The most powerful prayer to remove damage. How to remove damage and the evil eye with prayers? Signs of successful removal of spoilage

Cement 27.12.2021

By achieving success and winning life victories, you can become a victim of envious people. Prayers-amulets will help protect and rid yourself of negative influences.

Someone else's envy can greatly harm your personal happiness and success in business. If luck smiles at you, then be sure that people are already whispering behind your back - perhaps even close friends. Unconsciously or purposefully, each of them can send a curse or corruption on you that will ruin your life.

Handmade talismans and amulets prayers will help protect you from negative energy. A happy person should definitely keep his luck from the evil interference of people with the help of protective words. Health problems, troubles, financial losses can bypass you. You can also find out who exactly wishes you harm, and protect yourself from communicating with such individuals.

How to find out about the presence of the evil eye and damage

Often damage and the evil eye can cause irreparable harm. The main signs indicating a negative magical effect include a series of failures, problems in personal life, various diseases, a sharp deterioration in the psychological state. A person who has been jinxed can suddenly change his attitude towards loved ones; his immunity can drop sharply, which will lead to an exacerbation of all diseases, and church attributes will cause fear and horror.

If you feel negative changes in life, you should find out by referring to folk methods and diagnostic rituals. But it will be much better if you can protect your energy with a powerful force that will not allow damage to settle in your biofield. Psychics recommend taking measures in advance against negative influences and building impenetrable protection with the help of amulets prayers, the daily reading of which will save you from all sorts of misfortunes of ill-wishers. You can also copy them on a piece of paper and carry with you, which will scare away evil looks and angry words from you.

Strong prayer-amulet from damage

To enhance the effectiveness of sacred words, you will need to conduct a ceremony. This will require holy water and a small container. After filling the mug with water, cross yourself three times and speak it with the following words:

“God, I call to Your power. The water that Your followers have christened and blessed, let it help me too. Let him protect Your servant / servant (name) from all the views of aliens and the deeds of evil people. Your help will prompt me and save me from all the misdeeds that You have foreseen, my Lord. Do not live damage, evil eye and evil in my soul! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Such water should be drunk immediately and the ceremony should be carried out until you feel a slight malaise, drowsiness. If you are overcome by yawning and weakness, know that spoilage leaves the body.

Orthodox prayer from the evil eye and corruption

Any well-known prayers will help you protect your body and soul from negative influences. The sacred text "Our Father" has special power, which should be read every morning and before going to bed. It is desirable that you have a red corner in your house. Prayer-amulet will charge your energy and help fight the evil eye and negativity during the day. However, Orthodox prayers can only protect you from the evil intentions of people, but they will not work to remove damage with their help. You should ask your Guardian Angel about this with the following words:

“I (name) turn to You, my intercessor and protector. You, heavenly servant, assigned to me by God, protect me from adversity. Evil tongues have sent a curse into my soul, it torments me day by day. I beg you, Guardian Angel, protect and drive this evil spirits out of my life and my deeds. All the grief sent to me, let it return to the envious. Amen".

Prayer against evil and corruption: for yourself and your family

A very effective prayer-amulet, convenient to read in any situation and at any time. It is able to ward off the evil intervention of envious people from you and your loved ones and point to a person who wishes you harm. You should always keep this text with you and refer to it every time you feel negative energy on yourself. The prayer goes like this:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, all Angels, accept my bow. Forgive me and my deeds, forgive my sins and direct me to the path of a righteous and happy life. Envious people wish harm to me, my house, my loved ones. God forbid, God, from damage, evil eye, illness, death and problems. Take away evil prayers from my soul and my heart. Guide the person who is jealous of my happiness to the right path. I pray you, O God, trusting in your strength. Amen".

During the day, we interact with the energy of many people, and we cannot know in advance which person may wish us harm. To maintain your personal happiness and success, you should protect yourself every day from possible negativity. But damage can be sent not only to you, but also to your home. Therefore, you should secure it with strong amulets or protective conspiracies. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.05.2017 06:41

The most powerful weapon in the fight against negative influences are protective conspiracies. With their help, you...

Sometimes something bad happens to a person - health suddenly deteriorates, things start to go wrong, fear and despondency settle in the soul. In the people, this is referred to by the simple word "damage". What to advise in such a situation? Read a prayer from the evil eye, corruption and all the tricks of the devil.

The attitude of the Church to corruption and the evil eye

Some holy fathers immediately dismiss the existence of corruption from the threshold. They say that the pectoral cross, holy water, the sacrament of the sacrament are sufficient protection against any attacks of evil spirits. But what if the soul is still restless? Perhaps you should delve deeper into your own soul, find the cause. Most likely just tormented by conscience.

Others explain in more detail the occurrence of this disease. They believe that the reason for everything is not the evil will of the sorcerer or ill-wisher, but the sinful life of the person himself. With his behavior that is not pleasing to God, he constantly drives away the grace of God from himself, makes the Guardian Angel turn away. After all, it is unbearable for him to look at sins, it hurts such spiritual creatures. Prayer from the evil eye, damage and tricks of evil spirits should help.

Read a prayer from the evil eye and damage "Living Help"

Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the God of Heaven will settle. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver thee from the net of the hunter, and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the passing, from the scum, and the demon of the noonday. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, both look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and, as I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long life, and I will show him My salvation.

Listen to a prayer from the corruption and tricks of the devil

Causes of damage and bad luck

When a person does deeds against the law of God, for example, drunkenness and debauchery, he gives demonic forces power over his soul. Then obsession manifests itself, or as the people say - damage. Who is at risk of getting into such an unpleasant situation, what qualities cause this problem?

  • Pride is the cause of many sins. As the Bible says, God Himself opposes the proud. We must repent in the temple, ask Christ for help, cast aside our arrogance.
  • Passion for magic, divination, horoscopes, and other occult practices. This is a violation of the First Commandment, the most important for man. Its non-compliance is very dangerous.
  • Appeal to fortune-tellers, psychics, healers. For the Orthodox, there is the only spiritual hospital - this is the Temple of God, the Holy Sacraments.

Today, many live in sin without even knowing it. For example, the so-called "civil" marriage, or promiscuity - all this is prohibited by the Church and destroys the integrity of the human soul, its purity. If a person has realized his problems, it is urgent to start reading a prayer from corruption, evil eye, witchcraft and devilish tricks. Just be sure to ask the blessing of the confessor, or you can do yourself more harm than good.

How to get rid of spoilage

The main means is visiting the temple, using all the grace-filled means offered by the Orthodox Church. Be sure to resort to confession, to repent of their unrighteous deeds. This must be approached very seriously, because for many years unnecessary things have accumulated in the soul - resentment, irritation, bitterness. All this poisons her, she must forgive her neighbors, put up with them. This is the only way to achieve peace, and this state makes it possible to perceive God's help.

In no case should you go to "remove damage" to the magicians, this only aggravates the situation. After all, by this a Christian declares not only his impenitence. This is how they express their distrust of God, neglecting the means that Christ left on earth just for the healing of soul and body. In addition, body diseases are not always a sign that a person received it from demons. Often the Lord strengthens the spiritual power of a person in this way - through suffering, which is endured with thanksgiving, faith is strengthened.

  • In fact, no magic is capable of controlling dark forces, they can only be destroyed by God, this will happen at the end of time. Angels protect people, but sometimes they themselves allow holes to appear in their spiritual protection.
  • If every evil wish came true, people would have destroyed each other long ago. Therefore, one should not blame the ill-wishers for their problems. It is necessary to get rid of the negative first of all in your own soul.

What to do? Curb passions, fast more often, read prayers to the Lord - only they can save you from the damage of the evil eye and the tricks of the devil. From the words of the Holy Scriptures, all evil spirits will scatter, as if from fire. So every day you need to take the Bible from the shelf, read it, pray, do good deeds - and all the dark forces will bypass! God bless you!

Strong prayer from the evil eye and corruption was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Excellent article 0

Even weak damage can pretty much spoil life with turmoil. And strong energy blows can unsettle for a long time and deprive a normal, happy life.

At the same time, damage is not always caused by an envious neighbor or homemaker. Damage can even be done by accident: if a person with strong energy or, even worse, a blood relative wished you harm. You can unsuccessfully step on your foot in transport or not divide the inheritance, and then fight the consequences of the curses received in response for more than one month.

Tells how to recognize induced damage. There you can learn more about the types of damage and about the prayers that help to remove it.

How to recognize damage

The most important thing is not to attribute any of your failures to evil forces. Sometimes we tend to look for excuses for ourselves, to do nothing when it is necessary to get things off the ground, or to secretly rejoice in other people's mistakes, although they do not bring us one step closer to happiness and well-being.

But more often, the negative touch of the past days quite noticeably spoils life. There are many reasons to suspect something is wrong:

  • frequent illnesses of loved ones;
  • own worsened health;
  • leaving it is not known what the money is for;
  • feeling that you are broken, out of place, not on the right track;
  • constant problems in the personal sphere;
  • conflicts with those people who have always been your support;
  • material signs of damage - pins in the door, salt on the threshold, and so on.

Lists even more signs indicating the presence of damage. If you have already thrown all your strength into achieving your prosperity, improving your life and the lives of your relatives, and instead of achievements you are only stuffing bumps, perhaps someone simply did not want to see you as a happy person. And then the damage must be removed.

How to protect yourself from damage

The energy of people is developed in different ways. Not everyone is able to cope with damage. It can be accompanied by malicious actions, slander, gossip and intrigues, and then it really becomes impossible to live. Especially if the exposed person has a bright soul, but not strong enough to resist this evil. It is necessary to act before interference from outside leads to a big disaster.

You can save yourself from evil influence in many ways. Very often people go to fortune-tellers and psychics to remove the evil eye and curses, and even ask to return the harm caused to the offender. At such moments, there is a dangerous temptation to judge a person, to act on the principle of "an eye for an eye." warns you against it.

A psychic, like any person, can make a mistake, and then you will become the reason that evil has gone further through people. And rituals performed on their own for the same purpose are generally very risky, since it can be difficult to determine the one who spoils your life. This is not always an unpleasant person: he can be hypocritical and smile in your face, f may not know you at all. Do not try to take on the role of God and determine who and for what needs to suffer and be held accountable.

To remove damage, the Orthodox portal advises. Turning to God will be a much more effective means to strengthen your spirit and learn to resist evil. Prayers are not made “for the return of evil”, with them you ask God for protection, and Heaven will decide for itself what punishment your enemy deserves. And they will help you become better and stronger, protect you from troubles and tell you how to find your way to happiness in life.

What prayers to read from corruption

The best prayer you can use is to reprimand "Our Father" and contact your guardian angel. The first prayer is to begin all appeals to the Almighty, and a prayer to an angel will help you convey your words and aspirations to Heaven. Later you can order mobelin against the evil and harm done to you, both in word and deed. A prayer service is available for the Orthodox parish of Seraphim of Sarov. This will not be a fiction: the idea of ​​making the portal available on the Internet was approved by the clergy, as the church strives to keep up with the times.

Prayers will work Nicholas the Wonderworker, since he can be prayed for the most seemingly unrealizable aspirations. And if damage has affected the sphere of health, for example, it is given by the drunkenness of a spouse, pray also Panteleimon the healer. You can also order a prayer service for this saint on the portal of Seraphim of Sarov.

If you feel that you need the support of the Almighty, turn to to get rid of any damage, misfortune and misfortune. We wish you only happiness and don't forget to press the buttons and

Removing damage with the help of Orthodox prayers

In this article:

If you are spoiled, but you don’t need to close your eyes to it. Prolonged exposure to this powerful negative energy weakens a person. Diseases, troubles, severe illnesses appear. You can diagnose yourself, and then remove the damage from yourself. To do this, follow the simple rules that healers offer. If you are an Orthodox person, baptized, then the best option for you is to withdraw by prayer. There are several ways to remove damage from yourself, choose the one that suits you, you will like it.

Corruption, evil eye, curse

We often hear these words, but do not give them much meaning. There are too many announcements about hereditary healers who practice the quick removal of damage, healing from any curse. Around us there is a world not only physical, but energetic. Everything that we do not see interacts with us on a subtle level. The world of energy is very important for our well-being.

If damage is imposed on you, then your energy picture turns black, deteriorates. It attracts, like a magnet, the same negative.

Failures happen, illnesses come that we could not even think about. Damage must be removed, otherwise it will attract failure to you. There will be more and more of them, and everything can end very badly. Damage or a curse can lead to infertility, cancer, drug addiction. No one wants such an outcome. The measured way is prayer. There are many Orthodox prayers that serve this purpose. Among them, the famous prayer of St. Caprian. These words are endowed with power, because they mention the names of Saints, Angels, Prophets. Evil cannot stand against them. It is necessary to pronounce the prayer correctly, having learned it by heart. This can only be done by those who have baptism, believe in the power of the Church, God, Angels. If you do not have the proper faith, but no words will help you.

Should I be afraid of damage?

Someone can say that all the damage and evil eye is in our head. A person winds himself up, looking for signs where there are none. But, unfortunately, damage really exists. It is necessary to remove it for your own good. Long-term exposure to negativity on your body will greatly impair your immunity. It will weaken, although there were no prerequisites for this. You can drink vitamins as much as you like, but if spoilage is already in you, then it is almost impossible to protect yourself from diseases. This is not even about the common cold, but about more serious ones. More and more dangerous illnesses come to you every time. Corruption should not be underestimated - it is a powerful adversary. In addition to illness, family discord can come. One of the most common is the Crown of Celibacy. It will not allow you to build long-term relationships, and if you already have a family, it will destroy it. Quarrels, scandals will stop if you start reading prayers for removal. The most terrible - damage to death. It acts rapidly, in just 2-3 weeks it kills a person.

Who could do damage to you

Anyone could do it. In order to send damage, you do not need to be a sorcerer, a practitioner. The person may not even know what he is doing. The consequences of your words can be devastating for someone else's fate. Jealousy is at the root of everything. A colleague at work envied you, wished you a dismissal in his hearts. You've been fired. A friend envied her husband, happiness in the family - you got a slight or not very light damage to family relationships. Furious statements “so that you die”, “so that you fail” can greatly harm a person. If you heard something like this from the enemy, then immediately read the prayers that you know.

You must be able to distinguish everyday troubles from true damage. In extreme cases, you need a diagnostic wizard.

In addition to damage through ignorance, you can also receive a conscious curse. If your enemy or friend who is jealous practices magic, then he knows powerful ways to ruin a person's life. In this case, when removing damage, he will suffer. His negativity will return to him.

Damage symptoms

Each damage manifests itself in different ways, but there are main symptoms that will not confuse it with ordinary bad luck:

  • you often break mirrors. In a few days you can break 3-4;
  • pets shy away from you, are not given in your arms;
  • you constantly get sick, and medicines do not help;
  • spoiled relationships with colleagues, friends, relatives;
  • I want to drink more and more often, even if before that you are indifferent to alcohol;
  • in a dream you see nightmares that seem realistic;
  • at night it becomes difficult to breathe, as if something is pressing on the chest.

If you have only 1-2 symptoms, then it's not scary. But if in a short time a lot appeared, everything, then the matter is clear: damage. You need to shoot, otherwise such a streak of failures will expand and lengthen.

Conspiracies to remove damage

If the damage is on you, then you can remove it yourself or ask a trusted person. He must believe in the power of the Church, be baptized, a righteous Christian. Of course, this person must be trusted 100%.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

It is best to read a prayer for melt water

This prayer helps someone who needs healing of the soul. She appeals to all saints, martyrs and intercessors. They will help to remove the burden of damage. You need to read it on flowing water, you can come to a river with a fast current. Along with the water, your damage will also go away. Before you start, be sure to fast for 7 days without animal meat. If a person feels very bad, seriously ill, then you can read at home for tap water. It is read only once, but with all my heart, faith, reverence.

“Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross, the holy archangel of God Michael and other incorporeal heavenly powers, the holy prophet Forerunner, the Baptist of the Lord John, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina , St. Nicholas Archbishop Mir of the Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker, the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help to us, the unworthy servant of God (name). Deliver him from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, so that they cannot do him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save him in the morning, for the day , for the evening, for the dream to come, and by the power of Thy grace turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acted upon the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, as Yours is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

It helps to completely get rid of all symptoms in 1-2 days.


Read 9 nights in a row. In this case, it is better if a close relative reads a prayer over you. Mother, father, sister. You need to put your hands on the head of the one on whom the damage is done, read three times in a row without stopping.

“Take, flying birds, a handful of earth. Take the animals by the handful. A hole has been dug and the passage is straight to it. Help the servant of God (name) to walk smoothly So that all the pits are bypassed. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and save from a deep hole. It is dark in the pit, light in life. Further from the hole, closer to the sun. Fuck me. My word is strong. My strength is great. Darkness move away, power help me. Amen!"

After 9 nights, a person should feel a surge of strength, and all the symptoms will begin to recede. When a person is completely healed of corruption, he must go to church. This prayer is read before the icon of your Saint.

Conspiracy on the cross and a candle

For this plot you will need a cross. The bigger it is, the better. The cross must be consecrated in the church. Choose a thick, church candle. If you feel that damage is on you, removal is necessary, then do this:

  • You need to kneel before the cross, pray with all your heart.
  • Say that you forgive your ill-wisher, you will never wish him harm.
  • Ask the Lord God for forgiveness for this sinner, especially if he imposed damage unintentionally, but out of evil.
  • Light a candle, hold it in both hands, read "Our Father" 7 times in a row.
  • You will see how the candle began to crackle, hiss, sparkle. If this happens all the time, then know that the chosen path is the right one. Damage is being removed.

"Our Father" is one of the most powerful Christian prayers. It must be known by heart, repeated at a dangerous moment. Read it every morning or every evening, it will bring you relief from suffering, peace from anxiety. To remove damage, read a prayer 7 times in a row, but no more than three days.

Psalm 90 from evil spirits

Psalm 90 can be used to remove damage. It is read at dawn when the sun rises. Before this, you can neither eat nor drink.
Get down on your knees as you watch the rising sun. Say:

“Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the Heavenly God he will be settled. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver thee from the net of the hunter, and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the passing, from the scum, and the demon of the noonday. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, both look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and, as I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long life, and I will show him My salvation.

Stay in this position for some more time.
This Psalm protects against evil spirits and its wagging on you. Know the words of the prayer by heart. She will help to cope with any induced trouble. If, after reading Psalm 90, one of your close friends, colleagues, acquaintances or relatives becomes seriously ill, then it was he who brought damage to you. A person can get sick literally on the same day. Don't say anything to the person, don't blame. Just know that the heavenly judgment has been done on him. Everything that he wished for you was returned to him.

Prayer of Saint Cyprian

Saint Caprian came to the Church and believed only at the age of 30. Prior to that, he was a strong sorcerer, a seer, he knew how to impose damage and kill with just one touch. Everything changed when he received an order for a nun's love spell. The power of her willow was so pure that no black magic could help the sorcerer. He became disillusioned with his pagan gods and went to study the Holy Scriptures. He wrote one of the most famous prayers against corruption. With its help, you can remove any damage. This prayer is very long, but you need to know it by heart. Text:

I pray Thee, Lord my God; all sorcery, and all the evil demons to the sin of man, and the sin of creation, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, Lord my God, Strong and Great, favored from the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Your Holy flock, I pray Thee, Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with him, make him ask for it. By His Most Holy Majesty, merciful on me and do not desire to destroy me with my iniquities; so do not destroy everyone who prays to You with this prayer. Fragile in faith, confirm! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Admonish the desperate one and do not turn away anyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Removal of damage to death

It is very difficult to do this at home. Most likely, you do not have a sufficient level of training in order to remove such a strong damage. It works quickly, so there won't be time to try several ways. It is best to go to a trusted healer. He knows how to reprimand from deadly damage. You may need multiple sessions. A good healer never takes money in advance, but only for the result. Its symptoms are usually very scary, appear suddenly:

  • nightmares in which a person may experience real pain;
  • wake up in the morning, and there are scars, bruises, scratches on the body;
  • in a dream or half-asleep you hear words in an incomprehensible language;
  • you have a premonition of imminent death, trouble;
  • a sudden, severe illness appeared;
  • animals attack you, even pets.

Here you will need a very strong prayer, a combination of rituals. You can remove damage to death, but this must be done quickly.

Your life can cause envy of friends, colleagues, relatives. To protect yourself from the negative impact of this envy, you need to know about the existence of damage, evil eye, curse. As soon as you feel the symptom of a threat, start reading Orthodox prayers. They will help to remove this misfortune from themselves, and your ill-wisher will be punished. You can do this yourself at home. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly and use only the ingredients required by the ritual. Everything will work out, because a huge power is hidden in you - the desire to live.

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Reviews and comments

Good afternoon. My name is Tatyana. In life, something did not stick together, it seems that there is work, it is tight with money. It seems not a fool and not a terrible one - there are no men nearby. I went to the clairvoyant - she said - damage - running to the church forty-mouthed and the psalter and herself for prayers. And she went to church and read prayers (maybe there is no such zeal), and then she went a few more times and continues to read the Psalter. Yes, what kind of damage is this and what should I do. and also in the date of birth of the son of zero, something also needs to be done. For my son, I read the Akathist to the Guardian Angel, Mother of God Education. In churches for my son and for myself I order a magpie and a psalter. Maybe someone can help with advice.


Tatyana, but this is life. After all, no one promised us a smooth and easy life, why spoilage right away. Yes, and do not remove the damage with prayers, you need to clean it. Forget about the zeroes, it has long been calculated, checked - it's not true.

Marina A.01.06.2017

Svetlana, good afternoon. I wrote to you above. But two of my messages disappeared for some reason. She just said that she doesn’t clean from the photo. How about making a diagnosis? I can’t find anyone else, no “radio” helps (((. But things are getting worse. Again, a m. person had an accident, something pressed me at night, almost suffocated, got rid of with the help of “Our Father.” The child is almost He didn't live at home for a week. Aggressive, nervous, hates everyone, everything annoys him. He doesn't want to see my man at all, although earlier it was the other way around, everyone asked when he would come. The biological father still sets his son against us And every day it gets worse.Help!


I'm in a very bad situation... drank, walked and felt very bad, as if I were in a dream ... everything was floating and failures accompanied .... I read Psalm 90 from evil spirits ... and got sick the next day ... WIFE !!! how to be? we have a baby 8 months old, she is still breastfeeding him ... I have no words ...


Put up a shield. Read, holding the figs put forward on both hands. Observe men's days, do not do on Sunday and big church holidays. Read only after sunset, when it is dark. “To my words, mirrors, to my deeds, the Holy Images, the Triple Force is with me, figs are on my hands, from now on, whoever conjures God's servant (name), will suffer from his own evil. With a fatal fiery arrow, return every witchcraft home from where it came from, do your evil there, let the one who did evil to God's servant (name) suffer. Whether you are a sorcerer or a sorceress, or all Sorcerers, the King-Queen, if you conjure God's servant (name), then you will suffer from your own evil. The Lord is with me in the Holy Trinity One, all His Holy Host, they will protect and defend God's servant (name). Under me, the Triple Force-God's servant (name) preserved, turned back all witchcraft, closed the road to all evil and defeated all evil. To my words, mirrors, to my deeds, Holy Images, the Triple Force is with me, and you adversaries and villains, all your words are a fig. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and in the Trinity of the One God and all the Holy Rati and the Most Holy Theotokos Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen". Put a charm every three months.


Help!!! It started a long time ago. She divorced her husband. there were a lot of scandals, they lost an apartment because of his debts, as a result, there were even more debts. I thought something was done to him. but like me. I live with a child. I can’t work with work: I find it, I lose it. It seems that everything just starts to get better and again (and everything is like spring comes) at one time I didn’t get out of the hospital. There were terrible headaches. nothing helped. some dumbass. To list the sores for a long time, it's easier to say that it doesn't hurt. She recovered greatly and became covered with purulent pimples. although before, it was very sympathetic. spent so much money on medicines. then everything seemed to return to normal, both work and personal life, and again collapse, everything collapses from scratch: I lose everything at once (and I noticed how spring comes, it happens.). in my personal life, just do not understand - men either simply disappear without explaining anything, or I suddenly, for no reason at all, have hatred towards them or disgust. I’m only 30 and I want a family and a job and children yet. But I don’t have anything: no friends, no girlfriends, no work. at least get into a loop. I'm slowly going crazy. What should I do?


Victoria, given the cyclicality, is like a generic one. You need a master in theory to scold and remove everything, then look at how the work went. I can advise a way, but as the practice of working with people shows, people have little understanding of how to work during rituals, they mumble the text aloud, they burn a candle and the job is done.


Hello Svetlana!
Mom has a very hard life, she has been living with her stepfather for 10 years, he always drank, and now he has begun to change. Mom is very old and crying all over the nerves. I want to help her. It seems to me that this is damage to her. Tell me, can I read for her, for example, put a shield? Thank you.


Yes, I agree with this - “Tatiana, but this is life. After all, no one promised us a smooth and easy life, why spoilage right away. Yes, and do not remove the damage with prayers, you need to clean it. But how is it? - “Corruption or a curse can lead to infertility, cancer, drug addiction. No one wants such an outcome. The measured way is prayer. There are many Orthodox prayers that serve this purpose. Among them, the famous prayer of St. Caprian"
But then what to do to improve your life, let's say so. Or accept everything and say to yourself - it's fate - to live alone and die alone.


Svetlana, my mother just tells me that the younger ones should not teach the elders to pray. And it won't help me. Is it true?
I always use your advice, and I'm afraid suddenly they will really stop helping me.
Thank you in advance.


Svetlana good afternoon. Help me please. I am 33 years old, I have a problem that I could not be with men. If a man appears in my life, then after a while he disappears without any explanation, and so constantly according to the same scenario. I have been feeling negative and unlucky for many years. I went to different masters, one of the masters told me that at the age of 11 they performed a rite on the castle, they closed me and this castle was buried in the ground and that my life is like a figure eight.
But lately, in addition to failures, I have developed very strong aggression. I can’t concentrate on anything, I don’t hear anyone, I am constantly somewhere inside myself. Very strong apathy. Tell me how to remove the influence of this rite from me. Thank you.


Julia, you were told nonsense. Some kind of eight, kpc. Another thing is that you yourself subconsciously choose the same type of men. You try to break it. And the second part of the question - this accumulated comes out. You are tired, and you will also have to work with it yourself. At a minimum - a prayer, a maximum - a change in lifestyle.


Good afternoon! My husband and I have a good relationship, friends, acquaintances often envy, they say you have an ideal relationship, you probably never swear! It’s just that we don’t get along with finances, how much we don’t work, there’s no money, there’s no money, my husband works at two jobs, but it’s of little use, only we can manage to postpone something, as for some reason we are forced to give this money in another direction , and I’ve been constantly sick for the last three months, now my stomach, then migraines, now my throat hurts, and most of all I’m worried that our daughter has also started to get sick for more than two weeks, we can’t cure the usual SARS, the doctor says nothing serious, drink antibiotics and everything will pass .In general, we seem to have all the components of success and a strong family and V.O. we both live in a big city, but there is no luck and money, and health began to pump up, what is the reason and what to do, tell me?


Health from the nerves, the child - from you. And you can clean up.
On the waning moon, we take a photo of ourselves or our husband, a homemade fresh egg, 4 thin church candles, 4 new needles. The table is covered with a dark cloth. We put in the center of the photo, on it - an egg. We fold our hands over the egg with a “house” and read “Our Father” - 3 times. After that, gently (!) Pierce the “lying” egg from 4 sides and insert the needles so that they stick out to the sides in a cross. Candles previously placed on stands (metal caps can be used) are strung on needles. T e egg, from it in 4 sides of the needle and each needle pierces a candle fixed on a stand. We light the candles and read three times: “Earthly passions, human slanders, failures, misfortunes and bad luck from the servant of God (name) I remove the earth in the cheese. The earth cleanses the servant of God (name), it saves from troubles. Amen.” fully. Then we take everything (an egg with needles, candle covers) carefully, not with bare (!) Hands and bury it away from home in the ground.

Marina A.10.06.2017

Svetlana, yes, the mother of my You wrote that diagnostics need to be done. And how to make it yourself? Ask someone. The one that cleaned me refused to clean the according to the photo, only personally, and this is impossible, he doesn’t even want to talk to me. I can't find anyone else (master). Let me remind you of the situation: we lived as a family for more than a year, called for marriage, wanted children. At first, his mother seemed to be for it, but she constantly shook money from him. When he refused to give her money, because now he has his own family (my son and I), that's how it all began. Constantly some quarrels from scratch, became cold, irritable, withdrawn, and then simply did not come home from work. He said he was tired of everything. He returned to live with his mother. She seems to be drugging him with something, “feeds”. He is constantly in trouble, everything breaks down, there are already several accidents, then an accident, then he will fall from the roof at work (he is a builder), and this has happened more than once. I ended up in the hospital for 1.5 months. There was no strength for anything. Some time ago, I woke up at night from the fact that someone was sitting on me and pressing, choking, I couldn’t move, I was holding. Only with the prayer “Our Father” she drove it off herself. The roof is torn off by the child: he skips school, runs out of the house, aggressive, everything and everything infuriates him, irritates him. several times was going to return. But as soon as he voiced this, the next day he stops answering calls and SMS, does not want to talk to me. Now the same thing again. 3 weeks ago he was going to visit us, he told his mother, but from the next day he still does not talk to me. I have no one else to turn to. It is necessary to somehow do the diagnostics for all of us, and clean, and install protection. Tell me how. Or can you tell me who to contact. I’m better now, but I’m very afraid for my son and, I need to pull them out! Help!


Marina, wax cast then, according to the photo. It's not too easy, so prepare well.
A container of water is in the photo. Pouring wax into water reads:
“I send you sickness and corruption from (name), come down from (name), go to wax. Horse, cow, goose, duck, swan, sheep, human, wind, combat, from a violent head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from blood livers and from the whole white body, from layered bones, from veins, from under the veins, from the stomach, from under the stomach. As it is said, so it will be done ”
Cast a maximum of 3 times a day, melt the wax after each casting with the conspiracy “It came from the forest - go to the forest, from the wind it came - go to the wind, from the people it came - go to the people, turn, turn, twist, whoever let it in, let him take it »
After finishing work, burn the wax on the ground in a hole with the conspiracy “Unclean swamp, undead underground, from the blue fog, from the black dope, where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair, where is the red rag, spoiled shaking, go to singing, to the root, to trample mud, seething in the keys - you boil there, boil there, leave under an aspen stake, cover yourself with a stone, fall over with earth, overgrow with moss-grass, you won’t find a way back. dawn.
“As the skin of a snake throws, loses, so the slave (name) will throw off the twig, the disease. Catch, morning wind, take all the disease and writhing to the guilty person, so that the guilty person is sickened and twisted, so that the slave (name) will let go of the disease. May it be so."


Hello Svetlana. really need your help. I am writing again. problems not only with the younger son, but also with the husband. One healer told me that the younger son had a demon, and the foster mother made a conspiracy on worms for her husband and added it to vodka and drugged us with this - she wanted to divorce us. began to pour wax on a candle so black - this is not the right word - tar. and on the egg everything is white to the top to the edge of the water and on the water 6 bubbles together. and the castings - the first one came out - a woman with a boy, but from the back and a tail from her ass - this is most likely his foster mother; on the second - a dog; even the muscles are visible. and the husband began to get sick with diabetes already on insulin. after the seventh egg rolling out, all the white was cleared but the yolk was torn, it is impossible to clean the egg anymore. And the troubles go like a repetition of 7 years. a neighbor threw two dried frogs - I burned them, but I buried the first one on the site and threw the second on her plot. Envy is a terrible force. the eldest son will never find the other half. 5 years ago I found a book - lining with a pendulum - the rubber from the tire burned like a black one. Please tell me what to do. we don't have anyone here who can help.


Larisa, I understand you. But how did you make the castings? What I told you or in my own way? And about the demon: on your own - by no means. Experience is needed, even you kick him out, but where will he go? He needs to be relocated somewhere. What if you don't do something? He can just as well settle in you. This is dangerous work.


there was a video of a man showing how he dripped a candle into the water, but it turned out like tar. is there a conspiracy so that the son finds the other half. there are rituals only for women. please help. problems at home begin with the breakdown of all electrical appliances and in one day - a refrigerator, an electric kettle, a washing machine, a tee. The husband is already asking what is next in line. and everything I want to do comes with great difficulty. my mother also said that everything I do for you is like a stone. If my husband wants to do something and I find out, nothing will work. maybe there is some kind of conspiracy about diabetes. please help me figure it all out.


the son lives in a rented apartment in another city - so this needs to be cleaned there too. thank you light.


Larissa: Yes, of course. Yes, cleaning your home is sometimes the easiest thing to do.


I really believe in your knowledge and really hope for your help. I don’t know if it’s possible to help my husband, but at least to get better. Grandmothers used to treat - they all cured. and now they don’t know anything without a blood test and can’t. We don't have grandmas like that here. and how to remove a demon from a smaller one - the healer said when he was still small. and the older one does not have a second half, and there is nothing to even sort out.

Elena 1912.06.2017

Hello Svetlana. Thanks for answering. I have such a question, is it dangerous to carry out the ritual at home? Where does everything expelled from the victim go? Maybe then the apartment should be cleaned? How should the ritual be performed according to the rules.


Hello! I have been divorced for 8 years. Then met with a married man for 4 years. Zhkna recognized him. We have grown up. Now I can’t get to know anyone, and if I get acquainted in social networks, the relationship does not continue. Friends left. There are a lot of debts, and something always breaks, then some debts come out (overdue interest on loans that have long been repaid). It's just a vicious circle. I started to look bad. There is not enough money. And one. What should I do? Tell me please.


Read over what you ate, but did not eat completely. Then take everything together with the plate to the crossroads or to the trash. Do the whole waning moon.
I’ll get up blessed, go out crossing, I’ll go on the road and I’ll shout to God You are the Lord Almighty, all-healer, all-giver Tell Malanya to the bone-biter, Agafya to the lihoman Let them leave the body from the bones, From the blood and mucus of God’s servant (name) Let them enter the grain (meat, bread) As Jesus cast out demons according to his word, so be it according to my word. Amen.


Good afternoon! Tell me, I've been alone for a long time, divorced, it doesn't work with men, they seem to like me, as they say, but there is no continuation of the relationship. Constantly some kind of trouble, then the neighbors strive to swear, then some kind of gossip. There is not enough money for anything. Large debts are formed. I work two jobs, I have two children and I just can’t cope, they are always not enough for the necessary (utility payments) what am I doing wrong?


Hello Svetlana! The situation is as follows, there was a discord with her husband, after a while another appeared. As I found out about it, he broke up with her, at least he said so. But the relationship did not improve, then he left home. I recently found out that he broke up with the same one. I went to two grandmothers, from and they said that she would not let him go and did a love spell, maybe a quarrel. But they don't do lapels. He changed a lot, quarreled with his parents when he came with things very angry with hatred for me. He stopped looking at Loaza .. He has a common daughter, he used to love him very much, he says he needs him, but now he doesn’t want to come to his daughter at all. Please help me what to do or can read prayers on the lapel. I want to restore my family.


if I burn the wax castings and read the conspiracy - like a snake throws the skin ... - a good conspiracy there, the person sheds the disease, and then it will return to the one who filmed, that is, to me or back to my husband. how do i send it so it doesn't come back? I made castings 3 times and on all the grave and the face of a man both in the heads of the grave and on the side, only larger, but after the third casting I immediately began to cough. the first casting on the leg was like an old tree trunk, but on the 2nd and 3rd I was without a leg and everything was smooth, only the grave. please tell me to continue to clean or not.


Larisa, of course, clean it to cleanliness. And put protection on yourself. Carry for three days on the right wrist a red woolen thread wrapped around the wrist several times. After three days, drive three nails into a tree growing near the house (one above, two below in the shape of a triangle), tie them with this red thread, which they carried for three days on their wrist, after cutting their finger and soaking this thread with their blood. Break off a small piece of a branch from a tree and wear it in a bag of thread around your neck.
» Banner banner transfer, not for yourself, not for ore, not for your family. Be a transfer to the aspen bush, bypassing. Not to yourself, not to the ore, not to the genus, but to the transfer. Things are returned to the transfer through the transition to the forest. Maybe on a birch.


light - a finger on the right or on the left hand and which finger. a bag of thread - just a thread or then removed from the tree and how many days the thread should be on three nails on the tree or let it stay forever. and when to read the plot - when I put a thread on my hand or when I put a thread on carnations on a tree. Thank you.

Elena. A.29.06.2017

Hello Svetlana! Your help is very much needed.
Please tell me what to do, something or someone lives in the apartment. Knocks on the partition wall, ceiling. There are sounds like walking on the ceiling with a creak. That sound "bale", in the stove. That's running. Both loud and quiet. The night is often and loud. The apartment is lit. How to expel this evil?


Open all windows and doors. Prepare an infusion of thistle or juniper on salt! water. If you can't find these plants, take St. John's wort. Spray this infusion on the corners and walls of the house, while reading the plot: “The devil is black, the devil is oblique, the demon is barefoot, move away from this house, from the doors and four corners, from the roof and walls, from the floor and logs! You have no honor here, no participation, no place, no peace, but only aches and pain, maet and ailment. You have your own house and a joke on a bald mountain, in a black cave, in a pool of rivers and in deep earth. Return to your house without hitting anyone, without crushing, without maiming! Live in your house and forget this place. As the rain pours, so the enemy will leave. As the snow falls, so the evil devil will fall asleep. So be it forever, forever and ever!” In each room, light a church candle (on the floor or table), but closer to the center of the room. For each candle, read: “God bless the fire of the candle, the Lord send your holy spirit, cleanse the holy spirit of my house, burn all evil with holy fire. in the name of father and son and holy spirit.amen. » Let the candles burn out completely. Farther. Consecrated chalk is needed (sprinkle it with holy water). The formula can be written on furniture, walls, door hinges, etc., but not in the toilet. There are crosses in the formula, which are also drawn. The formula must be written in every room at least once. After three days, you can wash off the inscriptions. Better than holy water. "+ holy + holy + holy + Lord of hosts + holy son + Jesus Christ + lamb of God + life-giving cross + demon chasing cross + spirit of truth + paraclete + holy + holy + holy + amen +". Casts out demons, devils, half-spirits and other evil spirits.

Elena. A.01.07.2017

Svetlana, excuse me, another question, open all the windows and doors, if I open the front door, then when reading the plot, everything will be heard on the site and you never know who can come up to ask what is happening with us?
And the plot can be read from a piece of paper? It's hard for me to learn.


Choose the time of work so that no one sees or hears you, the conditions of the ritual must be observed. Read, but then you have to concentrate in a different way. Basically, they just read it .. like a book, it won’t work that way. When you recite by heart, you work differently, you understand?

Marina A.02.07.2017

Svetlana, hello. How many days do castings take? Is it possible with breaks of a couple of days? And another question: will this method help if his mother constantly renews (feedings, opi)? Already asked, but the messages again disappeared somewhere.


Marina, don't take breaks. If a permanent fake goes, then you are tormented to clean it. Here you need a cleaning with a return, after a couple of reverse blows, a person usually calms down.
They take the liver or heart of some animal or bird and stick nine sharp slivers or needles into it. Sticking the first needle, say:
“This is for the one who aimed his eye!” The second needle should pierce the heart at the moment when you say: “This is for the one who let the damage!” Stick the third needle with the words: “This is the one who did evil!”, The fourth - “This needle will pierce his heart (liver)!”, The fifth - “This needle will press his tongue!”, The sixth - “This needle will tame his evil thought !”, the seventh, “Evil thought, return!”, and the eighth, “Mortal force, return!” Finally, stick the last, ninth needle, saying: “Black eye, close!”
After that, wrap the heart or liver in linen and bury it in a dung hole or hide it near your offender's home.


Hello Svetlana! From fears: perform the ceremony at three morning dawns: at 6, 7, 8 in the morning on women's days of the week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Place a bucket on the stove for low tide. Put 40 candles in the ladle. Please tell me to do this in these 3 days and each time new candles and store or church ones?


Good day Svitlana. Problems began in me with a person from another day of the wedding, like it was not so long ago. I found out that in the new kohanka, I was vagitna at that hour. We are with a man at the same time for 12 years, we live 5 years at a time, we cohaemo one by one. Our visible blues have already died, it’s important for us to be at once without a litter, in me there was great anger to the new, in the new to me. Vin so i did not stop splintering with her. Having spent the work and poihav to the point of pratsyuvati for the cordon. I felt bad for myself, being a vagit, I didn’t want to live like a caller. A child was born, nothing changed, you can’t call wine, and it’s not enough to talk with me, the more an hour you wine with her, the more you see the blue with us. If you want to get enough money there, then it’s there, you’ll have to take care of her, increase the price at once. My grandmother told me that we have a great damage to separation, if I was vagitna on me, they spoiled me for death, the child lied to me. On the cholovik won mae a great infusion, wine rob everything that you say. You won’t see anything else, that we will take damage, but I’ll work all over again, so that we are separated and so all life. How can you, for help with prayer, paint a bright blue, as if to zahestit your homeland? Zrobiti so, so that ii did not bulo in our life? Dyakuyu.


Yana, I understand you, only love on his part is somehow not traced. Further, if there was damage to separation, you would not be together at all. A child cannot save from damage to death. It's about the husband and his relationship. And I don’t dare to offer you to work for separation there on your own, there the binding is strong enough, you won’t break it, you’ll only pick up kickbacks.


Hello Svetlana! On August 5, my daughter and I are going to the holy spring in the village. Tashla to the icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer", to ask the Mother of God for family happiness, after a divorce 20 years ago I never got married, my daughter is 25 years old and also cannot marry a husband, although she really wants a family and children. More than once I turned to the masters, everyone said that I had a seal of loneliness on me, but they could not remove it ... strong masters are now very difficult to find, there are only amateurs around. But it worries me a lot that the same thing is repeated with my daughter, it seems that she meets guys for some time but not for long, before the wedding it never comes. Svetlana, please advise what we can do at the source to remove the damage, maybe order a special prayer service or something else, I really hope for your help, please tell me! You all help people, thank you in advance!


Good evening, Svetlana, what prayers to read from the crown of celibacy, because I’m not able to be 30 years old and I’m not married yet, I really want to get married and no one takes it, men will be with me then they will leave for no reason, everything is in me I have beautiful legs, I do everything in the house in the garden, I cook, and in order to open the roads in this life, otherwise I just have problems in life, I’m not lucky in anything, I really look forward to your answer, and thank you very much


Read on the day of the full moon at dawn 4 times in 4 cardinal directions. But tie a white scarf like a crown on your head. After reading, weave a pigtail of three ribbons. After reading, burn the scarf away from home, tie the ribbons on a birch.
She walked on mother earth as a slave (...),
She went for a summer and a year until her wedding hour.
Three dawns stood at the marriage throne,
From the slave (...) the crown of celibacy was removed.
Knitted on 3 ribbons,
The girl was rescued from loneliness.
The first dawn knitted a crown,
The second dawn removed the crown,
The third dawn removed the crown.
Three dawns rose to help,
Three dawns removed the crown of celibacy,
Three dawns for a slave (..) were collected in marriage.
Three dawns knitted three ribbons,
Three troubles from the slave (...) were removed, a marriage crown was given,
A white veil was put on the head of a slave (...).
They removed the crown from an old woman, from an old man, from a hunchbacked sorcerer.
The crown of celibacy was removed, the marriage crown was given.
There was a slave (..) at three dawns alone,
At the fourth dawn stood
in a white veil, in a wedding crown.
Key.Lock. Language.


Hello Svetlana, I decided to turn to you for advice, help, I don’t know what to call it. My man, as he himself told me, has a feeling that I don’t know for sure whether it’s damage or something else. But when he was married many years ago, his wife did something, because, as he says, when they had already parted, when she appeared, he began to shake and began to be drawn to her very strongly. But he is such a person that if he was betrayed (and she cheated on him), then he will never return. And after the divorce, he lived alone for 13 years or something like that. And just a year ago, we started a relationship with him, but for reasons that are incomprehensible to both of us, we often start swearing from scratch and there is a desire to end everything, I meant the relationship. But it passes just as quickly desire. Moreover, about two years ago, he became very ill and was losing weight very much. And after that we started dating. I'm trying my best to fatten him up but the weight just won't go up. Well, somehow I don’t know what else to write. But I really want to help him, because I love him very much. HELP, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO???


Hello! I am in despair, the last year I either get fired from my job or strange things happen when it becomes impossible to work, there is no personal life, men meet me and run away. I'm asking for your advice, please help!

With the help of prayer, you can remove the evil eye, and there is no harm from it, even if the negative was not induced (unlike other rites and rituals).

Faith and prayer as a way to protect against negative energy

There are many ways to protect yourself from the evil eye and remove it yourself. One of these ways is prayer. This is perhaps the only way that has a positive effect on the human energy body, without causing him absolutely no harm. The constant practice of turning to God and sincere faith create a powerful protective cocoon around a person.

How does this happen? Even if you are new to religion and the first prayers do not come from the heart, then over time you begin to immerse yourself in this atmosphere. Remember or read the lives of various saints - and you will understand everything. Turning to the Lord raises your spiritual level. Of course, different things happen in life, almost any person can be affected negatively. But reading special prayers will help strengthen the spirit and quickly get rid of the consequences or even protect. But you should know that prayers from the evil eye are effective only if you really sincerely believe.

However, if you have chosen this method of healing, then carefully monitor the condition of the one who was jinxed. If the symptoms do not go away, it would be advisable to contact an experienced healer, who will accurately diagnose your condition, and then provide the necessary assistance. And if necessary, he will build the right protection for you.

The two most important prayers for protection from the evil eye

Perhaps the very first prayer that a Christian remembers in difficult situations is “Our Father”. It is quite simple to remember, but contains everything a person needs to communicate with the Lord. Jesus taught Christians this prayer, which is why it is so valuable. Using this prayer to remove the evil eye, do not read it automatically. Feel every word, every line. Sincerely ask for help and only then you will receive it.

Another very effective prayer from the evil eye and corruption is “Living Help”. In the Bible, this is the ninetieth psalm of David. There is a version of the text in Church Slavonic, which for most is difficult both to understand and to pronounce. That is why the text of the official canonical synoidal translation will be given below. It's much easier to understand.

“The one who lives under the roof of the Most High under the shadow of the Almighty rests, says to the Lord: “My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the catcher, from the deadly sore, with his feathers he will overshadow you, and under his wings you will be safe; a shield and a fence are His truth. You will not be afraid of terrors in the night, of an arrow flying by day, of a plague that walks in darkness, of a pestilence that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you: you will only look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked. For you said, "The Lord is my hope"; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling; for he will command his angels about you to guard you in all your ways: they will lift you up in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone; you step on an asp and a basilisk; you will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him; I will satisfy him with long life, and I will show him my salvation.”

As you can see, this prayer is energetically very powerful and is the strongest among those that protect against the evil eye. But it should be remembered that if you suspect the presence of negativity in yourself, and nothing helps you, but the symptoms of negative energy remain, then be sure to contact an experienced specialist who will help you for sure.

How to protect children from negative energy with prayer

Children especially need protection from various negative things, because they are so energetically vulnerable. Below will be written a prayer from the evil eye and envy, which will help your child. It should be read every day to one of the parents with deep faith in the heart.

“Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children whom You have given us by fulfilling our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life path be holy and blameless before God. Bless them, Lord, that they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your holy will, so that You, Lord, could always abide with them by Your Holy Spirit. Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer would be their support and joy in the sorrows and consolation of their lives, and that we, their parents, would be saved by their prayer. May your angels always protect them. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then vouchsafe them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your inexpressible mercy, forgive them. When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abode, where let them lead with them other servants of Your chosen ones. Through the prayer of Thy Most Pure Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary and Thy saints (all holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy and save us, as if glorified with Your Beginningless Father and Your Most Holy Good Life-Giving Spirit, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

However, you must remember that if your actions do not help, your child is constantly naughty, then you should definitely contact an experienced healer who has a good reputation. The best option in this case would be professional protection.

Prayers that are read to remove the evil eye

There are special strong prayers that you need to read if you find yourself experiencing symptoms of negative energy.

Prayer of Cyprian

“Lord God Mighty, King of Kings, hear the prayer of servant Cyprian. You have a thousand days of struggle with the forces of darkness, Carry the heart of a servant of God (name), help him pass all the tests. Protect, preserve and intercede for the one who reads this prayer. Bless, Lord, my house and those who live in it, Protect from all witchcraft and sorcery. May the devil's intent and his deeds be resolved. Lord, You are One and Almighty, save your Holy Martyr Cyprian, Have mercy on the servant (name). I say this three times, I bow three times. Amen!"

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow

“I appeal to you, oh, Matrona of Moscow. Help me get rid of the evil eye and corruption, rejecting the damn dirty tricks of evil people. Cleanse my soul from the soot of sin and do not punish the mortal body with pain. I sincerely repent before you for sorrow, intolerance, anger, swearing and unbelief. Ask the Lord God for pity and send me mercy in the form of spiritual Orthodoxy. May corruption, the evil eye and mental torment not kill my faith in the Lord God. May it be so. Amen!"

Use these prayers to remove the evil eye. However, if they do not help, and the symptoms of negative energy remain, then contact a healer who will help you in this matter. If the evil eye occurs constantly, then you need powerful protection, which the healer can also put.

Ways to remove negativity through prayer

Now consider how to remove the evil eye with a prayer. If you feel the symptoms of negativity on yourself, then be sure to go to the temple. Place candles on those saints whom you trust more, while not forgetting to pray. Then be sure to light a candle for the health of your offender. If you know exactly who it was, you should order a prayer service.

Then you must submit a note with your name to be read during the service. It is desirable that this be done in forty monasteries or temples. Then, visit the church seven times (maybe more). You can do this once a week or every day.

It would also be good for you to go to the monastery and order a magpie there. So, for forty days there will be a special service that will help you and your soul. All this time, read prayers on your own that help remove the evil eye. This is the prayer “Living Help”, the text of which is indicated above, and “Our Father”. After all, they not only protect, but also help to remove the negative. You can also use other prayers that are listed above.


So, now you know how to remove the evil eye with prayer. This method is very effective only for the person who sincerely believes in God's help, in his omnipotence. If this is not in your heart, then it would be better to turn to a healer for purification and protection, who can do this for sure. So you will protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences of negative impact.

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