Why the house is shown. What a house comes - the value of different situations. How to determine that you have a house

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The belief is that the house and hosts protect some essence, many millennia. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Bes. Dwarf with a beard, standing on short thick legs, ugly, tongue is dried. His name is associated with the Nubian word "Besa", which means the cat. The Egyptians deified cats, as you know. It was an agriculture people, and cats saved the harvest, destroying mice, rats. BES was a beloved man for a simple people. He was portrayed on the walls of houses, amules, overalls. In general, there were many such gowns of dwarfs in the ancient peoples, but over time they merged into one way. God-cat guarded the house from evil and misfortune, patronized pregnant and young children. True, looks like our house? No matter how technologies have developed, consciousness remains the same. We live, like our ancestors, in the world of mysterious spirits, because they help. For example, warning signs about the change of fate. According to the link you will find readers of our site on this topic. Here we give one of hundreds of similar stories:

"We moved to the apartment, it was a very old house. And they could not decide on the place for the bed. Almost every other day they rearranged from place to place. And somehow my husband was delayed at work until the night, and I fell asleep. I hear a call through the sleep, jumping out of bed to open the door to her husband. In the dark room, nothing can be seen. I stretched my arms forward and slowly I go, I want to grope the switch. And I feel: someone's tall and shaggy take me by hand, turns and leads in the opposite direction. I have not slept already, I was very frightened, I could not cut my hand from fear, nor scream. As cured was, literally after 5-6 steps, I feel the wall and switch. Quickly climb the switch, and there is no one, neither shaggy nor bald. I looked around and with tears went to open the door to my husband. It turns out, it did not go to the other side, there was an open window (summer, heat) and a very low window sill. I would still have 2 steps and asked the window. "

What to do if the house sends signs

Every day, hundreds of people come to the site to understand the meaning of inexplicable phenomena: the steps are heard in the apartment at night, strangely disappear spoons, knives, shoes, etc., saw someone flashed, ran down the corridor, at night someone Pushes, touches, jumps on the legs, tightens the blanket, see the cat in the apartment, although there is no cat, the palace in the middle of the room was swept in itself, at night there is a loud creaking and more. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were closer to this side of life, knew what to do, how to interpret how to react. We are now more difficult, because, facing otherworldly, we are very afraid.

"My mother-in-law, I taught me to ask for a house" to thin or good? " She said, if in response to you as a breeze, then to the Huda. If you do not feel anything, then to good. "

"My grandmother, God for her health and long life, when I was small, I told me different stories from my life. The houses came to her, however, in the form of a kitten. Everyone in the Ushko was climbing a shaggy face, she at first he was discarded him guessed to ask: "To the Houdo or Good?" I heard in response three times "to Huduuu" the next day I learned about the death of my grandmother. I first thought that she had a little fairy tale entertained me, and now I understand that the truth was spoken. "

We have placed several characteristic stories related to the signs of fate and frightening meetings with mysterious. It is important to understand that there is no unequivocal interpretation for them. Mystic is strongly connected with the person of man, the fate of his ancestors, his health (mental and moral and moral first). If this happens, then you need to look at yourself, ask: As far as I am well and happy, how I successfully solve the vital tasks, to what extent is useful to others and how much realize your talents? From fear and vulnerability to otherworldly there is one tool - fullness of life.

The house sighs, laughs, crying

I had such a while I heard a laughter. At the end of May, the 25th, approximately. I already go to bed and turned off the light. I saw a silhouette near the window, thought it seemed. Then heard the muffled laugh. I do not know how to explain how to explain correctly, but it was a laughter with sighs anything, like: "Ho-ho-ho oh-oho-ho". Hoarse male voice. Is it worth saying that this night I did not sleep. Then I asked the knowledgeable people, I was told that it was a house and he laugh only for the death of loved ones. There was no particular importance to this, but after 2 weeks after this incident, my father dies from an extensive stroke. And here it turns out that I warned me a house about trouble.

House shakes stroller

There was a case with my cousin. Their family lived on an ordinary removable apartment. Mother, Father and Son (no more small year old). The stroller with the child was constantly left in the kitchen, the area was big there, free. Mother walked around the apartment, household things and all that. It was like this day to day. Once she looks into the kitchen to check the child, and the stroller swings ... the house, it can be seen, I died fine, although he did not cry. So quite a long time continued, not one week. The alarm was scored when, probably, the same entity began to strangle in the dream itself. On the neck in the morning there were traces from the fingers. From the apartment I moved, there was nothing more in a new place.

House Sushit

It was me then 30 years old. It was not my apartment, lived with parents. We slept with my husband on a former parent bed. And once at night I feel that someone sorbed me, and so seriously, I'm losing my voice and suffocate. I open my eyes and see: an old man with a long white beard bent me. I want to scream, and I disappeared the voice ... I do not remember how much it lasted. Told parents in the morning. They say: "We had to ask" to the Houdo or to Good ". What to ask when the gift of speech lost! Mom said he drove us so much from someone else's place. Soon we moved to our apartment. I treat many things skeptical, you can find a lot to find an explanation, but I believe everything here, it was like that.

My mother's mom appeared and stifled her, she asked: "To the Hoodie or to good?" Having kusted it with a cold, he replied: "To the Houdo!". And on the morning the telegram came, her mother was died, my grandmother.

See doman

My husband and I have almost fallen asleep, suddenly both wild screams jumped up. We had the same vision: a big bearded head with burning eyes was crushed out of the corner. After that, we survived several big trouble.

I, too, 17 years ago the house showed. I also knew that he lives, it always felt. And then somehow I left and only got it more convenient, and someone jumped into my feet on my feet. I thought the cat, he slept on my feet all the time. I wanted to lose it, I raised my leg, I open the leg, and there a mossaty man stands. He has about 60-80 cm. Eyes round black, and straw wool. I was frightened, my eyes closed, and he survived me around the bed and sat down on the edge. I open my eyes, he looks and speaks something in an incomprehensible language. I was afraid, I think, just not touched. And he suddenly turned to the entrance door, jumped off the bed and left the wall. And right there I heard the door inlet husband opens the key. I did not say anything to him, I thought, I decide that I had dreamed. But in two months, life has changed dramatically, and we arrived in Yekaterinburg. And when they bought an apartment and finally moved here, I took it with myself, as my grandmother taught me. We live together. And my cats play with him all the time.

I saw twice before big challenges, just a man hairy, in appearance - 50 years old, under half the meter of growth. Both crumpled times. Once - Toli's sleep, Toli Pere, hung on the wall and said something, said, and I take it and start reading "our own" out loud, he was terribly offended and disappeared. Grandmother taught that it was necessary to contact him: "Batyushko-Domozhirushko", then the house is strong and the owners will live in prosperity.

House rides the bed

I met with one guy. And so I think he was not a courtyard: or my house did not dislike him, or this boy was not "my fate." At first, the house came to me at night, fell upon me. Sometimes he walked around the room, and I heard how the flooring creaked, as if under the weight of an adult ... I told about my house girlfriends, and they decided to help me, advised to make friends with him, leave food and water for him. Once my friends girlfriends with me, discussed the house, laughed, the vodka was poured into the glass, they put a piece of bread, all sorts of stories were told to each other. Suddenly, the middle of the day in broad day broke us all, they decided to lie down a little, relax. When we woke up in the evening, all the watches in the house stopped, and my girlfriends were also stood the wristwatches. That was a stir! Girls My legs in hand and run. Well, I naturally, behind them. Then, after some time, I broke up with this young man. The house came to me for the last time. It was a day, I slept after night duty and suddenly woke up from the fact that someone small jumps on my bed with my back. The cartoon voice is killed some kind of melody, then asks me: "And who will be next?" And laughed. I tried to turn around, look at him (in the afternoon it was not scary), but I could not move or reveal your eyes. Only after he silent, I managed to turn, but there was no one there. And I haven't seen myself anymore and I did not hear any signs, he did not show any signs.

House Warm

We lived in our house, and naturally, at night there were all sorts of sounds (mouses, the house creaks, the stove is token). No one paid attention to these sounds. Somehow I sleep and hear the wounded mow. Woke up and began to listen. It seems quiet, but howl repeated again. I went to my mother and looked at each room along the way. Everywhere there was silence. I woke my mother and told everything. She sent me to sleep and said I dreamed of everything. I went to sleep further, but howl repeated and repeated. I was scared, and I roared. Mom calmed me for a long time. After an hour and a half, the sauna caught fire from the neighbors, and our home began to burn too. Fiction arrived, our house was saved, and the neighbor's bath burned down. In this bath a man burned down. When my mother learned about it, she was shocked, because at that time I did not give her sleep.

House scares

I lived in Kazakhstan. Once with my neighbor, the conversation about the houses. She told me that at night someone walks around the room. Once even woke up from the fact that someone next to her lies. Turning, she did not see anyone, but the presence of the next left left, she decided to challenge the invisibility and felt a response and something hassle. She lived alone, her husband served in the army, she was at the first months of pregnancy. And the mother-in-law and the coarser slept at all in another room to get to it, it was necessary to open the castle first, as she was locked. She felt badly in the house. All the time he said that she was always something rushed or dirty. She could not be in the apartment, everyone else did not believe her. As a result, she moved to her parents, then she had a girl with her, and she again moved to the mother-in-law. The girl at night constantly smoked and was very bugged. She always drove the girl all the time, many said that she was offended by the house, and from this he survives her from home. Then it turned out that she walked from her husband when he went to the army. So, in vain, the domain to her was so. The husband returned from the army and divorced with her, learning about her campaigns.

The house is dreaming

We lived even then not in Israel, and I was 15 years old. Life was more or less measured, without special shocks - and thank God. And somehow we started the repair in the apartment. The floors were blocked, the walls were re-launched, the new wallpapers were blocked, the linoleum in the corridor is a new bed - in general, everything that relies. And in a few days my mom comes out somehow strange in the morning in the kitchen. I ask what happened that, sleep bad? She tells me: "I sleep. I hear - a call on the door. I get up, I go to the door and I do not understand who this among the night declared. I look in the eye - and there is a huge cat's cat !!! And it looks at me! I bounced off the door, I stand in the corridor, I do not light the light, shaking everything. The call still a couple of times and all, silence. I sneak to the eye - on the stairs empty. Turning to return to the room and ...... I almost fell out of bed! "
We then laughed that, they say, what not to dream, but both were remembered. And then the life of us suddenly stunned by some incredible whirlpool! I suddenly disappeared and went to Israel to finish school, my mother began to sell things in a hurry order, then my great-grandmother died two weeks before departure (although she also had to go and had a ticket for her). Then the knowledgeable people explained that we were disturbed by our repair, and he left, well, it seems like I moved on time. And when I wanted to return, my mother did not let him down. So I started in the life of Kavardak - the guard was not!

Soul housesIn the nature of its being a peace-loving and kind, very frequent phenomenon. If he loves the owners of the house, then we will help them all, and to protect the house. And if you live with the houses in one house several dozen years, he is already becoming a member of your family. But there are cases when the house at night begins to choke or the owner itself, or its guests. Skeptical people explain such attacks of suffocation with heart failure, bad dreams and hallucinations. These reasons also have the place to be, but in most cases it still shakes the house.

Why does the house stitch?

It is believed that this unusual method of the house warns of changes that will occur in this house. Having come to themselves, you need to quickly ask him: "Will you good?" And wait for a response. The house can be quietly replied by the human language. It is not clear why the house is choosing such an extravagant way. But most of those who received such confirmation, they were convinced of their personal experience in loyalty to the predictions of the house. No need to be offended and fear of the house because of this choice of a warning method. The house will never harm the good owner. Moreover, people, asking, often sharply drop him on the floor - the house is never offended for this, only it can displetely poking. But so that he does not predict, thank it.

But if you do not get the answer to your question, and the house continues to come every thing every thing, then think about whether you did not bring home offense? With houses, it is simply necessary to maintain good relationships, treat it affectionately and respectful. Periodically, the houses should be treated with something delicious. For example, the house is very like milk. Pour the milk in the saucer and put in a secluded place so that no one prevented him to enjoy it. Loves houses and sweets. And to finally drop it and make forgive the insult - bake the pie especially for him. Then the squeal will stop at night.

Or maybe your house is just boring. And do not give you to sleep at night for him a cute entertainment. It would be nice to get a cat - she will be a partner on the night games. If the cat is not included in your plans, then put a box or a basket with a variety of small and bright objects - beads, coins, minor toys in a secluded corner. It will raise the house and distract from you.

If the house has a soul, then it is not good, here you need to look at these people. Surely, the house warns you that communication with these people can harm you that it is impossible to trust these people. The main task of the houses is to prevent energy pollution at home. Feeling evil and dirt emanating from your guests, he wants to scare them and make off your home.

Do not hurt the houses

The house is poorly tolerates tobacco smoke. Smoke cigarettes spoils air, settles on furniture, dishes. It does not destroy and makes dirty dirty. Therefore, it is impossible to smoke in the house.

If people come to you with a negative attitude towards you, with evil intentions, a house in every way to survive them from home, for example, to choke.

The house feels if someone wants to damage. If this person came to visit you, the house will immediately begin to give you warnings. This person has everything to fall out from the hands, beating the dishes, the foods fall, and the tea is spilled. In the same way, the houses will prevent the owner.

Believers argues that it is impossible to leave on the table with rings and cutting items, such as knives, forks, and so on. They interfere with the houses freely move to the house, clean it and protect it from evil forces.

Communicate with houses

In the old days, people believed that the conversation with the house would lead to numbness or stutter, which would be impossible to cure. Therefore, it is not necessary to contact with the house, but it is necessary to carefully listen to its signals and warnings.

For example, if the dishes thundays - to the fire, if you are "inadvertently" bleeded with water - to the disease, if you hear sighs and crying - this is a house foreshadows trouble, and however, it creates the doors.

If you need help, you can seek it to the house. For example, girls who were not confident in their help, who were not sure to marry her beloved, worried about the possibility of deception. To bring the house to your side, you need to fulfill such a ritual: on Thursday, just not on a festive day, you need to go out to the middle of the room, turn it over three times and quietly say, turning to the house: "House house house, heads of the head, caressing houses, house beam , sex and samples, homemade people, livestock and domestic birds, the intercessor of deceived maidens, help me, followed me, digging, shouting, luggage to me in the husbands of the wedded slave of God (name), so that it pulls him into my house, to my road, to My threshold, to my door, to me, the servant of God (name), help, in the narrowed, rich the slave of God (name) give. To my threshold of his matchmakers. Amen ". Then to live in the hem of candy or a small piece of sugar.

If sometimes soul housesYou can contact him if you need to find a loss in the house. Turning to the houses, you need to say: "The owner-father, help, tell me where lies (the name of the thing)?". Or another way: to become an angle of the room and say: "house, house, play and give."

If the house is offended, it can become evil and harming the owner by all his own. Your task is to upload your guilt and make friends with him. Predit it, stick, show your love and respect. You can scold a little on the goats and bold. If you really can't find a common language with him, then you can drive the houses. But remember that without a house one house remains without protection. You can drive out the house, which is fragrant, in this way: sweep the floors throughout the apartment, and especially carefully in the corners. At the same time say: "I swell you, someone else, a harmful house, I trample." Revenge should have been with the exception of Friday.

In Starina, Slavs believed that in every house she lives his spirit - the house. It used to be respectfully called the owner or Batyushko.

It was believed that the house brings happiness to the house, since he is the keeper of a homely hearth and an assistant to the maternity owner. And for the cattle, urge - so that the rats have been good, and the bluff will correct - will not let the hostess needle lose. He loves those who workers, but the lazy does not complain. Such sometimes even tortured at night - put on the chest presses or discharges. And in his work it does not help, but only harms. - angry at the lazy

To see the house is difficult - he does not like to show eye. You can only see it by chance. Those who managed to see the houses describe it like this: a gray old old man in folk clothes, barefoot and without a hat. But everyone can hear the house. He is either quietly crying or tapping into the wall so that people know about his presence in the house.

It was believed that the house was attracted to the house. Therefore, it was treated politely and respectfully. The place where this creature dwells, walked the earthly bows, left me, saying: "You, the owner".

House unbelievable someone from households

Most often, the domain behaves neutrally and does not show its presence or sometimes helps the owners in domestic affairs. But if the house is unhappy or unbelievable by someone from the household, then there will be no peaceful life in the house. Here is an eyewitness story:

"We have lived in one apartment for many years, there were never any special problems in the farm, until the son married the son and did not lead a daughter-in-law in Lisa - a good girl, good and respectful. We accepted her husband as a native. Only now, it was very young, 20 years old, so the mistress was, to be honest, very no, and a little lazy. I taught it as much as I mean, knowing that the skills come with experience. Only with the appearance of daughter-in-law in our house the uniform catatatasi began. Everything that could crash - fell and broken, even if it was fixed. Almost all the flowers were dried on the windowsill, which I wanted for many years, the food in the refrigerator was spoiled per day, baking in the oven buried, as not after her, the technique broke, and our cat began to root.

Wraping so few months, I came to the conclusion that it brings the house, because dissatisfied with the advent of a new person. I decided to drop it. To do this, left for the night on the refrigerator saucer with milk, candy, cookies. Asked:

"Batyushko, treat, hurt, do not be angry with us" .

But whether the treats did not have to do with the soul, or something else, but our homebones did not stop. I participated with one friend, and she suggested that it was not in the house, but in the daughter-in-law - she violated our well-established household energy to lead the economy. And it is not necessary to ask for a house, but to hold a rite to transform the daughter-in-law in a good hostess. It is necessary to take some kind of clothes, wrap a raw egg in it and chip:

"Baba in the house - the hostess in everything. Everything is arguing with her, everything goes around. So and (name) so that everything aroused yes, it was happening. I break the elder and lazy, leave a good mistress. "

Take it the egg, break and throw away, and get the clothes to the place.

I did it and for a month I felt a change in Lisa. She suddenly began to take enthusiasm in their home affairs, asked me for me how to do something, and at the same time she studied quickly. And all our household misfortunes gradually shook no. "

The houses shawl at the new place of residence

Very often you can hear that after moving to another place of residence (especially if someone has already lived in an apartment or house before), the new guests are not all smoothly. It happens that they liked the apartment, and lucky with the neighbors. But the housing itself causes for some reason a feeling of anxiety. Plus - strange troubles involve. Then the picture itself will fall from the wall. That teapot electric will explode. It is only an hour ago a welded soup will be thrown.

It is not difficult to guess that it is a brown house. Apparently, the former tenants of something strongly annoyed this home energy essence. And he will now take revenge on the new owners, checks them for strength. In this case, it is necessary to drop the house with the help of Saint Ephraim.

February 10, an hour before midnight, take the most beautiful and large dish in the house and put in it in a small piece of everything that is in the refrigerator and in kitchen cabinets. Meat, cheese, sausage, candy, fruit - everything will be used. Laying every piece on the dish, say:

"Efrem-Efremka, the following bends, the love of the slaves of God (his name and name of the spouse) show it. What you can eat - he give him. As we live - it will live with us. Will there be a house stitch-fool - always will be delicious! Ephraim heard - Ephraim will do! "

Put the dish with goodies at midnight under the kitchen table. And more in the kitchen no one come in the kitchen. And in the morning she molds all the treats in a linen bag and remove to the balcony, then twist the birds or throw away. The atmosphere in the house should be settled.

It is believed that on the day of St. Ephraim (February 10) the name of the house. And even if you have everything in the house, do not forget to treat the houses on this day.

To understand why and why the house comes to you, it is necessary to plunge into the history of the appearance of this creature from the other world. The houses are thoroughly hidden from human eyes, respectively, their appearance has a deep meaning. The reasons for the appearance of the house is a large set and all of them depend on the ways of the arrival of the houses.

If you want to know why the house is to you in one way or another, it should be remembered that usually houses are secretive creatures, and their explicit appearance in your life means, first of all, what they want to inform you something Important.

Very often, the houses come in a dream - such cases are devoted to a separate article on our website.

One way or another, but regardless of which circumstances you saw the houses, many recommend to ask him, this meeting will lead to good or Khuda.

If this otherworldly essence wanted to inform you anything important, it will definitely answer in one way or another. However, there are situations where the houses appear simply so, and their appearance does not promise any changes.

Most often, this happens when new tenants appear in the house or moving to a new apartment - thus the defender of the hearth seeks to just get to know the new tenants.

Remember that this applies not only to people, but also pets - residents of the subtle world always perceive them as full family members, which means they will definitely want to meet them.

There are also situations where the house simply manifests its care or other emotions. Often comes across the eyes of the house after a long lack of tenants in the apartment - so he wants to show that they are the roads to him and that he is a housing for housing safe and preservation in their absence.

Many people point out that they feel the presence of the brownie at night, and not at any other time of the day. Speaking about the popularity of such situations, it is worth noting several additional factors.

First, at night, a person's feelings are more tense, and he can notice more details. In addition, often for the houses, some impressionable individuals can take simply ordinary interior items in the dark and frighten.

We should not forget that at night all the evil spirits and other otherworldly creatures are especially active - it's not necessary that the dark spot you saw sitting on your bed is a house.

Sometimes sometimes there are situations when the house is not just to a person at night or in a dream, but also begins to choke him. Some scientists and psychologists call such a sense of a sleepy paralysis, however, in almost all global traditions, this phenomenon was primarily associated with a special creature responsible for the dwelling.

It is worth noting that the aggression of this domestic inhabitant often has good reasons. He may be offended by a new non-crushed tenant, with whom he did not introduce him, could get angry with a mess, and can resort to this method as a last resort, when the owner of the house does not notice any other signals of the houses warning about danger.

In any of the similar situations where you noticed the house, should not be afraid. If you do not know what to do if the house comes at night - remember that it is almost always it is on your side and wants or just talk to you, or help you with something. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to forget that it should be regularly poured by sweets and other pleasant things.

What comes the house to man and hugs

Some people do not know what the house comes at night and hugs, however, such appearance of this entity, especially if they are not associated with any aggression, should not be interpreted as negative. They are only positive.

Thus, the house can show his gratitude for the delicious delicacy, for an order of magnitude in the apartment, or console in difficult times.

Of course, not every similar embrace will be delighted, and many can even scare greatly, but the houses do not really know that they can cause trouble with their gratitude.

Often, in the form of houses in such situations, recently deceased relatives and close people who lived for a long time with you are housing.

They want to say goodbye to the help of a house that, thanks to the established magical connection, will not refuse them in such a small service.

What to do if the house gives inconvenience

If you are tired of the permanent visits of the houses, as well as if you feel an aggression clearly emanating from him, you should change something in your life as soon as possible. It is possible to carry out general cleaning and, of course, do not forget about the feeding of this entity with delicacies.

Nevertheless, sometimes there are situations when the house has certain violations of character and psyche - even among them there are smoking, evil and unpleasant creatures, incapable of peaceful existence.

In this situation, the house may simply not leave you any choice but to expel it from the house. This is a rather complicated and cruel in relation to such an essence of the rite, so it is necessary to make a decision on his conduct really responsibly and thoroughly by weighing everything "for" and "against", since you not only forever move away with your head keeper, but also cause the original discontent of his people.

If the house comes to you, then its appearance comes can be interpreted in different ways. The main thing is not to be afraid of him and always remember his small and simple needs. If your house is pleased - then you will always have a real world and order in your house.

Perhaps the first place among those transmitted from the mouth of the settings about the supernatural is occupied by stories about the houses. What only they do not get out! And noise at night, scaring the owners, and the mess arrange, and things are hiding ...

The age-old experience of coexistence with such "guests" helped to develop a kind of ethricted communication with these otherworldly creatures. But no one knows about their nature anything. Someone claims that this is a ridiculous soul, which because of sins cannot get into the afterlife, someone considers their essences from the lower astral measurement, unclean power. And someone is convinced that these are representatives of some parallel civilization capable of becoming invisible.

"To the Houdo!"

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As you know, houses often prophesy some events, most often misfortune. Elena's young woman from Transbaikalsky village Hararan tells:

"My misfortunes began from February 2004. We then moved to a two-bedroom comfortable apartment. Once in the evening, when my husband Andrei was in departure, I, as always, put the children and went to bed myself. Already falling asleep, I felt that someone stands next to me. I ask through sleep: who is here? When he heard sinister "Ah?" - Coupler. And here someone hard fell, stolen became. They remember his tightly compressed lips, hooked bird nose. She began to lose consciousness ...

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And yet jumped out of bed, barely rearing fear. He burned the light - no one. The neck was terribly sick. It came to the mirror to see, and saw a long bright red scratch, which can leave the cat in the paw. But we have no cats.

Somehow a husband, waking up among the night, saw a human figure in the table. Remembering the instructions of old people, asked: "Is it to the Hoodie or good?" The house replied to the deaf, as if walking from under the ground: "To the Huda!" "

And then on the day of young people on the massive walk, where we went to the whole family, the jet guys stuck to my friend's husband. Andrey stood up, as a result he got a knife wound in the chest. "

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Play - and give again!

More houses love to hide, and then again "put the various items" in place. Raisa S. recalls: "I had a beautiful, trimmed wallet. I always wore it with me. I received a salary once, at home before bedtime began to sort out things in the handbag and found - no money wallet!

I was looking for, I was looking for - did not find it. In the afternoon of all colleagues surveyed, but no one saw my wallet. Tom calmed down.

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True, I had one assumption: I was sinful at the son of the son-in-law. With this thought and went to bed. And before dawn, I see a dream. Someone's hand draws me a wallet, and a male voice is heard: "On, take, don't think about others." From this voice I woke up, jumped up, rushed to my handbag, revealed it, and the wallet is lying on top And my whole salary is designer to a penny! "


In some cases, house homologies for people: they even treat human diseases! Such was at Tamara P .: "Once I realized that in my apartment there is some invisible creature. Before entering into contact with me, it makes garlic smell. Pitch for a minute or two and feel how someone's heart tapping on his hand. If I get hot, then I feel a pleasant coolness, and vice versa.

The most fully manifested the concern of Alyosha (so I call my imperfect apartment) during the period when I conducted a medical treatment procedure for cleaning the liver - saw a mixture consisting of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Somehow, accepting this medicine, I felt nausea. Then Alyosha's claws are affectionately so the square my hand, it was imposed on the chest, and the nausea stopped. "

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