Prayer to the Holy and Life-Giving Trinity. Holy Trinity - who is included in the Holy Trinity and what prayers to read in front of the icon? Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Stairs and railings 27.12.2021
Stairs and railings
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Trinity is a great Orthodox holiday. Meanwhile, it is shrouded in many near-church and pagan traditions. The clergy call to spend this day in prayers to the Holy Trinity, but in the villages interesting rites and rituals are also held on it.

What does the prayer of the Holy Trinity help in?

Trinity is an Orthodox celebration. What Orthodox Christians celebrate on this day, how it should be spent, you can read in the article: “What date is the Holy Trinity and Spirits day in 2017? How many days between Easter and Trinity, what can and cannot be done? Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity?

Attending a service, bringing plant branches and flowers to the temple is a must for the Trinity. Do not forget to take a few branches of birch, the symbol of this great holiday. Bouquets consecrated in the church will serve as a talisman all year round.
Services in the church include the reading of prayers.

The prayer "King of Heaven" on the Trinity is read for the first time after the celebration of Easter.

Prayer to the King of Heaven.

Also on this day, the Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity and the Lord's Prayer are read.

Lord's Prayer.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity is an appeal and a petition. First, in it you turn to the triune God, then to each of his incarnations separately. Remember, sincere faith at times increases the power of prayer. When you pray, you ask for mercy from God the Father, forgiveness of sins from God the Son, and then healing from the Holy Spirit, while addressing all three at the same time.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity.

IMPORTANT: Since God is one in three persons, and he has one name, therefore, in prayer it sounds “your name”, and not “your names”.

Prayer to the Most Holy Almighty and Life-Giving Trinity: how to read?

VIDEO: Prayer to the Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity - an icon: what does it protect from?

The icon of the Holy Trinity depicts three angels who came to Abraham in the form of wanderers. This story is described in the Bible in the 18th chapter of Genesis. Over time, the images of angels began to have a different meaning, since believers began to revere them as a symbol of the trinity of the Lord God, that is, the Holy Trinity.
Sometimes the icon depicts all three angels, whose figures are equal to each other. On some variations of the icon of the Holy Trinity, the main angel, located in the center, is highlighted with a halo and another sign of the Lord. In front of the icons, people make petitions in prayer. Believers gain hope and their experiences become less intense.

"Trinity": icon A, the site reports. Rublev.

IMPORTANT: The icon of the Holy Trinity helps to cleanse oneself of sin and negativity, overcome sorrow and weakness.

Place the icon of the Holy Trinity on the eastern wall of the house or room. She can stand alone or together with other icons, in the iconostasis.
You can also put this icon at the head of the bed, then it can protect you as a believer.

Icon "Holy Trinity" in the home red corner.

Why does God love the Trinity?

There is a popular expression "God loves the Trinity".
There can be several interpretations of its meanings:

  1. Because the Lord is triune in the image of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. Because 3 is a semantic number in many religions.
  3. Because the number 3 can also symbolize the world of heaven, earth and the other world in unity.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the fulfillment of desire

If you want something with all your heart, on the great feast of the Holy Trinity, you can, kneeling before the icon and signing yourself with the sign of the cross, read the prayer "To the Most Holy Trinity."

Prayer "To the Holy Trinity".

Conspiracy and ritual for love on the Trinity

  • for love
  • for a happy marriage
  • for peace and tranquility in the house

For example, young girls weaved wreaths of field herbs for themselves, then lowered the wreaths into the river and left without looking back. While weaving a wreath, you need to read the plot and cross it three times before throwing it into the water.
Conspiracy words:

Trinity conspiracies for marriage

In order for the marriage to be strong, the husband is tied to the house so that he does not drink and walk, women on the Trinity also performed their rituals and conspiracies.

  1. On Trinity Day, an unmarried girl knelt before the altar, which, according to tradition, was covered with greenery. She took one branch from the floor with her left hand and kept it with her until the service was over.
  2. When leaving the church, the girl bowed 4 times to all parts of the world.
  3. At home, she wove a wreath with a twig brought from the church, spoke it and put it under her pillow.

They spoke wreaths for marriage with these words:

Marriage spell words.

There was also another ritual.

The girl had to go to the birch and break the twig, while saying:

Marriage conspiracy.

She was counting buds on a branch. An even number of buds on a broken branch meant that marriage would soon take place.

If you want to tell fortunes on the Trinity for marriage, weave a wreath of green branches, herbs and flowers, put it on the water.

  1. The wreath calmly floated forward on the water - family life promises to be measured and calm.
  2. Did the wreath suddenly sink? Don't expect anything good! Or don't take it to heart, because it's just entertainment.
  3. If the current shakes the wreath from side to side, family life will be stormy.
  4. If the wreath has broken up, then, most likely, family life will end in divorce.
  5. If the wreath sailed away too quickly, the girl will marry in a far direction.

And, of course, the Trinity or Pentecost (celebrated on the 50th day after Easter). If the first two directly relate to the life of Jesus Christ on earth, then the latter is the birthday of the universal Church and therefore occupies an honorable place in the Orthodox calendar.

On this day, festive services are held in churches, prayers are read to the Most Holy Trinity, and Christians glorify the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who rested on the apostles that day.

The importance of the holiday

The celebration of the day of the Most Holy Trinity is extremely important for all Christians, since it is a hallmark of the dogmas of the church. The recognition of the holiness of the Triune God, the acceptance of Him as Three Persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is fundamental for a Christian.

The Holy Trinity

What prayers are read

All the texts that are set out below on the feast of the Trinity are read on their knees at the end of the service and are included in the so-called kneeling prayer. Among them is an appeal to the Triune Lord.

Kneeling Prayers on the Day of Holy Pentecost

Holy Trinity, consubstantial Power, all good Wines,

that we will repay you for everything, even if you repaid us sinners and unworthy before,

rather than come into the world, for everything, even if you reward us for all the days,

and even thou hast prepared for all of us in the coming age!

It’s better, for a fraction of good deeds and generosity, thank You not just words,

but more than deeds, keeping and fulfilling your commandments:

but we, with our passion and evil custom outside,

In countless from youth we cast down sins and iniquities.

For this sake, as if unclean and defiled, not just before Your Trisagion face, appear shamelessly,

but below the name of Your Most Holy One, speak to us, otherwise You Yourself would not deign,

to our joy, to proclaim, like pure and righteous loving,

and sinners repentant, merciful and graciously accept.

Look down, O Most Divine Trinity, from the height of Thy Holy Glory

on us, many sinners, and our good will, instead of good deeds, accept;

and give us the spirit of true repentance, but having hated every sin,

in purity and truth, we will live until the end of our days, doing Your most holy will

and glorifying with pure thoughts and good deeds your sweetest and most magnificent name.

But since the Holy Trinity consists of three Persons: the Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit, then after the general appeal they are read separately to each Divine Person.

Read also interesting articles:

They begin with the text to the Lord the Creator:

Prayer to God the Father

Almighty Lord, wise and all-good Lord,

the luminous Son, the Pre-Beginning to the Parent, and Your Life-Giving Spirit

eternal and inherent to the Self-producer,

His majesty is incalculable, glory is inexpressible, and mercy is immeasurable,

we thank Thee, for thou hast called us from non-existence and honored thou in thy precious image,

as if you granted us unworthy not only to know and love Thee,

but the hedgehog is sweeter, and call Thee by his Father.

We thank Thee, God of mercy and bounty, as if they had transgressed Thy commandment

Thou didst not leave us in the midst of sin and the shadow of death, but Thou didst favor Thy Only Begotten Son,

Him and the eyelids were created, send to our land for the sake of salvation,

Yes, by His incarnation and the terrible sufferings of the torment of the devil and the aphids of mortals, we will be freed.

We thank Thee, God of love and strength, as if, after the ascension to heaven of our dearest Savior,

having been implored by His Cross, sent down Thou and Thy Most Holy Spirit

against His chosen disciples and apostles, yea, by the power of their inspired preaching,

will illuminate the whole world with the incorruptible light of the Gospel of Christ.

Ubo yourself, Human-loving Lord, now hear the humble prayer of Your unworthy children,

Yes, as if You created us for Your one goodness, You redeemed us for Your only goodness,

so save us according to Thy one unapplied mercy:

zane from our deeds below the trace of the salvation of the imam,

but the expectation of righteous revenge and excommunication from Your most radiant face:

even more, and about a single idle verb, it will be exacted on the day of Judgment and trial,

about our innumerable iniquities, in the image we have sinned before You, cue,

poor, Imams give back the answer;

for this very reason, from our deeds of despairing justification, to Thy only one,

every mind and every word surpassing, let us resort to goodness,

like a solid foundation of hope, we pray to you:

sinner, cleanse me, Lord!

Lawless, forgive me, Vladyka!

Angered by Thee, reconcile, Long-suffering!

And save the rest of our mind, conscience and heart from the filth of the world, deliver

and save us from the many-rebellious storm of passions and falls,

voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown,

and in a quiet govern the haven of faith, love and the hope of eternal life.

Remember us in Your mercy, Lord,

grant us all, even for salvation, petitions, moreover, pure and sinless life;

vouchsafe us to love Thee, and fear with all our heart, and do Thy holy will in everything,

with the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and all Your saints,

as God is good and philanthropic, and we send glory and thanksgiving and worship to you,

with Your Only Begotten Son, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Then they read the appeal and glorification to His Son Jesus Christ.

Prayer to God the Son

Only begotten Son and Word of God,

who deigned for our salvation to be incarnated and endure death, now,

and with Thy Most Pure Flesh, sit in heaven on the Throne with the Father,

and rule the whole world, do not forget us with Your mercy,

down to the bottom of beings and tempted by many misfortunes and sorrows,

even though very unclean and unworthy of Esma, but in You,

Savior and our Lord, we believe and another Advocate and the hope of salvation is not known.

Wait, O all-merciful Redeemer, let us remember to take it out,

how many torments of your soul and body you need more,

in a hedgehog to satisfy for our sins the eternal righteousness of your Father,

and how even to hell from the Cross you descended with your most pure soul,

May the power and torment of hell free us:

remembering this, let us be kept from the passions and sins that were the fault of your fierce suffering and death,

and let us love truth and virtue, it is most pleasant for you to have every gift in us.

As if tempted in all sorts of ways, weigh yourself, O All-good One, how great is the infirmity of our spirit and flesh,

and our enemy is strong and cunning, like a roaring lion walks, looking for someone to devour:

do not leave us with Your all-powerful help, and stay with us, keeping and covering,

instructing and strengthening, rejoicing and rejoicing our spirit.

We, on the bosom of Thy love and mercy, are thrown down, our whole belly,

temporal and eternal, we commit to You, our Master, Redeemer and Lord,

praying from the depths of my soul, yes, the image of fate,

make us pass the comfortably gloomy life of this earthly vale,

and reached your God-red chamber, you promised to prepare it for everyone,

to those who believe in Your name, and to those who follow Your Divine steps. Amen.

Well, they finish the kneeling prayer by reading the text to the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to God the Holy Spirit

The Heavenly King, the all-good Comforter, the Soul of Truth,

proceed from the Father forever and rest in the Son,

unenvious Source of Divine gifts, dividing them to anyone,

as if you were willing, we are also unworthy of being sanctified by Him and we are marked by Esma on the day of our baptism!

Look at the prayer of Your servant, come to us, dwell in us, and cleanse our souls,

let us be prepared in the habitation of the Most Holy Trinity.

Hey, O All-good One, do not disdain our uncleanness and sinful wounds,

but I heal with your all-healing anointing.

Enlighten our mind, let us understand the vanity of the world and even in the world, revive our conscience,

Yes, he incessantly proclaims to us what is proper to create and what is to be swept aside, correct and renew the heart,

let it not pour out other things day and night of evil thoughts and unsimilar desires,

tame the flesh and quench the flame of passions with your dew-bearing breath,

by which the precious image of God is darkened in us.

The spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk, banish from us,

give us the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of purity and truth,

yes, having corrected the weakened hearts and knees, we flow without laziness along the path of the commandments of the saints, and so,

avoiding all sin and fulfilling all righteousness, let us be able to improve the end of peace and shame,

enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem and there worship You, together with the Father and the Son,

sing forever and ever: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee!

After that, a festive Liturgy is performed. This is how the service takes place on the day of Pentecost, in which people thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit sent by Him as a Comforter and Helper to man.

Important! It is important to do everything with a sincere heart, without pride, so that prayers are heard and answered.

These texts also help in times of temptation and trial, when they can be read at home.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Very soon, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the main celebration of the church calendar - the Holy Trinity (Pentecost). Accordingly, many believers and believers are already interested in important ritual questions today:

  • What prayers to start the holidays?
  • How to ask the Lord for health, money and marriage?
  • Where can I find the texts of sacred conspiracies in Russian?

So, according to the recommendations of the clergy, the morning and evening prayer for the Trinity should begin with the reading of the Trisagion. On parental day, it is worth reading the “Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Pentecost” several times. And for the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of goals, it is useful to remember "King of heaven ..." and "Have mercy on us."

Divine service in honor of the almighty and life-giving Trinity is also distinguished by special thoroughness, solemnity and grandeur. In the songs of this day, they glorify the Trinity of the Lord, who does not deprive humanity of his guardianship and love. And after the divine liturgy, three kneeling prayers are read, in which they ask for the remission of sins before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for health on an Orthodox holiday - the Holy Trinity

Like the miraculous icon of the Holy Trinity, the prayer addressed to it is of great importance for every Orthodox Christian. The images and words used in it help the laity to connect with the Almighty and show him the purity of their thoughts and the goodness of their intentions. Before the icon of the Most Holy Trinity, they not only confess, but also read a popular prayer for health on the most important Orthodox holiday. If there are hardships in the soul, and tiresome diseases in the body, high prayer appeals to the "Christian trinity" will give a quick and easy resolution from the ailment. Also, in prayer, people find the right path in any life situation, wave experiences and gain balance, get rid of accumulated negativity and lose random sins. A prayer for health on an Orthodox holiday - the Holy Trinity - is perhaps the only salvation for the desperate.

"Have mercy on us" and other prayers for the health of the Holy Trinity (texts in Russian)

"Have mercy on us"

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

Lord, cleanse our sins;

Lord, forgive our iniquities;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord, have mercy (Three times).

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Having risen from sleep, I thank Thee, Holy Trinity, for many, for the sake of Thy goodness and long-suffering, have not been angry with me, lazy and sinful, below have destroyed me with my iniquities; but you usually loved humanity and in the hopelessness of the lying one raised me up, in a hedgehog to matine and glorify Your power. And now enlighten my mental eyes, open my mouth to learn Thy words, and understand Thy commandments, and do Thy will, and sing Thee in confession of the heart, and sing of Thy all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever centuries. Amen.

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Prayer for the Trinity for money and wealth

Slavic culture includes many rituals and customs, among which the reading of conspiracies and prayers for the purpose of enrichment takes pride of place. Many will consider such an occupation dangerous, linking it to some kind of pagan action. However, everyone makes the decision for himself. It is unlikely that you will be able to bring misfortune upon yourself by praying for material wealth alone. Perhaps not all wishes will come true, but certainly not turn into trouble for the one asking.

So, so that the prayer for the Trinity for money and wealth is not in vain, on a festive morning, go to the forest or to the field and collect a bouquet of seven different plants. Consecrate the amulet in the temple, never sit down during the service. During kneeling, touch the church floor with flowers, and then bring the bouquet into the house and read a prayer over it for money and wealth before the sunset of Trinity Day.

Text prayer for money over the Trinity bouquet

"Holy Trinity"

Most Holy Trinity, consubstantial Power, of all the good Wine that we will reward You for everything, even if You rewarded us sinners and unworthy before, Tenderly into the world when we were born, for everything, even if You reward us for all days, and if You have prepared for all of us in the future !

It’s better, for a fraction of good deeds and generosity, thank You not just words, but more than deeds, keeping and fulfilling Your commandments: we, by our passions and evil habits, in our youth, are cast down sins and iniquities.

For this sake, as if unclean and defiled, not exactly before Your Trisagion face appear shamelessly, but below the name of Your Most Holy One, speak to us, otherwise You Yourself would deign, to our joy, to announce, as pure and righteous loving, and penitent sinners, merciful and kindly accept.

Look down, O Most Divine Trinity, from the height of Thy Holy Glory on us sinners, and accept our good will, instead of good deeds; and give us the spirit of true repentance, and having hated every sin, in purity and truth, we will live until the end of our days, doing Thy most holy will and glorifying Thy sweetest and most magnificent name with pure thoughts and good deeds. Amen.

Prayer for the Trinity for marriage or marriage

To find love and start a strong romantic relationship, you can read a prayer for marriage or marriage on a glorious church holiday - the Holy Trinity. All rituals and incantations on this day are considered especially powerful, because the celebration of Pentecost is not only associated with the three holy faces, but is also closely intertwined with nature. And nature is the power of our world. In order to find the desired personal life, it is better to read the Trinity prayer for marriage or marriage in the morning. First, it is worth defending the morning service in the temple, and then returning home, picking three birch leaves along the way. From the greens you need to cook a decoction, say a prayer over it, drink it yourself and treat your beloved to it.

Texts of conspiracies and prayers for love and marriage for the Holy Trinity

“As the people love the Trinity, so let my dear (name) cherish me, warm my soul, burn my body, reward me with love. Amen!"

“Grass-ant, you grew up in the field, you took care of the path-fate! Bring me the bride (groom). So that the soul burns with love, so that the blood boils and boils. Amen!"

Without praying, I go to bed and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive me, Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) around me, the slaves (name), twist and twist, as the wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), food is not seizes, does not drink with drink, does not go on a spree; at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-mind. Be my words strong and molding, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Kneeling Prayer for Trinity

The most important prayers for the Orthodox Trinity are kneeling. They are read by the clergy in churches at Vespers on the feast of Pentecost. The texts of the kneeling contain special petitions to the Lord to send down to all believers the mind and fear of God. Reading and listening to such prayers takes place exclusively in the “kneeling” position. After all, people, realizing their spiritual helplessness and the baseness of their fall, do not dare to raise their gaze to Heaven (to the Lord Most High). Also, bows to the earth have another deep and symbolic meaning: by making bow movements “down and up”, Christians subconsciously outline the trajectory of a sinful fall (down) and a begged elevation (up). The kneeling prayer for the Trinity has always been, is and will be special: who, if not the Holy Spirit, knows the whole depth of the human heart and the sincerity of his prayer.

Kneeling prayers for a church holiday - Holy Trinity

After reviewing our today's article, you have learned what prayers for the Trinity about health, marriage and money can be read in the temple at the icon or at home over consecrated herbs. But remember that kneeling and simple prayers (“Have mercy on us”, “Most Holy Trinity”, “Almighty and life-giving”) have absolutely no power if they are uttered insincerely and with bad motives. The texts of prayers in honor of the Trinity in Russian are collected in our sections.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

The Almighty and Life-Giving Holy Trinity, and the Light-Giving One, even every and most peaceful creature for one goodness from the non-existent bring, and provide for, and contain, like others of Yours, unspeakable of the earthly kind of good deeds, and granting repentance to us for the sake of carnal impotence to death! Do not leave us, accursed, to die in our crafty deeds, lower to the malefactor and envious, and the destroyer of the mockery of life. See more, Mercy, if there is slander and enmity against us, then our passion, weakness, and neglect. But not scarce

Do your goodness on us, we pray for every day and hour, angering you honest and life-giving commandments with a crime. And all of the rest of our entire past belly and up to the present hour, sinned by us in deeds, or the verb a-niih, or in thoughts, leave and forgive. Vouchsafe us the rest to end our lives in repentance and tenderness and observance of Your holy commands. If, after all, he was seduced by sweetness, he sinned in many ways, or by vile lusts, unprofitable and harmful, he was seduced by a forwarder; if with anger and fury moved wordlessly, whom our brother offended; even with the language of inevitable and stubborn and strong networks we undertake; if any of our feelings and all, willy or not, leading or unknowingly, from admiration or teaching, we crawl madly; if the thoughts are crafty and the conscience is vain, a defiler; if in any other way you have sinned, from the enterprise and custom, languish zealously, forgive us and leave everything, the All-Generous, Most Gracious and Many-merciful, and grant us other vigor and strength, in order to do Thy will, good and pleasing, and perfect, but nightly and gloomy evil with light-like repentance, and as if in the days of gracefully walking and cleansing, we will reveal ourselves to Your unworthy love for mankind, glorifying Thee and magnifying forever. Amen.

From the book The Law of God author Sloboda Archpriest Seraphim

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. (Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord (Father), forgive us our sins; Lord (Son of God), forgive

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Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. This prayer is a petition. In it, we first address all three Persons together, and then to each

From the book Cure for Sorrow and Comfort in Despondency. Prayers and amulets author Isaeva Elena Lvovna

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, consubstantial power, all good wine! What shall we repay Thee for all that thou hast repaid to us, sinful and unworthy, before. Than in the light of a breeze, for the whole, even if you reward someone from us for all days, and even if you prepared for all of us in the future

From the book The Seven Deadly Sins. Punishment and repentance author Isaeva Elena Lvovna

A short prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy (thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

From the book Prayers for the Sick author Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

From the book Prayer Book author Gopachenko Alexander Mikhailovich

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Having risen from sleep, I thank Thee, Holy Trinity, for many, for the sake of Thy goodness and long-suffering, have not been angry with me, lazy and sinful, below have destroyed me with my iniquities; but you usually loved humanity, and in hopelessness of the lying one erected

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Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity (other) O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Inseparable Trinity, look kindly on Your servant (name), obsessed with illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from the disease; give him back

From the book of Prayer to Matronushka. God's help for all occasions author Izmailov Vladimir Alexandrovich

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Having risen from sleep, I thank Thee, Holy Trinity, for many, for the sake of Thy goodness and long-suffering, have not been angry with me, lazy and sinful, below have destroyed me with my iniquities; but you usually loved mankind, and in the hopelessness of the reclining one raised

From the book God help you. Prayers for life, health and happiness author Oleinikova Taisiya Stepanovna

Prayer is different Your holy body, Lord Jesus Christ our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Your precious blood for the remission of sins; wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and joy. In your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinner to the right hand of glory

From the author's book

From the author's book

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever.

From the author's book

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity (other) O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Inseparable Trinity, look kindly on Your servant, obsessed with illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from the disease; bring him back to health

From the author's book

Prayer to the Holy Trinity This is one of the oldest Christian prayers. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for the sake of Your name. Lord, have mercy. Lord have mercy. God,

From the author's book

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, consubstantial power, all good wine! What shall we repay you for everything, even if you rewarded us, sinners and unworthy, before, when you were born into the world, for everything, even if you reward someone from us for all days, and if you prepared for all of us in the future

From the author's book

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord, have mercy (thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

All about religion and faith - "prayer to the Holy Trinity have mercy on us" with a detailed description and photographs.

Texts of the prayer in Russian to the Most Holy Trinity for mercy, salvation, forgiveness and healing from illnesses Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. You can read every day, morning and evening.

Icon of the Holy Trinity

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, cleanse our sins;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities,

for your name.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Lord have mercy. (Read three times)

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  • Reconcile with your wife

    I agree with the previous comment, but only.

  • Prayers to the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity

    The most important holiday in the calendar of church holidays in June is Trinity.

    The Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, so this holiday is also called Pentecost.

    Just as the Easter of Christ replaced the ancient Jewish holiday, so Pentecost laid the foundation of the Church of Christ as union in the Spirit on earth.

    After the Resurrection of the Lord, His disciples incessantly lived with a sense of celebration. Saying goodbye to them before the time, He promised to send them the Comforter - the Holy Spirit, coming from God the Father. The disciples did not know what this meant, but they believed that everything would be according to the word of the Lord.

    So arose the first Christian church. Near that house was also the house of the beloved disciple of Christ - the Apostle John the Theologian, in it, according to the will of the Lord, His Mother - the Virgin Mary also stayed. The disciples gathered around Her, She was a consolation to all believers.

    Hovering over the heads of the apostles, the tongues of fire descended on them and rested. Immediately, along with the external manifestation, an internal one took place, which took place in the souls: "all were filled with the Holy Spirit."

    Both the Mother of God and the apostles felt at that moment an extraordinary power acting in them. Simply and directly, they were given from above a new grace-filled gift of the verb - they spoke in languages ​​that they did not know before. This was the gift needed to preach the gospel throughout the world.

    Generously gifted by the One Spirit, feeling that this is only a part of the spiritual gifts they received from the Lord, they held each other's hands, forming a new radiant bright Church, where God Himself is invisibly present.

    In memory of this event, the feast of Pentecost is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the day of the Holy Trinity: in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, who came from God the Father according to the promise of God the Son, the mystery of the unity of the Holy Trinity was revealed.

    The signs and customs of the Trinity are very closely intertwined with the folk culture of the Slavic peoples - see the post for details Day of the Holy Trinity

    Prayers to the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity

    Prayer to the Holy Trinity

    “Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

    Lord, cleanse our sins;

    Lord, forgive our iniquities;

    Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

    Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and forever and forever and ever.

    This prayer is pleading. In it, we first address all three Persons of the Trinity together, and then to each Person separately:

    to God the Father to cleanse our sins;

    to God the Son, that He may forgive our iniquities;

    to God the Holy Spirit to visit and heal our sicknesses.

    The words “Thy name for the sake of” refer to all three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity together, and since God is one, He has one name, and therefore we say “Thy name”, and not “Thy names”.

    Prayer to God the Father

    “Almighty Lord, wise and all-good Lord,

    the luminous Son, the Pre-Beginning to the Parent, and Your Life-Giving Spirit

    eternal and inherent to the Self-producer,

    His majesty is incalculable, glory is inexpressible, and mercy is immeasurable,

    we thank Thee, for thou hast called us from non-existence and honored thou in thy precious image,

    as if you granted us unworthy not only to know and love Thee,

    but the hedgehog is sweeter, and call Thee by his Father.

    Thou didst not leave us in the midst of sin and the shadow of death, but Thou didst favor Thy Only Begotten Son,

    Him and the eyelids were created, send to our land for the sake of salvation,

    Yes, by His incarnation and the terrible sufferings of the torment of the devil and the aphids of mortals, we will be freed.

    having been implored by His Cross, sent down Thou and Thy Most Holy Spirit

    against His chosen disciples and apostles, yea, by the power of their inspired preaching,

    will illuminate the whole world with the incorruptible light of the Gospel of Christ.

    Yes, as if You created us for Your one goodness, You redeemed us for Your only goodness,

    so save us according to Thy one unapplied mercy:

    zane from our deeds below the trace of the salvation of the imam,

    but the expectation of righteous revenge and excommunication from Your most radiant face:

    even more, and about a single idle verb, it will be exacted on the day of Judgment and trial,

    about our innumerable iniquities, in the image we have sinned before You, cue,

    poor, Imams give back the answer;

    for this very reason, from our deeds of despairing justification, to Thy only one,

    every mind and every word surpassing, let us resort to goodness,

    like a solid foundation of hope, we pray to you:

    sinner, cleanse me, Lord!

    Lawless, forgive me, Vladyka!

    Angered by Thee, reconcile, Long-suffering!

    And save the rest of our mind, conscience and heart from the filth of the world, deliver

    and save us from the many-rebellious storm of passions and falls,

    voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown,

    and in a quiet govern the haven of faith, love and the hope of eternal life.

    Remember us in Your mercy, Lord,

    grant us all, even for salvation, petitions, moreover, pure and sinless life;

    vouchsafe us to love Thee, and fear with all our heart, and do Thy holy will in everything,

    with the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and all Your saints,

    as God is good and philanthropic, and we send glory and thanksgiving and worship to you,

    with Your Only Begotten Son, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

    now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer to God the Son

    "Only begotten Son and Word of God,

    who deigned for our salvation to be incarnated and endure death, now,

    and with Thy Most Pure Flesh, sit in heaven on the Throne with the Father,

    and rule the whole world, do not forget us with Your mercy,

    down to the bottom of beings and tempted by many misfortunes and sorrows,

    even though very unclean and unworthy of Esma, but in You,

    Savior and our Lord, we believe and another Advocate and the hope of salvation is not known.

    how many torments of your soul and body you need more,

    in a hedgehog to satisfy for our sins the eternal righteousness of your Father,

    and how even to hell from the Cross you descended with your most pure soul,

    May the power and torment of hell free us:

    remembering this, let us be kept from the passions and sins that were the fault of your fierce suffering and death,

    and let us love truth and virtue, it is most pleasant for you to have every gift in us.

    and our enemy is strong and cunning, like a roaring lion walks, looking for someone to devour:

    do not leave us with Your all-powerful help, and stay with us, keeping and covering,

    instructing and strengthening, rejoicing and rejoicing our spirit.

    temporal and eternal, we commit to You, our Master, Redeemer and Lord,

    praying from the depths of my soul, yes, the image of fate,

    make us pass the comfortably gloomy life of this earthly vale,

    and reached your God-red chamber, you promised to prepare it for everyone,

    to those who believe in Your name, and to those who follow Your Divine steps. Amen".

    Prayer to God the Holy Spirit

    “To the Heavenly King, the all-good Comforter, the Soul of Truth,

    proceed from the Father forever and rest in the Son,

    unenvious Source of Divine gifts, dividing them to anyone,

    as if you were willing, we are also unworthy of being sanctified by Him and we are marked by Esma on the day of our baptism!

    let us be prepared in the habitation of the Most Holy Trinity.

    but I heal with your all-healing anointing.

    Yes, he incessantly proclaims to us what is proper to create and what is to be swept aside, correct and renew the heart,

    let it not pour out other things day and night of evil thoughts and unsimilar desires,

    tame the flesh and quench the flame of passions with your dew-bearing breath,

    by which the precious image of God is darkened in us.

    give us the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of purity and truth,

    yes, having corrected the weakened hearts and knees, we flow without laziness along the path of the commandments of the saints, and so,

    avoiding all sin and fulfilling all righteousness, let us be able to improve the end of peace and shame,

    enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem and there worship You, together with the Father and the Son,

    sing forever and ever: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee!”

    Prayer to the Holy Trinity

    “Holy Trinity, consubstantial Power, all good Wines,

    that we will repay you for everything, even if you repaid us sinners and unworthy before,

    rather than come into the world, for everything, even if you reward us for all the days,

    and even thou hast prepared for all of us in the coming age!

    but more than deeds, keeping and fulfilling your commandments:

    but we, with our passion and evil custom outside,

    In countless from youth we cast down sins and iniquities.

    but below the name of Your Most Holy One, speak to us, otherwise You Yourself would not deign,

    to our joy, to proclaim, like pure and righteous loving,

    and sinners repentant, merciful and graciously accept.

    on us, many sinners, and our good will, instead of good deeds, accept;

    and give us the spirit of true repentance, but having hated every sin,

    in purity and truth, we will live until the end of our days, doing Your most holy will

    and glorifying with pure thoughts and good deeds your sweetest and most magnificent name.

    “Rising from sleep, I thank Thee, Holy Trinity,

    for many, for the sake of your goodness and long-suffering, you were not angry with me, lazy and sinful, below you destroyed me with my iniquities;

    but you usually loved humanity and in the hopelessness of the lying one raised me up,

    in a hedgehog to matine and glorify your power.

    And now enlighten my mental eyes, open my mouth to learn your words,

    and understand thy commandments, and do thy will,

    and sing to Thee in confession of the heart,

    and sing of thy all-holy name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

    and now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Now in your arsenal there is a prayer to the Holy Trinity and more than one. Spend this holiday with the right mental attitude, and do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on the Trinity!

    Icons of the Holy Trinity

    The church has many images of the Holy Trinity, very different in their iconography. But that icon, which determines the very feast of the Holy Trinity, is invariably one - this is the image of the Holy Trinity in the form of three Angels. Its prototype was the appearance of the Holy Trinity in the form of three travelers to Abraham and Sarah at the oak forest of Mamre.

    The Church saw in the appearance of three Angels the appearance of the Most Holy Life-Giving Trinity, complete and perfect. And this understanding has been strengthened more and more over the centuries in the Church and affirmed in the image of the holiday.

    This understanding was most fully and deeply expressed in the icon painted by St. Andrei Rublev for the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Therefore, the Stoglavy Cathedral approved this icon as a model of how the icon of the Holy Trinity should be painted.

    The hypostases of the Holy Trinity on this icon follow in the order in which they are confessed in the Creed. The first Angel is the first hypostasis - God the Father, the second, middle, - the Son, and the right - the hypostasis of the Holy Spirit.

    All three Angels carry wands in their hands as a sign of their divine authority.

    The first Angel, depicted on the left side of the icon, is an image of the divine, heavenly nature. Behind him, above the head, rises the house, the dwelling of Abraham, and the altar in front of the dwelling.

    The second angel is placed in the middle part of the icon. Its middle position is determined by the significance of the second hypostasis in the bowels of the Holy Trinity and in God's providential care for the world. Above His head the oak stretches its branches. The tree that overshadows Him is a reminder of the tree of life, which was in the midst of paradise, and of the tree of the cross.

    The angel, placed on the right side of the icon, is the third Person of the Holy Trinity - the hypostasis of the Holy Spirit. And perhaps the most unique, most precious feature of the icon of the Trinity in the form of three Angels is that the third Person of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit - is depicted hypostatically equally with the first and second Persons of the Holy Trinity and has in His image the fullness of the angelic and human image.

    In all other images, God the Holy Spirit is not expressed personally and does not have the fullness of the image. The image of a dove, which was pleased to receive the Holy Spirit upon Himself, gives us some idea, as if given in an allegory, of the properties of the Holy Spirit, but cannot be fully His icon for us.

    The arrangement of the three Persons on the icon is closely connected and corresponds to the order that permeates every liturgical exclamation, every conversion and confession of the Holy Trinity, the order that is contained in the words of the Lord's Prayer: “Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done ».

    The angels on the icon of the Trinity are given human features, but this humanity should not be understood as something related to the very nature of the Deity. The traits of human dignity in no way testify to any human likeness hidden in the very essence of God, in his incomprehensible essence.

    The human image and the angelic image are taken to depict the Holy Trinity, not because there is something similar in the divine nature itself, but because such an image (from what is available to the imagination) is indicated to us in the very appearance of the three Angels to Abraham.

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      ah Trinity Rublev inexplicable beauty!

      our gaze flies somewhere into the distance images past

      charm on the wings taking with you.

      - so cruelty reigns in the World irresistibly

      and foresaw everything essential in it

      and everyone who lived has experienced it all

      how Beauty wounds with the magic of her arrows!

      giving an explanation to the characters for all three:

      and God the Father - how the Universe was supposed to appear

      God the Son a message sent to us by him

      sailed life this way

      what is going to happen to any of the people

      well, at the end. - let sadness be wise.

      unknowable infinite god

      - but we feel the breath of the universe

      and the beauty that no one could convey

      and every person is able to feel instantly

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