Conspiracy to return what was taken. Conspiracy to repay a debt: ways to influence the debtor with the help of magic. Features of magic associated with money

anti-corrosion 27.12.2021

How often we, trying to help a loved one or just an acquaintance, lend him money. And, unfortunately, it often happens that the debtor is in no hurry to return it. The wait drags on for weeks, months and even years. What is the best way to deal with this situation? You can continue to wait, or you can resort to the help of magic.

It would seem that you gave money to an honest decent person who promised to return them on time. But time passes, and he is in no hurry to keep his promise. There can be a simple explanation for this: he took other people's money, but he has to give his own. And it is not so easy for him to part with them.

People familiar with esoteric knowledge argue that it is impossible to borrow money under any circumstances. After all, the energy that you invest in making money has a negative charge from the very beginning. You have not yet received this money, and you already know that you will immediately have to give it back. It turns out that all your monetary energy goes to the person from whom you asked for a loan.

If you urgently need money, ask the Universe for it for yourself, not for others. Otherwise, you will block the cash flow. Often people feel it subconsciously. And those who do not have very strong moral principles succumb to temptation and do not return someone else's.

Reference. Magic rituals help to influence the energy structure of a person in case the demands and requests are not valid.

In any case, before resorting to the help of magic, it is better to remind the debtor several times to return the money. It may happen that he really does not have the opportunity to give them away right now. If, in a conversation, you feel that a person is evading an answer and is not going to keep his word, you can use magic.

How do the rites work on the borrower?

Rituals designed to help return money do not differ in their effect from other magical rituals. They affect the subconscious of the debtor and direct his energy in the direction you need.

A person may feel anxiety, a slight malaise, he will be overcome by thoughts about how dishonestly he is treating you. He will also remember all the good deeds that you did for him. All this will lead to such remorse that your leisurely acquaintance will want to return the money to you as soon as possible.

A strong ritual to repay a debt, related to black magic, can lead to dire consequences. The debtor will feel bad, his temperature may rise and migraines begin, touching the money will cause itching and burning. He will also feel an irresistible desire to repay you.

But if the money is not returned to the owner on time, the body of a person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to react to this. It is not uncommon for such a person to begin to get sick mentally and physically. If the spell was strong, it led to the gradual fading and even death of the debtor.

Important! Experienced magicians strongly do not recommend resorting to the methods of black magic, because without strong energy protection, witchcraft will also turn on the lender himself.

Watch a video that tells how to perform a ceremony to return money from a debtor:

Read strong conspiracies to repay a debt - white magic

Here we have collected the most powerful conspiracies and rituals from white magic to pay off debts that you can do yourself at home.

With candles

If you have been borrowed money and there is no longer any hope that they will be returned of their own free will, you can perform an easy return ritual. This ritual belongs to white magic, and therefore will not harm either you or the debtor. It will only awaken in him a sense of guilt and cause a desire to quickly bring you money.

For the ritual, you need to prepare one tall white wax candle. It should be brand new and clean - no cracks or dark spots. The ceremony is performed only during the period of the growing moon, preferably after midnight.

First, sit down at the table and tune in to the ritual. Imagine how the money is returned to you, and you and your debtor experience only positive emotions. Light the candle and then carefully cut it into two equal pieces. Light the other half from a burning candle. Let them burn a little.

Then hold the top half of the candle over the bottom. So that the end of it is slightly melted. And press the two halves to each other, as if restoring the original candle. They must be firmly glued.

Say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the divided has returned to the whole, so will my money return to me.”

Hide the charmed candle as close as possible to the house of the slow debtor. The best option would be if you can put it inside the house, but only so that he does not notice anything.


Preparation for such a conspiracy is quite laborious, but justified. The result is usually not long in coming.

For it you will need:

  • Three gypsy needles.
  • Three feathers of different birds.
  • Three bundles of wool from different cats or cats.
  • Three tufts of hair from different dogs.
  • Three tablespoons of salt.
  • A small piece of black fabric in a square shape.
  • Bar of soap or chalk.
  • Candle.
  • Red wool thread.

Tufts of wool can be carefully cut off from animals without harming them.

After all the attributes are collected, stay in the room alone, lock the door from the inside. Sit at a table where all the necessary items are laid out. Light a candle.

Write the debtor's name on the cloth with chalk or a bar of soap. Then put needles, salt, bird feathers and animal hair in the center. Mix all the ingredients with the tip of a knife. You need to interfere counterclockwise, saying:

“You hear me, if you are a debtor, whisper and roar, gnaw him and wait for a hot fire. Start in the morning and then all day. All evening and night all dark. From now on, God's servant (name of the debtor) will not find a minute of rest until he returns everything that he owes me. To suffer him, to moan, neither to eat, nor drink, nor sleep, not to see the white light, not to know life, not to experience goodness. As said. So it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Wait until the candle burns out completely. Tie the fabric with the contents with a red thread. Then bury it near the debtor's house and wait for him to come to you, wanting to return the money.


If faith does not allow you to pronounce the words of a conspiracy or perform magical rites, you can ask the Lord for help through prayer.

Prayers for the return of a debt are non-canonical prayers, but, nevertheless, have been used by people from the people for many centuries. It is better to read them in a church or at home in front of the icons.

Prayer text:

“Lord, I ask you to guide the servant of God (name of the debtor) on the right path. Encourage him to repay my debt. Tell him that this is not the way to treat people with whom you have been friends for many years. Lord, You yourself know and see everything. Give him according to his deeds. And help us get our money back. Save and save my sinful soul. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!".

You can also pray to Nikolai Ugodnik or Matrona of Moscow, saying the classic text of the prayer and adding a request from yourself.

The main condition for reading the prayer will be your unshakable faith in the correctness of actions and that the Lord will guide this person on the true path.

from Natalia Stepanova

The famous healer Natalya Stepanova in her books presented ways to return the debt without harm to both parties.

At midnight, go to an open window with a lit candle in your hand and say:

“I send to the slave (the name of the debtor) nachet. Let this letter to the slave (name of the debtor) burn and bake. Drives around corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until the debt is returned to me (his name). Amen".

Repeat the words of the conspiracy three times, then put out the candle and go to bed. If no changes occur, the ceremony can be repeated after two weeks.

You need to break off a leg from a wooden chair. It is important not to saw off and not to chop off, namely to break. The chair is put up in the entrance or outside the gate, if you have your own house. From the leg, pinch off or chip the chips with a knife and put them in a pile. At this time, cast the spell:

“The devil brings the one who asks. I gave, the debtor took. The debtor will not bring the debt, The devil will take the debtor.

At night, everything should be thrown away at the crossroads.

Watch a video that tells about the ritual that will force the debtor to return the debt:

What could be the consequences?

If you use simple spells related to white magic, you should not be afraid of the consequences. Such rituals do not harm the debtor, but only help him to commit an honest act.

But if you resort to the action of dark magical powers, but do not have enough energy to control them, such actions can be very dangerous. Many practitioners, having achieved a result and harmed the debtor, then begin to wither and get sick. Diseases can even spread to close relatives and children.

Therefore, before embarking on a magical ritual, ask yourself if you are ready to put yourself and your family in danger. The best way to deal with the desire for revenge will be to turn to God and the forces of light. Go to church and light a candle for the health of your debtor. Pray sincerely and return home with a pure heart.

Simple conspiracies and prayers can always help you get your money back and maintain good relationships with people. The main thing is to believe in yourself and that whatever you ask with pure thoughts will be given to you.

The most complete description in all details is a full moon conspiracy to repay a debt with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Desperate to shake out of the debtor what was previously carelessly given, people often turn to magic. To solve the problem, special rituals are needed in which conspiracies are used to return money. Today, rituals and spells are no longer a secret. However, it is difficult to find an efficient and effective one. Let's figure out what money back plots are, how to read them so as not to be disappointed later.

How does magic work and who succeeds?

Magic, like any science, has a theoretical part. As a rule, novice wizards skip it, which leads to negative consequences. After all, what are conspiracies to return money? Do you think you will say the right words and everything will work out by itself? This is not true. We are talking about a magical effect on another person who has a certain (sometimes powerful) protection. To get through to him, you must have the appropriate level of energy. All this is just the basics. You know, since a person does not give back money, although he understands that his act causes, to put it mildly, dissatisfaction, it means that he is already stronger. By performing rituals, reading conspiracies to return money, you change the balance, increase your energy level to what your debtor has (or more). Only in this way will the ritual bring results. And you need to remember this when telling fortunes. Otherwise, you will be left with nothing and will still scold the one who advised the rite.

The eternal question: what to do?

For any ceremony, you need to prepare. For this, methods are used to increase their own energy level, magicians do this regularly. They recommend practicing fasting, asceticism, and meditation. Still often sorcerers use the influence of nature on the human aura. Phases of the moon, such as tides, wind, lightning and other elements. In order for conspiracies to return money (debt) to work the first time, it would be good for us to decide on the method of influencing a person. If you want to use white magic, then you should prepare accordingly. In this option, fasting and prayer are suitable. In the case of the use of black spells, energy is increased by going to the graveyard, and other special rites. Religion is strictly prohibited. But you can use music, dance and other physical exercises.

What are conspiracies to repay a debt

Situations when you are not given a loan are different in content. Some gave money to relatives, others gave money to strangers, and others provided goods with the condition of subsequent payment. In all these cases, an appropriate rite is required. We present a few of the most popular. Namely, a conspiracy to repay a debt:

It should be borne in mind that the black ritual leads to the fact that the victim receives damage. Naturally, it is undesirable to carry it out in relation to loved ones. Negative energy one way or another will hit the unlucky wizard. Be careful. But the conspiracy to return the stolen money may well be black. Why pity the thief? Let him be responsible for his actions.

Money back plot: white magic

If the irresponsible borrower turned out to be a loved one with whom you do not plan to quarrel, then choose the rite carefully. Better yet, use conspiracies and prayers for a refund at the same time. Experts recommend going to the temple. But first, forgive your loved one for his frivolity. Do not weave negative energy into magical actions. In the temple, put a candle in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. Ask him for support. Put another candle for the health of the debtor. Without this, the rite will not work. Its essence is to cause remorse in him, and not to bend his will. On the first day of the new moon, look for a newer white coin in your wallet. Go with her to a Christmas tree or a pine tree. Bury a coin and say magic words. They are as follows: “I pay the Christmas tree for a service. You if the conscience of my friend. Let the Lord's servant (name) toil until the debt is dealt with. Amen!"

Ritual with a broom

Many are looking for a strong money back plot. Effective rituals require contact with the object of influence. For this, you need to buy a brand new broom, without taking change. Break off a branch from it. Also find an old whisk, preferably dirty and greasy. Also break off a small branch. Go with them to the debtor's door. By the way, the rite is suitable for "knocking out" the employer's salary arrears. Drive a branch from a new broom along the jamb and say these words: “I’ll throw money home with a good broom!” The plot must be pronounced three times. Then hit the door handle with the second branch and say this: “I throw a thin broom, I appeal to the conscience of the Lord servant (name). Let it hurt and prick, his fate will be debilitated. How much he must, he will lose a hundred times, and he will never know whom to thank! Throw a branch from an old broom at the threshold of the debtor, and bring a new one home. It should be burned when the money is returned.

Ritual for a candle to repay a debt

In hopeless cases, another ritual helps. It uses a church candle purchased during the Friday morning service and a new box of matches. This conspiracy to return money from the debtor is also considered white, therefore, it is carried out only after you let go of the offense, forgive the person. Also prepare a saucer and a white handkerchief without a pattern. Guess the time so as to tell fortunes on the full moon. So the impact on the debtor will be maximum. Sit in the evening at a table in front of the window (you can use the windowsill). Don't close the curtains. Light a candle from the old box, and not from the one prepared for the ritual. Say a prayer, ask the Lord for help. Then take a match out of the stocked box and set it on fire from the candle. Hold it in your hands for as long as you can, then put it on a saucer. All this time, say these words: “I am talking fire to help. May the Lord's servant (name) repay the debt. His soul burns with fire, crying out for peace. Until he returns what he owes, he will be eternally punished. Amen!" As one match goes out, take another. And so use up the whole box. Wrap the ashes and cinder of the candle in a scarf and hide.

Black ritual on the churchyard

This ceremony is carried out in a situation where the debtor not only does not return the money, but also mocks. Take any thing that this person has touched (or his personal). On Thursday, go to the churchyard with her. Take a reminder with you. Choose an old, unkempt grave. Put a note. Place the stocked little thing nearby. Say this: “Spirit, come out, and go to the Lord’s servant (name of the debtor). Cory him and scold him, but remember what you have taken. Sleep and eat do not let, close the path to paradise. Let him itch until the debt is returned to me! These words are spoken aloud. As soon as the last sound breaks from the lips, go home. Don't talk to anyone along the way. And when the money is returned, then go back to the grave. Thank the dead man, be sure to bring the commemoration again.

Ritual with poppy

Black rites are not recommended for beginners. It is better to tell fortunes based on natural forces, then you will not get a return. For example, buy a poppy at the waxing moon in the store. Don't take change. At dawn, open the pack, bring it to your lips and read a prayer. The words are: “Lord Jesus! Forgive me a sinner. Help to cope with poverty and want, may wealth come to my home. I exchange sinful debts for modest happiness, bitter poverty - for a free share. Who cheated robbed to give everything away. Mine will return to me, and someone else's misfortune will turn. Amen!" The charmed poppy should be spilled on the way of the debtor.

Influence through your energy

You know, when a person is offended, it can be in him. Reviews advise: before telling fortunes about repaying a debt, you need to check your own energy. If you have damage or the evil eye, no debt repayment rituals will help. First you need to get rid of the negativity. Perform a simple ritual with salt, and then look at the behavior of the debtor. It is likely that his greed is caused by the black energy working in your field.

By the way, in order to always return debts, you can use the old tradition of eastern merchants. They never parted with gold just like that, they always read a special formula. She created a protective field in a person. No one could jinx or curse him. This is how the money-back plot below works. When you pay, the merchants said, you need to mentally pronounce these words: “What is mine will not go away, but will remain in the house. Gold and silver will never part with me!” This formula is used whenever you give something away. It is quickly remembered and becomes a habit. Such a simple ritual creates the conditions for people to be honest with you and return what they have taken.

What are the results of magic?

Often complaints about the ineffectiveness of conspiracies are due to the fact that people do not understand exactly how magic works. Inexperienced magicians are in a naive belief that the debtor will definitely bring money. In fact, everything is more complicated. Do not make plans for how the borrowed funds will be returned if you use a money back plot. Reviews of practicing magicians say that real miracles happen to them. Money comes from the most unexpected sources. Moreover, the amounts coincide with those employed. This is a rather subtle point.

Before the ceremony, decide on the intention. If you want to get your money, this is one thing, but when the goal is to punish the offender, it is another. Magical energies themselves determine how to correct the situation. You borrowed one person, for example, and they arrange so that this amount will come as a result of winning. But this does not mean that the debtor will not suffer. He will lose the same amount, but perhaps in a completely different situation. When telling fortunes, trust magic and do not decide for it exactly how the money will come. If you want to punish an unscrupulous borrower, then use a black conspiracy. But be warned, it can be double-edged. The person on whom the ritual is performed has its own protection. If you fail to break it, you will get yourself in trouble. As a rule, an unsuccessful ceremony leads to even greater losses of funds.

How to strengthen the conspiracy

Do you know what a real wizard is? This is a person who can not get hung up on the result of the ceremony. According to reviews, in order for everything to happen the way you want, and quickly, you need to be able to be distracted. Specifically, this means that one should forget about the ritual performed, as if it had already worked. Don't expect instant results. Attention is an energy that makes it difficult for magical forces to work. It is best to do something interesting after divination so as not to think about debt at all. The better you can switch, the faster you will get the result. Try it yourself and write in the comments how it turned out. Good luck!

How to read a conspiracy to repay a debt: rites and rituals of white magic

Many people have faced situations when they borrowed money and could not get it back. No requests were made to the debtor. Of course, situations are different. And if you know for sure that a person has money, but he does not want to return it, try reading a conspiracy to repay a debt from white magic.

Such rites are divided according to the strength of their impact into weak, strong, and very strong. If a person does not want to repay the debt, then his state of health can deteriorate greatly. Therefore, magical influences should be resorted to in cases where you are sure of the solvency of the debtor.

When conducting rituals aimed at returning money follow the rules of money magic. Only with the correct conduct and observance of all points, the conspiracy will work.

  • You should only read the money back spell to the growing moon, in exceptional cases, read in full.
  • Ritual is best on Tuesday.
  • Can't drink alcohol three days before the ritual.
  • After refund, in your thoughts thank the one who returned the money and let go of all the bad emotions associated with it.

What to do if the debt is not repaid: conspiracies

The rules for conducting magical rituals to return the money are simple. It is necessary to strictly observe them so that the result is effective and comes as soon as possible.

For candles and matches

This method can help even if you have lost hope of getting your money back.

Prepare a box of matches and a candle from the temple. After sunset, light matches from a candle, one at a time, and let each one burn out on a silver platter. While every match is burning, say the words:

“Fire-fire, help me get the debt back! So that the servant of God (name) will be tormented by thoughts of sorrow and torment, until he gives everything to me! To return to me soon!

At full moon

Many people have a question: “Which moon to read conspiracies?”. Sorcerers usually firmly answer that only the growing one. However, there are rituals for the full moon.

Similar magical actions to return money are carried out on the full moon. Go to the window, looking at the night light, say:

“The night is dark, the moon is silver. I ask you to withdraw my debts, and return what I have loaned. As the moon in the sky always shines, so I live in abundance! Amen."

Rite of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is considered one of the most knowledgeable witches. Her rituals are simple, but very effective.

Light a thin church candle, stand near the window and read it several times in a row:

“I am sending a letter to the slave (name). Let this nachet to the slave (name) burn and bake. Drives around corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until the debt is returned to me (his name). Amen."

In order for this to work, you yourself need to contact the person who owes you and remind you of your existence. The ceremony must be carried out daily, until the entire debt is returned.

On the eve of the Bright Holiday of Easter, in the evening, light a candle and, looking at it, say the words of the ceremony seven times:

“I forgive you the servant of God (name of the debtor) today, tomorrow and always. God is our judge, he will judge us. I don't judge myself, I just ask for help. Baptized servant of God (his name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

strong way

Take a new church candle, light and say 40 times ritual words:

“Salt, Pain, Bread, Blood, Amen. On Friday I'll get up, I'll go without crossing myself from the yard, I'll go without praying to God. I will sing the funeral service in the morning, I will eat kutya mass, in the evening I will lower the coffin, from this day and forever and ever. Amen. On the sea-ocean, there is a house of fire, the water will not wash it away, the wind will not blow it out. An unseen person sits in that house - without arms, without legs, without strength. So I take the strength from the servant of God (name of the debtor), squeeze the blood out of him, beat the soul out of him, drink his heart, close his eyes forever. I sing you, servant of God (name of the target), I sing, I sing. If you are my enemy, if you do not repay my debt, you will betray your body to the earth, and you will give your soul to hell. I sing you, servant of God (name of the target), I sing, I sing. From this day until the end of time. No one can remove this conspiracy, neither chastise in the church, nor bring down the sorcerer, nor wash it off with holy water. As I swore, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When pronouncing these phrases, you need to concentrate on the image of the person who should and the emotions that you feel.

Through a name icon

Get an icon with the name of the person who owes you. If you do not know how this is done correctly, then contact the church workers, they will prompt. Take a photo of a person and put it face to face on the icon. Exactly at midnight, say the spell:

“Guardian angel of the Servant of God (name of the debtor) patron! Do not allow hiccups, lameness, aching, drowsiness to be brought on the servant of God (name of the debtor) because he does not want to return the debt on time due, he also promised to return the money. Save us and have mercy! Amen."

Place the icon and photograph face to face in the same place. If after a week the funds are not returned, then do the ceremony again.

It happens that people do not want to resort to magical influences, believing that this is contrary to their religion.

Then you should pray for the return of the money. In the church, put a candle for the health of the person who owes you, while it burns, look at the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and pray to him in your own words for a speedy return of money. When you leave the temple, give alms to the poor. Soon after that, your money will be returned to you.

All these methods work effectively when you need to return your money, but before contacting them, try to negotiate with the debtor without involving otherworldly forces.


Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to quickly repay debts from a debtor with a magical conspiracy. It seems that many are familiar with the situation when you help out a person, lend money, and then the return of their own money becomes a real problem. In practical magic, there are such rituals for a quick return of debts, and they work very effectively. In the Black Book, you can choose ways to return a debt that work gently, affecting that part of a person’s consciousness that we call conscience. There are also harsh rituals that terrify the debtor and force him to return what he took.

In runic magic, there are also very interesting and full-fledged rituals of influencing an object in order to repay a debt. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, consider it expedient to combine black book techniques and the path of the Runes. The result is very inspiring. This material presents several effective conspiracies to get a person to repay a debt.

How conspiracies work to force the debtor to repay the debt quickly

To begin with, we will make a detailed analysis of the situation related to the return of debts. There are two parties: the creditor and the debtor. Consider the case from the position of the creditor in a magical way, of course. From the point of view of witchcraft, lending is a thankless and punishable thing. Money does not come to a person so that he gives it to others. If he does this, then he does not need money. Choosing the path of "give away", a person chooses not to have money. The living energy of money is released, as if sprayed into space.

From the position of the debtor, the same situation looks completely different. The phenomenon of the connection between the debtor and the creditor is that the debtor, under the influence of monetary energy, falls into an altered state of consciousness, meeting with the temptation not to repay the debt. This stems from the need to give one's own money, although one took someone else's. Therefore, debtors, as a rule, do not return their debts.

This means that in order to return what was given to another, one should turn to the practice of money magic, but it is not enough read strong money back spells, thereby affecting only the debtor, i.e. on one side of the conflict. It is necessary to work comprehensively, affecting both aspects - the lender and the debtor.

The actions of the magician in relation to the one who gave the money should be aimed at increasing material well-being. Ceremonies should be held to attract and fill the cash flow. Turning to the second side of the conflict - the debtor, the magician inclines him to a painless parting with money, or, turning to strong conspiracies so that a person repays a debt, he harshly forces him to this through instilling feelings of guilt, fear, or by launching a snake of events leading to a situation, when the debtor is forced to repay his debt.

When you do it yourself - read conspiracies to return money from an organization or from a private individual, consider this point. It does not matter whether the debtor is a legal entity or an individual, the algorithm of actions will be the same. The work must be done comprehensively. For example, the management of a debtor company can be instilled with the idea that parting with money and returning it to the creditor is not forced, but mutually beneficial. You can influence by gently awakening the conscience of the debtor, but if necessary, more aggressive and effective actions are possible to knock out borrowed money.

If you read a conspiracy of white magic to repay a debt, turn to black or Runes, that's not the point, because the work will be built exactly according to the described scheme. Of course, each egregor works in its own way, but the essence remains the same. In witchcraft, the result is important, and only he.

How to read white magic conspiracies for a refund

If, to solve the problem, you turn to the Forces of the Christian egregor, then before independently reading the spell to return the money, a prayer appeal to the representatives of the Forces that patronize merchants and are associated with the financial aspect. For example, pray to St. John the Merciful to improve your financial situation. You need to read this prayer daily at dawn or during sunset.

Then you can perform a ceremony to force the debtor to return the money.

And here is a simple magic rite to force quickly repay the debt. For a magical ritual, you need a piece of black bread and salt. Salt the bread heavily, and say over it: “I salt your life, servant of God (name), add salt”. Take the bread to the threshold of the debtor, leave it there and read the words of the spell 3 times to quickly repay the debt:

An independent conspiracy to return money - to repay a debt in a swamp

This black conspiracy to repay money debt should be read after midnight. You can do it at home, but you will achieve a greater effect if you perform a magical rite at a forest crossroads, or near a swamp. For self-sorcery you need:

A photograph is taken to facilitate visualization, but you can work without it, with a mental image of an object.

Light a candle, and read the most powerful conspiracy to return a large amount of money three times:

I recommend reading the conspiracy for 3 nights, after the last reading at the crossroads of farming. The money rite has positive reviews from practicing magicians. The effect is really good, and for someone, perhaps this is the most powerful conspiracy to repay money debt. I repeat, there are many methods for solving this problem.

A strong conspiracy to return money - how to force yourself to repay a debt

A powerful rite on the debtor to repay the debt severely affects the person. For work you need to prepare:

  • fresh bull heart
  • new knife
  • piece of natural tissue

Put a heart on the fabric in front of you and, sticking a knife into it up to the handle, read the following words of the conspiracy so that the person repays the debt:

Without removing the knife from your heart, wrap it in linen and throw it at the cemetery gates or at the crossroads. If you have a serious problem with the return, the debtor rests, and does not return the money taken from you, try a strong ritual of black magic. Perhaps he will turn out to be the most powerful conspiracy to return money to the debtor. Each person needs to choose their own effective conspiracy in order to get a result. This has already become commonplace, since this fact is known to every practicing magician. Independent conspiracies to make a person repay a debt– as well as medicines: one is suitable for someone, others for others. You need to find exactly the one that will be effective specifically in your case.

And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, remind you that rituals should be performed on others only after you have installed magical shields for yourself. Bloodlines and family members should also be taken care of, since there is always a risk of getting a rollback after an aggressive impact.

An effective home conspiracy to pay off debts soon

If you are lost and don't know what read a conspiracy to repay a debt try this one with red threads. To independently conduct a witchcraft rite, you need to have:

  • a new spool of red thread
  • debtor's handkerchief (or any thing as a binding to an object)
  • stone

A witchcraft ritual is performed at noon on the shore of a reservoir. Find a medium-sized stone, tie a thing to it with threads, and throw a stone with a binding into the water. When the stone sinks to the bottom, look at the place where the water closed.

And read 4 times a plot to make a person repay a debt:

To the Black Moon, read conspiracies on the debtor to repay the debt

  • On the Black Moon (before the new moon), light a candle at sunrise. Stand at the east window, and read an independent conspiracy to return money three times:

An effective conspiracy so that people do not ask for a loan

Learn to refuse when you are asked for a loan, so that later you don’t have to run after the debtor and not be punished twice: by your debtor who does not return the money, and by the Forces who decide that you don’t need the money, since you distribute it. To hide yourself from those who ask for a loan, use the hassle, which works in such a way that you will not be considered as a lender. And here is an example of such a magical cape.

Wait for the night of the full moon. Take a black flaming candle in your left hand, raise it above your head, and then slowly lower it down, while turning clockwise, as if drawing a spiral around you, and at the same time read the plot so that you don’t ask for a loan:

Conspiracies of white magic to repay a debt

Many have found themselves in a situation where someone borrowed a certain amount of money from you or borrowed a thing, but is in no hurry to return it. Persuasion and threats do not help, the debtor only shrugs or avoids you. Even if everything has already been tried, there are several magical ways to get yours. The most effective are conspiracies to repay a debt.

How do these conspiracies work?

In such rituals, the main force is some pressure on the conscience and subconscious of the debtor. If there is at least a drop of this feeling in it, then, undoubtedly, even a mild conspiracy will bring success. In the opposite situation, when you are sure that he has no conscience, then choose a more effective method. A conspiracy to repay a debt will cause in a person a fear of punishment and a desire to return your money.

Many people have a question: do such manipulations belong to white magic? The answer is yes. The fact is that you are not trying to harm, but only want to force a person to return what is rightfully yours.

If the debtor is a friend or family member

Often in life there are situations when the borrower is a relative or close friend. It is difficult to refuse in this case, but it will be much more difficult when he does not want to return the money debt. The thought of judicial recovery from a loved one is frightening, the method of threats disappears by itself. How to make a person return what he took, while maintaining a good relationship with him?

Many people are afraid of the power of magic, in such cases, you can use milder rituals. Although such readings for a refund are more of a domestic nature and , despite their power, they are harmless.

  • Order a prayer service for the health of the one who offended you, mentally imagining how he repays your debt.
  • Sit on the full moon in a circle of lit candles purchased in a church shop, there should be an odd number of them. Place a vessel of water in front of each candle and read the following prayer:

To quickly repay the debt

There are many rituals dedicated to this topic, but none, even the strongest, will be effective if it is not supported by faith.

Rite with the thing of the debtor

In order for the debtor to return the borrowed amount to your family, you should take his thing, sprinkle it with holy water, and dry it. And also banknotes, preferably large, put in a red, new purse, wrap everything in an envelope in a little thing and hide it in the southeastern part of your house, while saying:

Rite with ordinary brooms

For this purpose, you should buy one small broom, sprinkle it with holy water and speak:

Bought, a new "tool" at an early dawn should be swept in the direction of the entrance in front of the borrower's threshold, saying:

Pull out a couple of twigs from a decrepit broom and throw them quietly under the door:

The most powerful conspiracy for the new moon

The slander is pronounced on the waning moon. In the last days of the month, you need, looking at the departing moon over your left shoulder, say the following words:

Repeat three times, then immediately go to bed. After the thin sickle of the growing moon (new moon) appears, you need to do the second part of the ritual. Again, looking over your left shoulder, say these words:

Conspiracy on a photo card and a green candle

To return your property, you need to buy a scarf, an aluminum cross and a rope in the church shop. You will also need large bills, a green candle, which symbolizes prosperity. Take a picture of the one who borrowed, light a candle. In the photo, he should be in a great mood. Put the photo under the moonlight falling through the window, after laying a scarf under it. Put the cross on the bill, carefully place the bill across the picture, the cross will be straight.

Oral conspiracy to return money

Without any attributes, personal items or photographs, you can simply read the next plot by biting your tongue.

Here is a positive affirmation directed at your employers in case your salary is delayed. Mentally read to yourself looking at the manual or those who issue it.

Any oral conspiracy is read several times a day, on the road, at work. It is also recommended to do this at home with a lit green candle. In general, it is advised to always have it at home and use magical power more often.

If you want to quickly repay the debt, you need to believe as much as possible in what you are doing. Surrender to the ritual with all your heart. But it should be remembered that the one who borrows can repay the loan with a negative mood or, even worse, with wishes. It is necessary to take it carefully, mentally repeating the following words:

After leaving, wash your face with water and walk around the perimeter of the apartment with a candle, "burning out" all the negative energy.

Consequences of debt conspiracies

The rituals given here will have no consequences for you and the one who borrowed from you (except that he will have to give back what he took). After all, you take your own, you only want good and prosperity for the borrower, how else can he return the money? There is another ritual that is performed with the help of a black wax doll and voodoo magic, but this should only be used by professionals, as it can greatly harm both parties. If you think that you yourself will not be able to correctly and accurately carry out the rituals described above, you should contact the specialists.

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Often, borrowed banknotes, the debtor is not in too much of a hurry to return to the owner, in which case magic and, in particular, a time-tested strong conspiracy to repay the debt, can help.

If it so happened that the debtor is in no hurry to return what is due, one should not rush. Perhaps a person does not really have money, and he cannot repay a debt. Before turning to magic, ask the debtor several times to return the money. If all the answers are negatively unreasonable and look more like vague promises, then it's time to make a magic spell. Our great-grandmothers also said that if you don’t want to lose a friend, it’s best not to lend him money. It's hard to argue with that. Especially if this has already happened, and the debtor is in no hurry to return your hard-earned money. In such a situation, the best friend can become an enemy. But the problem can be solved with the help of magic. A debt repayment conspiracy will help you get your money back as soon as possible.

A conspiracy from debts on an aspen branch

Tear off the third branch from the bottom of the aspen. Make forty serifs on this branch. For each serif, read the spell. Find a stump among the aspens, beat this stump with a branch, and then, tying a branch around the stump, leave without looking back. The debtor will not know peace, day and night he will think about how to repay your debt as soon as possible.

They read like this:

Jesus the Lord arose in the morning, prayed to his Father, crossed himself three times with his finger. He began to wash himself with spring water, but there was nothing for Him to wipe himself with. Mother Mary soon came, brought a towel to Christ. So my debtors (names) would bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get a debt relief

There is a conspiracy that softens the heart of one who is waiting for the repayment of a debt. It can only be read by one person. You need to prepare for the conspiracy in advance. Collect leaves from brooms from three baths. Baths should be at a decent distance from each other, this is important. Put the leaves in your wallet (maybe not new). They talk about this wallet and throw it on the one from whom they want to get a reprieve.

They read the plot on the full moon, at midnight.

A holy old man is walking, he has a golden finger, a snake hangs on his finger. The Snake Skoropeya does not hiss at his finger, does not threaten his finger with a sting, does not drink blood from his finger, does not take life from the old man. So the servant of God (name) wouldn’t hiss at me, didn’t threaten, didn’t demand his money from me, didn’t ask, didn’t shout at me with a loud cry, didn’t knock on the table with his fist. As the dumb are silent, do not shout, so the servant of God (name) would be silent about the duty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you have been borrowed and don't want to repay

There is a proverb in the world:

“They ask for a loan, they follow, but how to give back, the debtor must be looked for.” If you no longer hope that your debt will be repaid honorably, you need to do this by a special conspiracy. Light a candle, go with it to the window and read three times. I send to the servant of God (name) nachet. Let this servant of God (name) burn and bake. Drives around corners, breaks bones. He does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink until (name) repays the debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the debtor to return the money quickly

On eggs

First spell. They take two eggs, pierce them with a needle from both sides, put them in boiling water. Then they close the lock with a key, and throw the key into the water with boiling eggs and say three times:

Just as the Khan's army collected tribute, killed people for money, sparing neither the gray-haired nor the young, so I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves, took the debt or killed. There was an angel, I forgot the debtor, the guard will leave, the spell will find. The debtor will repay the debt or die. Amen. Boiled eggs and a lock are brought to the grave with the name of the debtor, and the key is placed on the grave with the name of the one to whom the money is not given.

For nickels

The second way to return the money. The master takes the nickels with which they closed the eyes of the deceased (they should be in the arsenal of a good master). They draw a star in a circle, put a half-liter jar of water in the middle, throw coins there, light five candles at the ends of the star, let them burn. The influxes from the candles are put in a jar with nickels, closed with a lid, read 12 times:

Eyes closed, buried in the grave. I burn candles, I torture the debtor. I torture with fire, dead water, grave earth. You, servant of God (name), return the debt or take nickels. Amen. Amen. Amen. And they take the jar to the grave with the name of the debtor.

On the leg of a chair

Another good way to get yours back. You need to break off the leg from the old chair. The chair is put outside the threshold of the house (who lives in an apartment - in the entrance, who in a private house - outside the gate). From a broken leg, they pinch chips with a knife, put them in a hut and read the spell, once correctly, once backwards:

The devil brings the one who asks. I gave, the debtor took. The debtor will not bring the debt, the devil will take the debtor. Amen. At night, everyone is thrown out at the crossroads.

Lining to repay debts

A very good way to repay a debt. They take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black cloth the size of your hand (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above objects with a knife, saying:

Tear, chips, if, pain, itching, gnaw, burn; day all day, night all night. And an hour, and half an hour, and minutes, and half a minute, and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach. It will not pass, it will not heal either from a healer, or from a healer, or from a sorcerer, or from a pagan, or from a whisperer. The servant of God (name) will be sick, from time to time to rot and wither. Do not eat, do not sleep, moan, suffer, do not see the white light. He will not let go of the evil side until he gives (name) his duty. Amen. Amen. Amen. Makes a lining where the debtor lives.

Force the debtor to repay the debt for 12 embers

From the blower or from the treasured box, where you put the coals taken on a church holiday in advance, take 12 coals. They put them on a scarf (the scarf should be plain, dark) and put dishes next to it:

Cup, spoon, glass. They let their hair down, put on a dress backwards, sit down in front of the dishes and light a candle. After that, they read three times: I call the servant of God (name) for dinner, and a hundred troubles live under my table. Eat, enemy, my dinner and take away a hundred troubles. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Force to return the money for taken for sale

Sometimes people give goods for sale, but they cannot take away the money or the goods.

In this case, burn the aspen splinter for three evenings in a row, speak into the smoke:

As the torch burns, so you, the servant of God (name), will smolder and burn. You can’t fill with holy water until you return mine to me. Amen.

Force to return what was taken for giblets and blood

We need a rag with menstrual blood, the blood of a slaughtered chicken, the heart of an ox, the liver of a chicken. A circle is drawn on the ground with a sharp aspen stake. A star is drawn in a circle. In the middle of the star, dry grass is laid out, then a dead (dry) tree, chopped into chips, and all of the above are set on fire. The spell should be read only when the fire burns well. After reading the spells, they leave, but return at night to collect ashes in a bag. This bag is hung on a tree.

Everything that was taken from you will be returned, no doubt. You who trample, and you who know much. Do you know the name of the one who took it from me? And the one who didn't give me? Through the blood of man, through the blood of an animal, through the heart and liver and through your omnipresent power, I conjure you! Make (so-and-so) return (so-and-so) to me. Anyone who gets in the way of your will, let him be eliminated. Amen.

How to deal with a debtor

They read on the nominal icon of the debtor. They are sold in the church. Lay a black handkerchief on the table, put a mirror face down on it, and put the debtor's name icon on it. Hold your hands over the icon as if you are warming them over a fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Do not be distracted by calls and knocks. After that, go to church and light three candles for health, then three for the repose, and again three candles for health.


Bread, blood, salt. Amen. On Friday, I got up, got up, without crossing myself, without praying to the Lord. I sing the funeral service, I eat mass with kutia, I lower the evening into the coffin, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A fiery house stands on the ocean-sea: it does not wash it off with water, it does not blow it out with the wind. And an invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I (name) take out strength from the servant of God (name), squeeze blood out of him, drink my heart, close my eyes. Funeral! Funeral! Funeral! If you, the enemy (name), do not repay the debt to me, then you will betray your body to the grave. I sing, I sing, I sing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. No one swearing mine can not be removed, not scolded in any church. Holy water cannot wash away my words. As I swore, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Usually the angel-savior of the debtor forced him to do his duty.

Conspiracy from ruin

To remove the spell from your business, you need to buy three icons on Thursday: the icon of St. Paul, St. Michael and the icon of George the Victorious. At the first rays of the sun, wash yourself with these three holy icons. To do this, pour the water consecrated in the church on the icon, and wash your face with water flowing from it and say:

Holy strong, holy immortals, with your shield strengthen me, my body, my business for now, forever, forever. Be strong, my words, be strong, my deeds, like St. Paul the Intercessor, St. Michael the Liberator, St. George the Conqueror. Saints are strong, saints are immortal. Save me, protect me and take away every curse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Hurry the debtor to repay the debt

Buy a knife with a wooden handle. At three o'clock in the morning, take out a bull's heart specially bought at the market from the refrigerator, put it on the table and stick a knife into it with your right hand, while saying:

When this heart was still alive, it beat day and night, pounded, blood flowed from it through the veins. Heart! I name you the name of the debtor, I will cut you, stab you, I will stop your blood. Until then, you will suffer and suffer until you decide to repay your debt to me. My knife has brothers - 12 knives, 12 damask guards. They will follow my enemy, they will catch my enemy, they will make my enemy suffer until his brain decides to repay the debt. 12 knives, 12 damask watchmen will cut and stab day and night, no one will ever be able to overcome my knives. My word is stone, my deed is right. I lock it with a lock, I close it with a key. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

An effective conspiracy against the debtor will allow you to return your hard-earned money on time. A strong conspiracy against the debtor works from the first days and causes pangs of conscience in the malicious debtor. He can neither sleep nor enjoy life. To repay the debt, you need to conduct only one simple and safe ceremony. A conspiracy with a broom or candles, as well as faith in the forces that a person calls for, will help to make the debtor pay off.

Debt Recovery Magic

Conspiracies against the debtor are pronounced in strict confidence, otherwise there will be many negative consequences. It is not worth talking about the magical effect on someone else's energy. To return your own money, you should push the debtor to fulfill his obligations, even through cunning or magic. How to get back your own, acquired and earned by honest labor?

Magic works from the inner desires and messages of a person. Debt is a real destructive force, disrupting the entire cash flow in the house. A person who shows understanding and lends money to a friend or comrade unconsciously harms himself. Causes irreparable harm to his own family. Money back magic not only allows you to return a certain amount of money, but also restores the necessary cash flows in the house.

How to perform rituals for a refund

For the rite to work, you need to carefully prepare for it. First of all, a person is determined with a spell and the conditions for casting it. Any magic that a man or woman resorts to can harm the conspirator. Each rite is valid for a certain period of time. If you need to return the money urgently, spells for the waning moon are used.

Conditions for effective rites to work unconditionally:

  • a ritual is performed after sunset;
  • before the ceremony, a person who has lent a large amount of money needs to visit the church and confess;
  • in order for the money not to disperse again, the living space should be cleared of negativity;
  • after the conspiracy, it is worth letting go of the situation and not harboring a grudge against the debtor.

Effective spells work if the spells are chosen correctly, and all the magic words are learned by heart. A person who has not fulfilled his obligations will suffer and regret his own actions. They read prayers after the spell only in those cases when they want to mitigate the impact on the debtor.

Conspiracy on a broom

One of the simplest and most effective conspiracies that help get your own money back is used even by beginners. People without experience in carrying out magical actions can take a large amount without fate and quarrels. Such a choice of ritual will not only be beneficial, but also as safe as possible for both the debtor and the other side of the conflict.

The smaller the distance between the conspirator and the "victim", the faster the conspiracy will work. You can read it near the place where the debtor has to live or work. Magical attributes will help punish a malicious defaulter. They are easy to buy or find in your own home.

What do you need

Simple attributes will help teach a lesson to the debtor. Without things - symbolic for the chosen ritual, magic will not work, and in some cases even harm the conspirator. For a simple ceremony, you will need:

  • a new broom (it has never been used in everyday life);
  • an old broom (such a little thing is lying around in any house);
  • new yellow trash can;
  • Holy water.

You need to buy a broom in the market, and in no case should you take change from the seller for the purchased item. Two brooms are used at once. Magical attributes draw money into the owner's home and sweep away any protection afforded to the debtor.

Often people without conscience who violate obligations resort to the help of magic to protect themselves from possible exposure. The ritual with a broom will work even after magical intervention or through the supplied energy blocks.

When the plot is read

The conspiracy works only on the days of the waning moon. The magical action is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. A new broom should sweep the threshold to the debtor. Cleaning the yard should be in the direction of your own home. If the "victim" lives in an apartment building, the entrance is swept. A simple spell is read to oneself: “I don’t expect someone else’s from you, I expect my own - mine and only mine. So be it".
  2. When reaching the street, the man stops and turns towards the debtor's house. Read the second part of the spell:

"Good broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I take the money of my debtor (his name) to me from him! May it always be so.”

After that, you need to sweep the threshold with an old broom, saying:

"Old broom! I’m sweeping with you, I’m sweeping with you, I leave you on this threshold so that my debtor - (his name) doesn’t let sleep and eat, so that my heart is covered with longing, debt doesn’t leave you alone, annoyed with thoughts of me, so that he owes me gave!".

After all the steps, the conspirator quickly returns home without looking back or speaking to anyone along the way. To himself, a person who is desperate to wait for the return of a debt says “my house will not suffer from actions.” At home, you need to read "Our Father" and forgive the debtor for his actions. Within a month, all debts will be returned.

Ritual for a box of matches

A black or white conspiracy that people of different sexes and ages read for profit can harm the debtor - repay him what he deserves. The conspirator must be protected by a guardian angel, which is why it is so important to forgive people for their weaknesses and cowardice. To conduct a ceremony with a box of matches, you will need a little courage and determination, as well as the belief that there is nothing sinful or vicious in magic - it returns everything that belongs to a person.

What you need

To repay a debt that hangs around the neck of a malicious defaulter for several months, or even years, a ritual with matches will come in handy. It is held in the evening, without witnesses and prying eyes. First of all, a person cleans his own house, for this he cleans with a concentrated saline solution.

Magical attributes used during the ritual:

  • taper;
  • a new box of candles;
  • Holy water.

They read the plot only with candles brought from the church. In no case should you use plain wax or purchased candles. Before carrying out a secret magical action, the conspirator says to himself “I forgive you and I don’t hold any more evil on you.” Magic, nourished by positive emotions, a thirst for justice, works longer and without additional replenishment.

Reading a conspiracy

A strong conspiracy will work even for a beginner if he carefully prepares for it. Morale is also important. They read the plot from memory, without hitches or deviations from the text. The ceremony is carried out in several stages, every night.

Every night a candle is lit, and one match from the box is lit from it. The smoldering match is left on the saucer until it burns out completely. While a small piece of wood is smoldering, the conspirator pronounces a strong conspiracy:

“My friend, my brother, fire! Make him (God's servant) repay my debts. Torture his conscience, burn his soul so that he can neither sleep nor eat until he returns his debt to me!

A strong conspiracy is repeated several times in a row. The ritual is repeated every day until all the matches in the new box run out. As soon as the multi-stage rite is completed, the spell is cast on the Full Moon:

"Now nothing holds you, give someone else's and leave."

Magic is neither good nor evil. It is impartial, and if a person needs only justice, the ritual with matches does not carry any critical results and consequences. The strength of the impact is determined by the conspirator, and not by the chosen magical action.

A strong rite can work from the first days, but you should not quit the business you have begun. While matches remain in the box, the plot must be read again and again - every night. White magic will help repay the debt if you follow all the recommendations of experienced magicians.

Ritual for a coin

Attraction magic and return magic are very similar. By the strength of the impact and the principle of action. In simple but accessible rituals, a symbol of money is used - coins or paper bills. A strong rite with charmed money will work in a matter of days. A coin spell is suitable for returning money from people with whom the conspirator wants to maintain good friendships. The magical effect will not entail serious consequences.

Preparation for the ritual

A harmless spell for both the conspirator and the "victim" only pushes the debtor. He creates all the conditions for him to voluntarily give away what does not belong to him. To read the plot, you will need to prepare magical attributes:

Conspiracy words

As soon as the sun rises (in the days of the waning moon), the conspirator goes out into the street. He needs to find the tree he picked up the day before. Under a wide crown, you should dig a small hole and put a charged coin in it. Burying money, the conspirator pronounces the words of the spell:

“Accept, Mother Earth, a coin for a while! Let the Servant of God (his name) toil around the World! Until my debt is paid back! Let him know neither peace nor sleep, Until he repays my debt in full!

The spell is pronounced three times. After that, the conspirator needs to return to the house and say the words of the prayer "Our Father". Soon a large amount of money will return to the house, but the relationship with a friend or colleague will not suffer. A conspiracy with a coin has no terrible consequences.

A conspiracy to repay a debt - 4 rituals of white magic + a conspiracy to repay a debt from black magic.

Each of us has come across the topic of “loaning” in one way or another. Either we give a loan to someone who needs it, or we ourselves ask for a loan - this is rarely avoided by anyone. But at the same time, few people manage to spend their entire conscious life in a state of “super-equilibrium”, without having to deal with accounts receivable or payable.

Therefore, an article about a conspiracy to repay a debt will be useful to everyone.

Knowing such conspiracies to help repay a debt is useful for those who would like to finally get their money back. How will it be useful to those who are not able to correctly calculate their finances and pay creditors on time? At least they will know what to expect.

We will analyze 4 rituals for the return of finances from white magic and one strong but dark ritual. Which one to use is up to you.

Conspiracy to repay a debt: 3 rules of white magic

For actions such as trying to get your money back, a benevolent conspiracy to repay a debt, white magic, is preferable.

If only because from black magic the debtor, understanding the possible consequences and wanting to protect himself, can put up protection, and then all the negativity will return to the creditor.

As in any business, in the rituals for the return of money, you need to follow a certain algorithm and, if I may say so, “technological conditions”. Otherwise, the rite may not work.

How to make a conspiracy to repay a debt so that it works:

  1. Spend only on the rising moon. The point is that you need to increase your wealth by getting the money back - once, and to do this, increase the debtor's wealth so that he can repay the debt to you - that's two.
  2. Refrain from negative thoughts, because. negativity scares off luck, including money. To the debtor to wish exclusively good - in the direct (monetary) and figurative sense.
  3. Upon returning your money back mentally thank the debtor, and ideally, order a prayer for him in the church or pray yourself.

No. 1. Conspiracy with a coin to repay a debt

Let's start with the simplest case, when you gave a loan to a loved one, but for some reason he cannot pay you off.

You will need a brand new coin, spruce or pine, as well as a good memory so as not to forget which side of the tree you buried the coin. As you already understood, you need to make a hole in the ground, place money there, saying ritual words, then dig in, and when the money returns, dig out a coin and keep it for good luck.

To repay a debt, say the following:

“I am burying a coin so that I can get my debt back. To force (name) to give everything. As soon as he returns everything taken, I will dig out a coin and forget the insults caused!

No. 2. Purse conspiracy

There is another simple ritual that you can use if you do not have prejudice against empty wallets.

You need to take it, wait for the new moon and read the plot:

“Whoever borrowed money from me will give it back. Whoever made my wallet empty will fill it. And whoever forgot about the due will not sleep until he remembers.

After that, you should carry this "spell" thing with you everywhere. It is believed that very soon the money will be returned to you, which should be put into this very wallet.

Number 3. Conspiracy to repay a debt on a broom

This plot is suitable for cases where the relationship is not so close as to be very worried about the well-being of the debtor, but close enough to know his whereabouts. For example, it may be a neighbor who owes you a debt or a boss who has delayed his salary.

You will need two brooms - a new one (from the store) and an old one (that is, used).

In the case of your boss, make sure you don't have CCTV at work.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. A new broom should be swept under the debtor's door. In the case of the authorities, you can take a twig from a new broom and simply move it around the door. Read the first part of the plot.

    “I sweep with a good broom, I sweep my money for myself.”

  2. Next, you need to sweep in the same place with an old broom under the door of a neighbor or whip a twig from an old broom on the door of the boss's office.
  3. Break off a piece of the old twig and leave it under the door. If the debtor lives in a private house, bury an old broom under the house.
  4. After these steps, read the second part of the plot. The text allows the choice of options and easy improvisation.

    “A bad broom on the threshold to pay me back. So that my conscience would not let me sleep, she whispered to me to return the money.

    “I put a thin broom under the house so that it doesn’t let me sleep, I drive other people’s money out of the house.”

  5. Upon the return of the debt, dig up and discard the broom.

No. 4. Conspiracy with a green candle to repay a debt

This is another conspiracy, where there is a wish for spiritual “restlessness” until the person returns the loan. Suitable for cases when the debtor lives far away - another city, country, or if you simply do not want to go to the other end of the city.

You need a green candle from an esoteric store - any kind of decorative ones, unfortunately, do not fit.

The power of fire will help overcome the distance and carry the energy of your message to the person who owes you. What is the essence of your actions?

Just light a candle and read the plot every evening until you get yours:

“My money, I call on you, I call on you! Come to me from a distant home, where everything is familiar to you. So that (...) he ceases to live in peace until he fully repaid the debt to me. Let painful thoughts overcome him, his conscience interferes with sleep.

After reading, extinguish the candle and hide it where no one will see it.

No. 5. A conspiracy to repay a debt with the help of black magic

If you have exhausted the possibilities of white magic and are ready to risk your health for the sake of money, then you can try to resort to the help of dark forces.

Your righteous anger can become an energy "raw material" for the ritual. But, as mentioned above, with the protection put up by the debtor, you risk suffering from your evil magic yourself.

In addition, civil servants, financially responsible persons, businessmen and everyone whose property could potentially be acquired by not entirely unambiguously honest labor should refrain from black magic. When you get acquainted with the technology of the ritual, you will understand why.

If you still decide, then for the “black magic” conspiracy you will need red candles (2 pieces), a black candle (1 piece), oat or wheat grains, gold earrings or rings (2 pieces without inlay).

Of the special devices, you need a special knife for rituals, Tarot cards, pentacles Ace, “four”, “six”, “ten”, incense and the so-called “Thursday salt”. Special devices are sold in esoteric stores.

A strong ritual and conspiracy to repay a debt is as follows:

  1. Thursday (black) salt scatter in advance at night at the intersection of rural unpaved roads and collect immediately.
  2. On the day of the ritual, draw a pentagram with Thursday salt. Set and light red candles on its sides. Also burn incense.
  3. Place the “Ace of Pentacles” lasso to the upper beam, the “six” on the top of the left, and the “four” in the center.
  4. In the very upper part of the right beam, place the lasso (card) of the Tarot called “Temperance”, and cover the “four” with the “ten” card.
  5. Received structure sprinkle with grain, make passes and then “prick” several times with a knife.
  6. "Ten" cover with a card Tarot "Justice", repeat the steps from paragraph 5, and then, as it were, "remove" the negative from the knife and throw it on the table.
  7. Tarot card "The Last Judgment" place in the central part of the structure on top of the previously laid out cards and sprinkle with grains. Then, in the same place, in the central part of the composition, set and light a black candle.
  8. Gold item hold over a burning black candle and then over red candles. Then lay on top of the lower right beam.
  9. Repeat steps with the second gold item and send it to the top of the lower beam on the left.
  10. Make passes and read plot, part one:

    “I conjure you, spirits of earth and gold, stand on my side, help me return mine, take the rest for yourself.”

  11. Take a knife in both hands heat over a black candle, make a small incision on your finger (preliminary disinfection is required!) and singe the blood with the flame of a black candle. Read the second part of the plot:

    “I conjure you with my blood, spirits of earth and gold, my intentions are pure, return mine to me and take the blood of my debtor, and everything else that he has.”

  12. At the end of the ritual leave the knife horizontally under the black candle.

To do everything right, use the video for clarity

Active conspiracy to repay a debt

where all the stages of the ritual are demonstrated step by step. In general, we wish you to always find a common language with people so that you never need a conspiracy to repay a debt.

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