Horoscope next week scorpio woman love. Scorpio: Love horoscope for the week. Busy and married women

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The week will be eventful and full of events, both pleasant and not so. However, you will have to deal with troubles yourself, including observation and intuition. You should not rely on a partner - most likely, he will not be sincere enough with you, but in a difficult situation, show character and try to see the truth yourself - perhaps pitfalls from your partner's past will emerge, which can give a completely new turn to your relationship. Do not trust others and only believe what you see for yourself.

Busy and married women

  • Do not hesitate to remind your partner of yourself - he will be pleased with your attention;
  • Try to find out for yourself where the partner is not completely honest with you - perhaps he is really hiding something important from you;
  • Feel free to break off the relationship if you think it's already over.

Free women

  • Do not trust others: most likely, someone is deliberately misleading you by spreading false information about a man you like;
  • Buy yourself what you think is too flashy and vulgar;
  • Step into the shadows and watch the men react - the result may be unexpected.

Busy and married men

  • Pay more attention to your woman;
  • Arrange surprises more often, for example, buy her what she has dreamed of for so long;
  • If the relationship has become routine, give her a reason to be a little jealous of you.

Free men

  • Take a closer look at your colleagues - it is possible that there is a woman among them that you will like;
  • Do not rush to conclusions, if the acquaintance has caused disappointment, it is better to call your partner to be frank;
  • Remind yourself to women who have studied or worked with in the past - they will love your attention.

On Monday, the stars of the horoscope advise Scorpio to get rid of the ghosts of past relationships, if they still weigh him down. On this day, he is able to analyze and hide his fruitless mental torments under a large barn castle. Otherwise, Scorpio can cherish their old disappointments and feelings for a person from the past for a long time, with whom they can never be together. Dump this overwhelming burden on Monday in one fell swoop to enjoy the happy moments and possibilities of the present!

Tuesday, February 18

On Tuesday, Scorpio can unexpectedly receive news from the past - to meet his old love or suddenly remember it, passing by his favorite cafe or hearing a familiar melody. Nostalgia is able to make him immerse himself in himself for a while, indulging in memories of past feelings. The stars advise not to waste mental strength on the past, but to think about the present. Since you have already closed this door once, you should not go back again. New love is on the doorstep!

Wednesday February 19

On Wednesday, the stars do not promise Scorpio easy ways on the love front. It may turn out that the object of his sympathy, alas, is not interested in him, but shows attention to someone else. Or a loved one will suddenly put the question bluntly, forcing the Scorpio to make a difficult choice. In a word, on Wednesday it may seem to Scorpio that the situation in some issue has reached an impasse, and he himself is close to losing. The stars advise not to panic and wait: you should not dramatize the situation. Quite possibly things will change quickly. Don't lose your fighting spirit!

Thursday 20 February

A tough day in a relationship on Thursday promises stars to Scorpio! Most likely, he will have to regularly remind himself to be patient and hold back his emotions. Well, the horizon is not always cloudless, and instead of powerless internal resentment, Scorpio is better off asking philosophical questions. Why is what is happening causes such strong emotions in him? Perhaps there are deep unresolved problems between him and his loved one? Or does someone in a pair darken, not wanting to show their true experiences? Horoscope stars advise: the best answer to all questions on this day will be sincerity - a magic key that opens the door to happiness in love.

Friday, February 21

Friday is the day when Scorpio should act very carefully in dealing with the opposite sex! The desire to criticize a partner will be almost irresistible - even on the first date, Scorpio on this day may show not the softest character, what can we say about the person with whom he has been around for more than one year? The stars endow with the desire to argue, by all means prove their case, or even deal with all the accumulated problems in one fell swoop! In order not to break the wood on Friday, Scorpio should refrain from verbal duels. Silence on this day is not even gold, but a real priceless diamond.

Saturday, February 22

On Saturday, Scorpio can be haunted by a bad mood, which can lead to a quarrel, abundantly flavored with claims and criticism of a partner. Much of what has been said may seem unfair to a loved one, turning the conversation into unfounded accusations. In order to avoid resentment, the stars advise Scorpio to spend this day away from the chosen one. If this is not possible, put an end to the quarrel with a joke or arrange a romantic surprise. Do not quarrel over trifles - be above it!

Sunday, February 23

"Everything is fixable" - this particular motto on Sunday is relevant for a Scorpio in a relationship. The stars of the horoscope say: even if the bowl of mutual grievances is overflowing, on this day you can sincerely talk and make peace - provided that feelings are still alive in the heart. Scorpio is advised to be the initiator of reconciliation and not be afraid to take bold steps to improve the situation. For example, planning a romantic date or a weekend getaway. Treat the past as a good experience to keep you from making mistakes in the future.

General weekly horoscope for Scorpio:

This week you will be able to reach new career heights, you can count on additional profits and great offers. You can calmly go about your business, leave everything else to chance. And everything will turn out in your favor. The relationship with your loved one will become very important and dear to you. Many problems that weighed down on you in the past will disappear.

Love horoscope for a week for Scorpio:

Peace and harmony reign in your personal life. Be honest with your loved one, call him more often and arrange romantic meetings. You deserve this happiness. Treat yourself to tender and sweet moments.

Weekly career horoscope for Scorpio:

The financial position is stable, your business reputation is strengthened, which will bring additional income. So you may well make an expensive gift to a loved one and please yourself and your family.

Weekly health horoscope for Scorpio:

The main thing for you now is not to invent problems for yourself where there are none. The stars speak while you are distracted by something insignificant, if not completely non-existent - you may miss some really important signal from your body. Listen to yourself. Learn to look at the situation realistically. And even better - go through a complete examination of the body, consult with your doctor, this will help you navigate.

General characteristics of the sign of Scorpio

general characteristics

The patron saint of Scorpions is always Pluto. Those who are fortunate enough to be born under his protection are distinguished by their mystical and mysterious power. Even the toughest nut to crack cannot resist such a spell. Poisonous predators with enviable ease solve the most complex mysteries of the universe, knowing exactly what caused this or that global phenomenon. The reason for this is their keen intuition and a sober view of things. It is typical for people of this sign to be smart, courageous, hardy and extremely stubborn in achieving their own goals. They will not tolerate competition, with all their hearts demanding a constant struggle for leadership. In peace and tranquility, these fighters for the throne of the ruler simply cannot imagine their lives. Every Scorpio is constantly in search of difficulties in order to skillfully and quickly overcome them. There is no need to try to convince or advise the Pluto child, because he is a typical loner, guided only by his own opinion. Nature has generously endowed Scorpios with magnetic sexuality and a bright ability to be creative. The inner world of such a person is so deep and confused that it is not possible to plunge into and understand it. Scorpio's personality is dual, so he is able to combine the incongruous, mysterious and incomprehensible. You can be sure: these stubborn people are able to resist external pressure forever, not allowing themselves to submit to anyone and never, sacredly honoring their independence. Their pride is truly great, as well as curiosity and irritability. No, they may well commit good deeds, but one should not think that it is alien to them to do the most terrible evil. Scorpios have the talent to completely absorb a weak and passive personality, subsequently controlling it according to their sophisticated taste. Among the representatives of the sign there are psychics, doctors, surgeons, navigators, generals and dictators. In the event that an insidious predator has bright creative inclinations, he may well become a famous scientist or philosopher, for example. Also, they are not alien to the professions of show business stars and theater actors.


An iron will allows Scorpios to rarely get sick, skillfully managing all the vital resources of their body. It is these zimmers who are able to quickly recover from the most terrible and life-incompatible injuries. However, if they are struck by any ailment, they suffer from the most severe forms, experiencing significant discomfort. They should pay extra attention to the heart, legs and back. By the way, Scorpios are often haunted by nosebleeds. As already mentioned, they are endowed with exceptional sexuality, which makes them terrible jealous and passionate. It often happens that ladies under this sign are engaged in witchcraft or black magic. God forbid, someone will manage to awaken rage in the heart of this lady, there will be no doubt: she will not stop anything on the way to wipe the offender from the face of the earth. The fact is that Scorpio does not know how to maintain a balance between negative and positive - he either loves to madness or hates with every fiber of his soul. It is common for men of this sign to be typical Don Juans, as a rule, rudely treating their passions on the basis of jealousy. In the registry office, such a seducer is unlikely to run after a month of acquaintance, and not everyone will be able to withstand life with such an unbearable and bloodthirsty tyrant.

Scorpio's nature is sensual, not accepting restrictions in everything, but in love - first of all. One gets the impression that this predator was born to love. He himself perfectly understands this, gravitating towards a wonderful feeling with all his might. Scorpios will never fail, knowing their specific price. In the event that it is not possible to enter into a legal marriage with your soul mate, the conquered Scorpio will love his life partner with such love that spouses are sometimes incapable of. His ardent heart constantly tells him to do something, and Scorpio cannot refuse him. True, one cannot expect an active and vivid manifestation of his feelings from him. In public, he, as a rule, behaves rude, cruel and cold, which cannot be said about one-on-one communication: here he can shower his beloved with vows of immortal love to his heart's content. Suspiciousness and jealousy are the hallmarks of this sign. As for the weak half of the scorpion society, they are endowed with the talent to see the soul of their potential companion literally through and through. It is vitally important for such women to burn in the flame of passions, which is associated not only with the intimate sphere of relationships. It is typical for her to treat everything around with a "twinkle": either love or hate. Being a notorious jealous woman, she hates being suspected and jealous of her. But how can you refrain from emotional torment when crowds of fans are constantly spinning around this gorgeous lady?

Love horoscope from 3 to 9 February 2020

Scorpio woman.Many Scorpios will understand this week that sex and love are concepts, though overlapping, but still autonomous. And if love is difficult to do without sex, then sex without mutual emotional attachment is easy. You should not reproach yourself if, following a physical attraction, you allow yourself to make love with a man who is not your lover or a contender for a place in your heart.

Scorpio man.This week is able to raise the level of Scorpios' skill in love joys. But this will only happen if you devote a lot of time to having sex. The arrangement of the stars is quite favorable for this, protecting the men of your sign from any shocks in their personal life. Go with the flow and have fun.

Financial horoscope from 3 to 9 February 2020

The first half of this week will be very successful for Scorpios. During this period, their desire for risk will be fully justified. Investments, operations with borrowed money, loans - all this can be done without any particular fears. Representatives of the sign, who previously had no direct relationship to business, may feel the urge to start their own business. If such plans have been ripe for a long time, then it's time to start implementing them. In the second part of the week, Scorpios will be drawn to financial stability, their excitement will subside a little. This quieter period is good for leveling up. professional excellence, training, attending seminars, courses, exhibitions. Business contacts, implying the resolution of controversial, unresolved issues, it is better to postpone to a more favorable time.


You are a highly unusual and mysterious person. You even inspire terror to many! Your element is underground water, which is not visible on the surface, but in the underground forms powerful streams, lakes and even caves. This is your essence. Your main problem is that sometimes you yourself cannot understand yourself, what can we say about the world around? You are a true original in everything from judgment to style and behavior. Nowhere do you hesitate to express your point of view and at the same time pull many over to your side! If you learn to manage this latent energy, which you vaguely feel in yourself, and direct it in a constructive direction, you will get something simply amazing!


You are very hardy and can recover from any illness or injury in record time. This is your definite plus, especially considering your passion for extreme in all its possible manifestations. Your most healthy foods and additives: oranges, green vegetables, nuts.


You surrender to love completely and completely. Inflamed with passion, you go to the bitter end and do not stop even before very serious obstacles. Sex plays an important role in your personal life. You demand complete devotion from your partner, but you yourself are ready to give him absolutely everything. True, when choosing a partner, you are not always guided only by feelings, but in any case, personal relationships take a significant place in your life. Scorpios are almost always insanely jealous, so take our advice: no matter how painful it is, try to give your partner more freedom, or at least just trust him. You yourself will only benefit from this, believe me!

Work and career

There is a sign among employers: if a Scorpio came to work for a company, the business will go well: Scorpios intuitively sense potential! Having set the bar for yourself, you will not stop at anything until you jump over it. Having decided to make a career, you do not care too much about the feelings of your colleagues, who, by the way, cause a feeling of sincere admiration with their brilliant manipulations. Be more attentive to others, and you will understand that it is easier to have them as friends than in enemies.


Scorpios are known for their distrustfulness and sarcasm, so not everyone manages to break through the shield that you carefully create around yourself. But those to whom you are ready to open up will no doubt answer you in kind. You are a charming and interesting person, just not everyone can see it. Two Scorpios in one company, this is perhaps too much. But with Cancer, Pisces and Taurus you can have a complete understanding. With Capricorn and Virgo, you make a great team, but only at work. Aquarians, Gemini and Libra are unlikely to ever understand you. FROM fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius You may well be friends and work, but only if no one will cross known boundaries.


You attach great importance to appearance. You have an absolutely amazing ability to look aggressive in the same outfit at work, and already sexy in a cafe or on a date. Incredibly, you succeed, and with ease!


You take on home improvement with renewed vigor, often so carried away by the repair that it never ends with you. You are especially attracted by all kinds of modern technologies and devices. But in any case, your house is always clean and tidy; and God forbid the guest will not like something at your place - it is unlikely that he will go to the light again. There is also a cache in your house.

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