Jupiter man in the 9th woman's house. Planets in the ninth house. Jupiter in Sagittarius

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The principle of Jupiter: Education, travel, faith, ideal, expansion.

Jupiter in the horoscope of birth symbolizes the participation of a person in the life of large social groups. Jupiter is a planet of happiness, great wealth, good luck, wide opportunities, higher education. Symolizes the admiration and inspiration of a person: love in another person, in science, art, philosophy, in a sample to imitate, in achieving other people. Symbolizes new, on a happy coincidence of circumstances. Opening capabilities, promotion, new post on a new field, large amounts of money "in the same place."

We can for a long time to achieve happiness and new opportunities, but they come, yet, like luck, luck, direct help "from heaven" - regardless of our will and effort. The situation of luck and good luck is incorporated by not our desire, do not force will, not by building logical combinations and not participating in standard social situations and not even intense workshop work and active struggle. And they arise by themselves, at a certain time (which is visible on the transits of Jupiter). They may turn on with the help of other people, external events, self-analysis, but, again, only when time comes. And from the will of a person, his competence, independence, self-confidence, his mind and knowledge, system of values \u200b\u200band fighting qualities depends on whether he can successfully dispose of his luck and new features.

For example, a person gets a blow of fate and feels as if he constantly lies a huge concrete slab on his head. He squeezes his will in the fist, adapts to the circumstances, conscientiously reflects on smart books, produces a reassessment of values, applies hard efforts in everyday and professional work - and constantly feels the pressure of this slab. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly at one fine moment, this pressure goes somewhere. Facility incredible! Although really in outdoor world And the circumstances did not change anything, a man with no one suddenly feel the world with colorful, full joy, festive and prefers good changes and new opportunities. It turned on Jupiter.

In the image, signs of active Jupiter are shining eyes, inspired by the view, the vigor of the spirit, high spirits, optimism, energy and benevolence. From a person comes the feeling of a holiday, generosity, great opportunities. Dresses, accessories and decorations are luxurious. They produce a strongest impression of something absolutely amazing, noble, exclusive and expensive. This is a public person, familiarizing people are proud of. In addition, such a person always expect generous gifts, painless solutions of complex problems, new opportunities and patronage.

With a strong defeat of Jupiter in the mapthe principle of Jupiter will be weak in human life. At the external level, this may be expressed in greed, chewing, unfounded complaints about the significance of their personality. A person can throw his abilities and opportunities, really not possessing any other. It is waiting for others (sometimes just requires and removes violence) praise, admiration, respect, worship. Convinces everyone in his holiness. It tries to prove that it has great opportunities, in high offices and "solves issues". Really, however, it can not do anything for you, using your promises of good luck and hints for future happiness as a bait so that you are lying and trusted.
If you treat the affected Jupiter in the map as the area of \u200b\u200bthe problems and consciously use the lack of the principle of Jupiter as a point of personal growth, then luck, opportunities, luck, inspiration can exceed all unthinkable expectations.

A sign in which Jupiter is located indicates a style in which a person fits into the world. It should be noted, however, that these values \u200b\u200bare incomparably less important for analyzing the features of the person and its image than the characteristics of the position in the signs of rapid planets. Indeed, Jupiter in each sign is almost a year, so that all born in this year will have in the Natal Map Jupiter in the same sign. The difference will always be to conclude in the specific use of the principle of Jupiter its owner. The manifestations of Jupiter can be very individual, making a person or a carrier of pronounced jupaterian quality, or a parody of him.

Jupiter in Aries:the man fits into the world through his recklessness, risks, showing the qualities of a bold noble warrior, as well as a pioneer, an entrepreneur acting at his discretion. Respects himself for being able to explore new uncharted territories, conquer.

Ideal: personal freedom and self-assertion.

Religion / Philosophy: The heroic epic of the ancient Germans and Celts (the cults of Odin, Morrigan, Sigurda). The cult of Perun from the ancient Slavs.

Jupiter in Taurus: The man fits into the world through its beauty, sensuality, good taste, susceptibility to excellent and harmony. Respects himself for the ability to enjoy the joys of the material world.

Ideal: Growth, fullness and joy of life.

Religion / Philosophy: Antique Epicurery. Sensual joy of life in a circle of good friends as the highest goal of being.

Jupiter in Gemini: A person is sent to the world through his mind, rational thinking, logic, awareness. The ability to communicate, transmit and extract information. Respects himself for the mined knowledge, to speak in front of the listeners, write an article, to meet.

Ideal: Critical mind.

Religion / Philosophy: Encyclopedists and the Philosophy of Descartes. In doubt everything, in all you can doubt. And believe only what will remain after that.

Jupiter in cancer: With the position of Jupiter in the sign of cancer in society, all gentle, cozy, romantic are appreciated.

If, during the passage of Jupiter, people were proud of their knowledge, connections, the ability to learn and find information, while the passage of Jupiter through the cancer sign, people are proud of national culture and traditions, family, home, parents.

During this period, luck accompanies those who can support life and adapt to circumstances. People see their happiness in being among their "their", enjoy comfort and comfort, to be safe at home, in the family, in the homeland. Rich imagination, empathy, family life, belonging to the "one hundred" becomes measured by the meril.

During this period, the opportunity to succeed and feel happiness is determined by our ability to perceive and feel, be intuitive and take care of the maintenance of life. New opportunities and prospects will be in those who have a rich imagination, fantasy, high adaptive abilities.

The subject of pride and the source of success becomes issues affecting our way to adapt, maintain life, equip the personal space; Events associated with home, family, parents, homeland. Questions of national history and traditions.

Good luck comes to us when we begin to understand our fundamental life positions, generic roots, children's habits to learn them from the point of view of influence on our worldview. Good luck comes through the solution of problems with the place of residence, intimate corner, family, homely; land plot, real estate, graves of ancestors.

Success is associated with a feeling of protectedness from the wind of fate, the presence of a roof over the head, the necessary level of emotional comfort, emotional security. The source of happiness is spiritual peace and strong emotional connections.

During this period, the success is determined by the ability to perceive, distinguish between their emotions and not be afraid to change under the influence of experiences, adequately react, adapt.

In society, the prestigious professions are associated with the help of weak and concern about others. Especially important nurses, nurses, educators of kindergartens, nanny, cormilits, housekeepers, psychologists, as well as cooks, employees of public catering, restaurants, hotels. In art - popular actors of the theater and cinema, poets, musicians, writers, literary critics, art historians. The activities related to family, group and national subjects are in demand.

With Jupiter in cancer, our ideals will be associated with help and care. Good luck and success will depend on how much the principle of adaptation is developed: our emotional relationship with nature is deep; Whether instincts are healthy, allowing to satisfy safety; Can we maintain life, create warmth and comfort; Whether our intuition is strong. In the religious and philosophical terms, we are inspired by the ideal of the ever-femininal start in the image of the Great Goddess of Mother Nature, for example, in Catholicism - Virgin Mary.

A person fits into the world through its sensitivity, empathy, imagination, the ability to maintain life and adapt. Respects himself for being able to create warmth and comfort, feed, care, take care.

Ideal: keep life.

Religion / Philosophy: Romanticism (Novalis, Clemens Brentano). "Universal longing" and reverence of the ever-feminine, especially in the image of the Great Mother Nature, in Catholicism - Virgin Mary.

Jupiter in Lev: With the position of Jupiter, in the sign of a lion in society, everything is valued, worthy, decent and brilliant, luxury and pleasure.

If, during the passage of Jupiter, people were proud of the national culture and traditions, family, home, parents, then when passing Jupiter through a lion's sign, personal creativity products are becoming the subject of pride: their own competence, quality of the head, creator, father; children; Hobbies and hobbies, adventures and financial scams; Artistry, personality brightness, game behavior.

During this period, luck accompanies to those who build and creates on the principle "came, saw, won." People see their happiness in joy from the realization of their creative ideas - and are ready to generously share this joy with others. Meril Success becomes a creative approach to life in its entirety, the disclosure of all sides of the human person.

During this period, the ability to succeed and feel happiness is determined by our ability to be ourselves, lead, make a decision, give orders, be responsible, shine and generously reign. New features and prospects will be those who clearly sees a personal goal, has the power of will, vitality, competent, a bright person, endowed with acting talent and knows how to accept applause and celebrate victory.

The profession of leaders of different ranks in secondary positions become prestigious in society: managers, secretaries, authorized representatives, parliament deputies. As well as: chief physician, the main holder of the shares, polisman, director, actor. All professions associated with chic and luxury: gold traders, diamonds, paintings, as well as designers, fashion designers, cosmetologists. Professions related to the demonstration of something: theater, Circus, various kinds of presentation. Classes related to hobbies and entertainment. Classes related to the development of creative abilities in children and adults.

The man fits into the world through his creative abilities, willpower, sidier qualities. Respects himself for the ability to manage, to boom responsibility, give orders, to rule, respects himself for competence.

Ideal: brilliance and kindness.

Religion / Philosophy: Solar religions Inca or Pharaoh Ehnaton. "Philosophy of life". Nietzsche's teaching about superman.

Jupiter in Virgo:When Jupiter is located in the sign of the Virgin, all intellectual, accurate, hygienic, healthy, is appreciated in society; Scrupulousness in performing any work; Thin tools; executive employees; Pets.

If, during the passage of Jupiter, people were proud of personal creativity products: their own competence, the qualities of the head, Creator, Father; children; Hobbies and hobbies, adventures and financial apartments; Artistry, the brightness of the individual, the game behavior, - when Jupiter in Virgin, the subject of pride is becoming a daily routine work, employment, state and military service, care for maintaining health, interaction with servants and subordinates, possession of tools, interaction with pets. The source of happiness becomes daily work and feeling healthy.

The society is highly appreciated and, accordingly, educated people who are well earned, who qualitatively perform their work and easily embedded in a professional team. People who have good health. Prestigious disease prevention: healthy lifestyle, regular sports, balanced diet, alternation of mental and physical labor. Specialists who are confident in their skills and working easily find the easiest job. A good specialist during this period acquires the appropriate rank and awards. The employee who has a big sense of self-esteem is honored, which does not exchange his skills and skills on trifles. He is respected and his work is very appreciated.

During this period, luck accompanies to those who create and maintain the procedure for the principle of "cleanliness - a guarantee of health." People see their happiness in labor with visible results. Meril Success becomes the quality of a man done and a healthy physically developed strong body.

During this period, the opportunity to succeed and feel happiness is determined by our ability to rationally, logically, to study, learn new skills and skills, perform a subtle work with thin modern tools. New features and prospects will be in those who have the ability to combine, structure, tie contacts, to take place in the working team, take care of maintaining health. During this period, the ability to be accurate, neat, clean, clean, smart is highly appreciated. Analytical abilities are important: collect information confirmed by facts; Structure it, call things by your own names, predict development and result. Good luck brings an intelligent approach: a deliberate, critical, methodical; Objectivity, pragmatism, realism, the ability to delve into the essence of the case, find a strong solution. Success accompanies those who can choose best option Of all possible, combine the nearest movement towards the goal with a minimum cost. Makes everything in good faith, behaves decently, hardworking and reliable. But do not forget that excessive honesty and decency in the game with crook will lead to the loss. Burn against chaos, look order.

Those who grumbled, picky, suffering perfectionism, manic-depressive pedanthism, will be unsuccessful.

In society, the prestigious professions are becoming a profession, where you need to be able to separate the grains from the pickles - critics, economists and any business, where attention is important to detail, for example, accounting, pedagogy, programming, medicine, especially dentistry and prosthetics. Any business requiring a practical surge (technique, craft) or thin skills (from fine mechanics to massage). Educators, experts, scientists (mainly natural sources). Mainly inquire employees and employees "on the salary".

When Jupiter is located in the sign of the Virgin, the person fits into the world through his ability to make cleanliness and order, systematize, be accurate and scrupulous. Respects himself for pedantry, hygienicity, calcality in everyday worries.

Ideal: cleanliness and order.

Religion / Philosophy: Confucianism. The doctrine on the streamlining of human relations.

Jupiter in scales: A person fits into the world by means of a fine feeling of the beautiful, the ability to translate the phenomena of the material world NV level of abstraction (works of art, culture, etiquette, aesthetics, ethics). It is proud of its diplomatic abilities, good taste, culturality and pupil.

Ideal: peace and justice.

Religion / Philosophy: Antique Classicism. Absolutely balanced picture of the world in ancient philosophy.

Jupiter in Scorpio:a man fits into the world thanks to his ability to investigate deeply hidden things. It is proud of its insight, power, the ability to hypnosis influence people.

Ideal: Magic and power.

Religion / Philosophy: Maciavelism, Occultism / Shamanism. The study and use of the ancient forces of the unconscious.

Jupiter in Sagittar:the man fits into the world due to its widest knowledge of other people's cultures, foreign languages, religion, philosophy. It is proud of its exotic and links with long-distance countries, foreigners, scholars, representatives of the law, patrons, cultural elite and known in certain circles.

Ideal: Justice, nobility and higher virtues.

Religion / Philosophy: Ecumenism.

Jupiter in Capricorn:a person fits into the world due to its business qualities: purposefulness, wisdom, patience, discipline, hardness, asceticity, strategies to achieve a goal under difficult conditions on a long distance. It is proud of its ability to create a structure and manage the production process.

Ideal: legal consciousness, law and order.

Religion / Philosophy: Zen Buddhism. Rigor, sequence, lack of any ornaments and impressive simplicity.

Jupiter in Aquarius:the person fits into the world due to its independence, ingenuity, creativity, ability to research and ingenious insights. It is proud of its discoveries and original developments, its unusual and individualism. It is proud of all modern and progressive. Proud individual freedom And everyone's right to self-determination.

Ideal: society of free entrepreneurs, scientific and technical progress.

Religion / Philosophy: Enlightenment / Atheism. The glorification of the mind.

Jupiter in Fish:a person fits into the world due to his ability to solve riddles, deeply understand the subtleties and see the laws standing behind all the phenomena of the visible, material world. The subject of pride is it to be dirty in the depths of the collective unconscious, where it is a way out of the most confusing life situations And liberation from irrational fears, oppressive doubts and self-destruction.

Ideal: integrity, unity with the world of nature.

Religion / Philosophy: Taoism: Truth is always paradoxical.

The house in which Jupiter is located, indicates the sphere in which a person feels happy and very rich, we are lucky and lucky. These are areas in which he feels absolutely confident, inspired by the achievements of others, feels his right to enjoy luck and take gifts from the outside (because I agree to accept them). The spheres in which he is overweight, miraculously solves all the problems arising, is growing, expanding and confidently looks to the future. The position of Jupiter in homes indicates in which field of life a person can count on luck and success or overestimates its capabilities.

Jupiter in 1 house:a person feels lucky and rich when talking about herself, demonstrates himself, satisfies his interests, puts himself up, turns out to be for the first time in an unfamiliar situation. Good luck in all personal matters.

Image: Proud, respectable, the most important.

Jupiter in 2 house:man feels rich and lucky when independently earns a living, manages his property, spends money and acquires property . Success in financial affairs, the ability to skillfully manage material property, successfully fit into environment. With money is lucky at all. With intense aspects - waste, the tendency to live "not for funds".

Handling money: bourgeois capitalist, based on higher education.

Jupiter in 3 houses: A person feels rich when he is engaged in mental activity: he writes, teaches, reads, learns, communicates, intermedible, negotiating, getting acquainted, extracts and transfers information. Group of relationships with loved ones, confidence and brilliant progress in school, traveling is more beneficial. Intense aspects - excessive confidence in their mental abilities.

Speech style: High-footer, instructing, convinced.

Jupiter in 4 houses:a man feels rich and lucky when he is engaged in his home, family affairs, real estate. Happy family life, from communicating with relatives and from owning real estate. Even in cramped conditions, luxuriously seats its home. With tense aspects - conflicts and litigation due to inheritance and family property.

Father image: full of dopery, brilliant, indulgent.

Jupiter in the 5th house:a person feels rich and lucky when he is engaged in personal creativity, children, a hobby, having fun, having fun, participates in scams, love adventures. Happy in creativity, on holidays, in pleasant entertainment. With tense aspects - non-harmonized enzya player.

Attitude towards children: good-natured-indulgent, incentive.

Jupiter in the 6th house: A person feels very rich and lucky when he is engaged in everyday routine work, performs the employment of employment, engaged in the service, who has been working on supporting health, interacts with servants and subordinates, works tools, interacts with pets. The source of happiness is everyday work. A man is well built into a professional team. He has good health. I am confident in your skill and works easily. A good specialist, and sooner or later acquires the corresponding rank and awards. This is a worker who has a big sense of self-esteem, his skills and skills will not exchange on trifles. He is respected and his work is very appreciated. With intense aspects - exaggeration, inflection and mess in everyday life, which spoils health.

Style of work: large-scale, expansive.

Jupiter in 7 houses:a person feels very rich and lucky when it is engaged in issues of marriage, union, partnership, open confrontation, the restoration of justice in court, diplomacy, art. Marriage and other unions are a source of expansion of opportunities, luck and enrichment. With intense aspects, overestimates the capabilities of its partner and partnership.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage / union: the kinship of the souls (which can be proud).

Jupiter in the 8th house:a man feels very rich and lucky when it is engaged in issues of death, restoration, resuscitation, waste disposal. When solves the issues of finance and property of other people: insurance, inheritance, domestic. When accumulating wealth. When the crisis overcomes, participates in the marginal situation, is investigating hidden things. A very chance to get the inheritance is moral or material. Benefits from occupations related to death. Successful financial combinations. With intense aspects - large spending due to non-life, unreasonable investment of capital.

Attitude towards death: worthy, poor death in the rank of local celebrity.

Jupiter in the 9th house:a person feels very rich and lucky when he is engaged in issues of higher education, jurisprudence, foreign affairs, long-distance travel and travel, publishing, advertising, philosophy, religion, ideology, worldview. Great opportunities are associated with higher education and scientific field, great authority abroad. With tense aspects - overestimates its knowledge.

Presentation of the ideal: Enlightenment.

Jupiter in the 10th house:a man feels very rich and lucky when he is careful, implements a long-term project with a specific goal, commemorates up the public and service staircase, gets honors and rewards, occupies a high position in society, engaged in civil service In high loans, is a land oligarch, a large-scale owner, a private entrepreneur, an independent non-manless man. Luck plus good education provide career growth and support from others. The leadership position or respectable life position is his element, so such people often become chiefs, chefs, bosses. His appearance and behavior are confidence, and others willingly go to meet him. Knows how to present his business in the advantageous light in the negotiations.

Mother's image: kind, all respected.

Jupiter in 11 house:a man feels very rich and lucky when he is engaged in scientific developments, experiments, invents, engaged in engineering. Happiness in friendship. With tense aspects - friends may not be wonderful as they seem.

The role in the group: teacher mentor, philosopher, aristocrat.

Jupiter in 12 house:a person feels very rich and lucky when it is engaged in some kind of valid, which involves privacy and secrecy. W.cottage and patronage at such moments of life that are felt like a heavy test, loneliness, chronic illness, weakness, dependence, self-destruction. Authority in the "Sphere 12 Houses" (hospitals, closed institutions, rehabilitation centers, secret service, exploration, emigration). With tense aspects, a person overestimates his luck in severe situations, which can lead to self-destruction. .

If Jupiter is located in the Goklen sector (+/- 12 degrees from one of the corner points of the horoscope), then it acquires the status of the dominant planet, when there are no other planets dominant.

In privacy acquires great wealth and happiness.

16 Lipen 2009.

Sun (lion) in the IX house.

A person is constantly looking for a "philosopher's stone", reflects on the meaning of life and expands its horizons. Good opportunities in the field of higher education, science, world culture. Traveling, supports communication with abroad, vividly interested in various cultures and philosophies. The damaged sun gives a loss of reputation, public allegations, legal proceedings, long-distance travels are imperative (urgently forced), requiring great costs of strength and health.

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Moon (Cancer) in the IX house.

The highest purpose of man on earth is to collect and systematize information about your native land, the parent house, the history of its country. This is engaged in - regional studies, genealogy, history. Also often travels, but more water, it is wondered by the cultures of island and seaside peoples, a very fake on exotic dishes, studies the culinary art of different times and peoples. He reads a lot (especially artistic literature). Mother, wife (if the moon is marriage) help expand the horizons, get higher education and establish links with foreigners. Men's wife is often a foreigner or is a representative of other national culture (if the moon is a marriage indicator). After hitting the border, the person feels there as at home, it is easily acquired by the refuge, a hearth, a family, hacked and rooted (such people often travel according to family exchange programs). The damaged moon makes a kind of capricious instability into the business of the IX house - the person will not be determined with his ideals and religious beliefs (maybe, for example, several times for life to move from one confession to another), capricious in the field of higher education (entered one university - threw, he entered another university - again threw); At long journeys and travel, some domestic troubles are constantly taking place, unusual food delivers negative emotions (indigestion, diarrhea, etc.); Foreigners cause that delight, then disgust, etc.

Lilith in the IX house.

A person has problems with ethics, he is in trivia, but constantly violates it - depending on aspects of Lilith, it comes off from His hands (good aspects) or leads to scandals and loss of an honest name (damaged Lilith). At the same time, the person and others suspect in the same behavior (that is, he understands everything in the measure of his corruption). Consciousness is expanding through occult and hidden sources, magic techniques and rituals. Some of the distant relatives on the parent line was engaged in magic, department. In foreign and long-distance trips, a person can fall into the uncontrollable-destructive states of the psyche (psychosis, unmotivated horror, etc.)

Mercury (twins, Virgo) in the IX house.

In general, the weak position of Mercury (IX house is an analogue of the Sagittarius, the damage mark for Mercury). Therefore, Mercury manifests itself somewhat distorted. For example, a person does not see (or completely ignores) important details, transmits obvious facts past the ears, as a result of his view on things suffering the bias and one-sidedness. A lot of time (sometimes too much) spends in abstract (often too abstract) philosophical arguments. Idener, pragmatist, theorist. Thinks about a large and large, knows how to drain the main thing (defining) in the flow of information - the analytical mind interacts well with abstract thinking. Any communication and communication lead to expansion of the horizons and horizons of perception; At the same time, communication is mainly long (long-distance telephone communication, email, Postal shipments abroad, many distant and foreign trips). Religious ideology. It is often found in the maps of spiritual persons traveling around the world with missionary or educational purposes. Damaged Mercury gives religious and philosophical errors, conscious or involuntary (often in atheist horoscopes), dogmatism, fundamentalism (a person simply marks all the facts that do not fit in his previously established picture of the world), unsuccessful troubles on long-distance travel, problems of communication with foreigners (not May find a translator, for example), disputes and quarrels with teachers and teachers, authoritative persons, litigation (mainly due to trifles and small things).

Venus (Taurus, Scales) in the IX house.

All the time interferes with ethics with aesthetics, his motto - "Beauty (in the sense of aesthetics) will save (in the religious and philosophical sense) the world." In religion, more attention is paid to the external beauty of the ritual, rather than its essential filling. In a horoscope, a man is marriage with a foreign or representative of other national culture (if Venus is a marriage indicator). Foreign trips and travel with cultural purposes (for example, see the Japanese National Theater or visit the temple of Apollo in Greece).

Mars (Scorpio) in the IX house.

"Warrior Faith." Ideological and philosophical disputes reach hands-written. Active promoter of his ideas and worldviews. The horizons of consciousness expand in situations of sports and military battles, open rivalry and hostility. Long-round travel and travel are related to the same (on sports competitions, at war) and with specific physical labor (drove abroad to construction workers, for example). Conflicts in foreign trips, with teachers, religious leaders, servants of the femis. Damaged Mars - ideological and religious fanaticism; War on religious grounds ("Bay Inoverts!"); injuries and fights on long journeys, traveling; Judicial fees on the Affairs business and inflicting bodily harm (up to the murder - but for this you need additional good guidelines on the map); Sport injuries.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) in the IX house.

The strong position of Jupiter (IX house is an analogue of Sagittarius, a control sign for Jupiter). Strong abstract thinking, very ample opportunities for expanding the horizons of consciousness. It is able to cover many problems immediately, to make common conclusions, establish links, summarize the large layers of experience, see the structure as a whole, in which each thing has its own place and purpose. As a rule, it has great authority and in the second half of life collects students and followers around him (this is the leader in some scientific, cultural, philosophical direction). Has a gift of conviction (they will not argue with his generalizations). Intensive trips abroad (symposia, congresses, missionary tours, etc.). It shows a great tendency to literature and the study of other cultures, read, erudite. Very religious and often becomes a missionary. Such people are often taught at the university, make a scientific career or a clergy career.

Saturn (Capricorn) in the IX house.

Large ethical and moral problems. Often atheism. Man is too demanding to others, imposes its moral attitudes. Himself constantly falls in a situation where life checks him on honesty, the slightest retreat from moral norms and, as Zhvanetsky says, "Court, link, Siberia" (just a link, as an option forced long trip or emigration, and not a prison - the latter goes XII house). Obstacles to obtaining higher education and foreign trips. Strict teachers. In culture, science and philosophy accepts what has been tested for a long time. In religion, the traditional cults, and new-fashioned denominations perceives hostile. Career and personal ambitions are often associated with abroad, science, jurisprudence. This position of Saturn often can be seen in the maps of judges (and sports too). Damaged Saturn - sullen atheism, immorality ("The world is too cruel to be fair"), dishonor (bribemer, Mazomets, a thief on conviction), serious judicial problems, "not outbound" (for some reason, people are not released abroad) , Higher education is missing or very bad (some sweeping voluch, where those who do not take anywhere else).

Uranus (Aquarius) in the IX house.

As it should be uranium, a person takes extreme positions in the issues of IX at home. Or a revolutionary manner goes beyond the borders of "his" culture on the level of supercourt or also rapidly falls in Chaos Beschaturia - especially if the Uranus is damaged (though he himself calls it such a "revolutionary culture" - punks, hippies, nudists, etc.). Or exalted religiosen, or Bog Car (sort of modern Prometheus). His ideal is the person himself, the human consciousness, the ability of this consciousness to achieve truth. It has several higher education, most of which (and that's all) are unfinished. The horizons of consciousness expand when contact with astrology, space, the latest technologies and telecommunications (including the Internet). The worldview may be associated with astrology. He confesses new, unconventional religions, cordical philosophy, trying to unite science (uranium - accurate sciences and modern technologies) and religion (IX house - religion) and instrumentally registering God (for example, measuring the tensions of the Holy Spirit). Communications in humans so far and the network of these connections is so extensive that it does not fit in the concept of "correspondence with foreigners" (if, of course, under the "foreigners" do not understand the couple of alien civilizations). And if seriously, then uranium in the IX house is the worldview of the Aquarius era (Uranus - Aquarius Governor), i.e. These people were already born with the Epoch of the Aquarius within themselves, the transition to the Golden Age for them is a light and organic thing, because Uranus in the IX house declares to the brotherhood of all religions and cultures, establishing a single planetary culture and religion. At a high level, such a person can become an ideologue of the new century, one of the leaders of the Unified World Religion.

Neptune (fish) in the IX house.

Deep religiosity and developed imagination. From the part it may seem that the person sits in one place in one place and it does not go anywhere, but this is an illusion, he travels in imagination, in dreams, in meditation and these travels are no less bright and rich in impressions than real. If his body is still moving away somewhere far in space, then usually by sea or on foot (vagrancy - a typical situation of Neptune). Higher education is possible, but it is difficult to get it - the mind of such a person as if "smeared", it is difficult for him to clearly formulate at least the answer to the question of the examination ticket, so it is better to receive humanitarian education (and even better - musical) - approximate wording is possible (and in They do not need music at all), but it is difficult to reach him better than words abstractions. The ethical picture of the foggy world and it seems to be based on traditional religious commandments, but ... a person very soon understands that exceptions happen too often, therefore, it is guided in the moral installations of intuition signals and at different times may behave completely differently under similar circumstances. Expansion of the horizons and horizons of consciousness comes from music, poetry, painting (looks, for example, on the picture "Last Day Pompeii" and suddenly the religious and philosophical guesses falls), maritime travels, mystical experiences. Damaged Neptune adds fog and uncertainty in everything - ethical installations are completely blurred (and disappear without a trace), the worldview can be described in one word - no higher education is missing, in a foreign city may lose, get lost (almost like Nikulin in Istanbul) and become a homeless and, In general, a person will not even approximately be assumed, why he was born on Earth (but the belief in God is still big).

Pluto (Aries) in the IX house.

Largely resembles Mars in the IX house. All people clearly divides on the "white" and "black" according to the moral and ethical signs (by the way, to the "white" refers far from always). It insistently imposes its religious views and ideological attitudes that can be very unusual (and unacceptable normal people) or, on the contrary, completely tricious mass. Obtaining higher education is due to irresistible circumstances, there is no choice (for example, in the city only one university, or say, a set free of charge only in one university, and a fee can not learn, etc.), often in choosing a university Parents (enters the same university or on the same specialty). Conflicts with teachers and the administration of the university reach the organization (incitement) by a person of mass student unrest (or at least participation in such unrest). Foreign trips in extreme conditions (often with a danger to life), for example, drove to relax in Cyprus, and the war began there. Aspect of a forced migrant, refugee. Very serious justice problems (can and to death penalty sentence). Damaged Pluto exacerbates all the above situations. In general, man is dangerous to ride far, especially abroad. The expansion of the horizons of consciousness occurs in situations of hostilities, natural disasters, a catastrophe with a large number of victims. Emigration literally presses per person (both psychologically and physically), it is very difficult to survive in Dali from home. Religiosity has an apocalyptic fall (belongs to the end of the world, in his life, it is preparing for him all the time), God for him appears in the image of the ruthless and formidable judge, the main thing in religion for him, as a man dies and what is his posthumous fate, so often such The aspect gives researchers in the field of death and other border states.

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Tags: Ninth house, analogue of a sign of Sagittarius, Mutabelnaya Cross, planets in the ninth house, zodiac sign and ninth house, horoscope 9 house

After a long rapidness about the same house, dedicate the next astrological post, I came to the conclusion that it would be nice to write an article about the symbolic house of Jupiter - ninth. Antiquity astrologists called the ninth house with a noble male home, as Jupiter is a planet benefactor, then the house, respectively, they endowed the best qualities.

In traditional astrology, this house corresponds to such concepts as higher education, philosophy, foreign countries, foreigners and foreign languages, jurisprudence, religion, astrology. Many of you can ask: "Why astrology relates to exactly with this house, and not with the eleventh, because this is a house of uranium, and, as everyone knows, this planet is the patron sieve of all stars?" The fact is that astrology has appeared long before the opening of this planet, and in the ancient century, it was the "Jupitorians" and "ninetidides" carried out the role of people in star science. Astrology in the context of this house, rather a vital philosophy, a warehouse of the mind, than the prediction of life events and further fate. The last two, just the specificity of the eleventh house.

People, in whose maps this house is active, that is, it is located one or more personal planets, as a rule, belong to life in philosophically. Moreover, the "nine chiefs" produce their own philosophical concept, which is then actively promoted. Therefore, the guru and other mentors belong to this house. Philosophy is closely related to religion. In essence, one follows from the other. The people of the ninth house almost all believe in the existence of the Higher Forces, God. I have a familiar guy with Mars in this house. By religion he is a Muslim. And he is very zealous and aggressively refers to people of other confession, and especially those who negatively respond about Islam. Therefore, repeatedly for this reason in his life and there were fights and clashes. Very often, Mars, located in this house gives interruption of study at high school, problems with teachers, teachers, foreigners. In general, this is an indicator of danger away from home. But, favorable aspect of Mars will give a truly defender of his ideals, such as, for example, in the case of my friend. However, Mars knows how to protect only with the use of force and fists. Well, as they say, each has its own methods.

Venus in the ninth house, almost always, gives a few hobbies by representatives of other culture, faith, nation. Such Venus loves everything unusual, everything that somehow expands its horizons. Alternatively, such a Venus can give love abroad, in another country.

Personal planets in this house, such as the Sun, Moon and Mercury, very often give a person who learn all their conscious life, and also teaches others. That is, as a rule, such people finish not one higher educational institution. Personally, it seems to me that it is independent studying that it is still in the third house, and the ninth house allows us to transfer the knowledge that we received in the third house.

The ninth house, a pronounced Sign Sign, I very often meet in the cards of lawyers. I have already written in one of my articles that the generation born in the 87-88 years has Saturn in Sagittar. And Saturn, as it should be clear, a natural ingneticator of work and career. That is why most of my peers as a profession chose the jurisprudence. Saturn in the ninth house can also be inclined to the choice of profession in the field of law, but, Saturn is a pest. And as far as I know, people, in the maps of which, Saturn is located in this house there are quite large difficulties in obtaining education. It happens both unfinished, and ended, but the price of great efforts. Saturn just does not like anything to give, unfortunately. In whatever house he was not.

As for uranium and pluton, everything is more and less clear. They always give moving. Uranus gives moving an unexpected, which falls on a long as snow on his head. But it is worth noting that the relevant directorates and transits are needed to change the place of residence, therefore, the ability to avoid such a "nezhdanchik" exists. Pluto gives moving rather forced how I can judge. However, a person with such a pluto in the map, as if, and himself subconsciously knows that he is written to make a global relocation.

Deep love for philosophy, religion, to higher education, strict moral code and philosophical principles for which they build their lives. Have addiction to any modification of thought, including right, religion, philosophy and higher education, good teachers, work in universities successfully. To people are tolerant and souvenons. Work is associated with publication, reports, teaching, trips.
You are very curious and very interested in long-distance countries and lifestyle and thinking that differs from yours. There is a strong desire to travel around the world, see and feel it - and the more, the better. You are also very interested in the study of philosophy or religion. You will succeed due to communication with other cultures - significantly remote or geographically, or idea.

B. Israel. Planets in homes

Gives almost unlimited possibilities of knowledge. Human has a strong abstract thinking. He is capable of making a lot of problems with mental eyes, draw conclusions, extract morality, process large layers of experience, find each thing its place. Easily conquers authority due to its foresight.
Intensive trips for. border. A person shows love for other cultures, literature. He is very religious, has a gift of conviction. Missionary.
Direction leader in science, art. Teacher, clergyman.

Francis Sakyan. Planets in homes

The ideal of modesty exhibits the essence of elitism.
Jupiter is a symbolic ruler of the IX at home.
This man wants a lot in life; At a low level, however, these actions are thinking mainly, as consumption, for example, the installation "to sleep with all women is impossible, but it should strive for this" (with Jupiter in the IX house in Scorpio). Here, an ideal often serves an abundance, but the ideal "I" itself is condescended to a person and kind, and the abundance of claims is characteristic only with the essential elaboration of Jupiter in the IX house.
At the average level, the ideal "I" is waiting for a large number of cases and accomplishments from a person (what kind of aspects of the IX at home will show), but each specific failure or failure meets quite condescendingly than should not be abused.
With an amazed Jupiter, a spiritual arrogance is possible when a person apparently requires a lot from himself, and despises the rest for the weakness of their ideals and a low spiritual level at all.
Many spiritual teachers, they teach different philosophies and comprehensively expand the consciousness to the person that he really likes, but spiritually to teach others even more. There are really very large potential opportunities here, but they need to be implemented by constant labor, penetrating deep in other people's cultures and mastering other philosophical and religious philosophical paintings of the world; However, the temptation of superficiality and substitution of interest is in curiosity for a long time, and it will be difficult for a person to explain than it is bad.
Large love for traveling to distant countries, with a strong Jupiter, it may be an important part of a person's life.

Indulgel. Planets in houses. (Indian Tradition)

This provision of Jupiter indicates an insightful and principled person formed in areas of law or religion traveling for the sea and receiving a favorable opportunity to preach what he learned (or she found out). These people are secured financially and have students or children. They are true and can become influential teachers or to be an example for society.

Het Monster. Planets in homes

With good aspects - trips to distant countries, extensive education, foresight, gift of prophecy (forecast). With bad - fanaticism, narrowlessness.

Bill Herbst. Houses Horoscope

Universal interpretation. Planets in homes

Laid, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and always seeks to travel. He tries to receive higher education by anything. Exhibits great abilities to languages, literature and publishing activities, teaching and proactivity. Negative sides of nature - arrogance, swing, narcissism. Exhibits a deepest interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophical concepts. All his life builds in strict accordance with the chosen moral code. With interest learns any mental designs from the field of law and humanities, successfully works in universities and private schools. It seeks to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, and only when the planet is defeated, there is no opportunity for this because of laziness and undisciplinedness. Often such people become ministers of social security, or occupy important posts in the church hierarchy. They are very soul and emotionally warm, but the inclination to the extremes in the election of ideological positions makes them narrow and limited. Excellent intuition, prediction gift, success and honors in charitable and missionary affairs. Frequent prophetic dreams, interest in international life. Calm and optimistic character. Such people love to paint about higher knowledge and often imagine themselves with owners. They sincerely keep loyalty to the idea and may be lucky as artists, scientists, judges, priests and public relations specialists. Their marriage is usually beneficial and favorable. In antiquity, this aspect was associated with the "favor of gods and kings." In case of incorrect use of energies, it is not prone to life by means exceeding all the possibilities of claims, non-repayment of loans, keenness in affairs and failures in contacts. These people are always frank and indulgent, they are distinguished by the philosophical mindset and wonderful ability to navigate in the future. They are prone to strongly pronounced spiritual expansion, healing and occupation by occultism. They rarely lose, as the future will intensively preferentiate.

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Guru - Jupiter

Jupiter - Planet of Happiness and Good luck. Its expansive and optimistic energy bears the benefit of all planets and houses with which it connects. Jupiter manages favorable opportunities, prosperity, abundance and money. He also talks about the benefits of the man as rewarding from previous lives. Since life in India is considered from the position of the theory of karma and reincarnation, the appearance in your life of happiness or good luck is the result of previous vital efforts. Thus, the position of Jupiter (as well as the 5th house) should be analyzed to obtain information about the previous life loan.

Another important attribute of Jupiter is to manage the affairs of religion, philosophy and spiritual issues. But its influence is more significant in the direction of traditional religions than in the direction of asceticism, occultism and mysticism. It should be noted that in the Indian system that does not use the Waran, Neptune and Pluto in its work, it is Jupiter and Saturn who carry the qualities of the above missing planets and can reward a person with higher evolutionary abilities. If Jupiter and Saturn form any mutual aspect (compound or opposition), then the result is a significant spiritual nature.

In the functions of Jupiter there are no differences between Western and Indian astrology, with the exception of only the fact that in the Indian system it is considered the main planetary indicator of children. Therefore, if Jupiter in exaltation or very strong, then a person will get a lot of joy from relationships with children and their life will be mainly good. If the planet is amazed, then the opposite result takes place: or maybe not at all of the children, or be, but very little. At the same time, the 5th home should be considered.

Jupiter - Satvik (pure), benevoled and male. His features are the best in cancer, where he is exalted, the worst in Capricorn, where he is in fall. Jupiter manages Silver and Fishes and gives good results in each of these signs. His best position in the 4th house, where he gets a Dick Ball or guide. Jupiter friends - Sun, Moon and Mars. Mercury and Venus are enemies, while Saturn is neutral to him. To enhance a weakened Jupiter, you can wear yellow topaz or yellow sapphire. Another flexible name for this planet is Brikhaspati.

Jupiter indicators: money, wealth, welfare, luck, favorable circumstances, happiness, religion, philosophy, children, long journey, loyalty, loyalty, spirituality, wisdom, righteousness, morality, foreigners, foreign affairs, meditation, astrology, law, right, court, liver , allergic, hips, optimism, speculation, adventurism, favorable problem resolution, guru or religious teacher, previous life loan, Thursday, northeastern direction, yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, mercy, charity, compassion, bankers, judges, lawyers, ministers , Guru, religious leaders.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrolories. James Brah


By nature, Jupiter is the most favorable planet. He is a pious, responsive and frank. In addition to other qualities, Jupiter represents religious devotion. Since in accordance with the Vedic philosophy of Karma, pious actions are rewarded, you will find a strong Jupiter in horoscopes of rich and influential people. Jupiter manages financial affairs, children, religious activities, gives the ability to learn. The strong position of Jupiter in the horoscope means that a person will, in general, happy and satisfied, will live in a pious environment, will worship God and his devotees. Guru - Jupiter's Sanskrit name, indicates that whose opinion is highly appreciated or on the teacher. Jupiter also controls liver, water in the body, places of pilgrimage, children's teaching, financial departments and knowledge of Vedanta.

Jupiter in the sign of Aries

For Jupiter, this is a friendly sign and, thus, this person has been given to the qualities of Jupiter - generosity, interest in spiritual, honesty and dignity. Such people can work for some kind of good matter, they are energetic, sports, travel and often change the generation. Of these, good teachers are obtained. They can have many children. Such people can be patient, compassionate, valiant and disciplined.

Jupiter in Taurus sign

For Jupiter, this is a hostile sign, but the beneficial qualities of Jupiter are so strong as good results can be felt. Classic texts say that this person will have a strong body and generous, devoted character. Taurus is a fixed sign, so such a person can be tied to his home and to his partners, his opinions will be stable. They are read, usually happy in marriage. A bit arrogant, prone to sensual satisfaction.

Jupiter in the sign of the twins

This location usually indicates a lot of reading person, knowing languageshaving ability to poetry or oratory art. With this location, there is a double marriage. Such people are capable of studying, can give good advice. Externally they may be people high height, thin, wear well.

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter in this sign is exalted, the most silent. This is a lucky person, with a strong religious feeling that can be a good teacher and parent. They have a soft character, generous; They defend the truth and justice, capable of earning well. If at the time of birth, Jupiter is in exaltation, this indicates the mercy of the Lord, which these people deserved with some kind of pious actions in their past lives.

Jupiter in a lion sign

This is a friendly jupiter sign, he brings such such good qualitiesAs responsiveness, kindness, deep religiosity, common sense and sincerity. Creative, in particular literary and religious abilities, as well as the quality of the leader can be manifested. They bring travelers, property in rural areas, their political influence. Heart disease may manifest.

Jupiter in the sign of the Virgin

For Jupiter, this is a hostile sign, and the result is some stubbornness, ulcer, stoicism. These people have abilities in art and in the craft. They are stronger, very hardy and use their physical abilities when making money. They can get good friends, excellent marriage partners, can have knowledge relating to various sciences.

Jupiter in the Sign Sign

A person gets a good body, in his life there will be a good friendship. These are educated, fair people, they turn well with others, possess a devotional character, although often in marriage they find their incompatibility with a marriage partner and they have temporary connections. They are beautiful, religious and hardworking. They love to live in comfort. They support friendly relations with people engaged in business.

Jupiter in scorpion sign

These people have strong appearance and character, prone to suppression, obsession over other people. At times they can be vertigany, can make money by immoral paths. Classic texts describe them as high, easily conquered by the opposite sex of people, diligent, scientists who provide piety for services. They are partly prone to pomp; They are sensitive and hardworking.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter is in his own sign. This man is smart, educated, has good friends, gets an important position on which it serves people. They have knowledge of religion, rights, high financial sphere. They are sincere and deserve confidence. They will live in good homesWill be attended holy places, they will acquire a blessing against children.

Jupiter in Capricorn

For Jupiter, this sign is the worst, here it is weakened. This person should beware of hypocrisy, illegal financial activities, immoral ties and disregard for their duties. Plans for this person can remain unfulfilled or it will be involved in an unproductive business. There may also be excessive idealism and the inability to achieve their goals. A man born to Jupiter in this sign should be known that he previously made some unnatural actions that should now be redeemed (this is true if the weakness of Jupiter is not canceled). These people relate to their work seriously. You can expect some concern associated with children.

Jupiter in Aquarius

For Jupiter, this is a neutral, mystical sign: these people will probably be interested in philosophy, talented to write, will be merciful, they will wish for progressive social reforms. Friends will provide them with great help. One ancient text says that "there will be some kind of chronic disease; They will be stubborn, but unproductive to work in the field of art, will prefer society of people of low habits, will lose money and will be engaged in gossip and criticism. "

Jupiter in fish sign

Here, Jupiter is in his own sign, and therefore serves as a sign of a man sincere, who has the Spirit of serving to others. They have the ability to teacher, are able to give good advice in the financial field, work with children, in the church or to care for the sick. It can be noted their kindness and mental susceptibility.

They are diplomatic, sometimes married or married twice, get a good inheritance.

Jupiter in twelve houses

Jupiter in the 1st house

These are courageous healthy people; They live long, beautiful by themselves. They are good teachers, philosophers and parents. Usually they have strong religious inclinations, know the scriptures and laws. They can have employees or followers. They are high or full.

Jupiter in the 2nd house

They can make money due to their knowledge. They have a good marriage partner who helps them in difficult times. They are talkative, it is difficult for them to control their language. They are prone to prayers, can interpret books on law or philosophy, usually enjoy the joys of family life.

Jupiter in the 3rd House

These are people of the philosophical warehouse; They may have highly pronounced intellectual abilities. However, they are little capable of installing a good relationship with other people. They can be gifted by writers, have a good partner in marriage, have abilities in the field of jurisprudence, support dating in high sectors of society. Their relatives are kind to them. Classic texts note that these people can be vasitive, impractical and ungrateful.

Jupiter in the 4th house

It is very likely that a man with Jupiter, located in this house, will enjoy a happy family life or will live in a good company. Of these people, good parents, guru or managers are obtained. They are educated, moral and lucky; Can become owners of significant property. They get help from their parents and communicate with Holy Persons.

Jupiter in the 5th house

This is a pious and successful position. Of these people come out good teachers and advisers. They are prone to prayers. They can be made good investments. You should expect a small number of children. They are accompanied by good fame; They possess a great personal charm.

Jupiter in the 6th house

This indicates the one who serves a significant person. People with the location of Jupiter vain, can often quarrel with others. They are usually healthy, have many opportunities to travel. You should wait for a small number of children and unreasonable use of money.

Jupiter in the 7th house

This location indicates a person who receives a pious partner for marriage, a person who is able to dispose of money well in the exercise of any business. These people are generous, more influential in society than their parents. They travel in places of pilgrimage. Externally, they are strong, healthy. They have a lot of good friends. Jupiter in the 7th house indicates the receipt of money due to marriage and through the transportation of goods.

Jupiter in the 8th house

This position usually indicates the one who occupies a subordinate position. Their life will be long, and death is peaceful, calm. They have a stain on their reputation, their character can be pretentious or insincere * There may be no stability in their marriage, they are inclined to liver diseases or undiagnosed diseases.

Jupiter in the 9th house

This provision of Jupiter indicates an insightful and principled person formed in areas of law or religion traveling for the sea and receiving a favorable opportunity to preach what he learned (or she found out). These people are secured financially and have students or children. They are true and can become influential teachers, or to be an example for society.

Jupiter in the 10th house

This is a person employed by any charitable and pious work. These people get support from any influential or famous man. They have success in business associated with learning, religion, right or banking. Jupiter in this house indicates high social contacts or success in politics.

Jupiter in the 11th house

Money easily come to these people. To their words listened, their children bring them happiness, they have a chance to hear self-realized personalities. They store money in banks and are prudent in this regard. Classic texts noted that such people are fearless and live for a long time.

Jupiter in the 12th house

This location gives a man dissatisfaction with its financial position. Indicates burdensive responsibilities for children, interest in learning spiritual, love for solitude and excitement in secret from others. They commit pious deeds, especially at the last stage of life, which provides them with a good future birth; But they are not necessarily strict in their religious behavior. In his warehouse of mind, they may be prone to expressing discontent.

Book material Vedic Astrology. Tom Hopka

Jupiter (Guru) in vedic astrology

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