Is the combination of rice and chicken healthy? Product combination. What products cannot be combined

Pipes 27.09.2020
+ good, 0 acceptable, - bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Meat, fish, poultry - - - - - - - - + 0 - - - - -
2. Pulses - 0 + + - 0 - - + + - - - - 0
3. Butter, cream - 0 0 - - + + - + + 0 - 0 - -
4. Sour cream - + 0 0 - + + 0 + + - + 0 0 -
5. Vegetable oil - + - 0 - + + 0 + + - - - - +
6. Sugar, confectionery - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
7. Bread, cereals, potatoes - 0 + + + - - - + + - - 0 - 0
8. Sour fruits, tomatoes - - + + + - - 0 + 0 - 0 + - +
9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits - - - 0 0 - - 0 + 0 0 + - - 0
10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
11. Starchy vegetables 0 + + + + - + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
12. Milk - - 0 - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - -
13. Cottage cheese, dairy products - - - + - - - 0 + + + - + - +
14. Cheese, cheese - - 0 0 - - 0 + - + + - + - 0
15. Eggs - - - 0 - - - - - + 0 - - - -
16. Nuts - 0 - - + - 0 + 0 + + - + 0 -

The product compatibility table is the basis of a separate power supply system. It consists of sixteen lines - categories of products that can be combined in different ways. Good compatibility is marked with a “+” sign, and bad compatibility is marked with a “-” sign. The sign "0" means that such a combination is allowed.

The table is easy to use - you select the product category in the first column and then the number of the other product in the top row. Everything is simple, as in the Pythagorean table.

1. Meat, poultry, fish

The first column is the most important, since it is here that it is easiest to break the product compatibility rules. The nature of food determines the composition of enzymes released for its processing. So, for the digestion of meat, the strongest juice is needed, it is released in the first hour of digestion. For bread - after 3 hours, and for milk - at the last hour. In addition, the strength of the juice, and its acidity, and, consequently, the activity of the gastric glands and the speed of digestion, vary depending on the quality of the food. Animal proteins are the most difficult food to digest.

Meat, fish, poultry should be lean. During the processing of these products, all external fat must be removed. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is favorable, because. this combination neutralizes harmful properties animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood (kalorizator). The combination of animal proteins with alcohol brings great harm, because. alcohol precipitates pepsin, necessary for the digestion of animal proteins. The combination of meat with animal proteins related to it, such as milk, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese ... is negative, because each of them requires special digestive secretions and different times for processing, so mixing them is not recommended. This is what the authors of the separate power system say, and this is what finds it tough.

2. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)

Pulses are beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, etc. These products are complex carbohydrates, but contain a large amount of protein. Therefore, they require great attention when combined with other products. Features of the compatibility of legumes with other products are explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein, they are good with greens and starchy vegetables. They cannot be excluded from the diet, as it is a source of vegetable protein rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

3. Butter and cream

For their good assimilation, an abundance of green and non-starchy vegetables is necessary, since they themselves contain a lot of fat, which is difficult for digestion. Logically, you can combine butter and cheese, but from a dietary point of view, a large amount of fat in one meal is not advisable.

4. Sour cream

Sour cream, although it belongs to fats, but its calorie content is three times less than the calorie content of vegetable oil. Those who lose weight on a separate food system can add it to their meals, combine it with grains and legumes, vegetables, sour fruits and sour-milk products.

5. Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is very useful product if it is consumed raw and unrefined. It is logical to use it in combination with vegetables, but to combine it with sugar, cottage cheese, milk ... and it will never occur to anyone. Therefore, use it in salads for health, just remember that this is a high-calorie product.

6. Sugar, confectionery

As for sugar and confectionery - they should be avoided. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If sweets are eaten with other food, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process. That is why it is not recommended to feed children with porridge with syrup, sugar and jam. Also, sugars lead to gastritis, constipation, poison the body, causing constant fermentation in the digestive tract. And if the food rots and ferments in the body, then it does not give up its calories and does not provide the body with minerals and vitamins.

7. Bread, cereals, potatoes

These are foods that are called starches or carbohydrates. All foods rich in starch should always be treated with great attention, since starch itself, in its pure form, is a difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition, which has not been scientifically confirmed for decades. The authors and followers of the separate nutrition system believe that the first stages of digestion of protein and starchy foods occur in different environments: proteins need an acidic environment, and starch needs an alkaline one. Nature does not produce sandwiches, which means they cannot be useful. But somehow, nature produced peanuts, chickpeas, and beans that contain both proteins and starches.

At the same time, bread is considered a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a mandatory addition to each meal. However, bread made from unrefined whole grain, can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

8. Sour fruits, tomatoes

Tomatoes are included in this section because they have a high content of acids: citric, malic and oxalic. That is why, in terms of compatibility with other products, they are adjacent to sour fruits, such as: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries, sour in taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.

9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits

It is better not to combine fruits (both sour and sweet) with anything at all, since they are absorbed in the intestines (you need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating). It is known what a huge role fruits play in the body as natural vitamins and minerals. Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, as this is difficult for digestion.

10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy

All green and non-starchy vegetables are given the green light by nutritionists. They are well combined with almost all products, and in the villages they often drink milk with cucumber and without any harm to digestion (calorizator). This category includes the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, Bulgarian Bell pepper, green pea. Radishes, swedes, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various foods, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy ones.

11. Starchy vegetables

Starchy vegetables are the best addition to starchy foods. However, the combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are either good or acceptable. This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower.

12. Milk

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. It contains calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All babies in nature feed on milk, but note that they do not take any more food. And if in the animal world milk goes out of nutrition in a natural way, then in the human world, people lose their ability to absorb lactose over the years. According to the rules of separate nutrition, milk does not go well with anything, but its combination with starchy vegetables and sweet fruits is acceptable.

13. Cottage cheese, dairy products

Cottage cheese must be carefully combined with other foods, as it is an indigestible complete protein (milk casein). Products homogeneous with milk, such as sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, are compatible with it due to their similarity. Sweet fruits, vegetables and nuts are also combined with cottage cheese.

14. Cheese, cheese

Nutritionists treat cheeses with caution because of their high salinity. The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. As for the cheese, it is useful protein product, requiring, however, soaking in cold water from excess salt. Salt in the diet of losing weight and thereby masks weight loss.

Cheeses and feta cheese are a combination of protein and fat in almost equal proportions, which slows down the process of food decomposition in the stomach. They are good to combine with sour fruits and tomatoes. Cottage cheese and dairy products are homogeneous with cheese, so they are quite compatible. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed, so it is difficult for the body to process, although it is much better than sausage.

(prevents the development of anemia);

  • (fights against violation of vital activity of cells);
  • (participates in the mineral metabolism of the human body).
  • 16. Nuts

    Nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats. They are combined with sour fruits, vegetables, dairy products. But you should be careful with nuts, as this is one of the most high-calorie foods.

    To eat according to the rules of separate nutrition, you need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet, etc. Carefully study the compatibility table and.

    A great role for good digestion and reduction of intoxication of the body from the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the stomach and intestines is played by the correct combination of products consumed at a time. The fact is that for each type of food, digestive juices of a certain composition are allocated, which contribute to the most efficient digestion of this product. With a mixed diet, such combinations of products often occur when one type of food prevents the absorption of another.
    Herbert Shelton wrote: “We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. To eat and at the same time spoil food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But even worse, spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons that are very harmful ... Amazing number of cases food allergies disappears completely when patients learn to eat food in right combinations. Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion carries not nutrients, but poisons, into the bloodstream.
    The following is a classification of foods with indications of correct and incorrect combinations. All products are divided into 10 groups.

    Instructions for use of the table of compatible products

    You should not immediately try to remember all the valid combinations of products.
    Write down (or remember) all the types of foods that you personally usually eat or use in cooking. And it is within this list that you create your own compatibility "table". If you find that some combinations were incompatible, modify those recipes or food combinations. As a result, you should get a menu that does not differ too much from your usual diet. In the future, it will be easy for you to add new components to it, referring to the main table.

    Group 1. Sweet fruits

    Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits.
    Ideally combined with each other (bananas with figs), with semi-acid fruits (persimmon with apple) and with fermented milk products (dates with curdled milk).
    It is acceptable to combine with nuts, milk, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables, herbs and non-starchy vegetables.
    When combined with all other products, they cause fermentation.
    All fruits are very useful if consumed as a separate meal. You can not eat fruits and fruit juices as a dessert. It is better to drink juices half an hour - an hour before meals.

    Group 2. Semi-acid fruits

    Apricots, mangoes, watermelons, melons, blueberries, blueberries;
    sweet in taste: apples, pears, grapes, cherries, plums, peaches, etc. Tomatoes belong to the same group according to their properties.
    They go well with each other (apple with plum), with sweet fruits (pear with persimmon), with sour fruits (peach with orange), with fermented milk products (apple with kefir).
    Compatible with protein foods containing a lot of fat - with cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese (cherries with cheese, pears with nuts), with herbs and non-starchy vegetables (cucumber with plums).
    Combinations with other protein products are harmful (apple with meat, apricots with egg).
    In combination with starches (grape juice with bread) and with semi-starchy vegetables (plum with pumpkin) they cause fermentation.
    Melon, blueberries and blueberries are incompatible with any other product. They are perfectly digested if they are not eaten in addition to food, but as a meal (or in a small amount an hour before a meal).

    Group 3. Sour fruits

    Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons; sour taste: apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches, grapes; currant, blackberry, cranberry, etc.
    They go well with semi-acid fruits (grapefruit with apple), with fermented milk products (ryazhenka with orange).
    Allowed in combination with fatty cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, cheeses, with herbs and non-starchy vegetables (currants with salad). Incompatible with other protein products (tangerine with egg, cranberry with fish).
    Incompatible with starches (orange with potatoes), with sweet fruits (pineapple with dates) and with semi-starchy vegetables (lemon with green peas).

    Group 4. Non-starchy vegetables

    Cucumbers, cabbage, sweet peppers, green beans, etc.
    They go well with proteins (meat with cucumbers), fats (cabbage with butter), moderately starchy vegetables (tomato with zucchini), starches (bread with cucumbers), herbs (bell peppers with dill and onions).
    It is permissible to combine with fruits.
    Cannot be consumed with milk.
    Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables
    Beets, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, sea ​​kale, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, green pea.
    They are successfully combined with starches (zucchini with bread), non-starchy vegetables (green peas with cucumber), fats (carrots with sour cream), herbs.
    It is permissible to combine with fermented milk products (kefir with carrots), cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds.
    Compounds with proteins (eggplants with meat, green peas with eggs), sugars (pumpkin with jam), fruits (turnip with banana), and milk are harmful.
    Group 6. Starchy foods
    Wheat, rye, oats and their products; cereals; buckwheat, millet, barley, rice; potatoes, chestnuts, etc.
    Ideal with greens (bread with salad), non-starchy vegetables (potatoes with cabbage) and moderately starchy vegetables (porridge with pumpkin).
    It is permissible to combine different types of starches with each other (pasta with bread) and starchy foods with fats (porridge with butter). However, the combination of various starches is not recommended for people who are prone to fullness. when eating starchy foods with fats, it is also advisable to eat something from greens or non-starchy vegetables.
    With a big stretch, combinations with cheese, nuts, seeds are allowed.
    Combinations of starches with animal proteins are very harmful, incl. with milk (bread with potatoes, potatoes with fish), with sugars (porridge with sugar, bread with jam), with any fruit (potato with apple, bread with grapes).
    Mushrooms in any form, sauerkraut and other pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) are well compatible with potatoes and poorly with bread.

    Group 7. Protein products

    Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, curdled milk, kefir, etc.; dry beans, beans and peas, nuts (except peanuts), sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
    Ideal with greens (cheese with lettuce) and non-starchy vegetables (fish with cucumber).
    Combinations with moderately starchy vegetables (meat with zucchini) are acceptable.
    It is unacceptable to combine two types of proteins (meat with cheese), proteins with starchy foods (eggs with bread, meat with porridge), proteins with sugars (eggs with sugar), proteins with sweet fruits (fish with a banana).
    It is also undesirable to combine proteins with fats (meat with sour cream), with sour fruits and semi-acid fruits (egg with apple).
    Exceptions. Fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, seeds can be combined with sour and semi-acid fruits and berries (cottage cheese with an apple).
    Milk can be combined with sweet and semi-acid fruits and berries (milk with figs).
    Dairy products are compatible with sweet, semi-sweet and sour fruits (fermented baked milk with banana, acidophilus with apricots, buttermilk with grapefruit).

    Group 8. Greens

    Sorrel, dandelion, nettle, plantain, onion, lettuce, coriander, radish. Horseradish, chicory, sage, acacia, rose petals, etc.
    Combine with any food except milk.

    Group 9. Fats

    Butter and ghee, vegetable oils, lard and other animal fats, cream, sour cream.
    Ideal with greens (salad with sour cream), with non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers with cream) and moderately starchy vegetables (zucchini with butter).
    Combinations with starches (bread and butter) are acceptable, but in this case it is also desirable to use greens or non-starchy vegetables.
    Compounds with animal proteins (egg with sour cream), with fruits (apple with sour cream), with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery) are harmful.

    Group 10. Sahara

    White and yellow sugar, honey, jam, syrups.
    It is best to use separately from other products, an hour and a half before meals. In combination with proteins, starches and fats, sugars cause fermentation. Therefore, you can not eat desserts.
    In principle, combinations of sugars with herbs and non-starchy vegetables are acceptable.
    Honey is an exception general rule. In moderation, it is compatible with all foods except animal foods.

    What is separate food?
    All foods are divided into three groups: proteins, plant foods and carbohydrates. IN gastrointestinal tract plant foods can digest themselves. Proteins are broken down mainly by acidic reagents. Carbohydrates are alkaline reagents. There are also fats, but they are compatible with both proteins and carbohydrates.

    The logic of separate nutrition is to divide the tables into protein and carbohydrate. The carbohydrate table includes products, the main component of which is carbohydrates (flour, sweets, cereals, potatoes, cereals).
    Product classification
    The main protein food of animal and vegetable origin: meat, poultry, fish and all products from them, cottage cheese and dairy products, milk, cheese, eggs, legumes, nuts. Foods rich in starch: bread and all flour products, cereals, potatoes.
    Meat, poultry, fish. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is favorable, because. this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood.
    Separate meals in the family
    If you want to change your family's eating habits, do so carefully and don't be too hard on your family members. Do not think that all the happiness of life lies in separate nutrition. Always allow some alternative. Eating should be healthy, but for this you do not need to be tough on others. It is quite possible to first switch to separate nutrition yourself, and by your example, by your excellent health, inspire the rest of the members ...
    Proper nutrition is fun
    All foodstuffs must be fresh, free from harmful substances and, if possible, remain in their natural form. Better less is more - this saying can serve as a guide for a balanced and healthy eating. Pay attention to a few basic rules: perfect nutrition a person receives mainly carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and whole grains, a sufficient amount of protein and little fat.
    The right combination of foods (according to Herbert Shelton)
    Never eat carbohydrate and acid foods at the same meal.
    Never eat a concentrated protein and a concentrated carbohydrate at the same time (meat with noodles, fish with bread, etc.).
    Never eat two concentrated proteins at the same time.
    Do not eat fats with proteins (cream with meat, butter with cheese, etc.).
    Do not eat sour fruits with proteins.
    Separate meals for those who work in the office
    It is for those who work in an office that it is often very difficult to stick to a daily eating schedule. Often they do not have enough time to buy fresh food and take something with them to work. As a result, you have to be content with light snacks and convenience foods.
    carbohydrate table
    Includes products, the main component of which is carbohydrates (flour, sweet, cereals, potatoes, cereals). This is the so-called energy kitchen. She digests quickly. carbohydrates and plant foods should form the basis of daily nutrition.
    Protein table
    Includes protein-containing products (meat, fish, eggs, nuts). For the normal functioning of the body, the presence of proteins is necessary. But with separate meals, they are completely digested, so their number can be minimized.

    Product combination

    The question of the combination of products has been studied since ancient times.

    Ibn Sina, for example, in the "Canon of Medicine" considers in detail,

    what types of food can be eaten at one time, and what not.

    Ignorance of these rules leads to the fact that very often you can

    to see how at dinner people first eat a plate of cottage cheese with bread,

    Then pea soup with meat, with potatoes and also with bread, then porridge

    with azu, wash it all down with sweet compote or, even better, juice (or even

    with a cake!) And, finally, they seize with an orange or an apple (they say


    A familiar picture, isn't it? But as a result of such a "lunch" neither

    one of the listed products cannot be digested normally and

    The resulting calories barely cover the cost of digestion and

    neutralization of toxins, the excretory system will groan from the flow

    poisons formed when food spoils in the stomach and intestines.

    An apple, for example, eaten on an empty stomach, leaves it already

    after 15 - 20 minutes, the orange is even faster. What happens when

    fruits get into a full stomach, that is, after another meal? They are

    cannot move into the intestines and after the same 15-20 minutes just

    start to rot.

    And the rest of the products in our example do not correlate with each other.

    better. Cottage cheese - peas, cottage cheese - meat, peas - meat, bread - meat, etc.

    All of these combinations are highly unfortunate.

    We have already spoken about the selective action of digestive

    enzymes and that each type of food requires digestive

    juices of their composition. Moreover, the conditions for the digestion of various foods

    in the stomach are often opposite.

    Proteins, for example, require an acidic environment (a certain acidity

    for each type of protein) for the normal operation of pepsin - an enzyme,

    breaking down proteins.

    Hydrolysis of starches occurs only in an alkaline solution,

    acids inhibit the activity of the corresponding enzymes. So don't

    For the same reason, it is harmful to eat starches with acidic foods - with

    vinegar, citrus, tomato sauce etc. If, say, drink

    bread with tomato or orange juice, then saliva enzymes are still in the mouth

    lose their activity.

    True, there is still intestinal digestion. Under the influence

    pancreatic juice all nutrients are broken down - both proteins and

    carbohydrates, and fats. By the way, this is the main argument of the opponents.

    separate food. But the body is far from indifferent in what

    combinations of these components come.

    It's one thing when a person eats porridge on the water. She envelops

    gastric mucosa, not very strong juice is moderately secreted, in

    saliva enzymes continue to act in deep layers. Ideally

    the semi-liquid mixture processed in the stomach quickly enters the

    intestines, where it is completely and almost without loss absorbed, not

    overloading the digestive organs.

    And a completely different picture if the same porridge is eaten with meat. Stomach

    cannot extract juice that is equally good for porridge and meat. IN

    As a result, both are retained in the stomach and leave it in

    insufficiently processed.

    Of course, pancreatic enzymes to some extent

    complete the split. But the normal operation of a well-coordinated mechanism is already

    violated. Food masses entered the intestines unprepared.

    Both the liver, and the pancreas, and the thin

    gut. And to top it off, the composition of the intestinal microflora will change, top in

    which the putrid "freeloaders" will take.

    The human alimentary tract is primarily oriented towards

    various fruits - fruits, cereals, juicy vegetables and greens. And intestinal

    microflora plays a very prominent role in it. Depends on its composition

    whether the incoming substances will be converted into nutrients or into

    toxins, and how well digestion will go.

    In fact, in the intestines there are representatives of a huge variety

    various microorganisms. Some species are dominant, others

    oppressed. The ratio is determined mainly by the nature of the food and

    working capacity digestive system generally. With healthy food

    used in the right combinations and in reasonable amounts,

    "friendly" microflora is established.

    With unnatural combinations of products or with excessive

    the amount of food eaten, the gastric, and then the intestinal

    digestion. Underdigested, long lingering masses

    become the prey of putrefactive bacteria. A flood of toxins hits the liver

    kidneys, poisons the whole body and leads to numerous diseases.

    The founder of the theory of separate nutrition G. Shelton, works

    now used by nutritionists around the world, wrote: "We do not receive

    benefit from food that is not digestible. Eat and spoil at the same time

    products in the digestive tract are a waste of food. But even worse

    Spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons, which are very

    harmful... An astonishing number of food allergies are disappearing

    completely when patients begin to eat food in the right combinations.

    Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy -

    is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal

    digestion does not carry nutrients into the blood stream, but poisons.

    The following is a classification of food products with indications of

    ideal, permissible and harmful combinations of them. All products

    divided into 10 groups. But unlike the generally accepted classification

    vegetables are divided into compatible and less compatible, and not into

    "non-starchy" and "moderately starchy". This is due to the fact that

    vegetables traditionally classified as "moderately starchy"

    in reality often contain very little starch, and

    compatibility with other products many of the "moderately starchy"

    practically do not differ from "non-starchy" vegetables.

    Such, for example, is carrots, which go well with almost

    all products. Or beets, containing even less starch than

    green beans (there is a lot of sugar in beets). Meanwhile, beets are usually

    referred to as "moderately starchy" vegetables.

    Therefore, vegetables are classified not by starch content, but by their

    ability to combine with most other products.

    So, 10 groups.

    Group 1. Sweet fruits

    Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melons.

    Fruit is a fast digesting food. Several sweet fruits

    stay longer in the stomach, more acidic - less. All fruits

    best eaten separately from other foods. Especially harmful

    eat them as desserts after meals. In this case they

    cause fermentation (especially sweet fruits). The same applies to

    fruit juices.

    Both fruits and juices are best consumed as a separate meal or

    half an hour or an hour before meals, but so that after the previous meal

    at least 3 hours have passed.

    Sweet fruits pair perfectly with each other (raisins with

    prunes) and with semi-acid fruits (persimmon with apple).

    Sweet fruits can also be combined with cream, sour cream,

    herbs, dairy products. Dried fruits in small quantities

    it is permissible to add to some cereals (for example, pilaf with raisins or with

    dried apricots, etc.)

    The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining

    any fruits and vegetables, but their joint use is still

    undesirable. People instinctively feel it, and few people come to

    head to eat persimmon with cucumber or dates with cabbage. But there is also

    exceptions. Acceptable, for example, apple-carrot puree, vegetable

    salads with cranberries or lemon juice, etc.

    Group 2. Semi-acid fruits

    Sometimes they are called semi-sweet. It's mango, blueberry, blueberry,

    strawberries, raspberries, as well as sweet tastes: apples, pears, cherries,

    plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons.

    Semi-acid fruits go well with each other, with sweet

    fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and

    with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir).

    Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein

    foods containing a lot of fat - with cheese, nuts, fatty

    cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk.

    Combinations with other protein foods (meat, eggs, fish,

    mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in speed

    digestion. Even less desirable compounds with starches.

    Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes as well as melons are known for their

    particular delicacy.

    They are superbly digested when eaten on their own.

    but are not compatible with any other product (except some

    semi-acid fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but in

    food quality.

    According to their properties, the group of semi-acid fruits also includes

    tomatoes - because great content acids. But like all vegetables,

    tomatoes do not go well with fruits and, unlike fruits,

    relatively well compatible with proteins and vegetables.

    Group 3. Sour fruits

    Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons,

    currant, blackberry, cranberry; as well as sour taste: apples, pears,

    plums, apricots, grapes, etc.

    Pairs well with each other, with semi-acid fruits, with

    fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese.

    Combinations with nuts, cheeses, herbs are acceptable.

    Incompatible with animal protein products, with legumes, with

    starches and less compatible vegetables.

    Group 4. Compatible vegetables

    cucumbers, raw cabbage(except colored), radish, sweet pepper,

    green beans, radish, onion, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabagas, carrots,

    young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others.

    Pairs well with almost any food

    its better absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese),

    fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with

    beets), greens.

    All vegetables are not compatible with milk.

    Connections with fruits are also undesirable, although


    Group 5. Less compatible vegetables

    Cauliflower, boiled White cabbage, green pea,

    late pumpkin, late squash, eggplant.

    Successfully combined with starches (zucchini with bread) and with all

    vegetables, with fats (eggplants with sour cream), with herbs.

    It is permissible to combine with cheese.

    Less desirable combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with

    meat, green peas with egg).

    Incompatible with fruits and milk.

    Group 6. Starchy foods

    Wheat, rye, oats and their products (bread, pasta, etc.);

    cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe


    Ideal with herbs, fats and all vegetables.

    It is also possible to connect different kinds starches among themselves,

    In addition, various cereals and cereals differ greatly in composition.

    proteins, and ideally it is better not to mix them.

    When eating starchy foods with fats, it is recommended

    also eat some greens or vegetables.

    Harmful combinations of starches with proteins, especially animals (bread with

    meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and dairy products (porridge

    on milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bun with jam, porridge with

    sugar), with any fruits and fruit juices.

    Group 7. Protein products

    Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, cheese; milk, curdled milk, kefir

    and etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

    Ideal with herbs and compatible vegetables. More

    In addition, these products contribute to the good digestion of proteins and

    removal of many toxic compounds.

    The exception here is milk, which is best drunk on its own.

    Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) Milk is most easily digested.

    Milk can sometimes be combined with fruit, but the tolerance of such

    connection at different people is not the same.

    It is acceptable to use proteins with fats, and animal proteins

    are better combined with animal fats, and vegetable proteins - with

    animal fats, and with vegetable. But fats slow down digestion,

    therefore, it is desirable to add vegetables and

    Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and


    Exceptions - cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, nuts, seeds,

    which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

    Group 8. Greens

    Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onion, sorrel, goutweed, coriander,

    parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc.

    Greens are combined with any food, except milk.

    bunch of greens. Especially useful is its use with starches and proteins,

    in this case, it contributes to excellent digestion, neutralizes

    toxins, compensates for the deficiency of subtle prana and vitamins, improves


    Group 9. Fats

    Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils;

    lard and other animal fats. Sometimes fatty foods are also included in this group.

    meat, fatty fish, nuts.

    General property fat is that they inhibit the secretion

    gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. Together with

    the fats soften the negative effect of some unsuccessful food

    combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will digest

    better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with

    bread - a very unfortunate example).

    Fats are ideally combined with greens, with vegetables (salad with

    sour cream), with starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes

    it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially with berries (strawberries with

    sour cream).

    It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar,

    confectionery). Here the negative effects of the inhibitory

    the effects of fats are especially pronounced.

    vegetable origin, although exceptions are possible. vegetable

    oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, in which

    often goes better with other products than cream.

    Group 10. Sahara

    White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

    In combination with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation,

    contribute to the spoilage of other products.

    It is best to consume sweets separately (if at all

    use). For example, arrange tea with jam or

    sweets. In principle, 2-3 sweets, if you really want, you can eat

    40 - 60 minutes before a meal, but in no case after a meal!

    An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances

    rot-resistant, and in small quantities is compatible with many

    food (other than animal food). But honey is biologically strong

    active remedy, and it is not advisable to eat it every day (to

    body is not used to it. Sometimes you can drink herbal tea with honey

    or add a teaspoon of honey to porridge or salad.

    The proposed classification is intended to help guide the

    variety of products, remember the basic principles of their combination.

    However, the products within each group in relation to a particular food

    often behave differently. For example, cottage cheese with jam - more

    a successful combination than cheese and jam, although, of course, such compounds

    better to avoid. Yes, and people differ among themselves in the enzymatic composition.

    juices, the predominant microflora. Suitable combinations for one would be

    not always so successful for another, although the main provisions

    Svetlana Markova

    Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


    Disputes between supporters and opponents of the principle of separate nutrition, taking into account the compatibility of products, do not stop. Why is it important for a person to know about the proper use of food and the combination of its various types? How to help the body regulate the processes of digestion is a question that is interesting to answer.

    Compatible and incompatible products

    The study of product incompatibility began hundreds of years ago. The ancient healers thought about the solution of the issue, and modern researchers pay a lot of attention to it. For the health of the body, it is important that the digestive system works properly, which has its own characteristics:

    • products are processed at different rates;
    • for the assimilation of each one needs its own enzymes;
    • gastric juice for the digestion of unequal food is allocated in different ways;
    • protein processing requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline one.

    The use of incompatible products causes the body to spend more energy on processing. When one type of food has been digested, ready to be absorbed and excreted, it is not time for another. Enzymes have not yet been developed - ptyalin in the mouth, the rest - in the stomach. Intestinal dysfunction occurs:

    • the process of decay, fermentation begins;
    • food is not digested;
    • splitting stops;
    • there is no absorption of nutrients;
    • toxins are formed that poison the body;
    • various diseases develop.

    Buckwheat compatibility with fish

    One of the postulates of separate nutrition is the prohibition to mix animal proteins and products containing starch. Buckwheat and fish are foods that are not recommended for consumption at the same time. Best Option- one and the other product is eaten separately, with the addition of greens, vegetables. The reason of that:

    • a fish- protein foods that require acid production;
    • buckwheat- belongs to the type of cereals, rich in starch, it needs an alkaline environment for the assimilation process.

    Compatibility of cottage cheese with banana

    Is it right to eat a dessert that adults and children love, containing cottage cheese and a banana? It is believed that the combination of sweet fruits, sugar, is incompatible with protein foods. There is a great exception to the rule. Quickly splitting bananas can be used in combination with the following foods:

    • fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, etc.);
    • sour cream;
    • cream;
    • greenery;
    • seeds.

    The combination of fruits

    Thinking about incompatible products, it is important to know that they include gourds - watermelon, melon. They require consumption separately from other food, a few hours after it is taken. This is especially true of melon, which is digested instantly, starting the fermentation process, leaving other products to rot. The combination of fruits depends on the type to which they belong:

    • sweet;
    • semi-sweet;
    • sour.

    It is believed that fruit is a product incompatible with other foods, requiring separate consumption between main meals. They fit together like this:

    • sweet- dates, banana, persimmon, dried fruits - are digested slowly, their separate use is preferable, simultaneous use with semi-sweet, with each other is acceptable;
    • sour- orange, grapes, pear, currant - compatible with everyone;
    • semi-sweet-, wild berries, apricots - compatible with the first two types.

    Compatible vegetables with separate meals

    The most favorable food, combined with most products, is vegetables that are actively used in separate meals. This speeds up the digestion process. It is not recommended only to mix them with milk, fruits. Allocate compatible vegetables, combined with several groups:

    • with his- cabbage, sweet pepper, radish, cucumbers;
    • with proteins- meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs;
    • fats- vegetable oil;
    • starchy food- bread, pasta, flour products, potatoes.

    What products cannot be combined

    As a result of the research, it turned out which food is not recommended to be mixed. This includes a combination of products:

    • coffee- - caffeine prevents absorption beneficial substances;
    • tomatoes- (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.) - acid in vegetables prevents the absorption of starches;
    • meat, eggs,- sugar - fermentation occurs;
    • a fish- cereals, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.), sour cream - different times for digestion;
    • fermented milk food- meat, bread, cereals - the reason is the same.

    Product incompatibility table

    To make life easier for those who want to lose weight or preach the benefits of separate nutrition, a table has been developed to help you quickly navigate the choice of healthy food. With her help, you can figure out which foods can not be eaten together. The table is a grid, at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns of which there is a mark of compatibility. Wherein:

    • in the first column, from top to bottom, products are listed under numbers;
    • the top line contains the numbers corresponding to the order of the food in the first column.

    Shelton Compatibility Chart

    Seriously, the American scientist Herbert Shelton, who wrote many books on weight loss and fasting, dealt with the issues of separate nutrition. Thanks to his research and advocacy, the system of combining incompatible products has become widespread. Shelton developed a table with which you can easily figure out what to eat with what. This favors the work of the stomach and the ability to stay healthy.

    Shelton's table at the intersection of the graph helps to find out the compatibility of the main types of food used by humans. Examining the material, you can understand that the melon is not compatible with anything. It is recommended, for example, to apply together:

    • meat- non-starchy vegetables - eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper;
    • potatoes, breadvegetable oil;
    • cereals- all vegetables;
    • sweet fruits- dairy products, cottage cheese;
    • starchy vegetables- cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots - everything except sugar.

    Incompatible products for weight loss

    Using the ideas of separate nutrition, you can not only help the body become healthy, but also lose weight thanks to correct work GIT. There are diets that take into account incompatible foods when losing weight. You should know incompatible groups:

    • squirrels- eggs, meat - flour products;
    • bread- sugar, tomatoes;
    • fish, meat- cereals;
    • sour cream, butter- nuts, proteins;
    • porridge- tomatoes, sour fruits;
    • zucchini, pumpkin, berries, nuts- sugar;
    • at the same time proteins of animal, vegetable origin.

    What foods are incompatible with antibiotics

    When a doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their combination with food. Antibiotics already have a negative effect on the body, so incompatible products should not add problems. It is necessary to read the instructions for the drugs, which stipulate contraindications to the use of certain foods at this time. This is especially true for alcohol intake.

    There are products incompatible with antibiotics that cause problems:

    • milk, dairy products- calcium in the composition binds active substance, which instead of absorption is excreted from the body, neutralizing healing effect medicines;
    • cola, pepsi- irritate the gastric mucosa;
    • sour fruits, dry wine, vinegar, pickles- negatively affect the liver.

    Products incompatible with milk

    Dairy products for an adult are a special food. The body does not produce the necessary amount of special enzymes for their digestion. Does milk go well with other foods? This product is not compatible with anything. It is advisable to use it in the diet separately from other products, otherwise complications are possible:

    • when combined with melon- laxative effect;
    • consumption with salty-sour foods- herring, cucumbers - pain, poisoning;
    • along with soda- turbulent process in the stomach.

    Products incompatible with alcohol

    It is believed that alcoholic drinks may cause poisoning. At the same time, few people think that these consequences are possible when using incompatible products for snacks. This reaction is associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of food with alcohol:

    • mushrooms- actively secrete poisons that enter the bloodstream, affect the liver;
    • chocolate- stimulates the outflow of bile, and alcohol makes it difficult to remove it, provoking a spasm of the sphincter of the duct into the duodenum - acute pancreatitis develops;
    • grapefruit- blocks liver enzymes that break down alcohol - causes severe poisoning.

    It is necessary to combine food and alcohol with care so as not to get an undesirable reaction:

    • when washed down with drinks, juices containing sugar, the latter is quickly digested, leaving the alcohol unsplit, which leads to poisoning;
    • spicy snacks- horseradish, pepper, mustard, slow down the destruction of alcohol, which poisons the liver, harming the heart and blood vessels;
    • melon in combination with alcohol has laxative properties;
    • grilled meat requires prolonged digestion, alcohol, remaining in the body for a long time, causes symptoms of poisoning.

    Mankind has lost the instinct for healthy and balanced nutrition given to him by nature. As a result of man's violation of the natural principles of nutrition, the cities were filled with people with overweight who are suffocating, have cardiovascular diseases and their joints hurt all the time.

    To start eating right, you need to follow these rules:

    1. Fractional nutrition. Food should be taken in small portions 4-5 times a day. There should be as much food on the plate as would fit in your palms, folded together. You can take yogurt or fruit to work, which you can eat before and after lunch
    2. Don't eat before bed. When you go to bed, the food should already be completely digested - this is the key to good sleep and morning vigor.
    3. Don't eat in haste. Eat slowly - the body will work properly and at the right time will give the brain a signal of saturation
    4. Don't overeat. Get up out of steel, as soon as you feel - you ate
    5. Vegetables and fruits. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily, of which 70-80% are fresh and 20-30% canned. Dress salad with sunflower or olive oil
    6. Follow the correct drinking regimen. For every kilogram of weight you need to drink 40 ml of liquid, including 6-7 glasses of pure water. Do not drink with or immediately after meals
    7. Varied diet. For the proper functioning of the body, a person needs fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, macro and microelements. The food pyramid will show you how to eat to achieve this.

    Fig.1. food pyramid

    Food groups for separate nutrition

    Every housewife who cares about the health of the family needs to know what products to combine in a dish. For the digestion of various foods, the human body needs various conditions and different amounts of time. Remember that fruits and salad are absorbed by the body in half an hour, and meat - in 3-4 hours.

    As a result of the separate use of proteins and carbohydrates, the acid-base balance is not disturbed and fermentation does not occur.

    Apart from the compatibility of products for proper nutrition, then the process of digestion of food slows down - the remnants of undigested food begin to rot, which leads to intoxication of the body, the formation of excess weight and impaired functioning of the pancreas.

    Fig.2 Table of the correct combination of products

    With separate meals, the following food groups are distinguished:

    • Legumes. These are lentils, beans, peas, soybeans, beans, etc. As starches, they go well with light fats - sour cream and vegetable oil, and since they are a source of vegetable protein, they can be eaten with vegetables and herbs. The exceptions are green peas and green beans, they are not compatible only with milk.
    • Cream and butter. Foods in this category are hard to digest because they contain a lot of fat. Pairs well with herbs and non-starchy vegetables.
    • Sour cream. good compatibility with such products: cottage cheese, cereals, potatoes, green vegetables, herbs, tomatoes, sour fruits, berries
    • Vegetable oil. This is a high-calorie, but very healthy product that should be consumed raw and unrefined.

      Ideal for refueling fresh salads. It is very useful to combine with vegetables - it promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

      Good compatibility of products with each other: vegetable oil and legumes, cereals, roots, nuts, seeds, berries

    • Sugar, syrups, jams, confectionery. It is necessary to minimize the use of these products, except for honey. Sugar prevents the secretion of gastric juice, and when combined with other food, leads to fermentation, and as a result - sour belching and heartburn. It is not recommended to give the child porridge with jam. Sugar provokes gastritis, constipation and fermentation in the digestive tract. Honey is excluded from this category of products; 20 minutes after ingestion, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and does not poison the body. According to the system of separate nutrition, confectionery products are combined with green vegetables. But in practice, no one makes parsley cake or cucumber cake, so we can say that there are no products compatible with this group.
    • Bread, cereals, potatoes and other foods rich in starch. They are also called carbohydrates. These are products made from wheat, oats, rye, cereals: buckwheat, rice, wheat, etc. It is forbidden to combine them with animal proteins. Bread is a separate meal, not an addition to every meal. Compatible with cream, sour cream, butter, green vegetables, roots, herbs. Medium compatibility: cheese, cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds
    • Fruits and berries are sour,- all citrus and sour-tasting berries and fruits. Tomatoes are included in this group because they contain three types of acids: citric, malic and oxalic. These products should not be consumed together with protein and starchy foods.
    • Sweet fruits and dried fruits- bananas, persimmons, raisins, figs, etc. It is better to eat fruits 20 minutes before meals and not to combine with anything. But if you still want to combine with something, then they have good compatibility with sour-milk products, cottage cheese and herbs.
    • Green vegetables and non-starchy- beets, cabbage, garlic, cucumbers, lettuce, eggplant, bell pepper, all greenery, etc. They are compatible with almost all products.
    • Starchy vegetables- carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, horseradish, pumpkin, cauliflower, parsley and celery roots. Cannot be combined with sugar - it provokes strong fermentation, other compatibility is more or less acceptable
    • Milk. A very useful product that helps a child grow and develop from birth. Under the influence of acidic juices, milk coagulates in the stomach. It should not be consumed with other food, because when it enters the stomach, milk envelops its walls and does not allow the gastric juice to function. While the body metabolizes milk, other food in the stomach rots.
    • . It is a complete protein, but indigestible in the digestive tract. Good compatibility with dairy products
    • Cheese and cheese- consist of protein and fat in approximately equal amounts. Not very salty types are good to combine with tomatoes and sour fruits. Before use, it is better to soak the cheese from excess salt.
    • Eggs- a valuable and useful protein product in the human diet, which is necessary for proper and healthy nutrition. It is not easily digested, but its combination with greens neutralizes the harm from cholesterol in the yolk.
    • Nuts and seeds- vegetable fats, which are easily absorbed by the body. High compatibility with such products: sour-milk products, cottage cheese, vegetable oil, starchy vegetables and roots, tomatoes, herbs, sour berries and fruits

    Fig. 3 Compatibility of products with separate meals on the advice of nutritionists

    Consider a couple of tips that will help you better understand the principles of separate nutrition:

    • You need to eat a melon and an apple separately from other products so as not to cause fermentation in the stomach. But if you eat beautiful things between breakfast and lunch, the necessary hygienic bowel cleansing will pass.
    • Do not drink sugary drinks immediately after eating. This is a separate dish that can be consumed no earlier than an hour after the main meal.
    • If you slowly and repeatedly chew food, then it doubles its digestibility.
    • The best mode for you is when you are really hungry, not according to some schedule.

    An example of a breakfast according to the system of separate meals

    "Cottage cheese with sour cream, bread with butter and not sweet fruits."

    With improper nutrition, the body spends a lot of energy on digesting food and fighting food toxins.

    Thanks to the information presented in the product compatibility tables with each other, you can minimize the energy consumption for the assimilation of food and spend it for life.

    Following the rules of separate nutrition, after 2-3 months you will notice an improvement in health, vigor, become more attractive and beautiful.

    Watch a video about separate nutrition, which explains why different foods need to be consumed separately? What are the negative consequences of their mixed consumption?

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