Chondroitin, glucosamine. Glucosamine chondroitin complex n90 caps Glucosamine and its analogues

anti-corrosion 02.01.2022

Instructions for use. Contraindications and release form.

Description and instructions for Glucosamine maximum tab. #30:

Glucosamine Maxium

Natur Product Europe B.V. (Netherlands)

Means that stimulate regeneration



pharmachologic effect

GLUCOSAMINE MAXIMUM is a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, which have been used by doctors all over the world for many years for the prevention and complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including osteoarthritis.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are natural components of articular cartilage that are necessary for the normal synthesis of cartilage connective tissue and help prevent cartilage destruction.
The interaction of these components and the high content of the active substance provide a pronounced and stable beneficial effect on the joints and spine.

Helps to improve the condition with:
. pain in the joints and spine
. stiffness in movements and crunching in the joints
. joint inflammation

Glucosamine Maximum can be used at the first signs of a violation of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for those who are at risk for the prevention of diseases.
Glucosamine Maximum is a reliable basis for the constructive prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and a necessary component of the daily diet of people suffering from diseases of the joints and spine.

Dosage and administration

Adults: 1 tablet per day with meals, which provides an adequate level of consumption of glucosamine sulfate by 100% (750 mg), chondroitin sulfate - by 60% (250 mg).
Duration of admission - 2 months.
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding +25°C, out of the reach of children.


Glucosamine, Chondroitin sulfate, Lactose 20 mg.


"Glucosamine-chondroitin complex" is a dietary supplement that regulates the metabolism in cartilage tissue. "Glucosamine-chondroitin complex" provides nutritional support to the joints and connective tissue, prevents the destruction and promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue, has an anti-inflammatory effect, participates in the formation of ligaments, bones, connective tissue.

Hard capsules of cylindrical shape, split with hemispherical ends, filled with white-yellowish powder

A hint of color, with a slight characteristic odor and a sweetish-bitter taste. Hygroscopic. Clumping.

Selling Features

Without a license


Prevention and long-term auxiliary treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, restoration of joints after fractures and sports injuries


Individual intolerance to the components.

Terms and conditions of storage

Prices for Glucosamine Chondroitin in other cities

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To achieve the effect (some growth of cartilage or suspension of its thinning) with arthrosis of 1-2 stages, it is necessary to ingest a drug from a decent manufacturer for a period of six months; at stage 3 (destruction of cartilage), its restoration is impossible, the reception is useless; external application (ointments, creams, gels) does not give a result at any stage. Sincerely, the author of the site.

Preparations containing Chondroitin (Chondroitine sulfate, ATC code (ATC) M01AX25) and Glucosamine (Glucosamine, ATC code (ATC) M01AX05):

Common formulations containing Chondroitin (CI) and Glucosamine (GA)
Release form Pack., piece Price, r
Artra (Artra); USA, Unipharm; CI 500mg + GA 500mg tablets 30 680-1.410
60 1.210-2.140
100 1.730-3.000
120 1.640-3.200
Teraflex (Teraflex); Germany, Bayer; CI 500mg + GA 400mg capsules 60 1.000-3.655
100 1.630-3.000
200 3.000-4.300
Teraflex Advance (Teraflex Advance); USA, Sagmel; CI 200mg + GA 250mg + ibuprofen 100mg capsules 30 450-1.270
60 840-2.190
120 1.700-3.000
Kondronova (Kondronova); India, Panacea; CI 200mg + GA 250mg capsules 30 380-720
Inoltra (Inholtra), dietary supplement; USA, Irvine, CI 200mg + GA 1g + omega3 700mg + Mn 1mg + vit E and C capsules 60 1.600-3.370
72 2.330-2.740
90 2.600-4.270
180 4.550-7.920
Tab. "Glucosamine-Chondroitin plus", (BAA); USA, Solgar tablets 1.750mg 75 2.200-3.990
Tab. "Complex of glucosamine and chondroitin", (BAA); USA, Solgar tablets 2.090mg 60 2.250-3.850
Doppelherz active Glucosamine + Chondroitin (BAA); Germany, Queisser; HI 150mg + GA 750mg capsules 30 340-695
Glucosamine - chondroitins. complex, (BAA); Russia, Farmakor capsules 60 240-700
90 330-680
Common formulations containing only Chondroitin (CI)
Name, manufacturer, composition Release form Pack., piece Price, r
Structum (Structum); France, Pierre Fabre; CI 500mg capsules 60 1.250-2.310
Mukosat (Mucosat); Russia, GIKiM r / d / i / m 100 mg in 1 ml 5 320-810
10 625-1.120
r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 5 560-1.050
10 610-900
Chondroguard (Chondroguard); Russia, Sotex r / d / i / m 100 mg in 1 ml 10 670-1.320
r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 10 1.200-2.260
Hondrolon; Russia, Microgen por d/i 100mg 5 920-1.100
10 770-1.820
Artradol; Russia, Biok por d/i 100mg 10 560-1.080
Drastop, Romania, Rompharm r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 10 900-1.310
Chondroitin; Russia, Vertex capsules 250mg 50 280-540
Chondroitin sulfate; Russia, Ellara por d/i 100mg 10 620-1.030
capsules 250mg 50 270-480
Chondroitin-Akos; Russia, Synthesis ointment 5% 30g 1 55-315
Chondroitin; Russia, Vertex gel 5% 30g 1 60-220
Chondroitin-Verte, Russia, Vertex capsules 250mg 50 and 60 230-510
Chondroxide, Russia, Nizhpharm for Shtada gel 5% 30g 1 240-600
gel 5% 40g 1 290-665
ointment 5% 30g 1 285-655
tablets 250mg 60 450-850
r / d / i / m 100 mg in 1 ml 10 510-860
r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 10 920-1.470
Chondroxide Forte; Russia, Nizhpharm (in 1g - 50mg CI and 10mg meloxicam) cream 30g 1 290-700
Common formulations containing only Glucosamine (GA)
Name, manufacturer, composition Release form Pack., piece Price, r
Dona, Rottafarm-Madaus tablets 750mg 60 1.200-2.265
powder 1.5g 20 1.040-2.050
r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 6 1.130-2.020
Glucosamine Maximum; Netherlands Herkel TB weighing 1470 mg 30 370-750
60 550-920
Elbona, Russia, Ellara r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 6 960-1.485
Sustagard Artro; Russia, Sotex r / d / i / m 200mg in 2ml 5 700-1.050
Sustilak, India, Medrik tablets 1.5g 60 1.050-2.200
Rare and discontinued release forms
Name Release form Packing, pcs Price, r
Structum (Structum); France, Pierre Fabre, CI 250mg capsules 60 1.430-2.140
Inoltra Sulfamax MSM, USA, Irvine tablets 90 2.900-5.900
Chondroxide Maximum, Russia, Nizhpharm cream 8% 50g 1 625-1.180
Tazan, Russia, Synthesis, HI 500mg + GA 500mg tablets 90 1.250-1.650
Ellastenga Active Glucosamine; Russia, Dina+ gel and caps No
Artradollong (BAA); Russia, Smirnov capsules 30 No
Artrin, Russia, GIKM ointment 1 No

Teraflex (Glucosamine + Chondroitin) - official instructions for use:

Clinico-pharmacological group:

A drug that regulates the metabolism in cartilage tissue

pharmachologic effect

Cartilage regeneration stimulator.

Glucosamine hydrochloride and sodium chondroitin sulfate are involved in the biosynthesis of connective tissue, helping to prevent cartilage destruction and stimulating tissue regeneration. The introduction of exogenous glucosamine enhances the production of cartilage matrix and provides non-specific protection against chemical damage to the cartilage. Another possible action of glucosamine is the protection of damaged cartilage from the metabolic destruction caused by NSAIDs and corticosteroids, as well as its own moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Chondroitin sulfate sodium serves as an additional substrate for the formation of a healthy cartilage matrix. Stimulates the formation of hyaluronon, the synthesis of proteoglycans and type II collagen, and also protects hyaluronon from enzymatic cleavage (by suppressing the activity of hyaluronidase); maintains the viscosity of the synovial fluid, stimulates cartilage repair mechanisms and inhibits the activity of those enzymes (elastase, hyaluronidase) that break down cartilage. In the treatment of osteoarthritis, it relieves the symptoms of the disease and reduces the need for NSAIDs.


Glucosamine sulfate

Suction and distribution

The bioavailability of glucosamine when taken orally is 25% (due to the effect of "first pass" through the liver).

After absorption, radioactively labeled glucosamine is first found in plasma and later diffuses into tissues. The highest concentrations are found in the liver, kidneys and articular cartilage. About 30% of the dose taken persists for a long time in bone and muscle tissue.


It is excreted mainly in the urine unchanged, partly in the feces. T1 / 2 - 68 hours

Chondroitin sulfate


Bioavailability is about 12%. With a single oral dose of 800 mg (or 400 mg 2 times a day), plasma concentrations increase over 24 hours.

Metabolism and excretion

Metabolized by desulfurization. Excreted by the kidneys. T1/2 - 310 min.

Indications for use of TERAFLEX®

  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine: osteoarthritis I-III degree, osteochondrosis.

Method of application and dosage

For adults and children over 15 years of age, during the first three weeks, the drug is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day; in the following days - 1 capsule 2 times a day. Duration of treatment - 3-6 months. If necessary, it is possible to conduct repeated courses of treatment, the duration of which is set individually.

The drug is taken orally, regardless of food intake, with a small amount of water.

Side effect

From the digestive system: epigastric pain, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation.

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, headache, drowsiness, insomnia.

Other: tachycardia, peripheral edema, pain in the legs, allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of TERAFLEX®

  • severe renal failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • age up to 15 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

With caution, the drug should be prescribed for diabetes mellitus, a tendency to bleeding, bronchial asthma.

The use of TERAFLEX® during pregnancy and lactation

There are no clinical data on the efficacy and safety of Teraflex® during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Application for violations of kidney function

Contraindicated in severe renal impairment.

special instructions

If adverse reactions from the digestive system appear, the dose of the drug should be reduced by 2 times, and if there is no improvement, the drug should be discontinued.

Teraflex® can be used as part of combination therapy with corticosteroids and NSAIDs.


To date, cases of overdose of Teraflex® have not been described. In case of an overdose, the following symptoms are possible: hemorrhagic rash, nausea, vomiting.

Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy.

drug interaction

Increases the absorption of tetracyclines.

Reduces the effect of semi-synthetic penicillins and chloramphenicol.

Chondroitin sulfate enhances the effect of anticoagulants.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Glucosamine is a substance produced by cartilage. The lack of this component is the cause of many diseases of the joints. Its use in formulations of dosage forms contributes to the effective treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

On the pharmaceutical market, the drug is available in several forms, each of which has a similar composition, but different auxiliary components.

Dosage forms:

  • tablets;
  • powder;
  • solution.

Composition and dosage:

Tablets of 30, 60, 90 and 100 pieces in vials. 1 tablet contains:

  • glucosamine sulfate - 750 mg;
  • additional ingredients.

20 sachets in a pack. 1 sachet of solution powder contains:

  • glucosamine sulfate - 1500 mg;
  • other substances.

Glucosamine in ampoules for intramuscular injection (2 ml each):

  • active substance - 400 mg
  • auxiliary components.

Pre-dilute with the supplied solvent (1 ml ampoules).

Pharmacological properties

Glucosamine is designed to restore the structure of cartilage tissue. It significantly slows down the processes of destruction of the joints and prevents the development of arthrosis, eliminating the accompanying pain syndromes and increasing mobility.

The drug performs the following functions:

  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • fills the natural need for the content of the substance;
  • provides joint permeability;
  • suspends destructive processes;
  • normalizes the amount of calcium in bone tissues.

Instructions for use

Treatment of articular pathologies in adults with Glucosamine is mainly done orally in the form of powder or tablets, the dosage of which is determined by the doctor.

Scheme for taking the powder form:

  • 1 sachet per day (dilute in a glass of water);
  • take with meals;
  • duration - up to 10 weeks (depending on the stage of the disease).

Pill system:

  • 1 per day, with a glass of water;
  • duration - 6 months.

The effect after taking the remedy is noticeable after 2 weeks, then the positive result is enhanced.

Indications for appointment

Glucosamine is a drug for the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. It is prescribed in complex therapy for the following pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • periarthritis;
  • trauma;
  • progressive spondylosis.

The use of this drug allows you to eliminate the feeling of stiffness in the joints, inflammation, and relieve pain. It is recommended to be taken by people who are involved in heavy sports. As a prophylaxis, the drug is indicated for people over 55 years of age. Its intake significantly reduces the load on the joints, improves their mobility, and reduces the risk of developing articular pathologies.

Glucosamine for osteochondrosis

The effect of the drug in osteochondrosis of the spine is quite large: correction of metabolic processes in cartilage tissue, reduction of the destruction process, stimulation of metabolism, restoration of the previous functions of the joints.

Since the disease begins with pathological changes in the intervertebral cartilage, the use of Glucosamine in the treatment contributes to the complete elimination of the main cause of the problem.

This drug is part of a complex therapy aimed at a speedy recovery.


For the treatment of joints and to eliminate problems with the spine, preparations containing glucosamine chondroitin are used. Like any drug, this drug has contraindications, among which are:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • children under 15 years of age;
  • people who are highly sensitive to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Basically, the drug does not have complex consequences, but in some cases there are:

  • pain syndromes in the area of ​​the obvious process;
  • stool changes;
  • bouts of flatulence;
  • frequent headaches;
  • skin rashes.

When such negative reactions of the body appear, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucosamine performs the following actions when combined with various medications:

  • can significantly enhance the absorption of tetracycline drugs by the intestines;
  • reduces the absorption of antibiotics;
  • enhances the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of some nonsteroidal drugs, but with simultaneous use;
  • helps to reduce the negative effect of corticosteroids on cartilage tissue.


Cheap analogues of Glucosamine

Glucosamine, like any other drug of this type, has cheaper analogues that contain the main component:

  • Arthra tablets;
  • Honda in capsules;
  • Sinarta - powder for oral use;
  • Glucosate - solution for injection.

The use of the above medications is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Glucosamine and Elbona - which is better?

Elbona - a modern drug designed for the regeneration of articular tissues. Its composition contains the base tool, which contributes to the rapid recovery process of existing damage. In addition, the drug is effectively used to relieve severe pain and eliminate inflammatory processes. With the constant use of Elbona, the amount of nonsteroidal drugs is noticeably reduced in patients.

The drug Elbon is prescribed for such pathologies:

  • bouts of osteoarthritis;
  • osteoarthritis therapy;
  • problems with the spine;
  • treatment of osteochondrosis.

It is used in complex therapy along with physiotherapy procedures and a proper nutrition system. The drug belongs to the high-price category, which makes it impossible to use it for a wide range of people. Glucosamine has the same properties, but what to choose in the treatment of joint diseases is up to the attending physician.

Dona or Glucosamine - which is more effective?

Dona is the main stimulator of cartilage regeneration, has strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The active substance glucosamine sulfate helps to replenish its deficiency in the body, thereby helping to restore joint tissue.

Dona applies:

  • for the prevention of osteoarthritis;
  • in the treatment of periarteritis of the scapula and shoulder, chondromalacia of the patella.

The drug is quickly absorbed by the intestines, easily penetrates into the cartilaginous tissues of the joints. The therapeutic effect lasts up to 8 weeks.

Dona is a more expensive drug, and therefore less accessible to purchase by representatives of different social groups. Dona is a structural analogue of Glucosamine, but has a higher cost.

Chondroxide or Glucosamine - what to choose for osteochondrosis?

The local drug Chondroskid has anti-inflammatory properties, has an analgesic effect, improves joint regeneration.

The active substance chondroitin sodium sulfate slows down the process of bone destruction, reduces calcium loss, and normalizes metabolic properties. Has anti-inflammatory action.

It is used to treat pain syndromes in cartilaginous tissues in osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, to increase joint mobility.

Chondroxide is used:

  • with degenerative pathologies of the spine and joints;
  • with fractures;
  • to eliminate the consequences of surgical interventions.

The drug has an extensive spectrum of action, is available for purchase to everyone. Chondroxide, as well as Glucosamine, has the ability to restore damaged cartilage tissue, but to improve the effect, doctors recommend combining both drugs.

Glucosamine is a chondroprotector that stimulates metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissues. It is one of the effective remedies intended for the treatment and restoration of joints and synovial fluid in them.

Pharmaceutical drug Glucosamine refers to medical products that fight diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Also, thanks to the use of Glucosamine, cartilage is formed and a layer is formed between the ends of the bones that rub against each other.

The component of the drug (active active ingredient) is glucosamine sulfate. It is a salt of the natural amino-monosaccharide glucosamine, an analogue of endogenous glucosamine. This compound takes part in the normal synthesis of cartilage connective tissues.

Glucosamine promotes the production of hyaluronic acid and other substances that make up the synovial fluid, articular membranes and cartilage. The mechanism of action of glucosamine sulfate is the stimulation of the production of glycosaminoglycans and, accordingly, articular proteoglycans.

Actually, the substance glucosamine itself is present in small amounts in the human body in its natural form. It is produced as a result of physiological processes occurring in the body, and contributes to an increase in the extensibility of cartilage tissues. In addition, glucosamine exhibits the effect of a natural immunomodulator.

The course intake of the drug Glucosamine promotes the fixation of sulfur in the process of synthesis of chondroitinsulfuric acid, facilitates the normal deposition of calcium in bone tissue, inhibits the development of degenerative processes in the joints, restores their function and reduces pain.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules, a solution intended for intramuscular injection, and a powder for preparing a solution for oral use.

- 1 coated tablet, Glucosamine contains: glucosamine sulfate - 750 mg.
- 1 capsule (powder in a gelatin shell) Glucosamine contains: glucosamine sulfate - 750 mg.
– 1 ampoule 2 ml contains: glucosamine sulfate – 400 mg.
- 1 sachet of powder for oral solution preparation Glucosamine contains: glucosamine sulfate - 1500 mg.

Indications for use Glucosamine

According to the instructions, the medication is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis - pain and limited movement of the joints.

Indications for the use of Glucosamine - degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • patient complaints about loss of sensitivity and crunching in the joints;
  • feeling of stiffness in the joints;
  • pain in the spine and joints;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • inflammation of the tendons;
  • injuries and damage to the joints;
  • joint pain when walking, squatting, bending over.

Glucosamine for joints is also prescribed for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle or engage in hard physical labor to protect joints during intense physical exertion and sports.

Instructions for use Glucosamine, dosage

Adults are prescribed to take Glucosamine tablets orally 1.5 g per day once. The course of treatment, as a rule, is 6 weeks, and if necessary, a longer time.

Intramuscular injections (shots)

For an injection, Glucosamine must be prepared - one dosage of the drug is mixed with a solvent and 3 ml of the resulting solution is injected at 400 mg 3 times a week for 4 to 6 weeks, then a break in therapy is taken.

Can be combined with simultaneous oral administration of tablets or capsules.

Taking pills/capsules

1-2 tablets or 1-2 capsules of Glucosamine per day, always during meals (750-1500 mg).

Powder intake

The contents of 1 sachet or sachet (powder for suspension), previously dissolved in a glass of water, are taken 1 time per day with meals (1500 mg). Adult patients with arthrosis and osteoarthritis, as a rule, are prescribed 1 sachet of the drug per day.

The duration of therapy and the dose of Glucosamine is determined by the doctor.

Features of the use of Glucosamine

In the event of drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, loss of coordination or visual impairment, as a side effect of taking Glucosamine, driving and working with potentially dangerous mechanisms is prohibited.

It is undesirable to use alcoholic beverages simultaneously with Glucosamine, since ethanol reduces the effectiveness of the active substance of the drug.

It is not recommended to take this medicine during pregnancy, since the effect of the active substance on the development and condition of the fetus has not yet been fully studied. For the same reason, it is contraindicated to be treated with Glucosamine during lactation.

A noticeable improvement in the condition of the joints occurs 2 weeks after the start of using the drug orally, and after only 4 days with the injection route of administration (glucosamine injections).

Side effects Glucosamine, contraindications

During the period of therapy with Glucosamine, pain may develop in the epigastric region and the occurrence of side effects such as: stool disorders, flatulence, as well as headache, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, short-term loss of efficiency and skin hypersensitivity reactions.

Glucosamine sulfate solution for intramuscular administration additionally (due to the content of lidocaine in the composition): vomiting, drowsiness, diplopia, headache, dizziness, numbness of the tongue and oral mucosa, tremor, euphoria, disorientation, impaired cardiac conduction.


Overdose is not described in official sources and is unlikely.

In case of accidental administration of the drug in doses significantly higher than recommended, gastric lavage should be carried out and enterosorbent agents should be prescribed.


Glucosamine is not prescribed to patients with known hypersensitivity to the components that make up the powder or tablets (including lidocaine - for a solution for intramuscular injection).

Glucosamine should not be used in patients with phenylketonuria and severe renal impairment.

In pediatric practice, the drug Glucosamine is used only for the treatment of children over 15 years of age.

Glucosamine analogues, list of drugs

  • Aminoartrin;
  • Glucosamine sulfate;
  • Glucosamine sulfate 750;
  • Don;
  • Pharmaskin THC;
  • Elbon;
  • Unium.

Important - instructions for use Glucosamine, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide for the use of drugs of similar composition or action. All therapeutic appointments must be made by a doctor. When replacing Glucosamine with an analogue, it is important to get expert advice, you may need to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc. Do not self-medicate!

The systematic intake of Glucosamine allows you to restore the elasticity of the joints, expand the mode of motor activity and improve the quality of life in the presence of chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the effect is fixed for a sufficiently long time, after the course of therapy with this drug.

Glucosamine is on the OTC list in pharmacies. Doctors' comments about Glucosamine are mostly positive and are based on the fact that its use allows you to quickly relieve pain symptoms in destructive diseases of cartilage tissues.

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