Cartographic sources of geographic information. How do the maps in the atlas differ in scale? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Wallpapering 06.08.2020

Basic concepts and terms on the topic:economic and social geography of the world, geographic information system, geographic map, cartographic generalization, statistics, GPS (Global Positional System).

Topic study plan (list of questions required for study):

1. Geography as a science.

2. Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

3. A geographic map is a special source of geographic information.

4. Statistical materials as a source of geographic information.

5. Other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information.

Geographic information systems

Summary of theoretical questions:

1. Geography is a spatial discipline. This means that geographers are interested not only in the objects themselves, but also in how, where, and why these objects are placed in space. Economic and social geography of the world is a social geographic science that studies the territorial organization of human society.

2. Obtaining geographic information has real practical value. The world around us today is permeated with a huge number of information, transport, social and economic connections, ignorance of which inevitably leads to your own isolation. Modern young professionals, getting into the global political or economic environment, must have a set of knowledge about the countries of the world, their culture and way of life. Geography uses different research methods: traditional - cartographic, sociological, statistical, mathematical, historical, comparative, modern - aerospace, geoinformation, geographical forecast, etc.

3. Maps are the geographer's main toolkit. Maps exist for every type of information related to our planet (and not only). Geographic map (first city to. was created in Ancient Greece about 2500 years ago by the scientist Anaximander) -reduced mathematically defined, generalized, figurative-symbolic image of the Earth's surface on a plane, showing the location, state and relationship of natural and social phenomena. When the scale is reduced, the objects plotted on the map, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics are generalized.

It helps here cartographic generalization - selection and generalization of objects and phenomena depicted on the map according to the purpose and scale of the map. To depict various objects on the map, a variety of methods of cartographic representation are used: methods of high-quality background, areas, movement signs, isolines, localized diagrams, icons, point. By content, the cards are divided into: general geographic and thematic.

The first include topographic maps (M 1: 200,000 and larger), survey-topographic (M from 1: 200000 to 1: 1,000,000), survey (M smaller than 1: 1,000,000). All elements of topographic content are shown on general geographic maps ( settlements, individual buildings, roads, industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural objects, hydrography, relief, vegetation, etc..), i.e. everything that "lies" on the ground and can serve as a reference point.

Unlike general geographic maps, thematic maps usually reveal one plot (soil, geological structure, population, vegetation, etc.). All thematic maps are divided into two sections - maps of nature (physical-geographical, geological, climatic, etc.) and maps of social phenomena (political, population, historical, economic, etc.).

4. Statistical materials are one of the main sources of geographic information. Statisticsis a science that studies various phenomena and processes in order to take into account and identify the patterns of their development using statistical indicators. In the course of geographical research, statistics solves the following scientific tasks: collection of statistical data, processing of collected information, analysis and interpretation of data, presentation of statistical information in text, tabular, graphical or cartographic form. Statistical information includes absolute and relative values, as well as various coefficients.

5. Modern sources of geographic information also include aerospace and geoinformation sources: aerial photography, space imagery, remote sensing, satellite monitoring. The modern satellite system for high-precision determination of the coordinates of static and moving objects is called GPS (Global Positional System).

It was developed by the US Department of Defense. The project started in 1978 and the GPS was finally commissioned in 1995. A fundamentally new approach to working with spatial data is associated with the emergence Geographic Information Systems10 (GIS) is a hardware system for collecting, storing and processing spatial data. We can say that GIS is a complex computer program. Possibilities of GIS: quick search of necessary information, cartographic ability of GIS, the ability to model phenomena on the earth's surface.

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© Balass, 2012 Our Earth 1st lesson of geography in 5th grade Section I Sources of geographic information  What do we learn from the pages of the textbook "Our Earth"? There is one garden-planet In this cold space. Only here the forests are rustling, Birds clicking migratory, Only on it alone are lilies of the valley blooming in the green grass, And dragonflies are only here They look at the river in surprise. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other similar one. I. Akim Information source is a system whose components ensure the placement, availability and integrity of information in accordance with its purpose. Geographic map, printed publication, television or radio broadcast, written or oral communication of a specific person, computer file, Internet address, etc. Remember what is depicted on: a) plan; b) map. 2. What do the colors represent on the hemisphere map? PLAN (from Lat. Planum - plane) - a drawing depicting a part of the earth's surface in conventional signs on a plane. MAP - an image of the earth's surface with conventional signs on a plane in a reduced form. Blue color on the map indicates water (seas, rivers, lakes), yellow and brown - land. Green and yellow - plains, brown - mountains. It is believed that there are no “blank spots” left on the map of the globe - unknown seas and lands.  Who was involved in the discovery of new lands? Do you agree with this statement? What question do you have? Why is geography needed? Why do you need geography?  What does the word "geography" mean in Russian?  When did this science begin?  What great geographers do you know?  What is their merit to science? Why study geography?  Formulate the topic of the lesson.  What are your hypotheses? Why is geography needed? Why study geography? Read the text and answer the question: Who can be considered geographers? Use the algorithm on page 5 for your answer. Leif Eriksson Happy Scandinavian navigator and ruler of Greenland. Son of Viking Eric the Red, the discoverer of Greenland. Before his trip to America, Leif made a trade expedition to Norway. On his return, Leif met a Norwegian named Bjarni Herjulfsson in Greenland, who said that he saw the outlines of land in the west, far out to sea. Leif became interested in this story and decided to explore new lands. Around the year 1000, Leif Ericsson sailed west with a crew of 35 on a ship. They discovered three regions of the American coast. Several settlements were also founded there. The first maps of Vinland were compiled from the stories of Leif and his people. Why study geography? Sir Francis Drake English navigator, corsair, vice admiral. The first Englishman to sail around the world (1577–1580). An active participant in the defeat of the Spanish fleet. At the age of 12 he became a cabin boy on a merchant ship (barge). He was so fond of the owner of the ship, his distant relative, that after his death he bequeathed the ship to Drake, and at the age of 18 he became a full captain. In 1567 he set sail for Guinea and the West Indies, commanding a ship in a slave trade expedition of his relative. In 1577, Drake was sent by Queen Elizabeth on an expedition to the Pacific coast of America. The official purpose of the trip was to discover new lands. In fact, Drake had to loot as much Spanish gold as possible and return to England with this cargo. After passing the Strait of Magellan, Drake was pushed back by a storm south of Tierra del Fuego, thereby revealing that it was not part of the southern continent. The strait south of Tierra del Fuego was later named after him. Why study geography? Athanasius Nikitin Russian traveler, writer, merchant, author of the famous travel records known as "Voyage across the Three Seas." Born into the family of the peasant Nikita. Traveled to Persia, India and Turkey; wrote a description of this journey in the book "Walking the Three Seas". This was the first description in Russian literature of not a pilgrimage, but a commercial trip, full of observations about the political system, economy and culture of other countries. In his book, Nikitin describes the beauty of southern nature, and the wealth of landowners and nobles, and the splendor of their palaces, and the poverty of the rural population, and the customs and appearance of the inhabitants of India. Why study geography? Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev An outstanding Russian navigator, explorer, traveler, explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia, Cossack chieftain, as well as a fur trader, the first of the famous European seafarers, in 1648 - 80 years earlier than Vitus Bering - passed the Bering Strait, separating Alaska from Chukotka. Why study geography? Continue: Geography is the science of ... What is characteristic of science? Formulate the objectives of the science of geography. purpose, subject of study, methods "Geography" - in literal translation "land description" a description of the territory; an explanation of the processes taking place on it; geographic forecast Why study geography? Using the picture, define the structure of the geography.  What does modern geography study?  Why is she more and more actively studying various areas of human activity? Why study geography?  Determine the object of study of the science of geography. the earth's surface with all its natural and social content Why is it necessary to study geography? What methods can be used to study it?  Choose one of the methods and evaluate its role in the development of modern geography. Why study geography? What can be considered a source of geographic information? How important is this information for a person?  How do you answer the question in the lesson?  Who first discovered America? Is it correct to call him a geographer?  Why are physical and social geographies so called? Can a person, armed with geographical knowledge and skills, have a beneficial effect on the future of the planet? §1, task 4, p. 12 Homework:

Sources of geographic knowledge

Sources of information are textbooks, gazetteers and encyclopedias, maps and atlases.

Information-rich geographic magazines and newspapers.

Many new, useful and interesting things can be learned from radio and television programs: weather forecasts, messages about natural phenomena, natural wonders, the culture of the population of different countries, etc.

Nowadays, to obtain the necessary geographic knowledge, they use the services of the Internet - the worldwide computer network. With its help, you can exchange geographic information in a matter of minutes - cartographic, text, video, audio.

To obtain geographic information and knowledge, they use various research methods.

The oldest is the descriptive research method. It consists in describing the object (where it is located, how it has changed over time, how it affects other objects, etc.). The description is carried out on the basis of observations of phenomena and processes.

This method is still one of the main ones. The expeditionary method is also ancient. The word "Expedition" means "hike". An expedition is a business trip of a group of people to investigate certain objects or phenomena. The material collected on expeditions forms the basis of geography.

Based on it, science develops.

The historical method allows us to find out how objects and phenomena arose and developed in time. The literary method consists in the study of literature - everything that has already been written on a given topic. The cartographic method of research consists in determining the location of objects and putting them on a map.

Skillfully reading geographical maps, a researcher can obtain a lot of necessary information. New methods include aerospace - the study of the Earth's surface using images from aircraft and spacecraft. With the help of the modeling method, Using computer technology, provide for changes in the environment.

The globe.

Primary sources of knowledge

Primary sources of socio-geographical knowledge are associated with socio-geographical field research, when objects are studied right on the ground thanks to direct acquaintance with them, thanks to observations, instrumental measurements, as well as polling, questionnaires like that.

These are usually studies of individual farms and enterprises (agricultural, industrial, construction, recreational, etc.), as well as settlements and places of concentration of production and infrastructure (a set of structures and services that ensure the functioning of industries and the conditions of life of society).

The primary source of socio-geographical knowledge can also be field special (thematic) mapping of the study area - the actual use of land, population settlement, levels of anthropogenic load on the territory, its ecological state, etc.

for the needs of such mapping, topographic maps or land use plans or land-economic structure of administrative-territorial units, individual farms, cities are usually used as a basis.

Primary sources usually provide socio-geographical knowledge about their own state, because it is not so often that researchers are given the opportunity to carry out the necessary field research abroad.

Therefore, the main sources of socio-geographical knowledge about the world are secondary sources. Secondary sources of socio-geographical knowledge are those that are obtained and ordered in a certain way by other researchers. A classic example is various literary sources - historical, geographical, environmental literature.

Now, thanks to the Internet, it is possible to “visit” the largest libraries in the world without leaving home.

Among such institutions are the CELA Library of Congress, the German National Economic Library, the Russian National Library, the National Library of Ukraine. IN AND.

Vernadsky similar.

For the acquisition of knowledge in the field of social and economic geography, various sources containing ordered statistical information are very important. In Ukraine, such sources are bodies government controlled - regional and district state administrations, as well as state administrative structures - environmental safety and natural resources, sanitary and epidemiological services, water management, forestry, rail and water transport, electricity and gas supply, etc.

Important geographic information is often also held by local authorities. Also, individual enterprises, farms, institutions with their operational accounting and reporting and statistical information are often useful.

Are research and design institutions and organizations that accumulate stock information and scientific ones also useful?

design development according to your profile. Public organizations and movements - ethnocultural, confessional, political (party), professional, etc., can also have interesting socio-geographical information.

Regarding information about different states, regions, or generally about the world, it is available on the websites of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Tourism Organization and other well-known international organizations.

The cartographic method is the traditional research method, and the creation of maps is one of their end results.

Geographic maps contain information about various phenomena and processes, the boundaries of their distribution. A huge number of thematic maps (navigation, soil, climatic, synoptic, geological, hydrological, etc.) contain information that is necessary not only for people of different professions: geologists and navigators, military and agronomists, builders and architects. No good detailed map it is impossible to hike in unfamiliar (and especially sparsely populated) places. Maps are used in planning and conducting field research.

They are also the basis for drawing up new maps with a different information content.

However, not all geographic data can be displayed on a map.

The most important source of information about the nature and natural resources of various territories are geographical descriptions in the form of scientific and popular science publications, journal articles, scientific reports on expeditionary and other research, encyclopedias, dictionaries, statistical collections, etc.

But who said that we receive knowledge about the world around us only from scientific publications?

The richest source of information, including geographical information, are photo albums, documentaries and feature films, weather forecasts, as well as periodicals about earthquakes, droughts, floods, discoveries, travel, political and economic events.

Even postage stamps can tell a lot about the nature and economy of different countries.

And of course, modern research is impossible without the widespread use of information technology. Computer systems for collecting, storing, processing and distributing data tied to a geographic coordinate system are called geographic information systems (GIS).

This is an extensive database that digitally accumulates a variety of information relating to any territory, and can be quickly supplemented, updated, processed and be in any form, most often in the form of maps.

The GIS structure can be represented as a system of information layers. The first layer is a cartographic base: a coordinate grid, terrain contours.

Subsequent layers reflect the administrative division of the territory, the structure of the road network, the nature of the relief, hydrography, settlements, the type of soil, vegetation, agricultural land, the age composition of the population, etc.

In essence, a GIS is an electronic atlas. But not only. Layers in a GIS can be displayed and viewed separately, like pages of a regular atlas, but they can also be combined in a variety of combinations, compared with each other, and data analysis allows you to create derived layers. That is, based on the available amount of information, new information appears.

Russia -
a state located on two continents, in eastern Europe and northern Asia. The largest state in the world - 17,125,422 sq / km, or 1/9 of the entire land area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, which is double that of the second-ranked Canada.

Russia shares borders with 19 countries (the largest indicator in the world), of which by land with the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - in the north-west, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine - in the west, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan - in the south, China, Mongolia, North Korea - in the southeast; and by sea with Turkey in the southwest, with Japan and the USA in the east.

In addition, Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian enclave on the Baltic Sea coast, borders Poland and Lithuania on the east.
Russia belongalso the islands of Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Vaigach, the Franz Josef Land archipelago, the New Siberian Islands, Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Kuril Islands (some of which are still disputed by Japan) and Sakhalin Island in the Pacific Ocean in the east.

In the east, Russia is washed The Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering Seas and the Bering Strait; in the north - by the Laptev and White, Barents, Kara, Chukchi and East Siberian seas; in the west - the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland; in the south - the Black, Azov and Caspian seas.

After the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991, the Russian Federation was recognized by the international community as a republic of a federal structure and admitted to the UN Security Council and a number of other international organizations.

The independence of the Russian Federation was declared on August 24, 1991. The head of state is the President (elected once every 6 years), executive power belongs to the government headed by the Prime Minister (appointed by the Parliament on the proposal of the President).
The State Duma and the Federation Council form a bicameral Parliament.
The lower house of the State Duma - 450 deputies, elections are held once every 5 years.
Upper House Federation Council - 170 senators appointed by regional parliaments.
Part The Russian Federation includes 22 republics, one autonomous region (Jewish), 4 autonomous regions, 9 edges and 46 areas.

Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol have direct federal subordination and are cities of federal significance. In total, there are 85 subjects in the Russian Federation for 2015.

From the point of view of the demographic situation in the Russian Federation, the most significant event in March 2014 was the de facto reunification of the Crimean peninsula with the territory of the Russian state.

Capital of Russia - Moscow.

The largest city in Russia with a population of 12,197,596 people.
Heart of Russia - The Moscow Kremlin.
In total, there are 15 million-plus cities in Russia, the largest cities with a population of over 1 million. These are Moscow, St. Petersburg (more than 5 million.

man); Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg (more than 1.5 million people); Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Total Russia covers11 time zones with a difference of +2 to +12 hours in relation to Greenwich.

Population - 146 293 111 people (for 2014).

Most of the inhabitants of Russia (about 80%) live in the European part (Central, South, North Caucasian, North-West, Volga, Ural federal districts). The rest 20% is in the Asian part of Russia (Siberian, Far Eastern districts). The majority of the population lives in cities - 75%.
Live in Russia representatives of more than 200 nationalities. The largest ethnic group - Russians - make up 80% of the country's population.

Tatars - 4%, Ukrainians - 3%, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Belarusians, Mordovians, Chechens, Armenians, Avars and other nationalities - 1% or less.
Peoples of Russia speak over 100 languages \u200b\u200band dialects. Russian is the native language of about 130 million citizens (92% of the Russian population). It is also the state language of the Russian Federation. Also, Ukrainian, Tatar, Armenian and other languages \u200b\u200bare widespread.
Christians live in Russia (mostly Orthodox), Muslims, Buddhists (mainly in Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva - Siberia), Jews, pagans and representatives of other religious denominations.

The share of Russian citizens who are Orthodox Christians is 70% of all residents of the country. The number of Muslims is 15% of the population.

Convinced atheists make up 6% of the population.
State currency - Russian ruble (~ 60 RUB \u003d 1 USD).

Russiapossesses the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources, large reserves of various minerals, the most important of which are oil, gas, coal, gold and other strategic minerals. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of forest area, which occupy 45% of the country's territory, and has about 1/5 of the world's timber reserves.

Also, Russia has the largest number of lakes, containing about a quarter of the world's reserves of unfrozen fresh water.
Despite the vastness of the territory, agriculture uses a relatively small part of the land - arable land occupies only 8% of the country's territory. A significant part of the territory is in the permafrost zone.

About 3/4 of the territory countries are plains.

In the west stretches the East European Plain - one of the largest plains in the world, on which almost the entire European part of Russia is located. In the south of the country, there are the northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, where the most high point countries and Europe - Mount Elbrus (5.642 meters). In the east, the plain is limited by the low old Ural mountains up to 2,000 meters high.

And to the east of the Urals lies the West Siberian Plain with vast swampy areas, bordered from the southeast by the Altai Mountains up to 4,500 meters high. Closer to the Pacific coast in the east is the region of mountain ranges and plateaus of Northeast Asia. Thus, the eastern part of the country, with the exception of the valleys of large rivers, is a mountainous area.

There are 120 volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula, 23 of which are active. The highest of them is Klyuchevskaya Sopka with a height of 4,750 meters. The largest rivers of the country are the Volga, Northern Dvina, Don, Irtysh, Ob, Angara, Yenisei, Lena, Amur. The largest lakes: Baikal (in the southeast) - the deepest and largest in the world in terms of volume, Ladoga, Onega lakes (in the northeast).

Most of the countrylocated within the temperate climatic zone.

The extreme regions of the north and the northern islands belong to the arctic belt, while some southern regions are close to the subtropics. The climate of almost the entire territory of the country is continental, which is especially evident in the large amplitude of seasonal temperatures and the scarcity of precipitation.

Winter is long in most of the territory. Especially severe frosts are observed in Eastern Yakutia (-45 ..- 50 degrees). In the European part of Russia, the temperature in winter reaches from 0 to -10 degrees. In summer, the average temperatures are +15 .. + 25 degrees. In the warm half of the year - from May to October - the bulk of precipitation falls.
Difference in climatic zones characterizes the variety of natural areas.

In the Arctic deserts of the Far North, mosses, polar poppies, buttercups grow; in the tundra, dwarf birch, willow, and alder are added to these species. Spruce, fir, cedar, larch are typical for the taiga. To the south and west begins a zone of broad-leaved forests of oak, maple, linden, hornbeam.

Also, on the territory of the country you can find many rare species: Mongolian oak, Manchurian maple, elm, walnut. In the forest-steppe and steppe parts of the country, there are oak forests, herbs, and cereals.

In the Black Sea subtropics, forests of fluffy oak, junipers, boxwood, and black alder prevail. On the coast - eucalyptus, palm.
The fauna is rich and diversecountries. In the arctic and tundra zones: arctic fox, reindeer, polar hare, seals, walruses, polar bear. The taiga is inhabited by bear, lynx, red deer, wolverine, elk, sable, ermine, chipmunk, squirrel; wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, woodpecker, nutcracker nest. In addition, the taiga is characterized by the presence of a huge number of mosquitoes.

In deciduous forests, wild boar, deer, mink, numerous birds, and lizards are found. In the forests of the Far East - rare Ussuri tigers, bears, deer. Among the animals of the steppe zone, small rodents prevail, many saigas, badgers, foxes, large steppe birds (bustard, crane, little bustard).

In the desert there are gazelles, jackals, sand cat, numerous rodents. There are many reptiles and turtles. The Caucasus region is inhabited by mountain goat, Caucasian deer, porcupine, leopard, hyena, bear, as well as a large number of reptiles.

Abstract: Introduction. Sources of geographic information

The student must know :

Ø the main milestones in the formation of economic geography in Russia;

Ø the subject of study and the main issues of economic and social geography;

Ø main sources of geographical knowledge and methods of geographical research;

Ø analyze internet resources and other means mass media in order to obtain relevant information about the population and economy of countries and regions of the world;

have an idea:

Ø about the role and place of geography in the tree of earth sciences;

Ø on the structure of the subject;

Ø about geographic information systems.

The concept of Economic and social geography of the world.

Geography as a Science. The subject of the discipline. The main questions of geography. Major scientists of economic geographers. The place of geography in the system of earth sciences. Course structure. Traditional and new methods of geographical research. The main sources of geographic information. The use of geographic information in people's lives. Geographic information systems.

Topic 1.

World Political Map (RMB)

The student must know :

Ø the main historical stages of the formation of the political map of the world;

Ø typology of countries by the level of socio-economic development, by area, by population;

Ø forms of government and administrative-territorial structure of the states of the world;

be able to:

Ø give examples of integration blocks of various orientations (economic, military, geopolitical, etc.);

Ø determine the economic-geographical and political-geographical position of the countries of the world (see.

Appendix I);

have an idea:

Ø on areas of regional conflicts;

Ø on the main directions of international economic relations;

Ø about the economic, political and geographical position of Russia on the modern political map of the world;

Ø about sovereign states and non-self-governing territories.

Stages of the formation of a PCM.

Changes to the PKM in the recent period. The main methods of classifying the states of the world (by population, area, level of socio-economic development, etc.).

The main blocks of international integration of the countries of the world (EU, OPEC, G7, APEC, CIS, Eurasian Economic Community, LAAI, etc.).

Forms of government and administrative-territorial structure. Sovereign states and non-self-governing territories.

Political and geographical position of countries. Geopolitical interests. Regional conflicts.

Answers to tickets GIA by geography

Geographic research methods are ways of obtaining geographic information. The main methods of geographical research are:

1) Cartographic method... The map, according to the figurative expression of one of the founders of Russian economic geography - Nikolai Nikolaevich Baransky - is the second language of geography. The map is a unique source of information! It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mutual arrangement of objects, their sizes, the degree of distribution of a particular phenomenon, and much more.

2) Historical method.

Everything on Earth is developing historically. Nothing arises out of nowhere, therefore knowledge of history is necessary to understand modern geography: the history of the development of the Earth, the history of mankind.

3) Statistical method... It is impossible to talk about countries, peoples, natural objects without using statistical data: what is the height or depth, area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, reserves of natural resources, population, demographic indicators, absolute and relative indicators of production, etc.

4) Economic and mathematical.

If there are numbers, then there are calculations: calculations of population density, fertility, mortality and natural population growth, migration balance, resource availability, GDP per capita, etc.

5) Geographic regionalization method.

The allocation of physical-geographical (natural) and economic regions is one of the methods of research in geographical science.

6) Comparative geographical... Everything is subject to comparison:
more or less, profitable or disadvantageous, faster or slower.

Only comparison makes it possible to more fully describe and evaluate the similarities and differences of certain objects, as well as explain the reasons for these differences.

7) Field research and observation method... Geography cannot be studied only while sitting in classrooms and classrooms. What you see with your own eyes is the most valuable geographic information. Description of geographical objects, collection of samples, observation of phenomena - all this is the factual material that is the subject of study.

8) Remote observation method.

Modern aerial and space photography are great assistants in the study of geography, in the creation of geographical maps, in the development of the national economy and nature protection, in solving many problems of mankind.

9) Geographic modeling method... Geographic modeling is an important method of geography research. The simplest geographic model is the globe.

10) Geographic forecast... Modern geographical science should not only describe the objects and phenomena under study, but also predict the consequences to which mankind may come in the course of its development.

Geographic forecasting helps to avoid many undesirable phenomena, reduce the negative impact of activities on nature, use resources rationally, and solve global problems.

Geographic research methods and main sources of geographic information wikipedia
Site search.

Discipline: Geography

Theme: « Introduction. Sources of Geographic Information ”.

Practical lesson number 1.

Theme: Familiarization from geographic maps different topics. Drafting kart (schematic maps), reflecting various geographic phenomena and processes. Using statistical materials and geographic information systems.

Occupation type:Learning new

Lesson type:Lecture - visualization

Number of hours: 2 hours

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of an understanding of the sources of geographic



    To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role and place of modern geographic information in solving the problems of the development of human civilization.

    To form students' ideas about various sources of geographic information, which are designed to help in the development of a new training course.

    Continue to develop testing and lecture notes skills.

    Assess the volume and level of residual geographical knowledge of students to determine the degree of readiness of the audience to learn new material.

Equipment, visibility, TCO - laptop, plasma TV, presentation, outline map, atlas,

Course of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

    Setting goals and objectives.

    Requirements for the organization of the educational process.

    Lecture visualization.

    1. Geography as a Science.

      A geographic map is a special source of information about


    1. Statistical materials.

Geography as a Science.

Geography is one of the most interesting and important sciences. She studies the territory (territorial complexes of different levels), the conditions and patterns of its formation and development. Economic and social geography as a section of geography examines the place and role of man and his versatile activities in a particular territory. From how competently a person settles in and develops his place of residence, his comfortable living on it depends. Geography allows deeply scientific and, most importantly, to take into account all factors of the development of a territory - natural (geological structure, climatic features, peculiarities of inland waters and natural complexes), economic (peculiarities of conducting economic activities) and social (human behavior). It is for this reason that she so widely uses the achievements of the most diverse sciences.

Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

Research methods (methods) are specific techniques for studying geographic objects and phenomena.

Geographic information system (GIS) is an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, access, display and analysis of spatial (spatially coordinated) data.

GIS structure:

    Data (spatial data):

Positional (geographical): location of an object on the earth's surface, its coordinates in the selected coordinate system;

Non-positional (attributive, or metadata) - descriptive text, electronic documents, data of a graphic type, including photographs of objects, three-dimensional images of objects, video materials, etc.

    Hardware (computers, computer networks, storage devices, scanners, digitizers, etc.);

    Software (OS, application and add-ons to it);

    Technologies (methods, procedures, etc.);

    Operators, administrators, users.

Types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

Task number 1 ( Read the text. Make a diagram "Sources of geographic information")

Geography is a science, studying which one should not be afraid to get too much information. There are quite a few sources of geographic information.

First, a geographic map. It provides a one-time broad and comprehensive view of the study area. It is no coincidence that the famous geographer NN Baransky, the founder of Soviet economic and social geography, called the geographical map the "language" of geography. True, a geographical map must be able to read, that is, possess the skill of obtaining all the necessary information from it. Secondly, it is literature, and the most diverse - reference, scientific, popular science and even fiction. Thirdly, these are the mass media (newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasts, films). Fourth, this is the Internet. Fifth, these are personal impressions. When studying the features of the territory, no information will be superfluous. It is necessary to "absorb" it from everywhere - to read books, newspapers and magazines, watch television programs and movies, use the Internet, go on tourist trips.

The modern world is on the verge of globalization. At present, goods, money, any information can easily overcome vast distances and state borders that once seemed impregnable bastions. In this regard, there is an inevitable homogenization, or unification, of models of human behavior. Of course, this process is not easy. But he is objective. Colossal differences in cultural traditions these or those peoples are further exacerbated by the seemingly already acute interstate and interethnic contradictions. Geography can help to understand their nature, to understand all their intricacies.

A geographic map is a special source of information about reality.

Geographic map - models from to in reduced form.

Statistical materials.

Statistical data - this component global information system, which is formed in accordance with the concept of informatization, developed in the Russian Federation.

Statistical materialsis massive quantitative data about important life indicators and the relationship between them. Statistical data include population censuses, tax collection, and land calculation.

    Initial testing in the economic and social geography of Russia

    Countries with land borders with Russia:

  1. Norway




  2. China



    City of Russia with a population of over 1 million people:


    Nizhny Novgorod

  1. Serpukhov


    The largest basin by volume of coking coal in Russia:





4. Full cycle ferrous metallurgy center in Russia:


    St. Petersburg

  1. Magnitogorsk

5.Fine-fleece and semi-fine-fleece sheep breeding are most developed in

economic region:


    North Caucasian


    Central Black Earth

6.Trans-Siberian railway runs through the territory

economic regions of Russia:

    North Caucasian


    Far Eastern


7. Arrange the stages of textile production in a technological order - from raw materials to the production of finished fabric

  1. Production of severity

    Fiber production

    Yarn production

Answer: 3,4,2,1

8.Three centers of the oil refining industry,

located on the Volga:

  1. Saratov





  2. Arkhangelsk

9.Define the subject of the Russian Federation by its short description:

“This subject is located in the eastern part of the country, its territory is not washed by the waters of the World Ocean. One of the largest rivers in Russia with its largest inflow flows through its territory. There are no hydroelectric power stations on these rivers. There are no nuclear power plants in the region, but powerful thermal power plants operate on fuel produced in the same region "

    Primorsky Krai

    Murmansk region

    Irkutsk region

    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

10. Establish a correspondence between the economic regions of Russia and the centers of production of cars and trucks:

Economic regions Production centers

Russian cars and trucks

    Volgo-Vyatsky A. Serpukhov

    Povolzhsky B. Naberezhnye chelny

    Central V. Izhevsk

    Uralsky G. Nizhny Novgorod

D. Taganrog

Answer: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - "5", 1-3 errors - "4", 4-5 errors - "3", 6 and more - "2".

Question number


1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

6. Frontal poll.

    List the traditional methods of geographical research known to you.









    Does the cartographic method belong to traditional methods and what is its role in the knowledge of the world around us?


Yes, this is the leading method in geography, with the help of maps we can get a lot of different information.

    What role do space research methods play in modern geographic research?


Space research methods are used to monitor and study economic components in the world, to predict their changes.

    List the modern methods of geographical research known to you.




Remote (aerospace)

Geographic forecast

Geographic information systems

    Does the geographic forecast apply to modern methods geographical research and what is the purpose of its conduct:


Yes, foresight of the future state of geosystems.

Geosystems - these are natural-geographical unity of all possible categories, from the planetary geosystem (geographic envelope) to the elementary geosystem (physical-geographic facies)

definition by V. B. Sochava


Theme:Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects. Drawing up maps (schematic maps), reflecting various geographical phenomena and processes. Use of statistical materials and geographic information systems.

1. Analysis of maps of various topics.

As a result of completing tasks practical work each of you should study the stages of the formation of a modern political map of the world; modern processes of changing the political map of the world, the main international organizations of countries, to master the features of the distribution of certain types of natural resources in the regions.

You must consolidate and develop the following skills:

Draw up maps (schematic maps), diagrams for the proposed simplest or complex tasks using traditional or your own designations;

Select the necessary information to complete the assigned task; - identify and explain the political and geographical aspects of current events and situations;

Evaluate and explain the information obtained during the selection and analysis;

Equipment: Internet resources, a geographic atlas of the world for grade 10, a contour map of the world, colored pencils, a pen.

Tasks for work:

Exercise 1.

Consider Atlas Geography (Grade 10). List the topics of the card.


    Political Map

    State structure

    Mineral resources of land

    Agroclimatic resources

    Land and forest resources

    Hydrosphere resources


    Population placement

  1. Human development index

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    The structure of the economy

    Extractive industry

    Power engineering

    Manufacturing industry



    Foreign economic relations

    Integration associations

    Territorial structure of the economy

    Political and economic maps of countries

    Global demographic problem

    Global environmental problem

    Global food problem

    Areas of political instability

    World heritage of humanity

Task 2.

To complete the assignment, use various sources of geographic information, as well as your knowledge from the school history and geography course. You can also get the necessary information with the help of Internet resources.

Insert the missing names of some new countries (or their capitals) that appeared on the political map of the world in the late 20th - early 21st centuries. as a result of the division of the larger federal states.

The states that emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union and their capitals: Russia - Moscow; Ukraine, Kiev; Belarus - Minsk; Moldavia- Chisinau; Georgia - Tbilisi; Azerbaijan - Baku; Armenia - Yerevan; Kazakhstan - Astana; Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek; Turkmenistan - Ashgabat; Tajikistan - Dushanbe; Uzbekistan -Tashkent; Estonia - Tallinn; Latvia- Riga; Lithuania - Vilnius.

The states that emerged on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), and their capitals: Serbia - Belgrade; Croatia - Zagreb; Montenegro - Cetinje; Macedonia - Skopje; Slovenia -Ljubljana; Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo.

The states that arose on the territory of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia), and their capitals: Czech Republic - Prague; Slovenia -Bratislava.

Task 3.

Make a schematic map of the pre-existing Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), showing the borders of the newly formed countries. Sign the names of these countries and their capitals.


Thus, today there are six independent states on the territory that belonged to the former Yugoslavia:

Republic of Serbia (capital Belgrade)
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (capital of Sarajevo)
Republic of Slovenia (capital Bratislava)
Republic of Macedonia (capital Skopje)
Republic of Montenegro (capital Cetinje, Podgorica)
Republic of Croatia (capital Zagreb)

(There is little confusion with the capitals in Montenegro. In the constitution of the country, the city is named its official capital ... It has historically been the center of faith and statehood, and the royal residence was located here. In 1946, the capital was moved to Titograd, which was returned to its former name in 1992 - ... After Montenegro gained independence in 2006, the title of the capital again passed to Cetinje, but most of the state institutions remained in Podgorica. In order not to transport the country's government, it was decided to make appropriate changes to the status of cities.

So now there are two capitals in Montenegro, for which new definitions have been invented. The official and cultural capital of Cetinje, where the president and the metropolitan of the country live, and the actual business and political capital of Podgorica).

Task 4.

To complete the task, use the contour map of the world.

On outline map find the states that are part of the "Big Seven" in the world. Select their borders, shade their territories, add shading to the legend of the contour map, sign the names of the countries and their capitals.


The G7 countries are the USA (capital - Washington), Japan (capital - Tokyo), Germany (capital - Berlin), France (capital - Paris), Great Britain (capital - London), Italy (capital - Rome), Canada ( capital - Ottawa), (since 1994 Russia has been participating in the meetings of the group).

Task 5.

To complete the task, use the data in Table 1.

Plot a pie chart of the ratio of iron ore reserves in the top five countries. To do this, the sum of the iron ore reserves of the top five must be taken as 100%, and then the share of each country must be calculated and the corresponding sector in the pie chart must be marked. Individual sectors must be highlighted with certain colors or types of shading. Create a legend for the diagram.

Table # 1. Proven reserves of iron ore in the countries of the world (2005)

Place in the world

A country



billion tons


Latin America


Europe Asia


North America








North America





South Africa



Iron ore reserves in the countries of the world (2005)

Task 5.

Suggest options for the criteria for dividing the ten countries indicated in Table 1 into groups according to the volume of explored iron ore reserves. Write down your suggestions.


The following criteria can be defined:

The country with the largest iron ore reserves

The country with the smallest iron ore reserves

Countries with the same amount of iron ore reserves

Which region has the largest iron ore reserves

Which of the regions has the smallest iron ore reserves

7. Homework.

Purchase an atlas and a contour map of Geography for grade 10, colored pencils.

Learn notes in a notebook.

8. Summing up.

9. Out-of-class independent work

Message "Statistical materials", "Types of geographical maps".

Lesson number 1

Theme: Introduction. Sources of geographic information.

Study Questions

1. Economic and social geography as a science.

2. Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

3. Types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

5. Geographic map is a special source of information about reality. Statistical materials. Other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information: the use of satellite images, modeling.

1. Economic and social geography as a science, its place in the system of geographical sciences.

Geography is one of the oldest sciences on Earth and occupies an honorable place among the favorite school disciplines. The course of economic and social geography of the world is the final stage in the study of geography in the school curriculum. The subject of the study of economic and social geography is the study development of the economy and the distribution of the population in the world as a whole, in certain regions and countries. Economic geography combines elements of geography, economics and sociology; it widely uses not only economic, but also sociological research methods. You know that sociology is the science of society and human behavior, and economic and social inequality are closely related, so you cannot consider an economy without people - the main productive force, without the human factor. Thus, by putting the human being in the center of attention, economic geography became related to social geography. The main direction of the current stage of development is the strengthening of the social, political, environmental focus of research. The main direction is the rational use and transformation of the natural environment. Long-term development of geography has led to the deepening of its internal differentiation. In economic geography: the geography of the population, agricultural industry, transport, services and services. Nowadays, geography has turned from a descriptive and cognitive science into a science of a constructive nature.

Various methods of geographical research are known in modern geography. The most popular are traditional geographical research methods:

I. Traditional methods -

a) descriptive -the study and description of any territory is carried out according to a certain plan. The description can be either single-element (when only one component is considered, for example, the hydrological network, relief, landscapes), and complex (when the entire territorial complex is considered: nature - population - economy).

b) comparative - comparative analysis is often used in the study of various territories and geographical objects. The objects of study can be located close to each other (for example, the coast of the Black and Azov Seas) or be removed (for example, mountain systems of the Cenozoic folding regions of South America and Europe) and similar features are analyzed. As a result, elements of similarity and differences are highlighted and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

c) cartographic - for the study area, special maps or series of thematic maps are created in order to understand any phenomenon. With the help of predetermined conventional symbols, certain elements of the territory under consideration (relief, climate elements, landscapes, etc.) are applied to the cartographic base. The cartographic method is usually used with other research methods: interpretation of aerial photographs, mathematical, etc.

d) retrospective (historical approach). The study of any geographical object, territory: its landscapes, its individual components, natural and social phenomena - is considered in time, which allows us to make a forecast for the future.

e) typological - According to the selected criteria, reference plots (key) in the study area are identified in order to further disseminate the findings to other areas.

II.Modern methods of geographical research:

a) Geographic forecast - foreseeing the future state of geosystems. b) Geoinformatics. We live in an era of "information explosion", when the volume of scientific knowledge and the number of sources of information are growing very quickly. Informatics makes it possible to apply economic and mathematical modeling. The development of geoinformatics has led to the creation GeoInformation Systems (GIS). GIS is an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, analysis and display of spatial data and associated nonspatial data, as well as obtaining information and knowledge about geographic space on their basis.

It is believed that geographic or spatial data constitutes more than half of all circulating information used by organizations engaged in various activities in which it is necessary to take into account the spatial distribution of objects. GIS is focused on ensuring the possibility of making optimal management decisions based on the analysis of spatial data.

The introduction of GIS technologies in geography has affected many industries, primarily pictography. (Example: world electronic maps have already been created, differing in nature and language. National electronic atlases: USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden, China, etc.)

c) Space research methods of our planet, these are climatic and space resources - the resources of the future.

Types of geographic information

Geographic information (GI) includes any information related to objects, phenomena and processes localized in a geographic space. A significant proportion of geographic information is found in sources that are not maps. Examples of this are addresses in phone books, road kilometer markers in incident reports, place names in a gazetteer, Internet portals. The completeness of the information presented in cartographic works is determined by the totality of map sheets with relatively simple topics - thematic cartographic layers tied to one base map. There is a special system of geographic symbols to represent various objects. Let's consider the most used ones:
Linear signs - borders, roads, rivers, etc. ... Isolines - connection of points with the same parameters (isobars - atmospheric pressure, isotherms t 0 of air) Areals - Areas of occurrence of certain phenomena. Traffic signs - these are traffic flows, sea currents, winds, etc. Quality background - used to display national and religious composition (without quantitative indicators) Cartogram - different intensity of phenomena within territorial units. Cartodiagram - a map with a certain territorial division and diagrammatic figures corresponding to these divisions. Map-scheme - a schematic map that does not have an accurate basis (route map for travel, etc.) Data for mapping is currently obtained via satellites. Thus, there is a real opportunity to present geographic information of any volume and complexity, and the role of the GI for the life of people is enormous. This is the most accurate and prompt receipt of information about the weather forecast, the degree of development of various emergencies, as well as obtaining special information, for example, the thickness of the snow cover (this is important for agriculture), the degree of coverage of cereal crops by insect pests, the degree of aridity of the region, the degree of deforestation plantings, etc.

Sources of geographic information.

1. Maps, atlases, topographic plans.

2. Geographical descriptions of different territories.

3. Encyclopedias, reference books, statistical materials, etc.

4. Space and aerial photographs.

5. Geographic information systems (GIS). At present, all the listed sources of information can be digitized and transferred from paper to electronic form, an example of GIS.

A geographic map is a special source of information about reality.

General geographicmaps display various elements of the earth's surface - relief, vegetation, rivers, settlements, transport networks, etc.

Thematicmaps characterize geographic objects and phenomena on a specific topic: vegetation, relief, industry.

For example, a political map will first of all give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of countries, their borders, etc.

Home assignment:

1. Show on a contour map parts of the world and continents.

2. Indicate the role of economic and social geography as a science, its place in the system of geographical sciences.

3. Define the types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

4. Geographic information systems as a means of obtaining, processing and presenting spatially coordinated geographic data.

5. Study the geographic map as a special source of information about reality and statistics. Explore the features of the legend (legend) on the political map of the world. Indicate other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information: the use of space images, modeling.

Independent work

Lesson number 2 A political map of the World

Study Questions

1.Countries on the modern political map of the world. Their grouping by area, population, elements of the political map of the world.

2. Quantitative and qualitative changes on the world map.

3. The main periods of the formation of the political map of the world.

4. Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

The political map of the world is a geographical map that reflects countriesthe world , andform of government andstate structure . The political map of the world reflects the main political and geographical changes: the formation of new independent states, a change in their status, the merger and division of states, the loss or acquisition of sovereignty, a change in the area of \u200b\u200bstates, the replacement of their capitals, a change in the name of states and capitals, a change in the forms of government and the form of state devices. The political map of the world has characteristic elements by which it can be determined, this is

State borders

State territories

Territories with international regime

Mixed territories

Sovereign states

Non-Self-Governing Territories

Forms of government

What is customary to designate in the economic geography of the world by the terms: State, Country, Territory? The concept of the state means, first of all, the political system of power established in a certain territory, while the concept of a country rather refers to cultural, general geographic (common territory) and other factors. The concept of a country is less formal than that of a state. Territory or trust Territories - dependent territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System. These are mainly colonies of Germany and its allies in Africa (Cameroon, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania, Southwest Africa) and islands in the Pacific Ocean (Western Samoa, Nauru, New Guinea, Mariana, Marshall and Caroline) with a population about 20 million people. They were managed by the former colonial powers - Great Britain, Belgium, France - by agreement with the UN and under the control of its Trusteeship Council. By 1997, almost all territories had become independent states. Before modern states were formed on the planet, there was a long period of formation of the political map of the world.

The main periods of the formation of the political map of the world

1. Ancient period (up to the 5th century AD)

2. Medieval period (V-XV centuries)

3. New period (the turn of the XV-XVI centuries - 1914)

4. The newest period (from 1914 to the present)

First stage (from 1914 to 1945)

Second stage (1945-1990)

Third stage (from 1990 to the present)

According to various sources (November 2015), there are 230 territories in the world, including:

193 independent states (recognized by the UN)

14 unrecognized states

3 territories with undefined status

1 quasi-state formation Order of Malta - has observer status at the UN.)

62 dependent territories

The process of birth and disappearance of states is endless, this process is called changes on the political map of the world. Changes on the political map are quantitative (the accession of newly discovered lands to the state, territorial gains and losses after wars, the unification or disintegration of states, the exchange of land plots by states, etc.) and quality(the acquisition of sovereignty, a change in the form of government and state structure, the formation of interstate unions, etc.). At present, quantitative changes are decreasing, and mainly qualitative changes are taking place on the political map of the world.

Currently, taking into account the level and nature of socio-economic and political development, they distinguish the following groups of countries in the world:
Countries of the world are grouped according to different criteria ... For example, sovereign, independent countries and dependent countries and territories are distinguished. Dependent countries and territories can have different names: possessions - the term "colonies" has not been used since 1971 (there are very few of them), overseas departments and territories, self-governing territories. Thus, Gibraltar is a British possession; the country of Guiana in South America is a department of France; the island country of Puerto Rico has been declared a "freely acceding state to the United States."

Grouping of countries by territory size:

VERY LARGE COUNTRIES: (territory over 3 million sq. km): Russia (17.1 million sq. km), Canada (10 million sq. km), China (9.6 million sq. km), USA (9.4 million sq. km), Brazil (8.5 million sq. km), Australia (7.7 million sq. km), India (3.3 million sq. km)

MICROSTATE: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican. These also include Singapore and the island states of the Caribbean and Oceania.


In terms of population, the 10 largest countries of the world are distinguished: China (1318 million people), India (1132 million people), USA (302 million people), Indonesia (232 million people), Brazil (189 million people). people), Pakistan (169 million people), Bangladesh (149 million people), Russia (146 million people from the Crimea River Nigeria (144 million people), Japan (128 million people) (data for 2014-2015)

THE SMALLEST IN POPULATION IN THE COUNTRY - microstates. The Vatican, for example, has a population of 1,000.

ECONOMICALLY HIGHLY DEVELOPED STATESA are distinguished by a mature level of development of market relations. Their role is great in world politics and economics; they have a powerful scientific and technical potential. They differ from each other in the scale and level of economic development, in the size of the population. USA, UK, Japan, etc.

POOR COUNTRIES - Basically the former colonies, which, having gained political independence, fell into economic dependence on their former metropolises. These are the majority of countries in sub-Saharan Africa, countries such as Angola, Ghana, Zambia, as well as Asian countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. They are very far behind developed world for all major socio-economic indicators. (see the list at the end of the topic)

State forms of government.

The form of government characterizes the organization of government, the system of higher government bodies. There are two forms of government: republican and monarchist a form of government in which the highest legislative power belongs to an elected representative body of parliament, and executive power belongs to the government. Republics are subdivided into parliamentary and presidential. IN presidential republics, the president is endowed with very large rights, he himself heads the government. (USA, Iran, Argentina, etc.) IN parliamentary the main figure is the head of government. (Germany, Italy, Israel, etc.) Monarchical form of government - the power under which the head of state is the monarch. This supreme power is inherited. Monarchies are subdivided into absolute, constitutional, theocratic .

Absolute monarchy - the power of the monarch is practically not limited (Bhutan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc.)

Theocratic monarchy - the monarch simultaneously represents secular and spiritual power. (Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain).

A constitutional monarchy - the power of the monarch is limited to parliament. On the modern political map, 30 countries of the world have a monarchical form of government.

Forms of administrative-territorial structure

Countries are subdivided to unitary (under which there is a single legislative and executive branch in the country ). Federated - in which, along with uniform laws, there are separate self-governing territorial units with their own legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

Home assignment:

1. Give a brief description of the state (of your choice in free form).

2. Using reference materials, maps, fill in the table, marking the countries

the world with a federal administrative-territorial structure. Explain what

is the difference between unitary and federal forms of administrative

territorial structure.

Lesson number 3

Theme: Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

Study Questions

1.Differences between the countries of the modern world in terms of territory, population, population characteristics, and geographical location.

2.Types of countries. Economically developed and developing countries (main; highly developed countries of Western Europe; countries of the resettlement type; key countries; countries of external development; new industrial countries, and other groups).

3. UN and its main structural units

The political map of the world is represented by individual countries and regions. For a complete study of the country, it is customary to consider it from different points of view: according to the size of the territory, geographical location, the nature of the social system, the level of socio-economic development, historical and geographical regions, etc. GDP is used to rank countries by socio-economic development. Gross Domestic Product is one of the great inventions of the 20th century, almost equal in value to the automobile. GDP is the sum of all benefits produced in the territory of a given country for the year, and GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) is the volume of benefits produced according to the national principle: GDP minus profits of foreign companies transferred abroad and wages of foreign workers, plus similar receipts from abroad. Countries around the world use different methods of calculating GDP and GNP, so the data provided by national statistics and international ones are almost always different.In order to ensure the possibility of cross-country comparisons, in international statistics data on GDP is given in a single monetary measurement - US dollars. They are calculated by UN experts using special methods - at official exchange rates or at purchasing power parities. Therefore, these data, depending on the calculation method, differ significantly from each other.

There is a classification adopted by the UN - the division of the countries of the world into "industrialized", "developing" and countries with a "centralized planned economy".But at the same time, this division unites into one group extremely different countries... It is obvious that such countries as, for example, the USA and Switzerland, classified as "economically developed countries", or Kuwait and Papua New Guinea (included in the developing group) have, of course, common features, but even more differences between them. The group of industrialized countries includes about 30 countries. They are distinguished by a high level of economic development, the predominance of manufacturing and service industries in GDP, high quality and standard of living of the population. These countries create the bulk of the world's industrial production. They account for more than 70% of the world foreign trade turnover, including about 90% of exports of machinery and equipment.

Economically developed countries include about 60 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and Oceania. All of them are characterized by a higher level of economic and social development and, accordingly, GDP per capita. However, this group of countries is characterized by a rather significant internal heterogeneity and four subgroups can be distinguished in its composition.

G7 countries "Big Seven" (GDP per capita 20-30 thousand dollars) - Japan, USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada.

Privileged highly developed countries of Western Europe: Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, etc.
Countries of "resettlement" capitalism: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel.

Countries Nafta USA, Canada, Mexico.

"IMF" among the developed countries includes Western Europe, including the EU. The unification of the EU causes a lot of controversy, the second and third wave of countries that joined the EU gives rise to many doubts. Simply put, all countries in the European Union, although they are independent, are subject to the same rules: they have the same rules for education, medical care, pension, judicial systems, etc. In a word, the laws of the European Union apply in all countries of the European Union.

For 2013:, there are 28 countries in the European Union.

  • Austria (1995)
  • Belgium (1957)
  • Bulgaria (2007)
  • UK (1973)
  • Hungary (2004)
  • Germany (1957)
  • Greece (1981)
  • Denmark (1973)
  • Ireland (1973)
  • Spain (1986)
  • Italy (1957)
  • Cyprus (2004)
  • Latvia (2004)
  • Lithuania (2004)
  • Luxembourg (1957)
  • Malta (2004)
  • Netherlands (1957)
  • Poland (2004)
  • Slovakia (2004)
  • Slovenia (2004)
  • Portugal (1986)
  • Romania (2007)
  • Finland (1995)
  • France (1957)
  • Croatia (2013)
  • Czech Republic (2004)
  • Sweden (1995)
  • Estonia (2004)

Iceland candidates

  • Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Turkey
  • Montenegro

All of them are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The developing country group includes the largest number of states in the world (about 150). These countries are extremely different - this group includes Brazil and Tuvalu, India and South Korea, Somalia and Burkina Faso, etc. However, they all share such common features of socio-economic development as: a colonial past that predetermined the territorial structure raw material specialization of the economy.

Features of participation in the international division of labor; unequal position in the world economy, dependence on foreign capital; huge external debt; the presence of the most acute problems - demographic, environmental and food, as well as the low standard of living of the majority of the population and others. Nevertheless, among the developing countries there are countries and territories that, in terms of socio-economic development, have already approached the level of industrialized ones. Let's take a closer look at large economic associations:

1. Countries with economies in transition (post-socialist) and socialist countries. This group includes the countries Center, and East. Europe (including all republics the former USSR) and Mongolia are "countries with economies in transition"; as well as socialist countries - Cuba, China,

2. Key countries: Mexico, Argentina, India, China, Brazil
3. " Newly industrialized countries or "Yellow Tigers": Singapore, Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, as well as the R / V "second wave" - \u200b\u200bMalaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Xianggang, Taiwan. Their economic performance largely corresponds to that of industrialized countries, but there are also features common to all developing countries.
4. " Oil exporting countries» or OPEC (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE Algeria, Venezuela, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Libya, Nigeria, Ecuador)

5. The BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

6. SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO member states





Poor countries - Basically the former colonies, which, having gained political independence, fell into economic dependence on their former metropolises. These are most of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa, countries such as Angola, Ghana, Zambia. As well as the Asian countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. They are very far behind the developed world in all major socio-economic indicators.

Poor country GDP per capita (2015 data)

1 Malawi $ 226.50

2 Burundi $ 267.10

3 Central African Republic $ 333.20

4 Niger $ 415.40

5 Liberia $ 454.30

6 Madagascar $ 463.00

7 Congo $ 484.20

8 Gambia $ 488.60

9 Ethiopia $ 505.00

10 Guinea $ 523.10

UN structure.

For self-study:

World typology:

“Typology of countries is the identification of groups of countries of the world that are similar in level, nature and type of socio-economic and historical development.

The first step in any typology is classification of countries by a set of demographic, economic, social and other indicators of development.

Second phase identification of typological characteristics of countries with a similar level of development and their grouping. The typologies of developing countries are widely known: Bolotin B.M., Sheinis V.L., Velsky V.V., Mashbitsa Ya.G. and other geographers and economists

Country, state - the main object of the political map of the world. The total number of countries on this map during the XX century. increased markedly. At first, as a result of changes associated with the results of the First World War. Secondly, as a result of the changes that followed the Second World War, expressed in the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism, when during 1945-1993. 102 countries achieved political independence. Third, at the beginning of the 90s. as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia. There are about 230 countries on the modern political map. This quantitative growth is followed by important qualitative shifts. This is manifested in the fact that out of 230 states, 193 are sovereign states. The rest falls on the so-called Non-Self-Governing Territories.

With this large number countries, it becomes necessary to group them, which is carried out primarily on the basis of different quantitative criteria. The most common grouping of countries according to the size of their territory and population. The grouping of countries according to the peculiarities of their geographic location is often used. Grouping of countries by size of territory - the largest countries (territory over 3 million km 2) These include states of different regions. Half of the ten participants, delegated New World, four countries are located in Eurasia, one in Africa. Moreover, only Russia can be considered a European country. 2. Grouping by the prevalence of means of communication. The most spoken language in the largest countries of the world is English. It is spoken in the USA, Canada, Australia and some in India. Russian is widely used in Russia and Kazakhstan. The top ten is dominated by multinational countries. The country with the most diverse ethnic composition is India. More than 500 nations, nationalities and tribes live here. Many ethnic groups live on the territory of Sudan, Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, USA. But the populations of Argentina, Brazil and Australia mostly belong to the same ethnic group. Grouping according to the state system, forms of government and the administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world. The countries of the world also differ in forms of government and in the forms of territorial-state structure. Allocate two main forms government: a republic where the legislature usually belongs to parliament and the executive to the government. Another form is the monarchy, where power belongs to the monarch and is inherited. Most countries in the world have a republican form of government. In the republics, the highest state power belongs to an elected representative body; the head of state is elected by the population of the country. There are presidential republics, where the president heads the government and has great powers (USA, Guinea, Argentina, etc.) and parliamentary republics, where the role of the president is less, and the head of the executive branch is the prime minister appointed by the president. There are currently 30 monarchies. Among the monarchies are constitutional and absolute. In a constitutional monarchy, the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution and the activities of parliament: the real legislative power usually belongs to the parliament, and the executive power belongs to the government. At the same time, the monarch “reigns, but does not rule,” although his political influence is quite large. Such monarchies include Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, etc. Under an absolute monarchy, the ruler's power is not limited by anything. There are only six states with this form of government in the world now: Brunei, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Vatican. The so-called theocratic monarchies, that is, countries where the head of state is at the same time its religious head (Vatican and Saudi Arabia), is especially distinguished. There are countries that have a specific form of government. These include the states that are part of the so-called Commonwealth (until 1947 it was called the "British Commonwealth of Nations"). The Commonwealth is an association of countries, which includes Great Britain and many of its former colonies, dominions and dependent territories (50 states in total). It was originally created by Great Britain to preserve its economic and military-political positions in the territories and countries that previously belonged to. In 16 countries of the Commonwealth, the head of state is formally considered the British queen. "The largest of them are Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In them, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the governor-general, and the legislative body is parliament. 3. By forms of government distinguish between unitary and federal countries.In a unitary state there is a single constitution, a single executive and legislative branch, and the administrative-territorial units are endowed with minor powers and are directly subordinate to the central government (France, Hungary). In a federal state, along with uniform laws and authorities, there are other state formations - republics, states, provinces, etc., in which their own laws are adopted, they have their own authorities, that is, the members of the federation have a certain political and economic independence. But their activities should not contradict federal laws (India, Russia, USA). Most of the countries of the world are unitary, there are now a little more than 20 federal states in the world. The federal form of the state is typical both for multinational (Pakistan, Russia) countries and for countries with a relatively homogeneous ethnic composition of the population (Germany). 4. By the world's population by population China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan Russia.

4. By geographic location.

Seaside countries;



Archipelagic countries;

Countries occupying an inland position. In other words, when countries are grouped by geographic location, landlocked countries (Chad, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, etc. - only 42 countries in the world) and coastal (India, Colombia) are usually distinguished. Among the coastal ones, there are island (Sri Lanka), peninsular (Spain) and archipelagic countries (Japan, Indonesia) "about the grouping of countries into subgroups and by their role in the world economy.

Until the early 90s. all countries of the world were subdivided into three types: socialist, developed capitalist and developing. After the actual collapse of the world socialist system, this typology was replaced by others. One of them, also three-member, divides all countries of the world into economically developed, developing and countries with economies in transition, i.e. carrying out the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. A two-term typology is widely used with the division of all countries into economically developed and developing ones. The main criterion for this typology is the level of socio-economic development of the state, expressed through the indicator of gross domestic product per capita.

Lesson number 4


Questions for preparation:

1. What is customary to designate in the economic geography of the world by the terms: State, Country, Territory?

2. Countries on the modern political map of the world.

3.Go orient and know the main periods of the formation of the political map of the world

4. Know the number of countries on the political map of the world.

5. Quantitative and qualitative changes on the world map.

6.Grouping of countries according to various characteristics and characteristics.

7. Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

8. Forms of administrative-territorial structure

9.Historical and geographical regions of the world

10. Understand the abbreviation of GDP and CWP

11.Ument to find economically developed countries on the map.

12. Know the states that are members of the European Union

13. Know the states included in the Political Club G7, Privileged highly developed countries of Western Europe, Countries of "resettlement" capitalism,

Basic methods of geographical research.

Descriptive. The study and description of any territory is carried out according to a certain plan. The description can be either single-element (when only one component is considered, for example, the hydrological network, relief, landscapes), and complex (when the entire territorial complex is considered: nature - population - economy).

Comparative. Comparative analysis is often used in the study of various territories and geographic features. The objects of study can be located close to each other (for example, the coast of the Black and Azov Seas) or be removed (for example, mountain systems of the Cenozoic folding regions of South America and Europe) and similar features are analyzed. As a result, elements of similarity and differences are highlighted and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Cartographic. For the territory of the study, special maps or series of thematic maps are created in order to cognize any phenomenon. With the help of predetermined conventional symbols, certain elements of the territory under consideration (relief, climate elements, landscapes, etc.) are applied to the cartographic base. The cartographic method is usually used with other research methods: interpretation of aerial and satellite images, mathematical, etc.

Retrospective (historical approach). The study of any geographical object, territory: its landscapes, its individual components, natural and social phenomena - is considered in time, which allows us to make a forecast for the future.

Typological. According to the selected criteria, reference plots (key) in the study area are identified in order to further disseminate the findings to other areas.

Sources of geographic information.

1. Maps, atlases, topographic plans.

2. Geographical descriptions of different territories.

3. Encyclopedias, reference books, statistical materials, etc.

4. Space and aerial photographs.

5. Geographic information systems (GIS).

At present, all the listed sources of information can be digitized and transferred from paper to electronic form, an example of GIS.

End of work -

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The role of geography in solving important problems of the country's development

Ticket methods of geographical research and the main sources of geographical .. geographical differences in the economic activities of the population of Russia .. consequence large territory Russia saw the rather diverse nature of our country, which caused the differences ..

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The role of geographical science in solving important problems of the country's development. The need for a comprehensive geographic study of the country
Geography studies nature and natural resources that play an important role in the life and activities of people, serve as a source of material production and habitat. Geographic knowledge pom

National composition of the country's population. Main language families and groups, their placement
At the beginning of 2004, 144 million people lived in Russia. The bulk of the population - 80% are Russians, 5% - Tatars and Bashkirs, 3% - Ukrainians and Belarusians. About 3% are the peoples of the Volga region - Chuvash

Definition of the climate map and explanation of the differences in the climate of the cities of Sochi and Vladivostok
The cities of Sochi and Vladivostok are located approximately at the same latitude, on the shores of the Black and Japan Seas, respectively. In Sochi, the subtropical type of climate is humid subtropics, in Vladivosto

Determination on the map of factors that influenced the location of ferrous metallurgy enterprises (at the teacher's choice)
The location of ferrous metallurgy enterprises is influenced by the following factors: 1) availability of raw materials (iron, manganese); 2) availability of fuel (coal); 3) the presence of accompanying material

Russia on the world map. Geographical location, size of the territory, borders, neighboring states
The Russian Federation (Russia) is the largest state in the world in terms of area - 17.075 million square meters. km (13% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe globe), surpassing Canada in this indicator (10.0 million sq. km), Ki

Cultural and historical features of the peoples of Russia. Major religions prevalent in the country
Russia is a multinational country. Naturally, every nation has and honors its own traditions, way of life, culture, mentality. According to the cultural and historical characteristics of the peoples of Russia, the territory of the state

Characteristics on maps of the geographical location of one of the regions of Russia (at the teacher's choice)
Geographical position of the European South (North Caucasus). This region occupies the southernmost part of the territory of Russia. The territory of the North Caucasus is bounded by the Black and Azov Seas in the west and

Determination of directions and distances from a topographic map
Algorithm for determining directions from a topographic map. 1. On the map, mark the point at which we are, and the point to which you want to determine the direction (azimuth). 2. Connect

Time zones in Russia. Local and Standard Time
In astronomy, local time (or solar time) is the time specified for a given point on Earth, which depends on the geographical longitude of a given location. Local time is the same for all points

Determination on the map of factors that influenced the location of a chemical enterprise (at the teacher's choice)
The location of a chemical enterprise can be influenced by: 1. Availability of a complex of technological raw materials. 2. Provision with fuel and energy sources, especially cheap

General characteristics of the relief of Russia, the reasons for its diversity. The most important plains and mountains of Russia
The territory of Russia has a significant area and its relief is extremely diverse. This is a consequence of the peculiarities of the tectonic structure and the geological history of the development of the territory. On Ross Territory

Determination of the factors that influenced the location of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises on the map (at the teacher's choice)
The main factors for the location of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises: 1. Features of the raw materials used in the production of metals (for example, copper). 2. Availability of sources of cheap electricity

Comparative characteristics of the relief of Central Russia and Western Siberia, reasons for the similarities and differences
The similarities and differences in the relief of two different territories are due to the peculiarities of the development of tectonic processes in its formation, the geological history of origin, and the external processes of relief forms.

Determination by statistical materials and comparison of the population density of individual regions of Russia (at the teacher's choice)
Population density is one of the most important categories of geography. Average population density is defined as the quotient of dividing the number of people living in a certain territory by the area that is

Comparative characteristics of the Urals and the Far East
The Ural is a territory that includes the Cis-Urals, Trans-Urals and the mountain ranges of the Ural Mountains, stretching in the meridional direction for more than 2000 km. Far East - predominantly mountainous area

Definition from statistical materials and comparison of population growth rates in different parts of the country (at the teacher's choice) and their explanation
Population growth can be natural or mechanical. Natural population growth depends on the ratio of fertility and mortality. If the birth rate is greater than the death rate, then the natural increase

Mineral resources of Russia. Security, patterns of placement, problems of rational use
Mineral resources are all types of minerals. There are three types: combustible (fuel), metallic (ore) and non-metallic (non-metallic). Combustible minerals are timed

Accommodation of the population throughout the country. The main zone of settlement, factors affecting the distribution of the population
The distribution of the population is influenced by natural (climate, relief, soil), socio-economic (availability of jobs, living conditions), historical and environmental conditions. Out of 145 million

Determination on the map of factors that influenced the location of machine-building enterprises (at the teacher's choice)
The location of machine-building enterprises is influenced by the following factors: - availability of highly qualified labor resources and scientific institutions (high-tech science-intensive and labor-intensive

A variety of climatic conditions in Russia. Climatic factors
The type of climate is influenced by the following factors: latitude and, accordingly, the amount of incoming solar radiation; atmospheric circulation - the direction of movement of air masses; with

The composition of the economy. Problems of Russia's economic development and indicators characterizing the level of economic development
The national economy of Russia consists of several dozen large and more than a hundred small industries. An industry is a collection of enterprises producing homogeneous products. Addicted

Determination by statistical materials and comparison of the ratio of urban and rural population in different parts of the country (at the teacher's choice)
The ratio of urban and rural population is influenced by such factors as: - natural conditions and resources; history of settlement and development of this territory; - dominance

Comparative characteristics of the climate of Central Russia and Eastern Siberia, the reasons for the differences
Central Russia and most of Eastern Siberia are located in the temperate climatic zone, but in its different sectors: Central Russia - in the temperate region, and Eastern Siberia (excluding

Comparison, based on statistical materials, of the labor force provision of two territories (at the teacher's choice)
In fact, all regions of Russia are provided with labor resources to varying degrees. The quantity and quality of labor resources is influenced by both natural population growth, migration

Comparative characteristics of the climate of the North Caucasus and Primorye, the reasons for the differences
Almost the entire flat territory of the North Caucasus and the territory of Primorye are located in a zone of a temperate climate type, only the North Caucasus is in a subzone of a moderate continental climate,

Determination of geographical coordinates of geographical objects on the map (at the teacher's choice)
Geographic coordinates are quantities that determine the position of an object on the earth's surface relative to the initial meridian (longitude is measured from 0 to 180 °) and the equator (latitude from 0

Agroclimatic resources of Russia. Reasons for differences
Agroclimatic resources are certain climatic conditions necessary for the normal functioning of agricultural production. They are determined by the amount of precipitation and the amount of those

Comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the European and Asian parts of Russia
The European part (western economic zone, or western macro-region) is characterized by: high population density (78% of the total population of Russia, the European part - historical

Internal waters of Russia. The largest rivers and lakes. Distribution by basin. Differences in river regimes
Internal waters include: rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, swamps, permafrost, canals and reservoirs. Rivers. In Russia, rivers are predominantly of a flat type. Thanks to the common

Comparative characteristics of the economy of two large geographic regions of Russia (at the teacher's choice)
Comparative analysis of the economy of the European North (Northern economic region) and the European South (North Caucasian economic region). Similarity. 1. Both of these territories are approximately the same

Solving problems to determine the differences in standard time on the territory of the country (at the teacher's choice)
The territory of Russia is located in 11 time zones. The 1st and 12th zones are united into one, and in fact there are ten time zones in Russia. To determine the time in different geographic locations

Water and hydropower resources of Russia. Provision, distribution across the country, problems of rational use
Water is the most important of all natural resources. The existence of all living organisms on Earth depends on its presence. Water is necessary for many sectors of the economy: chemical, pulp and paper, textiles

Compilation of a comparative description of two areas of oil, gas or coal production using maps and statistical materials (at the teacher's choice)
An approximate plan for comparing two regions of mineral resource extraction (if the necessary statistics and maps are available): 1. Location. 2. Position in relation to consumers and important

Zonal natural complexes of Russia. Characteristics of one natural zone (at the teacher's choice)
The natural zone is a large natural complex that has a common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, vegetation and fauna. Due to the large extent of the Ross territory

Assessment based on maps and statistical materials of natural conditions and resources of one of the geographical regions of Russia (at the teacher's choice)
When answering this, it is necessary to determine and name the main types of natural resources: mineral, water, forest, land, agro-climatic, and also name the industries that can develop on

Forest resources of Russia. Provision, distribution across the country, problems of rational use
Russia is located in the northern forest belt of the Earth. The forest cover of the territory is 45%. Russia accounts for 20% of the total world timber reserves. The forest zone stretches throughout those

The ratio of urban and rural population in Russia. Largest cities and urban agglomerations
The ratio of urban and rural population is an important indicator of the level of a country's development. Russia is a typical urban (urbanized) country. According to the latest census (2002

Determination of the main articles of export and import of Russia based on statistical materials
Statistics show that Russia's main export items are: mineral raw materials, mainly oil and gas (about 40% of the total export value); various metals and rolled products; wood and cell

Altitudinal zonality. Characteristics of the nature of one of the mountainous regions of the country (at the student's choice)
Altitude zonation is a sequential change of natural zones with altitude in the mountains from the foot to the top, due to directional changes in climatic elements when rising to a certain

Assessment by maps of agroclimatic resources of their area
Agroclimatic resources are those climatic conditions that are necessary for the cultivation of certain agricultural crops in a particular territory. To assess the agroclimatic

Characteristics of the main types of soils in Russia
Soil is a special natural formation; the uppermost fertile layer of the earth on which certain plants grow. V.V. Dokuchaev established that the main types of soils on the globe are located

Determination of the main foreign economic partners of Russia based on statistical materials
According to statistical data, it can be established that in recent years the importance of foreign trade for the Russian economy has grown significantly. The share of exports in GDP increased. Has changed significantly

Soil and land resources of Russia, their economic assessment and problems of rational use. Land reclamation
Land resources are the earth's surface on which various objects of both natural origin and anthropogenic objects are located, that is, created as a result of economic activity of any

Comprehensive geographic characteristics of your area
The complex geographic description of its area includes the following approximate plan: 1. Name, area, population, official symbols. 2. Geographic software

Determination of the type of climate by the climate diagram. Algorithm for determining the type of climate on the climate diagram
1. Carefully consider all the designations on the diagram, while the months of the year on it are indicated by one, letters on the abscissa axis. 2. Find out the annual temperature variation (temperatures are indicated

Comparison with maps of the two rivers mode (as chosen by the teacher) and an explanation of the reasons for the differences
Comparison of the regime of the two rivers is carried out using climatic maps, since different climatic conditions determine the river regime. The river regime means: a change in the water level in the river, volume

Labor resources, characterizing their performance. Employment problem and ways to solve it
Labor resources are a part of the population that has the necessary physical development, health, knowledge to work in the national economy. The potential of labor resources is determined by: numerical

Designation on a contour map of geographic objects, knowledge of which is provided by the program (at the teacher's choice)
With the help of conventional symbols, real objects are depicted on the map - for example, settlements, with the help of a punch (circle, square, etc.) and abstract - for example. Population density, distributed

Geographic differences in occupation and employment. Labor resources of their area
Geographic differences in occupations and the level of employment of the population are primarily determined by the composition and structure of the economy in a given territory - by branches of specialization. Share of people working in non-






