Diet for children for a week for weight loss at home. How to help a child lose weight How to lose weight a child 9 years old girl

Ventilation 02.01.2022

Obesity in modern society is becoming a pandemic. According to statistical studies, this pathology is expected to increase tenfold in the near future. In 2017, there were about 125 million children suffering from this disease. This article will provide comprehensive information on how to lose weight for a child at the age of 10 at home.

Is it possible to lose weight at the age of 10 at home?

Before talking about weight loss methods, it is worth determining how much excess kg a child has. Based on this, one can judge the presence of overweight or obesity.

As for adults, doctors use the so-called BMI (body mass index) to calculate. If it is in the range from 13 to 21, then the child does not have a tendency to be overweight. If more, then perhaps he is overweight or obese. Measurements of the waist, the thickness of the fat fold are also made. The data are compared with indicators of centile tables. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "overweight" and "obesity". Overweight is a condition characterized by excess body weight. Unlike obesity, this is not so pronounced; other organs and systems (liver, heart, blood vessels, skin, endocrine glands) are also not affected.

How to lose weight for a 10 year old

Every parent should understand that there are many causes and types of obesity:

  • Alimentary obesity is an excess of adipose tissue caused by excessive nutrition. This type can be adjusted at home.
  • Obesity due to somatic pathology: mainly endocrine and neuroendocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, pituitary tumor). These conditions require consultation of a pediatrician, endocrinologist and other related specialists. As a rule, in the treatment of the underlying disease, normalization of body weight occurs.
  • Obesity caused by genetic diseases and congenital malformations: many developmental disorders are accompanied by excess weight (Prader-Willi syndrome). These conditions are extremely difficult to treat. However, normalization of body weight is possible through rational nutrition and exercise.
  • Psychogenic obesity is caused by a bulimic response to chronic stress. This type is more common in girls with neurosis-like and dysmorphophobic disorders. Eating disorders are treated with the participation of a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist. Home weight loss methods can only make matters worse.
  • Drug-induced obesity: the use of certain medications leads to weight gain (hormones, insulin preparations, anticonvulsants). The appearance of symptoms of obesity while taking medications requires a mandatory consultation with the attending physician. An adequate dose is selected. After that, weight loss at home will be possible.

Attention! In girls, weight problems may arise in connection with the onset of puberty. Boys, on the other hand, may become overweight when their gender development is delayed.

With significant metabolic disorders, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. However, during puberty, various changes can occur in the child's body. This is a physiological norm.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause. Obesity may not be the result, but a symptom of a more serious pathology. A complete examination of the baby is carried out, as a result of which a final diagnosis is made and therapy is prescribed.

If the excess body weight is small, it is clear that the child eats a lot and moves little, we can assume an alimentary form. In this case, the parents themselves can help the baby in losing weight.

How to lose weight for a 10 year old at home

It is worth understanding that miracles do not happen

There are a lot of myths about weight loss at home. It should be understood that miracles do not happen. Weight loss is not a matter of one day or a week. First of all, this is the result of painstaking and hard work not only of the child, but also of the parents.

Attention! The approach must be comprehensive.

The most important components:

  • diet;
  • rational physical activity;
  • general health measures.

special diet

Since we are talking about a growing organism, it is necessary to take into account all its age-related nutrient requirements.

Important! The child should not starve, it slows down growth and development.

The easiest way is to eliminate simple carbohydrates from the diet and reduce the consumption of trans fats. These include confectionery, rich pastries, various fast food. These restrictions will not bring harm, but, on the contrary, will help normalize blood sugar levels.

A more complex approach is to calculate calories and all nutrients. A ten-year-old child needs 1600-1800 kcal to lose weight. The ratio of nutrients should be as follows: proteins - 1, fats - 1, carbohydrates - 5. When converted into grams, this is about 60 g of protein, 27 g of fat, 300 g of carbohydrates.

Attention! Carbohydrates must be complex.

The diet should be varied and include different food groups. The best sources of protein are:

  • lean fish;
  • bird;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese (you need to avoid the use of low-fat cottage cheese, since the protein from it is less absorbed by the body).

It is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty meat, mainly pork and some parts of beef. This is a heavy food for a child's body, in addition, these varieties contain a huge amount of fat.

Diet should be varied

Sources of carbohydrates:

  • cereals: buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, barley;
  • rye or bran bread;
  • durum wheat pasta.

The diet should be dominated by complex carbohydrates, from simple ones it is permissible to use unsweetened fruits and berries: apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, blueberries, currants.

Attention! Parents need to pay attention to the fact that simple carbohydrates can be found in a latent form in various products: yogurt, sausage, long loaf, various sauces and ketchups.

It is better to reduce the consumption of such food.

Sources of fatty acids:

  • olive oil;
  • red fish;
  • nuts;
  • avocado;
  • butter.

Unlike adults, children should not exclude butter from the diet. It contains fat-soluble vitamins and promotes growth and development. It is not recommended to get involved in nuts and seeds: they contain a large amount of fat.

Important! The daily norm is 5-10 hazelnut kernels or 2 walnuts.

Fresh vegetables are also recommended. They contain a large amount of fiber, which favorably affects the digestion process. It is necessary to exclude or limit the use of fried and smoked foods. The best cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking.

Hot liquid dishes should be included in the diet: soups and borscht. They are low in calories and give a feeling of satiety.

Food should be fractional: 5-6 times a day. At the last meal, it is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates. It will also be appropriate to use multivitamins. They help the body cope with dietary restrictions.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in milk, with a little honey and butter.
  2. Second breakfast: one medium apple or 2 tangerines.
  3. Lunch: borscht with sour cream, turkey steam cutlet, 2 tablespoons of boiled buckwheat, vegetable salad.
  4. Snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese and a banana.
  5. Dinner: two egg omelet and vegetable salad.

A set of exercises

How to lose weight at 10 years old at home, with the help of physical activity? In fact, there are no specific exercises. All physical efforts are aimed at maintaining muscle tone and endurance training. Classes should be regular: at least 2-3 times a week. Their duration should not exceed 45 minutes. If the child is on the street, then sports games will be an excellent alternative to training. Cycling is also good for health. This will lift your spirits and help you burn those extra calories. Outdoor activities are several times more effective. This is because oxygen is needed to activate the breakdown of fat.

A set of exercises

If the child trains at home, then it is necessary to ventilate the room before training. Home activities have a number of advantages: they are free, you do not need to leave the house, they help to unite the family team.

Complexes of exercises can be different. Preference is given to mobile training, with small loads.

Important! Excessive stress on the joints is unacceptable. An overweight child is at risk of developing arthritis early.

Workout example:

  • Walking on the spot (to warm up the muscles) - 5 min.
  • Warm-up (various movements in the joints, raising arms and legs, tilts, exercises aimed at stretching the muscles) - 10 min.
  • Jumping - 3 min.
  • Squats - 2 min.
  • Knee lunges - 3 min.
  • Push-ups - 2 min.
  • Static exercises (“plank”) - 1 min.
  • Exercises with dumbbells - 9 min.

In order not to wonder how to lose weight at the age of 10, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of excess weight. First of all, you should find out the cause of obesity. If it is medical in nature, then treatment is necessary.

Attention! If these are psychogenic disorders, then it would be best to take the child to a child psychologist.

If the reason lies in overeating, then it is worth limiting the amount of food consumed and playing sports. As a preventive measure, it will be useful:

  • hardening;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • taking vitamins (deficiency of certain trace elements provokes appetite).

It is also necessary to eat often and fractionally and engage in physical activity.

Parents must remember that it is their sacred duty to take care of the physical, mental and moral well-being of their children. Losing weight in childhood is a complex and long process that a child cannot cope with without the help of the family (and in some cases doctors).

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Gaining excess weight is not only a health problem, but also a social plus psychological side of life. Not only parents, but also girls and boys themselves are thinking about how to lose weight for a child, so answers to questions about where the extra weight comes from, what diets and exercises help to lose weight are especially relevant. Learn how to warn your child and overcome problems if they arise!

fat kids

The problem of excess weight in children is spreading more and more every year, and it is more difficult to carry out weight loss activities for a girl or a boy than for an adult. Previously, this issue was encountered less often, because the children were more often engaged in outdoor games, being deprived of modern “benefits” in the form of a computer and other gadgets. Just think how difficult a diet is for a 10-year-old child, when it is difficult for a person in years and with motivation to resist gastronomic temptations.

Overweight children are more likely to get sick than their peers, as they have reduced resistance to infections, they may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and a predisposition to serious diseases, such as diabetes. They are not only exposed to health risks, but also have problems in the social sphere. Such guys often become objects of ridicule among their peers or even outcasts.

Causes of obesity

The main factor contributing to weight gain is heredity. This reason is due to genetic predisposition or endocrine diseases. Experts note the following reasons:

  1. Wrong nutrition. This is a particularly relevant point now, when fast food is available, and flour food during a break is the norm. Even a fast metabolism in mobile children does not help with weight loss if the diet is not properly composed.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle that is associated with spending time on gadgets, which leads to an insufficient level of physical activity.
  3. Psychological problems that teenagers seize. Getting pleasure from high-calorie, sweet food, children replace dissatisfaction in other areas, such as communication with peers, problems in the family. High school children are especially vulnerable to this. At the same time, ladies are more vulnerable, therefore they are more likely to be at risk of overeating. Result: questions often arise about how to lose weight for a 10-year-old girl


Degrees of obesity

Excess weight with a slight level of excess does not affect health in any way, but can lead to obesity. This is a disease that has different degrees of severity:

  • I - 15-25% excess weight over the norm;
  • II - 26-50%;
  • III - 51-100%;
  • IV - weight twice or more exceeds the norm.

How to lose weight for an infant

As a rule, babies and children under one year of age are not limited in food by mothers; at each call they are encouraged to eat. They especially try to “feed” the child when it was born prematurely. Remember that the little ones are also overweight! At this age, girls or boys cannot control how much food they need, so parents need to monitor this. The weight should correspond to the height of the baby.

In the fight against extra pounds, their methods and methods are intended for children under one year old. So, doctors recommend observing the regimen of feeding and rest, monitor the amount of milk that the child takes. With lack of sleep, excess weight may appear from the general inertia of the baby. Play more with the child, make him move. Another way to lose weight for children under one year old is massage. It helps you improve blood circulation. At this age, it contributes to the proper development of the musculoskeletal system.

How to lose weight for a 6 year old

In the preschool years, it is still difficult for children to control their own nutrition. It will not be easy for a child to resist the constant temptations of sweets and starchy foods if he sees how adults consume him endlessly. Therefore, before using methods and methods for children 4-6 years old and older, streamline your diet. Proper nutrition for the whole family will not only support the child's weight loss, but also the basis of the health of all family members.

Physical activity helps to lose weight. You can enroll your child in aerobics, gymnastics, running, swimming pool. Sport will solve not only the question of how to lose weight for a child, but also help to get healthier. Thanks to physical education, the body will develop correctly, there will be a “adjustment” of a fast metabolism. At the same time, the love for sports instilled in childhood will guarantee the further absence of problems with being overweight.

How to lose weight for a student

A small citizen makes new acquaintances at school, assessment appears, which develops the spirit of competition, so it is important for girls and boys to gain authority. Excess weight can cause insecurity, which will negatively affect school grades, recognition among peers, and mood. Methods and methods for children from 7 to 14 years old are based on the fact that a teenager himself already has sufficient willpower and independence.

In view of this, the diet for children 10 years old becomes effective. With her, the diet is calculated based on the number of calories. Fatty foods are excluded from the menu, the amount of sugar and portion size are limited. A diet for a child of 11 years old for weight loss should be built on a sufficient amount of vegetables, because they contain fiber, which should be consumed at least 30 grams daily, which helps to lose weight.

How to help your child lose weight

The problem of overweight children primarily comes from the habits of the family. It is necessary to decide how to lose weight for a child together with a teenager. You can not resort to food restrictions, use other ways to deal with weight:

  • acupuncture - an acupuncture specialist can help get rid of kilograms;
  • get a dog - a teenager will perform the duties of a daily walk;
  • outdoor games: in summer - team games, for example, football, basketball (where you need to run), in winter - swimming pool and gym classes;
  • fight laziness and do not let too much sit at the computer, encouraging an active lifestyle.

Children's exercises for weight loss

It is advisable to do any exercises 3-4 times a week. One of the most effective is running, you can do it both in the summer outdoors and in indoor gyms during the cold season. For weight loss, alternating fast and slow pace is recommended. Other cardio exercises are useful, where the pace changes, and the process of burning calories occurs not only during classes, but also for some time after them:

  • jump squat;
  • jumping to a hill (you can use a chair or stool);
  • workout with dumbbells at home, which can be replaced with bottles filled with water.

According to statistics, almost 17% of children are overweight. And only 25% of parents are able to recognize this problem in time and take all necessary measures. The result is a delay in sexual development, osteoarthritis, hepatosis, diabetes mellitus, liver failure, psychosocial disorders and many other pathologies that, manifesting themselves at an early age, will become a person’s companions for life, reducing not only its quality, but also its duration.

To minimize the risk of developing these diseases, the issue of losing weight should be addressed in a timely manner and only in conjunction with specialists - a pediatrician, endocrinologist, nutritionist. Diets, training programs and drugs for adults will help here. First of all, you need to take into account age characteristics.

Reasons for being overweight in children

Noticing that a child is overweight, the first thing most parents do is limit his diet. If this is done correctly and under the supervision of a specialist, the problem is solved safely. However, not everyone knows that the wrong diet and overeating are to blame only in 45% of cases. Therefore, before taking any action, you need to understand what exactly causes completeness. The most common reasons:

  • eating disorders;
  • , unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • heredity, gene mutations;
  • brain pathology: tumors, injuries;
  • neuroendocrine diseases;
  • lack of sleep;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • prolonged, incorrect intake of certain medications: hormonal, glucocorticoid, antidepressants;
  • mental illness;
  • depression, constant nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • hormonal disbalance.

There is no need to write off the fullness of the child only for overeating, especially if you notice that he does not eat that much. To lose weight, he will first have to undergo a complete medical examination. It will exclude or confirm the presence of diseases that can cause excess weight. Without identifying and eliminating provoking factors, all efforts will be useless.

On a note. The most severe and unexplored to date are cases of hypothalamic excess weight. They are associated with brain tumors and skull injuries. Observed in 50% of children who have undergone radiation therapy and surgery to treat these diseases. Inevitably lead to obesity, in which neither dietary nor pharmacological prescriptions are effective.

Age features

During the neonatal period (in newborns), which lasts only 1 month, it is too early to talk about excess weight and obesity. Even if a baby is born a hero weighing 5-6 kg, this still does not mean anything: heredity and individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy most often work here. Parents should not worry, by the age of 6 months you cannot distinguish him by weight from the rest.

Breast period - from 1 month to 1 year


There is only one reason for excess weight in infants (except for diseases) - maternal malnutrition. Formula-fed babies get fat if too high-calorie milk formula has been chosen.

After the introduction of complementary foods, a sharp jump in weight can be observed due to:

  • lack of a meal schedule;
  • too much feeding;
  • non-compliance with WHO recommendations on infant nutrition;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • increased insulin;
  • excess fluid;
  • improperly organized first feeding.

What to do to make the baby lose weight:

  • adjust his diet together with the pediatrician;
  • donate blood for sugar to exclude diabetes mellitus;
  • donate blood for gene mutations and consult a geneticist;
  • sign up for a professional massage;
  • more often walk with him in the fresh air.

Unfortunately, at this age, a fat child most often causes affection: chubby cheeks, rounded shapes of arms and legs do not cause any alertness. Because of this, parents often miss the moment when they need to take action.

Early childhood - 1-3 years

Indicators for boys:

Indicators for girls:

This period is considered critical for excess weight: pediatricians warn parents that it is from 1 to 3 years that the foundation of the future constitution is laid. This is where the “legs” of obesity in the future “grow”. Caring mom and dad, grandparents, as well as an army of other relatives are trying to pamper the baby with something tasty. Result: malnutrition (children refuse to eat healthy soups and cereals after sweets), damaged teeth and excess weight.

At the same age, congenital diseases begin to appear that are not detected in the first year of life and contribute to overweight.

To lose weight, you have to remove sweets and starchy foods from your diet. Moreover, all relatives should be warned about the diet. To exclude diseases, you need to undergo a complete medical examination.

Quote on topic."Grandma is the only person for whom grandchildren are always thin."

Preschool age - 4-6 years

Indicators for boys:

Indicators for girls:

This is one of the quietest periods of childhood, with regards to overweight. Either the problem has already been identified at an earlier age and the search for ways to solve it continues, or with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and the absence of diseases in a preschooler, everything is normal.

Junior school age - 7-10 years

Indicators for boys:

Indicators for girls:

From the age of 6-7, children become schoolchildren, which is a serious stress for most of them. The body is rebuilt to a new mode, sleep disturbances are often observed. Under the influence of classmates and teachers, a child can eat much more in the canteen than he ate at home before. These factors make this age also critical in terms of excess weight. To help your child lose weight, minimize his worries, speed up the adaptation to school life, talk with the class teacher about nutrition at school.

For those parents who recognized the problem in time in grade 1, 8-9 years is a stage of relative calm. The student begins to actively engage in physical education. If there is a risk of fullness, you can take care of prevention in advance and give it to the sports section or dancing.

Adolescence - 11-17 years

From 10-11 years old, girls begin puberty (for boys - a little later). This leads to changes in the hormonal background, due to which a rapid set of kilograms can begin.

This period is also dangerous with a reassessment of values. There is a desire to please the opposite sex, but everyone has different external data. Complexes are formed that lead to eating disorders. Someone seizes problems with high-calorie and tasty food in the absence of parental control, others bring themselves to anorexia. A psychologist or psychotherapist can help a teenager overcome these trials.

Research result. John Eliot, a professor at the University of Cambridge, achieved sustained weight loss in a group of teenage test subjects in a very unusual way. Throughout the year, schoolchildren were manually stimulated daily ... soles! Scientists have found that they are associated with satiety centers in the brain. More than 25% of children lost weight in this way without dietary changes and additional physical activity.


As we found out, it is far from always that a child’s overweight indicates that he has an excellent appetite, and at home they use this and overfeed him, being afraid to refuse the next piece. But this situation, indeed, develops in many families. When a doctor advises a mom to limit portions and eat right during medical examinations, some cannot understand: “How can I refuse food to my boy / girl?”. However, this must be done for their own good. Changes in diet will depend on age.

Rules for feeding up to a year, which will help to lose weight even for such babies:

  • new products to include in the menu once a week;
  • do not introduce new products during teething, before vaccinations, immediately after them, after illnesses, when the climate changes;
  • feed by the hour;
  • do not force the baby to eat;
  • complementary foods - an addition to breast milk, and not its replacement;
  • portion sizes should be clearly fixed: less than the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the table - you can, more - you can’t:

At the age of 6 years, it is important not to overdo it with sweets and teach the baby to the right eating habits: eat by the hour and eat mostly healthy foods. This is the main rule of losing weight at this stage.

As soon as the school time begins, it is necessary to increase the daily calorie content of the diet, since energy will be spent on increased physical and intellectual stress. However, here it is important not to overdo it and not overfeed. Do not refuse lunches in the dining room, because hot meals and a short break between meals will have a beneficial effect on digestion and normalization of weight.

To help your child lose weight, you need to organize his food in accordance with certain rules:

  • fragmentation;
  • ensuring sufficient drinking regimen (at least a liter of water per day);
  • diet - balanced and varied;
  • exclusion of overeating;
  • calculation of the optimal daily calorie content and the preparation of a menu in accordance with it;
  • strict adherence to the schedule of meals;
  • refusal to eat before bed.

In no case should you put a child on a diet. This is possible only under two conditions: if it was prescribed by a doctor or. In all other cases, hunger strikes are contraindicated for children.

  • dietary meat;
  • homemade crackers, rye bread, whole grain toast;
  • cereal cereals (semolina and corn excluded);
  • brown rice, buckwheat;
  • tea, dried fruit compote, unsweetened jelly;
  • all dairy products without fat content restrictions;
  • greens, vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • fish, seafood;
  • eggs.

Products restricted for consumption by children as part of weight loss (useful, but too high in calories) - they can be given no more than 2 times a week:

  • honey, jam, jelly, marshmallow, jam, dark chocolate;
  • juices;
  • nuts;
  • candied fruits, dried fruits.

Mushrooms are not prohibited, but they are too heavy for a child's stomach. Teenagers can have them, but do not rush to introduce them into the diet for small ones.

  • carbonated, any sweet store drinks;
  • wheat bread;
  • sweet pastries, pastries;
  • sweets (other than those mentioned in the list above);
  • mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup;
  • pasta;
  • fatty meat, sausages, semi-finished meat products;
  • fast food, chips, crackers, nuts and other snacks.

Parents need to take into account that everything forbidden for children is too alluring and seductive. Categorically prohibit the child from chips or sweet buns, which he used to love so much - you won’t be able to lose weight. He will eat it all by hook or by crook. Therefore, give them a holiday at least once a week and allow them to eat a controlled amount of their favorite treat. But after that, try to have them burn the excess calories they have consumed in games or sports.

Quote on topic."Balanced nutrition in children's minds: a hamburger in the right hand and a hamburger in the left."

Physical exercise

If a child needs to lose weight quickly, dietary restrictions alone will not be enough. You will have to take control of his physical activity, and here you will also have to face certain difficulties. As you know, overweight children who are not accustomed to sports from childhood are reluctant to do physical education at school, do not enroll in sections and prefer to sit at home instead of walking and playing football in the yard.

You will have to convince the child almost by his own example and accustom him almost by force to the sport. Naturally, he will not do exercises alone, nor run in the mornings. From this situation, parents have only two options:

  1. Contact a professional trainer who leads the section: his experience + collective classes can captivate and draw you into the sport.
  2. Practice with your child at home.

Loads should be selected according to age. Before school, it should be mostly games, and on the street.

The student will need a more advanced program:

  • morning exercises;
  • simple exercises in accordance with age: swinging legs and arms, jumping, tilting, squats;
  • for teenagers, training should include simulators, jogging in the morning, power loads;
  • hiking;
  • team games;
  • it’s a good idea to enroll a boy in a martial arts section, a girl in dancing or gymnastics;
  • there are universal sports that are also worth paying attention to: tennis or swimming, for example.

After you manage to lose weight, sports can remain a useful hobby for the child for life, for which he will later say a separate “thank you” to his parents.


Unfortunately, many parents start looking for diet pills. The danger is that there are unscrupulous manufacturers on the dietary supplements market who do not indicate that their drugs are contraindicated for children. The result is poisoning, hormonal disruptions, even more weight gain, digestive disorders, etc.

While the child's body is being formed and developed, one should not poison it with this "chemistry". You will not achieve what you want, but you will undermine your health in such a way that the child will have to pay for this mistake for the rest of his life.

The only exceptions are drugs and (the first is allowed from 12, the second - from 10 years). But they can be taken only as directed by a doctor and only for obesity.

And the last thing I want to warn parents about: you can’t force a child to lose weight, you can convince and persuade him. And be sure to show your own example - look fit and slim, eat right, play sports. Otherwise, strict prohibitions will become for him only an obsession that will frustrate all your plans.

Is it possible to lose weight at 10 years old? This question is asked by many parents whose children differ significantly in weight from their peers. How to lose weight for a child at 10 years old at home? The topic may be of interest to the children themselves, who notice their difference from others.

First of all, this problem should worry parents. They will need to take into account many factors, properly adjust the diet, organize the planning of the day and provide the child with sufficient physical activity.

Important! Due to the fact that the developing organism needs the entire set of nutrients, it is strictly forbidden to put a child on a strict diet.

Thus, the selection of the optimal diet can be difficult. There are general recommendations that can help a child lose weight at a gentle pace, with minimal health risk.

Reasons for being overweight in childhood

In order to find the right solution to the problem, it is necessary to determine what contributed to the weight gain in the child. Some of the most common causes of childhood obesity include:

  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • disturbed diet;
  • dependence on harmful products;
  • hormonal and other disorders in the body.

Modern boys and girls most often have a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of walking in the fresh air and various physical activities, most people prefer to be in front of a computer or TV.

Another significant threat to the health of children is the craze for junk food. All kinds of chips, fried potatoes, soda do not bring any benefit and adversely affect a growing, young organism.

Important! Sugar-based sweets can easily be replaced with dried fruits. They perfectly saturate the body, have a sweet taste and are much healthier than chocolates.

Weight loss for boys and girls without the help of diets

Losing weight for a child at home is not difficult, the main thing is to make the right diet. However, it is important to consult a nutritionist to get the necessary advice on how to properly deal with obesity. Excess weight can be caused not only by banal overeating, but also by more serious disorders in the body, for example, hormonal failure.


A growing body needs to get all the important nutrients from food, and therefore a rigid diet with a limited set of products is excluded. At the same time, most of the diet should be cooked sparingly.

  1. Eliminate all fried foods, and instead bake or steam them.
  2. The children's menu must contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices.

The approximate menu of a losing weight child is not much different from the diet of an adult who is on a diet. It may include the following products:

  1. For breakfast, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products, cereals are perfect.
  2. The best option for a school snack is chopped fruit and cheese.
  3. It is worth completely removing all sausages from the diet and replacing them with complete animal protein.

The question of how to lose weight by 10 kg will gradually come to naught, because if the diet and sufficient physical activity are followed, the child’s weight will return to normal sooner or later.

Important! It is desirable that all components of the children's diet consist of self-prepared dishes, and not purchased ones.

Home cooking will protect the child from unwanted additives, flavor enhancers and low-quality products, because you will personally control the expiration dates of the products.


At first, the child may not show any desire and even resist all changes in the diet. In this matter, it is important to be persistent and try to explain in simple terms how important it is to be in shape.

Excess weight can become not only a physical problem, the child may also have difficulty communicating with peers. It is at this age that there is a risk of developing all kinds of complexes and rejection of one's appearance. Therefore, the task of parents is to do everything possible not only to minimize the risk of deterioration in health, but also to exclude possible psychological disorders and injuries.

Losing weight for a girl at the age of 10 is often even more important than for a boy. During this period, the girl is on the verge of growing up and maturation of the body. She begins to treat herself with increased attention. Parents should explain that the figure will be formed for a long time and it is too early to judge. Just in order for a girl to be satisfied with herself already in adulthood, now it is worth worrying about proper nutrition and reasonable loads.


Over time, the child will be drawn into the new regimen and will begin to try all new physical activities with pleasure. In this matter, it is important not only to say, but also to show by example the importance of exercises. This will have a positive impact not only on the involvement of the child in sports, but also on building trusting relationships, which is also important. Gradually, exercise will become an indispensable part of the child's everyday life.

Weight loss in 1 week without risk to health

A week is too short a period for losing weight, however, it is realistic to achieve some minimal results during this period. It is important to note that it is worth immediately discarding thoughts about how to help a child lose weight in 1 day. The use of strict diets in this case is strictly prohibited. And this means that it is necessary to review the entire diet of the child, add physical activity.

However, the first results can be seen in 2 days, if the child is limited in eating excessively fatty and salty foods. The presence of sports in the daily schedule will significantly speed up the process of losing weight and in a week will allow you to see the first results.

Information! Motor activity is most often not characteristic of an overweight child, so for starters, it is worth including pleasant types of loads. Offer cycling, long walks, and dancing is also great for girls.

Forbidden ways for a child

It is strictly forbidden to use radical methods of losing weight. A young, developing organism can be ruined by rigid diets and dubious methods. Do not put your child at risk and try the following methods:

  1. Exhausting physical activity. Increased activity can negatively manifest itself and completely deplete the body.
  2. Starvation. It is undesirable to cut the diet even in several important foods, but complete starvation can even lead to unpredictable consequences.
  3. The use of various drugs for weight loss. In this case, the risk is not justified and can lead to irreversible consequences and provoke problems with the stomach, kidneys and other vital organs.

Do not let the problem of excess weight in a child take its course. The task of parents is to help understand the root cause and choose the most optimal and delicate way to get rid of extra pounds. You should not set unrealistic and dubious goals for your child, it is possible to quickly lose weight by 5 kg in a week, but is it necessary? Slow and smooth weight loss will not bring discomfort to the child and will not harm the body.

According to experts, today the problem of childhood obesity is more relevant than ever. In total, over a billion people in the world suffer from excess weight, and 30% of this figure is in children. But how to lose weight for a child of 12 years old in a week at home?

Often the cause of childhood obesity is malnutrition, the abuse of harmful and high-calorie foods, as well as a relatively passive lifestyle.

If earlier children spent a lot of time in the yard at playgrounds, and not a day passed without sports games, today all this has been replaced by tablet applications, computer games, cartoons, etc.

how to lose weight for a child 10-12 years old in a week at home

What can we say about the addiction of most children to all sorts of chips, fast food, crackers, sweet soda, chocolate bars, etc. Of course, eating regularly in this way, overweight simply cannot be avoided, especially if you also combine such a dubious diet with a sedentary lifestyle of the modern child.

In childhood, being overweight is highly undesirable, as it can provoke the development of many diseases. In particular, we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system and bone deformities. If your child has a problem of excess weight, of course, you need to deal with it urgently. But how to do it correctly? After all, to make a boy give up his favorite treats and exchange bright computer graphics for a visit to the sports section is far from an easy task! That is why experts have developed a children's diet for children of 11 years old and a schedule, following which the child will be as comfortable and easy as possible to switch to a new diet.

Diet for children 10-12 years old: features

How to lose weight in a week by 10 kg at home for children 10 years old? First of all, it should be understood that a diet for children clearly does not provide for any strict food restrictions, like express diet models. A children's diet is a balanced diet that should bring maximum benefit to a growing and developing organism.

It is extremely important to adjust the diet itself. Four meals a day are ideal: 25-30% of the total daily diet is for breakfast, 10-15% for lunch, 40-45% for lunch and only 15-20% for dinner.

Breakfast and lunch of the children's diet should consist mainly of protein foods. Eggs, lean meats and fish are ideal. Legumes are also useful - they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, besides, they perfectly saturate and give a boost of energy, which is so necessary for the child's body.

How to lose weight at the age of 13 for a girl in a week? For dinner, cook meals for children from cereals and vegetables. Do not forget that the entire children's diet should consist only of natural and nutrient-rich foods. Any canned food, fast food, convenience foods, store-bought snacks, etc., are definitely not the place for a child's menu!

How to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl at home in a week? The most suitable products for a children's diet include the following:

  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • bran and rye bread;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • mineral water without gas.

For a children's diet, it is advisable to cook all the dishes yourself, and not use store-bought ones. Homemade food is always safer in any case, since you probably know what ingredients are used to prepare it.

But to exclude from the children's diet is such products as:

  • canned food with a shelf life of more than three months;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • store cutlets;
  • food cooked with margarine;
  • chips, salted nuts, etc.;
  • chocolate bars;
  • lollipops;
  • food containing flavor enhancers;
  • sweet sodas.

The above food not only provokes weight gain, while not saturating the body with any useful substances, but also can be addictive in children.

Sweets and chocolates can be replaced with dried fruits - they give the body the right dose of sugar, create a long-lasting feeling of satiety and contain only natural and important components for our health.

A children's diet is the same system of proper and balanced nutrition. There is only one feature: you need to switch to this way of eating very gradually, since it is rather difficult for children to immediately give up all the harmful foods to which they have such an addiction.

To begin with, you can simply allow the child his favorite store-bought treats only in the morning, since their use in the evening provokes active fat deposition. Then you can include such food in the child's diet only once every few days, then on weekends, etc. You can use chips, chocolates, etc. as a reward for certain merit. But, of course, if you eat something like that, then only occasionally and in small quantities.


It is desirable to accustom a child to healthy and wholesome food gradually, because immediately after hamburgers it will be difficult for children to fall in love with broccoli. To get started, try to get your child to follow a few basic rules.

  1. Do not eat at night (dinner should be no later than 19.00 and not very dense).
  2. Have a hearty breakfast.
  3. Do not eat at the computer or in front of the TV.
  4. Avoid snacking on sweets, chocolates, etc. If the child is hungry between main meals, he can refresh himself with any fruit, vegetable salad or fermented milk product.
  5. Avoid fried foods. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake foods.
  6. Don't eat at fast foods.
  7. Do not eat salads dressed with mayonnaise (for starters, you can at least switch to diet mayonnaise).

It is also important to normalize the weight of the child is also the intake of a sufficient amount of fluid. The daily norm of water for a healthy child's body is 30 ml per 1 kilogram of weight. Of course, you need to drink clean water, not sweet soda. By the way, tea, cocoa and other hot drinks should also be consumed without sugar. Of course, this will be difficult for the child, so try to at least gradually reduce the amount of sugar added to the cup.

The first breakfast should be about 25-30% of the total daily diet, the second breakfast - about 10-15%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 15%.

For breakfast and lunch, use mainly protein foods (fish, eggs and meat), and for dinner - cereals and vegetables.

Diet for an overweight child 8 years old: menu

The first option of the diet menu:

  • first breakfast - scrambled eggs with carrots, a slice of rye bread, a cup of tea or compote;
  • second breakfast - a sandwich with cheese, a glass of dried fruit compote;
  • lunch - potato or meat soup, a slice of rye bread or bread;
  • dinner - boiled potatoes or stewed vegetables, a glass of apple jelly.

Second option:

  • first breakfast - a portion of buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • second breakfast - steamed beetroot cutlets, a glass of apple compote;
  • lunch - borscht cooked in low-fat meat broth, boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables, a slice of rye bread;
  • dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables (you can season with dietary mayonnaise, a glass of dried fruit jelly.

Third option:

  • first breakfast - a portion of oatmeal, a cup of tea with milk;
  • second breakfast - fresh tomatoes, a slice of bread and a baked apple;
  • lunch - vegetable okroshka, a slice of bread, a glass of carrot and apple juice;
  • dinner - stewed zucchini, boiled potatoes and a cup of tea.

Fourth option:

  • the first breakfast - an omelette with the addition of apples, a glass of rosehip broth;
  • second breakfast - some potato pancakes with the addition of low-fat sour cream;
  • lunch - mashed potatoes, beetroot cutlets, rye bread, any fresh fruit;
  • dinner - oatmeal with raisins.

Fifth option:

  • first breakfast - semolina pancakes with apples and raisins, a glass of compote;
  • second breakfast - liver pate with rye bread, some fresh fruit;
  • lunch - a slice of rye bread and a portion of oatmeal soup with the addition of prunes;
  • dinner - boiled potatoes, steamed meatballs, a glass of rosehip broth.

Sixth option:

  • first breakfast - fruit puree;
  • second breakfast - potato omelette, a glass of dried fruit compote;
  • lunch - a portion of soup from grated vegetables, a cup of coffee with milk;
  • dinner - fresh vegetable salad dressed with sour cream, a little stewed potatoes.

Taking into account all the features, you can make a menu for 7 days, it is important to consider the recommendations for children 9 years old.

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