Numerology which number is better for an apartment. The meaning of apartment and house numbers in numerology. The meaning of the numbers in the apartment number

Jigsaws and circular saws 09.10.2020
Jigsaws and circular saws

Recently my family and I moved into a new apartment. It is bright, warm and spacious - to live and rejoice! But her number 13, to be honest, put me on my guard.

I know that numbers affect people. Recall at least the Pythagorean system, which determines the character and fate of a person by the numbers in the date of birth. or favorable and bad days. For example, I am always lucky on the 8th and 26th of the month.

And here - 13. A good number will not be called a "damn dozen"! I decided to find out: is it possible to live - and live happily - in an apartment with such an ambiguous number.

The Chinese are very attentive to numbers in general and to the numbering of houses and apartments in particular. After all, these are the numbers under which the whole life passes! I really want to feel good in this life and in this house.

Not just numbers

Feng Shui is the Chinese practice of organizing home space, which ultimately influences life events. It's a whole world view, if you will. Numbers here are considered as a combination of characters, and each character-digit has its own meaning.

There are not so many apartments and houses with a single-digit number - only nine. If you, like me, are a happy tenant of an apartment with a multi-digit number, then divide it into separate components. And learn the meaning of each number.

speak chinese

  • The unit is considered a good number, symbolizing the balance of feminine and masculine principles. It attracts good luck to the house, grants wishes and enhances the positive properties of neighboring numbers. In Eastern numerology, one means honor.
  • Two means lightness and is able to influence both good and undesirable values ​​​​of the nearest numbers.
  • Three among the Chinese is a very good number that represents development and life itself. It enhances the meaning of favorable numbers and minimizes the meaning of negative ones.
  • They try not to use the four in feng shui, because it symbolizes death, the collapse of hopes, losses, the loss of loved ones. In a numerical combination, this figure underestimates the value of good "neighbors" and enhances the influence of bad ones.
  • The meaning of the five is revealed in a whole combination of numbers, because it means nothing. Emptiness, multiplied by something good, will remain emptiness. But it will do nothing and have a negative impact.
  • Six is ​​considered a symbol of income. It attracts money to the house, with it you will be able to easily receive and give material wealth.
  • Seven is another number with a neutral meaning, the meaning of which is revealed in the combination. By itself, it means confidence. Thus, it confirms and enhances the properties of the numbers surrounding it.
  • Eight is the number with the happiest value. It symbolizes a jewel and predicts financial prosperity and wealth.
  • Nine is also considered a very good number, indicating longevity, mental and physical health.
  • Zero is a number that has no meaning and does not affect neighboring numbers in any way.

Now it will not be difficult for you to determine how favorable your apartment number is according to Feng Shui. By the same principle, you can view your phone numbers, cars and, if you want, a series of documents. Experts advise in this case to read the value of not the entire string of numbers, but only the last two, as the most influential.

My 13th apartment turned out to be very happy in terms of feng shui. And Bulgakov's "bad" apartment at number 50, where Woland settled with his retinue, really did not bode well. After the antics of the evil spirits, they did not find anything there.

feng shui house number

In addition to individual numbers on the door of the apartment, you can also analyze the Feng Shui number of your home. In this case, add up all the digits in the address to a single digit. Alphabetic characters are also taken into account, if any. For example, the letter "B" is similar in design to the number 8, which is considered auspicious. If your address has something with a "B" - consider yourself as lucky as with the eight.

So, what do the numbers of our feng shui addresses mean?

    • The house under the total number 1 is patronized by the Sun. Creative personalities feel good here: writers, actors, painters. This apartment will contribute to their self-development and realization in the profession. It is desirable to emphasize belonging to the Sun in the interior of the apartment: let it be light and bright here.
    • The house-deuce is guarded by the Moon, which endows the residents with intuition. Such an apartment is suitable for teachers, musicians, professionals working in the field of food or related to water facilities. When decorating your home, use mirrors and calm blue and green shades of wallpaper and home textiles. Monitor the condition of the bathroom and toilet. It is contraindicated for people with an unstable psyche to live in a deuce house.
    • An apartment with a numerical value of 3 is suitable for such “perpetual motion machines”, which are difficult to sit in one place. It should be so, because Mars, patronizing the three, gives endless energy. In design front door, hallway and restroom is a good idea to use red. In such an apartment, you should not swear so that the scandals do not result in something more. It will be difficult for calm people in a three-house house to live. You can try to forge overflowing activity with neutral tones in the interior.
    • The home-four is favored by Mercury. Travelers and speakers will get along here. At the same time, they must be extremely honest so that they are lucky in life. Blue, gray, yellow and blue colors in the interior are suitable for such a house. Information centers of the apartment should be equipped as conveniently as possible: TV, computer, telephone, radio.
    • House number 5 is guarded by Jupiter. Politicians, collectors, scientists and lovers of being in the spotlight will like it here. The decorations of such an apartment will be purple decor elements, a globe and bronze dishes. It is desirable that each tenant of the five house has his own corner.
    • The six-flat is under the influence of Venus and is simply created for a woman. Usually in such a house there are comfortable armchairs, soft sofas and many flowers. The beige-brown range, which is recommended for a six-room house, should be diluted with bright accents so as not to fall asleep while relaxing in comfort.
    • Housing with the number 7, ruled by Saturn, is suitable only for stubborn people who make a career. Living in such a house can be successful, but it will definitely not be cloudless. Through financial difficulties, difficulties in relationships goes the way to the stars. In the interior, pay attention to dark blue tones.
    • The House of Eight is ruled by Uranus. People with non-standard abilities breathe well here, and realists most likely will not like it here. Pay attention to the condition of the windows, handle appliances with care, and decorate your apartment in sky blue or rainbow colors.
    • Apartment nine is owned by Neptune. Such energy will suit sailors, priests, mystics, oilmen and musicians. The rest will be so hard here that they can become addicted to bad habits.


Is there an unfavorable number on the door of your apartment? You can and should get rid of its influence.

  1. You can paint over the "bad" figure in gray.
  2. Paint the door green where the bad number hangs.
  3. On the back of the door, add the number missing to the lucky number.

To my 13th apartment, which gives the same four in total, you can add +6 to get a lucky one. You can add up to 8 or 88, whichever is closer to you.

So let's recap

All figures according to their meaning and influence on a person can be divided into three groups:

  1. Neutral. 2, 5, 7 - reinforce any value of neighboring numbers, both bad and good. Well, 0 (zero), like neutrality itself, does not affect anything.
  2. Positive. 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 - most of the numbers have unconditionally good values.
  3. Negative. 4 is just one. The Chinese are so afraid of this figure that in some elevators of houses there is no button with the fourth floor and there is no fourth apartment.

The negative value of the number can always be corrected! Happiness is really in your hands.

Nothing emphasizes the individuality of fate like the number of our house. It contains a special code, on which all the events in our lives and the turns of the wheel of Fortune depend.

The ancient art of numerology says that numbers radiate their own energy and can determine if we truly feel happy in our home. His number will tell you a lot about the energy around you. And our task is to use it correctly and direct it in the right direction.

Let's find out what the numerology of the street and house (apartment) is, how to calculate the numbers that will become the code of happiness?

Number Composition

Numbers of houses and apartments are single-digit, two- and three-digit.

The single digit number is the simplest. He says that everything in your life is quite simple and you yourself know how to react to the events that happen to you.

Double-digit numbers "raise the curtain" over the human aspirations of the soul, showing that not everything that happens directly to the tenant is connected with his external behavior. There are many things that are determined by the internal state. and at home will tell you: in order to achieve happiness, people living in apartments with a double-digit number will have to deal with their soul. Only with the realization of intimate desires will a person find his paradise.

A three-digit number indicates the strength of our body, mind, and emotions. To be happy in such an apartment, you need to understand yourself and achieve harmony. And if you say one thing and do another, then do not count on well-being in the house.

Numerology by apartment number: how to calculate?

Now it's worth finding out if your house is safe or not. To do this, you need to take several steps. First, write down the full number of your house or apartment. Then add all the numbers together to determine their sum. If the number turned out to be two digits, add them up again: the end result is one digit. For example, if you live at the address: Lenina Street, house 123, then the code should be calculated as follows: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Your house code is the number 6.

Numerology by apartment number (we are now figuring out how to calculate the numbers that will help determine fate) provides another rule. It is important to note that the house and street number (meaning cases where the street name contains numbers) does not affect the calculation of the code if you live in an apartment. For example, your address of residence: street 60 years of the USSR, house 25, apartment 27. Your actions are to add up the numbers only in the apartment number. AT this case that's 2 + 7 = 9. The house code is 9.

In addition, to find out exactly what awaits you in this apartment, try adding your date of birth to the apartment code. For example, you were born on May 24, 1987, and you live in house number 34. Your birth number: 2 + 4 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9. House number: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. Then the final result: 9 + 7 \u003d 16 \u003d 1 + 6 \u003d 7. Numerology by apartment number and date of birth will explain to you that the number "7" will bring stability to your home.

It should also be noted that if there is a fraction in the number of your apartment or house, then this number should also be added. For example, you live on Kosmonavtov Street, house 46/3. Then the code for your housing will be: 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4. The numerology of the apartment and house with a fraction will determine that "4" will help you achieve success in intellectual activity.

Below is a description of the numbers by which you can make an interpretation of your life by the apartment number.

Number 1

Promotes independence, ingenuity, ambition, drive and leadership. Bright people live in such an apartment, whose life is filled with many events. It always reigns joy and pleasure, the atmosphere of an eternal holiday.

The numerology of an apartment and a house shows that the number "1" will surely lead a person to fame and success, will enhance the sense of intuition. She is also responsible for the good physical health of the tenant, but warns of a predisposition to cardiovascular disease. There are also manifestations of selfishness and narcissism in such a house.

If you wish to promote the development of harmony and cooperation with the number "1", you may need to give up your habits. For example, if you are prone to loneliness, then your apartment has too much "I", which is not conducive to the development of partnerships. You can easily create a more welcoming atmosphere in the following ways: hang pictures of more than one person, buy figurines or souvenirs with two characters, get a cat or dog.

Number 2

This apartment enhances sex drive, emotions and feelings, often brings melancholy, but does not interfere with achieving happiness in family life. The physical and psychological health of a person will directly depend on his emotional state. The number "2" attracts people, but predisposes the tenants to nervous and stomach diseases.

Sometimes people can feel overly sensitive in such houses, take all the troubles to heart. To balance this energy, you need to express your emotions openly and directly.

Number 3

The number "three" gives more physical strength, increases passion, anger, brings a lot of work. It will ensure you success in any field, connects all intellectual and psychological processes with health. However, it can provoke the occurrence of acute inflammation in the body, but will not allow the disease to take a chronic form.

Numerology by the number of the apartment and house will tell you that the number "3" is more suitable for artists and couples who love to live to the fullest. But at the same time, it can make its tenants feel insecure, as well as lead to large spending of money. To prevent this, you must focus on practical things and cultivate only positive feelings in yourself.

Number 4

Being in such an apartment, you can easily achieve success in advertising and through bidding. You will meet many interesting people, good luck in your studies and travel. This is a great place if you prefer stability but also love adventure. Try to keep the exterior coating and foundation of your house in good shape, do not skimp on repairs - the four do not like this.

However, it can lead to mental illness. Therefore, it is very important to balance leisure with work and practicality with emotions.

Number 5

Five determines the status and gives optimism and self-confidence. This figure of failures in business and problems with superiors. But it contributes to the growth of the prestige of the residents and the expansion of their horizons. This number predisposes to obesity, liver disease and unpleasant outbursts of negative emotions. Physical exercises will help to feel cheerfulness and cheerfulness.

The numerology of an apartment and a house claims that "5" gives a person the ability to synthesize the available facts and opinions. Do not think that you will find peace and stability here. It is more of a temporary residence than a permanent one. If you discipline yourself in different matters and focus on personal goals, you will be successful.

Number 6

This figure is responsible for the financial situation. Prosperity and love - this is the main thing that it gives to the residents. The six will bring uniformity, smoothness of events to life, cutting off unnecessary and empty vanity. Balanced diet determine physical health.

Almost every type of person will be able to feel happy in the house number 6. However, make sure that you give yourself more time than other people. Listen more to your needs, and then satisfy the desires of others.

Number 7

An apartment with such a figure will “take care” of professional growth and stability. She will teach a person to get rid of everything that interferes with his inner harmony, as well as skillfully restrain feelings. It will add perseverance and willpower to the character, will bring good luck in achieving any goal to patient and strong-willed people. Residents will be able to foresee the consequences of any of their actions.

Numerology by the number of the apartment and house determines that the physical health of people will directly depend on the state of their spine: if it is in perfect order, it will circulate normally throughout the body. To harmonize with the atmosphere of your home, try to concentrate your thoughts on various issues as much as possible.

Number 8

In this apartment you will find many surprises. You will not be able to make a clear plan in your life. The main thing is that you must learn to work quickly, as you will be sorely lacking time. Eight develops a sensitive reaction to the twists of fate. She will lead you to interesting acquaintances. But be prepared for the fact that under the influence of such a figure, much in your life will collapse (including relationships with people). This number gives good luck only to those who firmly believe in their star.

Number 8 can trigger an arrhythmia and cardiovascular disease. Without reasonable control over the state of health, it will be almost impossible to improve your life. Try also not to devote much time and attention to your career, do not forget about your family and friends.

Number 9

Nine is the number of world harmony and great spiritual power. It has little effect on specific life events, only slightly softening everything that happens around you. But you can learn to seek satisfaction in your inner world, to protect your like-minded people who give you peace and tranquility. The numerology of an apartment and a house suggests that this figure is more suitable for people with an open heart and mind.

Emotional health under the influence of the nine will depend on your ability not to compromise your principles in any way. life situation. Idealistic energy reigns in such a house, so it will be difficult for you to earn more money or become more ambitious. If you learn to love yourself without the need for approval from others, you will prosper.

Feng Shui house and apartment numerology

Numbers play a significant role in many cultures. The Chinese believe that some numbers (especially those found in the house number) can help in life by attracting favorable energy. Others have the opposite effect. Feng Shui is about balancing the negative and the positive. So it is only natural that his philosophy embraces both aspects of numbers.

In Feng Shui, there are certain factors that will tell us whether a number is auspicious or inauspicious. You will be able to determine the rank of the fate number using certain values. The main language in this case was Cantonese. For example, the number "4" in Cantonese means "death" and is therefore considered negative. Therefore, many people do not want it to appear in their home address number.

According to Feng Shui, the numerology of the apartment and house where a person lives helps to determine favorable numbers again based on their value. For example, the number eight is associated with wealth, and nine is associated with longevity. The number "two" will become an assistant in creating a strong family, and "six" will attract energy that will help overcome all obstacles and blows of fate.

If you have chosen a delightful house for yourself, and its number is 444, do not panic. Feng Shui will help you avoid all the troubles associated with this number. To do this, you just need to circle the house number. That's all! After that, you can enter your home with the confidence that negative energy will not visit it.

After analyzing all the information, we can firmly say that only the numerology of the house and apartment will help determine the code of your housing. Everyone can calculate the number. So you can find out if it affects your well-being and luck. Remember that the address sets the tone for the living space. So take your time and make sure that your house code is compatible with you and creates an energy that contributes to a beneficial effect on your lifestyle.

It's no secret that every living space has its own energy. The well-being of the living space and its inhabitants is influenced by many factors, not the least of which numerologists consider the apartment number.

Numerology is the science of the energy of numbers and how they can change lives. Ideas about it can be found in the folklore of various peoples. So, in many countries, the number 13 is called unlucky. And, for example, in Japan, troubles and misfortunes are brought by the number Four.

The power of numbers, however, is not limited to signs and superstitions. Thanks to numerological knowledge, you can calculate the numerological characteristics of your apartment. From it you will learn what to beware of, and in what, on the contrary, you will be lucky. After all, each number, according to numerology, has many positive aspects.

How to calculate the numerological number of the house by the apartment number

To do this is quite simple. Numerology only works with single digits, so if your apartment number is one, two, and so on, up to nine, you simply take this number as the numerological number of your house.

Well, if the apartment number is more complicated, you need to add up the numbers that make it up. For example, the apartment number is 345. 3+4+5=12. 1+2=3. Three is the numerological number of your apartment.

Interpretation of the numerological number of the apartment

Unit. The number of beginning, movement, change. In an apartment with such a numerological number, active people who strive to move forward feel good. These can be eternal travelers, extreme sports enthusiasts, businessmen whose life has firmly entered business flights, as well as people who simply do not want to sit still. Even homebodies, having moved into such an apartment, over time, increasingly feel the desire to “walk” and begin to surprise others: “Did you say that you are an introvert – are you looking for tickets again?”

Deuce. The number two, on the contrary, strives for solitude and comfortable living. It combines different beginnings. It is difficult to quarrel in such an apartment, and enemies can come to reconciliation just by meeting on the territory of the Two. Such an apartment is well suited for those who want to build a family nest and not let strangers into their lives.

Troika. The number Three is ideal for those who have connected their lives with creativity. Writers feel comfortable in such an apartment, artists create, poets write poems. Often it is there that creative meetings gather and disputes about the future of music or cinema take place. But such an apartment will also benefit those who do not associate themselves with the world of high matters. After all, a creative approach to business is never superfluous and helps to look at many problems from an unexpected angle.

Four. The most stable number. Four is a stable structure (hence the four corners of the square). In such an apartment, people are confident in themselves and in the future. A good option for those who want to make a career and for those who do not like to take risks, and also strive for material well-being.

Five. Another apartment for dynamic individuals who are not ready to stop there. Even adventurers can live in such a house. Such people will never get confused in an unexpected situation and know how to use even not the most favorable circumstances to their advantage.

Six. A cozy home for couch potatoes or for small friendly meetings. In such an apartment it is good to meet old age, it is good to plan a family or raise children. The energy of housing delays everything that is prosperous and positive. But it will be difficult to live there alone. To avoid apathy and sad thoughts, it is necessary from time to time to invite guests to the house or to have a pet.

Seven. This number charges with originality and even shocking. For artistic natures who have settled in such housing, it may even “tear down the tower” a little. But you will not be bored in such an apartment. Meanwhile, the number Seven is also sacred, conducive to spiritual search and enlightenment. Just by visiting an apartment with a suitable number, you can clarify a lot for yourself.

Eight. The number Eight is global in each of its manifestations - at the same time two stable Fours and a symbol of infinity. This figure promises great success, but the drops can be quite noticeable. However, the Eight helps not to retreat in the face of difficulties and achieve an unprecedented result. It also attracts finances and is considered a monetary number.

Nine. Combines three triplets. It inspires change and gives charisma to those living under the roof of such an apartment. The people who live there are usually active and active. Can find themselves in charity and social activities, often tend to be in the thick of things. And even being homebodies or phlegmatic people, deep down they are not indifferent to many global things and are able to leave a mark for posterity.

If the numerology of your house causes you fear or other negative emotions, do not rush to get upset. The energy of a living space is made up of many factors, not the least of which will always be your mood. If you focus on the negative, even the most favorable numerological characteristics will not help. And vice versa, if you treat the characteristics of your apartment number with attention, you can find out where it is better to play it safe and be more careful. Weak aspects will help fix talismans.

Numerological knowledge will perfectly complement feng shui - the eastern doctrine of the harmonization of living space. On our website, you can use this knowledge to make the apartment happy, attracting good luck and prosperity.

Finally, the knowledge of our Slavic ancestors will also come into play. Learn more about the patron of the house -. You can negotiate with him, appeasing him, and then no troubles are terrible for your home.

So that harmony does not leave your home, throw away unnecessary and old things in a timely manner. Then new ones will come in their place, and positive energy will constantly bubble up in life. Consider the floor number on which the apartment is located, as well as the house number, which you can calculate in the same way as you calculated the number of the apartment before. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

So, first I would like to simply indicate the meaning of the numbers, as applied to the coding of the space in which we live.

1 - assumes that everything that happens in a given space requires a lot of energy to achieve any goals. Space requires a huge capacity for work from a person. You can't stop for a moment, work like a bee, like an ant, and then there will be a result, a foundation, a foundation that is difficult to destroy by external circumstances. But one has only to stop for a moment, succumb to despondency and depression, as everything begins to crumble around. And laziness is simply unacceptable, it will be incredibly difficult to get out of stagnation. The apartment also requires constant attention, you can not run its appearance, no broken objects, creaking doors, floors, windows, everything should be just perfect.

2 - ideal for weak-willed inhabitants, indecisive, doubting. A person with an aggressive type of psyche can lead to a state of passion, as it will increase the speed of decision-making, which can cause problems. Space all the time gives impetus, provokes the movement to change something. For harmony in family life, this can be a problem if one of the partners resists new ideas. The room itself must be constantly transformed: move furniture, change the purpose of rooms, interior, make repairs, strive to achieve greater beauty and gloss.

3 - this is your fortress, its walls are strong and unshakable. Thefts, penetrations, water from neighbors are statistically much less in such apartments. But also, a space with such a vibration does not like new residents, so renting out, inviting friends to live, relatives is better not worth it, there will be constant quarrels and conflicts. Also, it will take a lot of time for new owners to establish life, to become owners. The space requires large-sized objects, but without crowding, a little ascetic, but fundamental.

4 - a lot of prejudice came from the East. My opinion is the following: space requires creativity, more time to spend at home, it gives some inhibition to processes, there is a withdrawal into oneself, artificial introversion. Therefore, it is very important how rich your inner world is, if there is emptiness, then when you encounter it, you will see its reflection around. Therefore, this figure is so feared, giving it a certain meaning of death, since first a person dies from the inside, and then his whole life begins to slowly melt. So if you have 4 and things are bad, urgently look inside yourself and do things there first, then everything around will be restored. The space itself requires some meditativeness in the environment, no patterns, everything should broadcast your creative approach, the uniqueness of this particular place.

5 - encourages self-admiration, selfishness, if there are two or more inhabitants, then the alteration of the territory begins: this is mine, do not sit here, this is standing here, not there, this is my place. Such apartments most often fall under the redistribution of disgruntled residents. In families, everyone pulls the “blanket” over himself, is fond of career growth, and partly succeeds, only the house becomes a battlefield for power, which makes it impossible to relax and recharge. This is a lonely space. It’s also impossible to stay there for a long time, there is a desire to break loose and go somewhere. If opportunities do not allow, then tension and aggressiveness accumulate. So, if your family settled under such an encoding, do not be lazy at least to walk in the evenings, go to friends, travel more often, then there will be much less conflicts. The decoration needs more decorations, souvenirs, figurines, vases, paintings, etc.

6 is a great place for sincere and mutual love in a broad sense. This space does not tolerate insincerity in people. Anything you try to hide will be known to everyone. False, two-faced people, it will simply outlive itself. Doors for friends should always be open, but if you are not a hospitable host, you will soon lose all your inner circle. Everything will be fine with finances if these principles are not violated. The space itself also requires a lot of household appliances, all kinds of technical interior innovations, as well as flowers and pets.

7 - fulfillment of desires. If you are alone, then everything is simple, your desire and active action will always give an accurate result, the goals set are quite easily achieved. But if you live with someone, then you achieve precisely joint goals and desires. This is a place of full partners who must go the same way in every sense. For example, if a husband wants a new car, then everyone at home should want it, only joint desires will be realized. The family is better off common business Or work for the same company. The space accepts only like-minded friends, so this is not a place for noisy companies. Any interior changes must also be subject to the consent of all residents in the area.

8 - material energies, but ... this medal has a second side. There is an excess of material energy in space, which has a very bad effect on the mental and physical health of the residents. Therefore, if there is no control over your health, there is no sport in life, healthy eating, then a person becomes less effective over time, which affects material well-being, earnings become less, and more and more will go to health. So do not be lazy to take care of yourself. It is better not to keep cash in such a house, money must work all the time, well, at least in a bank account, and it is necessary to do charity in any way, from helping close relatives, friends, to charitable organizations. There should be no extra things in the house, everything you need, but very high quality and not cheap.

9 - "litmus" for those living in this territory. The whole essence of a person is manifested, all qualities, both negative and positive, everything will intensify many times and come to the surface, the “masks” are removed, the performance is over. If you admit your shortcomings and start to change, then it’s hard to imagine a better space for self-improvement. Abilities will receive additional energy, a person will need to implement them. For spouses who have lived 10-15 years together, moving to such an apartment can be dangerous, as you will encounter each other's true inner self and this acquaintance may come as a surprise. Rooms in such a room should have a different design style and purpose, at least a clear zonal division with small dimensions.

Two-digit apartment numbers have the following features:

The main point of composite codes is their dynamics. A sign of dynamism and development of space is a growing code, when the last number is higher than the previous one: 12,28,35,79,45, etc.

The opposite effect is observed in the deactivating code: 52,31,92,83, etc.

The first digit of a composite number is the impulse, the last is the result.

So the result should always be higher in status and content than the impulse. The last value is always dominant, closing the space code. If your apartment number belongs to the activation code, then you are lucky, the vibrations of this value will occupy up to 62% of all vibrations, at which there will also be harmony between the impulse and the result. From the above information of single digits, you will be able to determine the main and indirect vibrations.

Another point arises with the deactivating code. It will give 62% momentum regression and blocking the result with a smaller number. What to do?…

The exit is actually very simple. You add an additional digit to this combination, expanding the code to activate the result, also based on the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the numbers and what you would like.

Let's look at an example: we have number 53. 5 gives impetus to the assertion of your "I", claims regarding your place under the sun, and for this we get a blockage with a lower vibration number 3, which gives protection, an artificial fortress, not penetration. As a result of this combination, we get the following influence: an attempt to realize one's ambitions leads to problems, after which one simply has to hide in one's "fortress" from external troubles. But the most disgusting thing in this story is that the closing number of the lowest level appears with weak side, since part of it went to absorb the momentum. And even the "fortress" 3 will not protect in time, having lost some of its vibrations, when interacting with 5.

We now need to deploy the negative code. In this case, I would activate it with the number 6 or 7. Thus, continuing the impulse 5, we will come to the result of the highest level. You can use both 8 and 9, it all depends on your desire (reading the description of single digits). At the same time, the number 3 will continue to carry out its main function, without entering into dissonance.

You can simply write a number near the number on the door, even with a simple pencil, a marker in the color of the door (drawing it a little more than the main numbers and by no means less), if you are embarrassed by your neighbors and guests))) Although, if you are embarrassed, then this already a problem))) And the more daring and cheerful, creative ones can show their imagination and add a full-fledged figure to the general ensemble. So there is no need to move anywhere, you can correct this moment with more gentle actions).

Also, if you just want to introduce the necessary quality into your growing code, then you can also resort to this method (for example, 27, you can add materials after 8, but you will have to find time to take care of yourself, or if you are confident in your dominant good qualities personality, as well as in their loved ones, then you can put 9).

So, NO Magic))), but hidden subconscious processes (although ... everyone for reference, the term "subconscious" was specifically introduced as a deactivating one so that you never get to the hidden levels of your personality, it's correct to talk about "superconscious", even here the image is encoded, but we have to speak in conventional terminology).

Three-digit numbers have the same system. The main numbers are the impulse (first digit) and the result (third digit), the second has very little influence, so I won’t even focus on it.

There may also be identical numbers: 11,77,33. Here it should be understood that the impulse is the result itself, there is no development, stagnation also occurs due to this duplication. Therefore, if you take 66,77,33, then you can leave, 99 will have to be left))), what happiness for the pure in heart and soul, but the rest 11,22,44,55,88 I would advise developing through activation with a large additional number .

And the last one concerns "0". Zero neutralizes any number in front, let's call it "eraser". All tens must be closed with an additional number. If a zero goes in the three-digit number 102,109,402, it always cancels the one in front. Therefore, such apartment numbers are read as a single number, 2,9,2.

There are also systems that offer to sum up the numbers among themselves, but in this case, when working with the apartment number, I call such a number “unmanifested”, and it will not affect the main everyday moments of life.

I hope that you understand how it works and you can improve your living space, where you will feel good and comfortable.

Happiness and harmony to all. Your Vera Vladimirskaya.

Views: 5 882

No wonder they say that each dwelling has its own unique energy. And, probably, everyone had to feel a change in mood, already entering the hallway of someone else's apartment. House and apartment numbers have a huge impact on the energy in the room. This influence is incredibly powerful and multifaceted. Often the numerology of an apartment predetermines not only the emotional atmosphere in the room, but even the fate of the people living in it.

What does the apartment number mean in numerology

Numerology has a special relationship with the numbers of houses and apartments. There are no bad good numbers. All of them have strengths and weaknesses. If a person falls under the influence of the desired number, then he will be able to reveal his talents, find himself in life and attract what he wants. overcome life problems and failures will also help the numbers.

In numerology, not only the numbers in the apartment number matter, but also their number. Single-digit number is the simplest. He points out that everything is easy in the life of an apartment owner. He himself knows how to react to current events and in what direction to move in life.

The two-digit number indicates the dependence of the owner of the apartment on his desires. He has a hard time with setbacks and hardships.

A three-digit number in numerology indicates that a person will be completely satisfied. own life, if he manages to develop 3 areas: health, mind and feelings.

Important! With the help of numerology, you can track the whole life of a person.

Numerology of houses and apartments: how to calculate

First, in numerology, the number of a house is calculated, and then an apartment, and as a result they are summarized. For example, consider the address: st. Universitetskaya, 15, apt. 122.

The numerological number of the apartment is 2.

The meaning of the number of the apartment and house according to numerology

When the numerological number of the apartment is calculated, you can begin to decipher the results.

Number 1

The unit in the numerology of houses and apartments according to Feng Shui pushes a person to constant self-affirmation and an endless search for a place under the sun. This is a suitable option for people who are stubbornly moving towards their goal. Energy in this case will help them conquer new heights. In an apartment with a numerological number 1, it is easier to survive loneliness. Here, mental strength is quickly restored after parting with the second half.

For those who have not yet decided on their purpose in life, the energy of the home will allow them to do this accurately and in the shortest possible time. It will push you to discover new talents in yourself and develop them.

Living in an apartment with the numerological number 1, you can become purposeful, learn to set high goals and gradually achieve them. These qualities will make a person a leader who is self-confident and can rally a team around him.

However, the unit is not without its downsides. In numerology, it is believed that it leads to self-confidence and pride. She also does not predispose to finding a soul mate. Often family scandals occur in the room with numerological number 1, because everyone wants to be leaders, and no one wants to fade into the background.

Number 2

It is good for large families to live in an apartment with numerological number 2, since here all its members will get along well with each other. This is a good option for honeymooners. Under the influence of the deuce, the grinding of characters will occur painlessly. For lonely people, the energy of the home will help to meet a soul mate. Tough and scandalous personalities, living in such an apartment, will become softer and more compliant, and those who are too timid and shy will find true friends and helpers. To creative people this is where inspiration comes in.

As for the minuses, a dwelling with a numerological number of 2 will prevent its owner from becoming self-sufficient. There is no need to talk about leadership qualities in this case. Being under the influence of the deuce, one should prepare for the fact that already at the beginning of any undertakings there will be obstacles. This is not the most suitable place to live for convinced loners, as here they can become depressed.

Important! If a person lives in one apartment, but is registered in another, then you need to look at the value of the number of the dwelling in which he is regularly located.

Number 3

The owners of a home with a numerological number of 3 will always have fun. They will always (sometimes even against their will) fall into the cycle of interesting and exciting events. This is ideal for bohemian personalities who love hosting and partying.

In numerology, it is believed that the triple relieves a person of shyness and shyness, allows him to become the soul of the company. For those wishing to climb the social ladder, she will attract useful acquaintances who will help her to break into people.

However, not everything is always so rosy. If a person was initially frivolous, then under the influence of the three he will become a real reveler. At the same time, the apartment itself will turn into a passage courtyard, where there will never be peace. At the same time, the owner of the dwelling will be constantly distracted from work and household chores. A lonely person or an introvert can feel spiritual emptiness and disappointment with life here.

Number 4

Anyone who moves into a room with a numerological number 4 must eradicate frivolity in himself and become more serious. Otherwise, he will come into conflict with the energy of the home.

This is a favorable place for entrepreneurs and those who are determined to receive a stable profit. For those who have a high working capacity and strive to get rich, the energy of the home will bring success and prosperity. Even a lazy person will feel uncomfortable here, and in the end he will have to overcome his vice and start working at full strength. Only in this way will he get rid of complexes and chronic problems.

The psychological atmosphere here is calm and harmonious. Family members try to support each other in everything. In numerology, it is believed that the four attracts beautiful, cozy and comfortable things. These things will give the room a special charm and emphasize prosperity.

But, unfortunately, the number of apartment 4, according to numerology, does not always have a positive value. In such a room, it will be difficult for workaholics to switch from work to rest, which in the end will lead to severe fatigue.

Important! In a room with a numerological number 4, a variety of things will accumulate in large quantities. If the desire for hoarding is not controlled, they will literally fall out of the cabinets.

Number 5

The number 5 in numerology indicates that the life of the owners of the apartment will be filled with bright events, frequent moves and acquaintances. New people will constantly appear in their lives, and interesting prospects will never end. The energy of such an apartment will make even a calm person fidgety.

This home is ideal for an energetic person who leads an active lifestyle or has a profession associated with frequent moves and contacts with a large number of people.

The energy of the four will have a detrimental effect on introverts. This will lead to increased anxiety and nervousness. Even with strong nervous system people can not stand the constant haste and excessive communication, they are faced with severe fatigue. Therefore, in order not to get completely exhausted, you need to allocate time for rest and at least sometimes be alone and quiet.

In numerology, it is believed that the energy of the five makes it difficult to establish a calm life. Therefore, a person will be haunted by chaos and confusion.

Number 6

The owners of a dwelling with numerological number 6 can count on a calm, stable and well-fed life. There will always be prosperity in their house, and warm relations between family members. The energy of this apartment will contribute to the accumulation of resources necessary to cover the needs of residents. Moreover, in this case, we mean not only material resources but also spiritual. There will always be not only delicious food, but also interesting books, antique figurines and unusual items. The tenants of this apartment will have few friends. However, they will be permanent, reliable. Scandals between spouses and divorces are extremely rare here.

At the same time, experts in numerology assure that not everyone will like a monotonous and stable life. After some time, many will still wish for diversity, but the number 6 will in every possible way protect against this. As a result, a person can be sucked into the routine, and every day will begin to resemble Groundhog Day. It is very difficult to get out of this state.

Important! Numerology does not call for a change in existing housing. If a person has acquired this or that apartment, it means that it was necessary. In this case, numerology will tell you in which direction to move on.

Number 7

A person living in a room with numerological number 7 will always have time to think about the meaning of being. Lovers of philosophy, esotericists, scientists and just peculiar people will be magically attracted to it.

The energy that reigns here will tune even the most mundane and pragmatic person to the sublime. In such a dwelling, thoughts of wealth and luxury will fade into the background. At the same time, spiritual growth and development will be observed.

In numerology, the seven is the ideal number for people whose spiritual aspirations prevail over the desire to acquire material wealth. Poets, writers, artists, photographers, researchers will feel most comfortable here. However, the entrepreneur will most likely not like living here. Business acumen may disappear, and he will feel as if he is not at ease.

There will be no active exchange of emotions, and family members may become disengaged. Moreover, such a turn of events can be expected even by the most strong families. In addition, the seven can attract a large number of material problems that will fully declare themselves.

Number 8

Anyone who lives in a dwelling with numerological number 8 will definitely learn to dream boldly and confidently fulfill their desires. Usually the tenants of this apartment have to spend large amounts of money on family needs. However, this is not a reason to be upset. Most likely, the income here will be above average.

Numerologists say that the number eight attracts situations through which you can get rich. This is an ideal option for a person who knows what he wants and is ready for a lot to start living in abundance. Eight fills a person with energy, ambition and a desire for leadership.

For those who are afraid of change and do not want to take risks, it is better to refuse to buy this home. Otherwise, he will be constantly haunted by a sense of anxiety, danger and insecurity. It is quite another matter with those who are filled with ambitious hopes. In their case, it will be possible to realize the most cherished dreams.

However, do not forget that excessive ambition can become a source of many problems. Often, residents of a room with numerological number 8 overestimate their capabilities and demand too much from themselves. This leads to failure and disappointment.

Important! The number 8 can provoke dangerous and risky situations. Therefore, only cautious and prudent individuals can buy such an apartment.

Number 9

In numerology, the number of an apartment 9 indicates that its residents will often be visited by creative inspiration. Living here is recommended for individuals whose profession or hobby is related to art. Ideally, such apartments are suitable for singers, dancers, actors. Often even an ordinary person, having settled in this dwelling, discovers in himself any talents and abilities.

However, those who have material well-being in the first place in life should refuse to buy this apartment. Her energy will prevent the execution of the plan. Although this does not mean that a person will wallow in poverty. For creative individuals living here, money can come as a result of grandiose creative accomplishments.

In numerology, the energy of the nine contributes to the development of altruism and selflessness in a person. Thus, he may have a desire to make the world kinder, to change it into better side. Having settled here, a person may find that his intuition has increased. Particularly sensitive people may begin to visit prophetic dreams.

However, the energy of the nine can make a person with a weak character too detached from reality, and he will plunge into dreams and fantasies. In the most advanced cases, he may develop bad habits and various addictions. If impracticality is inherent in a person, then under the influence of the nine, this quality will increase many times over.

Apartment floor numerology

In numerology importance is attached not only to the numerological number of the dwelling, but also to the number of the floor on which it is located.

Here is how the floors of the house are interpreted in numerology:

  • 1 - this number gives a person ambition and aspiration for the ideal. The first floor is ideal for careerists.
  • 2 - this figure forces you to show greater tolerance for your neighbors. Often, the residents of the second floor are depressed and hover in the clouds.
  • 3 - the energy of such a number will direct a person to power and wealth. This will help to achieve a high position in society.
  • 4 - the residents of this floor are often dissatisfied with their own lives. They constantly complain about fate and cannot adequately perceive criticism.
  • 5 - according to housing numerology, this number contributes to rapid career growth and profits.
  • 6 is the ideal floor for family people. Peace, prosperity, comfort, solidarity and spiritual closeness - that's what those who settle here will get.
  • 7 - this floor is recommended for creative and spiritually developed people. Even when pragmatists and people with a mathematical mindset settle here, over time they begin to change.
  • 8 is an unfortunate floor in every sense of the word. Usually it is inhabited by maximalists with a limited vision of the world. They divide the world into black and white.
  • 9 - in the numerology of the home, this is a number with strong energy. By settling here, a person will be able to achieve his goal, whatever it may be.
  • 10 is the floor for real leaders. Living on it, a person will always strive for a higher position, both at work and among relatives and friends.
  • 11 - the energy of this number is able to empower a person strong character. This floor is suitable for ambitious and original people.
  • 12 - in numerology, it is believed that the energy emanating from this floor spoils the character of a person. As a result, he becomes insecure and constantly seeks support.
  • 13 is the right floor for innovators. Usually unusual personalities live here who strive to create something new. However, their ideas often remain misunderstood.
  • 14 - money becomes the meaning of life for the residents of this floor. It is ideal for those who want to get rich.
  • 15 - the energy of this number makes a person charismatic, so others will always be drawn to him.
  • 16 - according to numerology, this floor makes a person gambling and risky. The people who live here often travel and seek adventure.
  • 17 - the residents of this floor are very distinctive. They do not look for ideals and always decide for themselves what is good and what is bad.
  • 18 - the energy of this floor gives strength to achieve goals and realize desires. Often people living here are aggressive and irascible.
  • 19 - in numerology, it is believed that this number gives a person an imperious character. This can negatively affect his relationships with others if he does not learn to control leadership qualities.
  • 20 - the residents of this floor are mired in illusions. They are not adapted to the difficulties of real life.
  • 21 - the energy of this number contributes to material thoughts. For those who settle here, dreams come true in the shortest possible time.
  • 22 - vibrations on this floor will make a person insecure and timid.
  • 23 - the residents of this floor want a lot from life, but do nothing to achieve their goals.
  • 24 is the number of mental suffering and emotional instability. Living here, a person becomes submissive and patient, takes a negative attitude towards himself for granted.
  • 25 - the energy of variability and instability reigns here. Its residents are in search of something new and regularly rush from one extreme to another.


The numerology of an apartment is able to harmonize a person's life, influence his fate and bring happiness. Knowing the meanings various numbers, a person can become more confident in their plans and desires. Those who are just looking for housing, when choosing an apartment, you need to take into account numerology. This will maximize the positive impact and minimize the negative.

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