberry jam, biscuit cookies without cream, tea.
  2. Vegetable soup, chicken breast baked with potatoes in the oven, kissel.
  3. Corn flakes with milk.
  4. Stewed vegetables with meatballs, fruit salad with yogurt.


  1. Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, tea, a bun with jam or honey.
  2. Soup with chicken meatballs, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, multivitamin juice.
  3. Cookies or baby waffles, kefir.
  4. Fish baked with vegetables in the oven, fruits, kefir.

Pumpkin porridge is suitable not only for breakfast, but also for lunch


  1. Omelet with boiled veal, sandwich with processed cheese.
  2. Fish soup, boiled potatoes with butter, vegetable salad with chicken, compote.
  3. Curd dessert, drinking yogurt.
  4. Potato casserole with minced meat, fruit juice.


  1. Buckwheat porridge with beef in a slow cooker, tea, a bun with butter, a baked apple with honey.
  2. Meat soup, rice with chicken liver, boiled beets, dried fruit compote.
  3. Cottage cheese with sour cream and honey, biscuit cookies.
  4. Potato slices with minced meat, fruits, curdled milk.


  1. Semolina porridge, scrambled eggs, sandwich with boiled chicken fillet, tea.
  2. Pea soup, veal meatballs, braised cabbage, fruit juice.
  3. Lazy cottage cheese dumplings, cocoa in milk.
  4. Vegetable casserole, cookie and fruit dessert.

Tea in the baby's diet should be present almost every day.


  1. Oatmeal with milk, tea, bun with jam.
  2. Soup with rabbit and cauliflower, fish meatballs, mashed potatoes, cranberry jelly.
  3. Baked apples with curd mass.
  4. pasta with stewed rabbit in sour cream, fruits.

For children prone to allergies to lactic acid, who were bottle-fed with dairy-free mixtures, boil porridge in water.

Simple and delicious recipes for every day

Try not to repeat the same dish for 2 days in a row, if you cooked boiled meat on Monday, make cabbage rolls, meatballs or meatballs the next day.

Oatmeal with caramelized fruit


  • 100 g of oatmeal "Hercules";
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse cereals: fill with water, rinse, repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Transfer the oatmeal to a saucepan, add 300 ml of clean water.
  3. Put on the stove, cook over low heat until the water has completely evaporated.
  4. Pour the cereal with milk and continue to cook for another 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  6. Peel the apples from the core and skin, cut into cubes.
  7. Pour boiling water over the lemon, cut in half, squeeze out the juice.
  8. Drizzle juice over chopped apples.
  9. Heat the pan, melt the butter in it, put the apples, sprinkle with sugar on top.
  10. Turn down the heat and sauté the fruit until caramelized, 2 to 3 minutes.
  11. Put the porridge on a plate, make a well in the center, put the apples in it, pour over the syrup.

Stewed vegetables with meatballs


  • 500 g cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • minced meat chicken meat or turkey - 400 g;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • salt.

Stewed vegetables go well with cutlets

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel and wash vegetables.
  2. Chop the cabbage, cut 1 onion into small cubes, grate the carrots.
  3. Twist the meat through a meat grinder or chop in a blender with a second onion.
  4. Knead minced meat with egg, salt.
  5. Roll in flour and fry cutlets in vegetable oil until cooked, put in a separate bowl.
  6. Pour the prepared vegetables into the pan where the cutlets were cooked, fry for 5 - 7 minutes.
  7. Pour in 100 - 120 ml of boiled water, salt, continue to simmer with the lid closed for 15 - 20 minutes.
  8. Prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, flour, salt, pour into vegetables, mix, heat for 3 minutes.
  9. Put the cutlets to the vegetable mass, cover the lid, turn off the fire after 7-8 minutes.

When offering a dish to a child, sprinkle it with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Potato casserole with meat filling


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • butter - 30 - 40 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • veal - 0.5 kg;
  • onion -1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology:

  1. Cut the veal into small pieces, boil in salted water with spices.
  2. Peel vegetables, wash.
  3. Cut the potatoes into pieces, boil, drain the water.
  4. Prepare a puree from it with the addition of hot milk and butter, cool.
  5. Stew chopped carrots and onions in refined oil until soft.
  6. Twist the meat through a meat grinder, combine with cooled stewed vegetables.
  7. Lubricate the glass container with a thin layer of butter, lay out half a serving of potatoes.
  8. Top with minced meat from boiled meat with vegetables.
  9. Cover the remaining puree, brush the top of the casserole with sour cream.
  10. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Curd dessert with banana


  • 1 liter of sour milk;
  • 60 ml sour cream;
  • ½ sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara.

Cooking technology:

  1. thickened sour milk pour into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Heat until the whey separates from the curd thick.
  3. Cover the bottom of the colander with a gauze cloth, pour the contents of the pan into it.
  4. Squeeze out the cottage cheese, cool.
  5. Put cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream and vanilla in a blender bowl, beat until fluffy.
  6. Peel banana, finely chop, mix with cottage cheese puree.
  7. Cook for one serving - 80 - 100 g.

Fish soup


  • 150 g red sea ​​fish(fillet);
  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • onion - ½ head;
  • rice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • salt;
  • parsley.

Cooking technologies:

  1. Clean the fish fillet from bones and skin, rinse, cut into thin strips.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, salt, put the fish.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes, remove scale.
  4. Cut the peeled potatoes, onions and carrots into small cubes, pour into the broth.
  5. After boiling, put the washed rice.
  6. Continue to cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. At the end, add finely chopped parsley.

Buckwheat porridge with beef in a slow cooker


  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • young beef - 200 g;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • salt - ½ tsp

Cooking technology:

  1. Remove the film from the beef, cut the veins, rinse in cold water, cut into thin slices.
  2. Lightly fry with vegetable oil.
  3. Finely chopped onions and carrots simmer until soft.
  4. Rinse buckwheat, fill with water for 1 hour to swell.
  5. Pour buckwheat into the bowl of the appliance, salt.
  6. Put stewed vegetables, fried meat.
  7. Mix all products, pour 2 cups of boiled water, put butter.
  8. Set the "Extinguishing" mode.
  9. After the beep, transfer the porridge with meat to a separate bowl.

Vegetable salad with chicken meat


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken meat - 200 g;
  • sour cream (15%) - 100 ml;
  • salt.

Cooking technology:

  1. Boil vegetables, meat and eggs, peel, chop finely.
  2. Mix all products, season with salt and sour cream.

Fish baked in the oven


  • 300 g of low-fat sea fish (hake, pollock, tuna);
  • onion - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • greens;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • salt, allspice, bay leaf.

Cooking technology:

  1. Remove the insides from the fish, remove the bones, cut the fillet.
  2. Wash the vegetables, remove the skin from them, cut into small cubes.
  3. Finely chop the greens, mix with sour cream and water.
  4. Place the salted pieces of fish in a glass form, cover with vegetables, put spices, pour sour cream sauce.
  5. Put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C, bake for 25 minutes.

healthy, balanced diet - the key to the proper development of a 2-year-old child. An active baby needs a nutritious, high-calorie, healthy food that fully meets the needs of a growing organism.

The diet of a child at 2 years old is increasingly reminiscent of the nutrition of an adult. The list of products allowed for babies of this age is quite wide, and make up balanced menu very simple. But it is important to consider the basic rule - to teach the child to chew.

How to make a menu for a child of 2 years?

Physiological features of development, namely the presence of 16 teeth (on average), imposes features on nutrition. Teeth provide a normal process of chewing food, during which the production of digestive juices is enhanced. The development of the jaw apparatus and the enzymatic system dictates new rules of nutrition. All food should be denser, for example, boiled cereals, various casseroles, stewed or steamed vegetables, boiled meat.
The optimal load on the child's jaws will ensure their normal growth, and this will be the best prevention of bite pathologies. Moreover, if you do not teach your baby to eat solid food now, problems may arise in the future.
AT proper nutrition a child of 2 years old, there are no medical contraindications, so you can make a menu without fear. You can give fish different varieties and breeds, but exclude red and oily. Approximately twice a week they offer no more than 30-40 g. Smoked meats and canned food are still prohibited, if they are not adapted specifically for young children.
The amount of meat also increases, at least 120 g is needed per day. For a variety of menus, let the baby try children's sausages (only high-quality ones) - doctor's sausage, milk sausages, it is better to refuse smoked meats, etc. Offal has a more delicate structure - a rich source of protein fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, etc.
The main attention is paid to vegetables and fruits, you can offer radishes, radishes, legumes. In the preparation of dishes, garden greens are used: parsley, spinach, green onion, it is permissible to add garlic, but in limited quantities. All vegetable purees can be replaced with finely chopped salads, stewed vegetables.
Berries will be a rich source of vitamins, organic acids, the baby can be given local berries, in a small amount - no more than 10 - 20 g.
It is impossible to exclude various cereals from the menu. The most useful will be: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, etc. It is acceptable to use pasta - side dishes, as part of soups, but their number must be limited, due to great content carbohydrates.
In the question of what to feed a child at 2 years old, one should not forget about dairy and sour-milk products, eggs, vegetable oils and bakery products. In general, there are practically no restrictions.

How much should a 2 year old eat?

Babies have already established taste preferences, respectively, parents are faced with the first food refusals. Sometimes, such babies are said to be "little ones" and parents begin to worry that the baby is hungry. At a pediatrician's appointment, mothers often ask only one question: how much should a child eat at 2 years old?
To cover all energy needs a child, and this is 1400 - 1500 kcal, you need 4 meals a day. At lunchtime, the baby should receive 40 - 50% of the total calories, the rest falls on breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner.
Balanced, you can only call the diet in which the proportions between proteins, fats and carbohydrates are observed - 1:1:4. For a two-year-old child, 50 - 60 g of proteins are needed, of which 75% of animal and 25% of plant origin. Of the total fat, 10 g should be vegetable. A child needs 220 g of carbohydrates.
Particular attention should be paid to dairy and sour-milk products, which are rich sources of calcium. It can be cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, cream, yogurt. Fermented milk products can be used as dressings or ingredients for cooking.

The main thing in the nutrition of a child is to keep it balanced and varied. It is with nutrition that the baby receives all the necessary substances for full growth and development. It is important to take into account the principles of preparation, because the baby's digestive system is still incomplete.

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