Controlled sensitivity. Sensitive personalities. Conditions of occurrence and biographical features

Bathroom 22.09.2020

V English language sensitivity has two meanings. The first meaning, better known to the public, is the sensitivity of the neurotic personality, in the sense of vulnerability, vulnerability to criticism. The vulnerability of the neurotic personality is the reverse side of the coin from. The second meaning of the term sensitivity - the ability to experience the fullness of feelings, is less known to the public. It was used by Abraham Maslow in his works on the study of psychologically healthy (he used the term "self-actualizing") personalities. We use the interpretation of sensitivity in the way that Abraham Maslow understood it. We also replaced the term “self-actualizing” with “authentic”, due to the difficulty of pronouncing the first in linguistic terms and due to the fact that the essence of these concepts is close.

A high level of sensitivity is also a property of young children. Both are distinguished by an easy perception of the reality of being, they are able to discern beauty and charm in everyday life and are subject to frequent peak experiences.

Authentic individuals often experience peak experiences

Each peak experience caused by the awareness of the true beauty and diversity of the surrounding world is a step towards health. Psychologically well healthy people they are better able to have fun, love, laugh, rejoice, paying tribute to humor, foolishness, whims, are distinguished by their great imagination and the ability to commit pleasant "madness". (This gives us every reason to assume that supporting and nurturing these qualities in a child can contribute to improving his health).
Abraham Maslow, who has studied the psychology of mental health, notes that average person feels fear and awe of mysterious phenomena and strives for knowledge to reduce his anxiety. However, for people prone to peak experiences (“pickers”), and especially for “transcenders” (whose maturity level is higher than the level of authentic people), the mystery is attractive: it challenges, not frightens. Thus, the desire for knowledge in authentic personalities has a different motivation than for people with neurosis, and in secret and reverence there is a reward for them, not a punishment.

The sensitivity of the neurotic personality

The neurotic person does not understand well what feelings he is experiencing. Confuses fear and anger, anger and resentment, sadness and confusion, and so on. In the inner world of such a person, emotions do not have their own name: instead of "I am angry" - "my neck hurts", instead of "I am offended by you" - I have a "lump in my throat."

For many neurotic personalities, it is a discovery that, in fact, feelings can be identified by muscle tension. Fists clenched, neck muscles tense, abdominal muscles in the solar plexus area and muscles in the front of the thighs - anger. There was a feeling of "emptiness in the head", dry mouth, strained shoulders and muscles between the shoulder blades - anxiety. But real emotions are painful to be aware of and live, and it is scary to radically change anything in life. Therefore, in a neurotic personality, as a rule, emotions, especially negative ones, are simply hidden. To be a good girl or good boy”, It is important to skillfully hide irritation, always smile. And then - to break on someone defenseless because of some trifle. And everyone is perplexed: "Why would it be?" After all, nothing foreshadowed an emotional explosion? After all, everything seemed to be fine, there was a silent pleasing smile on his face ...

In a neurotic person, emotions are not properly used. those. as a hint when making decisions. It is difficult for a neurotic person to listen to their feelings and ask themselves: “How do I feel thinking about this trip? About this friend? About such a future? How do I feel when I am treated like this? " The neurotic person does not understand that each emotion has its own role in communication and its own reason for arising. Why is the mood sad? Because you part with someone, you distance yourself from someone. Why did anger arise? Because someone very rudely violated personal boundaries, tried to insult, reject, humiliate.

The neurotic person often does not take his own emotions into account at all. The main thing is to do what is considered “right” and “ideal”, so that “they don’t think badly of me”. Yes, blatant rudeness and orders to "finish the third portion of cake" are annoying, but if you please be nicer - these are distant relatives! Why go to such guests every weekend, where they humiliate, openly mock and grossly violate personal boundaries with tactless questions? “This is how it should be. We have such a tradition. "

A neurotic person has difficulty understanding his inner world

A neurotic person does not understand his needs, does not know what he wants from himself and from life. Most frequent question such a person: “How to understand what I really want? How to tell where are my desires and where are the desires of my loved ones? "

It is difficult for a person with neurosis to understand their purpose, their mission in this life. He does not understand what he really is, genuine and real, and he vaguely realizes why he came to this world. Due to a lack of understanding of his system of values, his meaning of life, a neurotic person can make serious life decisions without understanding his motives. Study, work - for the company. Furniture - "like people," the car is the coolest available. The profession and position are chosen not from an internal need for self-realization and disclosure of their potential, but in order to “throw dust in the eyes”.

The neurotic person does not understand the struggle of his internal motives, because the "true self" is very small. But the False Self is very developed, the purpose of which is to get praise and approval from other people.

Finally, the neurotic personality rarely experiences "peak experiences." Painting, music, the beauty of the autumn forest, the endless expanse of fields, drops of the May downpour on the glass ... all these things pass by the perception of such a person. To stop rooted to the spot in the middle of the forest and selflessly plunge into contemplation of each twig - this is how a person with neurosis rarely does. Yes, and it will seem dangerous to him, standing in the middle of a dense forest.

The neurotic person is constantly experiencing anxiety, but is not aware of it

The neurotic person tries to pacify the constant, poorly understood anxiety by absorbing another kind of information - just alarming. Watching frightening news, thrillers, detective stories, "gang wars" and disaster films - all this the human brain perceives as useful information, supposedly giving knowledge how to protect oneself from all the troubles of this world. This also includes reading voraciously about diseases and how to diagnose them. Such a person no longer reads the most frightening information about diseases - it is too scary.

An important clarification. A neurotic personality does not like to actively seek information, to understand the causes of problems that do not fit into the framework of the usual picture of the world. We can say that a person with neurosis prefers not to think with his own head, but repeats the opinion of experts. Accordingly, if another expert makes the opposite statement, then the opinion of the neurotic personality will easily change. Since a neurotic person ignores the signals of the situation, even realizing anxiety, concern about a problem, he will passively wait for something. A person with neurosis is fearful and has difficulty in actively solving pressing problems. A neurotic person will not do anything, even if the situation requires active action.

In order to improve the sensitivity indicators, it is recommended to work out the topic of emotional intelligence (exercises to increase the level of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence), as well as to perform exercises on self-reflection (awareness of their psychological processes) and recognition of their emotions.

P.S. We believe that the sensitivity information posted in requires a slight correction. We see the reason for the inconsistency of the terms in the fact that the information in the dictionary for this term was posted not by psychiatrists-psychotherapists, but by psychologists who did not have medical education... For this reason, there are two inaccuracies in this definition that it would be desirable to correct: 1) unambiguous, without reservations about the double meaning of the term, the correlation of sensitivity and features characteristic of anxiety-phobic neurosis 2) confusion biological causes(psychopathy) and educational (character accentuation) with sensitivity. We hope that our colleagues will supplement their definitions and interpretations of terms, taking into account the knowledge of medical psychotherapy.

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Sensitivity is a characteristic of a person that expresses an increased, individual sensitivity to external events and is accompanied by anxiety before new incidents. Sensitivity is expressed in such individual traits as shyness, timidity, increased impressionability, low self-esteem, harsh self-criticism, a tendency to long-term experiences, an inferiority complex.

With age, high sensitivity can decrease, since a person, in the process of self-education, can overcome anxiety in himself before upcoming events.

The level of sensitivity is determined by the innate characteristics of a person (heredity, organic lesions of the main brain) or the characteristics (conditions) of raising a child.

In psychology, the concept of sensitivity is used together with the synonyms "sensitivity" and "sensitivity". Along with this, there is also the phenomenon of "insensitivity", it is expressed in the absence of reaction to events, and actions of people, assessments. Insensitivity manifests itself in complete indifference, lack of physical sensations, tactlessness and inattention to others.

Sensitivity in psychology

The concept of sensitivity in psychology is a person's experience of increased sensitivity, vulnerability and self-doubt. Sensitive people often complain that no one perceives or understands them. When contacting a psychologist, sensitive clients talk about the unfriendliness of others in relation to them, which makes it difficult for them to establish a communicative connection. They often consider themselves unworthy, bad, think that they are worse than others. They find it difficult to cope with problems on their own, because they are too constrained and shy.

The concept of sensitivity concerns the personal characteristics and qualities of an individual, it is expressed in excessive sensitivity and easy vulnerability, conscientiousness, a tendency to doubt actions and focus on experiences. This sensitivity can be a permanent characteristic of a person or manifest itself from time to time.

Sensitivity, what is it in psychology? High sensitivity interferes, since such a person believes that the whole world is opposed to him alone. Social sensitivity presents itself to a variety of social situations. People who have too high social sensitivity often consider themselves flawed, therefore they are afraid of meeting new people, hesitate to speak in public and try to avoid any social activity.

With manifestations of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a psychologist. An experienced psychologist will conduct an individual psychological conversation, determine the correct treatment strategy to alleviate the client's condition with pronounced sensitivity.

Sensitivity can be the result of various mental disorders (stress conditions, organic brain diseases, anxiety disorders, endogenous mental disorders).

Sensitivity varies according to temperament.

The level of sensitivity is expressed by the strength of external influences necessary for the occurrence of a certain psychological reaction. For example, certain circumstances may not cause any reactions at all in one person, while in another they cause strong arousal. So, they are more sensitive and impressionable, therefore they are more sensitive to sensitivity than, and not attaching great importance to situations that could affect them.

Age sensitivity

Age sensitivity is a phenomenon that occurs at a certain stage of individual development and expresses a person's sensitivity to various influences from the external environment.

Age sensitivity is dealt with by pedagogy and age-related psychology... Knowledge of sensitive age periods helps in developing the necessary abilities. So, for example, at the age of 2-3 years, a child is able to quickly master a language, which means that this age is sensitive for the development of linguistic function. If you miss a very important sensitive stage, the child will not return to it, and in the future, difficulties may arise with the formation of the corresponding abilities.

Sensitive age periods serve as an opportunity for a child to acquire the desired and necessary skills and abilities, behaviors and knowledge. Only in the sensitive period is it possible the best way it is easy to learn to do something, after this period, it will not be so easy to do it.

Sensitive age periods last for some time, regardless of whether the individual has managed to master the required action, and if it is missed, the opportunity will go away and it will be more difficult for the person to cope with the need to master the required action.

A person is not able to in any way influence the occurrence of sensitive periods. The main thing is that parents should know what they can do to ensure that the child's sensitive period passes as successfully as possible.

Therefore, parents are obliged to know about sensitive periods in a child's life, to learn characteristics, work on their development; observe all the manifestations of the intensive stages of the course of the sensitive period, which is desirable to do for a normal assessment of the development of the crumbs; predict the next sensitive period and create a favorable environment for the child's development.

Age sensitive periods are universal, which means that regardless of religion, nationality, cultural differences - they still arise at the right time.

These periods are individual, that is, the exact time of occurrence and duration are determined biologically for each in their own way. Therefore, the idea of ​​a frontal approach to teaching, especially before the age of six, is not correct. Also, a variety of educational programs, except for individual ones, may not correspond to the real age of the child. So, for example, if a child is five years old, this does not mean at all that he, in terms of psychological parameters, fully corresponds to a given biological age.

Another factor of importance is the dynamics of the course of the sensitive period, which, together with the average statistical time, does not guarantee that absolutely every child will undergo age sensitivity in this mode.

As a result, there is a fundamental need for functional diagnostics of the individual development of children (determination of personal characteristics in order to further work on their development).

Each age sensitive period is characterized by a gentle, slow onset, which is sometimes very difficult to detect if you do not know about its approach, do not assume the likelihood of its onset and do not deal with the child, focusing on the zone of its proximal development; the peak point (the phase of the highest intensity) that is easiest to observe. Also, the sensitive period is characterized by a gentle decline in intensity.

Age sensitive periods occur at approximately the same time, but can be of high intensity at different stages.

Sensitivity training

Sensitivity training, or as it is also called interpersonal sensitivity training, originated from the practice of T-groups. Psychologist Karl Rogers identified two main types of group work - “groups for organizational development” and “sensitivity training”.

Sensitivity training is called “meeting groups”.

Sensitivity training is a dynamic group training. The concept of sensitivity includes the quality of the ability to predict the emotions, thoughts and actions of another person, the ability to perceive, understand and remember the socio-psychological characteristics of other individuals or entire groups, on this basis to predict behavior and activities.

In this context, psychologist G. Smith identifies several types of sensitivity:

- observational (the ability to observe and remember how a person looked and what he said);

- theoretical (the application of different theories to interpret the behavior, thoughts and feelings of people);

- nomothetic (understanding a typical individual as a representative of a certain group and using this knowledge in predicting the behavior of people who are part of this group);

- ideographic sensitivity (understanding and perception of the originality of the behavior of any person).

The main task of sensitivity training is to improve a person's ability to and understand other people. There are also two types of goals: immediate goals and highly organized ones.

Immediate goals:

- increasing the self-awareness of participants in connection with the acquisition of knowledge about how others perceive the behavior of others;

- an increase in susceptibility to the group process, to the actions of others, which are associated with the perception of communicative stimuli perceived from others;

- the perception of conditions that complicate or facilitate the functioning of the group;

- the formation of diagnostic skills in the field of interpersonal communication;

- development of skills for successful inclusion in intergroup and intragroup situations.

Highly organized goals:

- developing a person's ability to explore their role and experiment with it;

- development of the authenticity of interpersonal relationships;

- expanding knowledge about other people;

- the formation of the ability to cooperate with others.

Objectives of sensitivity training:

- development of various behavioral skills;

- increasing understanding between group members and self-understanding;

- sensory awareness of group processes;

- education and training of opportunities that increase social competence.

In general, the main goals of sensitivity training are defined as increasing susceptibility to group phenomena, enhancing the perception of group processes; understanding own life and the inner life of other individuals; the formation of receptivity to their social roles and strangers, to their positions and attitudes; developing sincerity, openness and spontaneity of reactions.

The above goals of sensitivity training are implemented through interpersonal interaction and relationships, by analyzing the group process, such components as group goals, norms, roles, group structure, leadership problem, tension and others. In this respect, sensitivity training is similar to the methods of group psychotherapy, but in contrast to it, it focuses on the “here and now” event, the study of group processes, human behavior in a team, and its influence on others.

Sensitivity training is very often used in the training of psychotherapists in training: in particular, group psychotherapists. Thanks to these trainings, future psychotherapists develop sensitivity to group phenomena, develop the ability to adequately assess attitudes, attitudes, psychological problems and conflicts of individuals, based on interpersonal interaction, the understanding of one's own personality, attitudes, needs, etc., improves.

Sensitivity training for future psychotherapists is aimed at solving certain tasks in order to better sensitivity to group phenomena or to establish a deeper self-understanding and to implement in the classroom the wide opportunities provided in the form of training.

In sensitivity training, psychotechnical exercises and various role-playing games are used, they are divided into three types. The first consists of exercises that affect the whole group and each of its participants, they are focused on organizing work capacity at the beginning of classes and maintaining it throughout the day.

The second type is exercises and games aimed at establishing contact between the participants, awareness and perception of the emotional states of the group members, the development of observation, the ability to understand the properties, qualities, states and relationships between people and groups.

And the third type is made up of exercises and games to gain feedback. This is where a strong bond is developed between the participants. Regardless of the type of training, work begins with capacity building, the goal of which is to create a group atmosphere.

At certain times, any of us have turning points, when life gives a serious tilt and interests change, priorities are set differently and new scenarios are played. Moreover, a thorough revision of values ​​is possible.

Well, this is quite natural and even natural, given the evolutionary vector of development, on which we go through various life lessons.But, at the same time, a personality crisis is often a rather painful and wounding process. It leaves scars and abrasions, making us more or less sensitive to life's trials.

Be that as it may, but from the position of the soul, any personality crisis is just another stage of overcoming, referred to as .How we take advantage of this or that crisis period depends on many factors.

However, any crisis has its own patterns, which are determined by the degree of sensitivity. Moreover, this sensitivity is bodily, emotional and mental, or bodily and psychic.

In other words, there are rhythmic patterns inherent in a certain part of our nature that is most sensitive for a given period of time, that is, any of our problems - emotional stuck or burnout, difficulty in identifying or physical illness - is a catalyst for the desired changes. More details in the following material.


Imagine what our development would be if we initially perceived any crisis and turning points in our life, traumatic experience and pain, of any nature, as a period of opportunity? Paradox?

From the point of view of personal limitations - no doubt. And if from a broader perspective of the higher or multidimensional “I” - by no means. For any catalysts for growing up are good if the desired goal is achieved. Moreover, “negative” catalysts are more powerful.

In other words, then our life path would not be so inert, without kickbacks and taking away our strength and undermining our will of doubt.

But even if, after going through a series of uncertain choices, we still did not break our inner core, and the revision of our own past allowed us to radically look at ourselves from the position of an uninvolved and without a biased observer, then the whole previous tragicomic whistle of the personality takes on meaning and even the specific role of a teacher. ...

Due to the fact that our personality is for the most part limited by the experience of one life, any of its next step is fraught with the difficulties of defining and finding one's own truth in life. Hence - wandering in the labyrinths of fate until the guidance of the soul is accepted, for it does not have the limitations of linear time, which means that both the past and the future are not separate parts of life experience. But in order for this merger to occur, a person often has to walk again and again the paths of ignorance and search for meanings.

By another analogy, each of us's life path, like rings on the tree of life, leaves its marks with a unique pattern, but a certain sequence and cyclicality.

These distinctive features individual growth and development correspond to the cycles and phases of life, which I call only

Sometimes periods of sensitivity or sensitivity leave no noticeable mark on our tree of life. However, most often, they are associated with periods of crisis.defining our future .

Due to the duality characteristic of all spheres of human life,in psychological consideration, it has a positive and negative vector of development.

In many ways, such a division serves as a contrast, allowing one to find effective methods and take appropriate measures, which ultimately ensure overcoming the crisis with subsequent actualization - active assimilation.

What does it mean? And the fact that no matter how we dispose of our fate, the words of Griboyedov, embedded in Chatsky's mouth, will not sound: "And who are the judges?" For no one will condemn us either here or after life, so everything is free choice and we follow it in accordance with the pressure of desires and preferences.

What matters is how we react to personal conflict - hardening or freeing ourselves from mental or emotional limitations.

But, one way or another, the crisis affects the threshold of personality sensitivity, raising or lowering it, thereby determining our perception of what is happening.

In traditional psychology, personality crises are an integral part of growing up and personal development of a person and are socially conditioned.


So for developmental psychology, distinctive features are inherent, in which certain stages can be distinguished that affect the formation of a personality.

So, A. V. Petrovsky highlights: early childhood(preschool) age (0-3 years), kindergarten childhood o (3-7 years old), junior school age(11-15 years old), senior school age(15-18 years old). There are other characteristics that are broadly similar.

Each such stage of development is characterized by phases: adaptations(fixtures), individualization and integration / disintegration.

In other words, a developing personality goes through identification and / or assimilation to parental and social norms / rules and, accordingly, disidentification with those as a result of internal contradictions and their inconsistency with their own views and ideas.

It is in the process of individualization, and then integration, that reflection, how self-exploration, self-awareness, introspection and as a consequence, rethinking yourself, your thoughts,and action in the context of the prevailing living conditions and circumstances.

That is, the entire period of individual development of a person, to one degree or another, is a sequence of stages or phases, which are characterized by "subjectivity", as it is called in anthropological psychology... In this subjectivity, according to V.I.Slobodchikov, 5 steps underlying human ontogenesis:

  • stage of "revitalization" - from birth to 1 year - a holistic awareness of your own body;
  • the stage of "animation" - from 1 to 6 years - the first independence and personal isolation - "I myself";
  • level of "personalization" - from 7 to 18 years - the development of self-esteem and the formation of personality;
  • the stage of "universalization" - from 20 to 40 years old development of true responsibility, spiritual self-development;
  • the stage of "universalization" - from 45 to 65 years and more - a crisis of selfhood, a period of spiritual maturity, universal eventfulness.

In fact, all systems of categories that consider a person not only as a developing personality, but also spiritually oriented personality see certain trends corresponding to age periods.

In this article, I will try to give such a characteristic that would reveal a person as a soul that manifests itself through, even if this disclosure is unconscious. And I will do this, proceeding from, as well as its characteristics, inherent in different age periods.


The ambiguous interpretation of sensitivity in psychology is understandable, because considering the personality in isolation from the soul, as the governing structure of the individual, deprives of a holistic view.

Here are some interpretations sensitivity:

  • Sensitivity, sensitivity, or sensitivity(from Lat. sensus - feeling, sensation) - characterological feature of a person, the ability to feel, distinguish and respond to external stimuli.
  • Increased sensitivity / anxiety with a pronounced fear of new things (situations, trials, etc.).
  • Shyness, shyness, a tendency to long-term experience of past or future events, increased moral demands on oneself.
  • Sensitivity as an accentuation of character (K. Leonhard, P. B. Gannushkin) - heightened impressionability, fearfulness, heightened sense of his own inferiority.

All this so-called sensitivity, based on emotional and mental reactions, is a forerunner for a more thorough and in-depth examination of the spiritual nature of man. In other words, exists three types of sensitivity, which underlie all psychological systems that consider a person... It:

  • Physical (bodily) sensitivity- most often seen in psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry - associated with the center at the base of the spine (muladhara) and the activity of the etheric body.
  • Emotional sensitivity- along with psychosomatics and psychiatry, is a subject of study practical psychology and psychotherapy - the sacral center and the solar plexus center are "responsible".
  • Mental sensitivity- a characteristic from the category of pathopsychology and psychopathology - in its extreme manifestations - overactivity of the solar plexus and throat centers (vishuddha).

All these types of sensitivity are nothing more than a reaction of the astral, physical and, less often, mental bodies to excessive activity and overexcitation above the designated centers. Chief among them is the solar plexus - a cloaca of selfish desires and ambitions,, anger and irritation, as well as the sacral center (umbilical) - the crucible of not transformed and not transformed sexual impulses.

Hypersensitivity bodily or kinesthetic is not a violation, but the result of the refinement of physical conductors under conditions.

In the environment of every person there are people with a fine mental organization: they are very impressionable, sensitive to what is happening with people, animals, cannot stand harsh treatment, and sensitivity is a characteristic characteristic of these people.

What is Sensitivity?

Sensitivity is (from Lat. Sensus feelings) - high individual sensitivity, manifested as a personality trait in people. Sensitivity covers a wide range of individual mental processes and can be expressed in the following:

  • severe anxiety and fear of future events;
  • increased self-reflection;
  • low pain threshold;
  • inadequate self-criticism and self-flagellation in case of failure;
  • timidity;
  • underestimated;
  • feeling unworthy;
  • high demands on yourself;
  • fear of criticism and failure;
  • getting stuck on past experiences;
  • low level of claims;

Reasons for the emergence of sensitivity:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • organic brain damage;
  • neurosis;
  • depression;
  • mental illness;
  • anxiety disorders.

Sensitivity in psychology

Psychology considers sensitivity not only as a specific personality trait of a single person, but also as an age one. The sensitive period is a favorable stage in the development of a child for the conditions for the formation in him of certain behavior, properties of the psyche, skills and abilities. Maria Montessori (Italian teacher), actively used the opportunities the environment in the development of the child and as a result of her work, she noted several age sensitive periods:

  • 0 - 6 years - development of speech;
  • 0 - 5.5 years old - sensory perception;
  • 0 - 3 years - development of perception to order;
  • 1 - 4 years - motor skills, actions are actively developing;
  • 1.5 - 7 years - perception of small objects;
  • 4.5 - 5 years old - phonemic sensitivity;
  • 6 - 8 years is a sensitive period for the development of writing skills.

Sensitivity - the pros

A high level of sensitivity gives a person a lot of experiences, but sensitivity has its own positive aspects, such people are characterized by:

  • kindness and gentleness;
  • high moral principles;
  • ethics;
  • conscientiousness;
  • the ability to feel the pain or depression of others;
  • a talent for recognizing subtle nuances in activities.

Types of sensitivity

A sensitive person can be especially sensitive in a certain area of ​​perception. D.G. Smith (American clinical psychologist) classified the main types of sensitivity:

  1. Theoretical sensitivity- good orientation of a person in various theoretical concepts of personality and the ability to apply knowledge in the relevant field (prediction of feelings, thoughts, actions of other people)
  2. Observational sensitivity- the ability to simultaneously observe and evaluate the appearance of the interlocutor, his speech, smell, facial expressions, movements and postures. This includes self-observation.
  3. Ideographic sensitivity- the vision in each personality of the peculiar features inherent only to her.
  4. Nomothetic sensitivity- when observing the behavior of a representative of a social group, a sensitive person can apply the knowledge gained to predict the behavior of other members of this group.

There is another classification of sensitivity:

  • emotional;
  • social;
  • the sensitivity of temperament.

Emotional sensitivity

The concept of sensitivity in an emotional context means an individual's hypersensitivity, expressed in susceptibility to the influence of negative events of the past. The impetus for development can be inadequate, cruel or indifferent upbringing in childhood. An emotionally sensitive person suffers from the fact that past events are experienced by him again and again, exacerbating the psychophysiological state.

Social sensitivity

Sensitivity in communication prevents a person from effectively building relationships in society, a career, and making close acquaintances. Sensitive fear is manifested in people prone to anxiety disorders and paranoia, such people are prone to the experience that their thoughts can be "read" by other people. Social sensitivity is based on negative feelings of a person in relation to himself:

  • own inferiority (“I'm not good enough / smart / capable);
  • insecurity and unworthiness.

Sensitivity of temperament

The properties of temperament, sensitivity and reactivity, are more characteristic of melancholic people, while phlegmatic people, choleric people and sanguine people are less sensitive. Melancholic people tend to worry for a long time, are vulnerable and tend to self-delusion - these features allowed psychologists to compare sensitivity with the melancholic temperament of a person.

Exercises to develop sensitivity

Sensitivity in a reasonable range is a necessary quality of successful interaction with people, understanding of the processes taking place with a person. Sensitivity training is the general name for group psychological training for personal growth, aimed at developing a person's sensitive abilities: empathy, observation, understanding and predicting the behavior of others. Sensitive training techniques and exercises:

  1. Psychological observation exercise... In the group, a person is selected who goes out the door, at this time the participants in the process are located in the room: someone sits on chairs, others stand. The coach calls the participant who has left and asks to remember for 1 minute the "picture" of the location of the others, then again asks to go out the door. There is a change of half of the group members in the location. The exited participant enters again, and the coach asks him to arrange everyone as it was the first time. As a result, it is assessed how observant a person is.
  2. Exercise "Emotions" to increase the perception of a partner... Participants sit in a semicircle and receive cards on which various emotional reactions are recorded. Each participant in turn goes out and stands with his back to the others, his task is to non-verbally depict the emotion or state recorded on his card. The goal of the rest is to feel what it is: anger, joy, sadness, etc.
  3. Observational Sensitivity Exercise... Participants sit in a circle and try to feel the emotional state of the neighbor on their left, while receiving feedback on whether their assumption is correct. Misinterpretations are noted by the trainer as pointing to stereotypes that guide people in analyzing the actions and emotions of others.

Sensitivity in psychology is a person's feeling of heightened sensitivity, insecurity and vulnerability. Most often, such people complain that they are not understood. When referring to a specialist, patients speak about the emergence of a feeling of unfriendliness of others, as well as about the understanding that they are worse than others. Sensitivity is a manifestation of excessive stiffness and shyness.

Special sensitivity

Sensitivity in psychology is a concept related to personality traits. It consists in excessive vulnerability and sensitivity, increased conscientiousness, as well as a constant tendency to doubt in their actions and fixation on their experiences. A sensitive person is mentally vulnerable.

This state of extreme sensitivity can be short-lived. It often accompanies strong disappointment, grief, or nervous tension.

Sensitivity can also be frequent or even constant. Often, such a way of thinking, when it seems to a person that the whole world is opposed to him, prevents the social adaptation of the individual.

In the event that such symptoms occur, it becomes necessary to consult a psychotherapist. The specialist must collect reliable information about the patient in order to choose the correct treatment tactics and alleviate the patient's condition.

Sensitivity is a condition that can be the result of various. These include:

  • neuroses;
  • stressful conditions;
  • diseases of the brain of the organic type;
  • personality pathology;
  • depression;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • mental disorders of an endogenous nature;
  • brain lesions of a toxic type.

Critical period

Age sensitivity is often observed in children. In their life, there comes a moment when the mental maturation of a small person occurs, which contributes to the assimilation of certain functions. Typically, the child's environment presents a variety of exercise opportunities. These exercises should be tailored to the needs of the little individual. But there are situations when this does not happen. At the same time, the child loses the possibility of natural assimilation.

Features of temperament

The degree of sensitivity is judged by the strength of external influences, which is necessary for the emergence of any mental reaction. So, in one person, certain conditions may not cause any irritation, at the same time for another they are a strong exciting factor. For example, with any unmet need, one person may not notice it at all, while another under the same conditions will certainly suffer. Thus, we can conclude that sensitivity is a concept that also depends on the temperament of the individual.

Different types of people according to character traits

The sensitivity of temperament in choleric people is characterized by imbalance and excessive excitability. Such people often experience cyclical behavior. Their intense activity can decline sharply. This is due to a decrease in mental strength or loss of interest. Such people differ from others in sharp and quick movements, as well as vivid expressions of feelings in facial expressions. A slight sensitivity is observed in sanguine people. These people easily adapt to the changing environment. That is why external factors do not always have a negative impact on their behavior.

Phlegmatic persons are distinguished by sensitive rigidity. Such people have a slow course of psychological processes. The phenomenon of arousal in phlegmatic people is balanced by strong inhibition. That is why such people are able to restrain their impulses.

Melancholic people are characterized by increased vulnerability and emotional sensitivity. They react very painfully to a sudden complication of the situation. In dangerous situations, they develop a sense of intense fear. In communication with strangers melancholic people feel very insecure.

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