vacuum effect. The benefits of vacuum therapy. Contraindications for carrying out

Sewerage 09.10.2020

One of the recently popular wellness techniques is vacuum therapy. Clinics specializing in it promise that anything can be cured with this method. But what can I say: according to assurances, vacuum therapy will even postpone old age until later. Can you believe that it is so effective? What are its features? What vacuum therapy mechanisms and devices are used and are they safe? Will there be bruising after the session? All these and many other questions concern those who are only considering the option of enrolling in a specialized institution. The approach is correct: you must first find out exactly what vacuum therapy is, and only after that spend money on paid medical centers.

general information

In the broad masses, a set for vacuum therapy is better known as cupping, and the technique itself is called cupping. It involves an external influence on the patient's body. The healing methods practiced in our time are based on theories that came from oriental medicine. Banks, vacuum therapy - this is a direction that involves a positive effect on the human body through reflex reactions provoked by rarefied air.

If you believe the reviews, vacuum therapy helps against a wide range of diseases. Cupping massage, which affects through low blood pressure, can help eliminate pathologies, including serious ones. At the same time, you need to understand: the method is more suitable as a secondary one, accompanying the main therapeutic program.

East is a delicate matter

Modern vacuum-gradient therapy is based on traditions, methods that have been practiced by Tibetan doctors since ancient times. The main working principle of therapeutic action is the interconnection of human systems and organs. Cupping massage is beneficial, as the vacuum activates the work internal organs. But it should not be used anyhow: the apparatus for vacuum wound therapy is placed strictly on biologically active points, each of which has a direct connection with a specific internal organ.

Positive influence: for what?

As experts assure, the correct use of the vacuum therapy device helps to activate blood flow and restore internal tissues, since regeneration processes are initiated. Passing a therapeutic course will help get rid of toxins, toxins, the body will become clean, and all organs will increase their efficiency.

Using vacuum laser therapy, a wide range of adverse, disturbing syndromes associated with poor health can be dealt with. Tibetan massage, implemented with the use of special equipment, will allow you to regain the quality of life without pain and the constant use of medications, undergoing uncomfortable procedures within the walls of clinics. At the same time, the patient will observe an improvement in the functioning of systems and organs.

What to expect?

Don't count on a miracle. Certain diseases can indeed be cured by the use of interval vacuum therapy, while others become noticeably easier to endure. This is not a panacea that can help everyone and everyone regain full health. Before visiting a specialized massage room, you must undergo a complete examination, identify the cause of health disorders, visit highly specialized specialists who will help you choose the optimal program. You can also consult with them about the benefits of vacuum massage. If a professional confirms that this technique will be useful, then it makes sense to spend money on it. If the doctor assures that such an event has no benefit in the circumstances, then the expenses will most likely be empty.

How it works?

The simplest method is static. The patient is placed in a comfortable lying position, several cans are placed along the spine, which are left for half an hour. The second option is dynamic, when during a therapeutic session the doctor constantly moves the vessels around the body. To do this, the skin is pre-lubricated with vegetable oils.

What's happening?

As professionals specializing in Tibetan massage assure, during such a procedure, toxic components formed during metabolism are effectively removed from the body, congestion exhausts itself, and energy accelerates. At the same time, the metabolism is activated, the processes of regulation of the work of internal systems and organs. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the blood vessels of the brain. Cupping massage is often recommended for violations of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory, respiratory, and you can also achieve positive dynamics in patients with gastrointestinal problems and neurological pathologies.

How does it all start?

Immediately before the procedure, the doctor examines the patient, collects information about disturbing phenomena and specifies the location of biologically active points associated with diseased organs. Professionals assure that this technique has a wide field of effectiveness, so you can resort to it both during rehabilitation after an injury, and during operations, chronic and acute diseases.

When to try?

The number of indications includes stagnation found in a variety of body tissues, organs, systems. The apparatus for Tibetan massage will help, if necessary, lymphatic drainage and correction of the location of organs. It is believed that the healing technology will bring benefits if the vascular bed was affected by pathology, the intestines show too sluggish motility. Cupping massage indications include colds, obesity, stress, including pathological ones, weakening of the immune system.

Tibetan massage is quite effective measure diagnosing the state of blood flow, lymph circulation. It can be used to regulate the activity of the stomach, intestines, restore functions lost due to illness or injury. It will have a positive effect on the gallbladder, kidneys and many other internal organs. You can resort to vacuum massage as a cosmetic measure, as the skin tone is restored, the covers look much younger.

When not?

Restrictions on the possibility of using Tibetan massage for healing the body impose acute infections, febrile states, exhaustion without cause, abrupt and unpredictable. It is not necessary to use the apparatus for vacuum therapy for tumors, regardless of the nature of the location of the neoplasm, also when severe sclerotic lesions are detected. vascular system.

The methodology is not applicable for pronounced neuroses, pathologies of blood vessels, heart, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the lower extremities. Tibetan massage is not done for pregnant women in the second half of the gestation period. It is also impossible to resort to technology if purulent, fungal lesions are found on the skin.

Some Features

distinctive positive trait vacuum massage - the depth of the influence of the device on the human body. In addition, the procedure is quite lengthy, it not only has a therapeutic effect, but can also be used as a method for diagnosing a number of pathological conditions. Spots, swelling that appear during cupping can tell a professional a lot about the state of the body.

When the doctor places the cups, the tissues gently expand, while the vessels are stretched, which allows the blood to penetrate outside the channel intended for it. Microscopic strictly dosed hemorrhages do not bring adverse reactions, but activate the body's immune system. When the banks are removed, the vessels return to their normal form. This simultaneously trains the vascular system, increases the tone and elasticity of tissues, and also restores organs.

The effect will be!

As professionals involved in Tibetan massage assure, with such manipulations, provoking stretching of the vascular system, the production of nitric oxide is activated, which is involved in regenerative processes. In fact, under the influence of such a procedure, the bed of the vessel is literally rebuilt due to the release of nitric oxide. It is believed that the event is an effective preventive measure that prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the likelihood of stroke, heart attack.

When to panic?

The fact that there are serious problems in the body is evidenced by the negative consequences of cupping. Microscopic hemorrhages can be quite strong - this is a characteristic indicator of venous congestion. In addition, the doctor can conclude that the vascular system is not working properly, the quality of the tissues that form the walls of the bloodstream is poor. If there are no stains after cans at all, the blood flow in this area is either absent or very depressed, which also requires additional research and urgent medical intervention.

I'm afraid of pain!

There are cases when the attending therapist recommended that the patient undergo treatment according to the method of vacuum Tibetan massage, but the person diligently delays going to a specialist, fearing pain. As those who work in this field assure, the procedure itself is completely painless, so you should not expect any trouble. But the pain syndromes accompanying the pathology can be stopped - however, it depends on the cause of their appearance and the degree of neglect of the disease.

The advantage of vacuum massage is the fact that the therapy is non-drug, which means that synthetic drugs that negatively affect organs and systems do not enter the body.

How does everything look?

After the installation of a special preparation under the banks, due to the pressure drop, the soft tissues are drawn into the vessel. This provides a deep study of the body. The spots characteristic of the sessions usually form only the first 3-4 visits to the doctor, after which they gradually disappear and do not appear again with the continuation of the course of therapy.

Vacuum as a cosmetic tool

The use of Tibetan massage to preserve the beauty of the skin has come into use relatively recently, at present it is more common in large cities, but the inhabitants of the outback often seem like a whim. As noted by those who have undergone such therapy, since the vacuum effectively normalizes blood flow, the skin really becomes elastic and smooth after the procedure, and the shade is healthy.

There are many cans on sale, including for independent home use. It is not worth treating a serious disease with them, but you can use them as a cosmetic measure, however, strictly following the instructions for use. On sale are battery-powered and simple models, produced by the most different countries. Experts advise using jars necessarily on the oiled surface of the skin, otherwise you cannot avoid the appearance of ugly bruises, which are completely useless on the face.

Vacuum therapy (vacuum massage) is an effect on the skin and deep-lying tissues with a negative pressure of about 0.1-0.7 atm.

The mechanism of action of vacuum massage

In the zone of action of negative pressure, capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and metabolic processes in cells and tissues are activated. Irritation of mechano- and thermoreceptors of the skin has a stimulating effect on the neurohumoral system, increasing the flow of acetylcholine, histamine, prostaglandins and other substances into the blood. At the border of the transition from negative pressure to normal, "soft" foci of hemorrhage appear in the skin, which are additional sources of biological stimulation of the synthesis of T-lymphocytes, contributing to the restoration of skin immunity and mediated activation of fibroblasts.

The principle on which vacuum therapy is based is to increase blood flow and increase its circulation in the area of ​​local negative barometric pressure or decompression. This is what creates unique conditions in which the trophism of peripheral tissues and intracellular metabolism improves, the elimination of toxins is activated, inflammation of damaged cells stops and their structural and functional recovery is accelerated.

Apparatus, devices and techniques for this type of therapy may differ and depend both on the specific technique and on the purpose of the treatment procedure.


Given the stimulating effect on local metabolic processes, venous circulation and lymphatic drainage, indications for vacuum therapy include:

  • swelling of the lower extremities due to chronic venous insufficiency;
  • stagnation of lymph in the vessels and lymphedema ;
  • occlusion of the arteries of the lower extremities in vascular atherosclerosis;
  • angiotrophoneurosis upper limbsRaynaud's disease ;
  • muscle atrophy/hypotrophy and spasms;
  • vegetovascular dystonia and neuroses;
  • constipation;
  • obesity;
  • lipodystrophy (cellulitis).

And vacuum wound therapy using NPWT technology (details below) is intended for the treatment of:

  • various types of wounds (especially poorly healing open wounds with a high risk of secondary infection);
  • burns I-II degree;
  • trophic ulcers (including diabetic foot), etc.

Vacuum therapy technique

Vacuum massage is prescribed by two methods.

  1. Dotted technique. There is a small hole in the middle part of the cannula, to create tightness, this hole is closed with a finger, and the cannula is pressed tightly against the skin. Depending on the area of ​​the skin, the pressure is selected from 0.1 to 0.5 atm. The duration of the negative pressure is 3-5 s. The finger is removed from the hole, the pressure is normalized. The cannula is moved to a new place, next to the previous one, and so it is consistently acted on the skin of the face along the massage lines, from the center of the face - to the auricle, from the superciliary arches - to the scalp. At the same time, the zones of the upper and lower eyelids are avoided.
  2. sliding technique. It is more often used when working on the body, for the correction of lipodystrophy (cellulite), and only in exceptional cases on the face. Before starting the procedure, the skin is covered with cream or oil. To ensure good glide. Having created a negative pressure in the cannula, without tearing it off, they slide over the skin from the center of the face to the auricle along the massage lines, in the forehead area, respectively.

The vacuum massage procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week, in a course of 10-15 procedures.

Vacuum Cupping Therapy

The simplest - vacuum therapy at home - is carried out by placing ordinary medical cans on the back, for example, with bronchitis.

It is also practiced to use cans made of plastic or silicone for vacuum massage; such a set for vacuum therapy may include jars of different sizes.

In addition to respiratory diseases with cough (with the exception of pulmonary tuberculosis), vacuum cupping therapy and cupping massage are recommended for arthritis, fibromyalgia, leg edema, and cellulite.

Vacuum gradient therapy is considered a variant of cupping therapy - the installation of cups of different diameters during one session. The gradient, that is, the transition from a smaller decrease in pressure to a larger one, occurs due to the difference in the size of the skin area drawn into the cups and the pressure between them. It is believed that in this way the local blood flow is stimulated in the deeper layers of the subcutaneous tissue, and therefore the effectiveness of vacuum massage procedures for obesity and lipodystrophy is much higher.

Another type of therapeutic cupping massage is magnetic vacuum therapy, which uses the so-called acupuncture magnetic vacuum cups (with a magnetic cone-shaped rod inside), which, according to their Chinese manufacturers, additionally affect the same reflex zones of the body as acupressure.

Vacuum Wound Therapy

Wounds usually heal by approximating the edges of the wound (for example, by suturing), and the process of defect regeneration by granulation and restoration of the intact epithelial barrier is quite complex and lengthy, often accompanied by infection and inflammation. Vacuum wound therapy – specifically Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) or Local Negative Pressure Therapy (TNP) as well as VAC (Vacuum Assisted Closure – assisted vacuum closure) – makes the healing process more dynamic. And all thanks to an increase in blood flow to damaged tissues and a decrease in their swelling.

The use of vacuum therapy in surgical practice and traumatology gives a good effect in the healing of chronic and severe wounds with extensive and deep damage to soft tissues, creating a moist environment, removing discharge from the drainage, compressing the edges of the wound, stimulating angiogenesis and the formation of granulation tissue. In addition, NPWT may provide protection against infection as the open wound becomes a controlled closed wound.

The device for vacuum therapy of wounds (Foryou STAN NPWT, PICO Single Use NPWT, VivanoTec models, etc.) usually consists of an adjustable vacuum pump, special multi-layer dressings, attachments for sealing the wound surface, drainage tubes, systems for connecting wound dressings to pump assemblies, chambers (tanks) for collecting waste liquids.

The technique requires appropriate treatment of the wound surface and the application of an initial loose, and on top of a dense occlusive dressing (the type of dressing used depends on the type of wound and clinical goals). Then the drainage system is brought in and the bandage is sealed. When the preparation is completed, the air pump is connected: it can be set to continuous or intermittent pressure with regulation of its level.

Vacuum laser therapy

Vacuum laser lipolysis or vacuum laser therapy is a non-invasive and painless alternative to conventional fat removal – liposuction.

A vacuum therapy machine (more specifically a procedure) combines a suction roller device equipped with a vacuum pump with heat from a low power laser.

The effect of double exposure - vacuum and laser - is explained by the fact that it promotes the movement of "warmed up" triglycerides from adipocytes (adipose tissue cells) to their outer membranes and to the intercellular space, from where everything is absorbed by the lymphatic system.

At the same time, the rollers, according to spas, stretch the fibrous tissue and even out the dimples in the skin that are characteristic of lipodystrophy.

Interval Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum can be applied continuously or intermittently, and in the second case it is interval vacuum therapy, which is carried out in case of venous and arterial problems of the lower extremities, as well as in rehabilitation after sports injuries and vascular diseases.

Alternating pressure (normal and low) helps to increase the circulation of the lymph and activate the blood flow in the periphery and in the muscles. The device for this type of vacuum therapy consists of a cylindrical space where the patient's legs are placed; in the waist area, the interior of the device is sealed, and the vacuum pump alternately generates intermittent normal and low pressure.

During the normal pressure phase, the reverse flow of venous blood and lymph in large vessels is facilitated, and thanks to this, interval vacuum therapy provides deep lymphatic drainage.

Vacuum therapy for osteochondrosis

The preparation of a vacuum procedure for osteochondrosis consists in a light five-minute, slightly warming massage with essential oils. And then on both sides of the spine (with an indent of 7-8 cm) cans are installed, and a specialist in canning massage takes up the work.

Care after the procedure is simple: you should take good cover and rest, lying on your stomach, for at least 40-45 minutes.

Contraindications for carrying out

The technique is simple to perform, effective, but has a wide range of contraindications.

Vacuum therapy should not be performed in patients with fever, acute infectious diseases or after heart attacks and strokes.

Do not use hardware vacuum procedures for arterial hypertension of the third degree; dermatological diseases of bacterial, fungal or viral origin; with a low level of platelets in the blood and its poor clotting, as well as in the presence of thrombophlebitis or varicose veins in the legs (if the procedure affects the lower limbs).

This type of therapy is prohibited for pregnant women.

Contraindications to the treatment of wounds by the vacuum method are oncological diseases; purulent-necrotic processes in bone and soft tissues; the presence of fistulas; gaping of internal organs and large blood vessels in the wound cavity; septicemia.

Consequences after the procedure

Probably, the positive consequences after the procedure are more obvious (see the beginning of the material). Therefore, special attention should be paid to complications after the procedure.

So, vacuum therapy with cups is considered safe, only after the cups are removed, characteristic round hematomas remain on the skin for some time. But this is normal and is not considered a complication. But when using glass jars, by negligence, you can get a skin burn. And in any case, there is no guarantee of the absence of an individual reaction, for example, in the form of pinpoint subcutaneous hemorrhages (petechiae) or exacerbation of some chronic pathology.

Vacuum wound therapy may be accompanied by severe pain, especially when changing bandages, so in such cases the problem is solved with painkillers.

It is effective for normalizing the functioning of internal organs, reducing muscle pain, reducing swelling, normalizing blood pressure, recovering athletes after physical exertion, normalizing intestinal disorders, detoxification, reducing body fat, in combination with a properly selected diet, contributes to weight normalization, etc.

The procedure is comfortable and safe, since the possibility of burns is excluded.


With the help of vacuum hardware massage, blood flow in the capillaries is restored and the human immune system is strengthened.

The vacuum deep practice method is used to:

  • removal of congestion in organs and tissues;
  • effective lymphatic drainage;
  • correction of the position of internal organs;
  • restoration of the affected vascular bed (varicose veins, hemorrhoids);
  • restoration of sluggish intestinal motility;
  • regulation and restoration of the function of the stomach, gallbladder, kidneys and other organs;
  • diagnosing the state of the lymph and blood circulation of the body;
  • stimulation of immunity (non-invasive autohemotherapy);
  • removal of stress and pathological cellular memory from the structural connective tissue, thereby eliminating the cause-and-effect chains of some chronic conditions;
  • with bruises and injuries;
  • overweight treatment;
  • in cosmetology to reduce cellulite and obesity;
  • cosmetic effect - Increased skin tone.

It has no equal in terms of depth of influence, it has a long-term effect and at the same time is a good diagnostic method. By the nature of spots or edema, it is possible to judge with high certainty the state of a part of the body or the whole organism.

Often, dark spots remain on the skin after the procedure. There is a fundamental difference between bruising (extravasation) from impact and exposure to vacuum. In the first case, there is a rupture of blood vessels and deformation of red blood cells, so the marks from the blows heal slowly. When cupping is placed, a soft expansion of the tissues occurs, and the vessel takes on the appearance of a stretched tissue, and through the holes that have appeared, the blood elements fall outside the bloodstream. These dosed microoutflows are not side effect, but the main means, including the body's own resources (immunity). After the termination of the action, the vessel takes on its original form. Thus, the vessels are trained and their elasticity is restored.

Also, the stretching of the inner lining of blood vessels produces the production of nitric oxide, which is the regulator of regeneration processes, as a result we get a new vascular bed, and this is the best prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

If we consider the extreme conditions from exposure to vacuum cans, then a strong micro-effusion on the skin indicates venous congestion and poor condition of the vessel walls, and the absence of a spot indicates the complete or partial disappearance of blood flow.

Everyone has heard of “age-related shrinkage of the body”, but this happens not only with age, but also from prolonged vasospasm, often caused by a psycho-emotional state, stress or trauma. Physiologists have proven that it is possible to “return”, “revive” dormant or dead capillaries at any age. It is only necessary to organize the flow of blood, lymph, and the capillaries will come to life, reappear, like a dried-up stream comes to life in the desert after rain.

It helps to expand blood vessels when they are spasmodic, and restore their tone when they are atonic, the microcirculation of fluids, tissue nutrition are significantly improved, accumulated toxic substances are removed over the years.

Another remarkable feature of the vacuum practice of the soft tissues of the abdomen is the possibility of correcting the position of the stomach, kidneys, intestines, and uterus. It is also possible to eliminate the consequences of adhesive disease that occurs in 95% of cases of surgical intervention and 60% of cases of any inflammatory processes. Certain types of female and male infertility, cellulite and much more lend themselves well to vacuum practice.

It is not contraindicated for pregnant women, on the contrary, it is indicated. During pregnancy, a woman has stagnation of the lymph, which leads to swelling. Dosed vacuum therapy helps to get rid of limb edema by improving lymph flow.

The procedure of vacuum exposure is carried out on a vacuum multifunctional device Predtecha24-VM, by a qualified specialist, taking into account the psychophysical state of the patient and the established method of exposure. Mobilization of the internal reserves of the body with the help of vacuum massage leads to a stable recovery of the whole organism. This is a good prevention of aging and premature withering of the body.

Skin diseases, especially pustular;
blood diseases;
signs of increased bleeding;
heat body;
general exhaustion;
arousal of patients

Vacuum apparatus, vacuum practice, vacuum hardware deep practice, vacuum massage, vacuum practice, Ogulov’s clinic, vacuum practice specialist, correction of the position of internal organs, improve lymph flow and blood flow, relieve swelling, stimulate immunity, treat excess weight, restore the vascular bed , lymphatic drainage, improve skin tone, vacuum hardware massage, can massage, vacuum massage apparatus, Predtecha24-VM, Predtecha24-VM,

Vacuum therapy implies the therapeutic use of air for local treatment. At the same time, a certain pressure is observed, which must necessarily be several times lower than atmospheric pressure. This method of therapy is often referred to as endomassage or decompression.

What is the essence of this massage?

Vacuum therapy was widely used by oriental healers who used can massage to effectively influence biologically active points in the human body. At all times, this technique showed excellent results. Vacuum treatment can be used to prevent diseases of the spine, which are very common today.

Modern progress every day leads to the fact that people have reduced physical work to a minimum and began to move little. As a result, a person is faced with constant illness, as well as poor blood circulation. That is why the vacuum therapy apparatus becomes a unique tool that can directly affect blood microcirculation. Cupping can also be used for treatment to create the necessary vacuum to retract the skin and soft tissues.

Benefits of Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum massage is carried out using a professional apparatus or special medical jars. They need to be placed in random order throughout the back area to enhance the expected effect. The doctor or specialist who performs the procedure should choose only active ones. Thus, it is possible to quickly and effectively remove nervous tension, fatigue after heavy physical work and also take care of the health of the body.

Vacuum therapy helps to increase the flow of fluid to the skin from deep tissues. For this reason, red spots and bruises can form on a person's skin. But this is an absolutely harmless and normal phenomenon, which should not be considered a complication. Within a few hours or days, all redness will disappear.

With this method, the blood vessels of the internal organs are stimulated. At the place where the jars were placed, enzymes are formed - biologically active substances. They are able to quickly activate the internal and recovery processes. As a result of the regular use of such a massage, you can notice a significant rejuvenation and renewal of tissues.

Indications for the use of cupping massage

Vacuum therapy is given to patients who experience back pain to limit intake medicines. Using this method, you can cope with the following diseases and possible pathologies:

Vacuum cupping therapy will help to cope even with bronchial asthma and enuresis. Due to the effective effect on internal tissues and muscles, men will be able to cure impotence, as well as congestive inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. Often, the vacuum helped to get rid of dermatosis, urticaria, as well as neurodermatitis.

What is vacuum gradient therapy?

This is a method similar to vacuum jars and machines, but there is one difference. Vacuum gradient therapy creates double pressure drops. A vertical gradient is created when the tissue is drawn directly into the jar, and a horizontal one is the occurrence of pressure between containers that have a different neck diameter.

When a doctor uses this method for treatment, he receives varying degrees of air rarefaction in order to effectively work through deeper layers of tissue. Thus, all the necessary active substances in the blood and cells will be involved. It is they who will be sent to the rapid self-healing of the body. Vacuum gradient therapy is carried out in two ways:

  • Banks can be moved along the main massage areas. The skin must be preheated with a classic manual massage.
  • Vacuum cans are allowed to be moved from one place to another. This massage method will most effectively fight obesity and cellulite on the body.

Features and Benefits of Interval Vacuum Therapy

To restore strength and relax after hard work, you can use interval therapy devices. During the procedure, the person should be exclusively in a horizontal position. The lower limbs and part of the torso will be located in a special cylindrical chamber. At the same time, the total space of the chamber is sealed at waist level. Thanks to a powerful vacuum pump, this space will create optimal conditions for rarefying the air. After that, the apparatus will cycle through the phases of normal and negative pressure.

Interval vacuum therapy is contraindicated in people who have open infected ulcers, acute hernia, cancer, kidney failure, pregnancy and acute thrombophlebitis. Today, this method is widely used in the field of space medicine, for the rehabilitation of patients, athletes, as well as for the treatment and restoration of blood vessels.

Application of Magnetic Vacuum Therapy

Thanks to the constant development of progress, vacuum technologies are improved and expanded. Today, magnetic vacuum therapy, which is considered a progressive method of treatment, is in special demand. With the help of a special apparatus, it is possible to achieve the most effective effect on the metabolism of cells in the human body. The treatment process takes place exclusively at the cellular level and will help many patients get rid of the most severe forms of diseases.

The device for magnetic vacuum therapy is controlled by a computer system. During the session, you have full control over electromagnetic field, which affects the diseased areas on the body. Areas that need urgent and immediate treatment fall into such an area.

How does vacuum therapy affect osteochondrosis?

Increasingly, the modern generation is being tormented, because today's youth leads an inactive lifestyle. Such painful sensations can lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis. Its symptoms can be varied - ranging from lumbago to the onset of a headache. When a person is faced with such a problem, he begins to look for all sorts of methods and ways to eliminate pain.

Vacuum therapy for osteochondrosis is the most effective method of treatment. In ancient times, doctors with the help of cans eliminated various ailments, so suitable containers were selected for each patient. They were made of glass, bamboo or ceramics. Today, jars made of glass and pneumatic plastic have found their wide application in medical practice.

The principle of cupping massage technique for osteochondrosis

To start the vacuum procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the body. To do this, you need to use oil, it can be aromatic, massage or baby. Within five minutes, the skin of the back is carefully massaged. Next, banks are taken that are specially designed for vacuum massage. In them it is necessary to lower the tampon set on fire with alcohol. It is best to drop the jar sharply on the massaged area of ​​​​the skin and wait until it draws the skin in two centimeters.

All movements during the massage should be smooth and consistent. This procedure can be repeated until the patient feels relief. A large number of people have already been able to appreciate the positive results that vacuum therapy has on their body. Reviews about this technique can be found extremely positive, because the result of cupping massage will be visible even after the first session.

Contraindications to vacuum therapy for osteochondrosis

It is possible to single out the main contraindications to this therapy for the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  • High skin sensitivity.
  • The presence of large moles in the place where it is necessary to perform a massage.
  • Skin cancer.
  • High chance of bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hypertensive disease of the third degree.
  • Acute stage of osteochondrosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Malignant tumor.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Predisposition to convulsions.

Olympic swimming fans are all over the place talking about vacuum therapy these days: it's a discussion fueled by purple spots on the shoulders of Michael Phelps and Cody Miller. The same hickey-like patches have been found on Olympic gymnast Alex Naddur and many other world-class athletes admit to cupping.

Sales of cupping equipment rose 20 percent in three days after Phelps' big win, according to Reuters.

The International Vacuum Therapy Association also reported a "50 percent increase in practitioners interested in cupping certification" during the same time period. Acupuncturists also experienced an increase in requests for information about therapy.

What is vacuum therapy?

Vacuum therapy is an ancient medical technique; it has its roots in Chinese medicine in 300 or 400 AD. It is also documented in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures.

Banks are still regularly used in traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese hospitals and elsewhere. Suction cups of various sizes attach to the body, and suction draws blood to the surface of the skin. Thus, bruise-like marks are formed.

They say that given treatment improves blood circulation, thereby accelerating healing, reducing and relieving muscle pain. According to Dr. Guman Danesh, a pain management specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, cupping helps "accelerate the body's natural healing process."

Phelps and Naddur strongly recommend this treatment. In a recent press conference, Phelps said that he does vacuum therapy before most meetings, and Naddour told USA Today that vacuum therapy is his "secret... to optimal health. It's the best thing I've spent my money on."

Do jars help with pain?

While some media ridicule athletes for promoting quackery, research tends to support their use. For example, a 2014 review of 16 studies on vacuum therapy suggests that it may indeed be beneficial for pain. According to the authors:

“Vacuum combined with acupuncture was superior to using acupuncture alone for intense post-treatment pain... Other separate studies have shown significant benefit from cupping compared to conventional drugs or routine care...

This review suggests a potential positive short-term effect of vacuum therapy on pain reduction compared to no treatment, heat therapy, conventional care, or conventional medications.”

Vacuum therapy can relieve many painful conditions

In a study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine earlier this year, vacuum therapy was found to significantly reduce chronic neck and shoulder pain, compared with no therapeutic intervention.

In the vacuum therapy group, the intensity of neck pain decreased from a severity score of 9.7 to 3.6. In the control group, pain decreased from 9.7 to 9.5. The study also assessed the measurable physical effects of the therapy, including changes in skin surface temperature and blood pressure.

Both measurements showed statistically significant improvements among those who received vacuum therapy. An earlier study comparing vacuum therapy with progressive muscle relaxation found that both treatments provided similar pain relief in patients with chronic neck pain after 12 weeks.

However, those who underwent vacuum therapy reported a significantly greater sense of "well-being" and a higher vomit threshold than those who practiced progressive muscle relaxation. A study published in 2012 also reported positive outcomes for patients with arthritic knee pain.

“A meta-analysis showed that vacuum therapy in combination with other TCM methods is significantly superior to other treatments in increasing the number of cured patients with herpes zoster, facial paralysis, acne and cervical spondylosis. No serious side effects were reported in the studies."

Fundamentals of vacuum therapy

Myofascial decompression therapy is the name of vacuum therapy among athletic trainers.

TCM practitioners usually use glass jars. Oil is first applied to the skin to prevent excessive friction and pain as the flesh is sucked inward. When using glass jars, a vacuum is created by lighting a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and holding it inside.

The fire burns the oxygen inside the jar, so when the flame is removed and the jar is placed on the skin, the resulting vacuum creates suction. If the suction is too strong, you can ease it by gently pressing your finger near the rim of the jar, letting in some air.

Banks can be left in place or slowly moved, in which case it is called cupping massage; its effect is similar to that of a deep tissue massage. Banks are usually left for three to five minutes. The resulting scarring usually disappears after a couple of days, like a normal bruise.

Vacuum Therapy May Affect Your Innate Immune Response

Leonid Kalichman, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the University. Ben-Gurion in the Negev in Israel, has written over 150 papers on physiotherapy and rheumatology. He believes that by causing localized inflammation, cupping helps stimulate the production of cytokines that modulate your immune system's response.

In a recent review of vacuum therapy research published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Kalichman and co-author Efeni Rosenfeld note that:

“Mechanically, vacuum therapy increases circulation, while physiologically it activates the immune system and stimulates mechanosensing fibers, resulting in pain relief.

There is scientific evidence that dry vacuum therapy can reduce musculoskeletal pain. Because vacuum therapy is an inexpensive, non-invasive, and low risk (if performed by a trained practitioner) therapeutic modality, we believe it should be included in the arsenal of musculoskeletal medicine.”

Unconfirmed speculation

While more research may help explain the exact mechanisms behind the healing power of vacuum therapy, many patients are satisfied that it works for them - no matter how or why. As Jessica McLean, Acting Director of the International Vacuum Therapy Association, noted:

"When people get treatment and they recover very quickly, they don't need scientific evidence - they just need the treatment to work."

The following unverified success story was reported by Desert News Utah:

“The therapy helps 33-year-old Maria, who was with Master Lu... on acupuncture and cupping therapy for several herniated discs in her lower back. She said she has tried many options, but the pain becomes unbearable at times. "Once I got into therapy, I felt immediate relief," she said, "I never went back to anything else."

Maria... hurt her back lifting and moving a lot of boxes. She said that in addition to providing immediate and long-term pain relief, the acupuncture and vacuum therapy procedure is "relaxing," in the process. Lou said she would have about three treatments in a week and then no more cupping until the pain returned.”

Are you ready to try vacuum therapy?

Vacuum massage is easy to do on your own, and vacuum kits can be purchased online for as little as $30. However, I highly recommend contacting a trained TCM practitioner. Licensed TCM physicians have a minimum of 3,000 hours of training and know how to perform vacuum therapy safely and effectively.

Excessive absorption should be avoided when treating certain areas of the body. While the back and hips can handle heavy suction safely, vacuum therapy is risky in certain areas of the neck if you don't know what you're doing.

Vacuum therapy is also not performed on the head or face, so if you have, you need to treat the muscles of the neck, shoulders and / or back; cans are NOT placed on the temples or on the forehead. Cupping is also contraindicated in certain serious medical conditions.

So, can vacuum therapy help you? You just have to try it before you write it off. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that vacuum therapy may be a useful adjunct to other pain treatments. In some cases, it may even work as a standalone treatment, although this is not the norm. The good news is that if it works, you will notice a difference. And if not, it won't do you any harm.

The procedure itself is usually painless (unless excessive suction is applied), and bruising, which indicates that stagnant blood has been expelled from the tissue to the surface, usually disappears within a few days. If you don't have blood stasis, you won't have any bruising at all.

Vacuum Therapy (Vacuum Massage) in modern medicine is better known as cupping massage. This is a universal healing and aesthetic technique that is used to treat various diseases, some injuries and for the prevention of diseases.

Medical vacuum massage, carried out with the help of special cans, is able to strengthen muscles, relieve pain of various origins, and relieve cough. Importance vacuum therapy has in cosmetology, since this technique allows you to correct the figure, fight overweight and eliminate cellulite.

The practice of vacuum therapy is based on a reflex mechanism, which begins with the stimulation of skin receptors due to the vacuum formed in the jar. Thanks to this vacuum, a powerful local inflow of arterial blood to the tissues is created (140 times stronger than the usual tide), which causes an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, tissue regeneration and the body's defenses by several tens and even hundreds of times. But at the same time, a significant part of the immune forces, activated by the reflective influence of vacuum, focuses on eliminating the consequences of vacuum therapy.

From the history of vacuum massage

There is an opinion that the technique of using cans for therapeutic purposes appeared in ancient times in Chinese medicine. Oriental doctors have always believed that the disease can flare up in that part human body where there is congestion of blood.

Therefore, it is necessary not to let the blood stagnate, to disperse it and thereby induce the internal organs to function with a vengeance, only then will the pain disappear and the disease will recede. In traditional oriental medicine, cupping massage was used to treat diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.), relieve colic, eliminate sharp pains, for the treatment of pneumonia, as well as for other types of diseases.

For this, in ancient times, healers used special “vessels of health”, which were hollow bamboo sprouts, and much later, tall cups for tea were used instead.

Various vacuum massage techniques

As mentioned earlier, vacuum therapy is a special type of massage, during which the patient's body is influenced by specially formed compressed air, which is created using special cans with thickened edges. In modern life, different variations of cupping therapy are practiced.

    Heated cupping treatment. In this case, the procedure is performed with glass jars, which are preheated by fire, as a result of which the air is rarefied and a vacuum is formed.

    Massage with cold cups. Here, jars made of glass or plastic are used, and the air is removed from them with a hand pump. Also, silicone cans are used to carry out the procedure: they are applied to the patient's body, after which they are squeezed and released with force - a vacuum is created and the can is sucked to the skin. Then the specialist performs sliding massage manipulations, which can be zigzag, spiral or have a direct direction.

    Therapy with magnetic cups, inside of which a nozzle with a magnet is placed. With this treatment, a sharp magnetic cone made of metal stimulates the biologically active point like a medical needle in acupuncture, but without damaging the skin. Magnetic cups combine healing effect as well as aspiration.

Vacuum massage technique

Cupping massage helps in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, due to the fact that when stimulating the reflexogenic areas of the body, the internal forces of the body are activated. Under the influence of vacuum, not only skin receptors give a response, but also acupuncture points directly related to the activity of various systems and internal organs of a person.

The rarefied air that appears during vacuum therapy accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation, and enriches tissues with oxygen. Due to this, the lost sensitivity returns, the mobility of the joints and spine normalizes, the stiffness of the limbs and spinal muscles weakens.

As for the use of vacuum therapy in cosmetology, the result of cupping anti-cellulite massage can only be compared with the effect of a sauna. With this therapy, muscle tissue acquires elasticity, as it happens when playing sports, adipose tissue disappears over time, and its excess is removed from the body with the help of the excretory system of the skin. The body becomes smooth, elastic, sagging and the effect of "orange peel" disappear.

When is vacuum therapy indicated?

Indications for the use of vacuum therapy are quite wide:

    pain of various genesis (including chronic);

    diseases of the peripheral nervous system;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

    polyetiological syndrome;

    frequent colds;

    various respiratory diseases;

In addition, vacuum therapy is shown as a general tonic and as a prevention of many diseases. In addition, recently vacuum massage has been actively used in cosmetology, with the aim of:

    obtaining a good lymphatic drainage result;

    treatment of local cellulite and the effect of "orange peel";

    resorption of scar tissue and removal of scars;

    overweight correction and figure modeling;

    elimination of acne, pimples and their visible consequences;

    correction of mimic wrinkles;

Of course, vacuum therapy can be used as an independent method of treatment, but more often it is part of a medical complex, where it is perfectly combined with other practices, for example, treatment homeopathic remedies etc.

How is the cupping massage procedure carried out?

The duration of each procedure and the length of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor on an individual basis, based on the history of the disease, the age and general health of the patient. In most cases, vacuum therapy sessions are carried out either every day or every two days. The average treatment cycle is five to ten days.

Before starting the procedure, the massaged surface of the patient's body is treated with a greasy cream, sterile vegetable oil or vaseline. After that, pre-disinfected jars are sucked to the skin in the desired part of the body, dosing the vacuum force. Here the doctor must take into account the sensitivity of the skin of each person.

Further, with an already attached jar, sliding massage movements are performed, which can be circular, straight or zigzag in nature. At the end of the session, the jars are carefully and gently removed from the patient's body, and the patient is wrapped in a blanket, and he rests for another half an hour in a room where the air temperature is at least 18 degrees Celsius.

During a vacuum massage session, the patient may experience a feeling of warmth, muscle relaxation, drowsiness, and existing painful syndromes will ease. These symptoms will persist throughout the procedure and for several hours after the session.

Bruising in the affected area is not a complication or a serious side effect. This is a natural reaction of the body to vacuum therapy, all bruises will disappear on their own in a short period of time.

Contraindications to can massage

Before carrying out the vacuum massage procedure, you need to know that in no case can banks be installed on the spine, on the area chest, where the heart is located, in the areas of the kidneys and on the mammary glands of the fair sex.

There are a number of contraindications when cupping massage is not recommended. This:

  • benign and malignant formations;
  • pulmonary bleeding and tuberculosis;
  • acute inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • various acute skin diseases;
  • the presence in the area of ​​influence of birthmarks, papillomas, fatty tumors;
  • hemophilia, anemia, leukemia and other diseases of the circulatory system;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiac arrhythmia and the presence of a pacemaker in the patient;
  • severe exhaustion of the patient
  • recurrent thrombophlebitis.

Vacuum therapy implies the therapeutic use of air for local treatment. At the same time, a certain pressure is observed, which must necessarily be several times lower than atmospheric pressure. This method of therapy is often referred to as endomassage or decompression.

What is the essence of this massage?

Vacuum therapy was widely used by oriental healers who used can massage to effectively influence biologically active points in the human body. At all times, this technique showed excellent results. Vacuum treatment can be used to prevent diseases of the spine, which are very common today.

Modern progress every day leads to the fact that people have reduced physical work to a minimum and began to move little. As a result, a person is faced with constant illness, as well as poor blood circulation. That is why the vacuum therapy apparatus becomes a unique tool that can directly affect blood microcirculation. Cupping can also be used for treatment to create the necessary vacuum to retract the skin and soft tissues.

Benefits of Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum massage is carried out using a professional apparatus or special medical jars. They need to be placed in random order throughout the back area to enhance the expected effect. The doctor or specialist who performs the procedure should choose only active ones. Thus, you can quickly and effectively relieve nervous tension, fatigue after hard physical work, and also take care of improving the body.

Vacuum therapy helps to increase the flow of fluid to the skin from deep tissues. For this reason, red spots and bruises can form on a person's skin. But this is an absolutely harmless and normal phenomenon, which should not be considered a complication. Within a few hours or days, all redness will disappear.

With this method, the blood vessels of the internal organs are stimulated. At the place where the jars were placed, enzymes are formed - biologically active substances. They are able to quickly activate the internal and recovery processes. As a result of the regular use of such a massage, you can notice a significant rejuvenation and renewal of tissues.

Indications for the use of cupping massage

Vacuum therapy is given to patients who experience back pain to limit medication. Using this method, you can cope with the following diseases and possible pathologies:

Vacuum cupping therapy will help to cope even with bronchial asthma and enuresis. Due to the effective effect on internal tissues and muscles, men will be able to cure impotence, as well as congestive inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. Often, the vacuum helped to get rid of dermatosis, urticaria, as well as neurodermatitis.

What is vacuum gradient therapy?

This is a method similar to vacuum jars and machines, but there is one difference. Vacuum gradient therapy creates double pressure drops. A vertical gradient is created when the tissue is drawn directly into the jar, and a horizontal one is the occurrence of pressure between containers that have a different neck diameter.

When a doctor uses this method for treatment, he receives varying degrees of air rarefaction in order to effectively work through deeper layers of tissue. Thus, all the necessary active substances in the blood and cells will be involved. It is they who will be sent to the rapid self-healing of the body. Vacuum gradient therapy is carried out in two ways:

  • Banks can be moved along the main massage areas. The skin must be preheated with a classic manual massage.
  • Vacuum cans are allowed to be moved from one place to another. This massage method will most effectively fight obesity and cellulite on the body.

Features and Benefits of Interval Vacuum Therapy

To restore strength and relax after hard work, you can use interval therapy devices. During the procedure, the person should be exclusively in a horizontal position. The lower limbs and part of the torso will be located in a special cylindrical chamber. At the same time, the total space of the chamber is sealed at waist level. Thanks to a powerful vacuum pump, this space will create optimal conditions for rarefying the air. After that, the apparatus will cycle through the phases of normal and negative pressure.

Interval vacuum therapy is contraindicated in people who have open infected ulcers, acute hernia, cancer, kidney failure, pregnancy and acute thrombophlebitis. Today, this method is widely used in the field of space medicine, for the rehabilitation of patients, athletes, as well as for the treatment and restoration of blood vessels.

Application of Magnetic Vacuum Therapy

Thanks to the constant development of progress, vacuum technologies are improved and expanded. Today, magnetic vacuum therapy, which is considered a progressive method of treatment, is in special demand. With the help of a special apparatus, it is possible to achieve the most effective effect on the metabolism of cells in the human body. The treatment process takes place exclusively at the cellular level and will help many patients get rid of the most severe forms of diseases.

The device for magnetic vacuum therapy is controlled by a computer system. During the session, complete control over the electromagnetic field is provided, which affects the diseased areas on the body. Areas that need urgent and immediate treatment fall into such an area.

How does vacuum therapy affect osteochondrosis?

Increasingly, the modern generation is being tormented, because today's youth leads an inactive lifestyle. Such painful sensations can lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis. Its symptoms can be varied - ranging from lumbago to the onset of a headache. When a person is faced with such a problem, he begins to look for all sorts of methods and ways to eliminate pain.

Vacuum therapy for osteochondrosis is the most effective method of treatment. In ancient times, doctors with the help of cans eliminated various ailments, so suitable containers were selected for each patient. They were made of glass, bamboo or ceramics. Today, jars made of glass and pneumatic plastic have found their wide application in medical practice.

The principle of cupping massage technique for osteochondrosis

To start the vacuum procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the body. To do this, you need to use oil, it can be aromatic, massage or baby. Within five minutes, the skin of the back is carefully massaged. Next, banks are taken that are specially designed for vacuum massage. In them it is necessary to lower the tampon set on fire with alcohol. It is best to drop the jar sharply on the massaged area of ​​​​the skin and wait until it draws the skin in two centimeters.

All movements during the massage should be smooth and consistent. This procedure can be repeated until the patient feels relief. A large number of people have already been able to appreciate the positive results that vacuum therapy has on their body. Reviews about this technique can be found extremely positive, because the result of cupping massage will be visible even after the first session.

Contraindications to vacuum therapy for osteochondrosis

It is possible to single out the main contraindications to this therapy for the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  • High skin sensitivity.
  • The presence of large moles in the place where it is necessary to perform a massage.
  • Skin cancer.
  • High chance of bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hypertensive disease of the third degree.
  • Acute stage of osteochondrosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Malignant tumor.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Predisposition to convulsions.

Vacuum therapy- a method of external influence on the body, widely used in the practice of oriental medicine. This is one of the therapeutic areas, which consists in a local reflex effect on the human body with rarefied air. This method of treatment is popularly known as "banking" or "cupping massage".

All Methods Tibetan medicine are based on the principle of the interconnection of all internal organs of a person, therefore the principle of the therapeutic effect of cupping massage is the beneficial effect of vacuum on the biologically active points of our body associated with certain organs.

Vacuum therapy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, restores body tissues and helps to eliminate toxins. With the help of Tibetan massage, a whole range of painful symptoms is eliminated, allowing you to enjoy life in its entirety. After a course of vacuum massage, you will feel a clear improvement in the functioning of the body as a whole.

The principle of operation of vacuum therapy

With static vacuum therapy, cups are placed along the spine for 15-30 minutes, and with a dynamic (sliding) method, the doctor moves the cup over the patient's body, focusing on the energy meridians. Cupping massage removes toxic metabolic products from the body, activates metabolic processes in the body, eliminates stagnation, and "accelerates" energy. As a result of the procedure, cerebral circulation also improves. In addition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, bronchopulmonary system and gastrointestinal tract Cupping massage is widely used in the treatment of neurological disorders.

Therapeutic effect of cans

Cupping treatment is based on the preliminary determination of the goals of treatment and the impact on the corresponding energy points associated with the internal organs. Vacuum therapy has an incredibly wide field of influence - from sports injuries to post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Indications for use

Removal of congestion in organs and tissues

Carrying out effective lymphatic drainage

Correction of the position of internal organs

Restoration of the affected vascular bed (varicose veins, hemorrhoids)

Restoration of sluggish intestinal motility

Regulation and restoration of the function of the stomach, gallbladder, kidneys and other organs

Carrying out diagnostics of the state of lymph and blood circulation of the body

Immunity stimulation (non-invasive autohemotherapy)

Treatment of colds

Removal of stress and pathological cellular memory from structural connective tissue and elimination of the causal chain of some chronic conditions

Reducing excess weight

Cosmetic effect (increased skin tone)


Tumors of any nature and localization

Acute infectious diseases and fever

Severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to hemorrhage and thrombosis

Neuroses with affective states and convulsive seizures

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Fungal and purulent skin lesions

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins of the second and third degree

second half of pregnancy

Features of the procedure

Vacuum massage is unparalleled in terms of the depth of impact, it has a long-term effect and at the same time is a good diagnostic method. By the nature of spots or edema, it is possible to judge with high certainty the internal state of the body.

When cupping is placed, a soft expansion of the tissues occurs, and the vessel takes on the appearance of a stretched tissue, and through the holes that have appeared, the blood elements fall outside the bloodstream. These dosed microoutflows are not a side effect, but the main means that activates the body's own resources (immunity).

The results of vacuum therapy in the clinic "Naran"

After the cessation of exposure, the vessel takes on its original form. Thus, the vessels are trained and their elasticity is restored.

Also, the stretching of the inner lining of blood vessels produces the production of nitric oxide, which is the regulator of regeneration processes, as a result we get a new vascular bed, and this is the best prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

If we consider the extreme conditions from exposure to vacuum cans, then a strong micro-effusion on the skin indicates venous congestion and poor condition of the vessel walls, and the absence of a spot indicates the complete or partial disappearance of blood flow.

It should be noted that the vacuum therapy procedure in the Naran clinic is carried out by a qualified specialist, taking into account the psychophysical state of the patient. Mobilization of the body's internal reserves with the help of vacuum therapy leads to a lasting improvement or getting rid of many diseases. This is a good prevention of aging and premature withering of the body.

  • overall health of the body as a whole
  • treatment without chemistry, hormones and operations
  • Doctors of "Naran" clinic are sure that in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, surgical operations and chemical preparations are not needed. Treatment can be gentle, natural and effective!

    July 30, 2019

    Vacuum therapy (vacuum massage) - a method of influencing body tissues with the help of air with a lower atmospheric pressure. For massage, small glass jars with a rounded bottom and a fairly wide thickened neck are used.

    This method of treatment has been successfully used at all times among the peoples of the East, and is widely used today. Of course, historical oriental cans (could be made of glass, ceramic, clay, or even bamboo) differ markedly from modern plastic ones, equipped with vacuum bottles to regulate pressure.

    In our country, cupping massage is an unfairly forgotten method of treatment, more related to non-traditional grandmother's recipes than to standard therapy. Furthermore, long time it was considered very harmful. Little by little, this rather effective method of treatment is being revived, it showed special results in combination with reflexology.

    Medical cups are held on the body due to the difference in air pressure. environment and inside banks. A two-way action is formed when skin covering is compressed by the edge of the jar, and the soft tissue layers are drawn inward by vacuum force. Thus, a horizontal-vertical effect on the skin is obtained, which is characterized by deep (compared to conventional massage) penetration into soft tissues. Moreover, the larger the diameter of the jar, the greater the depth of impact on the tissue.

    Vacuum cupping massage activates the blood circulation of the skin of the body, lymph outflow and eliminates fluid stagnation in deep tissues and organs, accelerates the resolution of inflammatory processes, improves nutritional and regenerative processes in tissues. It is also successfully used in cosmetology to increase the tone and elasticity of muscles, to give elasticity to the skin and is part of anti-cellulite programs.

    It should be noted that pathological changes in muscle tissues consist of hard clots and adhesions of muscle-connecting elements interspersed with nerve bundles, blood vessels, deposits of mineral salts, etc. The therapeutic effect of vacuum therapy will depend on the strength and time of exposure to the areas dystrophic changes. For example, after passing through five procedures, an improvement in tissue metabolism is observed, after ten procedures, a therapeutic effect is clearly expressed, after the fifteenth procedure, reconstructive and regenerative processes work at all speeds.

    The use of vacuum massage for the treatment of the back

    As you know, the prerequisites for the development of diseases of the back and spine are stagnant processes or metabolic disorders. The main problem is the violation of blood circulation in the spinal column and adjacent tissues (bone, muscle, nerve, vascular, articular, etc.). To date, medicine is not able to adequately solve this problem. Indeed, in most cases, it treats the symptoms of the disease, absolutely not affecting the causes of the disease.

    At the same time, cupping massage helps to activate the microcirculation of the blood fluid and eliminate congestive processes, which in turn can overcome the root cause of the disease. Moreover, the centuries-old practice, the absolute harmlessness and effectiveness of the method can in no way convince physicians to abandon stereotyped thinking and use it in traditional treatment.

    It should be recalled that vacuum cupping massage is one of the most financially accessible and effective methods treatment not only of the back, but of the whole organism. This technique allows you to achieve healing of the body without the use of medicines, which is also very important in some cases. During treatment various diseases vacuum massage of the spine allows you to quickly stop the pain syndrome, relax the muscles and relieve spasm, which is sometimes beyond the power of medical preparations.

    Vacuum therapy is prescribed for diseases:

    • osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine (movements of the jar along the back are rectilinear upward with effort, downward - free, light);
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (movement of the can along the neck, especially around the seventh cervical vertebra, then massage the trapezius muscles, in the direction from the head to the shoulders);
    • lumbar myositis (massage is carried out along the lower back);
    • forearm myositis (massage the back of the neck and back);
    • sciatica lumbosacral (massage the lower back, with pain radiating to the leg and back of the leg, the direction of movement from the popliteal cavity to the buttocks);
    • acute or chronic back pain to relieve pain (canister movement along the pathological zone from bottom to top);
    • intercostal neuralgia (massaging directly the projection of pinched nerves on the skin of the back);
    • scoliosis, kyphosis, various arthrosis and other diseases of the back.

    The use of vacuum massage in other diseases

    Vacuum massage can indeed be considered a universal method of reconstructive influence on the body and, in particular, on pathologically damaged or altered soft tissues. After all, it has a vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage, analgesic, detoxifying, immunostimulating effect on the body.

    By activating the circulation of all body fluids, it stimulates cell renewal and rejuvenation, tones muscles, tightens the skin, and dissolves scar formations. Cupping therapy can also be used for the prevention of certain diseases and in cosmetology, as well as for the following diseases:

    • ORS and colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., massage is performed from the bottom of the shoulder blades to the shoulders, then to the sides of the patient, which improves breathing, significantly reduces body temperature and contributes to better sputum discharge);
    • to raise immunity (banks are placed on the buttocks for 1-1.5 minutes);
    • in case of traumatic injuries (directly above the injury site, gradually descending, around the affected area - relieves pain, dissolves edema, regenerates tissues);
    • in vascular pathology and nervous systems(insomnia, depression, neurosis, treatment of headaches, lack of cerebral circulation, vegetovascular dystonia);
    • for the treatment of cellulite (the movement of the jar is circular, zigzag or rectilinear along the damaged areas, anti-cellulite creams or oils are used to enhance the effect);
    • for face lifting (helps to relax muscles, enriches the skin nutrients, tones, tightens, smoothes wrinkles);
    • diseases of the genitourinary system (enuresis, impotence, inflammatory processes, etc.).

    However, there are also contraindications to vacuum therapy, these are: pulmonary hemorrhages, tuberculosis, dermatological skin diseases, open injuries, tumors of various origins, fevers, general exhaustion of the body or the patient's neuropsychic state.

    Vacuum massage procedure

    The massage procedure is quite simple. The patient lies on his stomach, wraps his arms around the pillow, tilts his head or turns to the side. The massaged area is lubricated with massage oil, cream or petroleum jelly. An ignited wick is placed in a special medical jar (glass) for one second, due to which a pressure difference is formed and applied to the skin. If a plastic jar with a vacuum bottle is used, it does not need to be heated.

    This is followed by certain movements along the patient's skin in the directions of the massage lines. The duration of exposure and intensity is determined by the attending physician, but on average no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure, persistent redness appears on the skin, this is normal and will disappear with time. If blue hemorrhages appear on the skin, this is not normal and the procedure should be carried out less intensively or for a shorter time.

    After the massage, the patient is covered with a warm towel or blanket and needs to be at rest for at least 30 minutes after the procedure. As a rule, vacuum therapy is carried out every other day in combination with other methods of treatment (for example, with exercise therapy, general massage, physiotherapy or manual therapy), it all depends on the disease.

    The impact of vacuum massage

    As we have already mentioned, vacuum therapy is carried out using cans, where a pressure drop is created, and soft tissues with skin are drawn into the vessel. This allows you to penetrate deep enough under the skin and work out the tissues on a sufficiently large area of ​​​​the body, which is beyond the power of conventional manual massage.

    The flow of lymph and blood to deep tissues stimulates the circulatory system of internal organs, improving their work, activates the processes of regeneration and metabolism. What is observed after the course of treatment with cupping massage:

    • improvement of peripheral circulation of interstitial fluids, lymph, blood;
    • increased skin respiration, activation of metabolism, elimination of congestion;
    • removal of toxins and harmful under-digested substances from the body;
    • activation of tissue regeneration and rejuvenation processes;
    • improving the supply of tissues with nutrients, blood, and therefore oxygen;
    • increased muscle tone, increased contractility and elasticity;
    • regeneration of cartilage tissue and increase in the physical capacity of the ligaments.

    As you can see, the use of this technique can bring invaluable benefits to medicine at minimal cost. Moreover, patients who have undergone cupping massage at least once can forget about the ailments that have tormented them for a long time for more than a year. And with a relapse, the body responds much faster to repeated treatment, and recovery occurs twice as fast.

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