The simultaneous connection of Mars and Venus in the Sinastry. Email. Venus Women in Connection with Mars Men

For welding 13.12.2020
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Mars Women. Squared to Venus Husband. (Sinastria) and received the best answer

Answer from a dullness [Guru]
There are no conflicts here, these are sexual planets and the aspect between them generates sexual attraction, and in the case of a square and opposition, it is even brighter and stronger than with a trinium or sextyle, but for permanent relationships, such an aspect is complicated, since partners feel as if the partners feel as if in a crater Volcano, he exhausts them, first brings to empty, it seems that everything, and then - again with a new force. Trin Venus - Sympathy, Friendly Location, Psychological Comfort, Tenderness.

Answer from Yostytic cancer[guru]
there may be conflicts for sexual soil,

Answer from Аа SAMAY[active]
From the forum: "Description. Is there love at first sight? Of course, especially if Mars men are in conjunction with Women's Venus. Options are possible on the contrary. Other types of aspects are possible, not necessarily compound: trigon, sextile, opposition and even quadrature work No less strongly. The connection is the most harmonious and most unmanageable. It is able to put you into bed, even despite the complete absence of all plans on this account. And especially strongly and unexpectedly it works at the beginning. That is, at the time of the meeting. This is exactly the case about which They say "love all ages are submissive." Because it is in this case that a woman feels like her feminine meets male. In this case, the woman looks extraordinarily beautiful for a man, and he seems so active and manifested as it always dreamed. And this Not related to something rational. This happens on an absolutely primitive sensitimate level. She immediately wants something to twitter, turn off and coke In responding, and in response to it completely irrational I just want to just grab her and run until she did not get someone else. Sex in this case is beautiful and aims to love and admire the partner. Sex on this aspect places people in bed very quickly and, as a rule, for a long time. And it is from these marathons that children appear so quickly. Scheduled and unplanned, any. But the most beautiful and talented. Those who are called the "Child of Love". Children of love, mixed on this dough from admiration, delight and passion. Often without having met this type of attraction in life, people begin to doubt whether there is really love in that. This is one of the strongest aspects of compatibility and if you have never experienced it (that it is quite often found), then you know that the books do not lie. This ghost really exists. Duration. Now about sad. The aspect works most pronounced for the first two years (Mars cycle). Of course, there is reason to communicate throughout this period. What happens later? Rodovukha, "The family boat crashed on life"? Yes, partly. Exceptions are possible in cases where people begin to be creatively improving. For this aspect there is a great manifestation of the artist and the muse. In general, depending on houses and signs in which planets are standing, it can be a joint business, and joint unusual projects, and creative unions, and charity and travel. Recommendations. In order to support sexual relations On these planets, the years after the meeting, you will have to really try. Woman - over her female manifestations, man - over male. That is, to maintain a former attraction, she will need to actively monitor his appearance and creative self-realization, and to increase activity by doing sports, technique, movement and form an active life position as a whole. This is the best aspect of romantic love. Let's go further. "

Answer from Fallemoni.[guru]
As for conflicts, it is possible because the quadrature is still, the more this partnership rules in both horoscopes.
And in general, aspects between these planets in any case gives sexual attraction, and once intense - the more boring it will not be.

Answer from Jennifer interesting[guru]
In principle, such aspect really gives powerful sexual attraction, the only thing that can prevent is the excessive activity of a woman, IMHO need to develop more female qualities and everything will be fine)

Answer from Anyuta Andherson[newcomer]
conflicts painted by a sexy topic! Or she will end everything (any conflict).
it is impossible to call a very successful aspect

Answer from . [guru]
they fit each other.

Answer from YOUR ONLY QUEEN.[newcomer]
Stop driving your lives and believe in all sorts of nonsense! Go to the orthodox site plot. Ru with the stories of all the wondering - there will find answers to all your questions!

To begin with, consider the functions of these two planets ( in pure form, without the influence of other astrological indicators).

Mars - pulse to action, initiative, activity, will, normal aggressiveness, ability to work, power, healthy anger, masculinity, male sexuality (in female horoscope - Attitude towards male sexuality).

The qualities of Mars: the definition of action, pressure, determination, warlikeness, courage, sportiness, competitiveness, the desire to solve all the power, break the nodes, insist on their own, if it did not work out - leave and start another time or elsewhere.

Venus - final internal choice, the principle of sufficiency, satisfaction, feelings, motives, true desires, attraction, ability to love and be loved, like, erotic preferences, the ability to trust and accept, personal values, harmonization (does not need excess, but also does not tolerate the lack), aesthetic tastes And creative abilities, the desire for beauty, the desire to live and love (libido), women's sexuality (in a male horoscope - attitude to female sexuality).

Venus qualities: integrity, internal hardness with external softness, stability of preferences, serious attitude to feelings, sincerity, trust, moderation, taste, tact, sensitivity, beauty, eroticism, attractiveness, pleasibility, courtesy, delicacy, but it does not go Others do not occupy the position of the victim.

Pulse to action - The main function of Mars, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. Only Mars can start where everyone is inactive (uranium does not count, we are not uranium, but we start, this is the highest planet). Mars always wants to start quickly and quickly finish to stay alone until the next impulse. As you know, Mars does not tolerate for a long time and does not pull with action. (A typical error - to attribute fussiness with fussiness). Of course, the Viria Mars is a little more patient than, say, the Waterword, but here we are about the planets in pure form.

Final internal choice - The main function of Venus, Actually, love is the final choice (I love Vasya, and I do not care that there is still a rich Kohl and beautiful Peter). The remaining functions of Venus also fit into the concept of "final choice", for example, satisfaction - chose, and satisfied, the other is not necessary.
Our feelings, in contrast to emotions (Venus + Moon), are also always sincere and holly, to be honest with themselves and not connect Mercury (doubts and logic), Jupiter - (social stereotypes), etc.

When defeating the function and quality of the planets are distorted, sometimes change to the opposite.

The square between the two planets means that the functions of these planets cannot harmoniously manifest themselves when they are turned on simultaneously. And they will definitely turn on simultaneously, since the aspect is there soon. When the planet's opposition is excellent, "see" each other, but at the same time one planet displaces another, denies and prevents the implementation of its functions. With the square, both planets see each other badly (approximately as if you tried to see a person at a right angle, without turning the heads, but only mating eyes in his direction). But at the same time, they begin to actively act, reminding two people who have begun at the same time to raise the fallen object and hurt the foreheads. The purpose of the action went to the background, the pain was published, everyone grabbed his forehead ... The result was not achieved. Voltage increases, you need to try again, now even stronger! ... and again the same ... Participants of the action do not understand who, when and why will act, the main thing is to achieve the result of the result, without considering the peculiarities of the partner's behavior. Approximately the planets also behave, or rather, their functions in our psyche. When the pain of quadrature becomes unbearable, you have to stop and finally think what I do wrong?

The quadrature requires effectiveness by all means, so this aspect is so tense - both planets are trying to fight and defeat, but not to get rid of the "partner", it will not yield. Honorary "draw" or painful result. Such an impression that these two of our example be leaked over time for the fallen object, and every time they face foreheads, but they do not recognize to negotiate, who will be tilted, and who is not (then it would be an opposition), and if both, then It is naturally possible to make it mutually convenient (trin), or "bend by the safety rules" (sextile). Our quadratures clearly give us to understand what you need to work, but it costs an expensive price. But through the painful experience of quadrats, we become stronger and we achieve the results of a different times more than with trins.

To competently interpret the aspect, you should not throw everything into a bunch, all the functions, all qualities, etc. It is better to take some relevant topic, for example, the relationship M and w, or the exercise of desires, or creativity and consider the aspect in relation to the topic taken. Then the interpretation will be more adequate.

For example, we will take the topic of the desire of love, relationships, during the square of Venus and Mars. Venus wishes to have a chosen object of his adoration. Mars makes it possible to achieve the desired one as soon as possible. But ... "collided by foreheads" - methods of action aimed at obtaining the desired are not suitable, but Mars continues to insist. Venus continues to desire even more, there is no need, but we do not give up. It is impossible to stop, it is necessary to achieve the effect. And the man complains - "I am not lucky in love."

Quadrature of Venus and Mars: "Love is a struggle," it does not work differently, however, it is not interesting. " uncompensated The quadrature of Venus and Mars people will constantly find "not those" partners and seek them (Mars), trying to strengthen their attractiveness (Venus). Trin Venus and Mars: "And why these people find partners who do not want them, fight them with themselves, no to just love each other." People with Trini Mars and Venus are on average rather find partners agreeing on relationships, because TRIN assumes in advance harmony, and the quadrature has to block it in suffering.

Most acute psychological problems Such a quadrature (finding such partners, from which some suffering, struggle for a partner and with a partner, rudeness in relations, inadequate perseverance in the performance of desires, disappointment in creativity and work, sexual frustration, etc.) will be relevant if:
a) the square of Mars and Venus hanging;
b) is located in angular houses close to custares;
c) planets are in their dignity;
d) forms a taucurate with lunar nodes.
e) with a combination of two or more specified provisions.

And the most significant manifestation when quadrature the only one In a natal map, especially in the presence of many trinists and sextiles, not to mention the big trigon. In this case, the "law of the only quadrature" will work - this quadrature will influence almost all the vital topics of the person and is subject to mandatory elaboration, the person wants this or not.

One of the brightest compatibility indicators in the pair is the presence of communication between Mars and Venus in the horoscopes of a man and a woman.

However, do not rush to scream "Hurray!", Noticing that the relationship between Venus and Mars is present with his loved one in horoscopes. Not everything is so simple in this combination. So let's talk about it in detail.

The configuration of Venus and Mars in the horoscopes of partners often speaks of a strong sexual attraction. At the same time, the active side is the one who has Mars. Mars shows an activity, and Venus attracts with its softness, fascinating, beauty. Accordingly, a more traditional and harmonious option - if Mars is in a man's horoscope, and Venus is in the horoscope of a woman. In this article, we will consider the specified combination: when Mars is in the horoscope in a man, and Venus is in the horoscope of a woman.

The combination of Mars and Venus is a traditional aspect of sexual compatibility, therefore, judging whether the couple will enter into marriage or will not enter one by one, the combination of these planets is impossible. This is his difference from the combination of the Moon and the Sun, since the owners of the mutual aspects of the Sun and the Moon, as a rule, initially consider the possibility of further collaboration (and how long this relationship will be - you need to watch other compatibility planets). But you can immediately predict that passion between Mars and Venus will play serious - perhaps only for a while, but it will leave unforgettable impressions of both partners.

The most powerful of Mars-Venus configurations is definitely a connection when one planet is "superimposed" to another. In such a pair, regardless of other aspects, the sexual component of the relationship plays a decisive role. A man and a woman in their ideas about love are completely united, and this is undoubtedly the positive side of relations. If people come in marriage, the children who will appear in it are an addition to married love, but not her center. In conflicts to make up such people always helps passion - because they literally live without each other can not. Relationships can last long enough, it is fading, then flashes again - and even if there is a chance that people come together under the influence of the heat of emotions. And so it can happen several times before the "victorious" - or they finally agree with each other, either finally break out, completely dyeing (it depends on other aspects in partner cards, as well as whether Mars and Venus partners are damaged by other glider) .

The second is harmonious - but not by the power of exposure! - The combination of Mars and Venus called Trigon (planets are at an angle of 120 degrees to each other). People initially attracts each other, some feelings, passion flasl between them. If there are no obstacles, then a pleasant romance is provided. But in the absence of support for other aspects, the Tion of Mars Venus is able to exhaust itself quite quickly. If the steam is still married, then sexual relationships in the presence of this aspect are passionately, harmoniously and mutually acceptable for both partners. The trap of such a harmonious combination in rocked life is that harmony continues to the first "shake" - obtained by the quarrel, external circumstances, household difficulties. Since people are initially configured for harmonious coexistence, they often turn out to be ready to overcome any obstacles in relations. And the connection can gradually go to no. A similar effect, but a little weaker, the combination of Mars and Venus called Sextile (planets are at an angle of 60 degrees). This is an excellent opportunity, but not a guarantee of happy long-term relationships.

Trigon and sextile with a favorable development of events are good in that they support the physical forces of partners and their emotional life. It is in such a bundle that a man feels a man, and a woman is a woman. Here Mars and Venus should manifest themselves in accordance with their nature: Mars active, and Venus is decorative. The demanding and active Venus couple with passive and dreamy Mars lead to the break of relations in this pair. Since Venus attributes a woman to show soft and fasciance, then she needs to show more than these qualities to a man. They support the desire of a man to create, lay new paths and generally live. A couple of long remains young and movable, able to turn the "Mountain". While the previously described compound of the Mars-Venus makes partners spend their strength on each other more than the outside environment. Sextile and Trin in this sense leave freedom of action and freedom of choice - and this is undoubtedly plus.

The next interesting combination is the quadrature of Mars and Venus in the horoscopes of partners (planets are at an angle of 90 degrees to each other). That's where the true game of passions - people live according to the principle of "together closely, nausea." A similar combination causes instant sexual attraction, and it is such force that people literally lose their heads from each other. But they are not easy to get along, deeply resentment alternate with passionate reconciliations. Venus under the influence of Mars feels literally like on the volcano, it scares her stiffness and rudeness of the partner, while Mars continuously tries to get the location with his beloved by all available ways, and even subordinate to himself. Such a couple is able to exist long enough, while the attraction is sustainable for external circumstances, and it does not extend the vital difficulties, nor personal crises of partners. However, it is worth repeating that the truth that the presence of combinations of Mars and Venus in the horoscopes of partners does not guarantee a joint life at all.

The last of the aspects under consideration is mars's opposition Men to Venus Women (The planets are opposite each other at an angle of 180 degrees). Sexual attraction here is great. But since Mars is an active party, a man often dwells in a strange bewilderment regarding his senses to a partner. It is actively seeking her, then suddenly shows indifference and repels the woman. A man internally cannot accept a partner, with difficulty sees the future joint with her. A woman is trying in vain to achieve the location of a man - then offended and closing in itself, then showing softness and help. Relationships are not balanced, but may take place if there are other balancing aspects. Otherwise, they are waiting for a rather crying finale.

So, you probably have already understood that Mars's relationships and Venus are far from a banal expression in the style of "Men from Mars, women with Venus." Mars and Venus in ordinary life - just symbols, but when it comes to their combination in the horoscopes of partners, it becomes clear that it is only part of one large sacrament called love.

Not that time ago, one brilliant woman-astrologer (name and contacts, on demand) taught me easily navigate in synastric maps. She shared some secrets, thanks to which it became easy to quickly calculate the level of sexual attraction of people to each other and the nature of sexual relations that would most likely be installed.

After that, I had a lot to disassemble the cards itself, and a lot was "completed." Now in my definition of sexual attractiveness, not only aspects, but also at home, and the level of development of both partners and much more are already involved.

On the personal experience And I'm more and more convinced of my customers in general (for all sexual promiscuity!) Now the influence of sex on human life is underestimated.

No one now studies the characteristics of his temperament, no one is ready to get acquainted with the manifestations of another person and take it. All are waiting for a miracle and safely shifting responsibility for building their sexual achievements to a partner or in general on fate.
In general, civilization in sex issues is still at the level of the Stone Age ...
Therefore, such texts are needed and will be needed for quite a long time.

So, if you decide to get acquainted with real manifestations of sexuality in a relationship, welcome. Without owning an astrological language, it will be quite enough to read the description to understand whether this part is present in relations with the current partner whether it was originally and whether it was at all in your life.

"Love at first sight". Mars Venus.

Is there love at first sight? Certainly- yes. Especially if Mars men turn out to be connected to the Women's Venus. Options are possible on the contrary. Other types of aspects are possible, not necessarily the compound: trigon, sextile, opposition and even the square work is not less strong. The connection is the most harmonious and most unmanageable. It is able to put you in bed, even despite the complete absence of all plans on this. And especially strongly and unexpectedly it works first. That is, at the time of the meeting.

This is exactly the case about which they say "Love all ages are submissive." Because in this case, the woman feels like her feminine meeting male. In this case, the woman looks unusually beautiful for a man, and he seems so active and manifested as she always dreamed. And this is not associated with something rational. This happens on an absolutely primitive sensitive level. She immediately wants something to twitter, turn and kokcatatny, and he in response to it completely irrationally I just want to grab her and to run until she did not get someone else.

Sex in this case is beautiful and aims to love and admire the partner.
Sex on this aspect places people in bed very quickly and, as a rule, for a long time. And it is from these marathons that children appear so quickly. Scheduled and unplanned, any. But the most beautiful and talented. Those who are called the "Child of Love". Children of love, mixed on this dough from admiration, delight and passion.

Often without having met this type of attraction in life, people begin to doubt whether there is really love in that. This is one of the strongest aspects of compatibility and if you have never experienced it (that it is quite often found), then you know that the books do not lie. This ghost really exists.


Now about sad. The aspect works most pronounced for the first two years (Mars cycle). Of course, there is reason to communicate throughout this period.

What happens later? Rodovukha, "The family boat crashed about life"? Yes, partly. Exceptions are possible in cases where people begin to be creatively improving. For this aspect there is a great manifestation of the artist and the muse. In general, depending on houses and signs in which planets are standing, it can be a joint business, and joint unusual projects, and creative unions, and charity and travel.

In order to maintain sexual relations on these planets, the years after the meeting, you will have to try. Woman - over her female manifestations, man - over male. That is, to maintain a former attraction, she will need to actively monitor his appearance and creative self-realization, and to increase activity by doing sports, technique, movement and form an active life position as a whole.
This is the best aspect of romantic love. Let's go further.

"Love from the first time." Pluton - Moon.


The female moon in conjunction with the male pluto gives a restless fatal passion, for which people go to everything. There are also other aspects of triggers, squares, sextiles, etc. And also works "rearrangement" roles. But it is in such a combination (Women's Moon-Male Pluto) these relationships have the greatest chances to survive.

Sex, which is obtained at the same aspect, captures, turns over consciousness, takes into the astral, turns inside out, empty, iridescents and so on. It is in these paired sexual meditations that people change, rest, are experiencing the necessary trance and come out of this experience clean and light as frosty morning.
Transformation- Here is another name of this aspect.

The peculiarity of this deepening is that it is often not manifested in some external preferences. That is, you can easily "go past" this person. And only under the circumstances (randomly or as if randomly provoked by plutonian personality, in this case a man) you will get such a joint experience that almost certainly changes the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "sex."

If not having experienced experiences called love at first sight, a person does not quite believe in love, then the person does not quite believe in the covertuous force of passion.

Passion does not take care of age, morality, intellectual levels, social steps, and so on. It is about this that poets and musicians of all times and peoples say. They also "wound on the wheels of love."

The gloomy and dark perception of passion was not founded for centuries. The altered state of consciousness, the complete uncontrollability and the dullness of the instinct of self-preservation invariably accompany this aspect. All of these obsessive negative states are unchanged satellites of acutely experienced sexual attraction, heat, satisfaction and emptying. The shadow side is a fee for the ability and necessity of these experiences. And the worse you, if there were certain life circumstances against your relationship.
If your passion does not fit into the framework of a socially acceptable understanding of love, then get ready to say goodbye to all submission of morality. The best thing you can do is go to this change readily for any changes.

Sex with this aspect occurs differently. And his peculiarity is that it is impossible to get used to it. Every time, licking in bed, you will experience a huge relief similar to the satisfaction of physical need, but every time this experience will be painted by unusual emotions.

The peculiarity of this type of attraction lies in the fact that it causes the strongest attachment, which is preserved even when people are no longer associated. This passion perfectly gets along with hatred, full of indifference or even with contempt for man. The fact that the people are compared with the witchcraft and call "inherent", "burning", etc.


Unfortunately or fortunately (or both), this type of attraction is preserved to the very end. While death does not give you. Of course, a person is a reasonable creature and can send himself to the ocean from the subject of passion. And then the aspect also ceases to effect. But as long as you meet, you will experience an insurmountable desire to repeat these unforgettable sensations. And every time everything is in a new way and in a new way you will open the depths of your subconscious and the uncontrollability of your love.

The main thing is that it is necessary to make people having these aspects in relationships is regularly, at least for a while, part. Since being in such a passion it is very difficult to engage in something else, it is best to slowly teach yourself to teach to returns to ordinary life with its peaceful flow.

It is necessary to learn at least for a while "switch" attention from the object of passion to other processes. And then the dosed returns to the state of "Changes", which arises every time during sex, will be very by the way. Then they will not only not interfere, but also help to rest, clean and advance further in life.

Here, as with alcohol, it is important not to overdo it, and it is not allowed that the passion can be seized and pushed to degradation.

(To be continued…)

Everyone who wants to get acquainted in more detail with the peculiarities of their nature will find many articles on my website

Pars Fortune (wheel, point of happiness) in astrology personifies success and lack of problems. He symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest remuneration that the horoscope owner can get. In which field natal map There is a wheel of fortune, there is the owner of the horoscope and will feel the completeness of life.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the afternoon.Like Jupiter, Pars Fortune promises abundance and joy. He pushes a person to the surrounding that is best suited for him, and helps to figure out where you can succeed.

Pars fortune also shows the strongest human need: what he needs most and where the greatest joy will find. This point helps to look out of mind, reveals the goals and helps to decide with ideals. She expresses the essence of the soul.

The point of happiness is different in the hemispheres of the natal card. If it is located below the horizon, the return is satisfaction. Only sharing with the surrounding person reaches satisfaction. If the Fortune Pars is at the top, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. Such a gift of fate deserves due to the merits of past incarnation. And the one who gives more now, will receive goods in the next life.

Pars Fortune in homes

1 house.Joy brings independence and personal responsibility. Calls to help weaken the patronage of fortune. Life benefits come through their own efforts and external appeal. Relations with others are recommended to build in spiritual proximity, and harm brings overestimated self-conceit, egoism and pronounced individuality.

2 house. This situation gives great chances of material wealth. It will be achieved to achieve his understanding of his own ideals. If a person lives with dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, good luck will turn away from him. Financial wealth comes due to business qualities, smelling and calculations. At the same time, the inheritance and the conclusion of a profitable marriage is not excluded.

located in exile. But it is impossible to say that this is a weak position of the planet. In this watermark, it is laid out at the maximum and completely gives to feel the depth of the senses. Owners of this provision choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like a little mysterious, passionate and externally note people.

Often feelings go beyond self-control. It is difficult to restrain the emotions, which, as a result, lead to the loss of self-control.Experience and jealousy in an empty place are exhausted not only emotionally, but also physically. This more concerns the amazed planet. In harmonious aspects, Venus is easier to restrain the feelings and not to fall into extremes.

Venus in Scorpio generates jealousy, dependence and power. A person wants to control the life of his beloved. He limits his contacts, trying to influence the choice and desire of his partner. Does not tolerate when they argue with him and sees dislike for himself.

In relations in the first place they put sex and trust. The reluctance of proximity means the absence of love. If something is hiding from such a person something, it seems to him that he loved the other. The suspicions are destroyed by relations if the partner is not ready for the slope of passion and disagreement for him is unbearable burden.

Venus is a planet that is directly related to money. She is a ruler of the Taurus who hosts in the second house (own material means). Scorpio is a sign of other people's money. If the planet is not amazed, its owner can count on good wealth or a comfortable life. In the case of negative degrees, it is capable of bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

Throughout life, the feeling of such a woman does not give her to relax. She needs to feel desirable and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the cases of his beloved or husband. In a quiet relationship, she will be bored, and a woman will always be able to create a situation at which she will be convinced of love. If this does not happen, she will torment himself and their partner. As a result, such interactions will lead to a prolonged and painful parting.

In astrology, the marriage is responsible for the seventh house, the planet Venus, as a natural scales guide, and the moon. Last, showing itself in marital relations, affects the survival, comfort in partnership and family life. If there are planets in the seventh house, for strong relationships, they should not have negative aspects. And if there are Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune in it, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person's desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: a caring, economic and loving. Such people are well adapted, prone to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely come into marriage, which will be successful and strong. And the greater the horoscope of the harmonious aspects between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house, the better the family life will be folded.

Formulas indicate for happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (marriage for love).

For stable, long relationships indicate fixed signs on the sideways of the seventh house. Mutabelny talk about impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - forced to be offended by a partner, not disposed of conflict problems, contribute to a sharp breaking of relationships.

The unpleasant moments of the marriage can brighten the Jupiter. If this planet participates in the Sinastria, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter / Sun, Jupiter / Moon, Jupiter / Venus, Spouses will not feel unhappy.

Without the participation of Saturn in Sinastria, there will be no longer relationships. Aspects of this planet fasten the connection, learn responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The connection fastens, but adds conflict, if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, the moon.

In the signs of water, the moon feels very comfortable. Here it is manifested top Qualities And gives its owner a subtle intuition, sensuality and rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpion, the moon is in fall, and it is difficult for her to gain harmony and not give in to gloomy thoughts. Her owner is inclined to strong experiences, doubts and increased concern.

Moon in Scorpio Having holds the owner of the horoscope with a symptitude, increased emotionality and vulnerability. The lunar scorpion strongly torments such feelings as jealousy, envy and anger. It is aggressive, irritable, hot-tempered and vengeful. The planet Mars is influenced by Planet, which, along with Pluto, is a scorpion sign. The sensitive moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and powerful.

Calm condition is not for lunar scorpion. He is able to unconsciously create stressful situations for himself and others to overcome themselves. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life - this is not life. But to make a shakescape, he does not need to raise the scandal. Lunar Scorpio is able to silent eloquently, distributing the negative surrounding. After the energy release, a small respite comes, and then emotions are accumulated on the growing.

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