October 20 aquarius horoscope. Horoscope for October Aquarius. Love horoscope for Aquarius for a week

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Personal astrological forecast for October 20, 2020 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Aquarius. You are often nervous about trifles, take to heart what you would not pay attention to at another time. Bad feelings are not excluded; they can interfere with your focus on business. Try to spend more time with those who love and appreciate you. Close people will find a way to cheer you up.

It is undesirable to solve important issues related to work, long-term cooperation. Haste is unacceptable here, because of it you can make mistakes. Any suggestions that come in should be well thought out.

Astrological forecast for today

An auspicious day for any work that requires a creative approach, imagination, an unconventional outlook on things. It is undesirable to be guided by public opinion or the advice of "knowledgeable people": both are nothing more than barriers on your way to success. Cash receipts are possible.

Irritated by the uncertainty of plans. It is because of her that it seems to you that an extremely unfavorable situation has developed in your personal life. But in fact, everything is not so bad: you just need to change your attitude towards some secondary things.

True horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarians on this day will not be able to concentrate on business due to numerous problems with household members. By the evening you will be able to recover a little, but after returning home you will again find yourself in the grip of angry emotions.

Personal horoscope for October 20, 2020

The day symbolizes harmony and balance. You can not show concern and fussiness. Don't try to shift the burden of problems onto your partners. Try not to notice minor annoyances. Your charm can work wonders. Prophetic dreams are likely.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Aquarius

On this day, Aquarius will be in a mysterious mood, which will surprise colleagues. You will be tormented by strange doubts about your loved one. You shouldn't guess "loves or dislikes", but rather ask directly how he treats you. In the evening, Aquarius will be invited to visit by an old friend, with whom he will stay up until late at night.

House horoscope for today October 20, 2020

An unbalanced diet can be the cause of your discomfort. You may have a tendency to eat just about anything without thinking about the dangers of synthetic products. Your food should contain enough vitamins. In October, their body is usually not enough. We advise you to buy a broad-spectrum vitamin complex at the pharmacy. Do not forget about preparations containing calcium, take care of your teeth and skin.

You are often nervous about trifles, take to heart what you would not pay attention to at another time. Bad feelings are not excluded; they can interfere with your focus on business. Try to spend more time with those who love and appreciate you. Close people will find a way to cheer you up. It is undesirable to solve important issues related to work, long-term cooperation. Haste is unacceptable here, because of it you can make mistakes. Any suggestions that come in should be well thought out.

Horoscope for October 20, 2020 Aquarius man

An auspicious day for any work that requires a creative approach, imagination, an unconventional outlook on things. It is undesirable to be guided by public opinion or the advice of "knowledgeable people": both are nothing more than barriers on your way to success. Cash receipts are possible. Irritating the uncertainty of plans. It is because of her that it seems to you that an extremely unfavorable situation has developed in your personal life. But in fact, everything is not so bad: you just need to change your attitude towards some secondary things.

Aquarius Today Love Horoscope

Aquarians on this day will not be able to concentrate on business due to numerous problems with household members. By the evening you will be able to recover a little, but after returning home you will again find yourself in the grip of angry emotions.

Personal horoscope for October 20, 2020

The day symbolizes harmony and balance. You can not show concern and fussiness. Don't try to shift the burden of problems onto your partners. Try not to notice minor annoyances. Your charm can work wonders. Prophetic dreams are likely.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Aquarius

On this day, Aquarius will be in a mysterious mood, which will surprise colleagues. You will be tormented by strange doubts about your loved one. You shouldn't guess "loves or dislikes", but rather ask directly how he treats you. In the evening, Aquarius will be invited to visit by an old friend, with whom he will stay up until late at night.

House horoscope for today October 20, 2020

An unbalanced diet can be the cause of your discomfort. You may have a tendency to eat just about anything without thinking about the dangers of synthetic products. Your food should contain enough vitamins. In October, their body is usually not enough. We advise you to buy a broad-spectrum vitamin complex at the pharmacy. Do not forget about preparations containing calcium, take care of your teeth and skin.

general characteristics

Today, luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. Take advantage of this gift of fate. The day will be good for traveling, traveling and visiting public places. Today you don't have to limit yourself in finances. Intuition will not allow you to purchase something that does not pay off its price. Entertainment, too, will not be able to deal a serious blow to the budget, but it will allow you to have a great time and cheer yourself up and your loved ones. Don't try to give advice and control others. Today, sociability will not be your trump card. Give up the idea of \u200b\u200bmisleading someone - your deception can be easily discovered.

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Love horoscope

On this day, it may be possible to rethink a romantic or relationship situation, a dilemma. However, you can look back at the lessons learned from the love life earlier and apply them to move forward in the present. Even though you and your partner may feel stuck or stuck in a relationship, you are moving forward and can continue to do so. You are encouraged to assess the current circumstances of your love life with a new and more open mind. There is a good reason for this, which is not yet known, but will most likely become clear soon.

Financial horoscope

To avoid worsening your own financial condition, distribute debts on the first day after your paycheck. Whether you borrowed money from a bank or borrowed from acquaintances, friends and family, the origin of the money does not matter. If you do not pay them back in time, the amount of debt will only grow. Therefore, in this period of time, try to manage solely with your own funds and, of course, deal with all the remaining outstanding debts. Astrologers also suggest: in the first decade of the month, it is necessary to strengthen favorable relations with colleagues. Soon - and at work too - major changes will take place, and allies will be needed at this time.

Health horoscope

Health problems can be triggered by your neglect of your own body and excessive activity. Astrologers advise to correctly distribute forces so that the energy supply is enough until the evening. You are ready to eat without a system, work for wear and tear, but today such a regime can worsen your well-being. If you don't like visiting doctors, and medicines are not included in the list of daily expenses, you will have to take care of yourself. Do not drive your body to a critical state with increased zeal at work. There is a high risk of injury due to haste or active gesturing.

Nothing in the life of the representatives of the sign happens just like that. Some Aquarians know how to take the right lessons from situations for themselves, while others are used to complaining about fate. It's time to learn to be more responsible for yourself and your loved ones.

October will be a pretty good period in material terms. Most of the plans they have conceived are easily accomplished by Aquarius. It is advisable to be careful with various transactions, deception by other people is possible.

Despite all this, quite big prospects and changes await the representatives of the sign. But it all depends on how much Aquarians were able to learn the lessons of the past and make the right decision for themselves. It is advisable not to adjust the development of any events. You may have to sacrifice something this month.

There is a high probability of getting some kind of reward or winning the lottery. It is worth paying careful attention to any financial receipts in October, some of them will be rather dubious and may cause complications in the future.

Astrologers note that the representatives of the sign will be accompanied by great luck throughout the month. They can easily make any decisions in life, without fear of consequences or any setbacks.

Aquarius Woman: Horoscope for October 2020

Aquarius women will have enough inspiration to fulfill their plans and old ideas. Perhaps some of the representatives will receive offers that have not been counted on for a long time. They will be surrounded by a sufficiently large number of positive people, it is extremely likely that relations with familiar people from the past will resume.

Astrologers do not recommend being too indecisive, this can significantly spoil plans. It is advisable to pay as much attention as possible to the little things in your life. Surely some of the representatives of the sign will need outside help. But in any case, representatives of the sign should remember that what came easily is just as easy and will go away. Everything has its time and reasons.

This month will have to solve a lot of new cases and issues. From the very beginning, it may seem that Aquarians are at an impasse and a way out of the situation is almost impossible. But you should always relax and try to do something, astrologers assure that the representatives of the sign will be able to overcome most of their problems.

Aquarius Man October 2020 Horoscope

Extremely optimistic Aquarius men may run into some trouble in their personal lives this month. Perhaps they will be related to their past relationship. It is extremely important to find the person with whom the pastime will be accompanied only by pleasant emotions.

You should not refuse the proposals received, even if at first they may seem rather dubious. Astrologers assure that during this period, deception from the outside is almost impossible for representatives of the sign. In this case, you should carefully monitor any income, unnecessary spending can significantly affect the situation in the life of male Aquarius.

The second half of the month will be quite active for the representatives of the sign. It is unlikely that at this time they will be able to afford a good rest. But in no case should you give up any business you have begun, you will have to do everything possible and impossible to obtain a favorable result.

It is highly likely that the mood of the representatives of the sign towards the end of the month can be dramatically changeable. It all depends on the environment in which the Aquarius men are. It is imperative that you choose only those friends who have a meaningful role in your life. It is not recommended to associate a relationship with them because of material issues or for any other benefit.

In October 2014, the work will bring Aquarius both joy and money, and the plans planned for the month will come true without any problems. Even if Aquarians meet some obstacle on their way, it will only irritate them even more, not letting them get bored. In October, under the influence of Uranus, the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius, passing along the zodiac sign Aries, Aquarius will have a desire to be the first everywhere and achieve even greater success in all areas of life. The only thing that can interfere with the fulfillment of Aquarius plans is their own impatience.

If some important business suddenly gets stuck in one place, do not give it up halfway, but rather wait a little and try your luck again. The will to succeed will help you overcome any difficulties! In October, in love, Aquarius will be lucky and will be able to prevail over rivals and rivals

But try to behave so that people who love you less often have jealous feelings - this will save the relationship from unnecessary complications! Otherwise, you may be paid back in kind.

In the second decade of October 2014, it is advisable for Aquarius to deal with an urgent settlement of their personal life - the harmonious aspect of Venus will dispose to success in love. During this period of October, Aquarians will discover a lot of new things in the character of their loved ones and thanks to this they will be able to find the right key to their heart. If you meet someone in mid-October and have a love affair, try not to jump to conclusions about your partner's character and behavior. Remember: you can only really get to know a person with time! In mid-October, many Aquarius will face unpleasant surprises at work, but they will be able to overcome all problems relying on intuition. It is your sixth sense that will prompt the right way out of the situation, but only if you are ready to listen to his advice! So that during this period of October you do not have conflicts with children, try to make comments less often.

In the third decade of October 2014, Aquarius will radiate optimism and gush with interesting ideas. Influenced by the tense aspect of Jupiter, some Aquarius will want to test their strength by getting involved in a rather risky project. In any case, it will entertain and amuse Aquarius, and if they manage to achieve success in their plans, they will believe in themselves even more. During this period of October, Aquarius will move towards their goals in small but sure steps. Even if from the outside it seems to someone that Aquarians are marking time in one place, in reality, things will be the further, the better

The end of October will bring everything you strive for if you have patience and behave according to the circumstances! In love, you should be careful, as there is a risk of being seriously carried away by a person who is not quite suitable for you. Family Aquarians can expect minor problems with children.

Learn more about your Aquarius zodiac sign

Along with the horoscope for the month of October 2014 for the sign of Aquarius on our website for the sign of Aquarius the following sections are presented: Horoscope for today AquariusHoroscope for tomorrow AquariusHoroscope for the week AquariusHoroscope for December 2019 AquariusHoroscope for 2018 AquariusAquarius is the sign of the Zodiac

Aquarius Woman October 2019 Financial Horoscope

Reconsider your plans and listen to your intuition. This time, your success will depend on the ability to act quickly and listen to your inner voice. Do not plan large purchases in early October - during this time you will hardly regret them. Delays in payments and material losses that you do not expect are likely.

In the first half of the month, you should not take on everything at once. Take a look - it is possible that you do not yet see a chance that will help you earn more than you planned. Do not rush things - the difficulties that you will face during this period of time are likely to be temporary and will not bring you serious problems and worries, so do not abandon your plans.

The end of the month can get you into trouble if you are over-active and emotional. Listen to the advice of a loved one - he will help you cope with the difficulties and troubles of this period of time. Allow yourself a few pleasant purchases - they will cheer you up and help you cope with difficulties and troubles.

  • Treat yourself to pleasant shopping and gifts at the end of October;
  • Listen to your intuition;
  • Allow yourself a trip, a road;
  • Take someone else's advice at the end of October;
  • Buy quality cosmetics and jewelry.

General horoscope for Aquarius for the week

Monday 28 October

The horoscope warns: on Monday, someone may ask Aquarius for help, for which he, quite possibly, will have neither the time, nor the desire, nor the strength. Whether to spend the remaining energy on the problems of others is up to him to decide

Perhaps it would be wiser to get by with practical advice and words of support? The horoscope warns Aquarius on Monday against excessive activity and waste of any resources, no matter energy, physical or material. Aquarius needs rest and solitude - there is a possibility that it is on this day that he will be able to answer some important question for himself

Tuesday, October 29

The horoscope warns: there is a danger that on Tuesday someone will want to abuse the kindness or credulity of Aquarius! He should analyze his own needs before lending, changing work shifts or providing other charitable services to others. Otherwise, Aquarius runs the risk of being on dry rations until the next paycheck or not getting to the birthday of his best friend. In general, the horoscope suggests that on Tuesday for Aquarius there is a risk of falling under someone else's influence: strive for independence in opinion, do not allow yourself to be manipulated!

Wednesday, October 30

On Wednesday, the feelings and sensuality of Aquarius will be sharpened to the limit! He would like to go to the opera, art gallery, nature or closer to a loved one, but the villainous fate will force him to engage in boring routine. In order to find harmony in the soul, the horoscope advises Aquarius on Wednesday to make time to meet with the beautiful: it will be unforgettable! But Aquarius should not deal with financial matters and accurate calculations on this day - due to absent-mindedness, the risk of mistakes is high. But it's time for heart-to-heart conversations: Aquarius can easily understand and accept someone else's (even completely opposite to his views) point of view.

Thursday, October 31

On Thursday, Aquarius should save his vitality and give up labor exploits. In the best way, he will cope only with simple routine work. Perseverance and concentration, more like a trance, will perfectly calm your nerves! In addition, the horoscope advises Aquarius on Thursday to abandon disputes: he simply does not have enough internal strength to defend his point of view. If you really disagree with something, it is better to take a couple of days time out in making a decision.

Friday, 1 November

If on Friday Aquarius is faced with a dilemma: proven old or innovatively new, he is strongly encouraged to choose the former. The horoscope advises him to give preference on this day to what has been tested over the years. Another stellar tip on Friday for Aquarius: take your time. Whatever the circumstances, haste can only make things worse. This is the day when they forget tickets on the nightstand at the exit, undercooked cutlets and get fines for parking in the wrong place. In order not to get into trouble, Aquarius simply should not wait to the last: start tasks in advance. And plan the actual number of cases, do not try to do everything in the world.

Saturday, 2 November

On Saturday, the horoscope advises Aquarius to show charity, especially if someone asks him about it. Participation in social life on a voluntary basis, help with connections or valuable advice - any selfless feasible contribution to this day will bring Aquarius a pleasant sense of accomplishment. A small amount of money as a donation, unnecessary furniture, clothes or books - for someone it may be urgently needed now. And Aquarius will easily earn another "plus" in karma on Saturday.

Sunday, 3 November

On Sunday in Aquarius, a Stakhanovite may suddenly wake up! Already in the morning he will be ready for selfless work, and he will demand the same from others. True, others may not appreciate this ... The horoscope advises Aquarius on this day to restrain his exactingness, even if it is quite fair: on Sunday he is slightly inadequate in his assessments and is able to go too far, which will lead to conflicts. Better to spend your overflowing energy for good: go to work, spring cleaning or fitness. The stars also recommend that Aquarius "lose steam" by spending excess energy with a loved one - the night promises to be unforgettable!

2019 year

Pluto makes the representatives of the sign to be in some state of uncertainty. At times, there will be surges of energy, followed by a state of deep depression. There is often inconsistency in actions.

In general, the year is not bad for new experiences. The horoscope for 2019 advises men to save money for an interesting journey, where they can find answers to long-standing questions.

October 2019 is hazardous to health. Aquarians prefer a passive stay in a warm bed to outdoor walks, which makes their immunity susceptible to various infections and colds. Horoscope advice is to get these sloths out of their comfort zone and breathe deeply. For those who ignore a healthy lifestyle, there is a risk of significantly weakening the body.

In a career, according to the horoscope, calm is noted. Men do not feel dissatisfied with work, it gives them joy and a sense of employment. It will not be superfluous to show yourself on the good side in front of your superiors. This bodes well-deserved recognition and the likelihood of promotion.

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius: October 9, 13, 22, 25, 30.
  • Difficult days: October 5, 11, 17, 27.


According to the horoscope in October, everything is going well with the financial sphere of Aquarius. However, stressful situations cannot be avoided either. In particular, the risk of incurring losses falls on the first half of the month.

With the beginning of autumn, you will need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere the main financial support will come from. Aquarius Goat under the influence of Mercury will have an excellent opportunity to change the field of activity. Perhaps there will be a chance to start your own business. The horoscope recommends to approach the question carefully and not to make hasty attempts to quit everything.

In the first days, the appearance in the life of an Aquarius man of a man is expected, who will offer his partner services. The horoscope does not advise to devote him to his affairs. Try to do everything yourself if possible. There is a high probability of deception.

In mid-October, considerable spending on personal life is possible. But for non-free representatives it will not be fraught. The affairs of a loved one will be on the rise, so a lack of money is possible only for a week. Loner Aquarius will be stranded longer, and will regain its stability only by the middle of next month.

Those Aquarius who are connected with other people's finances require discretion. Mercury gives them confidence, so there will be a temptation to use the funds to their advantage. Even if it seems that the situation is initially win-win, the financial horoscope advises to be careful and not get involved in adventures.

In order to live as efficiently as possible in 2019 and use all the opportunities provided by fate, Aquarius is recommended:

  • Remember that your highest mission is to bring information from subtle planes, from the Divine world to the consciousness of people in understandable and accessible human forms. By conveying Divine truths to people, accepting and advancing new progressive ideas, you do not serve people well, while determining the future of humanity. These ideas can be in any field - technology, medicine, politics, art, social order. You yourself are not very practical, so you are unlikely to put this knowledge into practice. But as an inspirer, organizer, consultant, theorist, you are irreplaceable.
  • For Aquarius, we most prefer intellectual work in any area that seems close to you. But you can realize yourself not only in work, but also in everyday life, in communication, in any business, if you remember that your task is to carry high moral principles on the basis of which a new earth is being built.

Business horoscope for Aquarius for a week

Monday 28 October

On Monday, Aquarius is so convincing in work that even his castles in the air will be distinguished by fundamental and solidity. No one can so cleverly and cunningly combine fantasy and harsh reality into a properly working project like Aquarius! On Monday, the stars advise him not to restrain his imagination, because creativity in business is very useful. And even if most of the ideas do drop out, the rest will surely bear fruit.

Tuesday, October 29

On Tuesday at work, Aquarius may experience a painful lack of inspiration. The stars recommend not to get upset - this is a temporary phenomenon, and the calm will soon be replaced by a whole storm of ideas! It is useless for Aquarius to try to make a dead horse jump on Tuesday. Instead, take the time to tidy up your routine. Anything that requires a creative approach can be easily implemented another day.

Wednesday, October 30

On Wednesday, fortune will turn its face to Aquarius and smile dazzlingly! On this day, you can expect not only a well-deserved reward for your work, but also unexpected gifts. They can take the form of a promotion, an interesting business trip, more like a vacation, a bonus. This day can become a starting point in the white streak of Aquarius's career, if he uses the opportunities provided for the benefit of himself and his business reputation.

Thursday, October 31

On Thursday, Aquarius's working day can go wrong in the morning. The horoscope indicates apathy, a decrease in energy reserves. That is why it will be difficult for Aquarius to deal with even elementary, mechanical things that do not require the inclusion of the brain. Unfortunately, this horoscope cannot serve as a justification for letting you go from work, but if possible, Aquarius should give himself a little respite on Thursday. Well, it is better to "catch up" with all the cases and compensate for stagnation with subsequent labor enthusiasm with a fresh mind.

Friday, 1 November

On Friday, the stars recommend that Aquarius think about his authority in the team. And if the status requires strengthening, this day is perfect for establishing friendly and business contacts. To support a colleague with his idea, to help in a matter in which Aquarius is more competent, to give advice - all this will bring good results in the form of a loyal attitude of the team or its individual members. Maybe on another day all this would be perceived as arrogance and condescending patronage, but not on Friday! Therefore, it's time for Aquarius to show friendliness.

Saturday, 2 November

Saturday is the day when Aquarius is able to work with real pleasure and genuine passion. With his mood, he will be able to infect colleagues and subordinates, impress clients and management. On Saturday, Aquarius will be able to prove that it is not in vain that they take their place, showing competence in business matters and self-confidence. Aquarius will be able to note with pleasure that colleagues have begun to run to him more often for advice.

Sunday, 3 November

On Sunday, the stars promise Aquarius an extraordinary burst of energy at work! Everything will literally burn in his hands, and he will have enough energy to more than fulfill this plan for work matters, and to sort out the accumulated questions. The only drawback of such energy may be the increased demands of Aquarius for partners. In order not to make enemies, it is worth remembering that not everyone is in tune with the decisive and energetic Aquarius on Sunday: make sure that colleagues are ready to keep up your pace.

Horoscope for the Aquarius man for 2019

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius man predicts a wonderful time when you can use all your natural charm and overcome all obstacles without loss. Even at 50 you look like a boy - carefree, easy-going and sociable. It is difficult for Aquarius to act according to the rules of society, but it will have to. Everything will work out well in a family if you acknowledge your spouse's leadership. Be confident in yourself, take on new things with passion and add variety to intimacy.

Aquarius is responsible and benevolent by nature, so it quickly converges with people. Although sometimes stubbornness and selfishness take over. The main thing is not to confuse egocentrism with rudeness, then everything will turn out favorably in the Year of the Earth Pig. In the personal sphere, there is no reason for jealousy, scandals and misunderstanding. Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius man predicts the maximum increase in energy, especially in sexual intercourse. You are active, proactive and inimitably resourceful in any situations involving family and children.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius man promises an optimistic period, especially from January to July. There is an opportunity to be realized as a creative person. But take your main job more responsibly in order to avoid mistakes and blunders. Conflicts in the team, technical problems in June-July are not excluded. It is not superfluous for Aquarius to go to study, hone their skills and fight for their place in the sun.

Favorable periods for the Aquarius man for 2019

Horoscope for 2019 for Aquarius man predicts a successful period from September to December. As they say, there is nothing to complain about - everything is going well. The work will take a lot of time, but it's worth it. If you take a start and break away from your home, you can make a career in a short time. Perseverance and meticulousness will be especially appreciated. Aquarius will reach the heights in the financial field and overtake the competition.

Unfavorable periods for an Aquarius man for 2019

Aquarius will have a lot of problems from January to April. And this is not only work troubles, but also coldness in a relationship with a loved one. At the end of the scale, the situation will change slightly for the better, but you should be careful. Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius man predicts a lot of negativity from the planet Mercury. It is necessary to restrain emotions and monitor behavior so as not to please in extremely difficult moments.

The air sign is used to the favor of fortune. In October, she will show help from an unexpected side. What was conceived will not go according to plan. There will be a lull in the monetary sphere. This can upset Aquarius and instill insecurity. The stars advise not to give up. As a result, fate will lead to new financial heights.

Helpful Tips for Attracting Wealth in October:

  • Patience and slowness in money matters are the keys to success.
  • There should be a golden mean in the ratio of earnings - spending.
  • Clearly set tasks and careful planning will help you avoid unexpected costs.

New sources of income will open before Aquarius in October

It is important to notice them in time and implement plans.

The second autumn month will please with stability and good profit. The feeling of wealth can turn your head and lead to irrepressible spending. This is fraught with debt and financial ruin.

In October, it is better to refrain from large purchases and cash investments. They will lead to trouble and instability.

In all financial matters, you should rely on intuition. Fate will tell Aquarius the right solution to the problem.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for a week

Monday 28 October

On Monday, spring will sing in the soul of Aquarius, and the heart will demand love! Even the most correct representatives of this zodiac sign, who are in a relationship, can look to the side. It's okay if the matter is limited to invigorating light flirting, but the horoscope advises to refrain from bolder steps. It is much better to direct the loving energy of this day to your soul mate - the stars guarantee a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and renewed feelings. Free Aquarius on Monday will be more open than ever for a new meeting! This readiness, coupled with playful sparkles in their eyes, give them every chance of success with the opposite sex: Aquarius will be charming and extremely seductive. One might even say irresistible.

Tuesday, October 29

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, it is Aquarius on Tuesday that will be the most harmonious in relations with a loved one, family and the world around them! His heart will be filled with love, and he will try to convey this attitude to everyone who is especially dear to him. Whether Aquarius will be able to infect them with his mood, or the fragile idyll in his soul will fall under the onslaught of everyday problems, depends on the moral endurance of Aquarius. The horoscope advises him on Tuesday not to pay attention to minor troubles, and then the complacency of Aquarius will linger until the evening, smoothly flowing into the night full of passionate romance.

Wednesday, October 30

This day can give Aquarius a promising acquaintance! The horoscope warns that he can meet his romantic prize in the most unexpected place, so on Wednesday it is contraindicated for Aquarius to lie in bed all day without leaving home. On the contrary, you need to go to the most crowded place - perhaps it is there that Aquarius is waiting for his love. Bright makeup and a defiant outfit are useless on this day. It is enough for Aquarius to be himself, smile, enjoy life with might and main and be ready for any surprises.

Thursday, October 31

The state of Aquarius on Thursday can be described as “suffering, suffering and hungry”. The romantic-contemplative state of mind will be replaced by simple and feasible needs. The transition from sublime to mundane matters is quite understandable: it is impossible to think about feelings 24/7, even about the most beautiful ones. Love is love, and simple everyday joys like a delicious dinner, a light TV series and an hour or two of hobbies are needed by Aquarius no less. According to the horoscope, this kind of pastime on Thursday is the path to positive emotions for Aquarius. And let the feelings wait a little!

Friday, 1 November

If Aquarius has recently had any problems in love relationships, then on Friday he has a chance to change everything. According to the horoscope, it is on this day that Aquarius can meet his destiny, eliminate misunderstandings or improve relations with a loved one. Like all people, sometimes Aquarius can be shy, and so - on Friday this is absolutely impossible to do! On this day, to achieve success, he needs to show perseverance, be decisive, assertive and frank in love affairs, more than ever!

Saturday, 2 November

It is very likely that on Saturday Aquarius will want to be a capricious princess (prince), testing the patience of his loved one. And if this is forgivable to the beautiful representatives of this zodiac sign, then the Aquarius man in such a role can look funny. Try not to abuse the good attitude of your loved ones and do not demand more from them than they can give (and even more than you really need). On Saturday, the horoscope advises Aquarius to take care of the nerves of their loved ones, protecting them from their changeable mood, as well as from attempts to be capricious and command.

Sunday, 3 November

On Sunday, Aquarius can meet a strong man who will win his heart! For an Aquarius woman, such an acquaintance has every chance of becoming fateful, but an Aquarius man, most likely, will not get everything from this novel that he expected. In addition, the horoscope stars warn: the most characteristic representatives of this zodiac sign on Sunday will be in a state of heightened sensuality, so the advice of the day for Aquarius: when meeting, even if someone seems fantastically attractive to you, beware of too rapid developments and your own rash steps!

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