Stages of modeling a wedding hairstyle. The creative process of creating a collection of hairstyles The process of creating a model of a wedding hairstyle

Landscape design 11.08.2020
Landscape design

Hairstyle appeared in primitive society much earlier than clothing, and changed along with the evolution of human society. The creative process of creating a hairstyle is closely related to creativity in any other form of human activity. The hairstyle, just as sculpture is involved in the design of the image, it contributes to the creation of an artistic image. Expressing a specific artistic image, a hairstyle can be either dominant when a person must reincarnate, or emphasize the individuality of a particular person. The development of hairstyles, their changes are due, on the one hand, to the general style of the era, on the other, to fashion.

Style in art is a stable commonality of the figurative system, means and techniques of artistic expression, due to the unity of the ideological content of art. In other words, style is the person himself, his worldview, his ability to express his individuality. In this direction of the development of women's fantasy hairstyles on the theme of "Faberge", you can take a certain style as a basis and come up with a lot of your own special, unique, this hairstyle is most suitable for a special occasion. Within the same style, various modifications appear in hairstyles, called fashion, which is understood as the short-term dominance of a certain taste in any area of ​​life or culture. Each new fashion brings the necessary novelty, sometimes full of contradictions in relation to the previous fashion. The contradictory nature of fashion is a prerequisite for its further development. With individual styling of hairstyles, the so-called interpretation of fashion takes place. The model can undergo various changes. It should be said that a great many different, often unpredictable factors affect the change in hairstyle patterns, as a result of which new models appear. The presence of style features, a variety of forms allow to extend and expand the influence of fashion and thus satisfy a large number of people.

Creating hairstyles is an intuitive process, but at the same time a technical one, requiring certain knowledge and based on strict technologies. It is necessary to combine the flight of imagination with clear laws, while performing the hairstyle with high quality and quickly.

Depending on the purpose, hairstyles are divided into two categories: everyday and spectacular. Household hairstyles, in turn, are divided into everyday and elegant. They are divided into subgroups depending on their use at different times of the day and on the environment - during the day, in the evening, indoors, outdoors, at work. The forms of household hairstyles are influenced by seasonal changes in the weather (season), climatic factors (heat, wind, snow). Elegant everyday hairstyles include evening hairstyles, hairstyles for visiting exhibitions, theaters, as well as for special occasions (wedding, for a prom, for business meetings).

Spectacular hairstyles include competitive, historical, fantasy hairstyles. Spectacular hairstyles, depending on the type and genre, can be designed for performances, and can also be part of a carnival costume. In all cases, they have a pronounced target orientation, they should give the most complete picture of the artistic image. According to Figure 19.

Figure 19 - Hairstyle a la Faberge

Fantasy hairstyles - find their expression in new lines, shapes. Hairstyles can be extravagant - graceful, lyrical, spectacular. Unusual additions, many decorations are allowed. Fantasy hairstyles can be performed on the basis of: architecture, music, nature, art. The forms of hairstyles depend on the idea of ​​the master and the direction of fashion, This contributes to the creation of new hairstyles, the development of hairdressing and the development of fashion. Fantasy hairstyles are very diverse and extraordinary in their execution. During their implementation, various forms of the frame, all kinds of decorations and post-production products can be used, but not more than 50%.

The hairstyle is the main part of the look. Together with elements of clothing, shoes, ornaments, the hairstyle serves to create a complete, complete image that can reflect the era and individuality of a person. Changing over time, experiencing the impact of various artistic styles, costume and hairstyle are in constant search of mutual balance and harmony.

Historical - hairstyles reflect characteristic features of any historical era... For example, when it comes to Japanese hairstyles among hairdressers, first of all, they present a bun, a roller and wooden knitting needles are inserted into it. When a foreign hairdresser talks about a Russian-style hairstyle, everyone understands - he means a hairstyle, a characteristic feature of which is a large Russian braid.

When creating hairstyles based on this theme: "Faberge", where it was necessary to reflect in the hairstyle any element of a given theme, hairstyles must be created that are interesting in their design and, of course, they must be harmonious with each other. A lot has influenced the idea of ​​hairstyles: fashion magazines, the Internet, television, books, fashion contests, art. When modeling hairstyles, first of all, its functionality and aesthetic purpose were revealed, i.e. its use.

Techniques for creating characteristic forms of hairstyle, designed to express the figurative content, are the specific artistic language that the fashion designer uses. The quality of the artistic language is determined by its expressive capabilities. The main language of the hairdresser's art is made up of the primary elements of the form: the geometric appearance of the form, size, weight, texture, color, surface character, finish.

Using the primary elements of the form in their various states with the help of a number of compositional connections, ratios (proportions, scale, rhythm) and using various kinds of associations, a hairdresser can build one or another hairstyle. Therefore, it can be said that the concept of a theme is a probable idea of ​​the content and shape of a future hairstyle. When creating a hairstyle, drawing plays a huge role. It is better to fix the image that arises in the mind on paper - this allows you to supplement, clarify and check the thought process.

When modeling hairstyles, it is necessary to take into account the composition. The composition is the hairstyle itself as a whole. The basis of a hairstyle composition is a set of parts that form its shape, the ratio of these parts, general proportions, silhouette. How correctly we compose the composition as a whole will depend on the expressiveness and beauty of the hairstyle. When modeling a hairstyle, we also take into account the shape of the face, of course, an oval or round shape of the face is suitable for work, and we also take into account the proportions of the figure, pay attention to the type of hairstyle, for which case it is intended. And then we proceed to its design and implementation. Consequently, the figurative expressiveness of the hairstyle is achieved through its certain construction, i.e. compositions.

There are objective laws of composition: composition components and compositional means. The components of a hairstyle composition are shape and silhouette, lines, color, individual hairstyle details and decor (decorating elements). Compositional means, or methods of composition, are proportions (scale, compositional unity of all elements), symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, contrast, nuance. There are two more compulsory components of the composition: the unity of style and the imagery of the form. When building a hairstyle, all this must be taken into account in order to create an interesting, harmonious hairstyle correctly folded into shape. Each built detail has a huge role in the composition of the hairstyle. Proportion, scale, rhythm, accent, harmony, all this creates a hairstyle, while making it balanced and proportional.

Techniques for performing hairstyles affect the final result, therefore, after an idea has arisen, it is necessary to think over the entire technological process of performing a particular hairstyle.

Currently, there are a huge variety of different hairstyles, modern fashion gives everyone the opportunity to express themselves through the hairstyle. At the first stage of work on the image, the master turns to various creative sources, to the work of art of cinema, theater, fashion proposals of other authors. The creative process of creating a hairstyle can be represented in the following sequence:

• all outside perception and awareness of the era, style, fashion, hairstyle ideas, the most general idea of ​​the shape of the future hairstyle, the full scope of imagination on the topic, finding a motive;

· Means of embodiment, that is, finding a compositional technique;

· Technological program;

· Implementation of the plan.

The first initial idea of ​​the shape needs to be displayed in the working sketch, that is, the project.

The silhouette is chosen taking into account the direction of fashion, the individual characteristics of the face, the unity of all elements, the complexity of the shape and silhouette. Determining the shape of the hairstyle, proportion, scale and at the same time it is necessary to take into account the finding of the compositional center. Equally important property of the composition of the hairstyle is the balance of the elements, that is, the state in which all the elements of the hairstyle are balanced with each other. We need to build the composition of the hairstyle so that there is a complete combination of shape, elements, proportion, scale, lines.

Another very important element must be taken into account when building a hairstyle, you need to rely not only on the full face of the hairstyle, but also on the profile. It is necessary that the hairstyle from any side looks technical and proportional. The larger, more voluminous and more decorative our hairstyle, the easier it is to match it to any face. Small hairstyles of extremely laconic forms, not suitable for every face. The ease of perception of a hairstyle largely depends on how naturally its composition develops.

In order for the hairstyle to look interesting, it is necessary to complement it with a costume and make-up. This will add completeness to the image. When creating a complete look, we need to consider what the hairstyle is for. This will allow you to match the appropriate costume and makeup. Hair, costume and makeup should be in harmony with each other and complement each other. Hair color, characteristic make-up, color features of clothes - all this ideally serves to create a single artistic image.

The fantasy of the master plays a huge role in the variety of hairstyles; this is also the main element in the development of hairdressing.

Fantasy hairstyles have become widespread at competitions in modern world, they are very interesting and extraordinary in their performance. Images expressed by fancy hairstyles force a person to reincarnate; in some cases, a person's reincarnation is emphasized by a characteristic make-up, costume, jewelry, as well as a hairstyle, which allows you to create a complete harmonious image.

While developing my collection of fantasy hairstyles, in search of inspiration, I looked for ideas and hairstyles in magazines, on the Internet, this contributed not only to create interesting models, but also to find new shapes and silhouettes.

Modeling hairstyles consists of two stages - the basis, or the actual modeling, and completion, that is, consolidation. Basic tools are usually used to model hairstyles - to give hair the desired shape, volume, texture and make it more manageable. Finishing products are necessary in order to fix the resulting hairstyle and keep it intact throughout the day.

All hair styling tools are classified according to the degree of fixation. Hair length also affects right choice modeling tools: long hair is best done with mousses, while gels are better for short haircuts and especially for men's hairstyles.

And don't forget that most people need to use at least two products at the same time: one to give the hair the desired shape, and another to fix the hairstyle.

If the master knows and observes all of the above, then he will be able to create a hairstyle in any style without any problems and at the same time fulfill all the wishes of the client.


A wedding is such a long-awaited and desired event in a woman's life. And when this day is finally close, you need to do everything to make it perfect and memorable. One of the most important elements in the image of the bride is the hairstyle.

How to choose the right wedding hairstyle

When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to focus not only and not so much on beautiful pictures in the magazine, but also take into account a number of factors, such as face shape, hair type, cut and cut of the dress, wedding style and location. So, for a garden protected from the winds, luxurious loose curls are perfect, for a church wedding it is better to choose a classic gathered hairstyle, and for a modern style wedding on a beach open to all winds, it is better to give preference to something ultra-modern and reliable. Don't put off choosing your hairstyle until the last moment.

Sweet romantic princess

A wedding is undoubtedly a romantic event, therefore hairstyles in a lace-doll romantic style are the most popular and beloved among brides all over the world. We are still soaring in the sky, dreaming of big and light, close our eyes to barely noticeable clouds in the pink sky, and we ourselves are still white and fluffy. Snow-white lace feminine dress is the best way to emphasize all the charms female figure, smooth, light, soft silhouette lines, open neckline, fitted bodice or corset, fluffy long skirt a la princess, lace and ruffles. The perfect complement to this sweet look: luxurious curls, chic bouncy curls and cascading waves. An additional portion of fabulous romance will be brought by hair jewelry in the form of flowers or a diadem.

Royal classics

Their characteristics: clarity, symmetry, smoothed or semi-smoothed silhouettes, economical use of decorative elements, royal sophistication. Typically, classic hairstyles come in all possible knots and gathered raised designs with a secure, firm hold. The main thing is harmonious unity with the whole image, therefore, the classics should be clearly traced in a wedding dress, and in makeup, and in jewelry, where a lack of flashiness is desirable.

Colorful folk and ethno

A very interesting solution for a summer wedding in nature is a folk stylization a la the holiday of Ivan Kupala with a simple sleeveless white dress, a wreath and slightly curly or straight flowing hair: simple, quick and effective. The characteristic details of the ethno style are all kinds of braids and weaving.

Star glamor

When betting on wedding hairstyles in a star-glamorous style, do not forget to relax yourself, otherwise you will not only feel out of place, but also risk turning into a ridiculous discharged doll. If you have already decided on glamor, then be so kind as to match it. Welcome: shocking, internal and external openness, an abundance of jewelry, fur, feathers, sparkles. Excessiveness is also undesirable, so be sure to consult a stylist.

Vanguard - the stylish frontrunner

Unusual and unpredictable details, mixing of several styles at once, exaggeration, extravagance and exoticism, unexpectedness and catchiness are the characteristic features of the avant-garde. Unusual jewelry and hats instead of a veil will perfectly complement avant-garde hairstyles.

Thesis *

4 330 rub.

1. Creative part
1.1 Modern trends in fashion
1.2 Modern trends in hairstyle
1.3 Modern trends in makeup
1.4 Analysis of the source of creativity
1.5 creating an image
2. Technological part
2.1 Algorithm for creating a model
2.2 Pre-hair preparation
2.3. Technology of painting
2.4. Technology for performing hairstyles
2.5 Technology of making up
2.6 Materials for the design work
2.7 Tools for performing design work
3.Economic part
3.1. Calculation of the cost of material for the design of works
3.2.Calculation of the cost of devices for performing hairstyles
3.3. Calculation of wages per model
3.4 Calculation of general company costs
3.6. Planned costing of models
3.6. Calculation of the unified tax on imputed income
3.7 Net Profit

Fragment of work for review


1.Vasiliev A.A. Sketches about fashion and style / Alexander Vasiliev. - M .: Alpina non-fiction; Verb, 2008 .-- 560 p.
2.Home hairdresser / Comp. S. Sokolova. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2005 .-- 319 p.
3. Catalog of fashionable hairstyles. "Super!" Series. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004 .-- 288 p.
4. Konstantinov A.V. Hairdressing: A textbook for secondary vocational schools. - M .: graduate School, 1987 .-- 336 p.
5.Korneev V.D. Hair styling and decoration. - M .: Light industry, 1989 .-- 192 p.
6. Makeup in English and French / Comp. T.V. Loiko, per. from Polish S.M. Benkovskaya. - Minsk: OOO Zavigar, 1996 .-- 120 p.
7.Miroshnichenko S.A. Beautiful hair is the key to success. - M .: ZAO BAO-Press, 2006 .-- 256 p.
8.Miroshnichenko S.A. Encyclopedia of hairdressing. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix; Donetsk: Credo, 2007 .-- 255 p.
9. Olin P., Deroza L. Home hairdresser / Per. from English - SPb .: Respeks, Delta, Kristall, 1996 .-- 440 p.
10 combing the bride. // Journal “Hairdresser. Stylist. Makeup artist ", No. 4, 2007.
11.Rudiger Margit. Exquisite makeup. Translated from German by T.A. Nabatnikova. - M .: Christina and K, 1994 .-- 125 p.
12.Wedding dresses. [ Electronic resource]. Access mode: 1.php.
13. Wedding hairstyles and style. Technologies. // Hairs How magazine, issue 2. Moscow: Stanford Trident Publishing House, 2008. - 56 p.
14. Wedding hairstyles: characteristic features of various images. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http.//
15. Secrets of beauty: you and color. M .: Publishing house "Vneshsigma", 2000. - 176.
16. Smirnova L.N. Haircut, styling, dyeing and curling of hair / L.N. Smirnov. - M .: AST, 2006 .-- 61 p.
17. Syromyatnikova I.S. The history of the hairstyle. - M .: Art, 1989 .-- 303 p.
18. Syromyatnikova I.S. Makeup technology: A Practical Guide. - M .: Higher school, 1991 .-- 175 p.
19. Torletskaya T.A., Ekaterinicheva E.G. Hairdressing. - SPb .: LLP Diamant, AOZT Golden Age, 1995 .-- 512 p.
20.Khannikov A.A. Hairdresser-stylist: Tutorial... - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2001 .-- 352 p.
21. The magazine "Cosmetics and perfumery", No. 20, 2000. - p. 31.
22. Magazine "Make Up", No. 4, 2007. - p. one hundred.
23. Magazine "Hairstyles", January-February, 2008. - p. 34-35.

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* The category of work is evaluative in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the material provided. This material, either in its entirety or any of its parts, is not a ready-made scientific work, final qualifying work, scientific report or other work provided for by the state system scientific certification or required for passing the intermediate or final certification. This material is a subjective result of processing, structuring and formatting information collected by its author and is intended primarily for use as a source for self-preparation works of the specified subject.

A wedding is a day when you want everything to be perfect - from the dress to the napkins on the tables. Any bride wants to be an example of perfection and impeccable taste, while remaining fashionable and modern. Help girls with this modern wedding hairstyles.

Fashion for wedding hairstyles cannot be called whimsical. From year to year, brides curl curls, collect bunches and decorate all this with tiaras. However, some fresh ideas and subtleties still deserve the attention of the modern bride.

Fashion trends

The main trend in the world of wedding fashion is naturalness. The time for hairstyles more reminiscent of engineering designs is over, and now you can relax. Modern bridal hairstyles allow you to throw soft curls over your shoulders, setting aside the super strong hold hairspray.

Attention! The hairstyle should first of all look natural - no slicked-up bangs and bouffants varnished to a shine.

The ideal look should leave guests with complete confidence that you haven't tried too hard today and that you always look like that.

Designers actively promote restraint and minimalism. The times of scarcity are over, and the motto is "More and more!" - Far from being the correct policy. The simplest styling based on a ponytail or loose hair - these are the hairstyles that have won all the world catwalks.

Choosing a luxurious dress and chic jewelry, the modern bride should remember that in this case, the rules of good manners oblige to keep the hairstyle as simple as possible. Stylists suggest putting your hair in a bun or braid. Such hairstyles look neat and innocent, and also will not cover up all the charm of a wedding dress.

The classic that remains unchanged is the large flowing curls. This hairstyle is almost universal. It will suit every girl and every look. Installation is quite simple, you can even do it on your own. A small fleece will give the image aristocracy, visually lengthen the face.

A huge scope for imagination opens up in the choice of hair jewelry. What designers have not come up with! Butterflies, pearl headbands, wreaths, silk flowers, ribbons and bows, crowns from natural materials - you can still list their ideas for a very long time.

Interesting! Jewelry does not have to be purchased. To many brides

Most relevant options: photo

Let's take a closer look at the best modern hairstyles for a wedding.


You can actually write the book "1000 and 1 bun" about this seemingly simple hairstyle. There are a huge number of options for creating it: from the simplest ones based on a special elastic band to complex styling combined with various weaves, harnesses and decorations. The most common ones are:

  • Classic. It is carried out on the basis of a ponytail using a special roller.
  • Like a ballerina. A pigtail is twisted around the base of the bundle.
  • With braiding. Weaving elements are used both in the bundle itself and around it.
  • With the effect of slight negligence. Slightly disheveled strands, slightly falling out of the bun - a special chic, giving the bride tenderness and romance, and the hairstyle - relevance.
  • Smooth. Perfect styling for an elegant and sophisticated look.
  • With twisted strands. The solution that makes a simple hairstyle unusual is to make a bun from twisted strands.

Interesting! More details about the varieties of such a hairstyle as a bun are written There is also a video of a master class on styling.

As you can see, modern wedding hairstyles are also very diverse. Here is a photo of the version in the form of a beam:

Flowing tufted curls

Modern wedding hairstyles for long hair are beautiful and natural. A bride with this hairstyle looks more like a Disney princess than an ordinary girl. She will definitely not leave the groom indifferent.

This hairstyle is suitable for those with a rounded face. It looks luxurious and aristocratic, and is very easy to do with a regular comb and curling iron.

The hairstyle looks great with a tiara or headband. The option is possible with the use of a veil or a wreath of flowers.

Greek braid

Modern wedding hairstyles for long hair also suggest it is distinguished from ordinary braids by a peculiar weaving, a clear parting, a slight disheveledness and the use of graceful headbands. It occurs in several variations:

  • Hair styled around the headband.
  • Asymmetrical braid on one shoulder.
  • A braid braided around the head.
  • Loose loose weave.

This hairstyle doesn't go well with every outfit. Lush or too tight dresses are not compatible with her. But it goes well with light flowing dresses and elegant classics.


Bow is one of the modern wedding hairstyles... In the photo below, it is she.

An unusual option suitable for the most extravagant brides. A bow can serve as an independent hairstyle, for the creation of which the entire volume of hair is used, or as an auxiliary element for decorating the head.

This naive hairstyle looks great with short wedding dresses making the bride cute and adorable.

Decorating such a hairstyle is rather undesirable, since it catches the eye by itself. Using additional decorative elements will be overkill.

Modern image

While trying to look stylish and modern, try not to lose your personality. Every detail of the image should emphasize the bride's dignity and hide her flaws, be in harmony with other elements of the image, be comfortable and not be a hassle.

The secrets of perfect styling

When choosing a wedding hairstyle, it is worth considering not only personal preferences, but also the characteristics of the bride's face. Several simple tips will help you not to be mistaken with the choice of the image and to dwell on what is right for you.


The image of the modern bride is a far from white cake-shaped dress and the traditional Leaning Tower of Pisa of hair on her head. Now the wedding image is, first of all, freedom of choice combined with beauty and naturalness, emphasizing the individuality and impeccable sense of style of the bride, and modern trends in wedding hairstyles once again emphasize this.

An ordinary hairstyle plays a huge role in the appearance of a successful modern person. Everyday and festive, favorably emphasizing individuality and correctly hiding all flaws, giving rise to confidence in its attractiveness. That is why, when creating the image of a client, the master takes part not only as a professional hairdresser, but also as a consultant, and often as a psychologist.

The main task of the hairdresser is to determine the needs and characteristics of the client's hair for the implementation of the chosen model, taking into account the creation of a harmonious image, relying on the stepwise modeling of hairstyles.

Factors that determine the future hairstyle:

  • client's wishes;
  • fashion trends and national traditions;
  • the appointment of a hairstyle;
  • external individual characteristics of the client (facial features);
  • features of the figure;
  • hair type and color;
  • client's status and age;
  • profession, general style.

Taking into account the characteristics of the client, the master chooses the shape of the haircut, its silhouette. The haircut is the basis of the hairstyle.

Based on the above factors, it can be seen that the basics of hairstyle modeling boil down to the execution of the model, based on deeper criteria than the desire of clients to do a hairstyle "like in a magazine." It's important to remember that what looks good in one person may look out of place in another.

Hair styling stages

When modeling the selected model, it is necessary to determine the nature and main directions of the lines, mark the primary and secondary ones in them. There are some rules, techniques and laws for creating a composition. Composition means in translation from Latin"Juxtaposition" and "connection of parts", disparate elements into a single whole in a conceived order, making up together a certain form.

Modeling hairstyles at the initial construction of the composition needs to determine the compositional center, in other words, showing a fashionable detail that is favorably distinguished from others. In complex hairstyles, it is possible to use several compositional harmonious centers.

The main characteristics when creating a composition will be the shape, silhouette, special details and decorative elements of the conceived image.

The shape of the hairstyle is a clear expression of a certain contour and directionality of the lines.

Modeling the shape of a hairstyle competently is not just about creating its shape! Before starting work, you need to determine the type of hair and their plasticity.

Form characteristics:

  • geometric view general form;
  • shape size;
  • mass of the form;
  • texture and color.

The term geometric shape of the hairstyle is a triangle from the side, a circle or an oval in front.

The size of the shape - with a shallow hairstyle, the face looks larger, a large volume visually reduces it.

Form mass is the visual weight of the hair. Massive hairstyles imply a large amount and volume of hair, which additionally makes the look heavier, especially if the hairstyle reads a square.

Color and texture - the nature of the structure of the hair (their thickness, color, elasticity and pliability).

The most structurally thick hair is red.

Charcoal black hair can be styled in a semi sleek style, i.e. classic. Cold waves and more voluminous details are used more often.

Blond hair is more demanding, it requires careful work, creating small details and a relaxed airiness.

Hairstyle silhouette

Silhouette - planar visual perception of shapes, limited by the contour.

The hairstyle modeling technology takes into account the location and harmony of the model's lines.

The contours of hairstyles should be considered as lines, divided into constructive and decorative.

A clear line in a hairstyle has the ability to guide the eye along the contours of a volumetric shape, creating dynamics or, on the contrary, holding the gaze.

For successful work, a hairdresser needs to master certain rules and requirements aimed at creating a model composition:

  1. The hairstyle should correspond to the main idea of ​​the composition;
  2. The elements of the hairstyle should be interconnected;
  3. The presence of a compositional center - the highlight of the hairstyle;
  4. Combination of various means of solution - combination of volume, clarity of lines, harmony of colors, contrasts, etc .;
  5. Using asymmetry or symmetry.

Modeling hairstyles is quite a fun and creative process that can include the application of all the skills and abilities of a hairdresser. Modeling hairstyles, you can feel like a bit of an artist, a true creator of beauty. Do not be afraid to approach your work creatively, and the result obtained will raise you, as a specialist, to new professional heights.

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