BJU cheese: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, chemical composition and nutritional value. Russian cheese: composition, bju, production technology Bju cheese calorie content

Landscape design 23.07.2020
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Russian cheese - semi-hard rennet cheese, which is made from pasteurized cow's milk.

The Cheese Russian brand does not have a copyright holder and is produced by a large number of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Latvian factories.

Russian cheese is considered one of the most popular types of this dairy product.

Firstly, this cheese is one of the constant varieties: as long as we remember ourselves, it is present on the shelves of our stores.

Secondly, there is always a huge assortment of this type of cheese, which depends on the manufacturer, and we have a lot of them.

It is made from pasteurized cow's milk with the addition of milk-clotting rennet and a ferment of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria.

After production, Russian cheese can be delivered to stores only after 60 days of aging.

Semi-hard cheese, yellow color, on the cut you can see lace from small eyes. The taste is pronounced, slightly sour. It is a semi-hard cheese with a fat content of 50 ± 1.6%, made in accordance with GOST R 52972-2008 (valid from January 1, 2010).

Energy value of the product Russian cheese, bju:

  • protein: 23.2 g
  • fat: 29.5 g
  • carbohydrates: 0 g

Caloric content: 364 kcal.

The production also uses a hardener calcium chloride (E509), sodium or potassium nitrates (E251, E252), lysozyme (E1105), calcium orthophosphate (E341), beta-carotene (E160a), annatto extracts (E160b). The surface of the head is treated with fungicides: sorbic acid (E200), sodium sorbate (E201), potassium sorbate (E202), etc.

Why is Russian cheese useful?

The benefit of Russian cheese lies in the composition of this product. There is a useful and easily digestible protein in it, which takes an active part in the formation of systems and internal organs.

Also included in this product are amino acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. For example, they are responsible for the condition of the muscles, hormones, and they also protect the body from the negative effects of infections and viruses.

B vitamins normalize the activity of the nervous system, which allows you to get rid of insomnia, fatigue and stress.

There is also vitamin B12 in this product, which contributes to a faster recovery from anemia, anemia and hepatitis. In addition, the risk of the formation of erythrocytes, which are involved in the regeneration of the nervous system, is reduced, and the vitamin also improves liver function.

What is important, all vitamins and microelements found in Russian cheese are completely absorbed by the body.

Potassium is a part of Russian cheese, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Russian cheese promotes quick and effective recovery after strong and prolonged physical and mental stress.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is widely used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes.

This product is included in recipes for salads and appetizers. It is often grated and used for hot dishes and breading.

This type of cheese is used when roasting meat, fish and vegetables in the oven.

In addition, this product is put into pizza, pastries, casseroles, etc.

There is one effective way that will allow you to choose high-quality Russian cheese.

To do this, take a piece of cheese, ask the seller to cut it off from the head, and bend it.

If it hasn't broken, you can be sure the product is good.

When buying cheese in a vacuum package, look at polyethylene, if you see greasy streaks, such a product does not deserve your attention.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Russian cheese is a semi-hard rennet cheese made from pasteurized cow's milk of the highest quality. In the process of making cheese, sourdough, rennet and sometimes a natural dye, annatto extract, are added to milk if cheese is produced during the cold season, when cows cannot get grass and dandelions for the natural color of milk. Russian cheese is produced in the form of low cylinders or rectangular bars weighing from 8 to 18 kg.

Russian cheese has a uniform light yellow color, medium hardness, dense and plastic structure, the cheese is well cut, without the appearance of "pellets" and does not stick to the knife. The taste of Russian cheese is slightly sour, creamy, with a bright aroma. An openwork pattern of heterogeneous eyes is located throughout the cheese. There is a dense crust on the head of the cheese, on which the interlacing of threads is sometimes visible, this is a sign that the cheese was laid out on linen.

Calorie content of Russian cheese

The calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of Russian cheese

The product contains: pasteurized cow, rennet. Russian cheese contains vitamins and minerals, necessary for the body:,. Russian cheese is useful for children and adults, its use helps to strengthen bones and teeth, stimulates the normal activity of the heart muscle (calorizator). The product contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein, which is needed to build cells in all systems of the human body.

The harm of Russian cheese

It should not be forgotten that Russian cheese contains beef fat, which is hard and one of the heaviest, so those with high blood cholesterol levels should eat Russian cheese in a small amount. With excessive use of the product, problems with the digestive system are possible - heaviness in the stomach, constipation.

When purchasing Russian cheese, you should pay attention to the cut of the product, it should have been smooth, even, without droplets of liquid (tears), cracks and crumbs. Slit eyes have an irregular shape and penetrate all the cheese, if they are concentrated in one place, it means that the cheese was produced with violations of technology. Slipperiness of the surface and non-uniform color are not allowed, if the cheese crumbles, this is a sign of immature.

Store Russian cheese in the refrigerator, if it is in a vacuum package, then the shelf life is three months, open or bought a piece of cheese is stored no longer than seven days in a special cheese pan or in a glass / plastic container.

Russian cheese in cooking

Russian cheese is a versatile product, suitable for independent use as a snack or a snack, ideal for sandwiches and canapes, melts well and therefore is suitable for making hot sandwiches, julienne, pizza, pasta, baked vegetables, meat and poultry. Cheese is added to salads with canned beans and croutons, fried in breading and batter.

For more information about Russian cheese, about its production, see the video "Russian cheese" on the TV program "Goods Expertise".

Especially for
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Today cheese is a product of frequent consumption. How much protein, fat and carbohydrates cheese contains, you will learn in this article. Do cheese contain carbohydrates and do they affect your weight? Cheese is used both in its original form - slices for appetizers, for sandwiches, in the form of cutting into numerous salads and making sandwiches, and is included in all kinds of fillings, it is prepared in grated form, where dishes sprinkled with cheese are especially popular for baking in the oven, be- then pizzas, pies or main courses.

Vitamins Despite everyday use, few people think about what is included in everyone's favorite cheese. Cheese contains a large list of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene, which have a positive effect on our body. Besides vitamins, cheese is rich in micro and marco elements. These are iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, phosphorus and zinc .. Cheese carbohydrates in it constitute a minimum percentage of the content.

Often it is 0% carbohydrates when talking about hard, semi-hard and some soft types of cheese such as Swiss, Adyghe, Dutch, Roquefort, cheddar, etc., the same applies to feta cheese. Accordingly, such cheeses can be used during a diet and in fasting days... How many carbohydrates are in cheese, homemade cheese contains about 1.8% carbohydrates, processed smoked ones, such as sausage cheese - 3.7% carbohydrates, in second place in carbohydrate content are sweet processed cheeses and glazed cheeses are in the first place, respectively - 32% carbohydrates ...

Like most healthy foods, in addition to vitamins, cheese contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates. On average, proteins make up about 18% -26% of the total mass of the product, fats - about 20% -32%. It all depends on the type of cheese. For example, homemade cheese contains the least amount of fat - only 4% - this is a pleasant exception, while Swiss cheese contains the most - 31.8%, which is not far from Dutch round cheese and cheddar - 30.5% fat. The largest amount of proteins is in the Baltic cheese - 30%, in the second place is the Yaroslavl cheese - 26.8%, and in the third place is Estonian, Dutch bar and Poshekhonsky - 26% of proteins.

Least of all proteins, again, in homemade cheese with a fat content of 4% - 17% protein. Having carried out a full analysis of the varieties of cheese presented on the Russian market, we can make a final conclusion about how many carbohydrates are in the cheese. Most cheeses contain almost zero carbohydrates.

Supporters of carbohydrate-free diets will undoubtedly like this product, but if you play sports or lead an active lifestyle, then carbohydrates are simply vital for the body, if we talk about simple carbohydrates, since they replenish our body's energy reserves and reduce fat consumption and proteins. But the use of complex carbohydrates contained in sweet curd cheeses is better to reduce. All in all, the cheese is pretty useful product for our body. After analyzing a product such as cheese, the carbohydrates were zero.

The prevalence of cheese is due not only to its flavor variety, but also useful properties, nutritional value. Such a product quickly saturates and absorbs in the human body.

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Today there is a rich assortment of types and varieties of this fermented milk products. Depending on the method of preparation and ingredients, the calorie content of the cheese, its external and technical characteristics differ.

Product Description

Cheese - sour milk product food obtained from raw milk, by adding clotting enzymes or through the melting of other dairy products. For this purpose, different milk is used: goat, horse, sheep, cow. Today there are over 700 varieties of cheese. This variety depends on the difference in production technology.

Nutritionists divide cheeses into rennet, fermented milk and processed cheeses, which, in turn, are divided into groups:

  • Solid - obtained by long-term pressing (from 6 months to several years), with preliminary cooking at a certain temperature. Therefore, on the cut, the eyes are completely absent or very small. Such varieties have a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially on the digestive and nervous system... With regular use of the product, general well-being improves. The calorie content per 100 grams of the product is 340–350 kilocalories.
  • Semi-solid - have a dense but plastic structure. A chaotic perforated pattern is observed inside. Such cheeses ripen for only a few months.
  • Soft - have a creamy curdled consistency, soft on the inside, but firm on the outside. No surface crust or slight mold. They contain fewer calories (about 230 kcal), so they are recommended for weight loss. There are varieties with and without maturation. The taste can be hot-peppery, mushroom, fermented milk, ammonia.
  • Curd - a protein cheese product with a high content of vitamins and microelements. For vegetarians, they can be a complete substitute for meat. Not stored for a long time.
  • Fused - obtained by a special method, by combining various dairy products, with the addition of melting salts and subsequent thermal action. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and amino acids.
  • Pickle - imply maturation and storage in a special saline solution. They have a sour-pungent taste and aroma, a layered and fragile texture. They are divided into soft and hard. This category includes the traditional Georgian cheese suluguni, as well as Brynza, Chanakh, Feta, Adygei. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • With mold- an elite variety of cheese products, in the manufacture of which molds, safe for health, are introduced. The color of the mold can be different: blue, green, white, bluish, red. These foods are good for people with lactose intolerance.

Popular types of cheese:

Name Category Classification A photo
MozzarellaSoft, pickledClassic cheese product italian cuisine based on goat milk. Fat content 22-24%. With an almost homogeneous structure, dense. Not cut into thin slices. The taste is neutral. Usually sold as balls or braided
AdygheSoft, pickledA dense curdled structure with a difference in taste, depending on the type of milk used. Prepares quickly, 2-3 weeks in brine is enough
SuluguniSolid, brineDense, outwardly similar to processed cheese. It is stored in brine, otherwise it gets aired and covered with mold from above, begins to burst. It is more often cooked from goat and sheep milk. Always has a salty taste
DutchSemi-solidIt differs from other species in that it is made exclusively from fresh cow's milk, without any extraneous additives. Endowed with a pungent sour taste
GoudaSolidDutch dairy product, yellow on the cut, with a nutty flavor. With prolonged exposure, it acquires a spicy aftertaste. Has a fat content of about 50%. Young cheese is easy to cut into thin slices, aged - rather difficult
MaasdamSemi-solidTraditional Dutch cheese with characteristic large holes inside. It has a pronounced cheesy flavor with a slight sweetness. Fat content - about 30%
LambertSolid, rennetA unique variety produced on the basis of milk from the Altai Territory. Differs in a pronounced creamy taste and yellowness
RicottaSoft, wheyProduct with a low milk fat content. More like a curd mass than cheese. Has no specific smell, tastes sweet. Fat content depends on the type of milk: from cow - 10%, goat - 22-25%. Color ranges from pure white to cream
MascarponeSoft, curdCreamy consistency, fat content up to 74%. The composition is a complete analogue of cottage cheese. The taste is closer to butter... Visually comparable to homemade cream. Used in cooking to create dessert creams
ParmesanSolidCheese of long ripening and special hardness. Not even cut with a sharp knife. Real Parmesan can only be smashed into pieces with a hammer. Used to sprinkle dishes. There is usually young cheese on the market, which is not as hard. Outwardly, it is not very attractive due to the white crumbling coating. Fat content of the product - 30%
Pigtail (chechil)Smoked, pickledA traditional Armenian product with a fibrous texture. The taste is similar to suluguni. It is done manually
CamembertSoft with mildewOriginally from France. Visually looks like a creamy dessert. It melts easily due to its high oiliness. The product is not mass-produced and therefore expensive. The mold on it is white. Fat content is 43-45%
TofuVegetablePopular soybean cheese made from artificial ingredients. In terms of taste, it is close to feta cheese or mozzarella. Refers to dietary cheeses, indicated for weight loss. And also recommended for use by people with disabilities digestive system... Fat content of only 5% per 100 grams with a caloric content of 70-72 kcal


Cheese is a natural, easily digestible protein, along with vitamins and a large complex of minerals. It is especially beneficial for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. If you have individual lactose intolerance, cheese can be substituted for milk.

The composition contains unique amino acids: lysine, tryptophan, methionine, which are not produced by the human body. Vitamins in cheeses: group B, E, A, PP, C, D. From mineral components: zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron. The calorie content of cheese depends on the species; it ranges from 250 to 400 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritional value and distribution of BJU in different types of cheeses:


All cheeses are healthy, regardless of the production technology. It is a valuable supplier of amino acids, the lack of which can lead to dehydration and premature aging. The products are obtained as a result of fermentation, therefore, it has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract... Moldy cheeses help speed up metabolism and protect against bacterial infections.

When such a product is included in a regular diet, a person provides full support to the body in terms of mineral saturation, in particular, calcium. This is especially important for children and older people.

All types of cheese are shown to support physical strength:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • in case of weakened immunity.

It has a positive effect on teeth, eyesight, hair and nails. Nutritionists recommend low-fat varieties of cheese for weight loss and in case of thrombosis.

Athletes and people with daily physical overload, like food supplement will help you recover faster. It is enough to eat 100 grams per day to fully supply the body with vital substances. Due to the large amount of calcium in the composition, it is indicated for bone fractures.

The benefits of each type of cheese:

Name Impact
MozzarellaSoothes, Effectively Fights Insomnia
Bree, CamembertNormalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Blue cheese is superior in protein content to eggs and fish. Thanks to amino acids, muscle tissue is built up, calcium in the composition strengthens bones. With the frequent use of such cheeses, the protective function of the body against ultraviolet radiation increases.
Gouda, Emmental, EpuasCalcium source
TofuNot only tastes good, but also rich in protein, along with low fat. Recommended for use by people with digestive pathologies. However, excessive passion for this product can negatively affect memory.
Swiss, DutchStrengthens the bone skeleton, improves tissue regeneration. Serves as prevention of caries and osteoporosis
AdygheOne of the most healthy cheeses for medical reasons. Indicated for vegetarians and people who are losing weight. Helps to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals. Serves as prevention: cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, oncology, nervous disorders. Indicated for exhaustion and anemia
For children under one year old, any cheese delicacies are prohibited. It can harm the kidneys and liver. After a year of life, the child's stomach begins to produce the enzymes necessary for the digestion of cheese.

It is advisable for pregnant women to refrain from eating moldy cheese. The fungus in its composition can harm the developing fetus. Cheese with noble mold cannot be consumed more than 50 grams per day, and children under 8 years old are completely contraindicated. Stomach overload bacterial flora contributes to dysbiosis.

Overeating any cheese can cause insomnia, increase blood pressure and headache, which is due to the presence of tryptophan in the product. Hard and soft varieties are completely harmless if you adhere to the consumption rate.

Cheese saturates quickly and is absorbed quickly, without loss useful composition.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to completely remove excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

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