Ready contour map for geography 5. What does the reshebnik include?

Carpet 01.08.2020
  • Cartographic assignments are a visual and effective material for learning geography. Within the framework of the fifth grade program, it is recognized as one of the most difficult disciplines. In many ways, this state of affairs is due to the fact that the information analyzed in the topics is new for the fifth-grader, which has not been previously encountered in other school subjects. That is why working with cards and a solution to them is considered extremely useful, presenting complex concepts in an accessible form. To successfully master the course, study GDZ follows regularly, systematically. If you identify gaps in knowledge, go back and repeat the material again.
  • With regard to benefits, experts admit that universal contour maps in geography for grade 5, compiled according to the assignments of A. V. Rumyantsev and published by the Drofa publishing house to the corresponding textbooks on the subject. Distinctive characteristics of the kit:
    - takes into account the age characteristics of the level of knowledge and outlook of fifth-graders, their interest in the knowledge of the world, nature;
    - submission of material in a systematized, understandable form;
    - interestingly composed tasks.
    The collection can be used to compile homework, work in the classroom, as well as in additional, circle work, self-study.
  • Contour maps by geography and GDZ to them for fifth graders

  • Initial course geography often represents particular difficulty for fifth graders, since they have not previously encountered the need to use map informationworking with her. You can learn this approach on your own or with the help of parents, using special reshebniks for popular and interesting collections of contour maps and atlases.
  • Choosing sources for work on GDZ, it is important to consider:
    - correspondence of the material to the program, teaching materials, according to which geography is studied by fifth-graders in school lessons. For those who are in the family form of education or want to expand their knowledge, we can recommend universal collections that are suitable for all systems and complexes of education;
    - own goals. This can be an increase in the current and final grade, participation and victory in geographical olympiads and competitions, and other individual tasks;
    - the need for careful planning and periodic monitoring of the results achieved. It is advisable to evaluate the dynamics of achievements from time to time, promptly identify and correct shortcomings, and eliminate them;
    - student opportunities - a basic level of knowledge, the amount of time that can be spent on preparation, etc.
  • Submitted contour maps in geography for grade 5, compiled by A.V. Rumyantsev and published by the Drofa publishing house, will allow the fifth grader to fully master and work out the course material in practice:
    - assess the size and characteristics of each continent;
    - mark on the maps the names of our compatriots and famous foreigners - famous travelers and pioneers;
    - to study the influence of man on nature and the relationship, the interaction of nature and society in the process of its development, prospects and forecasts for the future.
  • The use of a collection of contour maps and ready-made homework for it will help to develop a useful and necessary skill not only at school, but also after graduation, the skill of self-preparation and self-control, search, selection and application of information necessary in the work. Contour maps and atlases, according to expert opinion, are one of the best materials, allowing you to deeply understand and remember for a long time large arrays of diverse geographic information, including the most difficult one.

Geography It has characteristic feature - on the one hand, this science is interesting to many and is not particularly difficult, but on the other hand, the majority of even adults and educated people often demonstrate absolute ignorance of this subject, confusing the location of countries, the names of capitals and the names of the seas.

Reliable tutor

IN fifth grade children get the most general information about the location of countries and continents, about the seas and oceans, about discoverers and travelers. Students also master the beginning of a fairly serious science - the ability to work with contour maps. To facilitate this task, they will be helped by an excellent study guide - a solution to the textbook "Geography Grade 5 Contour Map of Rumyantsev Bustard".

What the Reshebnik includes

Collection of contour maps offers students a wide variety of topics training course fifth grade... Working with the manual, the student learns the most fascinating geographical information:

  • The size of the continents.
  • The names of Russian travelers on the world map.
  • Human influence on nature.

Parents with reshebnik will be able to refresh their own knowledge and unobtrusively monitor the progress of their child. The manual will also be useful in the next academic years if you need to repeat the material covered.

We hope that contour maps will help you in studying such an interesting subject as geography. When performing any assignments, you can use a school textbook and a geographical atlas, but this does not mean that you need to redraw the atlas maps in detail, perform only specific assignments. In order to facilitate your work, a part of the geographical objects is already plotted on each map. This will help you navigate faster by completing the tasks indicated on the contour map and the tasks suggested by the teacher in addition.

1. Map the route of the voyage of FF Bellingshausen and MP Lazarev. Sign the names of the oceans navigated. Sign the mainland that was discovered during this voyage and the date of this discovery.

2. Highlight the route of travel of Afanasy Nikitin on the map. Sign on the map the names of the seas mentioned in the book by A. Nikitin "Voyage across the Three Seas".

3. Sign on the map the routes of S. I. Dezhnev, V. Bering and A. I. Chirikov, in the legend of the map write their names near the corresponding arrows. Sign the names of the seas in which they sailed.

4. Draw on the map the travel routes of I. Yu. Moskvitin and E. P. Khabarov, in the map legend, sign the corresponding conventional signs. Sign on the map the city from which these journeys began.


Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Geography, Grade 5, Contour maps, Rumyantsev A.V., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Contour maps, Geography, grade 5, Kartasheva T.A., Pavlova E.S., 2020
  • Geography, Elementary course, grades 5-6, Methodological manual, Letyagin A.A., 2018
  • Geography, Atlas, Grade 5, Contour maps and collection of problems, Krylova O.V.

The following tutorials and books.

Publisher:Belcartography 2015.

A type:Contour maps

Answers to the contour map on the history of the ancient world grade 5, Minsk, Belkartografia 2013

Rules for working with contour maps

1. Read the corresponding paragraph of the textbook and find in the atlas “History Of the ancient world"necessary maps, read the legend, diagrams, pictures and additional text. Only those tasks that are indicated by the teacher are mandatory for completion.

2. Read the assignment and determine the order of its completion.

3. Become familiar with the conventions found on contour maps. If necessary, select the symbols for the task and indicate them next to the task.

4. When drawing objects on the map, observe the accuracy of their position, focusing on the coastline of seas, lakes, rivers and borders.

5. Write on the map first with a simple pencil, and after checking - with colored pencils with a thin rod. When filling out the map, you need to take into account that inscriptions and conventional icons should not interfere with each other. Individual territories should be painted over with an even, dim color, and the boundaries or directions of military campaigns should be marked with bright, clear lines.

6. Tasks in chronology are performed on the timeline.

7. Tasks-questions are performed in a history notebook or on the lines designated for this.

Publisher:Belcartography 2015.

A type:Contour maps

Answers to the contour map on the history of the ancient world grade 5, Minsk, Belkartografia 2013

Rules for working with contour maps

1. Read the appropriate paragraph of the textbook and find the necessary maps in the atlas "History of the Ancient World", familiarize yourself with the legend, diagrams, figures and additional text. Only those tasks that are indicated by the teacher are mandatory for completion.

2. Read the assignment and determine the order of its completion.

3. Become familiar with the conventions found on contour maps. If necessary, select the symbols for the task and indicate them next to the task.

4. When drawing objects on the map, observe the accuracy of their position, focusing on the coastline of seas, lakes, rivers and borders.

5. Write on the map first with a simple pencil, and after checking - with colored pencils with a thin rod. When filling out the map, you need to take into account that inscriptions and conventional icons should not interfere with each other. Individual territories should be painted over with an even, dim color, and the boundaries or directions of military campaigns should be marked with bright, clear lines.

6. Tasks in chronology are performed on the timeline.

7. Tasks-questions are performed in a history notebook or on the lines designated for this.

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