What will the new year of the Fire Rooster be like? What to expect for the zodiac signs in the year

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For Aries doing business, the most active should be January and February. It is in the winter that important decisions should be made that contribute to the growth and development of your business. Attracting business partners and investments from individuals or organizations will also help strengthen your position in business and build prospects for the future. Spring will be good financially. In addition to other favorable indicators, you are supported by the White Moon until June, which will not let you be left without money. In any case, whether you are running your own business or working for hire, you will definitely need professionalism and good business qualities. If there is an opportunity to go to courses or in any other way to improve your qualifications, do it.

It will be a difficult year for Taurus. Business, most likely, will be slowed down: it will be extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to develop it. It is better not to borrow money for representatives of this sign, and you should not borrow your own - there is a chance that they will not be returned. There is no need to indulge in risky ventures. First of all, this applies to finance.

Despite the difficulties, Taurus is a sign that knows how to make money, as it always strives for financial stability. The maximum activity should be shown in the spring and early summer, between April and June. But in August and September, be extremely careful and attentive to avoid losses.


This year, Gemini has great business prospects and professional activity... The process of development and growth will be especially active starting from the end of April. Those obstacles that life put you in the previous year will disappear, and you can turn around. Some representatives of this sign will open branches or start successfully developing another line of business.

Financially, the first half of the year will be good, especially in the spring. It is during this period that you can make good money and enjoy the work done. You should not rely on anyone other than yourself. Then you will not have to blame anyone for your mistakes, but no one will need to give laurels for success.

For those who build and develop their business, the time has come for renovations and the transition to ultra-modern methods and technologies. Use communication tools: if your business is not yet represented on the Internet, you risk losing to competitors.

Some representatives of the Cancer sign will decide to change jobs, and some will even radically change their field of activity and profession. Income will not be very large, but stable. Serious indications of this are given by the Ascending Node in the second sign from Cancer, which is responsible for finances. Spring and the end of the year (December) will be most favorable in terms of income. If you have a desire to open your own business or start a new activity, the most suitable time is autumn and winter, that is, the end of the year.

For Lviv, employed in the field of communications, communications and information, the year is more than favorable. New horizons are opening up for them: very prestigious and useful acquaintances will expand your opportunities. The social circle will largely determine the social status, and for Lviv this will be especially important in 2017.

For Lions, who have a creative profession, a difficult period is coming. It will be difficult to create, everything will interfere. To maintain the state of inspiration necessary for creativity, you need to periodically retire.

If not everything works out, do not despair. It's time to improve your skills. This is advised by Saturn, passing through the third sign from Leo - the sign of learning, information and new connections.

For representatives of the Virgo sign, 2107 is a good year in material terms: they will earn good money and will be able to afford large purchases. The only thing not worth buying during 2017 is real estate. The deals are likely to be unprofitable, and the quality of the acquired objects will not correspond to the price. However, repairs or restructuring may be a necessary measure as a consequence of an unforeseen situation.

Pay special attention to August and September. During this period, do not start new businesses and do not enter into contracts. They may try to deceive you. Many Virgos will have to do a good job in the spring and early summer to recoup those expenses that will be at the beginning of the year.

Almost the whole year, until October, the problem of self-realization will be urgent for Libra. The period of Jupiter's passage along the solar sign is always very important. It is at this time that you can expand your horizons, increase your opportunities.

This year is associated for many representatives of the Libra sign with a change in worldview, both spiritually and politically or personally. Successful businessmen and even politicians will decide to get rid of their responsibilities in order to do private life... However, at the same time, new, previously unknown characters, also born under the sign of Libra, will appear on the stage.

The second half of the year will be much more successful financially than the first. Therefore, try to save until the summer and not waste money. It is in 2017 that Libra can start a new long-term project for 10-12 years in advance. Financially, the best period is autumn.


For Scorpios, this year is a time of preparation for the future leap forward. Now you need to define a strategy, namely, decide what you will be doing in next years what to strive for and what you want to achieve in the end. If Scorpio realizes that he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs, he will always find the opportunity, strength, means and courage to change it. So, if you decide to open your own business, expand it or change your profession, do it now. Do not hesitate, as soon as you make a decision, start moving in the right direction.

As for investments, if you invest money somewhere, it's in your own business. Remember, all moves must be well calculated.

In 2017, Sagittarius will have more problems than any other sign. However, the year gives them the opportunity to build their future for a decade ahead due to the fact that they will have to stop and look around. It is as if you will see your life from a bird's eye view and will be able to objectively assess your mistakes and achievements, your advantages and disadvantages.

A very interesting year for Sagittarius with a creative profession. New horizons will open, you will be able to use the most unexpected techniques and sources of inspiration. This is not to say that Sagittarius will have a lot of money this year, and it is modest income that can become a source of feelings and dissatisfaction with oneself.

The first half of the year for Capricorns will be quite stressful, but effective. Representatives of this sign in the new year will set goals in order to successfully achieve them. Life will provide the greatest opportunities to those who were born in the period from January 5 to 10, since the transit Pluto passes through the degrees where the Sun is located. The year is especially favorable for Capricorns doing business.

In the first half of the year, you should start planning - only then in the second half will you be able to launch a new project or structure your working hours with an obvious financial result.

Very important for Capricorns, the planet Saturn will be conjunct the Black Moon in August. Such a connection is always difficult. It is better not to do anything in secret, not to hide even something insignificant, for all this will ultimately be directed against you.

For those representatives of the sign who decide to go into business and want to open their own enterprise, the last three months will be very favorable. The business, started in the fall, will start to bring good income in a year.

Starting in May, old thoughts and ideas that have not been realized will begin to surface. The topic of the past will generally be important for you throughout the second half of the year. It is possible that there will be people with whom you once broke up, lost contact - those with whom life divorced you. You will find lost items.

The way Saturn is located is an indication of the ability to consistently and patiently implement your plans. In financial terms, the year is more or less even and, in general, favorable.

Pisces has a period of dreams. People born in the period from February 27 to March 6 will be especially susceptible to this feeling. It is important that this daydreaming does not interfere with your sanity and adequate perception of reality.

For those involved in business, a difficult period will continue. Saturn, which is in Sagittarius for the second year, hinders the growth and development of your business. Please note that modern technology, virtual space and social networks can be your good helpers in doing business and making money.

It should be noted that the first three months of the year, as well as December, will be the most favorable financially. It is at this time that you will have not only maximum income, but also minimum spending. But in the summer and spring, spending will increase significantly.

The rooster is shrewd, pedantic, self-confident, but loves to show off and pull the blanket over himself. This is very symbolic for 2017. Fiery character, which will be inherent in this year, will leave vivid impressions in everyone's life. It must be remembered that in addition to noisy holidays and stormy disputes, it requires a high level of diligence and responsibility for the obligations undertaken. Therefore, you should not postpone anything for later, you need to do everything in a timely manner. Then the year will be rich in excellent results.

During this period, Aries is waiting for numerous acquaintances, which is why he sometimes wants to escape to cozy and quiet places. Changes await them in better side on both the personal and business front. It is imperative to take the opportunity to invest funds, as this will give a good result. Large acquisitions will be beneficial.

Numerous tasks will require additional energy sources. From the very beginning of the year, those born under this constellation should master relaxation techniques, as well as learn how to correctly prioritize.

There is no need to once again demonstrate your fiery disposition, this can lead to conflicts that take time and energy. At the end of the year, Aries will be able to responsibly declare that 2017 is a success!

Throughout the entire period, Taurus will need the ability to delegate authority, as well as a focus on results. If you correctly build teamwork, you will be able to successfully combine different types of activities. It is useful to learn rational planning, because there are a lot of things to do.

The family will become the main focus of Taurus, but at the same time there will be an opportunity to change jobs or implement a new project. The fire symbol of the year will make it possible to see how important it is to have loved ones nearby.

This year will be favorable for Taurus, who will create their own families or acquire little kids.

Updates in the image will also be useful. All this will give a powerful impetus to the development of positive events in the life of representatives of this zodiac sign.


For twins who love the stormy course of life, 2017 will bring many pleasant surprises. There will be everything that inspires the representatives of this sign for exploits: love, new acquaintances, career advancement and successful solution of financial issues.

In 2017, conflicts should be avoided, which is difficult for impulsive Gemini. But the ability to negotiate with the leader, partners or your soul mate will allow you to achieve all the goals.

This year will present opportunities for quick earnings. The ability to navigate the situation and make the right decision is in the blood of Gemini. By realizing opportunities, they will raise their own self-esteem.

This does not mean that cash can be easily spent. The best way is to define the main tasks and distribute the money according to the designated priorities. You should not limit yourself only to the desire to give joy to loved ones, because the selfish nature of Gemini so rarely manifests itself in this way.


Cancers shouldn't go back in 2017. On the contrary, having gathered strength, remembering stubbornness, they must slowly move forward. It will be useful to master new activities or receive training. This will allow you to expand your own horizons and outline the further path of your development.

Dating interesting people can overtake them in the most unexpected places. If you receive job offers, you should not refuse them. Changes will also take place in the love sphere, where the main task will be the ability to restrain your negative emotions.

The discovery of the year for Cancers can be participation in sports events focused on team play. It must be remembered that it is more convenient to fight on any front together with someone. Having adopted this simple rule, Cancers will begin to unwind the tangle of life's difficulties much faster.

a lion

2017 will give a lot of reasons to praise yourself for the skillful solution of issues. Lions will have to accept the fact that the fiery Rooster has decided to test their strength. To have enough energy for everything, you should give yourself a break, play more sports, or even just walk. Abuse drugs, able to relieve fatigue, the horoscope does not recommend.

In 2017, the interest of others in the extraordinary and striking personalities of Lviv will not fade for a minute. This will increase the requirements for self-organization, planning and prioritization skills.

Despite the fact that current affairs will interest Lviv more than personal relationships, you should not forget about the latter at all. Jealousy is best left aside.

The biggest deal is slated for the end of the year, but it needs to be prepared for. The stars are not advised to invest existing savings in one project. And the interests of Lviv can vary greatly, so it is worth resorting to diversification.


Unlike many, Virgos do not like unnecessary fuss. That is why they will be surprised and not entirely accustomed to the amount of attention that will fall on them from the beginning of the year. The stars strongly advise not to give up your endeavors if the Virgo accepts the proposals that come. Despite the fact that they will have to do everything at once, they should demonstrate their natural diplomacy and pedantry so that the fiery Rooster will generously reward.

A lot of events during this period will be associated with long distances. Trips will be successful, foreign internships or contacts with partners from distant countries may be successful. Do not be afraid of big changes, because they will all benefit the Virgo and their loved ones.

Libra horoscope

Libra should take advantage of all that 2017 will reward them. To do this, do not think long over the proposals received. It is important to tune in correctly, as well as mobilize all your resources.

Love of introspection may reawaken. This is very useful, but you shouldn't give your full attention to it. It is better to take a balanced approach to assessing your capabilities and undergo additional training.

Unlike many, Libra will be able to successfully use natural intuition. The location of the stars during this period indicates the need to adapt to circumstances and be flexible. If Libra wants to force someone to perform the desired actions, they will receive nothing but a negative result. Be consistent, and then the rewards for work will be pleasing.


Scorpios naturally love to work with information. The coming year of the Rooster encourages them to use their skills more often, as well as broaden their horizons and update their knowledge. A tendency to self-development will come in handy both in a career and in a personal field.

Proposals that will come in 2017 should be carefully considered, and not abandoned immediately. Remember that from the outside, irrepressible Scorpios who achieve high results can annoy others with their success. You have to play good relationships so as not to provoke streams of envy.

The stars also predict many "greetings" from the past. But it doesn't always have to be turned into the present. However, among the newly emerging acquaintances on the horizon, there may be future spouses and excellent business partners.

The financial issue will no longer stand squarely, so Scorpios can enjoy the results of their labor and recuperate somewhere on the Cote d'Azur.


The year of love, romance and tenderness - this is how 2017 can be called for Sagittarius. The attention of the opposite sex will be very flattering, and sometimes even get in the way. After all, this distracts from work and other important matters, of which there will be many.

The stars show excellent opportunities in acquiring new knowledge or professional skills. The funds invested in this direction will quickly pay off, and with interest.

Business acquaintances need to be turned into strong, useful connections. But don't confuse partnerships and personal relationships.

Sagittarius who work in the IT field should be especially attentive to incoming proposals. 2017 gives you a great chance to prove yourself. You can't miss it.

Capricorns in 2017 will have an active and eventful life. The more movement is required, the more comfortable they feel. This will be the year of the Rooster.

In order to have enough strength for everything, you need to accumulate them, and also be able to recover quickly, in which loved ones will help.

You should not leave unfinished projects started earlier. The best period for their completion will be the second half of the year.

Carried away by professional and other projects, one should not forget about those who are nearby. After all, beloved people, children and older relatives require attention. It is recommended to get together with the whole family more often to give each other the opportunity to communicate and express their opinions. This will strengthen the existing relationship, even if Capricorns previously seemed to be estranged from family members or friends.


“No need to reinvent the wheel” is the main advice of the stars to the representatives of this zodiac sign. The ability to use ready-made templates for decision making or for organizing processes is expensive.

If something is promised, then it must be fulfilled so as not to spoil the reputation. A love of communication can lead to active career advancement.

The arrangement of the stars also indicates that there will be an opportunity to find personal happiness for those who are still single. But here you have to make some effort. The family will become a good rear, which will be appreciated by Aquarius.

The situation at work and at home will become much better if Aquarius does not forget to apologize to those whom he even unwittingly offended. Moreover, 2017 will provide an opportunity to apologize even to people from the distant past.

An excellent period to apply your skills and knowledge will be the year of the Rooster. Pisces have long been waiting for an opportunity to say goodbye to the accumulated fatigue and boredom from the daily routine. The burden of the recent past will be successfully lifted.

The feeling of happiness will be passed on even to those around you. They will definitely celebrate how updated Pisces will become in 2017.

Pleasant acquaintances, travels, interesting work projects will fill the whole year.

Neither finances, nor family, nor health will greatly disturb the representatives of this sign, which will make it possible to implement everything conceived faster and better.


The energy of Ophiuchus will fill any space, wherever he appears. Many will want to be close to a little bit of the air that the representatives of this sign breathe.

Their wisdom and a little cunning will do an excellent job and make it possible to implement all the plans for 2017. In return, the Year of the Rooster will give you a lot of nice bonuses.

Large expenses, a change of job, a pleasant promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex - all this will be in the life of Ophiuchus. The horoscope confidently demonstrates an excellent period for all achievements.

Red Fire Rooster- the symbol of 2017. The element of fire and scarlet color will intertwine in a harmonious mixture. Consent is expected in all matters. Red predicts a wedding for single people and the restoration of the former passion of family. This is the color of luck, so there is no need to hesitate in the new year, there is no need to be afraid of change. The rooster tries to complete everything perfectly, he strives for perfection.
The bird loves the truth, lies cannot be hidden. Politicians this year will often arrange cockfights, from which a man with a cold mind will emerge as the winner. This year promises a way out of their crisis.

How to appease the Rooster

For the New Year, you need to dress stylishly. The outfit is chosen carefully, all the details are thought out. Preference is given in favor of expensive and bright things.

Rooster doesn't like tiger and leopard prints on clothes, worn pants and cheap T-shirts.

Read the same as

Table setting on New Year's holiday - 2017 must be rich, some elements are expensive. Metal items are not allowed, Rooster loves ceramics, porcelain and faience.

On festive table You should not cook chicken and egg dishes (such as stuffed ones), but you can add them as ingredients. It is better to place meat dishes from lamb, beef mixed with seafood, then luck will definitely visit the house. Do not spare your imagination, exhibiting several types. A large bowl of fruit is placed at the head of the table.

Be sure to bake cookies to treat guests and decorate the Christmas tree.

You cannot treat guests with semi-finished products and ordered food on New Year's Eve. The table is covered with homemade dishes so that the house has enough.

Be sure to prepare gifts for all children, relatives and close friends. What gifts to choose and how to give them

Rooster loves order - make a list of invited guests in advance.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rooster

Everyone who was born this year should remember their abilities and will, direct them to the goal.
The rooster will be very wayward, sometimes unbearable due to selfishness and irritability. It is better to hide hot temper, to be tactful. The year will bring many interesting things to Roosters, they will find adventures themselves. Using his charm, the Rooster will get out of any difficult situation.
At work in 2017, the Rooster should be diligent, then there is no doubt about a successful career. Cheating is impermissible, otherwise there will be money problems.
On the personal front, Petukhovs are waiting for love, passion, jealousy, scandals. Remaining strong, the rooster can go to reconciliation, otherwise it will be left without a companion.

Eastern horoscope for other signs

Snakes feel a burst of energy, but starting a business in the new year is not worth it. Take care of your wallet, reduce spending. You will be sensitive to health, even stock up on pills.

Dragons there will be many challenges in 2017 that they can handle with ease. Selfish men will have to make concessions to their loved ones.

Most shocks will be experienced Bulls... You need to part with slowness and force yourself to take risks.

Horses use their charm, make a lot of acquaintances. New companies will turn out to be unusual and strange for them.

Tigers will be lucky, only you need to work hard. They will be in demand and will occupy an important place in society.

Rats it is better to keep old connections that will help them overcome obstacles on the way. Treat yourself and others.

Dogs trials await, which will help to cope with impudence and harshness. But these qualities are not inherent in Dogs, so they will not budge.

Year Pig promises to be meaningful, so she'll be happy. Feel the taste of victory, overcoming the obstacles of ill-wishers.

The rooster is supportive of Monkey, although a lot of grievances and troubles await her. Events will change your outlook for the better, make you stronger.

Goats (boars) will feel cheeky in 2017. People around goats will notice a creative transformation. Probably even scientific discovery and an increase in mental capacity.

Rabbit in 2017 will be weary, some will get depressed. The days will burn out for lack of purpose.

2017 horoscope for Aries

Aries. For you, the period of transformation of yourself continues, which began approximately in 2012 and will last until 2019. During this time, you must have time to upgrade for the better. Remove everything that bothers you and acquire everything that you need. These changes can relate to anything - personal and career growth, breaking old and finding new relationships, if such a situation is ripe. Buying a new home or vehicle. Or just change your image, demeanor or place of residence.

In January, you will have to resolve some conflict situations, unresolved disputes, misunderstandings on the part of loved ones that have not been settled before. Be sure to finish the job, otherwise it will haunt you for a long time and ruin your life.

The working Aries will have several large projects, work on which will not go smoothly. Build relationships with colleagues, you will need their help in the spring, when you start a complete blockage. And in the fall, the situation may repeat itself. The bosses will notice your zeal, but the reward will be towards the end of the year. Most likely, you can count on a promotion if in September there are no global changes in your production area, and you do not change jobs.

In August, there may be problems with salaries.

Aries - Businessmen can relax a little. For you, the year promises to be stable, without shocks. But only if you can properly organize your and your employees' working hours. Interesting projects with great prospects may appear in August. Just listen carefully to the opinions of partners and companions.

Aries with small incomes, be careful about your finances. Your income may diminish slightly, and in the fall, the likelihood of a costly unexpected purchase is high.

You shouldn't go abroad on vacation this year. On vacation, it is better to go to your home area, out of town or, in extreme cases, to the Black Sea.

Health will not let you down if you continue to exercise, temper and eat healthy food. But injuries are not excluded, so be careful on the road, during icy conditions. Watch your step and follow safety precautions. If you work in a hazardous production or are fond of some kind of extreme, be doubly careful. Try to be outdoors more often.

Aries, who suffer from some kind of disease, will be able to completely recover and recuperate by September.

If possible, it is better not to go to medical institutions in May. There is a high probability of medical errors. Try to postpone planned operations, examinations to another month. If there is an urgent need, try to carefully monitor the work of doctors, ask and double-check them. Or contact different specialists.

This year will add charisma to the representatives of this sign. They will constantly flirt and flirt with you. But, if you already have a loved one, do not get fooled by flirting, and especially avoid resort intrigues and romances. Because this year, all the secrets are very quickly revealed. Better give all your ardor to your family and work. But if you are free, flirt, get carried away with your health. But do not start resort romances anyway, they will not lead you to anything but disappointment.

Family Aries will have to resolve issues with some kind of property, problems with which can bring disagreement to the family. If you show reasoned perseverance, then the victory will be yours. Parents may require increased attention. from the side of children, unpleasant surprises are possible, which you now do not even know about.

Be sure to purchase the symbol of the Year.

2017 horoscope for Taurus

Taurus . This year will be very favorable for the implementation of those plans or ideas that have arisen in your mind in the past year. If they are not yet available, then January is the most suitable month for planning and developing them.

This year you can almost easily make your dream come true, especially if you are engaged in literary work in the field of mysticism, occultism or sex. For athletes, the coming year promises high achievements and victories.

But listen constantly to your inner voice, to your intuition. It is she, guided by the Rooster, who will point you to the main priorities and set accents.

In general, this year can become a turning point in your worldview, attitude, in relation to yourself and those around you. A change of job is very likely, but not earlier than September, or marital status.

At work, keep track of what you say and to whom. Your lack of restraint on the tongue can later go wrong with you. Be restrained especially in the spring when your irritability reaches its climax. Only your reputation and ability to work can save you from the wrath of your superiors. But the promotion this year is pretty vague. It all depends on you. If the boss's chair is vacant, then, most likely, your competitor will sit in it. But there is one BUT here! If you have developed warm and friendly relations with colleagues, if you are highly respected in the team and among your superiors, then there is a high probability that you will sit in this chair.

But this year you yourself can start entrepreneurial activity, even if you haven't thought about it yet. This can happen in May - July. Just remember to have a clear plan of action. And enlist the support of your friends, you will need their help when competitors appear on the horizon. From mid-summer to mid-autumn, the likelihood of a major quarrel with family or friends over money is high.

If you are planning large purchases, then do it at the beginning of the year, but leave a reserve of funds for a rainy day, because in early June you may have major financial problems. Money this year will constantly flow away, no one knows where, spent on all sorts of little things. Do not lend to anyone! You will never see this money again and will forever ruin your relationship with a relative or friend.

The health of Taurus, who do not suffer from chronic diseases, will be at their best. But be careful while driving and eat only proven, familiar food. In the spring, try not to overwork or overexert yourself, Otherwise, you will face an inevitable vitamin deficiency and a breakdown. In the summer, you should not lose your vigilance, since the likelihood of injuries and fractures is very high. By the fall, you should approach in a more relaxed rhythm of life. It is worth doing preventive procedures. Try to eat a balanced diet so you don't put on extra pounds. Stick to this rhythm for the rest of the year.

Don't bring conflicts home from work. Your excessive nervousness, irritability and harshness will cause scandals in the family and its breakup in the end. If you value your loved ones, hold back your emotions. Sign up for a training session or find a hobby that can quench your anger. January and February are especially dangerous. From March to May, relations will improve, they will become smoother both at home and at work. And September - October - the best time create a family.

2017 horoscope for Gemini

Twins . The year promises to be successful for you if you can figure out in people whom you consider friends, envious people and even enemies. It is recommended to bring them to clean water and remove them away from yourself until the middle of the year, but as early as possible. But you shouldn't rush too much, mistakes and misunderstandings are possible. The ill-wishers will show themselves, you just need to be very attentive to the words and actions of your inner circle, as well as to follow the signs from the outside that may be given to you by strangers.

For 3-4 years you are already in a very stressful phase of your life. But all the crisis and critical moments have already been passed. Although, this year your investments may not generate income and even become unprofitable.

But at the same time. from January to September, you will find some significant financial investment in your budget. This can be receiving an unexpected inheritance, large monetary assistance from relatives, or obtaining a loan on very attractive terms.

Pay special attention to various documents and papers in January. Serious mistakes can be made in them, or something can be completely lost.

At work, creative suggestions and non-standard solutions are expected from you. Show all your imagination and success in terms of your career is guaranteed. Only on your project, in order for everything to work out as it should, you will have to work hard, and not push everything onto your colleagues. The most stressful time in this regard will be summer. Therefore, it is better to plan your vacation in the fall.

This year, scammers and swindlers of all stripes are especially active around you. Be careful with finances, especially with government finances. There is a great risk of misappropriation, which will quickly be revealed, with all the ensuing consequences.

Watch your words in the family. Due to your harsh statements towards your partner, various disagreements and even quarrels can occur in the first half of the year. The upbringing and maintenance of children may require unforeseen expenses, and older relatives - more attention. Don't refuse.

In general, on the personal front, Gemini is going to have serious changes. This can be both a complete break of the marital ties, and their even greater strengthening. It could be the birth of a child. If single Taurus do not exchange for petty affairs and office romances, they can easily have a serious relationship with the opposite sex.

Your body is already just screaming about that. that you need to get rid of all bad habits. And this applies not only to tobacco smoking, hobby for alcoholic drinks or food. You still have a ton of addictions that you need to let go of before it's too late. But this must be done gradually, throughout the whole year, so that by the next you will not have one. Do some relaxing exercises, yoga, go to relax by the sea, and best of all, go to a sanatorium. This year it is better to give up extreme sports. Get plenty of fresh air and eat right.

2017 horoscope for Cancer

Cancer. This year you will be guided by your sharpened intuition. This year will not be easy for you. Many stressful situations will arise. You will want to grip more and hold it tighter. You will want to reassess your values ​​and revise the system of life principles. You will discover something new in yourself, some hitherto hidden opportunities and addictions.

Many of your endeavors will fail in the bud. Dont be upset. If this happened, then they were unpromising. And fate keeps you from wasting energy and finances.

The rooster will push you into various financial adventures. Don't give in at all! The maximum where you can spend your money is the purchase of the necessary real estate and its arrangement. If there is no such prospect, keep your savings with you, putting them on a deposit, for example.

From the very first day of 2017, start new life... Give up what has long been burdensome, do what you have been planning to do for a long time. Reconsider your social circle. Now you can easily determine who is really a friend and who is not. Communicate more, make new acquaintances and connections. Read the necessary literature, improve your qualifications. All this will come in handy in the middle of the year.

In February, take care of your personal life, and postpone the resolution of production issues until the end of the month. In April, you will have to give all your strength to work, to withstand the most intense rhythm. In October - November, it is possible to climb the career ladder or a new interesting business, project.

2017 is very suitable for a love relationship. Many Cancers will meet their soul mate. In this case, the stars are advised to spend a vacation with the chosen one in order to understand whether this is your person. Therefore, do not rush to immediately enter into a marital relationship. Think, listen to your inner voice.

Every 10th and 28th, take a close look at the people you meet with names in I or C. Do not miss your future love.

With married couples, everything is simple. If it comes to divorce, then it is likely to happen this year. If you still live in perfect harmony, then be especially attentive to your partner in November-December. It is at this time that conflicts are possible. If your companion is dear to you, then hide your ambitions and your own self away.

At the beginning of the year, you will feel a slight loss of energy. Don't ignore him. Slow down at work and on the personal front. Subsequently, this malaise is fraught with more serious overvoltage, which only a specialist can cope with. Change coffee green tea with lemon and give up alcohol completely.

In spring, there is a great risk of catching a cold or getting poisoned by poor-quality food. In the summer, beware of all kinds of injuries. In winter, you will most likely notice that you suddenly put on a little extra pounds. Sign up for fitness, exercise, or diet. By next new year, you will be back in shape.

2017 horoscope for Leo

A lion . Presence of spirit and self-confidence are essential qualities that should become your guiding star in the new year. Do not stick out your individuality, as they say, merge with the team, develop the ability to work in a team. It is on the shoulders of your colleagues that you can enter your boss's office and sit in a warm chair. If you do everything right, then the promotion will happen much earlier than you expected.

Don't be lazy this year. But use your intuition to the fullest.

Restless and stressful months in terms of work are January, February, April, May. In the second half of November, make only well-weighed and proven decisions, be attentive to matters.

July is the most successful month in all respects. The work will argue, new useful connections will appear, the mood will be at its best. Make good use of this time. At the end of September and until mid-November, you will again have the opportunity to realize yourself. The rooster will help you with this. Refine what did not work before, use new methods in your work, and fully reveal all your talents. You just need to put aside your natural laziness.

Spring is the most favorable time to start your own business. Any investment you make this year will be successful. But rash actions are still better not to commit.

In the first half of the year, Leo will have to communicate a lot. make new friends. Lonely Lions or those looking for romantic adventures will be sucked into a whirlpool of flirting and intrigues. Those of them who are looking for a serious relationship may meet a foreigner, a nonresident person, or meet on a trip or trip. Most likely, this person will be very different from you in age and will be fluent in several foreign languages. Such a fateful meeting is possible in January, February, June or August.

In July or August, you may have a whirlwind romance with the person you long time considered only a friend or girlfriend.

Pay attention to every 9th and 27th throughout the year. Fate can give you a meeting with your future soul mate. A person's name must begin with I or P.

In the second half of the year, there may be serious disagreements or conflicts with relatives, especially if you work with them. This can be prevented only by fulfilling the promises made earlier or justifying the hopes that were pinned on you.

Also, this period is unfavorable for some married couples. Long-standing grievances will be remembered and aggravated, this will lead to catastrophic discord. If it comes to divorce, the property will be divided.

At the beginning of the year, put your nerves in order, go somewhere to relax during the New Year's holidays. If you do not take care of your emotional state now, during the year it can come back to haunt you several times and quite seriously.

In the spring, you should not abuse alcohol and junk food, otherwise in the summer you will not be able to boast of excellent health. And take care of your nervous system all year round.

2017 horoscope for Virgo

Virgo. The beginning of 2017 is a kind of work on mistakes for you. Take into account all the shortcomings that you made in your work, in communication, in your personal life, rethink them and, if possible, correct them. This must be done in order for the future life to develop successfully and successfully.

The second half of January is the time to show all your positive qualities - perseverance. hard work and punctuality. Be sure they will be appreciated. In February, it is better to relax and slow down.

A stunningly successful streak in your life and work will begin from the end of May and will last until the end of August. It will be easy for you to succeed, your circle of contacts will expand significantly, and significant personal growth will be outlined. In September, you need to give yourself a break again. Do not make important decisions at this time, do not conflict with colleagues, bosses, relatives.

However, in the summer, your performance and the performance of your colleagues can drop dramatically. This can lead to the collapse of the company in which you work. The only way out for you in such a situation is to start your own business. Just create a clear and detailed business plan. Even if the profit is forecasted at first very scanty.

At the end of September, you will again feel an unprecedented surge of energy. Feel free to start new or continue old business, applying the most radical solutions and innovation. Your level of competence will rise to a higher level. In the second half of November, carefully smooth out the arising disputes and conflicts.

It is possible to receive an inheritance or a large win. If you want to invest somewhere or invest money, think carefully and count. But most likely, the project will be successful and will bring you decent dividends. Don't waste money on any unnecessary small things. The purchase of a new home is very likely.

At the very beginning of the year, your charm and sexuality can attract an interesting person to you. A long-forgotten old acquaintance may appear that you will feel attracted to. It is not advised to rush to create a couple of stars with him. Take off your rose-colored glasses and take a closer look.

In January and April, people who have a soul mate love relationship may cool slightly. This will especially affect those Virgins who do not separate personal relationships from material and career ones. Spend more time with your chosen one or chosen one. do everyday household chores together. This will help you bond even more.

Some serious problems with children will require serious material expenditures. Relatives will either take a clear position opposite to yours, or they will demand help. which will put a heavy burden on you.

In April, various gossip and gossip about your person are not excluded, from which you will learn a lot about yourself. And in September, most likely, a new love will finally appear in your life. Your friends will be shocked by your choice, but it will not stop you, and everything will turn out well.

In any month, on the 8th and 26th, a contender for your heart may appear in your life. This person's name begins with H or X.

Everything will be good with health this year. There are a few nuances, though. On New Year's Eve, do not lean on fatty foods, salads with mayonnaise and alcohol. Otherwise, soon you will need medical assistance or even hospitalization. One more thing. As soon as you begin to feel moral fatigue, drop everything and rest so as not to earn neurosis or neuralgia.

2017 horoscope for Libra

Scales . If you started a project last year, you are successfully implementing it, but only towards the end of the year. At the same time, you still have to solve many production problems. In critical situations, do not hesitate to seek help or advice from colleagues and coworkers. February is going to be challenging. Checks, emergency situations are possible. Concentrate, use all your skills and natural charm. After successfully completing all the activities, take time off and rest.

From the end of August until your birthday, temper your labor enthusiasm, do not enter into new deals and contracts, do not start new projects, try not to catch the eye of your superiors. This period is fraught with conflicts and setbacks. Everything will be resolved only by December. now you can act boldly.

Do not boast of your superiority, do not flaunt it. Envious people will be found quickly and will immediately begin to put a spoke in your wheels, which will greatly interfere with your career and personal life.

This year is well suited for advanced training and education. Expand your knowledge and skills, it will be very useful to you in the future.

This year you will find a lot of stupid, completely unnecessary waste. Take your time to throw money down the drain. You may have health problems in the middle of the year. In winter or summer, you can expect solid material support from relatives or income from real estate. In October, you may be given a bonus or a salary increase.

Lonely Libra should pay attention to a person with a name on the letters D or P, whom they can meet on any month on the 7th or 25th. Chances are good that you will meet your love while traveling abroad. The position of Venus suggests that this year, love and wedding will be required.

In January, many Libra women find out about their pregnancy. This news will help mend a shaky relationship with her lover.

For a long time, the divorced spouses will have litigations about the division of property and custody of children.

And those who have not yet gotten to divorce have to make a final choice. If love wins, then you will have long happy years of life together. If you find strong love on the side, provided that your marriage has already begun to fall apart, go to a new relationship and free your current companion.

Already at the beginning of the year, you will finally understand that your success in work and in your personal life directly depends on your well-being. Get rid of bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. You can even get rid of some kind of chronic disease. which brought discomfort to your life.

Due to climatic anomalies in the spring, your health may deteriorate. This will happen because many Libras are very weather dependent. First of all, the blow will be on the lower back and spine. Slow down at work, rest, or see a doctor.

By the end of the year, you will be in full prosperity. It can be overshadowed only by the New Year's Eve rush at work. This can result in headaches, migraines, or insomnia. The best cure for these ailments is rest.

2017 horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpion . A certain crisis has been outlined in the career, which, most likely, can be defined as stagnation. And we can say that this is stability. Do not ask for trouble, do not show initiative, in your case it is punishable. Just be clear about your responsibilities and that's it. You may want to change jobs. But you are unlikely to find a new one this year. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but wait for a great offer.

Try to keep your mouth shut with colleagues. Any word you say will surely become the property of the public and, most importantly, of the authorities, and will be used against you, up to and including your dismissal.

By the summer, the situation will change, and you can begin to implement the previously outlined plans into reality. By the end of the year, you may have the opportunity to start your own business. The offer will come from a relative or close friend. Weigh carefully all the pros and cons, consult with knowledgeable people, because you are so easily deceived in the financial sector! But maybe this is your chance.

If you do not lose your job, then everything will be smooth with money. Try to collect all the debts by the end of the year and save up money for starting your own business, if such an offer comes.

Restrain your emotions when communicating with loved ones. At times, it will seem to you that everyone is hindering you. Take time out, rest for a few days. Everything is back to normal.

Before the beginning of the winter period, you are advised to get all the necessary preventive vaccinations and procedures. Otherwise, there is a high probability of serious colds. The health situation will not improve in the spring. There may be colds, injuries, exacerbation of existing diseases. To prevent all this, give up alcohol, eat right, walk more, do light sports or do exercises. Watch the pressure in the summer, it can be unstable. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and excessive exercise.

At the end of the year, you may have an aggravated allergy if you suffer from it. Insomnia and restlessness may appear. It's OK. A good professional will advise you on how to deal with this.

For couples who already have some disagreements, times are tough. Some long-standing secret that will be revealed this year may complicate the relationship. This will cause irreparable damage to your reputation. Intemperance and a desire to insist on one's opinion can lead Scorpio to a complete break in relations with a loved one. In January, March and April, serious conflicts with relatives can arise.

V strong family on the contrary, the purchase of new housing, reconstruction or renovation of the old one is expected.

For single Scorpios, stars predict a new serious romantic relationship in the cold season. But until the summer, you should not make any fateful decisions in this regard. In October, you can hear a marriage proposal.

On the 6th or 15th of any month in some catering establishment, you can meet a person who works as a doctor or studies for him. Most likely, this will be your new love.

2017 horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Serious shocks are already in the past for you. But they will haunt the present for a long time. You will succeed if you concentrate more clearly, with a certain asceticism on the tasks that you want to solve this year. If you manage to discipline, then from the outside it will seem that you are doing everything by itself. But you yourself know the price of such lightness! Get your colleagues involved, show them your methods and techniques. Thus, you can get rid of envious people and demonstrate to your bosses that you know how to work with a team. The stars say that the bosses will be able to make the right choice in relation to you.

Try to be a little more productive than in previous periods to improve your financial condition. It is better not to spend money in January, it may soon be useful to you. In general, the year of the Rooster is financially quite difficult for you. Do not waste your money, do not make rash purchases, which, in principle, you can do without. Do not invest this year, especially in autumn, money in any projects, even the most attractive ones, even those proposed by the closest and trusted person. All this is wasted, at best, and at worst, can lead to ruin and bankruptcy. In addition, a new person may appear next to you who will “help” you to part with your own or government money. This can be very serious. Be alert, don't relax.

In the fall, there is also a high probability of losing some important documents or papers. Clean up by September.

You have to improve both professionally and change your inner world for the better. This year is well suited for education, study, professional development. Use this chance, perhaps later you will receive a job offer from another field of activity.

Tough times are coming for family Sagittarius. If your marriage has already cracked, then it is likely to grow inexorably, up to a complete break. If you do not want this, then you have to work very hard. If so far so good, then you will have to make every effort to ensure that your marriage does not fall apart. In the second half of the year, all sorts of gossips and ill-wishers may appear on your horizon, including at work, who will further push you to break off relations.

Children will take a lot of energy and finances. But this is only for the good, for their good future.

The social circle of lonely Sagittarius will expand in the first half of the year. Interesting people will appear in it, who can finally and irrevocably change your life. But in bad or in good side, the stars did not elaborate. You may have an affair with a nonresident or foreigner.

In early spring, you may fall in love with someone at first sight, and this relationship will continue. But the end of summer will bring you a new acquaintance that will be friendly at first. This year, pay special attention to the 5th and 23rd of each month, in particular the people you meet on that day. If their names start with B or E, take a closer look at them, perhaps this is your half.

In general, health will be fine this year. Just rest, if possible, a few days at the end of February. Better to completely change the situation, to leave somewhere. Try to completely abandon unhealthy and fatty foods and alcohol by the spring. Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will meet next New Year in a hospital bed due to stomach or intestinal problems.

In the summer you need to rest again, better on the seaside. In October - December, there is a high probability that various hikes, travels and excursions will have a bad effect on your health in the future.

Throughout the year, beware of injury and be careful with electricity, fire, and sharp-edged objects.

2017 horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn . Fateful events will continue to happen to you. The loss or acquisition of relatives, change of place of residence, up to moving to another country, inheritance, the birth of children and similar circumstances leave a certain stamp on your inner world. It will never be the same again. You have to change your lifestyle, your habits, adjust to the current situation. Someone is burdened and oppressed by this, and someone, on the contrary, is happy with such changes, although they were obtained with difficulty.

Many Capricorns who have experienced something like this try to be alone in order to concentrate, put their thoughts and feelings in order, digest the prevailing circumstances and ponder how to live on. But this is a temporary phenomenon.

You should think about professional or career growth. Everyone around, willingly or unwillingly, will push you to this. Colleagues will have conversations and push you to some necessary idea that you want to implement. The bosses, seeing your labor zeal, will give you more and more difficult tasks, the completion of which will require increased knowledge, creativity and energy from you. Sometimes you will want to drop everything and run away. But think it over well. The stars say that in the second half of the year it will become easier and you will even receive help from where you did not expect.

But your efforts will be appreciated in the end. In February, you may feel a little work depression, but by March, it will be successfully gone. In addition, your efficiency will increase several times. But already in April, you should moderate your labor ardor, otherwise you risk your health. By mid-July, try to get everything done and have a good rest by taking a vacation. Then, until the end of the year, you will be completely overwhelmed with work, which will turn out as if by itself.

Soon, you will begin to notice the sidelong glances and whispers of envious people. But do not pay attention to them, firmly go to your goal without turning around.

All your financial receipts this year are the result of your successful work. But do not rush to waste the funds received. Perhaps they will come in handy in the summer.

If you want to invest them somewhere, then first consult with specialists and think over your decision well. Although the stars still advise you to keep the money at home.

Unfortunately, lonely Capricorns will be content with fleeting short-term relationships this year. But the stars are advised to take a closer look at their friends and acquaintances. Your half has been among them for a long time, you just need to find it.

Family Capricorns are highly discouraged from breaking the bonds that bind you. Otherwise, you are doomed to a long, joyless loneliness. Therefore, try to preserve your marriage at all costs. If you really feel unbearable, then go with your couple to a family counselor.

Your health can only be envied. Thanks to your immunity, seasonal diseases and epidemics will not affect you. But do not stop there, keep working on your body. If in the spring you allowed yourself a little unloading, and in the summer you had a good rest, then until December you will feel great. By the way, summer is a traumatic period for you. In December, you may feel some moral discomfort. In this case, take time off.

2017 horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius. Space continues to remake your inner world. It will last another three years. This is a difficult time for you. There is a breakdown of old psychological stereotypes, a painful cleansing of the subconscious. Thoughts jump in your brain, changing every now and then. You have a hard time making important decisions, because after a while you already doubt their correctness. For Aquarius, who are weak in spirit, it is highly likely during this period to fall under the influence of religious sects or other prohibited organizations. If you are having a hard time with your current psychological condition- contact a specialist.

If you have a child in your family, especially a teenager born under this sign, pay close attention to him. Surround him with care and warmth so that trouble does not happen to him.

During this period, many Aquarians can reveal in themselves the talent of a science fiction writer or scriptwriter of tragic productions. They will feel the ability to interpret dreams. Feel an irresistible desire to engage in psychology, esotericism or mysticism.

For a successful career this year, it is enough for you to clearly fulfill your duties and maintain equal relationships with colleagues. And in the summer you may be delighted with a new offer. It will come as a surprise to you, because you did not strive for it. But the new position is a big responsibility and increased demand. Think carefully if you need it.

Aquarians who have their own business, on the contrary, make far-reaching plans. They will spend the whole year looking for partners who would help implement their ambitious project. But they should be honest with prospective investors, not try to make money by deceiving, dishonest means.

Keep track of your finances. You shouldn't buy something just because it is bright and beautiful. Try to buy only the necessary, practical things this year. Don't make any investments or invest in any projects. Even if you use the services of financial consultants, are you sure that they are not lying with you?

You will start the year in good physical health, but your morale will be a lot to be desired. There may be a depressive or stressful state, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Use your physical strength to restore mental balance. Walk more or, if possible, ski in a snowy forest. Go fishing or hunting. Visit or a sauna with a steam room. Take up your favorite hobby. In general, give yourself constant relaxation until your state of mind returns to normal.

This year you are very susceptible to all kinds of experiences and stresses. If you cannot avoid strong unrest, contact a specialist, do not self-medicate.

By the spring, try to completely eliminate alcohol and fatty foods. Your liver may be at risk. Go to healthy eating... Eat more vegetables and fruits raw. Try to drink 1.5 liters of fresh water a day. Start doing morning exercises or do light sports.

In the summer, your condition may get worse. This will manifest itself in dizziness, palpitations and general weakness. It may darken in the eyes, and the legs become wadded and give way. If these symptoms bother and scare you, see your doctor. Get tested and take a course of drugs. But don't panic, it's just that your body is giving you signals that it is overwhelmed and needs rest. Take a vacation, go to a place where there is a lot of fresh air, there is a pool for swimming and there are no objects that irritate your psyche. If vacation is not possible, use your free time and weekends for complete relaxation. But be careful: summer is a traumatic period for you. By the fall, everything will be all right again. Get involved in strengthening your immunity.

Lonely Aquarius at the end of the year will be lucky to meet a person for a long-term serious relationship. Moreover, a radical change of image can help to meet a wealthy partner. In the meantime, you can while away the time in non-binding affair and romance.

The stars recommend to family Aquarius not to take out their ailment and blues on their relatives. This is fraught with scandals and quarrels, which will further damage your mental health. Find a reasonable compromise with your family during this difficult time for you. And do not try to seek solace on the side. It will not bring you any joy or satisfaction, but only a feeling of complete devastation. And at the same time, you can lose your family.

But it is not all that bad. If you have not yet visited depression, then it is quite possible that it will not come. Any stress can be relieved by good relaxation. And if your natural optimism and cheerfulness have not left you, then boldly go to your goal and enjoy every day of the new year.

2017 horoscope for Pisces

Fishes. For the fourth year already, Pisces will be in a period of self-examination, formation or rethinking of their inner world, their personality. For more experienced people, this period is declining, while for younger people it continues to boil. This year you will especially feel an irresistible desire to retire, to be alone. Perhaps you will be fond of fishing, hiking, gathering something in the forest, etc. The desire to express your inner quest can be poured out on paper in the form of poetry or a story, or on canvas in the form of a picture.

Otherwise, 2017 for you should pass under the slogan: "Everything for home and family!" Loose marriage bonds will be able to fasten, strong ones will be strengthened even more. The construction of new housing or the improvement of the old one will be successful. Joint holidays will greatly improve the atmosphere in your family. It is very likely that single Pisces will enter into a marriage that will be successful and strong.

In June, you may be faced with the question of what to prefer, to continue to improve your inner world or to plunge into work. You will have to decide what is more important to you - to fail in your career or refuse to build inner spiritual harmony. Just think very well and don't jump to conclusions.

A favorable time for fruitful labor activity is January - March, and then - December.

An idea submitted by you or a proposed project accepted for implementation will need constant monitoring on your part. Even if you are not directly involved in its implementation. Otherwise, colleagues may overwhelm him.

Your hard work can be noticed by your business competitors. They may try to entice you by promising Better conditions labor and wages. Weigh the pros and cons well. But it's better to accept the offer. Change will only benefit you.

This year, you should get up close and personal with people who like to gossip. Listen to conversations in the office. Perhaps someone started a not entirely fair game, and they are going to use you blindly, like a pawn. Keep the situation under control.

Control your expenses. Somewhere in the middle of the year, you may need considerable amount which you may not have. The stars are not advised to borrow money, it will be quite difficult to give back. But you yourself can lend to your friends, then they will be able to pay you in full and on time.

In terms of health, there is a high probability of nervous overstrain. Get a preventive examination by a specialist. Eat more green vegetables and fruits. Take a course of vitamins. Try to be less nervous and rest more. The optimal time is late August - early September. It is better to spend your vacation in “doing nothing” somewhere on a warm quiet beach.

In general, no matter what zodiac sign and no matter what year you were born, stay yourself, learn from the mistakes of past years and do not allow them in the new year. Improve yourself internally and become better and better from year to year!

Tell VK

The Red Fire Rooster, under whose sign the upcoming 2017 will take place, is a bright and ambiguous character. Hot-tempered, sometimes too reckless, but at the same time very calculating and practical, the Rooster symbolizes loyalty, benevolence, renewal, interesting acquaintances and unexpected courage in communicating with the opposite sex.

The motto of the coming 2017 is "Fortune smiles at the brave", and this will affect personal relationships in the first place. Those who are still in search of a soul mate will be able to make a fateful choice. And already established couples will resolve the main contradictions and breathe a new spark of passion into their relationship.

Aries (march 20 - april 19)

For typical representatives of the sign, 2017 can be a year of serious changes in their personal life. But do not worry - these changes will mainly be worn positive character... Some Aries will be swirling a whirlpool of romantic events, while others will finally be able to put an end to a relationship that has long ceased to please them.

Be that as it may, in either case, you will feel great. 2017 will be the beginning of an important period in your personal life. Representatives of the sign who have found their half, but have not yet legalized the relationship, may want to put a stamp in their passport, and family Aries will probably think about children.

Taurus (april 20 - may 20)

If the previous two or three years were a time of stagnation in romantic relationships for you, then 2017 will be a year of change. Moreover, as befits in the year of the Rooster, these changes will depend entirely on your courage. Fortunately, decisiveness in 2017 you will not hold.

Confident Taurus will easily make new acquaintances, and almost all of them will be interesting and useful. However, choosing a partner should be taken very seriously. Do not make hasty decisions, take a closer look at who is next to you, and only then open your heart and soul. Naivety is a luxury you, unfortunately, cannot afford in 2017.

Gemini (may 21 - june 20)

It seems that in 2017, the Gemini's luck goes into their own hands... Moreover, this concerns the romantic sphere in the first place. It doesn't matter if you are single or not, you have every chance to improve your personal life.

The main snag is the difficulty in finding a balance between a partner and a career. Perhaps your loved one will be offended by the fact that you pay increased attention to work. But do not rush to accuse him of misunderstanding and a desire to control your every step. Only calm and constructive conversations can defuse the situation.

An important aspect of 2017 is building trusting relationships with a partner. You may have been "burned" in the past, but now try not to look back. What happened is gone.

Cancer (june 21 - july 22)

Romantic Cancers can start preparing for the exciting 2017 right now. Vivid sensations, fleeting hobbies, increased attention from the opposite sex- all this awaits you in the first half of 2017. However, in the summer you have every chance to meet someone who will help you put an end to your long search for a partner once and for all. The main thing at this moment is to shift the focus of attention from the outer gloss to the inner beauty, otherwise you risk missing the right person.

Marital Cancers may face misunderstandings and reluctance to make concessions on the part of the spouse. The stars advise in such cases not to succumb to emotions and continue discussions only in a calm state.

Leo (july 23 - august 22)

Lions will perk up in 2017. The difficulties in your personal life that haunted you throughout most of 2016 will finally be resolved.

This mainly concerns the family representatives of the sign. If the last year passed for you in eternal quarrels, squabbles, then in the year of the Rooster you have every chance to finally dot the i's and establish an emotional connection in the family. The main thing to remember is that your loved one is on your side, and choose your words as carefully as possible, otherwise you risk hurting painfully the one who has tender feelings for you.

An important point - try not to wash dirty linen in public in 2017. There are many curious "advisors" around who are unlikely to be able to help at least something, but will only escalate the situation.

Virgo (august 23 - september 22)

In recent years, typical representatives of the sign have only done what they fought with windmills. In 2017, you will be convinced that most of the problems and troubles in personal relationships did not deserve even a thousandth part of your attention.

The Year of the Rooster will be a year of relaxation and tranquility. If earlier your relationship with your partner could not be called easy and harmonious, then in 2017 you will be able to achieve an understanding that you previously only dreamed of.

In spring and summer, outwardly restrained and even "cold" representatives of the sign will become somewhat frivolous and romantic. Walking under the moon and admiring starry sky- this is about you in 2017.

Libra (september 23 - october 22)

In 2017, Libra needs to remember about their natural talent for achieving balance. This will greatly simplify the relationship with your partner. Whims and self-doubt should be relegated to the background to avoid meaningless conflicts.

In the year of the Rooster, you have to become bolder, look for compromises, be the first to go to reconciliation, especially if the quarrel occurred through your fault. Lonely representatives of the sign will attract the views of the opposite sex like a magnet. You have every chance to plunge into a dizzying romance, which can develop into something more than a strong love.

Scorpio (october 23 - november 21)

Passionate Scorpios risk scaring their partner with assertiveness if they do not moderate their ardor in 2017. You need everything at once, and your loved one prefers not to rush- it is because of this that you may be in conflict in 2017. However, these quarrels and conflicts are unlikely to be serious. Rather, you will need them to achieve the much desired rapport.

Lonely representatives of the sign, contrary to expectations, are in no hurry to enter into long-term relationships. In 2017, they will be more comfortable in short-term hobbies than in a serious relationship with one person. Perhaps the whole point is that Scorpios will continue to search for a non-existent ideal.

Sagittarius (november 22 - december 21)

Attractive and energetic representatives of the sign will be especially popular with the opposite sex in 2017... However, Sagittarius themselves are much more interested in their work and hobbies than in building relationships. Perhaps this period of voluntary loneliness will help the representatives of the sign to truly understand themselves and their desires.

Family Sagittarius will be able to breathe a spark of passion into an even and familiar relationship. A joint vacation in the spring-summer of 2017 will come in handy. Probably, it will be possible to solve the problems that have been haunted for a long time.

Capricorn (december 22 - january 22)

Capricorns, who have spent the last few years in search of the perfect partner, risk finally finding one in 2017. True, do not flatter yourself. “Ideal” will be the same ordinary person like you, with his own shortcomings and “cockroaches”, but he will be able to give you the main thing - stability, calmness and a sense of security.

For the first time, typical representatives of the sign will want to push their careers into the background, paying more time and attention to romantic relationships. The stars advise: no matter how strong love is, do not dissolve in a partner, otherwise you risk becoming less interesting to him.

Married Capricorns are likely to think about children, and 2017 is a great year to replenish the family.

Aquarius (january 21 - february 18)

2016, saturated for Aquarius, gradually flows into the same rich 2017. Aquarius will not be bored, and this is especially true for the sphere of personal relationships.

Lonely representatives of the sign are in no hurry to find a soul mate. Charming and outgoing, they revel in attention from members of the opposite sex and fleeting, non-binding relationships. And so it will be until November-December 2017, until “the one” appears on the way of lonely Aquarius.

As for family Aquarius, their 2017th will pass quite smoothly, without shocks and strong changes, but in constant attempts to combine personal relationships and work.

Pisces (February 19 - March 19)

Romantic and unmarried Pisces can hope to fulfill their cherished desire - perhaps a loved one will make you a long-awaited marriage proposal... This will probably happen in May-June. However, the stars also say that this period accounts for the most conflicts in already established couples. Control yourself, choose your words carefully so as not to lose what you have been building over the years.

Lonely representatives of the sign can also quickly and radically change their lives - the horoscope predicts a meeting with an important person who, having provided help at the right time, can become your soul mate.

    Do your forecasts for the year usually come true?

29.03.2018 07:52

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In April, there will be a couple of extremely important astrological events that have a very long-term perspective. Retrograde planets in 2018 will be especially important from April. First, Saturn on April 18 begins its reverse movement, which will last for several months. This will contribute to the fact that people's lives begin to change from the inside. Your inner world will transform slowly but surely. There will be another equally rare event. Pluto will begin to move in the opposite direction. From April 22, he will become the cause of global problems. This small and distant planet affects not only each person individually, but also the world and society as a whole, as a separate organism and structure.


Trust your inner voice in April, because it will save you more than once from problems and troubles. The sixth sense is an important tool in the hands of a skilled person. In difficult situations, it is it that can save you from fiasco. This also applies to the sphere of money, work, the sphere of love. Absolutely in everything, a certain symbolism will be traced, which will indicate to everyone where and how to move on correctly. You will be able to reconsider your priorities and dot the i's in the second half of the month. In many ways, this will be the merit of Saturn.

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For you, retrograde Saturn will not be all that dangerous. On the contrary, from April 18 you will be able to start moving towards your dreams, form your own vision of the future. Pluto retrograde can cause numerous conflicts in your life. Starting April 22, you should choose a behavior model that will be defining and permanent. This is the only way you can maintain the respect of most people. On the 15th, Mercury will begin direct movement, which can be regarded as a positive moment. Your memory will improve and there will be a craving for conquering new heights.


It's time to step out of your comfort zone. The negative and powerful Sun will slightly loosen its grip due to the transition to the Sign of Taurus. This will only happen on April 20. Until that day, it is better not to take risks and not get involved in financial and love adventures. Your deep feelings until the 20th will not let you go, so your efficiency will be reduced. The desire to rest will be enormous, and the desire to work will be minimal. Saturn from April 18 will open your eyes to the truth. Of course, this will not happen immediately, since this planet is acting slowly, but you can make the first moves in this direction.


Your happiness will be next to you, you just will not be able to see it properly. This will be prevented by the Moon from April 1 to 11 and from 23 to 30, while it is weak. From April 12th to 22nd, it will show a high level of activity, which will be missed at the beginning of the month. On the 24th, Venus will also completely lose all its strength. Together with a weak moon, this will mean only one thing - the last 6-8 days of April will be the most difficult. Your energy reserves will dry up very quickly, you will lose the desire to compromise, the desire for diplomacy may disappear in you.

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Leo stars and planets are advised to do spiritual practices in April. The Sun in Taurus from April 20 will be able to give you good luck in many things and endeavors. Do not be afraid to plan things for the future, soberly assessing your strengths and capabilities. Pluto in a retrograde state will try to direct you not along the truly right path in life, but along the wrong path. This planet will slowly transform your inner world, depriving you of the will to win, self-confidence. Pluto retrograde will not affect your life in the best way, but do not be discouraged - everything will be fine, because you will learn a lot.


You need to understand the importance of positive attitudes, because retrograde Saturn will change your consciousness, depriving you of objectivity. On the other hand, Mercury will return to its normal state on the 15th, which will be a symbol of good luck for you, because your attention will improve, as will your memory. It will be easier to meet people, so sitting still will be an unaffordable luxury. Meet those you like and those who can help you become richer. Communicate openly so people can trust you.


Laziness and apathy are two of the greatest enemies of success. From April 24, you can become susceptible to the influence of these two emotional ailments, because Venus will cease to supply you with positive energy, moving into the Sign of Gemini. Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn will also not give the warmest welcome to the representatives of your Zodiac Sign. Problems will be with thinking and decision making, which will be difficult. Pluto retrograde, on the other hand, will slowly begin to correct your desire for solitude. Prejudice will fade into the background, so you can think much cleaner.


The waxing moon this month will be especially positive for you, despite all its negative potential. You will become softer and more sensitive, but there will be nothing wrong with that. You will be able to feel the people around you because of the developed empathy. If you work in a team, this can be a very beneficial quality. Fears will disappear for a while, giving way to self-confidence and good mood. The whole month as a whole may turn out to be incomprehensible, but you can make an effort on yourself so as not to worry about trifles. Work selflessly, doing the same in love, then everything will remain in place.

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Your subconscious mind will be very effective in influencing the world around you and on yourself. Absolutely your whole life can change dramatically if you can change your vision of the world around you. This is how Saturn will affect you, which has been moving in the opposite direction since April 18th. Life will make you more self-reliant. Do not take advantage of the kindness of people in April and in the longer term, because it can turn against you. From the 15th, Mercury will also cease to be retrograde. This is not in your favor, because a desire for solitude will appear, attention will deteriorate, and a craving for bad habits will appear.

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