Sexual emancipation: advantage or disadvantage? A beautiful and completely relaxed girl

Wood materials and products 06.09.2020

Good afternoon, dear editors of BroDude! I haven't been with you that long and may not be in the age group most of your articles are for (I'm only 20), but I always try to make the most of what you write. And for the most part I succeed, for which special thanks. The only thing that interests me, and what I could not find: what to do if your girlfriend is too insecure and too conservative in terms of sex? If you describe the whole situation in 2 words, then I'm her first, sex for her is the satisfaction of needs and nothing more. Accordingly, from the very beginning it was reduced only to simple manipulations, which were already pretty boring. She does not pay attention to what I want, while I do absolutely everything that she likes (not because she dominates and demands, no, just because I myself like to please her). After the time that we are together, I just lose the desire to try and lose the desire to have sex with her, which is not cool. I want to hear advice to balance this "sexual inequality" and, accordingly, our relationship. Thank you in advance!

Hello my friend. Don't worry, at 20 years old people inherited thrones and ruled countries, so age most often only tells how many years ago a person's parents engaged in unsafe sex. If you are really trying to get the most out of our articles, then you are morally older than your peers. We have nothing to do with these carbonated pussies, but we will bring you to mind. Joke, of course. We are open to everyone who remembers such programs as "Spite of Records" and "Fine Hour".

Well, now to your problem. Although what kind of problem is there, frankly, a trifle. It is clear that you are a little confused by your youth and inexperience. This is normal, we ourselves at 20 thought that cunnilingus is a surname, metrosexuals have sex in the subway, and working as a porn actor is fun and pleasant. In fact, everywhere, and especially in intimate life, experience is welcome. Reminds me of the classics:

Ha ha yes hee hee, but she did everything badly - No taste, no tact, no technique. It would be better to read books, fool, Poems and textbooks on sex! But no one reads books, and thank God, they discourage readers from us. In general, remember yourself at the beginning of your genitourinary career, when you timidly invaded other people's caves, recalling dashing movements from your favorite porn. There was a lot of agility in you, but the implementation let you down - you probably groaned like a dwarf from Snow White. It seems to all of us that we are, in general, nothing, and we can be told that we have shown ourselves with better side. But more often they say this so as not to offend, especially since the overall impression remained strictly positive, but some of our decisions and movements caused confusion, we just didn’t notice this in the heat of love. And sometimes you just do the same progressive movements - no fantasy, no tact, no bold decisions. We fit in behind - and we monotonously strobe our beloved, characteristically snoring. And it seems that she is experienced, it seems that you have sex for as long as you live, it seems that there are as many bed battles behind her as there are pilots-aces of sorties, but still she was not surprised. So this is about an experienced person, let alone beginners. However, it is much worse when a person has not learned anything during his sexual experience, except for monotonous progressive movements in one direction. His sex can be shown instead of " Good night, kids ”, so that the children fall asleep faster. And all why? Because they didn’t teach a person, and partners, instead of pointing out mistakes, either endured or broke off relations. Here you have the exact same situation. Your woman has just started her career in great sex. She did not have an innate talent for this discipline, and therefore she has a complex, not fully understanding what sex is. Knows only what it is when alone loving person penetrates another, and that's it. So try to increase the frequency of your intercourse. The more of him there is, the more she will begin to get involved in this matter. The girl must be taught to try in different ways, to say how sexy she is, how you want her to relax. Then he will love this business so much that you can’t drag it by the ears. Everyone was clumsy at first, but you, as a more experienced partner, must take the initiative. Besides, sexual preference is a thing that is determined in a practical way. And what can be determined by partners who, apart from missionary, have not tried anything?

In general, it is worth talking to her frankly. Ask what's wrong, maybe it's all about you, not her. Or she is simply frigid, and no matter how hard you try, how much you sweat, but there will be no sense. And then decide for yourself whether to stay with such a woman or not. Or maybe you upset her with your ineptitude. And what if she is inexperienced, maybe she has an innate talent? Most importantly, feel free to say what you want. Just not like this: “Today I will put you on your belly, tie you up, fuck you, and you will scream and say what you like.” Softer. The more you offer new poses and solutions, the faster she herself will begin to take the initiative. In the meantime, do not wait for this, because there is Golden Rule: the less people copulate, the more they are shy about sex. Liberate the young lady, you have the same mission as the shepherd - to teach, accustom and use for personal purposes. As psychoanalysts who charge 100 euros for a session like to say: “You need to open up”, it suddenly turns out that she likes a tough guy, BDSM and only screams, convulsions and spasms will lead her to orgasm and make her surrender to the process by 150%. But this does not mean that you need to take a whip and go to it - if I had been beaten and raped during the 3rd sexual intercourse, I would hardly have continued to do this. If ideas for sex are not enough, then turn to porn for help. They will tell and show everything there, they will surprise you with unusual solutions and resourcefulness. By the way, perhaps watching low-art videos together will liberate both of you, but this is not certain. And most importantly, don't make a mistake yourself. Try, work selflessly and zealously. And then the partner, seeing how you give yourself to the cause, will want to surprise and please you.

The other extreme is the excessive emancipation and assertiveness of a woman and her frivolous attitude to casual relationships.

In the second half of the last century, the sexual revolution swept the world. One of its most notable effects was that women stopped hiding their sexuality. If earlier the fair sex could not take the initiative in relations with a man, then in the last third of the twentieth century it became possible.

Women realized that there is nothing shameful in the fact that the physical side of relationships is no less important for them than for men, and they ceased to be silent about their desires. I wonder how men treat sexually liberated girls and women and do they approve of such behavior?

Women without complexes

On the one hand, many men in some cases are still shy and may not be sure whether they should take the initiative in order to get to know the girl they like. Under such circumstances, a liberated representative of the weaker sex, who can take the first step on her own and in the future is able to be more proactive than a young man, including in matters of sexual relations, will not cause him anything but approval and admiration.

On the other hand, it is important that the emancipation of a woman be precisely the result of her conscious choice, rather than striving to be fashionable and modern. Sometimes a girl starts in order to be like someone else; unfortunately, in the end, choosing a model of behavior that does not come from the heart brings her nothing but disappointment. The same can be said about those women who, disappointed in men, try to replace real feelings with non-committal ones. sexual relations. Behind the seeming self-confidence, bordering on bravado, they hide the fear that someone will hurt them, and even the thought that they are unworthy of love.

Women with a past

As for the opinions of men about sexually liberated women who do not see anything shameful in taking the initiative in relationships, they can be very different. No matter how modern and free in his views a young man considers himself, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the emancipation of a woman is for him a logical continuation of her rich sexual experience.

With a man, he may simply lose all interest in her, because the most important stage of the relationship - the conquest of the Beautiful Lady by a valiant knight - is skipped. A girl who is easy on relationships should not be surprised that many men will perceive her solely as a sexual object. Thus, an emancipated sexually liberated girl is convenient for men, but hardly most of them would like to see her as their wife and mother of their children.

I don't know under what circumstances you are going to do it. You may have already invited her to visit. Or maybe you just want to know how to liberate a girl on a date so that it goes off with a bang.

If we consider any form of communication with her as a prelude to sex, then you need to act in such a way that she has more attraction to you. This emotion will dominate in her, and then any tightness and fears will simply evaporate.

Let's start with the platitudes...

Be the bad guy

Have you ever wondered why good people fail?

It's simple: public opinion(including in the face of good guys) prevents girls from fully revealing themselves. Although by nature they are very depraved and liberated creatures.

To begin to feel liberated, they need someone who is not afraid to accept them as such. And, of course, this someone is a bad guy who is ready to “go into all serious trouble” himself, and even more so, will not condemn her for any actions.

It may seem strange to you, but it really has a big impact on your communication with her. It is important for her to know that her liberated behavior will be approved (which is almost impossible to achieve as a good guy).

Jokes, jokes, liberated and slightly arrogant behavior ... find the rest of the "parameters" and start using it yourself.

Humor must be!

He will help you, even if you find it difficult to stick to the image of a bad guy.

Just learn to joke interestingly. If you don't have enough experience, borrow other people's jokes.

Meeting start

A huge impact on a date is how you start it.

Any hitch at the initial stage can mark the beginning of the end.

There is a huge difference between the two situations:

  1. You immediately begin to have an active conversation, joke, take her by the hand, lead her to a certain place and, in general, create some kind of action.
  2. Both of you are shy, start walking slowly somewhere, and you ask how she is doing, or how was the day.

The first will make her more liberated in 30 minutes. The second one will “kill” all your attempts to make her your girlfriend.

About the 30 minute rule

If it seems to you that you do not know how to liberate this particular girl, then it just seems to you.

Remember: regardless of the meeting place (street, cafe, your house), she needs some time to get used to (20-40 minutes).

Of course, this does not mean that now you also have to be silent for these half an hour and wait until she is liberated herself. From the very beginning of the meeting, act actively, and do not expect an instant effect.

Alcohol with the right "sauce"

Alcohol liberates everyone. But if you just offer a drink, she will immediately understand what exactly you want from her.

So there must be a suggestion. It may be your or her success in recent cases, which should be noted, "otherwise it will not happen again."

Or an offer to try some unusual cocktail. Ideally: it will be a cocktail that few people have tried, and which has some kind of backstory (it will definitely need to be told).

If you have not yet managed to bring her to your home, then plan your route in such a way that when passing by a bar (preferably a very civilized bar, and not a simple "beer house"), you could say: "By the way, there is …” and offer to drop by.

Touches by chance

Open touching a tight girl can easily provoke even more tightness. A toggle switch turns on in her head, hinting to her what exactly you want from her. Moreover, this happens even when you have already spent a couple of dates.

Therefore, it is better to use "random" touches.

At first, you just guide her across the road holding her hand. Then, sitting next to you, touch with your shoulder. Every time your hand moves in a certain direction, it may accidentally touch the girl for a very short time.

Then connect "quick" touches - literally for a couple of seconds. Here you can already afford to touch her more openly and not accidentally, but remember that they should be “fast” (for 2-5 seconds). Again, this rightly exists in order not to provoke a backlash.

The more such short touches you make, the faster you will cause her to “correct” state.

If she's not in the mood, or everything should be in place!

If she is in a bad mood, and at the same time, you have not had sex yet, then your attempts to create romance can ruin everything. She will begin to feel a certain obligation, and this will make her constrained.

The best option is tuning.

The bottom line is that at first you adjust to her mood, talk to her on suitable topics, and slowly make communication more lively and fun. Ideal: if you manage to completely change her state in this way.

This will give a better result than inappropriate romance.

In general, everything is decided by the experience of communicating with the opposite sex. I sincerely hope that you will develop the necessary skills as soon as possible, and will not think every time how to liberate the girl.

Interestingly, moderately experienced guys rarely encounter this problem. Coming on a date, they rarely meet with constraint on the part of the girl. This means that the background of communication is of great importance (that is, the acquaintance itself and communication on the phone). Pay close attention to how you meet girls and how you communicate on the phone.

Perhaps a little foreplay in the form of a fun phone call will help make your date more lively and comfortable.

woman in bed– it already sounds tempting and sexy. Samantha Bishez- a permanent correspondent of the most respected magazine for men MAXIM. She is sure that a woman can fully enjoy a man and intimacy only if she tries to relax in bed. In our article, we will look at the most effective ways that will make intimate life bright, varied and help you. Help your beloved one to open her soul, relax her body and release the hot tigress to freedom.

Underwear woven from debauchery

Panties and bras decide everything, they can drive you crazy, give a girl self-confidence and even liberate her partner, because a man in love can also act insecurely for the first time. Complexes prevent the girl from choosing depraved underwear. She is afraid that the guy will consider her vulgar or cheeky and opts for classic cotton panties. It is enough to change the usual underwear for sexy ones, and self-esteem will skyrocket.

How a man can help so that, give her a set of the most shameless underwear. Just do it wisely. First, make sure that you have a long relationship with your beloved and that she trusts you, otherwise you will only push her away.

Sizzling Passion

Do not wait until you want unbridled sex, awaken your passion, inflame your body to the limit. Perhaps you think that talking about the most interesting things and porn movies will help her want you. However, things are not so simple for girls and what suits you does not suit them. Women are not auditory or visual, they are kinesthetic, which means that touches will help them kindle the fire, and very, very much. To loosen up in bed, you must first take a shower with a sensual shower gel (for example, with patchouli and ylang-ylang oils) and begin to gently caress yourself all over your body, leaving the most hidden places for dessert.

How a man can help while the girl is basking in the shower, cheer up! Sleepy state will not benefit your sex. She will soon come out to you and will want to see a male who is about to pounce, and not a tired man snoring peacefully on a pillow.

Oral sex at the highest level

For any man, oral sex is an unreal pleasure. This type of sex is able to liberate even the most shy partner. To make a man moan with pleasure, you need to find an approach to him and pay special attention to the organ of his pride. Unfortunately, this is not possible without errors. The main rule is not to cause discomfort and introduce experiments gradually. The girl should try and change the technique in the process, get pleasure herself and observe the reaction of her beloved.

How a man can help to liberate a girl in bed, she needs to be constantly praised and encouraged. Only in this way can she fully open up and give herself up to feeling. Do not be silent when it hurts or is unpleasant. Just guide her with your hand, gently stroking her hair and neck.

No extra movement

Men sometimes really lack fast sex, but they understand that in order to be liberated in bed, a girl needs to give the lion's share of caresses and gentle words, and sometimes you don't want to wait. If possible, try to have sex quickly by dropping your pants and doing your thing aggressively. Sometimes women really want it, but are afraid to admit it. If you act quickly, confidently and at the same time carefully, she will appreciate it.

How a man can help a woman will not be able to truly liberate herself in bed if you suppress her initiative. As soon as she starts molesting in a rather extreme place, don't play puritan, but pick up the idea.


What certainly can liberate a girl in bed is experiments with her own kind. Girls know what the female sex needs and how to do it so that it is good. For those who have a lot of prohibitions in their heads, it is worth trying to diversify their sex life with an artificial object. And if you have already tried everything you can, have a threesome. Only for this you should not choose your permanent partner.

How a man can help pay enough attention to each of the girls and do not forget to change condoms before each intercourse.

Hard as in the Middle Ages

Your girlfriend might enjoy spanking and aggressive sex. But here it is important not to overdo it, so that it does not cause a backlash. Medieval punishments are exciting and help to become more liberated.

How a man can help make it easier for your beloved and begin to show your masculine essence yourself. After all, an indomitable male lives inside every man, who is ready to possess his lady without a trace. Start slowly, and if you hear moans of pleasure, make the game even harder. But do not insist, if the girl does not want this, perhaps she will look "50 shades of grey" and she will offer to be used.

In order for a man to be able to win people over, it is important to be able to liberate them. And in order to liberate a girl, you need to convince her of her own uniqueness, unlikeness to others. How to loosen up a girl? To do this, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules.

Draw attention

You need first get the girl's attention, concentrate it on your person. Think what you say, do not bring down on the interlocutor then unrelated sentences. It is better to speak, as they say, rarely, but aptly. Work out in advance the manner of your speech, as well as the system of gestures, so that they are individual. So you can favorably stand out from the general mass of men.

Don't be smart

And in general, before starting a conversation with a girl, it is better watch her for a while. Do not be smart, you are not at a scientific symposium. Talk about topics that your interlocutor understands. At first it may be common topics, which the representatives of the weaker sex like to talk to (news, fashion, clothes), and then, when you get to know your interlocutor better, you will be able to communicate on other topics.

There are many jokes ... it happens

Show your sense of humor carefully, do not constantly poison jokes, even if they are super funny. Just casually communicate, sometimes joke out of place, make the girl smile. If she does not hesitate to smile or even laugh out loud when talking with you, then she liked you.

Don't rush things

If a girl gives you hints that you can continue the rapprochement, do not give in to them.. Most likely, the interlocutor is just checking you, and if she sees that you are willingly responding to her hidden signals, she will obviously not be liberated, because she will consider that you are not a serious person.

Talk in private

It is always better to talk with a girl about something more or less serious in private. so that her girlfriends or, accordingly, your friends do not interfere with you. Yes, it will be more fun with them, but it is unlikely that you wanted to laugh with the girl, because you are busy seducing her. During a conversation, do not strive to be as close to her as possible, it is too early to violate personal space, as this will damage the process of emancipating the girl.

Thus, to attract a girl to you, communicate at ease, insert relevant jokes from time to time. When she smiles in your presence, listening to you, it means that she definitely liked you. A where there is sympathy, there is not far from emancipation, because you are already almost her person for her. If this happens, you have a good chance to develop a friendly-romantic, and then a serious relationship.

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