Causes of cysts in the body. Cyst on the ovary: what causes it in women, treatment. Types of ovarian cyst

landscape design 27.12.2021
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Should alert every woman. Ovarian cyst in women- a serious disease of the genitourinary system, which does not always have pronounced symptoms, but will certainly lead to serious consequences without timely treatment.

What is an ovarian cyst?

This is a neoplasm with a small diameter in which fluid accumulates. Placed on the ovary, the formation occurs from a mature follicle. Many cystic formations do not pose a serious threat to a woman's health, they are temporary and disappear on their own. This type of neoplasm on the ovaries is called functional cysts.

However, it is important for the doctor to determine the cause of the neoplasm and exclude ovarian cancer and other pathologies that require treatment, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or.

Causes of ovarian cysts in women

The reason for the appearance of functional cysts is a violation of the ovulation process. In the absence of pathological processes, inflammation of the appendages and diseases of the genitourinary system, temporary cysts disappear on their own.

However, if one of the above pathologies is present, the neoplasm may burst, there is a risk of its torsion and the development of internal bleeding. These complications require immediate hospitalization of the woman and treatment.

The second type of cysts are abnormal neoplasms. The reason for their appearance on the ovaries- violation of the production of hormones. Abnormal is a tumor that does not go away on its own three months after the appearance.

They are treated with medication or surgery. It all depends on the severity of the process and the presence of possible complications.

Professor Ter-Hovakimyan Armen Eduardovich will tell you in more detail about the causes of ovarian cysts:

Reasons for the formation of ovarian cysts in women:

  • early puberty (at the age of 11);
  • improper maturation of the ovarian follicle;
  • hypothyroidism, imbalance of the hormonal system;
  • numerous cases of medical termination of pregnancy;
  • cycle irregularity;
  • cases of re-formation of cysts;
  • taking the drug Tamoxifen (prescribed for the treatment of tumors of the mammary glands);
  • uneven accumulation of fat. Deposits accumulate in the upper body.

In women who use oral hormonal contraceptives, the formation of cysts occurs much less frequently. This is due to the active work of the eggs.

Types of neoplasms

An ovarian cyst is a benign tumor (neoplasm). The reason for the occurrence is the excessive accumulation of secretion produced by the tissues of the ovaries.

In the absence of pressure from the cyst on the internal organs of the genitourinary system, medication is prescribed for treatment. If there is a high risk of developing pathologies of neighboring organs, an operation is performed to remove the cyst. The sizes of neoplasms vary from a few millimeters to 12 cm.

Types of formations:

  • Follicular type- a benign tumor-like formation, occurs due to the lack of ovulation. This type of formation occurs mainly in young girls of puberty (puberty). The cyst happens both right, and the left ovary.
  • Neoplasm on the corpus luteum. It is formed due to a violation of the process of outflow of blood, due to which an accumulation of hemorrhagic fluid occurs in the center of the corpus luteum. The size of the cyst is from 6 to 8 cm.
  • Paraovarian cyst (mucinous) type- localized on the appendages and fallopian tube. The neoplasm has one chamber and thin walls. Size 12-20 cm.
  • Dermoid type- a special type of neoplasm in which hair, fatty cell tissue, parts of cartilage can accumulate. The tumor is closed in a thick capsule. One of the largest types of neoplasms, which reaches a diameter of 15 cm.
  • Endometrial ovarian cyst. Formed in the endometrium, which grows on the ovaries. The largest type of cyst. Sizes from 4 to 20 cm.

Clinical picture

An ovarian cyst, which may not show symptoms for a long period of time, is found at a routine examination.

The first symptoms appear when a cyst is formed that is larger than 4 cm (see photo above). Neoplasms of large sizes, pressing on the organs of the genitourinary system, provoke the occurrence of discomfort and pain, which women cannot ignore. Signs of an ovarian cyst:

  • sudden onset of pain in the lower abdomen. There is pain during intercourse, or after physical labor;
  • frequent urge to urinate, which turn out to be false;
  • in some women, the growth of neoplasms can provoke a sharp weight gain;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • heat;
  • feeling of tension and fullness in the abdomen;
  • discharge of blood clots;
  • violation .

The pain syndrome is localized on one side of the abdomen. Many women note an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. When the cyst ruptures or twists, the pain suddenly intensifies, radiates to the coccyx and rectum. Pain occurs during urination.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet is due to the fact that the neoplasm puts pressure on the bladder. Constipation may occur. When the neoplasm presses on the blood vessels surrounding the ovary, varicose veins develop.

Irregular onset of menstruation is characterized by a long absence of menstruation, not associated with the onset of pregnancy.

In especially severe cases, an ovarian cyst, the symptoms of which are expressed in a violation of the cycle, can provoke a complete absence of menstruation.

Menstruation in women is very painful, characterized by abundant discharge, up to.

Another sign of an ovarian cyst is (pictured below is a woman with hirsutism). In women, facial hair begins to grow intensively, the voice coarsens, the clitoris increases in size.

The reason for the development of hirsutism is the pressure of the cyst on the ovary, which, in turn, begins to produce an increased amount of the male hormone (androgens).

Signs of ovarian torsion and rupture

The reason for the rupture or twisting of an ovarian cyst in women is sudden movements, excessive physical activity, too active lovemaking.

The main symptom is severe pain in the lower abdomen. The rupture of neoplasms is dangerous to health; in case of rupture, immediate hospitalization of the woman is required.

Ovarian rupture - symptoms:

  • profuse bleeding. Occurs when a deep vein cyst is touched;
  • intolerable. Occurs on the side where the neoplasm was. Combat syndrome radiates to the rectum and lower limb;
  • a sudden decrease in pressure due to the opening of severe bleeding;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting state;
  • the occurrence of cold sweat.

The severity of the pain syndrome when twisting the ovary depends on the degree of rotation. The greater the degree of rotation, the greater the pain.

There is a rapid intoxication of the body. The woman is fast body temperature rises, vomiting begins.

Without timely medical attention, peritonitis begins. If the pedicle of the cyst is rotated 90 degrees, the symptoms will gradually worsen.

The pedicle of the cyst may twist around itself. In this case, the blood circulation process is disturbed in the small pelvis. The patient sudden vomiting, severe pain.

A symptomatic picture may arise suddenly, or it may be of an increasing nature, and a woman cannot immediately understand what is happening to her, confusing her condition with poisoning.

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts

During a gynecological examination, the doctor scans the woman's uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. With such tactile inspection is he can detect large cysts. Small cysts are usually diagnosed during ultrasound examinations, which are also part of the examination.

If the doctor finds a cyst, he will first try determine the cause. Sometimes an ultrasound scan will indicate which type of cyst is present.

cyclic pain and circulatory disorders in young women primarily indicate functional cyst. Here surgery is usually not needed because they regress spontaneously. They often don't show up on inspections.

Treatment Methods

Treatment for an ovarian cyst depends on its characteristics. Leaving a tumor untreated that has not disappeared on its own within a few months is extremely dangerous for health.

Many cysts, despite the fact that the formation is benign, can lead to the development of malignant tumors and cause female infertility.

A tumor formed on the corpus luteum and a follicular type of neoplasm are treated with medications. For this type of cyst, waiting tactics are used, the behavior of the cyst is studied.

In the absence of education growth, the patient is prescribed vitamin course, monophasic oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Vitamins that help treat ovarian cysts - A, B1, B6, C, K. In order for the neoplasm to resolve on its own, you can use alternative methods, which must be agreed with your doctor without fail. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.

An important role in the treatment of ovarian cysts and formations on the corpus luteum is played by physiotherapy and a therapeutic diet. In the absence of a positive result from these methods of treatment, the patient will be asked to remove the cyst through surgery.

Surgical removal of the cyst

Surgical removal of an ovarian cyst is performed in the case of the formation of dermoid, mucinous and endometrioid types of cysts.

Depending on the size of the cyst and the presence of complications, the operation can be performed with a large incision, or by laparoscopy.

The main methods of surgical removal:

  • laparoscopy is the most common type of operation. It is used only in the absence of pathological processes of a malignant nature in the cyst (in this case, the removal of the cyst is carried out only by band surgery);
  • oophorectomy method- used for serious complications. It implies the complete removal of the ovary with a cyst;
  • tubectomy- removal of the fallopian tube, on which a neoplasm has formed;
  • adnexectomy- removal of all adnexal organs of the reproductive system;
  • cystectomy procedure- surgical removal of an ovarian cyst with maximum preservation of the soft tissues of the ovary. The cyst capsule is removed from the tissue bed in which it is located, while the soft tissue of the ovary is preserved and functions unchanged;
  • wedge resection- complete removal of the ovary with the surrounding soft tissues;
  • biopsy- the procedure for taking biological material - part of the cellular tissue of the ovary. It is carried out in case of suspicion of a malignant nature of the neoplasm.

All types of cysts, except for follicular neoplasms, must be removed in women planning a pregnancy. This is due to an increased risk of the rapid growth of cysts during pregnancy due to the active production of hormones.

The tumor is removed surgically in women who are in the period of menopause or menopause, since there is a high risk of the formation of malignant tumors.

After the operation, a rehabilitation period follows, during which physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. In some cases, the patient prescribing homeopathic medicines.

Folk remedies

All recipes using medicinal herbs can be used exclusively as an additional treatment to the main one - medication, or during the recovery period after a surgical operation.

Before using the chosen method of treating ovarian cysts with folk remedies, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. Any self-medication can cause serious harm to the body.

The following folk herbs and flowers are used as a treatment for cysts:

  • dandelion;
  • upland uterus;
  • red brush;
  • burdock.

For the preparation of agents that promote the resorption of the follicular cyst, can be used dandelion roots, juice from its stem, leaves. To prepare an aqueous tincture of dandelion, you will need thoroughly washed and dried roots, which must be ground in a blender, coffee grinder, or finely chopped with a knife.

Pour the ingredient with a glass of boiled water, insist 15-20 minutes. Before use, pass through gauze, cool to room temperature. Take a third of a glass in the morning 1 hour before meals, and 2 hours after the evening meal. The course of therapy - 5 days before menstruation.

upland uterus- a well-known medicinal herb in gynecology, which has a therapeutic effect on the internal organs of the genitourinary system. Relieves inflammation, helps restore ovarian function and normalizes hormonal levels. The same spectrum of action red brush and winter love.

Recipes for healing tinctures and decoctions based on these herbs are the same.

You will need a teaspoon of dried grass (upland uterus, red brush, or winter-loving), which is stirred in a glass of boiling water, and infused 20 minutes.

Strain before use, cool to room temperature. For effective treatment of a tumor, and other gynecological diseases, it is important to carefully follow the course of taking the decoction:

  1. First week of admission- drink a third of a glass of decoction from the womb in the morning, afternoon and evening 1 hour before meals;
  2. Second week- a red brush is taken, in the same dosage as the first week;
  3. Third week- taking a decoction based on winter-loving (repetition of previous dosages).

Do not take decoctions during menstruation, continue the course after they are over. To enhance the healing effect of decoctions, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of vitamin E, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, like the rest of the ingredients.

To prepare decoctions from burdock, you will need its juice, which can be obtained from the squeeze of leaves (or bought at a pharmacy).

The leaves are washed under running water, dried, torn into small pieces, and passed through a meat grinder.

It is good to give the resulting slurry. You can immediately skip the pieces of leaves through the juicer. Burdock juice should be stored in a jar on the refrigerator shelf. Shelf life - no more than three days.

Taking burdock juice for the treatment of ovarian cysts is necessary in a special course:

  • The first two for after menstruation, take a teaspoon before lunch and dinner.
  • Third and fourth days after menstruation - a teaspoon of juice in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • From the fifth day after the end and before the first day of the next period, take a tablespoon of juice three times a day.

Do not take juice during menstruation. When the menstruation ends, the woman needs to do an ultrasound to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. The course of admission is repeated several times.

An ovarian cyst is a dangerous pathology. Left untreated, it can cause serious complications, up to the development of oncological tumors. Every woman needs to be extremely attentive to her health, and if the slightest, atypical, sign and symptoms appear, you need to seek medical help.

Can ovarian cysts be prevented?

Functional ovarian cysts are formed under the influence of sex hormones. Theoretically, the production of these hormones can be inhibited by drugs. However, this is usually not necessary. : many functional ovarian cysts resolve spontaneously and do not reappear.

In addition, inhibition of endogenous sex hormones is associated with side effects and is not suitable for expectant mothers.

For polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the situation is a little different: it can be prevented. Although the underlying cause of PCOS is not yet clear, doctors believe that being overweight and having diabetes (called insulin resistance syndrome) favor the development of PCOS. With a healthy diet and sufficient exercise, these risk factors can be reduced to zero.


An ovarian cyst is a benign tumor that appears as a result of menstrual irregularities. The neoplasm accumulates liquid contents over time, as a result of which it increases. In some cases, cystic transformation is possible. The disease mainly develops in women under 50 years of age.

Benign neoplasia increases due to the addition of fluid, and not due to the growth of cells like a tumor. Anatomical feature - outwardly resembles a bag, it can grow in diameter from 150 mm to 200 mm.

Often, tumors of this nature disappear on their own within a few weeks - a benign single cavity can resolve. The reverse condition is called multicystic ovaries, and is diagnosed with cystic solid formation of one ovary, or several types.

The follicular type appears if ovarian sclerocystosis develops. Due to the growth of numerous cystic formations of the ovaries with a diameter of less than 10 mm, the cortex of the organs is affected. A deficiency of follicles provokes the appearance. It can spread to the gonad and vaginal mucosa.

What are the types of cysts?

Cystic neoplasms are at least 8 types. Tumors are classified according to their causes.

Most cysts are characterized by large size, malignant degeneration and the risk of infertility.

Paraurethral cyst in women is another type of pathology in which tissue grows on the mucous membrane of the urethra. Urethral cyst in women is rarely diagnosed, it is characterized by an unpleasant odor due to purulent discharge.

Multicystic ovaries are characterized by a large number of complications. One of them is ovarian sclerocystosis, as a result of which numerous follicular cysts are formed. Treatment is necessary, since multiple neoplasms are most likely to degenerate into malignant ones.

Papillary ovarian cystoma is a pathological condition characterized by papillary extensions of epithelial tissues throughout the inner (sometimes outer) surface of the organ. As a result of diagnosing the disease, the removal of the ovary or uterine appendages will be required.

Causes of neoplasms

Cystic disease has two types of origin: congenital and acquired type. Content accumulates as a result of increased secretion, rupture of blood vessels, or the production of serous fluid.

The main reasons for the development:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • transferred abortions;
  • disruption of the endocrine system (hormonal failure);
  • progesterone deficiency - hormone deficiency in the second phase of menstruation;
  • wrong way of life;
  • genital infections;
  • overweight;
  • inflammatory diseases.

Pathology is diagnosed in women at a young age. Formation occurs in at least 5-7% of sexually mature women. The development of the disease depends on the menstrual cycle, so it rarely appears after menopause.


Most cystic neoplasms are asymptomatic. The presence of an ovarian cyst is diagnosed only during an ultrasound scan and a planned gynecological examination.

Symptoms appear when the formation reaches a large size and begins to oppress the surrounding tissues and organs. The clinical picture in the initial stages of growth is as follows:

Bad smell in the groin of a woman.

  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • irregular cycle;
  • nausea accompanied by pain in the abdomen;
  • aching pain in the peritoneum - characteristically intensified during gymnastics or sex;
  • pulling pain in the pelvis;
  • the appearance of blood and purulent clots from the vagina outside the menstrual cycle;
  • frequent urge to urinate, with little urine output (without diagnosed cystitis);
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen for no apparent reason (weight gain, pregnancy, etc.).

The symptomatology of the pathology changes if the cavity on the ovary bursts. It is not recommended to massage if a cystic lesion of the ovaries is diagnosed - this will lead to breaks. The state of rupture is called apoplexy. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by movement;
  • a sharp increase in heart rate;
  • muscle weakness;
  • lowering blood pressure due to blood loss;
  • heavy bleeding - both internal and external from the vagina;
  • blurred consciousness, fainting.

Apoplexy is a dangerous condition in which you can bleed out. If symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention. It is important to undergo a gynecological examination in a timely manner.

Primary clinical signs suggest the presence of an ovarian cyst. Diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist, he prescribes the necessary examinations.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main diagnosis is carried out with the help of ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Enlarged appendages are easily determined by palpation. Clinical trials scheduled:

  • a blood test to determine blood loss (increased platelet count);
  • urine analysis for the presence of infectious agents (shows the presence of a focus of inflammation);
  • puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina (the presence of fluid in the peritoneum, or internal bleeding is determined).

Any neoplasm can turn out to be cancerous, therefore, an additional blood test is carried out for the presence of oncological markers. The blood will contain antigen-125 if there is a malignant ovarian cyst in the body.

In addition, computed tomography and diagnostic laparoscopy are additionally prescribed. Laparoscopic examination is used if ovarian cyst torsion is suspected. A pregnancy test is performed to exclude an ectopic pregnancy (the clinical signs of the condition are similar). Treatment is prescribed on the basis of an ultrasound image of the ovarian cyst and the conclusion of the diagnostician, i.e. depending on the type, condition and quantity.


Treatment is conservative - with the help of medicines, and surgical intervention. Drug therapy is carried out only if the size of the formation is small. The course of treatment consists in taking a hormonal drug containing progesterone, it eliminates the risk of twisting. The duration of admission is at least 6 months. Directional drugs are also prescribed to stabilize the hormonal background.

Surgical intervention is practiced more often, especially if multicystic ovaries are diagnosed. Indications for the operation are also ruptures, twisting of the legs and malignant nature. In the latter case, tissue biopsy is performed before the operation.

There are several types of intervention:

  1. A cystectomy is the removal of only the cyst.
  2. Ovariectomy - the cystic ovary is completely excised.
  3. Adnexectomy - removal of uterine appendages.
  4. Operative laparoscopy - used to excise the formation without opening the abdominal cavity.

Removal operations are a mandatory procedure, since cystic formation almost eliminates the possibility of becoming pregnant and leads to infertility.

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

The laparoscopic method is used as a diagnosis and treatment. Access to the operated area is opened through several punctures in the navel. Laparoscopy is a common technique for treating ovarian cysts. Popularity is due to the time spent: the duration is only 40 minutes. No postoperative complications, such as the appearance of adhesions or inflammation of the sutures. Recovery after such an operation will take 3 days.

Possible Complications

The consequences of an ovarian cyst develop in case of complications of normal growth. The main complication is that the formation bursts, its contents spill into the abdominal cavity.

Other complications:

  • infection of the cyst cavity;
  • suppuration around the cyst;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • infertility.

The clinical picture is different if the pedicle of the ovarian cyst is twisted:

With torsion, vomiting with bile is possible.

  • tissues begin to die, necrosis quickly spreads throughout the organ;
  • peritonitis - an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity as a result of spilled contents;
  • sharp attacks of pain of a cutting nature in the abdomen;
  • temperature rise;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles (tight abdomen).

A particularly dangerous condition is when the cyst twists along with the fallopian tubes - it is quite difficult to eliminate such a phenomenon, it leads to infertility.

Any complication requires immediate surgical intervention.


The ovaries should be examined twice a year because all women of reproductive age are at risk of developing cysts. Hormonal disruptions and infectious lesions of the genital organs should be treated in time.

Cystosis is a common disease of the connective tissue of most organs of the human body. The disease appears under the influence of various factors. Despite the fact that the emerging formation is benign in nature, it accumulates fluid in itself, which can interfere with the normal functioning of the organ.

congenital cyst

A cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. Depending on the type of education and the organ on which, its nature and occurrence is determined. Each type of cyst differs in the structure and characteristics of the fluid that fills its cells.

A congenital cyst (dysontogenetic) is formed due to violations and failures in the process of tissue formation that occurred in the prenatal period. An organ that has been malformed may become covered with a cyst. For example, abnormalities in the development of the kidneys or liver are often accompanied by cystic disease. Congenital tumors contain the rudiments of various organs, tissues of embryonic origin, appearing due to problems in the formation of the nephrotic ducts. Also, syringoepitheliomas (disturbances in the structure of the sweat glands), etc., may appear. A congenital cyst can be formed both genetically and under the influence of various factors (for example, a serious hormonal failure in the mother's body).

Traumatic cyst

Traumatic arise under the influence of damage that touched the internal organ. The phenomenon occurs due to a violation of the epithelial layer, which is the majority of the organs of the human body and forms almost all glands. Among all types of traumatic cysts, cysts of the palms and fingers are most common. Such cysts can also form in the eye, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

Retention cyst

Retention cysts occur as a result of violations in the outflow of secretions produced in the glands of the body. The outflow can be disturbed due to a disease that caused the formation of stones that prevent the normal excretion and use of the substance. Often there are cysts of the prostate, mammary and salivary glands. The released secret begins to accumulate in the duct, stretching the walls of the organ, forming a cavity covered with epithelium, on which cysts appear.

Other types of cysts

The ramolithic cyst is formed at the site of necrosis of the cells of any organ of the human body. Trying to compensate for the damage, the body forms a connective tissue that forms a benign tumor. In this case, the dead tissues are gradually absorbed and excreted from the body. For this type of tumor process, the most common are cysts in the brain, which occur mainly after a stroke.

The diagnosis of "cyst" is most often made according to the results of an ultrasound scan, less often during examination. If the cyst does not put pressure on other organs and does not cause inconvenience, they simply observe it without removing it and without performing a puncture. To better understand the nature of the cyst, you need to know the causes and sequence of its formation.

The cyst is a bubble with thin walls and liquid contents. Over time, the cells of the walls produce new fluid, and the volume of the bladder increases. Cysts are removed in several cases: if they become infected, become malignant, or grow too large.

The mechanism of cyst formation in different parts of the body

Ovarian cyst

Ovarian cyst occurs mainly in young women. There are follicular, paraovarian, endometriotic, serous, dermoid, mucinous cysts, as well as cysts of the corpus luteum.

A corpus luteum cyst appears if, after ovulation, the follicle is not filled with corpus luteum cells. It enlarges and fills with a yellow liquid, sometimes with an admixture of blood. With follicular formation, the walls are created from a highly stretched shell of the corpus luteum or follicle. The reason for its appearance, as a rule, is a hormonal imbalance.

The paraovarian cyst appears at the site of the appendage, its walls are thin, transparent, with a network of small blood vessels. It is usually detected only with ultrasound, and often does not manifest itself in any way, the menstrual cycle does not change with it.

Cyst - formation in the human body, which usually consists of a cavity and fluid. The structure of its cells and contents makes it possible to classify the tumor by type. Over time, in the absence of growth, cells may begin to change with development, which often leads to degeneration into a malignant formation. What causes a cyst, on what factors does its growth depend? Consider in the article.

Dysontogenetic cyst

A type of intrauterine pathology that persists after birth. It provokes the formation of excess tissue. For example, a cyst may result from an open branchial cleft or thyroid-lingual duct. Sometimes pathological processes lead to formations inside the organs. The dermoid type of cyst is also a consequence of violations of embryonic development and is characterized by the presence of dense walls of connective tissue. Inside the cyst, hair, teeth, sebaceous glands and other accumulations of cells can be located. So, what causes a dysontogenetic type cyst? This is a consequence of genetic disorders in the development of the embryo during the period of gestation at different stages of pregnancy.

Retention cysts

The endocrine glands, with a delay in the outflow of secretory fluid, contribute to the appearance and development of a cyst. The mechanism is based on successive events: the duct is clogged, the secret cannot be completely released and gradually accumulates inside. For a long time, mucus and water remain inside the gland, deforming its walls. After some time, a cyst is formed, lined with epithelium. Most often, such a development mechanism is true for such bodies as:

  • salivary and mammary glands;
  • prostate;
  • ovaries.

colloid cyst

This is a benign formation filled with gelatinous fluid and covered with connective cells. In appearance, it resembles nodules. This type of cyst grows very slowly and forms mainly in the brain or thyroid gland. Often it is hereditary. What causes a cyst with colloidal contents? In addition to genetic predisposition, the growth and development of neoplasms in the brain can be affected by:

  • stress, overwork;
  • poor nutrition and sleep;
  • lack of physical activity.

Among the causes of the appearance of a colloid cyst in the thyroid gland, there are:

  • trauma;
  • bad habits;
  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • lack of iodine;
  • negative impact of x-rays.

For a long time, the disease does not manifest itself. With formations in it is found with a significant increase in it. Diagnose A tumor in the brain makes itself felt only with hydrocephalus, which develops as a result of cystic formation.

Other causes of cysts

Ramolliation benign formations develop against the background of organ necrosis. The site of damage is overgrown with connective tissue, which in the future will become the wall of the tumor. Enzymes soften dead tissue, and gradually they turn into a liquid. Most often, cysts of this type appear in the brain (for example, after a stroke) or with osteoblastoma.

It is not uncommon for one cyst to grow inside another. This usually occurs within the glandular tissue, due to its structure. Provokes the beginning of the growth of the second tumor adenoma and other cysts of the secretory organs. Trauma can also serve as a reason for the formation of a neoplasm. The epithelial layer is broken, and a cyst is formed at the site of damage.

Retention formations of female organs

Approximately 80% of all benign tumors of the glandular organs of the female body look like a follicular cyst. Why does it appear so often? This is due to female physiology. Every month, the ovaries produce follicles within which an egg is formed. Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, the integrity of the largest of them is destroyed. If this does not happen, fluid inside the follicle accumulates and a cyst forms. Within 2-3 months, the formations may disappear on their own, but this does not always happen.

From what appears what factors provoke its development? Most often, the tumor forms in the reproductive age and is asymptomatic. Larger tumors can be uncomfortable. Follicular cysts never degenerate into oncology. There is only a risk of their rupture and twisting of the base.

Benign breast tumors

Inside the milk ducts of the breast, formations in the form of granules with a clear liquid can form. They are diagnosed mainly when they reach a sufficient size for palpation or accidentally on a preventive ultrasound. The process is usually asymptomatic. Sometimes discomfort is possible both before and during menstruation.

What causes cysts in women's breasts? The mammary glands are one of the most vulnerable organs, which is constantly exposed to the influence of a large number of hormones. In this regard, the main reason for the appearance and development of cystic formations is a violation of the hormonal background.

It so happened that there are no endocrine disorders, but the tumor is still a cyst in such a situation? In addition to hormonal changes, injuries, diseases of the reproductive system, and long-term inflammatory processes both in the gland itself and in other “female” organs can provoke the growth of benign formations.

What causes a cyst in a seemingly healthy person? Usually this results from insufficient attention to the body and its needs: poor sleep and nutrition, stress, overstrain. A large place in the development of tumors is occupied by untreated diseases and inflammations.

A benign formation on the surface of the ovary, filled with semi-liquid contents, is called a cyst. It is able to increase in size against the background of hormonal fluctuations. The neoplasm is characterized by an asymptomatic course of the disease, but if pain is present, a woman can choose one of the treatment options.

Pathology looks like a benign cavity formation from a brown liquid. Endometrioid ovarian cysts (chocolate cysts) are a common gynecological disease. The cavity is formed inside the ovary or on the surface. Merging with the organ cavity occurs with the help of the restrictive walls of the cyst.

In diameter, the size of the formations does not exceed 12 cm. The volume is 2-5 cm more common. Women of reproductive age are at risk. If you do not see a doctor in time, then a rupture of the walls, the ejection of a brown liquid into the abdominal cavity and peritonitis are possible.

Gynecologists call this formation an endometrioma. Depending on the localization, the pathology has its own characteristics. Endometrioma of the left ovary does not appear as often as the right one. Its distinguishing feature is that it can occur after surgery in the large intestine or with its diseases.

The size of the pathology can vary from 5 mm to 13 cm. Symptoms are left-sided pain in the lower abdomen, heavy and painful menstruation, fever, discomfort after intercourse and pain during urination.

Right ovary

More often than on the left, endometrioma of the right ovary appears. Pathology can not manifest itself for a long time and be asymptomatic. Among the causes of education are: surgical operations in the peritoneum, appendectomy. The doctor diagnoses a severe stage of the disease if, along with the endometrioma of the right ovary, a tumor is found on the left side. Symptoms of the disease: problems with the bladder and intestines, pain in the right side of the abdomen, irregular menstruation.


Endometrial cells adhere to the cervix, and a neoplasm is formed. Endometriosis of the vaginal part of the cervix and blockage of the glands are the two main reasons why cervical cysts appear. When a blockage of the glands acts as a factor in the occurrence of endometrioma, the pathology proceeds without symptoms, so it is extremely difficult to detect.

However, cases are not excluded when malignant tumors have the form of cystic cavities in the cervical canal. Pathology of the cervix with erosion are found nearby, but inflammation is not the cause of the disease, but only the background of the pathology. To detect neoplasms, cytological studies are carried out (scraping from the cervix), colposcopy, hysteroscopy.

During pregnancy, a small endometrioma cannot harm the child, so if a woman has this pathology, then the pregnancy is not interrupted. You can get pregnant with an endometrioma if it does not reach a large size. Many doctors recommend removal when planning pregnancy, but it must be understood that cauterization (coagulation) of the cyst bed can adversely affect the function and tissues of the ovary. Adhesions can become a complication after surgery, which threatens with obstruction of the fallopian tubes and infertility.


Reliable reasons for the appearance of pathology have not been established, there are only guesses. The main one is heredity, a genetic predisposition to polycystic disease. The next possible reason is the modern rhythm of life: a large number of frequent stresses and the inability to get pregnant due to some social reasons.

Nature has endowed a woman with a certain number of cycles, the rest of the time the body must carry the baby or feed it. If this program is not fulfilled, then hormone-dependent diseases appear. Other causes of endometrioma:

  • the presence of bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • operations in the reproductive system: abortion, curettage;
  • frequent stress;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal disorders: problems in the work of the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland, increased prolactin, reduced progesterone;
  • long-term use of an intrauterine device (IUD).


The signs of an endometrioid ovarian cyst are divided into the first and subsequent symptoms. To what extent the disease is, how long ago the cyst appeared, what is its size, whether treatment was carried out - the symptoms of manifestation depend on these factors. For an accurate diagnosis of the type of cyst (there are about 5 of them), consultation and examination by a gynecologist is necessary.

The following symptoms are also characteristic of other types of pathologies, so you need to be able to differentiate them. Tumors may not appear at all, and then be reflected in infertility. The first signs of neoplasms:

  • with the appearance of adhesions, urination disorders and problems with the intestines occur;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of blood between menstruation;
  • profusion of menstruation;
  • irregular cycle;
  • before and after menstruation, slight discharge of a dark color.

The following symptoms appear if the treatment was not carried out:

  • apathy;
  • increased pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, dizziness, general weakness;
  • pregnancy does not occur;
  • increased body temperature;
  • monthly bleeding for more than a week.

How fast does an endometrioid ovarian cyst grow?

Several factors influence the rate of tumor development, so it is not possible to unambiguously say how fast an endometrial cyst grows. In some cases, growth slows down for several years, tumors gradually increase in size. Others grow quickly or stop growing altogether. It all depends on hormones: when the level of estrogen is elevated, the neoplasm quickly increases in size. If the content of sex steroids is normal, then the tumor grows slowly and asymptomatically.


To diagnose the disease, a patient's blood test and transvaginal ultrasound, MRI are required. Treatment of an endometrioid cyst depends on the results obtained and can be of three types: conservative, surgical and combined. With large formations, surgical removal of endometriotic lesions (laparoscopy) and long-term therapy with hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Instead of laparoscopy, you can choose the method of removing the contents of the tumor - a puncture, which is prohibited for pregnant women and during the feeding period. Before the procedure, you need to pass tests: coagulogram, urinalysis, ultrasound diagnostics, tumor marker test. There are options for how to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery: treatment with hormones, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, enzymes and vitamins.

without surgery

When the neoplasm is small, the doctor prescribes hormonal treatment of the endometrioid cyst without surgery. If during therapy, and before hormones act, pain occurs, then sedative, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs are indicated. The course of hormone therapy is carried out with drugs:

  • prolonged medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA);
  • derivatives of androgens and norsteroids;
  • low-dose monophasic combined contraceptives;
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists.

Learn more about what an endometrioid ovarian cyst is - treatment without surgery with folk remedies and medicines.


According to numerous reviews, an effective surgical method for removing neoplasms is endometrioma laparoscopy. The patient is put into a state of anesthesia, surgeons make three incisions in the lower abdomen. A laser is inserted into the holes, which performs a complete removal. The main advantage of laparoscopy is the "cosmetic effect" after the operation: there are no scars, small incisions heal quickly. There is no risk of bleeding. The patient can return to normal life after 14 days.

Treatment with folk remedies

Under the supervision of a doctor and with a small size of the neoplasm, alternative treatment of an endometrioid ovarian cyst is possible. Judging by the reviews, such plants are suitable: celandine, sweet clover, viburnum, peppermint, tansy, celandine, coltsfoot, chamomile, and other herbs. You can prepare a decoction of clover by brewing 4 sprigs in 1 liter of water. Leave to infuse for half a day and drink in small sips over the next day. The duration of treatment is 2 months. Freshly squeezed burdock juice should be taken 35 ml 3 times a day. In 0.5 l of vodka, put 100 g of acacia and drink 40 ml three times a day.

Pregnancy after removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst

In medicine, the concepts of "endometrioid cyst and pregnancy" are compatible, but what if you had to have an operation? A woman has two ovaries. When one is removed, the other can still produce eggs. With laparoscopy, minimal intervention in the body is performed, which rarely leads to serious consequences. After surgery, a woman needs to walk to prevent the formation of adhesions. Then the childbearing function will not be disturbed, and the patient will be able to plan a pregnancy.



Violetta, 26 years old

She came to the gynecologist, found out that I had an education, but said that it should resolve. About a month later I was pierced by pain in the right side, like appendicitis. I immediately realized that the cyst had not gone away. They took me for an operation, issued a certificate that the ovary was removed, infertility, even IVF would not help. My left ovary saved me, my daughter is growing.

Natasha, 32 years old

I was diagnosed with an endometrioid tumor, 3 cm in size. There was no pain, it was discovered during a preventive examination. The doctor said he needed an operation. I decided to go to another clinic where Janine was prescribed hormonal contraceptives. After 2 months, the formation was gone and both ovaries were in place. Do not be afraid to contact other specialists.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

The main signs of the presence of an ovarian cyst in women and effective methods of its treatment

An ovarian cyst is a common benign disease. More often, a unilateral lesion is diagnosed; very rarely, a neoplasm occurs on both sides. Basically, the disease is diagnosed in young women. Cases of this pathology, found during menopause, are quite rare. What is a cyst? This is a neoplasm that occurs in various organs and tissues of a person. Unlike tumors, its cause is not associated with excessive cell growth. In this case, a cavity with dense walls is formed. Over time, it is filled with liquid contents, the diameter of the neoplasm increases. Therefore, in advanced cases, it can be large, compress nearby organs and tissues, disrupt their function.

Usually a cyst on the ovary does not pose a threat to the health of the patient, sometimes it can resolve itself. But, when the formation reaches a large size, the risk of complications that require emergency medical care increases significantly.

Reasons for development

At present, it is not exactly established what causes a cyst in the right ovary or in the organ on the opposite side. Only factors that increase the likelihood of a pathology in a patient have been identified. The risk of the disease increases in the following cases:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • a significant increase in body weight - significantly increases the likelihood of obesity associated with the deposition of adipose tissue in the upper half of the body. Because of this, the hormonal balance is disturbed, due to which a cyst occurs on the right ovary or pathology on the left side;
  • first menstruation before the age of 12;
  • infertility regardless of the cause;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, especially dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • long-term use of the drug Tamoxifen for the treatment of oncological pathologies;
  • if the patient had previously been treated for an ovarian neoplasm, she underwent an abortion.

These causes of ovarian cysts in women in most cases contribute to the occurrence of neoplasms. Sometimes the action of only one factor is enough to start the disease. But most often there are several reasons, and it is difficult to say what exactly led to the disease.

Right-sided and left-sided neoplasm

In addition to the general risk factors listed above, a left ovarian cyst may appear as a consequence of colitis.
This is a disease caused by inflammation of the large intestine - primarily the sigmoid and descending colon. The intestines and ovaries are located in the same cavity of the body, so they are closely related to each other. With the development of inflammation in one organ, the pathological process can pass to the uterine appendages. Such a mechanism for the development of pathology must be taken into account when determining the cause of the neoplasm. The cyst of the right ovary is able to develop due to similar reasons. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in women who have recently undergone an appendectomy - an operation to remove the appendix. Most likely, the neoplasm occurs due to insufficiently effective treatment of appendicitis, when signs of inflammation remain in the intestinal wall.

Knowing such features of the formation of the disease, the doctor determines whether the ovarian cyst can resolve itself. If the inflammatory process of the intestine is treated, then most likely the processes of egg maturation and the formation of the corpus luteum will normalize. This will be the cause of getting rid of the disease.


What are ovarian cysts? There are several types of pathology depending on the mechanism of formation:

  • follicular;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • mucinous;
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid cyst.

If several cavities form in the organ, a pathology such as ovarian cystoma is diagnosed. This is a benign disease, but sometimes this formation can become malignant. Therefore, the detection of multiple organ damage requires additional examination and timely initiation of treatment. Consider in detail the listed types of ovarian cysts.


This form of neoplasm occurs at the site of a non-developing follicle - a vesicle where the egg matures. The causes contributing to the appearance of such an ovarian cyst are more dependent on the state of hormonal balance or the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. Ovulation in this case is impossible. After maturation, the follicle remains intact, gradually filled with fluid, and a dense capsule forms around it. If there is no violation of the cycle, then over time the size of the formation decreases, and it resolves.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

This neoplasm usually occurs only on one side - on the left or right. It has a thickened capsule and fluid in the cavity. The content has a yellowish tint, sometimes it may contain streaks of blood. The mechanism of occurrence is similar to the previous one, but in this case the cavity is formed in place of the corpus luteum. This tissue is normally formed in the ovary under the action of the hormone progesterone. If its level decreases, then cystic formations may appear instead of the corpus luteum.


This pathology on the left ovary or on the right occurs with endometriosis. With this disease, the tissue lining the uterine cavity begins to grow in any part of the woman's body. Endometrial cells can also get inside the ovary. This pathology is characterized by the cyclic appearance of symptoms - the disease manifests itself only during menstruation. To treat the endometrioid form of the disease, hormonal therapy or surgery is necessary.


The most dangerous form of the disease. In this case, the formation has several chambers delimited by partitions. The surface of the cyst is uneven, bumpy. The onset of the disease is usually associated with menopause. It grows rapidly, causing severe pain in the abdomen. If medical treatment or surgery to remove a cyst on the ovary is not carried out in a timely manner, complications are likely to develop. In addition, malignant degeneration of the neoplasm is possible.


In this case, the neoplasm is formed in the appendage - the tissues surrounding the ovary. It looks like a single-chamber cavity with a delicate capsule pierced by a large number of small vessels. The content of the paraovarian cyst is transparent, without impurities. This disease is more common in women aged 20-40 years. The course of the disease is benign, growth is slow. No damage to the ovary itself is observed.


It is not completely known why this type of cyst appears. Often it is diagnosed in women who have recently suffered an injury to the abdomen. This neoplasm is characterized by rather rapid growth, often its diameter reaches 18 cm. A cyst on the ovary of the dermoid type is dangerous with a possible rupture of the capsule or torsion of the leg. Then an acute condition develops that threatens the life of the patient.

Clinical picture

In most patients, the disease proceeds without pronounced manifestations. An ovarian cyst, the size of which is small, does not affect the surrounding tissues. Therefore, their functioning is not disturbed, additional symptoms do not appear. Signs of an ovarian cyst become apparent when the formation is of considerable size. In such cases, the patient may complain of:

  • general malaise;
  • nausea;
  • violation of menstruation - non-cyclical bleeding, increase or decrease in blood loss;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (in the area of ​​​​the uterine appendage) - a characteristic increase after physical exertion, during intercourse;
  • pain associated with ovulation increases by the 14th day of the cycle, the rest of the time is absent;
  • discharge with the presence of blood, not associated with menstruation;
  • urge to urinate;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen, waist circumference in a woman.

If the above phenomena occur, it should be suspected that the patient has this disease. To the question of what to do if an ovarian cyst is nevertheless detected, a gynecologist can give an affirmative answer.
To make a diagnosis, he must carry out all the necessary diagnostic procedures. The symptoms listed above are non-specific, they may be associated with a large number of other gynecological and surgical pathologies. First of all, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, which allows to identify the neoplasm and fluid in the ovary. Symptoms of a cyst of the left and right ovary are the same. Differences in the severity of clinical manifestations appear only when complications of the disease occur. In such cases, differential diagnosis is made with acute surgical conditions, such as appendicitis.

A cyst in the left ovary may be accompanied by less pronounced clinical manifestations. This is due to the peculiarities of the human anatomy. Therefore, the doctor is required to carefully diagnose, so as not to miss the disease.

Important! It is impossible to say what symptoms will definitely be present with an ovarian cyst. The clinical picture varies greatly depending on the characteristics of the patient. Therefore, any woman who notes any of the above manifestations within 4-6 weeks should consult a doctor to undergo a gynecological examination.

Diagnostic procedures

To know how to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery or using surgical methods, a complete examination of the patient should be carried out. The doctor prescribes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general blood test - it allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body (an increase in the number of leukocytes, an increase in ESR), as well as anemia (a decrease in hemoglobin levels) due to bleeding when the capsule breaks;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs - makes it possible to identify the presence of a cavity in the organ, determine the location of the pathological process. According to the results of the study, the gynecologist will diagnose "Cyst of the right ovary" or "Cyst of the left ovary";
  • diagnostic laparoscopy - is used in cases where the diagnosis is difficult, there is a suspicion of a complication of the disease. The doctor inserts a special tube through an opening in the front wall of the abdomen through which he can examine the internal organs. If necessary, a biopsy is done - taking a small piece of tissue with subsequent examination under a microscope to determine the presence of oncological processes;
  • puncture - carried out under the control of ultrasound. The doctor pierces the anterior wall of the abdomen with a long needle and takes some of the cystic contents for examination. This is necessary to clarify the type of disease.

In order to determine how to treat the disease, in most cases it is enough to conduct a blood test and ultrasound. Ultrasound is more informative if a transvaginal probe is used. Invasive techniques are resorted to only when absolutely necessary, since complications may arise during their implementation, they often lead to trauma to the patient.


Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous in women? When the formation is small, the likelihood of complications is minimal. Over time, it increases in diameter, a condition such as torsion of the leg or rupture of the capsule may occur. Less often, malignancy of the neoplasm, that is, the transition to a malignant form, is noted. The fluid in the cavity of the ovarian cyst in women is able to suppurate, which also leads to the development of an acute condition.

Rupture and torsion of the leg

The occurrence of these complications is possible when the neoplasm is large. It is impossible to say exactly at what diameter of the cyst a complication can develop, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The cause of an acute condition can be significant physical exertion, abdominal trauma or inaccurate, sudden movement. If a complication occurs, there will be severe pain in the abdomen, a significant deterioration in general well-being. Symptoms of a ruptured cyst in the right ovary (as well as the left) also include:

  • indigestion, nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • fever, lack of effect from taking antipyretics;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • headache, incoordination, loss of consciousness;
  • the presence of secretions from the genital tract with impurities of blood and mucus.

This condition requires urgent medical attention. The consequence of a complication of an ovarian cyst with untimely assistance will be fatal. The patient should be taken to a hospital where she will undergo surgical treatment. The doctor must remove all the affected parts of the organ, stop internal bleeding. To prevent complications, those women who have a cyst of the right ovary or a tumor on the left are recommended to be regularly examined by a gynecologist. It is necessary to perform an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs to monitor changes in the size of the cavity.

If over time a steady growth of the formation is detected, its size does not decrease when taking hormones, it should be removed surgically.

Types of treatment

Can an ovarian cyst be cured without surgery? The treatment regimen for the disease is selected individually depending on the type of disease. It includes medicinal and surgical methods, the need for which is determined by the attending physician.

Conservative therapy

Carrying out drug treatment is indicated when the neoplasm is small in size, there are no clinical manifestations of the pathology. Forms of the disease associated with functional disorders are treated only in a conservative way. Thanks to the use of modern hormonal agents, cysts on the ovaries can resolve. For treatment, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • gestagens - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. These drugs are used for hormonal imbalance. Combined oral contraceptives are also used for this. When they are taken, the menstrual cycle is normalized, which leads to a decrease in the size of the neoplasm, and the risk of new cysts is reduced. The average duration of taking such drugs is 8-12 weeks, during which a woman undergoes ultrasound several times to assess the effectiveness of resolving therapy;
  • vitamins - A, C, E, vitamins of group B are especially useful;
  • enzymatic agents (Wobenzym and others);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the severity of pain;
  • antibiotics for possible bacterial infection.

Treatment without surgery is quite possible if all the recommendations for taking the above drugs are followed. If during conservative therapy after three or four menstrual cycles, it is impossible to say positively whether the ovarian cyst can resolve, then surgical treatment should definitely be carried out.

Important! Even knowing how to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery, you should not start taking hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription. If used incorrectly, they can lead to severe side effects. Only a qualified specialist, after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic procedures, will determine the appropriateness of using such funds.

Surgical methods

Treatment of a cyst of the right or left ovary by surgical methods is indicated not only in cases where the disease is not amenable to conservative therapy. More often it is carried out when there is a risk of complications. The patient undergoes an operation, the purpose of which is to remove the neoplasm or the entire affected organ or appendage.

There are several approaches by which ovarian cysts are treated:

  • laparoscopic;
  • laparotomy.

At present, the first method is more commonly used. It lies in the fact that, unlike laparotomy, the removal of affected tissues is performed through a puncture of the anterior abdominal wall. This method resembles the diagnostic laparoscopy described above, except that different instruments are used.
Laparotomy is necessary when, due to complications, a threat to the life of the patient has appeared. In such cases, not only a cyst of the left ovary or a right-sided neoplasm is removed, but a complete revision (examination) of the internal organs is also performed, a search for damaged and necrotic sections of the intestine. The doctor also searches for the source of bleeding in the abdominal cavity, which often appears when the cyst capsule ruptures. Depending on the volume of the operation, the following methods of removing the affected tissues are distinguished:

  • cystectomy - removal of only the cyst;
  • oophorectomy - removal of the affected ovary;
  • adnexectomy - removal of the entire uterine appendage.

The required volume of the operation is determined by the attending physician based on the individual characteristics of the patient, and also on the cause of the cyst on the ovary. For example, with an endometriotic form of the disease, it is often enough to perform a cystectomy, while with a mucinous cyst, the entire ovary will have to be removed.

Disease and pregnancy

In the presence of a functional ovarian cyst, the reproductive function of a woman is not disturbed. In some cases, there is a decrease in the size of the neoplasm during the period of gestation. Normally, new follicles do not form in the ovary during pregnancy. Therefore, the disease very rarely begins in girls in position. Regular visits to the doctor are recommended for women who:

  • a mass in the ovary larger than 8 cm was diagnosed;
  • the diameter of the cyst does not decrease with time;
  • in the blood, an increased content of the oncomarker CA-125 is determined.

Symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts in pregnant women have certain characteristics. Manifestations of the disease during gestation may be "erased", so the diagnosis is primarily based on ultrasound data. Treatment is carried out only in cases where the risk of complications is high. How to get rid of an ovarian cyst in a pregnant patient? Only surgically, since the use of hormonal drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Knowing what causes an ovarian cyst, you can take measures to prevent the development of the disease. Several recommendations should be followed:

  • timely treatment of hormonal disorders;
  • timely therapy of inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs;
  • the use of hormonal drugs only according to the indications of the attending physician;
  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy - taking combined oral contraceptives;
  • eating enough foods containing selenium and vitamins;
  • regular consultation with a gynecologist, periodic diagnostic procedures;
  • reduction of time spent in direct sunlight, visits to the solarium.

Specific prevention of ovarian cysts is not possible. This is due to the variety of causes of the disease. By following the above recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of illness. An ovarian cyst, the symptoms of which in most cases are mild, is not diagnosed often enough. Most women with this pathology are unaware of the presence of a neoplasm and consult a doctor only when complications develop.

In order to diagnose the pathology in time and carry out effective treatment, you should be attentive to your health, regularly undergo examinations by a gynecologist. If a cyst of the left ovary or a mass on the right is detected at an early stage, there is no need to resort to surgical methods for their treatment.

The main signs of the presence of an ovarian cyst in women and effective methods of its treatment Link to the main publication

Everything you need to know about ovarian cysts and their treatment - Polismed

  1. Functional ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis and modern methods of treatment
  2. Reviews Everything you need to know about ovarian cysts and their treatment
An ovarian cyst is a small hollow formation (protrusion in the form of a sac) filled with fluid. Usually cysts develop in a woman's ovary from a maturing follicle. Most ovarian cysts do not pose any health risk to a woman, do not require any treatment, and go away on their own within a few menstrual cycles. In rare cases, an ovarian cyst may rupture or bleed, twist or press on adjacent organs, requiring adequate medical attention (surgery to remove the cyst). An ovarian cyst is a rounded protrusion that forms on the surface of the ovary. Anatomically, an ovarian cyst is a thin-walled cavity filled with fluid. The size of the ovarian cyst can reach from a few centimeters to 15-20 cm in diameter. This article will focus only on functional ovarian cysts, which are formed from maturing follicles. In addition to functional cysts, which account for more than 90% of all cases of ovarian cysts, there may also be dysontogenetic cysts (see below), which are formed in the process of impaired formation and growth of the ovaries and tumor cysts, which will be described in more detail in the Ovarian Cancer section. Ovarian cysts should also be distinguished from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, in which the causes of ovarian cysts and their treatment are significantly different from those of functional ovarian cysts.

Every healthy woman has two ovaries, which contain and gradually mature eggs (female sex cells). The ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus and are connected to the latter through the fallopian tubes. The size of one ovary is approximately equal to the size of a walnut. As a rule, in each menstrual cycle, one egg matures and is released. Until the release of the egg, it grows in a special cavity (pouch) - the follicle. The size of a mature follicle is about 5-10mm. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the follicle ruptures (rupture of the follicle is called ovulation) and the egg is released into the fallopian tubes, where it can be fertilized by sperm. During an ultrasound examination of healthy ovaries, before ovulation, several small cysts can be seen in each ovary - these are maturing follicles. At the time of ovulation, only one or two follicles will burst. In some cases, for unknown reasons, a large amount of fluid accumulates in the maturing follicle, due to which it greatly increases in size. Such enlarged follicles are called follicular (functional) cysts. If the follicle does not rupture and the egg is not released, the follicular cyst may persist and grow for some time, but over several cycles, its growth slows down, it shrinks and disappears.

After the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, a "corpus luteum" is formed in place of the follicle - a section of ovarian tissue that actively produces progesterone. Fluid may accumulate in the corpus luteum, as well as in the maturing follicle. In this case, a corpus luteum cyst is formed. Cysts of the corpus luteum, as well as follicular cysts, usually go away on their own, gradually decreasing in size. If the cyst of the follicle or corpus luteum fills with a large amount of blood for some reason (for example, a rupture of a blood vessel inside the cyst), then the cyst is called hemorrhagic.

What are ovarian cysts?

The vast majority of ovarian cysts are benign formations, that is, they are not tumors capable of aggressive growth. Only in very rare cases, ovarian cysts, as mentioned above, can be signs of ovarian cancer. The most common type of benign ovarian cyst is the functional cyst. Functional cysts can form from the follicle or from the corpus luteum: Follicular cyst: Forms from the onset of the menstrual cycle to the time of ovulation and can grow up to about 5 cm in diameter. The rupture of such a cyst can cause a sharp pain in the ovary (pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back). Follicular cysts go away on their own, without treatment, within a few months. In such cases, the role of the doctor is limited to monitoring the condition of the woman and the development of the cyst. Corpus luteum cyst: appears after the release of the egg from the follicle (after ovulation). As mentioned above, after the release of the egg, the follicle turns into a "yellow body". In some cases, the corpus luteum may fill with fluid or blood and remain in the ovary for a longer time. A corpus luteum cyst is usually found on only one ovary and causes no symptoms. Hemorrhagic cyst: appears due to hemorrhage inside the formed follicular cyst or cyst of the corpus luteum. Hemorrhagic cysts are characterized by the appearance of pain in the abdomen, from the side of the ovary, on which the cyst is located. Other types of benign ovarian cysts include: Dermoid cyst: This is a dysontogenetic cyst that usually appears in young women and can be up to 15 cm in diameter. Dermoid cyst is a benign tumor. Inside it can sometimes be tissue of bone, hair or cartilage. Such cysts appear differently on ultrasound, but they are very visible on computed tomography or MRI. A dermoid cyst can become complicated by inflammation or torsion, which can cause severe abdominal pain and require urgent surgery. Endometrioma: may occur in women with endometriosis and is formed in the ovary from endometrial tissue (the inner lining of the uterus). The size of an endometrioma can vary from 2 to 20 cm. Against the background of an endometrioma, severe pain in the abdomen may appear during menstruation. Polycystic ovary: characterized by enlargement of the ovaries with multiple small cysts on the outside of the ovary. A similar phenomenon occurs both in healthy women and in women suffering from certain endocrinological diseases. It should be noted that polycystic ovary syndrome is different from polycystic ovary syndrome. Cystic adenoma (kistadenoma, cystadenoma): is a type of benign tumor that is formed from the tissues of the ovary. Cystadenoma can reach very large sizes - up to 30 cm in diameter or more.

Causes of an ovarian cyst

The risk of developing ovarian cysts is higher in the following situations:
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Increased deposition of adipose tissue in the upper body and general obesity
  • Earlier onset of menstruation (11 years and earlier)
  • Infertility
  • Hypothyroidism or other hormonal disorders
  • Treating breast cancer with tamoxifen
  • Past ovarian cyst

Symptoms and signs of an ovarian cyst

Typically, ovarian cysts cause no symptoms and are discovered during a routine pelvic ultrasound examination. However, in some cases, an ovarian cyst may present with one or more of the following:
  • Pain in the lower abdomen that may come and go suddenly. The pain can be very strong and sharp
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Feeling of heaviness or pressure in the abdomen or pelvis
  • Prolonged pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation
  • Pain in the lower abdomen after vigorous exercise or after sexual intercourse
  • Pain or tightness when urinating or having a bowel movement
  • Intermittent nausea and vomiting
  • Vaginal pain and bleeding from the vagina
  • Infertility

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If you know that you have or have had an ovarian cyst, you should definitely contact your doctor if you experience:
  • Increased body temperature (38.5 C and above)
  • Unusual pain in the abdomen or pelvis
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness
  • Pallor
  • Unusually heavy or irregular periods
  • Unusual increase in the volume of the abdomen for an unexplained reason
  • Abdominal pain while taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin
  • Excessive growth of facial hair (male pattern)
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Increased thirst or copious urination
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Palpable mass in the abdomen

Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst

In order to identify the presence of an ovarian cyst, the following medical studies can be carried out:
  1. Transvaginal ultrasound examination. According to the nature of the image of the cyst on ultrasound, there can be simple cysts (filled only with liquid), combined cysts (containing both liquid and solid tissues) and solid cysts (containing only solid tissues).
  2. Computed tomography and MRI: if it is impossible to determine the type of cyst according to the results of ultrasound, the doctor may prescribe a CT or MRI examination, which allow a more accurate assessment of the structure of the formation.
  3. Laparoscopic surgery: With the help of laparoscopy, you can not only see the ovarian cyst, but, in some cases, remove it.
  4. CA-125 marker test: This blood test detects a substance called CA-125, a tumor marker associated with ovarian cancer. Such an analysis is carried out in order to determine the nature of the formation found in the ovaries and to clarify whether it is a malignant tumor. In some cases, benign tumors can also be associated with an increase in the level of CA-125 in the blood, so only on the basis of the results of this analysis it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
  5. Hormone tests: If you suspect a hormonal disorder that may have led to the formation of a cyst, your doctor may order tests for LH, FSH, estradiol, and testosterone.
  6. Detection of pregnancy: The treatment of ovarian cysts in pregnant women and non-pregnant women is different. An ectopic pregnancy should also be ruled out, as the symptoms of an ovarian cyst may be similar to those of an ectopic pregnancy.
  7. Puncture of the posterior fornix (Douglas pouch): This test consists of drawing fluid from the posterior fornix with a needle inserted through the wall of the vagina behind the cervix. Such an examination is performed very rarely, if a rupture or bleeding from an ovarian cyst is suspected.

Treatment of an ovarian cyst

Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cyst and usually do not require any treatment. Only cysts larger than 10 cm, or cysts that do not go away on their own within 3 menstrual cycles, are subject to surgical removal. In case of complications of an ovarian cyst (rupture, twisting, squeezing of neighboring organs), it is also necessary to perform an operation. Currently, most operations for ovarian cysts are performed by the laparoscopic method, which leaves only a few small wounds on the patient's abdomen, which heal quickly without noticeable marks.
Ovarian cysts and oral contraceptives
Some experts believe that the risk of certain types of ovarian cysts (functional cysts) can be reduced by using hormonal birth control pills, as their mechanism of action is to suppress ovulation. If you are prone to ovarian cysts, your doctor may suggest that you take birth control pills, as they suppress ovulation and may reduce the risk of cysts. Also, birth control pills can reduce the size of an existing functional cyst.
How can you relieve the pain caused by a cyst?
Sometimes an ovarian cyst can cause severe, constant pain. Pain medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to relieve pain from an ovarian cyst. For some women, a hot bath or a heating pad (hot water bottle) applied to the area where the pain is most helpful helps alleviate the pain. It helps to relax the muscles and relieve tension. The same method is used to relieve painful menstruation. When using this method, be careful to place the heating pad on your clothing and not on your skin to avoid burns. If possible, it is recommended to limit physical activity and avoid sudden movements, jumping, vigorous exercise, to avoid rupture or twisting of a large cyst.

Observing the evolution of a cyst

Once a cyst is found, its growth is monitored. To monitor the cyst, an ultrasound examination is performed regularly (usually immediately after menstruation). If the cyst persists for more than 3 menstrual cycles, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove the cyst and clarify its nature.

Prognosis for treatment of ovarian cysts

The prognosis for a woman with an ovarian cyst depends on the type and size of the cyst, as well as her age. In the vast majority of cases, ovarian cysts are benign and resolve without any treatment. Age: The development of a functional ovarian cyst is closely related to hormonal stimulation of ovarian function. Women of childbearing age who are menstruating are more likely to develop an ovarian cyst. Post-menopausal women are less likely to develop functional ovarian cysts and have an increased risk of cancer. Therefore, in the postmenopausal period, removal of any cyst larger than 2-5 cm is recommended. Size and shape of the cyst: As a rule, functional cysts are no more than 5 cm in diameter and contain only one chamber (cavity) filled with fluid. The wall of the cyst is usually thin, and the inside of the wall is smooth. All these characteristics can be seen with a transvaginal ultrasound examination. In such cases, the cyst is considered functional and does not require intervention.

Association of ovarian cysts with infertility and pregnancy

In most cases, functional ovarian cysts do not interfere with a woman's fertility. The occurrence of pregnancy in a woman with a functional ovarian cyst, as a rule, leads to a rapid decrease and disappearance of the cyst. During pregnancy, functional ovarian cysts are extremely rare.

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