What does pms mean. Symptoms and signs of PMS. Sedatives for PMS

Interior elements 02.08.2021
Interior elements

The menstrual cycle has a complex hormonal regulation, its phases change one after another, and in each of them certain sex hormones predominate in the body of a woman. In some women, the second phase of the cycle is accompanied by the appearance of signs of PMS.

The abbreviation PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome and refers to a complex set of symptoms that occur a few days before the expected period.

It is manifested by metabolic, endocrine and vegetative disorders. nervous system. There are other names for the pathology: “premenstrual tension syndrome” and “premenstrual illness”.

PMS symptoms

Appear 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. They can be observed during both ovulatory and anovulatory cycle. Symptoms disappear with the onset of bleeding, less often after it ends.

There are over 150 signs that can accompany. The main ones are:

  1. 1 Changes in the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), bulimia, changes in taste, cravings for alcohol or sweets.
  2. 2 Pain of various localization: in the lower back, lower abdomen and pelvic region, head, in the region of the heart.
  3. 3 Breast engorgement, swelling of varying severity on the legs, arms, face, decreased diuresis and fluid retention.
  4. 4 Neuropsychiatric disorders: mood swings, tearfulness, aggression, depressed mood, unmotivated fear, isolation, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  5. 5 Skin manifestations: increased fat content, sweating, acne, hyperpigmentation.
  6. 6 From the side of the musculoskeletal system: joint pain, muscle weakness, lumbalgia, sciatica.
  7. 7 Other manifestations: tachycardia, pruritus, dizziness, thirst.

Similar symptoms disturb from 5 to 40% of women, and 10% of them note that PMS disrupts the normal rhythm of life and relationships with others.

Some features of premenstrual syndrome have been noted. It is more pronounced in young women, although it also occurs after 40-50 years.

In girls, depression of mood, tearfulness are more often observed, in women after 40 years - aggression. Premenstrual symptoms are more typical for residents of large cities, busy mental labor and those who are underweight.

2. Clinical forms

Scientists have tried to reduce the variety of manifestations into a single classification of forms of PMS. Currently, the classification proposed by V.P. Smetnik is often used. She divides all manifestations of PMS into 4 forms: neuropsychic, edematous, cephalgic and crisis.

2.1. Neuropsychic

In this form, symptoms of dysfunction of the nervous system predominate - mood swings, aggression, lability, weakness and fatigue. Auditory hallucinations, sexual disturbances, cognitive disorders (memory, attention) may occur.

2.2. edematous

A woman has swelling of varying severity on her legs and arms. Swelling of the fingers makes it difficult to remove the wedding ring. The mammary glands become rough, become painful or sensitive, the volume of the abdomen increases, the digestion process changes.

Some patients note weight gain, which occurs due to fluid retention (up to 700 ml / day).

Excessive sweating and increased sensitivity to odors are common. Many women with such symptoms turn to therapists, do not analyze the frequency of complaints.

2.3. Cephalgic

Women with this form of PMS are dominated by headache, dizziness, increased sensitivity to sounds and smells, there may be nausea, vomiting. Headache is often throbbing, appears in a certain part of the skull, but is not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Some women notice a rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating. There may be swelling, engorgement of the mammary glands, while diuresis is positive (the amount of urine excreted is greater than the amount of fluid drunk).

2.4. Crisis

It is characterized by sympatho-adrenal crises. rises sharply arterial pressure, pressing pain in the chest, palpitations appear. Sometimes the patient notes cold extremities, the appearance of fear of death.

There are no changes on the ECG. Crises occur in the evening or at night, as well as after stress or overwork. After an attack, the woman urinates profusely.

This form of PMS is the result of refusing to treat edematous, cephalgic or neuropsychiatric forms.

Mild - with this form, 3-4 symptoms appear 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation, but only 1-2 are pronounced.Intermediate between mild and severeThe occurrence of 5-12 symptoms 3-14 days before menstruation, of which 2 to 5 are significantly pronounced.
Symptoms appear before menstruation and disappear with its onset, over the years the disease does not progress.Over time, the number of complaints increases, as does the duration of PMS and its severity.The course is severe, the symptoms are pronounced. The number and duration of light periods with relatively good health is minimal.
Impact on daily lifeThe daily rhythm of life does not change. The quality of life is not affected.The activity of a woman in everyday and family life is reduced, but the ability to work remains.The woman loses her job
Table 1 - Severity of premenstrual syndrome

2.5. Atypical forms

Some women have symptoms that do not fit into the generally accepted classification. Some researchers point to such manifestations of PMS:

  1. 1 Hyperthermia with a regular increase in temperature in the luteal phase to subfebrile numbers. There are no signs of inflammation in blood tests, and body temperature returns to normal with the onset of menstruation.
  2. 2 Menstrual migraine. It is manifested by a migraine headache during the days of menstruation.
  3. 3 With cyclic allergic reactions (more often in the form of urticaria, less often - Quincke's edema).
  4. 4 Ophthalmoplegic form - unilateral drooping of the eyelid in the luteal phase.
  5. 5 Hypersomnic - the appearance of lethargic sleep in the second phase of the cycle.
  6. 6 Cyclic bronchial asthma.
  7. 7 Cyclic gingivitis and stomatitis.

With PMS, these symptoms should recur each cycle for several months. To establish a connection with the cycle, you can independently keep a diary and note the time of appearance of unpleasant sensations. This will help organize the information and make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

3. Theories of emergence

Why do cycle phases change easily and painlessly for some women, while for others it becomes a real test? Still consensus in this question is not.

The following conditions contribute to the deterioration of well-being:

  1. 1 Frequent stress, sedentary lifestyle.
  2. 2 Menstrual irregularities and profuse, painful periods.
  3. 3 Neuroinfections.
  4. 4 Severe pregnancy and childbirth.
  5. 5 Consequences of abortion.
  6. 6 Gynecological diseases.
  7. 7 Injuries and operations.
  8. 8 Chronic diseases.
  9. 9 Sexual dissatisfaction.
  10. 10 Poor diet, consumption of foods low in fiber, vitamins B and D, calcium.

The hormonal theory of PMS was one of the first to be put forward. Other theories are currently being developed:

  1. 1 Water intoxication.
  2. 2 Allergic.
  3. 3 Prolactin.
  4. 4 Prostaglandin.
  5. 5 Psychosomatic.

The following facts support the hormonal theory of PMS:

  1. 1 Signs of pathology first occur with the onset of puberty; for girls, this condition is uncharacteristic.
  2. 2 Unpleasant sensations before menstruation can be observed throughout the entire reproductive period and practically disappear with the onset of menopause.
  3. 3 Symptoms do not resolve in women who have undergone hysterectomy with ovary sparing.

The hormonal theory is related to the predominance of estrogen levels over progesterone (relative hyperestrogenism) and their undesirable effects.

The development of water intoxication is associated with a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body. Normally, fluid retention occurs in the luteal phase of the cycle, but with an imbalance, this figure increases even more. The consequence of this is mastodynia - pain and engorgement of the mammary gland.

Headache is also associated with overhydration and increased intracranial pressure. In some patients who are prescribed diuretics, the severity of pain decreases.

4. Diagnostics

In the diagnosis of PMS, confirmation of the cyclicity of symptoms is of primary importance. There is no need to use all available survey methods. Preference is given to those that are suitable for a particular form of pathology.

List of basic diagnostic methods:

  1. 1 Hormone testing will be indicative for most women with PMS. Determine the level of estrogens (estriol), progesterone, prolactin in the second phase of the cycle.
  2. 2 Of secondary importance are the assessment of the levels of thyroid hormones, cortisol, C-peptide, sex steroid-binding globulin and glucose tolerance test.
  3. 3 According to the indications, ultrasound of the thyroid and mammary glands, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI are performed.
  4. 4 With neurological symptoms, CT or MRI of the brain is necessary to exclude tumor formations. The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out jointly with neurologists.
  5. 5 In the neuropsychic form, electroencephalography is desirable, the results of which determine functional disorders in the diencephalic limbic structure of the brain.

5. Methods of treatment

It is possible with the help of psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. It is important for women to pay attention to the mode of work and rest.

Observance of the daily regimen, the time of going to bed (optimally no later than 22-23 hours) will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations. For those who have night shifts and shifts, it is better to transfer to day work.

During the day, it is important to alternate work and rest. Regular physical education, morning exercises are desirable; for someone, a daily walk in the evening is enough.

Working with a psychologist is combined with keeping a special diary, which reflects all the symptoms that precede the onset of menstruation.

It is also helpful to chart your basal body temperature, which will allow you to notice the onset, as well as determine how many days before the onset of menstruation the first signs of PMS appear.

Pregnancy can be one of the ways to treat PMS. Some women with a delay note the disappearance of discomfort.

5.1. Balanced diet

You definitely need to rethink your diet. It is necessary to create a menu based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle, with the restriction of simple carbohydrates, caffeine, salt, alcohol, trans fats.

Recommendations to limit "bad foods" are more relevant for the second phase of the cycle. But on other days you should not abuse them. Additional enrichment of food with fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements is necessary. In most cases, it is recommended to take special multivitamin complexes.

Several studies have shown that taking food additives containing vitamin D and calcium, can reduce the severity of migraines, eliminate mood swings and other symptoms. The effectiveness of the additional intake of magnesium preparations and B vitamins (especially B1, B2 and B6) is being studied. The duration of their use should not be less than 3-4 months.

The calorie content of the diet is maintained at an average level of 1200-1500 kcal, a more accurate calculation is performed based on age, body weight and height.

5.2. Preparations

Drug treatment involves the appointment of hormonal agents. The following groups of drugs may be used:

  1. 1 (for example, Angelique, Jess plus, Yarina plus, Dimia, Janine, Chloe, Diane-35, Logest, etc.). Their effectiveness has been proven in studies, the selection of the drug is carried out only by the attending physician. He will also tell you how much you need to take the pills and what to do if side effects occur.
  2. 2 Dopamine receptor agonists (Bromocriptine, Dostinex).
  3. 3 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (Buserelin, Diferelin) are used to treat severe forms. They can cause depression and insomnia, therefore they are not recommended for long-term use.
  4. 4 Gestagens (Dufaston, Mirena). This group is still sometimes prescribed in medical practice, although data on their effectiveness in PMS are contradictory. The theory of progesterone deficiency in the second phase of the cycle is already considered outdated abroad, since the influence of prolactin and prostaglandins has been proven.

Phezam, Lucetam, Vinpocetine, Magne B6 are used to improve the metabolism and functional state of the central nervous system. With dysphoria, a psychotherapist may prescribe light sedatives, antidepressants.

Normalize blood rheology, improve blood supply to tissues Pentoxifylline, Troxerutin, Nicergoline. Diuretics are prescribed for severe edema.

Herbs with a sedative effect are used as adjuvants: valerian extract, motherwort tincture.

Folk remedies with strong PMS may be ineffective. Physiotherapy methods have a good effect.

Any attempt to cope with PMS must be combined with the right attitude, a change in the perception of the disease and the world around. For men, the state in which a woman is located may be incomprehensible. It is important that the spouse or sexual partner understands that the reasons for the changed behavior are hormonal fluctuations, and not a whim or a whim.

Many scientists and medical specialists have been studying the characteristics of the female body for several centuries. And only recently it was finally possible to find out when PMS begins in females, and what are its true manifestations. Premenstrual syndrome has not been fully studied, but it is already known that when it appears, women do not feel well: fatigue, malaise appear, excessive aggression or tearfulness can also be observed.

There is no exact framework for how many years PMS occurs. Premenstrual syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon and occurs in 75% of women. This is a condition in which various pseudo-symptoms appear that are characteristic of PMS.

It is characterized by certain psychological and physiological signs. For each woman or girl, this condition manifests itself in different ways and is expressed in varying degrees of intensity.

Some women do not have premenstrual syndrome at all, while others have it all the time. Age plays an important role here, because PMS occurs only in women who have reached puberty with a formed menstrual cycle. This condition is observed only once a month and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms that are individual for each woman.

How many days before menstruation does PMS show up?

As noted earlier, in all women the syndrome is expressed in different ways, therefore, how many days before menstruation it manifests itself and how long it lasts - all this is purely individual. As a rule, the first symptoms can be observed in a woman 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the symptoms of PMS can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The appearance of PMS is explained by the fact that at a certain point in the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones in the body changes. This affects the psycho-emotional and physiological processes, which causes changes in the behavior, well-being of a woman.

Before the onset of menstruation, in a few days, the restructuring of hormones begins, which accordingly causes changes in the functioning of the body as a whole. This condition can often last two weeks, after which the hormonal background returns to normal and the woman can again feel normal.

But this is not the case for everyone - each organism is individual, so often the manifestations of PMS in women may differ. Among the external and internal factors that affect the severity of symptoms, the following are of great importance:

  • the presence of any diseases;
  • food quality;
  • Lifestyle;
  • ecology.

It may happen that menstruation began earlier, and as a result, PMS will also appear a few days earlier than expected. To identify the exact period of the onset of premenstrual syndrome, you need to know your own cycle, it is especially easier for those girls who have menstruation regularly at the same interval. In the first year after the onset of menstruation, adolescents may have a period for the duration of menstruation, but, as a rule, PMS is not observed during this period.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can begin for many reasons, but, as a rule, the onset of the syndrome is due to some internal factors:

  • violations in the body of water-salt balance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • psychological reasons;
  • physiological factors.

The main reason for the appearance of PMS is a change in the level of hormones, when their number increases in the second phase of the cycle. For a woman, the balance of hormonal levels is very important, since any deviations from the norm entail not only changes in the psycho-emotional plan, but also contribute to the exacerbation of certain diseases, as a result of which health may worsen and general malaise and weakness appear.

Female hormones that ensure the normal and stable functioning of the whole body are presented below.

  1. Estrogen - is responsible for the physical and mental characteristics of the body, stabilizes muscle tone.
  2. Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy, but with an increase in its level in the 2nd phase of the cycle, a woman may experience a depressive state.
  3. Androgens - increase physical and mental activity.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle can contribute to the occurrence of PMS, which is due to several reasons.

  1. A decrease in the hormone serotonin becomes the main cause of mood changes, as a result of which tearfulness and sadness appear.
  2. Lack of vitamin B6 - causes fatigue, mood changes.
  3. Lack of magnesium - contributes to dizziness.

Often, PMS is genetically transmitted, which is the main reason for its occurrence in a woman.

PMS symptoms

PMS in females has a lot of manifestations. For some, they may not be particularly pronounced, for others they may be more intense. Symptoms may last one day or may last up to 10 days. Basically, they are divided into psychological and physiological manifestations.

Psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

  • depression;
  • depressed state;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • unexplained aggression;
  • irritability;
  • frequent mood swings.

Psychological symptoms are quite pronounced and are common in women in the second phase of the cycle. Basically, the manifestations depend on the function of the nervous system and the work of hormones.

Physiological symptoms:

  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • aching or stabbing;
  • puffiness;
  • breast swelling;
  • Rarely enough, but a rise in temperature is possible;
  • weight set.

Physiological manifestations during the period of premenstrual syndrome depend on the hormonal level, lifestyle and environment.

How to distinguish pregnancy from PMS

Many women are unable to distinguish between the symptoms of PMS and pregnancy. To know for sure, you need to rely on the manifestations associated with premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy.

Some symptoms are similar to each other, but they differ in duration and degree of manifestation.

  1. Satisfied with rapid fatigue after light physical exertion.
  2. Enlargement of the mammary glands, their soreness when touched - during PMS, this manifestation is not long-term, but during pregnancy it continues until childbirth.
  3. Feeling of nausea, vomiting - PMS is rarely expressed by these symptoms, while pregnancy is characterized by such manifestations throughout the first trimester.
  4. Irritability, frequent mood swings.
  5. Pain in the lumbar region.

During pregnancy, the attitude to nutrition changes, often women may want to try a specific food. With menstruation, this does not happen, only a craving for sweet or salty is possible.

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome

This condition in the female can begin a few days before menstruation. Often there is a significant decrease in the activity of the body and its performance. Any physical activity causes rapid fatigue, drowsiness and malaise.

In this case, you need to visit a doctor who should prescribe treatment. It is carried out after a medical examination, the patient's complaints and the severity of PMS symptoms are taken into account.

Medications for PMS

To suppress the symptoms and treat PMS, prescribe medications, which are able to stabilize well-being and weaken the effect of the syndrome on the body. Medicines are prescribed by a gynecologist and taken under his supervision.

  1. Psychotropic drugs - with their help, the nervous system is restored, and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as irritability, nervousness, and others are weakened.
  2. Hormonal drugs - recommended for hormone deficiency in the body.
  3. Antidepressants - help to improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, reduce anxiety, frustration, panic, and eliminate depression.
  4. Non-steroidal drugs - used for minor manifestations of PMS, they help eliminate headaches, and pain in the abdomen.
  5. Drugs that improve blood circulation.

Medicines are selected according to the characteristics of the female body, the symptoms and the degree of manifestation of signs of premenstrual syndrome are taken into account.

If suddenly you find yourself craving a sandwich with butter, or burst into tears of tenderness at the sight of a small child, or you are painfully tempted to buy a pair of earrings that you are unlikely to wear, stop for a while and ask yourself if your period will begin soon. If so, then your unusual behavior may be caused by premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual tension syndrome (PMS). This is a specific condition that precedes menstruation and, to one degree or another, is characteristic of most women. When PMS sets in, try to just calm down and control your actions. When your period starts, you will return to your normal state.

Premenstrual tension syndrome is associated with regular fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood.

Previously, premenstrual syndrome was considered as psychological illness, until researchers proved that this condition is organic in nature, due to changes in the level of hormones in the body.

  • increase the production of aldosterone, which causes a lot of changes in the body,
  • increase the level of monoamine oxidase (a substance released in brain tissues and capable of causing depression),
  • lower the level (of a substance released in the tissues of the brain and affecting the level of activity and mood).

For some women, PMS is calm, for others it is very violent, but the timing of symptoms is always predictable. This is what distinguishes premenstrual tension syndrome from other diseases.

Changes in the emotional and physical state appear 7-10 days before menstruation, and disappear almost immediately after the onset of menstruation. These dates can be set if you keep a menstrual diary for several months, noting in it all the symptoms and the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation.

If symptoms persist throughout the menstrual cycle, PMS may not be the cause. In this case, you should consult a psychiatrist.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

The appearance of premenstrual tension syndrome in some women and its absence in others is associated primarily with hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and individual reactions of the whole organism to them. Recently, however, scientists have begun to explore other possible reasons this condition (no definitive evidence yet):

  • monthly cyclic fluctuations in the amount of certain substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain, which include endorphins that affect mood,
  • malnutrition: symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as mood swings, fluid retention in the body, breast tenderness, fatigue are associated with B6 deficiency, while headaches, dizziness, palpitations and cravings for chocolate are caused by magnesium deficiency,
  • hereditary factor. It has been proven that identical twins are much more likely to suffer PMS together than fraternal twins. Perhaps there is a genetic predisposition to PMS.

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Physical symptoms:

Psychological symptoms:

  • frequent mood swings
  • depression, spleen, feelings of depression,
  • constant tension and irritability,
  • insomnia or prolonged sleep
  • distraction and forgetfulness.

Some women may experience more severe symptoms:

  • panic
  • thoughts of suicide
  • aggressiveness, propensity to violence.

What can you do

  • do physical exercise. The study showed that regular workouts reduce symptoms of PMS, perhaps? this is due to the release of endorphins or other substances in the brain that relieve stress and elevate mood.
  • sleep 8-9 hours a day. Lack of sleep exacerbates anxiety and other negative emotions, increases irritability. If you suffer from insomnia, find a way to deal with it. Deep breathing and more simple ways relaxation before sleep is in many cases very effective. Before going to bed, take hot baths and drink a glass of warm milk.
  • eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. During PMS, try to eat foods like coffee, cheese, and chocolate as little as possible. They have been linked to migraines and a host of other PMS symptoms, such as anxiety, frequent mood swings, and palpitations.
  • do not eat much, limit sweets, it is better to take some fruit.
  • maintain a constant level of insulin in the blood to do this, eat a little about 6 times a day, this is better than eating a large portion once. Try to eat right.
  • nutritionists recommend taking vitamin B6 (50-100 mg) and magnesium (250 mg) daily in the form of food supplements. In addition, doctors prescribe calcium supplementation, which, together with magnesium, eliminates PMS symptoms and protects against osteoporosis, and iron (to fight anemia).
  • many women say that primrose oil (a substance rich in important fatty acids) helps them. Check with your doctor about the dosage for you.
  • stay away from crowds, don't go out unnecessarily if the weather is bad, and consume as much as possible (antioxidant and immune system stimulant). Women with PMS are more likely to get sick. Scientists believe that this is a consequence of the weakening of the immune system before the onset of menstruation, which makes the body vulnerable to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

What can a doctor do

Since the causes of the disease are not fully understood, the treatment of PMS focuses on alleviating its symptoms:

  • for anxiety, insomnia, and other psychological symptoms, a doctor may prescribe tranquilizers or sedatives. However, long-term use of these drugs is undesirable due to the fact that they are addictive. Newer antidepressants have been shown to be effective for PMS, but they must be taken under medical supervision.
  • for migraines associated with PMS, the doctor may prescribe special therapy aimed at preventing headache attacks. To relieve pain, most doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as.
  • with edema or other signs of fluid retention, diuretics are prescribed, which must be started 5-7 days before the onset of menstruation.
  • in some cases, a doctor may prescribe progesterone and other hormones for PMS.

Prevention of PMS

Any violation in the body, the causes of which are not clear, is difficult to prevent. To date the best way control of this situation is the ability to cope with it, not prevention.

A regular menstrual cycle indicates the timeliness and correctness of the female body processes. But this phenomenon is not observed in all girls. Some suffer from a lack of cell release, others from irregular periods, and others feel all the delights of PMS. At the same time, they perceive the delay in PMS as a sign of pregnancy. Let's see how true this is.

PMS delay and its causes

Premenstrual syndrome is a complex of physical and psychological symptoms that appear 3-5-7 days before the start of a new cyclic process. Sometimes it is possible to delay PMS up to 5 days, this condition is not considered a pathology and most often returns to normal without consequences.

PMS Forms

The following forms of PMS have been identified:

  • neuropsychic, which is expressed in aggressiveness and irritability;
  • edematous, when there is swelling and soreness of the chest, swelling of the face, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • crisis, accompanied high pressure, palpitations, pressing pain in the heart;
  • cephalgic, characterized by severe throbbing headache at normal pressure, profuse sweating, especially at night;
  • atypical, which consists of a combination of symptoms of different forms.

There are various reasons for delayed PMS. The most common is called a violation of the hormonal balance between estrogen and progesterone. In addition, the reasons are:

  • sedentary or overly busy lifestyle;
  • excess or lack of weight;
  • stress, heavy life situations;
  • a previous abortion or miscarriage, the inability to become pregnant, or vice versa, frequent conceptions;
  • infrequent or frequent sexual intercourse;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • various diseases, infectious, endocrine;
  • bad habits.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, the reasons for the delay can be: changed activity of life, weight, experiences, surgeries, bad habits

PMS and pregnancy - signs and differences

Delayed PMS symptoms

Symptoms of PMS with a delay in menstruation can be mistaken for manifestations early pregnancy. Now let's look at them in comparison:

  • There is a change in food addiction in both cases, but with PMS, preference is given to salty and sweet foods, and during pregnancy you want something atypical and sometimes even inedible, which the girl had never eaten before.
  • Aversion to food is more typical for PMS, since toxicosis occurs most often at 5-6 weeks.
  • Enlargement and soreness of the breast is observed in both cases, but with PMS this condition disappears in 1-2 days, and during pregnancy it lasts the entire period.
  • Constant fatigue, fatigue is typical of both conditions, but with PMS it disappears immediately after the onset of menstruation.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of PMS, as there is a detachment of the upper layer of the endometrium, which was preparing to receive the fetal egg. During pregnancy, it is caused by the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, because here it is short and lasts no more than 1-2 days.
  • Mood swings are possible in both conditions. Without fertilization, they are more negative, they manifest themselves in the form of irritability, and in the presence of a developing baby, there is simply a change in mood with a lot of positive emotions.

pregnancy symptoms

To figure out how to distinguish PMS from pregnancy to delay, signs that are unique to conception will help:

  • Frequent urination, which is caused by a change in the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother. The kidneys begin to work more actively, as they also have to serve the little man developing in the uterus.
  • Toxicosis with the presence of nausea, increased salivation, sometimes occurs on early dates.
  • Small brownish discharge 7-10 days after ovulation, confirming the fact of attachment gestational sac to the endometrium.

As you can see, it is difficult to determine: PMS or pregnancy. The difference before the delay is very small. In this case, testing to determine the level of hCG in the urine will help. The use of ultra-sensitive modern tests allows you to conduct a study on the 10th day after conception, that is, about 5 days before the expected date of the next menstruation, when the pregnancy hormone has a value of 10 mIU / ml. A positive result will confirm pregnancy, while a negative result will show that it is just premenstrual syndrome.

When treatment is needed

Against the background of PMS, a delay in menstruation may not always indicate pregnancy. Often this condition can cause some diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, some inflammatory gynecological and infectious diseases, and many other factors. The true reason why PMS delay occurs in a particular case will be found by a gynecologist after an appropriate examination. He will prescribe treatment if needed.

If there is a delay in PMS, and the test is negative, it cannot be excluded ectopic pregnancy. With her, there are all signs of a successful conception, but the level of hCG is too low, since it is produced in full only during normal pregnancy. You should also pay attention to other sensations during this period: a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, brown discharge from the vagina, which will confirm suspicions and make you immediately visit a antenatal clinic so as not to endanger your life.

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome is to eliminate the cause that caused it.

In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the doctor prescribes:

  • hormonal treatment with progesterone in the second phase of the cycle;
  • intake of vitamins and microelements necessary for this case;
  • sedatives, herbal remedies (valerian, motherwort tincture, etc.);
  • physiotherapy, massage, water procedures, swimming pool.

Delay PMS 10 days requires testing. A negative answer may be if you took contraceptives. After their cancellation, failures in the cycle are possible. The body gets used to the hormones coming from outside, and it takes a certain time to restore its natural state.

PMS delay of 2 weeks also requires pregnancy to be ruled out first. Even if you are sure that conception could not occur, do the test anyway. You can wait a couple more weeks and repeat the study. A newly received negative response and the absence of menstruation require a visit to a doctor.

PMS (video)

The nervous state of a woman before menstruation has become an object of ridicule from men. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) “spoils” the lives of both, often being the cause of quarrels in a couple and quarrels in the family. Therefore, what is PMS in girls, men should also know.

Women who have experienced all the “charms” of PMS know for sure that this is not a series of whims, but a really difficult condition. However, only a few of them are able to cope with the manifestations of hormonal changes in the body. Modern medicine provides such an opportunity: compliance with certain rules and the use of safe drugs will help you survive the premenstrual period without shocks and depression.

PMS in women - transcript

What it is? PMS is a special condition of a woman a few days before menstrual bleeding, characterized by emotional instability, vegetative-vascular and metabolic abnormalities. The abbreviation "PMS" stands for Premenstrual Syndrome. To make it clear what constitutes premenstrual syndrome, we will answer frequently asked questions:

  • Premenstrual syndrome: are men right when they mock a woman's condition?

This time the men are clearly wrong. Premenstrual syndrome is included in the WHO classification. This means that the world medical community recognizes this deviation.

  • Does PMS happen to all women?

Every second woman faces premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, the incidence of PMS and the severity of its symptoms increases with age. So, up to 30 years, only 20% of women suffer from it, after 30 - every third, and after 40 years, PMS occurs in 55-75% of women.

  • Why does premenstrual syndrome occur?

Doctors do not give a definite answer. Hormonal fluctuations before menstruation, as the cause of PMS, are not always justified. In some women, changes in the levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen are not as significant. Closest to the truth is the theory of a temporary change in neuroregulation.

  • How many days before menstruation do PMS symptoms appear?

A woman's condition changes 2-10 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding. The duration of this period and the severity of its manifestations is individual. However, all painful sensations necessarily stop in the first days of menstruation.

  • Do you have to endure premenstrual syndrome?

Not at all necessary. To alleviate menstrual syndrome, several rules have been developed for the daily routine and nutrition. Also, in the case of its pronounced manifestations, the gynecologist may prescribe some medications (they will be discussed below).

  • Does PMS go away after childbirth?

In some women, premenstrual syndrome is initially absent and may appear after childbirth. For others, on the contrary, unpleasant symptoms disappear or decrease (especially breast swelling and tenderness) after the baby is born.

Important! PMS and menstruation are always connected: painful symptoms disappear after the onset of bleeding.

Most often, premenstrual syndrome occurs in smokers (the probability of PMS is doubled!), women with a weight index over 30 (divide your kg by your height squared in meters). Also, the risk increases after abortion and complicated childbirth, after gynecological operations. A genetically determined reaction of the body to physiological changes before menstruation is not excluded. However, PMS is most often recorded in depressive (phlegmatic) and emotionally labile (choleric) ladies.

Typical symptoms of PMS

It is unlikely that there will be women with the same picture of PMS: there are about 150 signs of premenstrual syndrome. However, in such a variety of characters, the main groups can be distinguished. Symptoms of PMS in women:

  • Deviations from the nervous system and psyche

The mood of a woman can be called in one word - negative. She may cry for nothing or for no reason at all. Ready to “tear to shreds”, the degree of aggression also does not coincide much with the offense inflicted. At best, a woman is in a depressed state and experiences irritability, which she cannot always cope with.

  • Hormonal changes

Because of advanced level progesterone for 1-2 weeks. before menstruation, a woman noticeably increases and engorges the mammary glands. Many women need a bra one size larger than usual during this period. The bursting soreness in the chest can be so intense that ordinary walking causes discomfort.

In some women, veins protrude on the skin of the mammary glands. At the same time, swelling of the hands and face can be observed, and swelling on the legs at the end of the day becomes more noticeable. Often, an increase in temperature to 37.0-37.2ºС is recorded. Often the stomach increases in size due to the accumulation of gases and constipation.

  • Autonomic disorders

During PMS, a throbbing headache often occurs, radiating to the eye area. Attacks are similar to migraines, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting, but the pressure remains normal.

PMS after 40 years, when hormonal changes are aggravated by concomitant diseases, often provokes pressure rises in the evenings (hypertensive crisis), tachycardia (palpitations), shortness of breath and pain in the heart.

Premenstrual syndrome can occur with a predominance of certain symptoms (edematous, cephalgic, crisis), but most often a mixed form is diagnosed. Almost every woman suffering from PMS experiences:

  • constant thirst and increased sweating, acne;
  • dizziness and staggering, especially in the morning, and fatigue;
  • desire to eat salty or sweet, increased appetite;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen and spastic pains, irradiation to the lower back is most often due to a prolonged inflammatory process in the genital organs (thrush, chronic adnexitis, etc.);
  • goosebumps and less commonly numbness of the fingers and toes associated with vit. B6 and magnesium;
  • rejection of strong odors, even your own perfume.

Severe PMS is diagnosed when there are 5-12 severe symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome can proceed according to the following scenarios:

  • Compensation stage - the signs of PMS are not very pronounced, they disappear immediately with the onset of menstruation. The course is stable, progression of symptoms over the years is not observed.
  • Stage of subcompensation - the severity of symptoms increases over the years, as a result, the woman's ability to work is impaired for some time.
  • Stage of decompensation - severe symptoms (hypertensive crises, fainting, etc.) disappear only after a few days after the end of menstrual bleeding. Women have panic attacks, suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. During PMS, women often show violence, especially towards their children (they beat them severely).

With severe symptoms of PMS, a sick leave is acceptable. However, severe premenstrual syndrome can be a reason for refusal when applying for a job. In European countries, upon divorce, if ex-wife pronounced PMS is observed, children can be left with their father.

Premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy

The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are very similar to those of pregnancy. The main question of women is how to distinguish: PMS or pregnancy? It is almost impossible if you do not take a pregnancy test or wait some time for menstruation. However, according to some signs, pregnancy can be assumed:

  • Only during pregnancy there is a perversion of taste. In addition to cravings for salty or sweet, as with PMS, a pregnant woman refuses her previously favorite food and expresses an acute desire to consume chalk, earth. There may be an addiction, for example, to fat, which the woman could not bear before.
  • Pungent odors in a pregnant woman also cause a negative reaction. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience olfactory "hallucinations": a specific smell appears in an inappropriate place.
  • The pain in the lower abdomen during the onset of pregnancy is less straining, occurs periodically and has a softer, pulling character. Lower back pain appears only when there is a threat of miscarriage or at later stages of pregnancy.
  • Mood swings can occur as early as the first weeks of pregnancy, which coincides in time with the period of PMS. However, a pregnant woman expresses positive emotions as violently as anger. The premenstrual period is characterized by a negative emotional reaction.
  • Rapid fatigue occurs closer to 1 month. pregnancy (approximately 2 weeks delay in menstruation).
  • PMS ends with the onset of menstruation. In this case, full-fledged uterine bleeding occurs. Sometimes during pregnancy, spotting also occurs on the days when menstruation is due. The difference between bleeding during pregnancy and menstruation is a smearing character: only a few drops of blood are released, and the discharge is pink or brownish.
  • Only during pregnancy, frequent urination is often observed from the first weeks. For PMS, this symptom is not typical.
  • Nausea can be triggered by premenstrual syndrome and is observed throughout the day. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting occur a little later, for 4-5 weeks. and indicate early toxicosis.

Important! An hCG test will help diagnose pregnancy. Some tests are highly sensitive and can detect pregnancy within 4 days. before the onset of the expected menstruation. However, the optimal time for the test is the 2nd day of the delay in menstruation and the next week.

It is quite possible to reduce and, at best, completely get rid of premenstrual syndrome. If the symptoms are not too severe, the following recommendations will help manage PMS without drug therapy:

  • Full sleep for at least 8 hours. Walking and breathing exercises will help improve sleep.
  • Physical activity - stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, which improve mood and calm the nervous system. During the premenstrual period, dancing, yoga and other relaxing practices (massage, bathing) are especially useful.
  • Correction of nutrition - the rejection of sweet and fatty, the saturation of the diet with fruits and vegetables. Coffee, alcohol, energy drinks and chocolate irritate the nervous system. These products should be excluded for the period of PMS.
  • Regular sex is a source of oxytocin (the hormone of happiness). In addition, the uterus relaxes, spastic pains disappear. You should not drown out the increased sexual desire: nature itself tells you what the body needs.
  • Hold on to your emotions. The best tactic for the premenstrual period - I'll think about it later. Of course, you should not ignore the serious negative that coincided with PMS. But knowing that it is easy to "go too far" and say too much, it is better to postpone a serious conversation until later.
  • You should not go shopping during the premenstrual period. There is a high probability of wasting money, which in the future can develop into a family conflict.

In severe cases, a woman is prescribed drug therapy:

  • Pain with PMS, what to do? - let's say No-shpy. However, you should not get carried away with this drug. Having an antispasmodic effect, No-shpa in large doses can increase menstrual bleeding. A good analgesic effect is given by NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen). It is worth remembering: Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-400) is not recommended for women over 40 due to a negative effect on the heart.
  • Soreness in the chest and swelling - easily eliminated by taking diuretics (Veroshpiron 25 mg, Furosemide 40 mg).
  • Multivitamins - will compensate for the lack of magnesium, calcium and vit. AT 6. An excellent remedy for PMS is the drug Magne-B6, the reception lasts 1 month. followed by a repeat course. Gives a good effect homeopathic remedy Mastodinon and saffron decoction.
  • Removal of excitation of the nervous system - herbal preparations are most often used (Novo-Passit, Persen). Mixed tinctures of valerian and motherwort will help reduce stress and improve sleep, take 15-25 caps. 2-3 times a day or only an hour before bedtime. In severe cases, a tranquilizer Afobazole is prescribed, which effectively eliminates the state of anxiety. At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on the psyche, women can drive a car while taking it. It is advisable to take antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Paxil) and antipsychotics (Nootropil, Sonapax, Aminalon). Tranquilizers, antidepressants and neuroleptics are used only on prescription!
  • Hormonal agents - oral contraceptives (Midiana, Yarina) are used to stabilize the hormonal level and level the symptoms of PMS, the course is 3 months, followed by a repeat. Prevents engorgement of the glands and swelling of the progestogen drug Drospirenone (Anabella, Angelik, Vidora).

Premenstrual syndrome is not to be tolerated. The condition with PMS, especially in women with an unstable psyche and neurosis, may worsen over time, which ultimately will negatively affect the quality of life and working capacity.

It is also worth remembering that diseases of the genital area, endocrine disorders (including hypo- and hyperthyroidism) only aggravate the course of premenstrual syndrome. Their treatment, adherence to recommendations for lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medicines help to cope even with severe PMS.

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