Karmic aspects (blue). Creative and karmic aspects (from Volzhina's seminar) What is the karmic aspect

Jigsaws and circular saws 22.10.2020
Jigsaws and circular saws

Karmic astrology is the direction of astrology aimed at studying the evolution of the soul over many incarnations, identifying karmic problems and tasks of the current incarnation.

There are karmist astrologers who, on the basis of a natal chart, build supposed horoscopes of previous and even future incarnations of a person. And they even call past incarnations famous people... As a result, dozens different people v past life were Napoleon, Helena Roerich, Cleopatra and similar historical characters. This approach to karmic astrology cannot be called serious and responsible. By manipulating facts that cannot be confirmed and refuted, the astrologer takes a slippery slope, leading to a loss of confidence in astrology.

It is impossible to establish the previous personality of a person, his name, place and time of incarnation by the methods of astrology. For this, there are all kinds of psychotechnics of immersion in the past, including hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

Karmic astrology helps a person, without going into unnecessary fantasies, to realize the deep problems rooted in past lives. And start working on yourself in order to get rid of them and thereby improve this life and the potential next one. By karmic problems, one should not mean punishment for misdeeds and sins, as karma is usually interpreted in a philistine sense. Karma is not retribution, but rather inertia, when a person from life to life attracts similar situations. A person with negative karma did not necessarily do something bad, but rather was a victim. And it will be it in the next lives, until it reaches a new level of development and leaves the vicious circle.

From a karmic point of view, all elements of the natal chart can be interpreted without exception. But the most important indicators of karma in a horoscope are retrograde planets (if any) and lunar nodes. Of the houses of the horoscope, the 12th house (karma of all incarnations), the 8th house (personal karma) and the 4th house (karma of the clan) are karmic. In addition, there is a tradition to put the ascendant in the wrong place where it is in natal chart, and on the ascending lunar node. Such a card is called karmic, and all received houses in it are also interpreted as karmic.

Retrograde planets: karmic problems and connections

Retrograde planets are always associated with a reference to the past. The more of them a person has in the horoscope, the stronger his connection with the past. A retrograde planet can mean a problem from past lives, some kind of attachment or a person with whom the owner of the horoscope is karmically connected. This can be concretized only by analyzing the entire horoscope, taking into account the house in which the retrograde planet is located and its aspects with other planets.

The retrograde planet also indicates an unresolved task in a past life, an unfinished business, unrealized abilities. And it forces a person to take up again what was not possible in the past. Only he will have to make great efforts to overcome the inertia of karma.

The Sun and Moon are not retrograde, but they can say something about karma if they are in the 4th, 8th, 12th house or have aspects to the retrograde planets and lunar nodes.

  • Retrograde mercury indicates karmic problems in communication, in school, with relatives and immediate environment, problems with speech and health.
  • Retrograde venus indicates karmic problems in love, marriage, the material sphere.
  • Retrograde Mars indicates karmic health and energy problems, and also indicates enemies and rivals from past lives.
  • Retrograde jupiter indicates karmic problems in social or spiritual development.
  • Retrograde Saturn indicates karmic problems in relations with elders and superiors.
  • Retrograde uranium indicates karmic problems associated with the restriction of freedom or, conversely, with the absence of restrictions.
  • Retrograde Neptune indicates karmic problems associated with illusions and delusions.
  • Retrograde Pluto indicates karmic problems associated with experienced losses and shocks. this is the most karmic planet, since half of humanity has a retrograde Pluto.

Lunar nodes: the axis between the past and the future

The lunar nodes symbolize the axis of development. The South (Descending) node means the experience gained by a person in past lives, and the North (Ascending) node shows the experience that a person needs to acquire. The nodes are in opposite signs, which means that in order to get rid of the inertia of karma, a person must abandon their usual roles and master the opposite ones. In the absence of serious karmic problems, this is also necessary in order not to stop in development. At the same time, one should not completely abandon the past, but relying on it, one must go further.

The positions of the axis of nodes for houses and signs are similar in meaning, but houses more indicate specific areas in which a person acts, and signs indicate a style of action.

For different people, the same axis of nodes can work on different planes, if the level of development and their karmic experience are very different. Therefore, we will consider the very essence of them literally in a nutshell.

  • Lunar nodes along the axes Aries Libra and 1-7 houses oppose the role of the winner and the role of the peacemaker.
  • Lunar nodes along the axes Taurus Scorpio and 2-8 houses oppose the role of the storage device and the role of the converter.
  • Lunar nodes along the axes Gemini Sagittarius and 3-9 house oppose the role of the student and the role of the teacher.
  • Lunar nodes along the axes Cancer Capricorn and 4-10 houses oppose the role of a family man and the role of a careerist.
  • Lunar nodes along the axes Leo Aquarius and 5-11 houses oppose the role of enjoying the present and the role of striving into the future.
  • Lunar nodes along axes Virgo Pisces and 6-12 houses oppose the role of the practitioner and the role of the mystic.

Karmic aspects (blue)

Karmic aspects correspond to the beginning of Yin, as they show the karmic potential accumulated as a result of previous development; this potential orders our life or, in the extreme case, forms a closed system, then the task of human incarnation will be to break this circle of predestination and move to another level of consciousness. If a person persists in his unwillingness to develop, this vicious circle will repeat itself from incarnation to incarnation, becoming increasingly tougher and turning into fate, fate.

At a low level, karmic aspects appear as blinders on the eyes; a person follows the program of obedience to circumstances, he is like a cog in a mechanism, an irresponsible personality, set up fatally. Events with him occur insoluble, fatal, putting a person in a hopeless position.

The problem that the karmic aspect indicates can be solved by raising it to another level. For this, it is necessary to realize the process of karmic predestination and, using past experience, to follow the path of high evolutionary development. For this, there are methods of orienting a person in the sphere of his evolutionary development, which allow transforming the horoscope, changing, transforming, transforming.

You can try to solve problems using the path of power, the path of black magic, while with the help of magical actions you can fit into the circle of predetermination and remove the problem, deflect the situation for a while, but the problem is not solved. On the contrary, the problem indicated by the karmic aspects grows even more and will still overtake the person (in this or the next life) with even greater force.

It is difficult for people with karmic aspects to escape from fate. If the fate factor in the horoscope is strong, a person has a minimum of free will, then he faces a tough choice: either he breaks himself, changes, or resigns himself and pays his debts. There is a way out of any fatal situation, it is necessary to understand why this situation is given to us, and, having understood, realizing it, we need to change internally, then this situation will play out on a different level and will not be so harsh.

Fatal situations can be favorable, but if we are not aware of them, then they both come and go fatally, without bringing evolutionary growth with them to a person. Alexander II was supposed to die at the age of 48, but he took a different path and did not die. It is necessary to direct the struggle inward. The karmic aspect says: "If you do not change now, you will not go further."

By transforming our nature, we can transform events, then the karmic aspects from the forces that limit our free will, will turn into the forces of the highest protection. And henceforth, a person will no longer stumble over these problems and will become the master of fate. To such a person, the karmic aspects give an understanding of the mechanism of fate and the possibility of its correction.

The karmic aspects are the most powerful of all. Christianity is based on karmic numbers: 40, 100, 160 - freedom through restriction.

Four kinds of karmic (blue) aspects.

1. The most important is nonagon. Formed when the angle between the planets is 40 ° (360: 9 = 40 °). Orbis for luminaries ± 3 °, for planets ± 2 °. Nonagon is a clear, permanent aspect. Fire Release. Nonagon manifests itself as duty, demand, order (internal and external), a person will live in harmony with the surrounding conventions, inside - a sense of responsibility.

By the strength of the action, nonagon is equal to opposition and trigone.

In the worst case, nanogan gives constant debts, submission, dependence, hopelessness, inability to escape, rigid exactingness, internal inhibition that does not allow a person to do something, although there is a possibility.

It is difficult to undergo correction nonagon, since it is a permanent, stable aspect. Nonagon for a transformed person makes it possible to realize the fate and control the situation.

If in the cosmogram of a person there is an absolute dominant of karmic aspects and the person does not change as they require, the circle of predetermination becomes even more hopeless. But if a person takes the path of evolutionary development, there will always be a way out.

2. Sentagon - 100 °. Explicit, discrete aspect. Orbis for luminaries ± 2 °, for planets ± 1.5 °. Air Release.

The centagon acts suddenly and unpredictably (like a kite from the sky, like a sudden gust of wind) - this is how all discrete aspects act, so the centagon is perceived more strongly than nonagon, which acts constantly. In fact, nonagon is stronger, but since we are not ready to accept discrete aspects, they take us by surprise and therefore seem to be stronger.

In our life, the centagon is equal in strength to square and sextile (sextile - sudden help, stabilization, square - sudden blow, disorientation).

Sentagon gives sudden braking, hopelessness, tightness. Before a person suddenly appear - duty, order, system, restrictions. At best, a person can suddenly understand the secret mechanism of fate. The centagon can suddenly protect a person, giving him the opportunity to unconsciously control the situation.

With karmic aspects, there is a way out - sadhana, penance. A person needs to awaken consciousness, the karmic aspects help us awaken our inner fire. Karmic aspects have many outputs to the deep levels of being; yoga can be used as one of the methods. A person can consciously awaken in himself a sense of true direction. Otherwise, the lot of a person is oppression, vegetation.

Any occult student has karmic aspects.

3. Binonagon - 80 °. Binonagon is a hidden, continuously active aspect. Release of the Earth. Orbis for luminaries ± 1.5 °, for planets ± 1 °. Binonagon acts through the subconscious sphere, through the people who surround us, manifests itself on the periphery of consciousness and acts on our inner "I". By the strength of the action, binonagon is equal to Quickons and one and a half square.

Binonagon gives a permanent return, a hidden repeating form that gives a person the opportunity to get out of the circle, that is, binonagon makes it possible to repeat a karmic experience in order to use it better.

In the worst case, binonagon gives internal inhibition, secret control, guardianship, internal complexes from which it is difficult to find a way out; the person feels the pressure of rock. In the character of a person - secret inhibition; before the riddles of fate, a person becomes passive.

All phenomenal aspects are evolutionary aspects. So, during the transition to a new level of consciousness, the karmic aspects turn into their opposite, freedom of will appears, a person receives the right to free development. By performing certain actions, a person creates reasons that first give rise to certain restrictions, and then a new vicious circle of fatality is formed, so that a person moves to a new level.

4. Half-run - 20 °. Orbis for luminaries ± 1 °, for planets ± 0.5 °. Half-run is a hidden, discrete aspect. Release of Water.

Half-running - awareness of the sacrament, unconscious control - all this happens impermanently, temporarily, through the fields of the environment, the general mood of other people. That is, the common energy field makes us more closed or, on the contrary, developing. Through the environment, a reminder of the payment of debts occurs, the environment forces you to engage in secret affairs, or through the environment there is an ordering, organization. Half-wagon is perceived to be stronger than binonagon, since it acts suddenly. The more a person lives an inner life, the more Yin, hidden aspects act on him.

Many people want to know the secret of their past incarnations. And this is not a purely idle interest, since our present is a direct consequence of the karma that we have gained in our past incarnations. Small and large problems that haunt us in this life can be easily solved if you know exactly what karmic mistakes they are caused by. And although we do not have such a memory to remember our past incarnations, astrology exists for this, so that a person can find out what karmic task is determined by his date of birth.

Lunar karmic nodes are precisely those indicators in the birth horoscope that slightly open the veil of reincarnation. If we analyze their position, then we can answer two important issues: what experience the soul has gained in past lives, and what karmic task it has to fulfill in this incarnation. The Ascending or North Lunar Node and the South or Descending Lunar Node are the intersection points of the Earth's orbit and the Moon's orbit, and their position in the natal chart is always opposite to each other. If, for example, the North node is at 5 degrees of Taurus, then the South, respectively, will be at 5 degrees of Scorpio. Karmic knots also have other well-known names: the Ascending node in Indian predictive astrology is called Rahu or the Dragon's Head, and the Descending node is called Ketu or the Dragon's Tail. The South Node (Ketu) shows the karma realized in past incarnations, while the North Node (Rahu) reveals the essence of the present karmic task.

The influence of the Lunar nodes is considered fatal, since they carry karmic retribution and predestination. Their circulation cycle is about 18.7 years - and just those periods when Rahu and Ketu, having passed a full circle along the ecliptic, return to the position they occupied at the time of a person's birth, are considered fatal for him.

The first time such a moment occurs in a person's life is between 18 and 19 years old and coincides with the period when a person defines himself in society and makes vital decisions regarding work and personal relationships. Basically, it's a choice time life path, and the whole future fate of a person often depends on its correctness. Moreover, this choice is not always made consciously - it also happens that a person purely intuitively, without realizing it, enters the path that is predetermined by his karma. And if the karma in past lives is not the best, then this path may be full of trials and temptations.

The second period of karmic tests falls on 36-37 years. It is not for nothing that Vladimir Vysotsky's song "About poets and whoopers" contains the following words: "Let's linger on the number 37. God is insidious - He put the question squarely: either-or ..." If a person sins a lot, then at this age unpleasant things can happen in his life, or even tragic events... And, conversely, new favorable prospects and opportunities may open up for the righteous.

Then there are periods of 56-57 years, as well as 75-76 years, during which a person receives a karmic reward for good deeds, or is punished for serious mistakes and sins that are no longer related to the past life, but to the present one. Therefore, it is very undesirable to deviate from the path intended by karma. And in order to correctly determine your karmic path, you need to turn to astrology and see which signs are the Lunar Karmic nodes.

Table Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac and karma

The North Node is in Aries, the South Node is in Libra

In past lives, you have sufficiently developed flexibility, tact and the ability to make compromises. Therefore, you feel good in any partnership - business, friendship, love. It will not be difficult for you to adapt to a person if you like him, or if communication with him can bring you some benefit. You do an excellent job with the role of a peacemaker - you have no equal in the ability to reconcile the warring parties. Thanks to the ability to anticipate conflict situations, you always manage to bypass them. It is almost impossible to provoke you into a quarrel. Your strength lies in objectivity and fairness. Perhaps in past lives you accumulated positive karma by working as an incorruptible judge or lawyer. You also learned from past incarnations the ability to adapt to the situation, which makes you a flexible tactician and strategist in business and politics.

If the karma that you have earned is negative, then it is possible that you are characterized by such not very attractive traits as duality, cunning and the desire to "sit on two chairs." You could not be relied on in any serious matter. For your own benefit, you skillfully wove intrigues and achieved your goals with not very beautiful methods, fooling around and deceiving other people. In this case, in this life, in order to atone for past sins, you will have to face the same attitude from other people. It is possible that you will be deceived and betrayed by people whom you trusted as yourself. If at work you are often pledged and substituted, know that this is karmic retribution for wrong behavior in past lives.

In this incarnation, in order to balance karma and energy, you should develop determination and independence in yourself. Do not try to achieve your goals with the help of other people - it will not lead to anything good. If you want your endeavors to be successful, rely only on yourself and do everything on your own. And do not even try to adapt to circumstances that will not suit you - only exacerbate the situation. Your karmic path in this life is the path of a pioneer and individualist, leading other people and ready to fight for bright ideals. You can try yourself in sports and other professions where there is struggle and competition. But at the same time, in no case do cruel acts if you do not want to worsen your karma and incur punishment from above.

North node in Taurus, South node in Scorpio

From past incarnations, you brought out the desire for self-improvement and the ability to pacify your passions. The spiritual was more important to you than the material. You have decisively eradicated evil in yourself and in the world around you. You deliberately limited yourself to pleasures in order to temper your spirit and will. You were interested in topics beyond human knowledge. And most of all you wanted to look into the depths of the human soul. You may have been a yogi, practiced occult practice, or worked as a police detective. Now it is difficult to deceive you, since you are perceptive, know how to catch the mood of other people and predict their secret intentions. If you resisted temptations and earned good karma, then in this life you are given the ability to easily get rid of everything that interferes with your spiritual development. It is not difficult for you to overcome a bad habit if you feel that it negatively affects your health.

But it is possible that the karma you have earned is negative. This could be the case if you were engaged black magic, manipulated people to achieve their goals, showed cunning and cruelty, indulged in various vices. In this case, in this life you can unconsciously destroy yourself with bad habits, fears, complexes and negative emotions. Your exposure to harmful influences can surprise and upset the people who love you. If you yourself feel a tendency towards cruelty, envy, or anger, try to combat these qualities. Otherwise, you may be comprehended by severe karmic punishment through other people who will show extreme injustice towards you, or even destroy your fate and health.

Your karmic task in this incarnation is to pacify your rebellious spirit and descend from transcendental heights to a sinful earth. You have already worked out enough spiritually, and now you need to harmonize and balance yourself by engaging in purely earthly affairs, for example, agriculture or growing flowers. Learn to notice the beauty and charm of the world around you and enjoy all its benefits: music, delicious food, comfort and coziness. But if you do not want to accumulate negative karma, try not to show such qualities as jealousy, envy and greed.

North node in Gemini, South node in Sagittarius

This position suggests that in past lives you were wise and had strong moral foundations, and therefore enjoyed authority in society. Your karmic destiny was to guide lost souls on the right path. Surely you have ever been a priest, teacher or preacher. Your fellow citizens respected you, listened to your opinion, and often turned to you for wise advice. In this life, you can intuitively distinguish good from evil and are always ready to intervene if you see lawlessness and injustice. The more positive karma you managed to accumulate in past incarnations, the easier it is for you now to evoke involuntary respect from the people around you and to achieve a high social position.

If in past lives you misunderstood your karmic task, then perhaps you were a religious fanatic or a political demagogue. Your main mistake was that you almost forced your opinion on dissidents and did not want to admit that other points of view also have a right to exist. Now get ready to be persecuted and persecuted for your views and beliefs. You may have to face persecution on religious or political grounds. Try not to accumulate resentment in your soul if other people ridicule your ideals and undermine your authority in society. Develop a tolerance for the opinions of others - this will help you quickly redeem the negative karma of the past.

In this life, you are faced with the task of accumulating new knowledge and expanding your horizons. You will harmonize your energy and improve your karma if you do not consider yourself smarter than everyone else and agree that there are many things in life that you still do not know about. You should open yourself as much as possible to new information and to communicate with people around you. The professions of a journalist, manager, advertising agent, newspaper editor are suitable for you. But at the same time, avoid scattering and frivolity if you do not want to accumulate negative karma. Otherwise, your existence may lose its meaning and become completely aimless.

North node in Cancer, South node in Capricorn

Your past karmic experience was associated with the development of such qualities as seriousness, practicality and purposefulness. Fate has taught you to stand firmly on the ground and sacrifice small goals and pleasures in order to achieve more important and significant goals. You were not afraid of any responsibility, and therefore you easily made a career, occupied a high position in society, led small and large enterprises. And so that emotions did not interfere with your progress towards the goal, you deliberately pushed them into the background and tried to listen only to the voice of reason. If your karmic experience is mostly positive, then now your patience and fortitude can only be envied. You have an iron will and know how to correctly prioritize life - this allows you to achieve success in all matters.

If in past lives you went on the wrong path, this could make you cruel, cynical and soulless. Your negative karma may be associated with immoral acts committed under the influence of greed, self-interest and ambition. Perhaps you abandoned and betrayed loved ones when it was beneficial or convenient for you. And now, in this life, you can suffer karmic punishment when faced with a person who will turn away from you for the sake of money or leave you, having previously used it for his own selfish purposes. Learn to forgive calculating and greedy people, and develop the ability to sympathize and compassion in yourself - then your karma will be cleared much faster.

Your current karmic task is to understand that the heart is wiser than the mind. Do not be afraid to give vent to your feelings and devote your life to the people you love - this will be a great way for you to balance your energy and improve karma. To atone for past karmic mistakes, resist the urge to sacrifice your family for your career. If you manage to create strong family and save good relationship with family and friends, it will show that you are walking the right path and living right. But in order not to build up bad karma, do not go to extremes and fight with excessive attachment and resentment. Always remember that your loved ones should have their own personal space - and then you will be able to avoid karmic mistakes.

North node in Leo, South node in Aquarius

In past lives, you took an active part in collective affairs and did your best to benefit the society in which you lived. Now you have a developed collective consciousness and are acutely experiencing all the troubles and joys that occur in this world, even if they do not affect you personally. You have a rebellious spirit that is ready to protest against routine and any social injustice. Your past karma is directly related to revolutionary and transformative activities. However, you could make coups and revolutions not only in society, but also in science or culture. Thanks to your tireless activity, the world improved and renewed, at the same time getting rid of everything old and obsolete.

If you chose the wrong path, you could become a destroyer anarchist, for whom there were no moral laws and norms. You violated the laws of the society in which you lived, not because they did not suit you, but because you did not recognize any laws at all. You did only what you thought was necessary, caring little about the feelings and destinies of the people around you. If all this was so, then in this incarnation you will have to pay for past wrong actions by constantly balancing on the verge of complete life collapse. The more destruction you provoked in your past life, the more difficult it will now be for you to achieve stability and find ground under your feet. Learn to stoically deal with adversity and appreciate what you have - this is for you the best way atone for karmic sins.

In this life, your task is to learn to respect the personality both in yourself and in the people around you. The developed collective beginning must now be balanced in you by the developed individuality. Look for your place in the sun, show your talents and abilities, and learn to have your own opinion, different from the opinion of the majority - and then fate itself will help you achieve your goals. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to work in leadership positions, or your profession will force you to be often in the center of public attention. But in order not to stray from the true path and not to accumulate negative karma, do not show pride and respect people who are below you on the social ladder.

North node in Virgo, South node in Pisces

The karma that you have earned in past lives is directly related to other worlds and subtle matters. You have gleaned a great deal of spirituality and true religiosity from past lives. Most likely, you have had to be a priest, nun, or nurse. If you followed the correct karmic path, now you have developed intuition, which helps you to navigate events and understand people well. In addition, you are kind-hearted and always ready to respond to someone else's pain. Therefore, you have many friends who sincerely love and support you in difficult life situations.

But if you confused good with evil and took the wrong path, then instead of true spirituality, you acquired false spirituality. In this case, you could be a religious fanatic or a holy fool. It is possible that you ran away from reality with the help of bad habits, and thereby destroyed your sanity and health. If this was so, then in this life it is very difficult for you to find ground under your feet and to distinguish good from evil, and truth from fiction. In your close environment there may be people who are completely divorced from reality. And your karmic duty is to learn not to condemn them, but to help them as much as possible.

In this incarnation, your main task is to learn to look at life with real eyes and live not with dreams and fantasies, but with a sense of duty. To balance yourself, try never to lose common sense and always keep your emotions in check. Develop practicality in yourself and always think about the consequences of your actions - and then your life will develop successfully, and troubles and losses will bypass you. It will be good if you choose a job for yourself that will require you to be able to think logically, as well as focus and attention to detail. But in order not to accumulate negative karma, do not be petty and do not harass the people around you with endless moralizing.

The North Node is in Libra, the South Node is in Aries

Your past life was filled with a spirit of struggle and healthy competition. You have tried everywhere to win and become the leader. Your individualism manifested itself in all areas of life - in work, in love, in family relationships... Your professional activity was most likely associated with risk. You may have been a warrior, athlete, police officer, or firefighter. If you have not sinned and have chosen the correct karmic path, then now you have courage and fearlessness. It is not difficult for you to protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones in conflict situations. All of these qualities often come in handy in achieving your goals. And on your life path, people periodically meet who protect you and help you in the struggle.

But if you have developed a lot of karmic negativity, then in this life you will have to overcome such qualities as cruelty and ruthlessness. Perhaps in past incarnations you allowed physical and moral violence towards other people and tried to achieve your goals at all costs, choosing not the best methods for this. Then now you will have to pay for it, and already other people will offend and humiliate you. To quickly atone for your karmic guilt, try to forgive the offenders and do not let hatred and resentment deep into your soul.

Your karmic task now is to achieve balance between yourself and the world around you. In order for your personality to develop harmoniously, learn to overcome your individualism and take into account the interests of other people. In any business, try to win not with assertiveness, but through compromises and mutual concessions... The more diplomatic and tactful you act, the more luck will smile at you, and the easier and happier your life will be. To improve karma, you'd better choose the profession of a lawyer, diplomat or social worker. But in order not to build up bad karma, be honest with everyone and make sure that your compliance and loyalty does not turn into opportunism.

North node in Scorpio, South node in Taurus

In a past life, you learned to love and appreciate the world around you in its purely material manifestation. If you have few sins, then in this incarnation you rejoice in every day you have lived, subtly feel the beauty and know how to enjoy food, beautiful clothes and a cozy home environment. You love nature and are endowed with the innate ability to draw energy from the Earth. Perhaps in your past incarnations you were farming or planting flowers. You are reasonably practical, strive for stability and intuitively feel how and where you can make money. In difficult life periods, fate sends you people who support you financially and give you practical advice.

Your present life will turn out completely differently, if in past incarnations you have accumulated negative karma. Perhaps you have become so attached to material goods that you began to show excessive stinginess and think only about money, completely forgetting that there is a spiritual side of life. In this case, the more greedy your soul has become, the more often now you will have to lose money and everything that you own. As a punishment, fate can bring you into contact with someone who will steal from you, betray or leave you for profit. And if you manage not to hate people because of whom you have suffered material losses, then your karma will quickly be cleared, and your life will change for the better.

In this incarnation, in order to balance your karma, you should not think about material goods, but develop a strong inner core. The more often you remember that a person has not only a body, but also an immortal soul, the cleaner and more harmonious your energy will become. Any voluntary restrictions on food and pleasures, as well as yoga and sports, are very useful for your soul. Get ready for the trials of life that fate will send you in order to test your strength and temper your spirit. Fight fears and build willpower if you want to be successful in life. But, in order not to spoil your karma, do not go to extremes - do not be cruel, either to yourself or to other people.

North node in Sagittarius, South node in Gemini

Your past karma is directly related to communication, with the exchange of experience and information. In your past life, you learned a lot and enjoyed it. By profession, you could be a writer, journalist or scientist involved in propaganda and dissemination of your ideas. Surely you had to communicate with people a lot, and the circle of your friends and acquaintances was very wide. If you are lucky enough to earn good karma, then in this life you have a very broad outlook and many loyal friends with whom you share common interests. Your erudition and intelligence help you maintain your authority at work and earn respect in personal relationships.

But it is quite another matter if you behaved incorrectly in a past life. At worst, you could be a cunning, frivolous, and unnecessary person, spreading false ideas in order to deceive other people. Perhaps you listened only to the advice of reason and were completely heartless and indifferent to other people's feelings. In this case, now you are not able to really love anyone, and no one really loves you either. Only if you understand that the heart is always wiser than the mind, your karma will improve, and fate will stop sending you all kinds of trials and punishments. Do not be offended by cunning people who will deceive and use you. Remember more often that we tend to attract friends and loved ones that we deserve.

North node in Capricorn, South node in Cancer

In your past incarnation, you completely devoted yourself to your family and loved ones. And in order for your relationship with them to develop as best as possible, you have developed the ability to care, empathize and empathize. If the karma that you have earned is good, then in this life you are from birth endowed with emotional sensitivity and highly developed intuition, which helps you not to make mistakes in people. You are loyal to your family and attached to your home. Children love you because you can find the right approach to them. Perhaps in past lives you have worked as a teacher or nanny. In this life, your family is most likely strong and large. You can always rely on your loved ones - they will do everything for your happiness.

If you spoiled your karma with capricious, selfish behavior, then now you are paying for this with numerous family problems. As you behaved with your close relatives in previous incarnations, so now your household is treating you. And if you have to drag the whole family on yourself, if you never hear words of gratitude for the care shown, then fate is punishing you for neglecting your household responsibilities in past lives. Therefore, do not be offended by loved ones, but learn to forgive them and accept them as they are. A patient and condescending attitude towards your family will help you quickly redeem the accumulated negativity.

The lesson you must learn in this life is to train strong-willed qualities and acquire a profitable profession. You must become completely independent and self-sufficient, so that you do not depend on anyone, either financially or emotionally. Even if you love your family very much, in no case do not sacrifice your career for the sake of it. Here is such a paradox: the more successful your business will be in professional field, the better your relationships with loved ones will develop. Giving up your favorite business in order to devote more time to household chores, you run the risk of reaching a dead end and losing not only your job, but also your family. But this does not mean that you should forget about everything for the sake of a career. Excessive careerism can worsen your karma.

North node in Aquarius, South node in Leo

Your past karma is associated with personal fulfillment, popularity and high social status. You may have been famous creative personality or held a high position in society. In any case, your image meant a lot to you, and you did not allow anyone to take your place in the sun. Reasonable selfishness was inherent in you, but this did not prevent you from loving other people and delighting them with your creative achievements. The better the karma you have earned, the easier it is for you to achieve success now, and the more talents you are endowed with by nature. Innate magnetism, combined with giftedness, helps you win the sympathy of the people around you and achieve creative success.

The negative karma you have accumulated can be associated with excessive pride, arrogance, and abuse of power. If in a past life you did not respect less successful people and were dismissive of them, then in this incarnation you will be humiliated and not put into anything. Karmic sins can completely block your path to fame and popularity. But if you want to atone for mistakes made in past incarnations, develop humility and try not to envy people who have achieved fame and success. The sooner you learn to respect people, regardless of financial status and position in society, the sooner your soul will be cleansed.

In this incarnation, you have to develop in yourself a collective consciousness and democracy. To build good karma, always remember that all people are brothers. Try to be equally friendly with everyone, do not divide people into castes and estates - and then fate will be favorable to you. Take an active part in various public affairs - it will be very beneficial for your soul. Another of your tasks is to break outdated stereotypes and contribute to the evolutionary development of the society in which you live. But in order not to go astray and not to spoil your karma, try not to confuse freedom and democracy with anarchism and extremism.

North node in Pisces, South node in Virgo

This position suggests that in a past life you developed responsibility, self-discipline and a sense of duty. You may have worked in the medical field, such as working as a caregiver or nurse. You are humble, diligent and always keep the promises you make on time. If you have accumulated good karma, then from birth you are inherent in such qualities of character as punctuality, cleanliness and commitment. Therefore, it is not surprising that you are appreciated and respected at work, both by your superiors and colleagues. For good deeds done in past incarnations, fate rewards you with a calm and stable life. In your immediate environment, there are probably reliable and loyal people who have helped you more than once.

The negative karma accumulated in past lives can be evidenced by the chaos that reigns in all areas of your life. If you made a lot more demands on other people than on yourself, and if you were petty and picky, then now you will constantly be haunted by minor troubles. With bad karma, it is extremely difficult for you to put things in order in your affairs - all the time there are some new annoying obstacles. Don't be angry with people who criticize you and find fault with you. Know that they are sent to you as a punishment for your karmic sins. Develop a tolerance for other people's shortcomings - and then your soul will be cleansed, and other people will begin to treat you much better and more forgiving.

Your current karmic task is to learn absolute love and unleash your spiritual potential. Solving life problems, try to listen not only to the mind, but also to the heart. If you try to think and calculate everything in advance, you can make serious mistakes. And only by doing what your senses dictate, you will not be mistaken. Read spiritual and mystical literature. The knowledge about the other world gleaned from books will help you successfully fulfill your karmic destiny. But, twisted in the clouds, keep your feet on the ground and do not try to run away from reality. Otherwise, you will have to pay for karmic violations.

I would like to note that only the Lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac were considered. But on the basis of only one instruction, no conclusions can be drawn. For example, just as in astrology it is impossible to judge a person by only the position of the Sun in a sign, in numerology there is not enough life path. Undoubtedly, these are very important indicators, but nevertheless they will not fully reveal all the characteristics of a person.

Using my date of birth (10/31/1984) as an example, I will show how you can combine knowledge in order to understand yourself and your destiny. Let's start with a natal chart.

In the natal chart, the North Node is in the sign of Taurus, the South Node is in Scorpio. This arrangement of the nodes indicates the need for this incarnation to acquire solid ground underfoot; avoid risk and manifestations of such qualities: cruelty, jealousy, envy.

Could I have practiced magic in the past incarnation? Mogla - this is indicated by the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the corner house and the 18th Arcanum in the tail of karma.

But the Sun-Pluto aspect is also an indication of domination, the desire to dominate or subjugate others. We also find confirmation of this - Lilith is in Aries [Lilith indicates the accumulated negative karma. In the sign of the ram, she says that a person could kill, be cruel, rude, subordinate to his will ...]. The fourth energy (Emperor) in the matrix, which describes the personality, is a reflection of the Sun-Pluto aspect or a highlighted sign in the natal chart (the scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars, and the Emperor is associated with a ram, who also has Mars and Pluto as rulers). It follows from this that in the past I have resorted to manipulation for personal gain. She could be a domestic tyrant, or she could be a person in power. Calculating the sex of the incarnation by technology - it turned out that in a past life I was a man. So the likelihood of participating in hostilities in the role of a fighter or commander is not excluded).

Now let's consider the point of obstacle - 19 Arkan, the Sun: lack of confidence, dependence on the opinions of others, lack of self-respect. The first thing to do is learn to value and respect yourself. A person who does not respect himself exposes himself to destructive habits and destructive thinking. This is the path of the South Node in the scorpion, from which you must leave.

How can I realize myself in this destiny? That is, what kind of employment should I choose so that it brings me satisfaction, benefits others and feeds me? Taurus is ruled by Venus, and she, in turn, patronizes: art, crafts, everything related to beauty and comfort, finance. Handicraft and everything related to homework- this is clearly not mine, this is evidenced by the absence of sixes in the psychomatrix. Finance - perhaps (Saturn-Mercury conjunction in the first house of the natal chart, Proserpine on the ascendant), by the way, I am an accountant by education. But, in the matrix of destination, on the money channel, there are 4 and 22 energies. That is, working with a tight schedule for hiring is not acceptable to me. We look at the 2nd house of the natal chart - the cusp is in the scorpion, the Venus-Uranus conjunction is in the Sagittarius. This means that the income will be obtained through personal efforts, according to Venus - these are consultations and partnership programs; according to Uranus, this is work with a free schedule, at home (Uranus is the ruler of the 4th house). 22 Arcanum reflects Uranus in the natal chart. In my case, if the energy of the lasso is in the red, it threatens with unemployment and unstable income. One way or another, it speaks of a lack of savings, money easily comes and goes ... for some individuals, basically, it leaves)))

The ninth energy in the matrix of destination is in the comfort zone, is repeated twice in the karmic tail, is a personal and social destination. This energy is especially important. In combination with knowledge about the North Node, I conclude that the karmic task is to practically apply the accumulated knowledge. It is necessary not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to transfer it. My knowledge and hobbies have materialized in this virtual project. In the natal chart, the 3rd house is strong (writing, journalism, trade, courses, short-distance travel ...) - thanks to this I decided to become a blogger, using my meticulousness in the little things and the desire to get to the bottom of the truth. How much I did it - it's up to you)))

Tatiana Kokhan

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Important signs, significators in the karmic analysis of the natal chart

There are 12 karmic tasks according to the number of Zodiac Signs. The meanings of the signs of the zodiac symbolize the task with which a person is born. Although in the literature on karmic astrology you can find that supposedly the most important information about karma in the natal chart we can see in connection with the position of the Lunar nodes in the signs of the Zodiac, my experience shows that everything is not quite so.

By the way, the soul does not reincarnate immediately after death, but tens and even hundreds of years may pass before the period of the next incarnation, because the soul has to wait for favorable conditions to be created in reality for its fulfillment of karmic tasks and subsequent evolution, development of the Spirit. Here is a good example to illustrate this, once a person who was blind from birth came to the famous clairvoyant and prophet Edgar Cayce for a consultation. Keyes looked through the four past lives of this man and found out that one of his incarnations was in ancient Persia in the 10th century BC, where the blind man belonged to a primitive tribe that blinded their captives with a red-hot iron. In a past life, he was a very cruel executioner, but now he had to pay the price and begin to understand the suffering of blind people.

In terms of karmic analysis, first of all, it is important to pay special attention to what sign of the Zodiac the Sun is in - since this tells us the main task of the personality, consciousness, active part of a person, the task that he must fulfill with his consciousness during active interaction with the environment , society, society.

Further, it is important in what sign of the Zodiac the Moon stands, as another important task that a person must complete within himself, in his inner world, an indication of how he should work with his subconscious, unconscious, deep processes, with his Spirit.

The position of other planets indicates to us secondary tasks, the meaning of which is highlighted depending on the sign of the Zodiac, the House in which these planets are located, these will be, as it were, more "small and detailed" karmic tasks or, so to speak, subtasks.

For example, the position of Mercury in the sign of the Zodiac will show in what way we should develop our thinking and improve the skills of communication, communication and interaction with people.

The position of Venus, in the sign of the zodiac, will show where we should strive in terms of the development and knowledge of our emotional sphere.

The position of Saturn will show how and in what area (around the house, where Saturn stands) we need to learn to accept the limitations, the framework, where to develop discipline and learn to volitional control of ourselves and the situation. And so on, according to the position of each planet in the sign and in the House.

Having worked out the qualities inherent in a certain sign, we move on to the next sign. It is interesting that the classic "astrologers believe that if you were" born Capricorn, then you will not be Aquarius. " But in magic, esotericism, they say that if you were born a Capricorn and work with your development, an increase in awareness, then you may already be a Pisces. Since magicians are engaged in specific evolution, as an everyday matter, that is, if an ordinary person takes about one life, incarnation to work out one sign, then the Magician can go in a row from one sign to another and, in this case, it is a purposeful work with qualities. The magician moves, develops and during one life can pass one sign and move on to the next.

Now let's talk about the planets. The next important sign that needs to be analyzed within the framework of the karmic interpretation of the natal chart is which aspects go to the Luminaries: the Sun and the Moon. First of all, it makes sense to pay attention to the positive aspects between the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the Lunar nodes. Others, especially personal planets, in aspects with the Moon nodes are also important, although to a lesser extent (with the exception of conjunctions).

The presence of positive aspects of the Sun or the Moon to the axis of the Lunar nodes is a sign that a person either intuitively (Moon) or quite consciously (Sun) seeks to gain control over own life and development.

In general, the Lunar nodes are, perhaps, the main among the secondary factors of karmic analysis. Unlike the planets, which symbolize the real accumulated life experience, the Lunar nodes are a fictitious factor, similar to the average value in statistics, and the average value is a very useful thing if applied with intelligence and understanding, but these conditions are not always met by the astrologers themselves. Lunar nodes are an average value associated with the main conductors of the Spirit - the Sun and the Moon.

At the same time, the South Node is symbolically associated with the accumulated experience, that is, with karma as such (the symbol of a filled jug). The north node symbolically indicates what in Hinduism is called an individual dharma (the symbol of an empty jug) - that is, it is associated with our duty, with what a person should do in this life. But dharma is not a duty in an absolute sense, it is simply a desirable direction of movement in this incarnation.

However, in the presence of the aspects of the planets, and especially from the Luminaries to the Nodes, the role of the Nodes increases markedly. Harmonious aspects enable a person to easily and voluntarily seek and find their own purpose. Tense aspects (like, for example, the Sun in a square to both Nodes) make you do the same, but this can happen through oppressive external circumstances and this is perceived not as "guidance" of the Spirit, but as "push" or "pressure".

An important point about determining gender in the past incarnation of life and about the concept of gender in general. As for gender, the choice of gender is not made by parents, relatives or in general by people, but by the Soul itself, depending on the tasks facing it in the forthcoming incarnation. Therefore, in fact, we cannot influence the gender. We can only create more favorable conditions for conception by making a calculation using astrological methods, but a 100% result that there will be a child of exactly the same gender as we expect, this does not guarantee.

There are different versions of how many lives, incarnations the Soul lives in one field, but none of them, for obvious reasons, is currently proven. Personally, according to the information I myself have about some of my incarnations known to me, the version put forward by the Magician Olga Veremeeva is close to me, that about 3 male incarnations there is 1 female incarnation.

In the natal chart, we can see how much a person has in the current incarnation of feminine, and how much masculine energy initially, at birth, according to the totality of the signs of the Zodiac, in which the planets fell. This allows us to assert that if a woman has 90% of the planets in masculine signs, then in a past life she was probably a man and vice versa, if a man has 90% of the planets in female signs, then in a past life he was probably a woman.

However, deliberately working on the harmonization of your energy, you can change this initially given parameter, that is, for example, a woman with an initially strong, prevailing male energy, doing primordially female affairs, practices to strengthen female energy, you can bring female energy into harmony, and female energy will be somewhere 50 to 50 with male.

Further, many astrologers note the importance of information about retrograde planets (retro planets) in karmic analysis. And it's hard to disagree with this, it is a really important source of information, but with a number of clarifications.

First, the retrograde of the "personal" planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) is much more important than the retrograde of other planets. In general, a retro planet in karmic analysis is an indication that a person in the past has gained significant experience in its function, sphere, perhaps even "pulled ahead" in comparison with other planets of the horoscope, but this experience turned out to be very one-sided, not harmonious and not consistent with the general direction of the development of the Spirit. And now a person is forced to return to the past - this is a kind of "work on mistakes."

The real meaning of retrograde planets is very individual in each particular map. Here, the common thing for retro planets is that the planet has accumulated a lot of experience, and this experience, for some reason, turned out to be inadequate to the goals and objectives of the incarnating Spirit. More specifically, this experience and its specificity can be said based on the strength of this planet in the sign, on its aspectual relationship with other planets, on the information of the Houses with which it is interconnected.

For example, retrograde Mercury gives learning difficulties, a critical mind, and the sign of the Zodiac, in which retro Mercury is located, will give objectivity, Home is a sphere where these qualities, features will manifest. Retrograde Mars will tell you about the wrong application of energy and will in a past life and by its sign you can determine what difficulties were, and by the House in which area and with whom there were difficulties.

Another important factor that is hardly mentioned in the literature is the connection between the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) by aspects.

For example, aspects with Uranus speak of participation in unrest, riots, revolutions. It is possible that in a past life such a person was related to science or invention, or was a pioneer, innovator in some area.

Aspects with Neptune are associated with the experience of dissolving the human personality in something greater than a person, in something universal, about the experience of solitude or isolation in the past in the broadest sense (life in the wilderness, long sea voyages, a monastery, a regular experience of self-absorption in prayers, in meditations, in difficult cases - imprisonment, slavery).

Aspects to Pluto from the Luminaries could be obtained by engaging in active transformation processes, the experience of unlimited power. In general, Pluto's karma could be acquired by participating in huge historical transformations, so war is another area that gives Pluto's imprint in the natal chart. Also, especially with negative aspects, the connections of the Luminaries with Pluto indicate a long period of struggle for survival in the past.

Energy healing or magic is much less common in the form of shamanism, work with spirits, and almost always in conjunction of the Luminaries with Pluto. It also happens that aspects with Pluto speak of the accumulated ability to feel, control and direct the flows of energy, whether it be the energy of the crowd, whether it be your own.

Also, during karmic analysis, it makes sense to pay attention to the position of Lilith, the Black Moon in the natal chart. In the map of the current incarnation, Lilith stands in the place where a person in past incarnations acquired strong, stable habits that subdued him.

At the same time, it is important to remember that any person has Lilith in the horoscope, even the absolute righteous. The only question is in her karmic strength and in the degree of elaboration.

In general, psychologically, Lilith defines bad inclinations. The ancient Hindus associated with her the embodiment of karmic debts, sins acquired in past incarnations. Lilith determines the measure of evil that a person can do in this life, she determines the lowest, negative path in life. But it, of course, can be changed by our conscious and independent development.

Aspects of the Black Moon with planets are information channels developed in the past. For example, the Black Moon with the Moon in a harmonious aspect contributes to increased sensitivity, sensitivity, and in a tense aspect it gives harm from sensitivity, contributes to unconscious fears. The harmonious aspect of the Black Moon with Mercury contributes to the receipt of intellectual information, promotes mental pursuits, and the tense aspect gives misinformation, a person is prone to distorting the information received. The Black Moon with Mars is a channel that gives courage, activity, while the tense aspect enhances recklessness, inclines to violence.

In addition, as you and I already know, karmic tasks in this life, incarnation look according to the active Houses of the horoscope. Also, in modern astrological literature, houses symbolically associated with the water element (4, 8, 12) are sometimes called "karmic". This is not a very good epithet, since, as was shown earlier, the entire horoscope reflects the accumulated karma.

Some more interesting points in terms of karmic analysis of Houses. The cusp of the 4th House in a certain element gives information about how much time could pass after the last incarnation: the cusp of the 4th House in the element of Fire means that incarnation after death took place years later; The cusp of the 4th House in Air means that the incarnation was relatively quick (from several years to decades); cusp of the 4th House in Water - the time between incarnations is calculated in hundreds of years; cusp of 4 Houses in Earth - thousands of years have passed between incarnations.

From the point of view of karmic analysis, each House has a certain key for interpretation, highlights certain karmic tasks in this life:

  • 1 House - the karmic task facing the Spirit in the current incarnation, indicates that facet of the Spirit, personality, abilities, which has yet to be sharpened;
  • 2 House - the karma of talents, will indicate the talent that needs to be shown, as well as the karma of personal money, material status;
  • 3 House - karmic ties with relatives, karmic knowledge (directly related to the knowledge that manifested itself in a new incarnation);
  • 4 House - karmic inheritance, karma of the clan, memory of past incarnations;
  • 5 House - Karma love relationship, karma for children;
  • 6 House - karma of service (allows you to determine if there are service debts:
    personal karma, collective, national), karmic diseases;
  • 7 House - karma in front of partners, analysis of this house allows you to determine the causes of problems in marriage, problems with business partners, causes of widowhood, causes of celibacy and delays in marriage;
  • 8 House - karma of debt and karma of debts to other people, karma of public finances and abuse;
  • 9 House is the house of karmic mission, connections with other cultures and countries;
  • 10 House - karma of social realization, professional carter and karma of power;
  • 11 Home - collective karma, group karma, relationships and role in the team;
  • 12 House is a house of karmic limitations, it is a field of spirituality, a field of communication with God, an inexhaustible source of inspiration, a house that can tell about magical abilities in the current incarnation.

Where to start and where to go to study if you decide to study astrology. If you want to get acquainted with astrology, learn how to use it for yourself, your loved ones, friends, then you can study on the online course "Basics of Astrology". The course program (Detailed program - Download) 10 lessons. After completing the training, you will learn to understand your birth horoscope, natal chart, build and understand the birth charts of other people. And you will also be able to subsequently take part in webinars on various "advanced" topics in astrology (karmic astrology, astrology of relationships, selection of dates, magical astrology, rectification, etc.).

The karmic horoscope helps us figure out what purpose a person has in this incarnation, what tasks he must solve and what debts to pay. As points that are responsible for karmic horoscope and its influence on the fate of a person is customary to take the Ascending Lunar Node in the natal chart is indicated by a sign in the form of an inverted horseshoe.

In the birth horoscope, we find a reflection of past incarnations. If you want to know your past and predict the future with the help of clairvoyance, then

We look at the IV field of the natal chart, which is responsible for the origin of a person and indicates the circumstances of a past life. The element to which the sign on the cusp (at the beginning) of the IV house belongs indicates how much time has passed since the last incarnation. You can create your own natal chart online.

Elements in the karmic horoscope

The element of FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) on the cusp indicates that the incarnation took place immediately after death or years later.

The AIR element (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) speaks of a rather rapid incarnation, these are years and decades.

WATER signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) indicate that hundreds of years have passed between incarnations.

The signs of EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) indicate that a very long time has passed since the last incarnation - a thousand or several thousand years. It is also worth noting that the timing of the incarnation also depends on the level of personality development, a high level speaks of rare incarnations.

Zodiac signs and their meaning for the karmic horoscope

The sign of the zodiac, located on the cusp of the IV field, gives an indication of the country in which the person lived in a past life. There are a lot of countries, and there are only 12 signs, so the list below is rather conditional than not subject to doubt.

ARIES can indicate Germany and England, as well as the eastern regions and countries of Korea, Japan, Alaska.

Taurus is a good climate and fertile lands, countries: Poland, Ukraine, Denmark, Holland, Greece, Persia, Asia Minor, Scotland, Cyprus, Argentina, some regions of Germany.

Gemini can indicate windy regions with frequent tornadoes, as well as countries where communications are developed, the USA, Belgium, Northeast Africa, Australia.

RAC shows in the area where there are many streams, rivers, the nature is picturesque. Countries: Tunisia, China, Bavaria, Champagne, USA (province).

LEO favors areas with a sunny warm climate, countries: Italy, Romania, Peru, Palestine, France, California.

VIRGO are areas with well-developed agriculture, these are hardworking nations, countries: Japan, Greece.

LIBRA speaks of an area with a temperate and even climate, countries: Austria, North China, Libya, Egypt, Canada, some authors also include England here.

SCORPIO indicates areas with swamps and deserts with an abundance of poisonous animals and plants, countries: Indochina, Malta, Ceylon, Hungary, southern Italy, Spain.

SAGITTARIUS large islands Malta, Madagascar, Ceylon, Arabian region, Hungary, Spain.

CAPRICORN can indicate mountainous areas, highlands, countries: India, Tibet, Albania, Bulgaria, the Caucasus, Siberia, South China.

AQUARIUS - areas with cold and rainy climates. Countries: Russia, Antarctica, Sweden, some authors include India here.

FISH correspond to sea coasts, island states: Tahiti, Panama, Portugal, Antilles.
The planets located in the 4th house indicate the occupations and circumstances of life in the past incarnation.

Planets and their meaning in the karmic horoscope

The SUN in the IV field of your card indicates belonging to a princely, royal or noble family, fame and power. A damaged Sun may say that in a past life you were an athlete or a teacher. Of course, it's not worth judging about belonging to the royal family by the Sun alone. You need at least three instructions to accurately talk about your belonging to the nobility.

JUPITER in the IV field of the horoscope, speaks of wealth and nobility, high social status, also says that a person was engaged in philosophy, was a scientist, doctor, traveler, writer, religious figure, as well as a high-ranking military man. If Jupiter is damaged, then they are adventurers, adventurers.

VENUS in IV field, speaks of material well-being, art-related activities. Damage to Venus indicates a craftsman, farmer, or an idle and dissolute person.

The MOON in the IV field gives instructions on traders, sailors, fishermen. A damaged moon is a domestic servant or unfortunate circumstances in a past life.

MERCURY in IV field, indicates that in a past life you were engaged mental labor, the profession of a scientist, doctor, writer, merchant, politician, business person. Damaged Mercury, may be for servants, scribes, deceivers and thieves. Also looking at Mercury, you need to take into account the level of personality development. If now there are no signs indicating a tendency to deceive, then it is unlikely that he was a thief in a past life. So, most likely, the past incarnation was full of intrigues.

MARS and PLUTO in the 4th house of the horoscope indicate a professional military man, physician, surgeon, chemistry, science, connection with dangerous professions (firefighter, policeman) or the profession of a blacksmith and cattle breeder. Damage to these luminaries indicates belonging, most likely, to dangerous professions, but also the likelihood that the person was a robber and a robber (more likely refers to individuals with a low level of spiritual development). Pluto speaks of a high position, leader, idol, pioneer and commander, Pluto also refers to the eastern and Buddhist countries.

SATURN standing in the IV field of your horoscope indicates studies in science, mathematics, the profession of a doctor, the post of a civil servant. Damage to Saturn speaks of difficult circumstances, trials and vicissitudes of fate. Although it can be greed, stinginess, usury in a past life, as well as the profession of a laborer, miner, miner.

URANUS in the 4th house indicates unusual activities in a past life, as well as science, occultism, the profession of a doctor, astronomer, astrologer, director, inventor, reformer. Damaged Uranus gives outcast, social outcast and revolutionaries.

NEPTUNE in the IV field speaks of spiritual and creative activity, the field of composer, writer, musician, actor, it can also indicate a navigator, fisherman, traveler. Damaged Neptune gives indications of a beggar wandering monk, a swindler, a deceiver, a fortuneteller.

If there are no planets in field IV, then we consider the zodiac sign, which stands on the cusp of field IV, and read the interpretation of the planet that is responsible for this sign. Those. we consider the rulers of this field, their position in the signs and houses of the natal chart.

A special role in karmic issues is played by two abstract points on the ecliptic. There is an Ascending Lunar Node and a Descending Lunar Node. The point of realization of our karma is the Ascending Lunar Node, its position in a certain house of the horoscope indicates through which life circumstances and spheres of life this realization takes place.

In the karmic horoscope, the Ascendant is the Ascending Lunar Node.

What is responsible for each field in the karmic horoscope

In FIELD I of the karmic horoscope, it is responsible for the karmic program, the task of incarnation, therefore this field is the most important. The lord of the first house is the lord of karma and the implementation of the program of this incarnation depends on his position and aspects.

In FIELD II, the development of talent, skill, the blows of fate will manifest themselves primarily through the material spheres.

IN THE III FIELD there are sisters, brothers, connections, acquaintances, contacts.

IN THE IV FIELD, service to the motherland is asceticism for its good, the fatherland, the family, the upbringing of children, property.

IN THE V FIELD the karma of children, the implementation of the task through training, education, public activities. Children in this case are a reward and punishment, the absence of children can also be a punishment.

SERVICE AND WORK IN THE VI FIELD. Diseases and health are the main problems that a person will face in this life.

IN THE VII FIELD karmic marriage, rivalry and cooperation, karma will receive its realization through the first house, through the character of a person and the ways of his self-affirmation.

In FIELD VIII there are karmic debts. Dangerous activities, dangerous professions associated with death, may be with a surgeon, as well as other people's money and debts.

IN THE IX FIELD there are awards and punishments associated with creativity, medicine, science. The punishment can be public condemnation or accusations.

In FIELD X, implementation through social self-affirmation, the program is related to the profession, career, issues of ambition.

IN THE XI FIELD, relationships with friends, children and social activity... Help and patronage that a person encounters in life is a reward for past merits.

In the XII FIELD, the implementation of the task through spiritual interests and creativity, religion, psychology, medicine, charity. Negativeness can manifest itself in the form of slander, intrigue of his address and accidents.

I give an example of a natal and karmic chart so that you can understand how they differ from each other. In the natal chart, houses go counterclockwise. The cusp of the 1st house is on the left. In the karmic chart, the Lunar Node is taken as the cusp of the 1st house and the houses begin their countdown from it, clockwise to the right.

Example: Natal chart

Example: Karmic card

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