Glutamine is needed or not. L-glutamine: what is it, what is it for, how to take it? How to take L-Glutamine Powder? L-glutamine: reviews. Reduces Side Effects After Chemotherapy

Sewerage 10.07.2020

In the bodybuilding and fitness industry, there are several categories of supplements that are categorized according to potency and importance. Protein, creatine, BCAA, all of this is deservedly included in the list of essential sports nutrition for athletes of any level. There is chaos among the minor supplements that are optional but can provide improved training efficiency and speed of progression. Manufacturers manipulate this by delivering high sales levels for a variety of supplements while the ones that are really worthwhile are overlooked.

A prime example is L Glutamine, an amino acid that can provide good support in all sports, but is most often lost over other supplements. In this article, we'll look at how glutamine can be beneficial for athletes and why you should include this supplement on your list. sports nutrition.

What is Glutamine

Let's start with the most basic - theory. Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is found in protein. According to research, muscle tissue is approximately 60-66% of it, which means at least most of your muscles are glutamine. For this reason, it is called the most abundant amino acid. Glutamine supplementation in sports supplements has often been criticized, although in fact the experience of professional athletes, numerous reviews of athletes and a number of studies prove its effectiveness. It is important to understand that L-Glutamine is found in many foods and most people are not deficient. Otherwise, for those who do not consume enough protein foods and vegetables, amino acid deficiencies can result in serious health problems. Glutamine is found in animal products:

  • meat (beef, chicken, etc.);
  • chicken eggs;
  • fish;
  • dairy products.

Among the sources of plant origin, it is worth highlighting:

  • cabbage (almost all types);
  • legumes;
  • greens (chappinat, parsley, etc.);
  • beet.

When you eat these foods, you will receive a sufficient dosage of glutamine, therefore an additional intake of the amino acid will only be necessary in some cases. It is also worth paying attention to BCAA complexes, which include glutamine. In this case, its effect, in combination with essential amino acids, will be more pronounced, which will allow you to get more benefits. For example, it can significantly reduce muscle catabolism and speed up recovery.

Glutamine properties

It is important to understand not only what foods contain this amino acid, but what glutamine is needed for and what advantages it can give athletes in sports. Among the most basic properties, it is necessary to highlight:
  • necessary to strengthen immunity;
  • protects muscles from destruction (by reducing cortisol levels);
  • accelerates muscle recovery after physical exertion, also prevents overtraining;
  • acts as a source of energy (along with glucose);
  • participates in protein synthesis in muscles.

How to take L-Glutamine

It should be noted right away that the amino acid is effective only in the L-form, so you should always look at the composition of the supplement. The same goes for other amino acids, especially BCAA. Initially, it is worth considering that you need to take glutamine in powder or any other form only in two cases:
  • after training;
  • before bedtime.

At any other time, this supplement will be completely ineffective and will give nothing. Firstly, post-workout intake allows you to quickly restore energy levels, and secondly, it will reduce the production of cortisol, which is extremely important after physical exertion. Simply put, due to the anti-catabolic effect, the process of muscle growth will start much faster, which will have a positive effect on the overall level of progression. Based on this, it can be noted that glutamine indirectly increases dry growth muscle mass, but does not have a direct effect. Regarding dosages, the optimal amount of the daily requirement is 4-8 grams of the substance. In the case of a single dose, a 4–5 gram serving should be drunk immediately after training or before bed. You can also drink 4 grams post-workout and before bed on workout days. On the days between workouts - only 4 g before bed.

It is important not to exceed the daily allowance, as this will not give any improvement, but it can cause side effects.
Of course, this amino acid has no contraindications, since it is found in many foods and is completely natural. But the most obvious reaction to a one-time intake of a large amount of a substance (over 15 grams) will be digestive upset.https: //

How to choose a supplement

Let's briefly touch on the topic of choosing an additive. Almost every manufacturer makes glutamine, so it's hard to find really profitable options. Among the primary criteria that are worth paying attention to are:
  • price;
  • manufacturer (top brands should be preferred, as they are a certain guarantee of the quality of the additive);
  • dosage.
Often athletes buy glutamine just for immunity, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period, so in this case, any manufacturer is suitable, whose supplement will be more cost-effective. If you are consuming an amino acid to improve recovery and training efficiency, it is very important to consider the amount of substance per serving. For example, some companies may have 2 g of glutamine in their supplement per serving, while others may have 5. The second pack will be slightly more expensive than the first, although in fact, the amount of substance in the can will be almost twice as much.

For example, if you buy BCAA with glutamine, the amino acid dosage should be 4-5 grams. In cases where the manufacturer adds only 1-2 g of glutamine to 4–5 g of leucine, isoleucine and valine, this amount will have no effect. If you take the supplement separately, then make the minimum calculations for the number of servings, substance and cost of packaging, this will allow you to find the most profitable options. It is also worth considering that if you take glutamine at a pharmacy, then most often it will be therapeutic dosages, moreover, for a rather high cost, because this option is the least preferable for sports.

There is no difference when it comes to form. Practice shows that powder forms are always more advantageous in price, because at higher dosages a portion is cheaper than capsules. Nevertheless, in this regard, the main criterion will be exclusively personal preferences and all forms are equal to each other.
The only exception is liquid glutamine, which some manufacturers use. It does not make much sense, because such an option is always more expensive than other types, but at the same time it does not give any advantage either in efficiency or in ease of use.


In general, the benefits and harms of glutamine (in large doses) are detailed in many studies. There is even a fair amount of criticism that this supplement is useless, and this amino acid has received special attention among professional athletes, who usually do not fall for advertisements, empty marketing promises or other misinformation. This makes it clear that L-Glutamine is important and can provide many benefits, especially for those who train at full strength and want maximum results. It is also perfect for those who train more than 3 times a week or are trying to prepare for a professional sports career. For average amateurs who go to the gym 3 times a week and work out more to stay fit and healthy, additional glutamine will do little. However, if all the basic supplements (protein, creatine, BCAA, vitamins and omega-3) are available , and the financial issue is not the main one, the purchase of glutamine will be justified (only if it is not in the BCAA). This amino acid will be mandatory for those sports where performance is a priority. For example, for cycling, crossfit, track and field athletics, professional running, in all disciplines, taking glutamine can be very beneficial. If the main task is the usual increase in muscle mass in the gym, then it is better to limit yourself to regular protein, since in one serving whey protein both BCAA and glutamine are contained in sufficient quantities.

Glutamine (2-aminopentanamide-5-ovic acid) is one of the most important aminocarboxylic acids and the most abundant in the human body. It is one of the most popular and practically harmless supplements among weightlifters and athletes, because it is often recommended for gaining muscle mass, not only in bodybuilding. It also prevents the development of irritable bowel syndrome and loss of muscle mass in bedridden patients, and also strengthens the immune system.

Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid found in protein and essential for effective muscle growth and immune system support, which is used as:

  • building blocks for protein;
  • as a fuel source for the cells that line the intestinal wall;
  • fuel for immune cells such as macrophages;
  • prevents the use of other amino acids as an energy source.

This amino acid is quite common in the human body, which only confirms its importance.

In its pure form, the human body uses it in the form of L-glutamine.

It is not irreplaceable, but it is considered conditionally replaceable. The body of a healthy person produces it in fairly large quantities. However, due to stress, stress, against the background of a decrease in immunity and injuries, some body functions begin to use gutamic acid in large quantities, which leads to the need to receive it additionally from food and dietary supplements.

70% of the total amount produced by the body aminocarbic acid used by skeletal muscles.

In addition to them, L-glutamine is used by the kidneys, liver and small intestine.

It is very important for the functioning of the immune system and for the control of nitrogen levels in the body. Glutamine accounts for about 60% of all amino acids in bones, making it an excellent supplement to sports nutrition for bodybuilders and hobbyists. gyms.

Benefits of Glutamine for the Gut

1. Is fuel for intestinal cell growth and digestive functions

Glutamine is one of the three main fuel sources (the other two are glutamate and aspartate) for cells in the small intestine. It is essential for cell formation and growth in the small intestine, and it also helps in the absorption and transport of nutrients.

2. Prevents and treats irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (leaky gut) occurs due to various factors such as stress, radiation exposure, and chemotherapy. In these and other cases, this amino acid gives only a positive result.

In one experiment, rats were exposed to radiation. Some of them took drugs with 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid, which allowed to reduce or prevent intestinal permeability and the amount of bleeding.

Heat and oxidative stress from exercise thin the lining of the intestines and cause irritable bowel syndrome.

Athletes who ran 60 minutes on a treadmill and took l-glutamine capsules had minimal gut and leaky gut problems compared to the placebo group.

Breast cancer patients who took glutamic acid medications 12 days prior to chemotherapy experienced significant reductions in irritable bowel syndrome symptoms during the procedure itself.

3. Improves bowel permeability

L-glutamine improves bowel permeability in patients after stomach surgery, including removal of part of it. Positive results were achieved when taking 3 grams of glutamine within 12 days after surgery.

Strengthens the immune system and speeds up the healing process

Immune cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils require glutamic acid. Having it around these cells allows the white blood cells to grow.

Injury, infection, treatment cancer and surgery weaken the immune system and deplete the body's glutamine stores. Therefore, taking additional capsules with it helps to speed up the recovery process.

4. Supports immunity to fight infections

It is able to increase the levels of B and T lymphocytes in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (a serious and life-threatening body response to injury, infection or burns). Capsules with 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid reduced inflammation and accelerated recovery in 30 patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

In 22 patients, l-glutamine increased the level of T lymphocytes, cells that fight bacterial invasion, after colorectal surgery.

In another study, 45 post-bone marrow transplant patients who took the supplement there was a decrease in the number of infectious diseases by almost two times.

A study of 68 underweight infants found that the incidence of sepsis (a life-threatening condition in which the body damages its own tissues in response to infection) and bacteremia ( bacterial infection blood) was 11% in patients who were given glutamine, compared with 30% who did not.

5. Promotes wound healing

It supplies the cells needed for wound healing (macrophages, lymphocytes and connective tissue) with energy.

When injured, tissues and immune cells surround the wound more quickly with sufficient glutamine in the body. In rats, the level of 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid decreased by 50% 5 days after injury.

Reducing the concentration of this amino acid stimulates muscle cells to produce more glutamine for wound healing and other processes.

6. Reduces side effects after chemotherapy

Patients receiving chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer usually develop mucositis (inflammation of the mucous membranes) in the mouth, larynx, and pharynx. This causes unbearable pain and discomfort.

When patients took l-glutamine, the severity of mucositis decreased along with pain.

Rats that were given glutamic acid supplements lost less weight when the stomach was irradiated.

However, cancer cells use this amino acid for fuel, which is why l-glutamine is often contraindicated in patients with cancer.

In any case, consult your healthcare professional before using supplements.

7. Helps to recover from surgery

Surgery reduces the amount of 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid in muscles and decreases protein synthesis in them.

Patients who have undergone abdominal surgery who have taken this correctly aminocarbic acidlost less glutamine in their muscles compared to those who didn't. Moreover, protein synthesis remained unchanged, while in the group without supplementation, it decreased.

Daily intake one week prior to stomach surgery improved liver function and increased antioxidant levels during recovery.

Moreover, the healing process was many times faster when taking supplements with this amino acid.

8. Increases the amount of nitrogen in the body if its amount is reduced

Infections, surgery, radiation exposure, and chemotherapy all reduce nitrogen in the body by breaking down proteins. Patients who have undergone bone marrow transplants and receive glutamine are less likely to get sick and recover faster because more nitrogen is retained in the body.

The same positive dynamics is observed in patients who underwent stomach surgery.

9. Prevents Decreased Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) Levels

After injury or excessive stress on the muscles, the level of l-glutamine in the body decreases. Glucocorticoids cause muscle wasting in healthy people, which also lowers l-glutamine levels.

One study found that glucocorticoid treatment lowers glutamine levels in the body 24 hours after ingestion.

And this leads to a decrease in the number of branched-chain amino acids. Leucine decreased by 23%, valine by 27% and isoleucine by 33%. Increased oxidation of leucine was directly associated with a decrease in glutamine.

Branched-chain amino acids are essential and a deficiency leads to decreased protein synthesis.

One study showed that maintaining blood levels of this amino acid decreased leucine oxidation in adults, children and infants, and in dogs with muscular dystrophy.

L-glutamine and exercise

10. Necessary for long and intense training

Why do athletes need glutamine? Exercise is a stress on the body that weakens the immune system for several hours after training. As a result, many avid athletes often get colds after long and grueling exercise.

Short workouts (up to 1 hour) do not decrease the level of 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid in the blood, but, on the contrary, even increase it slightly. This is due to the fact that glutamate is converted to l-glutamine.

But during long workouts (more than 3 hours), the level of this amino acid decreases steadily and remains at this level even after 4.5 hours after training. This is because the liver uses 2-aminopentanamide-5-ovic acid to make glucose, more protein, and neutralize the acidity caused by the increase in carbon dioxide.

Frequent overtraining leads to a constant lack of this amino acid, which in turn causes a feeling of constant fatigue and lack of strength.

It has been shown that taking glutamine powder does affect the immune system after exercise by boosting it. The only exceptions are extreme endurance exercises, such as when preparing for a marathon. Just 5 grams of this amino acid two hours before a race significantly reduces the risk of colds by next week.

11. Used to gain muscle mass

Glutamine is used by many weightlifters to support muscle building and reduce pain. However, research has failed to fully explain how this works.

Capsules with 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid increase its concentration in the blood, while l glutamine in the muscles remains unchanged. However, the simultaneous intake of this glutamine with glucose reduces the amount of the former in muscle cells.

Taking supplements in large doses of 3-6 grams does not significantly affect:

  • Exercise efficiency;
  • Acid neutralization;
  • Maintenance of the immune system (except for preparation for a marathon);
  • Pain after training;
  • Body fat mass.

However, there is research supporting the use of glutamine supplements along with other sports nutrition (such as BCAAs and) and exercise. However, these effects were not seen with glutamine alone.

Does glutamine reduce post-workout pain?

A high dose of glutamine (0.3 g / kg body weight or 18 grams for a 60 kg person) increases leg muscle strength and reduces post-workout pain.

This effect was more pronounced in men than in women. However, in another study, l-glutamine supplementation at 0.9 g / kg bw did not significantly affect muscle strength or pain relief after squats and bench presses in young adults aged 18-23.

Glutamine and growth hormone

Growth hormone quadruples 90 minutes after ingestion of 2 g L-glutamine. When moderate / high intensity exercise was performed for one hour, growth hormone increased 20-fold.

L-Glutamine and Post-Workout Recovery

Adding 8 grams of glutamine to 61 grams of glucose syrup helps your muscles replenish their glycogen reserves faster than just glucose syrup. Although the mechanism of this action is not fully understood and there is no scientific evidence.

Other benefits of glutamine

12. Protects against stress

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins that are released in response to cellular stress and help protect other proteins from damage or repair already damaged ones. They are an integral part of the body's response to stress and are found in virtually all living organisms.

Animal studies have shown that glutamine increased the amount of key heat shock proteins severalfold.

In trauma patients, the mortality rate decreased if the amount of HSP was above normal.

And in critically ill patients, a sufficient amount of heat shock proteins contributed to the improvement of the current state several times.

Moreover, the time spent in hospital for patients who took capsules with glutamine was reduced by up to several days.

13. Glutamine Protects the Heart During Heart Attacks and Surgery

Cardiac surgery often results in injury to the heart muscle called ischemia / reperfusion. Ischemia is due to low oxygen levels, while reperfusion is the return of oxygen after a critical decrease.

Such damage results in increased levels of troponin I, creatine kinase-MB, and myoglobin. Increased levels of these proteins have been associated with an increased risk of death and frequent illness.

One study found that in patients who took glutamine, troponin I and creatine kinase-MB levels decreased at 24 and 48 hours, respectively. Myoglobin decreased only after 24 hours. In addition, less damage to the heart muscle and less complications after surgery were observed.

In addition, the contractile function of the heart cells was restored in all cells fed with glutamine, while without it, none of the cells were able to restore this function.

14. Prevents the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Rats that were not fed glutamine during feeding had more fat in the liver (hepatic steatosis).

The rats given glutamine had 47% less fat. Their livers were also 12% lighter, most likely due to a decrease in fat.

Other studies have shown that l-glutamine reduces the absorption of fat by the liver.

What should you consider when taking supplements?

Glutamine is often prescribed for stress and trauma, as its amount drops sharply during this time. This helps to prevent the breakdown of proteins in the muscles, that is, it has an anti-catabolic effect.

Keep in mind that it is an unstable molecule and does not break down completely in liquids, which makes it less effective when taken with supplements.

To address this problem, other amino acids (alanine or glycine) are often added to sports nutrition or capsules to create dipeptides (two linked amino acids), which improves glutamine stability without side effects.

Side effects

1. Supplementation with glutamine interferes with the absorption and transport of other amino acids

Often, different amino acids compete with each other for the transport of nutrients to tissues or for absorption by the intestines and kidneys. 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid can increase the concentration of this amino acid so much that it interferes with the normal functioning of other amino acids.

2. Reduces the production of glutamine by the body

Due to artificial additives, the production of its own l glutamine is reduced. This causes the body to create more harmful molecules like glutamate and ammonia.

3. Reduces the process of cleansing the body from ammonia

Glutamine supplements reduce the body's ability to utilize harmful molecules such as ammonia.This causes ammonia to be transported more slowly between tissues.

4. Stopping supplementation with this amino acid causes side effects

Long-term supplementation decreases the production of its own amino acid. When supplementation is stopped, the body is unable to produce enough, causing side effects such as increased nitrogen levels, for example.

5. Other side effects

These side effects have not been scientifically or empirically confirmed, but scientists have found some association between supplementation and the following undesirable effects:

  • Weakening of immunity;
  • Cancer risk
  • Tumor growth;
  • An increase in the concentration of other amino acids in the blood, which increases acidity.

Glutamine and cancer

Cancer cells feed on glutamine. They need him to survive.

This is why supplementation with 2-aminopentanamide-5-oic acid is often contraindicated in cancer patients. It is best used to maintain overall health and to help the body recover from trauma, surgery, or cancer. However, some doctors still believe it is beneficial for cancer patients.

Therefore, you should consult your healthcare professional before taking supplements with this amino acid during cancer treatment.

Contraindications for taking glutamine and interactions with other medications

There are times when a patient cannot take drugs orally, then nutrients, including l glutamine, are injected through a special tube or intravenously.

This amino acid, its effectiveness and possible side effects are not well understood, so it is difficult to talk about interactions with other supplements or medications.

But sometimes supplements does more harm than good. There was only one case of inadequate reaction of the body to 2-aminopentanamide-5-ovic acid, which was used in the treatment of colon carcinoma togetherwith irinotecan / 5-fluorouracil. This is worth paying attention to when treating this disease.

When taking amino acids in combination with omega-3 fatty acid, the effectiveness of the former decreased. L-glutamine and fatty acids have the same effect during chemotherapy, however, their combined use led to a worsening of the patient's condition. Therefore, it is recommended to take one or the other.

In any case, you should consult your doctor before taking supplements.

How to use

The dosage for one dose of glutamine is 5 g, this will be enough for muscle recovery. However, visible results can be achieved with the intake of less than 5 g, as was shown by the example of the study of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Only 1 gram of the supplement was enough for treatment.

Active exercise forces the body to quickly process amino acids for muscle recovery. Most of these elements are produced in human organs, for example, in the liver, as well as in muscles. About 3/5 amino acids are glutamine, the bulk of which is produced in the human body. Glutamine vital to the body, since the correct functioning of all systems depends on it. During heavy workouts, an increased dose of it in the form of a dietary supplement to the main diet will not hurt.

A physically developed body has been considered the standard of beauty since ancient times. But only modern serious research has made it possible to understand the chemical processes and changes in the body during exercise. In the 1980s, scientists discovered that the rate of protein production was dependent on glutamine levels. It is believed that L-Glutamine is synthesized as a result of the reactions of certain amino acids, in particular, with branched-chain molecules (). Scientists have come to the conclusion that the process of muscle growth is directly dependent on the body's receipt of glutamine. This confirms the importance of having the right amount of amino acids during exercise. It is advised during such periods of time to consume more high-quality food, valuable proteins, which become the basis for the excretion of amino acids by the body. In addition, glutamine can enter the body directly as an L-form amino acid. The more free glutamine in the blood tissues, the higher the rate of increase in muscle cells.

During strong loads, reactions of interaction of molecules occur in the muscles, for the effective passage of which nitrogen is required. This element is necessary for the further development of muscles and the maintenance of the whole organism in working capacity. Glutamine is absorbed by muscle tissues, then nitrogen atoms begin to interact with enzymes. As a result of new compounds, nitrogen-saturated molecules appear. For athletes, nitrogen intake during vigorous workouts is vital to maintain proper functioning of all body systems, creating the right conditions for the rapid recovery of damaged tissues and muscle growth.

  • most of the nitrogen (35%) gets into the muscles thanks to glutamine;
  • it is used not only to strengthen the body, but also to treat alcoholism, as it reduces the craving for alcohol;
  • glutamic acid is a completely different substance, but after certain reactions it turns into glutamine;
  • only 2 g of the substance taken, entering the body as an additive to the diet, multiplies the effectiveness by 4 times, which has a positive effect on the metabolism of fats and makes muscle tissue increase;
  • glutamine neutralizes the effects of ammonia on muscles. Ammonia is known to be very toxic to muscle tissue. Glutamine, having 2 times more nitrogen atoms than amino acids, removes ammonia from the body's molecules;
  • glutamine is broken down in the liver and converted to glucose, which increases glycogen levels in muscle tissue.

The strong need for glutamine comes from the metabolic stress of the muscles, which causes heavy lifting. The effect of this element on the body has been well studied in medicine - glutamine is administered to patients at times when their body is in a catabolic state due to severe stress... This is necessary, since the body urgently extracts glutamine from muscle tissues to maintain life support, which in turn can cause the loss of the latter. Without food additives a similar condition would be for any bodybuilder who suddenly starts lifting super-heavy equipment without adequate nutrition.

The effect of glutamine on body processes looks like this:

  • decrease in the intensity of catabolic processes;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • an increase in the amount of glycogen and growth hormone;
  • balancing the Ph level;

Strength load causes the active release of cortisol, as a result of which glutamine is broken down and disappeared in the muscles and liver. There is also a strong expenditure of energy due to the processing of carbohydrates. As a result, the level of glycogen in blood tissues falls below the normal level. The body tries to replenish stores through glycogenesis - to support the reaction, glutamine is converted to carbohydrates in the liver.

Stress is known to cause burning sensation in muscles. The appearance of unpleasant feelings is associated with the release of lactic acid, as a derivative of anaerobic metabolism. To normalize the state, the body needs to control the pH-balance. For this, all available glutamine reserves are used.

With all of the above processes, the human body with a calm lifestyle can cope on its own. Athletes need to use supplements, including glutamine, so as not to harm their immune system.

How to Replenish Glutamine

A valuable natural source of glutamine is protein-rich foods: legumes, dairy, fish, meat, eggs. During training, their increased consumption is simply necessary. But the amount of glutamine normal for protein synthesis is easier to obtain by taking it in addition. This statement is based on the fact that glutamine in its "natural" form is destroyed during cooking. Also, about 2/5 breaks down in the stomach and intestinal tract during digestion to replace microflora cells. The best sources of glutamine are foods that don't require cooking: spinach, parsley, and others.

Is the harmful effect of the drug possible?

The appearance of undesirable processes in the body was not observed in laboratory conditions, even at higher dosages.

Proper use of L-Glutamine

There are no strict restrictions like these. During training, the body feels an acute shortage of glutamine, so it is better not to save money by reducing the dosage. Not eating enough will simply not provide any tangible benefit. It should be taken with water or juice (2 teaspoons or 10 g per one glass of liquid) regularly twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to sleep in the evening. Also additionally before and after sports. It is important to remember that this supplement does not replace, but only supplements the nutritionally valuable diet. Also, in order to preserve your health, you need to monitor the storage conditions of the product, put the packaging in a dry place. Otherwise, glutamine will break down into ammonia and pyroglutamic acid, which are of no use to the body.

You've probably heard of a sports supplement like glutamine, but chances are you've never tried to include it in your sports nutrition package. Think you don't need glutamine? Perhaps this is so, but perhaps not ...

Once upon a time there were two sisters - creatine and glutamine. Creatine is hot - no doubt about it. She looks gorgeous - beautiful tan, long legs and sandals. Yes, Creatine made it attract attention wherever it appeared. She even hit the covers of popular magazines!

Glutamine, on the other hand, is withdrawn, wears glasses, braces on her teeth, and rarely looses her hair. Of course, it doesn't get as much attention as Creatine. But that didn't seem to bother her, even when the guys "pushed her aside" in order to interact a little more with Creatine.

But if you take off Glutamine's glasses, braces, let her hair loose, you will see a very sexy thing. Yes, and she's also smart and has a large bank account. A complete set, what can I say!

"I think it's time to get to know Glutamine better!"

Why do I need glutamine?

Glutamine is one of those substances that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Unfortunately, it was pushed into the shadows by brighter products like creatine, growth hormone, prohormones. In the highly competitive sports supplement industry, manufacturers are holding a competition to throw the newest, best, best-performing supplements onto the shelves.

People are usually shocked that I classify glutamine as a "vital supplement" (I include those I can't live without as vital supplements). In my opinion, glutamine ranks in the same place as whey protein, meal replacement powders (MRP's), and essential fatty acids. Yes, that's right, boys and girls, i prioritize glutamine over creatine... Shocked? Trust me, you are not the first ...


Did you know that a large dose of glutamine is found in BCAA Aminoblast from Rocket Nutrition with the taste of "Cola" and "Mojito"! Over 3 grams of glutamine per serving, plus a large dose of BCAAs and citrulline!

Order right now on our website with delivery throughout Russia and Belarus!

So, glutamine doesn't have entire pages annoyingly touting that it will increase muscle mass by 200% or 300%, but it lays the foundation for a solid foundation for both athletes and ordinary people. Glutamine can increase the release of growth hormone, reduce muscle pain, accelerate recovery, help your body in times of stress, help stimulate protein synthesis, increase muscle volume, provide support for the immune system, help a huge number of internal organs.

Plasma glutamine levels are an indicator in identifying Overtraining Syndrome (OTS), glutamine can help prevent this syndrome. What's more, glutamine assists in the production of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body. As I said before, glutamine is a small but sexy thing.

What is Glutamine?

Glutamine is one of the many amino acids that make up protein. In the human body, the proportion of glutamine among free amino acids is more than 60 percent, making glutamine the leading amino acid. Originally, glutamine was classified as a nonessential amino acid because it could be synthesized from other amino acids - the amino acid glutamine, isoleucine, and valine.

Recently, however, glutamine has been relegated to the category of "conditionally essential" amino acids, because the human body cannot always produce as much glutamine as required... I believe both of these labels are wrong.

When it is declared that something is “not essential,” people too often start to think that it is not necessary or important. I believe glutamine is both important and essential. The majority of glutamine is produced and stored in skeletal muscle and lungs. Glutamine is sold in powder or capsule form. The powder I prefer is white and fluffy, like the stuff you see at Hollywood parties (just don’t try to sniff glutamine). The aroma is sweet, it doesn’t taste good, although sports nutrition manufacturers will not let you feel it by adding delicious flavors ..

Why would someone need more glutamine than their body can produce?

Exercise or everyday stresses (like being nearly caught with your boss's spouse ... on the boss's desk) can reduce glutamine stores. Patients, people in critical condition, burns, postoperative patients also require additional doses of glutamine. When the body is stressed or injured, it begins to absorb glutamine from the skeletal muscle stores.

In an attempt to heal itself, the body sends stored glutamine to damaged tissues. When glutamine stores are depleted, the ability to repair damaged tissue is reduced. Catabolic stress associated with stress or injury can reduce glutamine levels by more than 50%. This greatly expands the list of those who require additional glutamine, anyone who exercises, is exposed to daily stress, injured, sick, will benefit from additional glutamine. So if your boss catches you, you may need glutamine as an anti-stress or post-operative treatment.


“I train five days a week trying to shrink my butt and I’m not getting any results. But this is not all, I am constantly sick, I am irritable, my ass sways a meter behind me when I walk. I don't think I can train even more, but I want to see at least some results. What am I doing wrong?"

This was a question I was asked recently, can anyone say it's overtraining? Sometimes the daily slaps in the face are not enough to wake someone up. There are many situations in life in which more does not mean better (of course, it often happens that the more the better).

Often, overtraining, as measured by plasma glutamine levels, is the result of a volume or intensity of training that exceeds the allowable recovery time. If the body is not given the opportunity to recover sufficiently between workouts, then the body cannot adequately recover itself, and as a result, we get overtraining. Overtraining is responsible for decreased physical activity, immune problems, inactivity, and irritability. The most annoying thing is that if you are overtrained, only time, rest, nutrition, supplements can help. Unfortunately, it takes a lot longer to recover than to "get" overtrained.

Many athletes are overtrained for 6 months in a row. In a recent study, scientists observed seven athletes who ran a long distance for 10 days in a row. According to scientists, even after 6 days of recovery, some athletes had lowered plasma glutamine levels.

In the same study, scientists found that after athletes did just one workout, doing short sprints, plasma glutamine levels dropped by 45%. As you can see, plasma glutamine levels can drop very easily, and they can stay low for a long time.

I believe that taking glutamine supplements is a smart way to maintain skeletal muscle glutamine stores as well as maintain plasma glutamine levels. Maintaining glutamine stores and plasma glutamine levels can be very effective way limit the possibility of developing overtraining. The ancients said: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

What about growth hormone?

Growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is a very complex hormone made up of 191 amino acids. Increased lean body mass, reduced body fat, increased sex appeal, mood, memory, alertness are all related to growth hormone. Unfortunately, after age 30, the body starts producing less growth hormone, and its secretion decreases with age.

Due to the decrease in the secretion of growth hormone, we should expect the opposite manifestation of the above qualities. If we can prevent and reverse the decline in growth hormone secretion, we can add a little bouncy to our gait, a little firmness to the feather movement, and a little more yo to our yohuu. It is very possible that the growth hormone is the very fountain of youth.

There are two ways to increase the secretion of growth hormone: by using recombinant growth hormone (synthesized in laboratories and used by injection), or by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase hormone secretion naturally. Synthetic growth hormone therapy costs more than $ 20,000 per year and is not covered by health insurance in most cases.

For most, synthetic growth hormone is not available for financial reasons. On the other hand, using products that stimulate the pituitary gland, you can increase the secretion of growth hormone in a fairly economical way.

Glutamine is a proven supplement, essential increasing the level of growth hormone in blood plasma... Within 45 minutes of consuming a light breakfast, 9 participants received a 2-gram serving of glutamine. After just 30 minutes, plasma growth hormone levels increased by 430% and returned to normal levels after 90 minutes. Given the volume of discoveries surrounding increased growth hormone levels, this study is very encouraging.

If you are interested in an inexpensive way to increase plasma growth hormone levels, you can consume two to 5 grams of glutamine at a time, 5-6 times a day between meals. Growth hormone usually enters the bloodstream shortly after falling asleep, make sure your last glutamine intake is just before bedtime.

What is the correct way to consume glutamine?

It is rather difficult to answer the question of how much glutamine should be consumed. There is no one standard answer that fits every case. When determining the dose of glutamine, body weight, activity level, level of daily stress, general health, diet are taken into account. You also need to consider for what purpose you are using glutamine. Preventing overtraining, stimulating growth hormone, helping the immune system, or just replacing the sugar in your post workout formula?

If to prevent overtraining, then I recommend taking glutamine before and after training, as well as before bed. Again, there are too many variables to consider to give you an accurate answer to how much to consume. Mostly 4-10 grams before and after training and before bed. If you are on a low-carb diet, you can increase this amount, especially in a post-workout formula. Glutamine increases glycogen stores by 16% when taken after exercise.

I have seen recommendations to consume 1 gram of glutamine per kilogram of body weight. Consuming large doses of glutamine half an hour before your workout will provide you with an unforgettable experience. After experimenting with 30 grams of glutamine before training, I gained so much muscle mass that I could no longer tense my muscles.

No supplement, including creatine, has been so pumped up before!

However, I must warn you: Someone told me that he gets nauseous after consuming large amounts of glutamine at a time (but personally, I have not experienced any side effects with large doses).

But at the same time, they said that training after taking large doses of glutamine was one of the most wonderful. Interestingly, while I experimented with high doses (30 grams before or during workout and 15 grams after) I found that it was almost impossible for me to achieve muscle pain. I usually hobbled, limping in pain, for four to five days after a hard leg workout, understandably delighted that I could walk without pain.

This is hardly scientific evidence, but if you experience delayed pain after exercise ( DOMS - severe muscle pain that occurs and peaks 48 hours after exercise), I recommend that you consider incorporating glutamine into your diet.

Unfortunately, as with many other topics about our body, there is no definite answer as to what dose of glutamine to take. Use the above guidelines as a guide and listen to what your body tells you. If you ate 30 grams of glutamine in one sitting and feel like you are about to be torn to pieces, then reduce the dose next time. If you get nausea, any abdominal discomfort, start with small doses and gradually increase them.

The nuances of strengthening immunity and muscles are of interest not only to professional athletes, but also to people who are actively involved in mental activity. This is also true after severe ailments or injuries. Therefore, many people will be interested in the question: glutamine - what is it? This supplement, properties and methods of use are described in the article.

general information

Glutamine - what is it? According to the medical literature, it is listed as the 20 standard amino acids that form protein. In human organisms, it is present in the muscles, internal organs and blood. Glutamine - what is it more in simple words? It is a protein component responsible for the immune system, susceptibility to various factors, an increase in protective functions and muscle growth.

And in natural form, glutamine - what is it? It is a protein component, only it is found in meat, fish, dairy products, beans, cabbage, beans, beets and greens. But during digestion, some amino acids are lost, and a small amount reaches the muscles. Therefore, the component must be taken in its pure form by people subject to severe physical exertion.


Unified opinion regarding the use of an additional amino acid, no. Some believe that it has not been proven to be effective in increasing muscle volume. But still, what is glutamine for? It has a positive effect on the body as a whole, increasing its endurance. Therefore, sports training will become more intense, and the load will be more serious. Some experts believe that taking the amino acid can increase the level of growth hormone, which is why there is an increase in muscle mass.

What else is glutamine for? It is required for severe physical exhaustion. It is also irreplaceable after training. Glutamine can be produced by the body itself. With strong intense sports, the muscles themselves produce it in the body, if there is an overload, and independent production is not enough, then the destruction of muscle fibers is observed.

The excess of the component is removed from the body, and its additional use has no side effects. Glutamine should not be used only in case of intolerance, stomach ulcers, anemia, leukopenia, chronic liver and kidney ailments. Experts believe that the dosage of the amino acid should not be increased, otherwise it leads to stomach pains and nausea.


What are the properties of glutamine? This substance:

  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • suppresses the secretion of cortisol;
  • reduces the risk of overtraining;
  • stimulates the production of glycogen;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances the production of its own growth hormone.

The main property of the amino acid is to improve muscle recovery during and after exercise. Therefore, it is actively used by athletes.

Difference from glutamic acid

These elements have identical chemical composition... The difference is that there is no nitrogen in glutamine, from which muscle protein is synthesized. The areas of use for these components are different. Glutamic acid is effective in stimulation nervous system and the release of excess energy.

Glutamine is needed for muscle growth, recovery from exhaustion, and illness. To lose weight faster while dieting, experts recommend using this particular substance. So, glutamic acid is able to treat ailments of the central nervous system, and glutamine has a different purpose. It is used to strengthen the immune system, rehabilitate the body.

Sports nutrition

When people lead an active lifestyle, they need to adhere to the principles of sports nutrition. High energy consumption must be compensated for. The amino acid restores in the body, which increases the intensity and prolonged workouts. Also, there is an acceleration of metabolism, strengthening of immunity.

The product should be used 2 times a day - after training and before bedtime. If there is no workout, then it should be done after lunch and at night. The daily norm of glutamine during sports is up to 8-10 g. Many experts advise using up to 50 g per day with a weight of 85 kg. The dose is set according to the individual characteristics of the person, his physical activity and the desired goal.

In bodybuilding

The use of glutamine in bodybuilding is known. Additional intake is a requirement of the body. After all, it increases the volume of muscle tissue. With increased physical activity, the body's production of its amino acid will be insufficient. As a result, immunity decreases, it will not be possible to increase the intensity of the exercises. This substance is an irreplaceable energy stimulator. The benefits of using it in bodybuilding are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces pain in muscles during intensive training;
  • prevents muscles;
  • improves sleep;
  • restores after physical stress;
  • allows you to find a beautiful body shape;
  • removes harmful components from the body.

While taking this amino acid, you must comply with the norms. Do not forget about other rules of this sport.

In losing weight

Glutamine is used for weight loss. It is able to speed up metabolism, and as a result, fat burning is much faster and more efficient. With low-calorie diets, immunity needs support and recovery.

The component is not capable of burning fats, does not reduce appetite and is not considered a sweetener. It performs a building function in muscle tissue. Thanks to the strong muscular system metabolism is accelerated and fast fat burning is ensured. The increase in endurance increases the load on the body to start the process of fat burning.

Where is it present in food?

Sources of this amino acid are different. It is found in products of animal and plant origin, seafood. The leader in terms of the presence of the component is considered to be soy, peanuts, and Dutch cheese. They contain 5-6 g of glutamine for every 100 g. The second place (3-3.5 g) is taken by mussels, rabbit meat, lentils, hazelnuts, chicken, beef, herring. In third place (0.5-2.2 g) are tomatoes, pork, chicken eggs, pink salmon.

The consumption of 2 g of the amino acid per day normalizes the functioning of the whole organism, increases the synthesis of hormones by 30%. This is the norm for people with standard physical and mental activity, and with vigorous training and exhaustion, a large dose is needed.

The component in the products has no contraindications, you just need to make suitable diet, and then the amino acid will always be in the body. It is important to provide the body with a suitable physical activity so that there is no excess.

Correct reception

You can get glutamine from your pharmacy. It is produced in different forms, the use cases are determined by the parameters of the person and the form of release. These can be tablets, powder, capsules, ready-made bars, cocktails. To calculate the required amount, you need to know that 0.3 g of substance is needed per 1 kg of weight.

The advantages of tablets include:

  • storage duration;
  • convenient application;
  • easy dose calculation.

Capsules have similar advantages, moreover, they are not able to act on the walls of the stomach and are quickly broken down during digestion.

How to take the powder?

Glutamine can be purchased in various forms at the pharmacy. In powder form, it has the following advantages:

  • fast penetration into muscles;
  • the possibility of mixing with food or cocktails;
  • affordable cost compared to other types.

The downside is the need to independently determine the dosage. It is used for packaging, but you can make a mistake in grams.


There are several ways to take an amino acid in this form:

  1. The daily rate should be divided into small doses (4-5 times) and consumed throughout the day. Due to the constant intake of the component into the body, fast growth muscle mass, and because of the small dose, it is quickly absorbed.
  2. The daily allowance is divided into 3 times: before training, after it and an hour before bedtime.
  3. The drug in tablets is used 1-2 times a day during meals.

Glutamine can be combined with some supplements:

  1. WCCA.
  2. Citrulline.
  3. Glucose.

Do not take it with protein as it slows down absorption. When consuming cocktails and bars with this component as an additive, you need to accurately determine its dosage and read the composition.

When is the best time to take?

When used to build muscle, it is effective to take it before (or after) workout or before bed. For the supplement to be better absorbed, at least 1 hour should elapse between protein and glutamine intake. For weight loss, the amino acid is taken during training 2 times a day.


The duration of admission is determined by the state of health. Also, this must be agreed with a doctor or trainer. In a standard situation, breaks in admission are needed for some time several times a year. Cancellation of the application is carried out gradually, each day lowering the dosage.

The best remedies

Since glutamine is a sought-after amino acid, manufacturers offer many forms and types:

The price of the drug is different for all manufacturers. It is also influenced by weight. The average cost is 700 rubles for 300 g, 1100 - 500 g, 1800 - 1000 g. Powder is considered the most affordable. Capsules and tablets, 100 pcs. cost from 600 rubles. It is advisable to purchase the drug at a pharmacy. After all, its price is lower there compared to sports nutrition stores.


As with other sports products, the substance is widely viewed with distrust. Are there any side effects? Since the amino acid enters the body in small quantities, and if it is served separately from the main protein, then it is not harmful to health.

The harm may lie in overdose. If you take more than 15 g of it at a time, then you can expect indigestion and acute diarrhea, which goes away on its own after removing the excess amino acid from the body. It can also irritate the intestines. Otherwise, there are no side effects, since the acid dissolves during the digestion of food.

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