What is better for pregnant women to drink tea? Coffee during pregnancy: is it possible or not? Black coffee during pregnancy

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During pregnancy, a woman treats her health with special trepidation: she leads a healthy lifestyle, follows all the recommendations of the attending physician, and more carefully approaches the issue of diet and food choices.

Separately, there is such an important issue as the choice of a drink for a pregnant woman. After all, all substances that enter the mother's body also penetrate the baby. In this article, both the harmful and beneficial properties of the drinks most popular among pregnant women are studied and described in more detail.

Coffee and pregnancy

Probably not a single question was asked by pregnant women as often as the question of whether coffee is harmful during pregnancy. And, probably, there were not so many absolutely contradictory answers to a single question as to the question of whether coffee is possible during pregnancy.

Some researchers argue that coffee in early pregnancy does not harm either the mother or the fetus. Another group of scientists says that coffee and pregnancy are two mutually exclusive concepts. So who should you believe? Who can provide accurate information on how coffee affects pregnancy? And is the effect of coffee dangerous on pregnancy?

Recent studies by Russian gynecologists, conducted jointly with neonatologists, have shown that drinking coffee during pregnancy can have the most negative consequences.

Scientists have studied hundreds of women who have lost their pregnancies as a result of spontaneous miscarriage. More than 90% of them did not stop drinking coffee after learning about pregnancy. Among women who gave birth to their babies ahead of time, 80% also drank coffee throughout their pregnancy.

Women who drank instant coffee during pregnancy were much more likely to have a tendency to form swelling and bouts of heartburn. In addition, this group of women most often has a disease such as cystitis.

Based on the data obtained, the doctors conducted an analysis and came to the following conclusion: drinking coffee during pregnancy increases the risk of developing all kinds of complications, both from the maternal body and from the fetus.

In addition, pregnancy planning and coffee are also things that are not compatible. Regular consumption of every cup of coffee per day by a woman will reduce her chances of getting pregnant by about 10%. It would seem that it is not so scary. In the event that a woman drinks only one cup of coffee, and if 4 - 5 cups? It’s easy to calculate how her chances of becoming a mom are diminishing.

Sometimes it happens that a woman simply cannot bring herself to stop drinking coffee even during pregnancy. In such a case, decaf coffee may be the safest alternative. Of course, it differs from the usual taste of natural coffee, but it is still able to deceive the body and help get rid of coffee addiction, at least for the period of pregnancy, eliminate the harm of coffee during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and coffee with milk should also be mutually exclusive. There is a misconception that milk will neutralize the negative effects of coffee. However, this is not the case - milk only changes the taste of the coffee. So it is better to drink tea with milk, which will not harm your baby and not worry about whether coffee is possible during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and tea

Tea can be a worthy substitute for coffee. However, the choice of tea must also be approached with caution, because not every tea will benefit the expectant mother and her baby. For example, black tea should be drunk with caution during pregnancy, as theanine will be retained in it. Strong tea can harm your baby's health.

Herbal teas, even such harmless ones as Ivan tea, should also be consumed very carefully during pregnancy and only with the permission of your doctor - gynecologist. This precaution is explained by the fact that some of the herbs included in herbal tea can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and even provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Kidney tea during pregnancy should also be drunk only as directed and under medical supervision. Excessive abuse of renal tea can lead not only to the removal of edema, but also to the leaching of a large number of useful micro and macro elements from the body, and as a result, metabolic disorders.

In order for you to decide what kind of tea to drink during pregnancy, all the positive and negative properties that various types of tea have are described below.

  • Despite its wide popularity, green tea during pregnancy is strongly discouraged. This is due to the peculiarity of green tea, which is that it completely interferes with the absorption of folic acid by the body, which is so necessary for a pregnant woman. It is folic acid that is responsible for the correct laying and further formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Lack of folic acid can lead to fetal malformations. That is why you should not drink green tea during pregnancy.
  • Insti tea is a favorite remedy for colds and flu for many pregnant women. Medical reviews about this tea are ambiguous: some doctors believe that its use is absolutely safe, while others argue that this risk is not justified. When making a choice, consult with your doctor - gynecologist.
  • Linden tea during pregnancy is an excellent alternative to pharmacological drugs for colds. Linden tea will relieve nasal congestion, relieve headaches, and normalize the nervous system. And if you drink linden tea with raspberries, then it is possible to achieve a decrease in the highest temperature. Just remember that raspberries are a powerful diaphoretic. Therefore, after you drink your tea, you will need to go to bed. And tea with honey during pregnancy is an excellent sedative.
  • Lemon tea during pregnancy can be a great tonic. In addition, do not forget about the benefits of vitamin C found in lemons.
  • But chamomile tea during pregnancy, despite its undeniable benefits, should be taken very, very carefully. Chamomile has a pronounced sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, however, in addition, it stimulates the production of estrogens on the ovaries. That is why, if there is even the slightest threat of spontaneous abortion, it is necessary to refuse from drinking chamomile tea. Those women whose pregnancy proceeds without complications should limit themselves to 0.5 liters of chamomile tea per day. Chamomile tea during pregnancy should only be consumed with the permission of your doctor.
  • Mint tea during pregnancy will help prevent the appearance of edema and eliminate the existing ones. And in the early stages of pregnancy, mint tea will help eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. The main thing to look out for when choosing mint tea is whether natural mint is used, or just mint flavors. The recommended amount of tea per day is no more than one liter. Tea with lemon balm has similar properties.
  • Some women in the first trimester of pregnancy experience severe, debilitating toxicosis, accompanied by constant nausea and bouts of vomiting. Ginger tea can be a real salvation in this situation. Ginger tea has a wonderful ability to quickly and permanently eliminate nausea. Typically, one cup of ginger tea lasts about 10 hours. It is worth taking note of this remedy for those women who are seasick in transport.
  • White tea during pregnancy increases the absorption of calcium, which is very important for the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, white tea normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system, lowers vascular permeability and has a general strengthening effect on the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Rosehip tea is a real storehouse of vitamins. The rose hips contain almost all the vitamins necessary for the body. To make tea, pour 20 grams of rose hips with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours. However, do not forget that rose hips have a mild diuretic effect.
  • Hibiscus tea has the unique ability to both raise and lower blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, you need to drink this tea cold, but if high - then hot.
  • Bergamot tea has a pleasant taste and aroma, just like jasmine tea. However, they belong to the category of green tea and their use is highly undesirable.
  • Lingonberry tea is also diuretic and quickly relieves swelling. However, it cannot be consumed without a doctor's prescription, since diuretic teas during pregnancy should be drunk only if indicated.
  • But the tea with thyme, beloved by many women, is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy.
For continuous use, it is better to choose some kind of neutral tea. Kuril tea has a pleasant taste and smell, and has no contraindications to use during pregnancy. For lovers of the classic version, rooibos tea is ideal.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. For the correct choice, consult your doctor.

Most modern women cannot imagine their morning without coffee. It becomes a kind of doping, thanks to which the body wakes up and prepares for a busy work day. When a woman finds out she is pregnant, her coffee mania becomes a problem of sorts. After all, giving up a habit is very difficult. To make the right decision, it is important to figure out on your own what the danger of coffee during pregnancy is and how you can replace it.

The effect of caffeine on the body of a healthy person is quite diverse. The benefits of one cup of coffee are obvious to everyone: there is a surge of energy, mood improves, and efficiency increases. Coffee has the same effect during pregnancy. In addition, for hypotonic patients, a small dose of caffeine will be a temporary salvation. This action is due to ability. Given this fact, caffeine is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

As you get used to it, the tonic effect lasts less and less, and the number of cups drunk per day is growing rapidly. At this stage, rarely does anyone think about. Some of the most common side effects include:

  • excessive secretion of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and pain in the abdomen;
  • decrease in calcium - bones become fragile, prone to fractures. Calcium deficiency in the body often provokes early osteoporosis;
  • tachycardia - aggravates various heart and vascular diseases.

Given the above symptoms, it seems to be becoming obvious if pregnant women can drink coffee. However, if a woman has consumed large amounts of caffeine for a long time before the planned pregnancy, abrupt refusal can lead to poor health. This manifests itself in the form of chronic fatigue, apathy, depression. To prevent this from happening, you should give up your favorite drink gradually. Ideal if a pregnancy is planned. Then a series of preparatory measures should include the unhurried convergence of the usual dose of coffee to nothing.

Why coffee is dangerous for women in position

To independently conclude whether you can drink coffee during pregnancy, you should pay attention to scientifically proven side effects that appear in the fetus at different times. Interestingly, natural coffee has a stronger effect than instant coffee.

First trimester
The most important period when the internal organs and systems of the fetus are formed is the first trimester of pregnancy. Right now, it is important to follow the diet prescribed by the doctor and refuse all products that can have a detrimental effect on the development of the child. Including, abstain from coffee in early pregnancy, even or natural and with milk.

Caffeine is harmful due to its ability to penetrate the barrier in the form of the placenta, respectively, to affect the fetus. Just like in an adult, in an unformed child, blood pressure rises, the heart rate increases, all organs experience a colossal load. This is the main reason why pregnant women should not drink coffee in the first months.

Second trimester
The problem of frequent urination is inherent in pregnant coffee lovers during this period. The fetus grows rapidly, as a result, the uterus exerts pressure on the bladder. The situation is aggravated by recently drunk coffee, which in itself provokes frequent urges. The complex turns out to be a real problem, because of which you have to seriously plan your route in order to find a toilet when you need it.

The psychoemotional state of the expectant mother is no less important. Caffeine will cause constant nervousness and excessive excitability, which is already inherent in women in position. Analyzing the side effects and upcoming inconveniences, coffee during pregnancy is gradually becoming a less coveted drink.

Third trimester
Much to the chagrin of coffee lovers, in the past three months, caffeine consumption is also harmful. Numerous studies have proven the harmful effects of coffee during pregnancy on newborn babies. The following pathologies are quite common:

  • as a result, a weak skeletal system;
  • chronic tachycardia;
  • disruption of the nervous system - nervousness, excitability;
  • sleep problems.

These deviations are most likely with regular high doses of caffeine. If its value is significantly reduced, add milk or cream to coffee, and drink only when it is completely unbearable - the likelihood of complications is minimized. Nevertheless, this still does not give an unambiguous answer - is it possible for pregnant women to drink coffee. Due to the individual characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother, the consequences can be unpredictable.

An alternative to caffeine as a tonic

A number of drinks that can successfully replace coffee for pregnant women and bring significant benefits:

  1. ... A versatile drink that tastes somewhat like coffee. But the benefits are many times more significant: it increases hemoglobin, regulates blood circulation, supports the work of the heart, and soothes the nervous system. It is often recommended for liver and kidney diseases. But it is contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers and varicose veins. It should also be borne in mind that chicory stimulates the appetite. And if a woman does not plan to gain a couple of extra pounds, it is better not to lean on chicory.
  2. - natural antidepressant. Contains folic acid, iron, zinc. It is a source of caffeine, although not in such significant doses as coffee. But it also increases blood pressure and flushes out calcium. This is why pregnant women should not drink more than one or two cups of cocoa a day. It is recommended to add milk to the drink.
  3. Weak green tea. Contains many useful substances and vitamins, it is considered one of the most beneficial drinks. But, green tea leaves are also a caffeinated product. They also interfere with the normal absorption of folate. Therefore, you can drink weak green tea from the second trimester of pregnancy, no more than two cups a day.
  4. Fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks. Preference should be given to natural drinks in which all the useful components are preserved. Due to the high content of sugar and preservatives, store juices are contraindicated. The most suitable will be: apple, carrot, orange, pomegranate, beetroot.

Whether pregnant women can drink coffee or not - no one can say with complete certainty. To avoid all sorts of problems and complications, of course, it is better to say no. But if the desire to drink coffee is above all, then it is better to give preference to natural ground weak coffee with milk or cream and, in no case, do not use it on an empty stomach. The main thing is not to turn it into a daily tradition and coordinate an appointment with your doctor. The less caffeine is in the body of the expectant mother, the better for both her and the child.

photo: depositphotos.com/aletia, seqoya

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in life, not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child. Expectant mothers during pregnancy need to take special care of their nutrition and health, because food and drinks have a strong impact on the unborn child, his health and development. With the right diet, everything is relatively clear, but what about the right drinks?

Every morning, waking up, many of them first go to the kitchen for a cup of aromatic, invigorating coffee. This habit, unfortunately, persists even in pregnant women, for whom this drink is strictly contraindicated.

As strange as it may sound, many scientists, even today, can determine the degree of harmful effects on the body of a pregnant woman and her fetus. Some scientists piously argue that coffee and tea are harmful, while others argue the opposite with great enthusiasm. However, it is known for sure - coffee is a high-calorie product that anyone who adds sugar and cream to the drink can feel. Coffee with cream and a lot of sugar can replace a full meal for a person.

And coffee is also very acidic, so you need to drink it not in the morning, but after eating, so as not to injure the stomach and other internal organs.

Experiments and the impact of drinks on humans

Relatively recently, doctors from Denmark published the results of an experiment with which they found out how much coffee a pregnant girl should drink in order to harm her body and the health of her unborn child. According to the results, it became known that daily consumption of up to three cups of tea or natural coffee does not affect either the child or his mother in any way.

Therefore, if this dosage is exceeded, complications during pregnancy may appear. In the worst case, the abuse of these drinks can lead to a stillborn child or the birth of a child with abnormalities. It is especially dangerous to drink instant coffee, because it contains a lot of various chemicals that do not bring any benefit to the body.

Both coffee and tea contain a large amount of caffeine, and it is this substance that has a direct effect on the heartbeat and heart function. No wonder caffeine is an addictive drug. Of course, these two drinks create an imitation of a surge of energy, but with each cup you drink, this effect weakens more and more. After that, drinks do not help a person, but worsen his health. The person begins to decline strongly, and additional doping becomes necessary. By the way, nicotine has exactly the same effect.

A person who has become addicted to drinks is no longer able to independently overcome frequent bouts of lethargy and fatigue. And if a pregnant woman drinks tea or coffee, she seriously injures the developing central nervous system of the child.

Many women don't know why pregnant women should not drink tea and coffee in large quantities, and because of these drinks there is a risk of caffeine dependence in the fetus. Moreover, coffee frees the human body from calcium, which is necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child. Lack of calcium also has a negative effect on the nervous system - sleep is disturbed, and the person himself becomes more irritable.

It is best to drink squeezed juices, and replace coffee and tea with herbal tea. Tea with lemon balm, hibiscus, raspberries or currants is perfect. As for juices, it is recommended to drink healthy pomegranate juice during pregnancy. Pomegranate juice will help fight anemia, which is common in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman treats her health with special trepidation: she leads a healthy lifestyle, follows all the recommendations of the attending physician, and more carefully approaches the issue of diet and food choices. Separately, there is such an important issue as the choice of a drink for a pregnant woman.
After all, all substances that enter the mother's body also penetrate the baby.

In this article, both the harmful and beneficial properties of the drinks most popular among pregnant women are studied and described in more detail.

Pregnancy and coffee
Probably not a single question was asked by pregnant women as often as the question of whether coffee is harmful during pregnancy. And, probably, there were not so many absolutely contradictory answers to a single question as to the question of whether coffee is possible during pregnancy.
Some researchers argue that coffee in early pregnancy does not harm either the mother or the fetus. Another group of scientists says that pregnancy and coffee are two mutually exclusive concepts. So who should you believe? Who can provide accurate information on how coffee affects pregnancy? And is the effect of coffee dangerous on pregnancy?

Recent studies by Russian gynecologists, conducted jointly with neonatologists, have shown that coffee during pregnancy can have the most negative consequences.

Scientists have studied hundreds of women who have lost their pregnancies as a result of spontaneous miscarriage. More than 90% of them did not stop drinking coffee after learning about pregnancy. Among women who gave birth to their babies ahead of time, 80% also drank coffee throughout their pregnancy.

Women who drank instant coffee during pregnancy were much more likely to have a tendency to form swelling and bouts of heartburn. In addition, this group of women most often has a disease such as cystitis.
Based on the data obtained, the doctors conducted an analysis and came to the following conclusion: drinking coffee during pregnancy increases the risk of developing all kinds of complications, both from the maternal body and from the fetus.
In addition, pregnancy planning and coffee are also things that are not compatible. Regular consumption of every cup of coffee per day by a woman will reduce her chances of getting pregnant by about 10%. It would seem that it is not so scary. In the event that a woman drinks only one cup of coffee, and if 4 - 5 cups? It’s easy to calculate how her chances of becoming a mom are diminishing.

Sometimes it happens that a woman simply cannot bring herself to stop drinking coffee even during pregnancy. In such a case, decaf coffee may be the safest alternative. Of course, it differs from the usual taste of natural coffee, but nevertheless it can deceive the body and help get rid of coffee addiction, at least for the period of pregnancy, eliminate the harm of coffee during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and coffee with milk should also be mutually exclusive. There is a misconception that milk will neutralize the negative effects of coffee. However, this is not the case - milk only changes the taste of the coffee. So it is better to drink tea with milk, which will not harm your baby and not worry about whether coffee is possible during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and tea
Tea can be a worthy substitute for coffee. However, the choice of tea must also be approached with caution, because not every tea will benefit the expectant mother and her baby. For example, black tea should be drunk with caution during pregnancy, as theanine will be retained in it. Strong tea can harm your baby's health.
Herbal teas, even such harmless ones as Ivan tea, should also be consumed very carefully during pregnancy and only with the permission of your doctor - gynecologist. This precaution is explained by the fact that some of the herbs included in herbal tea can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and even provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Kidney tea during pregnancy should also be drunk only as directed and under medical supervision. Excessive abuse of renal tea can lead not only to the removal of edema, but also to the leaching of a large number of useful micro and macro elements from the body, and as a result, metabolic disorders.
In order for you to decide what kind of tea to drink during pregnancy, all the positive and negative properties that various types of tea have are described below.

Despite its wide popularity, green tea during pregnancy is strongly discouraged. This is due to the peculiarity of green tea, which is that it completely interferes with the absorption of folic acid by the body, which is so necessary for a pregnant woman. It is folic acid that is responsible for the correct laying and further formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Lack of folic acid can lead to fetal malformations. That is why you should not drink green tea during pregnancy.

Insti tea is a favorite remedy for colds and flu for many pregnant women. Medical reviews about this tea are ambiguous: some doctors believe that its use is absolutely safe, while others argue that this risk is not justified. When making a choice, consult with your doctor - gynecologist.

Linden tea during pregnancy is an excellent alternative to pharmacological drugs for colds. Linden tea will relieve nasal congestion, relieve headaches, and normalize the nervous system. And if you drink linden tea with raspberries, then it is possible to achieve a decrease in the highest temperature. Just remember that raspberries are a powerful diaphoretic. Therefore, after you drink your tea, you will need to go to bed. And tea with honey during pregnancy is an excellent sedative.

Lemon tea during pregnancy can be a great tonic. In addition, do not forget about the benefits of vitamin C found in lemons.

But chamomile tea, despite its undeniable benefits, should be taken very, very carefully. Chamomile has a pronounced sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, however, in addition, it stimulates the production of estrogens on the ovaries. That is why, if there is even the slightest threat of spontaneous abortion, it is necessary to refuse from drinking chamomile tea. Those women whose pregnancy proceeds without complications should limit themselves to 0.5 liters of chamomile tea per day. Chamomile tea during pregnancy should only be consumed with the permission of your doctor.

Tea with mint during pregnancy will help prevent the appearance of edema and eliminate the existing ones. And in the early stages of pregnancy, mint tea will help eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. The main thing to look out for when choosing mint tea is whether natural mint is used, or just mint flavors. The recommended amount of tea per day is no more than one liter. Tea with lemon balm has similar properties.

Some women in the first trimester of pregnancy experience severe, debilitating toxicosis, accompanied by constant nausea and bouts of vomiting. Ginger tea can be a real salvation in this situation. Ginger tea has a wonderful ability to quickly and permanently eliminate nausea. Typically, one cup of ginger tea lasts about 10 hours. It is worth taking note of this remedy for those women who are seasick in transport.

White tea during pregnancy increases the absorption of calcium, which is very important for the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, white tea normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system, lowers vascular permeability and has a general strengthening effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Rosehip tea is a real storehouse of vitamins. The rose hips contain almost all the vitamins necessary for the body. To make tea, pour 20 grams of rose hips with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours. However, do not forget that rose hips have a mild diuretic effect.

Hibiscus tea has the unique ability to both raise and lower blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, you need to drink this tea cold, but if high - then hot.

Bergamot tea has a pleasant taste and aroma, just like jasmine tea. However, they belong to the category of green tea and their use is highly undesirable.

Lingonberry tea is also diuretic and quickly relieves swelling. However, it cannot be consumed without a doctor's prescription, since diuretic teas during pregnancy should be drunk only if indicated.

But the tea with thyme, beloved by many women, is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy.

For continuous use, it is better to choose some kind of neutral tea. Kuril tea has a pleasant taste and smell, and has no contraindications to use during pregnancy. For lovers of the classic version, rooibos tea is ideal.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. For the correct choice, consult your doctor.

Excessive consumption of tea and coffee during pregnancy can lead to serious complications and interfere with the normal development of the baby, experts warn. Today the site tells all about the benefits and dangers of drinking these drinks during pregnancy.

Coffee during pregnancy

We have to disappoint the lovers of this aromatic drink. Doctors are unanimous: coffee, especially in large quantities, is more harmful than good for the expectant mother and baby.

“Caffeine is a powerful nervous system stimulant that can affect calcium metabolism in the body, which will certainly affect the little one,” says Glade Curtis, M.D., Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. - If a mother drinks four cups of coffee a day, then the baby's weight and the size of its head at birth will most likely be less than normal. Caffeine constricts blood vessels in the placenta and interferes with the baby's normal nutrition.

It should be noted that doctors have not yet determined the exact amount of caffeine that can harm the health of mothers and babies. But one thing is absolutely clear - during pregnancy it is wiser to limit its use to a minimum.

"You can only afford 250 mg of caffeine a day - about 2 cups of coffee," says Milanda Johnson, a Phoenix-based nutritionist and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. - Keep in mind that caffeine can cross the placenta to the unborn baby and hinder his metabolism. Studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption can cause miscarriage and premature babies. "

Keep in mind that caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in many foods and beverages, including tea, cola and chocolate. Caffeine is also found in some medicines, such as cough and headache medicines. Don't be lazy to read food labels and pay attention to medication instructions.

Green tea during pregnancy

Green tea is a storehouse of substances beneficial to our health. First of all, it is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell destruction. It also contains many important microelements: magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium.

Tea and coffee during pregnancy: effects, harms and benefits

Green tea normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, improves immunity, and strengthens tooth enamel. It is a good way to prevent diabetes during pregnancy as it has the ability to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also helps with toxicosis. And yet, despite the obvious advantages of green tea, expectant mothers cannot drink it in unlimited quantities.

“First of all, in green tea, as in coffee, there is quite a lot of caffeine, only it is absorbed a little more slowly,” says Elena Mikheeva, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Family Medical Center. - In addition, in the process of many years of scientific research, it has been proven that green tea reduces the amount of folic acid in the body, and also prevents the iron from being fully absorbed. Folic acid deficiency leads to impaired formation of the neural tube in the fetus. And the lack of iron increases the risk of hypoxia, and subsequently intrauterine growth retardation - the baby may lag behind by 1-2, or even more weeks in the calendar of pregnancy. "

The optimal amount of green tea in the diet of an expectant mother is 1-2 cups per day. To minimize the negative tendency of the drink to lower folate and iron levels, do not drink tea with or immediately after a meal. Wait at least one and a half to two hours. Don't get carried away with strongly brewed tea - the thicker the brew, the higher the caffeine content.

Black tea during pregnancy

In terms of the total content of vitamins and microelements, black tea is somewhat inferior to green tea, but this does not make it less valuable for our health. Black tea is rich in theobromine, theophylline, vitamins C, K, PP, B, pantothenic acid. It also contains many necessary minerals - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, fluorine. Black tea stimulates the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels. It is good for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Tea and coffee during pregnancy: effects, harms and benefits

Unfortunately, black tea contains even more caffeine than green tea. Drinking large quantities of the drink during pregnancy leads not only to iron deficiency, but also to magnesium deficiency, which can cause fetal growth retardation, premature birth and miscarriage, eclampsia, and increased uterine tone.

To avoid negative consequences, limit yourself to 1-2 cups of tea a day and drink it only freshly brewed.

"Yesterday's" brewing becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, not to mention the fact that all the beneficial properties of tea disappear without a trace. Always brew your tea with boiling water, not just hot water. Boiling water kills harmful microorganisms.

The tea we drink most often grows in India and Asia, where feces are often used as fertilizer on plantations. Fertilizer residues get on the tea leaves and may not be completely washed off during their preparation for drying. These residues, in turn, can cause E. coli infections if the tea leaves are not rinsed and prepared properly. Therefore, it is better not to order tea in cafes and restaurants if you are not sure that it is prepared according to all the rules.

Herbal teas and pregnancy

Herbal drinks are a great alternative to coffee and regular tea during pregnancy. Herbal teas are delicious and delicious. They will not harm, and even help improve your overall well-being, relieving you of discomfort and discomfort.

; it can be used alone or with chamomile.

  • Common raspberry... Relieves nausea and stabilizes hormones.
  • Some herbs are dangerous during pregnancy as they can harm your baby's health. “A mother-to-be should avoid using herbs such as mint, yarrow, wormwood, comfrey, coltsfoot, juniper, tansy,” says Elena Mikheeva... - Be careful with sage and hay. In large quantities, they can cause complications. "

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