There can't be much water. Why do I drink a lot? Why you can not drink water after melon, corn

for welding 14.07.2020
for welding

Proper drinking regime along with rational nutrition plays an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. What kind of water is more useful to drink and how to do it correctly so as not to harm your health? Read about it below.

Water is a universal solvent. As part of the liquid component of blood, it is involved in the transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste products, thermoregulation and chemical processes in cells.

How much water should an adult, a pregnant woman, a newborn child, children drink per day per 1 kg of weight?

Scientists have calculated that the body of an adult male is 60% water, and female - 50%. For an adult:

  • To maintain water balance, it is necessary to consume 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water per day.
  • The physiological need in terms of 1 kg of adult weight is 30 ml of water daily.

During pregnancy water is involved not only in the metabolism of the mother's body, but also the unborn fetus. That's why doctors recommend:

  • Drink 2.5 liters of drinking water per day.
  • To prevent the occurrence of edema, it is necessary to reduce not the amount of fluid you drink, but salt, and this should be done throughout the pregnancy.

The doctor will help you establish the correct drinking regimen based on the results of the tests.

Inadequate fluid intake can affect the quality of amniotic fluid and the mother's body.

The amount consumed newborn baby water depends on the type of feeding.

  • With artificial or mixed feeding, the norm should be supplemented by a baby from the age of two weeks, while the norm of water he drinks during the day is 100 - 200 ml.
  • At breastfeeding the baby needs to be supplemented, because what he drinks breast milk 90% consists of water. 50-70 ml of drinking water per day is enough for the baby.

Important: the opinion that a breastfed baby does not need supplementation is erroneous. Remember that mother's milk is food, not drink!

Keeping the water balance in the body children is the key to their health. Drinking enough liquid of proper quality will help to avoid problems with growing teeth, gums, joints, kidneys.

  • Children need to drink 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day
  • The physiological need for water in children is 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

What happens if you drink too much water - is it good or bad: consequences

Despite all the benefits of clean drinking water, with a large amount of consumption, it can harm the body.

  1. When drinking large amounts of water at a time, vomiting occurs. This property is used when washing the stomach in case of poisoning, but under normal conditions, this phenomenon only brings discomfort.
  2. The risk of edema increases, which can even affect the brain and lungs.
  3. Along with excess water, salts and minerals are washed out of the body, the water-salt balance is disturbed, which can lead to a decrease in muscle and mental activity and even convulsions.
  4. The body will try to get rid of large amounts of fluid through diarrhea.

Everything is poison and everything is medicine. And only the dose makes a medicine a poison, and a poison a medicine. (Paracelsus)

Is it bad for the kidneys to drink too much water?

There is an opinion among doctors that the best prevention of kidney disease is their continuous work. In order not to suffer from urolithiasis or inflammation urinary tract, you need to consume a sufficient amount of fluid per day (at least 2 liters). This volume must be reduced if kidney disease is already present.

With excessive water intake, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, and it can be assumed that over time, such overloads will begin to affect their health and performance. However, to date, a reliable relationship between kidney disease and a large amount of fluid drunk has not been established.

Situations in which you need to drink more water

In some cases, the amount of fluid consumed can be increased to 3 liters per day.

  1. Physical exercise
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea
  3. increased urination
  4. Increased sweating
  5. Body burns
  6. Poisoning and intoxication of the body
  7. SARS, influenza

What happens if you drink too little water - is it good or bad: signs of dehydration, consequences

A person can live without food for more than a month, but without water, only 3-4 days. Reducing the level of fluid in the body is extremely dangerous for all body systems. You are suffering from mild to moderate water deprivation if:

  1. You have dry skin. This manifests itself in peeling, a tendency to chapping, the appearance of deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
  2. There are problems with digestion - heartburn, indigestion, frequent constipation.
  3. There is thirst and dryness in the mouth and eyes, as the mucous membranes dry up.
  4. You are sick longer, because the viscous blood does not have time to transport the toxins formed during the illness to the organs of their excretion.
  5. You experience joint pain due to the fact that the amount of fluid in the joint bag decreases, and the bones begin to rub against each other.
  6. You often get headaches, especially at the end of the day. So the brain reacts to a decrease in the level of water in its composition.
  7. The feeling of hunger occurs more often than usual. The body sends hunger signals in order to replenish fluid reserves along with the food taken.

Severe dehydration requires prompt medical attention and has the following symptoms:

  • rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • elevated body temperature
  • sunken fontanel in infants
  • confusion and distraction in children and adults
  • lack of sweat and tears
  • dark urine in small amounts
  • strong feeling of thirst
  • reduced arterial pressure

Such dehydration is rare, but requires close treatment in a hospital setting.

What water is better to drink: cold or hot?

Neither cold nor hot. Cold water causes spasms of the walls of the digestive tract and stomach, besides, the body still “warms up” the incoming liquid to body temperature. Hot water, boiling water - not very pleasant in taste, and can burn the mucous membrane.

Drink right warm water heated to room temperature or human body temperature.

Why do Chinese people drink hot water?

There is no single correct answer to this question, however, there are versions that:

  • According to the Chinese traditional medicine drinking cold drinks can disrupt the flow of yin and yang energy in the body.
  • Heated water contributes to better absorption of food, especially fatty foods, because fat dissolves easily in boiling water.
  • A more earthy version - the water is heated for hygienic reasons to kill pathogens.
  • The use of pure boiling water is a feature of the mentality, a tradition developed over the centuries that does not have a specific subtext.

Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, how much water to drink, cold or hot?

According to doctors, the ideal start to the day should necessarily include drinking water on an empty stomach. It should be warm water, comfortable for our body.

  1. Drinking water on an empty stomach washes the walls of the stomach, helping to cleanse it of undigested food debris.
  2. It stimulates the contraction of the walls of the digestive tract and thus has a mild laxative effect.
  3. The gastric juice is diluted and the feeling of morning heartburn disappears.
  4. Appetite decreases due to a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

To achieve such positive effects, it is enough to drink 1.5 - 2 glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Is it useful and how to drink water with lemon in the morning?

It will not be superfluous to add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of lemon juice to warm water in the morning.

Lemon perfectly stimulates the immune system, invigorates, accelerates the elimination of toxins, enriches the body with vitamins.

In addition, it is known for its fat burning and antibacterial properties. You need to drink such homemade "lemonade" on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before a meal.

Giving lemon water to children should be done with caution. Sour juice can harm the baby's delicate stomach lining, and lemon can cause an unpredictable allergic reaction.

What water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

Heat treatment of the drink is one of the most effective means in the fight against pathogenic microbes. However, many people consider boiled water to be dead, useless, and harmful chlorine-containing compounds are formed during boiling. To avoid this, it is recommended to leave the water in an open container for a day before boiling, so that impurities such as chlorine, ammonia, etc., evaporate.

Raw water tastes better but contains pathogens and disinfectant additives if we are talking about tap water. Before use, such water must be defended or passed through household filters.

What water is better to drink: mineral or plain?

plain water, tap water, is usually taken from terrestrial sources and has a variable composition. It depends on the amount of precipitation, season, remoteness of the reservoir from settlements and other factors. Not always chemical composition ordinary water satisfies the body's needs in the quality and quantity of microelements contained.

Mineral water has a constant chemical composition and is more saturated with inorganic trace elements. Depending on the content of salts in it, they distinguish:

  • medical
  • medical dining room
  • table mineral water.

The first two types of water are taken as prescribed by a doctor and in limited quantities. Table mineral water (with a salt content of less than 1 g/l) can be drunk without restrictions and preferably from those sources that are geographically close to the place of your permanent residence.

Mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and restores the water-salt balance, but its regular use requires significant financial costs.

Is it possible to drink distilled water from a car shop, rain?

Distilled water from a car dealer It is intended for household purposes of servicing machines, for example, for washing radiators. Therefore, the container in which it is stored is not intended for food products, and you should not drink such water unless absolutely necessary.

Distilled water does not contain impurities and minerals, and it is impossible to replace absolutely all the water consumed with it.

Against, rainwater has an indefinite composition. It absorbs impurities contained in the atmosphere - dust, heavy metals, ammonia, pesticides. Drinking such water and even using it for domestic purposes is not recommended.

Can you drink sea water?

Sea water is the strongest poison for humans. The salts contained in it are enough to disable the kidneys and poison the body. After its assimilation, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of trace elements and salt in the blood, which leads to the outflow of fluid from the tissues, which leads to rapid dehydration of the body.

Can you drink tap water from a well?

tap water passes through several stages of purification and meets all sanitary and epidemiological standards before entering the pipes. However, in the water supply it is polluted a second time - with iron oxides, organic matter, bacteria, and the chlorine compounds contained in it can have a negative impact on the health of allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Therefore, tap water that has not been boiled or cleaned with household filters is not recommended to drink.

Delicious and invigorating well water in the conditions of modern ecology most often contains a large amount of nitrates and fluorides. These compounds are difficult to remove, and they pose a particular danger to the child's body. The quality of water in different wells is different, and without laboratory tests it is difficult to establish whether it is possible to drink water from one or another source.

Is it possible to drink water with lime sediment?

The characteristic milky sediment of limestone after settling water indicates a significant content of calcium salts in it (increased hardness). Sanitary standards it is forbidden to use such water for drinking purposes. Without additional softening and purification, regular drinking of water rich in limestone can lead to metabolic disorders and the formation of kidney stones.

Is it possible and useful to drink water at night?

The body consumes water in the process of metabolism even at night. To avoid feeling thirsty, half an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink half a glass of pure water, mineral water can be used. But you should stop drinking fluids before bed if:

  • swelling in the morning
  • restless sleep and frequent urge to urinate

Is it possible to drink water with high blood pressure, hypertension?

A diet for hypertensive patients must necessarily include a sufficient amount of liquid for an adult (at least 1.5 liters of water per day). Water in hypertension plays an important role in the body:

  1. Cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  2. Increases the volume of circulating blood, thus expanding the vessels and lowering blood pressure.
  3. Thins the blood, facilitating the work of the heart.

The amount of water consumed and its quality should be agreed with the attending physician.

How to drink water frozen in a bottle?

Frozen water has altered qualities. It is more conducive to cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, speeds up metabolism. To obtain it, settled water is poured into a bottle and placed in a freezer, and then the opaque ice and the unfrozen part are removed.

  • At first, it is recommended to drink no more than 100 ml of frozen water per day in order to induce addiction.
  • Then you can drink up to 1.5 liters of frozen water per day. This volume must be divided by 4 - 5 times and in medicinal purposes drink 30 minutes before meals.

How to drink water for weight loss?

Proper drinking regimen will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain the result achieved.

During the day you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water.

Try to stick to an approximate schedule for drinking water:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  2. During the day, 30 minutes before meals and 2-3 hours after meals.
  3. Between meals, focusing on the feeling of thirst.
  4. Small amount of water before bed.

In this case, water will help get rid of a false feeling of hunger, reduce the amount of food consumed, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

How to drink water in the heat and is it possible to drink cold water?

In hot weather, thirst is felt more strongly, and you want to drink as many cold refreshing drinks as possible.

The amount of water drunk on a hot day should be increased by 0.5 - 1 liter from the norm. Thus, an adult needs 2.5 -3 liters of fluid to maintain the water-salt balance.

Choose the right water temperature. Do not abuse cold drinks- this is fraught with colds and sore throats. Ice water causes vasospasm, is absorbed more slowly and quenches thirst worse.

It is much more effective to drink warm or even hot water to speed up metabolism, increase perspiration, and thus cool your body naturally.

Is it good to drink a lot of water at a temperature?

  • Water is additionally consumed for increased sweating and rapid breathing
  • The liquid helps the body cope with intoxication, removing the products of the activity of viruses, bacteria and toxins from the body.

Instead of water, you can drink herbal teas with the addition of raspberries and rose hips.

How long after a meal can you drink water and why not with meals?

The tradition of drinking food while eating makes digestion difficult, since the incoming water dilutes the gastric juice and takes the necessary enzymes out of the stomach. For the same reasons, you should not drink water immediately after eating.

It would be correct to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before a meal and 0.5 - 4 hours after a meal.

  • 30 minutes after eating fruit
  • 1 hour after vegetables
  • 2 hours after a carbohydrate meal
  • 4 hours after meat products.

How long after a workout can you drink water and why can't you drink during a workout?

It is worth refraining from drinking water during training, so as not to create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and avoid discomfort during active exertion. In addition, an athlete who uncontrollably drinks water during exercise to quench increased thirst is at risk of water poisoning.

  • You can drink water after physical exertion, every 15 minutes, 150-200 ml. The total amount of liquid drunk should not exceed 1 liter.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of pure water half an hour before your workout to replenish your body's fluid stores and keep you from getting thirsty during exercise.

Why can't you drink water quickly, but can you take small sips?

Drinking water in one gulp puts a sharp strain on the kidneys and digestive tract. Not having time to assimilate, it is largely excreted from the body without being absorbed.

On the contrary, water, drunk in sips, is completely absorbed and perfectly quenches thirst.

Hold drinking water in your mouth before swallowing it. This will moisturize the oral mucosa and "deceive" the receptors that signal thirst, creating the effect of drinking a large amount of liquid.

Why can't you drink water after melon, corn?

To avoid unpleasant effects from the gastrointestinal tract, do not drink melon and corn with water. This will lead to increased flatulence, colic and even diarrhea. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.

Why can't you drink water after surgery, anesthesia?

The postoperative condition is accompanied by intense thirst, but doctors do not allow drinking water after surgery and anesthesia.

  • The incoming water against the background of general weakness provokes nausea and vomiting, and vomit can get into Airways and cause pneumonia.
  • In the case of abdominal surgery, the drunk liquid puts pressure on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and the sutures.

Drinking water is allowed only 2 hours after anesthesia.

Who just does not advise us to drink a lot of water. It can be nutritionists and fitness trainers, cosmetologists and doctors, friends and family. But many still have the question: "If there is water, what will happen?" Today our goal is to figure out what water gives the body, how much it needs to be consumed and how its excess or lack affects its condition.

First of all, people who dream of losing weight decide to drink more water. With the help of water, they try to fill the void in the stomach and satisfy the feeling of hunger. But in fact, water is necessary for the body like air. Often people say they don't drink much because they don't want to. In fact, we are simply not used to drinking water. More often we consume sugary drinks, juices, tea or coffee. But, as nutritionists say, only water can quench your thirst. Juice, milk and other liquids are food, but coffee and tea are poison. And yet, if you drink a lot of water, what will happen? Will it benefit the body or, conversely, cause deviations in its work?

A bit of physiology

Water is the basis of life on earth. All biochemical processes in the body are associated with water metabolism, moreover, the human body itself consists of 80% of water. In order for the body to function like a clock, it needs a certain amount of clean water. How much is a somewhat debatable question. The greater the body weight, the higher the need for it. For a person weighing 50 kg, 1.5 liters per day is enough, and if the weight is within 80 kg, then it is advisable to drink about 2.5 liters. The number sounds big enough that people start to wonder: "Will I be able to drink that much liquid, and if I drink a lot of water, what will happen to me?" In fact, this happens because we are not used to drinking water, but in vain. Due to constant dehydration, skin and hair problems begin, chronic diseases of the heart and intestines worsen, and metabolic processes are disturbed. Even the smell of sweat with a lack of fluid in the body becomes different, sharper and more piercing, due to an excess of toxins.

There are a few more points that affect our need for fluid. It's the temperature environment. The hotter it is outside, the more moisture the body loses. The second point is physical activity. So, an office worker will need less water than a builder.

The role of fluid in the body

Water is the basis of our existence. It dissolves substances in the body, delivers nutrients to the cells, removes toxins from the body. Therefore, your body will only be better off if you drink plenty of water. What will happen to the kidneys is a separate issue that worries most people. We answer: if you do not suffer from serious diseases of these organs, then a large amount of clean water will only benefit. In all other cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Very much the need for water depends on what we eat. If you are a lover of spicy salty foods, convenience foods rich in preservatives, then you really need to drink plenty of water. The more junk food you consume, the more resources your body spends to flush out all the toxins and waste. If you care about your health, then go to healthy food. Vegetarians are allowed to reduce their water intake to 1-1.5 liters per day. By the way, the amount of water consumed directly depends on the abundance of your meals. If you are used to eating a lot, then you need to drink a lot.

You may be surprised, but almost half of all diseases occur because the body does not have enough plain water. So that your joints do not creak, stones are not deposited in the kidneys, and the skin is not too dry, you just need to make it a rule to maintain a normal level of fluid in the body.

How does water loss happen?

Water is used for all life support processes. It's not just about urination. Together with breathing and sweating, we also release precious moisture. In a day, the body loses about 2 liters of fluid in this way, which it must replenish. Soups, compotes, and other foods, of course, contain a liquid part, but it has a different structure and will not replace plain water. It is harmful to drink a lot of water only if you have direct doctor's contraindications, in other cases you should at least block the daily fluid loss. Dehydration is a serious condition that undermines the work of its protective mechanisms. It happens especially at times severe vomiting or diarrhea elevated temperature body. At such times, water consumption should be as high as possible.

What happens to the body when there is not enough water

We cannot live without water. Even the process of breathing, which seems to be autonomous, requires a large amount of fluid to moisten the lungs. Only for this you need about 0.5 liters per day. It should be taken into account that the exhaled air contains moisture, which increases the body up to 0.7 or 1 liter, depending on physical activity. If the fluid is not renewed, then the breathing process is difficult. Add to this the costs of the excretory system (sweat and urine), replenishment of the liquid part of the blood, and you will understand that you need to drink plenty of water.

Eating too little of it contributes to the accumulation of decay products and toxins in the body, the formation of excess fat, can cause poor muscle tone and deterioration of performance. digestive system. Lack of water greatly increases which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and the formation of blood clots. That is, the question of why drinking a lot of water can be answered very easily: for the body to fully function.

Separately, we can say about the relationship of the fragile beauty of a woman with the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. Now you will understand why you need to drink more water. This affects the smoothness and good color skin, condition and hair growth. With a lack of clean water, wrinkles form much faster, dry skin increases, and hair loss increases.

moderate degree of dehydration

Many people do not even think about such simple things. Why drink a lot of water, because you can eat soup, an apple, drink juice - and the body will get everything it needs. The majority thinks so. This is a big misconception, because nothing else can replace clean water. If a person does not drink enough water, then dehydration occurs. And most of us are constantly in this state. The first symptom to look out for is thirst. Getting used to drinking little, we can not pay attention to it for a long time, especially if we are very busy at work. In this case, the body turns on the economy mode. Sweating decreases and urination decreases. You can work all day and never have to go to the bathroom. However, the body works in emergency mode. To compensate for the decrease in moisture reserves, the body begins to remove fluid from the cells. So water enters the bloodstream, maintains blood pressure at the proper level and replenishes the supply of lymph.

The next symptom of mild dehydration can be headache, especially at the end of the day. This is how the brain, which consists of 90% water, reacts to changes. Those who say that it is harmful to drink a lot of water are greatly mistaken. As you can see, everything is just the opposite.

Severe degree of dehydration

Now we will tell you what happens to the body if you continue to live in the same mode. We hope that this will become a strong enough argument that will explain why you need to drink more water. If you drink less than a liter of water every day (not counting soups, coffee, tea and spirits), then the subsequent dehydration can lead to disruption of the functioning and condition of the kidneys, liver and heart. The extreme degree of dehydration of brain cells is the hallucinations that a person sees in the desert, but it is difficult to bring oneself to such a state in urban conditions.

Prevention of water deficiency in the body

To do this, it is enough to go to a general practitioner who will confirm that you can drink plenty of water. Many are afraid of edema, but in fact they are a sign of serious illness or an attempt by the body to stock up on fluid for future use. If you consume enough water every day (for adults, this figure starts at 8 glasses, increasing if you need to exercise hard, physical labor, hot weather outside), then the excretory system will work like a clock. This means that the metabolism will go correctly, and excess fluid will be removed from the body in time, removing toxins and decay products.

Why is the question still relevant, is it harmful to drink a lot of water? Because its quality in many regions leaves much to be desired, and also because of the prevalence of severe kidney disease among the population, in which a water-salt diet is indicated.

How much water can you drink per day

Most people live permanently in a state of dehydration and don't even know it. However, it is very easy to prevent harmful consequences for the body. To do this, just drink 8 to 10 glasses a day. To avoid unnecessary stress on the kidneys, you need to distribute this amount throughout the day and do not lean on water before bedtime. Of course, this is a relative norm. It depends on the lifestyle, the quantity and quality of food consumed, the time of year. But in general, the question of whether it is harmful to drink a lot of water can be answered unequivocally: no. This should not be taken as a guide to drinking as much water as possible. For more accurate calculations, you can use the formula - 30 ml per day for every kilogram of weight.

Water for weight loss

Girls and women pass this rule on to each other: if you drink a lot of water, you will lose weight. In fact, water itself does not have fat-burning properties, is not able to prevent the absorption of consumed fats or break down those that have already been deposited in the body. But it is a good helper for those who decide to lose weight.

To begin with, water serves as a filler for the stomach, it has no calories, but it allows you to pacify your appetite and eat less at dinner. To do this, nutritionists advise drinking one or two glasses 15 minutes before each meal.

Other sources of liquid

Caffeinated drinks (tea and coffee) should not be used to quench thirst. Soda found in soda, coffee, beer and stronger alcoholic drinks lead to dehydration. Their use leads to increased depletion of water reserves in the body. With regular use of them instead of water, heartburn, pain in the abdomen, in the lower back, headaches and depression will be observed. Do you still doubt whether it is useful to drink a lot of water? Try a few months to use the prescribed amount of it instead of the usual tea. And watch your body.

Proper nutrition

If you eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 5 servings per day), then you can slightly reduce the amount of water you drink per day. These are the products that give the body precious moisture in the right form. The more your diet differs from healthy, that is, the more flour, fried, fatty, semi-finished products it contains, the greater the need for clean water. You can be sure that drinking plenty of water is good for you. All leading experts and nutritionists repeat this.

Drink at least six glasses of water daily. By the time you get thirsty, it's too late, nutrition researchers say. Is it true? Do we need that much fluid?

Water is considered to be a miraculous elixir. Drinking water is good for health, promotes slimness and awakens a healthy mind, according to dietetics and health magazines. Some manufacturing companies mineral water they even claim that their product promotes the elimination of harmful substances from the body, obtaining “pure joy from life” and improves complexion. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), you need to drink 1.5 liters of water (six to eight glasses) daily. You should not drink when you are thirsty. “The feeling of thirst is a consequence of negative water balance. Only in exceptional cases should it be an incentive to drink liquids, ”the nutrition society notes.

But is it really so? Is it necessary to drink so much liquid, even if there is no feeling of thirst?

Not a single person can do without water - this is beyond doubt. “In quantitative terms, water is the most important element of the human body. An adult human is 50-60 percent water,” says nutrition researcher Antje Gahl. Water is part of all bodily fluids—tear fluid, without which our eyes would dry up; blood, which circulates in the body and supplies our organs and muscles with oxygen and nutrients only in liquid form. And in the urine, which removes from the body all the substances that it cannot process.

To provide correct work all vital processes, the body must constantly receive fluid. According to the Institute of Nutrition, the body loses 2.65 liters of water daily during breathing, removal of fluids through sweat and intestines. Part of this deficit - about 875 milliliters - we get from food. Mitochondria, the "batteries" of our cells, also release water during certain chemical processes - about 335 milliliters per day. The rest must be replenished through drinking. The required volume for daily consumption is 1.44 liters, best in the form of water or unsweetened herbal or fruit teas, these are the recommendations.

Anyone who drinks 1.5 liters of water a day is on the right track. However, some experts believe that drinking more than what thirst determines is pointless. “It is hard to believe that evolution has provided humans with a chronic water deficiency that we must compensate for by forced fluid intake,” writes physiologist Heinz Valtin of Dartmouth College in an essay in the American Journal of Physiology. For some people, thirst occurs when the blood concentration increases by two percent, but we are talking about dehydration at a rate of five percent. That is, thirst never comes late, it comes just in time, notes Faltin.

You can also drink coffee

He who drinks more than his thirst does not become smarter, or more beautiful, or healthier. It should be noted that you can drink not only water. Coffee also compensates for the lack of water. Coffee drinks are not good for quenching thirst, because too much of them can increase blood pressure. But the notion that coffee dehydrates the body is wrong. In a person coffee drinker, up to 84% of the liquid consumed during the day is excreted through the urine. For those who drink clean water, this figure is at the level of 81%. The difference lies precisely in these three percent, that is, it is quite insignificant.

Such a property of water as the removal of toxins has not yet been proven, researchers Dan Negoianu and Stanley Goldfarb note. "Increased fluid intake may have an impact on the cleansing processes in the kidneys." But whether this effect is clinically relevant, that is, whether it has a positive effect on health, has not yet been scientifically proven.

Research also shows that drinking too much water can harm the body. Marathon runners and other athletes can develop "water poisoning" if they drink too much water out of fear of dehydration. If too much water enters the cells, they can be damaged. Consequences - dizziness, nausea, vomiting. In the worst case, organ damage can occur.

The human body is 60% water, it would seem that there can be no question of any harm to us from water, we ourselves are a real “aquatic environment”. Water cleanses our body of toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism and regulates body temperature. Our body needs water all the time, it contributes to the normalization of the work of all vital organs and is involved in almost all processes. Without a doubt, water is extremely important for the human body, but why then do some people think that drinking a lot of water is harmful?

Is it possible to drink a lot of water and what is the norm?

The generally accepted daily intake of water is considered to be about 1.5-2 liters, that is, about 6-8 cups, although the rate is regulated depending on weight, habitat and amount of physical activity.

Some experts believe that only people with a very active lifestyle involved in a particular sport, as well as people with various diseases to avoid possible dehydration.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water - real cases

It turns out that there can be a lot of good things too, and excessive water consumption leads to problems with the kidneys and heart. Even a case of death in 2007 is known. 28-year-old woman Jennifer Strange, after drinking about seven liters of water, died as a result of water intoxication (!).

That is, the answer to the question why you can not drink a lot of water is very simple. Drinking an unusually large amount of liquid, you give an unbearable burden on the kidneys. That is, excessive and regular consumption of water can lead to kidney disease, and a sharp "march", as it turned out, to death.

Also, excessive water intake does not have the best effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. After all, excess water in the body can increase the total volume of blood, and as a result, an unwanted and unexpected load on the heart.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water when losing weight?

Consider a very entertaining question - do you need to drink a lot of water when losing weight, because we are used to the fact that almost all diets recommend a dose of 2 liters.

There is an opinion that water helps with weight loss and this is true, but again, it all depends on the quantity. And we really should constantly monitor water balance to avoid dehydration.

But ... At the same time, you should not pour another glass of water into yourself through force in order to reach the expected norm. This is unlikely to bring any benefit, but rather the opposite - a real stress to the body.

In addition, we get a considerable dose of water from food, for example, cucumbers contain about 95%, watermelon, cabbage and tomatoes also contain a lot. The main thing is to listen to your body and then water (in the right quantities) will only benefit you.

Is it good to drink a lot of water?

Some experts say that you need to drink plenty of water, while others say that you need to drink only when there is a real thirst. However, the truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between. In this article, you will learn whether drinking a lot of water is good for you.

Why do you need to drink a lot of water?

Some experts believe that it is important to drink 2 lira of water a day to help with proper metabolism. In fact, there is a rational grain in this: in modern conditions the person does not get enough water.

Think about how much raw water you drink per day? The one that didn't go through the boil? Soups, juices, tea and coffee should not be counted. As a rule, this indicator for each person is negligible, and all due to the fact that we simply replace water intake with other drinks. It is important, if possible, to replace juices, tea and coffee with water, or at least include it in your daily diet in parallel with them.

Why is it important to drink plenty of raw water?

Metabolism needs living, raw water, because it is enriched with oxygen and rich in various micro and macro elements. No other drink can replace it. Water is not only a participant in all life processes, but also an important component of our organs, whether it be the heart, brain or liver. In other words, drinking enough water can easily improve your health.

It is important not to go too far and not to drink through force. If you listen to yourself, you will find that sometimes you mistake thirst for hunger and eat instead of just drinking a glass of water. This is especially true for people when tired, in the afternoon. Try drinking water instead of snacks and tea - it invigorates much better!

Is Drinking Plenty of Water Effective for Weight Loss?

Water really enhances metabolic processes, but by simply including it in the diet you will not be able to change the situation - it is important to change the usual diet to a more correct one. In addition, too much liquid, on the contrary, can slow down the process of losing weight, because it inhibits the breakdown of fat cells. In everything, moderation is important.

As a rule, it is enough to drink an additional glass of water 2-3 times a day with three meals a day. This amount will be quite enough to improve metabolism. Focus on your feeling of thirst, learn to hear it - and you will become not only healthier, but also slimmer.

Drinking plenty of fluids is not bad for the kidneys? If you drink liquid during the day - tea, coffee, water, lemonade - by the end of the day

You should start here, most likely, with what “a lot” means. On average, a person should consume 2-3 liters of water per day. But, even if he manages to drink 10 liters of water, it will simply come out in transit, without causing either excessive blood thinning or a significant disruption in the functioning of the kidneys. Of course, if you drink 10 liters of water a day for several years, then maybe the kidneys will get tired and fail. But, again, no one has done such experiments.

As regards the emergence high blood pressure and edema, they have no connection with excess water consumption. Edema occurs exclusively as a result of the pathology of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. The occurrence of edema can also be explained by a violation of hormonal regulation. Again, these diseases are not caused by a large amount of water.

The only disadvantage of consuming large amounts of water for healthy person- removal of a large amount of salts.

In general, it is simply impossible to prove that drinking a lot of water is unhealthy. But, there is evidence that the work of the autonomic nervous system is not always perfect and, often, people perceive the feeling of thirst as a feeling of hunger. The result of this "confusion" is known to all - excess weight.

Therefore, you should not go to extremes and drink water through force or limit its consumption. This can only be done on medical prescription. A healthy person needs to drink as much as the body requires. For those who want to lose weight, if you feel hungry, you should first drink water, and then eat. Yes, just in case.

Daughter of the Sea

Drinking only water is good. Tea, coffee - a couple of cups a day. Lemonade is no good, and cola is generally poison. And you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, and drink not in glasses and rarely, but constantly in a sip

Regina Loginova

per day, the kidneys pump about 200 liters))) tea, coffee, lemonade complicate the work of the kidneys because they dehydrate the body ... when replenishing water in the body, do not forget about replenishing minerals (salt)

Is drinking a lot of water good or bad?

It all depends on how water is absorbed in the body. If you work in the heat, then you need to drink at least 3-4 liters per day. If in the office, then you will have no time to work and run around a little. ;)

Anya Dmitrevna

Water is the most important substance for life, since the body consists mainly of liquid, writes the Toronto Star newspaper. “Even a 20 percent drop in body water can cause death.” Water not only regulates body temperature, but also "through the bloodstream and body systems delivers to the organs nutrients and removes waste from them. It also serves as a lubricant for the joints and colon, helping to prevent constipation. The average adult needs two to three liters of water a day. Coffee, popular sodas, or alcohol only increase the need for clean water, as they can contribute to dehydration. According to one nutritionist, when determining when to drink should not be based on thirst, because if your throat is dry, your body has probably already lost too much water. The newspaper says that "most people drink one glass of water an hour."

What happens if you drink a lot of water? Will it be helpful? Water removes unhealthy things from a person:?

Brijel Tsybulko

9 great reasons to drink more water
and how to form the habit of drinking water more often
Everyone knows that water is good for our body. But many people, knowing about the benefits of water, prefer to drink other drinks and consume very little ordinary drinking water.
Here are some reasons why you should drink more water. And how to form the habit of drinking water.
The fact is that we do not often consume exclusively water. We drink tea, coffee, alcohol, not to mention fruit juices, milk and many other drinks. We do not drink enough fluids every day and we drive our body to dehydration, causing harm to our health.
Here are 9 good reasons to drink water (with tips on how to form the habit of drinking more water):
Weight loss
Water is one of the best means for weight loss, primarily because it often replaces high-calorie drinks such as soda, juice and alcohol. Water acts as an appetite suppressant, often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty. The water does not contain fats, carbohydrates, sugar, which means there are no calories.
With water, you can also control hunger. Get in the habit of drinking a glass cold water 20 minutes before meals. Cold helps the stomach shrink a little, and when it is in this state, the feeling of fullness will come earlier.
Healthy heart
The habit of drinking more water reduces the risk of a heart attack. A six-year study by American scientists showed that a person who consumes at least 5 glasses of water a day is 41% less at risk of a heart attack than a person who drinks less than 2 glasses of water a day.
Water gives us energy
You feel tired, even with minimal dehydration of only 1 or 2 percent of your total body weight. If you are thirsty, it means that your body is already dehydrated, which can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness.
Headache treatment
Another symptom of dehydration is a headache. Often, as a result of insufficient water intake, you can get a headache. Of course, there are many other causes of headaches, but dehydration is a common one.
The health of your skin
Drinking water can cleanse your skin. Of course, this will not happen overnight, but just a week of following the habit of drinking water more often and you will notice a good effect on the skin. You will get a healthy complexion by drinking enough drinking water. Water is very important for the skin, as it moisturizes and nourishes its cells.
Digestive problems
The human digestive system needs a lot of water in order to digest food properly. Often water helps solve problems. Water can help treat problems with hyperacidity stomach, as well as constipation, which often results from dehydration.
Cleansing the body
Water cleanses your body of toxins, toxins and harmful substances.
Reduces the risk of developing cancer
The risk of developing cancer of the digestive tract in people who consume enough water is 45% less. Drinking plenty of water also reduces the risk of cancer Bladder by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Sports activities
Dehydration can seriously interfere with your ability to exercise. Since, due to general fatigue, you may simply not be able to cope with the load, and this is fraught with injuries. Therefore, before training and after it, drink a glass of water.
If you agree that water has a beneficial effect on your body, then you will be interested in how to form the habit of drinking water more often.
How much water?
That's a moot point. The old recommendation of "eight 8 glasses a day" has been proven to be incorrect for several reasons: this figure includes all dietary water intake

Is drinking a lot of water harmful or healthy?

Marusya Klimova

1-1.5 liters. When it's hot or if you're sick up to 3 liters. The concept of water does not include drinks such as tea, coffee, soup broths, juices, etc. It is useful to drink tea and berry fruit drinks, but they will not replace clean water. Total no more than 2 liters of fluid per day, with the exceptions mentioned. Of these, at least a liter should be ordinary clean water.

Andrey Andreev

If a person just started drinking water in huge quantities, then this is bad, maybe a person has diabetes. If a person is healthy and just decided to drink water, then it contributes to weight loss, but there is a load on the liver.

Konstantin Petrov

thirst determines the need for water, and the urinary system removes excess water
these processes have a purely automatic mode that does not require the intervention of consciousness
excess water, and equally its lack = cause of death

What happens if you drink a lot of water, can it hurt? What happens if you drink a lot of water, can it hurt?

Mikhail Lyukhin

Previously, such tortures were arranged during the time of the Inquisition - they inserted a cone into their mouths and poured water until they either began to speak or died! And in medicine, there are cases when, due to idiotic doctors, while washing the stomach of children, death from cardiac arrest occurred! Water should be drunk as much as the body requires. And it is necessary with well-functioning kidneys - otherwise ... Diabetics and smokers drink a lot of fluids, but this is due to their needs in large quantities. When the heat and sweat rolls in hail, you can drink and you need to drink plenty of fluids. But just because of some stupid thought that it is harmless, in no case should you force your body, even with water !!!

Studies have shown that without food human body it can last a month, but without water - only a week. But the controversy over the daily norm for the average person still does not fade away. Is it harmful to drink a lot of water, or, conversely, too low a consumption of it is dangerous? This is what we will try to figure out.

Even a schoolboy knows that 2/3 of our body is water. But it actually depends on the age. The older the person, the less fluid in it.

According to statistics, 70-75% of the body weight of babies is water, in children 1-10 years old it is already only 60-65%, but by the age of 50 it remains only 50%.

It is this factor that scientists explain the aging process. As we age, our cells lose their ability to absorb and retain water.

Even more interesting is the distribution of water mass in our body. 2/3 of its total amount is contained inside the cells, the rest is outside them.

At the same time, the fluid in the human body is constantly in the process of circulation, and this is what supports the vital activity of all organs. For example, the brain contains 75% water, so its lack is expressed in headaches. The least fluid is found in adipose tissue - 12% and in the bones - 20%.

Water consumption rate

What doctors and scientists unanimously agreed on is that it is enough for an ordinary person to consume 1.5-2 liters per day. It is this amount that is enough for the body to function without failures. What happens if you drink too much water? There are quite a lot of supporters of the position that does not recommend turning your body into a pool. They give the following arguments:

  • Water does not have the ability to dissolve fat and remove it from the body. In this regard, drinking more to lose weight is not at all important.
  • Water cannot satisfy hunger, because it does not stay in the body for a long time and quickly leaves its limits.
  • Excess fluid puts extra stress on the kidneys, which begin to function beyond their capacity. And this, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure.
  • Drinking more water than the body needs leads to the excretion of salts and, as a result, to a violation of the water-alkaline balance.

In addition, due to disruption of the kidneys, excess fluid will begin to fill the intercellular space in our body, and this is a direct path to swelling.

Drinking regime

Along with the question of why drinking a lot of water is harmful, the dilemma of how much exactly a person needs to maintain normal life remains an important dilemma. It is extremely important to know the norm: there is no doubt that the lack of life-giving moisture leads to loss of efficiency, fatigue, and the emergence of various diseases.

Before you set yourself any mode of fluid intake, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • body weight;
  • working conditions;
  • the amount of food consumed;
  • climatic conditions;
  • physical exercise;
  • diseases.

As a result of research, several options for fluid intake during the day were established. Each of them deserves attention and has the right to exist. Just choose the one that suits you personally:

  1. 3-4 times a day two hours after meals.
  2. 3-4 times a day 2 hours before meals.
  3. In small portions in several doses throughout the day without reference to the diet.

In general, in order to restore the water balance, each person needs to drink 40 ml of liquid per 1 kg of their weight.

But this fact does not mean that water must be poured into oneself by force. If another glass of liquid simply does not fit, know that it is not necessary to drink it at all.

What else can be considered water

Do you need to drink a lot of water if you also drink a large number of other drinks during the day? Most often not. Most of the products that appear on our table contain some amount of liquid, which can also count.

Here is a list of the so-called "solid" water, indicating the percentage of liquid:

  • vegetables, fruits - 80-95%;
  • cottage cheese - 65-78%;
  • milk - 88%;
  • eggs - 74%;
  • cheese - 40-50%;
  • bread - 40-45%

Of course, only water can be the best substitute for water. Preferably non-carbonated and non-mineral. But in recent years, nutritionists have begun to lean towards the fact that any drink can already be considered a component of those same daily 1.5 liters.

Just keep in mind that, since all other drinks are not water, then only provide positive action they can not. For example, an endless number of cups of coffee can lead to insomnia, and juices will share their calories with your thighs.

Vegetable fresh diluted with water and herbal teas will be a good alternative to ordinary water.

And the last thing: know the measure of everything. In no case can not tolerate the feeling of thirst. This leads to dehydration. As soon as you feel thirsty, immediately take the opportunity to satisfy this need. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

What happens if you drink a lot of water: Video

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