It is much better to hide a safe in the house. Where should you hide your stash, and where will it be found? Why is a safe worth hiding?

Ceilings 31.05.2021

At first glance, there are not many places in the apartment where you can hide money. But at second glance there are a lot of these places. Wanting to save what they have earned, people hide their money in places that are simply impossible to guess. But there is another category of people - these simply put valuables out of sight - if they can’t be seen, they won’t find them.

How to hide money

A thief doesn't have much time. The owners can enter the apartment at any moment - then there will certainly be trouble. That's why thieves don't like to spend a lot of time searching. The more difficult it is to get money, the more reliable it is.

If you save money and put it in a piggy bank, then you yourself need to have fairly easy access to your stash. But the place must be non-standard, your own, which will be difficult for a thief to guess.

If you hide money behind a closet, it will be difficult for a thief to get it. But the fact that the closet is often moved aside will be visible, and it is not so difficult to guess where exactly the money is.

And it is best to have several caches in which a certain amount will lie. Having found one “burial place”, the thief can calm down and leave the apartment, leaving the rest of the savings untouched.

Where you don't need to hide money

Money should not be hidden in places such as:
- a box in the table;
- under the tablecloth;
- under the mattress;
- behind the wallpaper;
- in a refrigerator;
- in the pillow;
- in the closet in linen;
- in soft toys;
- in the pockets of clothes.

The list goes on and on. Thieves inspect these easily accessible and understandable places first. That is, money should not be hidden in places where access to it does not require special physical effort or strong mental stress.

Where can you hide money

You need to hide money in places where access to them requires a significant burden on the part of the thief. It is not difficult to guess about the money hidden behind the cabinet, but it is difficult to move it away. Money hidden in “bombs” on a chandelier is not difficult to unscrew, but you need to guess that there may be savings there. The cornice is difficult to remove and it is difficult to guess the money in it.

This is roughly how you should think about hiding your savings. If there are a lot of books in the house, then you can hide money in books. This method is dangerous because if a thief decides to look into them, he can easily discover the savings. It is not difficult to turn the book upside down and shake it. If the money is not secured in the book, it will fall out.

You can arrange a hiding place near your apartment. Hiding places are located in places where they are not visible. Box under the window sill with double bottom; a shelf in the pantry, slightly shorter than the others; a small box glued to the bottom shelf of the shoe rack. This list can also be continued indefinitely.

The safest place to store money is a safe. Even if a thief finds it, he will not bother opening the door without the skills. But the presence of a safe implies the presence of serious savings, so the thief may return.

Hide the money in a hiding place, and put a couple of bills in the safe. You can also make fun of thieves by putting a “cookie” from a funny gift shop in the safe.

But the safest thing to do is keep your money in a bank. Make a fixed-term deposit so that neither you nor anyone else can take money from the bank until a certain time. And if you are afraid of default, then keep your savings in hard currency.

A professional thief can find and open any cache in a matter of minutes, but following certain recommendations you can still try to save your money. We’ll tell you where to hide money in an apartment or during a long trip in this article.

Where to hide money at home?

Here are some of the most successful, in our opinion, hiding places that can be equipped in a city apartment or private house:

Attention! If you hide money “seriously and for a long time,” then you risk forgetting about the location of the hiding place. Often, forgetful people hide their money so securely that they later don’t know how to remember where they hid the money. Be careful!

TOP of the most unsuccessful hiding places:

  • linen closets, chest of drawers, etc.
  • under the bed mattress
  • behind a mirror or a picture
  • in books
  • in cans of cereal
  • in the pockets of outerwear
  • in ventilation ducts
  • V rear walls large household appliances
  • in the toilet flush barrel
  • dirty laundry basket

Where to hide money on a trip?

When preparing for a long-awaited trip, many of us ask ourselves a far from idle question - where to put money on a trip? I immediately want to remember about plastic cards.

If you do not yet use a bank card, we strongly recommend that you get yourself this convenient payment instrument. Having a compact card in hand, you can pay for goods and services around the world, and, if necessary, withdraw cash from ATMs. If you follow safety precautions when using cards, they will become the main method of payment when traveling around the country and the world.

However, today you can’t live without cash, so we recommend that you always have a certain amount with you. It is unwise to keep all your money in a purse or bag; it is advisable to hide it away from prying eyes and hands. Let's consider the most interesting options:

  • swimming trunks with sewn pocket
  • women's bra (again with a small pocket)
  • front pocket of jeans
  • shoes are also considered a good hiding place - you can simply put banknotes under the insole

Of course a large amount It is unlikely that you will be able to hide it in this way, so it is advisable to keep money in large denominations.

Where to hide money on the beach

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to hide money on the beach (don’t bury it in the sand!), but today you can put it in a storage locker almost everywhere. Such services cost mere pennies, but this is a great way to save not only money, but also your phone and clothes.

There is another option. Today, many different waterproof wallets for money, smartphones and documents are sold. You can attach them to your arm, belt or chest. You can find them in specialized sports stores.

There is very little gold, diamonds or original Renoir in the world. But there are a lot of people. This dissonance leads to the need to safely hide valuables.

According to sociologists, about 40% of our compatriots prefer to keep money at home. The tradition of not trusting money to banking institutions goes back many years, and is widely covered in popular works of Russian culture.

In the ventilation, if you remember, the chairman of the housing association at building 302 bis on Sadovaya Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” hid the money he received from the joker Koroviev.

Under the upholstery of chairs made by the master Gambs, the mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov from the beloved novel “12 Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov hid family jewelry.

The heroes of these works were ultimately unable to protect their treasures. Is it possible to hide money securely, so that no one will find it? The most ingenious and reliable hiding places, as well as places where money should not be hidden under any circumstances - all this is in our article.

Where you don't need to hide money

Where to hide money

  1. In a tennis ball
    But this is a great idea if we're talking about about a small wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The cut should be large enough so that the pack can be easily inserted and removed just as easily. Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

  2. In the birdhouse
    A birdhouse with a double bottom, inside which you can safely hide spare house keys, is a great idea for summer residents. Such a cache will fit perfectly into the countryside landscape without attracting unnecessary attention, and can be a great help in an emergency situation.

  3. On the coffee table
    A small coffee table with a spacious drawer for storing various valuables. It is worth noting that the drawer does not have any handles; it opens by pressing the side board of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

  4. On the windowsill
    Quite a spacious hiding place, you can hide whatever you want in this one!

  5. In a socket
    It is most logical to hide valuables in places where you yourself are afraid to put your hands under fear of death or injury. Turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the plastic cover from the outlet. Underneath there will probably be a hole in the wall with threatening wires. It is quite possible to hide something among them. Just keep in mind that the objects you hide in the outlet should not conduct current!

  6. In a chair
    The old idea of ​​hiding jewelry in chairs is still alive and well. Yes, this is not a chair from the palace, but it will serve as an excellent hiding place.

  7. In the gear shift lever
    Recently, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. A gear lever with a small hiding place will help protect small valuables from car thieves.

  8. In a jar from under detergent
    If you want to hide money under the sink, use a regular empty detergent can. However, do not forget that in addition to this jar, there should be another one with a cleaning agent that you will need in case of cleaning.

  9. In the wall clock
    Hiding money in a wall clock is a great idea. You need frequent and convenient access to money - use an ordinary wall clock as a safe.

    If you hang your watch high, you may need a ladder to get money out of the safe. This means that an uninvited guest will need a lot of effort to get to the money.

  10. In shoes
    A hiding place under the insole of your shoes will help you hide your stash from your significant other or protect yourself from street thieves.

  11. In the globe
    In an ordinary globe you can hide valuables while you’re away or create a stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables should be placed in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball using tape.

  12. Under the table
    Such a hiding place can be installed under almost any table.

  13. In the washing machine
    The rubber band of the washing machine is another place where you can hide money and jewelry at the time of departure. To do this, pack valuables in small bags with zippers and hide them under an elastic band, after wiping it from moisture. The main thing is, when you return home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

  14. In the keyboard
    Disk drives, pockets for hard drives, various computer peripherals - all of this can be equipped home hiding places.

  15. In the kitchen cabinet

Human imagination is limitless, and our list of original hiding places can be continued indefinitely. However, I would like to recall the catchphrase of Georges Miloslavsky: “Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank! If, of course, you have them..."

Based on crime news reports, most victims kept their money at home in places such as:
- closet with linen;
- box for papers;
- under the mattress of the bed;
- on the mezzanine;
- behind the picture;
- behind the mirror;
- in the book;
- in a jar for storing cereals;
- in ventilation openings and pipes;
- in the back walls of household appliances (refrigerator, microwave, car) and the toilet flush barrel.

Top 12 best hiding places for your money

Unfortunately, in most criminal cases, a professional thief can find and open any hiding place in 5-15 minutes. But it’s still worth trying to protect yourself. Therefore, we present to your attention the Top 12 most reliable hiding places in the house.

Use your imagination, and before choosing a secret place in the apartment, imagine yourself as a thief.

Option 1: hiding place in a socket. To do this, make a recess in the wall and cover it with a fake cover for the socket.

Option 2: hiding place in a photo frame. You can buy such a frame in a specialized store or make it yourself.

Option 3: Stash in your sock drawer. To do this, make an additional tray and place it in a mess with socks or other small things.

Option 4: hiding place in the doorway. In such a place you can hide small valuables.

Option 5: hiding place in the keyboard. However, if a thief can find out about it, there is a chance that the money will be stolen along with the computer.

Option 6: hiding in vegetables or. You can purchase an artificial vegetable and put it in storage with the real ones.

Option 7: hiding place in the garden. To do this, you should take a plastic bottle or jar of the required size, put your valuables in it, close it tightly, glue a stone to the lid and bury it in a secluded place in the garden. The stone will serve as a guide for you.

Option 8: hiding place in a flower pot with a double bottom.

Option 9: hiding place in a regular log. But keep in mind that it should lie in its place and not be conspicuous.

Option 10: double cache safe. Buy two safes. In the first one, put a small amount that you are willing to sacrifice. Based on practice, thieves have limited time. So when they find one safe, they won't bother to find a second one.

Option 11: hiding place in a children's toy. Children usually keep their secrets from their parents in toys. Due to their large number and the constant chaos in the nursery, it will be difficult for a thief to find a hidden toy.

Option 12: hiding place in a stack of stationery paper.

If you are going long time absent, it would be safer to put your savings in a safe deposit box.

But keep in mind that this is only a small part of the secret places where you can hide your money. For complete protection of your valuables, install an alarm system in your home. Take care of yourself and your home!

Remember how in The Master and Margarita Nikanor Ivanovich hid money in the ventilation? Alas, now apartment thieves are so “advanced” that they can no longer be surprised by such household safes. And it can be especially difficult when traveling - a wallet placed in a prominent place immediately attracts attention. So forget about ventilation, drawers with underwear, and even more so – about the banknotes behind the cover of your passport (they will be stolen along with your passport). We offer TOP 10 original places where you can hide money while traveling and at home.

Tie with secret pocket

$140 |

A stylish tie can become not only your favorite, but also the most necessary thing in your wardrobe. And certainly the most valuable, considering that it is in it that your money will be stored during trips and travels. By the way, there is an additional advantage: you don’t need a wallet to keep track of, your hands and pockets are free.

Socks with a secret

$19.95 |

The idea of ​​hiding money in socks may not be a new idea, but now it's much easier to do! Original socks with a secret will help you out when traveling and walking lightly. A small pocket is almost invisible in appearance, but it is convenient to put a few bills, car keys or other important little things in it. Agree, it is difficult for any thief to get them out of there without attracting attention.

Belt with money pocket

$9.99 | View product at aliexpress

In ancient times, merchants and travelers sewed gold coins into their belts to protect them from bandits and pirates. We suggest you take advantage of this useful experience and hide the money in your sports belt. A small pocket with a zipper will protect your funds from pickpockets and prying eyes. And one more plus - this belt is relatively inexpensive.

iPhone case with double bottom

$29.99 | amazon

A mobile phone is always nearby, always at hand, and it is quite logical to use it to store money on the road, on a tourist trip, a business trip or travel. What’s very convenient is that in such an improvised safe you can hide not only bills, but also credit cards. Yes, an iPhone is also an attractive target for a hotel thief or pickpocket, but at least you won't have to keep an eye on your phone and your wallet at the same time.

Men's swimming trunks "red herring"

$17.99 | amazon

A witty idea for those who are not afraid of embarrassment in front of an uninvited guest who climbed into a suitcase or underwear drawer without permission. Do you think anyone will bother to dig into this thing? :) Unlikely. And your funds will stay with you! Please note that despite the non-standard nature of the idea, it has already been appreciated by 10 buyers on Amazon.

Bra pocket

$7.99 | amazon

Another idea as old as time in a new interpretation. Do ladies hide money in their necklines? So why not do it comfortably - in a convenient bag with a clasp, which will fit not only banknotes, but also keys, a chain, a ring and other valuables. With the help of two loops, the handbag is easily attached to the bra straps and is completely invisible to others (unless, of course, you decide to wear a thin transparent blouse).

And a few more ideas, but now for the home. After all, the problem of thieves exists not only on the road...

Clock with hiding place

$11.29 | ebay

At first glance, this is an ordinary wall clock, and only you will know about the small hiding place under the dial. Despite its modest size, your savings, as well as keys, gold jewelry, expensive watch etc. It is very convenient if you are going on a trip and are not sure that thieves will not visit your house in your absence.

Safe socket

$10.95 | ebay

Where you certainly wouldn’t think of looking for money is at a power outlet. And it’s very good, because that’s where you can hide them by installing this original mini-safe in your home. Behind the panel of a regular outlet there is a small compartment for money and jewelry. True, large items will not fit there - only banknotes, credit cards and some gold jewelry.

A book with a secret

$36.26 | ebay

A full-fledged home safe, made in the form of a book, is locked with a key and can store not only money, but also quite large jewelry. The main advantage is that it does not attract unnecessary attention to itself, looks very natural, and at the same time is quite durable (since it is made of metal). But there are also disadvantages: the lock is not particularly complex, and the mini-safe itself is easy to take with you if it is discovered.

Set: stone, thermometer, sprinkler

$18.96 | amazon

This lot contains three original ideas for where to leave the key if you need to leave home and cannot take it with you. Everyone knows the traditional place “under the rug,” but to suspect an ordinary cobblestone on a garden path of something similar requires imagination. True, there is a risk of not being able to find the same pebble with the key to the house. Well, if you have a bad memory, use a mini-safe in a thermometer or an original imitation for a sprinkler (an element of a fire extinguishing system) - they certainly won’t be confused with anything.

So, now you have more options on where to stash money while traveling and how to create a stash at home. Unfortunately, one cannot fully count on the fact that these places will not be discovered by thieves; after all, information posted on the Internet spreads quite quickly. But it’s within your power to complicate the search and make it harder for criminals to work.
Choose your option, and happy shopping!

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