Oxygen - about properties, application in medicine. Oxygen consumption during muscle activity. Oxygen capacity of the blood, oxygen demand, oxygen supply, oxygen deficiency

Astringent compositions 05.06.2019

Oxygen is a gas that is odorless and colorless. Thanks to him, a person can not only breathe, but receive energy from nutrients. Without oxygen, cells cannot multiply, the immune system suffers, and other important physiological processes do not proceed correctly. The older the person, the less of this useful gas enters the body. Interfere with the flow of oxygen and various diseases. However, whatever the reasons, the result is the same - a significant deterioration in well-being and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Signs of lack of oxygen

There are quite a lot of them, so we will list only the main ones. These include:

  • lethargy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • distraction, inability to concentrate on work or study;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • hypoxia and, as a consequence, the appearance of problems in the tissues.

Methods for obtaining oxygen

Oxygen starvation has long been known, scientists are constantly developing new methods to combat it. Previously, the use of an oxygen cushion was considered the most effective, radical way to replenish the supply of oxygen. Pure oxygen or with the addition of carbon dioxide is still used for intoxication, weakened breathing, during the recovery period after surgery.

Often, in clinical settings, they also resort to HBO (hyperbaric oxygenation), or oxygen treatment in specially equipped pressure chambers. This method allows you to saturate very quickly human body oxygen, it is simply indispensable in intensive care. In combination with other types of treatment, it helps with vascular and cardiological diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in plastic surgery, narcology, neurology and gynecology.

Have you ever tried? We are sure that yes, but they probably did not know how doctors call this method of preventing and treating oxygen starvation. The name is rather tricky - enteral oxygen therapy. It sounds serious, perhaps even intimidating, but in reality this therapy is very pleasant, tasty and healthy. It is used when it is necessary to improve metabolic processes, support the work of the cardiovascular system, relieve the symptoms described above.

It is this method that is gaining more and more popularity today. Why? The explanation is very simple: if you buy, cook healthy drink possible at home. Nothing complicated and huge health benefits.

How is an oxygen cocktail prepared?

First, you need to connect a cocktail to the oxygen concentrator - a device with which foam is formed from the liquid (base). Any drinks are suitable as a base: herbal decoctions, syrup, fruit juice. The latter option is the best, since it does not require additional preparation, it contains a complex of vitamins and trace elements, and has a pleasant taste. A little foaming agent is added to the drink, after which the concentrator is turned on, the oxygen flow is opened - and after a few minutes they enjoy delicious foam.

What is the benefit of an oxygen cocktail?

Eating just one portion, you will get the same effect as if you were walking through a forest or a sun-drenched meadow. The purest oxygen will enter your body, which means that fatigue, apathy, nervousness and insomnia will leave you.

Regular use of an oxygen concentrator and natural juices will restore the intestinal microflora, speed up the process of splitting nutrients. This is great prevention. various diseases, good remedy to maintain immunity and vitality. Expectant mothers and people who do not move much, spend most of the day at the computer and rarely walk in the fresh air should definitely use oxygen-containing foam.

Children also need oxygen cocktails. They help schoolchildren to cope with the academic load, get sick with SARS less often, grow and develop normally.

This drink will make you look young and beautiful. It rejuvenates the skin, reduces the feeling of hunger, helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body.

On our planet there is a huge number of chemical elements that can be used by humans in a variety of ways. And one of the most common substances is oxygen. Scientists have proven that such an element is part of more than one and a half thousand compounds in the earth's crust. In the free state, oxygen is present in the air. Such an element is extremely important for nature, and people actively use it in industry. Let's talk about what oxygen is, consider its properties and discuss its use in medicine.

Properties of oxygen

Oxygen has the chemical formula O2 and is essentially a colorless gas with no taste or odor. This substance is somewhat heavier than air and has the ability to dissolve in water in small quantities. Oxygen is a fairly strong oxidizing agent that, when heated, can react with many metals and non-metals. When exposed to iron, such a substance provokes rusting, which can also be classified as slow oxidation. In the air, it is oxygen that supports the processes of combustion of many elements, decay and respiration.

Where is oxygen used?

People use oxygen in the chemical and metallurgical industries. These are burners with an oxygen-air mixture, welding and flame cutting of metals, rocket fuel. In addition, it is often used in medicine.

The use of oxygen in medicine

Sufficient supply of oxygen to the body is extremely important for the normal functioning of all our organs and systems. This chemical element should make up about twenty percent of the air around us. But in practice, it turns out that in modern cities and apartments, its amount is much less. or oxygen starvation is hypoxia.

Such a shortage negatively affects our health and can provoke the development of COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. People who lack oxygen suffer from headaches, insomnia, depression, reduced immunity, muscle and joint diseases. In addition, such a deficiency is fraught with premature aging of the body, circulatory and metabolic disorders.

To compensate for the lack of oxygen, you can spend time outdoors - in park areas and coniferous forests. This treatment is effective, but it takes some time. If you need to speed up the process, then oxygen is used in medicine to treat hypoxia. It is stored in blue metal cylinders that withstand high pressures up to 15 MPa (150 atm).

To replenish human oxygen, a special oxygen concentrator can be used, which is located in medical institutions. This device is intended for carrying out and can be used in intensive care units. In this case, it is a source of pure oxygen and is intended for the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma, already mentioned, cardiovascular ailments, as well as intoxications. Such a device helps to cope with suffocation in case of trauma, shock conditions, as well as in case of failure in the activity of the kidneys.

The oxygen concentrator can be used in inpatient departments and even at home for the treatment of patients who suffer from bronchopulmonary and other ailments that require sufficient intake clean air.

Also, such a device is actively used in many children's institutions, clinics, sanatoriums, sports clubs, at home and in stationary departments in order to prevent a variety of ailments, as well as to strengthen the immune system. With its help, special oxygen cocktails are also prepared.

Oxygen therapy

This procedure is considered one of the most popular in modern medicine. It is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as tuberculosis and many allergic diseases. The use of oxygen therapy in medicine is also advisable for intoxication and many other pathological conditions that are accompanied by oxygen starvation. Such treatment involves the saturation of the cells of the respiratory system, as well as the blood with active oxygen. A similar process is carried out with the help of special masks and tubes through which air saturated with oxygen enters the body. Conducting a course of such treatment helps to get rid of shortness of breath and a debilitating cough, improve sputum discharge and eliminate wheezing.

In many health centers, as well as sanatoriums, not only inhalations are carried out, but oxygen baths, cocktails and special pressure chambers are also practiced.

So, for example, oxygen baths perfectly improve overall well-being, optimize arterial pressure, eliminate insomnia, improve metabolic processes and relieve a person of headaches. In addition, such procedures can significantly improve the condition of the skin and calm the nervous system.

As for oxygen cocktails, they look like an air foam saturated with oxygen bubbles. They are prepared in various children's institutions, clinics and sanatoriums, as well as in many health camps and inpatient departments. The cocktail is based on juice or herbal decoction, which gives the product a taste and color. The consumption of oxygen cocktails helps to improve immunity, increase efficiency, optimize the activity of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Pressure chambers with oxygen are also very popular. They are actively used in maternity hospitals, to care for premature babies and babies with respiratory problems. In addition, pressure chambers can be used in surgical departments to operate on patients with respiratory problems.

Thus, oxygen, whose properties allow "eating" the metal, is an extremely important element for humans, which is actively used in medicine.

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P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Oxygen is used in the human body to carry out more

parts of redox reactions. With these reactions, you

produces the energy necessary to provide vital

processes. Thus, life is impossible without oxygen.

Oxygen enters the human body from the air, the average content

oxygen in the air, necessary for normal human breathing - 21%.

In violation of the mechanism of oxygen supply to the human body or

processes of its transportation and use in the tissues of the human body

oxygen starvation develops - hypoxia.

The process of moving and using oxygen in the human body

proceeds as follows. Oxygen in air through holes

nose and mouth enters the upper respiratory tract, passes through the larynx, tra-

haya, bronchi, from large to small, and enters the alveoli of the lungs. Alveo-

ly - the smallest thin-walled bubbles covered with a dense network of capillaries

Blood vessels of the smallest diameter. Here through the wall of the alveoli

there is an exchange between the air mass entering the lungs and the blood.

Oxygen passes from the air into the blood, from the blood into the lumen of the alveoli

emits carbon dioxide. Oxygen in the blood combines with red hemoglobin

blood cells - erythrocytes. The oxygen is then carried by the blood

body, reaching capillaries in organs and tissues. There is an exchange

between blood and tissue fluid. Transition from blood to tissue fluid

oxygen, and from there into the blood - carbon dioxide. Oxygen in the cells or-

gans and tissues are used for oxidation processes. Disruption of processes

transfer or transfer of oxygen at any of the stages causes hypoxia

Cells most sensitive to oxygen deficiency are

ki central nervous system, they are the first to feel the violation

oxygen exchange. As a consequence of this, the central nervous system

directs the actions of all organs and systems to correct the situation. For example-

measures, increases blood pressure in the circulatory system and accelerates

heartbeat, thereby trying to increase blood oxygen saturation

and, accordingly, increase its delivery to organs and tissues.

Hypoxia can be the result of a variety of negative processes in

human body: diseases, injuries, congenital pathologies. By studying

Hypoxia are handled by scientists most different areas medicine: therapists,

anesthesiologists, pathophysiologists, etc. Among them are forensic doctors who

ry, using the achievements of other fields of medicine, solve the problem

assessing the nature of damage and death from hypoxia.

There are several types of hypoxia (according to V.N. Kryukov et al.):

1) Exogenous hypoxia (external) - develops as a result of a decrease

partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air. In practical

law enforcement hypoxia of this type occur in the form of:

oxygen deficiency occurring at high altitudes

seas; oxygen deficiency in confined spaces without access

air; and some others.

2) Respiratory hypoxia (respiratory) - is a consequence of mechanical

physical barriers to air entering the human lungs.

This type of hypoxia occurs in the form of: airway closure on

one level or another with foreign objects or liquids, for example, when

drowning in water, aspiration of vomit, closing mouth openings

and nose; narrowing or complete overlap respiratory tract due to-

diseases, such as diphtheria.

3) Circulatory hypoxia - a consequence of impaired blood flow through

bloodstream. Among this type of hypoxia, hypoxia is more common.

individual parts of the body or parts of organs. For example, cerebral hypoxia

brain, due to compression of the vessels of the neck, hypoxia of the area of ​​the internal

organ, called a heart attack, there may be heart attacks of different organs, but on-

Heart attacks are the most well-known, as they often lead to death.

4) Hemic hypoxia (blood) - as a result of a decrease in acid

native blood capacity. Decrease in the ability of the blood to carry oxygen

Yes, it can be due to various reasons. The most frequent in law enforcement

body practice: massive blood loss due to mechanical damage

human organs and tissues; sustained blockade of hemoglobin in the blood

intake of large amounts of carbon monoxide (formation

carboxyhemoglobin); when hemoglobin is blocked by some chemical

mi substances (for example, nitro compounds) by irreversible transformation

conversion of hemoglobin to methemoglobin.

5) Tissue hypoxia - a consequence of a violation of the processes of use

oxygen directly in the tissues and cells of the human body. Most-

more known is the manifestation of cellular oxygen deficiency during

action of cyanide poisons.

6) Mixed hypoxia - observed with the simultaneous development of non-

how many mechanisms of hypoxia. For example, in case of a fire in a smoky room,

hypoxia simultaneously acts from a lack of oxygen in the air

(exogenous) and hypoxia due to the formation of carboxyhemoglobin (hemi-

The development of hypoxia can proceed quickly - such hypoxia is called

acute, they develop within a few minutes (for example, with aspi-

foreign body radios). If the development period is extended over several

hours, then hypoxia is called subacute (for example, hypoxia when

deniye man in a confined space without access to air from the environment

cabbage soup environment). Chronic hypoxia is called hypoxia that develops over

for a long time - months or more (for example, hypoxia in chronic

which anemia).

In forensic science different types hypoxia are considered in different

sections. For example, hemic hypoxia from the action of carbon monoxide in different

case of poisoning, and respiratory hypoxia that occurs when the respiratory

hatelny ways by a foreign body, in the section of mechanical asphyxia.

In the practice of law enforcement agencies, hypoxia, developing from me-

mechanical effect on the respiratory tract, commonly called mechanical

asphyxia, these include: strangulation asphyxia from compression

necks with a noose when hanging, when strangling with a noose and strangling with hands; comp-

stress asphyxia with compression of the chest and abdomen; aspiration asphyxia

from the entry of a variety of solid and liquid substances into the respiratory tract.

The term aspiration comes from the Latin aspiracio - inhalation,

sometimes this type of asphyxia is referred to as obstructive, from the Latin

obturacio - blockage. In some forensic works, as-

piration include asphyxia that occurs as a result of getting into the respiratory

body paths of liquid and semi-liquid substances, and to obstructive ones - asphyxia

due to obstruction of the airways by pieces of solid matter.

Mechanical asphyxia with complete closure of the airways quickly, in

within 6-7 minutes, lead to death due to the death of the cerebral cortex

brain. In people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system,

death may occur earlier due to reflex cardiac arrest.

In the practice of internal affairs bodies, asphyxia can occur in the form

suicides, accidents and murders. Forensic Opportunities

when differentiating mechanical asphyxia according to the type of death,

ny in relation to certain types of asphyxia in the following chapters.

When moving from a state of rest to intense muscle activity, the need for oxygen increases many times over. The rate of oxygen delivery is one of the most important factors determining the possibilities of energy supply to working muscles.

Air oxygen through the walls of the pulmonary alveoli and blood capillaries enters the blood by diffusion due to the difference in partial pressure in the alveolar air and blood. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is 100 - 106 mm Hg. Art., and in the blood flowing to the lungs at rest - 70 - 80 mm Hg. Art., during muscular work, the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is even lower.

Most of the inhaled oxygen binds in red blood cells to hemoglobin, which is converted to oxyhemoglobin; moreover, as shown above, each hemoglobin molecule is able to bind four oxygen molecules:

The blood of an adult contains about 16 g of hemoglobin. It has been calculated that 100 g of hemoglobin can bind 134 ml of oxygen (at 0°C and at atmospheric pressure), hence it is easy to determine oxygen capacity of the blood - the total amount of oxygen bound to the blood. It is 21 - 22 ml of oxygen per 100 ml of blood (provided that the blood is completely saturated with oxygen). The ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen is affected by the temperature and pH of the blood: the lower the temperature and the higher the pH, the more oxygen hemoglobin can bind.

Oxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation. The heart at rest pumps 5 - 6 liters of blood per minute, therefore, transfers 250 - 300 ml of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. During intensive muscular work, the volume of the transferred blood increases up to 30 - 40 l/min, and the amount of oxygen carried by the blood - up to 5 - 6 l/min, i.e. increases by 20 times.

An increase in carbon dioxide and an increase in blood temperature in the capillaries of the muscle fiber create conditions for the release of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin. Since the concentration of free oxygen in tissue capillaries is higher than in the intracellular space, it diffuses into muscle cells, where myoglobin exchanges oxygen. Myoglobin binds oxygen and transports it to the mitochondria, where it is used in aerobic processes. In addition, myoglobin can store oxygen, and during intense muscular work - give up its oxygen supply.

With uniform work, if the heart rate (HR) does not exceed 150 beats per minute, the rate of oxygen consumption increases until a steady state of metabolic processes occurs, in which oxygen consumption reaches a constant level and in each this moment time exactly corresponds to the needs of the organism in it. This stable state is called true . Chemically, it is characterized by a sharp predominance of respiratory ATP resynthesis over anaerobic. With more intense work (heart rate - 150-180 beats per minute), no steady state is observed, and oxygen consumption can increase until the maximum consumption (MIC) is reached. Upon reaching the IPC, there may be observed false a steady state characterized by the fact that for some time oxygen consumption is maintained at a constant (maximum) level. This happens not because the body's need for oxygen is fully satisfied, but because the possibilities of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the tissues have been exhausted. Max Level oxygen consumption cannot be maintained long time. With prolonged work, it decreases due to fatigue. Let us dwell on the definitions of some terms, which we will use in the further presentation of the material.

· oxygen request - the amount of oxygen that the body needs to fully satisfy energy needs through aerobic processes.

· oxygen parish - actual oxygen consumption during intense muscular activity.

· oxygen deficiency - difference between oxygen demand and oxygen supply.

As can be seen from the definitions, the oxygen supply is always less than the oxygen demand; this is the reason for the oxygen deficiency of the body. Under conditions of oxygen deficiency, anaerobic processes of ATP resynthesis are activated, which leads to the accumulation of anaerobic metabolic products in the body. When a steady state is established, the level of metabolites of anaerobic metabolism may decrease due to aerobic reactions; the rest of the metabolites are eliminated during the recovery period. Summarizing the above, we can state that the degree of oxygen supply to the body is the most important regulator of the pathways for the resynthesis of ATP consumed during muscle activity.

In the physiology of sports, it is customary to distinguish and subdivide muscle activity into power zones: maximum, submaximal, high and moderate. There is another division of work: in the anaerobic, in the mixed and in the aerobic zone of energy supply.

In any muscular work, one should first of all distinguish between its initial (starting) phase and the continuation that follows. The time of the starting phase depends on the intensity of work: the more intense the work, the longer the starting phase and the more pronounced the biochemical changes it causes in the muscles. In the first seconds of work, the muscles receive less oxygen than they need. The created oxygen deficiency is the greater, the higher the intensity of work, the more the need for oxygen (oxygen demand) increases. Therefore, in the starting phase, ATP resynthesis occurs exclusively by anaerobic pathways (creatine kinase reaction, glycolysis).

If the intensity of muscular work is maximum (and the duration, of course, is short-term), then it ends at this starting phase; hence, the oxygen demand will be unsatisfied.

When working at submaximal intensity, but longer duration, the biochemical changes in the starting phase will become less dramatic, and the starting phase itself will be shortened. Oxygen consumption reaches the maximum possible values ​​(MPC), but even these amounts of oxygen are not enough to satisfy the oxygen demand of the body, which is very large; under these conditions, the body experiences an oxygen deficiency. The value of the creatine kinase pathway will decrease, glycolysis will still be quite intense, but to a certain extent, respiratory ATP regeneration will also start to turn on. The substrate of glycolysis will be not so much the glucose obtained from the breakdown of muscle glycogen, but the glucose brought by the blood from the liver.

With muscle activity of even lower intensity and longer duration after a short-term starting phase, ATP resynthesis by the aerobic mechanism prevails, since a balance is gradually established between oxygen demand and oxygen supply. The level of ATP in the muscles rises (but not to the initial values) and stabilizes; the level of creatine phosphate also increases, but to a lesser extent than ATP.

If, during the continuation of muscular work, its power is sharply increased, then what was observed in the starting phase will be repeated to a certain extent. Since an increase in the power of work entails an increase in oxygen demand, and it cannot be instantly satisfied, the anaerobic mechanisms of ATP resynthesis will again be included in the energy supply of muscle activity.

And once again we will consider the sequence of switching on various ways of ATP resynthesis already from the standpoint of satisfying the body's need for oxygen: the first 2 - 3 seconds, the energy supply of muscle activity is carried out due to the splitting of muscle ATP; then its resynthesis begins (from 3 to 20 seconds) - mainly due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate, after 30 - 40 seconds, glycolysis reaches its maximum intensity; then, gradually, the aerobic mechanism of ATP resynthesis - oxidative phosphorylation - prevails more and more (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38. Participation of various energy sources in the energy supply of muscle activity depending on its duration ( according to N.N. Yakovlev, 1983): 1 - splitting of ATP; 2 - decay of Kf; 3 - glycolysis; 4 - aerobic oxidation

The power of aerobic energy generation is estimated by the value of the MPC. Table 14 presents the MPC of athletes and female athletes of various specialties, the analysis of which makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the contribution of the aerobic mechanism of ATP resynthesis to the energy supply of muscle activity in the process of performing exercises of various duration and power.

Table 14

MPC of athletes and female athletes (ml/min kg)

Systematic physical activity leads to an increase in the number and relative volume of mitochondria in a muscle cell, as well as to significant changes in their inner membrane: the number of cristae and their constituent ensembles of respiratory enzymes increases in it; the activity of respiratory enzymes increases, which creates advantages for the trained body in terms of a more complete use of oxygen entering the cells and the accumulation of energy.

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