Divination with the help of the Tarot White and Black Magic (pagan direction). Tarot of White and Black Magic: Layouts and Meanings of Cards Meaning of Black and White Magic Cards

Drainage 03.11.2020

The idea of ​​creating the Tarot of Black and White Magic appeared thanks to the works of an American woman. The deck is filled with extraordinary power that can both destroy and create. She quickly found application for herself in everyday life.

The Tarot of Black and White Magic is a powerful tool for answering important questions

Pagan Tarot combines unique knowledge that was accumulated over many centuries by the ancient pagans. Each of the cards in this deck has its own drawing. It contains a special plot filled with deep meaning.

The Tarot of White and Black Magic (pagan Tarot) is recommended to be used for the purpose of self-knowledge and getting answers to important questions.

The meaning of the Major Arcana

Major Arcana, which can be seen in the gallery, where the entire deck is presented, are rightfully considered the most important cards. They shape various events and situations. You need to learn to understand them correctly in order to make your own life a little better. Major Arcana can work independently or in a group with other cards.

It is very important to correctly understand the Tarot of White and Black Magic. Acquaintance with him should start with the Major Arcana, which may have the following interpretation:

  • 0 Jester (Il MATIO). Magical Arcana means a new movement to which one should strive. A person will have to trust what goes beyond the framework of his usual existence. All fears that may arise from this will be false. So don't pay attention to them.
  • 1 Mage (IL BAGATTO). Foreshadows the ability to change your own destiny. A person can learn to independently control all those events in which he is directly involved.
  • 2 High priestess(LA PAPESSA). The card speaks of the need to focus on your spiritual identity.
  • 3 Empress (L'IMPERATRICE). The time has come for the fulfillment of old desires. During this period, one should carefully and lovingly treat loved ones so as not to lose the accumulated positive energy.
  • 4 Emperor (L'IMPERATORE). The card advises to listen to your premonition and act according to the rules and ethics. Only in this case, a person will experience personal and career growth.
  • 5 The Hierophant (IL PAPA). There is no need to be afraid to ask the higher powers for help in understanding the main truth.
  • 6 Lovers (GLI AMANTI). The card portends a difficult choice that must be made. The correct decision will certainly be prompted by intuition.
  • 7 Chariot (IL CARRO). Arkan predicts the end of a negative event and the beginning of a completely new period, which will bring with it a powerful flow of positive energy.
  • 8 Strength (LA FORZA). The card advises a person to start showing their will and inner strength. Only in this way will he be able to extricate himself from a difficult situation.
  • 9 Hermit (L'EREMITA). It is necessary to find a quiet place for yourself where a person will have the opportunity to relax in body and soul, as well as to hear an inner voice that will give a lot of useful advice.

Stars - an opportunity to see your own destiny

This is not the end of the acquaintance with the Major Arcana. You need to find out the meaning of other equally important cards that are able to predict the future:

  • 10 Wheel (LA RUOTA). The card foreshadows the emergence of new perspectives in life, which are worth grabbing. They will help you find the right path.
  • 11 Justice (LA CIUSTIZIA). A person should not immediately try to do something to correct an unpleasant situation. It is better to temporarily switch to the side of the observer in order to be able to see the real picture of what is happening.
  • 12 The Hanged Man (L'APPESO). The card warns of the impossibility of achieving the goal due to previously committed mistakes.
  • 13 Death (LA MORTE). Arkan advises to change something in your life, to open yourself up to new beginnings. But before that, you will have to go through a painful abandonment of old habits.
  • 14 Moderation (LA TEMPERANZA). It is necessary to learn to observe the rhythm of energy movement in the flow of life. You should look closely at the fateful signs that surround a person everywhere.
  • 15 Devil (LA DIAVOLO). There is no need to sacrifice self-interest to gain another person's approval. No one will be happier from this for sure.
  • 16 Tower (LA TORRE). The card means the need to abandon the pressure from human instincts. Otherwise, a person will not be able to avoid the influence of negative habits.
  • 17 Stars (LE STELLE). A person will be able to see his own destiny. He will be given the opportunity to easily achieve the cherished goal. And also the destructive feeling of loneliness will leave him for a long time.
  • 18 Moon (LA LUNA). The card warns of illusions that can push a person off the right path. He must learn to distinguish reality from fantasy in order to successfully complete his work.
  • 19 Sun (IL SOLE). A person will have to face serious obstacles. But he can easily get around them, since he will be lucky at such moments.

The study of the Major Arcana is completed by two important cards, namely:

  • 20 Court (IL CIUDIZIO). The card foreshadows the receipt of a reward for all the work done earlier. And it depends only on the actions and deeds of a person whether it will be good or bad.
  • 21 World (IL MONDO). A person will be able to feel his significance and integrity with the world around him.

Justice - a person should not make hasty decisions

The meaning of the Minor Arcana

The Pagan Tarot would not be complete without the Minor Arcana. These cards are present in the gallery, which shows the entire deck. Younger Arcana are well suited for solving everyday problems, health-related issues. You can understand what the pagan Tarot wants to say to the fortuneteller only after studying the meaning of his cards.

The Tarot suits correspond to the four elements, namely Water, Earth, Air and Fire.

Pentacles represent earthly energy. It manifests itself through the material side of life. For example, through everyday activities or nature.

Swords refer to air energy. The cards on which this suit is applied have an impact on the intellectual and mental aspects, on culture and education. Rods are fiery energy. They are correlated with a person's spirituality, his capabilities and abilities. The bowls symbolize water energy. It affects the emotional world of people, affects their personal growth.

The Minor Arcana are divided into two large sections. The first includes numeric cards. They have the following meaning:

  • Ace. The card personifies something new that will certainly enter a person's life and make him start a useful business, take on a number of obligations. He will be ready to take an unexpected action, avoiding unnecessary doubts about the correctness of the decision.
  • Deuce. Card means appeasement. It helps a person to find harmony in life, to find their purpose.
  • Troika. An old stage is coming to an end in a person's life. Following this, something new awaits him. He will be able to abandon the past without much difficulty, since he is attracted by the possibilities of the future.
  • Four. Arkan advises to start active action... Right now, a person has the necessary support on which he will be able to build a successful business. In his life, stability will be observed in the near future.
  • Five. The problems that have bothered man for so long will finally end. All negativity will remain in the past. Hope will be found, which will push to new achievements and victories.
  • Six. It's time to free yourself from the yoke of old things and events. If something has ceased to satisfy a person, then it's time for him to get rid of it. In return, he acquired something more valuable and necessary. And also it will not hurt to forget all grievances and get rid of negative emotions that drain spiritual strength and energy.
  • Seven. One of the most positive cards, the fall of which promises good luck. An interesting undertaking awaits a person. And it will certainly lead to success. If there is such a desire, then you can call on the higher powers to help you quickly realize your cherished dream. But in this case, even faith in yourself will be enough.
  • Eight. This card means overcoming something. No difficulties and obstacles are able to break the spirit of a person who stubbornly pursues the cherished goal. If he continues to move in the right direction, then in the near future only success will await him. And also the card points to good relationship with loved ones.
  • Nine. The card marks several cycles that have come to their logical conclusion. Ahead, a person is expected to enter a new stage of life. If he begins to move towards his destiny, then in the end he will be able to defeat his own demons, who are constantly pulling him into the abyss. But before that, you should master several important life lessons taught in different situations.
  • Ten. Arkan indicates the obligatory summing up. A person will have to rethink the previously committed actions in order to find out if he has achieved success in anything. During this period, it is very important to analyze the experience gained and draw a number of conclusions that will affect the future. If a person is dissatisfied with the result of his actions, then he should begin to correct the mistakes made in the process of mastering life lessons. Only after that, harmony and tranquility will appear in his soul.

The two symbolizes harmony

The most interesting cards in the deck are the yard cards. They are also called persons. They accurately convey the energy of the Tarot and reflect the current stage of its development. Courtyard cards must be interpreted as follows:

  • Elemental (ELEMENTALE). This card represents the primordial form of energy. She has the capabilities of the element to which she belongs. Arkan itself means unlimited inspiration and the creation of something new. The loss of the card foreshadows the completion of the first step towards the implementation of the plan.
  • Beginner (NOVIZIO). Arkan has another name - neophyte. She is an alternative to the knight in the traditional tarot deck. A beginner indicates an area in which a person can manifest their energy. He is able to freely navigate in the actions performed and work to achieve previously set goals. The person will be completely focused on the business that captivated him so much. But he will not lose sight of other events from his life, which at the moment are of less importance to him.
  • Initiated by (INIZIATO). Arkan is also called the Initiate. It falls in the layout on a person who by that time had already managed to achieve something significant and important. But it is not worth stopping personal growth at this stage. You need to keep moving, no matter how difficult it is. In fact, there are still many important events ahead of a person that he must face. If he has the strength to continue working hard, he will soon receive a well-deserved reward. And also a person will forget what laziness is, thanks to which he will be able to achieve new victories.
  • Senior (ANZIANO). The second name of Arkan is pastor. He points to a person who has already managed to realize most of the opportunities provided. He managed to do this without much difficulty. A person can continue to move forward. But for this, he must necessarily transfer a part of the accumulated knowledge and experience to the one who is just beginning to be realized in life. If a person does not begin to teach another, then he will miss his chance to receive new strength, which will fill his body and soul with positive energy.

To correctly understand what information the pagan Tarot wants to convey to the fortuneteller, it is not enough just to memorize the basic meanings of his cards. Indeed, in different layouts, they have different meanings.

The owner of the deck must have a special bond with it. For this, it is necessary to conduct solitary meditations along with cards. And also it is worth trying to connect the emotions that arise when looking at this or that Arcanum, with the events to which it can indicate. All this will allow you to get the most accurate answer to the question asked during the unfolding of the Tarot.

Online fortune telling on the tarot of white and black magic

The Tarot of White and Black Magic or the Pagan Tarot is a predictive system based on the works of the American "Witch". The peculiarity of the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic is that this deck has incredible occult power and depth. The pagan Tarot is very convenient for fortune-telling on a wide variety of questions - on the Tarot of white and black magic, you can guess on love, relationships, work, finances, situation, future and destiny. This deck surprises with amazing accuracy of predictions. The pagan Tarot is also interesting because the plot of each arcana of the Tarot is a part of the "journey", a separate life period of the Witch, who is the main character of this deck

Fortune telling on the pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Meeting of love. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out whether a meeting of a loved one will take place, how the relationship will develop, what kind of person it will be, his emotionality, intellect, material and spiritual potential, and you will also find out what you need to change in yourself in order to quickly meet your love

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Family budget. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what your financial situation really is today, whether it is worth limiting yourself in anything, how much you know how to make money, as well as how to dispose of it, whether you know how to save it, and also what your financial situation will be at the appointed time

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - From the first mouth. This alignment will help you understand the existing problem, find out what is hidden from you, what potential you have not yet used in solving the problem, what do you think about and what you will get in the end

Fortune telling on the pagan Tarot of White and Black magic - Rhombus. This alignment will show the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, favorable opportunities in the upcoming period, possible dangers, how circumstances will develop in a given time, how relations with others will develop, what will be the result of your efforts, and also - what will be the overall result of the conceived period

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic is an Act. This alignment shows the essence of the act, the external reason for its commission, the true motives of the act, what served as an incentive, what you wanted to get as a result of this act and what you actually get, as well as how events would develop in the case of an alternative option

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Chatter. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can understand whether you received the correct information, what it really is - an assumption, gossip or exaggeration, for what purpose this information was conveyed to you and how you should proceed.

Translation spread - unaluna

Divination on the Pagan Tarot - Scheherazade's Tales. This layout will show you the main atmosphere of the month, what positive and negative events can occur during the month, how events will develop in the field of love, work, finance, what your emotional state will be, as well as the results of the month

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - The layout of the day. This fortune-telling will show what role you play today, what are the tasks of the day for you, possible gains and losses of the day, surprises, as well as the result of the day - what it will bring you

Divination on the Pagan Tarot - Healing and improving relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what are the problematic patterns of behavior in relationships, what are you afraid of, how you block out love, what you need to give up in order for the relationship to improve, and also how you can heal the relationship.

Fortune telling on the pagan Tarot of White and Black magic - Family photo. This divination is well suited for analysis. family relations; with the help of this layout you will find out how the situation is in your family in this moment what your mind tells you, what your heart says, as well as the prospect of family relationships in the future

Divination on the Pagan Tarot - Summer hike. With this fortune telling you will find out what will bring you summer period; what are your hopes, plans and dreams, who can you rely on in the summer, what difficulties you have to overcome, as well as the results or results of the summer

Fortune telling on the Tarot of white and black magic - Conflict situation. This fortune-telling will help you understand the causes of a conflict situation; with the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what you are doing differently, how you and your partner need to interact in order to resolve the conflict

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - House of Love. This interesting layout can be used for analysis existing relationships... With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what the relationship is built on, how sincere your feelings are, what needs to be done to improve the relationship.

Fortune telling on the pagan Tarot - Feather Fire Rooster... This fortune telling is used to predict events for the year. With the help of this alignment, you will find out what awaits you in love, marriage, relationships, work finance, health, family, etc. This fortune telling will also show what will be gone forever, what you can get this year and what you will enter into next year

Fortune telling on the pagan Tarot - Tales of Spring. This divination reveals the main trends of spring, the hopes and prospects that spring months bring with them. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what will dominate during the spring, what to expect, what to avoid, what to hope for.

Divination in the Pagan Tarot - Thought, word, deed. This fortune-telling can be used for fortune-telling for any questions, including love and relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn what you can do to resolve an exciting situation.

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - The outcome of the situation. This simple three-card layout will show the present state of affairs in an exciting situation, the immediate future, and the result - what will happen in the future.

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Golden Key. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find answers to exciting questions, understand what the situation or problem looks like, which you must solve, how effective your methods are, what needs to be done to implement your plan, and also what the result will be.

Fortune telling on the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Does he remember me? This fortune-telling will help you find out whether a loved one remembers about you, what his memories are connected with, what is their nature, whether he wants to resume communication, what is the reason for his inaction, and also how he will react if you are the first to take the initiative and go out with him. connection

Divination in the Pagan Tarot of white and black magic - Will he return? This alignment is intended for situations when there was a breakup with a loved one, he left, but feelings for him remained. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what your beloved thinks about the reasons for parting, whether he wants to return, what external circumstances prevent him from returning, and you will also receive an answer to the question: Will he return? What are the prospects for your relationship in the future

Tarot of White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) is an occult deck, which was created based on the works of the American "Witch".

The Tarot of White and Black Magic is an incredibly deep deck, although it does not differ in motley colors and bright portrayal of characters. The peculiarity of these cards is that they have extraordinary power, magical signs, which give the deck a mysterious occult depth. Written by Gina M. Pace and artists Luca Raimondo and Cristiano Spadoni have done an incredible job. They tried to bring together the worldview, teachings and spiritual experience of different cultures and peoples of the world, scattered by culture, time and location. After all, magic has one beginning, and its completely different sources invariably converge on one truth. Hence the idea came to systematize all the material into one universal medium of information, which would not only be able to perform the functions of prediction or magic, but would also become an excellent tool for self-knowledge and meditation. We always have a desire to feel a connection with other spaces and worlds. And the Tarot of White and Black Magic just gives us this opportunity.

Deck structure

Let's move on to the deck structure. The Tarot of White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) adheres to the traditional Arcana hierarchy of the Tarot Waite. The cards are divided into 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. Arcana Strength and Justice are located under number 8 and 11, respectively. The Minor Arcana are illustrated and have four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Court cards in the Tarot of White and Black Magic have a slightly different hierarchy. They are changed according to the occult system and are designated as: Elemental, Novice, Initiated, Elder. Actually, thanks to these changes, the cards of the courtyard more accurately convey the energy characteristic of one or another Arcana. Thus, the card conveys a certain level of energy development. For example, the Elemental of Cups in the Tarot of White and Black Magic symbolizes Ondine or a person experiencing new emotions, sensations, feelings. The Elemental of Wands symbolizes the Salamander or a person with fiery passions and lofty ambitions. The Elemental of Swords represents the Sylphide - a person with great intellectual potential, artistic and mental abilities. And finally, in the Tarot of White and Black Magic, the meaning of the Elemental of Pentacles is a Dwarf, a person who has a deep, strong connection with natural nature, land and animals. The main idea of ​​the Major Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is that the Arcana are energies that affect the main processes in life, as well as shape events and situations in it. These are the energies that each person must learn to manage in order to change their life for the better. The idea of ​​the Minor Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is to apply them to ordinary everyday situations, so to speak, to the solution of everyday issues. After all, the latter are of no less importance in life. The everyday situation greatly affects the degree of a person's spiritual growth.

The purpose and meaning of the deck

Speaking about the Tarot of White and Black Magic, we can say that this deck makes it possible to become truly Free and at the same time - to have foresight of important events, to manage own life generally. It connects together and, at the same time, draws a clear line between White and Black, between creation and destruction. The Tarot of White and Black Magic is ideally combined with both ancient traditions and knowledge, and with diversity. modern world... The deck was created for foresight, situation management and practical application of occult knowledge in real life... Therefore, the Tarot of White and Black Magic will answer both questions related to everyday, everyday problems, and questions of the multidimensionality of space and everything that has not yet been experienced by this world. The Tarot layouts of White and Black magic are mainly used standard. To be honest, the Tarot of White and Black Magic is not an easy deck. Therefore, it is not suitable for every beginner. But I can say with confidence that for those who understand how to read the Tarot of White and Black Magic, the rest of the decks will be given quite easily. So to study these cards it is not necessary to be Initiated or the Elder of the magicians - it is enough to have faith in the supernatural and to feel the relationship with the Universe, with its cosmic energy.

The pagan tarot is an esoteric and occult subject, the work of which was inspired by the work of a witch from America. This gallery does not just have a second name - the tarot of black and white magic, but all because it contains religious and witchcraft teachings, worldviews of different nationalities and continents, spiritual superstitions, secret and explicit beliefs and, of course, ritual practices.

Pagan Tarot - an occult and esoteric subject

All that accumulated and expanded over the years, that was scattered all over the world, the creators combined all the particles together, into one pile of extraordinary and mysterious cards.


The pagan tarot, unlike other fortune-telling decks, is not so bright, it does not contain variegated and clearly traced lines, but these cards conceal tremendous power, magical meaning, spiritualism and philosophy, supersensible and superintelligent knowledge of life. They help to set up the connection between the world of touch and the world of otherworldly substances that defy logical explanation.

There are legends that this is not a simple deck of cards, as it might seem at first glance. Taking it once in your hands, you will become the master of your destiny, you will be able to foresee significant events, take control of your life. These cards will teach you how to apply esoteric knowledge in real life.

Technical specifications

The Pagan tarot is a bit like Waite's tarot in its traditional Arcana arrangement. The main character of the whole deck, and especially of the superior caste, is the mystical girl. The gallery of cards consists of an even number 78, like any magic deck, of which:

  • 22 cards are given to the Elder Arcana - this is the dominant caste, it keeps the entire deck in its submission: these cards reflect the depth of the soul, the state of the fortuneteller;
  • 56 cards are assigned to the Junior Arcana - workhorses, they define each new day, a new surge of emotions: they obey the Senior Arcana, but in their own group they are also subject to the hierarchical ladder.

The Minor Arcana are divided into 4 groups, according to the unifying thread. Each of them has 14 cards:

  • fraternity of cups;
  • the brotherhood of pentacles;
  • guild of wands;
  • league of swords.

The Minor Arcana cards of the tarot of white and black magic (pagan tarot) differ from the ingrained meanings of the traditional divination deck:

  • instead of the Page, here you will meet the Elemental;
  • the beloved Knight will be the Newbie;
  • The Queen will be promoted to the rank of Initiate;
  • well, and the King will be replaced by the Elder.

Pagan Tarot carries a strong and powerful energy

And all this is not for nothing! The tarot contains a strong, powerful energy and the cards change their name according to esoteric visions. Thanks to this, the Lesser Castes characterize the energy of their cards much more accurately.

Superior Arcana

The Major Arcana characterize the most characteristic processes of a person's life, project phenomena and circumstances, read emotions, give advice according to the sensory components of the inner world, call to curb or throw out energy in order to put the course of life on the right track.

  • Jester - the card calls to trust your inner intuition, not to think narrowly, to expand the boundaries of your world, to leave the "shell" and move to the heights.
  • Magician - this card falls out when changes are urgently required in your life. You need to become more decisive, to take the reins into your own hands. High Priestess - try to disconnect from external stimuli, concentrate on your inner world.
  • Empress - you, like a magician with a magic wand, in the form of positive wishes have the opportunity to create a paradise state for yourself and your loved ones. The emperor is like a father protecting his fate, the patron of his desires, you will achieve your goals. The main thing is to act according to your conscience and heart.
  • Hierophant - falls in the most important point, hints that now the hour has come when you need to insist on your own, not to bend under the circumstances. You have enough strength for everything. Lovers - you are at a crossroads, only intuition can tell you which way to move on. Set clear goals for yourself.
  • Chariot - cycle change. If there were any obstacles in front of you, then now is the time to leave them in the past and move in a new direction. Strength - courage, courage, endurance - the main items of strength. You must trust the world, not go ahead, but feel and change with it.
  • Hermit - symbolizes solitude. You are confused, so the map suggests that it is time to stop, to get away from the routine into self-awareness. The wheel is a part of life that you would like to change, the wheel gives you a chance to do so. You will be able to start something that you have not dared to do for a long time. Justice - it's time to pay the old bills. Karma will overtake everyone, so do not do stupid things, do not judge people from a worldly point of view, be guided by the highest.
  • The Hanged Man is a call to energy that will help change what prevents you from going forward. You need to break the chain that holds you in place. Death is a rebirth card. Do not be afraid to leave everything that you have accumulated for many years, there is even more ahead of you, new life, new happiness. Moderation - Don't try to be in two places at the same time. Stop at the more important, follow the signs that fate gives, concentrate all your energy on one thing, do not listen to others.
  • Devil - look back at yourself, do not live to the detriment of your desires and emotions. The devil tempts, suppresses personal desires in order to please society. Break stereotypes, live what is important only for you. Tower - greed, lust, malice, profit too enslaved you. It's time to throw off the shackles, otherwise these emotions will pull you into the abyss. The stars are a signposted road that you must follow. Fateful decisions await you, on this path you will not be left without the help of loved ones.
  • The moon conceals everything that is hidden from view. Enough to live with illusions, go into the real world. Fantasies must remain in the shadows, they can never be realized. The sun is an inner spiritualization, butterflies in the stomach are asking to go out. Open the door for them, let their fears recede. Belief in yourself and your strength will help you overcome everything and restore balance.
  • Judgment - everything that you have done before, karma will overtake you. It's time to reap the fruits of your deeds, it's not all the same time for you to fight, it's time to accept the reward. World - you are a part of the world, everything exists according to the same laws, intertwined with destinies and dreams. Everything works as one mechanism, and you are an integral part of it.

Minor Arcana. Wands

The Younger Arcana, as in the rest of the tarot, predict everyday situations, indicate everyday problems, help solve everyday everyday tasks.

You should not treat them dismissively, because the whole life is built up brick by brick, everything that happens from day to day has a direct impact on our inner state and feeling.

Ace of Wands - a symbol of the fact that something so desired will definitely come true

  • Ace - personifies powerful energy and strength for the embodiment of the plan. New achievements await you that are within your reach, everything that is planned for this day will come true in the best possible way.
  • Deuce - open yourself to something new, accept previously alien ways of life. Look for a new relationship, change jobs, or step out of the shadows into an existing one. Trust in fresh ideas. Troika - she calls for looking for ways to get out of stagnation. Do not keep dreams in your head, start acting, embody material wealth, strive towards love. Four - a fateful event awaits you, even a wedding. Gather all your friends for this celebration of life. You will receive what you deserve, harmony is torn into your destiny. Five - the card says that it is worth stopping and taking a detached look at the current situation, and then you will understand who is putting a spoke in your wheels.
  • Six - personifies the long-awaited success, which will end all undertakings. You may be offered a tempting deal that will generate income, or an offer to get married. Seven - will mark difficulties, but your strength and skill will be enough to cope with them. The main thing is to remain unshakable, in a difficult situation they will come to your aid.
  • Eight - the past is knocking on the door, be prepared to be responsible for what you did earlier. It can be dividends from deposits or you will be punished for “crossing the road”. Nine - but now you will be overtaken by unplanned material losses - minor breakdowns, illnesses, bets on the wrong team. Set aside tough cases for tomorrow. Ten - you have taken on too heavy a burden, and the quality of life suffers from this. A lot of work, a lot of fans who are hard to carry, but it's a pity to throw them out.
  • Elemental - this card personifies a person, like a salamander, it indicates the fiery passion and high ambitions.
  • Beginner - the card says that your emotions are torn out, it is worth learning how to manage them. Curb the ardor so that you do not have to answer for what you have done. It's time to take a break.
  • Initiate - potential and energy will find their application. Paranormal abilities will open in you, you can become an example for someone.
  • The elder is a king by calling, not by appointment. Power loves those who know how to use it, try not to succumb to the personality cult.

Cups - what do they mean

  • Ace - a new feeling will burst into your life. Happiness, wealth, joy, many privileges await you at work. Wait for changes, a new feeling of love rushes to you.
  • Deuce - the card encourages you to accept yourself with all your shortcomings. At work, rivals may appear, in love you will distance yourself from your beloved. Moving is possible.
  • Three - take time for your friends, support them in difficult times, and they will respond in kind. Meeting of old lovers, joint vacations, business plans.
  • Four - self-doubt, dissatisfaction with what you have. Dreams of something unreal. Do not withdraw into yourself, strive to make your dreams come true.
  • Five - troubles and misfortunes will end soon, the main thing is not to lose heart and try to withstand. You will receive a marriage proposal.
  • Six - in this card, past and present collide. It's time to let go of everything that doesn't suit you. Spend time with your family, indulge them with your favorite little things.
  • Seven is a lucky number, it marks success in all endeavors. Strive for the realization of happiness, rejoice at every step on the way to the goal, do not expect that true bliss will come only at the end.
  • Eight - instills a sense of confidence in everything you do. Hold on firmly and perseveringly, you will achieve everything that you have planned. You will throw off everything old and unnecessary, break off a sluggish relationship.
  • Nine - it is important to choose one out of three possible solutions, and no matter how painful and difficult it is, you need to decide, otherwise your strength will not be enough to start all over again. The card promises many suitors.
  • Ten is a great period in everything: in the family, at work, in personal life. The card advises to agree to crazy proposals, to unite in creative unions.
  • Elemental - a water spirit, Ondine, a fabulous mermaid luring travelers, symbolizes a person who learns new sensations, emotions, experiences.
  • Beginner - the card says that you clearly know what you want, are not devoid of dreaminess, are working to achieve your goals. Good luck will not leave you.
  • Dedicated - a woman who can help you make your dreams come true is ready to help you. The card symbolizes respect, care, the desire to understand and support.
  • Senior - now you will meet a wise, domineering woman who wants to tell you her knowledge and skills. Try to behave with restraint and respect.

Pentacles and their meanings

The ace will mark the upcoming difficulties, you need to keep your ear sharp, you will take a decisive step towards reconciliation. Try to make a truce with your opponents. Two - you will find yourself in front of an alternative choice and in order to make the right decision, you need to concentrate on the goal, discarding third-party prompts. Expect a blow from the side.

If a three falls out - an unpleasant card, it promises negative in everything, starting with the loss of a job, quarrels in the family, the loss of a business and ending with the betrayal of a loved one.

Four of Swords - a card that indicates there is a problem that needs to be solved

Four - a problem has appeared, but you cannot escape from it, you need to concentrate all your knowledge in order to solve it. Try not to trust anyone now.

Five - only together can you win. Your friend and you are in a difficult situation, you need to join forces and defend against offensive actions of enemies. Six - in this card, the past and the present meet, you need to escape from the pool of troubles to better life... Take all the most valuable things and move.

Seven - when it seems that there is no way out, a saving beacon will appear on the horizon. This card proves that magic exists and sometimes happiness still falls like snow on your head. Other cards also have their own meaning.

  • Eight - you rush like a tank, no one will shake your confidence in winning a future business. Keep going towards the goal, when it will be difficult - your loved ones will help you.
  • Nine - hints that you are driven by inner fears. Constant state of stress and depression, expectation of a catch. You need to understand what drives them.
  • Ten - it's time to face fear, deal with adversity. Breaking relationships, showdowns with offenders.
  • Elemental - the picture shows a Sylph, a spirit in the form of a woman, personifying the element of air. She speaks of a creative, intellectually developed person.
  • Newbie - you are not restrained by any obstacles, but in order not to break the wood, try to comprehend and plan your actions.
  • Dedicated - you walked for so long and got to the peak, but this is only half of the way, most of it is still ahead, but you are going in the right direction.
  • The elder is a gray-haired man, an old man who will become an ideal for you, whom you will be guided by, he will give you the necessary advice.

It is safe to say that the pagan tarot is not an easy one, and only those who sacredly believe in forces that do not lend themselves to reason, in the supernatural, will be able to understand it, and who feel this thin line between reality and the world of spirits.

The pagan tarot is also called the tarot of white and black magic, it was created on the basis of the work of the American Witch and has extraordinary power and occult depth.

The task of white magic is creation, and black magic is destruction. It was created specifically for practical use in the modern world.

The deck, unlike the deck, is dim, but nothing distracts from its unusual strength.

It combines the knowledge of ancient pagans and modern esotericists, it paints the whole picture of modern life, all of its complex interactions and relationships with multidimensional space and the unknown.

All cards have their own plot and deep meaning. It is a great tool for self-knowledge, meditation, magic and fortune telling.

The real and the other worlds intersect here very easily. The cards will help reveal the path of the witch in different everyday situations, there is a book translated into Russian with all the layouts and descriptions of the cards, it will help you learn this interesting deck and give the necessary recommendations and tips, explain what is happening.

Deck Pagan tarot designed to guide modern pagan practices, it will help and advise in real life.

  • Maps can be used for meditation and reflection, predict and change situations, you can change your world, it will become cleaner and better.
  • These maps will draw a complete picture of our world, show all its complex relationships.
  • It is known in Russia as the Tarot of White and Black Magic, it is no longer a magical tool, but an assistant for those who want to become a true master and find harmony with the world.

The key ones here are the Courtyard Cards, these are the change markers. In the manual you can find semantic and predictive aspects of all arcana and examples of layouts.

The book is written in the author's style, it has a lot of associations and humor. It will appeal not only to professionals, but also to everyone who is ready to work with Tarot in a new way. The deck easily moves from one plane of being to another, all this is one life and it will help everywhere.

She claims that any life experience is valuable, only the year on the calendar is unimportant, faith does not matter, it is only important what people take out of everyday vanity, openings of the soul, those qualities of character that are tempered in trials.

It can be seen as the story of a girl looking for herself in love, career, psychology and mysticism. The deck will appeal to all followers of Wicca and fans of the synthesis approach.

All Elder cards and Lesser arcana have their own plot. The main face of the deck is a young girl, there are no special Wiccan motives in it, most likely, this is just an image of a modern witch.

The general interpretation of this deck is similar to the classic one, but the drawing of some cards is very different from the usual one. It also has a special meaning, it is similar in this to, but there is much more depth here.

The minor arcana are divided into Pentacles, the element of the earth, Swords - symbolizing air, Cups - water and Wands - fire, people are not depicted on Aces, only the form of elements and seasons is reflected in them.

From twos to tens, all the cards of the Minor arcana tell their own story, mark events that can occur in the life of a person, a pagan, a witch, on the five of Pentacles you can see a woman standing in line at a pawnshop and looking back at a man standing next to her, holding her hand close to her bag ...

The four of Wands shows a pagan wedding and 4 wands are raised over the heads of the lovers.

  • The palace cards are Elementals, Novices, Initiates, and Elders.
  • Elementals represent pure elemental energy. Other palace maps point to people of different ages and different degrees of initiation.
  • Cups and Pentacles are women, while Swords and Wands indicate men. The symbolism of the deck is very clear and transparent, easy and interesting to read.

This is a feminine and soft deck, it is calm and harmonious, it's like communicating with an older and wiser friend, he loves to joke and laugh, and gives all the answers with a half smile.

There is a lot of Earth energy in this deck, it is dim, because it is sustained in brown-green tones. This deck is focused on the inner world of a person, his self-knowledge.

At first, she gives simple answers, they seem to lie on the surface, but then she begins to reveal situations deeply and shifts the focus to the inner problems of a person.

It will help spiritual growth and development. It is great for meditation. There are no unambiguously bad cards in it, even an unsuccessful alignment is the point of the beginning of a new round of life, any death always speaks of a new birth and beginning, the rest in this regard are very different from it.

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