All about energy vampires. Energy vampires by date of birth - fact or fiction. Create feelings of guilt

Stoves, fireplaces 18.07.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

Did you know that you can become an energy vampire yourself? But more on that later...

Energy vampires are not mystical creatures, but a domestic phenomenon. Despite the fact that they do not have fangs, they quietly exist among us and are quite comfortable with themselves. But before you figure out who energy vampires are, how to recognize and protect yourself from them, you need to understand where they come from.

Where do they come from?

There is an esoteric theory that energy vampires are people who have not worked off their karmic debts. They need so much energy that they have to take it from others. If they do not fulfill their debts, then energy is still needed, but simply in order to exist.

But sometimes energy vampires are just people with an evil disposition or those who lack the energy to live. For example, it could be a child old man or sick. Never noticed that sick people often deteriorate character. It's just a lack of energy, which they pull from those around them. Therefore, if you, God forbid, get sick, you can also become an energy vampire.

How to recognize them?

It is worth talking about how to recognize an energy vampire. It should be said right away that among them there are also professionals who know how to stick to the ethereal bodies of people and “amateurs”. In addition, among them there are daffodils and sufferers-whiners.

You can suspect vampirism in appearance. They do not have fangs, but already at a fairly young age, wrinkles may appear, their lips are thin, and their eyes have a warm tint. Another characteristic feature is that plants quickly die in their dwelling and animals do not live long. But this does not prevent them from getting large or dangerous dogs: with such a protector, rarely anyone will want to respond to the aggression of a vampire. Often such people have bony thinness and brag about this as their own achievement. What for? To draw attention to yourself through your envy.

But most often you can recognize vampirism precisely by behavior.
First, such people love to evoke compassion and self-pity. These are the same "whiners". Be careful - these are not just poor sheep, who are doing poorly both at work and on the personal front - these are manipulators.

Also, these are people who provoke fights and quarrels around them. They need attention to themselves, even if negative, so they can provoke you to scream and annoyance, incite people to fight, set people against each other. They are also interested in destroying friendship or love. At the same time, vampires can play for both sides of the conflict they created: this way they will get more energy.

These are trolls and provocateurs

If someone close to you deliberately tries to piss you off and provoke you into a nervous breakdown, he clearly wants to eat your energy. It is quite possible that provocateurs on the Internet, that is, simply trolls, are also energy vampires.

Manipulate on your guilt. For such people, not only everything is bad, but everyone around is bad, including you. They can constantly make you apologize and grovel.

The energy vampire strikes when you are at your weakest. It is in times of your weakness that they feel stronger. By the way, there are also overly annoying vampires: “Is there anything I can help you with?”. They always have a bunch of unnecessary advice.

You feel a drain of energy even at the thought of this person.

These people talk too much

At the same time, the topics of their conversation are themselves and their problems. There are also negative phenomena, discussions of deaths, funerals, disasters, bad news and how terrible it is to live and where the world is heading. These are generally great lovers of whining, and our energy when communicating with them is spent on restoring a positive picture of the world.

Whatever you tell them, energy vampires use it to your detriment. That is why they love open people so much.

They love to joke around. And over you too.

They are also violators of your personal space. So, when renting an apartment, the author encountered the owner, who came, for example, late in the evening, and did not think about the fact that people were resting ... Considering that all attempts to start home plants in this apartment were unsuccessful, then everything becomes clear.

Energy eaters like to talk, sitting very close to you, grabbing your hands, etc. They also violate the psychological space, for example, they can ask tactless questions.

They also like to discount your feelings and experiences. If you share your experiences with them, they can calmly say that this is complete nonsense.

They are bored with life. Therefore, they create scandals from scratch, dramatize, provoke, test your strength and perform extravagant acts in order to feel something.

Self-defense methods

If you suspect that you have encountered such a person, then you should understand how to protect yourself from an energy vampire. Here are just a few ways.

  • First, you can use simple amulets. For example, wearing something round: a hoop, a bracelet, round earrings, etc.
  • Physical resistance is also possible in the following way. Take a closed posture upon contact, that is, cross your legs and arms.
  • It is also important where your chest is pointing. When in contact with an energy vampire, you need to sit shoulder to shoulder, parallel to each other or so that the directions of your chest were in different directions.
  • To always replenish your energy reserves, lead an active lifestyle, play sports and experiment more often in communication.
  • Stop contacting this person. If this is a colleague, then you can frankly tell him that he is in the way or that you are busy.
  • Do not fall for any of his provocations. He should not receive emotional responses from you.
  • No matter how much you are led to strong emotions, keep indifferent. You can take motherwort.
  • Don't let him know, even if you feel guilty. Also, never justify yourself to such a person.
  • Mirror - vampires are afraid of this. Parody if he's showing off, complain on purpose, if he's whining copy his gestures.
  • Don't share your weaknesses with him. This will make it harder for him to pressure you.
  • Don't let him dictate how you communicate. The tedious long monologue of a vampire is a way to tune a person into his frequency. This allows you to pump energy more productively.
  • Do not pity such a person and do not sympathize. If he starts complaining, you can start crying into his shoulder in response. You can also stop the flow of pessimism. Say that this will not happen to him, etc. There is no need to praise him.

What to do if the energy vampire is one of your household, this does not mean that you do not need to communicate with him. Just try to explain that energy can be drawn from a pleasant pastime, hobbies, and not just bringing others to negative emotions.

If a vampire violates your personal or psychological space, then you can tell him about it frankly or laugh it off. For example, if you're being asked about your salary, say, "That's my big secret!"

Remember that vampires are not so bad people. It's just the way their energy and psyche is arranged. Take care of yourself and your energy - you need it more than they do.

Many have heard about energy vampires, but not everyone knows what kind of creatures they are. So, energy vampires, energy vampirism, let's see what it is.

Vladimir Alferov says: “Recently, my wife began to come home from work tired, angry and irritated. She took it out on me, on the kids, for no apparent reason. One got the impression that she herself was dissatisfied with such behavior, regretted the scandals that she herself provoked, but she could not do anything. One evening I came back with a friend with whom I worked together. I noticed that the emotional state of a friend was just as uneven. The question arose by itself, is everything in order in their office, and has a new employee appeared in this friendly team lately? It turned out there was. Or rather, it appeared. Anna Sergeevna, middle-aged woman, smiling and good-natured, process engineer for polymeric materials. In just a couple of days, she got acquainted with the whole team, made the most favorable impression on her colleagues. I asked my friends how long she worked at the former enterprise? It turned out that only six months, and before that even less - four months. My assumptions were justified, among the employees of the company where my wife worked, a pronounced energy vampire appeared.

What is an energy vampire?

It is probably more appropriate to ask the question: “Who are energy vampires?”

However, vampires are the dead, and from the category of animate beings they pass into a different quality.

The corpse is not who, but what? Therefore, such a definition is acceptable to energy vampires.

Kidding! These people are alive, and many are not bad, just darlings!

An energy vampire is a person who is not able to maintain his internal energy at the proper level.

Such individuals spend energy unreasonably, beyond measure, without thinking about the consequences.

Energy vampires and energy donors

But if there are energy vampires who suck energy, then there are energy donors who give it away.

Energy withdrawal is an unpleasant operation for the donor. Although people who are spiritually, mentally and emotionally developed have a sufficient supply of internal energy.

By and large, energy vampires are not very scary to them. Their energy balance is constantly maintained at a sufficiently high level and constantly replenished.

Yes, they, without knowing it, give their energy to energy monsters, but, as a rule, they do not notice this.

In a completely different way, the withdrawal of energy affects an ordinary, ordinary person, who already has a deficit of it. The consequences of third-party interference in this case are palpable, and can become dangerous, especially if he has one of his relatives, relatives, work colleagues in his energy live-throats. Those with whom he contacts regularly.

Types of Energy Vampires

Energy ghouls come in two varieties or types

The first kind is unconscious. These werewolves have no idea who they really are. The fact that they feed on the energy of others, vampires do not realize. They do not wish harm to their donor; in life they are often good-natured and nice people. In energy leeches they turn into critical life situations.

Although citizens who are not protected from their vampiric essence, this does not make it any easier.

What do you care about the fact that the executioner before the execution gives you a cigarette and smiles sweetly at the same time.

The second type - conscious live-throats. These are dangerous creatures. They are devoid of compassion, not burdened with ethical obligations, do not know pity, do not know compassion for their victims. They commit a crime consciously and are able to easily bring a person to nervous breakdown, mental illness, and even from nervous exhaustion. The trouble is if you accidentally connected your life with such a creature. Their only goal is to get energy from you at any cost. What then becomes of the test subject, they are not interested.

VIDEO: Energy Vampires

What does an energy vampire look like?

They do not have pronounced external signs: no blood dripping from the fangs, the skin is of a normal color, not the pale gray of the classic ghouls.

They cannot fly, move at the speed of a bullet, have no supernatural strength, and do not live forever.

However, representatives of this breed have their own distinctive features and behaviors by which they can be recognized.

How to recognize an energy vampire

Do not be upset and scared if you notice one sign from the list below in someone you know. But if there is a match on three or more points, be on your guard.

  1. Energy Vampires Seek Compassion

Do you know what is your favorite quote from classical literature these people: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, without knowing it, gave a powerful ideological weapon into the hands of the energy evil spirits.

This trap is very easy to fall into. You need to do good anonymously, and if you help someone specifically, do not let him sit on your head in the future. People revel in their nobility after an accomplished act of mercy, and werewolves take advantage of this. His persistence is becoming more and more dangerous, and getting rid of this obsessive character in the future will be, oh, how difficult.

2. Energy vampires always blame others for all their troubles.

The picture of the world of ghouls is such that their poor, naive, defenseless and kind people are surrounded by people who are completely envious, cruel, greedy, in which all vices are concentrated. The boss is a fool, a tyrant and a petty tyrant, a wife is a grumpy cunning rubbish, a husband is a useless stupid loser, children are ungrateful offspring, neighbors are an annoying public, colleagues are envious swindlers. You can easily fall into the category of these enemies: an awkward remark, disagreement about something, a laudatory review about any other person. This type is well noticed by N.V. Gogol, remember Sobakevich from Dead Souls.

3. Energy vampires are clever provocateurs

Eating energy is not necessary, causing self-pity. Negative emotions are just as bad. Swearing, quarrel, fight - this is the element of energy rubbish. To provoke such a situation for evil spirits is elementary. Where they are, there will always be a tense situation, and in the company, and even with alcohol, a quarrel will definitely flare up. Well, if everything is limited to drunken fuss in the stalls, often such incidents end up in the morgue for one and in the zone for another. Have you heard of domestic crime?

It is in the kitchens, and not on the dark night streets, that the largest number serious crimes, including murder. Think about it.

4. Energy vampires are not only provocateurs, but also intriguers

Quarrels do not arise from scratch, first you need to prepare the ground. This is where energy spiders are real masters. Their main and deadly weapon is gossip. You can spin any nonsense about a person that no one will ever believe, but the sediment will remain. As in a joke about silver spoons. This method is well mastered by propagandists of various stripes. Announce on TV that this comrade drinks the blood of babies in the morning, and then let him justify himself all his life. And if it is justified, it means that there was something after all.

5. Energy vampires are very insidious.

They can deceive, betray, substitute at any moment. For a ghoul, this is all very natural. They do not feel any regret or remorse, because morality is an empty phrase for them. As long as a person lives, there is such a phenomenon as betrayal. Just remember Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

By the way, Judas was not an energy vampire. Then he repented, returned the money, and hung himself on an aspen. That is why, in order to kill a vampire, he needs to drive an aspen stake into his heart.

6. Energy vampires tend to be extreme.

Sometimes their whole life resembles a permanent extreme. This is one of the indirect signs by which ghouls can be calculated. But there is no need to go to extremes and enroll all extreme people into werewolves. This sign works only in combination with others. Most extreme people are brave, desperate people and I personally like them. Vampires manifest themselves to an extreme extent in everyday life: after a minor quarrel, they can break established ties with friends and relatives. Get married or get married a week after they met. Their own emotions are not enough for them, so they need recharge. If you stay at arm's length from these people, you will not lose.

Signs of energy vampirism

The main feature is the internal state of a person before and after communication. If suddenly after meeting and talking with a person you feel bad for no reason, there is reason to think.

By "bad", here we mean: discomfort, dejection, fatigue, a feeling of emptiness, anxiety, unconscious fear.

Of course, this may be a coincidence, but if you experienced the same sensations the next time after communicating with the same person, be sure that you are an energy vampire. Break up with him forever, he is a threat to your mental health!

Let's look at all kinds of violations and deviations that occur after such contacts.

Vampire people: physiological signs

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Headache
  3. Heartache
  4. Cardiopalmus
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Difficulty breathing
  7. General malaise

Vampire people: psychological signs

  • Reduced performance
  • Constant fatigue
  • Bad mood

Vampire People: Energy Signs

  1. Anxiety
  2. Guilt
  3. Feeling of fear
  4. Negative perception of reality
  5. Decreased self-esteem

How does an energy vampire behave?

If you have a suspicion that one of your relatives or acquaintances is an energy vampire, you should carefully look at his behavior. Sometimes it gives out a werewolf with a head.

Here are the characteristic algorithms of the behavior of energy ghouls

But they are easy to recognize in the crowd, as a rule, mass actions are recorded on cameras, so they behave there with caution.

Energy vampirism at a distance

Recently, energy vampirism has been widespread at a distance.

Today, these live-eaters love discussions in chat rooms and social networks. This is where they develop extraordinary activity.

Everyone who has ever entered into discussions on the Internet knows that there are such ghouls on every site.

Energy vampire at work

We spend most of our lives at work. Therefore, the atmosphere in the team is the key to your mental health. Yes, and just health, too, because all diseases are from nerves.

It's a disaster if an energy vampire appears here. And he shows up most of the time.

This werewolf can cause a permanent depressed state, a bad mood.

In his company, you will feel tired, headache, you will not be able to work as you should.

Hence the dissatisfaction with you as a specialist on the part of the authorities, undermining your reputation.

In addition, the vampire in the team, be sure, will quarrel everyone with everyone.

The situation can become more complicated if your boss acts as an energy Dracula.

The boss is an energy vampire

With your colleague, acquaintance, and even close friend, if you wish, you can stop communicating, you won’t be able to do this with your boss. If he is an energy ghoul, he will suck the energy out of you to the maximum.

  • These monsters are able to turn your life into pitch darkness, loading it with fictitious problems, poisoning it with negative emotions, interfering without reason in personal space, surrounding it with speculation and gossip, infecting with nervousness.
  • He will pump out energy from a position of strength, provoking a subordinate to negative emotions: annoyance at himself, insecurity, fear of failure, resentment, and so on.
  • He will always be dissatisfied. Even if you receive a Nobel Prize for your work, he will congratulate you, spitting words through his teeth. And if you let the jamb -! The mistake will never be forgotten!
  • It’s more expensive to swear with him, but it’s also a shame to quit your favorite job because of an energy bloodsucker. So you have to defend yourself! How? More on that later.

In the meantime, you need to make sure that your boss is actually an energy vampire. These creatures are sometimes completely unfairly mistaken for demanding, harsh bosses, but rooting for their work. Take a look, maybe he's one of those. If the truth is on your side, then read on.

Colleague is an energy vampire

The situation is unpleasant, but not critical, after all, not the boss. With a colleague you are in the same weight category, so you can fight back.

But first, again, take a closer look at it. Maybe he just has such a character, and he is not a vampire at all.

In this case, other methods are needed to communicate with him.

Well, what if… Then he will regularly evoke negative emotions in you, create discomfort.

Swearing with energy ghouls is more expensive for yourself

Distract every now and then from work with unnecessary chatter, invite them to smoke, drink, stuff themselves into friends, girlfriends.

Entangled in a web of gossip, stupid conversations, complaints and petty quarrels.

Subordinate - Energy Vampire

This one is more dangerous than a colleague. He can always write a slander on you, say that you are holding back the initiative of your subordinates, do not allow them to make serious decisions and dream of only one thing, how to sit your boss and take his place.

Then you get tired of making excuses.

In addition, the person who makes excuses is always under suspicion.

But you can’t swallow a blatant lie either. What a disaster!

A subordinate vampire will always emphasize his subordinate position in an attempt to make you feel guilty.

He will not let you work in peace, will start knocking on colleagues, complaining about unsuitable living conditions, bright light, lack of light, heat, cold, and so on.

God forbid, if he breaks out into the public. Will overwhelm you with requests, suggestions, stupid ideas and undertakings.

In this case, it will become even more difficult to brush it off.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work

It is impossible to insure at work from the negative influence of your colleagues, boss, subordinates. Either quit (the new place will be the same) or defend yourself. Here are some tricks.

1. Always change the subject

Don't feed energy monsters with bread - just let them argue with someone. If you notice that you have been drawn into a discussion of some issue, the behavior of a colleague, a political argument, or a meaningless discussion on another topic, do not get excited. If you notice excessive nervousness behind you, immediately change the subject, move away from the conversation. Hook on a word, move on to another topic of discussion, make an unusual comment that is not related to the topic. A vampire, having tuned in to take a sip of energy for a freebie, will get a bummer. They don't like it and will leave you behind. There are many victims around.

2. Having a sense of humor

This is the most efficient and effective way ward off the energy spider. Take every situation with humor. React to any provocation from the side cheerfully, naturally and, again, with humor.

Joke, irony, paradox, jokes and ridicule - what vampires cannot stand, what they run from and what they are afraid of. It's like an aspen stake and a silver bullet for real vampires. Rudeness, hysteria, insults will not bring harm to the energy monster, a witty word can, if not kill him, then cripple him mentally. So put a smile on your face, and no enemy is afraid of you. And normal people will love you even more for it.

3. Do not make it clear that you are offended or hurt to the quick

This tip is especially helpful if Dracula is your boss. As soon as he notices that he hit the mark, he will get even more excited. Be calm as under the influence of seduxen. Sometimes it’s not easy to do this, especially when you get a scolding that’s not the case, but the boss knows that he’s picking on unfairly. It is not the truth that matters to him, but your uncontrollable emotions. You should not complain to colleagues after such scandals, he will find out. Leave the office with an expression of complete indifference. It is even better to cultivate this feeling, popularly called pohuism, in oneself. Oh, how useful in life.

4. Do not argue in any way

Object to the case, yes, you can and should. But as soon as you notice that reasonable arguments do not work on the interlocutor, leave any dispute. As in the case of the boss, it is not the truth that is important to your opponent, but it is important to piss you off. It is not necessary to turn around and defiantly leave, showing disrespect to the interlocutor. Listen to him, nod your head, agree. Very soon, the lack of a negative reaction on your part will bother him, and he will end the dispute himself.

5. Keep your distance

Escape is far from the best bad way protection. Sometimes the smartest. Your powers are not comparable to those of energy monsters, you shouldn't even compete with them. In direct confrontation, you will always be defeated. We have to act smart.

6. Increase the distance between you

Don't let him turn you into a pillow he can cry into. Don't be frank with him. Do not invite guests, do not sit at the same dining table. Be extremely polite and extremely correct, at the same time, do not let the relationship go beyond the working ones.

7. Do not give in to provocations

Provocations are a favorite way of an energy predator to piss off an interlocutor. This means that provocations must be able to track and not succumb to them. If you see that your colleague is ready to "explode", find an excuse to leave the room, do not let him talk to you. Simulate a phone call, an urgent business call, and so on. Don't be alone with a vampire colleague. These monsters have a huge arsenal of provocations, it is impossible to list them all. Be carefull!

Video: Energy vampires, why are they like this and how to communicate with them?

Energy vampire by date of birth

Numerology is an interesting, ambiguous science, and the attitude towards it is different: from complete delight to squeamish rejection.

Researchers who study such a phenomenon as energy vampirism claim that an energy monster can be calculated by date of birth.

This procedure is very easy and can be done by anyone who knows the simplest arithmetic operation - addition.

Sometimes it is really difficult to determine whether a person is an energy vampire or just has a capricious character.

Some suspect themselves of vampirism, sometimes quite rightly. In order to dot all Yo, we propose to pass the following test.

From it you will find out which of your relatives, friends, colleagues are involved in vampirism, and who, without knowing it, gives their energy to these living dead.

With the help of the test, you can also determine which of the five types you belong to.

Let's list them:

  1. Energy vampires
  2. Donors (victims)
  3. Neutral personalities
  4. white magicians
  5. black magicians

Here is how these five types are distributed:

The graph shows how many representatives of each type are among all people in percentage (on average)

For testing, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. So, we write the date of birth in full, for example: 19.05. 1988.

Then we add these numbers (1+9+0+5+1+9+8+8) = 41.

But we need one digit, so we add again (4 + 1) = 5.

Remember this last figure, it will become your beacon.

Let's test the result.

If, after passing the test, the final figure is one or two, this means that the subject is an energy vampire.

It is possible that unconsciously, but he takes energy from others, using it for his own good.

If the amount was expressed in these figures, then the tested person is a donor. In life, he should be extremely careful.

Such people are subject to the negative influence of vampires. It is most reliable to have a talisman with you, which will protect him from the influence of dark forces and help repel the attack of the energy spider.

These numbers are harbingers of good news. If you get one of them, you are not able to take someone else's energy, but the insatiable werewolves will not receive it from you either. People who have these numbers in their assets are completely neutral and have remarkably powerful energy that creates an impenetrable barrier around them.

If you rolled a nine at the end of the test, congratulations! You are not an energy vampire, but you play for another major league. In conventional terminology, you are a white magician. These are people with positive energy and a huge supply of energy, which they easily control. From birth, these characters have a huge potential, do not oversleep it.

A very difficult number. Those born under the sign of the four in the same terminology are black magicians. These people are able to move from one state to another due to a gigantic supply of vitality. They can be neutral personalities, or they can go into the category of energy vampires. People are complex, ambiguous. From them, in certain life situations, a leader can grow up who can captivate peoples with his ideas, or an insatiable tyrant can turn out.

Successful and unsuccessful marriages

Energy vampire + white mage

The perfect union. The energy balance makes it ideal. The white magician can sometimes be weighed down by the huge amount of positive energy that a vampire can take from him without harm.

Black magician + white magician

The option is similar to the previous one and also very successful for the same reasons.

Donor + energy vampire

Oddly enough, but this union is often also long and happy. Yes, a vampire takes energy from a donor, that's a fact. But if the latter lives a busy life, does what he loves, sports, practices leisure, then he may have an excess of energy. And giving it voluntarily to your loved one, both remain the winners.

Neutral + white mage

The combination is quite harmonious. Although love is in second place in this tandem, business relationships and friendship are in the first place, which is sometimes more important than crazy love and crazy passion. Both things pass, leaving emptiness and disappointment.

Donor + white magician

In marriage, as a rule, both are happy. The exchange of energy takes place by mutual agreement, without coercion of any of the partners. If the donor has a lack of vitality, he may well recharge from the white magician. No need to smile, of course, he will not connect it to the outlet, and he will not connect to it himself. Everything happens unconsciously at a subtle level.

Donor + neutral person

It's also a pretty strong alliance. Neutral is able to protect from the negative impact of his partner. In this case, both will be quite reliably protected from the influence of extraneous negative forces.

Vampire + black magician

A very successful tandem. An energy vampire in this alliance will not have to suffer from a lack of energy. The black magician easily controls energy flows and is able to direct them in the right direction.

Energy Vampire + Neutral

Here it can turn both in a positive direction, and vice versa. Marriage is a compromise. If the vampire can curb his energy hunger and stop taking energy from his partner, then life will improve. If not, scandals, mutual reproaches are inevitable, as a result - a divorce and a maiden name.

Black Mage + Neutral

The relationship algorithm is exactly the same as that of an energy vampire and a neutral. Black magician in the name of love and peace family life must “step on the throat of his song”, stop tyrannizing a partner. Very often a woman acts as a tyrant.

vampire + vampire

Dissonance is already in the very name of this tandem. Life won't work. Both will be bent from a lack of energy. This, of course, is a figure of speech, but in everyday life - quarrels, reproaches, discontent. Divorce is inevitable.

Energy vampire + black magician

Explosive combination. The situation is even more tense than between two vampires. Both need a large amount of energy, which they will try to get from a loved one. Hence - outbreaks of aggression, which in everyday life can end in a crime.

Protection from energy vampires

One hundred percent, everyone has encountered an energy vampire at least once in their life.

And, for sure, you have a friend, after talking with whom, you feel at ease: a breakdown, disappears good mood, the world is painted in shades of gray.

This is because your interlocutor recharged with positive energy from you.

The more vulnerable the victim, the bolder the ghoul acts, the more he can devastate it.

There are many ways to protect yourself from vampire people. Type in search engine How to protect yourself from an energy vampire and advice will fall out on a hundred pages.

I do not undertake to analyze which of them are effective, and which are complete bullshit.

Here we will look at the most popular and proven positive.

Everything ingenious is simple, and following the teachings of the English monk-philosopher William of Ockham, we will not multiply things. To put it simply, there is no need to look for complex solutions if there are simple ones.

The easiest and most effective way to deal with these energy monsters is not to allow yourself to be provoked.

The vampire has no weapons against this technique.

  • Be polite
  • Calm
  • Don't get into a pointless argument
  • Don't let the negativity overwhelm you.

Believe me, the Crookshanks will lose all interest in you. It also makes no sense for a vampire to achieve results in a difficult way, he will find a more accommodating victim.

If your nerves are not so strong, and you still risk breaking loose, then experts recommend the following defense techniques.

Ethereal double

Highly efficient technique used by many psychics.

Upon contact with the energy spider, mentally collect your energy in the solar plexus area. Sounds tricky, but it's really not that hard. Just imagine it. Do not think right or wrong you do, everything will be fine.

Again, mentally redirect the energy into your head. Concentrate your attention on the area between the eyebrows, there is the so-called third eye.

Then send a mental signal to your energy enemy. It can sound differently: “I am protected”, “I am invisible to you”, “I am a threat to you”, “I am not available to you”. Choose the form of the message yourself, I hope you understand the idea.

The next technique is jokingly called "I'm in a tank" or "I'm in a cocoon."

Imagine that you are enclosed in an impenetrable glass ball. Everything that is directed in your direction is broken about it: bad thoughts, negative emotions, anger, jealousy and so on.

The ball can also be a mirror, then the negative will come back.

Mentally, this ball must be imagined if you are in contact with people in whom you suspect energy vampires or simply with unpleasant characters.

For prevention, the ball can be projected outside, being in a crowded place.

Protection with a folk remedy

The new is the well-forgotten old. Protection against energy vampires existed before. Here is one of the techniques used by our ancestors.

salt protection

  • Prepare a packet of coarse salt
  • Heat up a cast iron skillet
  • Pour the salt into the pan
  • Holding the pan in front of you, read "Our Father" three times.

How to restore lost energy

Protection is good, but vampires are treacherous and one hundred percent difficult to defend against.

If after an unpleasant conversation or other contact with a person you experience malaise, loss of vitality and other manifestations of energy vampirism, then using these techniques you will be able to recover.

Good Cosmos

Get comfortable in your chair.

Hands on your knees, palms up.

Concentrate and mentally ask the Cosmos to return vital energy to the body.

Imagine a beam of light that enters your body through the crown of your head. Choose the color of the beam yourself, which one you like best.

For the greatest effect exercise should be done once a week. You will feel much better.

The exercise is simple but effective.

Make a ring with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand.

The same is from the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.

Enclose one ring within the other like chain links.

Do these manipulations several times (from three to seven).

Many people experience a slight dizziness during the exercise, this is a good sign. So the energy comes back to you.

The same easy exercise and no less useful.

Left hand with open palm - up.

Right - clench into a fist.

Then change hands: right hand with open palm - up,

left - in a fist.

Touch your palm three times with your fist.

Repeat several times (From two to five).

Exercise helps restore energy.

Cleansing shower

Water takes away negativity, cleanses the soul and body. Therefore, after contact with an energy vampire or just with an unpleasant person, it is recommended to take a shower. Yes, that's it, it's simple. Without any manipulation.

How to get rid of an energy vampire

7 tips to get rid of an energy vampire

You won’t be able to get rid of them all forever, these personalities will definitely appear in your life regularly, like flies on a rat’s corpse near the garbage heap. It is possible to isolate oneself from some of the most dangerous ones, as well as to minimize the harm from energy bloodsuckers.

1. Flies separately, bloodsuckers separately

To begin with, let's look around and find these predators. How to do this, we already wrote above. Let's repeat something. Energy vampires are selfish, manipulative, people are extremely difficult to communicate with. It is not easy to work next to them, to please, even if you sincerely want it, is hard. If you feel that when you contact this person, you lose more than you gain, it's time to break up with him. Tear without regret, ignoring reproaches from his side. Otherwise, this character will turn your life into hell.

2. Be firm

The energy werewolf must be countered with endurance, strength and firmness of character. If you just send them through the forest, nothing will come of it. They react to soft power in exactly the opposite way. They can cling even tighter to you. Be consistent. Let the person know that you no longer need his company, and this is not a momentary whim, not a whim, but a deliberate decision.

3. Put up red flags

Set clear boundaries. They are needed so that the vampire cannot get into your soul, observe your weaknesses and insecurities from the outside. Minimize verbal contact or stop altogether if possible. Delete his number from the phone, all accounts in social networks. , send them to the trash without opening. Don't break these rules.

4. Kindness is worse than theft

Everything is good in moderation. Being infinitely kind is also not very right. Sometimes kindness corrupts. As for energy vampires, they feed on this feeling, savor it, like a gourmet cutlet in Kiev. Thanks to her, they live and prosper. I am not calling for you to instantly become a boor and a rude person, but you should not remain a mumbler either.

5. Rescue of the drowning...

Remember, yes? The work of the drowning themselves. This applies to ghouls in the first place. As soon as you gave them a helping hand and pulled them out of another life trouble, be sure that they will turn to you regularly with a plea for help. These people always need something, in their life there is a constant crisis in relations with someone. You will save them, they will feed on your energy. Let them extricate themselves from situations that they themselves create.

6. Dead means dead

These scoundrels will return to your life again and again until you put an iron barrier in front of them.

After saying goodbye to them, explain that it is goodbye. The situation becomes more complicated if the vampire is a member of your family. Leave your native land as soon as you can. Of course, it’s not worth interrupting forever contacts with loved ones, but you can minimize it.

7. Love is gone, withered tomatoes

If the energy vampire - close person, beloved, then before you leave and break off relations, you should think and weigh a hundred times. Read the previous section on successful and unsuccessful alliances. The situation can always be corrected, because marriage is a compromise. But already if life has become unbearable, and there is no gap - tear it alive.

Children are energy vampires

In relation to children, it is better to use the term "energy dependent". They all, without exception, pump out energy from loved ones unconsciously. But first, a few excerpts from letters.

“My grandson, Yegor, is five years old. A good, obedient and cheerful boy. Parents at my request often leave it with me for the weekend. We walk, read books, watch movies. I am a young grandmother, far from retirement, and I still have a lot of strength. But recently I began to notice that after the weekend with Yegor, I feel like a hundred-year old woman: my mood is at zero, I have no strength, the only desire is to get to bed and sleep! Recently, to the decline of strength was added and headache. If the matter is in the grandson, then for me it is a disaster, the collapse of life ... ".

“I am a single mother, I have a daughter and a son. Alice was born sick, and for the first six months we did not get out of the hospital. In the hospital, I also underwent treatment. It turned out that I had a whole bouquet diseases that I had never known before. Discharged, moved home. This is where the real nightmare began: Alice did not sleep, was capricious and cried for days. I didn't sleep with her. In addition, she could not get rid of the incessant headache. His head hurt so much that tears came out involuntarily. "Citramon", "Mig", "Spazmalgon" I drank in packs. In this nightmare, I barely survived a year. Then everything seemed to get better. I left my daughter in the care of my mother, while I myself got a job. And oh, miracle! My health has improved dramatically. At work, I fluttered like a butterfly, my head didn’t hurt, my mood was fine. But in the evening she came home, and the ailments returned. Just like me, my mother began to feel herself. It's all about the daughter, it became clear finally. But what to do, how to be? Trips to the doctors did not clear up anything. So we lived, getting sick alternately with my mother. Two years after Alice, I gave birth to Andrei. Now she is seven years old, he is five, but the problems have only worsened. My daughter hates my brother, as soon as I pay attention to him, a tantrum begins. And recently, she, looking angrily into my eyes, asked: “When will you finally die? I know it will be soon, but it would be faster!” I am confused and in a panic, I have no idea what to do. I'm afraid of my daughter!"

I do not undertake to make diagnoses by letter, and in general it is none of my business.

First of all, both grandmother and mother should seek the help of a psychiatrist.

But if this is a manifestation of energy dependence, then, you see, in a very strong form. The case when dependence is capable of close people.

The energy field of the child is formed in the family, from birth he is innocent and sterile. How fully the baby's needs for affection and love are satisfied depends on his emotional health.

Children's energy dependence is an unconscious phenomenon, reflecting the atmosphere in which a small person developed.

If a child is energetically dependent, then this is his trouble, because along with the energy that he consumes, he absorbs both negative energy and diseases from his donors. Therefore, the life of the baby also turns into a nightmare.

Love, affection and care of parents can save him from this. It's trite, but it's true!

The fate of your baby, his peace of mind and health is in your hands, parents.

Prayer from energy vampires

In the beginning was the word

I will not reveal a secret if I say that the words with which we think, write, and pronounce carry a powerful energy charge.

The word is a weapon, in terms of its impact comparable to the most destructive means of mass destruction.

After all, before launching, for example, a ballistic missile, a word command must be given, and before that, the thought of launching must form in the brain of a person endowed with such power.

But thought is formed exclusively verbally, that is, with the help of words.

We cannot think otherwise.

A thought that is not framed in words does not exist.

It is the conspiracy that can show its remarkable strength in the fight against energy vampires.

It is the words that these spiders are most afraid of.

Here is an example of one of the spells you can use.

“Lord Almighty, give me protection, give me protection from all sorts of troubles! Protect me from the vile vampire, my strength to steal the skillful, give me the strength to stand firm and give the vampire a blow! Amen".

Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential, and therefore are accustomed to consuming other people's energy. For this they use different methods: scandals, humiliations, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will tell you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

According to this doctrine, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. You should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit number as a result, you will need to add the received values ​​\u200b\u200bagain to end up with a single-digit number.

Let's look at this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, we can conclude what kind of person you are in terms of energy. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy Vampires: Ones and Twos

But one should not immediately try to accuse such a person of all mortal sins, because for the most part the vampire takes away the energy of those around him completely unconsciously, because such is his essence, and he is not able to change it. If it so happened that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, whom you cannot not communicate with, talk about this topic and offer alternative energy sources.

For example, a pet would be an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are lucky if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, such numbers are obtained. They characterize the typical donor. But you can recognize him not only by calculations - you need to find the most cheerful, noisy person, whose life is always in full swing around - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like fish-stickers, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed by life force from it.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more of an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case, not a single vampire can take your energy without obtaining your consent.

It is also noteworthy that the representatives of white magicians themselves generously give away their vitality to others. It is the “nines” who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who managed to reach their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wishes to suck strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods at the same time - scandal, complain or talk a lot - just come up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to fully develop this potential in themselves can be easily counted on the fingers.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of one's own energy is a constantly changing indicator, which depends on many factors (state of health, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way to interpret the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is performed in exactly the same way as in the first case - just sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five, the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy replenishment;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described methods to believe, it is up to you to decide. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, you need to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask under sunbeams and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact more often with animals or plants - they also bestow vitality.
  3. Turn on your favorite musical compositions, with their help you will eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly eliminates all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video:

Have you ever met a person who would regularly hurt you, try to humiliate you or prove that you are worthless, you don’t know anything, you can’t, etc.? Remember what emotions you experienced for him at the time of the attacks? And how do you think the person himself felt, seeing that his “attacks” ended successfully? If you have not experienced this, you can only be glad for you, but most, having carefully delved into their memory, will probably remember several similar personalities. And someone will even find such an individual in their environment now.

It is noteworthy that having caused irritation or despondency in the object of attacks in the form of sufficiently strong emotions, these people experience satisfaction and an uplift in mood, although outwardly this may not be so obvious. They seem to be “satiated” for a while leaving the “victim” until the next time. Have you never encountered something like this before? Maybe they were watching from the side? Or ... you yourself are not averse to doing this and is this a common thing for you? In fact, to one degree or another, such phenomena are quite common in modern society.

If you carefully consider the phenomenon described above, associations suggest themselves. The aggressor behaves like a vampire, only from his victim he “drinks” not blood, but emotions. Therefore, without the slightest touch of mysticism, it is most reasonable to call such a person a vampire - this is the most appropriate term, if we call a spade a spade. Only not an ordinary vampire, no one drinks blood from the body, but an energy vampire. It would be clearer to use the term “emotional vampire”, but the phrase “energy vampire” has already taken root, and having understood more deeply the essence of such a phenomenon as emotion, one can understand: emotion is the energy of life! And to emotion, oddly enough, applicable general principle saving the energy of the physical world: if it decreases in one place, then it arrives in another: spoiling your mood, the vampire improved it for himself!

For a complete understanding, let's give a definition.

- this is the subject of communication, initially, consciously or unconsciously, openly or covertly provoking the other side of communication to negative emotions of a destructive nature in order to suppress and obtain moral satisfaction. Such relationships are common in an environment of communication with a social hierarchy: in a work team, among students and pupils, even in a family.

How to recognize?

  1. The main feature of the energy vampire is the desire to evoke negative emotions and receive satisfaction from this. This property is common to all of them, but manifests itself in different ways, depending on the temperament and "malice" of the vampire.
  • Aggressive energy vampires provoke scandals, insult, sometimes shout, criticize, humiliate and enjoy it. They are easy enough to identify, and they are not particularly masked. It is important to understand this nuance: if a person has quarreled or is in conflict with someone, this does not mean that now he is a vampire . Perhaps he is defending his rights, trying to prove something, albeit at the cost of nerves. But there is no joy in that for him. A real "bloodsucker" likes to make scandals, he likes to keep someone in nervous tension and like to suppress. He has such a "lifestyle".
  • "Hidden" energy vampires not as obvious as aggressive ones, but much more dangerous and meaner. When a person lacks personal energy, and for some reason there is no opportunity to openly suck it out, as aggressive people do, he begins to act covertly. He can constantly complain about life and harass the "donor" with his whims. Gossip - another favorite tool of such a person - they love to savor the "spicy details" of someone else's life and slander others. The hidden vampire rarely says nasty things to his face. He will “secretly open his eyes” to your friends, “smear” them with a tub of mud, tell you how badly they “really” treat you. And then something similar will tell them about you. Like the aggressive ones, the hidden ones love all sorts of conflicts and scandals. However, they prefer to stay on the sidelines, pitting others against each other, and then observing and gloating in their souls in order to stealthily, covertly feed on the release of negative energy. They love to find fault and cling to children, tormenting them with nitpicking and teachings.
  1. Surrounded by energy vampires, equipment often breaks down, things become unusable and quickly wear out, plants and animals get sick and even die. There is no mysticism here, but the thing is that these people have a destructive nature. They rarely keep the house and things in order, usually they are incredibly careless with equipment, they don’t finish the job to the end. And vampires treat animals and plants no better than humans.
  2. Relatives and relatives of the energy vampire, especially children, who are forced to constantly communicate with him, are unfortunate, unfortunate, poor people.
  3. Energy vampires themselves are unhappy, not self-sufficient creatures who do not know how to truly enjoy life. They are not happy with the success of others, they do not know how to empathize, no matter what they say about this.

An energy vampire does not always harm consciously, often considering his behavior to be the only normal and correct one, but this, of course, does not make it any easier for his victims.

There are circumstances, such as illness or accident, when an ordinary person begins to show the properties of a vampire: get annoyed, blame others from scratch, complain about life or otherwise “irritate” others, especially loved ones. This does not mean that the person has turned into an energy vampire. It’s just that sometimes the energy of an ordinary person suffers seriously and there is a sharp shortage of it. In this case help a person, support him in difficult times. When the situation improves, he will return to normal. While for an energy vampire, vampirism is the norm and no support will correct the situation, it will only increase the appetite.

How to protect yourself?

Perhaps there is nothing so useless in the world as proving a vampire wrong. He himself must realize the full depth of his fall and begin conscious work on himself - then and only then will he have a chance to change his life for the better. Therefore, you should not correct the vampire, but defend yourself from him.

What is the protection against energy vampires?

The surest way to protect your own energy from being stolen is to reduce communication with negative personalities to a minimum. It's better not to talk at all.

However, such drastic measures will not always be applied. An energy vampire can be a wife or husband, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, a boss at work or one of your colleagues. Yes, and run away every time - not the best option. Alas, this is simply impossible - people with a chronic lack of energy are everywhere.

The first thing to do if you are sure that you are dealing with just such a person is to limit communication to the necessary minimum. In any case, you should not open your soul to him and share your innermost thoughts, but on the contrary, keep your true feelings as far away as possible.

Second, learn to control your emotions. Remember - the vampire needs to get a surge of negative emotions. Moreover, it will not work “to make a good face when bad game". If the attacks hit a nerve, it's not enough to pretend you don't care. For him, it’s even better if you endure the victim and endure everything stoically. You need to learn to control your emotions, to become tougher on yourself. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts, be able to joke and laugh in the right place. The vampire can't stand positive emotions, he needs the negative ones. After making sure that you don’t drop “blood”, he will eventually fall behind and switch to more accessible victims. Perhaps from time to time attempts will be made to suck on your energy, but if you continue to draw your line, you will remain invulnerable.

Don't fall for the whining of hidden energy vampires. Their constant complaints, voiced insults and nit-picking take as much energy as an open conflict. Talk to them about neutral topics, and if it's appropriate, generally invite them to talk about something good from their lives. At the same time, look at the response: if you were going to borrow energy, such a proposal is unlikely to be met with enthusiasm. This method is not only excellent protection, but also a good diagnostic method.

Don't trust people who criticize everyone behind their backs. It is unlikely that they speak better about you when you do not hear.

How to become an energy vampire?

Oddly enough, some people ask this question too. No romance here, alas, no. Life is not a fantasy film or fiction. There is nothing good in the described state, and first of all - for the person himself.

But explaining how energy vampires actually become is not difficult at all. The method is simple:

  1. Get angry at the bottom of your heart the world and for all people without exception. Even for loved ones. And then realize that you are the only one who is truly important to you personally (just don't talk too much about this discovery).
  2. It would be nice to dodge in such a way in order to get some kind of chronic sore, or rather several at once, which would torment and haunt. This is not a prerequisite, but it helps a lot in enhancing vampire skills. You can exchange physical sores for serious psychological injuries.
  3. Get in the habit of annoying others or someone in particular. Perhaps make you fear, hate. And you can evoke pity by flaunting the sores obtained in paragraph 2. It doesn't matter.
  4. And now the most important thing! You should learn to enjoy when others feel bad. Feel it. Annoy people, oppress, suppress and feel satisfied. You can monotonously harass, if possible. In any way, think, fantasy will tell you ... To begin with, try to find a weak person who is easy to poison or torment. Then one or two more. In the end, you will become a seasoned vampire! Just try to avoid strong people, which can give a serious rebuff. Look around, you will surely find the "weak link".

Actually, that's all. The rest will follow by itself. Have you changed your mind yet? Then go ahead and with a song! Just don't be surprised that you become a truly unhappy person with perverted morals, poor health, whom no one really likes and everyone tries to avoid as much as possible.

I am an energy vampire, what should I do?

If you understand that all of the above describes you to a greater or lesser extent and decide to change, then consider that the first step has already been taken.

A change of scenery would be helpful. If possible, change your place of residence, work. At least make repairs in the house, change the wallpaper, furnishings, update your personal wardrobe.

Find an outlet, some hobby, something you enjoy doing.

Work on strengthening your own energy. Master meditation, yoga will be useful for you, relaxing and breathing exercises. If you don't like yoga and your health allows, go in for sports. Swimming is great. At least start running in the morning.

Don't set big goals right away. Start small and gradually you will feel that harassing and suppressing (whatever you call it before) has become completely uninteresting, instead completely different priorities have appeared.

The so-called energy vampires are not bad people. They are not villains at all, who only think about how to suck the joy of life out of you more intelligently. It just so happens that some actions of one person make another lethargic, angry, irritated. We tell you how to save your energy.

They whine constantly

“Well, why did you decide to change jobs now, the crisis is dangerous!”. "Your new man may be nice, but you still check his phone sometimes."

Such people have a negative outlook on life, and they constantly warn, scare, question. In general, they make you doubt and worry.

Where does the energy go?“In order to restore your positive picture of the world, to convince yourself that everything is fine. And that everything will be fine,” Elena Lavrova suggests.

How to protect yourself. Recognize this feature of the interlocutor. Put a mentally imaginary wall between you or, if possible, reduce communication to a minimum.

But, if you can’t hide from the whiner, then politely but firmly stop his stream of pessimism: “I am sure that this will not happen to me.” "Just because you had a bad experience, it doesn't mean it will happen to everyone else."

They joke viciously

I look like?

Great, this cool "lifeline" around your waist will keep you from drowning!

The man seemed to be joking, but it sounds like an insult.

Where does the energy go?“To understand what happened and how to respond. Such jokes knock the ground out from under their feet, ”explains Elena Lavrova.

When it is directly said: “You are fat!”, You can directly answer. And so the man joked. Explain to him that this is insulting - you will seem like a bore who does not understand humor. So it turns out: you have been humiliated, and they don’t even give you the right to defend yourself.

How to defend yourself. Appeal to your feelings: you are always right in what you feel, this cannot be disputed. Ask them not to joke like that anymore, because it hurts you. And point.

If the joker does not let up, you can move from defense to attack: “Something you have jokes all the same type, is there not enough wit?”

They violate personal space

Each of us has a friend or colleague who likes to talk, coming close, always sits closer, now and then strives to take the hand or somehow touch.

“Personal physical space is not a circle, but a convex sphere in the shape of an egg. Back - less, front - more. Strangers most often come close to us from the front, violating this invisible border. Such behavior is perceived as an encroachment on personal territory, ”explains psychologist Elena Lavrova.

Where does the energy go? To cope with the irritation that arose due to an uninvited intrusion. And one more thing - to expel a tactless interlocutor from the zone of personal comfort.

How to defend yourself. Explain that you are uncomfortable and help the stranger step back. You can say, "I'm sorry, it's easier for me when you're standing a little further away, otherwise it's hard for me to focus on what you're saying."

They violate the psychological space

The “vampires” have another talent to break into where they are not asked: to ask tactless questions (from “when are you going to give birth?” to “what is your salary?”), to give unsolicited advice.

“Deprives of strength and nerves and excessive someone else's frankness: telling the details of his life, a person draws you into his personal space,” Elena Lavrova suggests. Not only strangers do this, but also relatives.

Where does the energy go? To put a person in his place. Or to cope with sadness and anger, if he still touched a nerve.

How to defend yourself. Say, "I don't like to talk about it." If you don’t want to spoil your relationship with a person, you can laugh it off: “This is my big secret.”

And to stop the flow of other people's revelations, it's better to say this: "Listen, I don't want to get into your personal life, I think you understand it better than me." Or, "Sorry, I don't like giving advice."

They devalue your experience and feelings.

You share your feelings with someone, and in response you hear: “Oh, yes, what nonsense!” It is quite possible that the person wanted to cheer up in such a way, only the feeling remains, as if he spat into the soul.

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