A conspiracy for mutual love and sympathy for a girl and a guy. Conspiracies and love spells on socks How to speak a man on worn socks

Decking 27.12.2021

Every woman wants to be loved, but not always the object of love reciprocates. When all attempts to achieve personal happiness fail, you can turn to folk wisdom. Conspiracies for love will help to get a reciprocal feeling.

Traditionally, the man has been given the main role in establishing a love relationship. He is the initiator of acquaintance, and later the earner and head of the family. The modern world blurs the line between traditional masculine and feminine functions, and women rise up the career ladder and win men's hearts on their own. However, some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity still find it difficult to take the initiative when meeting, and strong ladies in their hearts always want to be an object of conquest, and not a conqueror. In these cases, knowledge that has come to us from the depths of centuries can help: a woman in love only needs to read a conspiracy, and a man will independently begin to act and win her love.

In the case of strong unrequited love on the part of a woman, conspiracies will help attract the desired attention and get reciprocity. And for those whose relationship has cracked, the conspiracy will warm up the cooled love, eliminate problems and regain happiness.

Conspiracy for mutual love

You need to pronounce a conspiracy in solitude and silence. Remember that the effect is generated not only by the text, but also by the environment and the feelings that you experience at the time of the ritual. Therefore, you should focus on your desire as much as possible and clearly present the image of the one to whom this conspiracy is intended.

A conspiracy to receive reciprocity from a person for whom you have unrequited feelings is read at dawn, at the moment when the sun begins to rise from the horizon. If the sun is visible from your window, stand in front of it and open the window frame. If you live on the shady side, you need to go outside.

Turn your face to the east and look at the rising sun, blinking as little as possible. Say three times the text of the conspiracy:

The sun lights up after the darkness - love for me is kindled in you. As I can’t take my eyes off the sun, so you look at me. Morning with the sun is inseparable, and we will be inseparable with you. As the light of the sun does not fade, so your love will not fade away. Amen.

Bow three times to the east and go home. Try to meet with the man to whom the conspiracy is directed on the same day. Soon you will begin to receive signs of attention from him.

A conspiracy to kindle a cooled love

Suitable in case a long relationship has faltered, a man began to show interest in other women and stopped paying attention to you.

For a conspiracy, you need a small piece of bread and a pinch of salt. You need to pronounce it in the room where there is a bed on which you and your husband sleep. Stand facing the bed, take bread in your left hand, salt in your right. Salt the bread by saying the following words:

Bread and salt are inseparable, mother and father meet with bread and salt, they treat newlyweds with bread and salt. So we are inseparable, so we will meet children, so we will remain newlyweds for life. Feelings will not fade away, you will not go further than the bed of the family. Amen.

Cross your bed, and then eat half of the charmed bread. Your husband should eat the other half. After a while, his love will flare up with renewed vigor, and harmony in the relationship will be restored.

Conspiracy for the emergence of feelings

Suitable for those cases when a woman is embarrassed to take the initiative, but at the same time wants a relationship.

Such a conspiracy is pronounced at night in front of a candle. Keeping in mind the image of a man in whom you want to awaken feelings, look at the fire and read the following text:

The candle is burning - love is glowing in you. It will burn down to the middle - your love will come to me. Feelings burn brightly, brighter than fire. Amen.

The candle should burn to the middle. After that, put out the flame and go to bed. Soon the man will begin to seek your favor.

Before turning to the power of conspiracies, think carefully about whether you need a person’s love, because such prisushki have a strong and lasting effect. We wish you strong love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2015 00:40

If a tragedy happened in your life and a loved one left for another woman, then it is best to seek help from higher ...

An article on the topic: "love spell on a guy's socks on the website love spell master" will help you do everything right.

How to choose the right place and time

In order for a love spell with clothes on a man to be effective, you need to choose the right time for the ceremony. Magical powers work better in the late evening and at night, especially during the new moon. Most often, such rituals are performed at midnight. There should be no other people in the room and no lighting other than a candle.

How to protect yourself during a love spell

Many girls do not know that when performing a love spell, you must definitely protect yourself so as not to "pick up" someone else's negative energy. At any moment, a rollback can occur - the reverse effect of spells. Before you independently conduct a ritual, you need to learn how to put protection.

If this is white magic, you can read a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik. In addition, you should have a talisman with you. You can buy it or make it yourself and consecrate it in the church. When performing a love spell using black forces, you should not rely on a consecrated amulet. In this dark matter, God and the saints will not help you.

What clothes to take

Clothing for the ceremony is taken only worn. A person must pass in it for at least 2 days. After the ritual, the thing cannot be washed, because washing will remove all the necessary information from the clothes.

You should choose something that will last a few more days without washing. The best option is casual wear. You can take a T-shirt or sweatpants in which your young man goes to workouts at a fitness club, but you must be sure that your chosen one will not send them to the laundry before putting them back on. In addition, clothing should be matched to the season. For example, if you perform a ceremony in the summer on a scarf, the result will be zero.

What else to prepare for the ritual

In love spells on clothes, men's socks, shirts, blood, nails, hair, etc. are often used. For the ritual, it is better to take water from a spring, because a simple liquid can be harnessed by negative energy.

How to make a love spell on clothes for a man

There are different types of love spells using clothes. Their implementation does not require any special skills. It is better to perform magical rites on a growing moon so that their strength gradually increases. All actions must be confident and firm. Consider a few common options for a love spell on clothes.

For spring water

Take any item your loved one has recently worn and put it in a safe place. At midnight, close yourself in the room, light candles, lay out the clothes of the bewitched in front of you and sprinkle it with spring water. In this case, you need to read the magic words 13 times:

“As your clothes are irrigated with tears, so your heart will begin to suffer for (your name) and there will be no rest for it. Day and night it will toil, trying to connect with (your name). Not for one moment or one day, but forever. Pure water from a spring will connect us for life. The water will go to the sky, and the soul will cling to the soul.

Dry your clothes and put them back in place. Have your loved one wear this item the next day.

With a glass of plain water

This love spell is used if you need to start a relationship with the man you like. The performed ritual will warm up the feelings of the chosen one, and he will definitely show interest in you. For the ceremony you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • bewitched shirt;
  • church candle.

A love spell is performed on the growing moon on Women's Day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The best time is twilight.

Retire in a room, sit by the window and light a candle on the windowsill. Put the shirt of your loved one next to it. Stare at the candle flame for a few minutes. This will help you clear your mind and enter a light trance state. Take a sip of water from a glass and start reading the plot:

Voditsa heals the throat, cleanses the soul. I will fly away to my beloved and make him happy. He will begin to walk on a thread, on a rope, he will only see (your name) and want to be happy with her. Happiness is like drinking water from a glass. I will put on the clothes of a dear one and enter into his thoughts. I will bewitch his heart to mine, I will make myself a husband out of him. He will not be able to resist, and he will not, because he loves, as he has never loved anyone in his life. I will put on the clothes of my beloved, I will stay in it for the night, and I will put my love on him forever.

Drink some water, put on a shirt and go to bed. In the shirt of a bewitched person, you need to sleep for 7 nights. After that, the spell will take effect.

For nettles

If you notice that a man began to stare at other women, make a love spell on the clothes of a loved one using nettles. It is advisable to collect the grass on the day of the ceremony so that it is fresh. If this is not possible, buy a pack of dry nettles at the pharmacy.

At midnight, pick up the things of your loved one and sprinkle them with nettle leaves. Think how burning leaves touch the body of a loved one and thus make him suffer. Say the following words aloud:

“As the nettle stings and burns the body (the name of the chosen one) with fire, so his soul will yearn, the mind will freeze, and the blood will go cold. Longing will draw him home to his destiny. How not to throw off burning leaves from yourself, and not to disperse sadness (the name of a loved one), until he returns to his fate. When he comes, he will swear in eternal love.

On a wooden spoon

Before carrying out the ritual, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your feelings for the bewitched person. For a love spell you will need:

  • a recent photograph of a loved one;
  • 14 church candles;
  • a small pot of water;
  • wooden spoon;
  • 7 tablespoons of salt;
  • thread or button from the clothes of the chosen one;
  • a piece of clothing from which a button or thread has been cut.

The ceremony should be carried out late in the evening in the kitchen. It is better to turn off your mobile phone beforehand so that a random call does not interfere with your business. Arrange lit candles on the table. Hang the photo on the wall at eye level. Put a pot of water on the fire, pour salt into it and boil for 7 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. At the same time, you need to repeat the words: "Be there, love forever."

Remove a photograph from the wall, put it face down on the table, drip some wax from the candle and press a thread or button into it. Drop the wax again on top and say the words:

“Pier to (your name) chosen one, like a button (thread) stuck to a photograph. Stay with her forever."

When the wax has completely hardened, remove it from the photo along with the pressed element and sew this detail into the clothes of the bewitched. Put the item back and wait for the man to put it on. As soon as this happens, the spell will take effect. The chosen one will begin to show interest in you, but you should not count on strong love, because his feelings will not be sincere.

After that, drain the water into the washbasin, extinguish the candles and go to bed. Don't tell anyone about the spell. If someone else finds out about the magical effect, it will not work.

On grave ground

The most dangerous love spell is done on the ground from the grave. To do this, you need to go to the cemetery at night. The ritual is required to be performed alone. Do not forget to take the clothes of the bewitched with you. In the cemetery, find three graves with the name of your lover, and take a handful of earth from each. Scatter this earth on the path, put a thing on top and cast a spell:

“Do not wear a hat to the deceased (name of the person) and the living (name of the betrothed), without (your name) you cannot live in peace.”

The plot is repeated 9 times. This ritual is capable of greatly harming a person. In this case, not only the bewitched will suffer, but also the one who makes the love spell, therefore, without prior preparation, the ritual should not be carried out.

With a mirror

The love spell of a guy on clothes with mirrors is a powerful ritual that requires special knowledge. To carry it out, you need to prepare:

  • a piece of clothing of the bewitched;
  • two church candles;
  • red tablecloth;
  • mirror.

The ritual must be carried out alone with the following sequence:

  1. Cover the table with a tablecloth.
  2. Put a mirror in the center of the table, candles on the sides.
  3. Put your clothes in front of a mirror.

Light the candles and, stroking the thing with your hand, read the plot:

“I (your name) ask the forces of heaven to unite fate with the servant of God (name of the chosen one). From now on and forever."

When the candles burn out, remove everything from the table to a secret place. Put your clothes back in the morning and wait for the spell to take effect.

Through women's blood

This ritual will help you forever bind your loved one to you. Choose a day on the waxing moon. Prepare:

  • the hair of a loved one and your own hair is not from your head;
  • saucer without drawings;
  • needle;
  • red candle.

Wait for the evening, light a candle and proceed to the ritual. Tie your hair in a knot, pierce any finger on your left hand with a needle and squeeze out some blood on a saucer. Soak the hairs in your blood, wrap in clean paper and hide under the mattress on the bed where you sleep. As long as the bundle lies in the cache, the beloved will always be there. You can also use love spells on menstrual blood and blood from a finger.

For the return of her husband

If the husband left for another woman, you can perform a simple ritual for his return. Take from the wardrobe any thing that the man did not have time to pick up, but he will definitely return for it. Read the plot on her:

“Return for your clothes, return by yourself to (the name of the abandoned wife). Disappear (the name of the rival), the homeowner, you won’t get (the name of the husband), it’s better to disappear right away. ”

Love spell on socks

Buy socks for your loved one. When the seller gives them to you, mentally say:

"Socks, I attract a sweetheart."

Arriving home, turn both socks inside out and in those places where the toes will be, embroider small crosses with any thread. Say as you work:

“I don’t embroider a sock, but I send a message to my beloved’s heart.”

After that, turn the socks back, fold them carefully and read the plot:

“Just as you can’t do without socks, you can’t live without (your name). They save you from the cold, and (your name) from heartache. Socks protect your feet, and (your name) your heart and soul. I will be with you every minute, day and night, always. I will give socks - I will give love, I will give myself - I will receive love.

A love spell on socks is carried out on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It will begin to act after you present socks to your chosen one.

How to bewitch a girl on clothes

Take the girl's favorite thing that she wears more often than others. Close yourself in the room, put your clothes in front of you and read the plot:

“As this thing loves (the name of the girl), so I will be loved - forever and endlessly. As a child cries without mother's milk, so (girl's name) will not live without me. So that she misses (your name), grieves, wants to hug, does not know another man. He will wear this thing, remember his beloved. Let it be as it is said."

Bring the thing to your lips and whisper three times:

“It will be so! It will be so! It will be so!”

Quietly return the clothes to their place so that the girl does not suspect anything.

The consequences of a love spell

Love spells on clothes are considered safe, despite the fact that they are performed in the late evening or at night. But this is not a sign that the rites belong to black magic rituals. At such a time, a person's energy becomes weak and cannot resist the effects of magical forces. In addition, at night it is easier to get a piece of clothing.

But, despite this, after you cast a love spell on socks or on any other thing, after 1-2 weeks, the negative consequences of outside interference in a person’s energy may appear.

The most common problem is jealousy, which makes life together unbearable. In addition, difficulties may arise at work or health may deteriorate. A love spell has a strong influence on the mental state of a person. If he already has any deviations, performing a magical rite will significantly strengthen them.

The strongest ritual is for blood, and especially with the use of menstruation. It forms a powerful sexual attraction. The consequences of such love spells can be the most terrible, so it is better to refuse to carry them out and choose a more harmless option. If a woman makes a mistake during the ritual, he will turn against the bewitching one. It can be a strong surge of conflicting emotions that disrupts the work of the whole organism. The woman will feel constant fatigue and emptiness. This will be followed by illness and other troubles.

Online fortune-telling: is this particular spell right for you?

Have you chosen your ritual? Check if it is suitable for you and your destiny?

Mankind has come up with many different love spells so that the beloved is very homesick, only some of them are appropriate to read during the day, some require you to go out at night and do strange things in deserted places. But not for all rituals, the place where you will conduct them is important, more often you need to focus on the lunar phase.

The growing moon is considered the best period for witchcraft. Inducing boredom and sadness refers to weak and short-acting magic spells, many love spells only help to kindle feelings and make a man remember you once again, dial your number, see you in a dream.

There are principles that apply to all varieties of love magic, whether you perform witchcraft rituals at home or not. You always need to conjure without witnesses, you can’t talk about magic to anyone. Maximum concentration is needed on the spoken words, they must be pronounced clearly. If you suspect that the love spell didn't work, it's worth the wait. Repeating magical words and actions repeatedly is dangerous for your energy, this will not increase the chances of achieving the goal, but will only move you away from it.

In many love spells, a photograph is used, it must be kept with you, carried in your wallet, under the cover of your passport, in your bag. It is advisable not to show it to anyone.

Ritual options for melancholy

Before you start choosing the right way to get the attention of a person who is indifferent to you, you should realize that longing is not always a pleasant state of love yearning. A bewitched person can quit his job, stop being interested in anything else, he will only think about you. By witchcraft, you will be able to kindle strong feelings in him and bind him, but this will not be love, but an unhealthy addiction, an obsession that brings suffering instead of happiness.

For a single man

Do you know what days are most favorable for divination and magical rites? Leave your Email in the field below and we will notify you in advance! You will receive the most suitable divination, love spells, conspiracies and rituals for this day! + Bonus - 8 books about magic.

A wormwood love spell for longing will attract a man who has never entered into a marriage bond. Collect bitter wormwood with your own hands, lay it out at home until completely dry, after which you need to find a place where there are no people and you can make a fire. Keep the fire low and the grass smoldering but not burning. Before putting it in the fire, cut the ball of your finger and squeeze some blood onto the bundle.

When it starts to smolder, say:

“wormwood, bitter grass, give bitter melancholy for (his name) for (your name). Amen".

Look at the fire, wait until the grass decays without a trace.

To a married man

You can magically attract the attention of someone else's spouse, even without worn things or photographs of this person and being at a distance, you will have to read the plot while walking around the cemetery. But the effectiveness of witchcraft depends in this case on many factors. Here the strength of your chosen one's love for his wife is crucial.

In addition, it is not known whether he will be able to guess that only you will alleviate his longing. If you rarely see each other or live in different cities, a man may begin to yearn next to his family, but find no other way out but to drink or start seducing everyone.

It is necessary to conduct a ceremony for love on the day of the month in which the beloved was born. Not on the birthday itself, but on the corresponding date of each month, so long as it does not coincide with the weekend, when it is customary to visit deceased relatives.

Walk along the cemetery paths for at least an hour and a half, saying in a whisper:

“Relatives yearn for the dead. Longs for (his name) for (your name). As the grave is terrible for the living, so it will be terrible for you, (his name), from now on your wife, (the name of his wife). As the living grieve in the cemetery, so you will yearn and grieve near your wife. As the grave of the deceased will not let go, so I will not let you go, (his name).

When you are about to leave, scoop up a handful of earth with your bare hand. It should be taken to the man's house and scattered nearby. But if your beloved lives so far away that it is impossible to get there on the day of the ritual, just develop the earth in the most deserted place.

Option for couples

There is also an option that helps wives who feel the indifference of legal husbands and want to change this. Buy socks for your spouse, mentally saying during the transfer of money: “I don’t buy socks, I take my heart (man’s name) full.” Embroider inconspicuous crosses on the inside, saying:

“I don’t embroider crosses - I’m laying a path to the heart of my beloved.”

Give socks to your spouse. The more often he wears them, the faster your divination will work.

More often, women resort to magic, but there are situations in which a man may also need to learn how to bewitch his wife. You will have to prick your finger with a needle, then squeeze a drop of blood into dark wine or into another dark liquid. Their number must be odd. Speak:

“I call for help from the dark and unclean spirits, so that they give me strength so that I (your name) can tie my wife (her name) with my bonds so that she cannot break them. Let the fire burn in her stronger day by day, let her get drunk on me, as she gets drunk on wine. Amen".

To the wind

This is a love spell for melancholy, which is carried out near the open window. You can also try it on the open balcony. Wait until the day when the wind rises to 10 m/s, for example, when a storm warning is issued. Pick up a small personal item in advance, you will have to throw it out of the window outside. A tube of lip balm, a glove, an earring, whose pair has long been lost, will do.

Standing at the window, take the chosen item, think about your man, and then say:

“The sky is yearning, the wind is yearning. Do not grieve, sky. Don't worry, wind. Give your longing to (his name). Let him yearn for (your name). Amen".

Throw the charmed thing away, let it be blown away by a gust of wind.

On fire

You will need to mentally concentrate on a living flame, for this you can use a candle. A woman needs to admire the fire, remembering her betrothed and dreaming, fantasize about a call, a message, imagining scenes of the future as vividly as possible. Try to imagine tactile sensations, tastes, smells.

Concentrating, say the words to the flame:

“I missed my beloved servant of God (her name), I missed her so much - my heart aches, it dries up. You help, fire, to make her miss him so that he misses her just the same. So that only she appeared to him in the sweetest dreams.

Through his socks

This divination for a guy’s longing is carried out if there is a relationship, but you still live separately. Stealthily take one of the man's socks. You can take not dirty, but always worn. Having retired to your home, say, squeezing your sock:

“A sock without a pair yearns. A sock without a pair is not needed. So that (his name) yearned. So that (his name) without me life becomes unnecessary.

Save the charmed thing, do not throw it away, wait for the offer to move, the wedding.

For meat

You will need fresh meat (beef, pork) and 3 icons - the Virgin Mary, Christ, St. Nicholas. Arrange them in a semicircle on a flat surface, place the meat in front of the faces, stretch and hold the palms close to the meat, almost touching. Think about your chosen one. Speak:

“As a dog runs after a bitch, howls at the stars, so let the slave (his name) howl from anguish. Amen".

Complete the divination by feeding stray animals.

On the picture

A simple love spell on melancholy with the help of a photo card will only require a sincere reading of the text:

“I will stand, (your name), blessing, I will go crossing myself, I will go to the pure field, to the east side, in the east side of the hut, in the middle of the hut lies a board, under that board there is longing. Longing howls, longing sobs, white light awaits! So he would have waited for me (your name), he could neither live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat.

Look at the photo of your loved one while you say the conspiracy.

For a flour dish

In order for a flour love spell on a man to work correctly, try to choose his favorite from flour dishes. Still need some cinnamon. Before cooking, sift the flour using a sieve. Say:

“I grind, I sow flour, my dear for flour. Let the servant of God (his name) yearn and worry about his blood. Let someone else's beauty not embarrass the body. Let the servant of God (his name) strive for God's servant (his name), I pour cinnamon for this. Amen!"

When mentioning a spice, add a pinch. Then knead the dough and cook according to the usual recipe. When a man eats a piece, the magic should work.

On playing cards

They should be prepared in advance - buying a deck (36 cards), preferably on the date and month of the birth of the man you are bewitching, and a few days before the divination, speak in a secluded setting. Pull out the queen and the king, which seem suitable for you and the betrothed, lay it out, leaving an empty space between - place an ace of hearts there.


“I will become blessed, I will go crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out, (your name), into an open field. In that field sits the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God. As her heart yearns for her Son, so would she yearn for (your name) (name of the chosen one), burn in a flame, could not live. Amen".

Then set aside 3 cards for three days. Before the deadline, they cannot be returned to the deck.

The layout itself on the charmed deck is done for several days and begins on the first day of the growing moon. You can only withdraw two cards each day. Place the lady symbolizing you first, the king symbolizing your man, place the bottom one in the deck. Now lay out the cards on the side of the lady, lining up a row. If 2 of the same suit or denomination are in a row, both are removed, when 3 lie side by side, the middle one is removed; when another lady is in the third place of the row, you need to remove the second card following your lady.

By the full moon, only those chosen from the very beginning, the charmed lady and king, should remain. Sew them around the perimeter with the right sides together, using red thread, put them in a safe place.

On the growing moon and apple

An old love spell for a man's longing suggests that you need to pick a juicy apple. When it's impossible to pick it yourself, choose the prettiest one in the store, on the market. Over the selected fruit, say:

“As an apple dries, let the servant of God (his name) yearn!”

Then leave on the windowsill. Another video option:

With candles and runes

Since you are planning to attract a betrothed using runic magic, take a photo card that clearly shows a close-up face or piece of clothing. You will need this item to draw runes on it. But you can also take a sheet of plain paper if you couldn’t get anything better.

Before the ceremony, you need to come up with and memorize the text of a visa, a ritual verse. Well, if it turns out to be rhyming and rhythmic. Do not forget to also prepare a sterile finger piercing needle in advance. In seclusion, look at the living flame of a candle and concentrate on fantasies about your betrothed. Draw the runes of Nautiz and Gebo with blood, and then read the text you composed, investing all your passionate desire to achieve the goal.

Muslim love spell

For this ritual, only beef liver and a dog are needed. When you choose a liver, repeat to yourself: “Allah asked me to follow the liver (name of the chosen one). I will feed his liver, fill it with my love. Help, Allah, that his liver is always open for me. While in a secluded place, take out a photograph of a loved one and feed the liver to the dog with him. Let the photograph observe.

gypsy way

A gypsy love spell for melancholy will require a visit to the church. Buy 3 candles there. Take an onion, a sheet of white paper, a pot of soil. On the peel of the bulb, draw the name of the man, then place it in the center of the leaf, put candles around, attaching them with wax. While they are burning, repeat the longing plot:

“Let my darling (name of the chosen one) come to this house, let him desire me, he will be exhausted without me. Amen!"

Plant the charmed bow in a pot, if the green arrows go, the magic will work.

For blood

You can bewitch a man using a wax doll you made, 1 black candle, and some blood. Take a light large plate, draw red stripes crosswise, place a doll in the center, put a burning candle at the head of the head. Take 4 needles, temper in the fire, saying:

“I burn with a dark flame for love and dark passion! Amen".

Shake a few drops of blood onto the doll. With force, stick the needles into it - pierce the top of the head, the heart of a man, the center of the abdomen and groin.

When you have finished piercing the doll, say:

“Love will attack you, longing and torment will starve you, pierce your heart with a black arrow! Amen!"

The charmed object must be kept in the house for the night, and the next day it must be taken away to be melted on fire.


Even magic, which is considered white, can bring many negative consequences, the thoughtless use of witchcraft leads to the fact that bewitched people feel the unnaturalness of their attraction. They instinctively resist, going into binges and sprees, provoking quarrels.

Think about whether it is worth resorting to the services of otherworldly spirits in love affairs, because the feelings of the bewitched will not be sincere. Perhaps this man is destined to start a family with another woman, or he himself will turn out to be a strong personality and cope with your magic. The love spells of other people's spouses, the destruction of families with children are especially bad for karma.

How to remove a love spell on melancholy

Sometimes the spell needs to be removed. Need to know how to do it.

If you made it yourself

If you want to remove the love spell you have carried out for melancholy, call your loved one for a walk near the river or the sea, where there is a lot of flowing water. Next, you need some small thing that he touched, for example, an ice cream wrapper, a pack of cigarettes. Focusing on the thread of your will, reaching out to the victim, mentally cut off this energy channel and throw the object as far as possible, let it be carried away by the current.

If you ordered work from a magician

The best option in this situation would be to contact the specialist from whom you ordered the ritual. But in the case when it is impossible to contact this person, any other magician, in whose professionalism you or your friends are sure, will do.

Introduced by someone else

It is not always possible to accurately determine whether there was a magical effect. But if you are sure that someone has been telling evil things about you, your spouse, you can make a charm from a pin. Go to the store and buy a safety pin. Fasten it in an inconspicuous place in the clothing you wear daily, saying these words:

“As I remove the pin, so the spell with (name) will fall forever.”

On the fourth day, remove the amulet and bury it in a deserted place.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell on socks with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How to find your destiny? Marilyn Kerro said: on the full moon you need to put on yourself. .

Prushka or love spell on melancholy is one of the many varieties of influence on a person with the help of magic. Due to the fact that the action of magic is distributed more pointwise, the effectiveness of such a ritual increases significantly.

To revive the former passion, it is not a sin to turn to magic: drying is a good way.

A love spell for melancholy is a rather strong magical rite. With the help of a love spell, you can make a young man yearn, miss, constantly think about you. The action of the prisushka is not so long compared to other love spells. But it allows you to make sure that your loved one has an interest in you.

The peculiarity of such rituals is as follows:

  1. Pretty simple to use.
  2. Requires virtually no special preparation.
  3. Drying influences a person in a certain direction.
  4. The rite does not require personal belongings and photographs of the beloved.

The ease of performing such magical actions makes the drying one of the most popular love rites.

After completing the drying, you should not relax. Sooner or later, its effect will begin to weaken. Therefore, you should constantly stir up interest in yourself, make sure that your lover pays attention to you. A love spell for melancholy is a chance to improve your personal life and make it brighter.

If you look at this magical ritual from the reverse side, it also has its drawbacks. A charmed person who could not find his happiness will look for him elsewhere. By changing the state of mind of a person, making him dependent on you, you can make him unhappy. Not wanting to have a love relationship with you, a person can easily find himself in the abuse of alcohol, drugs. And in the worst cases, the unthinkable can happen. Therefore, before performing such magical rites, one should think carefully.

If you perform drying on your own, at home, remember the following: before making a love spell on a loved one for melancholy, you need to carefully consider your decision. These rituals are easy to use, but don't take them too lightly.

Prysushka can cause irreparable harm not only to your loved one, but also to yourself. It is necessary to consistently perform all the manipulations, to read spells correctly. And when you achieve the desired result, you must be able to cope with your feelings.

This is one of the easiest rituals to use for melancholy. It can be performed without much preparation at home. You will need a glass glass (preferably faceted). Pour a small amount of tap water into a glass. Holding it with both hands, say these words:

“Water, water, beautiful girl! How without you a person toils, suffers, curses dry land. So even without me, my beloved (name) toiled, suffered, only he would have called me, only he would have wished for me. Just as a person cannot eat or be baptized without you, so without me, my beloved (name) could not visit or beyond the threshold. May it be so"!

The charmed water must be added a few drops to the food of the beloved. Remember: Such water should not be stored for a long time. If you do not have the opportunity to meet with your loved one, freeze the water in the freezer.

This ritual is very good for married couples. Usually it is done by the wife on a walking husband.

For a love spell, you need to buy new men's socks

To complete it, you need to go to the market or to a store that sells socks. Buy them from the seller and when you pick them up, cast the following spell:

“I don’t buy socks, but I take the heart of the servant of God (name) into my hands.”

And when you return home, you need to embroider a small cross on your socks. Try to choose the color of the thread so that the embroidered crosses are not noticeable. When you embroider a pattern, say this spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of a servant of God (name) to my zealous heart.”

When your embroidery is ready, you need to tie up the socks with a red thread and give a gift to your loved one. The love spell will work most effectively on Friday and Wednesday, provided that the husband immediately puts on your gift. If the husband notices sewn crosses, try to find a reasonable explanation for this.

A love spell to make a guy miss will work one hundred percent only if you correctly fulfill all the necessary requirements.

This type of magical ritual is most often used as revenge. A charmed person will suffer from longing for you, suffer from being away from you.

The spell must be done on a windy day.

It is performed on a windy day. You need to go to an open area (it can be a field, a forest clearing, or just a place where the wind blows). Stand so that the spoken words fly away from you on the wind and say the following spell:

“The winds are violent, the winds are strong, the winds are mighty! Blow, scatter on the ground, spread! Get, get through to the servant of God (name). Spin it, spin it, torture it! Dry him, strangle him, tell him my name! May he have neither sleep nor rest, may neither good nor bad descend on him, without my word, without my gesture, without my glance! May it be so! Forever and ever and ever!”

Most often, this ritual is done in order to hurt the person who hurt you. It is done on former lovers or after betrayal, as well as from unrequited love.

There are many types of love spells. A love spell for melancholy, which also has a different name - prisushka, is very popular. Such rituals cause in the victim an unbearable longing for the person who performed the ritual. Such an impact is very painful, so it can be considered a kind of revenge.

A person under the influence of prisushka constantly experiences a strong sense of anxiety and anxiety. It exhausts him and does not allow him to fully live. Internal longing for another person does not allow you to focus on anything, so troubles begin to arise immediately in all areas of life. In this regard, having decided on a love spell for melancholy, it should be remembered that it can be very dangerous, as it can completely break a person and turn him into a weak-willed creature.

A love spell on longing for the wind is considered very strong. This ceremony is performed outdoors in windy weather. The ritual can be performed in the forest or in the field, that is, the most important principle for choosing a place is remoteness from civilization. Although, if it is not possible to get out into nature, then you can conduct a ceremony near an open window, but in this case, the effectiveness of the ceremony may decrease.

The magic words that are spoken to the wind are as follows:

If a loved one left you, and you want him to feel all the pain that he caused you, then you can use the dryer for new socks, which you need to buy alone on the day of the ceremony. After you pay for them, take them in your hands.

Immediately upon arrival home, the acquired socks must be turned inside out, and a small cross should be embroidered on each sock with a matching thread. In the process of this, magic words are spoken.

They sound like this:

After that, the socks are again folded together and placed on open palms, a love spell is spoken on them:

Drying on an apple is very effective. But the complexity of this magical act lies in the fact that for the ritual you need to pick a ripe and beautiful red apple from the tree yourself. A fruit purchased at the market or in a store is not suitable for the ceremony. Also, for the ritual, you need to prepare a fresh photograph of the chosen one. It must be cut to the size of the apple used, but the head of the person shown in the picture must not be damaged.

Then you should do the following:

  • With a knife with a wooden handle, cut the apple into two parts;
  • Attach a photo between them;
  • Tie the connected parts of the apple with red thread;
  • Pronounce the following words with feeling:

After the ceremony, the apple is placed on a sunny windowsill. It should be remembered that the apple should dry out, not rot, so you can not choose rooms with high humidity. But at the same time, you need to make sure that the apple does not catch the eye of strangers. After the fruit dries, it must be wrapped in a piece of natural fabric and buried near the lover's house.

Any drying should be carried out carefully; before the ceremony, it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons. After analyzing the situation, you need to try to find other ways to solve the problem. It should also be remembered that all the rules of the ceremony must be observed.

Being in love gives a person a second wind. However, if you are not just in love, but also yearn for the object of your adoration, the depression in which you are completely subordinates you to your beloved or beloved.

The usual love spell may not be enough to get at your disposal the person you like. In some cases, you need to choose such rituals for work that will cause your loved one to feel a lack, a lack of you.

  • The one you want to bewitch is far away. Love does not always stand the test of long distances. People who could not imagine life without each other become strangers after a few weeks of separation. So that the “darling” does not cool off towards you, being in another city or abroad, you can make a love spell aimed at calling longing for you;
  • A loved one is popular with the opposite sex. A huge number of fans (fans) becomes a real temptation even for faithful spouses. A love spell on melancholy will force a person who is in the center of everyone's attention to constantly think about who "dried" him. Fans (fans) will be completely indifferent to him;
  • The person you love already has a partner. It is possible that the partner with whom the beloved (beloved) is dating or currently lives has made his own love spell, and you will have to enter into a real fight for love. After the ritual of longing, the bewitched begins to need to communicate with the one who cast a spell on him. The love spell made earlier will partially lose its power.

A love spell on melancholy can be read both at home and on the street. The place for reading will depend on the particular rite. Care should be taken that the energy has an outlet. To do this, it is necessary to remove all obstacles from its path. Before performing the ceremony, experienced magicians remove all metal objects from their bodies. Women with long hair undo their braids, remove earrings from their ears. Any hairpins, rings, bracelets and other accessories can become a hindrance. Be sure to remove the belt. Clothing for the ceremony must be chosen free, not restricting movement.

For better circulation of energy, many masters seek to harmonize the space in which they work. They unlock padlocks, open windows and doors. You need to open the window in the case when a love spell on smoke is used. Together with the smoke, your instruction leaves you. Don't block him.

The spell must be done in windy weather. Work should be at home in front of an open window. The day for the ceremony can be almost any. Prepare in advance a small thing that belongs to you personally. Well suited used lipstick, handkerchief, inexpensive jewelry. The object should be so small that, once on the street, it was not noticed by anyone. Hold the item in your right hand and cast the spell. It is best to read in a loud voice.

However, if you are not sure that your actions will not have witnesses, cast the spell quietly:

After reading the spell, throw your item out the window. It should fall as far away from your house as possible.

The girl must secretly take one of his worn socks from the young man. New clothes are not suitable for this ceremony. A prerequisite: you must live separately from the one you bewitch. Bring the sock home and perform the ritual as soon as possible.

Cast the spell while holding the stolen item in two palms:

The sock must be hidden and stored until a serious relationship begins with your loved one.

Do not forget that a black love spell is an appeal to dark forces. Even if the spell does not mention the person you are addressing, your "companion" will always be a representative of the lower world. Such communication often ends in serious problems.

The ritual is suitable for a love spell for a man who has never been married. Pick the wormwood and dry it. You can't buy dried herbs. You yourself must pick and prepare the wormwood for the ritual. The ceremony is held away from home. Nobody should see you. Prepare a fire on which the grass will smolder. Prick the middle finger of your right hand and put a few drops of blood on the wormwood.

Light the fire. The grass should not burn, but slowly smolder. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. You need to wait until all the wormwood decays.

The rite is suitable for a love spell for a man who is officially married. After it is held, the beloved will feel longing in the presence of his legal wife. The company of his wife will begin to weigh him down. You need to be with a man as often as possible. In your presence, he will be relieved, which will lead him to think about changing his wife.

The ritual is performed on the birthday of your loved one. It should not be confused with a birthday: if a loved one was born on June 17, the ceremony can be performed on July 17, August 17, etc. The day you choose for the ceremony should not coincide with a major church holiday or Sunday. Come to the cemetery and walk between the graves, reading a love spell. You need to spend at least an hour at the cemetery. You can take short breaks while reading so as not to get tired.

Before leaving the cemetery, take some earth with your right hand and leave it near the house of your loved one. If a man lives in another settlement, which you cannot reach in the next few hours after the love spell, just leave the land somewhere in a deserted place.

Each love spell has its own unpleasant consequences for the most bewitched, and for the one who made the love spell. If you decide to remove the longing for yourself from your loved one, try redoing your work yourself or contact an experienced craftsman.

Invite the bewitched person to go to the river. A river with a fast current suits you. A person should not know why you need to visit the river. Say that you would like to relax in nature. Have the person affected by your spell sit down near the water.

Step aside a little and read the spell so that no one hears you:

Any small object touched by the bewitched must be thrown into the river. You can take an ordinary paper napkin with which he wiped his hands.

It is recommended to start work on getting rid of the bewitched from longing with an appeal to a professional master. Not every amateur magician is able to cast spells. Even fewer non-professionals can make a lapel. In addition, when removing the spell, a non-specialist can cause great harm to himself and his loved one.

Finding a good magician, and not a charlatan, is not easy these days. There is always a risk of getting an appointment with a scammer. Choose a specialist on the recommendations of friends and relatives who personally used the services of a particular magician. Having met with the master, tell him the truth about who is the customer of the love spell. A real magician is able to catch a lie and refuse to help. Follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Success depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the correct actions of the client.

If you yearn for someone, this does not mean that you have been bewitched to longing. Nevertheless, it is worth trying to remove the strange melancholy from yourself. You need to come to any body of water on any day of the week.

Standing on the shore, read the spell 12 times:

Then you need to wash yourself with water from this reservoir.

Longing cannot replace love. It can only temporarily make one person dependent on another. When the spell disappears, the beloved (beloved) hasten to end the relationship with the one who brought him so much suffering.

In magical practice, such a love spell is rarely done. It does not look like a classic rite for love, but rather an emotional dependence on a person. At the same time, the one who was given a love spell for longing begins to experience an unsatisfied state, to yearn, and he is no longer interested in anything. And if the one who did it is next to him, all signs of sadness disappear.

Such a love spell does not affect the physical body, but the mental one. Therefore, sadness is not caused by physical attraction, but by the intrusion of another energy into the human biofield. Therefore, this is what happens. This article discusses in detail how to make a love spell for melancholy, as well as how to catch up with love cravings. Here are a few rituals that will help attract the attention of a loved one in such an unusual way.

Water should be plain and non-carbonated. For the ceremony, you need to give your loved one some water with the words:

“Voditsa, voditsa, don’t let him get drunk, even if a person dries and suffers without water, so without me he yearns and disappears.”

These words can be said to yourself or in a whisper and give water to a person to drink. He needs to drink some or all of the water from the container. After that, the man will miss the woman, will begin to suffer because of her and will be able to calm down only by the fact that he will be next to his beloved.

The rest of the time he will yearn and find no peace in anything. But if you did this love spell, then you need to constantly be with him, or at least often catch his eye so that he understands that he will be better with you. Because longing and depression are dangerous things and a man can go to calm down not with the attention of a woman, but with the help of vodka and appropriate friends, and in the worst case, commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide.

It is suitable for those who want to bewitch a loved one with the help of the elements of the wind, as well as in order to take revenge on an inattentive person. In order to let love longing upon a person, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:

  1. Go out where there is wind from all directions;
  2. Say a spell for 4 winds:

“The winds are strong and powerful, blow on (the name of the beloved) so that he loves only me and yearns only for me, and may he have no good sleep or peace without me.”

The winds will tell him your name, and he will yearn precisely without you, and only you will save him from longing and despondency, just do not go too far, otherwise it will not lead to good. Since you have taken up the conduct of this ceremony, you bear responsibility for it. Also remember that sadness and depression are dangerous conditions, especially if a man uses alcohol or drugs. Therefore, it is worth controlling the situation in order not to regret later on the unconsidered step of a loved one.

A very interesting ritual for the most ordinary socks

It is often done by couples as a conspiracy against betrayal, and is also used to bewitch a family man imperceptibly, but reliably. To do this, you need to go to the market on a weekday and buy a pair of socks for a man with the words:

“I don’t buy socks, but I take my heart (the name of my beloved) into my hands.”

After the socks are bought, you need to come home and embroider with a cross on the reverse side (the threads must be selected so that they completely merge with the fabric and are invisible) with the words:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew a heart (the name of a loved one) to my heart.”

After that, the socks need to be hidden in a secluded place, in order to give it to a man later. Magicians advise doing this on Friday or Wednesday. It is desirable that a man immediately put on these socks, then the love spell will take effect and it will be easiest to make melancholy. Moreover, such a homely gift as socks can be given to him not only by his wife, but also by any other woman. After you give him a gift and he puts on socks, you need to talk with him, pay attention and time, and at the same time, the love spell will already begin to work. He will yearn, and he will miss you.

There are many other ways to bring longing to a loved one so that he does not find a place for himself. But this ritual acts softer than other love spells and will help get rid of the indifference of a loved one.

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What can be closer to a person than his underwear or, for example, socks.

Closer in the sense that these things absorb the energy of the human body.

Experienced magicians have long used these items to create a volt - a kind of magical thing with which you can control this or that object.

Of course, in order to fully identify the volt with the object in such a way as to subjugate the will of a person, one must have vast experience and knowledge.

And here prayer on his socks, which the young man forgot when he left you, is quite accessible to any of the fair sex.

If you pronounce the words with the proper state of consciousness, prayer will surely bring your loved one back to you.

So, your boyfriend for some reason left you, but while cleaning, you found that he forgot his socks. Do not rush to throw away or wash this wardrobe item. Use your socks to try return a loved one.

To begin with, imagine that socks are a young man. Maybe this is difficult for you, but according to the laws of magic, everything is exactly that way. After all, every thing that an object used carries a particle of its energy. And this particle is quite capable of conveying your message. If it is convincing enough, then the guy will definitely return. So forgotten socks can do a good job.

Prepare the room, put your socks on the table, on the white tablecloth. Surround them with a dense ring of candles. Take off the part of your underwear that you have worn for the longest time without washing. Put it on your socks and say the following words:

“I (my name), waiting for you (man's name)!

Come to me, my love!

As our things lie together, so let our bodies unite in a passionate embrace.

Now it remains only to wait a little. It is likely that the guy will make himself felt the very next day. You shouldn't try to build a relationship.

Love spells on things help to return a loved one or attract the heart of your chosen one. Before doing any love spell on your own do not forget to put protection from dark forces. Also remember that you need to pay back.

“I will go into the field, find my will, I will enjoy my will, I will bathe in happiness. The sun warms the soul, the husband puts on a shirt. The sun warms, welcomes, the husband absorbs love into himself, I said you won’t erase it, the husband became unbearable, he wants me alone, he loves me alone, he hugs me alone.

While reading the plot, stroke the shirt with your right hand. Then cross the shirt, put it under the pillow, and present it to your husband in the morning.

Take any of your husband's clothes in your hands, cross yourself and put them under the mattress on your marriage bed for twelve days. After twelve days, read the conspiracy at the bedside: “I took the thing from my husband’s body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the mattress, asked the sorcerer to help. Mattress, turn over, servant of God (husband's name) to the servant of God (your name) return home. Amen. Servant of God (name of the lover), perish, perish. ” Read this conspiracy by the bed for another seven nights in a row, and then you can pull the thing out.

Home love spell on socks

Upon arrival at home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross with matching threads in those places that will touch your toes. While doing so, say: “I’m not sewing on a sock, but I’m sending a message to a sweetheart”. Turn your socks inside out again, put them together and read the plot:

As socks are sweet to you, so I am sweet to you.

They will save from the cold, I - from the heartache.

Today, tomorrow, always - for many years.

I will give socks - I will give myself, I will give myself - I will receive you.

Love spell on linen

Wet the underwear of your chosen one in cold water, wring it out, hang it on a hot radiator and say: “As this linen dries, so will the servant of God / servant of God (name of the object of the love spell) dry for me. From now on and forevermore. Amen".

The most complete description in all details is a love spell on worn socks with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A strong love spell on a thing is possible when the obtained object was in close contact with the body of a lover.

A belt, a watch, worn and not yet washed clothes can be used as a witchcraft attribute.

It is important that the object of divination does not suspect something is wrong, does not try to subconsciously fence itself off from this subject.

tying things with a chain

The ritual is done as follows. You need to take your silver chain and wrap it around an attribute with the words:

"From now on, your heart, like a dog, is on my chain. Do not listen to you either mother, or father, or former girlfriends. I am your only mistress. Amen!"

Naturally, it is necessary to take into account all the basic conditions of magic:

  • conjure on the women's day of the week;
  • do not allow anyone else to interfere in the case;
  • observe mandatory precautions, etc.

Pack the item in a box or box so that there are no gaps. If the box is cardboard, it would be advisable to wrap its edges with tape or tape.

Never open this ward, otherwise the spell may break. sorry chain? Enough, is it really worth thinking about it, if at stake is power over your loved one!

We warn you that the love spell is quite powerful. You are taking on a lot of responsibility.

recessed object

You will need to drop a little of your menstrual blood on the little thing. Then prepare a clean glass jar with a lid and pack the item inside. Put a heavy stone on top of it.

At night, on the growing moon, carefully drown this jar in some kind of lake - in the lake, and not in a flowing river.

Attention: the love spell is irreversible! Do you need a strong rite of this level - see for yourself.

If there is even a slight doubt, contact the sorcerer and find out with his help whether your affection is as strong as it seems. Do you run the risk of falling out of love with the chosen man after the first passion burns out?

Dirty socks conspiracy: husband's love spell

A conspiracy to dirty socks is a rather strong love spell of a beloved husband. In languid delight, he cheats on you with a beautiful woman. How embarrassing and sad!

But don't bite your elbows.

You have a unique chance to reject the homeowner.

The most powerful conspiracies for dirty socks will help you with this.

I will now tell you in detail what should be done.

If your husband does his own laundry, offer him your services.

The main thing is that he did not guess anything.

Lock yourself in the bathroom at midnight sharp.

Soak dirty socks in a bowl.

Over filthy water, repeatedly read magical conspiracies that allow you to make a secret love spell.

As the socks in the basin are erased, so the rivals are removed without a trace. A love spell at night will lead you astray, you will not dare to leave for a lovebird. As you put on your socks and take a step, you will curse all the betrayals overnight. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

My beloved husband, I stop all deceptions, I send winds and hurricanes. Without socks, you will not rush anywhere, but by wearing them, you will complete the shameful fornication. I will wash away the dirt that you brought in your soul, being in front of an unworthy negligee. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Do not try to replace me with another, I am sending you an order, dear man. I will whisper a love spell on my toes, I will wean you from betrayal and falsehood. You will be disgraced in bed, you will misfire, you will not return to your muse in this life. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Wash your dirty socks. Rinse them and drain the water.

Hang to dry.

You tear the handwritten piece of paper into pieces, flushing it in the toilet.

As soon as the husband puts on socks, the love spell will begin its development.

Love spell on melancholy: read at home

Love spell on melancholy, by and large, is not a love spell in the usual sense of the word. It has more in common with mental magic.

In fact, the mechanism of the love spell for melancholy comes down to the fact that a program is placed in the mental field of the victim, in this case, the program of melancholy. A person, living with the program, feels dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction. Symptoms disappear when he is in close proximity to the bewitcher. Thus, something like an addiction is formed.

If a person himself is weak in spirit, then he very quickly realizes that he brings relief. In general, this is what the love spell is designed for - to show the victim who is his deliverer and, on the basis of this, form a psychological dependence. This explains the mechanism of action of such a love spell in terms of energy.

However, it has certain side effects. In particular, it is implied that longing will be drowned in love. In practice, longing is drowned in wine when the initial energy charge of the program is used up.

Thus, a love spell for melancholy is an installation, a program that changes the state of mind of a person.

There is an opinion that a love spell for melancholy, or prisushka, is completely safe and does not carry any consequences, like a love spell. This is not entirely true. Any action, regardless of whether it is good or not, starts a chain of consequences, and this must always be remembered. No wonder they say that the most difficult and most important thing during the love spell is to make a decision and take responsibility for the action.

How to make a love spell on the melancholy of a man or woman

In view of the fact that all love spells, one way or another, make the victim sad, consider the simplest and most effective of them.

For example, you can say a special text to the water and then pour it into the food or drink of the victim. It will be two in one - okorm / oops plus a love spell for melancholy.

In order to make a love spell for melancholy, take a faceted glass and pour water into it. Holding the glass with both hands, whisper into the water:

“Water-water, beautiful girl! How without you a person toils, suffers, curses dry land. So even without me, my beloved (name) toiled, suffered, only he would call me, only he would wish me. As without you, Voditsa, a person cannot eat or be baptized, so without me, my beloved (name) could not visit, on the threshold. May it be so!

Keep the water to which the slander was uttered in a dark place and slowly add to the victim in food and drink. Remember that such water will not be stored for a long time, so you can simply freeze it.

Love spell on melancholy in the wind

Another of the common variants of longing rituals is wind drying, which is performed in the field in windy weather.

This love spell for longing for the wind is used mainly as an instrument of revenge. It is not necessary to bewitch a person in order to create a family with him later. Many resort to prisushka as revenge. A person toils, suffers, and the bewitcher enjoys the torment of the victim.

In order to conduct it, go out into the field or to any other place where the winds blow. Wait until the air begins to envelop you, and read the plot, standing like that. For the wind to carry your words:

“The winds are violent, the winds are strong, the winds are mighty! Blow, scatter, spread on the ground! Get on, get through to the servant of God (name)! Spin it, spin it, torture it! Dry him, strangle him, tell him my name! May he have neither sleep nor rest, may neither good nor bad come upon him without my word, without my gesture, without my glance! May it be so! Forever and ever and ever!”

As can be seen from the text, this is more likely not a love spell in its pure form, but a curse with the subsequent binding of the victim to the operator.

Love spell on longing on socks

Unlike the previous ritual for the longing of a beloved guy, this one is more suitable for married couples and is directly love spell. In order to perform the ritual, buy the man socks, and when the seller hands them over, whisper:

“I don’t buy socks, but I take the heart of a servant of God (name) into my hands”

When you return home, embroider on the back of your socks with a cross. Try to match the thread to the main fabric so that the pattern is not visible. When embroidering crosses, pronounce the phrase as a spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of a servant of God (name) to my zealous heart”

After that, fold the socks together, tie with a red ribbon or woolen thread and present to your man. Ideally, if you ask him to put on a gift right away. It is best to do this on Wednesday or Friday, that is, on the days dedicated to Venus and Mercury. If a man asks what kind of crosses on socks, you can answer that this is in order not to confuse the socks of this pair with others. And then such spell for longing will work!

Prayer on his socks

What can be closer to a person than his underwear or, for example, socks.

Closer in the sense that these things absorb the energy of the human body.

Experienced magicians have long used these items to create a volt - a kind of magical thing with which you can control this or that object.

Of course, in order to fully identify the volt with the object in such a way as to subjugate the will of a person, one must have vast experience and knowledge.

And here prayer on his socks, which the young man forgot when he left you, is quite accessible to any of the fair sex.

If you pronounce the words with the proper state of consciousness, prayer will surely bring your loved one back to you.

So, your boyfriend for some reason left you, but while cleaning, you found that he forgot his socks. Do not rush to throw away or wash this wardrobe item. Use your socks to try return a loved one.

To begin with, imagine that socks are a young man. Maybe this is difficult for you, but according to the laws of magic, everything is exactly that way. After all, every thing that an object used carries a particle of its energy. And this particle is quite capable of conveying your message. If it is convincing enough, then the guy will definitely return. So forgotten socks can do a good job.

Prepare the room, put your socks on the table, on the white tablecloth. Surround them with a dense ring of candles. Take off the part of your underwear that you have worn for the longest time without washing. Put it on your socks and say the following words:

“I (my name), waiting for you (man's name)!

Come to me, my love!

As our things lie together, so let our bodies unite in a passionate embrace.

Now it remains only to wait a little. It is likely that the guy will make himself felt the very next day. You shouldn't try to build a relationship.

How to read a love spell on a loved one

Clothing is something without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of a person. Clothing is in direct contact with the body of its owner, therefore it absorbs its energy well, leaving its energy trace on itself.

It is for this reason that the things that a person wears often act as props for various magical love spells on the things and clothes of a loved one. Through things, a person can transmit both a positive and a negative program - due to close contact with the body, the magical effect quickly gives the desired result.

Features of the ceremony

This love ritual is considered one of the simplest and allows you to quickly arouse sympathy in a person of interest and get his attention. Most often, a love spell on clothes is used in an already established couple, when the relationship is undergoing a difficult period (treason, cooling of feelings, quarrels and conflicts, lack of attention, the appearance of a rival (rival), etc.)

A love spell on a loved one does not require special skills, and is considered one of the safest. As a rule, it is done late at night (more often at midnight). But this is by no means a sign that the ritual belongs to black magic - such a condition is necessary so that the bewitched person cannot provide energy resistance to magical effects.

At night, a person sleeps, he is relaxed and powerless before the action of the rite. And he also takes off his clothes at this time, so the main props of the ritual are easiest to get at this very moment. A love ritual for a thing is characterized by a rather mild effect on the object and is more like an energy binding than a love spell in the full sense of the word.

It is advisable to do a magical rite during the growing month, so that its effect grows in a positive direction. Special requirements apply to the clothing itself:

  • it must correspond to the current season;
  • it is advisable for the ceremony to choose a thing that the bewitched loves and puts on with pleasure;
  • the thing cannot be washed before the ritual, since washing will wash away the energy trace of the owner, and the ritual will not work. It is impossible to wash even after the rite has been performed - it is necessary that the bewitched must put on this clothes. It is best if this happens on the same day that the ritual was performed;
  • if it is not possible to get the thing of the person you want to bewitch, buy a thing that he will definitely like and will be actively worn, make a love spell for a new thing and give it to your chosen one.

It should be remembered that such methods are characterized by a short-term effect. With the first wash, the conspiracy will lose its power.

And one more important condition: when bewitching your chosen one with the help of his thing, you must be firmly convinced that you will not stop loving him and want to spend the rest of your life with him. Otherwise, the ritual may have a deplorable effect on both of you.

Three ways to charm

To sew on a loved one

cook thing to be cast on, - belonging to the chosen one or intended for him as a gift. Also prepare sewing accessories(needle, thread, buttons, etc.).

The meaning of the love spell is that on the selected subject you will need to make several stitches. It does not matter how this will be achieved: by altering or sewing on buttons, by applying embroidery, etc. But this must be done in such a way that the fruits of your actions are not conspicuous - as if it were so. As a last resort, you can just sew a few stitches with a needle and thread to match the clothes, in some inconspicuous place.

Before the ritual, sit with your eyes closed for 15 minutes, relax, discard all extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the desired goal. Take your clothes and start needlework, wielding a needle and thread. In the process of all work, speak a conspiracy:

“I sew and sew, my beloved (name of the chosen one), I attach to myself. Like a thread behind a needle, so my dear follow me. I will open my dear heart, I will put it there: my beloved eyes, my unforgettable beauty, strong love for me and inescapable longing for me. In the heart of the sweet with a needle-key I will lock them forever. Strong, strong is my stitch, heart (name of the chosen one) to the castle."

Calculate the length of the thread so that after your needlework there is a segment that is enough to tie around your wrist or ankle, to make something like a bracelet. Wear the thread on yourself for at least 3 days. If it does not last less than 3 days (it breaks), this is a signal that the love spell failed. Burn the bracelet after use, and give the charmed thing or give it to your chosen one.

For a gift

The love spell is read on the clothes that will be presented to the chosen one. At the same time, it is imperative that you have a firm belief that the new thing will be worn by your loved one, and not by someone else, otherwise serious difficulties may arise. Conspiracy text:

“The sun saturates the shirt, the darling puts it on, absorbs my love into himself. He loves me alone, he desires me alone, and he will only be with me.

Clothes are spoken at night, in the morning (before lunch) of the same day they are presented to the bewitched.

To return the husband to the family

A ritual for those wives whose husband found a mistress on the side and intends to leave the family, but has not yet taken his clothes. The wife should speak one of his things, which her faithful will certainly take with him. You also need to know the name of the opponent. You need to speak the subject at night. Text:

“Come back for clothes, turn around yourself and you, (name of spouse), come back to me. Get away, (name of mistress) - lover, get away, you won’t get it. Amen".

See the video for another way with a personal item:

Love spells on clothes

Love spells on things help to return a loved one or attract the heart of your chosen one. Before doing any love spell on your own do not forget to put protection from dark forces. Also remember that you need to pay back.

“I will go into the field, find my will, I will enjoy my will, I will bathe in happiness. The sun warms the soul, the husband puts on a shirt. The sun warms, welcomes, the husband absorbs love into himself, I said you won’t erase it, the husband became unbearable, he wants me alone, he loves me alone, he hugs me alone.

While reading the plot, stroke the shirt with your right hand. Then cross the shirt, put it under the pillow, and present it to your husband in the morning.

Take any of your husband's clothes in your hands, cross yourself and put them under the mattress on your marriage bed for twelve days. After twelve days, read the conspiracy by the bed: “I took a thing from my husband’s body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the mattress, asked the sorcerer to help. Mattress, turn over, servant of God (husband's name) to the servant of God (your name) return home. Amen. Servant of God (name of the homeowner) go away, go away ". Read this conspiracy by the bed for another seven nights in a row, and then you can pull the thing out.

Home love spell on socks

Upon arrival at home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross with matching threads in those places that will touch your toes. While doing so, say: “I’m not sewing on a sock, but I’m sending a message to a sweetheart” . Turn your socks inside out again, put them together and read the plot:

As socks are sweet to you, so I am sweet to you.

They will save from the cold, I - from the heartache.

Today, tomorrow, always - for many years.

I will give socks - I will give myself, I will give myself - I will receive you.

Love spell on linen

Wet your chosen one's underwear in cold water, wring it out, hang it on a hot radiator and say: “As this linen dries, so will the servant of God / servant of God (your name) dry for me the servant of God / servant of God (name of the object of the love spell). From now on and forevermore. Amen".

Are you familiar with conspiracies on socks?

Come to our house for the royal throne... “

and I send a message to a dear heart.

As socks are sweet to you, so I am sweet to you.

They will save from the cold, I - from the heartache. -

They take care of their legs, I take care of you. beloved.

They are with you every day

I - every minute:

today, tomorrow, always - for many years.

I'll give you socks - I'll give myself, I'll give myself - I'll get you.

Protect your dear, protect, do not let me be sad.

In the morning please the eye and all day repel the evil eye.

Do not take litter to yourself,

don't let me be sad for the sweetheart.

Remind me and keep my laughter in you,

Bring good luck, joy, happiness and success to your dear one.

So would the slave (name) live with me for centuries,

suffered and grieved for me,

never left my foot,

never parted with my image for a day.

As it lights up behind your back - a zealous heart

the slave (name) will inflame!

Conspiracy: like socks with a hole, be your husband old, be your wife old), be empty for you, no x ****, no cabbage, as socks stink, so let them persuade you.

Intimate love spell on underwear

A variety of items can be used in love rituals. Personal things are always carriers of human energy, therefore, to a large extent, they are able to enhance the directed love effect. A love spell on underwear is very effective and manifests itself in a short time.

Options for rituals with linen

A love spell on underwear can be performed by both men and women. It is in this way that you can strengthen love feelings or prevent a possible break in relations.

For the success of the ceremony, a positive attitude is very important. You can additionally tune in by viewing joint photos immediately before the ritual, or remembering the happiest moments of your life.

Strengthening the feelings of the wife

Most often, a love spell using underwear is used by husbands in order to enhance the love feelings of their own wife. Such a ceremony is also recommended in case of cooling the feelings of the spouse.

The ritual is quite simple to perform and can be easily performed at home on your own. It is noteworthy that in the rite it is not necessary to carry out complex actions and it will not be necessary to pronounce complex magic words.

You need to pick up your wife's underwear, which she wore, but did not have time to wash, press it to her chest and visualize the image of the woman she loves. In any form, you need to voice your desires about the importance of mutual love in family life. If there are any problems, they should also be described and wished that they be resolved as soon as possible.

Such a ceremony will be effective if it is carried out for ten days in a row. The optimal time for the ritual is late evening. The result of the impact will be that soon you will notice an increase in love feelings from your wife to you. It is safe to say that such a ceremony will turn life together into a honeymoon, which can last a long time.

For the return of a lover

There are love spells in which a man's underwear is also used. With their help, you can return a lover who is suddenly about to leave you. The main thing is to carry out such a ceremony on time. Until the man took all his belongings, including underwear.

After that, it should be hung up to dry with the words:

It should be expected that after the laundry is dry, your loved one will change his mind about leaving you.

To attract a loved one to life

A strong love spell can be performed on new men's underpants. They need to be spoken and subsequently presented as a gift to the chosen one. It is clear that in order to carry out such a ritual, you need to have a close relationship with a man. Otherwise, such a present will look ridiculous and, of course, the impact will not be effective. Before you speak men's underpants, you should lay them out on the bed, strip naked and sit on them.

Then the following magic words are pronounced:

You need to give the charmed underpants the next day. Such a love spell will begin to act as soon as a man takes his underpants in his hands. But the maximum power of the rite will manifest itself when they are dressed by their beloved.

To take a husband away from his mistress

There is also a very effective rite with the use of underpants, if it is necessary to turn the husband away from his mistress. To do this, you need to take your spouse’s unwashed favorite underpants and tie them in a knot.

In this form, the charmed underpants should be thrown into the far corner of the closet and not taken out until the situation changes. As soon as the relationship is restored, the underpants can be taken out, washed and put back in the linen closet.

Love spell on husband's socks.

Socks are something that we use almost every day. Why not make them work for us with a love spell. I mean to make a love spell on my husband's socks.

Correctly, a love spell on the husband's socks is done as follows. You need to buy socks for a love spell alone without a husband. When you take socks from the seller, say the following words to yourself:

“I buy socks - I tame a servant of God (name) to myself.”

Before doing a love spell on socks, you need to turn them inside out, and in the place where the toes will embroider an inconspicuous cross. The threads must be the same color as the socks so that no one can see the cross. When you embroider a cross on socks, you need to say the following words:

“It’s not me, I’m sewing a sock on the servant of God (name), but sending a message to my dear (name) in my heart.”

Then turn the socks inside out and fold them together. Now you can read the words of the love spell.

So, love spell words on socks.

“As you need socks, so you need me.

As socks are cute to you, so am I cute.

They protect you from the cold

And I, the servant of God (name), will save me from anguish and heartache.

They protect the feet of the servant of God (name),

And I will take my heart and soul.

They are with you every day

And I'll be there for every minute

Today, tomorrow and always.

I’ll give socks to my dear one - I’ll give myself.

I will give myself to my beloved - you (name)

Key. Castle. Language.

After you have read the words of the love spell on your socks, remove them so that no one sees. And when you meet, personally give socks to your beloved husband.

There are many love spells to separate a husband from a rival. One of those conspiracies.


Prisukha are small love conspiracies that do not require special preparation and execution.


This conspiracy will help eliminate a rival from the life of your loved one. He is good in that he delivers.

Love spell on a thing. How to make a love spell on a thing of a loved one


How to make a love spell on a thing of a loved one.

Love magic knows many ways and one of them is a love spell on a thing. Today you will learn how you can independently bewitch your beloved boyfriend or man on his personal thing, we will also describe the love ritual of how to make a love spell on the thing of your beloved girl or wife. The rites described below can be changed, which means that the love spells intended for a man or a guy can be replaced and the spell can be directed to a beloved girl or woman. In one of the ways we will tell you how to make a love spell on a gift, this option is suitable for those who cannot get a loved one's thing necessary for a magical action.

Love spell on a thing how to do it yourself

You need to do a love spell on a thing at home, which is very convenient and there is no need to go anywhere. To conduct an independent love spell, as mentioned earlier, some kind of object is required that will carry love magic power - a message to the one to whom it is intended. Magicians most often make a love spell on a thing if the beloved young man does not pay any attention to the girl, or a life situation arises that the husband or wife begins to move away from each other in search of adventures on the side, how many people, so many situations. As before, in love problems, people increasingly resorted to the help of love magic. Someone did love spells on their own, someone asked for help from those who had already done love spells for love - this is everyone's choice. The following are love spells on a thing that you can easily perform on your own at home. Read and choose.

Love spell on a beloved thing

The following describes how to make a love spell for a beloved girl or wife on a thing that belonged to her. It can be a handkerchief, which can be obtained for example by scratching and asking him to stop the bleeding. A simple hairpin can also be a beloved thing, any item that was in her hands and belongs to her is suitable for a love spell. Also, in order to independently make a love spell on a thing, you will need church candle. If these items are available, proceed to the ceremony.

At midnight, light a candle in your left hand, and take your favorite thing in your right hand and start reading the words of the love spell:

Father month, you walk high, you see far,

Haven't you seen, haven't you heard

Like a cow mooing about a calf,

How does a mare neigh about a foal?

So the servant of God (name) would neigh and mumble

About me servant of God (name).

Put the candle on the windowsill and wait until it burns out completely. It remains just a little, so that the love spell on the thing begins to act, you need to return it to your beloved girl.

Love spell on a guy's thing

This love spell of a guy is done on a thing - a gift, which makes it easier and more affordable to do it yourself at home. Think about which of the items he likes. It remains only to make a love spell on this thing, which is as follows.

How to bewitch your beloved guy for a thing? Take the gift in your hands and bringing the thing to your lips, say the words of the love spell:

I go, blessing, crossing the icon.

How the Mother of God suffers for her Son,

So from now on, the slave (name) for the slave (name) would suffer,

Could not be apart and live, and spend the night, and age.

No day, no night, no hour, no half hour.

I will close my slander, I will hang the lock not on the fence,

And I'll hang it on the church gate.

The word is closing, on its porch, on the wedding ring.

Key, lock, God on the threshold.

Give a love thing to your beloved guy and soon he will begin to show his signs of attention directed only at you.

A conspiracy to dirty socks is a rather strong love spell of a beloved husband. In languid delight, he cheats on you with a beautiful woman. How embarrassing and sad!

But don't bite your elbows.

You have a unique chance to reject the homeowner.

The most powerful conspiracies for dirty socks will help you with this.

I will now tell you in detail what should be done.

If your husband does his own laundry, offer him your services.

The main thing is that he did not guess anything.

Lock yourself in the bathroom at midnight sharp.

Soak dirty socks in a bowl.

Over filthy water, repeatedly read magical conspiracies that allow you to make a secret love spell.

As the socks in the basin are erased, so the rivals are removed without a trace. A love spell at night will lead you astray, you will not dare to leave for a lovebird. As you put on your socks and take a step, you will curse all the betrayals overnight. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

My beloved husband, I stop all deceptions, I send winds and hurricanes. Without socks, you will not rush anywhere, but by wearing them, you will complete the shameful fornication. I will wash away the dirt that you brought in your soul, being in front of an unworthy negligee. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Do not try to replace me with another, I am sending you an order, dear man. I will whisper a love spell on my toes, I will wean you from betrayal and falsehood. You will be disgraced in bed, you will misfire, you will not return to your muse in this life. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Wash your dirty socks. Rinse them and drain the water.

Hang to dry.

You tear the handwritten piece of paper into pieces, flushing it in the toilet.

As soon as the husband puts on socks, the love spell will begin its development.

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Prayer on his socks | Love spells, conspiracies, prayers: a collection of magical rituals

What could be closer to a person than his underwear or, for example, socks.

Closer in the sense that these things absorb the energy of the human body.

Experienced magicians have long used these items to create a volt - a kind of magical thing with which you can control one or another object.

Of course, in order to fully identify the volt with the object in such a way as to subjugate the will of a person, one must have vast experience and knowledge.

But the prayer on his socks, which the young man forgot when he left you, is quite accessible to any of the fair sex.

If you pronounce the words with the proper state of consciousness, prayer will definitely return your loved one to you.

So, your boyfriend for some reason left you, but while cleaning, you found that he forgot his socks. Do not rush to throw away or wash this wardrobe item. Use socks to try and get your loved one back.

To begin with, imagine that socks are a young man. Maybe this is difficult for you, but according to the laws of magic, everything is exactly that way. After all, every thing that an object used carries a particle of its energy. And this particle is quite capable of conveying your message. If it is convincing enough, then the guy will definitely return. So forgotten socks can do a good job.

How to conduct a ceremony

Prepare the room, put your socks on the table, on the white tablecloth. Surround them with a dense ring of candles. Take off the part of your underwear that you have worn for the longest time without washing. Put it on your socks and say the following words:

“I (my name), waiting for you (man's name)!

Come to me, my love!

As our things lie together, so let our bodies unite in a passionate embrace.

Now it remains only to wait a little. It is likely that the guy will make himself felt the very next day. You shouldn't try to build a relationship.

ZagovorMaga.ru » Conspiracies » How to independently make a conspiracy for a man

If on your life path you met a “handsome prince” who does not want to reciprocate you in any way, then there is nothing left but to conspire against the man of “your dreams” and, thereby, achieve his favor to make him think about you.

Conspiracy for a man

The situation when a woman is in love with a man, but he does not reciprocate her, does not pay attention, occurs quite often and is very difficult for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to endure. Some young ladies, having become hostages of “unrequited love”, suffer and “give up” being disappointed in the relationship, while the latter are ready to “go to the end” and even make a conspiracy on the man they like on their own. But what to do if neither female beauty, nor sexuality, complaisant character and thriftiness, nor an honest life touch the heart of a man and attract his attention? In this case, you can turn to love magic for help and make a conspiracy to love the man you like or by performing a church ceremony.

But not only the desire to please a representative of the strong half of humanity is driven by a woman who turned to love magic for help, but also the hope of finding love in a relationship. This remedy can be resorted to by an abandoned wife, eager to return her departed husband, “beating off” him from her rival, and a woman whose husband has cooled off towards her or has become greedy and grouchy, a conspiracy is being carried out so that the beloved man is always there. There are conspiracies with which you can force a loved one to be faithful and force him to make an offer to make him love you very much. Young girls, with the help of love magic, make new romantic acquaintances, fall in love for the first time, make their boyfriends yearn to suffer, regularly call and send SMS. As for the insidious mistresses, with the help of witchcraft, they take away married men from families, forcing them to leave their wives and children, and this is also the result of magic.

Depending on the purpose of the impact, there are several types of conspiracies for a man that bring a positive result:

  1. Love spells for love. They are aimed at the emergence of sympathy and the emergence of romantic feelings on the part of a representative of the strong half of humanity.
  2. Lapel rites and quarrels are used if you need to divorce a couple in love.
  3. Sexual attachments and attachments cause the victim to have an irresistible sexual attraction to the customer of the ritual.
  4. Damage-non-staying leads to complete or partial sexual impotence of a man, whom the customer of the impact strongly intended to punish. Moreover, it is quite difficult to cure male impotence acquired in this way, and sometimes it is impossible.

It often happens that a girl meets a worthy young man, but he does not pay attention to her and does not even have thoughts and desire to get to know her. If all attempts to interest a man have failed, try to conduct a ceremony that will help you get to know the "object of passion" - a strong conspiracy for a man you like that will give a result. They read this rite to bewitch on their favorite shoes. The most successful time for the ritual was at home - the period when the moon is in growth.

On Saturday evening, lock yourself in a room, light a candle, and place it on the table. Place your favorite shoes nearby. In principle, you can use any shoes, depending on the time of year. The only condition: shoes must be loved and well washed.

After the shoes are on the table, sit down at it and mentally make a “challenge” to your loved one so that he thinks about you about the fullness of his feelings. Think about him, remember his beautiful face, eyes, hands. Fantasize about how you will feel good together, and try to convey to him the strength of your feelings. When you feel ready, start reading the words of the conspiracy that act quickly:

“Just as my shoes (boots and the like) are good and comfortable, so I will be good and sweet to the Servant of God (name of the guy). How do I put those shoes on my white legs and go on a long journey. My shoes will bring me to the Servant of God (guy's name). As the Servant of God (name of the guy) sees me, he will not be able to take his eyes off me. The Servant of God (name of the guy) will love me with fiery love, he won’t be able to live a day without me, he won’t spend the night without me. So be it.”

With these words, get up from the table and go to bed. Do not blow out the candles, leave the shoes on the table, let the magic work. In the morning, put on the charmed shoes and leave the house. On this day, try to "catch the eye" of the man you want to "get". In order for the rite to give the desired result so that the relationship lasts a lifetime, you need to wear an enchanted pair of shoes as often as possible.

If you have been dating a guy for a long time and you can’t “divorce” him into marriage in any way, try using one valid rite, after which your beloved will call you his wife. This impact of love magic is able to subordinate the will of the victim to the wishes of the customer. To perform the ritual, you need to live with your loved one, or at least you must keep his room shoes at home. After all, the main “ingredient” of the conspiracy is the man’s room slippers, and then there are benefits and results from the rituals.

When the man is not at home, light two church candles, take his slippers and say the following words:

“Wedding candles, bring me an engagement ring. May the Servant of God (name of the man) become mine forever, stop thinking about all others. Do not eat the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) do not drink, only love me alone. Amen".

After these words, drop a drop of wax from each candle on each slipper of a man and put the shoes in place. When your beloved comes home, make sure that he puts on his room shoes. In the near future, do not let anyone else wear charmed slippers.

The rite is performed on the growing Moon at night. The most favorable days of the week to "create" a conspiracy: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Before starting the ritual, buy socks made from natural threads for your loved one. Upon arrival home, embroider a cross on each sock, choosing the color of the thread so that the crosses are invisible. When embroidering, do not forget to read the following spell, clearly pronouncing each word:

“I don’t just embroider crosses, I sew the Servant of God (guy’s name) to myself. I'm not just twisting the threads, I want to entangle the mind of the Servant of God (guy's name). Do not drink without me, do not eat, do not get up without me, do not sit down. I want the Servant of God (name of the guy) to run after me, as if tied, so that the Servant of God (name of the guy) would be tied with me with a strong word. From now on, you are mine forever and no one can recapture you. As I said, so be it."

After you have spoken the last words of a strong love spell, put your socks under your pillow and go to bed. Do not extinguish the candle, and do not move it. With the onset of the morning, collect the wax from the burnt candle, take it out of the house and just bury it under a young tree. Present the charmed socks to your "betrothed" and try to make sure that he starts wearing them as soon as possible.

A strong crush on a guy, a way to attract love.

If your beloved man left you, and you want him back

Strong love spell on the photo, how to fall in love with a man.

Love spells on things help to return a loved one or attract the heart of your chosen one. Before performing any love spell on your own, do not forget to put protection from dark forces. Also remember that you need to pay back.

Love spell for husband

It is better to perform this home love spell on the eve of any holiday, so that there is a reason to give your husband a gift.

Buy a shirt for your husband and read the plot on it three times:

“I will go into the field, find my will, I will enjoy my will, I will bathe in happiness. The sun warms the soul, the husband puts on a shirt. The sun warms, welcomes, the husband absorbs love into himself, I said you won’t erase it, the husband became unbearable, he wants me alone, he loves me alone, he hugs me alone. While reading the plot, stroke the shirt with your right hand. Then cross the shirt, put it under the pillow, and present it to your husband in the morning.

Love spell on clothes

Buy black wool threads. Take something from the clothes of your chosen one and wash over it with holy water. Drops should fall from your face onto this thing. At the same time, you should say: “As your clothes catch drops from my face, so you will catch my words, look for my every look.” After that, wrap the clothes of your chosen one with black thread, saying: "This thread is for you." Tie another black thread around your left leg, saying: "This thread is for me." Go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning, see if the thread is still on your leg. If not, then the spell will work within three days.

Spell to return husband

If the husband has gone to another, but has not yet taken his things, you can try to return him with this love spell.

Take any of your husband's clothes in your hands, cross yourself and put them under the mattress on your marriage bed for twelve days. After twelve days, read the conspiracy at the bedside: “I took the thing from my husband’s body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the mattress, asked the sorcerer to help. Mattress, turn over, servant of God (husband's name) to the servant of God (your name) return home. Amen. Servant of God (name of the lover), perish, perish. Read this conspiracy by the bed for another seven nights in a row, and then you can pull the thing out.

Home love spell on socks

Buy socks for your chosen one. When you take them from the seller, say to yourself: “I buy socks - I tame the cute one.”

Upon arrival at home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross with matching threads in those places that will touch your toes. At the same time, say: “I’m not sewing on a sock, but I’m sending a message to a sweetheart.” Turn your socks inside out again, put them together and read the plot:

“As you need socks, so you need me.

As socks are dear to you, so I am dear to you. They will save you from the cold, I - from heartache. They protect your legs, I protect you, my beloved. They are with you every day, I am every minute: Today, tomorrow, always - on I’ll give you socks - I’ll give myself, I’ll give myself - I’ll get you.

Present socks to your chosen one on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

Love spell on linen

This love spell is performed at home on the growing moon, on Thursday.

Wet the underwear of your chosen one in cold water, wring it out, hang it on a hot radiator and say: “As this linen dries, so will the servant of God / servant of God (name of the object of the love spell) dry for me. From now on and forevermore. Amen".

Love spell on a belt

You will need the belt of your chosen one. Write “mine” at the belt buckle, and then slowly move the belt in your hands from the buckle to the end, while reading the conspiracy: “Belt-strap, my dear friend, serve me, tie my sweetheart to me not by cunning, not by force, but by kindness and caress. Help the dear one, as I will, help the dear one, as I help. Warm it up in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be soft like my hand. I marked the belt - I reminded myself, I can’t find the mark, I’m a modest girl, she will feel her heart, she will lead the belt: my dear will find the path to me. Amen". Then write "mine" on the other end of the belt.

Let's take a closer look at a love spell on men's socks - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

What can be closer to a person than his underwear or, for example, socks.

Closer in the sense that these things absorb the energy of the human body.

Experienced magicians have long used these items to create a volt - a kind of magical thing with which you can control this or that object.

Of course, in order to fully identify the volt with the object in such a way as to subjugate the will of a person, one must have vast experience and knowledge.

And here prayer on his socks, which the young man forgot when he left you, is quite accessible to any of the fair sex.

If you pronounce the words with the proper state of consciousness, prayer will surely bring your loved one back to you.

So, your boyfriend for some reason left you, but while cleaning, you found that he forgot his socks. Do not rush to throw away or wash this wardrobe item. Use your socks to try return a loved one.

To begin with, imagine that socks are a young man. Maybe this is difficult for you, but according to the laws of magic, everything is exactly that way. After all, every thing that an object used carries a particle of its energy. And this particle is quite capable of conveying your message. If it is convincing enough, then the guy will definitely return. So forgotten socks can do a good job.

Prepare the room, put your socks on the table, on the white tablecloth. Surround them with a dense ring of candles. Take off the part of your underwear that you have worn for the longest time without washing. Put it on your socks and say the following words:

“I (my name), waiting for you (man's name)!

Come to me, my love!

As our things lie together, so let our bodies unite in a passionate embrace.

Now it remains only to wait a little. It is likely that the guy will make himself felt the very next day. You shouldn't try to build a relationship.

Love spells on clothes

Love spells on things help to return a loved one or attract the heart of your chosen one. Before doing any love spell on your own do not forget to put protection from dark forces. Also remember that you need to pay back.

“I will go into the field, find my will, I will enjoy my will, I will bathe in happiness. The sun warms the soul, the husband puts on a shirt. The sun warms, welcomes, the husband absorbs love into himself, I said you won’t erase it, the husband became unbearable, he wants me alone, he loves me alone, he hugs me alone.

While reading the plot, stroke the shirt with your right hand. Then cross the shirt, put it under the pillow, and present it to your husband in the morning.

Take any of your husband's clothes in your hands, cross yourself and put them under the mattress on your marriage bed for twelve days. After twelve days, read the conspiracy by the bed: “I took a thing from my husband’s body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the mattress, asked the sorcerer to help. Mattress, turn over, servant of God (husband's name) to the servant of God (your name) return home. Amen. Servant of God (name of the homeowner) go away, go away ". Read this conspiracy by the bed for another seven nights in a row, and then you can pull the thing out.

Home love spell on socks

Upon arrival at home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross with matching threads in those places that will touch your toes. While doing so, say: “I’m not sewing on a sock, but I’m sending a message to a sweetheart” . Turn your socks inside out again, put them together and read the plot:

As socks are sweet to you, so I am sweet to you.

They will save from the cold, I - from the heartache.

Today, tomorrow, always - for many years.

I will give socks - I will give myself, I will give myself - I will receive you.

Love spell on linen

Wet your chosen one's underwear in cold water, wring it out, hang it on a hot radiator and say: “As this linen dries, so will the servant of God / servant of God (your name) dry for me the servant of God / servant of God (name of the object of the love spell). From now on and forevermore. Amen".

How to induce longing with a love spell

There are many types of love spells. A love spell for melancholy, which also has a different name - prisushka, is very popular. Such rituals cause in the victim an unbearable longing for the person who performed the ritual. Such an impact is very painful, so it can be considered a kind of revenge.

A person under the influence of prisushka constantly experiences a strong sense of anxiety and anxiety. It exhausts him and does not allow him to fully live. Internal longing for another person does not allow you to focus on anything, so troubles begin to arise immediately in all areas of life. In this regard, having decided on a love spell for melancholy, it should be remembered that it can be very dangerous, as it can completely break a person and turn him into a weak-willed creature.

The most popular ceremonies

Love spell on the wind

A love spell on longing for the wind is considered very strong. This ceremony is performed outdoors in windy weather. The ritual can be performed in the forest or in the field, that is, the most important principle for choosing a place is remoteness from civilization. Although, if it is not possible to get out into nature, then you can conduct a ceremony near an open window, but in this case, the effectiveness of the ceremony may decrease.

The magic words that are spoken to the wind are as follows:

Ritual for new socks

If a loved one left you, and you want him to feel all the pain that he caused you, then you can use the dryer for new socks, which you need to buy alone on the day of the ceremony. After you pay for them, take them in your hands.

Immediately upon arrival home, the acquired socks must be turned inside out, and a small cross should be embroidered on each sock with a matching thread. In the process of this, magic words are spoken.

They sound like this:

After that, the socks are again folded together and placed on open palms, a love spell is spoken on them:

Drying on an apple

Drying on an apple is very effective. But the complexity of this magical act lies in the fact that for the ritual you need to pick a ripe and beautiful red apple from the tree yourself. A fruit purchased at the market or in a store is not suitable for the ceremony. Also, for the ritual, you need to prepare a fresh photograph of the chosen one. It must be cut to the size of the apple used, but the head of the person shown in the picture must not be damaged.

Then you should do the following:

  • With a knife with a wooden handle, cut the apple into two parts;
  • Attach a photo between them;
  • Tie the connected parts of the apple with red thread;
  • Pronounce the following words with feeling:

After the ceremony, the apple is placed on a sunny windowsill. It should be remembered that the apple should dry out, not rot, so you can not choose rooms with high humidity. But at the same time, you need to make sure that the apple does not catch the eye of strangers. After the fruit dries, it must be wrapped in a piece of natural fabric and buried near the lover's house.

Any drying should be carried out carefully; before the ceremony, it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons. After analyzing the situation, you need to try to find other ways to solve the problem. It should also be remembered that all the rules of the ceremony must be observed.

How to bewitch a loved one to longing

A spell or love spell for melancholy is one of the many types of influence on a person with the help of magic. Due to the fact that the action of magic is distributed more pointwise, the effectiveness of such a ritual increases significantly.

To revive the former passion, it is not a sin to turn to magic: drying is a good way.

A love spell for melancholy is a rather strong magical rite. With the help of a love spell, you can make a young man yearn, miss, constantly think about you. The action of the prisushka is not so long compared to other love spells. But it allows you to make sure that your loved one has an interest in you.

Drying pros and cons

The peculiarity of such rituals is as follows:

  1. Pretty simple to use.
  2. Requires virtually no special preparation.
  3. Drying influences a person in a certain direction.
  4. The rite does not require personal belongings and photographs of the beloved.

The ease of performing such magical actions makes the drying one of the most popular love rites.

After completing the drying, you should not relax. Sooner or later, its effect will begin to weaken. Therefore, you should constantly stir up interest in yourself, make sure that your lover pays attention to you. A love spell for longing is a chance to improve your personal life and make it brighter.

If you look at this magical ritual from the other side, it also has its drawbacks. A charmed person who could not find his happiness will look for him elsewhere. By changing the state of mind of a person, making him dependent on you, you can make him unhappy. Not wanting to have a love relationship with you, a person can easily find himself in the abuse of alcohol, drugs. And in the worst cases, the unthinkable can happen. Therefore, before performing such magical rites, one should think carefully.

If you perform drying on your own, at home, remember the following: before making a love spell on a loved one for melancholy, you need to carefully consider your decision. These rituals are easy to use, but don't take them too lightly.

Prysushka can cause irreparable harm not only to your loved one, but also to yourself. It is necessary to consistently perform all the manipulations, to read spells correctly. And when you achieve the desired result, you must be able to cope with your feelings.

Drying for water

This is one of the easiest rituals to use for melancholy. It can be performed without much preparation at home. You will need a glass glass (preferably faceted). Pour a small amount of tap water into a glass. Holding it with both hands, say these words:

“Water, water, beautiful girl! How without you a person toils, suffers, curses dry land. So even without me, my beloved (name) toiled, suffered, only he would have called me, only he would have wished for me. Just as a person cannot eat or be baptized without you, so without me, my beloved (name) could not visit or beyond the threshold. May it be so"!

The charmed water must be added a few drops to the food of the beloved. Remember: Such water should not be stored for a long time. If you do not have the opportunity to meet with your loved one, freeze the water in the freezer.

Husband love spell with socks

This ritual is very good for married couples. Usually it is done by the wife on a walking husband.

For a love spell, you need to buy new men's socks

To complete it, you need to go to the market or to a store that sells socks. Buy them from the seller and when you pick them up, cast the following spell:

“I don’t buy socks, but I take the heart of the servant of God (name) into my hands.”

And when you return home, you need to embroider a small cross on your socks. Try to choose the color of the thread so that the embroidered crosses are not noticeable. When you embroider a pattern, say this spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of a servant of God (name) to my zealous heart.”

When your embroidery is ready, you need to tie up the socks with a red thread and give a gift to your loved one. The love spell will work most effectively on Friday and Wednesday, provided that the husband immediately puts on your gift. If the husband notices sewn crosses, try to find a reasonable explanation for this.

A love spell to make a guy miss will work one hundred percent only if you correctly fulfill all the necessary requirements.

Love spell - lapel to the wind

This type of magical ritual is most often used as revenge. A charmed person will suffer from longing for you, suffer from being away from you.

The spell must be done on a windy day.

It is performed on a windy day. You need to go to an open area (it can be a field, a forest clearing, or just a place where the wind blows). Stand so that the spoken words fly away from you on the wind and say the following spell:

“The winds are violent, the winds are strong, the winds are mighty! Blow, scatter on the ground, spread! Get, get through to the servant of God (name). Spin it, spin it, torture it! Dry him, strangle him, tell him my name! May he have neither sleep nor rest, may neither good nor bad descend on him, without my word, without my gesture, without my glance! May it be so! Forever and ever and ever!”

Most often, this ritual is done in order to hurt the person who hurt you. It is done on former lovers or after betrayal, as well as from unrequited love.

Dirty socks conspiracy: husband's love spell

A conspiracy to dirty socks is a rather strong love spell of a beloved husband. In languid delight, he cheats on you with a beautiful woman. How embarrassing and sad!

But don't bite your elbows.

You have a unique chance to reject the homeowner.

The most powerful conspiracies for dirty socks will help you with this.

I will now tell you in detail what should be done.

If your husband does his own laundry, offer him your services.

The main thing is that he did not guess anything.

Lock yourself in the bathroom at midnight sharp.

Soak dirty socks in a bowl.

Over filthy water, repeatedly read magical conspiracies that allow you to make a secret love spell.

As the socks in the basin are erased, so the rivals are removed without a trace. A love spell at night will lead you astray, you will not dare to leave for a lovebird. As you put on your socks and take a step, you will curse all the betrayals overnight. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

My beloved husband, I stop all deceptions, I send winds and hurricanes. Without socks, you will not rush anywhere, but by wearing them, you will complete the shameful fornication. I will wash away the dirt that you brought in your soul, being in front of an unworthy negligee. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Do not try to replace me with another, I am sending you an order, dear man. I will whisper a love spell on my toes, I will wean you from betrayal and falsehood. You will be disgraced in bed, you will misfire, you will not return to your muse in this life. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Wash your dirty socks. Rinse them and drain the water.

Hang to dry.

You tear the handwritten piece of paper into pieces, flushing it in the toilet.

As soon as the husband puts on socks, the love spell will begin its development.

Love spell on melancholy: read at home

Love spell on melancholy, by and large, is not a love spell in the usual sense of the word. It has more in common with mental magic.

In fact, the mechanism of the love spell for melancholy comes down to the fact that a program is placed in the mental field of the victim, in this case, the program of melancholy. A person, living with the program, feels dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction. Symptoms disappear when he is in close proximity to the bewitcher. Thus, something like an addiction is formed.

If a person himself is weak in spirit, then he very quickly realizes that he brings relief. In general, this is what the love spell is designed for - to show the victim who is his deliverer and, on the basis of this, form a psychological dependence. This explains the mechanism of action of such a love spell in terms of energy.

However, it has certain side effects. In particular, it is implied that longing will be drowned in love. In practice, longing is drowned in wine when the initial energy charge of the program is used up.

Thus, a love spell for melancholy is an installation, a program that changes the state of mind of a person.

There is an opinion that a love spell for melancholy, or prisushka, is completely safe and does not carry any consequences, like a love spell. This is not entirely true. Any action, regardless of whether it is good or not, starts a chain of consequences, and this must always be remembered. No wonder they say that the most difficult and most important thing during the love spell is to make a decision and take responsibility for the action.

How to make a love spell on the melancholy of a man or woman

In view of the fact that all love spells, one way or another, make the victim sad, consider the simplest and most effective of them.

For example, you can say a special text to the water and then pour it into the food or drink of the victim. It will be two in one - okorm / oops plus a love spell for melancholy.

In order to make a love spell for melancholy, take a faceted glass and pour water into it. Holding the glass with both hands, whisper into the water:

“Water-water, beautiful girl! How without you a person toils, suffers, curses dry land. So even without me, my beloved (name) toiled, suffered, only he would call me, only he would wish me. As without you, Voditsa, a person cannot eat or be baptized, so without me, my beloved (name) could not visit, on the threshold. May it be so!

Keep the water to which the slander was uttered in a dark place and slowly add to the victim in food and drink. Remember that such water will not be stored for a long time, so you can simply freeze it.

Love spell on melancholy in the wind

Another of the common variants of longing rituals is wind drying, which is performed in the field in windy weather.

This love spell for longing for the wind is used mainly as an instrument of revenge. It is not necessary to bewitch a person in order to create a family with him later. Many resort to prisushka as revenge. A person toils, suffers, and the bewitcher enjoys the torment of the victim.

In order to conduct it, go out into the field or to any other place where the winds blow. Wait until the air begins to envelop you, and read the plot, standing like that. For the wind to carry your words:

“The winds are violent, the winds are strong, the winds are mighty! Blow, scatter, spread on the ground! Get on, get through to the servant of God (name)! Spin it, spin it, torture it! Dry him, strangle him, tell him my name! May he have neither sleep nor rest, may neither good nor bad come upon him without my word, without my gesture, without my glance! May it be so! Forever and ever and ever!”

As can be seen from the text, this is more likely not a love spell in its pure form, but a curse with the subsequent binding of the victim to the operator.

Love spell on longing on socks

Unlike the previous ritual for the longing of a beloved guy, this one is more suitable for married couples and is directly love spell. In order to perform the ritual, buy the man socks, and when the seller hands them over, whisper:

“I don’t buy socks, but I take the heart of a servant of God (name) into my hands”

When you return home, embroider on the back of your socks with a cross. Try to match the thread to the main fabric so that the pattern is not visible. When embroidering crosses, pronounce the phrase as a spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of a servant of God (name) to my zealous heart”

After that, fold the socks together, tie with a red ribbon or woolen thread and present to your man. Ideally, if you ask him to put on a gift right away. It is best to do this on Wednesday or Friday, that is, on the days dedicated to Venus and Mercury. If a man asks what kind of crosses on socks, you can answer that this is in order not to confuse the socks of this pair with others. And then such spell for longing will work!

Love spell on husband's socks.

Socks are something that we use almost every day. Why not make them work for us with a love spell. I mean to make a love spell on my husband's socks.

Correctly, a love spell on the husband's socks is done as follows. You need to buy socks for a love spell alone without a husband. When you take socks from the seller, say the following words to yourself:

“I buy socks - I tame a servant of God (name) to myself.”

Before doing a love spell on socks, you need to turn them inside out, and in the place where the toes will embroider an inconspicuous cross. The threads must be the same color as the socks so that no one can see the cross. When you embroider a cross on socks, you need to say the following words:

“It’s not me, I’m sewing a sock on the servant of God (name), but sending a message to my dear (name) in my heart.”

Then turn the socks inside out and fold them together. Now you can read the words of the love spell.

So, love spell words on socks.

“As you need socks, so you need me.

As socks are cute to you, so am I cute.

They protect you from the cold

And I, the servant of God (name), will save me from anguish and heartache.

They protect the feet of the servant of God (name),

And I will take my heart and soul.

They are with you every day

And I'll be there for every minute

Today, tomorrow and always.

I’ll give socks to my dear one - I’ll give myself.

I will give myself to my beloved - you (name)

Key. Castle. Language.

After you have read the words of the love spell on your socks, remove them so that no one sees. And when you meet, personally give socks to your beloved husband.

There are many love spells to separate a husband from a rival. One of those conspiracies.


Prisukha are small love conspiracies that do not require special preparation and execution.


This conspiracy will help eliminate a rival from the life of your loved one. He is good in that he delivers.

How to independently make a conspiracy on a man

If on your life path you met a “handsome prince” who does not want to reciprocate in any way, then there is nothing left but to conspire against the man of “your dreams” and, thereby, achieve his favor.

Conspiracy for a man

How to conquer a man

The situation when a woman is in love with a man, and he does not reciprocate her, is quite common and is very difficult for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to endure. Some young ladies, having become hostages of "unrequited love", suffer and "give up", and the second ones are ready to "go to the end". But what to do if neither female beauty, nor sexuality, complaisant nature and thriftiness touch the heart of a man? In this case, you can turn to love magic for help and make a conspiracy to love the man you like.

But not only the desire to please a representative of the strong half of humanity is driven by a woman who turned to love magic for help. This remedy can be resorted to by an abandoned wife, who is eager to return her departed husband, “beating off” him from her rival, and by a woman whose husband has cooled off towards her or has become greedy and grouchy. There are conspiracies with which you can force a loved one to be faithful and force him to make an offer. Young girls, with the help of love magic, make new romantic acquaintances, make their boyfriends yearn, regularly call and send SMS. As for the insidious mistresses, they use witchcraft to take away married men from families, forcing them to leave their wives and children.

Depending on the purpose of the impact, there are several types of conspiracies on a man:

  1. Love spells for love. They are aimed at the emergence of sympathy and the emergence of romantic feelings on the part of a representative of the strong half of humanity.
  2. Lapel rites and quarrels are used if you need to divorce a couple in love.
  3. Sexual attachments and attachments cause the victim to have an irresistible sexual attraction to the customer of the ritual.
  4. Damage-non-staying leads to complete or partial sexual impotence of a man, whom the customer of the impact intends to punish. Moreover, it is quite difficult to cure male impotence acquired in this way, and sometimes it is impossible.

Conspiracy to meet

It often happens that a girl meets a worthy young man, but he does not pay attention to her and does not even have the desire to get to know her. If all attempts to interest a man have failed, try to conduct a ceremony that will help you get to know the "object of passion." They read this rite on their favorite shoes. The best time to perform the ritual at home is the period when the moon is in growth.

On Saturday evening, lock yourself in a room, light a candle, and place it on the table. Place your favorite shoes nearby. In principle, you can use any shoes, depending on the time of year. The only condition: shoes must be loved and well washed.

After the shoes are on the table, sit down at it and mentally make a "challenge" to your loved one. Think about him, remember his beautiful face, eyes, hands. Fantasize about how you will feel good together, and try to convey to him the strength of your feelings. When you feel ready, start reading the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as my shoes (boots and the like) are good and comfortable, so I will be good and sweet to the Servant of God (name of the guy). How do I put those shoes on my white legs and go on a long journey. My shoes will bring me to the Servant of God (guy's name). As the Servant of God (name of the guy) sees me, he will not be able to take his eyes off me. The Servant of God (name of the guy) will love me with fiery love, he won’t be able to live a day without me, he won’t spend the night without me. So be it.”

With these words, get up from the table and go to bed. Do not blow out the candles, leave the shoes on the table. In the morning, put on the charmed shoes and leave the house. On this day, try to "catch the eye" of the man you want to "get". In order for the rite to give the desired result, you need to wear an enchanted pair of shoes as often as possible.

Love spell on slippers

If you have been dating a guy for a long time and you can’t “divorce” him into marriage in any way, try using one valid rite, after which your beloved will call you his wife. This impact of love magic is able to subordinate the will of the victim to the wishes of the customer. To perform the ritual, you need to live with your loved one, or at least you must keep his room shoes at home. After all, the main "ingredient" of the conspiracy is the man's room slippers.

When the man is not at home, light two church candles, take his slippers and say the following words:

“Wedding candles, bring me an engagement ring. May the Servant of God (name of the man) become mine forever, stop thinking about all others. Do not eat the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) do not drink, only love me alone. Amen".

After these words, drop a drop of wax from each candle on each slipper of a man and put the shoes in place. When your beloved comes home, make sure that he puts on his room shoes. In the near future, do not let anyone else wear charmed slippers.

Conspiracy on socks

The rite is performed on the growing Moon at night. The most favorable days of the week to "create" a conspiracy: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Before starting the ritual, buy socks made from natural threads for your loved one. Upon arrival home, embroider a cross on each sock, choosing the color of the thread so that the crosses are invisible. When embroidering, do not forget to read the following spell, clearly pronouncing each word:

“I don’t just embroider crosses, I sew the Servant of God (guy’s name) to myself. I'm not just twisting the threads, I want to entangle the mind of the Servant of God (guy's name). Do not drink without me, do not eat, do not get up without me, do not sit down. I want the Servant of God (name of the guy) to run after me, as if tied, so that the Servant of God (name of the guy) would be tied with me with a strong word. From now on, you are mine forever and no one can recapture you. As I said, so be it."

After you have spoken the last words of a strong love spell, put your socks under your pillow and go to bed. Do not extinguish the candle, and do not move it. With the onset of the morning, collect the wax from the burnt candle, take it out of the house and just bury it under a young tree. Present the charmed socks to your "betrothed" and try to make sure that he starts wearing them as soon as possible.

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