Face care at home after 40. Daily skin care

Wooden windows 11.08.2020
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The use of creams against wrinkles and sunscreen can help keep smooth skin even after 40 years. But there are other simple habits protecting from premature aging.

Smooth skin after 40 years is an important desire of many women. Although sooner or later, age signs appear in all, some tips allow you to remove this moment. And, as a result, longer to have young skin. It is worth noting that in our days there is a huge amount of products and funds in the market, the purpose of which is to reduce wrinkles. Nevertheless, the price of most of them is too high. In addition, other human habits, his lifestyle, are important here.

Fortunately, smooth skin after 40 is not something from the fiction area. So, there are general advice that every woman can use. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to preserve beauty at any age.

After 40 years, the female organism begins to reduce the production of female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. This sudden change causes a number of changes in the body of a woman. One of them is the development of degenerative processes in the skin.

Although often we forget about this, the normal development of these hormones is necessary to maintain the tone of musculature and skin health. That is why such changes in the hormonal background lead to the emergence of the first age signs.

In other words, with the onset of this age a woman becomes harder to keep smooth skin.

It should be noted that at this moment the collagen production begins to decline. As a result, skin tissue becomes vulnerable to exposure sun ray and toxins.

How to avoid this?

1. Increase the number of vitamins C and E

Smooth leather after 40 years requires an increase in food quantities containing vitamins C and E.

Although these vitamins are necessary for a person at any age, starting from orphanage, after 40, it is precisely how quickly the age of our skin will become.

Vitamin C - Important antioxidant, which minimizes the negative impact of free radicals onto skin fabrics. In addition, this vitamin contributes to the synthesis of collagen. Thanks to him, the skin of the face becomes smoother and elastic.

On the other hand, vitamin E. It is a natural defender from ultraviolet rays and toxins. Its proper assimilation stimulates blood circulation and facilitates the regeneration of tissues.

2. Take additives with isoflavones

Additives with isoflavones, especially soy isoflavones, allow you to reduce the negative consequences of changing the hormonal background.

These plant hormones protect our skin, moisturize and revive the epidermis. It can be argued that they are even more effective than Vitamin E.

3. Drink more water

To protect the skin at any age, you should drink enough water. Nevertheless, after 40 years, the amount of water is recommended to increase. This is especially true of those of us who drinks water is not too regular.

This fluid necessary for life takes the skin from dehydration and helps to keep it tone.

4. Use wrinkle cream

There is a wide range of various creams and cosmetic products against wrinkles on the market. Not necessarily to buy the most expensive of them. Nevertheless, some of them need to be purchased.

Such means will serve as an additional power source for your skin, including for the most delicate sections.

5. Applying face tonic

Over the years, the use of facial tonic is underestimated. Despite this, today they are considered a mandatory product for those of us who want to keep the skin smooth and tightened.

Tonic components increase skin tissue tone and protect them from weakening.

6. Use sunscreen daily

As we said, after 40 years, our skin undergo a number of changes. This leads to the fact that the sun begins to harm it even more.

Try to close the skin exposure to sunlight. Do not forget that the sunscreen should be used not only in the summer, but also in winter.

7. Regularly do peeling

Peeling is a deep skin cleansing procedure. Thanks to peels and exfoliants, it is possible to restore the skin after exposure to aggressive factors. The acidic and binding components of such agents purify the skin tissues from toxins and disclose pores.

Regular use of peeling cleans the skin of the face from fat and eliminates various defects. You can buy ready-made peeling in the store or cook it at home.

8. Practice Facial Gymnastics

Give loudly vowels, inflate cheeks and quickly blink. All these simple exercises also help to have pulled and smooth skin.

Thanks to such exercises, blood circulation is improved and the early wrinkles can be avoided, as well as sickness of the skin.

Do you worry about whether your skin will be smooth after 40 years? Then do not forget to practice these recommendations. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to introduce them into your life already at a young age. published.

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Facial care after 40 years has its own characteristics. But to start to care for your face should already be 25 years old, because from this age the skin gradually loses its elasticity. The peak of the greatest loss of collagen (substances, thanks to which cells are restored) are at forty years: under the influence of a decrease in female hormones every year, the face loses its former elasticity and a beautiful smooth color. In the publication, let's talk about the rules of face care aged 40+, consider homemade masks and scrubs for mature skin.

Features of the skin after 40 years

First of all, at the age of 40 years, the skin becomes land, thinner, noticeable wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, the nasolabial folds are deepened. The skin acquires a pale hue. Above the upper lip is becoming more visible to the gun - this is the effect of hormonal imbalance.

Face care after 40 years should be regular. Daily maintaining your beauty should take as a pleasant and necessary care of yourself.

A visit to a cosmetology cabinet or salon will be useful, and the advice of the cosmetologist will help you quickly choose the necessary exactly your skin procedures and care products.

It is advisable to follow the novelties in the field of cosmetology and not be afraid to try something new, because the chances of picking up the optimal care option for your skin. Very useful at this age for the face.

How to extend the skin's youth - lifestyle correction

Extend the youth of the skin will help keep a healthy lifestyle and regular fulfillment of simple procedures:

  • Put out. This is the first thing to do, as skin cells are updated in a dream.
  • Throw smoking as quickly as possible until you purchased the old wrinkled skin of the smokers.
  • In summer days, protect the face from direct exposure to solar ultraviolet rays. It is noted that the south of the South-skinned face becomes faster. Sunscreens will help.
  • Balance nutrition. Try to include in your diet as many fruits, vegetables, greenery, fatty fish and other products with vitamins and antioxidants. You can use for pure and healthy skin, it is suitable at any age.
  • To reduce alcohol to a minimum, even better - completely abandon its use.
  • Sport, fitness, yoga. A sedentary lifestyle affects the skin is not the best.
  • Perform or massage faces.
  • face before cleaning.
  • Take additional vitamin complexes.

Homemade Mature Skin Care

To care for the skin of the face after 40 years is not so difficult. However, it is important not to forget that creams and masks should be different from those used in youth, and the procedures will slightly add:

Honey masks and scrubs for mature skin

Honey best suits mature skin. On its basis, many recipes of home scrubs and masks have been created:

Variations with honey huge quantity. It is very important that all ingredients, especially honey, are fresh and natural.


Many recipes for home care for mature face skin after 40 years can be found easily. The most important thing is to understand that from this age the skin must be careed especially carefully. And do it regularly. Stay beautiful!

In forty years, the skin of the face requires special care. At this age, signs of wilting appear. The elasticity of the epidermis decreases, becomes noticeable wrinkles. To extend the youth, you need to know several skin care rules.

Skin features after 40 years

To the peculiarities of the skin at this age include:

  • Dryness.
  • Fuzzy contour.
  • Mimic wrinkles near the eyes.
  • Debrity, reduced elasticity.
  • Extended pores.
  • Powder under the eyes.

With these difficulties, a woman is facing, reaching a forty-year age. Gradually decreases the production of collagen, which provokes the occurrence of wrinkles. The reasons for the deterioration of the skin of the skin at this age include:

  • Worsening blood circulation. In a forty years, this process slows down significantly, atrophy of a number of blood vessels supplying epidermis oxygen and nutrients occurs. Because of this, the deficit of these components occurs, the aging process is launched.
  • Changes in the cellular level. Collagen Development decreases. Elastin fibers lose the possibility of regeneration, become thicker. Destroyed fibers and cells are not connected incorrectly, which leads to a loss of elasticity.
  • Hormonal imbalance. After forty years, estrogen decreases. This hormone is responsible for many internal processes, including for the condition of the skin. His drawback leads to the appearance of decisions, acne. Skim can appear on the skin.
  • Dehydration of the epidermis. The activity of the sebaceous glands in forty years is significantly reduced, which leads to dry skin. She lacks natural adhesive lubrication. The production of hyaluronic acid is also reduced, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, loss of elasticity.

REFERENCE. The lack of vitamins, trace elements leads to premature aging. If a person consumes little useful productscontaining vitamins arises from a deficit. It reflects on immunity, the overall condition of man and skin. Cells are not powered by the useful substances, the process of updating them slows down. The epidermis becomes a flabby, the complexion of the face is worse. A person looks tired, unhealthy.

Skin Care House

The basic rules of facial care:

Cosmetologists advise:

  • Clean the skin regularly, moisturize and feed the skin. For cleansing, soap does not fit. It is recommended to use a cleansing milk or mousse. For moisturizing and nutrition, creams are used, masks. Choose such means marked "for mature skin."
  • Put out. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours, it is in a dream skin cells are updated. With a lack of sleep, the aging process is accelerated.
  • Eat right. Eating vegetables, fruits and berries will beneficial on the skin of the face. It will be saturated with vitamins and trace elements. It is about it often forget people over 40 years old.
  • Toning the skin. To do this, freeze herbal decoctions, use them in the form of ice cubes. It is useful to wipe the skin every morning. Ramars are prepared from mint, calendula, daisies. Non-carbonated mineral water is used as the preparation base.
  • To wash warm water. Cold harm skin: violates metabolic processes, and hot water makes it a flabby.
  • Eyelids also need care. For them, special creams are selected. At home, you can wipe them with aloe juice, cucumber, chamomile beams, mint.
  • Refresh the face of cucumber juice, milk, aloe juice. Such means can be wiped with skin every day after the working day.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to eat at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily. It will help to avoid dehydration of the epidermis.

Care may differ slightly depending on the time of year.

In winter

It is very important to know how to care for the skin during cold weather. Frosty air injures the epidermis causes irritation and dryness. If the skin does not help, you can encounter wrinkles, its fading. Care in winter time includes:

  • Using a protective cream. An hour before the exit to the street, you need to apply protective cream on face. It will protect the epidermis from frosty air, will not allow it to damage.
  • The use of moisturizing and nutrient masks. In winter, it is necessary to make masks: 2-3 times a week in the evening, or before bedtime. After using masks, it is not recommended to go out into the street.
  • Protection from the inside. In the diet, you must include vitamins A, E, C and OMEGA-3. They are contained in fish, green vegetables, fruits. Useful substances will be saturated with skin, make it healthier. It will be able to withstand the negative effects of cold air. Wrinkles will not appear, irritation.
  • Getting rid of black dots. For this, scrubs are used twice a week. It is impossible to use them more often, since in winter the skin is more sensitive. After applying the scrub, this day is not recommended outside. That is why it is better to use this remedy in the evening.

ATTENTION! In winter, the epidermis is easy to damage. That is why it is not recommended to heat the skin very much, scratching. Wipe the skin must be careful, light movements. To do this, it is better to use soft napkins, towels. Rough fabrics are prohibited.

In summer

Remember about the rules for skin care are needed in summer:

  • It is necessary on a hot day, on the beach wearing a hat. Thus, the skin of the face will be protected from sunlight, the likelihood of burns appears.
  • Before entering the street on a sunny day, you need to use special protective equipment, otherwise the skin will be dry, burns may occur.
  • It is necessary to use at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Summer leather needs fluid. Drink better water, carbonated drinks can lead to a violation of cellular metabolism and acne.
  • After a walk, you need to remove makeup, apply a moisturizing cream, or a lotion on the skin.
  • It is impossible to sunbathe from 12 to 16 hours of the day, since at this time ultraviolet rays are the strongest. They will lead to burns, skin damage. Wrinkles will become even more noticeable.
  • It is recommended to perform moisturizing masks 2-3 times a week.
  • It is impossible to rub the skin of the face on the street in the summer, as it is expanding into hot weather. Take the face with unwashed hands, you can draw pathogenic bacteria in the pores, which will lead to acne and black points.
  • It is impossible to apply a lot of cosmetics in the summer. In hot weather, the skin sweats, the cosmetics is mixed with then. This leads to a mask effect. The epidermis does not receive oxygen in the desired quantity, which can provoke an accelerated fiction process. Makeup must be minimal.

IMPORTANT! You need to consume many vegetables, fruits and berries. They normalize metabolic processes in the epidermis, fill it with vitamins. The skin is healthy, which minimizes the process of wrinkle.

Recipes of domestic masks

At home, you can be superior to care for the skin. For this, masks are preparing, which have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, have a rejuvenating and healing effect.

Recipe number 1. - Mask based on yolk and potatoes:

  • As part of a mask: yolk, 20 g of boiled potatoes, 25 drops of vitamin E, 15 drops of vitamin A.
  • First boiled and cleaned potatoes. It is crushed to the state of Cashitz.
  • The crude yolk is whipped, mixed with vitamins.
  • Further, all components are connected, the finished mask is applied to the face purified from makeup.
  • Hold a mask for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. You can apply both on the face and forever.
  • Perform a mask daily within 10 days, then take a break in three months. After again repeat the course.
  • This mask increases the elasticity of the skin, eliminates the flabbiness, feeds the epidermis with the useful substances. The skin becomes smooth and mild, wrinkles disappear.

Recipe No. 2 - Oil Mask:

  • In its composition: 5 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of almond oil, 5 ml of peach oil and 2 rose oil ester.
  • First mix fat vegetable oils. They are heated in a water bath (5 minutes).
  • Then, 2 drops of rose oil ether are added to this mixture, the components are mixed again.
  • The finished means is applied to the face purified from makeup.
  • The mask hold one hour, then wash off warm water.
  • A mask is applied twice a week for two months, then a break is needed in one month and the course of skin treatment is repeated.
  • This mask increases the elasticity of the skin, saturates its useful substances. Difficulty disappears, the metabolic processes are normalized at the cellular level. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed, the skin becomes soft and healthy.

Recipe No. 3 - Curd-Banana Mask:

  • In its composition: 15 g of cottage cheese, one small banana, 5 ml of strawberry juice.
  • Cottage cheese and banana mixed in a blender to the state of Cashitz.
  • Strawberry juice add to Kashitz.
  • The mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes, then wash off with water.
  • The mask is performed 2-3 times a week.
  • This remedy feeds and moisturizes the skin, removes signs of fatigue, restores metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Recipe No. 4 - Olive Oil and Apple Mask:

  • In its composition: a tablespoon of olive oil, half of the purified apple.
  • You need a purified apple to chop on the grater to the state of the casher.
  • Cashitz from the apple mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • The finished means are applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed away.
  • Perform a mask twice a week.
  • This mask smoothes wrinkles, feeds the useful substances of the epidermis. Dry dryness, irritation, increases skin elasticity.

Recipe number 5 - mask with aloe juice for the skin of the eyelids:

  • In its composition: tablespoon linen oil, the same amount of aloe and cream juice.
  • Components are thoroughly mixed.
  • The mask is applied to the face for one hour, then washed off with water.
  • You can use such a mask 2-3 times a week.
  • Such a means moisturizes the skin, increases elasticity and elasticity, helps to get rid of dryness and irritation. Black dots, wrinkles disappear, the cellular exchange of epidermis is improved.

Face care in the beauty salon

Beauty salons offer customers various procedures, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Popular Salon Procedures

Effective rejuvenating procedures are:

  • Mesotherapy. The method of improving and rejuvenation of the skin. With the help of injections, drugs are introduced into the skin, vitamins that increase the elasticity of the epidermis, the angry rash and acne disappear, slow down the aging process. The contours become clear, tightened. Course treatment, medicine, dosage is determined by a specialist.
  • RF Lifting. With the help of a special apparatus, radio wave radiation is carried out on the skin. It warms the dermis, contributes to the production of collagen. This leads to an increase in the elasticity of the epidermis. The skin pulls up. The number of procedures defines a specialist after examining the patient.
  • Laser rejuvenation. With the help of a laser, there is deep cleaning of the skin, old fibers are eliminated, the active production of new fibers occurs, cells are updated. The elasticity of the epidermis is significantly increased, wrinkles disappear.
  • Masks with the use of drugs, medicinal herbal . Masks are used, which contain effective medicines that can eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity. With the help of individually selected components, any drawback can be eliminated, extend youth. Professional masks have a high degree of efficiency, eliminating not only wrinkles, but also traces of fatigue.
  • Darsonvalization. Using a special apparatus on the epidermis, the current affects. It stimulates the work of the muscles, relaxes them. This leads to an improvement in blood circulation, metabolic processes. Collagen generation is activated, the epidermis is rejuvenated.

Benefits and disadvantages of salons

The services of beauty salons possess both pros and minuses. The benefits include:

  • High efficiency. Rejuvenation is achieved extremely quickly.
  • Selection of the most suitable procedure individually after the patient's inspection. Based on the skin type, its status specialist selects the necessary procedure.
  • Recommendations of a specialist. After examining the face, he can say what the skin lacks most in which it is.
  • The likelihood of side effects is minimized. Before use, the procedures passed tests. Their security is proved clinically. Side effects Do not arise.
  • A person does not need to prepare funds independently. Procedures conducts a specialist, it remains only to trust the master of the master.
  • Application of procedures with devices. At home, the devices cannot be used. Meanwhile, such procedures are effective.

The disadvantages of salon procedures include:

  • High price. Often beauty salons are expensive.
  • Procedures require regular applications to achieve the result, which means that the client needs to spend time to visit the cabin. Not all people can allocate time on a hike in a beauty salon, being very busy.

How to choose a really good salon?

It is very important to choose a salon with a good reputation, whose clients are satisfied with the result where professional skin care methods are applied.

In a truly professional cabin apply effective methodswhich act comprehensively: rejuvenate, nourish, moisturize the epidermis. Specialists select the most appropriate means individually.

Popular Cosmetics for Skin Care

There are the most popular and effective meanswhich beneficially affect the epidermis.

Three most popular funds are:

  • Olay serum Regenerist microCulpler face. A means of high concentration of amino peptides. Contains vitamins B3, B5, antioxidant, fruit and hyaluronic acid, extracts of algae and green tea. The rejuvenating effect is achieved in 1-2 months of regular use. Serum is applied to a clean face once a day. Average price: 1200 rubles.
  • Vichy LiftActiv Supreme Cream. Contains a rejuvenating complex: caffeine and adenosine. Ramunoz 5% leads to the production of elastin and collagen. Thermal volcanic water gives smoothness, elasticity, disappear wrinkles. Use the cream 1-2 times a day. The average price: 2000 rubles.
  • Cream L`Real Age Perfect. Eliminates wrinkles, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. It is filled with useful substances, exchange processes at the cellular level are given. The average price: 700 rubles.

To help! Contraindications to the use of these funds are irritation, increased sensitivity, diseases of the skin.

Care for skin face aged 40 years need correctly. Following the advice of specialists, you can achieve a rejuvenating and healing effect.

The age of 40 years most women consider the critical, so-called "boundary" between the flourishing and fading. But not all actually looks so weakly, if you organize the right skin care after 40, using our advice and recommendations. The modern market offers a huge amount of cosmetic cargoing facial and body. How to choose from the entire assortment those that suit a specific woman?

Causes of skin fading

Thanks to the discoveries in the field of medicine and cosmetology, modern women, unlike representatives of previous generations, know that it becomes older at all means aging! There are quite real reasons for changing the condition of the skin.

  • Hormonal disorders lead to a decrease in the amount of collagen produced by the woman's body, which, in turn, leads to the loss of skin of elasticity.
  • Reducing the ability of the epidermis to hold sufficient moisture contributes to the drying of the top layer of the skin.
  • The replacement of old cells new is slowed down due to a decrease in the speed of their division throughout the body due to the lack of the desired hormones and trace elements.
  • Reducing the functionality of the sebaceous glands makes skin more sensitive and land.
  • Reducing the number of working blood vessels in all layers of the skin becomes the reason for the disappearance of a healthy belt on the face.

Knowing the main causes of age-related changes, it is possible to determine the most essential on the state of their own skin and outline the face of the face and neck after 40 years.

Moisturizing from the inside and outside

Dry skin becomes with age most often among the owners of normal, velvety, with small pores and without oily shine of the skin in youth. To prevent the appearance of dryness, it is necessary to organize proper care and moisturizing from young age (25-30 years).
If the skin of the face by 40 years has become overly dry, it is necessary to maintain a moisture balance daily:

  • drink at least 8 glasses (1.5 liters) of non-carbonated water per day;
  • protect in summer all open areas of the skin from the Sun, apply moisturizing faces for face care with SPF-15 protection and a higher coefficient;
  • using in the cold season, protective creams and tones that ensure reliable protection to the face from wind, frost, snow and rain;
  • to try to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in residential areas (you can use the air humidifier);
  • give preference to a warm soul, and not hot relaxing baths;
  • use daily moisturizing cosmetics for mature skin (moisturizing creams, gels, masks, serums), which hold natural moisture and help the cells "get drunk" outside.

To obtain the maximum effect of restoring and maintaining natural processes, cosmetologists recommend choosing an anti-aging series of means for the skin of one manufacturer. The cosmetic series provides everyday care for the optimal scheme, where each product not only performs certain functions, but complements and enhances the action of other components.

Down with wrinkles!

The skin of a newborn baby is updated every week, as the formation of new cells and the advancement of them on the surface of the skin occurs in just seven days. With age, the update speed is reduced. The laws of genetics in the biological clock of each person laid the life term of its cells. But today there are funds that help the body accelerate the mechanism of updating and getting rid of the old burner cells.
To reduce wrinkles, women after 40 years need:

  • use soft peeling tools for sensitive skin 1-2 times a week (scrubs, film masks);
  • apply feed and restoring masks with antioxidants (vitamins A, B, C, Coenzyme Q 10);
  • quit smoking, as smoking contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and dim color face;
  • add to a casual leaf care scheme and intensive effects on leather containing hyaluronic acid, pseudo-aging of plant origin, fruit acids, marine algae extracts, gingo biloba, green tea.

All of the above components help the skin to hold the natural moisture, stimulate the synthesis of collagen synthesis, provide elasticity and restore the protective function of the skin. Funds possessing unique properties, give a fast and visible cosmetic effect of suspenders, elasticity, freshness and healthy face.

Return the color of youth and health

Hormonal shifts, age-related diseases provoke the deterioration of the color and condition of the skin with which you can fight quite affordable natural methods. But before proceeding, it is worth considering a doctor's advice. After all, sometimes swollen eyes, dark circles, skin redness, pigment stains can be a sign of a disease that is in the initial stage of development.
Each woman after 40 should be adjusted by several tips.

  • Eliminate the edema of the eyelid by using the eyelid cream with the hydrocortisone.
  • Get rid of dark circles Under the eyes will help the restoration cream for the age with retinol.
  • Age-"pigment stains easily disappear after the regular application of a whitening effect mask including white clay, cucumber extract or lemon juice.

Women after 40 is recommended to carefully monitor the changes in the skin, the appearance of pigmentation, warts, moles, other spots that are worried. It is advisable to visit the dermatologist or cosmetologist for their own tranquility and pass a special examination.

Opportunities of proper makeup

It is difficult to blame the woman in 40 years in the inability to apply makeup, but sometimes the errors of the use of decorative cosmetics do not hide age changes and flaws of the skin, but, on the contrary, they are emphasized.
The success of the correct makeup depends, above all, from the right choice of cosmetics for a specific type of skin and appearance.

  • Masking products. For mature skin, it is necessary to stop on a tonal basis with a thin or medium density with a reflective effect, but without radiance. All toning means are applied to the skin only after a moisturizing cream no later than 30 minutes before the exit to the street. In 40 years, you need to abandon masking pencils and styles that create a heavy effect. The application of tonal means is accompanied by careful decisiveness until the boundaries of their application disappear
  • Powder and blush. It is better to use cream powder, dry powder emphasizes wrinkles and dry skin defects. The makeup artists recommend women after 40 to choose powder on 3 tones lighter tonal base, then the skin of the face will look fresh.
  • The effect of juicy lip. Create lipsticks on a cream-based moderately red. Dark tones make lips thinner, and bright lips become less visible and "lost" on the face. If on upper lip There are wrinkles, it is necessary to use a contour pencil for lips to prevent spreading lipstick.
  • The effect of shiny eyes It will help to obtain the use of a soft contour pencil and an eye carcass only in the upper eyelid. Abuse of the contour makes the eye less, and a lot of carcasses at eyelashes attracts attention to problem areas " goose paws"And makes makeup untidy.

The main Makeup rule for a woman after 40 is "all in moderation." You can not use colors and funds that enjoyed 20 years ago - it may look like and even vulgar. Every evening you need to shoot cosmetics with special means for your age, which have an additional careful effect.

In secret

The face is younger in just 11 days!

Even in 40 you can look at 21, if you smear the face for the night ...

Beauty is one of the most important advantages that put in one row with intellectual abilities and the power of character. Therefore, even after 40 years, most women try to preserve their beauty. And one of the main signs of a beautiful woman is a healthy and clean skin of the face, on which all habits and lifestyle of a woman are reflected.

Wrinkles, swelling and other signs of skin fading in 40 years

40 years old - a special age for a woman, since it was at 40-45 years in the female body a hormonal restructuring takes place, the metabolism is disturbed, some processes begin to occur differently. It's all, of course, reflected in the state of the skin. The skin becomes more thin, and from the fact that it is thinning and loosen, it loses moisture very quickly. The skin of the face becomes often more dry, it gives the way the appearance of small, and then large wrinkles.

In addition, the fattened fading skin becomes prone to edema, since the processes of life-vicinity in cells are also violated. The cells of the epidermis are updated much slower, water with harmful substances is formed and forms edema.

Also external sign Skin aging is the pigmentation and the appearance of "stars", which are very clearly visible on thin skin.

All these signs are subject to elimination. Make it possible thanks to modern means and procedures.

Acne on face in 40 years

Acne is a natural problem only in adolescence and young age, when the organism grows, changes, adapts. Then the struggle against acne is mainly local in nature (the use of lotions, creams, therapeutic ointments). At older, and even more so 40 years old acne is already the consequences of the work failure. They may appear due to hormonal failure, due to abortions, due to improper operation of the genital organs.

It is also of great importance to the way of life of a woman (active or passive) and bad habits.

If at the age of 40 you have acne and inflammatory processes on the face, then you should focus on the overall health intake. Local impact can also help here, but as you know, " beautiful woman - Healthy woman, "and the condition of your body is much more important than the state of the skin in particular.

Facial procedures after 40 years

After 40 years, skin care for many women is divided into home and salon.

You must first moisten and clean the skin, and you need to do it daily. It is with constant interference to the process of aging of the skin you can change its appearance for the better.

Moisturizing at home is the use of creams, oils, masks. Cleansing is the use of gels, tonic and other cleansing agents. Special emphasis is on such a cleansing agent as a scrub or peeling. This procedure not only actively cleans the skin with mechanical effects (absorbing crumbs), but also contributes to the saturation of the skin with nutrients, since burrive cells disappear, new epidermis cells begin.

But it should be remembered that we only remove the top layer of cells with a mechanical peeling, and a beautician intervention is necessary for a deeper cleansing.

In beauty salons, you will also offer several types of peeling, which we will tell at the end of the article.

In addition, from the procedures for fading skin it is worth highlighting hardware. Usually, all procedures are based on the introduction of any beneficial substances under the skin or on the use of laser and radio waves of a certain length, which act on the skin from the outside, transforming it.

In addition to hardware in beauty salons, of course, manual procedures, such as massage, are also used. Tell me below.

How to pull the face after 40 years

The problem of women after 40 years is a gradual loss of skin elasticity. These are the consequences of the lack of collagen. Collagen is a certain protein that fills all the space between the cells and ensures the uniformity of the tissues, in particular the skin. Without collagen, the skin becomes loose, thin, less strong.

To pull the face after 40 years, you need:

  • select proper nutritionbecause collagen - animal protein, which is also found in food;
  • use skin care products that promote collagen generation;
  • use ingredients contributing to the production of collagen at home ();
  • making a face massage that improves skin condition, activates skin regeneration processes;
  • making the gymnastics of a person, thanks to which the muscles on the face will become stronger, and the skin is more elastic.

How to rejuvenate face in 40 years

Under all the conditions described above, you can tighten the skin of the face, which will be very positively affected by its appearance and your self-breaking. After all, it is flabby and frighting of the skin associated with aging and fading. Therefore, as soon as you see that the skin pulled up, you will immediately realize that they began to look younger.

In addition to elasticity of the skin, the color is very affected by its appearance - even color of the face is associated with young and healthy skin.

To achieve even colors of the face also help homework (masks of utility natural ingredients), shopping (special creams), as well as a massage of a person who must be performed in accordance with the rules, otherwise you can not only not improve the condition of the skin, but also stretch it .

Gymnastics for face 40 years

Gymnastics are load on the muscles of the face. As well as sports, gymnastics can not only pull the face, but also a little change its shape (to highlight the cheekbones, create a certain "relief" of the face).

The gymnastics for the face is multi-penetration movements that create loads on certain parts of the person.

For example, one of the most effective exercise To highlight the cheekbone and skin suspenders under the eyes - this is a drawing of the cheeks, while you need to keep them in such a state as long as possible, and from the inside to prescribe a tongue on every cheek. You will feel muscle resistance, then the feeling of fatigue in the cheek area, and later notice the result.

And with a sailor of the skin around the mouth I use simple movements with lips: first put the lips in the "tube", and then "pull the lips on the teeth and hold them for a few seconds in this position.

These exercises are used even as a workout in actors and leading, and with regular use, these and other exercises can lead to the muscle tone of your face. The gymnastics of the face requires patience, regularity and time if you want to get noticeable results.

Japanese face massage for 40 years

Japan is famous for the beauty secrets that are transmitted from generation to generation and are considered very effective.

To similar rituals that are able to make a woman younger, and the Japanese massage also applies. Today is a popular massage technique that has many fans.

The Japanese massage is called Asahi and lies in a rather rough effect on the skin with fingers. The secret of this technique is that attention is focused not only on the preservation of skin elasticity. Massage actively affects the muscles of the face, lymphatic, blood circuit, as well as bone tissue. With the help of this procedure, Japanese "make" a oval of faces that puts the massage of Asahi one step with a lifting. Japanese massage can be done both, but cosmetologists recommend contacting a professional specialist.

Salon face procedures after 40 years

After 40 years already insufficiently caring funds. It is necessary to maintain the beauty of your skin.

In beauty salons Today there is a huge spectrum for restoring both youth skin and its natural properties.

The most applied procedures are attributed. The impact of this procedure is understandable to women, it does not cause feasts and doubts. The peeling procedure also has several types.

The second type of procedures for women from 40 years is the use of various injections that are entered under the skin and restore the necessary qualities of our skin.

These two types of procedures are the most popular. They really allow you to achieve the necessary effect when passing 1-3 courses, and the price of these procedures is usually acceptable and low. These events help many women lead the skin in order and feel younger.

Face masks after 40 years

After 40 years, regular nutrition of the skin becomes of particular importance. It is really possible to rejuvenate the skin of the face with domestic masks. After all, the main component that retains our skin youth is collagen, which we have already spoken about. This protein is also in the ingredients from which we can prepare the nutritional composition for skin rejuvenation.

Most often, anti-aging masks at home are made of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, aloe and lemon juices, olive oil and berries fruits. From fruits most often used bananas, peaches, grapefruits; from vegetables - potatoes and cucumbers; From dairy products - High fatty cottage cheese, yogurt and milk.

Also for skin rejuvenation, masks and scrubs of coffee are used, which contributes to the production of collagen.

There are also store anti-aging masks that have a rejuvenating effect. Choose high-quality products of recognized manufacturers, pay attention to the composition, read reviews and consult with experts.

With regular use, the correctly selected mask will help make the skin younger and healthy. If you use a mask from case to occasion, then anyone, even the most effective maskwill not have any visible effect.

Face cream after 40 years

After 40 years, it is necessary to take care of the choice of a new product that can cope with the signs of fading skin.

The cream must be quite nutritious and moisturizing. Ideally, you must have two creams, one - moisturizing, the second is nutritious. Moisturizing cream you apply on face in the morning, and nourishing in the evening, because at night it is especially important to getting actively regenerating the skin.

Also, the cream must have SPF filters. This is the so-called sun protection, which will save your skin from harmful sun rays.

The composition of creams for women aged 40+ should be rich in coenzyme Q10, collagen, proteins, peptides, natural oils, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes.

Facial oil after 40 years

The most important cause of skin aging is moisture loss. Oil is the most nutritious and moisturizing product for your face skin.

For a woman aged 40, the oil is an essential skin care element at home. This is a fully natural solution consisting of one component, which can be moistened to the skin and get rid of various kinds of flaws. Also, the oil applied to the cotton disk is very good and effectively cleans the skin from makeup, including a resistant tonal cream and mascara. After you cleanse the skin of the oil, you can wipe it with a lotion or tonic, and already apply a moisturizing or nutrient cream. Thus, the skin receives double moisturizing, and makeup is easily removed and harmless.

Of course, oils are inferior to creams in the speed of absorption. If the moisturizer you can apply on the skin of the face an hour before exiting the house, then the oil you must apply exclusively overnight, as the skin after applying oils is very fat and shiny. But oils not only have a moisturizing effect. Each oil has a few more effects.

At home use olive oil (less vegetable), peach, grape, jojoba oil, castor (this oil is very dense), almond, apricot.

With all the benefits of oils in home cosmetology, it is necessary to remember the rules that need to be observed in order to use oils as efficiently as possible.

Oils are rarely used in pure form. The most optimal option is to mix the oil with your night cream. How much to add? Remember that oils are always dosed by drops. Therefore, for one time applied, your standard quantity of cream and 1-2 drops of the selected oil are sufficient.

Oils do not tolerate the big "Neighborhood", so you should not mix many types of oil, enough 1-2.

Almost any product is getting used to any product. Oil is no exception. Therefore, one type of oil is recommended to use no more than three weeks. Then take a break in 1-2 weeks and choose the next oil.

Oils with astringent effect and strong smell need to be used in very small quantities and with great caution. Such oils include juniper, mint, fir, and the like. Despite all the benefits that such oils carry skin (especially useful for problematic and oily skin of the face), they can cause irritation or burns of mucous tissues due to the large number of esters contained in the composition.

When complying with all rules, the oil will become your permanent assistant when care for skin skin.

Types of peeling for face after 40 years

Here we will pay attention primarily on those types of peels that offer women in beauty salons. If earlier the effects of peeling occurred at the expense of exclusively absorbing particles (whether crushed nuts or pieces of sea salt), then today the piling line is much richer.

The most simplest type of peeling is superficial. It cleans oily skin, helps to get rid of acne and pronounced pigmentation. On the deeper layers of the skin, this type of peeling is not valid. The skin after it is practically not injured, the eroded cells disappear, but only the topmost layer.

Mary peeling already requires some time to restore. Indications for median peeling are mimic wrinkles and folds on the skin. Also, peeling is actively struggling with the pedestal, uneven colors of the face. This type of peeling is used before the plastic surgery.

Media peeling is performed using aluminum particles and under local anesthesia, since the procedure is quite painful, with almost immediately notice the results.

Deep peeling is the most rarely used type of peeling, as it is an operation with an aggressive impact on the skin.

On the effects of peelings also differ. Mechanical peeling is the most understandable method using comprehensive particles, called the collapse. Such peeling is performed using a special electrical brush.

Also today, chemical peeling is popular, which affects the skin not under the influence of mechanical brushes, but under the influence of solutions. Apply to the skin chemical compositionwhich cleaves the cells.

The subspecies of chemical peeling is a fruit peeling, which is carried out by the same scheme as chemical, but using natural fruit acids.

Also isolated physical peeling (laser and ultrasound) and diamond.

Facial scrub after 40 years

An analogue of peeling in the beauty salon is a scrub that you can use yourself at home.

The main thing, know that this procedure is necessary even at a young age, and in 40 years it becomes of special importance.

Scraping is almost the first step to hold your skin's youth. After all, you can save youth much easier than to restore it.

Hardware procedures for face after 40 years

The most trend hardware procedures are a radio frequency lifting, Elos and photorejuvenation. It does not matter what the beam works with the skin. Impact allows you to create a new frame of collagen deep inside the dermis, which contributes to its rapid and effective rejuvenation. It will return the skin elasticity, strength, elasticity, relieve wrinkles. You can repeat the procedures in one year or another.

Separate attention deserve the procedures for bovarming with mezzenites. It is necessary to conduct it after 40 years to restore the oval of faces, tighten the eyelids, remove the second chin. Mesonitis are used or resolved over time or permanent.

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