Cream gel from dark circles under the eyes. Cream for dark circles under the eyes - what cosmetics are capable of. Selection of funds and rules of use

House projects 11.08.2020
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Bruises under the eyes definitely do not decorate the appearance, but they have already become an almost integral part of our everyday life. The accelerated pace of life, the inability to sleep well, constant fatigue, computer work and poor ecology are not the best way affect appearance. Dark circles around the eyes can be a genetically determined feature or a manifestation of the disease, then the fight against them will be carried out not by cosmetic means. Otherwise, there are several remedies that have proven effective and do a good job with circles and bruises.

Varieties of dark circles

Before choosing the right remedy, you need to understand the nature of circles under the eyes. The method of future influence on them depends on this.

Yellowish or brownish circles often appear as a result of constant overwork or occur with age. They need clarification and the use of moisturizers, as they are usually accompanied by increased dryness of the skin under the eyes.

Bluish or purple circles under the eyes are the result of fatigue and thinning of the thinnest delicate skin. Through it, closely spaced vessels begin to shine through, so it seems bluish. Such skin needs compaction and reduction of puffiness.

You can get rid of circles under the eyes only in a complex way. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, eat right, take care of your health, try to prevent swelling and use good cosmetics for the skin under the eyes.

Important! Very dark circles cannot be “brought out” with just one remedy. You will need to apply a good cream, make masks, use folk remedies and include eye patches in your daily beauty ritual.

Top 10 Ways to Fight Dark Circles

You can cope with very dark marks and swelling under the eyes only with the help of integrated approach. Ideally, you need to eliminate the cause of the appearance of circles. To do this, you need to get enough sleep, on average from 7 to 10 hours a day, since different people require different times for full recovery, do not overeat and do not eat at night, use good creams and use auxiliary means.

  • Parsley

Traditional medicine offers a simple, effective and affordable remedy for dark circles - parsley. You can use its juice, grind the greens into gruel and apply it on the eyelids as a mask. An effective whitening tonic is made from parsley, its juice is added to eye cream. On sale you can find ready-made funds containing parsley, for example, the well-known domestic cream "Evening".

But parsley is a bleaching agent, which means it works well in case of brown or yellow marks under the eyes. Lightening them and removing swelling, it makes the look clearer, the skin under the eyes is fresh and bright, and also tightens and smoothes it.

  • Potato

Like parsley, potatoes are great for under-eye skin. Compresses and masks from it are quite effective with regular use and use in courses. Potato helps to eliminate puffiness and pastosity, and this already refreshes the look. With prolonged use, the skin brightens and smoothes, thin vessels cease to shine through, so the impression of blue circles around the eyes disappears.

You can use compresses with raw grated potatoes, and for very dry skin, mashed boiled mashed potatoes with oils are excellent.

Important! Before using herbal products for the first time, it is worth doing an allergy test to avoid unexpected appearance problems.

  • Eye cream

A good tool helps not only to smooth and refresh the skin under the eyes. It nourishes and moisturizes it, promotes soft lightening, tones, softens, removes puffiness, tightens the skin. If there is a problem of dark circles, you need to choose a cream with specialized properties, containing vitamin complexes, antioxidants, regenerating and tightening components. Such a remedy should have a drainage effect and help increase blood circulation in the thin skin of the eyelids, while not irritating the eyes and not causing inflammation.

The list of such creams can be very extensive. Of the most popular are the following: Contour des Yeux, Melvita eye contour gel; cooling roller gel for the skin around the eyes Q10, Nivea Visage; cooling eye cream that reduces the visibility of dark circles and puffiness, Cooling Eye Illuminator Idealist, Estee Lauder; Eye Balm, Dark Circle Corrector, Dr. Jart + and many others.

  • masks

These can be ready-made products or home-made formulations. They mainly contain firming and tightening agents that can gently brighten the skin. Weak fruit acids work well, so ordinary fruits and berries from our kitchens are excellent for these purposes.

A thoroughly mashed mass is applied to the lower eyelid with a fairly thick layer. You can use a napkin or a piece of sterile gauze or bandage if the composition is too liquid. You can also add some starch for viscosity.

Important! When using home remedies made from berries and fruits, you need to be very careful not to get the juice in your eyes, otherwise it can irritate them.

  • Serums

For very dry and dark skin, creams alone may not be enough. You will have to use a more saturated remedy - serum. Facial products are not always suitable, it is better to choose a preparation designed specifically for the skin of the eyelids. Big choice brightening serums offers Asian cosmetology. They act quite efficiently and quickly. It will be especially good if hyaluronic acid is also included in the product for enhanced hydration.

  • Patches

These are excellent aids in the fight against puffiness and dark circles. Their effectiveness increases if you hold a jar or bag of patches in the refrigerator. Korean cosmetics offers a large selection of such products. They contain vitamins, including vitamin K and P, which reduce capillary permeability, as well as arbutin (brightening agent), colloidal gold, pearl powder and many other effective ingredients.

  • Compresses

These are old and proven tools with a fairly high efficiency. The simplest and most affordable compress is from tea brewing. It tones the skin well and reduces the permeability of capillaries, as a result, the blue becomes less, and the circles lighten, swelling goes away, the face looks fresher and younger. In addition, compresses improve the condition of the eyes themselves, enhance the growth of eyelashes. With very dark circles and severe swelling, parsley decoction compresses work great.

Another proven way to quickly get rid of puffiness and dark circles is a favorite method of models. It is enough just to quickly wipe the skin around the eyes with a piece of ice. It is even better if you use decoctions of herbs that are good for the skin to create ice: cornflower, chamomile, tea, parsley. The additional lightening effect will improve the situation, and the narrowing of the smallest capillaries will significantly reduce the blue, but will not affect the yellow or brown marks caused by increased pigmentation - whitening preparations will be required here.

  • Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is an excellent remedy for refreshing the eyes and reducing dark circles. By driving off excess fluid, you can reduce swelling and cope with the blue, provoked by thinning of the skin under the eyes. If you regularly do such massages correctly in combination with the use of high-quality creams, you can effectively improve the condition of the eyes.

  • Cosmetic effect

If the situation with bruises is serious, you will have to use the means of modern cosmetology. It uses a whole range of drugs and various effects, which are selected according to the condition of the patient's skin.

Important! To effectively eliminate dark circles, it is necessary to use several methods of influence at once, affecting them both externally and internally. Only in this case the effect will be noticeable and long-term.

Dark circles around the eyes are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or the presence of diseases. If the root causes of their appearance are not dealt with, any external influences will be temporary and will not be able to permanently solve the problems.

Dark circles under the eyes are a common aesthetic defect. They greatly age a woman, give her face a haggard, tired expression. Many prefer to simply cover them up with foundation or concealer. But this is the wrong approach. The problem can and should be dealt with. Pharmacy and folk remedies, as well as salon procedures, specialized cosmetics can help with this. The range is extremely wide. You may have to try several options to find the one that works best for you.

Why dark circles and bruises appear under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a problem familiar to many women. The reasons for their appearance can be very different:

The causes of dark circles can be very different - from a "one-time" lack of sleep to a serious illness.

Faced with a problem, especially if there seems to be no objective reason for the appearance of bruises and swelling under the eyes, it is recommended to visit a therapist. This is necessary to exclude serious diseases or start treatment on time.

Video: causes of bruising and dark circles under the eyes

Pharmacy creams and ointments

There are no specialized pharmaceutical preparations that help get rid of bruises under the eyes. For this, women use other creams and ointments, for which this is a “side effect”. When making such a decision, be sure to consult with a beautician.

A product based on sodium heparin, which thins the blood and normalizes blood circulation. Additionally, the composition includes benzyl nicotinate, which helps the active substance to penetrate deeper into the tissues and peach oil, which cares for the skin. The ointment helps if the cause of bruising under the eyes is stagnation of blood in the capillaries or trauma.

Heparin ointment is one of the most common sodium heparin-based products, often used by women for other purposes.

It is applied to the eyelids in a very thin layer twice a day. If you overdo it, the skin turns red, swells, begins to peel off, itching and burning. Or you can apply compresses (cotton pads lubricated with Heparin) for 15-20 minutes. Course duration - no more than 10 days. If necessary, it is repeated no earlier than a month later. For very sensitive skin, it is recommended to mix the ointment with oils used in cosmetology (shea, jojoba, almond, argan) or baby cream in a ratio of 1:2.


  • taking other anticoagulants, vasodilators and antihistamines;
  • the presence of mechanical damage to the skin;
  • low blood clotting;
  • identified allergic reaction (preliminary test required);
  • menstruation, pregnancy at any time, the period of natural feeding of the child;
  • taking antibiotics.

Video: heparin ointment for bruising under the eyes

A remedy originally intended for the treatment of thrombophlebitis. The main ingredient is troxerutin, which restores capillary permeability, normalizes lymph flow and prevents the destruction of hyaluronic acid molecules. The gel will not work if the bruises under the eyes are a symptom of some disease. Cosmetologists recommend using it if the problem arises due to lifestyle and work specifics.

Troxevasin gives the desired result, but often not without side effects

Troxevasin is applied to the skin of the eyelids 1-2 times a day, in a thin layer, with light massaging movements. "Treatment" continues until the complete disappearance of bruises. During the entire course, it is necessary to protect the skin from direct sunlight. The gel is very quickly absorbed, the effect is noticeable after 2-3 hours. Possible side effects- rash, dermatitis. The main contraindications are age up to 14 years, identified allergies, mechanical damage to the skin.

Video: Troxevasin for eyelid skin

Ointment and gel Arnica

Affordable homeopathic remedy to accelerate the resorption of hematomas. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance. It is ineffective if bruises under the eyes are the result of an improper lifestyle, it helps well with injuries. The duration of the course of treatment is up to two weeks.

Arnica gel is prohibited for use at any stage of pregnancy and during the entire lactation period.

The ointment consists almost entirely of natural ingredients, the base is birch tar. It promotes tissue drainage, but does not have a pronounced anticoagulant and anti-edematous effect. A serious drawback is a strong specific smell. The agent is applied to the eyelid area 2-3 times a day. After an hour, the unabsorbed excess is washed off. The course of treatment - no more than 10 days. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to any component. There is an effect of Vishnevsky's ointment, but doctors are extremely skeptical of such a "treatment", and cosmetologists recommend using it only if there is nothing more suitable at hand.

Vishnevsky's ointment has a very specific smell; in order to get rid of bruises under the eyes, you can choose more effective means

As the name suggests, the main active ingredient is zinc oxide. Auxiliary substance - lanolin, pharmacy paraffin or petroleum jelly. The ointment has a complex effect - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating and hygroscopic. It should be noted that it greatly dries the skin. Contraindications for use - inflammation (including purulent), unhealed mechanical damage and symptoms of allergic reactions. If it gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis may develop.

Zinc ointment is most often used to combat skin imperfections.

The ointment is poorly absorbed, so it is applied only at night once every two days, wiping off the excess with a napkin in the morning. The duration of the course is no more than two weeks. It is advisable not to use it in its pure form, but mix approximately in equal proportions with baby cream, fish oil or softened butter.

Initially, it is a remedy for hemorrhoids, almost completely natural. Normalizes capillary permeability, restores blood circulation, stimulates metabolism. Its components (shark liver oil, thyme, vitamin E, beeswax) provide eyelid skin care when used inappropriately. Contraindications - pregnancy and lactation, problems with the endocrine system, thromboembolism, allergies.

Ointment Relief consists almost entirely of natural ingredients

The ointment is applied in a thick layer to the problem area in the evenings, washed off after half an hour. You can mix it with your regular eye cream in a ratio of 1:3 and use it regularly. If a pure ointment is used, the course lasts 10-14 days. Otherwise, the skin starts to peel off.


Gel with medicinal leech extract, which helps to get rid of bruises and bruises resulting from injuries. Accelerates skin regeneration, normalizes blood and lymph flow at the site of injury. Apply to the skin in the morning and evening, quickly absorbed. Does not interfere with makeup application.

Gel Sinyak-OFF does not interfere with the application of makeup

The remedy is ineffective if the cause of bruising under the eyes is a disease, a genetic predisposition, or an unhealthy lifestyle, but it may well cope with the consequences of a “one-time” lack of sleep.

Dermahil (Dermaheal)

A rapidly growing brand of Korean cosmetics. In this case, two drugs are recommended: Eyebag Solution (“dissolves” fatty tissue molecules in the presence of bags under the eyes) and Dark Circle Solution (complex fights against dark circles). The basis of the funds is copies of peptides obtained using genetic engineering, auxiliary components are almost completely natural - herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals.

The drug Dermaheal Dark Circle Solutoin is obtained using the achievements of genetic engineering, this scares many people

The preparations are administered subcutaneously by means of injections as in mesotherapy. For this, it is better to contact a beautician. Duration of the course - 3 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days. In total, 1-3 courses are required with a break of 7-10 days. Then the injections are repeated every 4-6 weeks to maintain the effect. During breaks for daily care use the serum of the same brand. Contraindications are the same as for mesotherapy.

Video: Dermahil cosmetics for bruises under the eyes

Gel based on sodium heparin. The mechanism of action is the same as that of heparin ointment. Contains additional caring components - essential oils of neroli and lavender, trolamine, which provides protection from ultraviolet radiation. Apply thinly under make-up or thickly as a mask. In the latter case, the excess is washed off after 15–20 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Gel Lyoton can be used both as a mask and as an eye cream.

In the presence of severe bags and edema, Lyoton can be used instead of a night cream with an interval of 3-4 days.

Contraindications for use:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood clotting;
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

Cream based on Indian medicinal herbs. The base is also natural - sesame oil and beeswax. Therefore, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. It can be applied to the eyelids daily in the morning and evening. The tool gives a cumulative effect, the duration of the course is not limited. On average, it takes 6-8 weeks to get rid of dark circles.

Clearwin gives a slow, but stable result

The composition includes:

  • him (cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, fights inflammation);
  • lohdra (improves skin tone and brightens it, evens out tone, activates blood and lymph flow);
  • amla (rich in vitamin C, necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin);
  • manjishta (normalizes blood circulation, accelerates the process of removing toxins);
  • aloe (actively fights dryness and irritation);
  • turmeric (powerful antioxidant, evens out skin tone, fights pigmentation).

A common and affordable vitamin complex. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, PP is a natural flavonoid that thins the blood. The tool is also useful for immunity in general, increasing the overall tone of the body. Tablets are taken 1-2 pieces three times a day in the presence of pronounced circles under the eyes until they disappear. Then - monthly courses with a break of 3-4 months, one tablet per day. Askorutin is rather an auxiliary agent that gives an effect only in combination with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Askorutin is one of the most affordable vitamin complexes

Ointment or gel for hemorrhoids and varicose veins based on sodium heparin. The drugs differ in its concentration, but this almost does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Additional components - allantoin and dexpanthenol, which have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied in a thin layer, in the evenings, gently rubbed until completely absorbed. The duration of the course is a week. Usually this is enough to get rid of bruises under the eyes. If necessary, it is repeated at intervals of 8-10 days.

Hepatrombin helps to quickly get rid of bruises under the eyes, but it is not recommended to use it constantly so that addiction does not occur.

Ointment Bezornil

Ointment for hemorrhoids based on Chinese recipes traditional medicine. The basis of the drug is vaseline and lanolin, the active ingredients are borneol and calamine, an analogue of natural bezoar and musk, amber and pearls. Their combination provides an antiseptic effect and tissue regeneration.

Ointment Bezornil - an "improved" recipe for Chinese traditional medicine

The ointment is applied at night for two weeks. As a base for make-up, it is not suitable - very oily. In addition, the product has a strong characteristic smell of camphor. A slight tingling and a feeling of chill on the skin is normal. Excess is removed with paper towels. Bezornil is useless if the bags under the eyes are a collection of fat cells, not fluid.

Balm Rescuer

A very effective remedy for bruises and burns, providing tissue regeneration at an accelerated pace and having an anti-inflammatory effect. In the composition - sea buckthorn oil, milk proteins, wax and other bee products. The latter often cause allergies, but this is the only contraindication. A significant drawback is a sharp persistent odor.

Balm Rescuer often provokes the development of allergies

The ointment is used mainly for bruises caused by injuries. It is undesirable to apply it to the eyelid area. The remedy often causes severe itching, burning and redness. From permanent bruises under the eyes, you can find more effective remedies. Apply it by rubbing with light massage movements into the problem area for 2-3 minutes. Excess is washed off after a quarter of an hour. warm water. The procedure is carried out in the evenings.

Badyaga-Forte gel and Badyaga ointment

The active ingredient is powder from dried intestinal sponges, rich in silicon. Badyaga is most often used to combat bruises, swelling, stagnant spots. The components penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, expanding capillaries and activating blood flow.

In pharmacies, badyagi powder is also often sold, but this is a potent remedy; it cannot be used for sensitive skin of the eyelids. Gel is best for this area. It contains additional ingredients that care for the skin - extracts of arnica and chamomile flowers, essential oils of juniper, mint, tea tree.

Badyaga Forte is one of the most popular remedies for bruises and age spots.

The gel and cream are applied to the skin with light massaging movements, absorbed quickly, in 15–20 minutes. A slight tingling and feeling of warmth is normal. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. It takes 4-7 days for the bruises to disappear. The preparations are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications - individual intolerance and mechanical damage.

Video: badyaga and its beneficial properties

The ointment contains an extract of the plant of the same name. It is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It can be used when there are contraindications for the use of sodium heparin-based products. For example, the drug is suitable for pregnant women. The mechanism of action is the same. The tool strengthens the walls of blood vessels, activates the flow of blood and lymph.

Hamamelis ointment has almost no contraindications and is not addictive

The drug is not addictive. It is applied in a thin layer until the bruises under the eyes completely disappear. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day at a convenient time for you. It absorbs very quickly.

Ointment and gel Indovazin

The desired effect is provided by indomethacin and troxerutin. These are anti-inflammatory drugs that effectively relieve swelling, normalize blood microcirculation and reduce the permeability of capillary walls.

Ointment Indovazin is a mixture of several active ingredients

The agent is applied twice a day. The remains after 20-25 minutes are washed with a damp cloth. Contraindications:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • problems with the nasopharynx (rhinitis, sinusitis, polyps).

Folk remedies

You can also get rid of bruises under the eyes with folk remedies. Their main advantage is that they are completely natural. They do not cause addiction, so they are suitable for daily use. The duration of the course is also not limited:

  • White cabbage. Helps to get rid of bruises and swelling. You need to beat off the leaf with a wooden mallet or chop in a blender. Apply to the eyelids for 30-40 minutes in the morning and evening. You can use both fresh and sauerkraut.
  • Salt. Prepare a solution (a tablespoon per 0.5 liters of hot water), stir well. Wash your face twice a day, apply compresses from cotton pads on the eyelid area for 5–7 minutes, making sure that the liquid does not get into your eyes. When consumed excessively with food, salt has the opposite effect - it retains fluid in the body, provoking the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • Iodine. Draw a grid on the eyelids with a cotton swab. It is better to do this in the evenings, before the morning the yellowness will have time to disappear. Also, lotions from 3% apple cider vinegar with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine and a pinch of salt per 50 ml give a good effect.
  • Medicinal herbs. The range of herbs that help fight bruising under the eyes is quite large. The most popular are wormwood, sage, coltsfoot, calendula, chamomile, lime blossom, wild rosemary, cornflower. An infusion is prepared from fresh or dry herbs. Two tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, tightly covered with a container, filtered after 2-3 hours. Cotton pads moistened with liquid are applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. In this case, there is no need to expect quick results.
  • Honey. Often causes allergies, be sure to test. Only a natural product will benefit. Dilute a teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water, soak cotton pads in liquid, keep on eyelids for 8-10 minutes. You can also make a paste of honey and homemade kefir, or egg yolk, mixed in approximately equal proportions and applied as an eye mask in the evening for 15-20 minutes. Usually a course of 10 masks is enough.

    honey is very useful tool, but, unfortunately, often causes allergies

  • Aloe. Juice is obtained from the leaves of plants no younger than three years old, it is advisable to take the lowest ones. After cutting, they are left for two weeks in a dark, cool place, then they are peeled, the pulp is crushed and the juice is squeezed out. You can use them in their pure form as a compress or add a few drops to dairy products (cream, sour cream, cottage cheese) and base oils used in cosmetology. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 days, the minimum course is 12-15 sessions.
  • Beet. Beetroot juice is a very effective antioxidant that eliminates dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. It is applied to problem areas, after 20 minutes you need to thoroughly wash with warm water.
  • Ice. A good effect is given by ordinary ice. The cube should be wrapped in a linen napkin and moved over the eyelid area with massage movements for 2-3 minutes. Do not wash or dry the skin after the procedure. It can be repeated 2-3 times a day. Due to the sharp narrowing of blood vessels, the skin is tightened, swelling and bruising disappear. A more effective remedy is ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, rose petals, chamomile, hops, mint, lemon balm, yarrow, rosemary) or natural juices (cucumber, aloe, birch, parsley, watermelon). But you can store it for a maximum of 5-7 days.

    Cosmetic ice tones not only the skin of the eyelids, it can be used for the entire face, neck and décolleté

  • Tea. Large-leaf green and white tea have the most pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Use black with caution, it can stain the skin an unhealthy yellowish brown color. Brew 2-3 teaspoons of leaves in a glass of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled to an acceptable temperature, strain and apply cotton pads soaked in tea for 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, contrast is useful - warm compresses and ice cubes.

    The best effect in the fight against bruising under the eyes is the simultaneous use of warm compresses and ice cubes.

  • Cucumber. The pulp of personally grown fruits is crushed in a blender, the resulting slurry is applied to the eyelids for half an hour. Then the skin is lightly blotted with a towel without washing. The effect, if you carry out the procedure every day, will have to wait 1.5-2 months. In addition to fighting bruises, cucumber intensively moisturizes the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles. You can mix the pulp with grated potatoes, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, lemon juice and freeze it.
  • Parsley. Rich in vitamins C and PP, mineral salts. The easiest way is to chop the greens and apply the gruel on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Also, to combat dark circles, compresses are used (cotton pads soaked in parsley broth), a parsley and sour cream mask, and cosmetic ice.

    Juice and chopped parsley visibly lighten the skin after just a few applications, it is best to use home grown raw materials

  • White bread with milk. Bread (yeast) is a source of vitamin B, milk is natural fats and proteins. The resulting slurry is applied to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.
  • Potato. The effect is achieved due to the high content of starch in the tubers. Potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and K. Gruel from grated pulp is applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the mask deeply moisturizes the skin. To enhance the effect, potatoes are mixed with wheat flour, cream, milk, cucumber or lemon juice.

Video: folk remedies to help cope with the problem


Essential oils can simply be added to your regular eye cream (3-4 drops per jar). Most effective for dark circles:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • pine;
  • juniper;
  • cypress;
  • lavender;
  • neroli;
  • sandalwood;
  • rose flower;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel.

Rosemary essential oil is one of the many that help get rid of dark circles and bruises under the eyes.

Masks give a complex effect. They not only fight the problem, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids. The mixture is applied to the eyelids for 20-30 minutes, then the face is wiped with lotion. Or moisten cotton pads in it and apply to the eyelids for 5-7 minutes, like lotions. drop essential oil diluted in a tablespoon of the base, choosing it based on the needs of the skin:

  • avocado (lightens and rejuvenates);
  • olive (nourishes, soothes, accelerates regeneration);
  • jojoba (returns elasticity, smoothes wrinkles);
  • macadamia (soothes and nourishes very sensitive skin, heals microdamages);
  • peach (nourishes and moisturizes).

Basic cosmetic oils, if chosen correctly, significantly improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids and the face as a whole.


Creams and gels to combat dark circles and bruises under the eyes are presented in the widest range, ranging from the most budgetary brands to luxury cosmetics:

  • Cooling Eye Gel from Planeta Organica. Differs in profitability of use, almost completely consists of natural ingredients. Rejuvenates the skin, nourishes it with moisture. Northern linnaea and mallow extracts make the thin skin of the eyelids less sensitive to the effects of negative environmental factors.

    Cooling Eye Gel from Planeta Organica effectively moisturizes the skin, protects it from the negative effects of external factors

  • Hyaluronic Multi-Active Cream by Librederm. Hyaluronic acid in a high concentration activates the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. The cream gives it a natural glow, smoothes mimic wrinkles, fights dark circles.

    Hyaluronic Multi-Active Cream by Librederm works if the problem is not only in dark circles around the eyes, but also in the presence of expression lines

  • Contorno Occhi Borse E Occhiaie by Nature's. Cream exclusively from natural ingredients, soothing and protecting the skin, relieving dark circles. Contains almond oil, caffeine, kiwi extract, vitamin E.

    Nature's Contorno Occhi Borse E Occhiaie, like all branded products, is made exclusively from natural ingredients

  • Douceur Contour Gel from La Biosthetique. Instantly absorbed gel with a very light texture. Contains natural yeast peptides, rice and soy proteins. The tool quickly soothes the skin, smoothes shallow mimic wrinkles, eliminates dark circles.

    Douceur Contour Gel by La Biosthetique - non-greasy gel with a very light texture

  • Eye Cream SPF-15 by Korres. Cream exclusively from natural ingredients, suitable for all skin types. Additionally provides UV protection and fights the first signs of aging. In the composition - extracts of chestnut, rose oil and rose hips.

    Eye Cream SPF-15 by Korres is very effective when needed to simultaneously combat dark circles and the first signs of photoaging.

  • Anti-Dark Circle Serum by SesDerma. One of the latest achievements of cosmetologists. The composition is very rich - organic silicon, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and K, extracts of horse chestnut and needles, bisabolol. The tool effectively maintains skin elasticity, fights bruises and mimic wrinkles.

    Anti-Dark Circle Serum by SesDerma is one of the latest and very successful developments.

  • Optim-Eyes by Filorga. The active ingredients are plum and almond oils. The cream is very sparingly consumed, quickly absorbed. Improves skin color, fights puffiness and bruising under the eyes.

    Filorga's Optim-Eyes is one of the most popular dark circle products, despite the high price.

  • Hydra-Sparkling by Givenchy. Intensively moisturizing and nourishing gel with a very light texture. Eliminates dark circles and morning puffiness in just one to two weeks. The skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles disappear.

    Hydra-Sparkling by Givenchy gives very fast results

  • La Creme Yeux by Chanel. Highly effective remedy for mature skin based on an extract from vanilla flowers. Restores skin elasticity and color, relieves swelling, fights bruises.

    La Crème Yeux by Chanel is a very smart choice for mature skin

  • Moisturizing eye cream-gel from Natura Siberica. The most budget option. It consists mainly of natural ingredients, the effect is provided by ginseng extract, Kurim tea, vitamins A, C, E.

    Moisturizing eye cream gel from Natura Siberica can afford the vast majority of women

  • Eye Therapy Patch by Talika. Reusable cosmeceutical patches. They are glued on the eyelids for about half an hour. They not only lighten dark circles, but also give a noticeable lifting effect.

    Eye Therapy Patch by Talika - highly effective reusable patches that simultaneously brighten and tighten the skin of the eyelids

  • Hyaluronic Eye-Patch Mask by Thalgo. Fabric patches, the effect of which is comparable to the effect of a filler. Contains natural hyaluronic acid derived from algae.

    Thalgo's Hyaluronic Eye-Patch Mask is powered by natural hyaluronic acid

  • The Eye Concentrate by La Mer. The serum contains seaweed extracts and a vitamin-mineral complex. Not only quickly relieves dark circles, bags and edema, but also restores the natural functions of the dermis.

    Idealia Eyes from Vichy, like all products under this brand, is based on thermal water

Salon procedures

They are carried out by a professional cosmetologist using special equipment and preparations. As a rule, a whole course is required to achieve the result.

Video: mesotherapy against dark circles

The most effective in the fight against dark circles under the eyes:

  • Mesotherapy. Injections of a "cocktail" based on hyaluronic acid. Other components - collagen, elastin, minerals (magnesium, zinc, cobalt), vitamins (group B, K, H). Together they normalize water balance skin, restore its elasticity and healthy color, fight swelling and normalize blood circulation. The procedure is quite painful. A variety of mesotherapy is biorevitalization. It is considered by cosmetologists to be more effective - high concentration formulations are used here, most often with amino acids. They are more likely to have allergic reactions.

    The “cocktail” for mesotherapy is selected individually by the beautician in each case.

  • Lymphatic drainage. Hardware or manual massage of the problem area. The main goal is to activate the flow of blood and lymph. Massage is effective for blockage of capillaries, swelling caused by the accumulation of lymph.

    Lymphatic drainage massage aims to "disperse" the blood and lymph

  • Introduction of fillers. Gel preparations based on hyaluronic acid fill the nasolacrimal groove, smoothing the skin. Bruising and swelling disappear due to the activation of the natural potential of skin renewal, normalization of its supply with oxygen and nutrients, blood and lymph flow. A variation of this procedure is lipofilling. Instead of a gel, specially purified and processed fat cells of the patient are used.

    Fillers, in addition to combating dark circles, bruises and swelling under the eyes, significantly improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids.

  • Ozone therapy. The middle and deep layers of the dermis are saturated with a mixture of oxygen and ozone by means of injections. As a result, the circulation of blood and lymph is normalized, the consequences of their stagnation disappear, and the walls of the capillaries are strengthened.

    Ozone and oxygen are very useful for the skin of the face in general, not only for the eyelid area.

  • Salon masks. Help with subtle bruising and swelling. The main ingredients of the mixtures are extracts of seaweed, fruits and caffeine. The base of the mask is oils used in cosmetology. The composition in each case, the cosmetologist selects individually. Masks combine intensive nutrition and hydration with whitening and "pulling" excess fluid from the middle and deep layers of the dermis.

    Masks are rather an auxiliary procedure to maintain and enhance the effect achieved.

  • Peeling. Most often, it is carried out as part of the preparation of the skin for any other cosmetic procedure. After removing dead particles, the skin is visibly smoothed and slightly brightened. To cleanse the eyelids, formulations with fruit acids or finely dispersed ones are used.

    For deep cleansing of the skin on the eyelids, both chemical and mechanical peeling is practiced.

Video: gel fillers for the eyelid area

There are a lot of reasons for their appearance, the correct definition will help you find the most effective remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Circles and bruises under the eyes can be caused by various reasons. Cosmetic measures can correct the situation. But if the circles do not go away even after a long rest, this is a reason to take care of your health.

The main causes of circles under the eyes

The main causes of darkening of the skin under the eyes are:

  • thinning with age;
  • various allergies;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • swelling due to excess moisture;
  • consequences of a sharp loss in weight, anemia;
  • constant nervous and physical overwork;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and kidneys.

Thinning skin on the face is the first sign of aging, and the most delicate undereye skin is the first to age. More visible blood vessels cause dark circles. The process can be accelerated by constant exposure to sunlight.

Dark circles can appear as a result of exposure to allergens - poplar fluff, pollen, animal hair irritate and tire the eyes, cause swelling and dark circles. A similar reaction may be to food or medicines. Hereditary predisposition determines some features of physiology - the structure of the skin, the fit of the eyes. Such circles often appear with deep-set eyes.

Lack of sleep, which is permanent, weakens the body and makes the skin pale - against this background, the vessels under the skin will be more noticeable, and the circles begin to stand out. Dark circles usually appear after working at the computer for a long time, various types eye strain - overload causes excessive blood flow and vasodilation.

Edema, especially appearing in the morning, as a result of moisture retention in the body various reasons cause bruising under the eyes. Excessive fragility of the joints is affected by smoking or constant stay in smoky rooms, alcohol intoxication. Incorrectly selected diets, starvation, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body causes painful conditions that affect the appearance of the skin and undereyes.

Cases required to see a doctor

There are more serious causes for bruising under the eyes, which you need to see a doctor. It:

The color of the circles under the eyes indicates the cause of their occurrence:

  • reddish color - for allergies and kidney problems;
  • yellowish - for liver problems or blood diseases, the intensity indicates the severity of the process;
  • purple - indicates oxygen starvation due to anemia or impaired lung function;
  • black - for chronic fatigue.

To eliminate the problem and select remedies for dark circles under the eyes, you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance. For this you should:

  • regulate nutrition - it should be complete, providing the body with everything the right vitamins, especially vitamin C and trace elements, removing fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods from the diet;
  • the diet should contain a sufficient amount of berries, fruits and vegetables as a natural source of vitamin C;
  • streamline the daily routine - ensure proper sleep, physical activity and walks in the fresh air.
  • Or resort to .

These funds will also improve well-being and overall appearance.

Get rid of dark circles

For a local effect on the area of ​​​​dark circles, you should:

Products with vitamin K and A will help improve blood circulation in the undereye area. Care products containing blueberry extract and lipoic acid are well suited. But such an impact will bring only temporary measures. More radical means plastic surgery.

Plastics for correcting circles

For the successful correction of such circles under the eyes, plastic surgery is used. These include:

Plastic surgery is a rather complicated and expensive method of treatment, so daily care products will always be in demand.

Daily remedies for dark circles

For care, and the undereye area, you need to choose creams that restore blood circulation under the skin. On sale there are creams with the inclusion of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. Perhaps the use of gels or serums of similar action. To increase the effect, the cream should be applied chilled - then the effect is enhanced.

For masking, you can use a corrective tool - a concealer-pencil or concealer-cream, since it is impossible to correctly apply a regular foundation on the undereye area. The color is matched to the tone of dark circles, half a shade lighter than skin color. The action of the concealer is based on the action of light-reflecting particles in the composition of the product.

The funds act up to 16 hours, they also have a healing and rejuvenating effect.

Finger massage has an effective effect - for this, the undereye area and around the eyes are tapped with the tips along the line from the temple to the bridge of the nose for 2-3 minutes. The effect is to stimulate the outflow of lymph and blood from the lymph node in the inner corner of the eye closest to the bridge of the nose.

After the massage on the eyelids, you need to apply a gel or cream to care for the undereye area.

Masks and compresses for skin lightening

To improve the blood supply to the skin under the eyes, the best remedy for circles is used - contrasting compresses from herbal decoctions. For the effect, such procedures should be carried out 1 time per week.

If neoplasms appear, then you.

Curd mask on the undereye area - chilled cottage cheese wrapped in gauze is applied to the skin. Tea compresses - cotton pads soaked in a strong solution of black or green tea are applied to the undereye area for two minutes.

Contrast compresses from sage herb - 1 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured 100 gr. boiling water, squeezed. One part of the infusion is frozen, the second remains warm. A cotton compress of warm infusion and ice is applied alternately to the undereye area.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading specialist in Moscow in the field of thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast arthroplasty, has performed more than 11,000 operations. More about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Quite often, modern girls and women are faced with such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of black circles under the eyes. Most often, such defects occur under the influence of lack of sleep or excessive fatigue. Often the appearance of dark circles is associated with human anatomy. In this case, the use of special cosmetic creams will be an excellent solution to the problem.


To date, creams against dark circles under the eyes are presented in a fairly wide range. Basically, the active ingredients in such products are aimed at improving lymph flow and blood circulation in this area. The compositions use natural ingredients and vitamins that have a positive effect on the delicate skin under the eyes.

A feature of the means used to eliminate black circles is the rapid toning of the vessels. Due to the effect of all of the above components, microcirculation of blood in the area around the eyes increases.

Particular attention when choosing should be given to the composition of the cream. It is from the high-quality natural base that depends on how long the effect of the use of cosmetics will be.

How to choose

When choosing the right cream to eliminate black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the basis of the tool. It must contain natural ingredients. If there are additives in the composition, pay attention to the fact that they are safe and do not cause an allergic reaction.

The next important point is the manufacturer. Well-known brands that have already managed to declare themselves produce good and effective options for women.

An equally significant point in the acquisition process is the color of the bruises under the eyes. Before you go shopping, you need to carefully consider the face in the mirror. If the circles under the eyes have a brown tint, then most often this is provoked by hyperpigmentation.

In the presence of such a problem, the skin gradually acquires such a color, and getting rid of the defect is quite problematic. But modern manufacturers produce high-quality and effective formulations for bruises under the eyes, which are based on brightening components. Caffeine or kojic acid will help eliminate the brown tint.

One of the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin C. The action of this element is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen in the cells of the epidermis. The component also fights problems such as oxidation and the appearance of pigment.

When purchasing a cream with whitening elements, pay attention to the fact that UV filters are included in the base.

This is due to the fact that it is under the influence of sunlight that the production of melanin begins - the pigment that gives the skin a brown tint.

An equally common problem is the occurrence of bruises under the eyes that have a purple or blue color. Such manifestations indicate weakened capillaries. In this case, it is necessary to choose a cream that can strengthen blood vessels and make the skin under the eyes more dense. To cope with these tasks, products containing retinol and vitamin K can be used.

Regarding the last element, it is worth saying that it is he who best strengthens the vascular walls. Due to the fact that it is absorbed into the cells, blood microcirculation improves.

When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is placed in a dark container. The material must not pass Sun rays since the vitamin is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

There are also creams that help get rid of swelling of the eyelids. Gel-like compositions perfectly eliminate such problems, make the skin more elastic and supple.

When choosing a pharmacy option, ask about contraindications for use. Basically, such medicinal types contain at their core many natural active ingredients that penetrate deep into the cells. It is recommended to test for allergic reactions beforehand.


As noted above, most products contain natural ingredients, vitamin complexes and other components, the action of which is aimed at improving the skin around the eyes. Also, the basis of creams includes such ingredients as:

Retinol is an essential ingredient in most cosmetic creams.

It is a derivative of vitamin A. When this component is exposed to the skin, the vessels thicken and the broken capillaries heal. Most often, retinol is used to create night creams. This is due to the fact that the substance increases the sensitivity of the skin to exposure to sunlight.

One of the most "capricious" elements is vitamin K. Most often it is combined with other types, since the substance is easily affected by ultraviolet radiation. An excellent addition to this element is vitamin C. The action of the substances is aimed at improving local blood circulation. They perfectly restore the skin, make it more pleasant and soft.

Important components in the basis of creams are ceramides. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, saturate it with the necessary amount of moisture. After using the products with them, the area around the eyes becomes elastic.

To eliminate bruises, creams are often used in which badyaga is present. Such compositions perfectly fight skin pigmentation, under the influence of components, the circles around the eyes quickly dissolve. Badyaga is often used in the presence of severe swelling in this area. Biologically active substances present in the base penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis.

Often, cosmetic products with parsley are used to eliminate defects on the face. Interestingly, this ingredient is often used to create effective therapeutic agents. Creams with parsley brighten the skin, make it more hydrated and fresh. When using products, the epidermis is restored and toned.

Rating of popular means

Modern manufacturers produce many good and high-quality options, which are worth taking a closer look at.

One of the best views is the "Caffeine Roller" gel, represented by the Garnier trademark. The tool perfectly eliminates cinnamon bruises and signs of fatigue. The peculiarity of this type is the presence of a massage roller, which ensures maximum penetration of nutrients under the skin.

Cosmetics from this company has stimulating and tonic properties, therefore it is very popular among buyers. The components of the roller gel perfectly eliminate signs of fatigue and swelling formed under the eyes.

Another quality and effective product is Lumene "Time Freeze" eye cream. It contains heather extract, thanks to which the skin condition improves in short period. Also in the base there are proteins of plant origin.

As a result of multiple tests, it was proved that the cream does not contain fragrances that cause irritation and allergies. The product is 95% natural ingredients.

For sensitive skin, you can use Vichy Thermal Fix. The gel perfectly refreshes, nourishes and saturates the epidermis with moisture. In the course of research, it has been proven that the product is 100% hypoallergenic.

active ingredient remedy is dextran sulfate, which prevents the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

For more on skin care around the eyes and an overview of the products, see the following video.

Dark circles and bags under the eyes often spoil not only the appearance, but also the mood. What cosmetics will help solve these problems?

Dark circles and bags under the eyes are one of the most common appearance problems that many people face. Decorative concealers help to get rid of this shortcoming only for a while, however, there are special care products that significantly reduce puffiness and make the skin under the eyes much lighter. Their effectiveness is explained by the components included in the composition, which have a decongestant and whitening effect, due to which there is no trace of signs of fatigue.

Folk remedies also help to fight swelling and bruising under the eyes.
means, for example, a compress from raw potatoes, cucumber or tea leaves
sachets. When performed regularly, they remove
swelling, redness and remove bruises.

Gel plaster-mask "From circles under the eyes" from Extraplast Beauty

The gel patch-mask acts more actively than conventional creams due to the greenhouse effect created. During use, the components of the product penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, moisturizing and saturating it. beneficial substances. Thanks to green tea and ginseng extracts, the patch has a draining and anti-edematous effect, while goya whitening essence visibly reduces dark circles under the eyes. It is recommended to use patches at least 2 times a week before going to bed or in the morning for 15-20 minutes.

Estimated cost - 270 rubles.

Lifting gel from bags and circles under the eyes "Blueberries and psyllium seed gel" from Green Mama

Blueberries are very useful for the eyes, and the ascorbic acid and rutin contained in them help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which blood flow improves and blueness and swelling of the eyelids are significantly reduced. The gel also contains amino acids, vitamins and oils that actively nourish the skin and prevent its aging. This remedy can be used by owners of very sensitive skin, as it does not contain dyes and fragrances.

Estimated cost - 200 rubles.

Korres Wild Rose Anti-Wrinkle & Dark Circle Eye Cream

The eye cream contains wild rose oil - a natural source of vitamin C, which helps to effectively fight pigmentation, and also nourishes and protects the delicate skin of the eyelids. The yeast extract included in the product improves blood microcirculation in the eye area, and therefore bruises and swelling become less noticeable with each use. This tool perfectly cares for the delicate skin of the eyelids and is suitable for daily use.

Estimated cost - 1,400 rubles.

Eyecircle Eye Cream by SKIN DOCTORS

This cream contains a revolutionary Matrix Peptide that combats darkening of the skin around the eyes by breaking down red blood cells and removing them from the body. This remedy also improves the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, eliminates existing wrinkles, and also prevents the appearance of new signs of aging.

Estimated cost - 2 230 rubles.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Eye Contour Roll-On Gel

This gel is equipped with a roll-on applicator, which not only allows you to conveniently apply it to the skin around the eyes, but also has a cooling and massage effect. The main component of the product is thermal water from the French Vichy spring. The gel also contains other skin-friendly substances, such as dextran and escin. They improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also remove everything superfluous from the tissues, so that swelling subsides and bruises become less noticeable.

Estimated cost - 900 rubles.

All About Eyes Serum De-Puffing Eye Massage by Clinique

The Liquid Gel Serum comes in a compact roll-on stick bottle, making it easy to take with you and use in any situation. It cools and refreshes puffy eye areas, reducing dark circles and puffiness after the first application. The components that make up this product care for the delicate skin of the eyelids, stimulate blood circulation and promote the outflow of fluid, eliminating signs of fatigue.

Estimated cost - 1,700 rubles.

Dark Circles Relief and Depuffing Eye Serum by Darphin

This highly effective serum soothes and smoothes the delicate skin around the eyes, reducing the appearance of puffiness and dark circles, leaving eyes looking fresh and rested. Thanks to the light formula, the product is quickly absorbed and can be used under make-up.

Estimated cost - 1 750 rubles.

You can also remove dark circles and bags under the eyes with the help of salon
procedures, for example, microcurrent therapy, ultrasonic lifting, mesotherapy.
They improve blood microcirculation, strengthen blood vessels and increase elasticity.
skin around the eyes, due to which bruises and swelling gradually disappear.

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