Fennel for weight loss, health, nutrition. Fennel for Weight Loss: Benefits and Uses Herb Fennel for Weight Loss

Bituminous materials 17.12.2021


Today, weight loss is a topical issue for many people. An excellent assistant in his solution is fennel, which outwardly resembles the well-known dill. The fruits are sweetish in taste, with a smell similar to anise. It happens vegetable and ordinary. The vegetable species of the plant contains a fleshy trunk and bulb, which are used to prepare dietary dishes. Fennel for weight loss is often used in dietetics because of its mild diuretic effect, which affects the removal of excess fluid from the body and weight loss.

Benefits of fennel for weight loss

The most important properties of this plant for weight loss include the ability to stimulate metabolism. This is a significant factor for people who are overweight. Due to the large body weight, all the mechanisms of the body begin to work not smoothly, the metabolic rate decreases, which is one of the main reasons for increasing body weight.

Eating rhizomes and seeds contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body. Nutritionists strongly recommend introducing fennel fruits into your diet for people who want to part with extra pounds. Do not forget about the oils of this product: they can be used for anti-cellulite massage, while taking a bath.

How can fennel seeds help you lose weight? They help reduce sugar cravings. If you want to pamper yourself with candy, just chew on the seeds, and this desire will disappear, which means that you will be able to avoid gaining extra pounds. Seeds also have a calming effect, because it is often stress that leads to weight gain.

With their light sedative effect, fennel seeds can reduce nervous hunger, which means that there will be no desire to seize problems and stress.

The rhizome improves the activity of the pancreas, has a beneficial effect on the absorption of sugars and fats by the human body, and normalizes the digestive processes of the body as a whole. In the presence of a full complex of vitamins and microelements required by a person for normal life, a plant per 100 g contains 32 Kcal.

Benefits for the body

  • Fennel occupies a leading position in its antioxidant properties. It is saturated with such elements necessary for our body as citral, limonene.
  • The fennel bulb contains anethole, which is a powerful defender of the body against cancer cells, restores the liver by normalizing its work and removing toxins from the body.
  • The fruit contains dietary fiber that can reduce appetite and restore the digestive tract.
  • Fennel has a pronounced effect against flatulence, often used for children.
  • Fiber, which is part of the product, helps to normalize the stool, therefore, extra pounds will also go away.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

This product is undesirable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to frequent indigestion, pregnant women, as well as individuals with individual intolerance to the product.

The opinion of nutritionists about fennel

According to leading nutritionists, herbal diuretics that are used for weight loss may not always be safe for people with impaired kidney and liver function, so fennel consumption can cause significant harm to the body in case of problems with the functioning of the excretory system.

Fennel Useful Properties

How to cook fennel | Kitchen Stories

Eating fennel rhizome in the diet for quick weight loss by a healthy person with a balanced diet can significantly reduce weight due to its low calorie content and diuretic properties. However, before experimenting, it is better to consult a doctor.

Fennel Recipes for Fast Weight Loss

The following ingredients are required to prepare the dish:

Baked pink salmon with fennel

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 45 min.


  1. 1. Pink salmon (1 pc.)
  2. 2. Carrot
  3. 3. Bow
  4. 4. fennel bulb
  5. 5. Salt, pepper
  6. 6. Olive oil
  • Calorie content: 135.8 kcal per 100 g.
  • Proteins: 16.3 g
  • Fats: 6.9 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1.7 g

Fennel seed decoction

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 15 min.


  1. 1. fennel seeds
  2. 2. Chamomile
  3. 3. Water

Vegetable salad for weight loss with cheese

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 15 min.


  1. 1. Fennel
  2. 2. Hard cheese
  3. 3. Tomatoes
  4. 4. Bulgarian pepper
  5. 5. Olive oil

Nutritionists and trainers assure you that without diets and physical activity, you should not expect the desired numbers on the scales. Alternative medicine experts say that nature always has a lot of secrets in store for maintaining an ideal figure. Connoisseurs of slimming recipes recommend using fennel for weight loss to everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight. This plant is pleasant in taste and aroma, so the path to an ideal body will be easy and tasty.

Is it possible to lose weight with fennel

Don't expect significant weight loss while snuggling fennel tea with a chocolate bar. In this case, supporters of harmony through a healthy lifestyle are absolutely right - if the weight is gained due to overeating, then bad habits will have to be sacrificed on the altar of health and beauty.

The list of "good deeds" that the leaves and fruits of an amazing plant are really capable of is very extensive:

  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • appetite regulation;
  • optimization of the liver and pancreas;
  • positive effect on the absorption of fats and sugar;
  • preventing the appearance of constipation and flatulence.

These wonderful properties leave no doubt that the advertised plant really helps to lose 2 to 5 kg of excess weight without any harm to health.

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The secret of the mysterious power of the plant

The reason for the complex effect lies in the many useful biologically active compounds contained in the stems, fruits, seeds and bulbs of the plant.

Essential oils, which are more than 6% in fruits, contribute to the gentle removal of toxins from the intestines, and their pleasant aroma and taste help fight sweet addiction. A rich combination of fatty oils (about 18%) allows you to normalize fat metabolism and improve the normal functioning of cell membranes.

Fennel seeds are very useful for weight loss, as the flavonoids they are rich in are natural antioxidants that help to quickly saturate cells with oxygen and actively burn calories. Minerals, vitamins A, B and C replenish the body's need for valuable nutrients, thereby reducing the frequency of signals to the brain about the need to eat.

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How to use for maximum effect

Fennel is often grown in summer cottages and even on window sills, so finding it on sale is not difficult. When choosing, you need to pay attention to plants of a rich green color with a large white bulb.

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Fennel in your daily diet

No need to puzzle over how to use fennel for weight loss, the easiest way is to use its leaves and bulbs fresh.

The sweetish-spicy taste of fennel greens perfectly complements vegetable salads, first and second courses. The best combination is sea fish baked on a pillow of the leaves of this spice. The onion, peeled from coarse leaves, can be finely chopped and mixed with any citrus or fruit - you get a light spicy salad for dinner.

Traditional medicine recommends starting the use of fennel for weight loss with infusions. The raw materials for such drinks - fruits and ready-made fees, can be purchased or prepared independently. To do this, in the fall, dry umbrellas of the plant should be collected, dried in the shade and threshed.

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Fennel tea for slimming

Judging by the reviews of fennel seeds for weight loss, tea from them is an excellent drink that normalizes the state of the whole organism. It is easy to brew, and the taste and aroma will please even the most fastidious gourmet.

To make tea, you need to take 2 tsp. seeds, grind in a blender (or crush in a kitchen mortar) and brew 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour, strain and drink before meals. Repeat 3-4 times a day

If nettles are added to the fruits of fennel (for 1 teaspoon of seeds - 2 teaspoons of dry nettle), you get a herbal elixir that helps reduce blood sugar. By adding mint, chamomile or linden leaves to it, you can enjoy fragrant tea with amazing taste, which will give you the opportunity to relax and unwind your nervous system.

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Important: contraindications and warnings

Doctors agree that this plant is indicated for weight loss programs. However, they warn that they should not get carried away too much, since infusions and decoctions with fennel have a pronounced diuretic effect. Prolonged uncontrolled use of fennel teas can lead to dehydration and serious problems.

You should also exercise caution and refuse to use fennel for weight loss:

  • pregnant women, especially at the very beginning of the term;
  • people with a tendency to loose stools;
  • patients with diseases of the kidneys and excretory system;
  • allergy sufferers, epileptics.

If you have any doubts and ailments, you should abandon attempts to independently reduce weight and consult a general practitioner, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.

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Fennel Diet Smoothie Recipe

Fennel is a plant with unique abilities and is used in official medicine as an additional therapy for certain health problems. Relatively recently, the fruits, greens and bulb of this representative of the flora have become popular among those who seek to lose weight. And the use of fennel is approved by dietitians, however, with some "amendments".

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Useful properties of fennel

In addition to the general therapeutic properties of the plant, it is worth highlighting its benefits in relation to the process of losing weight:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • the psycho-emotional background is normalized and stabilized;
  • appetite decreases, the plant is able to stop an acute attack of hunger;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • relieves fecal accumulations in the intestines.

The result of the regular use of any parts of fennel will be the disappearance of edema, a decrease in portions at meals, dulling inappropriate feelings of hunger, the absence of gastronomic breakdowns, and a decrease in cravings for sweets. And thanks to the acceleration of metabolism, active fat burning will begin, since the body will need to replenish energy costs.

Do not forget that the fruits, stems and seeds of the plant contain a large amount of vitamins, and they strengthen the immune system. This is important for overall health in the process of getting rid of extra pounds - eating low-calorie foods, limiting sweets, physical activity often lead to stress, which is accompanied by gastronomic breakdowns.

Contraindications for weight loss

There are no strict, categorical contraindications to the use of fennel as a means for losing weight. But doctors warn that you need to consult a general practitioner if you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that during their exacerbation, the use of fennel may be under a temporary ban.

It is undesirable to get involved in such weight loss during pregnancy, but when breastfeeding, it is quite possible to consume dishes and drinks with bulbs, stems or fruits. With them, the mother will be able to lose weight, and the newborn will not suffer from intestinal colic and increased gas formation with constipation.

Fennel belongs to the category of hypoallergenic products, but it is not recommended to exclude the possibility of an inadequate reaction to this product. The first signs of an allergy will be redness, itching of certain areas of the skin, swelling of the larynx or lips, unmotivated nausea.

How to choose for weight loss

All parts of fennel can be purchased in stores, but to get the most benefit in the fight for a slim figure, you will need to consume unconditionally fresh product. Things to remember:

  • the fennel fruit (bulb) has a white color, a slightly greenish tint can only be present at the bottom, at the location of the roots;
  • if a stem with leaves is required, then the main indicator of their freshness will be a bright green color and visually determined juiciness;
  • it is better to buy seeds in pharmacies - there the expiration dates are strictly controlled, and the collection / procurement of raw materials is carried out correctly.

fennel seeds

Recipes for use

To speed up weight loss, all parts of the plant are used. There are a number of recommendations for their use:

  • decoction, tea from fennel seeds should be drunk at least 3 times a day;
  • in any vegetable salad, you can add the leaves and stems of the plant;
  • stew with vegetables is prepared from fruits (bulbs), they are added to meat roasts;
  • seeds can be consumed in a fresh, "clean" form, it is enough to chew 3-5 pieces before eating - and you will be able to reduce your appetite.

How to cook fruits (bulbs)

They can be consumed fresh - you just need to cut into rings or half rings and add to any salad. Just keep in mind that the fruit of the plant has a slight sweetish aftertaste, so you need to be able to combine products. For example, excellent taste has a dish from:

  • arugula;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • green onions;
  • dried meat;
  • fennel fruit.

All components are taken in an arbitrary amount, but the meat should be half as much. The dish is seasoned with olive oil, sprinkled with apple cider vinegar, you can add a little salt and ground pepper.

Weight loss salad ingredients: fennel, celery, cheese, figs, honey, olive oil, wine vinegar, salt and pepper

Fish is almost always present on the menu of low-calorie diets, and in order to diversify the taste characteristics of this product, you can prepare a sauce from fennel fruits:

  • the onion is chopped with a knife;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter are melted in a pan, 2 cloves of garlic are added to it, quickly fried;
  • add fennel, and after 5 minutes white wine and fish broth (100 ml of each ingredient);
  • separately beat 1 egg yolk and a tablespoon of heavy cream;
  • combine the two mixtures and simmer until the sauce thickens.

At first glance, fennel sauce cannot be called dietary, but experts say that it would be appropriate as an addition to lean fish. And then, the presence of the onion still makes the dish useful for the figure.

There is also a salad recipe that can replace one of the main meals, which will reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by 20-25%. You need to chop 1 fennel bulb, add the chopped pulp of half an avocado to it, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and enrich the dish with vegetable oil.

About the benefits of fennel and its use in cooking, see this video:

Seed tea

It is very simple to prepare it: you need to take 1 teaspoon of raw materials for 200 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes from the moment of non-intensive boiling. Such tea can be consumed in an amount of 500 ml per day, but not more. The limitation is due to the fact that its diuretic effect can be too pronounced, and this leads to dehydration and leaching of vitamins, minerals and trace elements from the body.

It is allowed to add a small amount of grated fresh ginger root (to taste) or honey to the drink.

There is a recipe for a more complex tea:

  • you need to mix 1 teaspoon of corn stigmas, dried fennel leaves / stems, chamomile flowers, green tea and add 2 teaspoons of seeds to it;
  • the entire amount of herbal collection is poured into 200 - 300 ml of water and left "alone" for 20 - 30 minutes (the herbs will swell).

Immediately before drinking, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture and dilute with 150 ml of hot water - the drink is ready. You need to wait 5 - 10 minutes, and you can use it like tea.

seed oil

It is used only for anti-cellulite massage, it can also be used to wipe the skin in problem areas (thighs, abdomen, waist) while visiting a bath or sauna. And you can prepare such a remedy yourself: you need to pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials into 200 ml of vegetable oil. Experts recommend giving preference to olive, but both almond and corn can be used.

The plant can be an excellent tool not only for losing weight, but also for stabilizing the psycho-emotional background. If you spend a 10-minute aromatherapy session with fennel seed oil in the evening, you can get rid of irritability and even stress due to the lack of a late dinner and hunger.

Fennel is a fairly popular culinary product. Due to its sweetish taste, it can be present not only in salads, but also in “a la dessert” dishes. By preparing fennel dishes according to the proposed recipes, it will be possible to speed up the process of losing weight and diversify the diet menu.

Useful video

About the benefits of fennel for weight loss, see this video:

Fennel is often confused with dill, although it actually belongs to the celery family. It is a perennial herb with yellow umbel-shaped inflorescences and fluffy leaves. The natural habitat is the Mediterranean coast, although it is grown as a garden crop on almost all continents. It has a bright taste and aroma, is actively used in folk medicine and cooking. Recently, nutritionists often suggest using it for weight loss.


Useful properties of fennel are determined by its chemical composition:

  • very high content of essential oils (in fruits - up to 7%);
  • fatty acids: petroselinic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • minerals.

Thanks to this set of biologically active substances, all parts of the plant have a truly healing effect:

  • help with flatulence;
  • destroy harmful microorganisms;
  • relieve cough, asthma;
  • contribute to the regeneration process;
  • relieve stress, depression;
  • remove decay products during intoxication;
  • normalize pressure;
  • cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol;
  • are prevention from a heart attack;
  • considered a natural mild sedative;
  • relieve spasms and pain.

And all this you get as a nice bonus, using fennel as a means of losing weight. But what is the secret to weight loss itself?

Once in the body, the plant:

  1. Improves digestion.
  2. Accelerates metabolism.
  3. Removes excess fluid and eliminates slagging, having a diuretic effect.

All three factors contribute to weight loss. The only question is what should be the scheme of use. Indeed, from one handful of seeds or a cup of tea per week, the effect is unlikely to wait. Therefore, you need to know the daily volume of dishes and drinks with this seasoning, as well as be able to choose the right recipes.

Origin of name. The word "fennel" goes back to the English "fenel", which translates as "hay".


First of all, you need to consider contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the herb, which often provokes dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions in the form of a rash, sneezing and tearing with its aroma;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy (may cause premature birth);
  • lactation (it is often advised to use this plant for nursing mothers to increase the amount of breast milk, but this property has not been scientifically proven, but it can cause a rash in a newborn);
  • diarrhea;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

If you occasionally include fennel in the diet, there will be no harm from it even if these contraindications are present. But the effect of losing weight is not to be expected. But as soon as you purposefully begin to include it in the system of combating extra pounds, consumption volumes increase significantly - this can lead to complications and side effects.

through the pages of history. In the Middle Ages, the leaves and seeds of the plant were used as chewing gum - for fresh breath.

Rules of use

Many do not even know what fennel looks like and how it should be consumed when losing weight. The initial educational program will enlighten you in these basic issues.

For weight loss on fennel, you can use all its parts: greens, seeds and fruits

Criterias of choice

  1. Choose a plant with bright green stems in the store. They should feel firm and firm to the touch, not soft and limp.
  2. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days. As soon as you notice withering or mold, you will have to throw it away.
  3. Storage method - paper bags.
  4. Before cooking, the bulb (white area) is separated from the green stem.

How to use?

Almost all parts of the plant can be eaten. The main thing is to be able to cook them.

  • Greenery

The stem and leaves are crushed and used in, side dishes and salads as a condiment. If you want to lose weight - take a teaspoon of raw materials per 200 g of any dish. And you have to eat it three times a day.

  • seeds

Green fennel seeds go well with fish and meat diet dishes. It is better to grind them before use. They have a licorice smell and anise flavor. On their basis, all kinds of drinks are most often prepared: tea, decoction, infusion, dill water. You need to drink them daily, at least 2 glasses a day.

  • Fruit

White fruits (roots) of fennel in the form of bulbs find their use in dietary nutrition. They can be eaten raw and boiled. The former have a pronounced mint-dill taste, while the latter are more tender and soft. The main thing is to cut them correctly in order to preserve all the useful and nutritious properties. Each bulb is cut with a knife into four slices, the inner core and outer leaves (the toughest) are removed. And only then these quarters are finely chopped. Once a day, at least one dish should include these onions.

Cook them well with vegetables. The traditional way is quenching. The result is a low-calorie and nutritious dish that fits very organically into any diet or diet.

If you do not have allergies and you tolerate dishes with this product quite tolerably, be sure to include its diet during the period of weight loss. Approximate daily volume - about 200 gr. The course of intensive use - no more than 2 weeks.

With the world - on a string. An old English proverb says: "He who sees fennel and does not take it, he is no longer a man, but a real devil."


What recipes can be used to make low-calorie fennel dishes and drinks? Cooking in close tandem with nutrition offers the most delicious and nutritious options, so it will not be difficult for you to create a menu.



  • 2 fennel fruits;
  • 100 gr of dried meat;
  • 100 gr arugula;
  • 100 gr pomegranate seeds;
  • 2-3 leaves of fragrant mint;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 20 gr;
  • pepper mixture.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind all the ingredients, except for the pomegranate seeds.
  2. Add vinegar and pepper.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Decorate the salad with a pomegranate on top.


  • 2 fennel fruits;
  • 100 gr leeks;
  • 100 gr root celery;
  • 100 gr carrots;
  • 1 head of kohlrabi cabbage;
  • 300 gr potatoes;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 200 gr chicken breast.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast into thin pieces. To fill with water. Put to cook on a slow fire.
  2. Wash and clean vegetables.
  3. Chop the leek with a knife, chop the carrots and celery into strips, dissolve the kohlrabi into small slices. Divide the fennel into layers and cut into pieces. Potatoes - cubes.
  4. Sauté leeks, carrots, fennel and celery in a saucepan without oil - 3 minutes.
  5. Pour potatoes and kohlrabi into boiling broth with breast.
  6. After 5 minutes, add sautéed vegetables to them, add salt, boil for another 10 minutes.
  7. Steep covered for 10 minutes.
  8. Serve with sour cream, finely chopped dill, chopped nuts.

Vegetable stew


  • 4 fennel fruits;
  • 100 gr chicken breast;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 1 PC. shallots (can be replaced with a clove of garlic);
  • 150 grams of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 30 ml;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop both onions. Lightly fry in a thick-walled saucepan with a small amount of oil.
  2. Add the diced breast to them for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in the tomato sauce. Mix thoroughly, keep on low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Cut the fennel into eighths.
  5. Put the resulting slices in a saucepan with sauce. Pour cold water, but so that it does not completely cover the vegetables.
  6. Boil. Add spices, reduce heat.
  7. Simmer for half an hour.
  8. Serve warm.

For weight loss, all nutritionists recommend taking fennel tea or decoction daily - at least 2 glasses a day. Preferably - half an hour after the main meal. These drinks will improve digestion and prevent fat deposits. The only negative - get ready for their strong diuretic effect.


  • glass of water;
  • 10 gr fennel seeds;
  • 10 g grated ginger root (as an option, but this component is not required).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the seeds into a small saucepan and cover them with water.
  2. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Add (it has fat burning properties).
  4. Cover with a lid, leave for half an hour.
  5. Cool, strain.


A very successful combination for weight loss is fennel and nettle. The latter enhances the diuretic effect of the former and removes excess fluid, reducing swelling. It also increases the flow of oxygen involved in burning fat, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, normalizes bowel function, and reduces appetite.


  • 20 g of dry chopped nettle;
  • 10 gr seeds;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix herbs.
  2. Fall asleep in a thermos.
  3. Pour in boiling water.
  4. Leave overnight.
  5. Strain.
  6. Drink in small sips.

In this recipe, nettles can be replaced with other products that promote weight loss:

  • large-leaf black, green or white tea;
  • lime or lemon (straight with the peel);
  • corn stigmas;
  • currants, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries;
  • other herbs:, pharmacy chamomile, peppermint.

Weight loss with fennel is an effective and very tasty method of dealing with extra pounds. The main thing is that its too specific and “loud” aroma does not cause you feelings of nausea and dizziness (this, alas, happens quite often). Be sure to include it in your diet so that the running process proceeds more intensively. And along the way, do not forget about sports and a positive attitude - this is the only way to achieve amazing results.

In the distant Middle Ages, people considered fennel a "magic" plant. It was used as a talisman against evil spirits.

And at the end of the nineteenth century they were very fond of drinking fennel tea.

Features of German cuisine, as well as Chinese and Indian cuisine, include the use of fennel roots, as well as seeds and even leaves.

And now, in our time, this plant is still popular with people who want to be beautiful and healthy. And no wonder: fennel, and in Russian speaking, sweet dill is rich in many vitamins.

In addition, it contains fatty and essential oils, sugar, wax and lipids - substances that play a very important role in the life of our body.

And most importantly, which pleases many, you can use fennel for weight loss - and inexpensive, nice! There are different ways to build up with fennel.

How to use fennel

You can inhale the sweet-spicy aroma of fennel to calm your nervous system. Everyone knows that when a person is nervous, he eats a lot. Thanks to fennel, this will not affect you.

You can chew fennel seeds for weight loss - this reduces your appetite, and you no longer want anything sweet and starchy.

You can have a snack with a low-calorie fennel dish. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the fennel root and season with olive oil and lemon juice.

You can also simply add sweet dill to various salads.

After a hard day at work, be sure to take a bath with fennel oil. To do this, add five drops of oil to bath salt.

By the way, fennel oil is generally very pleasant to use! For example, ask a loved one to massage your abdomen, buttocks, and thighs with fennel oil. This will help you get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits and toxins, as well as simply tighten your skin.

How to choose fennel

Of course, a reasonable question arises: how to choose the right fennel when buying? You should choose even firm light green or whitish bulbs.

The stems and leaves of fennel should be green and firm. There should not be overgrown buds on the plant - this is a sign of an overgrown plant.

The aroma of fresh fennel should be reminiscent of anise or licorice.

You can store fennel in the refrigerator for about four days, but it's best if you use it as soon as possible, otherwise the peculiar fennel smell will disappear.

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