How can I appreciate the sale of an apartment. How to appreciate the apartment before selling: four ways. With the help of real estate agencies

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In some cases, attraction independent appraiser It turns out either inexpedient or economically unjustified action. In such cases, you can try to evaluate the apartment yourself.

For an independent assessment of the apartment, it is best to take advantage of the simplified version of the method of comparative analysis of proposals for the sale of similar apartments.

Procedure evaluation

The procedure for applying this method is as follows:

1. Examine the base of proposals for the sale of apartments similar to the one you want to evaluate. The main sources of such proposals are large real estate agencies, Internet aggregators for the sale of real estate ("Cyan" and similar), as well as specialized print editions of the type "Real Estate and Prices", "From hand to hand" and those like it.

When studying suggestions for the sale of apartments, you need to pay attention to the accuracy of each source of information and the relevance of the proposal on the date of the assessment. If there is a doubt, it is better to call the contact phone number indicated in the ad and clarify all the details personally.

According to the results of this study, it is necessary to choose 5-6 apartments that are as much as possible on the estimated apartment in the following parameters (the parameters are listed in descending order of importance):

  • location and nearby environment;
  • type, construction of the house;
  • finishing class;
  • number of rooms;
  • condition (need to repair);
  • floor;
  • kitchen Square;
  • the presence of balconies, loggias.

2. After 5-6 analog objects are chosen, the prices of the proposals of the selected analogs need to be adjusted (reduce) by the magnitude of the likely discount, which the seller of the apartment usually provides the buyer in the process of real negotiations on the purchase and reasonable bargaining.

The magnitude of this amendment depends on the state of the real estate market (and the economy as a whole), which varies in time and is characterized by pronounced cyclicity, when periods of growth are replaced by periods of stagnation and recession. So, during the overall rise and price increase in the housing market, sellers are in no hurry to make discounts in the process of bargaining, because they know that after a while the price of their objects will still grow. The buyer in this situation will be interested in to quickly buy accommodation until prices have not grown even more. Conversely, during the economic crisis, the discount in the bargaining process can be quite significant, since the seller will be interested in selling his apartment faster until prices fell even lower.

To accurately determine the amendment for the uler - the task is quite complicated, so when an apartment in the real estate market of Moscow and the Moscow region, we recommend using the following averaged values \u200b\u200bof this amendment:

3. At this stage of the assessment, when the object objects are selected, and their prices are adjusted, taking into account the amendments to the udering, you need to calculate the cost of 1 kV. Meter of the square of each of the analogy apartments. For this, the adjusted price of the offer offers must be divided into its total area. Having done this operation for each analogue, we get a number of landmarks market value 1 square meter common Square estimated apartment.

If the largest or smallest value in this row differs from the nearest (adjacent) value in this row by more than 20%, then the analogue with this value should be excluded from further consideration as non-unpasteable. For example, if we received the following number of values \u200b\u200bof the value of 1 sq. M.: 159 tr., 160 tr., 165t.r., 168 tr., 170 tr., 220 tons. P, then the last analogue with the cost of one square is 220 thousand rubles. It should be discarded, so its value differs from the adjacent value (170 thousand rubles) by more than 20%.

To move from this row of values \u200b\u200bto the market value of the estimated apartment, it remains to count the arithmetic average of the value obtained 1 sq.m. For apartments - analogues and multiply the resulting value on the area of \u200b\u200bthe estimated apartment.

Table calculations

For a visual view of the procedure described above, we provide an example of a settlement table for self-evaluation:

Table 2. Estimated table for assessing an apartment.

Ana-Log 1 Ana-Log 2 Ana-Log 3 Ana-Log 4 Ana-Log 5 Ana-Log 6

The price of pre-lo - the same, rub.

Estimation of the real estate market of the real estate

Moderate growth

Pop zervka on the User-Go-Vasya, Choosing-Ran-Naya, taking into account the SOS-YUNIA MINO-KA RUSSIAN RUSSIA

The price of pre-lo-and taking into account the pop equivo on the User-go-youth, rub.

Total root, sq.m.

One-bridge 1 sq.m., rub.

Ana-Log excluded from further-one considering rhenium, because Cost-Ax of 1 sq.m. It is betrayed from the close value of more than 20%.

The meaning of it is a question of stoi-modes 1. sq.m. For all Ana Lo Gam, rub.

(159000+160000+165000+168000+170000)/5 = 164400

The total root of the Oce-Ni-Vasheva Kv-Tira, sq.m.

Market-naya cost of the estimated kv-tira, rub.


Of course, the described method of assessing the apartment is quite simplified, but with a thorough selection of analogues, even this method can give good results with accuracy.

Calculation of the value of the share in the apartment

The described method can be used for independent assessment of the share in the apartment. For this, the obtained value of 1 square meters. M must be reduced by the discount value (discount), which takes into account the fact that this square meter is sold as part of the share, and not in the "whole" apartment.

Then the discounted value of 1 sq. M must be multiplied by the number of square meters included on the estimated share. The result will be the market value of the share in the apartment under consideration.

Estimation of the cost of an apartment online

If you rate the apartment in Moscow, then you can check the results of self-assessment using our specialized online calculators:

Please note that these calculators give only an approximate target value, so we should not expect an absolute matching results. To obtain an accurate assessment, refer to a professional appraiser.

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Apartment assessment for sale Need to determine the market price of real estate.

An important point when the purchase and sale of real estate is to determine its price. Its cost can be removed both independently and with the involvement of specialists.

When the evaluation refers to, most often implies the definition of the real estate market price by a specialist who has the right to engage in estimated activities. Today, according to the current legislation, the implementation of an independent assessment of real estate when making a sales contract is not mandatory.

The apartment or house is estimated at mandatory professional appraiser only when housing is purchased with the attraction of a mortgage loan. In other cases, the buyer and the seller can independently determine the price of the object of real estate based on personal ideas about its value. Similarly, by agreement of the parties, this can make an independent expert.

Independent price definition

The owner of the apartment itself can determine the cost of real estate for sale. The easiest way to be done as follows:

  • Search for similar objects and clarifying their real price. To do this, not only see prices on the Internet or printed publications, but maybe under the guy of the buyer, contact the seller and look at the apartment, learning about the possibility of bargaining. Making at least 2-3 such trips, the owner will be able to understand what the real value of its real estate today.
  • Determining the average cost of one square meter and the price calculation of the apartment that will be sold.
  • In parallel, it is worth calling several agencies and ask them to determine the approximate cost of the apartment according to certain parameters. Usually, the specialists of the agencies do not refuse a potential client.

But such an assessment will be very approximate, as there is a lot of indicators on the price, both in the direction of its increase and its decrease. Among them you can allocate maintenance:

  • Location. Usually the central regions of the city are most valued. The cost in the sleeping areas depends, including from their remoteness from the center.
  • Infrastructure. This can be attributed to the presence of good transportation, shops, schools, etc. Accordingly, two similar apartments in different parts of the city will differ in price.
  • Specifications. These include the floor where the apartment is located (usually the first and last floors are less), material of walls and floors, the presence of elevator, balcony and loggia, non-standard redevelopments, the area of \u200b\u200bindividual rooms, etc.
  • Type of house and year construction. It is worth noting that it is not always an apartment in an older house will cost cheaper than in a relatively new.
  • Repairs. Playing a big role overhaul: Replacing pipes, wiring, windows, etc. More appreciated than new wallpaper.
  • Infrastructure elements at home. The presence of parking, security and concierge, the crushed territory - all this can also affect the cost of the apartment.

This list is far from complete. For individual buyers, valuable are the most different characteristics Apartments. They can pay special attention good sight From the window, the state of access roads, the presence of a gym within walking distance, educational institutions etc.

Great influence is urgency. If the owner has the need to sell an object in a short time, then it must be prepared for the transaction price will be lower than the average market.

The cost of the apartment can be reduced due to the fact of use in the transaction of attorney or court decision. It is also not always easy to find a buyer for an interesting price for the seller if the owner is a minor face. Potential buyers and frequent change of owner. The presence of such nuances can lead to a decrease in the price of an apartment.

Weight factor is the encumbering of the object. Most often we are talking about mortgage when the bank gives permission to sell a collateral apartment. Such a transaction is somewhat delayed in time, since the ownership of the buyer will be able to register only after removing the burden. Many this "scares", and in such a situation the seller is forced to reduce the price.

Assigning the price of the apartment, it is recommended to leave a gap for bargaining. This will allow you to dialogue with the buyer. But it is unwanted to make a "markup" is overly big, as this may lead to the fact that buyers will not even be interested in the object.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to estimate the cost of the apartment independently possible. When it comes to a typical apartment, then find analogs will not be difficult. It is much more difficult to make an assessment when it is necessary to determine the price, for example, a rustic object, especially if we are talking about elite real estate. In such a situation, not only appraisers, but also specialists of real estate agencies are also often attracted.

Also deserves separate attention a method for determining the cost of an apartment in a new buildingEspecially when the house has not yet been put into operation. The price will influence the reputation of the developer. This refers to the future of the design of ownership of the apartment in the near future and the very quality of construction. Such apartments are usually sold more precisely when the house is fully built, the territory is enlarged, most of the neighbors have finished repair work, etc. In such circumstances, the buyer receives new housing, but avoids all risks and inconvenience related to the purchase of an apartment in the house under construction or recently transmitted home.

Real estate assessment by a professional appraiser

How is the assessment of the apartment for sale? Evaluation activities are governed by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 135-FZ "On appraisal activities in Russian Federation" Only a specialist, who is a member of one of the self-regulating organizations of appraisers, professionally can evaluate. The owner of the property should be inquired by the presence of all registration and permits from the appraiser, as well as to conclude an agreement on the provision of services with it.

The assessment procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. conclusion of the contract and payment of services appraiser;
  2. provision by a specialist document on the apartment;
  3. departure an appraiser for inspection;
  4. determining the cost of assessment and reporting;
  5. transferring report to the customer.

To determine the cost of the apartment, the Contractor needs to convey the appraiser copies of the following documents:

  • passports of all owners;
  • a guide document (purchase and sale, gift, certificate of inheritance, etc.);
  • technical certificate;
  • plan and explication.

When transferring documents, the Customer coordinates the time with the Contractor for the visual inspection of the apartment.

In determining the cost of an apartment or at home, the following assessment methods are used:

  1. Comparative method: It is analyzing similar transactions with similar objects lately. According to this method, the owner can also evaluate his apartment, but a professional appraiser, as a rule, takes into account the larger number of factors and more accurately calculates the cost of the apartment.
  2. The income method is to determine the prospects for the growth of cost in the future, as well as in determining the possibility of receiving income from the property and its approximate value.
  3. The cost method in which certain costs are used necessary for the construction of a similar object, as well as its maintenance costs.

The assessment performed by a professional appraiser has the status of an official document and can be used in the most different situationswhere you need to know the market value of the apartment.

The report on real estate evaluation must be the following information:

  • grounds for assessment (contract details);
  • information about estimated company and on the appraiser who directly examined the real estate and made the calculation;
  • the purpose of the assessment;
  • accurate description of objects with an indication of identification information, all characteristics and features;
  • the list of documents used in the evaluation;
  • list of used methods and data;
  • result of assessment in monetary terms.

The report may contain any other additional information that, according to the appraiser, affects the cost of housing.

The report should be compulsory numbered, stitched and fastened with the signature and printing of an authorized person.

It is allowed to draw up a report in electronic form, subject to its signing by a qualified electronic signature.

Risks instructions in the purchase and sale of untrue prices

The most common situation is an indication in the purchase and sale of a lower price than the real amount of calculation. It is advantageous, first of all, the seller, which thus reduces the base for taxation or is avoided at all.

This transaction is drawn up in different ways. The most frequently used option, which provides for the design of the seller of two receipts. One indicates the price prescribed in the contract of sale, and to the other - the amount of the difference in the real price and indicated in the contract.

Such a scheme, naturally, is a violation of legislation. For the buyer, it has a significant risk. If for any reason the seller will terminate the transaction in court, he will be able to return only the amount of funds that is specified in the sale contract. The seller can also use this understated cost for a claim. The court can recognize the balled transaction, since the price does not correspond to the real market value of the object.

It looks quite reasonable to look like a person selling an apartment for it the maximum possible amount for the minimum term. In order not to form confrontation between the concepts "quickly" and "profitable", the main condition should be observed: the establishment of a fair price for real estate.

The fact that the "first violin" is played by the real price of the apartment, they say
such proven practices Facts:

  • having understood the cost of the apartment, you will sell it in 2 weeks, and even less;
  • overvolving its cost - for several months;
  • having established a fair price, real estate realistially sell on time from 2 weeks to a month.

If there are no good reasons for a very urgent sale, it makes no sense to undertake the price of housing. Also how to overestimate, so as not to sit in anticipation of the buyer for months. There are cases of sales of apartments for overpriced prices, but these are episodes when it turns out that a close relative or seller who cares about the real estate acquired has a close relative, who sensiblely caught the momentary market conjuncture.

Determination of the cost of the apartment when selling

An assessment of the apartment for sale can be produced by a specialist or independently. Positive and negative sides of the main types of accommodation cost in the table:

Definition option
The optimal cost of housing
Using the receipt of official documents - appeals to the self-regulating organization of appraisers. For weekly, experts issue comprehensive information on dozens of printed pages with a price and its justification;
- percentage of error is allowed, but it is minimal.
- price of services 3 - 5 thousand rubles;
- the duration of the document is only 1 month;
- The guideline of appraisers - existing prices in the market, and not real transactions. The likelihood of getting an overestimated bug that does not cover the permissible error will not cover.
Appeal to valid real estate realtors and real estate agency. - real estimation of housing based on continuous monitoring of the real estate market;
- Experience in a specialist and its interest in the positive result of the transaction.
- Perhaps the intensity of the price.
Install your price. The assessment of the apartment is independently made by the seller, he is the master of the situation. Buyer can wait for a very long time, sometimes years. But it is not excluded fast sale without bargaining. Matter of chance.
We sell housing yourself using the Internet. - own assessment of housing issued for sale;
- assistance in the orientation in the real estate market;
- Easy method: on the site Enter the data of the apartment, and it is given to you. You can make a selection of similar apartments and determine the cost of yours.
It is used mainly to satisfy curiosity about how much about its apartment is. The results are too approximate.

Rate the cost of housing correctly - the matter is not easy. There are several types of prices.
for real estate:

  1. Start price or announced value of the sold apartment. She also calls the waiting price.
  2. The sale price is the actual amount paid for the apartment by the buyer.
  3. Market price. It is formed depending on the situation in the real estate market, it actively affects it.
    economic and political situation in the state.

There are two more types of prices: weighted average (average between the starting and selling price) and liquidation. By the liquidation version, the apartment is sold on the market as soon as possible at the lowest price. It is used in extreme cases when urgent sale is required.

How to determine the cost of an apartment when selling if the seller intends to act independently?

We estimate the apartment yourself

To correctly make an assessment of the apartment, you need to consider a number of criteria that determine
housing cost:

  • the location of the area in which the apartment is located. As a rule, housing in the center is more expensive;
  • type of structure. The most expensive are apartments in monolithic houses, then follow the bricks. Even cheaper housing in block buildings;
  • year buildings of the building;
  • apartment layout. Raise the cost of housing can be a large kitchen, separate rooms, the presence of a spacious loggia, etc.;
  • total housing area. The principle works here: the more the apartment, the cheaper M2. Therefore, 1m2 in the "odd shop" is valued higher than in "Treshka";
  • state of the apartment, repair quality;
  • infrastructure. This factor is very individual and is estimated by the buyer. Someone certainly needs a school or clinic nearby, someone - the metro station or parking lot. But it is unlikely that someone will be delighted by a noisy motorway under windows or a trash can nearby;
  • legal situation. It is important that the apartment is not the subject of pledge, there was required documentsAll utility payments were paid, etc.

How to find out the real price of the apartment we found out. But there are still nuances who often elude attention, but affect the cost of housing.

What will reduce the price of the apartment

After missing some details, you can not wait for a "good" price for your accommodation:

  • frequent change of apartment owner reduce its cost, the housing of the hosts living in it is more valued;
  • the owners of the apartment are minor children or they are simply spelled out in it;
  • if the apartment is purchased by proxy (especially less than 3 years ago). The reason is the risk of the appearance of the heirs, about which the seller could not know.

The best answer to the question: "How to appreciate the apartment for sale?" Will the Council be considered objectively. Before starting the sales process, find out the demand for real estate in the area. Perhaps there is a tendency to buy apartments on the 1st floor under shops and offices, then not popular the lower floor will increase its cost.

Explore potential customers and focus on the values \u200b\u200bof your living space. There is no doubt that the neighborhood will be important for young families kindergarten, and for pensioners - clinic or park.

Call similar ads for sale, read thematic columns in newspapers, sheets disclosed on the walls and pillars. Any information can benefit to properly assess the apartment. And, it means, it will help to sell accommodation at the expected price in a short time.

As realtors assure, every second owner of the property is too highly appreciated by his house, apartment, room. People come from quite understandable, peculiar to many of the send: "Since my - it means the best." Or - for considerations that they need a specific amount for some reason to post the buyer, regardless of the real market value of the apartment for some reason. Often, the price is also laid the costs of renovation, which is not true at all, because each family separates an apartment in accordance with its own taste. Excessive expectations of sellers may exceed the average prices of transactions with similar objects by 20-40%.

Apartments with an unjustified infant "Price" hang in Listing for months. In the end, the owner tired of expectation goes to the opponent and gradually reduces the price. But the "seeded goods" causes alertness from potential buyers who begin to seek hidden defects in the very object or pitfalls in the history of its sales.

Approximately 5% of cases in databases appear ads for the sale of facilities at a price below market. Often this is not a conscious step of the owner, who for personal reasons it is necessary to quickly sell from the hands of the property, and the result is all the same incorrect evaluation. The apartment is in this case for sale fly, but the former owner remains an unpleasant feeling that he has greatly extended.

In the first approximation

The Internet provides today the widest opportunities for self-decideIt would seem any questions. The services of an online estimate of the cost of apartments on its expanses is also enough. But their accuracy is very conditional.

To begin with, let us remember information about the objects of real estate presented on the Rosreestra website. Probably, only deaf did not hear that, unlike the past inventory cost Apartments, cadastral as close as possible to the market.

The next step is to calculate the price of the square meter for each apartment. If the smallest or largest price will be strong, percent for twenty, differ from the nearest value, it should be deleted from the list. It is either highly overestimated, or strongly understated on "non-market" reasons.

Each second owner of the house, apartments, the rooms are inclined to overestimate the price of its real estate by 20-40%.

Further everything is simple. Calculate the average value of the "Square" by folding the remaining price of 1 square meters. m and sharing the number of apartments. The resulting value is multiplied by the area of \u200b\u200byour apartment - and here it is, the desired result. For the breakdown of the Brezhnev, the real price calculated in the Moscow methodology amounted to 3.75 million rubles. Looks like the truth.

Better than prof

Both described techniques, both Moscow and St. Petersburg, do not guarantee the accuracy of the solution. A small sample leaves a chance that the two or three objects that have fallen into it are not estimated on the market, but according to Voluntarist principles, strongly distort the picture. But even if such a casus does not occur, the answer received by the response described above will have a very short "shelf life". After all, both of these methods do not give the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics of the market and the speed of changes occurring on it.

On the Internet there are sites on which people who are supported in real estate transactions are learning how to independently determine optimum price Your apartment is not worse than the realtor. For this, they argue, they must be analyzed not 10-20, but 50-100 ads. The expansion of the list will allow you to throw cases of dumping, speculation, non-professional assessment.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully analyze each announcement for its relevance, and in case of doubt - to call on the specified phone and make sure that the proposal is in force. Finally, not to miss the price of your apartment, you should prepare for sale, tracking the state of the market for several weeks, and better - months.

I have no doubt that with such a scrupulous approach, the end result will not be worse, but even better than the realtor, which is often more interested in quick selling than in receiving the seller of maximum revenue. Another thing is that an ordinary person may simply not have enough patience, time and experience for such a detailed monitoring of the market. In this case, it is better to turn to a professional and not set as much as a common question: why we pay the agent.

Text: Elena Denisenko Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

Sooner or later, each owner has to find out how much its apartment is. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate.

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How is the procedure, who, what documents are needed for this and what information will be taken into account when determining the price? We will analyze the main provisions of the legislation of Russia on this topic for 2019.

Sometimes the real estate owner has to contact the valuation of such objects. And it is necessary to conduct an assessment of apartments in several cases, which will be considered further.

We also find out what features of the procedure should be known to citizens and organizations that are in the property have residential facilities?


In regulations, issues regarding:

  • does real estate assessment be required in some cases;
  • it is worth indicating the estimated use of the result in the reporting of the appraiser;
  • should there be a photo of property, which is evaluated how to reflect the state of real estate.

What it is

An independent assessment of property is called the procedure at which the value of the object is established in accordance with the goals and tasks set.

The subject of the assessment may be an object in possession of citizens or companies.

An independent assessment is a complex under which the cost of real estate or movable objects is being studied.

Examination is carried out and the report is issued according to the requirements of the legislation current in the Russian Federation at the moment. The cost of the building, structure, structures, apartments and rooms can evaluate.

For what purpose is carried out

Independent assessment of real estate is carried out in obligatory in this case:

  • if an object is transmitted to trust or;
  • if housing is supposed to be used as a loan in a banking institution;
  • when;
  • under real estate transactions;
  • if the object is transmitted to the authorized capital or the company's fund;
  • with mandatory insurance or determination of the amount upon the occurrence of insured cases;
  • with or transferred apartments to the use of the municipality;
  • if you need to implement investment projects where the city's funds are attracted.

The assessment is also conducted if disputes on the value of the object are resolved in court, and when:

  • increase the nominal value of the participant's share in the authorized capital;
  • determine the market prices of the borrower's market price to satisfy payables (for);
  • determine the amount of damage;
  • make up;
  • make property when and it is necessary to determine the share of property from joint ownership;
  • optimize tax base ();
  • privatize state or municipal housing ();
    Conduct reorganization or eliminate the organization with the status of a legal entity.

When evaluated, set:

  • balance value, which is taken into account when conducting accounting;
  • investment value;
  • liquidation;
  • restorative;
  • rental.

An independent assessment will reduce the risk that the results of the examination will be falsified. So you can protect the interests of the owner of the housing from fraudsters.

Legal grounds

Appraisers when performing their work rely on norms, as well as federal evaluation standards.

When conducting an assessment, FSO No. 1. For example, the process stages are considered in this document in Section 4, paragraph 16.

Independent assessment of the cost of the apartment

In the event that the assessment of the apartment is less than the cost of the apartment, the citizen should turn to specialists and hold independent assessmentTo get objective information.

Influencing factors on an independent rating:

Location of real estate How far is the metro, is prestigious area, what building the area, which infrastructure
Characteristic building Type of construction, is there an elevator, how many floors, which material was used in construction, whether there is a technical support
Description of the apartment Layout, number of rooms, area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen area, the condition of the bathroom, is there a repair, what is the height of the ceilings, the presence of a loggia and balcony, there is no visible defects
The presence of transport junction
Environmental indicators
Availability of service Which is able to ensure the safety of citizens

In order for an independent assessment to be carried out, the customer refers to an assessment expert. It considers all available data and provide result in the form of an act.

Even before the conclusion of the contract with the Contractor, such nuances should be stated:

  • what kind of real estate should be evaluated;
  • for what purpose is the procedure;
  • what is the specified value;
  • is there any information what is needed to obtain an objective result;
  • what is the price of services;
  • how the customer will be calculated.

Assessment steps:

  1. Negotiation with the Contractor.
  2. Determination of the target of the assessment.
  3. Departure specialist in place.
  4. Preparation of real estate inspection act.
  5. Submission of documentation by the customer.
  6. Collection of data not enough.
  7. All materials are studied by a specialist.
  8. The assessment method is selected.
  9. The cost of housing is calculated.
  10. Assessment is drawn up according to the result of the work performed.

After the conclusion of the contract with the appraiser, time and day will be appointed when a specialist will arrive in the apartment.

Typically, the room is examined by about half an hour. Residential rooms will be photographed, all the factors affecting the cost.

The prepared agreement will reflect the term, cost, and a number of significant conditions will be written. Mandatory indicate what kind of assessment, object, purpose, etc.

As soon as all the necessary information is collected by the appraiser, he will inspect the apartment.

The specialist explores and analyzes all market segments to which real estate applies, will collect additional data from official sources, legislative acts, information base.

The results are summarized and determined by the final indicators of the value of real estate.

After the assessment, the specialist will make a final report within a few days, which will provide the customer. Usually the procedure takes from 1 to 14 days.

What documents will need

To estimate the cost of housing, appraisers will require such references:

  • sample on the object;
  • the plan of the apartment obtained in BTI;
  • customer ID;
  • certificate of the Owner's identity, if another person acts on his behalf;
  • if there are several property owners, then the passport of each of them is also served, as well as paper, which will confirm their rights of ownership of the object;
  • expressive certificates for real estate (, registration certificate, etc.);
  • a document that confirms the lack of debt to the communal enterprise serving the house;
  • characteristics of the form 7 object;
  • sample extract from to confirm the absence of burdens with minors;
  • if the apartment is purchased in the house, which is built, then provide an agreement with;
  • if there is a minor, then the authority is necessary and for sale.

Each certificate is assigned to face, which acts as a customer. Can send copies of the listed documents. But then you need to have both originals and originals to confirm the information.

Note that in each situation the list of references may differ somewhat. Yes, and the banking institution requires more documents than the judicial authority or the body of social support.

Who is carried out by the procedure

Independent assessment is carried out by professional organizations. Usually banks have several partners who provide such services, and advise borrowers to contact them.

Independent appraisers must comply with a number of requirements:


Usually a specialist uses comparative method Assessment, although expert indicators and income can be taken into account. Also compare sales.

The appraisers may decide on the applied method at its discretion. The more methods are used, the more objective will be the result.

It is usually believed that the assessment of the apartment is a comparison of prices for similar objects. This is called a comparative method, or a market.

This method is often used if there is reliable information about the value of real estate when committing. Most of the apartments of the same type, and find analogue is not so difficult.

If there are not enough information, the appraiser will analyze how much the main differences are affected. Then steers will be made to ensure that the assessment is as objective as possible.


The cadastral assessment of housing is the base, which is taken into account when calculating the tax payment. Calculate the cost of redemption of the apartment or the rate.

Owners of premises usually do not agree with the calculated one. It is almost always overestimated and not objective.

Actual data is distorted or analogs in the market are not widely studied. For this reason, and ordered an independent assessment of the apartment for challenging cadastral value.

The cost will determine, relying on market prices. The calculation will be carried out on certain dates.

If incorrect comparisons and incorrect results are revealed, then it is possible.

Use the comparative, cost and profitable method for determining the cost. The income method is based on the calculation of income, which can be obtained when using the object.

Usually it is used if commercial real estate is estimated.

With the cost method, the costs that will be incurred during the restoration of the apartment are determined (given the accumulated wear). Use if necessary to insure an object.

Opportunities online

On many sites there is a program that will help make calculations online.

To use a similar calculator, it is enough to just enter the parameters of your apartment in the appropriate fields and click the "Rate" button.

Video: Evaluation of the market value of the apartment

Estimated prices will be determined by the range "from" and "to". But the error of express estimation is taken into account. The initial information in the calculation is constantly updated.

Note that the result is approximate. With the help of software of this kind, you can make a preliminary estimation.

Reliable information will be provided with an exclusively qualified specialist.

So the calculator will allow you to find out only approximate indicators that will not be official. And by the way, the assessment is carried out only for standard apartments.

Therefore, if your accommodation has recently been renovated using best Materials Or is in the started state, it will not be possible to estimate the cost objectively using the program.

What is the cost of services (price)

Imagine an exemplary table with the value of the assessment that a specialized organization performs.

But the exact figures can be called representatives of the appraiser in the telephone mode:

If we are talking about a garden house with earth From 10 thousand rubles
If you rate private houses From 12 thousand
When evaluating the cottage From 15 thousand
When assessing a cottage with buildings From 20 thousand
With an examination 1-room. Apartments 4 thousand
2-room. Apartments 5 thousand
3-room. Apartments 6 thousand

Real estate price will not affect the value of the assessment. The cost of services will depend on how difficult work is planned and how far an estimate is located.

Sometimes companies offer their services at a promotional price. Therefore, before concluding an agreement, read the proposals of several firms, and then define to which appraiser to contact.

But do not chase for cheapness. It is better to spend money on a good appraiser than content with cheap low-quality results of unqualified specialists.

Drawing up a report on the procedure

The final report presents information to a minimum of 30 pages. The report includes the documentation of appraisers, documents for housing and photos, which specialist made an inspection.

It should be reflected in the conclusion of 2 prices - market and liquid, if we are talking about mortgage real estate.

The assessment act is prescribed data in accordance with the adopted standards and requirements of legislation. The act indicates not only area, floors, layout, but also the condition of the premises.

This is an important document that will be considered by the court as evidence in the event of disputes.

In addition to the data on the apartment, information and the customer itself, as well as the specialist, which conducted the procedure. Indicate which methods were used.

According to paragraph 29 of FSO No. 1, the reality of the report is half a year from the moment of its compilation.

Therefore, you will definitely write a date and put the ordinal number of the document. Dates should be 2 - when the document is evaluated and the document is drawn up.

The report should be numbered, flashing and bred by the printing of the company, which conducted the procedure.

Report applications must be:

The report is an official document that is legal. So it can be used as evidence when considering cases in a court when determining the value of the object or compensation size.

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