Increased energy efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of energy saving on the scale of mcd. Why is it necessary to improve the energy efficiency of MKD

Heating 20.05.2021

IN AND. Livchak, Vice President of NP ABOK

In the near future, in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency ...", meters for consumed heat energy must be installed in each building. Who and how will take into account this heat consumption and calculate payments in the system of communal heat power and housing? A clear and reasoned answer is given in - an independent operator of commercial accounting should control the consumption of heat and pay for it. In our opinion, in addition to this, he should analyze the efficiency of energy resource consumption. How to do it?

I fully support the author’s opinion that only with an independent operator will possible abuses be excluded both from the heat supply organization, which is trying to shift its costs to consumers, and from the heat consumer, represented by management companies and homeowners associations, who tend to pay for the delivered utility resources according to their testimony only if their payments become smaller. And untimely or incorrect resolution of these issues is fraught, among other things, with social consequences and political instability.

Undoubtedly, there must be some third party controlled by both government bodies, and the parties to the settlements, and guaranteeing the accuracy of accounting for energy resources and the fairness of the accrual of payments according to their testimony. Moreover, as the author of the article correctly notes, “there is a technical possibility of manipulating the data of metering devices, both at the level of the metering devices themselves and at the level of ASKUE, i.e., software processing of their data, and numerous regulations of various legislative systems allow allow arbitrariness both in the calculation of payments and in their payment.

The history of relations between resource suppliers and consumers in Russia has not been conducive to building trust among the parties. This has gone back to Soviet times, when there were no metering devices at all. I remember that in the heating points of buildings and in the central heating station there were tables on the wall with temperature charts for the release of heat from the source and those required from the consumer: on the left is a column with the outdoor temperature, the next is the temperature of the coolant in the heating supply pipeline, then the temperature after the elevator of the heating system and the temperature water in the return pipeline of the heating system, it is the same if there were no hot water heaters, and the temperature of the coolant returned to the heating network.

And often this table was a bone of contention - employees of the control house complained that the temperature schedule was not observed in the heating network: at low outdoor temperatures, the temperature of the coolant entering the heating point from heating networks was lower than the schedule, and in the warm period, on the contrary, higher ( overheated in order to meet the limit for the year as a whole). Representatives of the heat supply organization rightly scolded the consumer for exceeding the temperature of the water in the return pipeline of the heating system in comparison with the required according to the schedule in accordance with the current outdoor temperature. It ended up that the representatives of the Teploset cut off the column with the outside temperature and began to demand from the consumer that the temperature of the returned coolant correspond to the temperature of the coolant they supplied, regardless of the current outside temperature.

Of course, this is a complete lack of control over the actions of the resource supplier and a flagrant injustice towards the consumer and the population, since all violations in heat supply fall on their shoulders, and they cannot hold the supplier of thermal energy accountable for these violations. This continued for several years even after the collapse of the planned economy, and even developed automation devices that implement the dependence of the return temperature from the heating system on the temperature in the supply pipeline without connection with the outside temperature. Of course, this did not contribute to consumer confidence in the heat supplier.

In order to be able to analyze the energy efficiency of the resource used, standard statements of daily, during each month, accounting for the supply of thermal energy, measured at an individual heating point (ITP) and central point (CHP) (Table 1), must be supplemented with information about the outdoor air temperature, excluded as It was said back in Soviet times. This will allow, by comparing the actual (measured by the heat meter) heat consumption for heating with the required one (for the current outdoor temperature), to judge the correct heating of each house, and by overestimating the temperature in the return pipeline against the schedule - about overheating of the building.

The schedule of heat supply for heating required, depending on the outside temperature, designed to ensure comfortable conditions for staying in heated rooms, is determined by the energy passport of the project, which is mandatory in accordance with the requirements for all residential and public buildings under construction and overhaul. For buildings built before 2003, the energy passport is calculated based on the results of an energy audit. But comparing the actual and required heat consumption, we identify possible inconsistencies, which can only be eliminated by using automatic control of the heat supply for heating in the IHS of the building or in the automated heating system control unit (ACU) when connecting a group of buildings through the central heating station.

Therefore, it is advisable to combine the installation of house metering units with the implementation of an automatic control system for the supply of heat for heating at the input of the system to the house through the optimal temperature schedule, realizing the supply mode depending on the change in outdoor temperature, taking into account the identified supply of the heating system and increasing the share of household heat emissions in the heat balance of apartments with an increase in outside temperature. Only by taking into account the constancy of household heat emissions during the heating period, it is possible to reduce the heat consumption of the heating system during this period by 10-15%, while ensuring the air temperature in the premises at a comfortable level of 20-22 ° C and heating the outside air for ventilation in the volume of standard air exchange .

Heat supply of buildings with AUU from the central heating station

In connection with the individual for each house values ​​​​of this reserve and the share, depending on the degree of occupancy of the house and the quality of its insulation, it would seem that the simplest solution is to automate the regulation of the heat supply for heating in the central heating center, where, by installing one automation system, it is possible to carry out weather regulation of the group buildings, does not lead to the proper energy effect. Therefore, if there is a central heating system in the heating systems of houses connected to it, automated control units are installed. Figures 1 and 2 show the diagrams of ACU and ITP equipped with metering devices and automatic control of the supply of thermal energy.

Combining the organization of a metering unit in apartment buildings with an automatic control system for the supply of heat for heating will not cause significant investments. Invested funds will pay off in the first year of operation, if the goal is not to "master" them, but to use them wisely. Reasonableness lies in the fact that in the ITP or AUU the placement of water and fire pumps is not provided, based on the division of the scope of activities and increased noise from these pumps (non-foundation circulation pumps for heating and hot water supply do not require anti-noise measures). When connecting to a water supply system for supplying water directed to hot water supply, it is necessary to ensure the same pressure in the DHW network as in the cold water supply system at home, therefore, in fig. 2 shows the installation of the circulation pump of the hot water supply system according to the circulation booster scheme - on the supply pipeline, after the mixing unit to compensate for pressure losses in the water heaters.

ACU or ITP, as a rule, should be built into the buildings they serve and located in the technical underground or basement; they do not require separate entrances and exits. It also does not require separate ventilation, the construction of a special fence in the form of walls or blank partitions. It is recommended to enclose the premises of the heating point with a mesh or a grate with a door to exclude access by unauthorized persons. Along the perimeter of the fence, it is advisable to perform waterproofing with a height of 20 cm from the floor. If the height of the technical subfloors is insufficient, the ITP room is deepened with a drainage pit. To pump water from the drainage pit, an automatic pumping pump of the Gnome type (costing about 2,000 rubles) without a reserve is sufficient, and two high-temperature drainage pumps of foreign production (costing more than 50 thousand rubles each) are not needed, as was proposed in the typical project for the overhaul of Moscow residential buildings.

In order to reduce costs, in accordance with clause 4.15, foundationless circulation pumps for heating and hot water systems can be installed without a reserve (the second pump is stored in a warehouse). This not only saves money on piping pumps, but also the cost of electrical equipment and cables for automatic switching of their work. The pumps use less energy than a household microwave and should be just as easy to connect.

In the event of a pump malfunction when installed without a reserve or a power outage, in order to prevent the supply of superheated coolant from the heating network to the heating system without mixing, the control valve (Fig. 1) is mechanically closed under the influence of a spring. The frequency converter of the pump motor maintains the specified circulation of the coolant in the heating system. It is not necessary to install a differential pressure regulator between the supply and return pipelines at the entrance to the house, because. the available pressure at the inlet always does not exceed 200 kPa, since it is limited by the central heating automation. For the same reason, there is no need to transfer the corrective mixing pump from the jumper to the supply or return pipelines.

In order to prevent hydraulic misalignment of intra-quarter heating networks when the temperature schedule of heat supply from the central heating station is underestimated, when in the ACUs closest to the CTP the automatic heating control will seek to compensate for the underestimation of the coolant temperature by increasing its flow rate in excess of the calculated value and then it will not be enough for more remote ACUs, an automatic limitation is introduced coolant flow rate at the ACU (indicated in the figure G limit). Upon a signal from the water flow sensor, which is part of the heat meter and also connected to the heating regulator controller, when the calculated flow is reached, the control valve stops opening, the command to close the valve passes in the normal mode.

In ITP, the “coolant flow limitation” signal plays the role of preventing the effect of uneven heat consumption by hot water supply on an increase in the calculated coolant flow from the heating network when the DHW 2nd stage water heater is turned on in parallel to the heating system (mixed DHW switching circuit). If the flow rate of the coolant exceeds the calculated value, determined by the calculated heating load and the average hourly load of hot water supply, the signal blocks the commands of the heating regulator to open the valve, and the flow rate is maintained within the specified range, but the control schedule will not be maintained, and the heating system will not receive a certain amount of heat .

When intensive water withdrawal is stopped, the coolant flow rate is reduced and the limit signal is removed, the controller continues to maintain the set temperature graph. A small “underheating” during the non-compliance with the heating control schedule is compensated by a slight increase of 2-3 degrees in the temperature schedule set by the controller (2 ° C at the design parameters of the coolant 95-70 ° C and 3 ° C at the parameters 105-70 ° C). Then, during drawdown periods below the average, the underheating obtained when the valve is stopped due to the excess of the temperature control curve will be compensated, and in general, the heating system will receive the required amount of heat per day. Practice shows that due to the thermal inertia of the house and the increase in the intensity of household heat emissions with increased water intake, fluctuations in the temperature of the indoor air will not exceed 0.5 ° C, which is not noticeable to residents.

Supporters of the heat supply system from the central heating system exaggerate the amount of savings from the elimination of autumn-spring "overheating". Theoretically, using the graph of standing outside temperatures from 2 to 8 ° C, the savings in thermal energy during the heating period, for example in Moscow, will be about 4% of the annual heat consumption for heating. And the automatic control system at the ITP or ACU, in addition to weather control, allows, when dividing the heating system by facades, to take into account the heat coming from solar radiation, which gives another 5-10% savings in thermal energy for each building. The experience of implementing such a system in the 1980s on a number of buildings in Moscow showed that at an outside temperature of minus 5 - 7 ° C, the heating system of a facade illuminated by the sun is turned off completely not only for the period of illumination of this facade by the sun, but at least for the same time and after - due to the release of heat accumulated by furniture and internal fences.

Therefore, when reconstructing buildings, it is possible to limit oneself only to automatic control of the heating system per facade, without installing thermostats on heating devices. In sectional systems with lower and upper bottling of the coolant, façade separation is implemented by installing jumpers in the basement and in the attic, the main riser of one section feeds one façade system, and the riser of the other section is used for the system of the opposite facade.

It is even easier to organize per-facade auto-regulation in non-attic buildings, because vertical single-pipe heating systems are made with lower wiring of the supply and return lines and U-shaped risers. All switching necessary to combine the facade branches of sectional systems is done only in the basement (Fig. 3). Also, with front-facing auto-regulation, it is not necessary to install thermostats on heating devices, and therefore welding and other installation work in apartments is excluded. It is only necessary to install indoor air temperature sensors in a few rooms to control the heating controller.

In houses with a warm attic, which acts as a collection chamber for exhaust air, which is then removed to the street through a single shaft per section (it is precisely such houses that began to be built in Russia according to standard designs after non-attic buildings), the installation of indoor air temperature sensors is facilitated. An analogue of this temperature can be the air temperature in the prefabricated exhaust ventilation ducts from the kitchens of apartments oriented to this facade. Taking into account additional heat generation in kitchens during cooking, it has been experimentally established that the temperature set for maintenance in the regulator increases by about 1 °C against the required air temperature in the working area. In this case, for buildings above 12 floors, two temperature sensors on each facade are sufficient, and if there is a warm attic, these sensors are installed without much difficulty, without disturbing the residents (when installing indoor air temperature sensors in apartments, to obtain reliable data on each facade, they should install at least four).

A schematic diagram of connecting an automated facade heating system to heat networks from the central heating station is shown in fig. 4. This shows the connection of a facade heating system through mixing circulation pumps. It is possible to connect through elevators with an adjustable nozzle (shown in Fig. 3), and possibly through heating water heaters according to an independent connection scheme, but it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to install an independent water heater on each facade branch.

Heat supply from ITP

The transition of existing buildings to heat supply from the IHS instead of the central heating substation, despite the high cost of equipping the IHS of several buildings compared to the equipment of one central heating substation, reduces the total cost of the heat supply system, since it is not necessary to pay for the relocation of intra-quarter DHW networks - they are not needed when transferring water heaters to the IHS. Moreover, it reduces the operating costs associated with the loss of thermal energy from these pipelines and the cost of electrical energy for pumping. hot water on them, as well as in connection with a sharp reduction in the circulation flow in hot water supply systems, caused by difficulties in distributing circulation from the CHP. Bringing the hot water preparation center closer to the consumer not only eliminates the disadvantages listed above, but also improves the quality of hot water supply.

(clauses 14.3 and 14.4) confirms the mandatory construction of an automated individual heating point during new construction, during reconstruction or instead of a major overhaul of the central heating station, intra-quarter networks from it, as well as when overhaul individual buildings connected to the operated CHP.

It is also erroneous to say that it is inappropriate to invest in the automation of the heating system of existing buildings until they are insulated and windows are replaced with more airtight ones. On the contrary, in this case, the implementation of automatic control of the heat supply for heating such houses is even more effective, because:

firstly if the house is blown out, no tenant will put up with low temperatures air in living quarters and will take measures to increase heating devices based on extreme weather conditions. But with a decrease in wind strength or with an increase in outside temperature, the wind and thermal pressures that affect the penetration of outside air through the fences decrease, and the amount of infiltration is reduced, as a result, the building begins to overheat during these periods. This overheating can only be eliminated by automating the heating system.

Secondly, the main heat savings for heating is achieved due to the discrepancy between the heat supply schedule required for residential buildings, taking into account the increasing share of household heat emissions in the heat balance of the house, and the central control schedule designed for consumers who have no domestic heat emissions or are not taken into account. Due to the possibility of reducing the temperature schedule for the supply of heat for heating due to the growing share of household heat emissions with an increase in outside temperature, savings in heat energy for heating are achieved. And since domestic heat emissions in houses with the same degree of occupancy are the same and do not depend on either the outside temperature or the insulation of the house, the absolute value of heat savings from automating the heating system will also be the same, only in an insulated house its relative component to the total heat consumption will be higher .

Adding parameters for monitoring the heat consumption mode to the heat supply accounting sheet

The method for calculating the temperatures of the heat carrier in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system, which must be set to the controller to be maintained depending on the change in outdoor temperature and taking into account the identified supply of the heating system and the increase in the share of household heat emissions in the heat balance of apartments with an increase in outdoor temperature, is given in.

It is expedient to enter these two parameters into the accounting sheet for the supply of thermal energy in order to be able to control the correct operation of automatic heating control. Accordingly, the temperatures of the heat carrier in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system, together with the outdoor temperature, which is also entered into the heating controller controller, must be recorded by the heat energy meter and printed out, which does not present any difficulties.

The statement of accounting for the release of thermal energy in the AMU is compiled separately for heating and hot water supply, since the heat carrier from the central heating station is supplied to these systems through separate pipelines and separate heat meters for heating and hot water supply are installed at the entrance to the building.

Note that instead of columns 5 and 6 (Table 1), the deviation of the readings relative to the maximum value is given (Table 2, column 8), which allows you to immediately compare the real deviation with the allowable measurement error by the instruments. True, duplication of the measurement of the coolant flow on the return pipeline in the ACU and ITP is performed in exceptional cases. This is relevant for the central heating substation, when pipelines from it to houses are laid in underground channels, and possibly without channels. In ACU and ITP, after the metering station, pipelines are laid in the premises openly with the possibility of visual inspection, and to account for heat consumption, it is sufficient to measure the coolant flow through only one supply pipeline. Then columns 7 and 8 (Table 2) and 4 and 5 (Table 4) will be free.

Column "Feed pipeline"(Table 1) is excluded, since after the central heating in houses, as a rule, independent connection is not used. in the graph "Heat medium temperature" calculated values ​​​​are added in the supply t 1p, and the return pipeline t 2p, (Table 2, columns 10 and 14), taken from the calculated temperature graph, depending on the average outdoor temperature for a given day.

If earlier the heating system was connected to intra-quarter networks through an elevator, then the temperature values ​​​​in the supply pipeline after the mixing unit t 1 oi are added to the column “Heat carrier temperature”, i.e. the temperature of the heat carrier entering the heating system, and the calculated values ​​after the mixing unit t 1 op (Table 2, columns 11 and 12).

By the way, when installing metering stations at the input of heat networks to the house, from the calculation of the consumed thermal energy in the metering sheet, it is necessary to exclude heat losses by pipelines Qtp from the wall of the house (limits of operational responsibility) to the metering station, which make up an insignificant fraction of a percent of the flow measured by the heat meter, whose own measurements carried out with an error of ±4%, and are accordingly covered by this error. This is just one of the ways to shift the costs of the heat supply organization to the consumer.

In table. 3 shows a sheet of accounting for the release of thermal energy in the ACU with façade automatic control, where columns 7 are excluded - the mass of the heat carrier through the 2nd pipeline and 8 - the deviation in the measurement of the masses through both pipelines, and columns with the measured temperature of the heat carrier supplied to the heating system of another facade are added , and the air temperature in the rooms of both facades, the measurements of which are sent to the controller.

The sheet for accounting for the release of thermal energy in an automated ITP (Table 4) compared to the standard sheet (Table 1) changes due to the fact that the heat meter at the ITP measures the total consumption of thermal energy for heating and hot water. Therefore, in order to compare the thermal energy actually consumed for heating with the calculated one for a given day, depending on t M , it is necessary to isolate the heating consumption from the total measured consumption. These measurements and calculations should be given on a separate statement (Table 5) attached to the statement in Table 4.

To implement the separation of heat energy costs, additional signals are sent to the heat meter from the water meter that measures the flow cold water on DHW G DHW) in front of the DHW tank, and the temperatures of cold t xv at the inlet and hot water t DHW at the outlet of the DHW tank (average per day). This will amount to three additional columns in the appendix to the accounting sheet (Table 5). The fourth additional column "Thermal energy for hot water supply, Q hot water supply, Gcal" is calculated by the formula:

Q hot water \u003d G hot water * (t hot water - t xv) * (1 + k tp),

where G DHW is the daily consumption of cold water going to DHW, t; k tp - coefficient taking into account heat losses by pipelines of the hot water supply system. It is accepted depending on the insulation of DHW risers: with insulated risers 0.2, with uninsulated risers - 0.3.

Then, the measured heat energy consumption for heating Q oi is found by the difference between the total heat energy consumption Q and, measured by the heat meter, per day and the calculated consumption - for hot water supply Q hot water supply, and is entered as the 3rd column of the table. 5 "Measured-calculated consumption of thermal energy for heating, Q oi Gcal". The previous 1, 2 and subsequent 4 and 5 columns are the same as in the accounting sheet (Table 2, columns 1, 2 and 4, 5).

Additionally, columns are introduced to analyze the operation of the heating regulator and the mode of operation of the heating system, in which the results of the average daily measurement of water temperatures in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system t 1o and t 2 o "and also by analogy with the accounting sheet according to table. 2

- “Calculated in the supply pipeline, t 1op” and “Calculated in the return pipeline, t 2op”, taken from the calculated temperature graph, depending on the average outside air temperature for a given day.

The main statement (Table 4) repeats Table. 1, with the exception of changes related to the introduction of control over the compliance of the temperature of the heat carrier supplied from the heating network with the central control schedule depending on the average daily outdoor temperature - the values ​​​​of these temperatures from the graph in the column "Heat carrier temperature", in the column next to "Supply pipeline , t 1 "-" Calculated in the supply pipeline, t 1p, ". Instead of columns +ΔM, - ΔM, one column is given - Deviation of readings in relation to the maximum value, (M 1 - M 2)x100 / (24xG max),%; the column "Make-up piping" is retained.

I hope that the creation of a specialized organization - an independent commercial metering operator that makes payments for consumed heat energy between its supplier and user, and empowering this operator with the functions of analyzing the energy efficiency of the use of the transmitted resource, will really increase energy efficiency in the housing and communal services sector. For this you should:

■ to combine the installation of metering devices in buildings with the implementation of automatic control of heat supply for heating;

■ to include indicators in the heat accounting records, which can be used at the operator's level to check the compliance of the mode of heat supply for heating with optimal solutions;

■ oblige the participants in the transmission and use of the energy carrier to comply with the instructions of the commercial metering operator.


2. Livchak V.I. Actual heat consumption of buildings as an indicator of the quality and reliability of design // ABOK. 2009. No. 2.

3. Livchak V.I. Automatic limitation of the maximum consumption of network water for a heating point//Water supply and plumbing. No. 7. 1987

4. Livchak V.I., Chugunkin A.A., Olenev V.A. Energy efficiency of front-facing automatic control of heating systems. // Water supply and plumbing. No. 5, 1986

5. Livchak V.I. Consistency in fulfilling the requirements for improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. // Energy saving. 2010. No. 6.

6. Livchak V.I. Ensuring the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. Improving the thermal protection of buildings and automation of heating. //ABOK. 2012. No. 8.

Taking part in various meetings and conferences with the participation of the leaders of condominiums and just meeting with them, one often hears the question: where to start working to improve the energy efficiency of our home?

It would seem that the answer to this question today can be found in abundance in the means mass media, and on the Internet. At the same time, the fact that such a question is asked indicates that many leaders of condominiums cannot put together a clear and consistent program of action for themselves in the direction of reducing the energy consumption of the residential building they manage. Yes, this is understandable, since each building is unique in its own way - both in terms of design features, and in terms of the engineering equipment used, and in terms of service life. Given this, it is simply not realistic to create a universal program of thermal modernization of buildings that would be suitable for all existing buildings. Such a program for each specific building should be developed individually, but development approaches can be general. Let's try to figure this out.

The realities of our time are such that no one doubts the need to save energy resources. Moreover, the constant growth of tariffs for energy resources and utilities forces every inhabitant of the country to really engage in their economy. In fact, the tariff policy pursued by the state has become a powerful incentive to improve the energy efficiency of the existing housing stock. At the same time, it also gave rise to the activation of amateur “creativity” of the population in terms of thermal modernization of their apartments. External insulation of individual apartments is carried out on a massive scale, many refuse centralized heating and switch to autonomous heating, someone increases the number of sections in heating devices in their apartment, some refuse hot water supply and switch to autonomous boilers ... the list of such events can go on and on. However, creating an oasis for your apartment in an energy-NON-efficient house is a hopeless task. In addition to worsening technical condition building, unbalancing the work of its engineering systems, it will not bring anything! Only by joint efforts of all the residents of the building can the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of the building be solved, provide comfortable living conditions for all apartment owners and at the same time significantly reduce the cost of paying for energy consumption. Today, perhaps, the main task of the management of condominiums is to unite the efforts of all co-owners of each house around the idea of ​​improving the energy efficiency of their joint property, creating a team of like-minded people who are ready to take responsibility and costs for its implementation.

Energy audit

The very same work to improve the energy efficiency of the building should begin with a thorough and comprehensive check of the technical condition of the building and its engineering systems. It must be carried out with the involvement of qualified energy audit companies. At this stage, the main task is to identify all the factors that negatively affect the stability of the building and the smooth operation of its engineering systems, as well as to determine the specific causes of excess energy consumption. Such an analysis should form the basis of a future program for improving the energy efficiency of the building, including a list of repair works related to increasing the stability of the building and thermal modernization measures with an estimated time frame for their implementation and implementation costs.

The program must be reviewed and approved at the general meeting of condominiums, after which it becomes a practical guide to action to improve the energy efficiency of the building. Moreover, if the building has problems associated with its stability (for example, uneven settlement of foundations, roof leaks, collapse of facade cladding, etc.), then work to eliminate such violations should be a priority. If there are no such problems, or they are eliminated, you can proceed to the implementation of thermal modernization measures.

Modern practice has a significant number of energy-efficient technologies, the use of which can significantly reduce the energy consumption of any building. Let's try to rank them in terms of cost and effectiveness.

Consumption accounting

As a rule, thermo-modernization activities should begin with improving the performance of building engineering systems. And first of all, it is necessary to organize accounting for the consumption of all energy resources. This mainly concerns the consumed thermal energy, since the accounting for the consumption of cold and hot water, electricity and even gas is practically decided by each apartment owner. With thermal energy, the situation is much more complicated. Technically, it is possible to organize apartment-by-apartment metering of thermal energy, but this is a very expensive undertaking and beyond the reach of the majority of the population. It is much easier to organize a door-to-door metering of heat consumption. Moreover, the installation of house-building meters of thermal energy is now the responsibility of heat supply organizations. As practice shows, the transition from paying for heating square meters to paying for consumed calories of thermal energy allows residents to reduce the payment for heating their apartments by 20-30%, without investing additional funds in it. It is clear that the installation of a door-to-door heat energy meter has absolutely no effect on improving the energy efficiency of the building, but only allows you to put things in order in the amount of payment for actually consumed heat energy.

Replacement of obsolete heating points

The first most effective measure to really improve the energy efficiency of a building is replacement of obsolete heating points elevator type, which most of the existing residential buildings are equipped with, to modern individual heat points (ITP) with weather regulation. This is a compact and not very complex equipment, consisting of several pumps, various valves, motorized valves, sensors and measuring instruments, a plate heat exchanger, a heat meter and an automation system with a programmer. The main advantage of this equipment is that the circulation of the coolant in the intra-house networks is carried out by force, while the pressure in the system is automatically regulated, which makes it possible to avoid emergency situations in the networks due to pressure drops and quickly respond to changes in the hydraulic resistance of the network associated with apartment-by-apartment regulation. .

Thanks to the ITP, the operation of the hot water supply system is significantly improved. The main device that provides this function is a plate heat exchanger, where the primary coolant is used to heat ordinary tap water to the required parameters. The circulation of hot water in the system is carried out by a special circulation pump. Automation tools keep the hot water system in working order, depending on the analysis of hot water and the time of day. It is also very important that modern ITPs have such a function as regulating the heat consumption of a building depending on weather conditions. Thanks to the appropriate management automated system, which, based on the readings of the outdoor temperature sensor, reduces or increases the supply of coolant to the in-house heating network, it is possible to optimize the energy consumption of the building and significantly save energy resources. In addition to the above, the ITP includes a metering unit for consumed thermal energy, and the availability of automation tools and an appropriate programmer allows residents not only to control the consumption of thermal energy, but also manage it. It becomes possible to regulate the temperature of the coolant in the in-house heating networks and hot water in the hot water supply system, increase or decrease the consumption of thermal energy by the hours of the day, set the necessary parameters for pressure in the system, excluding the possibility of emergency situations. As practice shows, replacing obsolete ITPs with more modern ones saves 30% or more of thermal energy, and the funds invested in such a replacement pay off in one or two heating periods.

Balancing valves

Very often in existing residential buildings there is such a phenomenon as overheating in some apartments and underheating in others. Today's technical means make it possible to get rid of this, but only if the building is equipped with a modern ITP. For this, special balancing valves are used, installed on the risers of heating networks. They provide automatic balancing heating system and the supply of coolant with the same parameters to all heating appliances in the house. By itself, the implementation of this measure does not provide tangible energy savings. However, thanks to him, the same comfortable living conditions are created for all residents of the house.

Radiator thermostats

The next energy-efficient measure could be the equipment of heating devices in all apartments of the house with radiator thermostats. Due to its design features, this device reacts to the slightest temperature changes in the room and increases or decreases the flow of coolant to the heater. Using a radiator thermostat, you can set the desired temperature in the room in the range from 5 to 26 degrees. In other words, the consumer has the opportunity to regulate the thermal comfort in his apartment, set the desired temperature in each room, lower it at night or to the minimum allowable during the absence of residents in the apartment. Again, the installation of radiator thermostats is possible only if the building is equipped with a modern ITP. At the same time, in order for this event, in addition to the comfort of living, to also bring an economic effect, a number of conditions must be met. The first - as already noted, is the presence of a modern ITP with a general house accounting for thermal energy. Second, radiator thermostats should be installed on all heating appliances in the building. And thirdly, all residents of the house actively use thermostats to save heat. The last condition is perhaps the most difficult. It will take a lot of explanatory work on the part of the management of condominiums, so that all co-owners understand the importance and profitability of saving heat with the help of radiator thermostats. And when all this can be done, the real savings in thermal energy will be about 20% at a relatively low cost for installing radiator thermostats.

After the implementation of the above thermal modernization measures, you can be sure that the heating and hot water supply systems in our house meet modern energy efficiency requirements and you can proceed to the next steps related to the insulation of building envelopes. It should be emphasized that the observance of just such an order - first we modernize the engineering networks, and then we insulate the building - is of great importance. If the building is simply insulated, then this expensive measure will not lead to the desired reduction in the cost of its heating, since the amount of thermal energy supplied to heat the building will be the same as before the insulation. The apartments will certainly become warmer, and the absence modern means automation and regulation of heat consumption will only lead to the need to get rid of excess heat through the so-called "window" ventilation. And vice versa, the insulation of buildings, where the heating system has been previously upgraded, brings a significant economic effect and allows to reduce energy consumption by half or more.


Insulation of the building envelope provides for the need to perform a whole range of measures related to the replacement of obsolete windows and entrance doors for energy-efficient, insulation of external walls, roofs, ceilings over basements and intra-building driveways. In this case, the replacement of windows, as a rule, is carried out by each apartment owner independently. It is important here that new windows meet the heat transfer resistance regulations for the climate zone in which your building is located. The process of insulating the rest of the enclosing structures is clear. It is only important to comply with the requirements for the quality of the insulating materials used and the choice of a qualified contractor that will deal with the insulation.

Having completed all the above thermal modernization measures, you can be sure that our building is energy efficient in terms of today's requirements. Only one problem remains unresolved - ensuring fair payment for heat energy by each specific consumer, depending on its actual consumption. This can be ensured only by organizing apartment-by-apartment metering of consumed heat energy.

It is technically not difficult to install metering devices in an apartment. So if the apartment has a single thermal input, which is quite rare in existing housing, then the meter is placed on this input. If there is no such input, then you can install a counter for each heater. This option is quite expensive for the consumer, since each heat meter has a significant cost. It is no coincidence that in most countries where heat conservation has been practiced for a long time, a different metering system is used using inexpensive devices, the so-called heating cost allocators, installed on each heating device (radiator). Distribution devices, by their nature, are not heat energy meters. However, with their help, knowing the total consumption of thermal energy of the house, determined by the general house meter, it is possible to calculate the share of thermal energy consumption by each heating device of the apartment and the house as a whole. Reading of indications of distribution devices is carried out remotely, or monthly directly by the apartment owners. Special software systems have been developed that allow, based on the general house heat consumption and the readings of distribution devices, to determine the volume of heat consumption by each apartment and, accordingly, the amount of payment for its use. It would seem that everything is very complicated, but as the practice of our Polish neighbors, where such systems are widespread, shows, they work quite simply and efficiently.

In this article, we focused on reducing energy consumption in heating and hot water systems. And this is not accidental, since today the tariffs in this area are the most significant and there is a tendency for their future increase. With other resources, the situation is somewhat simpler. Almost every apartment owner has means of accounting for them (or can install them) and means of regulating consumption in the form of taps and switches. However, there are still great opportunities for improving energy efficiency. But that's a topic for another article.

An ordinary panel four-story building (48 apartments), located in the Kuilyuk-2 massif in Tashkent, has become a testing ground for testing and implementing advanced technical ideas and energy saving solutions. She owes her unexpected luck to the Energy Saving Initiative in the Building Sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ESIB) project, which is being implemented in Uzbekistan. It is funded by the European Union, aims to promote energy efficiency and is part of the INOGATE program, which is being implemented in 11 countries.

According to international consultant, key expert of the ESIB project Mark Bellanger, the focus of the INOGATE program is the problem of energy losses, including in the construction sector. It sets itself two main tasks: ensuring the uninterrupted supply of energy carriers and diversifying energy resources in order to reduce energy losses and attract new investments for this. The long-term goal of the program is to assist in the creation of a full-fledged regional energy market. Taking into account the processes of globalization, issues related to energy are considered today not in the context of a single country or even a region, but on a global scale. Countries exchange with each other not only goods, but also energy. However, a huge amount of it is lost for a number of reasons: for example, due to poor thermal insulation, during transportation, and so on. If these losses are saved, they can be exported, and the country's income from this can be reinvested in improving energy efficiency, which in turn can give impetus to the creation of a new industry.

ESIB is an initiative to save energy in buildings and also covers the multi-family housing stock. The executor of the project is the Uzbek agency "Uzkommunkhizmat". ESIB consists of 4 components. This is an analysis of the current legislation on energy saving and recommendations for its improvement; promoting an enabling environment for financing energy efficiency activities, including pilot projects; improvement of technical norms and rules that encourage the use of energy efficient technical solutions, taking into account local conditions; raising awareness of the population about energy saving.

For ordinary consumers, it is not always clear what energy efficiency is. In a nutshell, this effective use energy resources. An energy-efficient house is one that consumes less energy, but at the same time provides more comfortable conditions for residents than a similar building, where consumption is more and return is less. The maximum effect can be achieved with the help of modern energy-efficient technologies, as well as changes in the attitude of ordinary consumers to this problem.

For this purpose, within the framework of the project, a training seminar "Energy audit in buildings" was held, the object of which was a four-storey building in Kuilyuk. According to its organizers, the problems of this building related to energy supply are typical for most of the similar buildings that make up the bulk of the multi-apartment housing stock of the capital and other regions of Uzbekistan. Previously, local experts monitored the energy efficiency of this house, proposed technical solutions to improve it, which were announced during the seminar. But its goal was much broader: to develop among the participants of the seminar - representatives of the housing and communal sector of our country, as well as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan - a common understanding of the approaches and methods used in the analysis of energy efficiency. This was done so that they could apply the experience gained in their professional activities. Therefore, the participants were given the opportunity to go to the site, study the situation related to energy consumption, evaluate the energy efficiency of the house, options for improving it, and, divided into groups, propose their scenarios for the energy reconstruction of a high-rise building. Speaking in medical terminology, the participants of the seminar examined the "patient", made a diagnosis, and prescribed treatment.

According to experts, today the house consumes 2.4 times more heat energy than when it was built in 1970. The participants of the seminar determined where the main reasons for the increase in heat losses lie. This is a seismic seam, balconies, stairwells, etc. It turned out that with thermal insulation of a seismic seam, heat loss can be reduced to zero. Large losses (from 36 to 40%) occur through balconies rebuilt by residents. Heat leakage also occurs through balcony walls and windows. As a result of energy efficiency measures, these losses can be reduced by 80%. From 16 to 20% of all heat loss occurs through stairwells. The walls here are very thin (12 cm), there is no thermal insulation. Resource-saving measures can reduce heat leakage by 80%.

During the presentation of the energy audit at home, various technical solutions for improving energy efficiency were presented. In particular, one of them concerned the roof: it was proposed to use pressed straw (reed), which is placed in the attic. Since the house's concrete roof is in very poor condition, one suggestion was to cover it with corrugated steel sheet to prevent water from reaching the insulation material.

The participants of the seminar called the situation with the external central heating system critical. The pipes of the heating network running along the surface are not sufficiently insulated, as a result of which 46% of the heat generated by the boiler house, which is located 3.5 km from the house, is lost. Various solutions were proposed to minimize these losses, and their pros and cons were discussed. Options include repairing and insulating the central heating system; installation of a gas boiler house for servicing the quarter; installation of a gas boiler for each house.

Other proposals that can improve the energy efficiency of the house include thermal insulation of the outer walls with a 10 cm layer of polystyrene, installation of a plastic mesh, applying 2 layers of plaster, priming, painting, which will provide about 60% heat savings. New windows, PVC frames, double glazing - about 38% savings. Thermal insulation of brick and concrete walls of balconies - 90% savings, and installing new windows on balconies - 58% savings, and so on.

Energy efficiency measures will help improve the technical condition of the house, increase its market value. In this regard, the issue of the possibility of equity participation of residents in the energy reconstruction of the house was discussed. After all, the funds invested by them will be able to return by reducing heating costs. The proposed measures to improve the energy efficiency of the house can serve as a good guide for high-rise buildings in a similar situation.

The second stage of the project implementation involves the reconstruction of the house using the proposed solutions. As for financing, according to the project specialists, ESIB does not contain a budget for investments, but can work with international financial institutions, other structures to raise funds for the implementation of energy saving measures.


Wall arrangement technology and the choice of insulation system are perhaps the most controversial issues in low-rise construction. SuperDom turned to the manager for an authoritative recommendation on improving the energy efficiency of walls technical department"Teplover" LLC NPP Ukrvermikulit to Vladimir Dubrov.

Vladimir Dubrov
head of technical department
Specialist "Teplover" LLC NPP Ukrvermikulit

wall insulation requirements

In Ukraine, the thermal characteristics of enclosing structures are determined by building codes DBN V-2.7-31:2016. The standard establishes minimum requirements for the value of heat transfer resistance of walls, ceilings, doors, windows, etc. Recently, these standards are being revised more and more often, and it is obvious that in the future they will approach the European level. For example, in Europe, where a course to increase the energy efficiency of buildings has long been proclaimed, the minimum heat transfer resistance (R coefficient, m2K / W) of walls is: in Latvia - 4, in Lithuania - 5, in Switzerland - 5, in Norway - 5.5.

When choosing the thickness and arrangement of walls, you should try to reduce energy costs throughout the entire period of operation of the house. It is this factor for European consumers that often becomes decisive when choosing a home or investment object. It is possible to achieve a minimum level of energy consumption by using innovative materials and quality control of work at all stages of construction.

It is better to build a warm house from energy-efficient blocks of sufficient thickness so that the main role in maintaining heat is played by bearing wall, and the insulation system was an addition. Do not build walls from heavy materials, and then insulate them with an endless layer of thermal insulation. For energy-efficient construction, there are ceramic and aerated concrete wall blocks on the market that comply with current building codes.

Why is it so important to insulate the walls of the house

People who want to invest in the future should make sure that their home receives a higher energy efficiency rating. Therefore, it is still better to supplement the facade with an insulation system that will increase the heat resistance of the walls, reduce heating costs and protect the walls themselves. Can be used:

  • wet-type insulation systems based on expanded polystyrene and basalt wool;
  • hinged ventilated facade systems;
  • thermal insulation systems.

For energy efficient blocks, materials with high vapor permeability are more suitable. When using them, the wall will be able to "breathe" and remain dry throughout the entire period of operation. As a heater, you should choose safe, non-combustible and environmentally friendly materials, such as basalt wool and heat-insulating mixtures. Another important factor in choosing an insulation system is the period of effective operation and the durability of the system. By the way, the manufacturer gives a 25-year warranty for the Teplover system.

No less important is the control of the correct installation of the insulation system, because even the most best material with an illiterate approach will not be effective. A reliable result can be provided by a certified team from the manufacturing plant and a balanced approach when choosing other performers.

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