Which zodiac sign is most often lonely. The loneliest female signs of the zodiac, which, due to their nature, repel men. Cancer: you are an unsociable loner

For fitting and assembly work 19.03.2021
For fitting and assembly work

The relationship between people is a complex area of ​​psychology. The questions that arise about why some remain lonely and misunderstood, while others are literally surrounded by fans and attention require careful analysis.

Of course, in many respects everything is determined by the character of a person, his manner of communication. The lonely signs of the zodiac are far from a myth. Astrologers have long ago identified the connection between communication skills and date of birth.

The loneliest signs of the zodiac: the representatives of the earth

It so happened that it is this element that has the most lonely people. The energy of the earth gives them incredible performance and intelligence, but deprives them of spiritual and emotional closeness. The loneliest signs of the zodiac among women and men in this case look like this:


Taurus list bypassed. The incredible pressure of these representatives of the earth allows them to achieve the desired result in any direction. Yes, including looking for a partner.


Workaholics with a pronounced definition of the quality of life. They look for the same from a partner, however, they often do not find it. They love comfort and coziness.

Emotionally, many Capricorns are withdrawn and uncommunicative. It is difficult to meet their criteria, which is why other people often bypass them.


Perfectionists to the core. At the same time, it is often believed that many life partners are simply not good enough for them. They love to plan and live according to a well-defined schedule. Naturally, this scares off a lot of people.

What sign of the zodiac is always lonely: representatives of other elements

In this case, there is only one representative from each element. The fact is that it is among earth signs that such a sad tendency of loneliness has developed. The list of the rest looks like this:


Situations in each case are individual. Therefore, all the points listed above should be discussed in more detail.


Strives for leadership throughout life. Often because of this, it suppresses the partner's energy. This behavior inevitably leads to a breakup.

What is the loneliest zodiac sign? It is impossible to accurately answer this question, but the chances of not finding your soul mate are the highest with Aries.


Extremely impulsive individuals. They open up to people completely and trust them almost infinitely. As a result, this is often trivially used.

This attitude leads to emotional tightness and closeness. After a number of problems in their personal life, crayfish simply stop looking for a partner.



The date of birth determines the character of a person. Naturally, his fate directly depends on this. Yes, including in behavior with the opposite sex.

Aquarius: you are a sarcastic witty loner

You are a super thinker, and as such it is difficult for you to open up. When asked why you are alone, you are not afraid to confuse the questioner with your wit and sarcasm. You often leave others at a loss as you digest what you say.

Pisces: you are a loner in sorrow

Lonely Pisces are alarmed. Of all the zodiac signs, you are the one who needs a relationship the most because your emotional state is at stake. You have a bad habit of redefining your worth because of your loneliness. Although you love living in your fantasy world, you value your partner's company highly.

Aries: you are a dating independent loner

You are independent and at the same time intimidated. A killer combination, isn't it? You value your independence very much and you enjoy being the one who decides everything. Your action speaks louder than words makes your time worthwhile. You believe it's better to be lonely than broken by false promises and fleeting feelings. But you deserve a decent party, so don't be afraid to go on a date and really get to know the person. Suddenly he is your destiny.

Taurus: you are a selfish, unselfish loner

You don't like being told what to do. You don't like responsibilities and attachments. You are so mired in your independence that you do not give others a chance to enter your life. You are very selfish about who to give your time and energy to, but this makes you more calm about yourself.

Gemini: you are an undecided loner

Gemini love to date. Your energy is in full swing. You always stay late in companies or nightclubs. You enjoy the free life and make the most of it until you find someone who can complement you. Until then, you will move from one place to another to kill time and boredom.

Cancer: you are an unsociable loner

You have so many memoirs that you can make a library of them. The first volume of your single life focuses on trust issues because your previous relationship left a scar on your heart, and because most people have used you. You have a complex mind; therefore, being alone is the perfect time to take care of yourself.

Leo: you're a low-key loner who doesn't want to be alone

Just like Pisces, you cannot be alone. You live for praise and attention. And while the people around you can provide this to you, the fact that you are missing someone nearby drives you crazy. That's why when someone interesting appears on the horizon, you start hunting them. Don't worry, you won't be lonely for long.

Virgo: you are a loner who doesn't care about being alone

You are lonely and this is not bad for you. You find it convenient and practical that no one makes you tantrum. You sleep well knowing that no one is cheating on you. You are smart enough to deal with loneliness.

Libra: you are a wandering loner

Considering that you are a public person, being alone is not a problem for you. Libra is a free butterfly flitting from flower to flower. You use this period to learn more about yourself, the people around you, and the world, without thinking that others are holding you back from jealousy and insecurity.

Scorpio: you are an ambitious, suspicious and vengeful loner

In your loneliness, you are like a Virgo, because you would prefer to live a free life. You have so many goals planned that relationships are a problem. You don't trust people easily because you know that not all of them have good intentions. This can make you suspicious, but usually you don't care. You are independent and unpredictable, and if someone doesn't love you, that's their problem.

Sagittarius: you are a non-bored loner

You share the same love with Libra: humans, but share the same dislike as Taurus: commitment. You have high goals in life, and if a person tries to enter your life without the same intentions as you, you switch to someone else. In general, you are comfortable being alone.

Capricorn: you are a loner careerist

You have certain priorities, but you're still not sure what you really want. You are missing something, but you do not know exactly what. You have a very high sense of responsibility, which has both positive and negative effects on your life, because people are too dependent on you. As a Capricorn, you focus on your career, not your relationship.

5th place - Capricorn

The honorable 5th place is occupied by smart and charismatic Capricorns. They are so stubborn that they will never do what their soul does not want. Representatives of this zodiac sign try to be very selective about their surroundings, strive to control their relationships. They cannot stand boredom, so they surround themselves with the most worthy representatives of this powerful world. By the way, if Capricorns are upset or upset about something, then it is better not to approach - they will attack.

In appearance, Capricorn is cold, but behind the insensitive facade there are traits of an insanely gentle, kind and romantic nature. The same feelings live in their souls as in others, but they are under the strict control of logic and are not shown to others. They always have their own point of view on everything, which, more often than not, is quite unusual and interesting.

Capricorn is very difficult for understanding, because he keeps a lot inside and tells about himself only to those whom he fully trusts. Those who are in love with Capricorns can only wish patience and endurance ...

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4th place - Aquarius

These people are very complex, but at the same time so charming that life without them will never be the same and happy. Aquarians- are smart, but often their emotions take over, and they begin to leave the correct and previously thought out course of movement. This sign is specific and quite difficult to communicate. They value and respect only their own opinion; for them there is “nothing like that” in accusing someone in order to justify themselves. They are purposeful, but in places they are very despotic.

You should not call Aquarius cold people. They are hot as fire! But they prefer to hide their flame inside, trusting it only to those closest to them. You don't need to think that someone can control their life, Aquarius will always demand independence. Astrologers believe that Aquarius one of the most controversial and complex signs of the zodiac.

3rd place - Gemini

Very difficult, deep, intelligent Gemini is in third place. Twins are constantly being led somewhere. They are bright, talkative and moody. In the most difficult moments, they put on a “mask of indifference” or even cruelty and leave the “ball” without saying goodbye to anyone. The opinion of others does not mean anything to them. They have their own fantasy world in their heads.

Gemini do not like criticism and try to protect themselves from it with feigned indifference and coldness in relationships. They always defend their interests, the Gemini will never allow themselves to be pushed and always rebel against the rude and unceremonious violation of their rights. They enter into disputes with incredible ease, and they will earnestly defend their opinions, not agreeing to compromise.

Loving a Gemini with all your heart is a difficult job, it is fraught with a lot of experiences, excitement and pain, because the partner will always feel the fresh wind in the heart of the Gemini. Despite this, the Gemini woman is an excellent companion, versatile, lively and dreamy, kind and demanding and unyielding woman.

It's no secret that the main female problem is love relationships and the difficulties of getting married. A single woman cannot be happy without wanting stable love relationship with the prospect of starting a family.

This article suggests looking for the causes of loneliness in our zodiac signs. What prevents each of them from being happy in love, why is marriage difficult?

The signs of the zodiac that are conducive to marriage are: Taurus, Libra, Cancer.
Several marriages are included in the horoscopes of signs such as: Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius.
Zodiac signs that are not conducive to marriage: Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo.
Zodiac signs who find it more difficult than others to establish trust and understanding with the opposite sex: Aries, Leo and Scorpio.

The reasons for the loneliness of Aries

Aries are known to all for their fighting nature. These are Amazon Women who strive to be the first everywhere, whether at work, at home or with friends. In relationships with men, they want to assert themselves, are prone to competition, and, moreover, are unnecessarily conflicted. The feeling of struggle and other passions feeds the Aries Woman and is often the fuel for "fiery passion". As soon as the relationship becomes calm and ordinary, interest in sex immediately fades away, which is of great importance for Aries. Overcoming this quality creates an additional condition for creating a stable and harmonious union.

The reasons for the loneliness of Taurus

In the first place among the reasons for all failures in love among Taurus women is their excessive commercialism. These women will never be happy with a sweetheart in a hut. Their ideal is a successful, influential and self-confident man. But, even if such a man meets them and wishes to create a family with them, the Taurus Woman will immediately scare him away. She will constantly try to make him her own, she will control him, evaluate his suitability for marriage, try to remake him, force him to give up his habits (for example, such as football on weekends). And strong men categorically do not accept such an attitude towards themselves. Ultimately, all of this negatively affects the relationship.

Causes of Gemini's loneliness

Gemini women often remain lonely due to their unwillingness to bind and limit themselves to anything at all in life, and especially by marriage and social attitudes. These are representatives of Air, they want constant changes in life, change of partners and new experiences. Boring family everyday life is very difficult for them. The second reason for the failure of marriage in Gemini Women is their lack of a certain type of future husband, they are looking for themselves without knowing what, this prevents them from staying on one partner.
The representatives of this zodiac sign have the largest number of divorces.

Cancer reasons for loneliness

Cancer Women have two reasons to remain lonely: in every man they meet, they see their betrothed - which simply scares off potential suitors, and the second - the image of a romantic and ideal life partner they have invented simply does not exist in reality. In addition, the desire of Cancer Women to achieve the sense of security they need so much pushes them to live together with men who are completely far from her ideals, especially if they are unhappy under the roof of their parental home. This woman will hope to the last that her partner will be able to play a role in her life, similar to one of the parents. The valuable time that could be used to find the best candidate is often given to the wrong person by such a woman. Only by dispelling her own myths will she be able to approach the search for a marriage partner more rationally, avoiding bitter disappointments.

The reasons for the loneliness of Lviv

Leos love themselves too much, only their opinion is true and the position is correct. They want to be admired, worshiped before them, any rival will be immediately destroyed. From any relationship, they are ready to play out a real drama. In order for the Leo Woman's marriage to be happy, she will have to pacify her pride, or find a man who is ready to completely submit to her. The second side of the coin of Women-Leo is that they are more often than other signs of the zodiac in anticipation of a wealthy man. But since the combination of big money and big love is a rarity, a marriage of convenience is most likely. Therefore, in order to find happiness in marriage, it is important for the Lioness to set priorities in time, to determine the ultimate goal of marriage and to put a point on the modest "golden mean". After all, happiness in marriage can be with a completely ordinary average man.

The reasons for the loneliness of Virgos

Virgos set too high a requirement for applicants for their hand. They tend to divide men according to financial well-being and social status. In addition, they are completely intolerant of flaws in character and flaws in appearance. They will forever reproach their men for scattered things, for unnecessary words or for inappropriate silence. Virgos are too pedantic and love perfect order. They love to make plans for the future, up to a schedule of life according to a clear scenario. This becomes a stumbling block for serious relationships with a large number of men, especially young ones.

Libra reasons for loneliness

Libra women usually have a loyal admirer in reserve, and not even one. They are sweet and pleasant, men are comfortable with them. And just the presence of several applicants for the hand and heart prevents Libra from making the final choice. They are all afraid to make mistakes, they weigh and evaluate for a long time. In addition, Libra is too fond of everything beautiful and harmonious, and they expect the same from marriage. But marriage is a phenomenon far from graceful perfection, and a loved one may be flawed. Libra women need to understand that trust, understanding and mutual assistance are more important aspects for marriage than external beauty.

The reasons for the loneliness of Scorpions

Scorpio women scare men away with the intensity of their passions and stifle them with their love. They experience very strong and violent feelings, often reaching extremes, passion and hatred, jealousy and desire to possess boil in them. They lack qualities such as loyalty, patience, and the ability to forgive. These are the qualities that are so necessary to maintain a long-term relationship and marriage. It is important for a Scorpio woman to learn not only to "consume" in a relationship, but also to give.

The reasons for the loneliness of Sagittarius

Sagittarius are trying with all their might to avoid marriage, they are unable to remain faithful to one partner. In addition, they have inflated expectations, so they can spend their whole life looking for their prince, and left alone. Years add wisdom, but the heart remains as young and indomitable. By becoming more restrained, the Sagittarius Woman has more chances of marriage, because this sign of the zodiac always has a choice of partners.

Reasons for the loneliness of Capricorns

Capricorn women are very ambitious, and usually, even before marriage, they independently achieve good results in their careers. Therefore, as they reach a more mature age, their chances of a love marriage increase. But, if for a woman the family is not in the first place, household responsibilities are a heavy burden for her, then it is hardly worth hoping that love will illuminate her whole life. In addition, the Capricorn Woman has overestimated requirements for her potential partner, he must certainly succeed in any business, occupy a high position and be respected by others. As a result, the initially high bar does not give a man the opportunity to demonstrate his most positive qualities. If you radically change this approach to choosing a partner, then for the Capricorn Woman, who strives to get married, the situation is more favorable.

The reasons for the loneliness of Aquarius

Aquarians prefer novels that are not protracted, light and without any obligations. Aquarius women from birth are not very adapted to family life, there is absolutely no practicality in them, only one serenity, they completely surrender to their hobbies and hobbies, and do not want to change anything. The second reason for the loneliness of Aquarius Women is that they strive to find an extraordinary man who does not obey any established traditions, and such searches take time. It is better for the representatives of this zodiac sign to look for a future husband among friends or in a similar professional field... Otherwise, they will have to come to terms with the fact that the partner is not obliged to share their interests, and in marriage they will have to change their way of life.

The reasons for the loneliness of Pisces

No matter how successful the choice of a partner by a Pisces Woman is, she will always doubt him, she will come up with something that does not exist in reality, she will look closely at his behavior and needs, this can eventually destroy the relationship. In addition, the tendency of Pisces Women to completely submit to a man can make her a silent and eternally suffering victim of love. Representatives of this zodiac sign are overly romantic, while marriage requires a more practical approach to life. Pisces women also tend to fall in love with men morally defective or unworthy, subconsciously trying to save them with their love. As a result, their torment lasts for years, without giving positive results, but only exhausting, bringing pain and disappointment. These women need a partner with a developed intuition, firmly standing on the ground, who would not cause a feeling of pity, and who would not have anything to “feel sorry for”.

But the age in the passport is alarming. It makes sense to look for the reason in the birth horoscope.


Loneliness can be militant Amazon character. Aries women are characterized by self-affirmation in relationships. They prove the value of "battles won" and "lives saved".

For you, partnership is a boxing ring. Because Aries is fire sign, you want a passionate hot relationship, but more often you cause a painful burn in your partner, and a headache in yourself.


Relationships may not work out due to too mercantile approach to them. This is one of the indicators of a marriage of convenience. But you've obviously gone overboard with the number of zeros. Taurus women need goods (men) of the highest quality, which a priori become their property.

And in this they are adamant - this is not a point of view, but a way of life. Men are not ready to become your undivided property. And you - to concessions, because most of all you value your own convenience.


Lack of relationship can be explained intolerance of confined spaces, which for Gemini is marriage. How can you hold back the air? A changeable element requires a change of impressions and partners, not every man is able to withstand such a flow.

You have a large number of friends, this manner is the antidote. In your case, an official marriage can be replaced by a "virtual marriage", for example, on a dating site.


Most likely the cause of loneliness is commitment to matriarchy. Cancer women take relationships seriously and stifle love, they tend to impose opinions. The Moon controls your sign, which adds touchiness.

It is difficult for men to deal with emotions and volatility. You need a partner with whom you will feel like behind a stone wall, but more often you come across "cardboard partitions".

a lion

Your Monarch Majesty may have colossal conceit with a sense of divine chosenness. Charismatic fiery energy demands admiration. You can make a performance out of any event: melodrama, tragedy, phantasmagoria, depending on what mood you are in.

A man lives "on the stage" of a single prima. And you do not accept the presence of other women in your “pride”. It remains to conduct a monologue in an empty theater.


Maybe married to work, there she is useful. As soon as Virgos enter the world of relationships, obsession with flaws gives rise to the need to eradicate them. The critic turns into a cynic.

The desire for order is a common state, but what normal guy likes to lie in a sterile bed? Only to someone who is in a coma (love, of course). As soon as he returns to reality, the natural desire becomes to escape.


Relationships are a necessity for her. In the zodiacal circle, Libra is known for the ability to assess the situation from opposite points of view, and in this they resemble Buridan's donkey.

The problem is not that Libra, but that this step means giving up other options, and this is unacceptable. That's Libra is looking for the perfect partner. It makes sense to think about how perfect they themselves are.


The reason for loneliness must be sought in the depths of the impenetrable abyss of her soul. Scorpions love so deeply that it scares the partner... In addition, Scorpios are able to recognize lies better than any "Sherlock Holmes".

In matters of treason for Scorpios, there is no statute of limitations. The wounded pride of Scorpios does not allow them to exist peacefully until the offender experiences excruciating torment from their poisonous bite.


For her there may be uncomfortable monogamous relationships and while there is a possibility, she avoids marriage. It is not easy to put a bridle on a centaur. The Sagittarius sign is ruled by Jupiter, who endowed them with excessive expectations.

Sagittarius women need relationships saturated with bright colors, hence the desire to marry an "imported" man by all means (after all, they are "not like ours"). She is waiting on the shore for "scarlet sails", and for some reason they are already bringing her a pension.


Loneliness can be caused by either career building: "Planes come first, well, boys come later," or desire to rule... In both cases, Capricorns act tough.

The man fails to overcome and break down the blank wall with which Capricorns surround their right to loneliness. It is difficult for Capricorns to begin to trust, cooperate and love, so it is easier to ruthlessly cut emotional ties, and even better to avoid them.


Loneliness is the result of her rebellious nature. Aquarius informal relationships are harmonious, without obligations. The word "seal" is prohibited.

Most likely, Aquarius women are proud of exceptional individualism, prefer to live by the principle of choice, not realizing that they are not adapted to family life because of their flagrant impracticality. Aquarius eccentricity is more suited to friendships than marital relationships.


Freedom can be both a conscious and an unconscious choice. Pisces stops, because any person with whom Pisces comes into contact, "prescribes" in their souls, forgetting to take off their "dirty shoes".

Pisces are susceptible to influences. Without a doubt, this is the most mysterious of the signs. Them I like to live without rules and act according to instincts. It's easier to replace relationships with an illusory world.

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