How to speak a debtor to repay a debt. Effective witch conspiracies to repay debt are magical ways to save money. Ritual conspiracy with a broom

Wallpaper 27.12.2021

It is not always possible to repay a debt quickly and without problems. And debtors are not always unwilling to do this, not because they have no money. After all, as folk wisdom says, we always borrow other people's money, but we have to give our own.

It can be especially difficult to repay a debt if you have lent money to friends or relatives. In such situations, you can try to use magic and read a conspiracy to repay a debt.

Effective rites for the return of debt

The main factor in the success of any rite to repay a debt is faith in the power of magic. There is no doubt that the right decision was made to use the magical effect to repay the debt.

Such rituals cannot harm the performer, since magical effects are aimed at returning property and restoring justice. However, the borrower will not suffer either, he will simply have to experience severe discomfort until the debt is repaid. After this happens, the state will recover very quickly and life will return to normal.

Ritual with a chair

In this ritual, you need to use an old chair in which it is not a pity to break a leg. This action is considered the beginning of the rite and must be performed with bare hands. After that, a chair with three legs is exposed outside the threshold of a house or apartment.

After that, you should return to the room and say the following magic words:

“Believe it is the law. It works and doesn't crash. Therefore, whoever asks for something and does not give it back, the devil will bring it back. I, the lender, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my name) borrowed (borrowed), and the borrower, the Slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the person who borrowed) took them into my own hands . If he does not return the money on time, then the devil will take him away, and he will return my debts for him. Trust me, it's the law. So that's what will happen. Amen".

To enhance the effect of such a rite, the conspiracy on the debtor should be read twice. Moreover, it is important to pronounce the words the other way around the second time. To facilitate this procedure, the magic words must first be written on paper.

After the ceremony, the broken chair is taken to the trash, and the leg is broken into chips, which are scattered along the nearby dirt road.

The old way from debtors

From ancient times, a very strong rite has come to the modern world, the action of which is aimed at quickly repaying a debt. Such a ritual is quite complicated and all its requirements should be strictly observed.

To conduct the ceremony, you must first prepare three pieces of the following attributes:

  • New large needles, which are called gypsy;
  • Tablespoons of coarse rock salt;
  • Feathers of a bird to be picked up on the street;
  • Scraps of wool, neatly cut in the street from various animals.

In addition, you will need a square flap of dark-colored fabric.

First, a table is set up in a separate room and covered with a piece of prepared dark cloth. In the middle, with the help of a remnant, the name of the debtor is written. Further, all the attributes are laid out on a flap spread on the table, and mixed clockwise with the tip of a knife equipped with a black handle.

In the process, the following magic words are pronounced:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) turn to the heavenly powers and pray to them, I ask for help. Hear me and help repay debts. Prick my debtor with sharp needles, bite him and frighten him with a terrible roar, gnaw him and burn him with a hot flame. Start in the morning, continue in the afternoon, and do not rest either in the evening or at night. The Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the debtor or debtor) will not have peace for a second until he repays his debt to me. He will suffer and scream, he will not be able to eat or drink, the white light will seem to him like darkness. My words are strong, and my will is strong, I will not back down and will not forget. So it will be, as said. Amen".

After that, the knot must be tied and stored in a secluded place until the debt is returned. As a rule, this happens in the shortest possible time. After returning for a long time, the knot should be deeply buried in a deserted place, where people do not go.

The church rite, which accelerates the return of the debt, consists of two parts. First, you should perform certain actions at home.

To do this, you need to purchase a natural wax candle anywhere, without bargaining. It is also forbidden to take change from the seller. That is, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, it is better to pay for the candle without change. After sunset, you need to retire to a separate room and light a candle.

Looking at her flame, speak clearly and without hesitation such a magical conspiracy thirteen times:

“In front of me, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) is not candle wax melting, this is my debtor (debtor) suffering, because he does not return the debt to me. If you don’t repay my debt soon, you will completely melt like candle wax. As soon as you return the debt to me, your torment will end. My word is true, my word is proven. I sealed what was said with righteous and holy fire, in the evening, and not during the day. Therefore, what has been said will happen, and the debt will return to me. Amen".

After that, the candle must be extinguished, and you yourself should do the usual things. The next day in the morning you should go to the temple and put there near one of the icons an unburned candle for the health of your debtor.

After that, the magic words are pronounced in a whisper:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my name) forgive you, the Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the debtor or debtor) for today and yesterday and tomorrow. God be your judge from now on. I will not discuss and stipulate you, I will only ask God Almighty for help, I, baptized and honest, so that I can quickly return my own money. So it will be. Amen".

This rite will very quickly affect the debtor. He will begin to constantly think about you and, in order to get rid of these thoughts, he will try to repay the debt as quickly as possible.

In order to minimize any negative consequences after such rituals, it is necessary, after the debt is returned, to mentally thank the debtor. In addition, it is important to get rid of anger at the person who took money from you and was in no hurry to return it to you.

Often, borrowed banknotes, the debtor is not in too much of a hurry to return to the owner, in which case magic and, in particular, a time-tested strong conspiracy to repay the debt, can help.

If it so happened that the debtor is in no hurry to return what is due, one should not rush. Perhaps a person does not really have money, and he cannot repay a debt. Before turning to magic, ask the debtor several times to return the money. If all the answers are negatively unreasonable and look more like vague promises, then it's time to make a magic spell. Our great-grandmothers also said that if you don’t want to lose a friend, it’s best not to lend him money. It's hard to argue with that. Especially if this has already happened, and the debtor is in no hurry to return your hard-earned money. In such a situation, the best friend can become an enemy. But the problem can be solved with the help of magic. A debt repayment conspiracy will help you get your money back as soon as possible.

A conspiracy from debts on an aspen branch

Tear off the third branch from the bottom of the aspen. Make forty serifs on this branch. For each serif, read the spell. Find a stump among the aspens, beat this stump with a branch, and then, tying a branch around the stump, leave without looking back. The debtor will not know peace, day and night he will think about how to repay your debt as soon as possible.

They read like this:

Jesus the Lord arose in the morning, prayed to his Father, crossed himself three times with his finger. He began to wash himself with spring water, but there was nothing for Him to wipe himself with. Mother Mary soon came, brought a towel to Christ. So my debtors (names) would bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get a debt relief

There is a conspiracy that softens the heart of one who is waiting for the repayment of a debt. It can only be read by one person. You need to prepare for the conspiracy in advance. Collect leaves from brooms from three baths. Baths should be at a decent distance from each other, this is important. Put the leaves in your wallet (maybe not new). They talk about this wallet and throw it on the one from whom they want to get a reprieve.

They read the plot on the full moon, at midnight.

A holy old man is walking, he has a golden finger, a snake hangs on his finger. The Snake Skoropeya does not hiss at his finger, does not threaten his finger with a sting, does not drink blood from his finger, does not take life from the old man. So the servant of God (name) wouldn’t hiss at me, didn’t threaten, didn’t demand his money from me, didn’t ask, didn’t shout at me with a loud cry, didn’t knock on the table with his fist. As the dumb are silent, do not shout, so the servant of God (name) would be silent about the duty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you have been borrowed and don't want to repay

There is a proverb in the world:

“They ask for a loan, they follow, but how to give back, the debtor must be looked for.” If you no longer hope that your debt will be repaid honorably, you need to do this by a special conspiracy. Light a candle, go with it to the window and read three times. I send to the servant of God (name) nachet. Let this servant of God (name) burn and bake. Drives around corners, breaks bones. He does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink until (name) repays the debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the debtor to return the money quickly

On eggs

First spell. They take two eggs, pierce them with a needle from both sides, put them in boiling water. Then they close the lock with a key, and throw the key into the water with boiling eggs and say three times:

Just as the Khan's army collected tribute, killed people for money, sparing neither the gray-haired nor the young, so I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves, took the debt or killed. There was an angel, I forgot the debtor, the guard will leave, the spell will find. The debtor will repay the debt or die. Amen. Boiled eggs and a lock are brought to the grave with the name of the debtor, and the key is placed on the grave with the name of the one to whom the money is not given.

For nickels

The second way to return the money. The master takes the nickels with which they closed the eyes of the deceased (they should be in the arsenal of a good master). They draw a star in a circle, put a half-liter jar of water in the middle, throw coins there, light five candles at the ends of the star, let them burn out. The influxes from the candles are put in a jar with nickels, closed with a lid, read 12 times:

Eyes closed, buried in the grave. I burn candles, I torture the debtor. I torture with fire, dead water, grave earth. You, servant of God (name), return the debt or take nickels. Amen. Amen. Amen. And they take the jar to the grave with the name of the debtor.

On the leg of a chair

Another good way to get yours back. You need to break off the leg from the old chair. The chair is put outside the threshold of the house (who lives in an apartment - in the entrance, who in a private house - outside the gate). From a broken leg, they pinch chips with a knife, put them in a hut and read the spell, once correctly, once backwards:

The devil brings the one who asks. I gave, the debtor took. The debtor will not bring the debt, the devil will take the debtor. Amen. At night, everyone is thrown out at the crossroads.

Lining to repay debts

A very good way to repay a debt. They take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black cloth the size of your hand (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above objects with a knife, saying:

Tear, chips, if, pain, itching, gnaw, burn; day all day, night all night. And an hour, and half an hour, and minutes, and half a minute, and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach. It will not pass, it will not heal either from a healer, or from a healer, or from a sorcerer, or from a pagan, or from a whisperer. The servant of God (name) will be sick, from time to time to rot and wither. Do not eat, do not sleep, moan, suffer, do not see the white light. He will not let go of the evil side until he gives (name) his duty. Amen. Amen. Amen. He makes a lining where the debtor lives.

Force the debtor to repay the debt for 12 embers

From the blower or from the cherished box where you put the coals taken on a church holiday in advance, take 12 coals. They put them on a scarf (the scarf should be plain, dark) and put dishes next to it:

Cup, spoon, glass. They let their hair down, put on a dress backwards, sit down in front of the dishes and light a candle. After that, they read three times: I call the servant of God (name) for dinner, and a hundred troubles live under my table. Eat, enemy, my dinner and take away a hundred troubles. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Force to return the money for taken for sale

Sometimes people give goods for sale, but they cannot take away the money or the goods.

In this case, burn the aspen splinter for three evenings in a row, speak into the smoke:

As the torch burns, so you, the servant of God (name), will smolder and burn. You can’t fill with holy water until you return mine to me. Amen.

Force to return what was taken for giblets and blood

We need a rag with menstrual blood, the blood of a slaughtered chicken, the heart of an ox, the liver of a chicken. A circle is drawn on the ground with a sharp aspen stake. A star is drawn in a circle. In the middle of the star, dry grass is laid out, then a dead (dry) tree, chopped into chips, and all of the above are set on fire. The spell should be read only when the fire burns well. After reading the spells, they leave, but return at night to collect ashes in a bag. This bag is hung on a tree.

Everything that was taken from you will be returned, no doubt. You who trample, and you who know much. Do you know the name of the one who took it from me? And the one who didn't give me? Through the blood of man, through the blood of an animal, through the heart and liver and through your omnipresent power, I conjure you! Make (so-and-so) return (so-and-so) to me. Anyone who gets in the way of your will, let him be eliminated. Amen.

How to deal with a debtor

They read on the nominal icon of the debtor. They are sold in the church. Lay a black handkerchief on the table, put a mirror face down on it, and put the name icon of the debtor on it. Hold your hands over the icon as if you are warming them over a fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Do not be distracted by calls and knocks. After that, go to church and light three candles for health, then three for the repose, and again three candles for health.


Bread, blood, salt. Amen. On Friday, I got up, got up, without crossing myself, without praying to the Lord. I sing the funeral service, I eat mass with kutia, I lower the evening into the coffin, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A fiery house stands on the ocean-sea: it does not wash it off with water, it does not blow it out with the wind. And an invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I (name) take out strength from the servant of God (name), squeeze blood out of him, drink my heart, close my eyes. Funeral! Funeral! Funeral! If you, the enemy (name), do not repay the debt to me, then you will betray your body to the grave. I sing, I sing, I sing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. No one swearing mine can not be removed, not scolded in any church. Holy water cannot wash away my words. As I swore, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Usually the angel-savior of the debtor forced him to do his duty.

Conspiracy from ruin

To remove the spell from your business, you need to buy three icons on Thursday: the icon of St. Paul, St. Michael and the icon of George the Victorious. At the first rays of the sun, wash yourself with these three holy icons. To do this, pour the water consecrated in the church on the icon, and wash your face with water flowing from it and say:

Holy strong, holy immortals, with your shield strengthen me, my body, my business for now, forever, forever. Be strong, my words, be strong, my deeds, like St. Paul the Intercessor, St. Michael the Liberator, St. George the Conqueror. Saints are strong, saints are immortal. Save me, protect me and take away every curse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Hurry the debtor to repay the debt

Buy a knife with a wooden handle. At three o'clock in the morning, take out a bull's heart specially bought at the market from the refrigerator, put it on the table and stick a knife into it with your right hand, while saying:

When this heart was still alive, it beat day and night, pounded, blood flowed from it through the veins. A heart! I name you the name of the debtor, I will cut you, stab you, I will stop your blood. Until then, you will suffer and suffer until you decide to repay your debt to me. My knife has brothers - 12 knives, 12 damask guards. They will follow my enemy, they will catch my enemy, they will make my enemy suffer until his brain decides to repay the debt. 12 knives, 12 damask watchmen will cut and stab day and night, no one will ever be able to overcome my knives. My word is stone, my deed is right. I lock it with a lock, I close it with a key. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Many people are faced with the fact that the debtor does not want to give back the borrowed finances. You can return the money that belongs to you by right with the help of money magic.

It is known that money has energy that can be both attracted and repelled. In order for finances to always come back, you need to be able to properly lend them and supply them with positive energy. By providing financial assistance, you charge cash flows in such a way that you can ultimately increase your own financial condition. But sometimes people respond to such support dismissively and are in no hurry to return the borrowed amount.

To push the debtor to fulfill financial obligations, you should use strong conspiracies to repay the debt. Such rituals require compliance with all the rules. You should resort to them if you are sure that your debtor is purposefully trying to keep the money for himself.

How money magic works

With the help of money magic, you can influence the subconscious of an unreliable person and force him to return your property as soon as possible. Such conspiracies will cause the debtor to feel shame, anxiety and fear. A person will unconsciously want to return your money, he will be visited by obsessive thoughts about a bad deed and will be haunted even in a dream.

Conspiracies have such powerful power that even the body of a person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to suffer. The first signs will appear the next day after reading the plot. Hands will itch, skin irritation will occur, especially on the one with which the person took the money from you. The body will begin to burn, as if at a temperature, the cheeks will be covered with a blush. And touching the money will cause nausea and pain, like a burn.

If it happens that the money does not return to you in a month, then the debtor may be overtaken by serious financial problems. Perhaps he will lose much more than he previously borrowed from you. But such cases are very rare, usually after a month the debtor does not stand up and completely gives back everything borrowed from you. After you receive the property back, the conspiracy will lose its strength and the torment of the person will end.

Strong conspiracy for matches

To carry out the ritual, you will need a whole box of matches, a church candle and a small shallow plate of water. The conspiracy has the greatest power: at this time, the chance of receiving money increases several times. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in the evening and alone, so that no one can interfere with you. A burning candle should be held in the right hand, and with the left one take out one match from the box and set fire to them from the flame of the candle. You have to set fire to each match in turn, throwing them after in a saucer of water. While you are performing these actions, you should read the magic words. The power of this ritual is based on repetition. The more times you speak the conspiracy until all the matches run out, the faster you will be repaid the debt. Conspiracy text:

“The flame of fire will help me (name) to envelop the soul of a dishonest person and force him to return mine by right! By the power of the Lord, I pray that (the name of your debtor) will experience the torment of torment and lose peace until he gives back every penny that he took away with his cunning and self-interest. Return! Come back and blaze with shame! Fuck me."

Coin conspiracy to repay a debt

This ritual is suitable for those who want to force a loved one or relative to return the money. Such magic is not capable of harming the health and material well-being of the debtor. You will have to get a coin of an average denomination, preferably a silver one. It should be spoken in the early morning, and then buried under any coniferous tree. Be sure to remember where you buried the coin, because after returning the money you will have to get it and give it to the person you plotted against. Magic words:

“A buried coin will help direct (name of your debtor) to return the money. Whatever he takes, he will give back to me. As soon as the money falls into my hands, I will immediately dig out a coin and forget all insults.

Candle conspiracy

For the ritual to go smoothly, you will need a green candle. You can purchase an attribute of the ritual in a specialized store, or you can use a decorative candle. The text should be read once a night every day until the debtor returns the full amount to you. After the ritual, the candle should be hidden in a secluded place so that no one can violate the energy that was said to return the debt. Words to read:

“My money, find your way to your master. Get away from someone else's hands, from someone else's house back into my hands. Element of Fire, do not let (name of the debtor) sleep peacefully, let him be overcome by thoughts of me and fear of retribution. This will continue until the money is returned to me. Amen".

Such rituals will help you if you voluntarily borrowed money. They will make the debtor feel pangs of conscience and push for a quick return of the debt. And in order for your money to multiply, you can read a conspiracy on a bay leaf, which will attract good luck and prosperity into your life. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

If you are not repaid a debt, a conspiracy to repay a debt will make the debtor quickly remember about his debts and return what he owes. Any unprepared person can read the "debtor's conspiracy" to repay a debt at any time of the day or night, and even the phase of the moon in this rite does not matter. As soon as you read the conspiracy to repay the debt, you will soon receive all the debts to the last penny.

Read the following conspiracy to repay a debt.

Buy, without bargaining and without taking change, one wax candle, you can also in the church. At sunset, light it, holding it in your left hand, let it burn and you whisper on the flame of a candle 26 times a plot to repay a debt:

you (the name of the debtor) melt, you don’t return the debt, if you don’t return it, you will completely melt. Gives - return, do not hide anymore! May you be so my rooster, proven word! Sealed with fire, in the evening, not in the afternoon (his full name).

The next day in the afternoon, be sure to walk (on foot, be sure) to go to church and put the cinder of this candle for the health of your debtor with the words:

I forgive you for today, tomorrow, forever. God is a witness. Now and henceforth, the Lord is your (name of the debtor) judge. I don’t judge myself - I ask for help, baptized, prayerful, God’s (my name).

Perform this ritual on the black moon (that is, before the new moon). At sunrise, light a wax candle, go to the window located on the eastern side of the house (apartment), and read this spell three times while exhaling.

I send to the slave (y) (full name of the debtor) let this slave (y) (name) burn and bake, drive in the corners, break his (her) bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until (name) returns the debt! In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit! Amen!

Conspiracy to repay a debt

Take two eggs, pierce with a needle on both sides, put in boiling water. Then close the lock with the key, and throw the key into the water with boiling eggs and say three times a conspiracy to repay a debt so that they quickly give it back:

just as the khan's army collected tribute, killed people for money, sparing neither the gray-haired nor the young, so I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves, took the debt or killed. There was an angel, I forgot the debtor, the guard will leave, the spell will find. The debtor will repay the debt or die.

To return the debt conspiracy

Take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black cloth the size of your hand (pentacles), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and very slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above objects with a knife, saying:

tear, chips, if, pain, itching, gnaw, burn; day all day, night all night. And an hour and a half hour, and minutes, and half a minute, and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach. It won't go away, it won't heal. Not from a healer, not from a healer, not from a witch, not from a pagan, not from a whisperer. There will be a slave (name) to get sick, from time to time to rot and wither. Do not eat, do not sleep, moan, suffer, do not see the wide world. He will not let go of the evil side until he gives (name) his duty.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

© Copyright: Maginya

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Often, the debtor is in no hurry to return the borrowed banknotes to the owner, in which case magic can help - a strong conspiracy to repay the debt. The ritual will make the borrower suffer remorse and soon he will be looking for you in order to return the borrowed funds.

  • Rules for conducting return money rituals

    A conspiracy to return money is related to household magic. Each of them requires following certain rules that have existed for many centuries. If the subtleties are not observed, the meaning of the ritual and its power are lost.

    Before resorting to magic, ask the borrower several times when he plans to return the favor. If there is no result of promises, you can start a conspiracy, considering the following:

    • any ritual associated with money is performed on the growing moon. During this period, the chance of making a profit is very high.
    • it is not recommended to turn to black magic, even if you owe too much and are not going to give back.
    • use only white spells that do not have a negative effect.
    • if, after the actions taken, the money was returned, be sure to thank the debtor in your thoughts and sincerely wish him happiness.
    • if possible, pray for the person who repaid the debt in order to smooth out the negative that was directed at him.

    By following these simple rules, do not harm anyone, and the conspiracy to repay the debt will soon work.

    The simplest money-back plot affects the leisurely debtor on a subconscious level. He is able to cause mental anxiety, a person is overcome by fear and longing.

    A strong conspiracy to return money, accomplished with the help of a black ritual, entails dire consequences.

    An irresponsible person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to feel an incomprehensible desire to see her benefactor.

    The body of the debtor will behave unpredictably: the hands will itch, and touching the money will cause a burning sensation, as if touching a red-hot iron. The creditor himself, using such a strong conspiracy to repay the debt, will also face similar troubles in the future.

    Some prefer to use .

    There are several options for the ritual. They contain objects on which ritual words will be read.

    Hex on matches

    If you chose this plot, prepare an unused matchbox, a saucer and a new candle (taken from the church) for execution. Light it up late at night. When pronouncing the ritual text, "revive" the match with fire.

    Fire-light, help with your heat to make you return the favor! So that the servant of God (say the name) will be tortured by sorrowful thoughts and torment, so that every penny of his hands will be given to me! Make sure I get a return soon!

    Put a burning torch on a saucer, then burn another. Continue the ritual, repeating the spell many times until the last match has burned out. Collect and store the resulting ashes until the debt is returned.

    coin conspiracy

    If the person who took the loan from you is a loved one whom they do not intend to harm, you can apply an easy conspiracy from debts to a coin. For its execution, you will need a white coin of an average denomination. It should be buried under a spruce in the early morning, saying three times:

    I will bury a coin in the earth so that the debt taken by the servant of God (voice the name) will be returned to me. To force everything that he took, to give it back. As soon as the debt is returned to the owner, I will dig up a trifle and forget all the insults to the debtor!

    After reading the magic words, go home. During the next week, call the debtor to remind you of the money. Will return soon. When this happens, dig up the coin and keep it with you.

    Conspiracy to repay a debt on a potato

    After sunset, take a potato. Smooth, without eyes or flaws. Cut into two parts: rub your palms with one, the second - a saucer where you put the coin. Say a conspiracy:

    I take mine, leave someone else's. My copper, slave (name of the debtor) to me, is clean from me.

    The coin must be placed between the parts of the potato, pressed and secured by tying it with a white thread. At the same time, say: “On the hills and mountains, under stones and pits, water flows, the juice is starchy. Debt will flow to me, voiced coins. For a slave (name), the debt is empty, the coins are superfluous. For me - sonorous, full for the wallet. As the sun hides, so the slave (the name of the borrower-debtor) will have copper coins. He will bring it to me, he will not take it on credit.

    Put the charmed potatoes on the same saucer in the center of the table and wait for the debtor to return what was occupied. To pay off the perfect little witchcraft, the coin must be given to the one who borrowed the money, saying: "For the debt, so that it is in the money."

    A conspiracy to repay a debt on potatoes can be done every three to four months, otherwise the losses will overtake the performer himself.

    Conspiracy to repay a debt

    In the evening, light a candle (green), read the prayer words.

    My money, come back to me! From someone else's home, from someone else's purse, to my abode, to me. Let the debtor (by name) not live in peace, money is not spent, but only thoughts about me and debt overcome. Until then, it will be so, until he returns the good due to me. Amen.

    Extinguish the wick, hide the candle in a dark place. It is necessary to repeat every evening until the debt is returned.

    Hex on brooms

    The ritual is suitable if a neighbor is in debt or an insolvent individual lives nearby.

    For the ceremony, prepare two brooms, of which one must be frayed, used; the other is new.

    First, carefully sweep the threshold of the borrower, saying the phrase:

    With a good broom I sweep and sweep, I sweep my money to myself!

    After that, walk along the old threshold. After breaking off and throwing a couple of rods on the floor, say the following:

    I leave a thin broom near your house so that I won’t let you sleep. So that thoughts of guilt in front of me tortured the debtor, tortured, and other people's money flowed out of the house!

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