Adaptogens in sports how to take. Adaptogens and sports. Effective herbal adaptogens

drains 01.10.2021
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Adaptogenic preparations of general tonic action, the effectiveness of which in the practice of sports training has not yet been proven, include some Russian ones (based on the extract of leuzea - ​​elton, leveton, phytoton, adapton, leptonik), Chinese (Laojan decoction), Vietnamese ("Phytocerebralizin-f" ) and American ("Jeansengs superior complex") products.

Combined adaptogenic preparations of Russian production. These preparations were created in the 90s of the XX century. in Russia under the leadership of R. D. Seifulla and received commercial names - elton, leveton, phytoton, adapton, etc. It should be noted that these biologically active additives do not have a sufficient evidence base.

Adaptogenic agent Elton developed in 1993, used in all sports. Increases physical performance, climate-zone adaptation, stimulates the immune system, preventing various diseases, normalizes metabolism . In combination with Leveton, it is very effective after an illness, as it contributes to the rapid recovery of sports form. When used with Leveton, it improves the activity of the gonads, enhances libido and erection in men, prevents incomplete erection, reduces the weakening of potency, increases the level sexual arousal. Elton consists of flower pollen, Eleutherococcus root powder, a-tocofeol, ascorbic acid and propolis. It is used in a course of 20-25 days (2 tablets 3 times a day) in combination with other drugs during preparation for competitions, intense physical exertion and after them, when there is a decrease in immunity.

Adaptogenic agent Leveton Also developed in 1993, it is used in sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance (athletics, swimming, rowing, cycling, etc.). It increases physical performance, endurance, stimulates the immune system, has anabolic properties, relieves stress before starting, normalizes metabolism, improves the activity of the gonads, and restores potency. In combination with Elton, it is very effective after an illness, as it contributes to the rapid recovery of sports form. Leveton consists of flower pollen, leuzea root powder (contains phytoecdysteroid - ecdisten), a-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and propolis. It is used in a course of 20-25 days (2 tablets 3 times a day) in combination with other drugs during preparation for competitions, intense physical exertion and after them, when immunity is reduced.

Fitoton developed in 1997, used in all sports, increases physical performance, climate-zone adaptation, stimulates the immune system, normalizes metabolism, improves the activity of the gonads, restores potency. It is especially effective after an illness, as it contributes to the rapid restoration of sports form.

Adapton developed by VNI-IFK specialists in 1997, is the most powerful of all adaptogenic drugs in this series. It consists of flower pollen, Rhodiola rosea root powder, Schisandra chinensis seed powder, a-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and fructose. Applies to all sports. It increases physical performance, climate-zone adaptation, stimulates the immune system, preventing various diseases due to a decrease in immunity, and normalizes metabolism. In combination with Elton and Leveton, it is very effective after an illness, as it contributes to the rapid recovery of sports form. When used with Elton, it improves the activity of the gonads, enhances libido and erection in men, prevents incomplete erections, reduces the weakening of potency, and increases the level of sexual arousal. It is used in a course of 20-25 days (2 tablets 3 times a day) in combination with other drugs during preparation for competitions, intense physical exertion and after them, when there is a decrease in immunity. To correct sexual activity, it is prescribed for 30 days with a break of 20-25 days, 4 courses per year.

All adaptogenic products of this series have proven themselves in the preparation of highly qualified athletes in all sports for the Olympic Games and other important international competitions. Data D D are subject to an international anti-doping certificate, they are not included in the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods as of January 2009. The use of these drugs is approved by the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, the Federation of Sports Medicine Russian Federation, the Russian Olympic Committee and the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation.

In sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance (athletics, swimming, rowing, cycling, etc.), it is recommended to use leveton, elton, adapton and other adaptogenic drugs. In speed-strength sports (all types of throwing, weightlifting, bodybuilding, etc.), it is advisable to use Elton, phytoton and adapton, and in games (football, basketball, hockey) - combinations of Elton, phytoton and adapton. In martial arts, a complex of Elton, Leveton and Adapton is used.

These DCs are taken in a course of 20-25 days (2 tablets 3 times a day) during the period of preparation for competitions and during intense physical exertion, when immunity decreases, as well as after heavy physical exertion (with a high content of free radicals in the blood of athletes ). These funds should be taken after various illnesses to quickly restore fitness. The DD complex, consisting of Elton, phytoton and adapton, should be used by athletes with prostatitis and decreased sexual function (especially hockey players who have prostatitis - an occupational disease).

The mechanism of action of combined adaptogenic agents is as follows: they tone the central nervous system, improve the processes of learning, memory, conditioned reflex activity, synaptic transmission in the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the peripheral nervous system; optimize the function of the endocrine system of the body; economize the process of formation and consumption of energy in the executive cells (muscles, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs); I restore immunological reactivity in case of overtraining, overwork and overstrain; contribute to the antioxidant action in the body, preventing the toxic effects of free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, under the action of damaging factors; prevent the phenomena of hypoxia, which is almost always a companion of intense physical exertion; have anabolic effects, which must be maintained during training and other intense physical exertion in order to avoid weight loss and protein degradation when catabolic processes prevail; normalize the microcirculation of cerebral vessels and working muscles by improving the rheological properties of blood.

Jeansengs superior complex("Ginsengs Supreme Complex") manufactured by "Country Life" USA) is a complex adaptogenic agent, which includes a mixture of extracts of nine types of ginseng: Siberian ginseng (root) - Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panax ginseng (root), Red Panax ginseng (root ), Panax ginseng (root), Indian ginseng Ashwagandha (root) - Withanolia somnifera, Bastard ginseng (root) - Codonopsis chinensis, Masa Peruvian ginseng (tuber) - Lepidium meyenii, southern blue Asian ginseng (root) - Gynostemma chinensis, American ginseng (root), as well as astragalus (root), Reishi mushroom, dereza (berry), soy phosphatides (soy lecithin), lipase. DD has a pronounced tonic effect, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the adaptive capacity of the body in conditions of high psychological and physical stress and adverse environmental influences.

How to use "Ginsengs Supreme Complex": 1 capsule per day, preferably in the morning or 1 hour before the expected exercise. Reception after loading is possible to accelerate recovery processes. Contraindications: do not take DD with high blood pressure.

    An abundance of stress reduces our ability to resist negative factors. We become more susceptible to disease, we lose the ability to concentrate and physical potential. Adaptogens are a group of drugs that help the body adapt to different conditions. They are useful not only for athletes, but also for “ordinary” people.

    What you need to know about adaptogens?

    The origin of the term is due to the Soviet specialist N. Lazarev. In 1947, the scientist conducted research on increasing the body's resistance to the negative effects of external factors. In their action, adaptogens resemble immunostimulants, but one should not confuse both.

    The essence of drugs is the ability to help adapt to different types stress - biological (viruses, bacteria), chemical (heavy metals, toxins), physical (exercise, cold and heat).

    Adaptogens are classified, depending on the origin:

    • vegetable - and others;
    • animals - reindeer antlers, etc.;
    • mineral - mumiyo;
    • synthetic - trekrezan, etc.;
    • minerals - humic substances.

    Preparations are multifaceted - they work at different levels. They are:

  1. Stimulate the formation of proteins and other elements that “restore” damaged tissues. In the case of athletes and muscle tissue, this effect is not pronounced, but still takes place.
  2. Increase the level of creatine phosphate and ATP, responsible for the amount of energy.
  3. Improve functioning of cardio-vascular system and increase oxygen saturation in the body.
  4. They contain powerful antioxidants that protect DNA, cell membranes and mitochondria from damage.

The combination of features of substances increases intellectual and physical resistance to stress. In the context of sports, the main benefit of taking adaptogens is to reduce emotional resistance to physical activity. In this sense, the drugs act like doping - the feeling of heavy projectiles goes away, there is a desire to go to training. Neuromuscular communication improves - the athlete feels the weight better and, as a result, is able to lift more. In addition to strength, the reaction speed also increases.

Athletes will appreciate other effects of drugs:

  • prevention;
  • mood improvement;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • activation of glucose phosphorylation and, as a result, improvement of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • increase the body's ability to accumulate;
  • improvement of microcirculation.

List of popular drugs

Herbal adaptogens are the most popular. They are followed by artificial preparations. Before using substances, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Ginseng root

From Chinese medicine migrated to modern. One of the most effective options. Hundreds of studies have proven the effectiveness of ginseng and other similar adaptogens. Regular intake of the tincture of the root of this plant facilitates adaptation to physical and mental stress.


It is a shrub that grows in the mountains of northeast Asia. The traditional remedy of Russia and China - with its help they fought with colds. The plant can help increase muscle strength, increase endurance, improve immunity, and overcome chronic fatigue.


Ashwagandha root has been successfully used in Ayurvedic medicine for over two thousand years. Over the past decades, many athletes and not only appreciated the effect of the plant. The root tincture is characterized by a mild sedative effect. Indicated for people with nervous exhaustion, apathy, high blood pressure, thyroid problems.

Rhodiola rosea

In the USSR, they carefully approached the study of Rhodiola. Scientists have found that taking the plant contributes to a balanced level of cortisol in the body. Depending on the initial level, the stress hormone either rises or falls. Therefore, this option is considered not only an adaptogen, but also an antidepressant.

Rhodiola increases the level of norepinephrine and - neurotransmitters. This explains the adaptive effect - an increase in working capacity, including in stressful situations.


In the table, plant adaptogens are classified based on the greatest effect:

Among the synthetic drugs, the most popular are:

  • Citrulline. The active ingredient is an amino acid involved in the urea exchange cycle and helping to normalize metabolism.
  • Trekrezan is a new generation immunomodulator and adaptogen. Enhances antitumor activity of phagocytes.

Modern pharmaceuticals produce drugs that help to adapt to the surrounding negative factors, in various forms - in tablets, extracts, powders, alcohol tinctures.

Side effects of using adaptogens

Adaptogens are safe. But sometimes they may have side effects. For example:

  • Provoking insomnia. Preparations are recommended to be taken in the morning.
  • A slight increase in body temperature. It is undesirable to take funds in extreme heat.
  • In case of individual intolerance - loss of appetite, headaches, allergies.

How to take drugs?

Adaptogens should not be taken continuously. The maximum course duration is 1-1.5 months. A longer period is fraught with adaptation of the body to drugs and a decrease in the effect.

Such substances have a number of common features. But there are many differences as well. Therefore, it is useful to take two drugs at the same time, based on the individual needs of the body and goals. After the course, you can and should alternate medicines- this will avoid addiction and demonstrate the potential of analogues.

In power sports, adaptogens require special dosages. Usually, athletes independently develop strategies for taking them, depending on individual characteristics and recommended dosages that are attached to the drugs. Most often, athletes increase "portions" by 20-30%. But we must not forget about the advice of a specialist.

For the greatest effect, it is desirable to take adaptogens twice a day, in equal doses. Whatever the form of the drug, during the period of its use it is necessary to drink plenty of water.

The following table contains a list of adaptogen drugs (for athletes and not only) and recommended dosages:


Adaptogens should not be taken:

  • at elevated temperature;
  • at ;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with acute infectious diseases;
  • children;
  • at elevated pressure.


What are these drugs used for? Impact on the body. Options for the most effective drugs.

In the field of bodybuilding, you can increasingly hear about drugs such as adaptogens. At the same time, many beginners do not know the purpose of these supplements, and even more so they do not understand why adaptogens are used in sports. In fact, these drugs can make the training process more efficient, increase the production of testosterone in the body, strengthen the immune system and give much more to the body. But more about everything.


Adaptogens were originally positioned as drugs made exclusively from natural products. Medicinal plants and organs of some animals were used as the basis for production. Multiple studies confirm the centuries-old history of these supplements. Needless to say, even if Eastern medicine has recognized adaptogens and has been using them for several millennia.

Medicines are unique in their mechanism of action. Unlike a number of other supplements, they do not disrupt the functioning of the body and do not knock it off the normal rhythm. At the same time, they bring great benefits to the body - they increase resistance to various negative aspects (high or low temperature, hunger and thirst, stress and infections), and also accelerate the production of testosterone. Due to the different spectrum of actions, experts recommend alternating adaptogen preparations to achieve maximum effect.

Benefits for the athlete

Adaptogens have come into bodybuilding relatively recently. At the same time, most drugs bring great benefits to the body:

  • increase endurance, which is very important for power sports, where a large amount of testosterone is required;
  • raise the fatigue threshold. A bodybuilder can exercise much longer without feeling very tired;
  • accelerate the process of metabolism in the body, which avoids the increase in "fat" weight;
  • effectively combats emotional and physical fatigue. Indeed, bodybuilding often exhausts athletes not only physically, but also psychologically. Consequently, such "reducers" are most welcome;
  • improve concentration. When doing exercises, this allows you to focus on technique and muscle growth;
  • cheer up. It has already been proven that with good mood training is much more beneficial;
  • increase energy reserves, which is necessary not only for active exercises, but also for better digestibility of proteins;
  • increase appetite, which is a very important aspect for a professional athlete. This is not about a false sense of hunger.

In addition, thanks to the intake of adaptogens, you can expect an increase in testosterone production, which is very important for further growth. muscle mass and improving sports performance.

What to take?

Let's highlight the list of drugs that are considered the most popular today:

Prices and where to buy adaptogens



Bodybuilding requires athletes to take a special approach and take only healthy and effective nutrition. Adaptogens in this regard the best choice- they are safe, accelerate the production of testosterone and are generally very useful for the body.

Many have heard that some plants have healing properties. They are able to increase the tone, restore lost strength. About such useful properties Ah, our ancestors knew. In ancient times, hunters ate the fruits and roots of plants, they gave them strength and allowed them to endure any weather changes. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation.

What are adaptogens?

Later, scientists confirmed that some plants can have truly healing properties, and gave them the name "adaptogens". The preparations, the list of which will be presented below, are made on the basis of these plants and provide invaluable benefits to the body, helping it to adapt to bad conditions. environment and overcome any physical stress.

The components that are included in adaptogens increase physical work body and also have a great influence on immunity, preserving it. They are mostly used in medicine, and, of course, one cannot do without them in big sports, where a person is subjected to great physical exertion. It is also important for every athlete to maintain immunity in order not to be exposed to various colds. Each plant has beneficial properties.

What properties do drugs belonging to the "adaptogens" group have?

The list (herbal adaptogens are the most popular) of such drugs is known to many. We will voice it further, but for now let's talk about their positive qualities.

First, they have a general strengthening effect on the body. Plants that are part of these funds have the ability to increase immunity. Such drugs affect the body without the help of special medications. They do not allow the disease to develop and begin to fight it instantly. Very often they are used not for treatment, but for preventive purposes by people who do not suffer from any diseases. It is especially good to use them during exacerbations of SARS, which undermine the general condition of a person.

Secondly, drugs included in the "adaptogens" group also have a neuroregulatory effect.

The list of the best will be discussed in this article. These substances, depending on the dosage, can affect our body in different ways. They can both slow down and speed up the processes in the body. If you overdo it with taking adaptogens, you can provoke an overexcitation of the nervous system. However, you should not worry, as all this passes if you just stop using them. It is better not to bring it to this, as insomnia may appear and everything around will begin to annoy. And this, of course, will not bring any benefit, so carefully follow the dosage.

Thirdly, such drugs provide improved metabolism. The work of cell membranes is accelerated due to the fact that they improve metabolic processes.

Adaptogens, having the above properties, help the body overcome increased physical exertion, and also instantly restore the body after overload. They are also able to reduce the risk of diseases that lie in wait for a person everywhere. Scientists have also noted that adaptogens reduce the risk of cancer.

Consider the most famous drugs included in the "adaptogens" group.


Herbal adaptogens can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, these include:

  • Ginseng.
  • Golden root.
  • Lemongrass Chinese.
  • Eleutherococcus.
  • Aralia Manchurian.
  • Maral root.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of each adaptogen. In addition to what they have general properties, each of them has individual unique qualities.


One of the most popular representatives of this class is ginseng. Its main advantage is that it is able to destroy cancer cells. It also helps improve digestion. For people who suffer from lack of appetite, it is indispensable. For diabetics, it will be a good addition to complex treatment, as it lowers blood sugar levels. It can also be used to prevent vision. Therefore, drugs belonging to the group "plant adaptogens" are so popular.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of medicines based on ginseng. They, in turn, are aimed at the treatment of oncological diseases, diabetes and diseases associated with the digestive system.

It is important to note that ginseng has the highest rates among adaptogens. But he gained fame and love of the people thanks to the stories of monks from Tibet. They are considered to be the discoverers of the beneficial properties of ginseng.

This plant is best used in autumn and winter, when its properties are most pronounced. An alcohol tincture is made from ginseng, which must be drunk on an empty stomach (it is first diluted in a small amount of water, about 50 ml).

The dosage is different, it depends on what effect the patient wants to get. The dose that will soothe is about 20 drops, and the tonic dose is 40 drops. Note that the dosage depends on other physiological characteristics of each person. It is necessary to take into account the gender, weight, age of the patient, so for each it should be individual.

You can independently determine your dose, for example, drink a glass of water with 30 drops of tincture in the morning, and then observe changes in the body throughout the day. With the correct dosage, the state of health should be good, sleep occurs in a timely manner, increased activity. In this condition, it can be concluded that the dosage is chosen correctly. And if a person does not feel well, has become more irritable, does not fall asleep well, then the dose chosen is completely inappropriate. It is necessary to reduce it by 5 drops and then again conduct an observation. Determining the correct dosage will help you get healing effect expected from this drug.

What other drugs related to the group "adaptogens" are known? The list goes on.

Chinese lemongrass

If you suffer from depression, then Chinese lemongrass can help you. It has a very strong effect on the central nervous system. Doctors often recommend it over drugs because it has increased efficiency in treatment. Dosage: minimum - about 10 drops, and maximum - no more than 15 drops.

Let's continue to consider drugs belonging to the group "adaptogens". A list for athletes is also available.

maral root

Maral root has an anabolic effect. For athletes, it can be used as a herbal steroid. Builds muscle and gives strength. If you use a tincture of this plant for a month, then the number of red blood cells in the circulatory system will increase, therefore, hemoglobin will become higher, and the heartbeat will increase. Acceptable dosage: minimum - 7-10 drops, and maximum - 20-30 drops.

Golden root

The most effective adaptogen is called the golden root. Its use is aimed at increasing contractions of the cardiac system. Note that even after drinking a tincture from this plant once, you can already get an excellent effect. You will have more strength, muscles will become stronger. Experts advise the following dosage for taking: low - 2-5 drops, and high - 6-10 drops. On the basis of all these plants, preparations belonging to the "adaptogens" group are created. Let's continue the list.


Eleutherococcus senticosus has a stimulating effect on the oxidation of glucose and fats. Due to this, the temperature regulation inside the body increases. Doctors prescribe it for preventive purposes against SARS. But for athletes, this plant is good to use before traveling to training camps or during the training itself, where there are increased stresses on the body. Recommended dosage: minimum - about 10 drops, and maximum - one teaspoon.

Aralia Manchurian

What other drugs of the adaptogen group are used? To reduce sugar in the body, a plant called "Aralia Manchurian" is used. It is found in many medicines used to treat diabetes.
Recommended dosage: 5 drops - minimum, 15 drops - maximum dose.

Adaptogens in tablets

Can adaptogens (preparations) be only herbal? The list of tablets of synthetic origin is not so impressive:

  • "Metaprot".
  • "Tomerzol".
  • "Trekrezan".
  • "Rantarine".

Before taking it is better to consult with a specialist. They are prescribed for increased fatigue, neurasthenia, neurosis, drowsiness, apathy.


Although these drugs are aimed at improving well-being, there are limitations to their use:

  • insomnia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction and other heart diseases;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • fever;
  • acute infectious diseases.

The specifics of the use of adaptogens

Please note that adaptogens should only be purchased from a pharmacy. Tinctures prepared at home do not have the characteristics described above. All tinctures must be made in accordance with the established requirements for the production of medicines. It is impossible to drink tincture in its pure form, it must be diluted with a small amount of liquid.

You can use the drug only in the morning and before meals. This is necessary so as not to cause an imbalance in the body. It is unacceptable to use these drugs several times a day, especially in the afternoon. This can have the opposite effect on the body. Do not ignore the dosage, as the result of exposure depends on it.

Let us consider in detail each effect produced by adaptogens:

  • inhibitory - necessary to calm the central nervous system;
  • tonic - for preventive purposes, to avoid various colds;
  • mobilizing - for this purpose, drugs are used mainly in sports to quickly increase physical activity. Also used by athletes before important competitions.

The main thing is to monitor the body's reaction to the use of the drug.

What else are the herbal preparations included in the "adaptogens" group good for? Let's name one factor that says that adaptogens are really the best medicine. They can be combined with absolutely anything. But it is important to remember that in no case should these drugs be used with drugs that are intended to treat insomnia.


The drugs belonging to the "adaptogens" group (we reviewed the list, but you can check it with your doctor) have proven their effectiveness. long time they are used to increase immunity and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

Of course, adaptogens are indispensable during the cold season, when weather conditions affect the body and weaken the immune system. Therefore, before the start of the disease season, start using herbal medicines. We reviewed the drugs included in the "adaptogens" group. The names were given. Now you know what will strengthen your body without any harmful effects.

A lot of information is being thrown in now, I decided to systematize and generalize a bit, with your help I will supplement it if necessary and there will be interest in the topic.
Adaptogens- these are medicines, as a rule, of natural origin, obtained from natural raw materials (parts medicinal plants or animal organs) that can increase the body's nonspecific resistance to a wide range of harmful effects of a physical, chemical and biological nature. Adaptogens have a long history of use (some of them have been used in oriental medicine for thousands of years).
The mechanisms of action of adaptogens are diverse. The common effect for all adaptogens is to increase the adaptability (adaptation) of the body under difficult conditions of existence. Adaptogens practically do not change the normal functions of the body, but significantly increase physical and mental performance, exercise tolerance, resistance to various adverse factors (heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infection, psycho-emotional stress) and reduce the time to adapt to them.
Since the effect of adaptogens on the body is different, it is recommended to combine and alternate adaptogenic drugs thus enhancing their effect.

In speed-strength sports, the use of adaptogens is advisable at the first, second, third stages, as well as during the competitive period. (Here we mean the division into stages proposed in Soviet sports and used by many of our sports pharmacologists. I - Preparatory stage, II - Basic stage, III - Special training stage, IV - Pre-competitive stage, C - Competition, B - Recovery)

Dosing - carried out individually, by reducing or increasing the amount of the drug taken. Small doses cause inhibition of processes, large activation. The easiest way to dose adaptogens presented in liquid form - tinctures, extracts.
The selection of doses can be started with 6 drops, taking them in the morning on an empty stomach in 1/4 cup of water. After taking it, you need to analyze your own feelings during the day. If there is a surge of energy, a desire to work, then activating dose; if relaxation, lethargy - the dose is inhibitory. The next day, the dose must be either reduced or increased to achieve the desired effect. Small doses of adaptogens contribute to the processes of anabolism and are used during the period of gaining muscle mass. Large doses of adaptogens enhance the processes of both anabolism and catabolism. At the same time, physical and mental performance is significantly increased. Activating doses are indicated during intense training loads, competitions.

The use of the most common adaptogens

  • Aralia Manchu
  • Gerimaks- 1 caps., course 5-10 days
  • Ginsana- 1-2 caps., course 5-10 days
  • Ginseng(extract) - 1 g, course 10 days
  • herbion ginseng- 1 caps., 5-10 days
  • lure high(tincture) - 30-40 cap. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Cropanol - 1 caps. 2-3 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Leveton forte - 2 tablets, course 3-4 days
  • Leuzea safflower - 3 dragees 2-3 times, course 2-3 days
  • Leuseya - 10-15 caps, course 10-14 days
  • Schisandra chinensis (tincture) - 20-25 cap. 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Schisandra chinensis (powder) - 0.5 g 2 times a day, course 10-14 days
  • Melaksen - 1 tab. (3 mg), once
  • Milife - 100 mg, course 2-3 days
  • Pantocrine - 30-40 cap. 2 times a day, course 2-3 days
  • Revital ginseng plus - 1 caps., course 5-10 days
  • Rhodiola rosea (extract) - 10-40 cap. 2 times a day, course 10-20 days
  • Saparal - 0.05 g 2 times a day, course 10-14 days or once
  • Safinor - 2-3 tablets, course 10-14 days
  • Sterculia sycamore (tincture) - 10-40 cap. 2 times a day, course 2-3 weeks
  • Elton-P - 3-4 tablets, course 20-30 days
  • Eleutherococcus-P - 2 tablets 2 times a day, course 3-4 weeks
It is acceptable to use several (2-3) drugs that complement each other or are most suitable for you or your tasks.

Adaptogens are recommended in the morning, because their stimulating effect can interfere with the process of falling asleep and sleeping at night. A single morning intake most harmoniously fits into the human biorhythm and improves performance well.

Adaptogens- a special class of biologically active substances used by humans. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are harmless to the body, optimize metabolic processes, have a universal restorative effect, without causing changes in the normal functioning of the body.
The wide use of adaptogens according to indications at the stages of preparation for competitions and especially at the competition helps the athlete to maintain health and significantly improve sports performance.

Distinctive features of various adaptogens.

Lemongrass to the greatest extent (from other adaptogens) enhances the processes of excitation in the central nervous system. Its exciting effect is sometimes not inferior in strength to some doping drugs from the group of psychomotor stimulants. Lemongrass significantly increases mental and physical performance. As a strong stimulant, lemongrass is used during the competitive period.

Rhodiola has a strong effect on striated skeletal muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle (the contractility of the heart muscle increases). Even after a single dose, Rhodiola increases muscle strength and endurance. Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. Increases glycogen content in muscles and liver. Simultaneously with the strengthening of the process of muscle contraction, muscle relaxation becomes stronger. As a result, muscle performance recovers faster. By the strength of its general strengthening and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.

Aralia has a strong hypoglycemic effect. However, the hypoglycemic properties of Manchurian aralia sometimes cause increased appetite.

Zamaniha in terms of the spectrum of its action on the body and the strength of the tonic effect, it is close to ginseng.

Levzeya exhibits anabolic activity, which distinguishes it from other adaptogens. The ability of Leuzea to enhance protein synthesis has a beneficial effect on the state of the liver. With prolonged use of leuzea, the composition of the blood improves: the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes increases, the content of hemoglobin increases. Leuzea has a mild physiological vasodilating effect.

Eleutherococcus has the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes for glucose. Eleutherococcus is also used to improve thermoregulation, enhance fatty acid oxidation, prevent colds, improve color vision and visual acuity, and in the complex treatment of overtraining.

Gerimaks combination of ginseng root extract with vitamins and minerals. Main active substance ginseng is panaxosides (triterpene glycosides). The stimulating effect of ginseng root extract is associated with the activation of the synthesis of nuclear RNA and liver RNA polymerase, protein DNA, lipids in bone marrow cells, an increase in the level of AMP in the adrenal glands, and an increase in the intensity of metabolism in general. Ginseng root extract increases working capacity, reduces fatigue during physical exertion and stress. The drug has a positive effect on the function of the cardiovascular system, normalizes arterial pressure, reduces the content of sugar in the blood in diabetes. The minerals and vitamins included in the composition are necessary to enhance the activity of root enzymes, which generally activates metabolic processes in the body, improves energy supply, and contributes to the balance of redox reactions.

Cropanol complex general tonic preparation, active ingredient which is pantohematogen dry. Obtained from the blood of marals, taken during the period of growth of antlers from animals (when it contains the maximum amount of biologically active substances) and processed by low-temperature dehydration and sterilization. Cropanol stimulates the central nervous system, has a tonic effect. Most suitable for recovery after illness or injury.​

Adaptogens enhance the effect of caffeine, guarana.

And weaken the effect of sedatives and sleeping pills.

Adaptogens work well with medicines, vitamins, other herbal preparations. It is especially effective to use a combination of adaptogenic preparations with bee products (honey, pollen, bread) in your own combination or ready-made forms.​

used materials: Bobkov Yu.G., Vinogradov V.M., Losev S.S. Smirnov A.V. Pharmacological correction of fatigue. - M: Medicine. 1984. - 208s.; Volkov N.I. Bioenergy tense muscle activity of a person and ways to improve the performance of athletes: Dis. ...Doctor of Biology. -M., 1990. - 83s. Kulinenkov O.S. Pharmacology of sports in tables and diagrams. - M: Soviet sport. - 2011. - 192s; wiki.

P.S. later I will post a more detailed description of each drug in the list, which one for what and how to combine. In turn, I will be very grateful for the feedback of who and what they tried. I'll add to my own and publish, too, as I get more.

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