Natural enemies of the fox in nature. Sly fox (fox). What does a fox eat and who does it hunt?

Plastic windows 09.05.2021
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The common fox or red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a predatory mammal that belongs to the canine family. Currently, the common fox is the most common and largest species of the fox genus.

Description of the common fox

The red fox is an extremely widespread predator in our country, belonging to the class of mammals and the canine family. Such an animal is of high economic importance as a valuable fur-bearing animal, as well as a regulator of the number of insects and rodents. In appearance, the fox is a medium-sized wild animal with an elongated muzzle, a very graceful body and low, rather thin paws.


The color and size of the fox have noticeable differences depending on the habitat. In the northern regions, the mammalian predator has a larger body size and a light coat color, while in the south, rather small and dull-colored individuals are more common. Among other things, in the northern regions, as well as in mountainous areas, the presence of black-brown and other melanistic forms of fox color is very often noted.

However, the most common coloration is with a bright red back area, a whitish belly and dark legs. Often, the common fox has brown stripes located on the ridge and in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, resembling a cross in appearance. The average body length of an adult predator varies between 60-90 cm, and the tail length is 40-60 cm with a shoulder height of 35-40 cm. The standard weight of a mature fox can range from 6.0 to 10.0 kg.

It is interesting! Common distinguishing features of the common fox, regardless of the main color, are the presence of dark-colored ears and a very characteristic white tip on the tail.

Fox subspecies

Currently, there are about forty or fifty subspecies of the red fox, not counting the smallest forms of this mammalian predator. About fifteen subspecies live on the territory of European countries, and about thirty main subspecies are known in the rest of the natural range.

Lifestyle and character

An individual site occupied by a mature pair or family of foxes provides predators not only with a sufficient food supply, but is also suitable for arranging holes that this mammal digs on its own. Quite often, foxes use empty burrows abandoned by badgers, marmots, arctic foxes and other types of burrowing animals as dwellings.

Cases are well known when a fox adapted a separate nest of another wild animal for its needs and, thus, inhabited a hole simultaneously with such an animal as, for example, a badger.

Most often, the fox settles on ravine slopes or among hills, represented by sandy soils protected from the bay by rain, ground or melt water. In any case, the hole of such a predator necessarily has several entrance holes at once, as well as long tunnels and a convenient nesting chamber. In some cases, foxes use natural shelters in the form of voluminous caves and rocky crevices or a hollow in a thick fallen tree for living.

It is interesting! As a rule, foxes use permanent shelters exclusively for the period of birth and rearing of cubs, and the rest of the time, the predator is content with resting in an open-type den, equipped in grass or snow.

The common fox, moving in a calm state, moves in a straight line, therefore it leaves behind a fairly clear and well-marked chain of tracks. A frightened animal is characterized by a fast run with a low inclination of the body and a fully extended tail. The vision of a predator is perfectly adapted for the dark time of the day, when the animal is most active.

Along with other predatory animals, the fox reacts with lightning speed to any movement, but it recognizes colors very poorly, especially during daylight hours.


In captivity, the average life expectancy of an ordinary fox reaches a quarter of a century, and a wild predatory animal living in natural conditions can live no more than ten years.

Range and habitats

The common fox inhabits almost all territories of our country, with the exception of the northern tundra and the island parts of the Polar Basin, where it lives en masse. Such a common predator is very well adapted to a wide variety of habitat conditions, therefore it is found in mountainous areas, taiga and tundra, as well as in steppe and desert regions. However, regardless of the habitat, the fox prefers open or semi-open spaces.

On the territory of the tundra and forest-tundra, the predatory mammal adheres to forests, which are located in river valleys and near lakes. The best place that is optimally suited for the habitat of the fox is represented by the central and southern regions of our country, where small forest zones are interspersed with numerous ravines and rivers, meadows or fields.

If in the autumn-winter period the animal spends a significant part of its time in fairly open areas, then with the onset of spring and summer, at the stage of active reproduction, the predator moves to more remote places.

Food of an ordinary fox

Despite belonging to the category of typical predators, the diet of the common fox is very diverse. The food base of such an animal is represented by four hundred species of animals, as well as several dozen species of plant crops. However, almost everywhere the diet of a predatory mammal includes small rodents. With the onset of the winter period, the fox preys mainly on voles.

It is interesting! Mouse hunting is a way of hunting a common fox, in which the animal, smelling the cover of a rodent under the snow, practically dives under the snow with quick jumps, and also scatters it with the help of its paws, which makes it easy to catch prey.

Rather large mammals, including hares and roe deer cubs, as well as birds and their chicks, play a lesser role in the diet of the predator. Individuals living in desert and semi-desert areas trade by catching reptiles, and predators of Canada and the northeastern part of Eurasia, inhabiting coastal regions, seasonally use salmon that died after spawning for their food. AT summer period the fox eats a large number of beetles and any other insects, as well as their larvae. In a particularly hungry period, a predatory mammal is able to use the collected carrion for food. Vegetable food is represented by fruits, fruits and berries, and sometimes vegetative parts of plants.

Reproduction and offspring

The beginning of the breeding season of the red fox falls on the middle or end of winter, when five or six males, yelping and fighting with each other, can pursue one female at once. In preparation for the birth of babies, the female carefully cleans the hole, and after the birth of foxes, the mother practically stops leaving her home. During this period, the male hunts, leaving his prey at the very entrance to the hole.

In a litter, as a rule, there are five or six, blind and with closed auricles cubs, whose body is covered with a short children's fluff of a dark brown color. From the very first days of life, the cubs have a characteristic white tip of the tail. Growth and development in foxes occur quite quickly. At the age of two or three weeks, the babies are already opening their ears and eyes, as well as teething, so they begin to gradually crawl out of the hole to try the "adult" food.

It is interesting! The growing offspring at this time are fed by both parents.

Milk feeding lasts no more than a month and a half, after which the cubs begin to gradually get used to independent hunting. As a rule, fox cubs enter adulthood not earlier than the onset of autumn. As the practice of observations shows, some young females are already in next year begin to breed, but in most cases become fully sexually mature only at the age of one and a half to two years. Males reach sexual maturity about a year or two later.

In the darkness of a moonless night
The fox crawls on the ground
Stealing towards the ripe melon.


Though fox and is a predator, but still its diet consists of a wide variety of foods. The fox is practically omnivorous.

No matter what conditions the fox finds herself in, she will always be able to find food for herself and adapt to environment and human activities. At the same time, they show amazing perseverance and ingenuity. That is why foxes are distributed everywhere from arctic to tropical latitudes, live in the most various conditions and geographic areas.

Red Cougar

Foxes do not limit themselves to any one dish, they can eat animals over three hundred various kinds. The main part of the diet is made up of field mice, ground squirrels and other small rodents. Therefore, it is believed that foxes bring significant benefits to agriculture, reducing the number of pests.

Much less often, luck accompanies the fox in hunting larger game, such as hares. Hares occupy a small share in the diet of foxes, although predators do not miss the opportunity to feast on long-eared ones and catch rabbits quite often. And when the hare pestilence comes, they do not disdain the corpses.

Birds play a smaller role in the diet of the fox compared to rodents, although the fox never misses an opportunity to hunt any bird that has flown down, both small and large, does not bypass the laying of eggs, small chicks, and destroys nests.

According to popular belief, foxes like to visit chicken coops for poultry, but this happens much less often than is commonly thought, hunger forces predators to do this when they cannot get other food. These raids bring much less harm compared to the benefits of reducing the number of rodents by foxes.


In winter, most of the food sources disappear, fly south, fall asleep deep in burrows, there is practically no plant food, and then the voles that are always available rescue the fox. In winter, you can often see on the field how the red predator performs an intricate dance. This is the mouse.

Hearing and smelling the nesting of voles, it begins to dance in one place, bouncing on its hind legs and hitting the snow or ground with force with its front legs. Then it remains for her to catch frightened mice running out of holes. Sometimes she dives into the snow with her muzzle and can fall through the snow up to half of her body. Each such dive is rewarded with prey in the fox's mouth.

Not meat alone

In the southern part of Europe, foxes often feed on small reptiles, on Far East and in Canada, living along rivers, they seasonally feed on salmon fish that have washed ashore after spawning. The fox hunts bugs and other insects with pleasure and deftly in the summer and eats a lot of them. By this, foxes bring great benefits to the forest and agriculture: eating May beetles and their larvae, they keep the number of beetles within the normal range. Fox cubs are very fond of chasing cockchafers, honing their skills and catching their favorite delicacy. The fox will not lose sight of the gaping fisherman, or rather, his nets with fish.

Finally, foxes, for lack of a better one, do not disdain various carrion, and in times of famine - all sorts of garbage. Then they can be seen rummaging around garbage cans, garbage dumps, although they do not do this as often as people.

And for dessert

The ability of the fox to feast on a variety of foods has become a part of folklore.

Almost all foxes eat plant foods, especially in the southern territories. When the fruits are almost ripe

Fox- one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But the Fox, as a fabulous image, is endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a magnificent tail, which is slightly less than half the length of the body, a red coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. Besides Fox slim, graceful, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What does a fox look like

fox they also call it red, and this is actually true, only her belly is white, gray or slightly brownish, and her chest is light. The back and sides of the Fox are colored differently in different parts: from bright red to gray.

In the northern forests, Foxes are fiery red and more, in the forest-steppe - yellowish-gray and less. Sivodushki, krestovki, silver fox - these are ordinary foxes with deviations from the usual color. Black-brown fur is the most beautiful: guard hairs with white upper parts give the fur a silvery tint.

Such Foxes have been bred many years ago on fur farms, black-brown Foxes are very rare in nature.

summer fox fur hard and short, in it she looks lean, big-headed and even long-legged, he suits Lisa less than winter. And by autumn, winter fur grows - beautiful, thick. Shedding Fox once a year - in the spring.

Fox habits

The fox is a good hunter. In addition to being observant and quick-witted, she has an excellent visual memory, a good sense of smell and sharp hearing. The mouse squeaks a little, and fox hears it is a hundred meters away, a vole rustles on dry grass under a half-meter layer of snow - and hears it. It climbs well on steeps, swims, and on the shore it is exceptionally maneuverable. Her ingenuity on the hunt or when escaping from her pursuers is admirable.

Fox will be able to climb a tree if it is slightly inclined or branches low from the ground. The fox is very active. She knows her hunting area to the smallest detail, systematically inspects it. patterned chains in winter fox footprints bizarrely cross fields, copses, ravines, getting lost on roads and paths and intertwining around stacks of straw, stacks of dry soybean stalks, piles of deadwood and in other places where mice and voles live.

There was, and still is, an opinion that the fox food - hares. Of course, the Fox loves the hare, but she can not catch up with the hare often - where can she keep up with such a runner.

However, Foxes do well without hare. It is estimated that there are more than 300 different animals in the diet of the Fox, from insects to large birds.

And yet the main fox food - rodents. They occupy 80-85% of her diet. To get enough, the Fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. And where fox feeding- and the area of ​​​​its feeding area is on average 10 kilometers in diameter - there are much fewer rodents than where there are no foxes.

After the rains, the fox collects earthworms in abundance. in shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, takes out shells. It happens that half-eaten prey remains, and then the Fox hides it, taking it to different places. Then she will certainly find these reserves and eat them.

It is characteristic that, being a typical predator, the Fox is happy to eating berries, apples, some vegetables.

Fox hunts, as a rule, at dusk and at night, during the day it can be seen only in a low-feeding period, most often in winter, and even in summer, when foxes grow.

Norami the fox enjoys mainly during the rearing of offspring, and the rest of the time prefers to rest on open space: under the roots of a twisted tree, in a ravine, on a haystack.

fox breeding

Mating season for foxes starts from the end of January - in February, and in the north and in March, although even before that you can often see a male and a female in a pair. At wedding time, in March, several males court one female, and fights between them are a common occurrence. During the rut, the Foxes are very excited, often yelping and howling, especially loners who have not yet found a mate for themselves.

Males and females can be distinguished by their voices. Fox female makes a triple bark and ends it with a short howl, and the male barks more and more like a dog. Having retired, couples play a lot, they even arrange peculiar dances: the Fox rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. From this dance got its name foxtrot(The word "foxtrot" is English and means "fox step").

Male foxes are good family men. They not only take an active part in raising young animals, but also touchingly take care of their girlfriends long before they give them lovely foxes: they carry food, improve burrows.

fox cubs in a litter there are from 4 to 12, but most often 5-6. They appear after 51-53 days of pregnancy, usually at the end of April or in the first half of May. fox cubs born weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow quite quickly. In less than a month, they already see, hear, weigh about 1 kilogram, come out of the hole, and soon begin to play and frolic. From that time on, Fox's parents bring them half-dead game so that the cubs acquire hunting skills.

As soon as a person even accidentally stumbles upon the Fox hole, as on the very next night The foxes will be transferred to another place, in a spare hole, there are usually several of them at the Foxes on the site. If a Foxes are in danger, adults discover amazing presence of mind. Even when a person breaks a hole with a shovel, they try to the last to save their children - to bring them out through one of the otnorks.

fox cunning

Sometimes you can see in fox behavior actions resembling episodes from fairy tales. For example, the fox approaches the black grouse, gathered on the current in an open meadow, surprisingly cunningly: she pretends that they are not at all interested in her, does not even look in their direction; sometimes it will lie down, take a nap, and the birds lose their vigilance, go about their business - very much Lisa is a good actress.

In the meantime, Patrnkeevna will advance a meter or two towards them. The Fox does not spare time for the game: sometimes such a performance lasts an hour or two. Then a few lightning-fast jumps - and the hunt was victoriously completed.

Not many animals are called by name and patronymic. But the Fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago, there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrickey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the Fox has long been considered by the people as a very cunning beast, then as the heiress of the famous prince, she received Patrikeevna's patronymic.

Being a typical predator, the Fox eats berries, apples, and some vegetables with pleasure.

Little foxes they fight well with pests such as May beetles.

The fox is a very fast, ferocious and cunning predator. But this does not mean that she herself does not become a victim of stronger predators.

There are many different predators that consider it good food. Since the fox is medium in size, this makes it fairly easy prey for many large animals. At the same time, she is not too difficult to defeat.

And in today's article we will talk about who can be a potential enemy for this animal.

Asking the question "Who eats the fox?" immediately you need to answer - lynx. The lynx is an animal that lives next to the fox. They are very experienced hunters with powerful jaws. The fox for this kind of cat is habitual food. In most cases, when these two animals meet, the fox dies and becomes food for the stronger cat.


Despite the fact that he, like the fox, is a canine, that is, in fact, relatives, he will still hunt her. Since wolves live in a pack, and it consists of a large number of individuals, they can bypass their prey from different directions. They begin to move towards the prey, forming a tight circle, so that the victim has no way to escape.

Since one, even an adult fox, will not be enough to feed all the members of the pack, the wolves will begin to hunt for a large number of animals.

In general, it is not their favorite treat. Yes, and small in size, especially for voracious young males. However, if there is little food in the forest, or other habitat, then the wolves will begin to practice cannibalism.

For this reason, in some areas of the planet they meet each other as enemies, and in other areas as representatives of the canine family.

The wolf is a very wise hunter and will do his best to provide enough food for his entire pack. Therefore, in regions where there are problems with living creatures and foxes and wolves live, the former are in serious danger.

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By the way, this is what the statistics say. In those regions where there are no wolves, but there is a fox, she feels almost completely safe. Moreover, in such regions there is a rapid increase in the number of "redheads". On average, their population has doubled, and in some places even tripled in the absence of wolves.

Seems to be thanks folk tales we know everything about the fox. She is the first raider in the world who captured a bast hare hut only because it was cold for her to spend the winter in an icy one. She is an unreliable business partner, with whom it is better not to mess with even a straightforward, unsophisticated wolf. She is so cunning that she can extricate herself from any sticky situation, especially one that would threaten her life or her red fluffy tail.

In the folklore of many peoples of the world, she was given the status of an “anti-hero”, and even the famous medieval “Romance of the Fox”, in which the Fox Renard looks very attractive against the background of the characters opposing him, could not shake this opinion.

Naturally, the answer to the question of what the fox eats is assumed to be unambiguous: the scope of its gastronomic interests is defenseless bunnies, koloboks, which so carelessly escaped from their owners, chickens, which we did not have time to keep track of for some reason ... And we, like the presenters popular American TV show "Mythbusters", let's try to find out now how "a fairy tale is a lie" and what percentage of a hint it contains. Moreover, lately keeping foxes at home has become fashionable, and it is natural that their owners are very interested in the issue of feeding their red pets.

But, as usual, let's start in order and a little from afar.

As science says...

If we apply for primary general information to scientists, then with considerable surprise we learn about disagreements in determining which animals can be attributed to foxes. We will be told that in general the word "fox" refers to mammals of the canine family, and they will add that only ten species are assigned by zoologists to this genus. However, the existing classification consists of at least 22 species. Thus, we can make an intermediate conclusion that the diet of a fox directly depends on two factors: where it lives and what species it belongs to.

The most famous and widespread representative of foxes, which will be mainly discussed, is an ordinary fox. It is distributed over most of the land - both in the Russian forest and the Canadian tundra, and in the arid regions of North Asia and on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the territory inhabited by it, there are more than 40 subspecies, not counting those that are artificially grown in captivity for fur. But they differ from each other more on formal grounds than on essential ones.

What does it eat

In the matter of nutrition, the fox shows an amazing omnivorousness. Despite the fact that she is a predator to such an extent that she does not disdain carrion in winter, her menu also includes a number of plants. The main component of its diet in the wild, especially in winter, is small rodents: field mice, steppe lemmings, mole voles, lemmings, muskrats. There is even a special kind of hunting for them - mouseling - inherent only to the fox and consisting in the following: smelling a rodent under the snow, she first "listens" to him, then, after waiting for a moment, dives under the snow or scatters it with her paws, trying to grab her prey. The value of voles for the fox is so great that its population even directly depends on their numbers.

The common belief that foxes feed on hares is not entirely true. They are usually neglected by foxes due to their size difference, although there are examples when they actually hunt rabbits and eat the corpses of adult hares. Foxes large sizes may also prey on roe deer cubs. A fox will not pass by a bird that is on the ground, it can even feast on a large bird like a capercaillie, ruin a nest with eggs or eat chicks. The statement that the fox eats chickens and other poultry is not entirely true either. Of course, if she settled near the dwelling, then she would not fail to raid the chicken coop, but she would not do this as often as it is commonly thought - mainly during periods of feeding foxes. However, this danger can be minimized by taking certain safety measures in relation to your hens. A much more terrible enemy for chickens is the marten.

The further south the habitat of the fox, the more sophisticated and unusual its diet. In deserts and semi-desert areas, the fox feeds on various reptiles. Living near rivers (particularly in Canada), foxes feed on dead salmon. In summer, insects - beetles and grasshoppers - fall into the sphere of her gastronomic preferences. Finally, the same plants that we mentioned at the beginning, and their fruits, fruits and berries are part of the fox menu in the south.

As for representatives of other fox species, they basically eat the same as the common fox. Differences in food are dictated by the habitat and are more cognitive than fundamental, representing a change in the proportion of certain foods. We will talk about these features now.

  1. The menu of the American corsac consists of rodents, rabbits, birds that nest on the ground, small reptiles and fruits. In winter, he will not pass by carrion, and in summer - by insects (beetles, grasshoppers and locusts), which can make up to half of his entire diet.
  2. the Afghan fox is more herbivorous than other species. In addition to the desert and semi-desert flora and plants of the mountainous areas, where it mainly lives, the fox also feeds on insects, not excluding locusts, and small rodents. She also regales herself with gourds - in those areas where they are grown, she can be found quite often.
  3. the African fox is the most herbivorous of all foxes, also prefers berries and fruits. Occasionally, she can diversify her lunch with rodents, lizards and invertebrates.
  4. the Bengal fox eats small animals, insects, reptiles, beetles, bird eggs, and only occasionally fruits.
  5. the gastronomic interests of the corsac (steppe fox) coincide with the preferences of the common fox, so for each other they are food competitors and enemies. The only difference in their menu is that occasionally the corsac can hunt ground squirrels, hedgehogs and hares - both adults and cubs - and that it is almost not interested in plants and fruits.
  6. the sand fox eats pretty much the same food as the afghan fox.
  7. the main role in the diet of the Tibetan fox is played by pikas - small animals that look like hamsters. In addition to them, she also feeds on other animals related to them - hares, rodents - as well as birds that nest on the ground and their eggs. May also eat berries, insects and small reptiles.
  8. Fenech, living in the deserts of the northern and central parts of the African continent, is one of the most omnivorous fox representatives. A significant part of the food - and these are small animals, eggs, various insects, locusts, carrion, fruits and roots of plants - he has to dig up. Large ears make it easier for him to get food, capable of picking up the smallest rustle that is made by his potential victims.
  9. The South African fox, which feeds on small animals and fruits, also belongs to omnivorous species.
  10. the arctic fox, which is also called the polar fox, is also omnivorous due to its range. His behavior can serve as an excellent illustration of the saying "Hunger is not an aunt, she will not serve a pie." At the heart of its diet, as in many species, are rodents - most often lemmings - and birds. In addition, it actively feeds on fish - both caught on its own and thrown ashore - and almost all types of scarce northern vegetation - berries, herbs, even algae. A large share of its menu is made up of carrion and animals caught in traps, including their own relatives. Arctic fox can often be seen accompanying polar bears - he picks up the meat of dead seals that they have not eaten. Sometimes he even preys on baby reindeer.
  11. the gray fox (tree fox), which is often found in the North American forest, feeds on various forest rodents, birds, insects, and sometimes chickens. She is also supportive of plant foods and will not miss the opportunity to ruin a squirrel or bird's nest due to the fact that she climbs trees very well.
  12. the island fox, living in only one place - on the six Chenep Islands off the coast of Southern California - eats what can be found there: insects, fruits, small animals, reptiles, birds and their eggs. It is interesting that in nature there are six subspecies of the island fox - exactly according to the number of islands - and that each island has only its own subspecies inherent in this particular island.
  13. the diet of mikong, found in South America, is affected by seasonality, so it is almost the most diverse. Maikong feeds on everything that the surrounding flora and fauna can offer him: rodents and marsupials (mole and opossum), reptiles, birds, fish, turtle eggs, insects, crabs, carrion, berries. Sometimes he even kidnaps chickens and domestic ducks.
  14. almost nothing is known about the nutrition of the small fox that lives in the South American forest, since it leads a secretive life, which is also facilitated by its color. One can only assume that her menu consists of plant foods and some small inhabitants of the forest.
  15. Andean fox (culpeo) mainly eats traditionally - rodents, birds, lizards, hares, rabbits and pikas. Interestingly, only occasionally does she allow herself to eat carrion or some kind of plant food.
  16. the menu of the South American fox, like mikong, is influenced by the change of seasons. In spring and summer it feeds on rodents, occasionally on rabbits and birds, in autumn it switches to fruits, seeds and berries. It is interesting that in some places of its range (and it is distributed throughout the south of the South American continent), the fox, on the contrary, prefers European rabbits, birds and their eggs, and also eats scorpions and reptiles. In winter, carrion, rodents and armadillos become almost the main source of food in its menu. If a fox of this species lives near a settlement, it can also feast on poultry.
  17. The Darwin fox prefers to eat insects, small mammals, birds, amphibians, berries and carrion.
  18. The food of the Paraguayan fox is almost no different from that of the Maikong and, in addition, includes hares, scorpions, armadillos and snails.
  19. The Brazilian (aka gray-haired) fox is insectivorous and feeds on termites and grasshoppers, but rodents can also be found in its diet.
  20. The securan fox mainly consumes plant foods, but can also diversify its breakfast with grasshoppers, mice, carrion, scorpions, fruits, poultry and guinea pigs, and even its small size does not stop the fox from hunting the last two.
  21. the big-eared fox (motlozi, sechuan) is perhaps the least diverse in its diet, but at the same time, in comparison with the diet of other foxes, it is the most unexpected. Insects (termites, beetles and locusts) and their larvae occupy the main place in its menu, and less than one tenth of the total diet is accounted for by lizards, rodents and bird eggs. Occasionally, she can afford to eat something vegetable. It is also known that the big-eared fox has a sweet tooth and loves honey and sweet fruits and fruits. The addiction to them comes to the point that if they are in abundance, then she can eat them more often than her favorite insects.


As can be seen from all of the above, the fox remains a predator in any corner of the globe, even if it eats insects and fruits. Therefore, the question of whether a fox is dangerous for a hare can be answered as follows: it all depends on where the hare has to live. If - in the forest, then an ordinary fox can pass by it; if in the steppe, then the corsac will not fail to dine with them.

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