Relations from a past life: what is a karmic marriage and what ending can it lead to? Is man destiny? How to understand that marriage is karmic

Logs 31.01.2021

Every person wants to be happy. For many, happiness is expressed in Love, in warm and harmonious relationship with your lover.

But often in our life there are meetings when two people come together, in marriage, the relationship between which can hardly be called happy and harmonious. As a rule, people live together, completely different and not suitable for each other.

Often in such relationships there is discontent, claims, dissatisfaction, and sometimes hidden or obvious, poorly restrained, hatred for each other. And despite all sorts of exhortations from parents, girlfriends, acquaintances, some unknown force keeps them together and does not allow them to be separated.

From the point of view of esotericism, these people must go through the period allotted to them in time. This is their Karma, and Higher Forces connected them on Earth.

What does karmic marriage mean

There is an ancient Indian teaching, according to which two laws work in the life of every person - Karma and Drachma.

Drachma is what a person must fulfill before the Universe, for what purposes he was created initially, this is the Purpose of a person, this is his entire Potential, which must be revealed in a series of incarnations on Earth.

This is a kind of program, following which a person finds Happiness and Harmony. This is the Way! And everyone has his own. The main thing is to find it.

If a person does not go his own way, deviates from the course determined for him by the Higher powers, suffering and all kinds of obstacles come into his life - this is Karma.

Karma is a kind of working out of all those programs of a person that led to a deviation from their true path.

Karma passes from incarnation to incarnation and continues until all debts are paid out, and a person reveals all the potential inherent in him initially - his Destiny. And often, the development of all karmic lessons is not limited to one earthly life.

“You and only you are responsible for your actions. And you can't shift the responsibility to someone else. Everything has to be paid for. Debts must be repaid,” says the law of Karma.

Indians are deeply convinced that there are people in the current incarnation who have built relationships incorrectly in previous lives. Therefore, they are doomed to the so-called karmic marriage.

All people are present in our lives for a reason. There are no accidents. Children, friends, lovers, parents come into our lives with a specific task - to help correctly, according to space laws, resolve this or that situation from past incarnations.

Some esotericists believe that people in the present incarnation change roles in relation to previous lives: tyrants become victims, and victims, on the contrary, become tyrants, etc.

In marriage, a man and a woman also change places, which allows you to fully feel and experience the emotions of a partner, realize mistakes and make the right choice. Therefore, all earthly human life, or rather life, is a large-scale theater where everyone, playing his own role assigned to him, living his experience, finally chooses his own path, returns the debts of the Universe and reveals his originally inherent potential.

Everyone is responsible only for their actions, words, thoughts, actions and is responsible for them himself. This is how justice is restored.

Karmic marriage: signs

One of the most common symptoms is a quick transition from the stage of acquaintance to marriage, as a rule, from several days to a month. Often, the so-called "Love at first sight", when a person seems familiar to you, as if you have known him for a very long time, you guess all his movements-gestures - from the category of karmic meetings.

Almost 100% of the karmic connection is evidenced by the fact that there are people from different cities, countries, different nationalities, different social status, who, after a short acquaintance, radically change their lifestyle and place of residence. This suggests that the Higher Forces have declared that it is time to be responsible for your actions, the karmic scenario has become more active. The performance began in the grandiose theater of earthly life. Or continued, who knows ...

How to know karmic marriage or not

Esotericists also refer to karmic marriages marriages where one of the partners is in a state of alcohol or drug addiction. One abuses, is tempted by desire, is in the devil's fetters, and the second is doomed to endure, to suffer.

Psychologists consider this condition to be co-dependence in the position of Tyrant (dependent) - Victim (co-dependent). Often, the "current" dependent and suffering in past life played opposite roles. The real incarnation is just working off karma, when it is time to repay debts, pay bills and experience all the difficulties of living with a sick-addicted person.

Marriages in which there is an aspect of severe chronic disease, requiring one of the partners to constantly care for the other, also, often, karmic. For example, if a husband (or wife) suffers from a mental illness, has lost the ability to independently serve himself, the second partner feels all the difficulties of living together and is forced to take care of him long time. Otherwise, in the next life, there is a high probability that he will fall into a similar situation.

Marriages in which the continuation of the family is “closed”, the so-called infertile couples. Higher powers bring together those people who, from incarnation to incarnation, could not solve their problems correctly, could not realize their mistakes and embark on the true path. In this case, the Universe "closes" the continuation of the family, completes the history of the couple.

The only way to make lovers "think" - to stop the existence of the clan - comes into force when for a long time (usually several incarnations) both partners do not solve their joint karmic tasks.

A big difference in the age of the spouses can also speak about karmic relationships: as a rule, 5, 10 and 15. From the point of view of karma - fatal! difference. She says that the meeting of two people is not accidental and is predetermined from above, since it is necessary to answer for the actions committed earlier in past incarnations.

The difference of 5 and 10 years suggests that the couple needs joint spiritual growth and development with mutual work off of debts to each other. After that, either a calm, peaceful, without scandals parting is possible, or the marriage can reach a higher level.

The difference of 15 years is interpreted by esotericists as the strongest karmic dependence of partners on each other - a fatal karmic passion. Often, a great many unresolved problems have accumulated in past lives, and no divorces, separations no longer lead to the separation of spouses. There is only one way out - to become a widower (widow). But it is possible to solve unsolved problems by overcoming a very strong dependence on each other.

One of the classic examples of a karmic connection is a relationship in which one or both spouses are unsatisfied, suffer, suffer, then diverge, and then converge again. Higher forces unite such people to realize and analyze their true Purpose, to reveal their own potential for each of the partners.

The karmic relationship is also evidenced by the development of the situation when the groom, right before the wedding, goes to the bride's sister or the widow marries the brother of the deceased husband.

The fact that classmates (classmates) who have not seen each other for many years and who met at the Anniversary of meetings can also speak of the predestination of the union can no longer part. They are not embarrassed by the opinion of friends, acquaintances, their families, children.

Most likely, this is also a karmic marriage, and the fact that they studied in the same class is not an accident. First, they went through life separately, each solving their own individual problems, living their own experience, then it was the turn of their joint performance in the earthly theater of life!

Edited by Marina Belaya.

Many people ask themselves: what is "karma"? I understand this word in the context of wise Russian folk proverbs, which are taken from life: “As it comes around, it will respond”, “What you sow, you will reap”.

And these proverbs can also be perfectly applied to marriages called karmic.

And to put it quite simply, many of our meetings in Everyday life not at all accidental, but caused by some actions in our past incarnations.

Of course, skeptics may object, what other incarnation, there is none of this, and in general all this is nonsense. But I do not agree with this at all and I will try to prove that such connections, such relationships are not someone's sick fantasy, not mine - such connections really exist. Moreover, I am convinced that 90% of all marriages are karmic.

As my experience of working with people shows, one person can have a lot of karmic meetings.

Coming into this world, we find ourselves in a certain environment of people who help us to realize our karmic tasks (one must be an engineer, doctor, teacher, or policeman - and this is his karmic task, the other - a beggar begging, the third - a rich oligarch, and this will also be due to his personal karma).

Usually people from past lives are our parents, marriage partners, children, friends, relatives, bosses, work colleagues, and even bystanders.

But still the most big interest cause precisely karmic bonds between a man and a woman. Probably, having solved this puzzle, everything else will be much easier to understand. Under the relationship of a man and a woman, we understand the relationship between partners who knew each other in past incarnations. They felt something for each other, experienced emotions, contacted. But between them there was an understatement, debts: emotional, intellectual, spiritual or material. When meeting, such people often understand each other perfectly.

It happens that people drag a "tail" from past lives, for example, jealousy, aggression, fear, addiction. This suggests that once these two could not find the right way out of any situation, and now they are attracted to each other. The purpose of their meeting now is to complete the work that has been started, to resolve a long-standing issue, and to realize the plans. Such a couple is sent by fate (or karma) a certain situation for a certain period of time.

When karmic partners meet, they experience a fairly strong need for each other. Time passes, and they begin to reproduce the old scenario of their relationship, thereby going through and experiencing the same emotions that once did not find a way out.

Thus, both get a real chance and opportunity to cope with that difficult situation, but now more wisely and correctly, i.e. this is a kind of lesson, as in school - learned twice two - let's go further, did not learn - sit down and teach until you remember.

The spiritual purpose of this meeting is for the couple to make a different choice and show higher qualities - humility, acceptance, compassion, etc. In order to understand these lessons, it is necessary to determine what type of karmic connections your situation belongs to.

Love will suddenly come when you do not expect it at all ...

If a love relationship(love at first sight is a typical sign of a karmic connection!), marriage happened completely unexpectedly, both for the partners themselves and for others, for example, partners are completely different or from different social strata, then the lesson is to accept the situation and the person as it is. Don't try to change him or her.

Marry - do not attack, as if in marriage not to abyss ...

Marriage after a week of dating - here the situation is probably the most confusing, usually partners find themselves in it like in a dream. And at the end of dreams, their eyes begin to open wide to the world. Very often, such marriages break up after a year, a maximum of two. But relationships can be saved, only the partners will have to work very hard.

In such situations, spouses must constantly move to a new level of relationships, which means that they need to devote a lot of time to the psychological side of the issue, control their reactions and deeply comprehend their actions. Such a karmic connection is healing. In this situation, in order to change his karma, a person must understand in advance what such actions lead or can lead to. Partners must develop their relationship and comprehend actions, then such a karmic situation will have a cleansing effect.

Karmic marriage - relationships from the past

Unfavorable partner.

A situation in which one of the marriage partners is in a long-term alcohol or drug addiction. Such a marriage is clearly a "punishment". One partner unconsciously chooses the other, this happens because of a hidden feeling of guilt, i.e. in a past life, the "positive" partner was in the role of " bad man”, in fact, everything happened the other way around. Having met in this life, people simply restore justice. When justice is restored, and you have “worked out” the karmic lesson, you can leave if you wish.

And together - unbearable, and apart - also in any way.

Relationship or marriage is clearly marked by some fatality and predestination? If there is a constant struggle, it seems that people cruelly torture each other on purpose. In such a situation, fate simply constantly brings such people together so that they learn to accept each other for who they are.

And not try to fight with yourself, because, as we know, "our partner is our own mirror." And everything that is not pleasant in it, is necessarily in us. The karmic lesson is to understand: you need to change not your partner, but your attitude towards him and yourself.

We dream of a child, but it still doesn’t work out in any way ...

childless families. Of course now I will be told about the infertility of men and women. That this is now a disease of modern people.

But we are not talking about medical indicators now (although this aspect can also be deciphered from the point of view of karma) - if such problems occur, then this indicates that the future is closed for this kind.

Such relationships are closed on partners and serve to comprehend their own character traits and qualities that they should not pass on to the next generation. As a rule, such marriages break up, and the future of this karmic connection depends on how each of the partners has “corrected”.

If we are talking about a case of a breakdown in a relationship, then it is important how the spouses behave. If, for example, there is no clarification of the relationship, who is right and who is to blame, then the partners will be given children.

A variant is possible, if, nevertheless, the relationship was maintained, and the couple decided to adopt a child, then over time they can be given their own child.

Since the adoption of children in the Higher Laws is considered so correct that it removes many karmic programs, but only if people do it with a pure thought and a really strong desire to have a child.

What is it for me? What is my fault?

Relationships in which one of the partners may be disabled, mentally ill. In such situations, a person shows so many higher qualities that he did not show in any favorable situation: care, love, compassion.

In order to correct your karma in this case it is necessary to apply the rule: "all troubles are sent to us so that, looking for a way out of them, we begin our spiritual development and change something in ourselves for the better."

One gate play.

The girl gets married, becomes a wife, gives birth to a child, but the husband does nothing at all to develop the relationship. And for 15 years she has been humiliated and insulted by him. In this connection, a certain triangle is very clearly visible. She is a typical victim, he is a persecutor, again she is a savior. Only the question arises: for whom is it all? This situation is very similar to relationships, when in a married couple one is an alcoholic or drug addict, and the other suffers and suffers from this.

In this case, in order to correct your karma, you need to make cardinal decisions. If you're willing to be the victim for the rest of your life, then you don't have to do anything. And if you still want to live differently, then you need to show all the most strengths your character. And thereby show and prove to the partner that it cannot continue like this and give him such arguments so that he is sincerely interested in building your relationship.

tagPlaceholder Tags: divination, palmistry, life, divorce, infidelity, marriage, karmic, partner

  • #1

    Usually, karmic marriage means the union of two people who already knew each other closely in their past incarnations, and who still have some karmic debts to each other. Then the once born karmic connections lead a certain man and woman to an inevitable meeting and marriage "to pay off old scores." As a rule, such a marriage is problematic. After all, people are "brought" into such marriages precisely for the sake of trials, the acquisition of certain experience and the return of some moral debts. For example, if you betrayed your marriage partner, in the next incarnation you may be brought together again, however, in doing so, you will switch roles and become a victim of adultery yourself. Details in an excellent article about karmic marriages here:

  • #2

    Nastya, is anyone arguing with this. You also indicated one of the reasons for Karmic marriage. Yes betrayed. The roles were reversed, but I know several examples when people, living in a karmic marriage (moreover, there were already three signs - drunkenness, no children, a 5-year age difference) - were able to work out karma. Defeat her husband's alcoholism, give birth to a child, and now they live well. There is a very good life expression: " Strong people quarrel, quarrel, reconcile, but remain together. The weak are looking for a replacement. "I am convinced that any of our marriage partners is karmic.

The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What you sow, you will reap” or “As it comes around, so it will respond.”

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts- one of the largest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example. Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a specific example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his vocation. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ... It would seem, live and rejoice! An no.

After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and refuse your vocation.

Another classic example is the time has come. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already started a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

And now let me draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage:

- Marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

- In their relationship there is a lot of sign, "fatal" and predetermined. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.

- Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a past life.

- Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.

- Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.

- Marriage occurs unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.

- A very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script, and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

Remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present.

Correct mistakes, go through life with an open Heart, giving Love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness.

They are far from being such a rare phenomenon as it may seem at first glance. The very concept of "karma" has its roots in Eastern culture, but it is not at all alien to Slavic culture. We are all well aware of proverbs like "As it comes around, it will respond." They convey the basic meaning of karma very well. And now it's time to figure out what a karmic marriage is.

Karmic marriage acts as a union of two souls embodied in a bodily shell, which have already repeatedly intersected in previous incarnations, but on this moment have unresolved mutual obligations. Before that, they could take on the roles of spouses, relatives, parents, lovers, they could be enemies.

In the current incarnation, karma again tied them together to give back their own and work off negative karma (expiation of guilt, correction of mistakes). After all, it is the union of the hearts of two lovers that is a huge purgatory in which the human disposition and worldview are subject to global trials.

Examples of karmic relationships

If this information is too confusing for you, let's try to calculate in what situations a karmic marriage occurs.

Suppose that in your previous incarnation you met a guy who loved you dearly, with whom you planned to start a family. But you preferred a better-off candidate to him. Then you can say with 100% certainty that in this life you will regularly encounter similar situations until you are able to realize and learn the lesson that life has prepared for you and develop the right behavior strategy. This is very similar to a computer game where you are given try number two in the second round.

But, going to get married, people by and large do not tend to think about the negative and do not look at karma. Although the motives according to which a marital relationship is planned can tell a lot. Let's look at some examples.

indescribable passion

It is one of the traditional reasons for concluding karmic unions.

For example, in the past incarnation, Gennadievich was a promising scientist, but he burned with a passionate love for Nadezhda, who became his bride, and for her sake he left all his scientific works, not fulfilling his vocation. In this life, on the contrary, he plunged headlong into his career and work, and does not pay any attention to the representatives of the opposite sex. After all, his soul perfectly remembers the mistakes of the past, therefore, on a subconscious level, he is afraid to marry (he developed a kind of phobia of a marriage union).

But such marriages will bring happiness only if they are based on sincere feelings and people are close in spirit. And if the decision was made only because of self-interest, then the likelihood that the marriage will be happy is zero. According to the laws of karma, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to hide from the problem, shifting it onto someone else's shoulders (your spouse).

The desire is quite understandable, but in reality it is not feasible. After all, no one can solve our problems, except ourselves. And no matter what we want to hide from (from poverty, loneliness, pressure from parents), it will still overtake us. We will need to find the strength within ourselves to independent solution problems, because only in this case the situation will disappear from our lives.

So, if you, for example, are only interested in your husband's money, then a situation will arise when he will lose his capital, and you will realize that you have made the wrong choice. Look only at his position in society? There will come days when he will lose his job. And this is not a game of higher powers with us at all, but a karmic lesson. Everyone has to go their own way and learn a lot.

Too many young girls tend to get married as soon as possible in order to get rid of pressure from their parents or their excessive control. But they find themselves in the same bondage, only now from their spouse.

This happens for the reason that dependence on someone is inside us and is produced in the surrounding reality. What images are present in our heads, then we get in the end. Even a gentle and calm man will become a real domestic tyrant if you constantly wait for this on a subconscious level.

How to avoid a karmic union

  • Need to change! Make yourself a person. Learn not to depend on other people's opinions. This will definitely lead to positive changes in your life.
  • People who are not self-sufficient believe that that happiness will be brought to them by another person who will need them. They tend to complain about problems, which often hang on themselves.
  • And more experienced souls have such state of the art, which allows them to help others. "Ancient souls" are not inclined to complain, on the contrary, others constantly turn to them to "cry in the vest."

How to calculate and determine it

A huge number of people are interested in this issue, but in reality this action is only possible for an astrologer or an expert practicing reincarnation psychotherapy.

But there are also certain signs:

  • significant difference in age from 5 to 10 years. If it is more than 15 years old, then here you can 100% assert a karmic union;
  • in addition, you can calculate your karmic number, which acts as an indicator for a certain period, with the completion of which serious changes will begin to “knock” into life.

To do this, you should add all the numbers of your birthday:

  • We take a sample - 25.05.1994.
  • Then the karmic number will be = 2+5+5+1+9+9+4 = 35.

But note that if the number ten appears in the date of birth, you add it completely, and do not divide by one and zero.

The fact that it is a karmic marriage that takes place can also be established by an astrologer, having dealt with the influence of each planet and calculating the angle between them. The degree of this angle is decisive. Angles of 20, 40, 80 and 100 degrees indicate a karmic union.

Another way is to turn to Tarot cards, but this procedure also needs to be carried out by an experienced professional, and not a charlatan. In the process of performing a card layout, certain combinations may fall out that will indicate karmic connections between partners.

Do you want to get rid of the karmic connection? Then we highly recommend watching the following video:

Conclusions that indicate a karmic marriage

  • Marriage is a surprise for the lovers themselves. It is unexpected because, according to all generally accepted rules, foundations and orders, they cannot be together. For example, a guy and a girl differ in their social status, financial condition, environment, age, skin color, and so on.
  • There is an element of fatality, predestination. For example, partners constantly quarrel and swear, but are not able to part, let go of each other. Or from the outside it seems that the relationship is completely incompatible, but in reality the lovers are happy.
  • One of the partners suffers from addiction (alcohol or drug). In this case, the second partner will definitely suffer. Most likely, there has been a reversal of roles in the present incarnation, and one has to experience firsthand what the other suffered from in a previous life.
  • Childlessness. So, the future is closed for procreation. In every marriage there is a union not only of two people, but also of two genera. And karmic relationships in this case are given with the aim that the partners could rethink their specific traits that the family does not want to endow with subsequent generations. If rethinking does not occur (which occurs most often), then such a marriage union will surely break up.
  • One of the partners is seriously ill. The situation is designed to awaken in the second person the highest aspects of love (care and compassion), which might not have arisen if everything was fine.
  • The marriage union is very fast, and then there is a sharp break in any ties (kindred, friendly), and the newlyweds change their place of residence (city, country).
  • hasty marriage ( a few weeks after meeting). In this case, the relationship seems to be written according to a certain scenario: the couple realizes their new position only after a certain time has passed. And before that, they seem to be hypnotized and do not understand what they are doing.
  • In very rare situations, it happens that people are forced to live together for many years, while they do not imagine their parting. They do not experience fleeting love, but truly love their partner and accept him for who he is, with all his positive and negative sides.

If we consider such a marriage from a karmic point of view, then the partners were able to cope with all the trials sent from above, all karmic lessons were worked out, and all mistakes were corrected. Now they have the opportunity to enjoy each other's company, immersing themselves in every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are so closely intertwined, they are connected with chains and shackles, and not just energy threads.

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