Mars in Aquarius 3rd house. Mars (Mangala) in Vedic astrology. Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Bearing structures 13.12.2020

IN natal chart, Mars located in the third house , indicates a certain propensity for intellectual work or travel-related work. Often people with this position of Mars are very talkative, characterized by quick speech and a quick reaction to any changes. Such people, like everyone else with a pronounced Mars, have a certain imprudence and haste in action.

The 3rd house is the house of the inner circle and the inner circle of communication. Accordingly, Mars located in this house will contribute to more active connections and contacts in the inner circle of communication. However, all this will have a certain Martian coloring. Those. there will be a certain tendency towards rivalry, but it can most often be translated into a constructive direction, there will also be conflicts and disputes in the inner circle provoked by the owner of such Mars. Also, such people tend to use their inner circle for selfish purposes, forcing them to work for their own benefit, most often imperceptibly, but sometimes explicitly.

In general, people with this Mars are also purposeful, but to a lesser extent than people with Mars in the 1st and 2nd houses. Here the activity shifts more to people than to deeds. Also, people with such Mars have problems with endurance and endurance. Those. a good start, but the fuse quickly resembles.

Sometimes in people with Mars in the 3rd house, you can observe some kind of internal struggle. As if there is a struggle between animal instincts and higher ideals. Victory in such a struggle depends on the "spiritual level" of the individual. In general, it is better to refrain from indulging animal instincts in this area. Then life will proceed with fewer troubles and it will be possible to find good support in your inner circle of friends.

Mars in the third house endows its owner with a love of speed. Of course, this is not as noticeable as in people with Mars in the 4th and 5th houses, it is also observed. This love of speed can lead to crashes, accidents and consequential injury. Therefore, such people should be careful about the craving for speed and speed. Especially p ri afflicted Mars. Also, an afflicted Mars in this house may indicate injuries associated with travel or public transport.

Aspects of Mars in the third house with other planets.

Mars conjunct in third house The sun enhances ardor, irascibility, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste, recklessness . A person with such Mars has an increased will, but often this strengthening is aimed at making his inner circle (family, friends and close relatives) act in their own interests. If this fails, then the person strives with all his might to leave the last word for himself. In general, most of his initiatives regarding the near environment can be good, you just need to learn how to act softer, smooth out the negative manifestations of Mars. With a good study of this aspect, you can show your leadership qualities well. And inspire everyone with your example.

with the moon looks like awakening animal instincts and violent passions . Also, such a person reacts very violently to events in his inner circle. Also, such an aspect may indicate health problems of loved ones with an affected Mars, and it is even possible that a person with such Mars himself has brought such a state to such a state by his behavior. In a word, you need to learn to control yourself, and use emotions as fuel for accomplishments. IN this case to build relationships with the inner circle and gain authority.

Mars conjunct in third house with Mercury can give ease of communication . Such a person has a plethora of ideas, both good and bad . Sometimes this manifests itself as some kind of aggression in a conversation, the desire to prove one's case or to reserve the last word. This is especially evident in your close circle or in the family. In a foreign society is more restrained. For elaboration, I recommend not to give free rein to words, but to try to speak only to the point, to try to put more meaning into each word.

Mars conjunct in third house with Venus can often appear as craving for communication with the opposite sex . Gives women a certain charm extravagance, charm, attractiveness . For such people, it is important to be in the spotlight and be trendsetters in their inner circle. To work it out, it may be worth considering whether it is necessary to draw attention to your person in this way. Perhaps such a desire is dictated only by complexes? I recommend to look back at yourself more often, and do everything for yourself, and only then in order to impress.

People with Mars conjunct in the third house with Jupiter often seen optimism and enthusiasm especially when they are in their own company. intensifies spiritual and physical strength it seems that they are like a fountain of energy and activity. Joyfulness, cheerfulness, courage, love of study and travel it all characterizes such people. To work out, you need to understand that Jupiter can multiply not only positive, but also negative/destructive. So, do not indulge those traits of your character that cannot give you anything in terms of creation, in terms of building normal relationships and friendly communication. Develop only what will be useful to you in the future. Develop those connections that will benefit you in the future. And discard the useless.

Mars aspects in 3rd house with planets.

Mars conjunct in third house with Saturn often appears as internal restlessness, a tendency to sarcasm and excessive criticism in communication. Gives craving for disputes and conflicts , but at the same time gives mobilization of forces and energy for the implementation of the plan at the same time, it looks like a person is acting as if in spite of circumstances. This feature increases the likelihood accident, blackmail, intrigue, slander, betrayal . To work out, you need to pay attention to 2 points. 1st - do not seek to subordinate everything to your will, do not look for conflicts and do not seek to push through your opinion and achieve what you want with your will, i.e. - you can strive, but you need to do it carefully without making enemies. 2nd moment - Enemies in the close environment are especially dangerous. Don't turn them on and don't let them get close, move away from them this is the most effective method struggle.

Mars conjunct in third house with Uranus often manifests itself in the form of eccentricity and individual. Brings a certain courage and determination to the character, as well as cavalierity . These features greatly increase the likelihood accidents, accidents and catastrophes . They can also denote blackmail, intrigue, loss of authority and reputation, especially in close circles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to fully work out this aspect, but it is quite possible to weaken it through self-control.

Mars conjunct in third house with Neptune gives the individual strong ambition, selfishness, cunning and unhealthy imagination. H inconsistency in feelings and friendship. In such people, one can often notice either a certain tension in relations with close relatives, neighbors, colleagues or they tend to have illusions about their immediate environment. Also stands for intrigue, slander and the possibility of betrayal but in your life. Strive for a sober mind.

Mars conjunct in third house with Pluto gives tremendous strength y. Such people have a big attraction to the opposite sex and increased sexual potential. This aspect symbolizes the presence fatal events and in a person's life. And also the danger during trips, hikes etc. This is an aspect of human transformation, whether he wants it or not, but he will change. It is better to succumb to these changes than to resist.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with the Sun in the natal chart manifests itself as generosity, nobility, honesty and ambition. Such an individual has organizational talent. Such a person has a lot of ambitions and he loves to bring them to life. They also like to be the center of attention. The main thing is not to catch star disease.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with the Moon. Such an individual always has a cheerful spirit, and this aspect also manifests itself in the form courage and, emotional forces s and vigor. Often such an individual is characterized goodwill in relations with the outside world . A chic aspect, the main thing is not to get carried away and keep a sober mind, because you can waste yourself on trifles and there will be no time for more important things.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Mercury in the natal chart gives a person resourcefulness, wit, prudence, quick thinking and great speed in the execution of decisions. It is important to remember that it does not always make sense to rush, sometimes it makes sense to let the idea mature, then missed opportunities may open up.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Venus. This combination gives the opportunity to live, work and act according to one's own will and discretion. But we should not forget that freedom is - perceived need. Sometimes it makes sense to give up your own for the common and get a tangible result. In general, the aspect of creativity and self-realization in a circle of like-minded people.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Jupiter. This combination fills optimism, gives great enthusiasm in everything, but also does not exclude forethought and diplomacy. With the development of this aspect, it will result in ability to keep in touch with the right people. Also, this aspect allows you to charge your inner circle with activity and different ideas. However, remember that you do not need to get carried away, keep a sober head and do not indulge in baseless dreams. Be realistic.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Saturn gives the individual the ability to inspire his will, views and beliefs to others, as well as certain spiritual and intellectual abilities. Moreover, such a person is able to establish and maintain the necessary connections. Such a person will go through trials after a slave until he learns the correct manifestation of Saturn and Mars in life. Do not abuse your abilities, retribution is not far off.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Uranus provides the individual with special spiritual and intellectual my abilities. Gives resourcefulness, wit, and seduces the implementation of the most daring ideas and risky ventures. Can give success in scientific activity And. Not all that glitters is gold, don't be fooled by beautiful "toys". However, this advice is rather useless and such a person will not listen to him.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Neptune gives extraordinary imaginative thinking, an abundance of ideas, encyclopedic knowledge. However, this aspect fills a person with illusions. A person often chases after a dream, not realizing that this dream is just an unattainable image or a deception.

Trine (Trin) Mars in the 3rd house with Pluto- high intelligence, versatility of knowledge, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity, oratorical gift, eloquence, inventive spirit; innovation abilities.

Mars square in 3rd house Ascendant often manifests itself in the form of frivolity weatheredness and a tendency to an easy lifestyle. Learn to manifest Mars to your personal benefit. And don't bully your loved ones!

Mars opposition in 3rd house with the sun often appears as impulsiveness, aggressiveness, haste and propensity for risky ventures. When you strive to do what your heart wants, all activity seems to disappear. But at the same time, you are full of activity in an effort to organize everything around you, but only your goals and beliefs of this activity almost do not fall. Make a choice, decide what is important to you and follow that choice.

Mars square in 3rd house with Sun also manifests itself in the form of impulsivity, aggressiveness, haste, etc. Often you curse yourself for not directing your activity where your heart and soul want. Sometimes this aspect brings conflicts at work and with business partners.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with the moon provides the individual unhealthy fantasy and morbid imagination m. At the same time, you often act contrary to your feelings and your loved ones may suffer from this. It can also testify to some kind of spiritual throwing, between "righteousness" and "selfishness".

For Mars square in 3rd house with Moon characterized by great emotionality. Beware of taking out your emotions on loved ones. Over time, you can learn a truly philosophical calmness.

For Mars opposition in 3rd house with Mercury the individual has the danger of implementing erroneous ideas and plans. Harm from rumors and gossip, as well as indulgence defamatory connection pits. I advise you to decide on life guidelines, which is important to you. Do not get carried away by intrigues in the inner circle and do not allow yourself to become a victim of intrigues.

Mars square in 3rd house with Mercury may manifest itself as a kind of streak of failure in family life. Your mind haunts, palming off all the new tasks that you seek to implement. Stop and consider whether it will benefit you and your loved ones.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Venus often manifests itself as a tossing between sensual pleasures and duty towards relatives and friends. You already decide on priorities. These are two extremes, but you need to learn inside yourself to make the same choice every time and defend it in your life. Then this aspect will be worked out.

Mars square in 3rd house with Venus appears as all kinds of intemperance, indulgence of addictions addicted, intemperance in relations with the opposite sex with all the ensuing adverse consequences.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Jupiter appears in the natal chart as injustice, intrigue, blackmail, squabbles, and the likelihood of suffering from denunciations and intrigue. It can often appear as loss of prestige and honor. Sometimes such a person achieves his dishonest way. Decide whether the game is worth the candle?

For Mars square in 3rd house with Jupiter in general, the same is characteristic as for the opposition, but only. Here it is not a choice, but the fact that often your activity does not bring the fruits that you expect. And your loved ones often suffer from this. Beware of the machinations of ill-wishers.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Saturn manifests itself as internal anxiety, craving for disputes, and conflicts with loved ones. Sometimes a person's principles can bring a lot of grief in the family, but sometimes following them can bring results in the long run. But at the same time, you can’t relax, you need to actively plow in the direction you have chosen.

For Mars square in 3rd house with Saturn it is characteristic that you will act as a tyrant or suffer from tyranny yourself. Learn to be calm and don't get fooled by it all. Follow your goals and your tasks calmly and with self-respect.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Uranus gives rudeness, arrogance, arrogance, ruthlessness, as well as frivolity and windiness. Such a person often has craving for disputes and conflicts, especially with close relatives. About the danger of an accident, as a result imprudence.

For square Mars in 3rd housewith Uranus the same thing, but in a more rigid form.

Mars opposition in 3rd house with Neptune gives the individual inconstancy in feelings, unhealthy imagination, mood instability. Such a person has strained relationships with close relatives, neighbors and work colleagues, but most often the pretexts are far-fetched.

For Square Mars in 3rd housewith Neptune characteristic is the same as for the opposition, but betrayal and intrigues with close relatives, neighbors or work colleagues. At the same time, sometimes these intrigues could be only in the imagination of such a person, but in reality it is absent. It is difficult to distinguish real conflicts from imaginary ones.

Historical figures with Mars in 3rd house

Francis I, Henry II, Henry IV, Charles X, Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Oscar Wilde, Walter Horn Old (Sepharial), Jean Morinus, Alexei Losev, H. P. Blavatsky, Jean Morinus.

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> > Mars in the 3rd house

The person who was born at Mars in the 3rd house, has an impulsive and restless disposition, knows how to convince others that he is right. Always knows what and when to say. If someone offends his family members or friends, become a brave defender and support. He likes to think and rant on various topics.

He is overly curious, does not hesitate to ask people for any information of interest to him. He can be called tactless and impatient, tends to criticize everyone and find fault. His brain is able to generate the most amazing ideas, but because of his irritability and multitasking, he often misses important details, which is why he cannot fully implement the plan.

Communication with a person with Mars in the 3rd house

In the event of the defeat of the planet, he grows up in the family alone, and he lacks sisterly or brotherly complicity. As a child, he experiences many good and terrible moments. His manner of expressing his thoughts can be called aggressive. The mind is constantly busy inventing new concepts and solving pressing problems. It only takes a few tiny clues to find the root of the problem. IN emergency situations characterized by speed of reaction and correctness of actions.

He is accustomed to speak directly about what he thinks, likes to make sarcastic jokes. Gravitates to a constant and uninterrupted exchange of news.

Possible predisposition to journalistic activity, commerce or politics. Often finds himself in the publishing house or in the transport business, communications.

All actions are immediate, this person does not accept postponing things "for tomorrow" or until a better time. Prefers dynamic work filled with business trips and new acquaintances. If the energy is directed in the wrong direction, then the person will constantly "walk on the razor's edge." This applies to both personal security issues and communication with higher authorities.

Human character with Mars in the 3rd house

He believes that everything he does is exceptionally correct and meaningful. Does not accept remarks in the direction of his intellect. Denies his addiction to gambling. It is very difficult for him to understand his own wrong, he does not know how to ask for forgiveness in time. Trying to defend himself in a verbal skirmish, he does not hesitate to let go of sharp and harsh phrases.

Going on a trip highly likely gets into trouble. Knows how to manipulate people, convince them that they are right. Quickly ceases to need parental care. A well-developed intellect allows you to build an excellent career as a teacher, or become a well-known writer.

In the event that the planet is damaged, he may think about laying hands on himself or causing irreparable harm to the health of an outsider. Such a person has the nature of an inventor. They say about such people that nature itself endowed him.

As mentioned earlier, from early childhood strive to gain complete independence. It is distinguished by high efficiency and purposefulness, although it is very selfish in its views. Due to his impatience and restlessness, he may suffer losses by signing the wrong document or agreement without reading the terms.

The main difficulties in his life are generated by actions committed on emotions, and an internal struggle between lofty goals and animal, primitive instincts. It is difficult for such a person to communicate with relatives, as he unreasonably feels the hostility of the whole world.

He has a penchant for writing, but it does not bring him the desired satisfaction. Litigation or spontaneous travel can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Regular efforts and goals are replaced by powerful impulses. People with Mars in the 3rd house find it easier and more efficient to be sprinters than stayers. Short-range goals are incredibly easy, but long-range goals are sapped of energy and boredom.

Paradox, but together with impulsivity, an increased expenditure of energy on planning and the logic of desires is manifested. At times it takes a long time to realize the logic and order of thoughts.

3 house has negative dig-ball for Mars, this is manifested in increased sensitivity in the zone of desires and goals. It is quite easy to make such a person push his elbows in the social manifestation of himself. Anger and aggression often come during social encounters. Such vulnerability often leads a person to misanthropy.

If desires are not fulfilled, pressure begins on oneself and on other people. In the end it all ends frustration and disappointment.

Easily get along in systems with a rigid hierarchy and stable values ​​(army, large organizations, religions, etc.). Curious, objective, militant. Inveterate debaters. They have a straightforward journalistic talent. May be violent libido.

Auspicious Mars:

  • Clarity of thought
  • fiery, impulsive purposefulness
  • Militancy, hot, bright character
  • Inquisitiveness and curiosity
  • Direct, bold style of writing
  • Infinite number of ideas
  • Reading, erudition
  • Pleasant, friendly disposition
  • Sharp, fast intelligence
  • Concreteness, objectivity in thinking

Unfavorable Mars:

  • Frustrations, disappointments
  • Violence, walking on heads
  • Revenge, rancor
  • Uncontrolled libido, sexual abuse
  • Vulnerability to the opinions of people and society
  • Difficulty getting things done
  • Dissatisfaction with desires
  • Assertive power, showiness


An unfavorable Mars in the 3rd house can cause injury to the arms, weakness in the muscles of the arms and upper back. Inflammatory processes in the hands are also possible. The hands are especially affected. Quite a lot of people with broken or completely cut off fingers on their hands. Ingrown and brittle nails. Hunchback and scoliosis in the cervical parts of the spine.


Mars in the 3rd house as a charged, powerful cannon. With the proper horoscope and efforts, you can shoot so hard that it won’t seem enough. A person can achieve goals, desires, social recognition and respect in phenomenal terms. But if there are nuances that prevent the cannon from firing, then most likely it will explode in its hands and cause serious damage to itself and others. I think this example accurately describes the nature of Mars in the 3rd house. A very specific position that requires attention in a detailed assessment of the horoscope.

Roman Gavrilov

Mars in Leo in the 3rd house female natal. What type of men should be attracted? and got the best answer

Answer from Astrohealer[guru]
And it is very difficult to attract you in this position of Mars: attraction and contempt for men is strangely combined with your heart. especially if other aspects contribute to it.
PS, In general, the image of a husband is the sun, and his relationship to the 7th house ... Mars is a sexual adventure, maximum.

Answer from lucky man[guru]
the woman is active in amorous affairs.
she can take the initiative when meeting a man.
usually cheeks can blush from gentle kisses.
loves communication and can get acquainted on the road .... the Internet ... .
men do not like thin ones, but such prominent and solid ones in the body.
maybe even men like with a bald head or later become her husband.. .
men who will adore her more than the woman herself should attract her man.
she should be the leader in the family and the man is her king and arbiter of her desires.

Answer from ~ZET~[guru]
What sign of the zodiac is Mars in? The presence of Mars in the 3rd house of the natal chart indicates your high activity in the field of communication and contacts. You travel a lot, like to argue and criticize, have a sharp mind.
This position of Mars is favorable for journalists, teachers or work related to transport and communications.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Mars in Leo in the 3rd house is female natal. What type of men should be attracted?

Associated with aggression and conflict. The owner of the horoscope often has problems because of his sharp tongue, causticity and caustic remarks. Such people are prone to arguments and discussions. Even the smallest disagreements with the opponent make them get excited. At the same time, the native often does not choose expressions and does not go into his pocket for a word. Such behavior secures for him the glory of a conflicting, intemperate and quarrelsome person.

Brothers, sisters and close relatives play a big role in the life of a native. Relationships are not always going to be easy. Quarrels, rivalry and competition in the family are possible.

Inclinations and behavior of the native

The owner of Mars in the 3rd house attracts attention due to his sharp mind, sociability and quick reaction. Such people can achieve great success in research, writing, journalistic activities. It will be good if the work involves travel, interaction with people and the conclusion of various transactions.

In the process of work, mobile communications, computers, etc. are used. The person is impatient. Least of all, he likes to wait a long time for an answer to his messages, so after a while he calls. Such a person can show pressure in business situations, and often achieves what he wants thanks to courage and a natural gift for persuasion.

In order to feel free and independent, the native needs his own vehicle. Without him, he is like without hands. By the way, many owners of Mars in the 3rd house have big interest to technology, and therefore they themselves can fix a lot in the mechanism of a car, motorcycle or bicycle.

The owner of Mars in the 3rd house has a craving for knowledge. They don't have to be abstract. Best of all, the native learns information and skills that can be immediately applied in business. Such a person may be attracted to chemistry, physics, foreign languages, financial and technical sciences.

Mars in different signs of the zodiac

The essential power of Mars, placed in the 3rd house, determines how successful the native will be in the intellectual field.

For example, Mars has power if it is in. Knowledge will be comprehended by the owner of the horoscope slowly and systematically, and after a while they form a solid foundation for future activities.

If Mars is in the sign of its weakness (for example, in), then the native will experience problems in learning. Laziness, inattention and a poor ability to concentrate will hinder success in mental activity.

Mars in 3rd house man

If Mars in the birth chart of a man is in the 3rd house, then this indicates his courageous, enterprising and sociable character. He shows his strength primarily in the intellectual sphere. Such a person likes to argue and puts some pressure on the interlocutor if he sees that they do not agree with him.

The owner of the horoscope loves high-speed driving and sports that require quick movements and lightning-fast reactions.

Mars in woman's 3rd house

Mars and its characteristics will describe the type of men most attractive to the owner of the horoscope. If the luminary is in the 3rd house, then the woman will give preference to a man who is erudite, sociable, open and easy-going.

Such women easily start relationships. Acquaintance can occur on the street or in social networks. Sometimes the owner of Mars in the 3rd house is helped to find a soul mate by her relatives, relatives or good friends.

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