Bovine horns. Zakhar! why are you persecuting me? It's hard for you to go against the prick. When did martial arts appear

Walls, partitions 16.10.2020
Walls, partitions

In ancient times, farmers, during plowing, sent draft cattle with the help of a stick. Rojon is a pointed pole, approximately 2.5 meters long. It had a sharp metal tip at one end. If the animal ran into trouble, it hurt itself. At the other end of the ridge, as a rule, there was a plate, which was used to remove soil, clay or grass from the share.
Sometimes the rampage was used as a weapon. The Israelite judge and warrior, Samegar, killed 600 Philistines with an ox's horn (Judges 3:31).
In the Holy Scriptures, this tool is also mentioned in figurative expressions. For example, King Solomon wrote that “the words of the wise are like an ox's throat,” because they can motivate a person to make the right decision. --Ecclesiastes 12:11.
The resurrected Jesus also used the word "rampage" in a figurative sense. He said to Saul: "It's hard for you to go against the prick." His words paint the image of a stubborn animal that does not go where the owner directs him with a goose. Saul, showing wisdom, followed the advice of Jesus, changed his life path and became the apostle Paul. (Information from publications of Jehovah's Witnesses).

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Samara true story

Alexey Solonitsyn

“The language is given to a person in order to hide his thoughts,” said the master of political intrigue, Frenchman Charles Talleyrand.

We are accustomed to being guided by a different concept of the purpose of the language and the words we utter, even sometimes not knowing that they are said in the Gospel of Matthew: "From your words you will be justified, from your words and you will be condemned" ( Mt. 12:37).

Each city has especially revered places, which are its face, its "visiting card". Samara was recognized by the bell tower of the monastery in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, by its churches and also by the Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral, which stood near the monastery shrines.

In the godless years, the cathedral, famous throughout Russia, and the bell tower, and the temples of Iversky were demolished, leaving only the building of the refectory church. It housed the offices of the House of Scientists, who were engaged in the dissemination of knowledge - of course, corresponding to Marxism-Leninism. And where there was a churchyard and the burial places of the most prominent citizens of Samara, a residential building was erected, in which the most prominent residents of the new Samara were settled - that is, the administrative apparatus headed by the first secretary of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ... to buy the richest residents of Samara, since the “fathers” have died, and their children preferred to profitably sell the housing they had inherited. Apartments in a "prestigious house", from the windows of which a wonderful view of the Volga was opened, now belonged to entrepreneurs, or businessmen, as they were called in the capitalist manner.

Among them, one particularly stood out, which created a network of retail outlets in Samara, perhaps the largest. It was he who bought a suite of spacious rooms with high windows arranged in a semicircle.

This is how the “new Russians” settled down, not attaching importance to other arrangement of the city and state. And little by little the Iversky Monastery was revived. Difficulties were innumerable - the descent to the Volga went just past the "house of scientists", straight to the Pivzavod, to that place known throughout Samara, which was called "Dno". There was a trade "for drinks and takeaway", and what kind of pictures you will not see then. It is no coincidence that the famous film director Stanislav Govorukhin filmed the final of his documentary film “Russia We Lost” here, showing how a drunk man and a woman staggered from the “Bottom” to the Volga in an embrace.

But if the director ordered his cameraman to turn the camera in the opposite direction, to the Iversky Monastery, located across the road, he would see how stone walls, the first temple in honor of the Iverskaya icon, the first sister building appear, like the city of Kitezh from under the water. ...

But the director set other tasks, and therefore if he saw that the monastery was being revived, then this fact “did not fit” into the fabric of his once sensational film.

The number of sisters of the monastery, formerly the spiritual center of Samara, became more and more, their prayer intensified. Especially in the most difficult days, when it seemed that troubles would cover everyone with their heads and no longer get out from under the raging elements of the "nineties". I will name only one of them: on the territory of the monastery a so-called "working town" was formed with communal apartments and all the delights of life in such "crow settlements" described by famous satirists. All the water supply and sewerage communications had rotted, the houses had never been overhauled, and when the former main temple of the monastery was revived from the shoe factory, the rotted pipes were about to burst. No sooner had this formidable danger been eliminated than a new one, no less terrible, arose. The corner of the "regional committee house" began to sink, threatening to collapse. No wonder, because the house was built on loose soil, on a churchyard.

The exposed coffins and crypts were taken to a new place on the territory of the monastery, where they arranged a necropolis. A prayer service was served, led by the primate of the diocese, Vladyka Sergius. The reburials were carried out jointly with scientists, who drew many valuable facts related to the history of Samara for their scientific works. They convinced the authorities to help the construction - for these purposes, they had to pump a huge amount of concrete into the hill, build a support wall so that the "regional committee house" would not slide down.

The time has come, and the revived temple in honor of miraculous icon Iberian Mother of God. Here, in the monastery, where the inextinguishable lamp of the Orthodox faith was no longer glowing, but the inextinguishable lamp of the Orthodox faith was burning, people from all over the city reached out, remembering that it was the Iversky monastery that was the center of the spiritual life of the province.

And the abbess of the monastery, Mother John (Kapitantseva), just as she began the holy work of reviving the monastery, she continued it.

The time has come for the construction of the bell tower, with which we began our story. After all, the bell tower itself and its special ringing served as the identification mark of Samara, its spiritual symbol, were a joy for the townspeople.

The very businessman who occupied the suite of rooms in the "regional committee house" was extremely irritated when he saw from his high windows that the bell tower was being built opposite his apartment. He would be glad that the bells that heal the sick would fly straight to him, that the bell tower would not block his view of the Volga, but, on the contrary, decorate, as in the old days, both the panorama of the entire city and the view from his window. But he judged differently. Letters poured down to various authorities. It was explained to him that the land on which the bell tower was being erected was a monastery. That a historical shrine, belonging to the monastery for more than 150 years, is being restored.

In vain!

"Zakhar", as the businessman and his shopping malls were called, could not agree in any way that his iron will stumbled upon a stone that he could not budge.

Having exhausted all the arguments that are presented in the legal order, he resorted to the one that is used in his world as the most effective.

When I was instructed to write about Matushka John, her cell attendant told the following:

- One late at night the doorbell rang at the door of the abbot's house. The call is persistent, demanding. I left. I looked: on the threshold there were two men with machine guns, and between them Zakhar himself. Says: "Call your boss." I go to my mother: so and so. She got out of bed and dressed. Says: “Go open it. Do not be afraid of anything". She went out to the uninvited guests. Zakhar began to scold mother so menacingly and obscenely, obscenely. “If, he says, you don’t stop construction, we will remove you.” And again with obscenities. And again to threaten. I can tell you that not a single muscle on my mother's face quivered. She calmly listened to everything and said: “You are not dishonoring me, but the Mother of God Herself. Think about it. " In response, he again threatened and only after that left with his submachine gunners. Then I thought: “Wow, this is our mother! This is who we must learn from, how to stand in faith. This is what the warrior of Christ means. "

“After this incident, we learn that this Zakhar went to rest on the Cote d'Azur in France,” the cell attendant continued. - And there between them, these businessmen, there was a shootout. And this Zakhar was hit right in the tongue. I had to cut off half of my tongue. And then, in another place, he was shot to death.

I made inquiries before publishing the essay on Mother John. Indeed, the famous Samara businessman was shot twice. The first time the bullet hit the cheek, went right through, damaging the tongue. The second time, on the beach in Marseille, "Zakhar" was killed in a criminal showdown.

The bell tower of the Iversky Monastery offers a wonderful view of the Volga and the city. Of course, not everything in my city is as we would like it to be. "Candles" were built along the embankment and thus blocked the view of the old, original Samara. What can you do, many entrepreneurs are fighting for profitable, especially attractive places closer to the Volga, forgetting that cities like ours rose in tiers from the river, without closing one house to another. But nothing, but on a high slope flaunts a temple in the name of St. George the Victorious, built for the 2000th anniversary of the birth of the Savior and the anniversary of Victory. The bell tower of Iversky also rises, and its ringing calls for prayer in the very center of my city. The bell ringer - a short, thin mother - calls perfectly: she has a wonderful ear for music.

I listen to these ringing, look at the bells and see that each of them has a language, just like a person. And this language calls to the temple, to the Lord, to the Most Holy Theotokos, Who, as Mother John is deeply convinced, is the Abbess of the monastery.

And the language "idle and crafty", as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin says in the famous "Prophet", is being torn out by the roots.

Sometimes in the literal sense, as it happened with us.


Zakhar! why are you persecuting me? It's hard for you to go against the shred

Sometimes the rampage was used as a weapon. For example, the Israeli judge and warrior Samegar killed 600 Philistines ( Court. 3:31).

In Holy Scripture, this shepherd's tool is often mentioned in figurative expressions. So King Solomon wrote that “the words of the wise - like an ox's throat, ”because they can motivate a person to make the right decision. --Eccl. 12:11.

The resurrected Jesus also used the word "rampage" in a figurative sense. He said to Saul: "It's hard for you to go against the prick." His words paint the image of a stubborn animal that does not go where the owner directs him with a goose. Saul, showing wisdom, followed Jesus' advice, changed his life path and became the apostle Paul.

trouble horny genus. p. -zhná "stake, sharp pole", rozhny many. "manure pitchfork", Ukrainian rozhen, genus. n. -zhna, Russian-tslav. razhn - the same (Goldblast of the 12th century; see Srezn. III, 19), razhn "stake; fork", Jerem. (Ghoul; see Srezn., Ibid.), Bulg. r'zhen "poker, spit", Serbo-Horv. rázhaњ-, genus. n. -zhњa "spit", Slovenian. rážǝnj, genus. n. -žnja, Czech. rožeň, Polish. rożen, v.-puddles. rožеń, p.-puddles. rožеń, rožоn. The work from horn is hampered by the forms to ra-, which suggest the origin from * orzn- or * orzni̯o- (Torbjörnsson 1, 64; Mladenov 565; Brueckner 466). On the other hand, the question is raised about the origin from raz, raziti and rapprochement with rog, for example. Brandt, RFV 23, 100. Comparison with the Greek is unconvincing. ὄρχατος "fence", ὀρχάς, -άδος f. "fence...


Go crazy! Vlad. Wish for bad luck bad smb. SRNG 5, 150.

Go against the devil. Psk. Resist, resist great strength. SPP 2001, 65.

What the hell? Simple. Rude. 1. What else (needed, not enough)? 2. Why why? FSRYa, 391; BMS 1998, 494.

Fuck you? Crow. Why? What for? SRNG 35, 156.

No bullshit. Simple. Absolutely nothing. SRNG 21, 214; BMS 1998, 495; SRNG 35, 156.

Shove against the shred. Simple. Same as ask for trouble 1. FSRYa, ...


-zhna , m. is outdated.

Pointed pole, count

The atamans shook their heads thoughtfully, looking at the scythes, rods and pitchforks, of which there were ten times more in the army than squeaks and muskets. Zlobin, Stepan Razin.

- Luka, don't let anyone in, - do you hear? - Well - will they break? - What are you - not a man? - Okay, I’m them. A. N. Tolstoy, Peter the First.

climb ((or shove etc.)) on the rampage; shove against the devil


do smth. deliberately risky, doomed to failure.

What the hell?

ROJON `Crossword Dictionary`

1. Sharp stake.
2. Strong checker.
3. In Russia, this word was used to describe a sharp stake used as a weapon, as well as an aggressive, stubborn, dangerous person.
4. A reckless one climbs on him.
5. A stake that is not advised to climb.


ROZHON-zhna; m. Outdated. Pointed pole, count Go on smb.(armed with a stake).

Climb (shove) on the horn; Shoot against the shit. Spread-down Do smth. deliberately risky, doomed to failure. What the hell? Rough. Why? What for? What the hell (it is necessary, not enough, asks, etc.). Rough. What else does)?

Great Dictionary of Russian language. - 1st ed.: SPb .: Norint S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998

(Judgment 3.31; 1C 13.21; Acts 9.5; 26.14) - a pointed pole (possibly with a metal tip), which is used to drive bulls and oxen.

This word, which calls an object that resembles a stake, is used mainly in expressions to ask for trouble, what the hell, is formed from the same basis as shrog. This tool was used to hunt a bear, which was fixed in the expression to climb on the rampage.

rozhna, m. (obl. obsolete). Sharp stake, reinforced in an inclined position. Climb (go) on the horn (colloquial) - take deliberately risky actions that are doomed to failure and promise trouble. No bullshit (vernacular vulg.). - nothing. I won't give you a shit. What the hell (gotta, missing)? (vernacular vulg.) - what else do you need? What else do they want? Turgenev. Why the hell are you missing? - the mother was angry. G. Uspensky. Against the prick (go, shove; colloquially) - to act with useless means Against force, when all actions are deliberately doomed to failure. I said to myself: never shit Against the prick. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Needs must when the devil drives. What (or coy) trouble (vernacular vulg.) - why, what? What trouble did you call me with you?


(Acts 9: 5) - a long, pointed stick used to drive the oxen. The meaning of the expression is it's hard to go against the shred was a proverb, which got its beginning from the fact that oxen that lagged behind the herd often run into trouble, those. are driven by the tip of the end of a stick and, receiving a sensitive pain from that, accelerate the course behind the herd. As a result, the proverb means the stupidity and madness of people who resist the command of the authorities or the admonition of their conscience. Most pagan writers cite this proverb in friendly circles to show the absurdity of such resistance.

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synoidal translation. Bible Encyclopedia..

Joshua. How to get God's promised land or "sacred" genocide

"Israeli judges". And who are the judges? or 300 year old blitz krieg

The Book of Judges of Israel is short story about the 300-year period of the struggle for power between the tribal leaders (knee kings) and the Levites, about the period of the life of the Jews without major leaders-Fuhrer, such as Moses or Joshua, who would be able to subjugate the people and rule with an iron hand. Those who managed to get hold of power, or, more precisely, those who were allowed to steer the Levites, are called, shyly, "judges." Note, even in Russian translation, they are called not tsars, leaders, elders, or, at worst, godfathers, but "judges." The book describes mainly the military conflicts of the Jews, who, when they were not engaged in intercourse, diligently carried out the intended program - they occupied the "promised" land to them, which, although it was previously divided between all the tribes of Israel, like a skin unkilled bear however, it has not yet been fully occupied.
All the tribes fought, but not everyone got military luck. For example, the tribes of Judah and Simeon, united, defeated the army of the Canaanites and Perrezeans and destroyed 10,000 people, and the tribe of Dan fought with the Amorites, but without any success - they drove the Jews to high mountains and did not allow them to descend into the valley. Apparently, the Almighty could not keep up with everyone. There were also very annoying punctures. So, despite the fact that "The Lord was with Judas", the inhabitants of a certain valley could not be carved out, since they had iron chariots. (Judges 1:19). The Bible, of course, did not indicate what kind of valley it was, how the valiant Jews fought with a tribe with "high technologies" and why the Almighty was too lazy to destroy these very chariots.
And then - in general, everything went awry. Some tribes of Israel, bypassing Jehovah's direct orders, did not “eradicate” all the inhabitants of the conquered territories, despite the fact that the Almighty was intensely “hardening the hearts” of the local population. The knee of Venamin became famous for its shameful softness, which did not slaughter all the Jebusites in Jerusalem; the tribe of Manasseh, which did not drive out the inhabitants of Bethsan (or Scythopolis), as well as the tribes of Ephraim, Zebulun, Asher and Naphtali. Instead of total annihilation, the local population was levied tribute, and the Jews themselves began to quietly "Do evil in the sight of the Lord God of his fathers", i.e. do what, on pain of death, a jealous God categorically forbade to do - serve other Gods, in particular Baal and Astarte, and also enter into mixed marriages with the natives. Apparently, Jehovah's genius plan for the total elimination of the indigenous tribes "On behalf of the Israelites" and maintaining the purity of the race has failed. And all due to the fact that the executors of the plan were caught very unsuccessful, "tough", who were striving to "fall away" from Jehovah and "Walking prodigally after other Gods".
Briefly, the history of the Jewish tribes can be summarized as follows. Military success was changeable, despite the "assistance" of an evil jealous man, and now it is explained in such a way that, allegedly for falling away and fornication, Jehovah periodically "betrayed" the Jews into the hands of various rulers with whom they fought. Those, of course, terribly oppressed the poor fellows who, in despair, “cried out” to Jehovah and who sent on someone the Spirit, of course, the Lord, and was appointed judge of Israel, who liberated the Jews. For some time they lived "righteously", and after the death of the next judge, they began to fornicate again (apparently, it was not at all sweet to live under the bloody leadership of the Levites). First, the Jews were betrayed into the hands of Husarfam - the king of Mesopotamia - for 8 years. Gothniel saved the Israelites and judged Israel, that is, he ruled them for 40 years. After his death, the Jews again “began to do evil in the eyes of the Lord,” for which Jehovah sent them to Eglon, king of Moab, for 18 years. This time, Ehud became the savior, who with one hand bringing tribute, with the other hand pierced Eglon with a sword, and then, having gathered the children of Israel, destroyed 10,000 Moabites. After Ehud, there was Samegar, who killed 600 Philistines with an ox's horn.
Then, by the will of Jehovah, the Jews were in the hands of Jabin, the king of Canaan for 20 years. He had 900 iron chariots, and a military leader was a certain Sisera. The prophetess Deborah, who was at that time the judge of Israel and Barak from the tribe of Naphtali, gathered an army of 10,000 people (oh, how the biblical writers liked this figure). Jehovah naturally helped in battle by the fact that "... confused Sisera and all his chariots and all his army from the sword of Barakov" (Judg. 4:15). The Bible praises the feat of a woman named Jael, who blew out the brains of Sisera with a stake and a hammer when he recklessly decided to take refuge in her tent, hoping that there was peace between their tribes.
Then the Jews were betrayed into the hands of the Midianites for 7 years, from which they had to climb to live in the mountains. In addition, the Midianites, and with them the Amalekites, took away all the fruits of the land and all the animals, leaving no food for the Jews. The cries of the elect reached the ears of Jehovah that they had left, and he sent them another judge. It was Gideon, aka Jerobaal, from the tribe of Manasseh. He spoke with the Lord, brought him a sacrifice, destroyed the altar of Baal, gathered an army of 32,000 and, begging the Almighty for a couple of signs to be sure of victory, moved on the enemy. However, Jehovah did not like such a large army. He was afraid that in case of victory, the Jews would become proud and ascribe all the glory to themselves. We began to weed out. The timid and timid, of whom there were 22,000, were sent back, and from the rest they chose the most worthy, in a very peculiar way - they were forced to drink water from the river. Those who began to lap water from their hands (like dogs) ended up in the liberators. There were 300 of them. The rest 9,700 were sent home.
The all-good, naturally, personally directed the operation. He sent Gideon to reconnaissance in the enemy camp, where he overheard one Midianite telling another about a "fateful" dream about barley bread, which rolled over the camp and hit the tent. The second - instantly interpreted the dream: death is coming to them from the sword of Gideon and from the God of the Eve. And so it happened. Brave Jewish warriors in the number of 300 people at night approached the camp of the Midianites, of whom there were 120,000 people, surrounded (!) It with a lamp in one hand and a trumpet in the other, shouting "the sword of the Lord and the sword of Gideon!" such a panic of the enemy that they killed themselves. Some, however, managed to escape, but they were caught and destroyed.
This is the art of war! This is God's help! 300 against 120,000. Even ninja turtles fly like plywood over Jerusalem. Or is this a slight exaggeration of the Bible writers? Zero, or even two or three, more, zero less: what's the difference?
Another famous judge was Abimelech, the son of Gideon, famous for the fact that he killed 70 of his paternal brothers and ruled the Jews for 3 years, until a piece of millstone fell on his head and broke his skull. One of Israel's judges was Jephthah, the son of a harlot. Although, according to the law of Moses, he could not be a judge. "The son of a harlot cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord, and the tenth generation cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord." (Deut. 23: 2). But this one could! He fought with the Ammonites and made a vow to the Lord that, in case of victory, he would burn the first person he met on the altar. His own daughter was the first to leave the city gates! Jehovah was so pleased to receive this sacrifice that he did not stop Jephthah, as Abraham once did. Jephthah Burned His Own Daughter on Jehovah's Altar! And yet, the inter-tribal conflict added to this judge's fame, in which he destroyed 42,000 lisping Ephraimians (Judges 12: 5-6).
After Jephthah, there were several more judges, known mainly for the number of their offspring (60-40 people each). The most delicious figure in the “Book of Judges” is Judge Samson, who judged Israel for 20 years. He became famous not for "valiant" military campaigns, not for the large number of exterminated infidels, and not even for the length of his reign, but solely for his bad strength (one at which there is no mind at all). Samson was "immaculately" conceived by a Jewess from the Angel of the Lord (under the guise of which Jehovah often spoke) and was consecrated as a Nazarene (a servant of God). Therefore, Samson was categorically not recommended to cut his hair, eat unclean food and drink alcoholic drinks... However, he never became a minister, since he violated all the recommendations of the Almighty Dad.
Burning with divine hatred for the Gentiles, he devoted his whole life to all kinds of extermination of the uncircumcised Philistines. Among his "great deeds" are the following: he beat them with a fresh donkey jaw, killing 1000 people, setting fire to their field very in an original way: I caught 300 foxes, tied them in pairs and put torches between their tails, and also, tore off the city gates and dragged them to the top of the mountain. Looking for an opportunity to take revenge on his hated enemies, he was twice married to Philistines. And twice it was unsuccessful. Through the fault of his first wife, he, having let it slip, lost the bet. And in his second marriage he paid for his talkative language with strength, freedom and life itself. The beautiful Delilah cut off his hair, thereby depriving him of the strength and protection of Jehovah, and earning herself a little money for a living.
The last thing that Samson did (according to the script of the biblical writers inexhaustible for fantasy) - already, being blinded, pulled himself up and brought down a huge house, which, apparently in the fashion of that time, was built on two hefty pillars (well, of course, it is more convenient to live than just on the ground!). And he accomplished this "feat", exactly when the owners, quite recklessly, sat down to dinner with the invited guests. Yes, and for this dining room lewdness, watched from the roof of the same house, no more, no less, 3,000 spectators !!! Of course, the audience was carefully counted before being allowed to climb onto the roof - apparently, they already guessed that this "feat" will be immortalized in a "sacred" book for "prepared" readers who will not even be surprised at this "heroic" action, born in whose something sick and inflamed brain.
This "sacred" book ends with another, very peculiar story, "carefully and truthfully" recorded by the biblical writers. A certain Levite with his concubine, by the will of fate, ended up in a city called Gibeah, located on the territory of the tribe of Venaminov. As soon as he stopped for the night in one of the houses, the depraved city dwellers, consumed with a thirst for "knowing" the essence of this traveler, besieged the house of the hospitable host and demanded to give up the guest (we have already gone through this with Lot and the "angels" in the story about Sodom and Gomorrah) ... In return, they were offered and given out the immaculate daughter of the owner of the house and the concubine of the guest (apparently, this was a normal phenomenon among the Jews). The Bible is silent about what happened to the owner's daughter, but the concubine was not lucky. She was bullied all night and she died under the doorstep of the house. Seeing such a thing, the Levite cut the woman's body into 12 parts and sent them to the knees, apparently as an invitation to the arrow.
Gathered a general meeting. The tribe of Venaminov was ordered to hand over the wicked for execution. But they refused. And then 26,700 people (what an accurate record !!!) from the Veneamin tribe went to war against 400,000 (!!!) Israelis. And they lost. Only 600 people were saved (what a record! Again they knew that they would go to the Bible !!!). And the Israelites swore not to give their daughters to the sons of Venamin. But then, of course, they came to their senses. After all, a whole tribe of Israel is lost for a pinch of tobacco. Then they decided to help them get wives for themselves. And they helped, moreover, in a very original way. In the tribe that was not on the general oath, men and women were massacred, only virgins were left. There were 400 of them. The missing were advised to steal from Shiloh. And this disgrace was happening, allegedly for one reason only: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what seemed fair to him " (Judges 21:25).

1. The first thing that strikes in the Book of Judges of Israel is the absolute absence of any mention of the creative work of the chosen people during these 300 years! How did they live? According to the Bible, they roamed, multiplied and killed. They killed and plundered a lot (how could it be otherwise?), Willingly multiplied and moved to new places that had not yet been devastated by them. If someone already lived where they went, immediately there were convincing pretexts and justifications for universal murder (now this is called a foreign word "genocide" - is there something wrong with the genes ?!). And so - for 300 years! Although, this is not the first and not the last of their 300-year-olds.
2. This time, the Book of Books has surpassed itself in the number of inconsistencies, absurdities, exaggerations and simply frank, unpretentious lies. Let's remember some of the, um ... "oddities":
The book of Joshua (Joshua 21: 43-45) says that Jehovah kept all his promises. And he gave the land, and destroyed all enemies, and provided peace. However, we see a completely opposite picture in the book of Judges - continuous wars.
The number of Canaanites, Perrezeans and Ammonites, exterminated at different times, was exactly 10,000 !? As a weapon of mass destruction, were used ox horn and fresh donkey jaw !? Fantastic victories of the Jews by incomprehensible methods. Gideon vs. Midian: 300 vs. 120,000 !?
Incredible in its idiocy story of setting fire to a field with the help of foxes. Wasn't it just possible to throw a torch on the field? The most fantastic is the last feat of Samson - the collapse of the Philistine "Palace of Congresses".
3. Jehovah, once again, is represented as a liar, a scoundrel, a traitor, a bloody murderer and tyrant, whose ways are really quite inscrutable. Why is Jehovah so intransigent about other “Gods”? Why is he tapping his feet and drooling like that, as if he were not God, but an ordinary epileptic? Where does God get such animal fear? And who, after all, is he so much afraid of that he beats his own people in mortal combat for any, even the slightest, disobedience? "The Lord sent robbers against them and raised up judges who saved them from the robbers."... If the "loving Lord" had not sent the robbers, then there would be no need for judges. Jehovah did not disdain the help of "barbarian kings" so that they would thoroughly frighten the obstinate as punishment for fornication with other Gods (let's not forget that the Bible gives such an explanation).
As the supreme rulers, naturally by the will of Jehovah (the Levites?), There were very odious personalities. For example, the fratricide Abimelech; former robber, murderer of his own daughter and 42,000 other Jewish brothers, Jephthah; and Samson, sung later in the cinema and cast in bronze, in comparison with which the wooden Pinocchio is the embodiment of universal wisdom. Jehovah did not even think to stop the massacre of 42,000 Jews from the tribe of Ephraim. But the sons of the people he had chosen perished. Also, not being satisfied with only calves and lambs, he "allowed" to bring him human sacrifice .
4. The "sacred" deeds of the ancestors of the Jews, glorified by the Bible, leave a very depressing impression. It turns out that other peoples existed solely to serve the various purposes of the chosen people. The intensified “hardening of the heart” of the local population by Jehovah was undertaken in order for them to resist and give the Jews a reason and “legal justification” for the massacre: "... for it was from the Lord that they hardened their hearts and met Israel in war - so that they would be put to a curse and that there would be no mercy for them, but that they would be destroyed as the Lord commanded Moses." (Josh. 11:20). When, through the fault of the elect, total extermination did not work out, Jehovah mercifully decided to give life to some peoples, but not just like that - their life and fate should, it turns out, according to the Bible, serve exclusively propaganda purposes: to exist, allegedly, as a test of the Jews loyalty to Jehovah, and to be teaching material for future Jewish warriors in future wars (Judges 3: 1-4). Betrayal and meanness (the murder of the Moabite king when presenting gifts by a military leader who asked for asylum) is considered a virtue and is sung in songs. The spirit of God descends on the son of God - Samson and he kills 30 innocent people to pay off the lost dispute.
5. The last story the book evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, this is an obvious internecine war, which, of course, is being waged for power. They have nothing more to fight for: they get everything else in the course of predatory wars on the side. On the other hand, the primitivism and even stupidity of the invented explanation, shamelessly ripped off from the first book of Moses (the story of Sodom and Gomorrah), is completely surprising, and it is likely that no one will read this text. So you can get by with this nonsense. I am immensely outraged by the absolutely cynical statement of the Biblical writers, which serves as a justification for the theft of the Silom virgins: “… And when their fathers or their brothers come with a complaint to us, we will say to them: forgive us for them, for we did not take a wife for each of them in the war, and you did not give them; now you are guilty " (Judges 21:22).
6. Having become acquainted with the next opus from the “sacred and true” Book of Books, we again ask ourselves questions. What is so sacred, true, and even more so, wise, have we learned? Have we managed to take even a small step towards enlightenment with knowledge? Why, over the years, have we taken their word for it to those who “enthusiastically” read the Bible and “found” bottomless wells of great wisdom and inspiration in it? Why did we not notice before, and even now we do not notice the absolute mediocrity and even primitiveness of the biblical writings and the complete dullness and illiteracy of the biblical writers who did this?
Are we all already zombified, like the Jews several thousand (or hundreds) years ago? For what purpose have hundreds of years been imposed on us, often even by fire and sword, the Bible, in which we find only deception, meanness, envy, jealousy, cruelty and murder ???

Ruth. King David's great-grandmother or how to get settled in the life of a lonely woman

"1 Book of Kings". How the Tsar was chosen for the Jews or a guide for a novice racketeer

"2 Book of Kings". Who invented the Holocaust or "sacred" methods of holding on to power

“The Second Book of Kingdoms” continues to acquaint us with the absolutely “sacred” facts of the biography of the second Jewish king - the former shepherd David, with his no less “sacred” methods of ascending the throne and reigning. The previous book ended with the fact that David, along with his gang, were in political exile in the land of the Philistines. While they were going about their business - robbery - King Saul fought. As a result of the war, Saul and his three sons, including David's love Jonathan, died in the battle with the Philistines. David and his henchmen, on this occasion, tore their clothes on, wept and fasted, right up to the evening. The messenger who brought the fatal news along with the royal crown and bracelet and boasted that he himself had killed Saul, David ordered to send after the dead king. This is not the first time David has shown the value of the life of God's anointed one. I wonder where a simple shepherd has such views. Did you care about your future otherwise? The country split into two camps - Judea and Israel. David ruled Judea, with the capital in Hebron, for 7 years. Israel formally ruled, out of nowhere who came from, the fourth son of Saul - Ishbosheth, enthroned by the military leader of the late king - Abner.
Abner and David were constantly at odds with each other. In one of the battles, Abner, unwillingly, killed Asael, one of the three brothers who devotedly served David when he was the chieftain of the gang. The other two, Joab and Abisha, became blood enemies of the Israeli military leader. In Israel, in fact, Abner was the ruler. Feeling himself a sovereign master, he took for himself one of the concubines of the deceased Saul. This was probably out of the ordinary, since even the fearful Ishbosheth, overcoming his fear, expressed his displeasure with him in a very harsh form. The insulted Abner vowed that he would take the kingdom from the house of Saul and give it to David. Fulfilling the threat, he sent ambassadors to David with a proposal for peace. And he didn't forget about himself - he asked for a place, almost a co-ruler. David agreed, but on one condition - princess Michal, his first wife, would be returned to him. Ishbosheth had to take his sister away from her legal husband and send her to the extortionist. Michal did not really need David, however, in the struggle for power, David used everyone and everything.
Abner, with the support of the Israeli elders, came with a delegation to David. The deal was concluded, feasted on and Abner departed to deal with Ishbosheth. However, as you understand, he did not go far. Joab caught up with him and stabbed him to death, avenging his brother's death. Hearing about this, David immediately declared himself innocent in the blood of Abner and heaped a bunch of curses on Joab's head. As usual, they tore up their clothes, gave them a vote, and also fasted until evening. But how was the murderer of the peaceful ambassador punished? But in no way. Joab remained at the head of David's army. In this case, David's innocence is questionable. It is highly doubtful that the elimination of the first persons of a hostile state took place, at least without approval, and even not on the direct order of the tsar. In other words, David simply dealt with Abner, who was stuffing himself into his companions, with the hands of Joab, and then, still hypocritically wept over his tomb. However, the people, for whom this whole performance with a mourning fast was designed, simply adored such a noble and pious king. Deceit and hypocrisy remained behind the scenes.
On the way to the throne of the united kingdom stood alone Ishbosheth. Left alone, without a commander, he was completely defenseless. He was dealt with by two leaders of his own army. And the head, hoping for a reward, was brought to David. However, they miscalculated. For the fact that these two killed "An innocent man in his house, on his bed", they were quartered and hung. David's “noble” words and actions could be taken at face value, if the death of the lawful king Ishbosheth was not so beneficial to him. The scene of the murder of King Ishbosheth is also quite remarkable. They killed him in a dream, during a siesta, that is, in broad daylight. From the guard, the king had a gatekeeper who cleaned the wheat. It turns out that the tsar slept not in the tsar's mansion, but in some kind of barn, where the murderers entered, supposedly to take wheat. They also killed the gatekeeper and fled, and then returned and cut off the king's head. Later, with the severed head, they went to David. And no one detained them. And why is it, you never know who to the king in the barn in broad daylight. As a result, David began to rule the united state. He decided to move the capital to Jerusalem. It remains only to expel from it its native inhabitants - the Jebusites, who have lived there from time immemorial. Jerusalem was taken, and for the mockery of the Jebusites over their army, they say, our weak lame and blind will chase you, David ordered to kill all the lame and blind. Offended hefty. "... That is why it is said: the blind and the lame will not enter the house of the Lord." (2 Kings 5: 8) Very merciful, a vivid evidence of love for one's neighbor.
The Philistines fought periodically with David. He defeated them in several battles, naturally consulting with Jehovah before each battle, and he prompted, from the rear, or from the front, to enter the enemy. For more convenient communication with the Almighty, David decided to transport Jehovah's ark to the capital. However, he was not sure how he would react to the transportation, especially since one of the sons of the high priests died during the move. Jehovah did not like that the boy touched the ark, holding it so that it would not fall. Therefore, the cautious David decided to play it safe and expose the other to the possible wrath of God. He left the ark with a certain Aveddar. After three months, nothing happened to that, moreover, "The Lord blessed the house of Aveddar." The ark was brought to Jerusalem. On this occasion, unprecedented celebrations were thrown. And the king himself is naked "I rode and danced before the Lord" that Michal even made a remark to the king, so to speak, "on the costume." However, "taken from the flock of sheep" was ready to do anything for the conferring of the title of "the leader of Israel." "I am humbled, I rise." David subdued the Philistines and the Moabites. Most of these peoples were exterminated. The number of people to be destroyed was measured with ropes. “And he smote the Moabites, and measured them with a line, laying them on the ground; and he measured two ropes for killing, and one rope for keeping alive ... ". (2 Samuel 8: 2).
In addition, David subdued Syria and Idumea and made them pay tribute. War booty flocked to Jerusalem: gold, silver, copper. He also fought with the Ammonites. And he dealt with them very cruelly. “And the people who were in it, he brought out and put them under the saws, under the iron threshers, under the iron axes, and threw them into the kilns. So he did with all the cities of the Ammonites ... " (2 Kings 12:31). But the Ammonites and Moabites, as the descendants of Lot, Abraham's nephew, were also Semites, so to speak, brothers, but they worshiped only other Gods.
It is interesting that Joab invited Rabba David to take the city of Ammon. He sent a messenger to David asking him to hurry before the city fell. Because, in this case, all the glory will go not to the king, but to him, Joab. (2 Kings 12: 27-28) And the king hastened and entered the city at the head of the army. This is how David accomplished "great feats." By the way, about attributing great deeds to the king. A certain Elnahan, the son of Jagare-Orgim of Bethlehem, killed Goliath Gefyan, "whose spear shaft was like a beam of weavers." (2 Kings 21:19). At the dawn of his career, David also fought with a certain Goliath of Gath, who also had a spear shaft like a weaver's beam (1 Sam.17: 4-7). Interesting, right? Surely the Bible writers lied somewhere? Where?
David cruelly dealt not only with external, but also with internal enemies. Almost the entire family of Saul, with the exception of the lame son Jonathan, and all his associates were destroyed. The frail Mephibosheth did not pose any danger to David, so it was generously decided to keep him alive. Kind of like in memory of the oath that David once made to his beloved friend Jonathan. Saul's descendant received land, slaves and a seat at the king's table, which at the same time allowed David to keep him under constant supervision. Being engaged in strengthening the throne and expanding borders, David, however, did not forget about his personal life. Once, walking along the roof of the royal house, in the neighboring courtyard he saw a woman bathing (apparently the royal chambers were still those). He liked her, and he sent servants to take her. Everything would be fine, but she was the wife of Uriah the Hittite - a devoted and responsible military man who fought alongside Jobab. While the husband risked his life for the king, the king amused himself with his wife. And I had some more fun. Bathsheba became pregnant.
A scandal was brewing. The king, of course, in theory, could sleep with whoever he pleases - with Bathsheba and Uriah, and at the same time. However, first, according to the Mosaic Law, lovers must be put to death. Secondly, the military served as the mainstay of his power, and it was not known how they would react to the humiliation of one of them, even by the king. David is making a desperate attempt to save the situation - he did not want to spoil his carefully crafted image, and jokes with the military are bad. He calls Uriah, allegedly to familiarize himself with the situation at the front, gives him a drink and hopes that he will immediately run home to his wife and her pregnancy will be legal. But it was not there. The devoted soldier, you see, was uncomfortable to rest on the featherbeds when his comrades-in-arms were in the field. David's plan fell through. Then he sends Uriah with a letter to Jobab, where he orders to put the horned husband in the most dangerous area. Uriah dies. At the end of the mourning, David took Bathsheba into his harem. The child who was born died on the 7th day, allegedly for a crime committed by David. However, soon David comforted Bathsheba again, and she bore him a son - Solomon. The sons of David, seeing a worthy role model in front of them, acted accordingly. The eldest Amnon raped his sister Tamar (David's daughter from another wife), and then he hated her. And he had nothing.
However, Absalom, Tamar's brother, harbored a grudge and looked for an opportunity to settle accounts with the rapist. Two years later, he threw a sheep-shearing party, where he invited all his brothers. During the feast, Absalom's servants killed Amnon. Absalom, fleeing David's wrath, fled. Three years later, the king forgave him, he returned and began to weave intrigues against his father (worthy son!). With several henchmen, Absalom entered Hebron and proclaimed himself king. David suddenly got scared of something and rushed out of Jerusalem on the rebar, leaving his harem “for keeping the house,” but simply, to the mercy of fate. Absalom entered the capital. However, he made a few mistakes and succumbed to the influence of Elder Husiyah, who pretended to betray David. But in fact, he was left to them to find out the plans of the conspirators and upset them. Ultimately, the conspiracy was suppressed, and Absalom was killed by Joab. After the death of Absalom, Jerusalem continued to remain in the hands of the conspirators, led by Amessai, the new commander-in-chief. However, this time, David did not blunder. He sent a messenger to Amesai with a dispatch, in which he swore that he would make him commander-in-chief instead of Joab. (2 Kings 19:13) And Amessai took a peck. The first thing David did when he returned to the capital was to punish his wives and concubines, who did not keep his house and allowed Absalom to enter them. He put them under lock and key and bypassed them until their death. And Joab, as usual, dealt with Amesa - he stabbed him. A faithful companion, without words, he understood the wishes of the king.
Then there was an attack - hunger for 3 years. Jehovah whispered to David that all evil comes from the bloodthirsty house of Saul, who somehow wanted (only wanted!) To destroy the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites are those Ammoreites who, not wanting to be cut out by the army of Joshua, tricked him into swearing that he would leave them alive. Saul, of course, did not have to follow this oath. However, nowhere in the Bible does Saul mention any intentions for this people. So, supposedly now, 40 years after the reign of Saul, they came to David and began to demand from him the death of the surviving descendants of Saul for some of his alleged sins before them. David urgently granted their request - 7 people of Saul's descendants were hanged. The situation is quite fantastic. Why did the Jewish king jump running to fulfill the wishes of some Amorites who were not even Semites? It's just that David, following his long tradition, used (or invented) any excuse to remove enemies. This is how he "performed judgment and righteousness." Now we also have an idea of ​​what “truth” David was creating and what we can learn from him ...

1. This time, the “Holy Scripture” told us, among other things, how to achieve power and keep it. For this, it is very appropriate to use such "sanctified by God" methods as deception, betrayal, murder. A newcomer in power circles is encouraged to find strong allies, conclude a cooperation agreement with them, and then eliminate them (for example, Abner and Amesai). It is also advisable to get rid of all who can claim a place, or keep them under control (Mephibosheth and 7 hanged grandchildren of Saul). All this information about the life and godly activities of the Jewish kings would not concern us in any way if it remained just myths about the life of the ancient Jews. However, they were included in the "holy book" for half of the world's population, a book on which people swear to speak "the truth and only the truth", on which presidents of many countries swear allegiance. Interestingly, this mockery was deliberately invented by someone or was it "accidentally" it happened?
2. The Bible writes about the moral inferiority and criminality of Jewish kings and their offspring in a completely ordinary, boring and sleepy language, as if accustoming us to the fact that everything is allowed to them, and Jehovah is just so sick of it. The tsar's son raped his sister and abandoned her, the crowned dad beat off his wife from the war hero, violating the Mosaic commandment "Do not desire ...", and sent himself to death; another son was thirsty for power and he wove a conspiracy against his own father, from whom he learned all this. So routinely and even boringly it is said that the Jews killed thousands and thousands of innocent civilians: children, women, men and old people, and even cattle. And all this - with tacit approval and by order of the "all-loving" and "all-forgiving" sadist Jehovah. Well, isn't that idiocy? And the presidents and heads of government of many countries swear on this too! Or maybe they just know very well what they swear on and what the oaths on the Bible are worth? By the way, David's companions all over the world are multiplying diligent followers.
3. It's funny that the Bible is the primary source of such "sacred" acts as racket and holocaust ... And they were all done not by some bandit and bloody sadist, but by the "great" Jewish king David. This is his sign in the form of a six-pointed star, worn on his chest by his followers. By the way, the Holocaust is a Greek word for sacrifice among the ancient Jews, in which the sacrifice was completely devoured by fire. We found the first mention of this sacred and pious deed in ... the Bible. It turns out that it is true that the one who shouts “stop the thief” loudest of all is, quite possibly, not entirely sincere.
4. The Bible and Christianity very persistently instill a slave mentality into the consciousness of man. All Christians are slaves of God, and since all power is from God, the slaves also belong to the power! So ... don't blame me. "And Mephibosheth bowed down and said, What is thy servant, that thou hast looked upon such a dead dog as me?" (2 Samuel 9: 8). This is said by one representative of the royal family to another representative. Can you imagine, monkey? Even if the color of the nation is the aristocracy - despicable slaves, dead dogs, then ... what can ordinary people be brought to?
5. For some reason, it seems that with the Bible we were all very much cheated! This book, which does not contain any wisdom at all (in the understanding of normal people, and not thieves, murderers and sadists), is completely inappropriate for the role of a holy book, and even quite the opposite. She is completely not sacred book; was written at one time for completely different creatures, who were not allowed along the path of the movement of all mankind, but were sent across to it.

"3 book of Kings". Attraction of unprecedented wisdom or what is the "holiness" of the prophet Elijah

"The third book of kingdoms" completes our acquaintance with the treacherous king David and tells about who took his place. King David ruled the Jews for 40 years. In old age, he got sick - he still could not get warm. So that Jehovah's deputy on earth would not knock out his last teeth, shaking from the cold, they found a living heating pad for him. A certain Avisaga Sunammite. The beautiful maiden both served and followed the king, but he could not get to know her. In general, David got worn out at hard work. Seeing this, David's fourth son, Adonijah, was preparing to sit in his father's place. After the death of the brothers Amnon and Absalom (nothing is known about the second son of David - Daluia), he had the legal right to the throne. He was supported by very influential people of the state - the military leader Joab and the high priest Abiathar. However, a certain priest Zadok, the prophet Nathan and other "strong Davidovs", as well as the beloved wife of Bathsheba, made a small palace coup and persuaded the decrepit David to bypass the legitimate heir and put the seventh (!) Son at the head of the kingdom of Solomon.
Solomon was still anointed to the kingdom, and David was preparing to appear before the Most High. Before his death, he asked Solomon to "act according to wisdom" and punish Joab, his faithful but too independent military leader - for the death of Abner and Amesai - as well as a certain Semey, who called him somehow a murderer and wicked. Incredibly, even with one foot in the grave, David was in his repertoire - he tried to remove unwanted employees with someone else's hands, even if it were the hands of his own son. However, the son did not mind, especially since it was in his interests to get rid of Joab - a very influential person at the court of David, who, moreover, supported Adonijah.
Here Solomon followed the example of his father and chose to play the executioner a certain Beneya, the son of Iodaev. Finding an insignificant reason (Adonijah asked for Avisaga-hot water bottle), Solomon ordered Vania to get rid of his brother, although he promised that not a single hair would fall from his head, and from the commander Joab. Joab was stabbed right in the sanctuary, despite the fact that he grabbed the horns of the altar. This was a terrible sin - the law forbade killing at the altar so as not to desecrate the sanctuary. However, Jehovah did not react to this obvious violation and did not punish Benaiah for sacrilege, although he sometimes punished him with death for less (2 Kings 6: 6-7), and the new king even appointed him commander-in-chief. Thanks to the continuous wars of the previous kings Saul and David, Solomon inherited a very vast country - "from the Euphrates River to the land of the Philistines and to the borders of Egypt." In addition, the Almighty also favored the newly anointed one. One day he came to Solomon and offered gifts to choose from. The modest tsar, the "little lad," asked for a reasonable heart. Jehovah liked this, and he weighed Solomon's mind, which never and no one else had and will never have.
Here, most likely, the biblical writers overdid it. It is, of course, understandable that our tsar is the most, the most ... However, it seems that rumors about the exorbitant Solomon wisdom are slightly exaggerated. As an illustration of embodied wisdom, the Bible cites the following incident. Two harlots (!!) easily came to the king (!), Who did not share one child, and Solomon proposed a Solomon solution - to cut the child in half and give the halves to the arguing ladies (1 Kings 3: 16-27). A real mother, naturally, agreed to give up her child, if only it remained alive. And the wise Solomon immediately realized who the child belongs to by right. This unparalleled episode, according to the biblical writers, should have convinced everyone of the deepest wisdom of King Solomon. However, the only thing he convinces the thinking reader is in the primitivism, artificiality and far-fetchedness of the described episode.
In fact, intelligence and intelligence (or maybe just laziness) is evidenced by the fact that Solomon understood that he did not need to fight. He preferred to enter into trade alliances and pay off commercial debts with his cities (1 Kings 9: 10-11). Peace has come to Israel. Trade developed at a rapid pace. Every year the treasury was successfully replenished through taxes and tribute paid to Israel by the conquered peoples. Everything was so peaceful and festive that even silver was depreciated so much that it became equivalent to ordinary stones. And although “Judah and Israel, as numerous as the sand by the sea, ate, drank and rejoiced,” in reality, the life of the Jews was not entirely sweet. Solomon decided to build a temple to Jehovah, a palace for himself, and to enclose Jerusalem with a fortress wall. This required a huge number of workers. The remnants of the Amorites, Hittites, Perrezeans, Hivites and Jebusites were turned into quitrent workers (1 Kings 9: 20-21).
On free Jews, the king imposed a duty in the amount of 30,000 people (1 Kings 5:13). He sent them to logging in Lebanon to cut cedar. The work was so hard that it was necessary to work on a rotational basis - teams of 10,000 people were replaced every three months. In addition, 70,000 heavy carriers and 80,000 stonecutters worked for Solomon. The Bible gives detailed description the temple that Solomon built for Jehovah in Jerusalem. The structure (60x20x30 cubits) was richly decorated, both outside and inside. A huge amount of gold, silver and copper went into its decoration.
Among the decorations of the temple there were several very controversial things from the point of view of the Mosaic laws. Two cherubim, ten cubits each, with two wings, five cubits each (however, how they looked is not described - a strange omission of the biblical writers). Two pillar-statues with their own names: Jachin and Boaz (not otherwise than idols?). The cast copper sea of ​​unknown purpose was propped up by 12 bodies. On the brass stands were depictions of oxen, lions and cherubs. In the temple there was also kept a banner with a brass serpent, strengthened by Moses (Num. 21: 9). All of this was very contrary to the second commandment. "Do not make yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth." (Ex. 20: 4). It can be seen that the Mosaic commandments very squeakily took root in the minds of "tough" Jews, even 500 years after the exodus and bloody domestication in the desert.
Having worked gloriously for the good of the fatherland, Solomon did not forget about himself. And he had 700 wives and 300 concubines (an additional burden on taxpayers). Moreover, they were foreigners, most of them were the ones about whom it was said "Do not enter to them, and let them not enter to you, lest they incline your heart to their Gods"... Moreover, the vile foreigners inclined his heart to foreign Gods, he set up temples for them according to their faith, and he himself began to serve both Astarte and Asa, the son of Abijah. Served Jehovah loyally. He even stripped his mother of the title of queen and personally hacked the idol of Astarte that belonged to her. I had sore legs. Jehoshaphat, son of Asa, ruled for 25 years.
Jeroboam ruled Israel for 22 years. Turned away from Jehovah. He set up two bulls, set up temples for idols. His son Navat ruled for 2 years. Jehovah did not celebrate. He was overthrown by the conspirator Baasa, who destroyed the entire family of Jeroboam "according to the word of the Lord." He himself, however, did not honor Jehovah. Ila, son of Vaasa. He reigned for 2 years. He annoyed Jehovah with non-worship. He died as a result of the conspiracy of the commander Zambri, who again "according to the word of the Lord" destroyed the entire family of Vaasa. I ruled for 7 days. He was defeated by his rival Omri. Burned down in the palace, which he himself set on fire. Omri reigned for 6 years. He did what was wrong with Jehovah. After him, his son Ahab reigned for 22 years. This pagan king, together with his wife Jezebel, who destroyed the prophets of Jehovah, especially vexed God.
Jehovah had only one prophet, Elijah, who was fed by the ravens with meat and bread. The glory of the prophet - the lord of the rain and the healer of the breathless - grew. Jehovah told Elijah to go and "show himself to Ahab." To resolve the dispute over who, whom, and what Gods was embarrassing, Elijah ordered (?!) Ahab to gather 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the groves on a hill (it turns out that then the poor prophets allowed themselves to order the kings, and they rushed with all their might to fulfill their prophetic commands ).
Elijah suggested a competition. Each of the groups had to take the calf, put it on the wood, but not set it on fire, but appeal to their God. The one God who answers with fire is the coolest. In the end, naturally, Jehovah won, sending fire, which ate everything: the calf, and water, and stones, and dust. Baal was put to shame. His servants, naturally false prophets, were to be destroyed. Elijah carried out the sentence with his own hand (!) - stabbed 450 Baal prophets. The Bible is silent about what happened to the 400 oak prophets. However, we doubt that Iliev's hand was "tired" and, most likely, he finished off those who remained the next day.
Such were God's people and deeds then ...

1. Solomon's vaunted wisdom is repeatedly extolled in the Bible. However, these statements are not supported by any factual material. The episode with the "wise" resolution of the dispute between the two prostitutes cannot be taken seriously. In addition, it causes more bewilderment and new questions than approval and understanding. The only place where we saw the wisdom of King Solomon was his peaceful policy and the economic prosperity of the Jewish kingdom. However, so little information is devoted to this in the text that it becomes clear that this wisdom was not at all dear to the hearts of the biblical writers.
2. But in the "sacred" book it is described in detail how to deceive a neighbor and appropriate his property. For example, if you really wanted to get a neighboring vineyard, and the owner refuses to give it up for nothing, you just need to hire two false witnesses who would say that the owner blasphemed God and the king. The owner of the vineyard will be stoned to death. Further, as a sign of grief, you need to rip your clothes, put on sackcloth and ... take possession of the property (1 Kings 21: 1-16).
3. Nothing of the world was foreign to Jehovah's prophets. Continuing the ancient tradition started by Moses, “God's people” adored the mass extermination of the public for the glory of the Almighty. A special piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that, in biblical examples, as a rule, the gentiles were exterminated (for example, 450 Baal prophets). The bloody imposition of the cult of Jehovah served as an excellent example of the method of spreading the Christian faith: by fire, sword and all other "sacred methods."
4. The Bible very persistently explains all the successes and failures of Jewish kings solely by adherence to or falling away from Jehovah. However, after carefully examining the line of Israelite and Jewish kings, we notice that Jehovah is absolutely not punished those who served other Gods, and those who devotedly served him were practically not encouraged in any way. For example, Solomon, who later fell away from Jehovah, reigned very successfully for 40 years, and his great-grandson Asa, who faithfully served Jehovah, also ruled for 40 years, but suffered from a disease of his feet, and the Lord did not heal him for his devotion. The kings of Israel in general, without exception, were mired in "abomination". And if Baasa destroyed the entire family of Jeroboam, allegedly for falling away from the true faith, then the conspirator himself, who sat on the throne, wanted to spit on her (faith). However, he reigned without problems for 24 years.
Not only could Jehovah not get true faith from the leaders of the state, he could not even protect his own house, built for him by Solomon - the Egyptian king Susakim during the reign of Solomon's son Rehoboam, removed all the treasures from there, taking the treasures of the palace along the way. However, sometimes he was pierced, and he, gathering all his strength, “helped” the elect (even on the pages of the Bible) - 7,000 Israelites struck 100,000 Syrians, and those who fled were crushed by a wall. Yes, all 27,000 remaining Syrians diligently and compactly huddled under one special wall and patiently waited for it to crush them all (otherwise there will be nothing to write in the Bible).
5. On the whole, we once again became convinced that the ways and actions of the biblical tribal Almighty turned out to be so inscrutable that they cause very strong doubts about the sanity of the biblical writers and editors of this book. In addition, another logical question arises, are we normal, seriously believing in all this nonsense?

"4 book of Kings". Details of the intimate relationship of Jewish kings with their God

Rojon, a special long stick, a cut plowman drove the oxen. At one end, it had a melallic tip, and at the other, a small blade for removing soil from the ploughshare (opener) (1 Samuel 13:21)... This device forced draft animals to obey and at the same time could serve as a weapon. (Judges 3:31, "bull's rampage"). V Proverbs 22: 5 R. (in the Synod. transl. - "thorns") probably means traps and traps. In a figurative sense, R. names the words of the wise, to-rye instruct people on the true path (in the Synod. Trans. - "needles and hammered nails" - Eccl 12:11). V 1 Cor 15:55 and the next. sin is called the R. of death (in the Synod. trans. - "the sting of death"), because it directs on the path of death.

  • - a special long stick, a cut plowman drove the oxen. At one end, it had a melallic tip, and at the other, a small blade for removing soil from the ploughshare ...

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

  • - stake, pointed pole. On the basis of the misunderstood proverb "against the pricks" - to climb into apparent death, the ancient lovers of mythology, while searching for the ancient deities of the Slavs, did not fail and this expression ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - R....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - on the face / n On the trouble to climb ...

    Together. Apart. Hyphened. Reference dictionary

  • - ROZHON, -zhna, husband. ... Same as count. Go to someone with a goose. ... On the rampage to climb to undertake something. deliberately risky. Shoot against the devil to act against force with unsuitable means ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ROZHON, damn, husband. ... Sharp stake, reinforced in an inclined position. ❖ Climbing on the horn - taking deliberately risky actions that are doomed to failure and promise trouble. No bullshit. - nothing...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - rash m. A sharp stake, reinforced in an inclined position ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference

  • - on the face "...
  • - face "he, fuck" ...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - Rozhon genus. p. -zhná "stake, sharp pole", rozhny many. "manure pitchfork", Ukrainian rozhen, genus. n. -zhna, Russian-tslav. razhn - the same, razhn "stake; fork", Jerem ...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - This word, which calls an object that resembles a stake, is used mainly in expressions to climb on, what the hell, is formed from the same basis as shrog ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Krylov

  • - CLIMB ON THE ROZHON. CLICK ON ROJON. Simple. Express. 1. To start, to undertake something extremely risky, doomed to failure, failure ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Good luck! Vlad. Wish for bad luck bad smb. SRNG 5, 150. Go against the goads. Psk. Resist, resist great strength. SPP 2001, 65. What the hell? Simple. Rude. 1. What else? 2 ...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - ...

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