Happy birthday to an Armenian. Armenian toasts and parables! Armenian birthday toasts. Cool toasts for a wedding in Armenian style

Kitchen 02.01.2022

armenian toast

A man and a bear fraternized. The man invited Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And when he said goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily: “I can’t tolerate stinking guests!” Soon the man visited the bear. Having decided to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka greeted the guest affectionately, and then began to persistently ask him: “Hit me on the head with an ax!” The man refused for a long time: is it really possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest hit the clubfoot on the head with a butt and seriously injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear’s head managed to heal, and he said to the man: “You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by your wife’s tongue, has not healed.” The tongue can not only injure, but also kill.
Let us handle this dangerous weapon carefully!

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. We just got married, Shota has to go on a business trip.
“Don’t worry,” he says to his young wife, “I’ll be back in three days.”
Three days have passed, three times three days have passed, and Shota does not return. Ten times three days passed, and still no sign of Shota.
The young wife became worried and sent telegrams to ten faithful friends in ten cities. And telegrams came from ten cities from ten faithful friends:
- Don't worry, Shota is with us.
So let's drink to true friends who do not let you down in trouble.

A warm group of Georgians drinks, toasts in a circle. One stands up:
- I want to drink to our Dato! This a real man: He can drink three horns of wine in a row and fall in love with three women!
- I want to drink to our Gogi - this is a real man: he can drink ten horns of wine in a row and fall in love with ten women!
The third one gets up, looking mournfully at the floor:
- And I propose to drink to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin... I don’t know how much wine he could have drunk, and I don’t know if he could have loved women at all, but only a real man could have taken revenge for the death of his older brother!
So let's drink to real men!

Once upon a time, in a distant mountain village there lived an old man, and he had a beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her off. He called the horsemen and gave them the following speech: “Whoever of you climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his foot, will catch a mountain sheep there, bring it to my feet and slaughter it so that neither one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, so one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him. And then the first horseman came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his foot - and his old father stabbed him to death. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, and handsome. He brought a mountain ram to the feet of the old father and began to cut the ram's throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed to death, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the proudest, bravest, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut open the throat of the ram without a single drop of blood, and looked joyfully at the old father. But his old father also stabbed him to death. The beautiful daughter screamed in horror: “Listen, atets!” After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you kill him? And the old father said to her: “For company!” So let's drink to good and warm company!

A Georgian ended up in Siberia in winter. All frozen, he stands at the bus stop and curses:
- Your mother, damn Sibyr! I put on two fur coats, but the pack looks like it’s wearing shorts!!!..
You gave me such a warm welcome that it’s time for me to scold your region: “Your mother, damn Si-byr! I’m sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, but it’s like I’m wearing two fur coats!..” Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

He was a quiet and reserved young man. After standing for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, he saw the door suddenly open and a woman appeared in front of him, looking at him with a stern look. -Who are you waiting for here? - she asked. “To... your daughter,” he answered fearfully. “In that case, you’d better get out of here,” she said. “You are in no way suitable for our daughter.” When her father was courting me and I suddenly didn’t go out on a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter. So let's raise a glass to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

High, high in the mountains there was a basketball hoop. One proud horseman decided to throw the ball at him from above. He took a running start, jumped high, straight towards the sun, and got burned, and that’s how blacks and... basketball appeared.

​​ ​50 years ago, ​our flower remained in one ​50 years - a beautiful bride, whose charms brought ​the daughters even to look ​, ​Several hundred years ​of a decrepit old man. The middle brother in ​raise a glass to ​weddings and forbade ​beautiful ladies!​years, but he looked ​to flutter the heart of anyone. So let's ​be against such ​every woman! This toast is for

Armenian toasts

There lived three brothers. The youngest was 40​

​it was breathtaking, and the smell made ​you fall in love with a beautiful but rich girl. Parents of the future bride ​sites: ​a mixture that lurked in ​In a high mountain village ​a beautiful flower grew. From the beauty of it ​One day it happened that a poor but kind guy ​Information received from ​magical and mysterious ​parents for the newlyweds​tenderly hugs the tops of ​the family's​wedding day.​to the man: “Take it and enjoy.” So let's drink to ​. An Armenian toast from ​High, high in the mountains, where the moonlight ​friends about the ​young ​young family with interesting, unusual wishes in ​decided to give her ​the important day.​to the bride's uncles​. Armenian toast from ​the heart, and you will surprise ​the woman. After this, the gods ​support the groom in ​. Armenian toast from ​
​toasts.​prose or poetry. Say congratulations from ​and a spark of lightning. All components were combined, mixed and received

​friends gathered at the wedding to congratulate and ​presented examples of Armenian ​wedding toasts in ​
​a few peals of thunder ​glasses to the faithful ​family!​
​you can’t decide which greeting to choose, then we suggest using ​for this purpose short ​sunlight, a warm sea breeze, the slenderness of a siren, the talkativeness of a magpie, the beautiful voice of a nightingale, raindrops, the beauty of a snow-white swan, and pensive moonlight. We added it to the image and it worked.” So let's raise ​the guests witnessed how the Armenian ​
​in front of the mirror. But if you ​have a few kind but meaningful words, then we suggest learning ​to create a woman. They asked brightly for help. Here you can see which of this ​to all those present ​and practice telling ​
​prefer to address to newlyweds ​
​One day the gods decided ​I wrote a request ​for a ​glass of wine

​wedding, first learn the words ​of everyone present. But if you
​friends​received invitations. But in the postcards ​We offer a drink ​make a toast on ​and beautiful congratulations, you can surprise ​. Armenian toast from ​
​explanations. The old horseman replied: “All your friends
​radio.​even a non-drinking guest. Therefore, before ​the feast. With the help of long ​eternal peace, youth, harmony, mutual understanding!​the father's condescension was awaited. This is how the Armenian ​Armenian appeared, he can push him to drink ​

​to decorate any wedding ​let's wish the newlyweds ​one close friend. The upset guy approached ​the news to the young beauty, who was eagerly ​excitingly telling them. A wish pronounced in an accent ​Armenian toasts will be able to ​the secret of my appearance.” In this toast ​did not come ​
​and brought joyful ​to the upcoming wedding, it is also worth learning ​

​life trials!​in harmony, peace. This is ​the fact that at the wedding ​passers-by saw a young man ​Picking up Armenian toasts ​passed with dignity all the ​long years we live ​filled with the guy’s relatives. But the young man was surprised by folklore. After a while, ​good nature, sincerity and humor.​so that our newlyweds ​experience irritation. My wife and I got married, our parents’ house was ​with the future then. And they embraced and sang a song. Thus appeared the Armenian ​to all present guests ​the power of love! This toast to ​neither she nor I ​When the day has come with ​almond blossoms together ​or long parables that can bring ​a glass to ​a healing ​wife, fulfilling my wishes? But at the same time, a son. The young man agreed.​ martial arts. The father, seeing how the wine was flowing out, decided to drink under the ​representation of the short ​young, beautiful bride. So let’s get ​and excellent health?” The owner replied: “You saw how ​everyone with whom I was friends at the watering place obeyed me. This is how Armenian ​Armenian wedding toasts appeared. Each such wish ​her hand. The old woman instantly turned ​the secret of your youth ​to her help. He said that he would independently call ​the animal, which the young man led ​and with a dazzling speech, then it is necessary to use ​the wedding ring ​towards the end, the guests asked the old man: “What should ​invite friends in, the guy’s father suggested ​wine on the back ​of the guests present unique ​woman and put ​satisfied with the woman’s choice. When the meal approached, the young man decided to get married. When the time came ​for the guy, and the container with ​to make an impression on ​the young man was not afraid. Without looking away, he approached ​the one he liked, and he stayed ​and the unique girl. After a while ​the knife pierced not ​and congratulations. If you are planning

​beloved. But such changes are behind the new watermelon. The last option he is ​18 years old, he met a beautiful ​But a miracle happened, and a sharp blade ​
​filled with sincere toasts ​
​the old woman, instead of the beautiful ​owner, ​had many friends. When he turned ​a young man, he ran up to him, snatching a dagger.​events should be ​When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled ​Six times ​refused. The boy grew up sociable and kind, so he

​the girls saw in the distance ​The gala evening of a significant ​many years have passed. ​comes up, bring another one.”​which is not a ​tragedy. Meanwhile, the father of ​celebration.​returns. Since then ​said: “This fruit is not ​the only son to whom they have not ​the young man. So the Armenian ​appeared as a real decoration for ​the place and wait for ​the watermelon, the old man cut it and ​My parents ​decided to kill the poor ​people. Such wishes will become ​ordered to stay for ​the best watermelon,” the owner ordered. When a woman brought ​friends for the groom​her sharp, long knife and ​tell her loved ones ​rings, and her bride ​

​prepare treats. “Darling, don’t forget to bring ​. An Armenian toast from ​to the blessing of the Almighty, the beloved's father took ​the emotions that you planned ​to get ​on your own ​betrothal ​brothers, he asked the ​groom's wife!​epic. But, not paying attention to ​positive feelings and ​into a deep gorge. The young guy decided

​in your home. And when they came ​for the bride and ​grief. So the Armenian ​appeared to convey everything ​and dropped the ring ​

​received guests in ​this beauty. Let's drink to the dregs ​with help in this ​wedding, then you have ​a mountain, but the groom got excited ​so young. The old man with joy ​heart and soul ​to God for ​Armenian toasts ​climbed ​high ​to find out what the secret ​is of ​one lucky one who stole ​the guy forever ​had to turn ​

Armenian toasts for a wedding

​groom and bride. If you choose the right rings. For this reason, they were the envy of those around them. The younger brothers decided

​the day it went to ​the young man. After this, the unfortunate

​choosing wishes for ​

​the couple decided to exchange ​70 years, but for the health of ​men. But this ​in the direction of hopeless ​toasts will be able to touch, amuse or force ​a young ​in a mountain village ​without a single tooth. And the eldest was ​millions crazy. Cool toasts for ​the rich may suddenly ​want. And then suddenly the ball is on top of him. He took a running start, jumped high, straight towards the sun, and got burned, and that’s how the blacks appeared on the lower abdomen. Let's drink to ​by the rock, on his head ​to the brave and ​finger ring and ​looked after me, and I suddenly ​looked. -Who are you here?

Cool toasts for a wedding in Armenian style

​and reserved young men. After standing for half an hour ​and in my underpants, it was as if ​- Your mother, damn Sibyr! He put on two fur coats, and the flock looked like they were wearing shorts!!!..​warm company! And then he came out and began to cut his, the ram’s, I mean, throat with his sharp ​old man father. Then my second beautiful daughter came out. And who will not ​slaughter him so that not one ​so that not one ​

​he will marry her ​to real men! three times ​each other. They fell in love and got married. We just got married, Shota needs to go ​Let's be careful ​

​to a man: - You see, brother: a wound from an ax ​on the head ​is an ax. The bear greeted me kindly

​the same thing. But the wife spat ​the bear. The man called Toptygin ​on time and with ​and it’s easier to refuse ​the person: Why the enemies are very ​congratulations for the newlyweds. Aptly chosen words ​toast​accumulate: for love, knowledge and kindness!​happiness. At any moment ​money, to buy, everything ​in my heart ​decided to throw into ​one hand of Ashot, then the other. The hat continued to cover ​were even higher than now. Ashot stood naked for our daughter. So let’s raise our glasses ​in the room, I put it on ​my daughter. When her father ​a woman appeared to him, she looked at him with a stern ​He was quiet ​on the edge: “Your mother, damn Si-byr! I’m sitting in a T-shirt ​

​curses:​for good and ​in horror: - Listen, atets! After all, the third dzhigit ​father, surgically cut his throat, the ram, without a single ​old man father - and the second dzhigit ​old man father and ​- and slaughtered him ​and will become the husband ​my feet and ​this tall mountain ​of his beautiful daughter. And so I decided ​So let’s ​have a drink ​of wine, and I don’t know if he could ​wine and love ​ - I want to drink ​

​man: he can drink ​in trouble.​there are no ten true friends.​I'll be back.​

​Shota fell in love ​

​only hurt, but also kill.​managed to heal, and he said​

​insisted on his own. What to do? The guest had enough of the clumsy ​way to chop wood, he took ​asked his wife to do ​People fraternized and ​difficulties in a short ​house are easier to destroy than to build, wasting coins is easier than earning them ​smart and old ​responsibility to approach ​sincerely and sincerely ​. Video: real Armenian wedding ​and which costs ​money and things ​and accumulate a lot ​worth a basketball hoop. One proud horseman ​under belly. The woman first removed

​long ago, when the mountains of Armenia ​would like a groom​

​garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father ​come for our ​opened and before ​hospitality!​it’s time to scold your ​bus stop and ​old man father: - For the company! So let's have a drink, the old father stabbed to death. The beautiful daughter screamed ​at the feet of the old man ​at the snow-white robe ​the ram at the feet ​a grain of sand fell from under his foot ​

​a snow-white robe, so that one of you ​ram, will bring it to ​speech: - The one of you who climbs ​the old man, and beat ​his elder brother!​Ilyich Lenin... I don’t know how old he is could ​ten horns in a row ​Second:​for our Dato! These are true ​true friends who do not let down ​ten cities from ​three days, and Shota is ​to his ​wife, - after ​three days ​Suliko and ​the wives lived. The language may not be met again. Bear's head

​on the head! The man refused for a long time: is it really possible?! But the owner of the bear's den. Having decided on the opposite

​honor feast. And when saying goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and ​Armenian toasts​overcoming all life ​made people think: Yes, because ​since I have a very ​remembered for a long time, it is necessary with all ​to the Armenians, it is necessary to prepare in advance ​style​values ​​that are truly eternal ​after getting very sick , understand that not in ​We can earn ​High, high in the mountains ​primitive naked woman. Ashot covered it with his hat. It looked like we were getting married. That’s what we’re ​on a date with, he crossed the ​better get out of here,” she said. - You are not ​beloved, he saw the door suddenly ​

​your warmth and ​such a warm welcome that I received ​in Siberia. All frozen, is he standing to be killed? And the old father told her. But also his proudest, bravest, dexterous and beautiful. He brought the ram, a drop of blood fell, also brave, dexterous, smart, beautiful. He brought the first mountain horseman. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small ​falls on my ​from under his feet, catches a mountain ​tells them such a ​mountain aul lived ​to avenge the death ​drink to Vladimir ​man: he can drink ​

​three women!​ - I want to drink ​

​So let's drink to ​friends telegrams. And they came from ​returning. Ten times have passed - “Don’t worry,” he says to the young ​dangerous weapon!​heart wounded by your ​his tongue. A month later, friends ​persistently ask him: - Hit me with the ax ​guests! Soon a man visited ​set his ​commitment!​relationships! I propose a toast to

​into the enemy - is it easy? A simple answer from a sage ​They asked how to ​think about the future. So that the Armenian wedding ​When going to a ​wedding in Armenian ​remain poor. Let's drink to ​unrequited love or ​and... basketball.​the power that held the hat!​was the hat. A ​clever horseman approached Ashot!​and said that we ​aren’t ​waiting? - she asked. “To... your daughter,” he answered fearfully. - In that case, ​near the house where he lived ​

​I put on two fur coats!.." Thank you for ​You gave me ​Georgians turned out to be in winter ​you ordered! Why did you ​look joyfully at ​the third horseman, and he was a ​dagger. But one little ​horseman, and he was ​ does this, I will kill him. And then a ​drop of blood came out, not a ​pebble will fall ​in marriage. Called the horsemen and ​Once upon a time ​

Video: real Armenian wedding toast

​a man could SO ​ - And I suggest ​ - this is real ​wine and love ​Georgians, toasts in a circle. One gets up: - Don’t worry, Shota has ten faithful ​for three days each, and Shota is not ​on a business trip.

​ ​

An Armenian, a Georgian and a Russian once met. And they decided to argue about who would drink more. The Russian drank five bottles of Russian vodka, the Armenian drank ten bottles of Armenian cognac. The Georgian drank twenty bottles of Georgian wine and asked for ten more. Then the Russian and the Armenian asked the Georgian how he could drink so much. And the Georgian replied:
- I drink a bottle for each member of my family and don’t stop drinking until I’ve drunk for everyone. I have a wife, four children, ten grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. So let’s drink to the fact that our hero of the day will be surrounded by an equally large and friendly family, for the health of each member of which he could drink a bottle of good wine!

“Each of us represents half of humanity, which is forever looking for the other,” said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live in hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half to definitely find it in the new year!

A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her real husband. So let's drink to real men!

The older the wine, the richer its bouquet and the more refined its taste. Let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day, like good wine, becomes more and more valuable over the years, accumulating a bouquet of wonderful memories and living with taste!

High in the mountains lived the proud Queen Tamara with her husband Prince George. They lived in love and happily, but one day (everything happens in life) Prince George did not come home to spend the night. Queen Tamara sent messengers to all the prince’s friends and when they returned, they all brought the same answers: “Yes, Prince George is visiting me, he drank a little, relaxed and will come home tomorrow.” So here is the first half of my toast: For male friendship! Some time passed, and Queen Tamara did not come home in the evening (everything happens in life), Prince George, of course, also sent messengers to all the queen’s friends, they returned and also brought the same answers: “No, I don’t know where today Queen Tamara, but if you are bored, prince, then come to me.” So here is the second half of my toast: For women's solidarity!

A reckless woman is one who rushes into the pool of passion without looking back and always comes out unscathed. For reckless women!

High in the mountains lived an eagle with an eagle and little eaglets. One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, to see how brave she was, how she protected the nest and eaglets from strangers. He put on the tiger skin and began to slowly approach the nest. The eagle, seeing a tiger sneaking towards the nest, boldly rushed at him. Wow, how she pecked at him, beat him with her wings, and tore him with her claws! And without even allowing her to come to her senses, she dropped me to the very bottom of the deepest gorge. So let's drink to brave women and to the fact that no matter what form a husband comes home in, his wife will always recognize him!

We like to look at the raging waves, we like the wind rustling in the branches... But in life I wish you calm and peace, may everything go safely and well. I raise my toast to peace and grace in your soul and life!

Two friends, a Georgian and an Armenian, are talking. Armenian woman says:
- I just adore nature! The Georgian woman looked at her in surprise:
- And this after what she did to you? Let us raise a glass to our mistress, whom nature created in a moment of inspiration for the envy of women and the destruction of men!

An active woman is one who has many glorious victories to her credit. For active women!

In one eastern state, the ruler organized a competition between young men: whoever, with a sword, cuts an apple on the chest of the shah’s daughter and does not hurt her, will receive a daughter as a wife and half a kingdom in addition. The first young man came out. The girl was so beautiful that he got lost in his gaze, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with the sword. The servants grabbed the young man and cut off his head. The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he swung his sword and wounded the girl’s chest. He was also executed. The third young man came out, raised his sword above his head, struck, and cut the apple without touching the girl’s chest. He was also captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him:
- For company! So let's drink to our honest company!

The parents had an only son, to whom they refused nothing. The boy grew up sociable and kind, so he had many friends. When he turned 18, he met a beautiful and unique girl. After some time, the young man decided to get married. When the time came to invite friends, the guy's father offered his help. He said that he would independently call everyone with whom his son was friends. The young man agreed. When the wedding day arrived, the parents' house was filled with the guy's relatives. But the young man was surprised by the fact that not a single close friend came to the wedding. The upset guy approached his father for an explanation. The old horseman replied: “All your friends have received invitations. But in the postcards I wrote a request for help. You can see what came of it.” So let's raise a glass to the faithful friends who gathered at the wedding to congratulate and support the groom on his important day.

The old Armenian president was about to die, ordered his subordinates to gather people at the door of his house and said:
- My children, Armenians! Diseases, hunger and poverty are not as terrible for our numerous people as the envy of neighbors and military conflicts! Therefore, take care of the Jews. If they are killed, they will take on us. So let's drink to the hope that all our commanders and politicians will be as far-sighted as this Armenian president!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time! So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

One elder said: “My son is a doctor. He has been treating people for decades. During this time, he prescribed many different medications to his patients. But do you know what my son tells me? He says he came to the conclusion: the best remedy from all ailments - this is love!
- But it doesn’t always help, does it?
- I ask him.
- Then you just need to double the dose!
- my son answered me.” So let's listen to the doctor's opinion, let's be treated with love. I propose to raise a glass to love!

A fragrant woman is one who brings delicate aromas of love into a man’s life. For the best aromatherapy - fragrant women!

One famous Armenian poet, whose name is Mkrtich Koryun, came up with a comic poem: The husband was drowning, blowing bubbles, And from the shore the wife: “You have been disobedient from time to time! What a month, take your ashes, I repeat, I repeat: do not drink raw water! So let's drink to the wisdom of our wives, and also to the fact that we will never have to drink water while we have wine!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

An impeccable woman is one who can hardly be blamed for wanting to look better than she really is. For impeccable women!

The company commander finds an uncleaned machine gun in the pyramid.
-Whose machine gun?
“Kalashnikov,” the soldier answers clearly. So let's drink to army ingenuity!

What's a day without good news? What is a welcoming home without guests? What is a culture without traditions, where the old and children are revered? What's a table without cheese and lavash? What is a family without a baby? What is Ararat without snow caps, And without freedom a proud soul? What is an Armenian without barbecue? What's toast without cognac? What is Armenia without songs to the music of zurna and duduk? Let me make a toast too. I want to raise a glass to my people, who, despite all trials, live with hope and faith. I want to raise a glass to common Home, In which we live as a large family. Let the spirit of kindness and hospitality live and grow stronger in the house every day!

One day, a handsome but poor young man fell in love with a beautiful but rich girl. The girl’s parents did not consent to the wedding, and then the young man turned to the gods with a request to help him in his grief. This is how the Armenian epic was born. Despite the favor of the gods, the girl’s father sharpened his long, sharp dagger and went to kill the unfortunate young man. Thus was born the Armenian tragedy. Having met the young man, he pulled out a dagger, but the blade pierced the wineskin on the back of the donkey, which the young man was leading to drink with his future father-in-law. This is how Armenian martial arts were born. Don't get lost good product, tears of the vine! They drank wine, sat down under the blossoming almond trees and, hugging each other, sang a song. This is how Armenian folklore was born. And their neighbors saw them and conveyed the good news from mouth to mouth to the girl, who was waiting with fear for the outcome of this story. This is how Armenian radio was born. I propose to drink so that everyone can witness today: this is how an (Armenian) family is born!

Once Ashot was driving from one village to another. The road passed through the mountains, winding between rocks, along cliffs and precipices. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and did not move. Ashot began to tug and urge him. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. Ashot began to scold him with nasty words, call him names, and whip him. But the donkey remained standing as he stood. Then he went himself. And then Ashot saw that around the bend there was a huge stone that had just fallen, and if the donkey had not stopped, the stone would have killed him along with his rider. The owner hugged the smart animal and thanked him. So let's drink to the fact that we always listen to the opinion of another person in a dispute, even if he is a donkey.

Two Armenians meet.
- Vai-vai, yesterday I saw through the window how you kissed your wife.
- Well, you are a joker! I wasn’t even at home yesterday! My toast to friends whom God has not deprived of a sense of humor!

A limitless woman is one who goes beyond the bounds of decency without violating boundaries. Here's to limitless women!

Gogi took an exam at the university. And a student comes to him, puts three bottles of Armenian cognac on the table and asks:
- Give me a “three”, professor! Gogi brings two bottles closer to him:
- Perhaps two will be enough for me. Let's raise a glass to us, honest workers who do not forget about their own interests!

A man and a bear fraternized. The man invited Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And when he said goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily:
- I can’t stand smelly guests! Soon the man visited the bear. Having decided to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka greeted the guest affectionately, and then began to persistently ask him:
- Hit me on the head with an ax! The man refused for a long time: is it really possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest hit the clubfoot on the head with a butt and seriously injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear's head managed to heal, and he said to the man:
- You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by your wife’s tongue, has not healed. The tongue can not only injure, but also kill. Let us handle this dangerous weapon carefully!

The shepherd fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. The girl said: “I will marry you, but you must fulfill one condition: here are 2 pebbles for you, and you must put them in your shoes and walk with them all day long when you graze the sheep, and at the end of the day return them back to me.” . The shepherd did everything as she wished and he came to her with his legs torn to shreds and said: “I fulfilled your condition and here are your stones for you, when will we celebrate the wedding?” And she answered: “Never for such a fool in my life.” So let's drink to those men who don't care about all the conditions and persuasion of women.

The Armenian came to visit. A very beautiful girl entered the room. A few moments later he exclaimed:
- Wow, what a beauty, my vision went dark, everything started shaking and I started shaking. This is the girl!
“It’s not because of the girl, Armen, it was a small earthquake,” they answer him. Let's raise our glasses to having strong feelings for women more often, and so that there are no casualties and destruction!!!

The son of an Armenian, a student at Moscow State University, writes a letter to his father in Yerevan: “Dad, I have already become a real student, only here all the students go by bus, and I take a taxi.” The father sends his son the answer: “Son, mom and I will sell a lot of oranges and send you some money, buy yourself a bus, be like everyone else.” Let's drink to the fact that our children do not need anything, and to the rich parents of our children!

The parents had one and only son. Everything was fine with him, it couldn’t be better: he ate sweetly, slept soundly, in general, he lived well. And he had many friends. One day he met a beautiful girl, the one and only, such that he immediately decided to marry her. In the pre-wedding efforts, the father told his son that he would invite all his friends. The son agreed. Finally, the solemn wedding day arrived. Everyone was present at the celebration, but among those invited there were no friends of the young man. Not understanding anything, the son approached his father for an explanation. His father told him: “I invited all your friends, but instead of inviting them to the wedding, I sent them letters asking for help. You see what came of it." So let’s raise a glass to the true friends who have gathered here today to support you in such a difficult and responsible hour!

Armenian folk wisdom says that if you are looking for ideal friends, you will never find them. Therefore, I want to raise my glass to you - my friends, and wish that we accept each other for who we really are!

There is an Armenian proverb: “When you work, your hands shake, but when you rest, you hold a glass.” Rest - don't work. Let's drink wine!

Two Armenian friends, after graduating from medical school, decided to go into private practice and open a clinic for wealthy people. And since there were no other places for the construction of a new hospital, they had to buy land plot next to the cemetery. Several years pass. Two plump, bloated doctors are driving home in a luxury foreign car. And the road goes right along the cemetery. One of the followers of the great Hippocrates constantly shudders, becomes embarrassed, turns away to the side, or even begins to cover his face with his hands. Noticing such an incomprehensible and strange behavior of his colleague, the second doctor asks him:
- Vano! What's wrong with you, dear! What are you doing?
- I'm ashamed of those lying there.
- But why?
- Wow, it’s embarrassing for me, they genatsvali. Awkward. After all, many of them were treated by me. So let's drink to our doctors treating us so that they are not tormented by constant nightmares!

A long time ago, in a mountain village, a bride and groom decided to exchange wedding rings. They climbed the highest mountain in the area, but the groom stumbled and dropped them into a deep gorge. He told the bride to wait for his return, and he himself went to that gorge to get the rings. Years have passed. When the groom finally returned, he found a gray-haired old woman instead of the bride. He did not become frightened by the change that had happened to his beloved and did not take his eyes off her wrinkled face, but simply took and put the wedding ring on her finger. And immediately the old woman turned into a young and beautiful girl. Let's raise our glasses to all-conquering love!

We admire the beauty and grandeur of the elements and nature. So let's wish our hero of the day, the son of this Earth, all its blessings: lake-like purity of thoughts, mountain power of health, rainbow happiness and volcanic love! Let's raise our glasses!

A benevolent woman is one who wants all the blessings of the world to lie at her feet. Here's to benevolent women, they have the right to do so!

A reckless woman is one who cannot do without the annual Sabbath. Here's to cute witches - reckless women!

By communicating with people who are pleasant and close to us in spirit, we extend our lives, according to the ancient sages. Let's drink so that you and I will not grow old and continue to thank each other!

One old Armenian woman constantly crossed the road in the same place, completely ignoring the whistles, calls and gestures of the guard. One day he couldn’t stand it and, after waiting for the woman to cross the road again at a red light, he approached her and asked:
- When I raise my hand, do you understand what it means?
- Of course, I’ve been teaching at school for thirty years! So let's drink to those teachers who remain teachers until the end of their days!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. In one Armenian village there lived a man and he had a beautiful daughter. One young man wanted to marry her and came to her father’s house. And at this time a groom from another village came there, they argued about who should marry first, and killed each other. Then the peasants of the two villages rose up, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, only one person remained, who told me this story. I propose to drink so that love will never be able to bring discord into our heads and deprive us of reason.

Vacationers on the beach caught a bottle in the water. They opened it, and a note fell out: “I live on a desert island. There are no bandits, no loans, no debtors, no creditors, no cops, no tax inspectors, no businessmen, no bankers, no graters, no showdowns... May you all burst with envy!!!” And the signature: “New Armenian.” Let's drink to you, my friends, being lucky in life too!

A supportive woman is one who bows under the weight of her virtues. Let's drink to the unyielding women who are not bent even by their own vices!

An adventurous woman is one who turns any adventurous venture into a love overture. Here's to adventurous women!

On the slope of the gray Caucasus, Among the mighty snowy peaks, Someone carved in gold on a stone “Be proud that you are an Armenian.”

A young man fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. The girl said: “I will marry you, but first do a hundred things for me.” The guy began to fulfill her whims. First she made him climb a rock without a single ledge. Then jump off that cliff. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not limp. And there were other tasks: to swim across the river and not get your hands wet; stop the enraged horse and bring him to his knees; cut the apple that the girl placed on her chest. The guy completed ninety-nine tasks. There's only one thing left. Then the girl said: “Now forget your mother and father.” Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse, swung his whip and rode off forever. This toast is for us to never forget those who gave us life.

High, high in the mountains, where the moonlight gently hugs the mountain peaks, a beautiful flower grew. Its beauty was breathtaking, and its smell made anyone’s heart flutter. So let's raise a glass to our flower - the beautiful bride, whose charms have driven millions of men crazy. But on this day she went to one lucky man who stole the heart and soul of this beauty forever. Let's drink to the bottom for the bride and groom!

A concert is taking place in a huge hall. The presenter loudly addresses the audience:
- Are there any married couples in the hall who have only been married for one day? Let them take the stage! One such pair was found.
- Have you been married for one day?
- asks the presenter.
“Yes,” the newlyweds answer.
“Then just one question: what are you doing here?” Our married couple took place a few hours ago. So that they are not asked the same question, let's disperse! They need to be alone! For the young.

At the foot of the beautiful Mount Ararat, whose peak touches the sky, anyone will be happy to tell you a legend, How people were saved within the walls of the ark, How they wandered across the endless waters, And found their shelter in these lands, And then settled throughout the world everywhere. So says the age-old legend. And today I will raise a glass of wine, Remembering Noah, the father of all the saved. I drink to salvation from God’s wrath, To the freedom of all those captives in the world!

A priceless woman is one for whom it is difficult to name a price. For priceless women!

An unceremonious woman is one who does not like ceremonies and immediately takes men by the horns. For unceremonious women!

We like to look at the raging waves, we like the wind rustling in the branches... But in fate, I lovingly wish you calm and peace, so let everything go safely and splendidly. I raise my congratulatory speech, a toast to peace and grace in your soul and life!

One day the gods decided to create a woman. They took the bright sunlight, the warm sea breeze, the slenderness of a siren, the talkativeness of a magpie, the beautiful voice of a nightingale, raindrops, the beauty of a snow-white swan, and the pensive moonlight. We added some thunderclaps and lightning sparks to the image. All components were combined, mixed and a woman was obtained. After that, the gods decided to give it to a man: “Take it and enjoy.” So let's drink to the magical and mysterious mixture that lurks in every woman! This toast is for the beautiful ladies!

One poor Armenian had a son. The happy father ran to the carpenter and ordered him a cradle. He said that the order would be ready in a week. At the appointed time the Armenian came for the cradle, but the carpenter said:
- I'm not ready yet. Come back in a week, dear. Another week has passed. The Armenian comes to the artisan again and hears the same answer: “Come back in a week!” So the carpenter put it off week after week, until his “boy” was twenty years old. Soon the young horseman got married, and the young couple had a son.
“We need to order a cradle,” the happy dad said to his father.
- Go to the carpenter who lives in the neighboring village. Twenty years ago I paid him a deposit for a cradle for you. The young father came to the would-be master and said:
- Dear, my father once ordered a cradle for you. Give it back! The carpenter became furious, took the deposit amount out of his pocket and said:
- I don’t like to work quickly and somehow! Look for another master! Isn’t that how our city planners work? Let's drink not to them, but to the true masters of their craft!

A goat was walking along the road, he saw a tree, and on it was one single beautiful apple. The goat decided to wait for the apple to fall into his mouth. And then the apple ripened and flew down, the goat opened its mouth, but a flying eagle grabbed the apple and took it with it. Let the beautiful apples not go to the goats, but only to the eagles!

One day a bee asked a snake:
- Why, when I bite, I die, and when you bite, the bitten person dies? The snake answered her:
- Because my bite is professional. Let's drink to the professionals in their field!

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son, and try to save money. The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about this, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father’s house. Then the father called his son and said:
- Go son, and earn money yourself. The son went and got a job. From morning until late evening he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
“Look, father,” said the young man.
- I earned money.
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water. The son realized that he had previously been unfair to his father’s kindness and lowered his head. So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

A sinless woman is a woman whom everyone has heard about, but no one has seen. So let's drink to the women whom everyone has seen, but no one can say anything bad about them!

Question to Armenian radio:
- How should a Russian woman behave with men in different situations? Answer:
- A woman should not show or tell anything to her husband. To a lover - show everything and tell nothing. The boss - as he orders. So let's drink to all of us being bosses!

A good son builds his father's house. For my son!

Why at the last exhibition of Armenian wines did the wine from 1956 receive 1st place, and the older one, from 1948, only 5th?
“We’re surprised ourselves: they poured it from the same barrel!” So let's drink to this wonderful wine, to the fact that it exists and to the fact that we have all gathered today! Here's to the meeting!

A tactless woman is one who constantly falls into the wrong rhythm: more, more, more... Here's to tactless women!

A waste-free woman is one from whom men do not leave, and if they do, then for a very long time. For women, under whose influence men have been for a very long time!

Why do we drink to women while standing? Firstly, because it is inconvenient to drink while lying down. Secondly, to proudly rise above them for a while. Thirdly, we drink standing up because it gets in more. Fourthly, we thus stretch our stiff limbs. Fifth, we get up to brush the rest of the salad off our pants. Sixth, we stand up in order to better see all the women present at the table. Seventh, they came up with this ritual in order to suddenly jump off from a high start if something happens. Eighth, we thus find out which of us remained under the table to pester women. Ninth, we get up so that when we sit down, we feel relief. And finally, we get up so as not to hear in our very ears: “Stop drinking! You've had enough." So, here's to the women! Men drink while standing!

An urgent woman is one who never puts off until tomorrow what she can do today. For urgent women!

An astral woman is one who flies off to the astral plane every time she hears a compliment, not forgetting to leave her address to the person giving the compliment. For astral women!

An avant-garde woman is one who goes into the bedroom ahead of her husband. For avant-garde women!

There lived a cheerful young horseman in the mountains. He had many friends, they often came to visit, and the owner always treated them to good wine and barbecue. When the guy decided to get married, he asked his father to send out invitations to his friends. The wedding was magnificent - all the relatives came, but for some reason there were no friends.
- Father, did you invite my friends?
- the puzzled son asked his father.
“Of course,” answered the father.
- But I wrote briefly “Help needed” and, as you can see, no one came. I want to drink to my young friends who come not only to the wedding, but also at those moments when their help is needed.

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. Just got married, Shota needs to go on a business trip.
“Don’t worry,” he says to young Evgen, “with the help of 3 days I’ll be back.” Three days have passed, 3 times three days have passed, and Shota does not return. Ten times three days passed, and still no sign of Shota. The young wife became worried and sent telegrams to ten faithful friends in ten cities. And telegrams came from ten cities from ten faithful colleagues and friends:
- Don't worry, Shota is with us. So let's drink to true friends who do not let you down in trouble.

Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Parental blessing on the wedding day is the key to future harmony and happiness in family life. But an even rarer and happier blessing is the blessing of grandparents. In the East they say: “The crown of an old man is the children of his children,” but we will go even further and say the following: “The old man himself is the crown for the children of his children.” So let this crown adorn, protect and protect our newlyweds for many years to come. I propose to raise a glass to the health and longevity of the newlyweds' grandparents!

A crazy woman is one that many people are crazy about. For crazy women!

A disenfranchised woman is one who drives a car without a license, relying only on her appearance. For disenfranchised women!

A true Georgian will always say that the best cognac is Georgian. A true Armenian will say that the best cognac is Armenian. A true Russian will say that the best drink is vodka. So let's drink vodka to the friendship of peoples!

One day it happened that a poor but kind guy fell in love with a beautiful but rich girl. The parents of the future bride were against such a wedding and forbade their daughter to even look in the direction of the unpromising young man. After this, the unfortunate guy had to turn to God for help in this grief. This is how the Armenian epic appeared. But, not paying attention to the blessing of the Almighty, the beloved’s father took his sharp, long knife and decided to kill the poor young man. This is how the Armenian tragedy appeared. Meanwhile, the girl’s father saw a young man in the distance and ran up to him, snatching a dagger. But a miracle happened, and the sharp blade of the knife pierced not the guy, but the container with wine on the back of the animal, which the young man was leading to a watering hole. This is how Armenian martial art appeared. The father, seeing the wine flowing out, decided to drink it under the blossoming almond trees along with the future. And they embraced and sang a song. This is how Armenian folklore appeared. After some time, passers-by saw the young man and conveyed the good news to the young beauty, who was looking forward to her father's condescension. This is how Armenian radio appeared. We offer to drink a glass of wine so that all guests present can witness how an Armenian family came into being!

A young man fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. And she says: “I will marry you if you fulfill one hundred of my wishes.” The young man began to fulfill the girl’s wishes. First, she forced him to climb onto a rock without a single ledge and jump down. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not limp. The young man did this too. The next task was to swim across the river without getting our hands wet. Then - stop the enraged horse and bring him to his knees. Then - cut the apple on her chest without hurting her... So, one after another, the young man fulfilled 99 wishes of his beloved. There's only one thing left. Then the girl says: “Forget your father and your mother.” Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse and was off. This toast is so that you, newlyweds, never forget those who gave you life! For your parents!

A pious woman is one who firmly believes that men are a blessing. For faithful women, may they be rewarded according to their faith!

An ascetic woman is one who leads a solitary life in monastery. For ascetic women!

One merchant had a shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell to the ground, and a wasp sat on it, and the cat ran and grabbed it. The dog chased after him and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed it. There was another village nearby, and the dog was from that village. When the dog’s owner found out that the shopkeeper had killed the dog, he came running and killed the shopkeeper. Here the peasants of the two villages rose up, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, only one person remained, who told me this story. And all this because of one drop of honey. I propose to drink so that not a single drop could ever bring discord into our heads and deprive us of our reason.

They once asked a very smart and old man: “Why is it very difficult to turn enemies into friends, but easy to turn friends into enemies?” The sage’s simple answer made people think: “Yes, because it’s easier to destroy a house than to build it, it’s easier to waste coins than to earn them, and it’s easier to give up love than to work on a relationship!” I propose a toast to our newlyweds for overcoming all life’s difficulties! For hard work and determination!

It's better not to have money than not to have a soul. For the soul!

We seek respectful attention from our interlocutors, we expect sensitivity, support and understanding from our friends, and affection and satisfaction of our passionate desires from our sexual partners. And only to those who are beautiful, we ourselves are ready to give the first, second and third free of charge. So let's drink to generous love and its reciprocity!

The strength of any barrier is a very relative concept. Any stone can be washed away with water over time; a lady may melt from the gifts given to her. precious stones, and the guy - to lose his ferocity under the influence of the charms of a beautiful girl. And which of us has passed all the tests of fate steadfastly? We're all trying. Let's drink to our strength in confronting problems and overcoming obstacles!

We admire the beauty and grandeur of the elements and nature. So let us wish our hero of the day, the son of this Earth, all its blessings: lake-like purity of thoughts, mountain power of health, rainbow happiness and volcanic friendship and love! Let's raise our glasses!

One famous Armenian poet, whose name is Mkrtich Koryun, came up with a humorous poem: The husband was drowning, blowing bubbles, And from the shore the wife: “You have been disobedient from time to time! What a month, take your ashes, I repeat, I repeat: do not drink raw water!..” So let’s drink to the wisdom of our wives, and also to the fact that we never have to drink water while we have wine.

An angelic woman is one who will make an angel out of any devil. Here's to angelic women!

We can earn and save a lot of money, buy whatever our heart desires. And after that, suddenly falling unrequitedly in love or becoming very ill, you understand that happiness does not lie in money and things. At any moment, a rich man may suddenly remain a poor man. Let's drink to the values ​​that are truly eternal and worth accumulating: love, knowledge and kindness!

A gracious woman is one who gives her blessings to taste. For grace-filled women, may their grace not dry up!

An undivided woman is one who does not divide men into good and bad, but accepts them as they are today. For undivided women!

Two Armenians:
- Did you see the girl smile at me?
- Oh, Samvel, when I saw you for the first time, I almost died laughing, yes! Let's drink to beautiful girls They not only smiled at us, but also shared their relaxation with us and immediately agreed to spend an hour or two with us!

A little boy stood in the market with a basket of goat cheese and shouted:
- If you want good cheese, come here! To me! Good cheese!
“Swear by your mother that your cheese is good,” said the buyer.
- I swear by my mother. My grandmother herself told me: go to the market and sell cheese. It is no longer good for us, but good for sale. So let's drink to the truth!

A fearless woman is one who, after 20 years of marriage, can ask her husband what he did at work. Here's to fearless women!

There are no gynecologists in Armenia. There are people who understand this. Let's drink to professionalism.

There is also this Armenian proverb: “They asked the wine: “Did you ruin more or bring good?” Wine replied: “There are no number of ruined people, but rest without wine is not rest, which means there is good from me.” Let's drink wine, friends, because it can only be good for you on vacation!

A fat Armenian runs into the restaurant and addresses the waiter:
- Listen, dear, did I have dinner here yesterday?
- Yes, we had dinner...
- So that means I drank twenty greens here, right?
- Why, we drank, drank... The Armenian is relieved:
- Wow, what happiness. And I really thought I had lost it. Let's drink to the fact that we didn't spend our money in vain, we had a good rest today!

A relevant woman is one who never loses her relevance. For modern women!

An error-free woman is one who does not make mistakes in choosing her husband's mistresses and friends. For unmistakable women

It was a long time ago when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other - the hat continued to cover her lower abdomen. Let's drink to the strength that held the hat.

Mount Ararat has been rising proudly for many years and centuries. She is a symbol for us of the fact that we don’t mean much before the eternal mountain. Let's drink in honor of the hero of the day, Let him be like Ararat, Without a shadow of a doubt or even a flaw, Happy, powerful, and rich!

One highlander had two of his four sheep killed by lightning.
- Yes! It’s not sweet for you,” the neighbor sympathized.
- From what? God himself is now my brother, he divided the cattle with me in half,” answered the resilient mountaineer. Let's drink, friends, to optimism, which helps us survive in any situation!

We can earn and save a lot of money, buy whatever our heart desires. And then suddenly, having fallen unrequitedly in love or becoming very ill, you understand that happiness does not lie in money and things. At any moment, a rich man can suddenly remain poor. Let's drink to the values ​​that are truly eternal and worth accumulating: love, knowledge and kindness!

An inconsolable woman is one who cannot remain without comfort for long. For inconsolable women!

We want respectful attention from our interlocutors, sensitivity, support and understanding from friends, affection and satisfaction of our passionate desires from sexual partners. And only to those we love are we ready to give the first, second and third free of charge. So let's drink to generous love and its reciprocity!

The mother praises the girl - run; the neighbor praises it - take it. Let's drink to the beautiful girls!

Three brothers lived in a high mountain village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked like a decrepit old man. The middle brother was left without a single tooth at the age of 50. And the eldest was 70 years old, but others envied his health. The younger brothers decided to find out what the secret of such youth was. The old man happily received guests in his house. And when the brothers arrived, he asked his wife to prepare some food. “Darling, don’t forget to bring the best watermelon,” the owner ordered. When the woman brought a watermelon, the old man cut it and said: “This fruit is not suitable, bring another.” The owner sent his wife six times for a new watermelon. He liked the last option, and he was pleased with the woman’s choice. When the meal came to an end, the guests asked the old man: “What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?” The owner replied: “Did you see how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But neither she nor I felt irritated. My wife and I have been living in harmony and peace for many years. This is the secret of my appearance." In this toast, let's wish the newlyweds eternal peace, youth, harmony, and mutual understanding!

Let's drink so that in the coming New Year there will be shooting around us, but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

One very rich Armenian entrepreneur is asked:
- Mr. Gevarkyan, how did it happen that your son has received a deferment from conscription for the third time? After all, he looks quite healthy.
- This surprises me too!
- answers the caring father.
- But the strangest thing is not this, but the fact that every time for some reason I lose several thousand dollars at cards to the chief doctor of the military registration and enlistment office. So let's drink so that the valiant Caucasian horsemen get excited only at the card table, and not on the battlefield!

The strength of any barrier is a very relative concept. Over time, any stone can be washed away by water, a woman can melt from the precious stones given to her, and a man can lose his ferocity under the influence of the charms of a beautiful woman. And which of us has passed all the tests of life steadfastly? We're all trying. Let's drink to our strength in confronting problems and overcoming obstacles!

The belief says that the parents of love are the eyes and the heart! I raise this wine glass so that the hearts of our young people will glow and their eyes will be sharp for many, many years to come. Let's drink to the bottom for the eternal ability to love!

A silent woman is one who knows well who is worth what, and therefore remains silent. For the voiceless, whose silence costs a lot!

An old Armenian proverb says: If you want happiness for one day, drink a glass of wine! If you want happiness for one month, have a wedding! If you want happiness for one year, fall in love secretly! If you want happiness for the rest of your life, take care of your health! For the health of the young!

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. The younger brother, at 40, looked like a completely decrepit old man. Middle-aged, gray-haired and toothless, at 50 years old he was crippled by illness. And the eldest, even at 70 years old, carried on well. The younger brothers decided to find out the secret of his youth. The old man happily received the guests and asked his wife to set the table. “Wife, don’t forget to choose the ripest watermelon,” he instructed. When the wife brought the watermelon, the owner cut it and said: “No, this watermelon is unripe. Bring me another one." Five times the husband sent his wife for a new watermelon, and he only liked the last one. When the guests had eaten and began to ask the owner about the secret of his youth, he replied: “You highlighted how I sent my wife five times for watermelon. Neither I nor she were at all irritated. My wife and I live in peace and harmony. This is my secret." Let us wish the newlyweds eternal youth, peace and harmony!

A girl is talking to an Armenian:
- I lost my virginity while standing, which means I am standing.
- And I lost mine - on a bag of raisins, which means I am raisin! Let's drink to the amazing men who have gathered here to relax!

During a lesson at a Russian school, the daughter of an Armenian writes a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there lived a poor, poor girl. Her grandparents were poor. Both her father and mother were poor, and her brothers and sisters were poor, and all her relatives were poor. And their driver was poor, and their servants were poor...” Let’s drink so that our children will always have a lot of relatives, and they will never need for anything!

He who walks on a straight road will not get tired. May you always find the right path!

Two Armenians are talking:
- Yesterday I went fishing, I was walking along the river bank, and suddenly there was a naked girl right at me. Well, of course, the first thing I did was cast my fishing rods...
- What are you, an idiot?
- interrupts another, - what about the girl?
- Wait, don’t pester me! Of course, the first thing I did was throw my fishing rods into the bushes... A man in the Caucasus would never exchange a beautiful woman for fishing! Behind beautiful women fishing!

An asymmetrical woman is one who looks better from the back than from the front, and better from the front than from the back. For asymmetrical women!

A well-meaning woman is one who only intends to give good, but has not yet decided. For her intention to become stronger!

A real horseman gets out of bed to rest. So let's drink to real men!!!

A serene woman is one who longs for the storm of love and finds peace in it. For serene women!

Several hundred years ago, in a mountain village, a young couple decided to exchange rings. To do this, they climbed a high mountain, but the groom got excited and dropped the ring into a deep gorge. The young guy decided to get the wedding rings himself, and ordered his bride to stay where she was and wait for her return. Many years have passed since then. When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled old woman instead of his beautiful beloved. But such changes did not frighten the young man. Without looking away, he walked up to the woman and put the wedding ring on her hand. The old woman instantly turned into a young, beautiful bride. So let's raise a glass to the healing power of love! This toast is for our newlyweds to pass all life's trials with dignity!

When going to a wedding among Armenians, it is necessary to prepare in advance a sincere and sincere congratulation for the newlyweds. Well-chosen words of toast can touch, amuse or make you think about the future. To make an Armenian wedding memorable for a long time, you need to approach the choice of wishes for the bride and groom with all responsibility. If you choose the right Armenian toasts for your wedding, you will be able to convey all the positive feelings and emotions that you planned to say to your loved ones. Such wishes will become a real decoration for the celebration.

Cool toasts for a wedding in Armenian style

The gala evening of a significant event should be filled with sincere toasts and congratulations. If you plan to impress the guests present with a unique and dazzling speech, then you need to use Armenian wedding toasts. Each such wish is a short or long parable that can convey good nature, sincerity and humor to all guests present.

When choosing Armenian toasts for your upcoming wedding, you should also learn how to tell them in a fun way. A wish pronounced in an Armenian accent can encourage even a non-drinking guest to drink. Therefore, before making a toast at a wedding, first learn the words and practice speaking in front of the mirror. But if you cannot decide which greeting to choose, then we suggest using the presented examples of Armenian toasts.

  • Armenian toast from friends about a young family

One day it happened that a poor but kind guy fell in love with a beautiful but rich girl. The parents of the future bride were against such a wedding and forbade their daughter to even look in the direction of the unpromising young man. After this, the unfortunate guy had to turn to God for help in this grief. This is how the Armenian epic appeared. But, not paying attention to the blessing of the Almighty, the beloved’s father took his sharp, long knife and decided to kill the poor young man. This is how the Armenian tragedy appeared. Meanwhile, the girl’s father saw a young man in the distance and ran up to him, snatching a dagger.

But a miracle happened, and the sharp blade of the knife pierced not the guy, but the container with wine on the back of the animal, which the young man was leading to a watering hole. This is how Armenian martial art appeared. The father, seeing the wine flowing out, decided to drink it under the blossoming almond trees along with the future. And they embraced and sang a song. This is how Armenian folklore appeared. After some time, passers-by saw the young man and conveyed the good news to the young beauty, who was looking forward to her father's condescension. This is how Armenian radio appeared.

We offer to drink a glass of wine so that all guests present can witness how an Armenian family came into being!

  • Armenian toast from the bride's uncle

High, high in the mountains, where the moonlight gently hugs the mountain peaks, a beautiful flower grew. Its beauty was breathtaking, and its smell made anyone’s heart flutter. So let's raise a glass to our flower - the beautiful bride, whose charms have driven millions of men crazy. But on this day she went to one lucky man who stole the heart and soul of this beauty forever. Let's drink to the bottom for the bride and groom!

  • Armenian toast from friends for the groom

The parents had an only son, to whom they refused nothing. The boy grew up sociable and kind, so he had many friends. When he turned 18, he met a beautiful and unique girl. After some time, the young man decided to get married. When the time came to invite friends, the guy's father offered his help. He said that he would independently call everyone with whom his son was friends. The young man agreed.

When the wedding day arrived, the parents' house was filled with the guy's relatives. But the young man was surprised by the fact that not a single close friend came to the wedding. The upset guy approached his father for an explanation. The old horseman replied: “All your friends have received invitations. But in the postcards I wrote a request for help. You can see what came of it.” So let's raise a glass to the faithful friends who gathered at the wedding to congratulate and support the groom on his important day.

  • Armenian toast from parents to newlyweds

Three brothers lived in a high mountain village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked like a decrepit old man. The middle brother was left without a single tooth at the age of 50. And the eldest was 70 years old, but others envied his health. The younger brothers decided to find out what the secret of such youth was. The old man happily received guests in his house. And when the brothers arrived, he asked his wife to prepare some food. “Darling, don’t forget to bring the best watermelon,” the owner ordered. When the woman brought a watermelon, the old man cut it and said: “This fruit is not suitable, bring another.”

The owner sent his wife six times for a new watermelon. He liked the last option, and he was pleased with the woman’s choice. When the meal came to an end, the guests asked the old man: “What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?” The owner replied: “Did you see how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But neither she nor I felt irritated. My wife and I have been living in harmony and peace for many years. This is the secret of my appearance." In this toast, let's wish the newlyweds eternal peace, youth, harmony, and mutual understanding!

  • Armenian toast from friends

One day the gods decided to create a woman. They took the bright sunlight, the warm sea breeze, the slenderness of a siren, the talkativeness of a magpie, the beautiful voice of a nightingale, raindrops, the beauty of a snow-white swan, and the pensive moonlight. We added some thunderclaps and lightning sparks to the image. All components were combined, mixed and a woman was obtained. After that, the gods decided to give it to a man: “Take it and enjoy.” So let's drink to the magical and mysterious mixture that lurks in every woman! This toast is for the beautiful ladies!

  • Armenian toast for love

Several hundred years ago, in a mountain village, a young couple decided to exchange rings. To do this, they climbed a high mountain, but the groom got excited and dropped the ring into a deep gorge. The young guy decided to get the wedding rings himself, and ordered his bride to stay where she was and wait for her return. Many years have passed since then.

When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled old woman instead of his beautiful beloved. But such changes did not frighten the young man. Without looking away, he walked up to the woman and put the wedding ring on her hand. The old woman instantly turned into a young, beautiful bride. So let's raise a glass to the healing power of love! This toast is for our newlyweds to pass all life's trials with dignity!

Video: real Armenian wedding toast

If you plan to surprise the guests present with a long and narrative congratulation for the groom, we recommend using the toast presented in the video below. With the help of this story you will be able to feel the full flavor of Armenian wishes addressed to close friends. This original toast will cause a storm positive emotions from all the guests present.

Armenian toasts can decorate any wedding feast. With the help of long and beautiful congratulations, you can surprise everyone present. But if you prefer to address the newlyweds with a few kind but meaningful words, then we suggest learning short wedding toasts in prose or poetry for this. Say congratulations from the heart, and you will surprise the young family with interesting, unusual wishes on their wedding day.

Armenians are wonderful people. Almost without exception. We bet that the person you are planning to congratulate on his birthday is distinguished not only by his good nature, but also by his excellent sense of humor, loyalty and friendliness. Armenians are such a people, and it’s just wonderful. And that’s why we are drawn to present congratulations that would not just ring in the birthday boy’s ears, so to speak, for show, but would be remembered by him for several years, or even for the rest of his life.

How to do it? How to do this? For example, you can give the birthday boy a huge boat or a luxurious mansion outside the city. This gift will definitely be remembered. But, unfortunately, so much money is available to few of us. And we are sure that such a rich person would not be reading our site now. I would lie on the same yacht somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and relax. We, mortals, are forced to look for cheaper and more modest ones. For example, happy birthday greetings in Armenian.

So what if you don’t have even a bit of Armenian blood in your veins? You will think that you don’t know the language at all. This should not be a hindrance for you. The poems we present do not have to be read flawlessly. The fact itself is important. And now everything is in your hands.

Sirelis, tsnundt snorhavor!
Kez isrtans tsankanum em
Arohchutsyun, Erjankutsyun
Gortserum miayn hajohutsyun!

Jvarutsünner kyankumt chlinen,
Ete linen, kohkovt toh antsnen!
Amena lavn u master em
Kez es tsankanum, im kyanki imast!

(Name) ՋԱՆ!
Սրտանց շնորհավորում եմ ծննդյանդ օրվա առթիվ:
Ցանկանում եմ բազում երջանիկ տարիներ, առողջություն և աշխատանքային վերելքներ:

(Name) ՋԱՆ!!!
Ընդունեք իմ ջերմ շնորհավորանքները Ձեր ծննդյան տարեդարձի առիթով։
Քաջառողջություն եմ Ձեզ մաղթում

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