What is the best date to submit documents to the university? Submission of documents to the university - pitfalls and main nuances. Is there a respite from military service

Waterproofing 06.08.2020

On the eve of admission to Russian higher educational institutions, many future students are interested in the question - until what date to submit documents to the university.

There is a clear schedule of deadlines for submitting documents to universities, spelled out in the admission rules developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for submission of documents for budget places under the bachelor's and specialty programs

The bulk of applicants choosing bachelor's or specialist's programs will be able to start their admission from June 20... School graduates will receive their secondary education certificates only on June 24-25, so in reality on June 20, few will carry documents to admissions committee University. The main flow of graduates will go to apply only after the prom, i.e. after June 25-26.

For applicants entering only on a general basis (according to the passing USE scores, without the entrance profile exams of the university), deadline submission of documents - 26 July.

Applicants to faculties where additional creative tests are provided, for example, "journalism", "acting", "art history", design ", etc., the deadline for submission of documents is shortened from June 20 on 7 july... Creative tests in all universities are held at the same time - approximately from 11 on 26 July... Find out the exact information on the website of a specific university. It so happens that creative tests in two selected universities fell on one day. Do not be alarmed, there are reserve days for this.

Some Russian universities (for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO) conduct their own specialized exams. This year, the list of educational institutions that practice additional tests may expand.

When you submit documents, you should not immediately bring the original documents to the admissions office. At this stage, there is no need for them, and they will not affect the results of enrollment. The original documents will be required after you find yourself on the enrollment lists.

Terms of admission: until what date to submit documents to the university

The rules for admission to universities provide for two waves of admission to bachelor's and specialty.

  • First wave of enrollment provides 80% filling budget places... In order to get into it, documents and a statement of consent for enrollment must be brought before August 1... The order to enroll the first wave, as a rule, is already formed August 3rd and is freely available.
  • Second wave enrollment fills the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Enrollment consent and documents must be taken to the admissions office before 6 august... The enrollment order appears 8 August.

Deadlines for submission of documents to the magistracy (budget places)

Master's degree is the next stage of higher education. After the undergraduate degree, the student has the right to apply for a budgetary place in the university. Unfortunately, the end of the specialty program does not provide for such an opportunity.

It is better to clarify the deadlines for submission at the chosen university, since each educational institution has its own, but in any case, it will be necessary to submit documents no later than August 10.

Admission to the master's program always takes place on a competitive basis. Entrance tests for each university are individual, so check the information on the websites of the educational institution. Universities must provide all information for applicants to a master's program before June 1st.

Approximately at 20th of August there will already be enrollment orders. It should be borne in mind that there are very few budget-funded places in the magistracy. And if you do not manage to get into the list of lucky ones on the budget, then you will have the opportunity to enroll on a contract basis (for paid education). Bachelors who have received Russian diplomas of higher education can try to enroll in a master's program at foreign universities.

The Ministry of Education and Science in 2018 will continue to test new rules regarding the deadlines for admission to universities. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1147 was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, since 2017, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information on the dates of enrollment no later than October 1 of the new academic year. Including the information should reflect the terms for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such a concept as "consent to enrollment", but about everything in order.

Stages of admission to universities in 2018. Timing

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 01.06.2018, universities and institutions of secondary vocational education should announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

The number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- the total number of places for target admission,
- the number of places or benefits for the winners of the Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- a full schedule of entrance examinations for applicants (dates and locations are indicated).

- June 20- the beginning of the acceptance of documents for admission,
- 7 july- the last day of accepting documents from persons applying for the results of additional entrance exams,
- 10 july- the last day of accepting documents from applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July- the last day for accepting documents from applicants only on USE results

Results of enrollment in the university in 2018

- July 27- the last day for the institution to publish the lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority admission of applicants entering the university out of competition basis and in target areas (20% of the number of places in the university),

- July 29- the last day of publication of competitive lists of applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after 20% of applicants for priority admission.

What is "Consent to Enrollment" in the new university admission procedure?

The most important change in the procedure for admission to universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called "Consent to Enrollment". It is submitted by the applicant to the admissions office of the educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the order of the university on enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate a maximum of 3 specialties in his application, it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 2 days before the enrollment order is issued. Consent to enrollment is required for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program, it contains information regarding admission and admission. Those applicants who submit documents within the target enrollment quota must submit consent for admission immediately with an application for admission and the original document of education.

Terms and procedure for enrollment in the magistracy from 2018

For enrollment in a master's program, the start date for admission of documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while the documents of the universities finish accepting not earlier than August 10.

For all school graduates and future applicants in Russia, the most pressing issue today is admission to a higher educational institution. To enter a university, an applicant must pass the exam, collect the required list of documents, and also meet the deadlines for their submission.

The most important question that any applicant faces is "Where to submit documents?" After the student has decided on the university, he should find out how many and what documents should be submitted to the chosen institute. Basically, the list of required documents for admission to any university is the same. The list of required documents is as follows:

The law establishes that applicants who have certain rights when entering a university, submit the required list of documents in the original or only photocopies for submission.

You need to know that a military ID is included in the list of required documents for admission to a university for young men whose age is 17 years and older. Instead, you can submit an attributed certificate (certificate of a citizen who is subject to conscription).

For citizens who have disabilities due to health conditions, a slightly different list of documentation must be provided for admission to a university. The required list of documents for such applicants is as follows:

  1. conclusion issued by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  2. a certificate confirming that the applicant has a disability. Required document issued by a federal institution conducting medical and social examinations. In order for the relatives of the applicant to receive it, a power of attorney must be drawn up;
  3. a conclusion issued by a medical and social examination and testifying to the absence of contraindications for an incoming person to study at a university.

Applicants with disabilities of groups I and II for admission to the commission submit a photocopy or original certificate of disability, as well as a conclusion confirming the absence of contraindications for studying in higher educational institutions of their own free will.

When a person enters the target places, it is necessary to submit the originals of the documents on the received education, target direction, as well as confirmation of work with target groups, etc.

When a citizen enters a magistracy, educational institutions of the country require the following documentation:

  • a document that would certify the identity and citizenship of the incoming citizen;
  • diploma of completion of incomplete or complete higher education. You can provide a bachelor's degree abra or specialist;
  • documentation confirming the presence of certain achievements in the course of obtaining education (awards, diplomas, prizes, etc.). They should be presented at the request of the applicant;
  • Photo. There are two of them.

To enroll in evening (part-time) or part-time forms of study, the following documentation must be submitted:

  • diploma certifying the completion of the full general education... You must provide the original and a copy;
  • passport. You can present another document that can confirm the citizenship and identity of the incoming citizen.

For citizens who want to get a second higher education for the existing program of the evening (part-time) form of study, the following package of documentation must be submitted:

  • diploma of first higher education. You must provide two notarized copies;
  • a copy of the document confirming the fact of the surname change. It should be presented only if the surname in the diploma and in the passport does not match (upon marriage). A copy must be certified by a notary;
  • passport.

When submitting documentation foreign citizen, it must be submitted with a translation, which must be certified by a notary.

The staff of the commission who have accepted the applicant's documentation must issue him a receipt. Until the order of enrollment is issued, a person can take back the previously submitted documentation within 1 day. To do this, you need to write an appropriate application.

Prospective students should know that university documents can be submitted to the admissions office by registered letter and sent by mail. In addition, an electronic submission option is available today. But you need to know that the electronic application is filled out in accordance with the usual form. When using this option, it should be remembered that not every institution provides this opportunity.

When a citizen submits an incomplete list of required documentation, as well as when writing an application not in the prescribed form, admission to the institute will not be made until the existing shortcomings are corrected.

Each applicant who will enter the 1st year of any university has the right to submit a formalized application to five institutes, in each of which he can choose three specialties.

Deadline for submission

Every person entering a higher education institution in 2017 must know the main dates in order to have time to prepare for all the activities that are necessary for his admission:

Applicant's calendar for 2017:

  1. the USE is held within a month from May 25 to June 26;
  2. Universities publish the admission plan for applicants on June 1;
  3. all institutes start accepting documents from applicants from June 19;
  4. the end of the acceptance of the necessary documentation from persons who hand over additional entrance exams in professional and creative directions, takes place on July 6;
  5. the end of the acceptance of documents from citizens who come based on the results of entrance exams takes place on July 10;
  6. the deadline for accepting documents from citizens applying for the USE results takes place on July 24. On the same day, entrance exams are completed, which are independently conducted at the institutes;
  7. the list of applicants is published by all educational institutions on July 27;
  8. the end of admission of incoming citizens for targeted admission without passing entrance exams takes place on July 29;
  9. the order on the enrollment of newcomers is published on July 30;
  10. acceptance of originals from applicants ends on August 3;
  11. the order on the enrollment of citizens of the first stage is published on August 4;
  12. the end of accepting originals from persons who were included in the competition list ends on August 6;
  13. the order on the enrollment of citizens of the second stage is published on August 7.

Thus, from July 30 to August 3, persons are enrolled in 80% of budget places, and from August 4 to August 6, the remaining 20% ​​are added.

Deadline for submission of documentation:

  • if it is necessary to pass entrance exams for creative specialties, admission takes place until July 5;
  • when passing intra-university additional and specialized exams - until July 10;
  • according to the results of passing the exam, the admission takes place until July 25.

In the case of sending documents by mail, this procedure should be completed before July 10. Often, the deadline for submission does not change. Small shifts of one or two days are allowed. Therefore, in order to accurately invest in the allotted time, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the relevant information on the official website of your chosen higher educational institution. It is advisable not to delay the submission of documents and go to the admissions office in the first days of its work in order to be on time for sure.

Knowing the deadline for submission, as well as the list of required documentation, you can easily and quickly carry out all the necessary steps to register for admission to a higher educational institution.

Video "Features of admission to the university in 2017"

The recording contains the comments of the executive secretary of the selection committee on changes in the admission rules and the specifics of admission to universities in 2017 in Russia.

1. What documents are needed?

When submitting documents: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate (all pages), benefits (if any), achievements (Only those that are taken into account by the university. Each university has its own list. You can find it in the section of the rules for admission to the university "Accounting individual achievements applicants ").
Upon admission: original certificate, photo 6 pcs, medical certificate form 086u.
Each direction of bachelor's / specialist's training has its own set of documents!

2. How many universities can you submit documents confirming preferential conditions?

The privilege can be used when submitting documents only at 1 university. In other universities, you will be held in a general competition.

3. Do I need to certify copies of documents?

Copies of documents need to be certified only if you do not submit the documents yourself (parents, relatives, etc.).

4. What are the deadlines for submitting documents?

Until July 26 (For those who enroll only in the exam for full-time or part-time education on a budget).

There is no relationship between the date of submission of documents and the place in the final ranking!
- on July 5 (Or 10) (If you have additional entrance tests at the university itself (Find out specifically)).

Date of submission of the original certificate and statement of consent to enrollment (This is an innovation of this year. You can write this application at each university no more than two times. It is submitted for a specific area of ​​study. Even with a certificate, but no application, you will NOT be enrolled):
The first wave - until 18:00 on August 1. The enrollment order will be released on 3 August.
The second wave - until 18:00 on August 6. The enrollment order will be released on August 8th.

If you want to be enrolled in the 1st wave, then in your university you must have the entire package of documents + the original certificate and a statement of consent until 18:00 on August 1st.

5. How to submit documents?

Documents can be submitted in person / by mail / in electronic form (Be careful! In most universities, this form of submission does not cancel personal presence).

The original of the certificate and the statement of consent to enrollment can be submitted in person or by mail.

6. Can I apply to both college and university?

Yes, and the number of colleges where you can apply is not limited.

7. Do I need to come with my parents to submit documents?

It is only necessary if you are not yet 18 years old and you conclude a study contract with the university.

Questions about enrollment:

1. What to do with the original of the certificate during the waves?

You give the original of the certificate when submitting documents or during the waves. Without the original, you will not be enrolled in any university. The original document can be collected at any time.
Better not to rush to serve it.

2. What are stages 1 and 2 of enrollment?

The first wave is the enrollment of 80% of certificates (originals only) of the first in the rating of USE points from the number of budget places.

For example, if 10 budget places are allocated, then the first 8 people (80%) in the ranking will be enrolled in the first wave with a certificate and consent to enrollment.
The second wave is 20%.

3. Is it true that the likelihood of being admitted is higher if you immediately submit the original of the certificate?

Questions about admission:

1. Is it possible to enter a university with triplets in the certificate?

Yes. Your grades do not affect anything. There is no account of the average grade of the certificate.

2. For what can you get additional points to the exam?

For the TRP badge, certificate with honors, olympiads of various levels, essay, volunteering, etc.

3. Is it possible to apply for a contract and then transfer to the budget?

Yes, but only on condition that someone is deducted from the budget.

4. Is it possible to apply for part-time education on a budget?

5. Is it possible to enter one university for full-time education, and in another for correspondence?

Yes, provided that one of them is paid.

- statement;

- ticket (if available);

After the collapse of the USSR, many of our compatriots from friendly republics were faced with the fact that they suddenly became foreign citizens. The politics of some former Soviet republics, the turbulent situation and the lack of normal earnings, often force people to return to Russia, and there is an urgent need to obtain Russian citizenship. But is it so easy to get citizenship v Moscow?

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - birth certificate;
  • - receipt with paid state duty;
  • - 3 photos.


Remember that you can become a citizen of Russia by birth, upon receipt, upon restoration of the citizenship of the Russian Federation. If your child is in Russia and one or both of them had citizenship RF, in this case the child becomes without legal delays. Refusal to obtain citizenship can lead to a change in the constitutional order, criminals who have not served their time, false information about themselves and the use of forged documents.

Write an application to the department of visas and registration, attaching the necessary package of documents, which the OVIR inspectors will inform you about, pay the state duty in the amount of 1000 rubles and in 6-7 months you will receive the long-awaited passport. If one of the spouses has citizenship RF, then the second spouse goes through the procedure for obtaining a simplified scheme.

If you have to get citizenship according to the usual scheme, keep in mind that the prerequisites for this are the continuous residence of a person in Russia for 5 years, compliance with the Constitution and the legislation of the Russian Federation, a constant official source of income, knowledge of Russian. Advances in science and technology can also serve as a condition for obtaining Russian citizenship. The term for consideration of the application is up to one year. The procedure is similar to that of the simplified system: a receipt with paid state duty, photographs, an application and an attached, detailing your territorial movements in Russian Federation.

If you have previously had citizenship RF, you apply in the usual way; if you still live in, contact a diplomatic mission or consulate outside the Russian Federation; if you live in Russia - to the local government of the federal executive body of the Russian Federation. The period of uninterrupted residence in Russia must be at least 3 years.

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Upon admission to a higher educational institution, the applicant must provide a number of documents. For some selected categories citizens (disabled people, persons who have come from military service by conscription) have their own nuances of providing the necessary documentation.

2. Document () on the presence of an average complete general (original or copy).
3. Certificate of the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) results, original or copy.
4. Identity documents of the applicant (passport), original or copy.
5. Photos (usually 6-8 photos in 3x4 format).
6. Medical certificate (required only in some universities).

Persons who have served on conscription and quit due to the end of their term, have the right, within a year from the date of dismissal from service, to provide the USE results they received during the year before conscription. They also present, upon admission to the university, among other documents, a military ID.

Applicants who have special rights or privileges for admission to universities, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, submit the original or a photocopy of the documents confirming them.

Applicants with disabilities and health indicators provide an original or a photocopy of any of the following documents:

1. Conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
2. Certificate on the establishment of the group, issued by the institution of the medical and social commission of federal significance.

Disabled children, as well as people with disabilities of I and II groups, who are eligible for admission to universities out of competition, provide an original or a photocopy of certificates of disability and a medical certificate that there are no contraindications for studying at a higher educational institution.

Persons entering must also introduce a specialist or.
Applicants entering target places must submit original educational documents.


  • what documents are needed for the exam

The first step in education - secondary school - has been passed. And if you decide to continue your path to knowledge and become a specialist with a higher education, feel free to submit documents to the university.

Call the admissions office of the university of your choice or go to the website of this educational institution and specify the list of documents that you need to enter this university. The requirements of different educational institutions may differ. If you are focusing on information received from the site, please note that this information is up to date. If the list of documents was published last year, then it could have changed.

An approximate list of documents that you will need upon admission will be as follows: passport and photocopy of passport sheets with a photograph and information about your place of residence, receipt document, documents on passing the exam, photographs, a certificate or ticket for those liable for military service, as well as a medical certificate for those who enter the daytime department. You can get this certificate at your clinic. Do not put it off until the last day - it will take you quite a long time to bypass all the doctors.

Check if the university accepts photocopies of documents. Also, if you are the winner of any contests or olympiads, certificates and other evidence of your victories or their photocopies must be attached to the rest of the papers.

Find out the time of submission of documents to the selected educational institution and go to the admissions office. You should not do this on the last day, otherwise you risk spending several hours in line. The representative of the commission will give you an application addressed to the rector, which will need to be filled out according to the established template. After that, you give the application along with the documents to the member of the selection committee. Your papers are filed, and you are given a receipt, which officially makes you an applicant for this university, and also allows you to pick up the documents in case of need.

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Russian legislation allows citizens who have successfully passed entrance examinations in state universities, get higher education for free. And in order to increase their chances of admission, applicants can apply and participate in the competition from several educational institutions at once.

The procedure for admission to institutions of higher vocational education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 2895 of December 28, 2011, provides for applicants the opportunity to enroll in 5 universities at the same time, as well as choose in each of them up to 3 specialties or areas. In any case, the first step is to apply to the selected universities for admission to the first year.

The list of required documents is the same for all universities:
- statement;
- passport or other identity document;
- a document on education (certificate, diploma of a secondary or higher professional educational institution);
- 4 photos (in case you need to pass additional tests or take exams conducted by the university independently);
- ticket (if available);
- documents confirming the right to benefits.

Basic information about a potential student should be stated in the application. It indicates: surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the applicant, his passport data, chosen areas or specialties, information about education, the results of the exam, participation in Olympiads, the availability of benefits, as well as the need to provide a hostel. In addition, the applicant must confirm in writing that he is receiving for the first time and submits documents to no more than 5 universities. You also need to sign that he is familiar with the license and certificate of accreditation of the university, the rules for filing appeals based on the results of entrance examinations and the date of submission of the original certificate of education.

Applicants, at their discretion, can submit both originals and photocopies of documents, and for members of the admissions committee there is a direct prohibition to require the original certificate or diploma, as well as other documents not provided for in the list. It is most optimal to submit photocopies to each of the selected universities: this will allow in the future to timely submit the original document on education to the educational institution to which the applicant is applying for the competition, and not to waste time picking it up from the office of another university.

Annually, the acceptance of applications for admission to the first year begins no later than June 20, and ends depending on the type of entrance examinations accepted by the university:
- if necessary, passing additional exams of a creative or professional orientation - July 5;
- if the university conducts entrance examinations on its own - July 10;
- upon admission solely based on the results of the exam - July 25.

The best time to apply to the admissions committee - the deadline when it is already possible to estimate the approximate number of applicants, the competition and the passing score. However, when submitting documents to several universities, you should still inquire about the beginning and end of the acceptance of applications in each of them.

Admission to several universities at once is not an easy task, especially if they are located in different cities. However, you can avoid standing in lines at the admissions office if you send an application for admission to the first year by mail, attaching photocopies of the necessary documents, or in digital form, if the university provides such an opportunity. But it should be remembered that the university will accept the application only if it is before the completion of the acceptance of documents.

Since 2009, the overwhelming majority of Russian universities have switched to taking entrance exams at USE form... On the one hand, this simplified admission, since now applicants need to pass exams only once, but on the other hand, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure for submitting documents.


Go to the websites of the universities you are interested in in advance, preferably in May, and find out the deadlines for submitting documents at each university. They may differ for different groups of applicants. Graduates of this year's school usually must apply by the twentieth of July. Those who graduated from school earlier and must pass the USE again usually register at the university before the beginning of July. Separate terms are determined for applicants in creative specialties, who, in addition to the USE, must pass additional entrance exams.

If the university is located in your city, come there in person. Take your passport and a copy of it, a copy of your school leaving certificate and copies of your USE certificates. If you are applying to only one university, you can immediately submit the originals of the certificate and USE certificates. If you belong to one of the privileged categories, bring documents confirming this - certificates of victory at the Olympiads, certificates of disability, documents confirming the passage of military service or other papers. Fill out an application for admission on the spot. You can choose up to three majors in one university.

For applicants from other cities, submission of documents by mail is provided. Send only copies of documents to ensure that the originals are not lost. It is best to send your documents by registered mail.

Wait for the announcement of the results of student enrollment. If you are accepted, please bring or send the original of your school leaving certificate to your chosen institution. Wait for the enrollment order to be published and check that it contains your surname. If you are not on the lists of the first wave, do not be discouraged - if some of the applicants decide to enter another place, you can be enrolled in the second wave of student admission, which takes place in early August.

In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents are obliged to support their own children who have not reached the age of majority. An adult is a citizen aged 18 and over. Parents can voluntarily establish the form and procedure for providing support for their children, but such issues are most often resolved through the courts.

You will need

  • - statement of claim,
  • - power of attorney (if necessary),
  • - an extract from the house book,
  • - Marriage certificate,
  • - certificate (s) of the birth of the child (children),
  • - a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 100 rubles,
  • - other documents at the discretion of the plaintiff.


In case of consent of both parents, they can conclude an agreement on the payment of alimony, which consists of writing and must be certified by a notary. If there are irreparable disagreements on this issue, the amount and procedure for collecting funds is established by the court.

Cases for the issuance of a court order are considered by justices of the peace. Claims for the recovery of alimony, as well as challenging or establishing paternity, fall under the responsibility of federal judges. The amount of the state duty for considering a claim or an application for the issuance of a court order for the recovery of alimony is 100 rubles.

The plaintiff himself has the right to decide whether to submit an application to the court at his place of residence or at the place of residence of the defendant.

The claimant must personally sign the application for the recovery of alimony. In addition to the claimant himself, his representative can sign the application, but in this case, a power of attorney will also need to be attached to the application. The rest of the documents that are submitted with the application are listed in the "You need" section.

The court issues an order within 5 days from the date of receipt of the statement of claim for the issuance of a court order. The order is made by the judge, without calling any proceedings or calling any of the parties.

Thus, the application for the recovery of alimony together with the documents attached to it is submitted to the district court, the application for the issuance of a court order for the recovery (and the documents attached thereto) - to the magistrate in person or by mail. World and federal judges conduct personal reception on a first-come, first-served basis. Office hours at federal and justices of the peace in Moscow: Monday from 9:00 to 13:00, Thursday from 14:00 to 18:00.

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According to the current legislation, both parents, if they are capable, are obliged to support their minor children. In the event of a divorce, a family member living separately is obliged to pay alimony in the amount agreed by the parties or by the court.

You will need

  • - statement of claim;
  • - Marriage certificate;
  • - birth certificate of the child;
  • - an extract from the house book;
  • - receipt of payment of state duty.


Parents can conclude an agreement on the payment of alimony without the participation of the court and representatives of the guardianship authorities. The document is drawn up in writing, after which both parties sign it and secure it through a notary. If the parents have disagreements on the amount and procedure for collecting alimony or other issues, the procedure for their registration is established through the court.

Send your statement of claim to the magistrate's court at your place of residence or the place of residence of the defendant. If there is a serious disagreement about the recovery of alimony, or if there is a dispute about establishing or challenging paternity, a claim should be filed in federal court. Please note that when submitting an application, you must pay a state fee in the amount of 100 rubles and attach the received receipt to the document.

Sign the alimony claim before filing it in court in person, or entrust it to your official representative. V this case one of mandatory documents acting as an attachment to the claim, there will be a power of attorney. Also attach a marriage certificate, birth certificates of all existing children, as well as an extract from the house book confirming your residence permit.

Wait until the court considers the application and makes its decision. Usually the term of the proceedings does not exceed 5 days. The magistrate has the right to resolve the conflict that has arisen alone. The federal court sets a date for the proceedings, in which both parents and their children are required to participate, as well as the guardianship authorities. The court makes a final decision and, through a writ of execution, obliges one of the parents to pay alimony in the established amount and within the specified period. Evasion of the payment of alimony threatens the debtor with both administrative and criminal penalties.

In the event of a divorce, one of the parents, who in the future will live separately, must support the child financially until the onset of his majority. You can draw up an alimony agreement through a notary or in court.

Documentation. If the former spouses have no disagreements about who and how will make the due payments, they can arrange them with a notary. For this, a statement is drawn up, which is signed by both parties and then submitted to a lawyer for consideration. If there is any dispute between the father and the mother of the child, it is necessary to draw up a statement of claim and submit it to the magistrate's court at the place of residence of the defendant (that is, a person who is obliged to pay alimony, but evades this obligation). In some cases, it is allowed to file a claim at the place of residence of the plaintiff.

Start collecting the documents you need to start a child support litigation. First, you can pay the appropriate state duty (for example, at Sberbank) and receive a receipt. The court clerk will tell you the details for payment. Then make a copy of the marriage certificates, birth certificates of the child, and also attach to the package of documents certificates of the child's place of residence and wages the respondent (if the relevant data is available).

Start drafting your claim as soon as all Required documents... Study article 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in order to draw up a document in accordance with all the rules. You can arrange it in printed or handwritten form, be sure to put your signature at the end. In the application, indicate all the information you have about the defendant, including his full name of the defendant and contact details, as well as your details, to which the defendant will have to send payments in the future according to the court decision. Transfer the package of documents and the drawn up claim to the court office in person or send it by mail. Within 5-10 days, the court will consider the application, accompanying documents in the case and notify you of the start date of the trial.

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